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Oficina de Turismo de Alicante

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  • El Ayuntamiento
  • Áreas Temáticas
  • Información general
  • Patrimonio cultural
  • Información turística
  • Galería multimedia
  • Guía Urbana
  • Agenda Urbana Alicante 2030
  • Más información

Marina Deportiva. Marina Esportiva

  • Junta de Gobierno Local
  • Delegaciones en Concejales
  • Organización y funcionamiento
  • Normativa municipal
  • Sala de Prensa
  • Transparencia municipal

Ayuntamiento de Alicante

Lo más consultado

Asistente Virtual de Gestiones Municipales

  • Pagos On-line
  • Presentación online de instancia genérica
  • Altas y cambios de domicilio en el Padrón Municipal de Habitantes
  • Solicitud a la Convocatoria de Subvenciones destinadas a Proyectos de Acción Social. Año 2024
  • Certificado de empadronamiento
  • Certamen de dibujo y pintura "Miradas a la Santa Faz" 2024
  • Plusvalía municipal. Presentación de comunicaciones y solicitudes de cálculo
  • Cita previa para trámites de las Oficinas de Atención Ciudadana (OAC)

Todos los trámites

Transporte Alicante Metropolitano (TAM)


Sistema de transporte público para Alicante y su comarca: TAM (Transporte Alicante Metropolitano).

Este sistema unifica la red urbana de autobuses de Alicante, las líneas interurbanas entre Alicante y El Campello, San Juan de Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig y Mutxamel. También se integran dentro del TAM las líneas de tranvía (TRAM): Alicante- Campello,  Alicante – Playa de San Juan y Alicante-San Vicente del Raspeig.

Oficinas de Información

Atención al cliente del tam.

Para cualquier información o reclamación, puede dirigirse a las oficinas del TAM situadas en las siguientes direcciones:

  • C/ Díaz Moreu Nº 6 (Rambla de Méndez Núñez esquina a Av. Jaime II). Teléfono: 965 14 09 36.

  Horario de Atención al cliente:

  Horario de verano(julio y agosto):  de 9:00 a 15:00 horas de lunes a viernes. Sábados cerrado.

  Resto del año:  de 9:00 a 19:00 horas de lunes a viernes y los sábados de 10:00 a 13:00 horas. 

  • Estación Central de Autobuses de Alicante (Muelle de Poniente S/N). Teléfono: 965 12 37 44.

Horario de atención al cliente : de 8:30 a 14:00 h. y de 17:00 a 19:00 h., de lunes a viernes.

​ E-mail : [email protected]

Atención al cliente del TRAM

Dirección : Plaza De Los Luceros - Estación de Luceros


Teléfono Gratuíto : 900 720 472.

Tarifas y Bonos

Billete sencillo.

Precio: 1,45 € 

Bonos - Tarjeta móbilis

La tarjeta móbilis es una tarjeta sin contacto. Basta con situarla a una distancia aproximada de 5 cm. de las canceladoras de los autobuses y tranvías para validar el viaje. Se puede adquirir en los quioscos y demás puntos habituales de venta del TAM. Es recargable, por lo que solo es necesario adquirir una tarjeta, que puede durar hasta 10 años, e ir recargándola con los títulos del TAM en cualquier momento a medida que se utiliza.

  • Móbilis Multiviaje sin personalizar: 2,00 €
  • Móbilis Multiviaje, Oro, Jove y Escolar personalizada: 4,00 €

Tipos de bonos Móbilis

  • Para todo el público.
  • Válido para recargar 10 o 30 viajes.
  • Precio: 8,70 € (10 viajes) - 26,10 € (30 viajes).
  • Para escolares entre 4 y 15 años (ambos inclusive).
  • Carga de 30 viajes. Precio: 16,50 €. Límite 3 recargas/mes.
  • Para jóvenes entre 16 y 30 años (ambos inclusive).
  • Carga de 30 viajes. Precio: 21,20 €. Límite 3 recargas/mes.
  • Es imprescindible estar en posesión del Carnet JOVE de la Generalitat Valenciana para obtener dicho bono.
  • Tarjeta de validez temporal (24, 48 o 72 horas) que permite al usuario desplazarse por toda la ciudad, en bus o tranvía, combinado con un viaje en TURYBUS, autobús turístico de la ciudad, que recorre los puntos más atractivos de la ciudad ofreciendo una breve explicación en 5 idiomas (español, inglés, francés, alemán e italiano).
  • Se trata de una tarjeta Chip sin contacto que habilita a su titular para realizar 300 viajes anuales gratuitos.
  • Carga de 10 viajes: 5 €.
  • Carga de 30 viajes: 15 €​.

alicante tourist card

Alicante About

Your Guide to Alicante [By an Alicantinian]

Is Alicante Worth Visiting? – 10 Reasons Why Yes, It Is

Alicante is a beautiful city in the province with the same name, in south-east Spain. There are many reasons why Alicante is worth visiting:

Alicante is worth visiting for its history, heritage, culture , castle , picturesque beauty, mile-long beaches , coves, island , restaurants, contained prices, nightlife, good weather all year around, charming old town, landscape, sunsets, mosaic promenade, friendly people, shopping, festivals , golf courses , festivities, parties, coastline, transport to other pretty Costa Blanca destinations , the relaxed vibe… and more.

Santa Barbara Castle

Let’s get into details on what makes Alicante special and why is it worth visiting.

The City’s Charm

alicante tourist card

Alicante is truly a charming and pretty city.

It has its own traditional Spanish old town at the hillside of Santa Barbara castle that gets straight to El Postiguet beach .

The palm trees around the city make many corners of the city exotic and pretty. The pomegranate La Explanada is a perfect place for one of the most loved hobbies of the Spaniards: pasear which means “going for a walk”.

The modern city grew in between two mountains (each having a castle on the top). El Benacantil ( Santa Barbara Castle ) and El Tossal (San Fernando Castle). This unique setup creates a lot of spots in the city to enjoy the landscape.

The light in the Mediterranean is truly different to the light in other places, such as London . Most of the days are sunny and it is, usually, humid and warm. A perfect combination to brighten up all the typical brown, red, green and blue colours in the city.

The feeling when you are in Alicante is relaxed and comfortable. It has a good public transport system, like the bus for nearby destinations and the TRAM to enjoy the rest of Costa Blanca, like on a day trip to Benidorm .

Everywhere in the city is accessible: the nice restaurants, the beaches, the rooftops, the shops, the landscape spots… easy and compacted city to enjoy around.

The Beaches

alicante tourist card

The beaches in Alicante are, simply put, astonishing.

The main beach in Alicante is El Postiguet . It is just down from Santa Barbara Castle and next to the traditional city centre El Barrio .

El Postiguet is not the biggest beach in the city but quite accessible and pretty.

Additionally, San Juan Beach is arguably the best beach in Alicante. It merges into El Campello Beach Muchavista through an invisible line that makes it one of the longest beaches in Spain. The beach is inside an urban beach with golden sand.

There are volleyball nets, chiringuitos and watersports centres opening in summer if your objective is not just tanning and swimming.

On the other side, if you prefer less urbanized spaces then Alicante got it too. El Cabo de Las Huertas in San Juan is perfect if you like coves and rocky beaches. In there, you can almost forget that people tend to build houses and enjoy the open sea views.

If rocky beaches are not for you but still want to enjoy less urbanized sandy beaches Alicante City got you again. Urbanova is a semi-urbanised sandy beach. In Between Urbanova and Arenales (Elche’s beach), there is a perfect space with dunes to enjoy more of a virgin (and, by the way, naturist) beach.

But the surprises are not done yet. Another extremely special place to swim and tan is Tabarca Island . It has beaches and coves and it is just an astonishing place to go to. The island is just another neighbourhood of Alicante so you don’t really leave the city.

If your trip is set in winter the beaches can be enjoyed too. They open all year around and the weather in winter is warm enough for walks on the beach’s shores. Volleyball nets are open all year around and nearby restaurants open as well on beaches such as El Postiguet and San Juan (but not the chiringuitos ).

The Culture

If cuteness and beaches are not your priorities when choosing a destination Alicante, again, got you.

There are more than 8 museums in the city of Alicante (including a museum on the tiny Tabarca island , yes).

The museum’s showroom exhibits are a mix of Arqueological history (Alicante has been inhabited since prehistory, with remains found dating +6000 years old), art, water history and local traditions among others.

alicante tourist card

There is a complete article about the museums in Alicante here. A short summary:

  • Go to MARQ Museum if you are interested in the history told through the archaeological remains
  • Go to the MUBAG if you like fine arts
  • To MACA if you like modern art
  • Book an Air Raid Settler visit if you want to learn more about the Spanish Civil War (WWII period)
  • Go to Hogueras de San Juan Museum if you want to learn about the main bonfire festival in Alicante
  • Aguas De Alicante if you want to learn about the water history in such a dry area as Alicante
  • Visit The Ocean Race Museum if you want to learn about the round-the-world sailing bouts regatta that starts from Alicante
  • MUSA museum teaches you about modern history in Alicante

You can also visit archaeological sites managed by MARQ showing the first Alicante city created by the Iberians and then transformed by the Romans called Lucentum , or get the TRAM train to Campello (line 3) to visit another site called Illeta dels Banyets with a city that was populated through the prehistory to the Muslin occupation in the Middle Age and has an ancient roman fish farm . Quite unique in Europe only finding remains in Alicante and Italy.

The Food & Restaurants

Alicante is quite a good city for food too.

The restaurant scene is dynamic with new openings every so often. Many types of food are found: traditional Spanish, traditional Alicantininan, burger chains, fast food, Asian, Italian, French and many others.

There are indeed two restaurants with Michelin Stars distinctions in the city of Alicante (in Spanish):

  • Steky with fusion food
  • And Tabula Rasa, with traditional Spanish food offers

But Michelin-starred restaurants are not the only high-quality restaurants.

Using apps such as The Fork , Google Maps or others is an excellent way to find the type of restaurant matching your needs and budget. But in case you want some local recommendations I will leave them here.

Local Restaurants Recommendations

A good piece of advice is to try to have food for lunch or dinner at Spanish times (1-3 pm for lunch and +9pm for dinner. This way it is easier to avoid the tourist traps (yes, Alicante has tourist traps too).

Something special to do in Alicante is going to a rooftop restaurant or bar .

For example, El Gran Sol hotel building has amazing rooftop views restaurant . Or if you want to enjoy a drink then La Milagrosa Rooftop features spectacular views of the Santa Barbara Castle . However there are more recommendations in the rooftop bars and restaurants in Alicante’s article.

