Le Tour des Muverans

Route information, description.

The Les Muverans Tour is a mountain adventure over several days taking you from mountain refuge to mountain refuge.

The route isn’t technically difficult and can be completed throughout the summer. Plan on 5 to 6 hours of walking a day. Six passes along the way offer spectacular views of the Pennine Alps, Mont Blanc, the Dents du Midi and the Vaud prealps. The route runs through the cantons of Valais and Vaud.

Practical Information

A few pointers: - Stay on the marked paths - Make sure you know your route and the weather conditions - Respect flora and fauna - Take your rubbish home with you - Respect private property - Close all gates behind you Details on stages, routes and hiking times can be found on the Tour des Muverans website. INFO: the patous (sheepdogs) no longer keep livestock in the Richard region.

The Tour des Muverans in video

Official website - Tour des Muverans

Course profile



Trekking type, tour des muverans.

Tour des Muverans

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Le Tour des Muverans

TdM - Grand Muveran et Vallon de Nant

Description - Le Tour des Muverans

The Les Muverans Tour is a mountain adventure over several days taking you from mountain refuge to mountain refuge.

The route isn’t technically difficult and can be completed throughout the summer. Plan on 5 to 6 hours of walking a day. Six passes along the way offer spectacular views of the Pennine Alps, Mont Blanc, the Dents du Midi and the Vaud prealps. The route runs through the cantons of Valais and Vaud.

Media - Le Tour des Muverans

Grand et Petit Muveran - Dent Favre - Vus des Perris Blancs

1. History of the landscape of Vallon de Nant

Water in all its forms. From glacier to torrent.

Office du Tourisme de Bex

Avenue de la Gare 68

Office du Tourisme d'Ovronnaz

Practical information.

A few pointers: - Stay on the marked paths - Make sure you know your route and the weather conditions - Respect flora and fauna - Take your rubbish home with you - Respect private property - Close all gates behind you Details on stages, routes and hiking times can be found on the Tour des Muverans website. INFO: the patous (sheepdogs) no longer keep livestock in the Richard region.

General information

Information kiosk - office du tourisme de bex.

tour des muverans course

Your tourist office

Office du Tourisme de Villars

Our suggestions

Les Mosses, Randonnée - n°110


Tour des Muverans

tour des muverans course

Le Tour des Muverans, avec sa géologie si particulière, sa flore et sa faune, ses multiples cabanes, ses alpages en activité, son passage à Derborence connu pour ses deux éboulements et passé à la postérité grâce à la plume de l’écrivain Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, a les atouts d’un grand circuit. Situé juste au niveau du coude du Rhône, un sentier en balcon permet de découvrir quelques-uns des plus beaux panoramas des Alpes: le massif du Mont-Blanc, les Combins, les Alpes valaisannes, les Dents du Midi et, en certains endroits, le Lac Léman.

tour des muverans course

Les Côteaux du Soleil 19.09.2024 11:09

21° averses modérées

Liens & téléchargements


Difficulté : difficile Nombre de jours : 4-5

Vue de l'hôtel Cervo avec le Cervin en arrière plan, Zermatt. Valais, Suisse.

Votre hébergement en Valais

tour des muverans course

Pildacre Hill

Tour des Muverans – Spectacular Scenery and Steep Climbs

The Tour des Muverans is a fantastic circular walk in the Valais, with many different options on how to tackle it.

tour des muverans course

There are three main places to begin the hike (Pont de Nant, Derborance or Ovrennaz); it can be done clockwise or anti clockwise; and it can be completed in three, four, or potentially five days. I took the trip with three friends in August 2019 and we elected to do the trip in three days, which requires a certain level of fitness.

The route is officially 54 km, with 4300m of up and down and 23 hours of walking. It is mainly above 2000m, reaching a height of over 2600m and a low point of 1230m.

There are plenty of options for accommodation and refreshments. We carried our own food for lunches, but it’s perfectly possible to have lunch in different cabanes along the way.

