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White-sand beach lined with straw-thatched umbrellas next to azure waters in Cambodia's coast.

The second largest of Cambodia’s islands, Koh Rong is a proper tropical paradise: think white sand, luminous turquoise waters, and chilled-out, palm-shaded beach bars. 

Picture one of Thailand’s famed islands, with over 45 kilometres of pristine, golden-white sand and a sea so clear and blue it looks like someone’s turned the saturation up on your sunglasses. Now imagine there are only a handful of hotels, and you can walk for miles and barely see another soul. What you’re picturing is Koh Rong — or near enough. 

That a place can be this beautiful and yet so little-visited is something of a marvel in this day and age, and that’s exactly why we love Koh Rong. Our favourite haunt is Sok San Beach: only accessible by boat, it’s bookended by two hotels (both fabulous) with nothing in between but four miles of utterly beautiful and deliciously isolated beach. From here, take to the jungle trails to explore the island’s lush interior — practically vibrating with the buzzing, squawking, hooting and humming of a billion birds and insects — or grab some snorkel or scuba gear to explore the coral reefs, which are equally alive with neon-bright nudibranchs, bamboo sharks and manta rays.  

This is a tropical paradise on a par with anything else Southeast Asia has to offer, with a sense of seclusion you won’t find in Thailand today for love nor money.

Koh Rong beach

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Aerial view of Koh Krabey Island

Think barefoot luxury on a tropical desert island and it’s unlikely Cambodia will spring to mind, but if anywhere’s likely to change that – it's the unspoilt gem of Koh Krabey.  

Koh Russey beach

Koh Russey, also known as Bamboo Island, is so small that you can cross it in under ten minutes, and so idyllic that it feels like a cliché brought to life. 

The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » Cambodia » 25 Best Things to do on Koh Rong Island (Cambodia)

25 Best Things to do on Koh Rong Island (Cambodia)

A fishing village turned ultimate holiday destination, Koh Rong Island is the next big destination in South East Asia. Prepare to have you life changed. With over 43 kilometers of white sand beaches, bathwater warm turquoise water, coconut trees lining the shore, and an eclectic mix of locals from all over the world- this is the ultimate holiday spot in Cambodia.

To get there, hop on a speedboat ferry from the southern town of Sihanoukville . After about 45 minutes, you’ll arrive on the shores of this gorgeous and relatively undeveloped island. No roads here, just beaches so take off your shoes and get to exploring.

To the left of the main pier is Koh Toch village where locals live, children play, and chicken wander. To the right are western-style bars and guesthouses known for their tasty food and eccentric parties. Both directions will lead you to stunning beaches with crystal clear, warm water and both budget and snazzy accommodation in the form of guesthouses, homestays, and dorms. For once, ‘beachfront’ actually means beachfront.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Koh Rong Island :

1. Zip Line through the Jungle


Get in touch with your inner spirit animal that loves heights, speed, and climbing around the rainforest securely strapped into a safety harness. High Point Zip Line is the most thrilling ropes course and zip line that you’ll come across during your whole SEA excursion.

Join one of the super experienced guides who will take you on an adventure through a creatively designed course that involves climbing, swinging and sliding high above the forest floor. I warn you, though, this course is intense. If you freak out and freeze, don’t worry- you’re not the first. The guides are also quite experienced in the art of calming reassurance.

2. Go on a Boat Trip

Koh Rong Boat Trip

Beaches, bikinis and beers- that’s what you came here for, right? Get it all on a Koh Rong Boat Trip.

Hit the crystal waters with Adventure Adam Boat Tours for a full day of fun. This long tail excursion gives you glimpses into island life that you couldn’t possibly experience from the shore. In between the best snorkel spots and whitest sand beaches, you’ll have the chance to visit local villages and buy homemade snacks and treats.

From 9am, you’ll join a group of other eager travelers who have signed up for the boat trip, making this an ideal adventure for solo travelers. The tour includes a big Cambodian BBQ lunch, snorkel gear, life jackets, beers, and whiskey to make for the best day ever on Koh Rong.

3. Sun Bathe on White Beach

White Beach

Right at the foot of Koh Rong’s guesthouses, bars, and restaurants lies White Beach. It takes zero effort to crawl out of bed, throw on your suit and flop down under the sun with a towel and a good book. The sand is powdery soft and the sea is almost always bathwater warm. In between sunning sessions, you can run into the water to cool off.

There are some shady palm trees for when you get too hot, vendors selling ice cold coconuts when you get thirsty, and volley ball nets when you get antsy.

Pro Tip: Don’t swim too close to the piers as the water tends to be a bit contaminated in that area.

4. Join in on a Beach Clean Up

Koh Rong Ecological Alliance

Not only is the beach clean up a great way to meet new people, but it also gives you a chance to give back to the island that gives so much to you.

KREA (Koh Rong Ecological Alliance) is run by a mix of local Cambodians and some island expats who are dedicated to keeping the island clean, the animals safe, and educating the local kids about how they can be environmental ambassadors in the future.

Check out their Facebook page to learn where to meet for their weekly Monday, Thursday, and Saturday beach clean ups.

5. Live Music at Bong’s Guesthouse

Bong’s Guesthouse

Fun Fact: The word for ‘friend’ in the Cambodian language of Khmer is “bong” (so get your mind out of the gutter). Bong’s Guesthouse is a place where strangers become friends during live music nights where the draft beer is flowing and the vibes are laid back.

They’ve got an island-style stage in the bar with amps and a microphone to turn the place into the best barefoot gathering spot in the evenings. Do you like to jam out? Talk to the bartenders about playing at Bong’s while you’re on the island and they’ll be delighted to have you. There’s also free beer all night long for anyone who graces the stage with their presence. Just prepare to have quite the adoring crowd.

6. Get your Open Water Diving Certificate

Koh Rong Dive Center

While the underwater visibility off of Koh Rong is not world-class, you’re sure to see schools of colorful fish, corals, urchins, quite a few sea horses and possibly even some manta rays. There aren’t any wreck dives or cave sites but guess what? That’s what makes this place the cheapest school to get your Open Water Certificate. Koh Rong Dive Center flies under the radar and so do their prices.

Some seriously cheap deals can be found here, especially when compared to getting your Open Water Certificate in nearby Phuket or Koh Samui. The extra paybacks are that the water is super warm, the class sizes are small, and you literally wake up in paradise every day.

7. Jungle Trek to Long Beach

Long Beach, Koh Rong

Long Beach, the gorgeous white sand stretch as far as you can see, is on the other side of the mountain from Koh Toch Beach and is certainly worth the voyage. The hike gets your heart pounding as it’s a bit steep at times but the bright green jungle scenery is so beautiful that you probably won’t even notice.

Once you arrive, cool off in the turquoise water or grab a fresh fruit shake from one of the shacks on the beach. As the day nears the end, groups of people gather on the shore to watch the sun set into a gorgeous orange and pink painting in the sky. There will be long tail boats waiting to take people back to the main beach if you don’t want to brave the trail in the dark.

Hiking shoes, flip flops, bare feet- its all been done before. The most important thing to bring on this trek is a flashlight in case you decide to hike back after sun set.