Paella and Arroces

And here goes a pro tip that it is important to know if you had in mind eating paella: In Alicante, the tradition is not to prepare paella but what we just call Arroz (it means rice). The dish is similar to paella -it is done in the same wide and short pan- but prepared slightly differently.

The main Arroz variant will remind similar to paella where you can have arroz con marisco , arroz mixto , arroz mixto (vegetables and meat), arrod de verdura (viwth vegetables wich is vegetarian and vegan)… but you can also try things such as arroz con costra , olleta alicantina (rice in a soap), arroz a banda , Caldero (if you go to Tabarca ) and others.

Essentially, there is a choice for everyone in Alicante: budget food restaurants, expensive and excellent quality food restaurants, rooftop restaurants and bars , chiringuitos and next-to-the-sea restaurants… It will match everyone with a lot of options for all dietary needs and preferences. By the way, there are good options for vegetarian and vegan restaurants too and, virtually any restaurant, can sort out dishes if you are vegetarian or vegan and didn’t have it on the menu.

Other Foods You Should Try

And here are some extra recomendations for your trip to Alicante in a form of a list:

  • Coca de Mollitas
  • Coca Antoñina
  • Churros con chocolate in Chocolateria Valor
  • Cocas de verduras/de atun y cebolla/sardina salada
  • Empanadillas de pisto/atun
  • Mona de Pascua (in Easter)
  • Turrones (Christmas)

The Expenses

Alicante is -still- a relatively cheap city. For example:

  • A bottle of beer can cost around 3/4€ in most bars (nightclubs will cost more)
  • A cheap meal can start at 10€ and a good meal ranges from 15€-30€
  • A single TRAM or bus ticket costs 1.45€, being the cost of travel cards much lower
  • A taxi from Alicante Airport to Alicante costs around 30€-35€ ( the airport bus is way cheaper , 3.85€)

Hotels and hostel rooms can range from as little to 25€ a double room to luxury rooms costing +100€, so there is something for every budget.

The Nightlife

Alicante’s nightlife is vivid.

Whatever you want to dance and listen to -from Latin music to techno- Alicante got you sorted. The centre is lively essentially all day until night at 3 am, where most of the clubs need to close by law (except for the after-hours nightclubs).

Remember the Spaniards like having dinner late (around 9 pm-10 pm) and going to parties late too. It is not unusual to meet your friends at 12 pm to then go to the clubs. But there is now a somewhat new tradition of going tardeo , which translates to “evening-ing” (makes more sense in Spanish).

This novel concept in Spain means meeting your friends in the evening to have some drinks and then going and having dinner before going back home. This usually happens in the party area Castaños . Some of the clubs stay open until late at night too.

Let’s go deeper into Alicante’s party zones, we have 4. This doesn’t mean there are no clubs or pubs in other places around the city but there are 4 main distinguishable areas:

  • El Barrio (part of the traditional quarter)
  • Castaños (for Tardeo and night clubs)
  • El Puerto (nightclubs, Latin music places , Karaoke and after-hours)
  • San Juan Beach and el Golf Area (more lively in summer)

As accessible as Alicante is, all the party areas except for San Juan Beach/El Golf are accessible by just walking between them in 5/15 minutes.

The Festivities And Festivals

The Spanish are known for their festivals and parties and Alicantininas are far from being left behind. Actually, they lead the way up at some parties.

The most important festivity of Alicante is Hogueras de San Juan .

It is a massive festival happening at the end of June (19-24th).

First category huge Hoguera or Bonfire during Hogueras Festival in Alicante

For almost a week, the city centre is closed to cars. The streets become museum showrooms of massive sculptures… that are burned on the last day of the party:

Huge flames come out from the gigantic bonfires while the firefighters control they don’t burn anything that should not be burned (such as the neighbouring houses and trees).

This is called “La Banya” and the firefighters will soak in water any brave person staying in the trajectory of their hose.

But it is not the only important festivity in Alicante.

Easter, Christmas and Moros y Cristianos are celebrated with all the enthusiasm they deserve, including Los Reyes Mago s. For more about the weather and what to do in December click here.

Should you visit the city on any of these dates you will be able to live the experience of the Spanish traditions in all their glory.

There are also music festivals and others happening in Alicante or nearby. Such as the Low Festival in Benidorm, for example.

Trips to The Rest of The Costa Blanca

The city of Alicante is inside the province of Alicante (yes, it has the same name). The coast of Alicante’s province is called Costa Blanca .

The public transport to other places in Costa Blanca, such as Benidorm , Altea and others is done through the TRAM trains and busses .

The TRAM train is an experience in itself. The track route is +100 years old and passes by many nearby sea mountainous scenery.

It is not the most efficient means of transport for longer distances, such as Alicante to Benidorm ( coaches from Alicante are faster ), but if you have the time, then the views are amazing and worth the trip.

The Golf Courses And Nearby Theme Parks

Alicante has also major entertainment venues such as Golf Courses or theme parks outside the city but accessible by the TRAM train .

If you like water then Aqualandia is your place. It is situated in Bendiorm but it is accessible by the tram from Alicante and then using a local bus.

Terra Mitica is a theme park. It has proper roller coasters and many other rides for brave (and unbrave) people.

For young children, you visit Mundo Mar, a place with water animals. Or Terra Natura.

And if you like golf there are courses in the city of Alicante: Alicante Golf and El Plantio, but more about golf courses in the city of Alicante in this article .

Staying Longer in Alicante

Maybe you are actually thinking of moving to Alicante. Spending a longer period of time in the city instead of just visiting can be quite a pleasant experience. If you want to know more, here are some of Alicante’s Pros and Cons and here is how does compare Alicante to London .

Alicante is a great city not only for visiting but for living too. It is, for now, not too expensive and offers a high quality of life with many activities to do and surprisingly good weather all year around, even in winter .

by VictorSesma

Victor Sesma

Hey, I am Victor Sesma, the Alicantinian living in London. The duality of living in both worlds helps me understand what people need to know about Alicante. My first-hand experience about the city I am from helps me write the most useful resources on the internet about Alicante. I work as a Software Engineer and thrive writing about the city I was born.

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Solo Travellers Guide To 3 Days In Alicante

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TLDR: With 72 hours in hand, this Alicante itinerary for solo travellers is your guide to this Mediterranean gem in Spain. Dive into the city’s rich history, beautiful beaches, and vibrant culture.

  • Wander Through Alicante’s Old Town: Experience the charm of Alicante’s historic streets, boasting quaint homes and unique cafés, perfect for immersing yourself in local life.
  • Beach Time at Postiguet Beach: Relax and soak up the sun at Postiguet Beach, a central urban beach known for its calm waters and picturesque setting.
  • Santa Barbara Castle Visit: Explore the panoramic views from the top of Santa Barbara Castle, an iconic landmark offering a glimpse into Alicante’s past.
  • Serra Grossa Mountain Sunset: Enjoy breathtaking sunset views from Serra Grossa, a serene spot that combines natural beauty with historical significance.
  • Culinary Delights in La Explanada del Puerto: Sample Alicante’s gastronomic offerings along the vibrant waterfront boardwalk, with a selection of tapas and seafood.
  • Discover Alicante’s Museums: Dive into culture at the Archaeological Museum, MACA Contemporary Art Museum, or the Gravina Museum of Fine Arts.
  • Unwind on Moraira Beach: A short trip from Alicante, relax at this rocky cove beach, ideal for swimming and snorkeling.
  • Sunset Catamaran Cruise: Conclude your trip with a memorable sunset cruise, offering dining and snorkeling opportunities along Alicante’s coastline.

About Alicante

Alicante, nestled on Spain’s south-eastern coast, has evolved into a vibrant destination famed for its sunny beaches and rich cultural heritage. The city boasts a Mediterranean climate characterized by mild, comfortable winters and hot, dry summers. Average temperatures in Alicante vary, with cooler months like February averaging around 12 °C and warmer periods in August reaching about 26 °C. Solo travellers will find Alicante appealing for its varied accommodation options, from budget-friendly hostels to luxury hotels. The city’s historical and architectural blend is striking, with ancient fortresses sitting alongside modern developments. Alicante’s culinary landscape is a key attraction, offering a diverse range of dining experiences from traditional Spanish tapas bars to contemporary gourmet restaurants. The city’s compact size, coupled with an efficient public transport system, makes it easy for visitors to explore and soak in the local culture and scenic beauty.

Is 3 days enough to see Alicante?

Three days in Alicante can provide a fulfilling experience, given the city’s layout and transportation options. Alicante is relatively compact, making it accessible for travellers to explore its key attractions efficiently.

The city’s public transportation system, while described as reasonably priced, isn’t always extremely well connected. However, the central parts of Alicante are well-served by a network of buses and trams, facilitating travel to major points of interest.

The Alicante Bus Station, located in the harbour area, is the hub for local, regional, and international bus services. This central location makes it convenient for travellers to start their exploration of the city. The bus network, with its red city buses and blue buses for intercity travel, is priced at 1.45€ per trip, offering an affordable way to get around. Additionally, the C6 bus line connects the airport to the city centre every 20 minutes, providing an easy and direct route for visitors arriving by air.

Where to Sleep in Alicante?

For solo travellers, Alicante offers a variety of hostel options that cater to different needs, preferences, and budgets. These hostels provide a social atmosphere where you can meet other like-minded travellers. The options range from budget-friendly to more luxurious hostels, each offering unique amenities and experiences.

  • X Hostel Alicante: Situated in the heart of the city, X Hostel is perfect for those who want to be in the midst of Alicante’s vibrant atmosphere. Known for its friendly vibe and social events, it’s a great place to connect with other travellers. It provides mixed dorms and private rooms with amenities like free Wi-Fi and communal kitchen facilities. Prices are competitive, starting around €20 for a dorm bed.
  • Alicante Metropolitan Hostel: This adult-only hostel offers a modern and peaceful environment, ideal for those seeking a bit of quiet amidst their travels. Located close to key attractions like Postiguet Beach and Santa Barbara Castle, it provides comfortable beds, clean facilities, and a shared lounge area. Expect prices to start at approximately €25 for a dorm bed.
  • La Milagrosa Bed & Breakfast: Offering a more private experience, La Milagrosa is nestled near the Alicante Old Town. It features a beautiful terrace with views of the Santa Barbara Castle and is within walking distance to the beach. This option combines the social aspect of a hostel with the privacy of a hotel, with room prices beginning around €30.

