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El idioma oficial es el árabe, pero en todos los lugares turísticos (hoteles, restaurantes, etc) es fácil comunicarse en inglés, francés y en menor medida español.

El clima es desértico, en verano se muestra caluroso y seco y en invierno moderado con noches frías. Normalmente el norte es cálido con pocas lluvias y el sur es seco y con temperaturas más elevadas. El verano es largo, empieza a mediados de marzo y dura hasta primeros de diciembre.

Es aconsejable llevar ropa de algodón y suelta, para que circule el aire a través de ella. Las noches son más frías, se recomienda una chaqueta o abrigo dependiendo de la estación en la que se viaje. Es importante usar un calzado cómodo y cubrirse la cabeza con sombrero o gorra.

La moneda del país es la libra Egipcia que se divide en cien piastras. Un euro equivale a 7,5 LE (este valor puede variar).Los billetes están en denominaciones de 200,100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1 libra y 50 y 25 piastras Hay monedas de 50, 25, 20, 10, 5 piastras y de 1 libra. En grandes hoteles, restaurantes, agencias de viajes y multitud de comercios, aceptan tarjetas de crédito y euros o dólares. El euro como todas las monedas se puede cambiar en los bancos existentes en los hoteles, que permanecen abiertos al público desde las 08:00 hasta las 22:00 horas y hay algunos que abren las 24 horas del día. No es aconsejable cambiar moneda en cantidades grandes porque si al final de su viaje les sobrase dinero no habría la garantía de que lo pudiesen cambiar de nuevo a moneda extranjera. En todos los casos les recomendamos guardar los recibos del cambio de la moneda.

El 85% de la población egipcia es musulmana, el 15% es copta (cristiana) ortodoxa.

Egipto es un país con una gran riqueza culinaria. En los hoteles la comida es mayoritariamente internacional aunque también pueden encontrarse platos típicos. Se recomienda probar el humus, baba ghannoush, habas cocidas, mahshi,etc. Sin olvidarse de los ricos postres árabes. Las bebidas típicas de Egipto son el karkadé, que procede de la flor del hibisco, y se puede tomar caliente y frío, también el té con menta fresca, café turco, zumos de mango, guayaba,etc. Las bebidas no se incluyen en el precio de las comidas y siempre se pagan a parte. Aunque el agua de Egipto es completamente potable se reco-mienda beber agua embotellada. Las bebidas alcohólicas en general son más caras que el resto de las bebidas y son servidas en pocas cantidades en comparación con lo establecido en España.

En Egipto se pueden hacer gran variedad de compras como algodón, oro, plata, alabastro, papiros, alfom-bras, etc. Es normal practicar el regateo en los bazares y mercados mientras que algunas fábricas tienen los precios fijos. Está prohibido sacar antigüedades del país.

Es imprescindible que el pasaporte español tenga una vigencia mínima de 6 meses a partir de la fecha de inicio del viaje. El visado se tramita en el aeropuerto de entrada a Egipto. Si su nacionalidad no es europea debe consultar a la Embajada de Egipto en Madrid (tel. 91 577 63 08/09/10)

Egipto es un país seguro, y nos podemos mover por sus calles en cualquier hora sin ningún temor. Es recomendable guardar el dinero y objetos de valor en las cajas de seguridad de los hoteles y motonaves. Recuerden que los hoteles y motonaves no se hacen responsables de la pérdida de objetos durante su estancia.

El máximo permitido son 20 kg, consulten detalles en la compañía aérea. En caso de pérdida o mal estado de su equipaje deberán presentar denuncia en el mismo aeropuerto. Es importante etiquetar correctamente cada uno de sus equipajes. En los cruceros se desalojan los camarotes a las 08:00 horas y las maletas se quedan delante del embarcadero normal-mente tapadas con toldo y al sol. Es algo habitual.

Las llamadas des de los hoteles suelen ser más caras que des de otros teléfonos locales. También es más económico llamar a España a partir de las 20 horas. El código para España es 00 34 + núm. de tel.

220 voltios, 50 hz. Normalmente los enchufes son como los de España.

No se exige ninguna vacuna para entrar en Egipto.

En El Cairo son negros y blancos, se recomienda fijar el precio antes de subir. En la mayoría de los hoteles existen agencias de alquiler de coches a un precio fijo pero más caros que los taxis.

Las propinas, aunque voluntarias, son un hecho habitual en Egipto y el sueldo de mucha gente depende exclusivamente de ellas. Se interpretan como la mejor forma de agradecer el servicio recibido por: camareros, maleteros, taxistas, chóferes, etc.