8. Go Kayaking


Rent a kayak, fill your dry bag with some water and sunscreen, throw on a life jacket and just go. There is so much exploring to be done around Koh Rong including “Small Island” which is visible from the main shore, mangroves over on Long Set beach, and nearby beaches like Police Beach. You don’t have to be a kayak pro to manage in these waters as their pretty calm and you won’t need to head too far out in the sea in order to find adventure.

Your best bet is to rent a kayak either from one of the locals in Koh Toch village or over on Long Set beach at Sky and Sand bar. Each kayak rental is just under $5 for a half day. If you’re not sure where exactly to explore, ask a local.

9. Volunteer

Friends of Koh Rong

Without volunteers, the island of Koh Rong wouldn’t have a school, emergency medical services, puppy control, or…bartenders. There is a job for everyone here if you want to kick back for a few weeks or even a few months and see where island life takes you.

You can apply in advance to local expat-founded NGO’s such as Friends of Koh Rong who runs the local school or Koh Rong Emergency Services Team that provides emergency services to both locals and tourists. They just might have an opening.

Alternatively, you can join the family and community of barefoot bartenders who volunteer at guesthouses in exchange for accommodation, free food, and some free drinks. Just rock up to the island and a spot will eventually reveal itself to you.

10. Get a Tattoo

Tattoo Studio

A funny thing happens when people visit Koh Rong. Most plan to stay for 2 or 3 days, but wind up staying 2-3 weeks and cancelling their plans all together. It’s like a vortex of friendship sucks you in and you never can (or want to) get out.

So, when you find yourself totally in love with this island, you might want to commemorate it with a Koh Rong tattoo.

Visit Leo Ink Tattoo for elaborate tattoos done in a professional and sterile tattoo studio.

11. Full Moon Party


Thailand isn’t the only Full Moon Party destination anymore and some would even argue that Koh Rong’s Full Moon party is the best kept secret in South East Asia. Unlike the over-crowded and high-priced Full Moon parties that you’ll find in other tourist destinations, the Full Moon Party on Koh Rong is the ideal place to get weird with new friends while still being able to appreciate paradise.

Located in the idyllic beach cove of Police Beach, you can expect fully equipped sound systems with killer DJ’s playing house, techno, and EDM, along with fire spinners and jugglers to keep you entranced. There’s food to keep your energy going, drinks flowing to keep your spirits high, and reasonably priced tickets for sale at the “door”.

12. Explore Sok San Village

Sok San Village

The local residents of Son San village have only recently decided to open their little community to welcome backpackers. Away from the tourist trail on Koh Toch beach, you can expect a more local experience in Sok San.

Put your bags down in your room and have a wander around the village. Give high fives to the village kids, drink beers with the locals, and don’t mind the chickens. If you wanted a taste of what rustic Cambodia was like, this will give you a glimpse.

Don’t expect anything lavish in terms of accommodation, however. You’ll find basic fan bungalows but with extremely welcoming owners, lower than expected prices, and unspoiled beaches nearby.

13. Climb a Waterfall

Behind Smile Guesthouse on White Beach is a secret waterfall off the beaten path that even many long-term residents here don’t even know about. Why so secret? Well, this waterfall takes some courage to explore. Watch your head as you duck under spider webs with massive bird-eating spiders and watch your footing as the initial moss-covered rocks can be quite slippery. If you fancy yourself a modern day Indiana Jones, this is precisely the adventure for you.

Once you make it past the booby traps, you’ll be rewarded with a multi-platform waterfall where you can chill out for an hour or two, so bring some beers and sandwiches in your dry bag. There are dozens of small, fresh water pools where you can lay and there are several tiers of cascading water falls to give you a nice back massage as you take it all in.

14. Get your Coffee Fix at Runaways


True coffee connoisseurs require more than Nespresso instant coffee packs to fill their blood with the essence of life. Fresh Lavazza coffee and an espresso machine are sure to do the trick. At Runaways on Koh Rong, you can get handcrafted coffee to go along with freshly made carrot cakes, coffee cakes, and all the cakes.

As if artisan coffee wasn’t enough, now picture sipping that cup of joe alongside the sound of waves crashing and the sparkle of the sun hitting the water. Not a bad way to start off your day.

If you also happen to be a sushi snob, Runaways puts on a fabulous sushi night Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

15. Eat Local

Koh Rong Restaurants & Bars

Supporting local family restaurants on the island no only feels good, but damn, it tastes good, too.

You’ll find a handful of fresh smoothie stands lining the beach, especially near Koh Toch village, that offer every smoothie combo you could ever dream possible. These stands are also the places to get your fresh fruit fix to start the day off right.

For lunch- it’s all about Chai Family Guest House. Located on the smaller pier next to the main pier, this mom and pop restaurant on the water has some of the most ingredible chicken noodle soup you’ve ever tasted. For around $1, you can fill your belly with fresh ingredients cooked by one of the original families on the island.

16. Visit Koh Rong Samloem

Koh Rong Samloem

Koh Rong’s younger brother, Koh Rong Samloem is similar to what Koh Rong looked and felt like 5 years ago. With just a handful of guesthouses, a fraction of the tourist crowd, and only a couple boats docking on the island per day, here is where you come to get a taste of that low-key island life.

Spend your days wandering the village while weaving around children playing and dogs napping, visit local restaurants for some traditional Khmer food, explore the jungle where you can see monkeys, Hornbills, and red squirrels, then pop into expat owned guesthouses like The Drift for a cold cider as the perfect end to a perfect day.

17. Go Clubbing at Bunna’s Place

Koh Rong Club

Well, sort of. Bunna’s Place is the closest thing to clubbing that you’re going to find on Koh Rong. Known for their rowdy parties put on by shirtless Cambodian guys from the mainland, Bunna’s Place never disappoints when you’re looking to have a wild time.

The music kicks off right around sunset and gets progressively louder and more intense as the night goes on. Play a few rounds of pool, take some shots, and then get on the dance floor to mingle with other carefree travelers and backpackers. Ask to get a game of beer pong or flip cup going and other travelers are sure to join in.

18. Visit Long Set/4k Beach

Long Set/4k Beach

Walk to the far end of Koh Toch beach, through a flat jungle trail past some tall tree house bungalows and you’ll have reached Long Set Beach. Often called 4k Beach, this is the unspoiled paradise you’ve been looking for. Bright white sand with turquoise water and overhanging coconut trees- this beach is reminiscent of every tropical post card you’ve ever seen.

A few guest houses have began popping up here, but not enough to affect the ‘Cast Away’ impression you get when frolicking in the water. In fact, these little additions have added to the experience and your ability to spend all day here as there are little stands to buy cold water and a few restaurants to get some tasty grub.

Fun Fact: This gorgeous beach is so pristine that it was used one of the campsites for a recent season of Survivor.

19. Swim with the Plankton


Do you remember the scene in the movie “The Beach” where Leo goes swimming in the bay that lights up with glittery plankton? The same natural phenomenon occurs right here on Koh Rong. As you swim around in the water, each motion disturbs these tiny plankton and they glow a fluorescent color that makes it look like the sea is full of stars.

To get the best plankton experience, you need complete darkness. Walk as far from the lights of the beach as you can to find a blacked out strip of water or hire a boat to take you out at night for the ultimate glittery swim.

