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Firewatch – Guide and Walkthrough

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Guide and Walkthrough (PC) by nyiaor

Version: 2.1 | Updated: 12/18/2016 Highest Rated Guide

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Table of Contents

F i r e w a t c h, firewatch walkthrough.

  • Thorofare Loookout
  • Firewatch Audio Tour
  • Day 1 (May 1, 1989)
  • Day 2 (May 2, 1989)
  • Day 3 (May 3, 1989)
  • Day 9 (May 9, 1989)
  • Day 15 (May 15, 1989)
  • Day 33 (June 2, 1989)
  • Day 34 (June 3, 1989)
  • Day 64 (July 3, 1989)
  • Day 76 (July 15, 1989)
  • Day 77 (July 16, 1989)
  • Day 78 (July 17, 1989)
  • Day 79 (July 18, 1989)
  • Day 79 Thorofare Lookout
  • Thorofare Free Roam
  • Collectibles
  • Roaming Around
  • The Old Cabin
  • Cache Box Contents
  • Version History
  • version 2.1
  • December, 2016
  • Includes walkthrough for Audio Tour
  • Includes information on the Thorofare Free Roam

A 1989 adventure set in Wyoming's Shoshone National Forest.

  • Firewatch Walkthrough - detailed walkthrough
  • Firewatch Audio Tour - audio tour and speedrun
  • Thorofare Free Roam - just some basic information
  • 1975 in Boulder, Colorado - You meet Julia: So... what's your, you know, major? / You... You're pretty

Move the mouse around to look around. Look at the backpack. Pick up the backpack by pressing [ENTER] . Use [W,A,S,D] to move around. Exit the elevator. When you're ready to leave, walk to the truck (Colorado License GUA-628). You have a choice. You can LOAD GEAR into the Truck Bed or go to the Truck Door and GET IN .

  • You date for over a year
  • Julia wants to get a dog - a Beagle named Bucket / a German Shepherd named Mayhem
  • 1979 - Julia asks about having kids - That would be pretty good / One day. Why rush?
  • You and Julia get engaged

We've arrived at the Thorofare Trailhead.

Use [N] to check the compass. Use [M] to bring up the map and hold the Right Mouse Button to zoom in and move the mouse to look at the zoomed-in map.

You can go back to the car gate to look at a nearby fire danger sign featuring Ranger Forrest Byrnes. Look by the front passenger side tire. Pick up the Wyoming hat. You can also check out the Two Forks region map and notices on the bulletin board. Walk up the trail. We're just 26.2 miles from the Two Forks Lookout tower.

  • 1980 - Julia gets home late - You get mad / You ignore her
  • 1981 - Julia draws you - You pose and flex like He-Man / You frolic like a Victoria Secret's model

Continue walking along the trail. Just 8 more miles to the Two Forks lookout. 16 .2miles in one day isn't too bad a pace. Press [Spacebar] to hop over the obstruction, a fallen tree, in the path.

  • 1982 - The mugging - You scare him away / You beat his goddamn face in
  • 1984 - Plans to have kids get waylaid by work
  • Julia gets a job offer at Yale - Convince her not to take the job / Agree if she commutes
  • 1985 - Julia is sent home on paid leave - Talk to someone about it / Try to forget about it

You've made camp for the night. Pick up the journal.

  • 1987 - Julia is sent home on permanent medical leave
  • 1988 - You decide to move her / You take care of her yourself

Back hiking on the trail. You spot a deer.

  • (1989) (Moved Julia) Julia's sister Susan comes to visit
  • (1989) (Take care of Julia) You get a DUI and Julia is moved back to Australia by her family
  • Summer is coming and you and you see an ad in the paper for a job
  • You take it

We've arrived at the Two Forks Lookout Tower.

For people interested in exploring the first night, there are some limitations. You can't interact with any of the caches boxes marked on the map. You can go south to Cache 307, but trees block the way further to the south or west. The trail to the northeast of Two Forks is blocked by a sign. The path north of Cache 306 is overgrown and blocked. You need rope to climb down the Lake Trail to the west. A potential path south to Cache 308 is also blocked.

Climb up the stairs to the top of the lookout tower. OPEN the door to go inside. Let's take a look around the place in the dark so don't turn on the power yet.

You can look at the Flora of the Shoshone Poster on the wall, a Broken Clock above the desk, the Old Wood Stove , a Cookbook and National Forest Guide by the sink, a Water Jug , and the Map Table in the center of the room. At the foot of the bed is a bookshelf with two books: "Glory" by Michelle Macmanus and "The Singular Mind" by Dr. Jonas Allard . You can PICK UP a Pine Cone by the Old Wood Stove and there's another Pine Cone on the desk. You can OPEN the left Desk Drawer which has Eight the Hard Way by Richard Sturgeon.

You can interact with the Desk Lamp , the Lightswitch next to the door, and the blinking Generator Switch . You can't turn on the lights or the desk lamp without turning on the generator first.

USE the blinking Generator Switch to turn on the power. You can immediately turn off the lights using the light switch by the door.

  • Delilah: "Hello, Two Forks Tower!"
  • (Lights off) Delilah: "Your lights aren't on."
  • (Lights on) Delilah: "I know you're there. Your lights are on."
  • Delilah: "Hello, Two Forks? Come back. Pick up your radio."
  • Delilah: "Two Forks Tower, this is Thorofare Tower. Come in."

Talking and responding to Delilah is how you develop a relationship with her during the game. The more you talk to her and the more you reveal about yourself encourages Delilah to open up to you during the game so the more you discover about her. Delilah only knows what you report to her so the more you report the more Delilah will know about your situation. So at one end you can be totally open and honest with Delilah and at the other end you can only make the necessary responses, but you can be anywhere along the spectrum between the two extremes.

Most of the replies to Delilah are timed so you only have a limited time to make a response. For each dialog that has a choice the prompt will be followed by the available responses. Most of the available choices are included, but due to the complexity of the script in some parts not every possible combination of prompts and responses is documented.

Most of the choices look like this:

  • Speaker: Prompt

Campo Santo made all the scripts available for localization so you can parse the scripts.


  • PICK UP the Radio from the desk (required).

Hold Left Shift to activate the radio. Use the mouse wheel or the Up/Down Arrow Keys to highlight a response. Release Left Shift to respond with the highlighted response. This simulates using a walkie-talkie.

  • Henry: "Hello?" (required)
  • Delilah: "Sure, buddy. Now, go ahead."
  • "You've killed three ex-husbands."
  • "You're rebelling against mom."
  • "Nobody back home can stand you."

The day ends rather abruptly after Delilah's introduction.

April 28, 1989

Tomorrow's the big day. Was going to drive up today but there's a guy coming by from the University to grab another box of books and he was a real pain the ass about doing it before I left. Means I get to catch the Nuggets game tonight, not that Phoenix isn't going to take this series in three straight. There's always next year.

Not sure I'll get another chance to write until I'm settled in. I'm pretty sure the drive up to Lander is going to wipe me.

May 1, 1989

Hiked in last night. Got lost a lot on the way here. And then met my boss, Delilah. Real piece of work. Hopefully we don't have to talk to much. Maybe I'm just grumpy from lack of sleep. Didn't get a wink last night and was pretty sure there was a bear sniffing around my tent.

I actually made a good fire last night and flipped through Julie's journal. I still feel weird about having it but Susan thinks it's a good way to, what's the words she used "stay connected to the real Jules." But I was sitting there looking at it and I don't know if it's a good idea for me to keep doing that. It didn't feel good and yeah, like I said, I didn't sleep great after that but it was probably the bear.

Alright. It's late afternoon and I gotta check in with the boss. I imagine I won't have a hell of a lot to do.

Achievement: Love Turts

Adopted a pet turtle as a pet. The average lifespan of a box turtle is fifty years. It will outlive you.

Achievement: The Life and Times of Raccoon Carter

Got attacked by a raccoon; probably didn't get rabies.

The day starts just as you finish typing up your journal entry for the day.

Objective: Answer Radio Call

Pick up the radio from the charger so you can stand up from the desk and move around. Hold Left Shift to use the radio. At any time you can target anything of interest and hold down Left Shift to report to Delilah.

Objective: Locate "Round Thing"

The round thing is in the middle of the room.

  • Report Map Table (required)

Objective: Confirm what Delilah is Seeing

  • Look out the window over the sink and Report Fireworks (required)
  • Delilah: "Go down there and set 'em straight."
  • Like, kick the shit out of them sorta straight?
  • Do I write them a ticket?
  • I'm not really into discipline

Objective: Find Rope in NFS Cache Box 306

  • Delilah: "The code is "1-2-3-4". It’s actually that for all of them."