A) En Egipto se puede producir excepcionalmente overbooking en las líneas aéreas, barcos, hoteles, etc. por motivos de infraestructura turística, comportando algún cambio de servicios, respetando siempre las mismas categorías contratadas.

B) Las habitaciones triples suelen ser dobles con una cama plegable.

C) En las motonaves normalmente las cabinas están situadas en más de una cubierta, no se puede elegir el nivel donde alojarse ya que los camarotes están asignados proporcionalmente de acuerdo con el número de cabinas de cada grupo abordo. Los guías suelen repartir las cabinas por sorteo. 

D) Las categorías de los hoteles y barcos, no siempre corresponden a las normas internacionales. Siempre corresponden a la homologación del país.

E) En las motonaves el día del embarque los camarotes estarán disponibles a partir de las 14:00 horas, y el día del desembarque, se desalojarán, sobre las 08:00 horas. 

F) En los hoteles según normas internacionales el alojamiento se suele hacer a partir de las 14:00 horas y el desalojamiento a partir de las 12:00 horas. con independencia de la hora en que esté prevista su llegada y salida del hotel. 

G) Si el día de embarque en el crucero, la hora de llegada ha sobrepasado el horario de la cena, se disfrutará de una degustación fría. El día del desembarque el almuerzo puede ser en el propio crucero o tipo picnic dependiendo de la hora de la salida. 

H) En Navidad y Fin de Año, tanto los cruceros como los hoteles establecen cenas de gala, obligando a los clientes al abono de un suplemento que será comunicado antes de la salida o bien en su llegada a Egipto. En el caso del hotel se pagará directamente en la recepción del mismo.

Egipto va una hora más que en España.

Entre El Cairo y otras ciudades : 

  • Alejandría: 220 km 
  • Luxor: 710 km 
  • Aswan: 980 km 
  • Abu Simbel: 1265 km 
  • Sharm El Sheik: 500 km 
  • Hurgada: 550 km 
  • Santa Catalina (Sinaí): 460 km 
  • Suez: 135 km 
  • Memphis/Sakkara: 25 km

Recuerden presentarse en el aeropuerto 2,30 horas antes de la salida del vuelo destino Egipto, en los vuelos domésticos 1,30 horas antes. Una vez lleguen a destino nuestro personal les recibirá y efectuará todos los trámites. Es posible que los vuelos sufran alguna modificación en sus días operativos, cambios horarios y/o fechas de salida. Por esa razón los programas podrían verse ligeramente alterados, respetando en cualquier caso los servicios indicados. Cualquier retraso en todos los vuelos incluidos en los programas no será responsabilidad de la agencia organizadora ni de la agencia receptiva. La agencia organizadora no se hace responsable de los gastos que pueden surgir por la pérdida de conexiones por retrasos de vuelos. MADRUGAR/HORARIOS Debido a los horarios de vuelo (casi siempre bastante temprano) y al temprano amanecer, se suele madrugar para así poder aprovechar mejor el día.

  • El Cairo – Luxor: 55 min. aprox.
  • El Cairo – Aswan: 75 min. aprox.
  • El Cai – Sh.El Sheik: 50 min.aprox.
  • El Cairo – Hurgada: 60 min.aprox.

Situado a 280 km al sur de Aswan y a 70 km de la frontera con Sudán. Posee dos templos impresionantes, uno grande de Ramses II y uno más pequeño dedicado a su esposa Nefertari. Fueron trasladados al lugar donde se encuentran ahora, debido a las obras de la Gran Presa, con la participación de la UNESCO.

A 220 km al norte de El Cairo se encuentra “la perla del mediterráneo”, fundada per Alexandre el Magne l'any 332 a.C. Importante puerto mediterráneo. Interesante visitar la columna de Pompeyo, les catacumbes de Kom El Shogafa y el museo grecorromano.

Es una bonita ciudad con sus paisajes, islas y preciosos atardeceres. Aquí,, concretamente en el Hotel Old Cataract, fue donde se rodó la película basada en la novela de Agatha Christie “Muerte en el Nilo”. No deje de disfrutar del templo de Philae dedicado a la diosa Isis o la Iska Elefantina.

Dendera está situada a 60 km de Luxor, posee un maravilloso templo dedicado ala diosa Hator, muy bien conservado. El recinto funerario de Abydos alberga el Templo de SETi I, Templo de Ramsés II y el Osireion, un edificio extraño e increíble que se considera el cenotafio de Osiris.