Getting Around

Alicante’s compact and well-connected nature makes it ideal for exploring over a few days. The city’s public transport system includes buses, trams, and taxis, efficiently connecting different neighbourhoods and major tourist spots.

  • Buses: Alicante’s bus network, operated by Vectalia, covers the city and nearby areas, with fares typically at 1.45€ per trip. The network is centralised, with most lines starting, ending, or passing through Avenida Maisonave or Avenida Oscar Espla. The frequency varies from less than 10 minutes for popular lines to over an hour for others. A Tourist Travel Card offering unlimited bus and TRAM rides for 24 to 72 hours is also available, with prices ranging from 6.50€ to 9€.
  • TRAM: The Alicante TRAM, also known as Alicante Streetcar, provides a convenient way to travel to key areas in Alicante and connects to several important cities and towns along the northern Costa Blanca. This service is a cost-effective and scenic option for exploring beyond the city.

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72 Hours In Alicante

Got 72 hours in Alicante? That’s the perfect amount of time to dive into the best this sunny city has to offer. Our itinerary is tailored just for you, the solo traveller, packing in a blend of culture, relaxation, and a taste of Alicante’s buzzing nightlife. Let’s kick off with what’s in store for Day 1. Ready to explore? 🌞

Day 1: Alicante’s Historic Charm and Beachfront Bliss

Day 1 is a blend of Alicante’s rich history and stunning seaside. You’ll start in the heart of Alicante’s Old Town, wandering through ancient streets before heading to the famous Postiguet Beach for a relaxing afternoon. Evening brings you the lively atmosphere of the Explanada de España, lined with eateries and bars.

Morning: Old Town Discovery

  • Stroll through Alicante’s Old Town: Explore historic streets and quaint cafes.
  • Budget: Around €5-€10 for coffee and exploration.
  • Distance: Centrally located, easily walkable.

Afternoon: Beach Relaxation

  • Unwind at Postiguet Beach: Enjoy the sun and sea in a beautiful urban setting.
  • Budget: Free, extra for beachside amenities.
  • Distance: Adjacent to the city centre, a short walk from the Old Town.

Evening: Waterfront Dining and Nightlife

  • Dinner at La Explanada del Puerto: Sample seafood and tapas.
  • Party Option: Visit bars and clubs along the Explanada.
  • Budget: €25-€50 for dinner and entertainment.
  • Getting Around: Easily accessible on foot from most central locations.

Day 2: Cultural Insights and Vibrant Evenings

The second day in Alicante offers cultural enrichment and exciting nightlife. Start with a visit to the city’s renowned museums, followed by a serene beach experience. The night brings you to the heart of Alicante’s social scene with options for all tastes.

Morning: Museum Tour

  • Visit Museums: Choose from Archaeological Museum, MACA, or Gravina Museum.
  • Budget: Approx €10-€20 for museum entries and breakfast.
  • Distance: Within walking distance from each other in the city centre.

Afternoon: More Beach Time

  • Relax at Local Beaches: Choose from Alicante’s top-rated beaches.
  • Budget: Free, extra for any rentals or beachside purchases.
  • Distance: Close to the city centre, easily reachable by public transport or foot.

Evening: Explore Alicante’s Nightlife

  • Dinner in Central Alicante: Enjoy local tapas.
  • Party Option: Join a hostel bar crawl or visit popular spots like Parabarap or Barrio Havana.
  • Budget: €20-€40 for dinner and nightlife.
  • Getting Around: Central areas are well-connected by public transport and walkable.

Day 3: Natural Wonders and Serene Afternoons

Your final day is about embracing Alicante’s natural beauty and relaxed vibe. Start with a visit to unique salt lakes before spending a peaceful afternoon in a local park and exploring the Old Quarter.

Morning: Visit Las Salinas de Torrevieja

  • Explore the Pink Lagoon: Experience the unique natural beauty.
  • Budget: Approx €5-€10 for transport and snacks.
  • Distance: About an hour south of Alicante by car or bus.

Afternoon: Relax in a Local Park

  • Stroll in Parque de Canalejas: Admire the old ficus trees.
  • Visit Old Quarter: Explore Santa Cruz neighbourhood.
  • Budget: Free, unless purchasing souvenirs or snacks.
  • Distance: Both locations are in or near the city centre.

Evening: Authentic Dining Experience

  • Dinner at Local Eateries: Try El Garaje Bar or La Tia Juana Mexicano.
  • Budget: €20-€40 for a meal.
  • Getting Around: Accessible by public transport or a short walk.

Time to fly

So, there you have it! This 3-day adventure in Alicante is all set to give you a taste of everything this sunny city offers. Think of it like dipping your toes into the Mediterranean – a bit of beach chill, a dash of historic wanderings, and plenty of opportunities to mix and mingle. Whether you’re soaking up the sun at Postiguet Beach, catching the views from Santa Barbara Castle, or enjoying the vibes along the Explanada, Alicante’s got the goods to make your solo trip memorable. Keep this guide handy, and who knows, maybe Alicante will be your next great adventure! 🌴

12 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Alicante

Written by Lisa Alexander Updated Dec 22, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

This sunny seaside locale was named Lucentum (meaning "place of light") by the ancient Romans who settled here. Today, visitors still come here to enjoy the sunshine and pleasant climate as well as the beautiful setting in an expansive bay.

Promenade along the marina in Alicante, Spain

With the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean lapping against its sandy shores, Alicante is understandably a popular summer and winter resort destination on the Costa Blanca.

Alicante offers the ideal combination of leisure activities and cultural attractions. Popular pastimes include playing golf, visiting museums, attending festivals, sunbathing at the beach, and strolling along the waterfront promenade.

Of course, you must try the local cuisine. Don't leave without sampling the arroz a banda (rice with fish), Olleta (chickpea, bean, and vegetable stew), and turrón (honey-almond nougat).

Well-designed for tourists, Alicante has many high-rise hotels near the harbor and the beach. There's also plenty of open space. Throughout the city, lush gardens and elegant palm-fringed boulevards break up the urban sprawl.

Learn about the best places to visit with our list of the top attractions and things to do in Alicante.

See also: Where to Stay in Alicante

1. Castillo de Santa Bárbara

2. museo arqueológico provincial de alicante (marq), 3. explanada de españa, 4. basilica de santa maría, 5. playa del postiguet: a beautiful city beach, 6. museo de arte contemporáneo de alicante, 7. mercado central de alicante, 8. playa de san juan, 9. concatedral de san nicolás de bari, 10. ayuntamiento (town hall), 11. plaza de gabriel miró, 12. cabo de las huertas, where to stay in alicante for sightseeing, day trips from alicante, playa de los saladares, las cuevas del canelobre, tabarca island.

Castillo de Santa Bárbara

The Castillo de Santa Bárbara stands in a commanding position above the town and the seafront. The hilltop location on Monte Benacantil is a testament to the castle's military purpose and has been a strategic asset as far back as the Carthaginian era.

The original 9th-century Islamic alcazar (Moorish fortress) was captured from the Moors by the Christian Prince Alfonso of Castile. The victorious battle was on the feast day of Santa Barbara, explaining the castle's name. During the reign of Philip II, the castle was renovated in Renaissance style.

The castle is open year-round for self-guided visits, as well as guided tours. You have a chance to see La Torreta , the old keep (tower); the splendid reception hall of Philip II; the Patio de Armas ; and the Revellín del Bon Repós rampart. The castle also hosts themed weekends, dramatized visits, and gastronomic experiences throughout the year.

Upon entering the castle, you are astounded by the grand scale. Panoramic coastal views add to the striking impression. From the vantage point of the rampart and the tower, the outlook stretches over the town, across the bay, and to the hills in the north.

Location: Mount Benacantil

Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante

The superb Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ) takes you on a journey through 100,000 years of history. The collection covers prehistory; the classical period of antiquity with Greek, Roman, and Iberian artifacts; and the Middle Ages.

Highlights of the collection include a scene of Roman daily life, an assortment of ancient coins, a figure of the goddess Tanit, and Iberian ceramics. The medieval exhibit is especially impressive, with an assortment of more than 300 objects.

The museum also presents educational information about the archaeological sites of Lucentum and Illeta dels Banyets, as well as the Sanctuary of Pla de Petracos, where many of the artifacts were discovered.

In addition to the collections, the museum shows visitors a behind-the-scenes look at excavation work. Exhibits also show how researchers learn about the past from the objects that they find.

You may visit the museum year-round. The museum is open every day, except Mondays.

Address: Plaza del Doctor Gómez Ulla, Alicante

Explanada de España

The Explanada de España, also known as the Paseo de la Explanada or the Promenade Explanada , runs parallel to the yacht marina and the port. Fringed with rows of swaying palm trees, this mosaic-paved walkway invites you to go for a stroll.

A hub of social life in Alicante, the Explanada de España is particularly refreshing on summer evenings. When the weather is warm, you'll enjoy the cool Mediterranean breeze that brushes in from the harbor.

Soak up the sun and the ambience at a restaurant with outdoor seating. The Italian restaurant Prego (28 Passeig Esplanada d'Espanya) has a picturesque terrace. Momen (21 Passeig Esplanada d'Espanya) is another great place to sit down and enjoy the scenery.

Head to the dessert-focused café Chocolatería Valor (14 Passeig Esplanada d'Espanya) for rich hot chocolate served with churros (sugar-coated strips of fried pastry dough).

If you're visiting during summertime, then you can browse the outdoor market. One section of the Explanada de España is devoted to the Alicante Craft Fair , where you'll find artisanal craft items and traditional sweets such as turrón (nougat).

Almost always buzzing with energy, the Explanada de España often provides a stage for street performers. The promenade also features an outdoor auditorium, La Concha , that presents music concerts, dance performances, and other cultural events.

Just a short walk from the Explanada de España promenade are dozens of excellent restaurants.

Parque de Canalejas

The promenade begins at the Plaza Puerta del Mar and winds up at the Parque de Canalejas , a lush seaside park. Several of the city's top historic attractions can be seen while ambling along the promenade, including the Casa Carbonell , a splendid example of Modernist architecture, and the Plaza de Gabriel Miró , a delightful public square shaded by leafy hundred-year-old trees.

Families with younger children will want to visit El Mundo de los Niños (The World of Children) amusement park (near the Parque de Canalejas), which features carnival-type rides and games.

Basilica de Santa María

In the Barrio Santa Cruz, the Basilica de Santa María is the oldest church in Alicante and replaced Alicante's main mosque of the Moorish era. The church dates to the 14th century and was rebuilt by the Catholic Monarchs in the 15th century.