Let's look around the lookout tower now that we've moved in. On the desk is a Photo with Julia that can be picked up and examined. The right desk drawer can be opened and inside is a Two Orcs Map that you can report and a 20 Sided Die you can pick up. Next to the desk is a Fire Extinguisher and a box of Supplies. On top of the Old Wood Stove is a bottle of Bleach . The Stove next to the wood stove has a Coffee Percolator , a Kettle, and a Cast Iron Pan. There's a bottle of Dish Soap and a Pan by the sink. At the foot of the bed there's a cabinet with a bottle of Glass Cleaner and Old Scottish Oil Soap along with a Thermos . On the floor there's a Toolbox and another box of Supplies.

Three books have been added to the bookshelf: Death Strikes at Three by Richard Sturgeon, The Patriots by Donald Anderson, and The Birds of Wyoming by George Sinclair.

Donald Anderson may be a reference to Donald Anderson, a member of The Patriots from the Metal Gear series.

There's a Calendar hung up by the bed. The round object in the middle of the room is now identified as the Firefinder The Wyoming Hat hangs on a hook by the door.

Open the door to grab the backpack and head outside. Go down the stairs to exit the Lookout Tower.

Going Off the Beaten Path

Firewatch is pretty much Open World. You can explore any available area each day. Exploration has its pros and cons. Sometimes you can unlock scripts by exploring out of the way areas. On the other hand, sometimes you need to develop a better relationship with Delilah in order to have more detailed conversations.

Turtles Day 1

Turtles are hidden around the Shoshone and can be adopted as a pet. Turtles spawn on certain days in certain areas when you get in the general vicinity. Some of these spawn points may be mutually exclusive meaning that if you spawn a turtle in one area, a turtle may not spawn in a different area.

There are are currently six known turtle spawn points.

See Turtles for additional information.

The Yellowstone Fires

There is a definite path for the first couple of days. The first time you go off this path, Delilah calls and asks how you got recruited.

  • Delilah: "I take it you fell prey to the Forest Service's big recruiting effort?"
  • I got the job out of the paper
  • What do you mean?
  • I was looking for a job like this

Go north to the Two Forks Lookout outhouse

  • Report outhouse
  • Report generator (reply)
  • I actually like the outhouse
  • It's still gross
  • I feel like I'm going to be murdered when I'm in there
  • Pick Pp Wooden Sign and Report Wooden Sign
  • Reply to Delilah (2 times)
  • Inside the outhouse is an old baseball

Go north past a trail sign to a "Trail Closed" sign

  • Report Trail Closed Sign

Go back to the bottom of the stairs at Two Forks Lookout. Head straight ahead/west at the bottom of the stairs to the nearest Trail Sign. Jonesey Lake is just 0.7 miles away. If we stay on the trail we have to jump over a log to get to the Supply Cache 306.

  • Report Supply Cache (3 times)

The combination to open any cache box is 1-2-3-4. The fastest way to open a supply box is by using left mouse to open it and typing in 1-2-3-4 with the keyboard. You can also use the mouse wheel to change numbers and the left mouse button to set the number. Make an additional mouse click after setting the last number to open the lock. You can also use the movement keys with an additional [D] at the end to open the lock.

Cache Box 306

  • Open the Supply Box 306 by changing the combination from 8-0-0-8 to 1-2-3-4
  • Copy Map Information
  • Report the note (2 times)
  • Take and keep the Note from Dave 7.7.86
  • Report Granola Bar (choice)
  • You can Pick Up the Granola Bar and Eat Granola Bar
  • Report Old Rope (1x)
  • There's also a Pine Cone
  • Take the Old Rope (required)

Objective: Deal With Whoever Is Setting Off Fireworks

Take a look at the map. The north-south path just east from Cache Box 306 is blocked. There are two paths that go west to Jonesey Lake.

You can take a detour to the south to the Medicine Wheel.

  • Report Medicine Wheel
  • Report Medicine Wheel (2 times) for additional directions

From the Medicine Wheel, go northwest to head towards Jonesey Lake

You can go along the north path from Cache Box 306. Keep looking to the north.

  • Report This view...

There is nothing special along the south path from Cache Box 306.

Both paths lead to an uprooted tree.

  • Report clawed-up tree

If you go northwest from the clawed-up tree you can hear something like a wind chime at the bottom of the cliff.

All paths west to Jonesey Lake lead to the Shale Slide and a rope hook.

  • Report shale slide (updates name on map)
  • Delilah: "I don't remember it being that bad. It's not even named on our topos."
  • Maybe call it "Cripple Gulch."
  • I'd go with "Widowmaker."
  • What about "Shitty Boss Is Going to Get Me Killed Hill?"
  • Report Shales Slide (2 times)

Look at the Rope Hook and Attach Rope to Hook. Look at the shale slide, not the rope, and use [Spacebar] to rappel. Press [S] to descend and [W] to ascend. On your way down the rope breaks.

  • Report climbing accident

Go west and stay to the south. There's some old climbing gear to the left.

  • Report old climbing gear
  • Examine old climbing gear

Keep heading west.

  • Report meadow
  • Hell of a nice camping spot
  • These cliffs down here are something

Climb up to the northeast to a secluded area of the meadow.

  • Report raccoon

Zoom in on the raccoon. It's trying to eat a granola bar. As you try to get closer to the raccoon Delilah will suddenly shout out over the radio and scares off the raccoon. Climb down to return to the meadow and go west to the Meadow/Teen Party Zone.

  • Report beer cans (2 times)

You can pick up, examine, drop, and cleanup the beer cans. Cleaning up is optional.

You can carry one item (Beer can, Whiskey, Fireworks) from the Teen Party Zone to the lake. You can throw the Whiskey, the Fireworks, or a Beer Can into the lake.

  • Report backpacks (to the right/north by the rock outcropping)
  • Report whiskey
  • You can Pick Up and Keep the whiskey for later
  • Report bundle of fireworks
  • You can Pick Up the Bundle of Fireworks and drop them in the campfire
  • You can Pick Up and Confiscate the Fireworks
  • Report campfire
  • You can Stomp Out the campfire and Report Campfire again
  • Report clothes (to the west on the left/south)

Go northwest. There's a Blocked Trail here. Go west along the trail towards the lake.

  • Examine bra (hanging from tree) before reporting the bra
  • Examine panties (or skip if you want to examine a second set)
  • Report panties
  • Examine panties (only if you didn't examine the first pair)
  • Report second set of underwear
  • "There are TWO naked women."
  • "Forget it."
  • "I should just head back."

Continue along the trail to the lake shore.

  • Report finding them in the lake.

You can zoom in on the teens (creep). At any point during the confrontation you can Pick Up the teens' boombox to shift the confrontation. You can Put Back the boombox or you can throw the boombox into the lake. You can also head back to the Teen Party Zone to change or end the confrontation.

  • Confront the teens at the lake
  • I know you're lighting fireworks!
  • Quit the fireworks shit or else!
  • Please cool it with the fireworks, OK?
  • I took (all of your shit!)(your shit!)(your fireworks!)(your whiskey!) OR
  • I didn't touch any of your stuff
  • You don't know anything about me
  • I'm sorry for bothering you

The teens eventually leave. Delilah calls.

  • Delilah: "Hey, did that go okay?"
  • "It went fine."
  • "It's done."
  • "I might have got a little hot."

Objective: Find A Way Back To Two Forks Lookout

Let's look around the lake.

  • Report Jonesey Lake
  • This lake does seem like a good spot to swim
  • Any chance of those kids catching a disease in this lake?
  • Report Jonesey Lake (for directions)
  • Report boombox (if you didn;t throw it into the lake)
  • Report trail sign

You can go back to the Teen Party Zone.

  • Report the first bra again (on the trail back to the Teen Party Zone
  • Report the Two Pairs of Clothes again (at the Teen Party Zone)

If you left the whiskey or the fireworks behind you can go back for them.

Go back to the lake shore. Go northeast and cross the makeshift bridge.

Turn to the right around the boulder and look due east. There's a rectangular rock with a white mark along the top edge. You can climb up this rock and go down a short path to the Blocked Trail.

  • Report Blocked Trail (2 times)

Cache Box 305

Cache Box 305 is to the north along the lake shore.

  • Open Cache Box 305 (7-6-7-8 to 1-2-3-4)
  • Copy map for the area around Jonesey Lake
  • Note from Dave 8.29.86
  • The Fourth Estate by Richard Sturgeon
  • Report university sweatshirt

The trail north to Wapiti Meadow requires some rope.

North from Cache 305 you can sometimes find a turtle on a rock near the lake shore.

Look for a stream flowing into Jonesey Lake. Go east into Thunder Canyon and hike east. Delilah calls.

  • Delilah: "So, I have a bit of a confession to make."
  • "What is it?"
  • "It's not a big deal."

Keep going east through Thunder Canyon. Eventually you get to a point where you have to climb up. Look up and you can see the Two Forks Lookout to the right.

  • Report Two Forks Lookout
  • I can see my tower from far away
  • How do I get up to my tower?
  • You did not
  • So we're going to be together all summer?
  • The sarcasm is not going to get old

Keep going east in Thunder Canyon until you get to a narrow gap.