The scenery is spectacular throughout, and in early August there was a carpet of flowers all along the route, all accompanied by insect and butterfly life. We saw salamanders, ibex, chamois, marmots and Lammergeier. The geography was equally varied with limestone and shale, and the historical twisting and turning of the earth’s crust billions of years ago visible in the mountains along the way.

tour des muverans course

We set off from Pont de Nant above Bex, which is arguably the most dramatic of starting and ending points on the tour. It’s a steepish climb out of the valley, but we were soon at La Vare having a morning coffee, fortified with local spirit, and topped with cream and a flower. If you are taking four days to do the tour then a variant of the route would be to climb up to the Cabane de Plan Névé. This has a spectacular view across to Lac Léman and is surrounded by the Grand Muveran and the Tête à Pierre Grept.

tour des muverans course

A pleasant walk through meadows followed, across a col and down to the Refuge Giacomni where we had lunch. This hut could be a stopping point if taking the four day option and including the climb to Plan Névé. Next stop for us was Derborance which involved a steep descent down past a waterfall and then through a forest. We had refreshments next to the lake (this is another option to overnight), before heading up to the Cabane de Dorbon , a charming place with accommodation for 20 people. The young couple who look after it cooked up a delightful meal of soup, lentil curry, and dessert, all excellently presented and washed down with craft beer from down the valley.

tour des muverans course

We had an early start and headed uphill through limestone geology and out into our first wild mountain landscape.

tour des muverans course

We had a bit of excitement traversing a long snow slope where our poles came in handy.

tour des muverans course

The top was the Col de la Forcla, at 2547m which gave us our first view down to the Rhône Valley over 2000m below. There was then a slightly tricky traverse over an eroded slope and a climb upto the Cabane Rambert. This is a popular day hike destination from Ovrennaz, and has outstanding views onto the southern Valaisan Alps as well as the Grand Muveran and Petit Muveran. It also has artisanal beer from the Mont Noble brewery in Nax , and would be a good place to stop if taking four days to hike the tour.

tour des muverans course

Our next destination was the top of the ski slopes above Ovronnaz before heading back uphill to the Col de Fenestral. Ovronnaz could be another good place to stop for the night if taking four days, allowing the use of the spa and a relatively short walk the next day through to the Cabane at the Col du Demècre.

Our choice was the Cabane de Fenestral which is at the col of the same name. It was renovated a few years ago and so has all the features of a modern mountain hut (inside toilets and washbasin) and grand panoramic windows looking out onto Mont Blanc and the mountains above Chamonix. Once again we ate very well and the guardians were very attentive, topping up drinks and plates.

tour des muverans course

Again we started early and walked down to the Lac de Fully, and back upto the Col de Demècre. Here we had our first view of Lac Léman and the lower Rhône valley. Then we had a decision to make – to take the upper route along the contour, or the lower route which involved a steep climb down and back up.

Along the contour it was, and what an experience it was – a narrow path with steep drops to the Rhône valley on one side, dramatic views upwards as we traversed the Dent de Morcles. There were cables in a few places which were very welcome indeed. The route did give us some really spectacular views, and it’s isolation from grazing animals also provided plenty of wildlife meadows with stunning numbers of flowers, butterflies and other insects.

tour des muverans course

An hour and a half later we came out at Rionda where there is a viewpoint, and then it was a short walk to the Cabane La Tourche for a welcome beer and lunch.

Setting off for the final time we traversed a rocky slope which again offered spectacular views and then up a steep slope of scree to the Col des Perris Blancs.

tour des muverans course

Here the route map is wrong. According to the map the route heads directly down towards Pont de Nant. However, on the ground the route has been changed and now takes you up to the Pointe des Martinets and along another narrow path past Swiss army lookouts to the Col des Martinets. Here we passed three mountain bikers and wondered how on earth they had got there, and if they actually had a chance to ride their bikes along the way (they were pushing them as we saw them…).

tour des muverans course

It was then a long descent down to the valley, alongside the glacier and finally down through scrub and trees. The route had been washed away in the valley floor and was marked by red and white route markers on the trees. Finally we found a new bridge, and we were on the flat and able to walk along the valley to Pont de Nant.  

tour des muverans course

There is something pleasing about a circular route – reaching the end brings a familiarity and reminder of the start, but also the memories and experiences of the journey just travelled. If you have a head for heights this is a great round trip.

Map: Du Rhône aux Muverans. 1:25000 editionmpa by orell füssli.

One Reply to “Tour des Muverans – Spectacular Scenery and Steep Climbs”

This brings back memories! Thanks again Duncan for an unforgettable hike.