20. Get Romantic at Sky Bar

Koh Rong Sky Bar

The most amazing bird’s eye views can be seen from Sky Bar, possibly the most romantic bar on the island.

Post up and watch boats jet in and out of the piers, take in views of the islands in the distance, and escape the heat with a nice treetop breeze. At night, pop a bottle of wine and order off their fantastic seafood menu as you cuddle up on some floor pillows with mellow music in the background. Sky Bar certainly gives you a change of pace from that backpacker vibe and allows you and your sweetie to get a bit more intimate.

If you want that quixotic one-on-one time, you’re going to have to work for it. You’ll be faced with a vexing hike up a few sets of steep stairs but I promise, the views are worth it.

21. Join the Pub Crawl

Bar Party

The fastest way to make friends, get acquainted with the island, and settle into a nice buzz is to join the famous Koh Rong pub-crawl. Every Tuesday and Friday from 8pm to 2am, you’ll venture from one side of the beach to the other, stopping at 8 of the best bars on the island where you’ll get a free shot, play some drinking games, and let the island vibes take over.

For $7, you get a Koh Rong tank top and all drinks included. Again, this is a fantastic idea for solo travelers. You’re sure to have made some new friends by the second bar and now you’ve got your crew for the week.

22. Police Beach Parties

Police Beach, Koh Rong

Clear your busy island schedules Wednesday- Saturday and get yourselves down to Police Beach where all night beach parties are in full swing til the sun comes up. DJ’s, fire spinners, food, drinks- the whole scene is on point.

If you’d like, plan to spend the day on Police Beach in your bathing suit playing in the water or joining in on a volleyball match. The beach will soon fill up with a friendly crowd and now, the party has come to you.

No boats needed; just follow the well-trodden path past Green Ocean Guest House into the jungle and you’ll come out on the other side at Police Beach.

25 Best Things to do on Koh Rong Island (Cambodia):

  • Zip Line through the Jungle
  • Go on a Boat Trip
  • Sun Bathe on White Beach
  • Join in on a Beach Clean Up
  • Live Music at Bong’s Guesthouse
  • Get your Open Water Diving Certificate
  • Jungle Trek to Long Beach
  • Go Kayaking
  • Get a Tattoo
  • Full Moon Party
  • Explore Sok San Village
  • Climb a Waterfall
  • Get your Coffee Fix at Runaways
  • Visit Koh Rong Samloem
  • Go Clubbing at Bunna’s Place
  • Visit Long Set/4k Beach
  • Swim with the Plankton
  • Get Romantic at Sky Bar
  • Join the Pub Crawl
  • Police Beach Parties

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Top 10 things to do in Koh Rong

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Get your bucket list ready. In this guide, we’ll show you the best things to do in Koh Rong and how to experience them. Need help planning your trip? Check out our tips for visiting Koh Rong — you’ll find the best restaurants, where to stay, how to get around and more!

What to expect in Koh Rong

Have you been dreaming about those paradise islands that are sprinkled with white-sand beaches and shallow turquoise waters? Well, Koh Rong is pretty close to that idyllic image.

Koh Rong is located in the Gulf of Thailand, a short boat ride from Sihanoukville, but it feels a world away from mainland Cambodia.

With nearly thirty beaches on the island, you’re spoilt for choice on where to spend your day soaking up the sun and rejuvenating your body in the sea. And if you want to explore the waters a little more, there is great snorkelling and diving around the island.

Plus, Koh Rong has got itself a bit of a party reputation, so if dancing all night long is what you want to do, Koh Rong is ideal.

#1 Explore Koh Rong on a boat trip

Boat in the turquoise waters

A boat trip is one of the top things to do in Koh Rong and the best way to explore the island. In one day you can see all of the best beaches and the island’s nature in its full glory. And if you’re looking to go snorkelling, they’ll take you to all of the best spots.

And you’ll be glad to hear that the boat trips are super affordable, starting from $10. When picking a boat trip, you have two options: a private boat or a tour.

Private boat vs. group tour

family on a boat trip

If you’re by yourself then you can join a tour for around $10. The tours normally run from 1-7pm and include a BBQ and potentially a chance to witness bioluminescence at the end of the tour.

Alternatively, if there’s a group of you, you can hire a private boat for the day. This will cost around $100 for the boat. This might work out slightly more expensive, but having your own freedom and flexibility is worth it!

#2 Relax one of the paradise beaches

What else is there to do on a paradise island other than relax on the beach and spend every hour of daylight swimming in glorious turquoise waters?

Okay, there’s definitely plenty of other things that you can do on Koh Rong, but exploring its pristine beaches is something you have to do on the island. The beaches you can find on Koh Rong are exactly the kind of beaches most of us spend our days dreaming of. They’re idyllic and stunning.

During your time on Koh Rong, we recommend spending some time on the popular beaches, but make sure to discover some of the smaller and more secluded ones too. Here’s a quick run down of the top beaches to visit on Koh Rong:

Sok San Beach

White sand beach in Sok San Long

The sand at Sok San Beach is so soft and white it almost feels like you’re walking on fresh snow, albeit not as cold. The contrast of the white against the sparkling turquoise water is spectacular.

Fringed with palm trees, this beach runs for 7.5 km, giving you plenty of space to find your own secluded spot on the beach.

Long Set Beach

Long set beach in Koh Rong

Long Set Beach , also known as 4K Beach due to its 4 km of stunning shoreline, is one of the most popular beaches on Koh Touch. It’s a 45-minute walk from the main town of Koh Touch.

Its sandy bottom beach, and its shallow waters provide the perfect place to cool down. If you want to go swimming though, you’ll need to walk out pretty far to the deeper waters.

Koh Touch Beach

Koh Touch village in Koh Rong island

We probably wouldn’t recommend spending your day relaxing on Koh Touch Beach . There are plenty of prettier beaches across the island. Koh Touch isn’t the cleanest beach and feels quite busy with restaurants, bars and party-lovers from the night before, crowding the beach.

Lonely Beach

Swing at Lonely beach in Koh Rong

The name says everything about this beach, but it’s a good kind of lonely. Situated on the northern end of the island, here at Lonely Beach , you can escape the rest of the people not willing to make the journey.

The small and beautiful bay only has one accommodation, leaving it largely undeveloped. Instead, the shoreline is packed with swaying palm trees and serenity.

To get here, you’ll need to take a longtail boat from the pier in Koh Touch. A private boat costs $60 each way, so try to find a group of people to share the cost with.

#3 Go diving and explore the underwater world of Koh Rong

Between Koh Rong and Koh Rong Sanloem, you’ll find a number of great dive sites — some of the best in Cambodia.

These sites are full of opportunities to spot marine life such as scorpionfish, starfish, stingrays, eels, puffer fish, octopus and even sharks if you’re really lucky. There are also some beautiful spots with coral and tropical reefs.

How to go diving in Koh Rong

Diving with a reputable company is very important. Being metres underwater, you definitely want to feel safe. We recommend diving with Koh Rong Dive Centre located right by Koh Touch pier.

They offer PADI Open Water courses for $300, or a day of fun dives for $95.