  • Report Storm
  • Delilah: "It just means we'll be busy. Hurry home. And try not to get hit by lightning."
  • "I got hit by lightning when I was nine."
  • Roy Sullivan story
  • "I'm not sure I have much of a choice."
  • Delilah: "Especially not with your ELECTRIC personality."
  • Of (keep responding to keep the conversation going)
  • Delilah: "I see my joke did not SPARK your sense of humor."
  • Delilah: "What, you're not enjoying our CURRENT conversation?"
  • Delilah: "The… the ARC of our budding friendship?"
  • How are you in charge?
  • How are you in… CHARGE?

Continue east to Cache Box 303

Cache Box 303

Open Cache Box 303 (6-4-7-9 to 1-2-3-4)

  • Copy map information
  • Report Flashlight, take Flashlight
  • Report Horn (choice)

Old Cabin Day 1

Instead of entering the cave and going directly back to Two Fork Lookout, you can go hike north. The path all the way north to Beartooth Point is blocked by trees. It is recommended to put off this hike until Day 3 or later.

Go north and clear the gap in the bush. Head north along the trail.

  • Report Utility Pole

You can keep going north to a trail sign.

  • See The Old Cabin for a recommended course of action

You can continue north. Both paths going further north are blocked by trees.

Backtrack to Cache Box 303.

  • Report Cave

Enter the cave.

  • Play with echo (2 times)
  • Report locked gate

Delilah says the rangers have the key, but it was reported lost three years ago. Climb Up out of the cave.

  • Report (some guy)(creepy guy)

Go up the trail. Jump over a broken bridge. The trail forks at the fences. You can climb up the rocks or go to the right to keep hiking on the trail. Both paths lead to an area where you have to climb up some rocks twice. At the top is a closed trail sign.

  • Report fallen "closed trail" sign
  • Report Thorofare Lookout (Delilah's Tower)

Go to the lookout tower

  • Report typewriter (at the bottom of the stairs)
  • You can pick up the typewriter

Go to the top of the lookout. You must report at least one act of vandalism (ransacked cabinets, bed, rumpled rug, broken glass, and/or broken window) to end the day.

  • Report broken window (2 times)
  • Report broken glass / rumpled rug / bed / ransacked cabinets

Delilah calls back.

  • Delilah: "Okay, I put in a call."
  • "That was fast."
  • "What can they do?"
  • Delilah: "Do you have any idea of who would've done this?"
  • "The girls at the lake?"
  • "Maybe the guy in the canyon… ?"
  • "Who is out here?"
  • Delilah: "I need you to feel safe out here."
  • "Don't worry."
  • "Just tell me where to find a gun."

Achievement: "Good first day."

Completed Day 1

May 2, 1989

Sleep is going to be a real problem. Without making this a list of all that's happening all of the time, for Henry from the future, this was the night your tower got turned over and your sheets were gone. Going to have to figure that out today because last night wasn't good and I'm fucking freezing.

I was a hundred percent sure I wouldn't have any Jules dreams out here since I was sleeping in a new place and everything but sure enough, during the thirty minutes I fell asleep around 5am, there we were back on the beach in Melbourne. There's that moment where I know it's coming, where I know the water is gonna come up and up and up and I think I'm gonna spew or my heart is going to stop or something but this time I woke up before anything happened. Maybe that's progress.

I had my fingers crossed that I would just be dreaming about squirrels and mountains and trees and shit but what are you going to do.

Turtles Day 2

If you didn't go off the beaten path during Day 1, the turtles have moved around a bit on Day 2.

See Turtles for more information.

Pick up the radio and check in.

  • Delilah: "...I tried radio'ing out and that's not working either."
  • "There's no back-up?"
  • "Can I go fix it?"
  • "Should I be worried?"

Objective: Survey Communication Lines North of the Canyon

Anything you picked up on Day 1 can be found in the lookout. The bottle of whiskey is on the desk. The bundle of fireworks is by the old wood stove. If you adopted a turtle on Day 1, the turtle can be found in a box by the bed.

Open the door and step outside onto the balcony. Look to the north.

  • Report Thorofare Lookout (3 times)

Go down the stairs. Head north to the outhouse. The storm knocked over a tree. This is a hint that other trees around the area have been downed by the storm.

  • Report fallen tree

Cold Morning Fog

Reporting the Cold Morning Fog starts a crucial conversation with Delilah where she starts to ask you some personal questions. This is a key relationship building moment so be ready for it. The Cold Morning Fog can be reported from multiple areas.

The fastest way to Beartooth Point is by taking the trail north and climbing down the canyon to the cave.

You can find a turtle at the Thorofare Trailhead south of the Two Forks Lookout if you didn't explore the trailhead on Day 1.

  • Report Landslide

Around Cache 307 by the Ruby River there is some Cold Morning Fog.

There is nothing to report down by the Medicine Wheel except the Medicine Wheel itself.

There's Cold Morning Fog around Cache Box 306.

Without some rope to rappel down the Shale Slide there's no way to get to Jonesey Lake via the Meadow/Teen Party Zone.

Head north past the Two Forks outhouse to the canyon. The "Trail Closed" sign is gone. Climb down the canyon trail to the cave. There's some Cold Morning Fog just outside the cave. Drop down into the cave and exit by Cache Box 303.

Reporting the Cold Morning Fog starts a conversation where Delilah can learn more about you depending on what you choose to tell her. If you want to be stand-offish then talk about your dog or the bar. If you want to be open, maybe too open, tell Delilah about Julia right away.

  • Report Cold Morning Fog
  • Talk about Bucket / Talk about Mayhem
  • Talk about Julia
  • Talk about your favorite bar (most interesting option if you got a DUI)
  • Delilah: "I love that bar. Why don't you go anymore?"
  • "I just don't."
  • "I took this job."
  • "I got a DUI."

Delilah starts talking to somebody else over the radio. Just listen.

Here's Delilah's side of the conversation.

  • Delilah: "Heyo. I don't think so. Why, have you?"
  • Delilah: "Okay. Good."
  • Delilah: "No, I don't think he has any idea."
  • Delilah: "I'm absolutely sure."
  • Delilah: "Would you?"
  • Delilah: "Alright. I'll let you know if anything changes in that regard."

Delilah starts talking to you again and picks up the conversation where it was left off. If you ask Delilah about that call, she gets annoyed and turns off her radio for a while. If you choose to talk about your dog/the bar/Julia then Delilah picks up some information about you and why you're in the Shoshone as a fire lookout over the summer.

  • If you talked about Bucket, Mayhem, or the Bar, Delilah asks about a girlfriend
  • (Julia) Delilah: "Anyway. Uh, Julia. Girlfriend? Ex? Sorry, I don't mean to pry."
  • "Ask about that call." - Delilah gets annoyed and turns off her radio
  • Talk about Julia - Delilah: "But you're here." (most interesting option)
  • Everything's fine
  • It's not your business (Delilah gets annoyed)
  • She's sick and I shouldn't be here

Start hiking north. If you didn't go off the beaten path on Day 1, clear away the bushes to continue north.

  • Report Utility Pole (2 times)

Continue hiking north until you reach a trail sign that points to Beartooth Point/Thorofare Fire Lookout.

East from the trail sign there's an Old Outhouse and an Old Cabin. However, nothing special can be done on Day 2 inside the Old Cabin. It is recommended that the Old Outhouse and Old Cabin be bypassed until Day 3 or later. That means don't report the Old Outhouse or the Old Cabin.

You do want to find the old Cache Box by the Old Cabin.

Open up Cache Box A44 (0-4-5-1 to 1-2-3-4)

  • Report Veteran's Hat
  • Pick Up Hat, Hold E to wear hat

Hike north from the sign. There's two paths further north. The west path is accessed by hopping over a fallen tree and making a couple of one-way long drops down. The east path simply continues north after you hop over a fallen tree.

Look for a path to the east that goes up to Cache Box 302.

Sometimes you can find a turtle on a rock just north from Cache 302.

This turtle may spawn only if you're wearing the Veteran's Hat from Cache Box A44 by the Old Cabin. I've made a save before hiking north, bypassed the Old Cabin and Old Outhouse completely, and not found a turtle by Cache Box 302. If I reload the same save, grab the Veteran's Hat from the cache box, and go to Cache Box 302 then the turtle is on the rock.

Cache Box 302

Open up Cache Box 302 (5-5-5-5 to 1-2-3-4)

  • Take Note from Ron 7.30.86
  • Report Note from Ron (7/30/86), keep note
  • Under the board is the book "Six Feet Down Under" by Richard Sturgeon
  • There are 3 pine cones in Cache Box 302

Look up at the highest utility pole.

  • Report the utility pole (at the top of the rock outcropping)

Objective: Inspect The Communication Line Up Close

Take a long drop down by the cache box. Head west and north towards Beartooth Point. Climb up.