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Randonnées en boucle

Tour des Muverans (VD/VS)

tour des muverans course

Localisation : A cheval sur les cantons de Vaud et Valais, entre les massifs de l’Argentine et des Muverans.

Descriptif : Magnifique randonnée avec de somptueux panorama et l’ascension du Grand Muveran à la clé. Temps de marche : environ 16 heures

Longueur totale : 33 km

Dénivelée : +/- 3’283 mètres

Altitude : entre 1’244 et 3’051 mètres

Carte nationale d’excursion 1 : 50’000 : 272 St Maurice

Meilleure période : de juin à septembre

Carte et dénivelé de l’itinéraire Première étape : Pont de Nant (1’252 m) – cabane Rambert (2’590 m) – sommet du Grand Muveran (3’051 m) – Cabane Rambert Descriptif : itinéraire le plus difficile de la randonnée. Nombreux passages T4 et ascension du Grand Muveran T5

Longueur totale : environ 8 km

Temps de marche : environ 7 heures

Dénivelée : +2’039 mètres -708 mètres

Difficulté : T4 / ascension du Grand Muveran T5, deux dernières étapes T3

Départ de Pont de Nant en dessus des Plans-sur-Bex. La montée commence tranquillement puis dès le premier croisement (Panneau indicateur La Larze, Frête de Saille, Cabane Rambert), le sentier commence à zigzaguer et devient plus raide. A partir de l’altitude 1950 mètres, l’itinéraire longe les parois rocheuses sur un sentier très escarpé. Être à son affaire car certains passages sont assez raides et techniques. Avoir le pied sûr et des bâtons. Le sentier est étroit par endroits, certains passages sont équipés d’une main courante. La montée en direction de la Frête de Saille (point d’altitude 2’468 m) n’est pas longue mais raide, il ne faut pas la sous-estimer. Depuis la Frête de Saille, il y a un magnifique panorama ainsi qu’une vue dégagée sur la cabane Rambert, le Grand et le Petit Muveran. On aperçoit également le sentier sur l’autre côté du versant qui mène à la cabane Rambert. La descente pour rejoindre la cabane Rambert comporte des passages délicats et glissants. Depuis la cabane Rambert, pour accéder au sommet du Grand Muveran (3’047 m), emportez avec vous le strict minimum (boisson, barres énergétiques). L’itinéraire pour le Grand Muveran est coté T5. Suivre les marques rouges et jaunes et par la suite bleues et vertes. Comptez 3 heures aller et retour.

Carte et dénivelé de la première étape

Deuxième étape : Cabane Rambert (2’590 m) – Pas de Chamosentse (2’454 m) – Derborence (1’464 m) Descriptif : traversée de très beaux paysages. Un passage T4 dans la montée des Pallantsons. Itinéraire le plus facile du parcours.

Longueur totale : environ 12,5 km

Temps de marche : environ 5 heures

Dénivelée : +514 mètres -1’627 mètres

Altitude : entre 1’466 et 2’584 mètres

Carte nationale d’excursion 1: 50’000 : 272 St Maurice

Difficulté : T3

Depuis la cabane Rambert prendre la direction Ovronnaz, Mayens de Chamoson, Derborence. Au point d’altitude 2386, il y a deux possibilités d’itinéraire. Soit suivre directement en direction du col de la Forcle (est), soit se diriger au sud (direction Chamosentse, Ovronnaz) et au point d’altitude 2042, bifurquer en direction du lac de la Forcle, Derborence en passant pas le Pas de Chamosentse (est) pour une montée d’environ 400 mètres de dénivelé. Sur cette variante de parcours un passage délicat avec main courante. Depuis le Pas de Chamosentse il reste 0,5 km pour rejoindre le magnifique lac de la Forcle situé au pied du Pacheu et du Tita Naire. La descente depuis le lac de la Forcle sur Derborence est facile et suit un agréable sentier qui traverse des prairies d’alpages.

Carte et dénivelé de la deuxième étape

Troisième étape : Derborence (1’464 m) – Pas de Cheville (2’037 m) – col des Essets (2’029 m) – Pont de Nant (1’252 m) Descriptif : très belle vue sur le cirque de Derborence en montant au Pas de Cheville et panorama spectaculaire au Pas de Cheville.