Originally Gothic in style, the basilica was remodeled in the 18th century with a Baroque facade and interior. On the main front of the exterior, the Virgin sculpture by Juan Bautista Borja stands out as a stunning example of detailed stone carving.

Another unique feature of the building is the pair of bell towers, which, although positioned on each side of the entrance, do not match. One of the bell towers was built in the 14th century and the other not until the 18th century.

Step inside to admire the richly decorated sanctuary. Take time to appreciate the 18th-century high altar designed in an elaborate Rococo style.

The Santa Maria Basilica is open year-round. Hours are 10am until 7pm, Monday through Saturday, and 2pm until 7pm on Sundays. Entrance requires an admission fee, which includes an audioguide (with the choice of English, Spanish, or French language).

Address: Plaza de Santa María, Alicante

Playa del Postiguet

The Playa del Postiguet is right in the city center of Alicante, tucked beneath the Castillo de Santa Barbara. This picturesque wide beach offers the serenity of gentle waves and calm turquoise waters.

Crowds flock here during summer time because of its fine golden sand and excellent facilities, including restaurants, public toilets, showers, beach volleyball areas, a children's playground, as well as sun parasols and lounge chairs for rent.

You'll appreciate the safe water if you plan to take a dip. Generally swimming is possible at this beach. Signposts indicate water safety on a daily basis.

The Playa del Postiguet is next to Alicante's lovely and spacious Marina Alicante , where many yachts and private boats are docked. Here you can go for a stroll, relax on a bench and enjoy the seaside scenery, or dine at one of the stylish waterfront restaurants. The dining options range from casual to upscale.

Address: Muelle 8 Zona de Levante, Alicante

Alicante Museum of Contemporary Art

The Alicante Museum of Contemporary Art presents a superb collection of avant-garde 20th-century art. The collection is housed within a 17th-century Baroque building that stands opposite the Basilica de Santa María.

Opened in 2011, the museum has a permanent collection of contemporary art that features paintings, sculptures, and drawings. The collection includes masterpieces by prominent artists like Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, Juan Gris, and Julio González.

The museum also displays works by two major Alicante artists. The Juana Francés collection celebrates the career of this pioneering female artist. The Eusebio Sempere collection comprises 575 works by this Alicante artist best known for his geometric designs and optical illusions.

Admission to the museum (open daily) is free of charge. Guided tours are available.

Address: 3 Plaza de Santa María, Alicante

Facade of the Mercado Central

Visit the Mercado Central de Alicante to get a sense of local culture and everyday life. Built in the early 20th century, this large market hall features Modernist design elements on its facade.

Inside is a vibrant marketplace where farmers, fishermen, and other food vendors make sure that the city is well-fed. The first floor is almost entirely dedicated to household items, dairy, and butcher stalls selling meat, while the second floor houses vegetable farmers and the fish market.

The market is open Monday through Saturday from 7am to 2:30pm (until 3pm on Saturdays). Local restaurants use this market as their source for daily ingredients, and residents of the city also come here to shop for specialty items and fresh produce.

Visiting this market immerses you in the sensory delights of a traditional European food market. The bustling atmosphere makes it a fun place to wander around.

Address: 10 Avenida Alfonso X El Sabio, 03004, Alicante

Palm trees on Playa de San Juan

This gorgeous sandy beach is just a 15-minute drive from the Alicante city center. With its expansive shoreline, the Playa de San Juan is ideal for sunbathing and relaxation.

The Playa de San Juan has been awarded a Blue Flag for water safety. The calm waters are suitable for swimming and water sports.

A wide variety of cafés, restaurants, and snack bars along the beach make it convenient for you to spend a full day here.

Concatedral de San Nicolás de Bari

The Concatedral de San Nicolás de Bari stands in the heart of the city, near the Town Hall. This 17th-century church was constructed on the site of a former mosque and is dedicated to the town's patron saint.

While the exterior is plain, the interior is an impressive and awe-inspiring spiritual space. The sanctuary features several notable retablos, including a magnificent 17th-century work that is entirely gilded. The 15th-century cloister is also exquisite.

This unique church blends Baroque elements with Herrerian style, an architectural school that flourished during Spain's Renaissance era. Herrerian buildings are distinguished by austere facades and precise geometrical lines.

Facade of the Alicante Town Hall

The Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) of Alicante makes a striking impression. This grand Baroque building has an ornate Churrigueresque facade and two imposing towers, which soar to 35 meters.

On the staircase leading up to the building is an instrument used in Spain as a reference point to measure the height above sea level.

The building is listed as a Historic Monument and is open to visitors year-round daily. The Ayuntamiento is only closed on December 25th, January 1st, and January 6th.

Inside the Ayuntamiento, a must-see is the Salón Azul (Blue Room), which is decorated with furnishings from the epoch of Queen Isabel. Also be sure to visit the Capilla del Oratorio (chapel) where Mass is held.

The Ayuntamiento is located behind the park of the Explanada de España and near the Plaza Puerta del Mar

Address: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Alicante

Fountain in Plaza de Gabriel Miró

This delightful square pays homage to the renowned author of Alicante, Gabriel Miró. A bust of Gabriel Miró stands at one end of the square.

You immediately feel a sense of peacefulness when stepping into the Plaza de Gabriel Miró. Shaded by leafy ficus trees, the square abounds with luxuriant vegetation. The center is adorned with a fountain that features interesting statues.

Close to Alicante's Old Town, the Plaza de Gabriel Miró offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. You can relax on the terrace or take an unhurried stroll through the beautiful grounds.

Las Huertas Cape Lighthouse on Alicante Coast

Several small sea coves are found just outside Alicante on the Cabo de las Huertas, between San Juan and Albufereta.

The Cala Cantalars are small coves in a quiet residential area two kilometers from the Alicante city center. These coves conceal sheltered rocky beaches with placid waters.

The Cala dels Jueus coves are both rocky and sandy. Both of these areas have rocky beaches with gentle waters. This area is great for scuba diving.

The main tourist areas of Alicante are the Barrio Santa Cruz (Old Town), the nearby port and marina, and the beach. The most charming place to stay is the Old Town, but beach lovers will prefer being near the Playa del Postiguet in Alicante or by the Playa de San Juan, which is about a 15-minute drive from the city center. Here are some highly rated hotels in Alicante:

Luxury Hotels :

  • If you're seeking modern five-star accommodations, the Hotel Hospes Amérigo is an ideal choice. This hotel in the Old Town occupies the historic Salesian Convent, which has been completely renovated and decorated in a sleek minimalist style. Amenities include a fine-dining restaurant, rooftop terrace and swimming pool, indoor pool, fitness center, spa, sauna, concierge, and 24-hour front desk. The hotel is near restaurants, shops, and the port.
  • The four-star Meliá Alicante is a resort hotel with a pool at the marina, overlooking the beach. The hotel is ideally located within easy walking distance to many tourist attractions in the Barrio Santa Cruz.
  • Also at the marina and an easy walk to the Barrio Santa Cruz, the four-star Hotel Spa Porta Maris by Meliá has outdoor and indoor pools, a fitness center, spa, Jacuzzi, and a restaurant that serves Mediterranean cuisine. This seaside hotel is located right next to the Playa del Postiguet beach.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • Eurostars Centrum Alicante is conveniently located on a residential street close to the Old Town and waterfront. This four-star hotel has excellent amenities, including a fitness center, sauna, Turkish baths, spa treatments, and a restaurant that serves regional cuisine.
  • At the northern side of the Old Town and a 10-minute walk to the harbor, the four-star Eurostars Lucentum is conveniently located across the street from the airport shuttle-bus stop. The hotel has a fitness center and a spa.
  • The four-star AC Hotel Alicante is also near an airport shuttle-bus stop and about a 15-minute walk from the Old Town and harbor. Amenities include a fitness center, a rooftop terrace with swimming pool, and room service. Some of the guest rooms have wonderful sea views.

Budget Hotels:

  • The three-star Hotel Ciudad de Alicante is right by the beach and an airport shuttle-bus stop, and just a short walk to the Old Town. Guest rooms feature balconies with views of the Castillo de Santa Bárbara. The hotel offers a 24-hour front reception desk and laundry service.
  • Surprisingly affordable for a three-star hotel, the Occidental Alicante is ideally located in the Old Town near many restaurants and shops and close to the Mercado Central. The hotel features modern guest rooms and a casual café. The beach is about a 20-minute walk away.
  • The Hotel Cervantes is in the city center near many shops and restaurants and a 15-minute walk to the port. This two-star hotel offers basic guest rooms with air-conditioning and complimentary breakfast. Amenities include a 24-hour front reception desk and concierge.

Playa de Los Saladares

Another excellent beach is Playa de Los Saladares, located seven kilometers from Alicante. The pristine golden-sand shoreline extends for nearly two kilometers and features sand dunes at one end. This beach offers a welcome escape to nature, along with public facilities.

The Playa de Los Saladares has public restrooms, showers, shops, restaurants, a beachfront promenade, and a children's play area. Beach umbrellas and lounge chairs are available for rent.

This beach is a great place to visit for sunbathing and leisurely seaside strolls. The moderate waves make the water safe for wading or swimming.

Canelobre Caves in Busot Town, Alicante

Las Cuevas del Canelobre are a stunning natural cave system 24 kilometers from Alicante, located within the slopes of the Sierra del Cabeçó d'Or mountains, an area with breathtaking views of the coastline.

One of the caverns has been compared to a cathedral with its awesome 150-meter-long hall filled with a profusion of stalactites and stalagmites. Tourists will enjoy visiting this unique nature site.

Guided tours include colored lighting to illuminate the caves and music for ambience. The caves are sometimes used as a venue for concerts because they offer exceptional acoustics and a truly special ambience.

Nova Tabarca Island Port in Alicante

Travelers can escape to a small island off the coast of Alicante and enjoy being surrounded by the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Tabarca Island is the only inhabited island of the region, and the area around the archipelago has been designated a Mediterranean Marine Reserve.

The landscape boasts an incredible biodiversity of flora and fauna, and the island itself is rich in history having been a former pirate hideout, an 18 th -century fortified town, and isolated fishing village prior to becoming a premier tourist destination.

There are plenty of things to do on the island, from simply enjoying the breathtaking views and idyllic Mediterranean ambience to visiting the island's museum, relaxing on the beach, and dining at one of the many excellent restaurants.