For a more interesting report, skip reporting the beer cans .

  • Report beer cans (before getting to broken wire)
  • "Why do you think they'd be up here?"
  • "How can these girls be so stupid?"

Drop down the long drop. Turn around.

  • Report long drop

Go to the top of Beartooth Point.

  • Target the end of the wire and Inspect Cut Wire
  • Target the end of the wire and Report Cut Wire (required)

If you didn't report the beer, then you mention the message left by the cut wire. If you did report the beer, you never mention the message by the cut wire and there's no way to report the message to Delilah.

Objective: Find Teens

  • Report beer can

Head west from the cut wire and follow the beer cans.

You can go to the south under a stone arch to a Blocked Trail. You can report the Blocked Trail.

Keep going west and take a one-way trip down the long drop.

There are a couple of signs. One points south to Two Forks Lookout and Jonesey Lake while the other sign points north to Thorofare Lookout and the Supply Drop.

You can head north a fork in the path. To the west is the Supply Drop and Thorofare Lookout is to the east. You can open the Supply Drop but it's empty. You can take the path to Thorofare Lookout, but there's a ravine. You can Report Cable Car at the ravine.

Go south from the trail signs. Cross a tree bridge. If you look up at the top of the cliff you can see the loose ends of a couple of ropes. Go to the dead tree.

  • Report Hanging Backpack
  • Swipe Hanging Backpack
  • Take Brian Goodwin's Backpack

Inside Brian Goodwin's backpack there is a disposable Camera and ropes. Delilah tells you about Brian Goodwin and his father, Ned. They were stationed at Two Forks Lookout three years ago.

  • Delilah: "Yeah, I just haven't heard that name in a few years."
  • Delilah: "...They took off halfway through the summer."
  • Is Ned the guy from that note?
  • Did you keep in touch?

Press [C] to bring up the Camera. The number in the lower right corner shows how many pictures are left. When you first find the camera there's 18 pictures left. When you want to take a picture, press the Left Mouse Button when looking through the Camera viewfinder. There's a new Achievement available.

Achievement: Shutter Bug

Filled a disposable camera with photos.

Attach a rope to the rope hook. Rappel down. Repeat at the second rope hook to get to the bottom of the cliff.

There's a nice viewing area available to the north.

If Delilah knows about Julia and you told her everything was fine, Delilah calls.

  • Delilah: "Look, just so you know, I didn't mean to overstep by bounds, earlier, when you brought up your wife."
  • Well you did. You can't just do that, you know?
  • Delilah: "You can tell me about her, though, if you want."
  • She's actually sick
  • She's a college professor (most interesting option)
  • I'd rather not talk about it

Go to the cache box.

Cache Box 241

Open Supple Cache 241 (1-5-9-0 to 1-2-3-4)

  • Take Note from Ron 6.16.86
  • Report fossilized claw
  • There's a loose stone inside Cache Box 241

Head west/southwest to a chain link fence. "18 US CODE 1863" refers to the regulation that forbids trespassing on national forest lands that are closed to the public.

  • Report fence
  • Report fence (again) - Delilah: "Huh. That's weird."
  • Who are they keeping out?
  • What are they keeping in?
  • Could those girls be behind this fence?

Head south from the chain link fence and eventually you get to a Burned Area.

Delilah calls in with an update.

  • Delilah: "I'm having a hell of a time getting this fucking flapjack off his ass and out to repair that wire."
  • "…Flapjack?"
  • Want me to go back?

Enter the burned area.

  • Report burned area

Delilah let's you know you're around Mule Point. If you look to the southwest and look up you should see a thin column of smoke. You can report the thin column of smoke or wait and Delilah will point the smoke out to you later. As soon as you report the smoke the game autosaves from Find Teens to Find Smoke.

  • (Optional) Report column of smoke

If Delilah knows about Julia and that Julia is sick:

  • Delilah: "What does she have?"
  • Delilah: "What was it like when you guys found out?"
  • We didn't get it
  • Devastating

Continue going south until you get out of the burned area. Go to the east and attach a rope at the east rope hook that leads to the Thorofare Trail that goes between Cache 303 and Beartooth Point, but don't rappel down from here. Go south and climb down the rocks. Hike south to a rope hook.

If Delilah knows about Julia:

  • Delilah: "So, how'd you meet?"

Look south across the canyon.

  • Report canyon crossover

Attach a rope to the south rope hook going to Thunder Canyon. Rappel down and look west on the other side of the boulder. Attach another rope. From here you can rappel down into Thunder Canyon or you can climb back up and jump over the gap in the natural rock bridge and start climbing up. If you report the Canyon Crossover again, Delilah suggests heading back to the Two Forks Lookout.

If you rappel down into the canyon you can REPORT CANYON for some helpful directions from Delilah.

Along the way, Delilah can bring up Julia if Delilah knows about Julia. This conversation may only trigger if you rappel down into Thunder Canyon.

  • Delilah: "What are you gonna do when the fire season wraps up?"
  • Maybe I'll go visit her
  • I'm going home to Boulder
  • I don't know yet

Going through Thunder Canyon to Jonesey Lake is the short path. Going back to Two Forks Lookout is the long path. Going back to Two Forks Lookout is recommended. You can get back by climbing up from the Canyon Crossover or by going back through the Cave.

Let's take the Canyon Crossover. The climbing path leads to a long drop down by Cache Box 306. From Cache Box 306 you can go to the Two Forks Lookout or head to Jonesey Lake. Head back to Two Forks Lookout.

Once you get near the Two Forks Lookout or Jonesey Lake, Delilah reports a thin column of smoke off to the southwest if you haven't already reported the thin column of smoke.

  • Delilah: "Hey, do you see that?"
  • "You mean that smoke plume?"
  • "See what?"

Objective: Find The Source Of The Smoke

The first time you return to the top of the Shale Slide you can report the named Shale Slide.

Go to the bottom of the Shale Slide. Look along the south border for the rope hook. Attach a rope and rappel down. Follow the trail to Cache Box 309.

Cache Box 309

Open Cache Box 309 (6-6-9-3 to 1-2-3-4)

  • Report Missing Person Bulletin (more background on the Goodwins)
  • Delilah: "...He was just a PTSD'd a-hole who dragged his son out to do a job and realized it was a bad idea."
  • "You really didn't like that guy, huh?"
  • Did you say PTSD?
  • You sure a grizz didn't eat the Goodwins?
  • "PTSD? That doesn't sound good."
  • "Grizzlies won't kill a-holes?"
  • Take the Missing Person Bulletin
  • There are 3 Pine Cones inside Cache Box 309

Head south from the cache box.

  • Report lush woods

Go west and keep to the north. Sometimes there's a turtle on the rock by the two pine trees.

Go to the southwest area.

  • Report Vista

Turn around and head due north. Look for a short path going up near the bend in the stream.

Head pretty much due west from the first beer can to a second beer can on the other side of the stream.

  • Report Beer Can

Go southwest to the waterfall.

  • Report waterfall
  • Report scrap of fabric (in tree by waterfall)

Go north underneath the rock outcroppings to a clearing. Keep going north to find the campsite in the middle of the clearing

  • Report campsite (stomp out)
  • Report stolen sheets
  • Report Teen Zone magazine
  • Report "Dangerous Hunks" Teen Magazines
  • Report case of beer
  • Report destroyed tent
  • Report torn clothes
  • Report sleeping bag
  • Report note
  • Read Note from Teens

Reporting the Note from Teens

Let Delilah know the contents of the note. This starts the end of the day.

  • Report teens' angry note
  • "They're calling the police, they think I attacked them."
  • Delilah: "Oh my god. Well… did you?"
  • "No, but I destroyed their stereo."
  • "No way, I just stole their booze."
  • "I didn't do anything to them."
  • "Don't be ridiculous."
  • "It's just, uh… It's an apology for all of the trouble."

Achievement: "Back to work."

Completed Day 2

May 3, 1989

Think today's going to be "normal," although Delilah is having a hell of a time getting the communications wire fixed. Those girls did a real bang-up job fucking us over.

A few days before I left I got a call from Jules' dad. Realized I hadn't really talked to him over the past few years as much as I thought. I think I was so worried about getting Madeline on the phone whenever I would call that I just stopped calling altogether. I guess that's the sort of thing writing all this stuff down is supposed to make me realize.

Anyway, Mick just wanted to see how I was doing and wanted to have me out and I appreciated it because he's got that "ain't no worries, bloke" attitude but it doesn't feel right. I bet Madeline's been hard on him. Goddamn.

Here's something else I realized -- Jules liked my parents. She liked them both. But that didn't stop her from lying into me with "you're acting like your father," and I realize now that I love the parts of her that she got from Mick and the parts of her that she got from Madeline scared the living shit out of me. Except for the whole looks department. No denying she lucked out there.