#4 Splash about at Sok San waterfall

If you need a break from the salty sea water and fancy a swim in some rejuvenating freshwater, make a trip to Sok San Waterfall .

You can find it right behind Sok San village, only a short walk away. Whilst it’s probably not going to be the most impressive waterfall you’ve ever seen, it’s still nice to enjoy a waterfall shower and be surrounded by nature.

The best months to visit the waterfall are between October and December. Outside of these months the water volume is lower or entirely gone.

#5 Hike through the jungle from Koh Touch to Sok San Beach

Dirt road in Koh Rong island

The interior of Koh Rong is packed with thriving and luscious jungle that’s impenetrable in most areas, but you will find a few paths winding their way through the maze.

One path that we recommend taking is the one that connects Koh Touch with Sok San Beach. The sandy trail is pleasant and not strenuous at all, taking around 50 minutes to reach the southern end of Sok San Beach.

This is also a cheaper way of getting between the two beaches as the boat shuttle service starts at $6 each way. A private boat will cost you around $30 for the boat each way.

#6 Swim amongst magical bioluminescence

koh rong tour

Bioluminescence is one of the most spectacular natural phenomenons on this planet. It’s almost mind blowing how magical and mesmerising it is.

If you haven’t heard of bioluminescence before, it occurs when organisms produce and emit light due to a chemical reaction that’s occurring in their body.

Swimming amongst these organisms is an unforgettable experience.

How to see the bioluminescence on Koh Rong

If you’re lucky, you might be able to spot the bioluminesce close to the shore from one of the beaches. It’s better to head to a beach with less light pollution such as Long Set Beach. And when there’s no moon.

For a greater chance of witnessing this natural wonder, you can join a boat tour. They start from around $5, leaving at around 7pm.

Some of the snorkelling trips that run from 1-7pm also offer the opportunity to see the bioluminescence at the end of the trip. These trips, as they are much longer, cost around $10.

#7 Hop over to Koh Rong Samloem

Aerial view of Lazy beach in Koh Rong Samloem

Koh Rong Sanloem is one of Cambodia’s best-kept secrets, but that’s quickly changing. Located only a 30-minute boat ride from Koh Rong, its smaller ‘younger brother’ is much less developed and a lot more tranquil.

If you’re looking for true island life where the real world feels like a thousand miles away, then head to Koh Rong Sanloem.

Spend your time on the island exploring the pristine beaches such as Saracen Bay Beach, climbing to the top of the lighthouse for some spectacular views or relaxing in the waterfall.

How to visit Koh Rong Sanloem

Whilst you can visit Koh Rong Sanloem as a day trip from Koh Rong, we’d recommend spending a few nights here to really soak up the relaxing atmosphere of the island.

Here’s how to get from Koh Rong to Koh Rong Sanloem.

#8 Fly through the sky on the Blob Jump

The Blob Jump is simple. You sit at one end of this giant inflatable blob that’s floating in the water whilst one or two of your friends jump from a 4 metre platform. Their weight then flings you up into the air, legs and arms flailing, before you splash into the sea below.

If you’ve never done it before, give it a go! It only costs $3, a small price to pay for a burst of adrenaline and some laughs.

You’ll find the blob at the south end of Sok San Beach.

#9 Kayak to Koh Touch Island

Look out towards the ocean from Koh Touch or Long Set Beach and you’ll spot a tiny island full of vegetation. That’s not the only thing you’ll find on the island. Koh Toch is also home to a pagoda and a few monks that live there.

Tours offer a visit to this island, but we think that kayaking there yourself is a lot more fun! The distance isn’t too far, you get some exercise in and it makes the whole trip an adventure.

Once you reach the island, after a visit to the pagoda there’s not much else to do as it’s that small. You can snorkel and swim around its shores though. For this activity, it’s more about the journey than the destination and that’s why we recommend kayaking there yourself.

You can rent kayaks in Koh Touch Beach for $5 per hour, or $12 for the whole day.

#10 Join the party at Nestival

How do you plan to spend your Saturday night in Koh Rong? If you’re visiting over a weekend, then your answer should be heading to Nestival.

Every Saturday, the hostel, Nest Beach Club , holds their own mini festival, aptly named Nestival. Throughout the night they host beach olympics, hold a fire show and provide a lot of free alcohol. Dance the night away under the stars and with your toes in the sand.

It’s guaranteed to be a good night!

Looking for a party every other night of the week in Koh Rong? The party hub of the island is Koh Touch Beach. We promise it won’t take long before you find a party.

Rounding it up

Now you’ve picked the best things to do in Koh Rong, it’s time to start ticking off that bucket list. Not sure how to plan your trip? Our Koh Rong guide is here to help! You’ll find out how long to stay in Koh Rong, where to eat, how to get around and more. Happy planning!

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Katewriter - Gecko Routes

Kate is a writer, (ex)Management Consultant and avid traveller. She recently returned from a 2-year career break exploring the world and decided corporate life wasn’t for her. She’ll soon be testing life as a digital nomad. She’s visited over 40 countries and fell in love with Latin America in particular. Her travelling has inspired a passion for yoga, salsa, hiking and Spanish.

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Im Jess Traveling

Koh Rong in Cambodia | What To Do, Eat & Stay

Koh Rong in Cambodia is the definition of paradise. Bungalows on the beach, countless hammocks and wooden swings line the gulf. One dollar beers and women walking down the beach asking you if you’d like fresh pineapple, mangos, and coconut…I mean what more could you ask for?

Every time I visit Southeast Asia, I am always drawn to Cambodia and this trip was no exception. Instead of making my normal rounds to Siem Reap and through Angkor Wat , I wanted to see what all the hype with the Cambodia Islands was about.  Let me tell you Koh Rong did not disappoint.

In this article, I’ll go over anything you need to know before traveling to the Koh Rong Islands including how to get there, what to do and where to stay. Then at the end of the post, I’ll add some Cambodia travel guides to help you plan your travels.

koh rong tour

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Table of Contents

Koh Rong Islands | A Guide to Koh Rong Cambodia

Is Koh Rong worth visiting? Before we get started with the travel guide to Koh Rong in Cambodia, you may be wondering if Koh Rong is worth visiting?

If secluded beaches, bioluminescence plankton dives and lounging in hammocks is your cup of tea then I would say that Koh Rong is definitely worth a visit.

koh rong tour

How to Get to Koh Rong Island

Koh Rong is 25km from Sihanoukville pier. There are two options to get from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong – the slow boat or the fast boat.

The slow boat takes about two and a half hours and costs $5 and the fast boat runs 3 times a day 9 am, 1130 am, and 130 and cost $25 round trip and takes 45 minutes.

The first stop on the ferry is the quiet part of Koh Rong island and the second stop is Koh Touch Village.

Book Transportation to Koh Rong →

Yurts on the beach in Koh Rong, Cambodia

Where to Stay in Koh Rong Cambodia 

There are a few different areas to stay when choosing hotels in Koh Rong. You can stay in town which is the first ferry stop or you can stay at a nicer resort in Koh Rong which will more than likely be the second stop on the ferry.