Longueur totale : environ 13 km

Dénivelée : +796 mètres -1’011 mètres

Altitude : entre 1’243 et 2’051 mètres

Depuis le refuge de Derborence prendre la direction du Pas de Cheville pour environ 500 mètres de dénivelé positif. Jusqu’au Grenier la montée ne pose pas de problème particulier. Par la suite, le chemin est plus raide mais sans problème également. Le Pas de Cheville offre un décor vaste et particulier. Le trajet en direction d’Anzeinde et la cabane Barrault est facile, ainsi que la montée au col des Essets. La descente depuis le col est plus délicate et suit un sentier escarpé. A la fin de la descente du col des Essets, l’itinéraire traverse une vallée alluvionnaire jusqu’à à la Buvette de la Vare (1’758 m). Par la suite, suivre Le Richard et Pont de Nant pour rejoindre le point de départ.

Carte et dénivelé de la troisième étape

Infos pratiques Cette randonnée est déconseillée par temps pluvieux ou humide, particulièrement la première étape. Ce descriptif comporte 3 jours de marche. Pour ceux qui ne veulent pas enchaîner avec l’ascension du Grand Muveran lors de la première étape, il est possible de rester un jour de plus à la cabane Rambert et effectuer l’ascension le lendemain. Dans ce cas, comptez un jour de plus pour la randonnée. La restauration et le couchage sont excellents à la cabane Rambert (tél. 027 207 11 22). Il est également possible de commander le pic-nic pour le lendemain sur réservation. Lors de l’étape Rambert-Derborence, l’itinéraire de la deuxième variante croise le refuge Jules Biollaz (quelques centaines de mètres avant le lac de la Forcle) qui n’offre aucune commodité. Sur le parcours des deux variantes d’itinéraires, se trouve le gite d’alpage de Dorbon (après le lac de la Forcle) dans un cadre magnifique et qui propose aux randonneurs produits du terroir et boissons diverses. Dortoirs à disposition. Le refuge de Derborence (tél. 346 14 28) est très accueillant, les dortoirs sont grands, spacieux et propres. Douche à disposition pour CHF 4.00. Le souper est très bon. Buvette de la Vare (1’758 m). Accueil très chaleureux, restauration excellente et copieuse. Lieu idéal pour le repas de midi de la troisième étape.

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Parts of this route comprise highly technical, difficult, or hazardous terrain. Specialist equipment and prior experience is required.

5.71 mi in total

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June 4, 2019

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In four stages it goes on this promising tour to the Grand Muveran. You cross six passes and pass countless huts. As a stopover you can plan Rambert, Col du Demècre and Pont de Nant. Starting point of the tour is Derborance.

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Le Tour des Muverans

A few ideas for stages

In the attached document, which you can view here or download, you can discover some ideas for stages and ways of organising your Tour des Muverans.

Link for choosing stages

General information

Climbing routes.

Climbing routes This site is of course dedicated to hiking, but it is likely that some climbing enthusiasts will be interested to know about the various possibilities specific to this sport, and existing alongside our trails......

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Safe hiking in Switzerland - or how to read the signs .


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    The Tour des Muverans is a wonderful circular hike in Valais, with many different options for walking. The trail is officially 54 km, with 4300m of ascent and descent and 23 hours of walking. The tour runs mainly above 2000m, with an altitude of over 2600m and a lowest point of 1230m. During the Tour des Muverans, you hike around the mountain ...

  4. Tour des Muverans, Vaud, Switzerland

    The Tour Les Muverans is a multi-day mountain adventure that goes from hut to hut. The route is not technically difficult and can be completed throughout the summer. Plan 5 to 6 hours of walking per day. Six passes along the route offer spectacular views of the Pennine Alps, Mont Blanc, the Dents du Midi and the Vaudois Prealps. The route crosses the cantons of Valais and Vaud. For an easier ...

  5. Le Tour des Muverans

    The Tour des Muverans in video. Official website - Tour des Muverans. The Les Muverans Tour is a mountain adventure over several days taking you from mountain refuge to mountain refuge. The route isn't technically difficult and can be completed throughout the summer. Plan on 5 to 6 hours of walking a day.