Turtles Day 3

Objective: Find Boards Downstairs To Patch Window

  • Delilah: "Um, what do you look like?"
  • "Like Burt Reynolds."
  • "If Tom Cruise had a good looking twin."
  • "Do you know Rollie Fingers?"
  • If you don't reply, she guesses you're a hunchback
  • Delilah: "And if not shorts then what do you normally like to wear?"
  • "Clothes. I don't really think about it."
  • "Tuxedos, as often as possible."
  • "I try to look nice, usually."
  • If you don't answer, she assumes bowling shirts
  • Delilah: "Now tell me about your face..."
  • "I have a thick beard."
  • "My nose has been broken."
  • "You'll enjoy my thin mustache and long scar."
  • If you don't replay, Delilah says to just forget about it
  • Delilah: "Your eyes. Tell me."
  • If you don't reply, Delilah says she'll just make it up

Go down the stairs and gather up the loose boards. There's one board by the outhouse and four boards around the bottom of the lookout tower. Pick up at least three wooden boards.

Objective: Board Up Broken Window

Go back up the stairs and board up the broken window three times.

Roaming Around Day 3

You can hike around at this point and visit any previously visited areas. This is also a good time to carry stuff from the cache boxes back to Two Forks Lookout. See Roaming Around for a list of accessible areas and a list of the contents of the cache boxes.

Let Delilah know when you're ready to work.

  • Report Ready Now
  • Okay, I'm ready
  • Actually…
  • Report Really Ready Now to end the day

You're enjoying a meal in Thunder Canyon at the Canyon Crossover when Delilah calls.

  • Delilah: "Hello, Henry. Having a nice afternoon?"
  • "Yeah, great."
  • "I might never leave."
  • "Well, I was…"
  • Delilah: "...then you're probably the last person to have seen them."
  • "I'm happy to be questioned."
  • "I didn't do anything."
  • "It's probably a coincidence."
  • Delilah: "...Should I just not say anything and save us the trouble?"
  • "Yeah, don't."
  • "It's worth mentioning."

May 14, 1989

Man, Delilah. I took a hike this afternoon and she hits me on the horn and without a hello or anything says "what do you call noodles that aren't real" or something. Wait, no, it was "what do you call fake noodles," and then just yells "IMPASTAS!" and hangs up. Or whatever you do with a walkie-talkie. I can't let D know I thought that was actually really funny but I did. So I'll just write that here.

I was thinking I probably lucked out getting her in the supervisor's tower because what the hell would I have done had it been some crunchy guy or someone who spent all their time up there munching on LSD. Being stuck to a wackadoo would a whole lot worse than being out here on my own.

I think I picked up that word from her. Wackadoo. I sure as shit wouldn't have said that two weeks ago but she's kinda got that effect.

You get a call in the middle of the night.

Objective: Answer Delilah

You can't leave the Lookout. Pick Up the Radio.

Objective: Talk To Julia

  • Julia: "Hey, you big dumb idiot."
  • "Hi Julia."
  • "You're a big dumb idiot."
  • "Babe, it's late."
  • Julia: "Are you having a nice time?"
  • "It's good here."
  • "I'm fine, are you?"
  • "Some weird stuff happened."

June 2, 1989

I realized that NBA Finals are this week and I don't even know who is playing. Probably the Lakers. There were some elk up near the tower yesterday, in the evening. They walked right up the path from the lake and grazed their way back down the other side. I caught myself thinking about Jules and that she would've drawn them. Especially the bulls with the big horns. Antlers. Yeah.

The problem is I realized I hadn't thought about Jules much this week. I went back and looked through my pages and she's not in there. Just the job and talking to Delilah. Me thinking about what I'm going to do this fall (jack shit). I got a little upset thinking about maybe there was a moment she was thinking about me while I wasn't thinking about her. And then I started thinking about why the hell am I out here and why am I not just with her, taking care of her, seeing how she's doing. What if she's doing better and I don't even know. I don't think Mick and Madeline would even know how to get ahold of me. If they did I don't even know if they would. If they did what I would do.

I have a couple good weeks and then all of a sudden I can't stop thinking why the fuck am I out here?

Turtles Day 33

Objective: Hike North To Retrieve Supplies

We start out around Mule Point just south from the Burned Area.

Delilah brings up the call from Day 15.

  • Delilah: "I hope you're doing okay, when it comes to her."
  • "I shouldn't be here."

Roaming Around Day 33

Hike north and east to get to Cache 241. Climb up the two ropes and cross the log bridge. Take a left at the fork to get to the supply box. Same combination as the other boxes (9999 to 1234).

You must take the supplies for Two Forks. You can also choose to take the supplies for Moss Peak and/or Spruce.

  • Report getting supplies to end the day

This day only happens if you took additional supplies from the supply box the previous day.

Delilah calls you while you're on the way to the outhouse with a roll of toilet paper in your hand. She asks if you took more than just the supplies for Two Forks...

If you don't reply, she assumes you're guilty.

There are no journal pages on the desk.

We step outside. There's a fire off to the south. To hear a bit of easily missed dialog, look to the north at Delilah's Tower.

Objective: Talk to Delilah

  • Delilah: "But why don’t you do the honors?"
  • How about "The Big Fire"?
  • Maybe "The Flapjack Fire"
  • What about "Delilah"?
  • If you don't choose, Delilah names it "The Elk Fire"
  • Delilah: "You'd like it there."
  • I've had a bad time with tequila
  • I would if I was with you

Turn around and Report the fire (required) .

  • Delilah: "I’m glad you’re here."
  • Sure you are
  • Why do you say that?
  • Delilah: "I wish I was over there."
  • Delilah: "...We could, um… You know."
  • What could we do?

July 15, 1989

There was a meteor shower last night and man, if you've never been a hundred miles from a street light during one, you're really missing out. I sat outside with my feet on the railing and watched them zoom overhead until three in the morning. Even with the fire still burning they were the brightest shooting stars I've ever seen. D hung in til past midnight and we had a good time watching them together.

I've been thinking a lot about life after working out here. One thing is for sure -- I want to come back next year. Would be great if D was back in Thorofare and I got to do Two-Forks again. D was saying that the Forest Service likes to keep people in the same lookout, you get better at the job that way. I guess, so maybe I'll leave my typewriter out here over the winter so I don't have to hike out with it on my back.

After the season I was thinking I'd see if there was more NFS work out there or call up Dixon at Cotton Mountain and see about working at the slopes. Would be nice to get back into skiing and honestly after a couple months of being outside I'm not sure I'm ready to be stuck in doors. We'll see.

Turtles Day 76

Objective: Catch Fish in Jonesey Lake

You're on the way to Jonesey Lake with a Fishing Pole in hand.

  • Delilah: "...I think sometimes it riles up the wildlife."
  • "Problem bear?" Fuck that.
  • Is "problem" a euphemism?

Objective: Search The Lakeside for Bear Tracks

If you want to keep the fishing pole than don't put it away or try to fish at the lake. If you put the fishing pole away, it basically disappears. If you try to fish at the lake, you end up throwing the fishing pole into the water. You can still jog, climb, and jump while holding the fishing pole.

Roaming Around Day 76

At this point, you can roam around again instead of searching for the bear tracks. The available locations are the same as on previous days. See Roaming Around .

Hike to Jonesey Lake. There's a clipboard on a rock by the shore. There are two pages. The first page is a radio log. The top page has some scrawled notes.

Goodwin Radio Log (5/2/89 to 6/30/89)

5.2.89 - Hiked to BT point, severed radio com

5.3.89 - D never called for hiker list - Re-rigged Delano to pick up dual freq. --> can hear D and 2F at concurrently

5.8.9 - 2F hiked by cave - he seems less interested

5.15.89 - 2F --> JULES (Julian? Julia?)

6.15.89 - 2F is a good guy - Haven't seen Mama Grizz in two months

6.30.89 - D drunk again

6/31/89 - 2F DAY 64

  • D: Front row seat - biggest fire of the year
  • H: "Really going"
  • D: I don't talk to the other lookouts as much as I talk to you. Not in the same way
  • D: Feelings for 2H <-- maybe just drunk
  • JL 2F (nexus over 3 times weekly)

Rainbow Strikes

  • 6:30AM : 15 PM
  • 6:40 : 13 PM
  • 6:50 : 21 PM
  • 7:05 : 26 PM (7:05 is circled)
  • 7:15 : 17 PM
  • 7:30 : 17 PM
  • 8:00 : 12 PM

Fire Routes

  • northwest - YNP border
  • far side - J. Lake
  • Bridger Peak
  • D: Happy 4th of July!
  • H: Fireworks? (Ha - Ha)
  • D: All night!

7/5/89 - Day 70

  • D: Would you kill Paul McCartney to bring back Jimi Hendrix?
  • H: Absolutely
  • D: Me too! (me three)
  • D: What's your favorite music?

--> inaudible --> relocate?