Budget places to stay in Koh Rong

Budget Places to Stay in Koh Rong | Koh Touch Village

We stayed in Koh Touch Village the first night and switched to a nicer resort for the remainder of our stay. It was an easy way to get your bearings and after a long day of travel on the first day. Here are a few options on where to stay in town on Koh Rong Island.

Green Ocean

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The Green Ocean is the definition of budget accommodation, you get what you pay for. $10 a night for a basic room with a fan.

The walls were thin and completely open at the top by the ceiling so you could hear everything going on but the location is excellent.

Coconut Beach Bungalows

The Coconut Beach Bungalows have sasic fan rooms that are clean with mosquito nets. Located on the beach and has a fun game area.  Prices start at $10 a night.

Paradise Bungalows Koh Rong

The Paradise Bungalows are a great place to stay in Koh Rong if you want to be in a bungalow but still close to town.  The rooms are basic and come with hammocks.  Prices start at $25 per night.

luxury places to stay in Koh Rong Cambodia

Where to Stay in Koh Rong for Luxury

Below I have listed some of the best places to stay in Koh Rong for luxury on the beach.

Secret Garden Koh Rong 

The Secret Garden Koh Rong is a stunning resort on a beautiful white sand beach. Here you’ll experience an enchanting escape into a hidden paradise nestled on the pristine shore of Koh Rong Island. 

Surrounded by lush tropical foliage, this eco-friendly resort offers a secluded oasis where tranquility and natural beauty abound.

Golden Beach Resort

Golden Beach Resort is a top pick of where to stay in Koh Rong for pampering on the beach, no need to leave the hotel. Situated directly on the beach, enjoy luxurious amenities such as beachfront accommodations and the spa.

Anaya Koh Rong

Anaya Koh Rong is a stunning resort in Koh Rong that features an outdoor pool and top notch service. If you are looking for secluded luxury, look no further than this hotel in Koh Rong.

koh rong tour

Have a Drink at a Beach Side Cafe

Having a drink at a beach side cafe is a great way to spend a few hours. Most of the restaurants/cafes in town offer a free beer with every meal.

We happened to arrive to the Cambodia islands on a Friday and every Wednesday and Friday nights Koh Rong has an all night party til’ sunrise on Police Beach (in town). It costs $6 to get in if you buy your ticket ahead of time and it comes with a free drink.

Of course we partied the night away. The party didn’t get going until midnight but there’s a handful of bars to socialize, play beer pong, and entertain yourself until then. Pace yourself.

Go Diving in the Cambodia Islands

If you’ve always wanted to try diving, an inexpensive place to try diving is in Koh Rong Samloem. This thing to do in Koh Rong promises an unforgettable exploration of vibrant coral reefs, diverse marine life, and crystal-clear waters teeming with underwater wonders.

Book a Diving Tour for Beginners →

koh rong tour

Catch Sunrise or Sunset

One of the best things to do in Koh Rong that is very budget friendly is to catch sunrise or sunset. I love starting my days with a beautiful sunrise.

Rent a Jet Ski

One of the most fun and thrilling things to do in Koh Rong is to rent a jet ski. If you’re tired of swinging in a hammock, opt for a jet ski session.

Book a Jet Ski →

Boat on a empty beach on Koh Rong, Cambodia

Enjoy a Secluded Cambodia Beach

It’s no surprise that Koh Rong is lined with countless white sand beaches that trail into the clear turquoise waters. Finding a secluded beach all to yourself won’t be a problem as many of the beaches can only be reached by foot.

If you wander down long beach towards paradise beach, stop and take photos with one of the many swings along the way. Climb on the rocks, and explore the small ship wreck. We were the only ones on the beach when we were exploring the shipwreck and it was awesome.

Hammocks on the beach in Koh Rong, Cambodia

Day Trip to Koh Rong Samloem

If you have already spent a few days on Koh Rong, explore its neighbor island Koh Rong Samloem. To reach Koh Rong Samloem, it’s only a $5 ferry ride from Koh Rong.

On this less populated slice of paradise, you’ll find hammocks in the ocean where you can laze all day and enjoy the warm tropical waters with a pina colada in your hand.

koh rong tour

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Swedish Nomad

Koh Rong – Cambodia’s unexploited Paradise Island

By: Author Swedish Nomad

Posted on Last updated: August 1, 2017

Categories Cambodia

Home / Asia / Cambodia / Koh Rong – Cambodia’s unexploited Paradise Island

Koh Rong – Cambodia’s unexploited Paradise Island

Planning a trip to Koh Rong in Cambodia? Then I have really only one thing to say – don’t hesitate, just do it! (before it is too late). So far, Koh Rong is still a relatively undeveloped island, and most of the buildings are around the port where the boat docks.

On the other side of the island lies Long Beach, which is one of the nicest beaches I’ve put my foot on. Pure white sands, crystal clear waters in a wonderful turquoise color!

And it is beautiful, almost like a dream, or what do you think? Check out the photos below!

paradis koh rong island

Things to do on Koh Rong

For those looking for lots of activities, this is perhaps not the best destination. In addition to partying and just chillaxing on the beach, there’s not really a lot of things to do here. Diving and snorkeling at Koh Rong is nothing wow compared to other destinations in Southeast Asia.

However, Koh Rong’s magically beautiful beaches with pure white sand and turquoise water are unreal. In other words, the best thing to do on Koh Rong is to just relax and rest. One can also go on jungle tours on their own or with the help of a local guide.

One can also hop on the boat and visit the neighboring island of Koh Rong Samloem, recommended for those who want to snorkel since it is more life and movement below the water surface in Samloem!

How to get to Koh Rong from Sihanoukville

First, you need to get to Sihanoukville, located in southern Cambodia. The boat leaves from the Serendipity pier in Sihanoukville and the boat trip takes about 90 minutes since the boat stops at the neighboring island of Samloem.

Round trip costs $20 with speed ferry (yellow boat). There are several companies that offer boat trips from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong.

How to get to Long Beach

There are two ways to get to Long Beach from the pier where the boat stops. Either follow the signs towards the “jungle path” and cross right through it via the beaten path or hop on a boat to the Sok San Beach directly for $5.

If you are extremely afraid of snakes or have a lot of luggage, I recommend the boat. Otherwise, it’s nice and exciting to walk through the rain forest. But watch out for poisonous snakes (more info below). It takes about 30 minutes to walk through the jungle before you come down to Long Beach, then it is about 30-45 minutes walking to the Sok San Beach Bungalows.

On the way, you can stay and enjoy the paradise beach which stretches for several kilometers and its powdery white sand and turquoise water. But I would strongly recommend bringing plenty of water because it gets really hot and there’s nothing to buy until you are halfway there.

How to get from Koh Rong to Koh Rong Samloem

There are boats several times a day between the islands and the ticket is $ 5 for a regular boat, or USD 10 for Speed Ferry. The crossing takes about 30-60 minutes depending on the boat chosen.

Recommended accommodation on Koh Rong

Sok san beach bungalows.

The island’s best accommodation, which offers luxury at budget prices. These bungalows, set on the quiet side of Koh Rong, far away on the paradise beach of Long Beach. Perfect if you want to relax and just enjoy this wonderful island.

Many backpackers in Southeast Asia choose to go here, or Phu Quoc to relax, after way “too much” partying in other parts of Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Hanoi, Siem Riep and Bali.