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  7. Tour des Muverans, Vaud, Switzerland

    The Tour Les Muverans is a multi-day mountain adventure that goes from hut to hut. The route is not technically difficult and can be completed throughout the summer. Plan 5 to 6 hours of walking per day. Six passes along the route offer spectacular views of the Pennine Alps, Mont Blanc, the Dents du Midi and the Vaudois Prealps. The route crosses the cantons of Valais and Vaud. For an easier ...

  8. Book Your Tour des Muverans Safely and Securely

    The Tour des Muverans is a wonderful circular hike in Valais, with many different options for walking. The trail is officially 54 km, with 4300m of ascent and descent and 23 hours of walking. The tour runs mainly above 2000m, with an altitude of over 2600m and a lowest point of 1230m. During our 5-day Tour des Muverans, you hike around the ...

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  10. Le Tour des Muverans

    The Les Muverans Tour is a mountain adventure over several days taking you from mountain refuge to mountain refuge. The route isn't technically difficult and can be completed throughout the summer. Plan on 5 to 6 hours of walking a day. Six passes along the way offer spectacular views of the Pennine Alps, Mont Blanc, the Dents du Midi and the ...

  11. Tour des Muverans

    Tour des Muverans. Le Tour des Muverans, avec sa géologie si particulière, sa flore et sa faune, ses multiples cabanes, ses alpages en activité, son passage à Derborence connu pour ses deux éboulements et passé à la postérité grâce à la plume de l'écrivain Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, a les atouts d'un grand circuit.

  12. Tour des Muverans

    The Tour des Muverans is a fantastic circular walk in the Valais, with many different options on how to tackle it.. There are three main places to begin the hike (Pont de Nant, Derborance or Ovrennaz); it can be done clockwise or anti clockwise; and it can be completed in three, four, or potentially five days.

  13. Tour des Muverans (VD/VS)

    Tour des Muverans (VD/VS) Localisation : A cheval sur les cantons de Vaud et Valais, entre les massifs de l'Argentine et des Muverans. Descriptif : Magnifique randonnée avec de somptueux panorama et l'ascension du Grand Muveran à la clé. Temps de marche : environ 16 heures. Longueur totale : 33 km.

  14. Itinéraire

    To provide the best experiences, we use technologies such as cookies to store and/or access device information. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site.

  15. Tour des Muverans

    Distanz. 52 km. Dauer. 20 h 25 min. Aufstieg. 4380 m. Anzeige. Die Tour des Muverans umrundet in vier Tagen den Grand Muveran. Sechs Pässe, unzählige Berg- und Schützhütten und grandiose Ausblicke auf die Walliser und Waadtländer Alpen, die markanten Dents du Midi und den Mont Blanc bietet diese wenig bekannte Bergwandertour.

  16. Erlebnis: Tour des Muverans (4 Etappen)

    Erlebnis: Tour des Muverans (4 Etappen) Expert. 26:15. 56.7 km. 2.2 km/h. 3,820 m. 3,810 m. Expert Hiking Tour. Very good fitness required. Sure-footedness, sturdy shoes and alpine experience required. Better plan each individual stage of your adventure with the multi-day planner — available as a part of komoot Premium. Learn more.

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    Clear Lake State Park Vue Orleans Kiyomizu-Zaka Street Thousand Islands Arbuckle Wilderness Ala-Archa Gorge Wai Koa Loop Burke's Garden PNC Park Kamala Beach Sagano Romantic Train & Arashiyama, Kiyomizudera, Fushimi Inari Taisha Day Tour World of Illusion Museum Skip-the-Line Ticket Palacio Tango: Carlos Gardel Tango Show with Optional Dinner Official Street Go-Kart in Shibuya Orange Beach Sun ...

  22. Novosibirsk Travel Guide and Tourist Information: Novosibirsk, Siberia

    Currency: Russian Ruble (RUR) Time zone: UTC / GMT +3. Country dialing code: +7. Telephone area code: 383. Average daily Novosibirsk January temperature: -14°C / 7°F. Average daily Novosibirsk July temperature: 25°C / 77°F. Russia's third-biggest city and also the largest metropolis in the whole of the Siberia region, Novosibirsk is a ...

  23. Quelques idées d´étapes

    Tour des Muverans Main Menu. A few ideas for stages. In the attached document, which you can view here or download, you can discover some ideas for stages and ways of organising your Tour des Muverans. ... Post navigation. ← Post précédent. Next Post →. General information . Climbing routes. Climbing routes This site is of course ...