  • Report clipboard

Objective: Inspect Clipboard

  • Pick Up Clipboard
  • Inspect Clipboard

Objective: Locate Strange Noise Towards Canyon

Roaming Around Day 76 (2)

Here's another opportunity to go rogue if you feel like Roaming Around .

Go north past the trail sign and cross the log bridge.

Objective: Locate Strange Noise Nearby

  • Report dropped radio
  • Pick up the red radio
  • Delilah: "...and they came back to sucker punch you."
  • I know what I saw
  • Why would I make this up?
  • There are people listening
  • Henry: "...and talking to God knows who."
  • What is going on behind that fence?
  • We should leave
  • I'll get to the bottom of this

If you have already explored Wapiti Meadow and tried to break the lock on the gate then the conversation goes a little bit differently. Delilah tells you to go find the firefighters. The Explore Wapiti Meadow objective is skipped and the game goes to Find Firefighters .

Objective: Explore Wapiti Meadow

Let's go explore Wapiti Meadow. Head northwest and follow the shore of Jonesey Lake to Cache Box 305.

If this is your first trip to the Cache Box, go ahead and check it out.

  • Open Cache Box 305 (7-5-7-8 to 1-2-3-4)
  • Copy Map information
  • Take and Keep Note from Dave 8.29.86
  • Report Old Sweater
  • "The Fourth Estate" by Richard Sturgeon

Sometimes you can find a turtle north from Cache Box 305 by the lake shore.

Head northeast from Cache Box 305 to a rope hook. Attach a rope and rappel down into the canyon. Jog through the canyon.

Keep going north.

  • Report gate

If this is your first trip to the gate, then you want to try to open it. Shove the Gate. Look around for a Loose Stick on the ground. To the north are a couple of loose rocks. You can try to pry open the gate using the loose stick and try to break off the lock using the loose rocks. Nothing works.

  • Report that you can't get in

Delilah suggest you go to the Scout Camp to the southeast by the Ruby River.

Objective: Look For Controlled Burn South Of Ruby River

The Ruby River area is south from Two Forks Lookout. Head back to the area around Two Forks Lookout.

Delilah calls with an update.

  • Delilah: "...Things seems normal with everyone else."
  • Should we call the cops?
  • Anything strange with you?
  • Are the lookouts telling the truth?

Call Delilah with a question.

  • Report About My Radio
  • Delilah: "I don’t know… what?"
  • Intercepting our frequency?
  • Tailing me?
  • Nothing, just feeling paranoid."

Now Delilah calls you back with a question.

  • Delilah: "...just how scared he would've been."
  • His dad could protect him
  • Maybe he'd actually enjoy it?
  • I'm sure he's fine

Return to Two Forks Lookout. Go south to Cache Box 307.

An alternate path is going to the Medicine Wheel and going south to Cache Box 308.

  • Report controlled burn (2 times)

If this is your first trip by Cache Box 308, then swing by and check it out.

  • Open Cache Box 308 (1-1-1-1 to 5-6-7-8)
  • "Three Blind Mice" by Richard Sturgeon

From Cache Box 308 you want to hike south then head east. You'll pass the Big Tree landmark. Keep going east to the pond.

Objective: Find Firefighters In Old Scout Camp Past Controlled Burn

Head southeast to the pond.

  • Report sign post (by pond)
  • Report Pork Pond
  • Report wrecked snowmobile
  • Report stripped engine

Stay to the south and go east to get to the gate for Camp Arapahoe.

  • Report Camp Arapahoe
  • Report collapsed bridge

Turn around and go through the broken fence on the right/north. Head northeast to the edge of the ravine and get to the top of a rock outcropping. Make a one-way long drop down to the east side of the ravine. Go to the totem pole. If you go to the southwest/right you can follow the fence west to the other side of the collapsed bridge.

Go east to get to the cabins.

  • Ask about the scouts
  • Delilah: "...Plus it was sorta fun to hear about all of his nerdy hobbies."
  • He wasn't scout material, huh?

Let's take a look around

  • Report old shelters

Check out the middle shelter. Inside is a copy of the Missing Person Bulletin that was found in Cache Box 309 by File Mile Creek. Look in the north corner of the shelter. Behind the board is the book "Ten To One" by Richard Sturgeon.

  • Report bear trap (middle shelter)

Check out the old shelter to the north. Inside to the northwest there's a board with a Hunter's Mark (from Bloodborne).

Go northeast to the outdoor amphitheater.

  • Report missing firefighters

Sometimes you can find a trowel and roll of toilet paper on one of the stumps. This may only happen if you have a good relationship with Delilah.

  • Report trowel

Firewatch's audio commentary is now available as a free eBook

The Campo Santo hiking trip turned 5 this month.


Now that we're all locked in our houses for the foreseeable future, Firewatch's publisher Panic is helping us revisit Wyoming's woodlands with a free transcription of the Firewatch Audio Tour .

Announced on twitter , the transcription is more than just a handy way to read some Firewatch dev insights. An introduction from Panic's Cabel Sasser explains that due to "time constraints", the original audio tour was missing subtitles, making it inaccessible for many people.

"So, over the course of a few years, I’ve gradually transcribed all of the Firewatch Audio Tour tracks, and they are all collected within, for you," Sasser writes. "My apologies in advance: there will almost certainly be typos and errors as I steamrolled towards the finish line."

Firewatch's Audio Tour arrived a few months after launch , adding over three hours of commentary from the game's developers and voice cast. Here, that translates to 175 pages of insights on everything from writing the game's tangled net of character relationships, to the fiddlier aspects of lighting and optimising Firewatch's hazy mountain trails.

Two years after Firewatch's release, Campo Santo teased stunning follow-up In The Valley Of Gods . Unfortunately, the developer was later snapped up by Valve—and while it looked like the game would be reworked as a Valve project, it was eventually put on hold as Campo developers moved onto Half-Life: Alyx and assorted Valve projects.

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20 years ago, Nat played Jet Set Radio Future for the first time, and she's not stopped thinking about games since. Joining PC Gamer in 2020, she comes from three years of freelance reporting at Rock Paper Shotgun, Waypoint, VG247 and more. Embedded in the European indie scene and a part-time game developer herself, Nat is always looking for a new curiosity to scream about—whether it's the next best indie darling, or simply someone modding a Scotmid into Black Mesa. She also unofficially appears in Apex Legends under the pseudonym Horizon.

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firewatch audio tour 31

firewatch audio tour 31

Firewatch Adding Free Audio Tour, Free Roam Mode

Going For A Walk, Man

You may think Firewatch [ official site ], the utterly spectacular first-person adventure from Campo Santo, may not be the most obvious choice for free DLC. But rather than meddling with the original game, Campo are adding a new mode called Audio Tour, a commentary mode in the form of a scavenger hunt! And later this year, the much-requested free-roaming mode will come our way. We've spoken to Campo Santo's Sean Vanaman and Jake Rodkin about the new bits and pieces, along with new screenshots and the first look at the new trailer.

Cover image for YouTube video

When we heard early word of today's DLC announcement, we immediately assumed it would be a new romancing option for Delilah. "Yes, we're calling it 'our Mass Effect 3'", said Campo co-top-man, Vanaman, before quickly correcting himself. In fact, it's to be The Firewatch Audio Tour, in which protagonist Henry picks up and dons a Walkman and headphones before starting his adventure, and then makes his way through the original plot with the addition of over 100 tape cassette kiosks to the woodlands to find. On these tapes will be anecdotes and recollections from the development team on how the game came to be, the encounters you're experiencing, and the choices they made.

Regarding just a straight director's commentary style overlay, Vanaman says, "Easy peasy, those have been done before." Instead, Campo studio director Rodkin came up with the idea of a scavenger hunt, a way to make the new content something the player has to seek from the wilds of Wyoming. They're not all there at once - you still play through the narrative of the game, so new kiosks will appear as days progress. "Each tape tells you what you're going to learn about, and your map has a checklist of all the tapes that exist in the world on that day of the game."

firewatch audio tour 31

And it's not just audio. Vanaman continues, "Furthermore, we've hidden a bunch of "how we make the game" set pieces throughout the world. Here is [a gif of] one about how we animate Henry and another about how we concept out a scene:

Free Roam mode is still a while away, but Rodkin tells us exists because "it's one a lot of people asked for". This mode will remove the narrative of the game, and instead give Henry all the equipment he gathers right at the start, and lets players just explore the space at their leisure. It shall, indeed, genuinely be a 'walking simulator'. "There's a type of person who really likes the world of Firewatch and the "virtual hiking"/sightseeing/tourism aspect of exploring it," Rodkin tells us, "and wanted to be able to live in it for a little while, poke around at their own pace without having to feel the pressure of the story. It seemed like we had all the tools ready to make a mode just for them so we did!"

firewatch audio tour 31

Of course, Firewatch presents its world in static moments, the time of day advancing as the player moves forward through the days of the story. But rather than pick a moment and have players live in it, they're going further. Rodkin explains, "We took all the times of day used across the game and reworked them as a proper constantly progressing time of day system. So there's now a running day/night cycle where the sun goes down and comes up on its own, crickets come out at night, birdsong in the morning, etc."