Tourists can reach the island for a nice day trip via an hour-long boat ride from the port of Alicante, or choose to spend the night in one of several small hotels.

Altea, Spain

From a distance, the historic village of Altea appears as a small group of buildings nestled on a hilltop. This medieval perched town, located about 45 minutes by car from Alicante, overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and offers sensational panoramic views.

The town is dominated by the Church of Virgin of Consuelo with its striking blue-and-white tiled dome. Characteristic whitewashed houses and atmospheric cobblestone streets lend old-world charm.

Many areas of the town have shaded terraces and viewpoints for taking in the picturesque scenery. Some of the narrow lanes turn into pedestrian staircases that lead down to the sea.

Altea is also renowned for its artisan craft workshops and art studios, as well as its summertime festivals.

In August on the Saturday closest to the feast day of Saint Lorenzo, the Castell de l'Olla puts on a spectacular festival with dancing, musical entertainment, and a dazzling fireworks show.

In late September, a festival celebrates the old traditions of the Christians and Moors of the region.

Chinchilla de Monte-Aragon, Albacete

The town of Albacete is in the Castilla-La Mancha region , about 160 kilometers from Alicante, and is most quickly reached via train in around an hour.

In the old upper town ( el Alto de la Villa ) is the 16th-century Cathedral of San Juan Bautista . The building was originally designed by Diego de Siloé in Gothic style and was continued in Renaissance style. It has a fine Churrigueresque high altar, and the sacristy features five grisaille wall paintings of biblical scenes.

In the newer lower part of the town in the Parque Abelardo Sánchez is the Albacete Museum with three departments: archeology, fine arts, and ethnology. Among the treasures of the archeology collection are the Iberian sculptures from Cerro de los Santos, ancient Roman dolls made of ivory, ancient Roman mosaics from Balazote, and Gothic religious objects.

The Albacete province of the Castilla-La Mancha region boasts a well-preserved medieval town, Chinchilla de Montearagón , which is noteworthy for its monumental fortified hilltop castle. The town is famous for its traditional Easter celebrations and also hosts a renowned theater festival every year in July.

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Alicante TRAM Prices, Schedules, and more

If you use  public transit and live in la Comunidad Valenciana (Alicante, Castellon and Valencia), you are in luck!

Fares have dropped by 50% effective until 31 January 2024 . 

To take advantage of this, you need to purchase a Móbilis public transit card (Bono Móbilis Multiviaje)  and load it with 10 to 30 trips. 

The Mobilis Card gives you the flexibility to transfer to other lines within one hour. So, if you need to take two buses, or a bus and a tram, you won’t get charged again as long as it is within 60 minutes. If you are planning a return trip within 60-minutes, ‘transbordo’ only works if you are taking 2 different bus lines. 

You can also use the same Mobilis Card if you are traveling with others.

Click here to see the temporary discount price schedule. 

Table of Contents

New Fare Model

The TRAM service operates in underground tunnels in Alicante city centre and overground on the rest of the lines.

  • Line 1: Luceros – Benidorm
  • Line 2: Luceros – University of Alicante- Sant Vicent del Raspeig
  • Line 3: Luceros – El Campello
  • Line 4: Luceros – Plaza La Coruña ( San Juan Beach)
  • Line 5: Puerta del Mar ( Postiguet Beach)- Plaza La Coruña ( San Juan Beach)
  • Line 9: Benidorm- Denia

If you are a tourist and plan on using public transit during your stay, we highly recommend purchasing the public transport pass (plastic rechargeable Mobilis Card) for 2€ as this allows you transfers (transbordo) between different trams and/or bus lines within a 60-minute timeframe. This also allows you, along with others in your group to use a single card for all your fares.

A new fare model that was introduced in June 2022 that offers a price reduction of up to 50% depending on the origin and destination: one, two or three zones, with 10-journey passes that cost 8€, 12€ and 20€, respectively. See the Fare Summary table below. (these are the regular prices without the 50% discount)

Where can I buy it?

TAM Customer Service office at Calle Díaz Moreu Nº 6, by Rambla Méndez Núñez

TRAM office, at Luceros Station (Plaza De Los Luceros)

alicante tourist card

To buy a public transit card, you need to go to Luceros Station where you will find a customer service counter. The TRAM staff will be able to help you find the best option for your typical journeys.

Once you have a public transit card, it can be recharged at the machines at Luceros and Mercado stations or inside the TRAM trains. You can also top up at ‘kioscos’, ‘estanco’ or ‘tabaco’ shops around the city – but only Monday to Friday. 

NOTE: Some of these shops do not accept debit/credit cards so be prepared to pay with cash. 

The public transport card can be also used on the bus network at the same price.

Public Transit Card Discounts

There are special discounts available for young and senior people. Talk to the staff at Luceros station to find if you qualify and how to apply for one.

At any of the stations, you should be able to transfer from one line to the another depending your travel plans. All trams (except for line L5) stop at Luceros, Mercado and MARQ-Castillo.

How to choose the right fare

First, click on the image on the right to check out the current fare zone map. This will help you decide which number of zones you need you need to buy.

There are 3 TRAM zones: A, B and C and 2 special subzones: T1 and T2, that serve as small zones in nearby stops located between the main zones.

One zone fare is 1.45€ , moving between two zones is 2,80€ and moving 3 zones is 3,90€ .

alicante tourist card

The TRAM train in Alicante has 6 lines:

Alicante’s TRAM has a mixture of underground and unfenced overground stations. At the underground stations, you can use the machines around the stations and validate at the gate.

Below is a list of the main routes along with approximate travel times.

The single ticket (sencillo) price for one zone, is 1.45€ and the return ticket (ida y vuelta) cost 2,50€.

If you move between 2 zones the price is 2,80€ and 4,80€ for the return ticket.

Moving the 3 zones cost 3,90€ and the fare for the return ticket is 6,65€.

If you are going to use the tram often, it is worth getting a rechargeable public transit card that cost 2€. Keep in mind the fare reduction of up to 50% when  paying with the public transport pass.

Remember: The same public transit card can be used by several people on the same trip.

NOTE: If you want to recharge your card with a different type of fare than what you had previously, the card needs to be empty. Example, you purchased a Bono 10 Zone 1 and still have 2 tickets left on the card. You cannot load it with a different zone type example Bono 10 Zone 3.

Fare summary

Special zones t1 and t2.

There are a couple of special zones called T1 and T2 that are situated where the TRAM zones switch. T1 is in between Zone A and Zone B. T2 is between zone B and zone C. When travelling inside the special zones, you will need to pay for only TRAM zone.

As an example, a traveller from Calpe to Altea would typically have to pay for a two-zone ticket (C to A). But both TRAM stops are inside the special zone T2. That means travellers from Calpe to Altea would need to pay a ticket fare equivalent to just one TRAM zone.

Most of the TRAM lines are electric. The trains are modern and quiet. All trains have A/C in summer and heating in winter. Some have charging stations for your mobile devices.

There are no toilets on the trains or stations, so keep this in mind when planning a long trip.

The TRAM has buttons inside the trains to ask the driver to stop at the next TRAM stop. This is especially important in sections where there are no visible passengers waiting to get on. It behaves in a similar way a bus would do.

Alicante TRAM Schedules and Timetables

Lines 1 and 3 share some of the same stops until Campello so the schedule is offered together

Travel rules – bicycles

Bike + TRAM

Transporting bicycles and scooters is permitted throughout the network.

Due to the high occupancy of trains and trams, bicycles and scooters are not allowed to be transported in zone A of the TRAM d’Alacant during the following periods:

  • During Sundays until 31 August of the current year (2022).
  • During the Hogueras period, between 20 and 24 June.
  • The night of 24 to 25 June.

The number of bicycles or scooters is limited to four per vehicle. This amount may be modified, at the discretion of FGV personnel, depending on the actual busyness of the vehicle or other circumstances that may require it.

Persons carrying scooters and bicycles shall be responsible for not causing a nuisance to the rest of the passengers or damage to vehicles or facilities.

Persons carrying scooters and bicycles must stand next to them in the empty spaces of trains and trams. Folded bicycles can be transported as hand luggage.

Scooters should preferably be folded and, when possible, partially or totally hidden under the seats.

Under no circumstances may drivers’ access to the driver’s cab be obstructed.

During the Hogueras de San Juan and other events, bicycles and scooters are not allowed in the TRAM d’Alacant network.

Folded bicycles are considered as hand luggage.

Click here for the General Travel Regulations

alicante tourist card

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Ultimate Alicante Travel Guide for 2024

alicante tourist card

Holidays to Alicante are popular and there are many direct flights to Alicante Airport from the UK, Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia. For many reasons the Alicante province and the Costa Blanca are a favorite holiday destination as well as a city break for travelers from Northern Europe.

In this Alicante Travel Guide I will take you with me on what to do in Alicante, the best places to see, where to eat, the best coffee and everything else you need to know before traveling to Alicante in 2024.

Alicante tourism

alicante marina

Because of the many affordable flights flying to Alicante Airport the city became a magnet for people looking for short holiday breaks. But it can’t be only the cheap flights to Alicante that are drawing so many tourists to the Costa Blanca, there must be more. I roamed around Alicante old town and the city center for a couple days and also hired a car to check out and explore the best places to visit around Alicante.

I came to the simple conclusion that there are so many fun things to do and places to see, that in fact weekend in Alicante is not enough!

short breaks to alicante 1

Yes first explore the city! Alicante is an amazing place to visit, but there are also fabulous day trips from Alicante  one shouldn't miss out on. Check out all the day trips you can do in the link above.

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If you don't have a European sim card or a local sim card without EU data roaming then definitely buy a sim card for Spain on your trip to Alicante. Stay connected and don't waste money on high roaming costs. OR get yourself an e-sim card for traveling to Spain , even easier.

Little history and facts about Alicante

alicante travel

Back in the days Alicante was just like any other medieval Spanish town a walled city, but because of its strategic location on the Costa Blanca coast it has been fought over a lot. Therefore Alicante has been built, destroyed and rebuilt many times over the last couple hundred years. Some facts to show you the importance of Alicante in history:

  • The first long distance train in Spain went from Madrid to Alicante.
  • Alicante was the last remaining republican city that Franco took over in times of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
  • Napoleon took over Spain except two cities: Cadiz ánd Alicante.

holidays in alicante 21

Because of all this fighting over the city there are not many ancient buildings left in Alicante Old Town. Nevertheless it is a beautiful place to stroll through.