Here you can see more photos, reviews, and prices

koh rong bungalows sok san

Paradise Bungalows, Koh Rong

Another popular accommodation on Koh Rong is the well-known Paradise Bungalows. Here you can stay in bungalows with ocean views for as little as $ 35 per night. Here you can see photos, reviews, and prices .

Restaurants tips

Most restaurants are located on the side where the pier is located, either on the beach or a “side street” above the beach. Many restaurants are also bars that stay open late into the wee hours. Below I have collected some of the best restaurants on Koh Rong.

  • Eat Pray Love
  • Vagabonds Kitchen – Hamburger

These are safe bets even though they aren’t very fancy, but on the other hand, Koh Rong is a simple island and not a spot for jet-setters, but instead more for backpackers and flashpackers who want to enjoy a beautiful paradise!

Good things to know before you travel to Koh Rong

The climate is pleasant and warm all year round on Koh Rong, usually around 25-30 degrees. Most rain comes during July and August. From December to February it’s “dry” season, which is also the peak season for tourists who are traveling to Koh Rong.

Poisonous snakes

I’m not saying this to scare you, but YES , Koh Rong is home to several poisonous snakes, including the Cobra, Russel’s viper, Malayan Pit Viper, Banded Krait and White-lipped Pit Viper.

Koh Rong is actually bigger than you think, and 99% of the snakes to keep in the jungle. Therefore, it is important that you keep good sight if you walk through the jungle to get to the bungalows or Long Beach. When we went there we saw a Malayan Pit Viper, which was about three meters away from us. It is an “aggressive” poisonous snake that does not hesitate to bite if it feels threatened.

We, however, stayed calm and it slithered quietly away, so there was never any confrontation. But because we knew that there were poisonous snakes, we kept an extra eye open on our way through the jungle to Long Beach. The White-lipped Pit Viper is a green snake that is almost in neon color and often hangs down from the trees above you.

So, you need to keep an eye on the ground as well as the trees above you. Otherwise, you might see yourself walking straight into a White-lipped Pit Viper that is camouflaged in the trees.

What to do if you see a snake or get bitten

  • If you see a snake, do NOT try to touch it, or kill it
  • Do NOT make any sudden moves
  • Keep calm. The more stressed you are, the faster the poison spreads.
  • Try to memorize as much as possible about the snake
  • Get back down to the boats as quickly as possible, yet, do so without rushing.

Flight tickets to Cambodia

  • You can find the cheapest flight tickets here

Find hotels in Koh Rong

  • You can find good hotels and guesthouses here

Have you also been to Koh Rong? Please share your experiences and what you thought about Cambodia’s so far unexploited island paradise.

Sarah Dexter

Thursday 8th of August 2019

I’m here in koh rong right now and it is rainy season so very wet! We had a day of sunshine and walked from White Beach bungalows to the Nest bar on 4K beach, we saw monkeys but no snakes. It looked like it had just been hit by a huge storm, broken chairs and hammocks everywhere and very run down. Cambodia has a huge rubbish problem and it is the dirtiest place I have ever visited. Our hotel is nice but basic but we are paying $100 a night for a double room with ac. Sadly I would not recommend Koh Rong or Cambodia to visit, we arrived in Phnom Penh and it is full of single men in search of sex and piles of rubbish. Siem Reap is next but I’m not hopeful for much better.

Saturday 1st of December 2018

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for your very informative post. We are staying at Sok San Bungalows as well in February 19. May I ask you how you got from Sok San to Samloem? Did you travel to koh touch first, then to Samloem or directly from Sok San to Samloem? If latter, which boat company did you travel with? The Hotel quoted 150$ for direct trip, which seems quite pricey to me...

Alexander Waltner

Saturday 9th of February 2019

I think it's best to go from the pier directly if you want a cheaper option. As for the rates now I have no idea. If you have some updated info, feel free to share.

Tonkin - Travel Vietnam

Saturday 18th of November 2017

I think Koh Rong is not the unexploited paradise island in Cambodia. It should be Koh Rong Saloem or Koh Ta Kiev. I've travelled to Koh Rong Island at the beginning of this year, it has changed too much, not like your description. Anyway, thanks for your post. I really like your photos.

Hi, thanks for your comment. Well, that's what I was afraid of. It's been a while since we went to Koh Rong.

Haven't been to the other two islands unfortunately. Thanks for providing an update. How was the Long Beach? Are there many hotels now?

Friday 19th of May 2017

Pretty much the same when we were there. Maybe a bit more developed, and there were some spots on Long Beach that was being built on as well. But to 99% secluded. Really love Koh Rong!


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  • Koh Rong Sanloem
  • Sihanoukville
  • Watersports

Koh Rong Fishing & Snorkeling tour (Private / Shared)

  • Shared tour Start Time: 13:00
  • Private Tour Min 02 guests is required Start Time: 13:00

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koh rong tour

What to Expect

  • Koh Rong Fishing & Snorkeling tour is the best Fishing & Snorkeling combo to do while you’re visit to Cambodia’s best beaches.
  • We’ll pick you from the piers in Koh Touch and Long Set beach for this Koh Rong Boat tour. Our first stop is the nearby Koh Toch island, one of the best spots to snorkel with tropical marine fish and soft and hard corals.
  • Next, we’ll will experience the fishing while the sun is getting ready to go down.
  • After the snorkeling and fishing, we will visit another key spots of the excursion: the Long beach. It’s one of the unique spot where you can witness to an amazing white sandy beach stretched for almost 5 KM. You will be relaxed on the beach or enjoy the crystal clear shallow water while your host is preparing the BBQ (including the catch of the day) and fresh fruits. Later you will enjoy the BBQ, Fruits and a Beer while the watching the best sunset in Koh Rong.
  • Later, we will headed to where you may spot to the Koh Rong Plankton (Koh Rong Bioluminescent Plankton), a unique natural phenomenon and tiny marine organisms that can sometimes cause the surface of the ocean to sparkle at night. But this is a seasonal occurrence and the visibility might not be so impressive sometimes. Since it’s a nature case, it’s totally up to the mother nature.
  • End of this precious Boat tour Koh Rong, we will come back to the starting point along the amazing memories grabbed across the day.

Key Highlights:

  • Koh Toch – Snorkeling spot
  • Long beach – Sunset watching / Beach break and BBQ (including the day catch)
  • Glowing Plankton (seasonal) – Observation area

Meet on Location

  • Koh Touch beach / Long Set beach

Meeting Time

Price includes.

  • Pickup and drop
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Fishing equipment
  • BBQ (with catch of the day)
  • Fresh fruits
  • Life Jacket

Booking confirmation

  • Instant confirmation

Cancellation policy

  • Partially refundable If the participation date is more than two weeks away
  • Non refundable If the participation date is less than two weeks away

Key attraction

  • Koh Rong, Cambodia Koh Rong is the largest island in all of Cambodia. About 23 km off the coast of Sihanoukville, it sits peacefully in the Gulf of Thailand and is often touted as the ultimate Cambodian paradise.


1.00 PM Meeting Point / Pickup

  • We’ll pick you from the locations such as Koh Touch and Long Set Beach in Koh Rong.