With the traversal equipment from the start, it allows people to experience what Rodkin calls "a normal day in Henry's life". Except he won't have the radio for this mode, but instead the Walkman again, this time to let him listen to the soundtrack on demand as he wanders.

firewatch audio tour 31

I wondered whether these new additions to what is an essentially closed loop of a game was because Campo Santo weren't ready to move on from the world they'd spent so long creating, a frustration that they wanted to spend longer there. But Vanaman says it was otherwise. "We talked about this a lot - our feelings about moving on. We weren't really frustrated by the closed nature of the story because we felt we could do more in the world of Firewatch if we wanted to. We talked about it a lot as a team. In the end, this super-robust commentary mode is less of a "not ready to give it up," (we are ready and are moving on to new stuff) and more just a snowballing of ideas. It started as a really basic thing and then became this scavenger hunt with a tour theme and set pieces. That was just excitement."

firewatch audio tour 31

And it seems a lot of the motivation behind delivering such an expansive and detailed audio commentary is born of the nature of the character of the team. "We felt like we had a lot to say about the game," says Vananman. "That was the driving force behind the audio tour, nothing else. And not like 'our thoughts about the story,' but 'we should tell the story of how me made this bizarre thing.' The personalities at the studio are such that we felt like it would be entertaining for owners of the game and that's sort of the bar of doing something: are we inspired to spend our very limited time on something and do we think it's entertaining?" But, he concedes, "Also, a few months ago we weren't really ready to jump into a new game and this was a way to keep playing with our tools, which we wanted to do! You get good at making a game right about the time you ship it."

We'll let you know the release date for the Firewatch Audio Tour as soon as it's announced. Free Roam mode will be a few weeks further down the line.

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Firewatch’s Audio Tour Is Now Available As A Free Ebook


Firewatch is an example of narrative perfection within the world of video games. Its huge success is exactly why developer Campo Santo created an Audio Tour mode, and now the developer has gone one step further. Firewatch fans can enjoy the audio tour in the form of an ebook, with a free 175 page PDF!

Scene from indie game Firewalk

The ebook’s announcement was made by Panic on Twitter:

“Five years ago, we published Firewatch. It changed a lot of things for us. We were lucky to be a part of it . To celebrate, we’ve finally transcribed the built-in Firewatch Audio Tour — packed with development insight — into a 175-page PDF book . Enjoy. “

? Five years ago, we published Firewatch. It changed a lot of things for us. We were lucky to be a part of it. To celebrate, we've finally transcribed the built-in Firewatch Audio Tour — packed with development insight — into an 175-page PDF book. Enjoy. https://t.co/au23lzatFo — Panic (@panic) February 17, 2021

In case you weren’t aware, the game’s Audio Tour is essentially like a director’s style commentary that adds context to the game’s characters, events and artistic choices. 

The Firewatch ebook has 175 pages across 85 chapters, offering plenty for avid readers! The PDF ebook also has a foreword from Panic’s Cabel Sasser, which details the Audio Tour’s journey to becoming an ebook:

“Firewatch was released on February 9th, 2016, which feels like simultaneously yesterday and four thousand years ago. Later, on September 21st, the game was updated to add a brand new mode: the Firewatch Audio Tour. 

Scene from indie game Firewalk

“At the start of this mode, in the prologue’s garage, Henry was provided with a Walkman and some headphones, and his world became dotted with audio tour stations. The stations dispensed an unlimited supply of cassette tapes, each of them revealing the stories behind Firewatch’s development. Some of the stations even had connected exhibits — signs and monitors showing concept art and tests. It was really cool.

“Due to time and technical constraints, though, the Firewatch Audio Tour could not have subtitles, limiting its accessibility and worldwide audience. So, over the course of a few years, I’ve gradually transcribed all of the Firewatch Audio Tour tracks, and they are all collected within for you. (My apologies in advance: there will almost certainly be typos an d errors as I steamrolled towards the finish line.)”

Scene from indie game Firewalk

Firewatch’s Audio Tour mode is a great way to revisit this indie classic . The addition of an ebook will also provide accessibility for more players than ever before!

Fancy giving Firewatch a try? The game’s currently available for download on PSN, Xbox Live and Steam. You can also download the ebook version of the game’s Audio Tour here.

Have you claimed your free Firewatch Audio Tour ebook?

Featured Image Credit: Campo Santo/Panic

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About firewatch, merchandise.

Tell me about Firewatch!

Firewatch is a single-player first-person video game where you, as a man named Henry, explore the Wyoming wilderness after taking a summer job as a fire lookout. What is supposed to be a peaceful respite from your complicated life takes a turn when you start to question some of the things that are happening to you.

Your only human connection is over a handheld radio, which you’ll use to speak with your supervisor Delilah about the things both of you are experiencing.

Well, that's a real tease.

Firewatch is incredibly story driven! To tell you more would be to deprive you of the joy of discovery. You’re going to forge a living, breathing relationship and uncover a tense, unexpected mystery.

I’m not here to learn about Firewatch. I’ve got a problem with my copy of the game! Or my in-game photos!

Please visit our support website .

If you're playing the Windows, Mac, or Linux version of the game, check out the Firewatch Steam forums because we might have already solved the problem.

P.S. Video game development is very hard. We’ll try to solve your issue quickly and to the best of our abilities.

I, on the other hand, AM here to learn about Firewatch. What platforms is it on?

Windows, Mac, and Linux via Steam , as well as Nintendo Switch via the Nintendo Store , PlayStation 4 via PlayStation Store , and Xbox One via the Microsoft Store . It's $19.99.

What about the soundtrack?

You can buy the game's original soundtrack digitally on Bandcamp or Steam .

Can I get a hard copy?

Not currently! We don't have plans to bring it to store shelves (or online store shelves), but we'll announce it if that changes.

What about VR support?

We have no plans to release the game in VR right now, but we've collaborated with a few friends to bring elements of Firewatch into virtual reality. For free!

If you have an HTC Vive, visit the Firewatch tower that our artist Jane Ng created for Valve's Destinations .

Will Firewatch be localized to my language?

Firewatch has localized subtitles on Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Mac, and Linux in Russian, French, German, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese. Firewatch has localized subtitles in Japanese on Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Mac, and Linuxx.

Can I stream this game? Can I make money off of those streams?

Yes. We love that people stream and share their experiences in the game, and we extend the priviledge of streaming and monetizing our games on Twitch, YouTube, Steam, and elsewhere to our customers.

Streaming and Let's Plays are implicit but revokable privileges, and if you happen to be among the very, very, very, very few players who use your platform to spread hate or harassment, we would prefer that you not use our games in your content.

Who made this?

Firewatch was developed by Campo Santo, an independent video game studio whose members have made some games you might have enjoyed, including Mark of the Ninja, Brutal Legend, The Cave, BioShock 2, and The Walking Dead: Season 1.

Who was your publisher?

Firewatch was published as a joint venture by Campo Santo and Panic Inc., a Portland-based software company. You can read more about their relationship here and here .

Could you tell me more about your development process?

If you own Firewatch, you should try the Firewatch Audio Tour! It's an in-game commentary mode, with hours of behind-the-scenes insights and conversations between all of the people who made the game. You can find it in the Special Features menu when you start Firewatch. If you want to read along with the Audio Tour (or just read it - it's a good read!), a full transcript of our developer commentary is available .

For even more, you can also browse the development blog archives. You can find art and process posts, photos from the studio, livestreams, team Q&As, and more.

What technology was Firewatch built with?

Firewatch is being developed in Unity with lots of help from the add-on community. Along with many other tools, the game world makes use of SECTR Complete , an excellent piece of Unity scene streaming middleware. We also used proprietary dialogue and event tools, which programmers Will Armstrong and Patrick Ewing discussed in this GDC presentation .

You didn't answer my question!

Come talk to us on Twitter ! If you're having a technical problem, head to our support site or post on the Firewatch Steam forums !

Tech Support

Streaming & let's plays.

© 2016 Campo Santo, in cooperation with Panic.

Firewatch is a trademark of Campo Santo.

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Firewatch (EU) Firewatch Audio Tour

Firewatch Audio Tour

Firewatch Audio Tour Trophies

The Firewatch Audio Tour Title update for Firewatch (EU) has 5 trophies - 5 bronze.

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  • 5 Offline Mode
  • 5 Single Player
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Filled a disposable camera with photos.

Got attacked by a raccoon; probably didn't get rabies.

Got stung by a bee. It happens.

Adopted a turtle as a pet. The average lifespan of a box turtle is fifty years. It will outlive you.

Listened to the tape of "Ol' Shoshone." Cavorted among the aspens.