Things to know when you travel to Alicante

1. best time to travel to alicante.

alicante things to do

Any time of the year is a good time to visit Alicante. Of course if you want to avoid the crowds you don’t travel to Alicante in the summer months June, July and August. But even winter is a great time to visit Alicante. All the photos taken in this Alicante travel blog are from mid December. To me it was the perfect time for my holidays in Alicante, because of the mild temperatures and the deserted streets. As I found Alicante almost deserted at the end of autumn I listed it in a list of off the beaten track destinations in Europe .

2. From Alicante Airport to Alicante city center

from alicante airport to alicante city

May you decide to spend your Alicante weekend break just in the city then you can either take a taxi from the airport to your hotel or the Alicante airport bus. The bus only cost €3,85 per person, taxi’s easily ask €25. The bus from Alicante Airport to Alicante city center leaves just outside the arrivals hall and is called C6. It has several stops along the Explanada de Espana , the main boulevard in the city.

3. How to get around in Alicante

You can either rent a car at the airport and pick it up on arrival or rent a car at the Alicante city center. At the airport you can’t miss the rental car companies in the arrivals hall. It is very simple and straight forward. I recommend you to book a car to see the best places to visit around Alicante.

You can also rent a car in Alicante city center. Almost all the car rental companies have offices next to the train station. I rented my car in the city center at the train station and dropped it off at the airport with no extra fee.

I ended up renting a car from Enterprise , it was less than €20 per day including insurance.

From Alicante to Benidorm

There are busses and trains from Alicante to Benidorm that run every hour and take 1,5 hours only. One of the best places to visit in Alicante is Altea and but public transport will take pretty long.

4. Museums are free

alicante city center town house

A great thing about a trip to Alicante is that all the museums are free. You can just walk in. More about the best museums to visit in Alicante later. Churches are also admission free.

Alicante itinerary for 3 days

alicante city trip

For those people that are only able to enjoy a weekend or 3 days in Alicante I think it is best to rent a car for one day and visit some places near Alicante. I would suggest the following itinerary for Alicante:

Day1: relaxing at the beach and hiking up to the majestic Santa Barbara Castle.

Day 2: Explore the old town by an early morning walking tour then enjoying the marina and one of the many lovely coffee shops or sea food restaurants.

Day 3: Rent a car for a day and see some of the amazing places to visit around Alicante, like the Canelobre Caves, Altea, Villajoyosa.

Then if you leave the next day you can drop the rental car off in the airport before your flight. Doesn't this 3 day itinerary sound like an amazing relaxing city trip or Alicante holiday?

Things to do in Alicante

1. hike up to santa barbara castle.

alicante weekend break

If you are reasonably fit or have the time anyway, please walk up to the top of the Santa Barbara Castle . To me it is one of the best things to do in Alicante. There are many path to lead to the castle on top of the hill. It is 166 meters above sea level but the views from up there are obviously impressive. During the hike up you will constantly be spoiled with fabulous views in all directions over Alicante city center.

The walk up is pretty steep, but once you reach the top you will appreciate it even more. You can also drive up to the entrance of the Santa Barbara Castle.

what to do in alicante

There are some places to have a drink along the way with good views over the city center and the ocean.

There are some expositions halls, but I was just mostly interested in the view. There is no Santa Barbara Castle entrance fee. When you visit Alicante make sure to put this on your things to do list!

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Watching the sunrise is not possible as there are opening hours. From April till September the castle is open from 10am to 10pm, in the winter months the castle is only open till 8pm.

opening hours santa barbara castle

Watching the sunset from Santa Barbara Castle, a romantic thing to do in Alicante.

2. Stroll through Old Town Alicante

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One of my favorite things to do on a city break is to get lost. This time I ended up somewhere in Alicante Old Town and I was blown away by its beauty. Perched in the slopes of the Santa Barbara Castle there are these cute little streets and stairs.

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Houses are painted in different colors and all have flowers in front. If you are looking for romantic things to do in Alicante then stroll through Old Town.

3. Sunbath on El Postiguet Beach

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This is El Postiguet on a Wednesday in December just before sunset.

There are several amazing beaches around Alicante. I cant tell you which one is the best as I did not try them all. The beach in the city center is called El Postiguet . A little North you can find a huge beach called San Juan Playa. For people staying in Alicante City Center I would recommend going to El Postiguet.

4. Visit the fish market

fish market alicante

The local food in Alicante mostly always contains fish. Because of its dry climate there never really were opportunities to grow something so historically dried food and fish has always been part of their menu. In Alicante city center there is Mercado Central , this bustling place is cool to walk around. You will be amazed what they all sell here.

5. Bring your own fish restaurants

calle de munoz alicante city center 1

Fresher than this it can hardly get. Around the markets there are some restaurants where you can bring your own fish and they cook it for you. Buy it at the market, present it to the restaurant and let them prepare a meal for you with your own fish. Just outside the market there is a restaurant called La Rotonda who also does this. If I were you I would ask in advance before you get there and say: but Traveltomtom told me it was possible… ;)

6. Try Turron

turron alicante espi

When on an Alicante city break you surely have to try Turron. Originally from the Alicante region it is a kind of nougat sweet made from egg white, honey, sugar and toasted almonds. It comes in many different variations. There are shops dedicated to Turron.

turron alicante liquor

I walked into Turrones ESPI at Calle Tomas Lopez Torregrosa and they let me try different kind of Turrones. Definitely something you have to try when you visit Alicante. They claim to be making Turron since 1820, so I assume they know what they are doing. The liquor of Turron taste a bit like Baileys.

7. Free walking tour Alicante

explanada de espana alicante

Did you know that every city you visit has free walking tours? In Alicante you can also find one and I honestly think it is one of the best things to do in the city. Not only do you get to see all the best places to visit, you also get a little slice of history and some cool anecdotes about the city by a local tourguide. The Alicante free walking tour takes about 2 hours and is tip based. They meet every day at 11am at the beginning of Explanada de Espana and you recognize them from of the purple umbrella.

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During the free walking tour in Alicante we learned that the rock above Alicante has a face, the one who protects Alicante from Evil. Do you see it?

8. Segway tour

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Have you ever tried riding a segway? It is just as easy as walking trust me. An hour city tour cost about €40. You get a little Segway lesson and once you are comfortable you are ready to explore the city on a segway.

9. Snorkel at Tabarca Island

From the beach in Alicante you can see a little rocky island in the ocean. During summer there are many boats going to Tabarca. This inhabited island is a protected marine reserve since 1986. It is a great place for snorkeling

10. Stroll up and down La Rambla

Just like in Barcelona the main street in Alicante is called La Rambla. Stroll up and down and sample food and look for souvenirs in typical stalls from street vendors.

11.  Explore the Alicante marina

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Marinas are always great to walk around, especially around sunset. It always gives me such a calming feeling to see all these boats perfectly lined up. There is a nice terrace at SOHO Mar to have a drink with views over the marina. You can also find a Volvo Ocean Race Museum , but I did not go inside as well as a casino.

If you fancy a typical Alicante coffee ask for a Bombon Coffee, its a layered coffee with condensed milk. Not my taste, but worth a try.

12. Shopping

If you want a moment for yourself tell your wife to go to the area around Avenida Maisonnave. It is right in the Alicante city center and there are endless shopping opportunities. Make sure she brings her own credit card!

Check out a leather bag store called Cala. It’s really cool if you need some gifts from Alicante, it is worth going. The leather shoes in Spain are cheap and amazing quality compared to most of the world!

Places to see in Alicante

1. explanda de espana.

explanada alicante old town

The main tourist spot in Alicante is its Explanda de Espana . The main boulevard made out of more than 6.5 million marble tiles is something the people from Alicante are really proud of. It has a long history but nowadays tourists on their Alicante weekend break stroll up and down through the massive palm trees before they sit back and relax. There are many terraces and people watching is a popular thing to do in Alicante. The marble tiles of the Explanada have three colors: white and blue are the city colors of Alicante and red. Alicante Red is an official color marble and expensive all over the world, it is marble that comes from this region.

2. Basilica Santa Maria

basilica santa maria alicante

Nestled in Alicante Old Town next to the Museum of Contemporary Arts you can find the Santa Maria church . The Baroque entry is pretty impressive and still in tact. They renovated the square and the church about 10 years ago and it looks beautiful from the outside. To peak inside you gotta come at the right time.

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The basilica is only open from 11.00-12.00 and from 19.00-20.00. During this time there are also church services, but taking photos is allowed. Therefore plan a visit to the Santa Maria Basilica carefully as it is one of the best places to visit in Alicante.

3. Alicante Cathedral

plaza del abad penalva alicante city center

The San Nicolas de Bari Cathedral is located in Alicante city center in front of Plaza del Abad Penalva. The cathedral has a 45 meter high blue cupola that towers out above the city skyline. The interior is pretty impressive too. Inside there is a second floor to get to by a staircase for a different perspective of this amazing cathedral. Definitely among the best places to visit in Alicante.

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On the right side of the picture you can see the cathedral. Sad that they allowed one skyscraper to be build in Alicante city center. After this construction they realized it was not a good idea and they did not permit any more of these high rise buildings to be build.

4. Contemporary Art Museum

Located next to the Santa Maria Basilica is the Museum of Contemporary Art . It is free to enter and it was one of the first times I walked into a museum like this. I like the free museums concept!

5. Water Museum

water museum alicante

At the bottom of the Santa Barbara Castle you will find the water museum. It basically is a cave in where there is al little exposition about how people back in the days used techniques to save rain water. The entrance is free, it is a 5 minute visit. Not the most exhilarating place to see in Alicante, but nice to peak inside when you pass by.

6. MARQ Archaeological Museum Alicante

The only museum in Alicante where you have to pay an entrance fee. It is only €3 and it is used for preservation and research. It won the European Museum of the year award in 2004, so who would I be to not list it as one of the best things to do in Alicante. It was nice to walk around, surely worth €3. Taking photos without flash is allowed. I loved that the MARQ Archaeological Museum is an interactive museum.

Where to eat in Alicante

calle de munoz alicante city center 2

When you walk out of the Alicante Cathedral and turn left there is the Calle de Munoz, a lovely little passageway with some of the best restaurants in Alicante. If you are looking where to eat in Alicante I could recommend you one of the restaurants in this little alley.

plaza santa faz alicante old city

Anywhere along Explanada is good to eat outside on one of the many terraces. For evenings I liked the Plaza Santa Faz where you find many terraces under big palm trees.