1.30 PM to 6.30 PM Key Stops

During the excursion, we will visit the following locations / spots.

  • Long beach – Sunset watching / Beach break

7.00 PM Drop off

  • We’ll drop you to the locations such as Koh Touch and Long Set Beach in Koh Rong.

How can I find the boat?

  • For all confirmed reservations, you will receive the instructions such as meeting point (location on maps / depends on the pickup location), 24 to 48 hours to the participation.
  • For last minute bookings confirmed only a day advance, you will receive the meeting point in the same day.

Is it ok to book in the last minute?

  • Yes. We are accepting last minute bookings as long as the excursion time is 12 hours away.

Can I modify the booking which is already paid and confirmed?

  • Yes. We can accommodate modifications such as changes in the date, as long as the original participation time is 48 hours away.

What is cancellation policy?

  • All bookings are non refundable. However, in the event of a cancellation due to bad weather conditions, we shall offer a guaranteed spot / tour in the next day (subject to weather condition).

Related Tours


Koh Rong Boat – Sihanoukville to Koh Rong by Speedboat

koh rong tour

Koh Rong Snorkeling Tour (Private / Shared)

things to do koh rong cambodia 2022

10 Things to do on Koh Rong

Travelling to Koh Rong Island in Cambodia? This guide shares the best things for you to do on the island in 2022, including the best beaches, parties and adventures.

With powdery white sand that squeaks as you walk, crystal clear turquoise waters and lush jungles, Koh Rong might just be the paradise island you’ve been daydreaming of. It’s the perfect place to unwind during your travels in Cambodia, with a healthy mix of adventure and relaxation.

The island is bouncing back after COVID, but some of the old things to do have shut down, replaced with new activities!

best things to do koh rong island cambodia

➡️ Planning a Trip to Koh Rong ➡️ 10 things to do on Koh Rong island in 2022

1️⃣ Relax on the many beaches 2️⃣ Take a boat trip around the island 3️⃣ Swim with bioluminescent plankton 4️⃣ Join the Nestival party 5️⃣ Kayak at the mangrove forest 6️⃣ Rent a motorbike and drive the island 7️⃣ Watch sunset from Sok San beach 8️⃣ Hike to the waterfall 9️⃣ Go horse riding on the beach 🔟 Daytrip to Koh Rong Samloem island

➡️ Map of things to do on Koh Rong

Disclaimer : This post contains affiliate links, all marked with * Booking through these links generates a small commission for me at no extra cost to you.

Planning a Trip to Koh Rong

Koh Rong is now firmly on the backpacker trail for Cambodia, which thankfully makes planning a trip to the island much easier in 2022 than when I first visited in 2016.

How to get to Koh Rong Island

To get to Koh Rong, you must take the ferry from Sihanoukville.  There are five ferry companies operating the route from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong, so finding a time that suits you is no challenge.

💰 Approx. $25 return ⏰ 45 mins 📍 You can book the ferry in person at Sihanoukville Port Autonomous, or pre-book your ferry using Camboticket *.

TIP: Buy an open return ticket as it will be slightly cheaper than two one-way tickets – just notify the ferry company 24 hours before you want to return to the mainland and they will confirm the ferry pick up for you

Where to Stay on Koh Rong

While not a huge island, Koh Rong can be tricky to navigate due to a lack of roads so it’s important to pick carefully where to stay. Kaoh Touch beach or the bottom of Long Set beach are great areas to stay on the island. There are many hotels, resorts and hostels along this stretch, so finding accommodation * isn’t challenging.

➡️ For social backpackers, Nest Beach Club * is the place to be, or the nearby Bunna’s Jungle * if Nest is fully booked.

For more information on planning a trip to Koh Rong, check out my Travel Guide to Koh Rong .

10 things to do on Koh Rong island in 2022

When I first arrived on Koh Rong, I didn’t expect there would be much to do other than lay on the beach, but I was pleasantly surprised to find there are a number of cool things you can do on the island.

1️⃣ Relax on the many beaches

Unsurprisingly one of the best things to do on Koh Rong is to disconnect and unwind on the beaches; they are some of the most beautiful beaches in South East Asia after all. The most accessible and popular beaches on the island are Kaoh Touch beach, Long Set beach (also called 4K beach), Long beach and Sok San beach.

things to do koh rong cambodia

If you stay in the areas I recommended then Kaoh Touch and Long Set will be easy to get to, but for Long beach or Sok San beach you will need to rent a motorbike for the day – the great thing is they are connected to the main road which makes getting to them easy!

2️⃣ Take a boat trip around the island

We booked a boat trip with the 3 Brothers tour company (they have a stand-in Kaoh Touch town). The tour started at 1pm, and included snorkelling, stopping at remote beaches, and fishing. The highlight of the tour for me was watching the sunset from the boat, and swimming with the bioluminescent plankton after dark.

💰 $15

things to do koh rong boat tour

3️⃣ Swim with bioluminescent plankton

The shores of Koh Rong (along with the nearby island of Koh Rong Sanloem) are home to the natural phenomena of bioluminescent plankton. To see the plankton glow you’ll need to get into the water and splash your hands around under the surface.

The shallow waters of Long Set beach are perfect for walking into the water to see the plankton, or you can take an evening boat tour to have a better chance of seeing them, with snorkels and no lights nearby.

⏰ 11pm – late (when there is no light pollution)

4️⃣ Join the Nestival party

Nest Beach Club is the place to be if you’re on Koh Rong on a Saturday. With a hostel and restaurant, Nest is always a busy place to hang out, but every weekend they host an afternoon of games and drinking called the Nestival. Join the fun and get social with fellow travellers!

Nest Beach Club 📍 Long Set beach (also called 4K beach) ⏰ 3pm every Saturday

5️⃣ Kayak at the mangrove forest

This turned out to be one of my favourite things to do on Koh Rong! In the heart of the island is a thick mangrove forest, with a winding river that weaves all the way to the ocean. Paddling down the sleepy river in a kayak is the perfect activity for those that need a break from lounging on the beach. If you don’t fancy kayaking, there is a boardwalk through the forest that you can explore.

koh rong tour

Koh Rong’s mangrove forest is a 20-minute drive from Kaoh Touch town, making it too far to walk, so you will need to rent a motorbike or a driver to take you.

📍 Prek Tasok Ecotourism Community 💰 $10/hr (each kayak can fit 2 people)

6️⃣ Rent a motorbike and drive the island

There are a couple of roads that criss-cross the island, connecting various bays and beaches! I really enjoyed renting a motorbike in Khao Touch and taking a drive around the island. The roads are still in construction in some areas, so are not on Google Maps.

💰 $10/day including gas

7️⃣ Watch sunset from Sok San beach

Facing the west, with views over the ocean to the horizon, Sok San beach is THE best place to watch the sunset on Koh Rong island. The village next to Sok San pier has a couple of local restaurants with great seafood and a perfect beachfront view of the horizon for sunset, or Sok San Resort comes highly recommended for a sunset cocktail.

If you’re not already staying at Sok San beach, you’ll need a motorbike or shuttle boat to get there.