Firewatch's funny and thoughtful developer commentary is now a free ebook

Read the true story of Turt Reynolds


Firewatch just turned five this month, and now you have a new and extra-accessible way to access dozens upon dozens of stories from the creation of the modern classic.

Firewatch first came out in February 2016, and an update in September added in the Firewatch Audio Tour; essentially a developer walkthrough mode which added in a series of self-guided tour stations throughout the game that dispense cassettes that you can play to hear more than 80 stories from the developers about how they made the game. Up until now, the only way to hear these stories was to go back and play the game, but now Firewatch publisher Panic has marked the game's fifth anniversary with a fully transcribed ebook version of the Firewatch Audio Tour.

🔥 Five years ago, we published Firewatch. It changed a lot of things for us. We were lucky to be a part of it.To celebrate, we've finally transcribed the built-in Firewatch Audio Tour — packed with development insight — into an 175-page PDF book. Enjoy. https://t.co/au23lzatFo February 17, 2021

Inside its pages, you can find revelatory and amusing snippets about the making of Firewatch. Here's a sample from the book, with writer Sean Vanaman detailing the origins of Henry's beloved pet turtle, Turt Reynolds - or whatever you decided to name it.

"You can definitely launch this turtle right into the lake and hopefully Henry will say something about it if you do. Which is one of my favorite moments in the game. And then I think Turt Reynolds, the name you can choose for him was a bad joke made by a guy who shares an office with us. Zach Johnson of Kingdom of Loathing, he came out and said, what about Turt Reynolds? And we all groaned and then I wrote it down."

The Firewatch developers recently shared some unseen art and a hidden arcade mode for the game - or at least one version of it.  

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I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University - though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I've previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I'm a staff writer here at GamesRadar.

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firewatch audio tour 31


  1. Firewatch Audio Tour

    firewatch audio tour 31

  2. (HELP) Where is Audio Tour 31 on Day 78? : r/Firewatch

    firewatch audio tour 31

  3. Galería: Firewatch Audio Tour

    firewatch audio tour 31

  4. Galería: Firewatch Audio Tour

    firewatch audio tour 31

  5. Slideshow: Firewatch audio tour

    firewatch audio tour 31

  6. Galería: Firewatch Audio Tour

    firewatch audio tour 31


  1. Firewatch

  2. Firewatch Audio Tour

  3. Hi-Fi & High End Show 2023: Главное аудиофильское шоу года

  4. Firewatch Audio Tour

  5. Firewatch Audio Tour

  6. Firewatch Audio Tour


  1. (HELP) Where is Audio Tour 31 on Day 78? : r/Firewatch

    Both Point 31 and 47 is in Cave 452. I do not know why I can't get the text together with the picture up there. ORIGINAL TEXT: The location is apparently on the spiral (windy) path from the cave to Two Forks (the same path you took on the first day back to camp AFTER seeing Ned). I took a snap shot of the map and I should be seeing it but I don't.

  2. Audio Tour Order : r/Firewatch

    First tip: use your map in Audio Tour mode. It makes things easier. You'll be happiest if you complete it in approximately the order of the game. We built it as if it was "real," in that there are a fixed number of stations out in the world, and they are active if have content relevant to that day. So on day 2 a different set will be ...

  3. Firewatch

    The Firewatch Audio Tour walkthrough only goes over what you need to do to find each Audio Tour Station and end each day. Prologue. ... (7/8) (Audio Tour 31) Discovering Brian's Body (at the bottom of the Deep Shaft) Step Over Brian Goodman's body; Follow the path to exit the cave

  4. The Audio Tour is amazing :: Firewatch General Discussions

    I am about to finish my play-through with the audio tour and I find it very interesting. The one thing I wish is that I could pause the game play while the tapes were playing. Ifound it hard to focus on the tape while also responding to Delilah in quite a few scenarios. #5. zen.state Oct 26, 2022 @ 6:45am.

  5. PDF Firewatch Audio Tour 1

    Firewatch was released on February 9th, 2016, which feels like simultaneously yesterday and four thousand years ago. Later, on September 21st, the game was updated to add a brand-new mode: the Firewatch Audio Tour. At the start of this mode, in the prologue's garage, Henry was provided with a Walkman and some headphones, and his

  6. Firewatch

    The original trophy list of Firewatch had 5 hidden trophies but they were all story related and couldn't be missed. With the free Firewatch Audio Tour game mode (added with the 1.04 & 1.05 patches) there are 5 new miscellaneous trophies added. The Firewatch Audio Tour Mode is just a new game mode where you can play the game with commentary from ...

  7. Firewatch Audio Tour

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

  8. Firewatch Audio Tour

    The game Firewatch offers an audio commentary from the developers after finishing the game for the first time called Firewatch Audio Tour. This allows us to ...

  9. Firewatch

    The Audio Tour is a free update added to Firewatch, it's a separate mode that had audio commentary from the developers as you play. Audio Tour also adds five easy bronze trophies to the game. 29User Favourites 9 Ratings 36,340Views.

  10. Firewatch

    Move the mouse around to look around. Look at the backpack. Pick up the backpack by pressing [ENTER]. Use [W,A,S,D] to move around. Exit the elevator. When you're ready to leave, walk to the truck (Colorado License GUA-628). You have a choice. You can LOAD GEAR into the Truck Bed or go to the Truck Door and GET IN.

  11. The Firewatch Audio Tour update will add commentary, concept art

    The audio tour will include more than three hours of commentary from the developers and voice actors, almost 100 collectible audio tapes, displays of concept art, lighting demos, animation how-to ...

  12. The Firewatch Audio Tour Update Patch Notes

    Windows &amp; Linux: Added a new game mode: The Firewatch Audio Tour. Added &quot;Minimum HUD&quot; mode, hides reticule and tooltips. Fixed a handful of bugs where player could fall through the world. Upgraded the engine from Unity 5.2 to Unity 5.4 for a multitude of performance and multi-platform benefits. Miscellaneous world art improvements and bug fixes. Miscellaneous bug fixes. Mac ...

  13. Firewatch Guides • PSNProfiles.com

    Firewatch - Audio Tour DLC Trophy Guide. By monseiurpatty. PS4. The Audio Tour is a free update added to Firewatch, it's a separate mode that had audio commentary from the developers as you play. Audio Tour also adds five easy bronze trophies to the game. 23User Favourites 9 Ratings 28,703Views.

  14. Firewatch audio tour 4k 60fps (day 1)

    day 1 of the Firewatch audio tour with commentary from the team that made the gamemaxed out all ultra settings recorded in 4k

  15. Firewatch's audio commentary is now available as a free eBook

    Firewatch's Audio Tour arrived a few months after launch, adding over three hours of commentary from the game's developers and voice cast. Here, that translates to 175 pages of insights on ...

  16. Firewatch

    We're launching a major update to Firewatch, and within it you'll be receiving The Firewatch Audio Tour. A few months ago we sat down and thought it'd be great to ship a commentary mode with Firewatch, so, we did the logical next thing and started making one. And then we made some more. And then we thought it'd be neat to build some exhibits out in the forest that would show you how we made ...

  17. Firewatch Announces Free DLC

    Firewatch devs put In The Valley Of Gods on hold. When we heard early word of today's DLC announcement, we immediately assumed it would be a new romancing option for Delilah. "Yes, we're calling it 'our Mass Effect 3'", said Campo co-top-man, Vanaman, before quickly correcting himself. In fact, it's to be The Firewatch Audio Tour, in which ...

  18. Firewatch's Audio Tour Is Now Available As A Free Ebook

    3 March 2021 by Phil Hayton. Firewatch is an example of narrative perfection within the world of video games. Its huge success is exactly why developer Campo Santo created an Audio Tour mode, and now the developer has gone one step further. Firewatch fans can enjoy the audio tour in the form of an ebook, with a free 175 page PDF!

  19. First-timer, should I start in Audio Tour mode? : r/Firewatch

    The audio commentary is the developers discussing all sorts of background on how they made the game. It will ruin it for you if you don't play it a couple times first. It's a short game, so play it through a few times and then do the audio tour. 24K subscribers in the Firewatch community. Firewatch is a mystery game set in the Wyoming ...

  20. Campo Santo

    Firewatch is a first-person single-player mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio. ... If you own Firewatch, you should try the Firewatch Audio Tour! It's an in-game commentary mode, with hours of behind-the-scenes insights and conversations between all of the ...

  21. Firewatch Audio Tour trophies in Firewatch (EU)

    The Firewatch Audio Tour Title update for Firewatch (EU) has 5 trophies - 5 bronze. Filter

  22. Can't find audio box #24 during commentary playthrough

    Firewatch is a mystery game set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio. Members Online so I brought forest Bryrnes in the firewatch tower

  23. Firewatch's funny and thoughtful developer commentary is now a free

    Firewatch first came out in February 2016, and an update in September added in the Firewatch Audio Tour; essentially a developer walkthrough mode which added in a series of self-guided tour ...