Where to go out in Alicante

From what I found was El Barrio the best place to go out in Alicante. There are a dozen restaurants and bars located in the narrow streets. Havana is a lively place where tourists and locals mingle. Royal Night Club is a popular place to go out late night.

Best coffee places in Alicante

As part of my working holiday visa in Australia I did a barista course and since then a standard coffee is not good enough anymore. Therefore I always roam around to find the best coffee places anywhere I go. In Alicante Old Town I found three amazing places.

1.  Madness Coffee Specialty Coffee

madness specialty coffee alicante

Choose your favorite coffee roast from Costa Rica, Rwanda or Colombia. This place knows how to make excellent coffee, thumbs up! A very inviting interior as well, a place where you just want to hang out.

2.  Bunatic Slow Coffee

bunatic slow coffee alicante

Another little coffee gem in Alicante Old Town. Great coffee and although the interior is a bit minimalistic, this is where you want to come for breakfast. Start your Alicante city break at Bunatic Slow Coffee as their breakfast deals are delicious. You should definitely try the homemade granola with fresh fruits. The toasts are also yummy. Coffees €2,00, breakfast deals €5,00.

3.  Sip & Wonder Coffee House

sip and wonder alicante

If you are looking for things to do in Alicante when it rains this is a good place to go. Coffee is world class and the homey atmosphere will make you smile. There are sofas, lounge chairs and it is filled with foreign students studying.

best coffee in alicante

Dogs are allowed inside and every time I hang out there I saw a bunch of dogs. The avocado sandwich is delicious. Coffees €2,00, avo on toast €5,00.

Festivals in Alicante

1. carnival.

The number one festival that I would love to go to myself is the Carnival. Im from Southern Holland where we celebrate Carnival big time as well and I have also celebrated Carnival in the Caribean and South America. Street parades, happy people, costumes, smiles, drinks and warm weather and I am 100% sure this is a good festival to attend. Carnival is held mostly around mid February or beginning of March.

2. Running with the bulls

This is exactly what it implies. The brave are able to run with the bulls through the main street. Spectators are behind wooden fences as bulls run through the streets ending up in a temporary bullring at the fishing port. The Running with the Bulls festival is yearly held in July. In 2016 two people died.

3. Start of Volvo Ocean Race

There is a reason why there is a Volvo Ocean Race Museum in the port of Alicante as since 2008 the start of the Volvo Ocean Race is in the Alicante port. It is a big happening every time. The Volvo Ocean Race 2022 - 2023 started again in January 2023 in Alicante.

Day trips from Alicante

As you can see there are many things to do and places to see on your Alicante holidays, so no need to even leave the city. But there are some amazing places around Alicante that are definitely worth a visit.

  • Canelobre Caves - a big cave inside a mountain, with guided tours.
  • Busot - a charming village on top of a hill.
  • Benidorm - a popular beach town.
  • Altea - one of the best places to see in Alicante Province.
  • Guadalest - a lovely village with a castle on top of a hill.
  • Villajoyosa - colorful coastal town.

To visit these places I recommend you to take day trips from Alicante . Click on the link to read the full blog post about all the amazing places to visit around Alicante.

My trip to Alicante

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As you have been able to read I have explored the city quite extensively. This lead to the above information about holidays to Alicante. The vibe in the city is super chilled especially in the winter season. People are more relaxed and it is not at all crowded. Flights to Alicante are cheaper and hotels too.

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You can already find Alicante hotels for as less as €50 per night. Every morning I made my way to one of the coffee shops mentioned to get a good cup of coffee and a healthy breakfast.

old city alicante

Then walked around the city taking photos and sampling some Jamon Iberico and of course some ice cream. Life in Alicante was good… I will definitely be back!

Where to stay in Alicante

5 star hotel in alicante.

Hospes Amerigo - 5 star hotel in Alicante city center. More than 1,250 reviews with a score of 9.1 .

4 star hotel in Alicante

Sercotel Suites Del Mar - amazing location in the Marina with ocean views, close to the beach. More than 700 reviews with a score of 8.9 .

Boutique hotel in Alicante

Hotel Boutique Alicante Palacete - charming boutique hotel in the city center. With over more 700 reviews it scores a 9.4 .

Apartment in Alicante

Wellrenting Alicante CS - close to the train station, spacious 1 bedroom apartment for under 50 a night. 300 reviews - 8.3 score .

Budget hotel in Alicante

Habitaciones Engel - Super central, shared bathroom but only €30 a night. 9.1 score out of 130 reviews .

Hostel in Alicante

Smile & Co Hostal Boutique - On the west side of Alicante city center clearly a favorite with almost 1,000 reviews and a 9.6 review score .

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Thank you for reading my Alicante travel blog. I hope all the information I provided was helpful for your holidays in Alicante. Would you please help me a little in return? Would you mind posting the link on Facebook or in a Facebook Group? Or tweet it on Twitter? It would mean a lot to me! Massive thanks in advance. 

If you are interested what it looks like traveling to every country in the world then check out my Instagram profile @traveltomtom for some serious wanderlust. As of January 2024 I have visited more than 150 countries around the world.

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Enjoy your trip to Alicante!

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Alicante Travel Tips

alicante tourist card

Alicante, the capital of Alicante province, is famous for its delightful climate, boasting more than 300 sunny days annually, making it a popular year-round tourist destination.

Getting to and around Alicante is relatively easy, thanks to its well-connected transportation infrastructure. Here's a guide on how to get to Alicante and navigate the city.

Getting to Alicante

  • By Plane: Alicante-Elche Airport (ALC) is the primary gateway to the city. It is one of Spain's busiest airports and serves domestic and international flights. You can easily reach the city centre from the airport by taxi, bus, or tram.
  • By Train: The Alicante Train Station (Estación de Tren de Alicante) connects the city to major Spanish cities like Madrid, Valencia, and Barcelona. The station is conveniently located in the city centre.
  • By Tram: Tram Alicante operates a light rail train connecting all major places along the coast between Alicante and Dénia.
  • By Bus: The Alicante Bus Station (Estación de Autobuses de Alicante) offers extensive bus services to various destinations within Spain and other European countries.
  • By Car: You can reach Alicante via the AP-7 motorway from other Spanish cities if you're driving. Alicante has well-maintained roads and highways, and parking facilities are available throughout the city.

Getting to Alicante

Getting Around Alicante:

Navigating Alicante is trouble-free, and the city's layout makes it easy to explore its attractions. Whether you're walking along the beachfront promenade, taking a tram ride to a nearby town, or enjoying the local cuisine, Alicante offers a variety of transportation options to suit your preferences.

  • Public Transportation: Alicante has an efficient public transportation system, including buses and trams. The tram system connects the city with nearby towns and the suburbs, while buses serve various routes within the city. Consider purchasing a Bonobús card for discounted fares if you plan to use public transport frequently.
  • Walking: Alicante's city centre is pedestrian-friendly, making it easy to explore on foot. Strolling along the Explanada de España promenade, visiting historic sites, and wandering through the Old Town are best enjoyed on foot.
  • Biking: Alicante offers bike rental services, and there are dedicated bike lanes in some parts of the city. It's a pleasant way to explore the city and its surroundings.
  • Taxis: Taxis are readily available throughout Alicante. They are a convenient way to get around the city, especially if you prefer door-to-door transportation. Ensure the taxi has a metre, and confirm the fare before starting your journey.
  • Car Rentals: If you plan to explore the surrounding areas or prefer the flexibility of driving, you can rent a car from various agencies in Alicante.
  • Trains: Alicante offers trains that provide guided tours of the city's main attractions. It's an informative and leisurely way to see the sights.
  • Boats: Alicante's harbour offers boat trips, including short cruises along the coast and to nearby islands. These can be a unique way to see the city from the sea.

Travel safety Tips, Guidelines

Here are some helpful travel tips to make the most of your visit to this beautiful city on the Costa Blanca:

  • Pack for the Mediterranean Climate: Alicante enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Pack lightweight clothing for the summer months, but also bring some layers for cooler evenings in the winter.
  • Sun Protection: Don't forget sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect from the intense rays, especially in the summer.
  • Currency: The currency used in Alicante is the Euro (EUR). Make sure to have cash on hand, although credit and debit cards are widely accepted.
  • Language: While Spanish is the official language, many people in Alicante, especially in the tourist areas, speak English. Learning a few basic Spanish phrases can be helpful and appreciated by the locals.
  • Transportation: The city is well-connected by public transportation, including buses and trams. Consider purchasing a Bonobús card for discounted fares if you plan to use public transport frequently.
  • Walking: Alicante is a walkable city, especially in the Old Town and along the Explanada de España promenade. Wear comfortable shoes to explore its charming streets.
  • Cuisine: Don't miss the opportunity to try local dishes like paella, seafood, and tapas. Alicante is known for its excellent seafood, so indulge in some fresh catches.
  • Tap Water: The tap water in Alicante is generally safe to drink, but many prefer bottled water for its taste.
  • Safety: Alicante is considered a safe city for tourists, but as with any tourist destination, be mindful of your belongings and surroundings, especially in crowded areas.
  • Beach Etiquette: When visiting the beaches, follow local etiquette by keeping noise levels down and disposing of trash properly. 
  • Emergency Numbers: In case of an emergency, dial 112 for general emergencies, including police, medical assistance, and fire services.
  • Tipping: Tipping is customary in restaurants and cafes. Leaving a small tip (around 10%) for good service is common.

Remember that Alicante is not only a city with beautiful beaches but also a place rich in history, culture, and gastronomy. Enjoy your visit and embrace the relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle!

Recommended Activities

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Secret Flavors of Alicante

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Parasailing in Alicante

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Alicante Highlights Bike Tour

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Alicante Wine Testing Tour

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  • Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport

Getting around Alicante

Public transport.

TAM (tel: +34 902 106 992; ) operates Alicante's public transport. Alicante is a relatively compact city and its major attractions are all within walking distance. However, a reliable bus service does operate in and around the city. Bus 9 goes to San Juan Beach every 20 minutes from the railway station. You can buy single tickets from the driver or passes for discounted travel from kiosks, Caja Rural de Alicante offices and TAM ticket offices. The buses run frequently from morning until night and some services extend into the early hours at weekends. City transport passes known as Mobilis are available. Public transport in Alicante also includes five tram lines (tel: +34 900 720 472; ) that connect all the main areas of Alicante and its suburbs with Benidorm, Altea and Denia. Special tourist trams also exist. These include: 'Tren Arqueológico' archaeological train covering the MARQ archaeological museum, Lucentum and L’Illeta dels Banyets (in El Campello); 'Tren Ambiental' taking passengers into the countryside; 'Tren Cultural' cultural train connecting outlying districts and towns; 'Tren Senderista' ramblers’ train connecting with the starting points for excursions; and the night tram that runs in July and August to major nightlife spots.