📍 Sok San Beach

sunset sok san beach koh rong island cambodia

8️⃣ Hike to a waterfall

The jungles of Koh Rong hide a couple of waterfalls that you can trek to.

You can climb to Varisan Nureach Waterfall, in Sok San village, without a guide. It’s a small waterfall at the end of a jungle hike! It is not recommended to visit during the dry season, as there will be no water.

For the more adventurous, Nest offer guided tours to a larger, more impressive waterfall hidden deep in the jungle. The waterfall is unmarked making it impossible to find without a local guide! We didn’t have time to hike to the hidden waterfall, but it sounds like it would be such a thrilling trek into the jungle.

9️⃣ Go horse riding on the beach

Surprisingly, the island is home to a number of beautiful horses; the stables can be seen in the jungle between Kaoh Touch and Long Set beach. You can book tours to take a ride along the beaches and through the jungles on horses through the excursion stands in the Kaoh Touch town.

💰 $30/hour

🔟 Daytrip to Koh Rong Sanloem

Only a few people chose to visit both Koh Rong and its nearby little sister, Koh Rong Sanloem. If you only plan to stay on Koh Rong, then why not take a day trip to enjoy the stunning beaches and restaurants that line Saracen Bay on Koh Rong Sanloem.

The ferries run from morning to late afternoon giving you lots of time to explore, snorkel and grab some lunch before heading back to Koh Rong for sunset!

💰 $5-10 ⏰ 15-30 mins to get between the islands Double check with the travel agents in Kaoh Touch town for the current boat times and prices.

Map of Koh Rong

This map shows the popular beaches to visit, along with things to do and places to stay. You can save the map to your GoogleDrive for later by clicking the star next to the map title.

With some of the most beautiful beaches in South East Asia, Koh Rong is a must-visit during your travels to Cambodia. Hopefully, this guide shares some ideas of other activities to get involved in, from parties to boat tours.

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things to do in koh rong cambodia

Planning a Trip to Cambodia

For more information on planning a trip to Koh Rong and other destinations in Cambodia, be sure to check out my Complete Cambodia Travel Guide which includes everything you need to know for travelling around the country.

✍️ A Travel Guide to Koh Rong ✍️ How to Visit Cambodia as a Tourist in 2022 ✍️ 8 Things to Know Before Visiting Koh Rong

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koh rong tour

Tag: Koh Rong

koh rong tour

Seven months of Travel: Summary and Review

My Seventh month of travel was a very different month for me, I travelled very fast compared to normal but it was one of my best months yet! My month kicked of in the gritty seaside resort Sihanoukville. Despite looking worn out Sihanoukville has a hidden charm. It’s extremely cheap and you could easily live…


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  3. Navigating Paradise: Best Boat Trips on Koh Rong Island

    A: There are now 5 modern ferry services from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong Island - Speed Ferry Cambodia, Island Speed Boat Cambodia, Buva Sea, Angkor Speed Ferry, and GTVC. (There are also a couple of $5-$10 'Slow Boat' services that take 1.5 - 2.5 hours - These services are not professionally run and are not recommended ).

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  9. Koh Rong Snorkeling Tour

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  10. Top 10 things to do in Koh Rong

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  11. Koh Rong in Cambodia

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  12. Koh Rong Travel Guide · So The Adventure Begins

    Head on a boat tour to swim and snorkel your way around the bays of Koh Rong. Many of the tours stay out past sunset so you can snorkel with the bioluminescent plankton. $15. Join the Nestival party. If you're on Koh Rong on a Saturday, Nest is the place to be! Every weekend they host an afternoon of social games and drinking called the Nestival!

  13. LONG SET BEACH (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go ...

    Koh Rong Fishing & Snorkeling tour (Private) Fishing Charters. from . £67.76. per adult. Discover Scuba Diving in Koh Rong. Scuba Diving. from . £103.63. per adult. Koh Rong JetSki Rental. On the Water. from . £83.70. per group (up to 2) Koh Lanta any hotel to Krabi airport Private transfer. Port Transfers .

  14. Karmakazi

    126 reviews. #4 of 12 Outdoor Activities in Koh Rong Sanloem. Scuba & SnorkellingBoat ToursWater Sports Night ToursPrivate Tours. Open now. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. Explore the marine life found on the islands coral reefs which include more than 600 hundred species such as angel fish, butterfly fish, parrot fish ...

  15. Koh Rong Island

    How to get to Koh Rong from Sihanoukville. First, you need to get to Sihanoukville, located in southern Cambodia. The boat leaves from the Serendipity pier in Sihanoukville and the boat trip takes about 90 minutes since the boat stops at the neighboring island of Samloem. Round trip costs $20 with speed ferry (yellow boat).

  16. Koh Rong Fishing Tour

    Koh Rong Fishing & Snorkeling tour is the best Fishing & Snorkeling combo to do while you're visit to Cambodia's best beaches. We'll pick you from the piers in Koh Touch and Long Set beach for this Koh Rong Boat tour. Our first stop is the nearby Koh Toch island, one of the best spots to snorkel with tropical marine fish and soft and hard ...

  17. Long Set Beach

    Top ways to experience nearby attractions. Koh Rong Snorkeling Tour (Private) 1. On the Water. from. $85.00. per adult. Koh Rong Fishing & Snorkeling tour (Private) Fishing Charters.

  18. 5 Best Things to See & Do on Koh Rong

    Glowing Plankton on Koh Rong. Booking a tour is very straight forward - You'll see them advertised all around the beach. A trip to see the plankton will cost about $5 (leaving at 7pm). You can also see the plankton during boat trips that will include snorkeling, fishing, BBQs, and sunsets. These tend to cost around $10 and are from 1pm - 7pm.

  19. Koh Rong Samloem Island

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  20. 10 Things to do on Koh Rong · So The Adventure Begins

    Koh Rong might be the paradise island you're dreaming of; powdery-white sand, turquoise water and lush jungle. Check out these things to do on Koh Rong! About. ... We booked a boat trip with the 3 Brothers tour company (they have a stand-in Kaoh Touch town). The tour started at 1pm, and included snorkelling, stopping at remote beaches, and ...

  21. Koh Rong

    Tag: Koh Rong. Oct 2. Stephanie. Seven months of Travel: Summary and Review. My Seventh month of travel was a very different month for me, I travelled very fast compared to normal but it was one of my best months yet! My month kicked of in the gritty seaside resort Sihanoukville. Despite looking worn out Sihanoukville has a hidden charm.

  22. Koh Rong's Snorkelling Paradise: Dive into the Best Sites

    A: There are now 5 modern ferry services from Sihanoukville to Koh Rong Island - Speed Ferry Cambodia, Island Speed Boat Cambodia, Buva Sea, Angkor Speed Ferry, and GTVC. (There are also a couple of $5-$10 'Slow Boat' services that take 1.5 - 2.5 hours - These services are not professionally run and are not recommended ).

  23. Glowing Plankton on Koh Rong

    As such, if you're staying on Koh Touch (the main tourist area on Koh Rong Island) or on Saracen Bay (the main tourist area on Koh Rong Samloem), the easiest way for you to see the plankton is by booking a boat tour (you can also walk to Police Beach on non-party nights (15 minutes left from the main pier) and Tree House Bungalows (15 minutes ...