Reliable companies include RadioTele Taxi (tel: +34 96 510 1611 or 525 2511) and Area Taxi (tel: +34 96 591 0591).

Driving in Alicante is generally problem-free. The Explanada de Espana along the seafront is a good reference point, as it connects to the centre of the city and most of the major routes. Parking can be a problem but there are two large car parks available - one near the Meliá Hotel, and one near the Panoramis shopping mall, both near the harbour.

Supplements are often charged for drivers under the age of 25 wishing to hire a car in Spain. A valid passport is required as proof of identity. Along with several smaller agencies, the following major companies provide car hire in Alicante: Avis (tel: +34 902 103 652; ), Enterprise (tel: +34 96 512 2172; ), Europcar (tel: +34 902 503010; ) and Hertz (tel: +34 96 592 2587; ).

Bicycle hire

You can hire bicycles and scooters from Rent and Go!, Avenida de Costa Blanca 95, San Juan beach (tel: +34 96 515 0914; ).

A digital image at

Book Accommodation

Featured hotels, tryp alicante gran sol hotel.

This 80-room seafront hotel is not the best looking among its peers with its 1970s build but has all the amenities you would expect – comfortable rooms, fully equipped bathrooms, air-conditioning and satellite TV. Rooms on the upper floors have great views.

Meliá Alicante Hotel

This established Alicante hotel is located between El Postiguet beach and the Marina, close to the town hall and the MUBAG Museum, and not far from the shopping district and the historic centre. Facilities include a business centre, restaurants and bars. Guests can use the spa at the adjacent Spa Portmaris.

NH Alicante

Modern design and comfort are combined in the NH Alicante, located just 10 minutes from the centre of Alicante. There is a smart, elegant air to the 100 spacious guest rooms, as well as a free spa, gym, cocktail bar, roof terrace and restaurant.

Hostal Les Monges Palace

This charmingly renovated budget hotel features brickwork, balconies, pillars and quirky interior touches in its 18 rooms, some furnished with antiques and wonderful paintings. Expect plenty of historical glamour despite the price – the building is more than a century old.

Hostal La Milagrosa

Set on a side street in the old town, this family-run hotel offers small, simply decorated rooms (some with shared bathrooms), plus complimentary breakfast served on a roof terrace with views of the town. There's also a shared kitchen and self-service laundry facilities.

Eurostars Lucentum

Named after the ancient name for Alicante when the Iberians and Romans lived there, 'Lucentum', this hotel is a good choice in terms of location. It's close to the central market, port and old quarter, and close to a new tram spot, great for sight-seers. The hotel has 169 rooms and free Wi-Fi connection.

© Columbus Travel Media Ltd. All rights reserved 2024

ALICANTE City & Beach

Discover Alicante with TURIBUS

Alicante has a service of tourist bus, known as Turibús , convenient for those who have few time to spend in the city or prefer this comfortable service. You can get on and off as many times as you wish during the day. A system of multilingual audio equipped with digital sound in 6 different languages is available as well as an access platform adjusted for those with restricted mobility.

  • Hop on and off at your leisure throughout the day and discover all of Alicante’s major points of interest.
  • Additional tours available.
  • Puerta del Mar Square
  • Juan Bautista Lafora Av. (Castle Lift)
  • MARQ Museum . Available free transfer to the Castle shuttle bus.  
  • Rambla Méndez Núñez
  • Plaza de España (  Plaza de Toros )
  • Mercado Central de Alicante
  • Los Luceros Square
  • Federico Soto Av. / Calvo Sotelo Square
  • Maisonnave  Av.
  • Bus Station
  • Mártires de la Libertad. Av.
  • The Ocean Race Museum area. Port

Practical information

  • Adults (13-65 years old): 10 Euros
  • Children (from 4 to 12 years old): 5 euros
  • Senior citizens (over 65 years old): 7 euros

Frequency: every 60 minutes.

Frequency during the hours of stay of cruise ships docked in Alicante every 30 minutes.

Journey time: approx. 50 minutes.

Phone: (+34) 965 269 369 From Spanish numbers: ( free phone) 900 101 575

Services for people with restricted mobility. Phone (+34) 965 140 936

To get more information: Tourist info offices

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  1. Alicante Spain Printable Vacation Surprise Trip Ticket

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  2. Una Tourist Card para Alicante

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  3. Alicante Spain Watercolor Printable Vacation Surprise Trip

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  4. Alicante ePostcard Citytrip

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  5. Alicante Spain Printable Vacation Surprise Trip Ticket

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  6. Descubre la nueva Alicante Tourist Card

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  1. Home

    Enjoy Alicante city (Spain), its formidable beaches, its delicious gastronomy and its most emblematic places. Official tourism website . Phone:+34 965177201

  2. Alicante City Tourist Board

    Tourist Board. The Alicante City Tourist Board (Patronato Municipal de Turismo y Playas Alicante) is the independent municipal body given the responsibility of promoting and marketing the city as a tourist destination on the Spanish and overseas markets. Its main functions include attending national and international tourism fairs, drawing up ...

  3. Prices, Timetables, Routes. All You Need to Know

    The Tourist Travel Card in Alicante also gives you access to one trip in the Turibus, a bus service designed for visiting the city which includes audioguides in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian.

  4. Alicante tourist office. Information

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  6. What to visit in Alicante

    Alicante beaches Some of Alicante's best tourist attractions are its excellent beaches. Year after year they receive the Blue Flag award by the European Union, which earns them well deserved international recognition.

  7. Transporte Alicante Metropolitano (TAM)

    Tarjeta Turística de Alicante Tourist Card: Tarjeta de validez temporal (24, 48 o 72 horas) que permite al usuario desplazarse por toda la ciudad, en bus o tranvía, combinado con un viaje en TURYBUS, autobús turístico de la ciudad, que recorre los puntos más atractivos de la ciudad ofreciendo una breve explicación en 5 idiomas (español ...

  8. Here's How You Can Get Around Alicante

    A ticket to travel within Alicante (Zone 1) will cost you approximately 1.35 Euros. You can also use the Bono Móbilis Multiviaje card (only within the first zone) or buy a voucher for 10 or 30 trips (also applies to other zones) to save some money. Credit: Pixabay. It's easy to buy tickets at machines and counters at the station.

  9. Prices, Timetables, Routes. All You Need to Know

    The TRAM service operates in underground tunnels in Alicante city centre and overground in the rest of the line. There are 6 TRAM lines split into 3 zones. Prices vary from 1.45€ single ticket for one zone to 3,90€ for single tickets for the 3 zones and the equivalent of 0,76€ to 1.90€ when using the most affordable travel cards.

  10. Is Alicante Worth Visiting?

    Alicante is a beautiful city in the province with the same name, in south-east Spain. There are many reasons why Alicante is worth visiting: Alicante is worth visiting for its history, heritage, culture, castle, picturesque beauty, mile-long beaches, coves, island, restaurants, contained prices, nightlife, good weather all year around, charming ...

  11. 3 Days In Alicante For Solo Travellers

    A Tourist Travel Card offering unlimited bus and TRAM rides for 24 to 72 hours is also available, with prices ranging from 6.50€ to 9€. TRAM: The Alicante TRAM, also known as Alicante Streetcar, provides a convenient way to travel to key areas in Alicante and connects to several important cities and towns along the northern Costa Blanca.

  12. 12 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Alicante

    Learn about the best places to visit with our list of the top attractions and things to do in Alicante. See also: Where to Stay in Alicante. On This Page: 1. Castillo de Santa Bárbara. 2. Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ) 3. Explanada de España.

  13. TAM Mobilis Bono Multiviaje travel card (Alicante)

    There is very little clarity about purchasing a `TAM Mobilis Bono Multiviaje` travel card for tourists or visitors coming to the Alicante region who wish to travel on both the tram & buses in 2022 and beyond.

  14. Alicante TRAM

    If you are a tourist and plan on using public transit during your stay, we highly recommend purchasing the public transport pass (plastic rechargeable Mobilis Card) for 2€ as this allows you transfers (transbordo) between different trams and/or bus lines within a 60-minute timeframe.

  15. Public transport

    Alicante is a comfortable city to walk around: distances are short and it's easy to get from one end of the city to the other. The city also has a public transport network which links the main points in the city with the surrounding areas.

  16. Fares

    Rest of Personalized PVC TSC. 4,00 €. 2,00 € ¹. ¹ Reactivation is only required for the following specific personalised cards in the TRAM d'Alacant network: cards for agreement tickets and cards for applying discounts for large families, single-parent families or foster families. If you wish to know which is your fare zone, please ...

  17. Ultimate Alicante Travel Guide for 2024

    Ultimate Alicante Travel Guide for 2024 Holidays to Alicante are popular and there are many direct flights to Alicante Airport from the UK, Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia. For many reasons the Alicante province and the Costa Blanca are a favorite holiday destination as well as a city break for travelers from Northern Europe.

  18. Tourist Card in Alicante

    Reply to: Tourist Card in Alicante Your message Read our community guidelines Get notified by e-mail when a reply is posted Preview Alicante forums Get answers to your questions about Alicante Ask a question See All Alicante Conversations

  19. Alicante Travel and Tourist Guide

    Alicante Travel Tips Alicante, the capital of Alicante province, is famous for its delightful climate, boasting more than 300 sunny days annually, making it a popular year-round tourist destination.

  20. Better have an Alicante Tourist Card to use public transport

    Alicante Tram: Better have an Alicante Tourist Card to use public transport - See 4,080 traveler reviews, 615 candid photos, and great deals for Alicante, Spain, at Tripadvisor.

  21. Getting around Alicante

    Renowned for its long sandy beaches, vibrant festivals and lively nightlife, Alicante is one of Spain's and Europe's main holiday hubs with good reason. This thoroughly Spanish city has a true Mediterranean air. Its wide esplanades, like Rambla de Mendez Nuñ

  22. Tickets

    Select a ticket Coordinated tickets Start your next route My trips

  23. Discover Alicante with TURIBUS

    Discover Alicante with TURIBUS Alicante has a service of tourist bus, known as Turibús, convenient for those who have few time to spend in the city or prefer this comfortable service. You can get on and off as many times as you wish during the day. A system of multilingual audio equipped with digital sound in 6 different languages is available as well as an access platform adjusted for those ...