Situado entre Luxor y Asuan. Contiene el templo, dedicado al dios Horus, más completo y mejor conservado de todos, data de la época grecorromana.

Situada a 60 km de Luxor, posee el Templo de Esna con hermosos relieves de la época ptolemaica. Des del barco se ven las esclusas.

Fundada a principios del s. XX, conocida internacionalmente para la pràctica de deportes acuáticos y sus modernos resorts hoteleros.

Situado a unos 55 km al norte de Aswa. En el podemos visitar el templo bilateral dedicado al dios Sobek y al dios Haroeris, de la época ptolemaica.

Antigua ciudad de Tebas, capital del Imperio Nuevo. Depositaria de gran riqueza arquitectónica y cultural En su orilla oriental se puede disfrutar del Templo de Karnak, construido a lo largo de miles de años, el Templo de Luxor y el Museo de Luxor. En su orilla occidental se encuentra el Valle de los Reyes, el Valle de las Reinas, el Templo de la reina Hatshepsut, el Templo de Medinet Habu y los Colosos de Memnon. Se trata del yacimiento arqueológico más prolífico del mundo, donde cada poco tiempo surgen nuevos descubrimientos que no hacen sino ampliar el vasto catálogo de maravillas tebanas.

Conocida por su gran riqueza de fauna y flora marinas. Destaca por la práctica de buceo, sus aguas cristalinas periten ver arrecifes coralinos, peces de colores, etc. A poca distancia se encuentra el desierto del Sinaí, con el Monte Sinaí y el Monasterio de Santa Catalina. El Parque Nacional Ras Muhammad es un importante destino para el buceo, con fauna marina en torno a los arrecifes Shark y Yolanda y el naufragio del Thistlegorm. La zona más animada de la ciudad es Naama Bay, un área con un ambiente nocturno espectacular que cuenta con numerosos restaurantes y terrazas.

Es la capital de Egipto y la mayor ciudad del mundo árabe y de África. Cuenta con una población aproximada de 17 millones de habitantes. Las Pirámides de Gizeh, consideradas una de las siete maravillas del mundo, Keops, Kefren y Micerinos vencen elegantemente el paso de los siglos. La esfinge, las mastabas, Sakkara, el Museo de El Cairo guarda innumerables tesoros, en el Barrio Copto se encuentra la Iglesia Colgante, construida sobre las ruinas de la fortaleza de Babilonia. En la ciudad hay mezquitas y monumentos islámicos de increíble belleza y el bazar de Khan el Khalili, es uno de los mercados orientales más originales.

La ciudad de Siwa da nombre al oasis se encuentra en el desierto del Sahara rodeado por un mar de dunas y palmeras. Oasis situado a unos 600 km de El Cairo, cerca de la frontera con Libia. Es un lugar de belleza espectacular, un pequeño paraíso de enorme importancia natural e histórica. El oasis de Siwa brota como uno de los escenarios más vírgenes y exóticos de Egipto .En el interior del pueblo, la principal atracción es la espectacular fortaleza de Shali. Los dos lugares que no se pueden perder se encuentran en la colina de Aghurmi, donde descansan los dos templos construidos en Siwa en honor al dios Amón. 

Agencia de viajes mayorista para viajar a Egipto

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Our Guest Review


Greetings from India.  I hope you remember my wife Lina and me from about a fortnight ago. You helped us plan a trip to Izmir/Ephesus. We had a wonderful time and want to thank you for the excellent planning of the trip.We really loved Istanbul and Turkey and hope to return again in the future, Inshallah!

Warm regards ,  Ajay & Lina Nangalia from India


I just wanted to say thank you for all your help for my son and me in our trip.We really enjoyed your beautiful country with your company and were very happy to meet wonderful and friendly people. Looking forward to being in Istanbul again some time.

Warm wishes , Dr Robyn Rowland from AUS


Thank you for again taking such good care of our group of students travelling in your beautiful and culturally rich country this past fall season.  They had a wonderful time meeting your fellow country-men and women, and seeing your amazing landscapes and sites. Again, thank you: we look forward to working with you once again for our next trip.

Karen Daugherty , Principia College Illinois USA


My solo trip to Turkey is the best so far.  I didn’t expect much and simply followed the advice of a friend who engaged Turista before.  I had wonderful experiences with the best tour guides, hot air ballon at Cappadocia and many more.Traveling solo gave me much opportunity to know the people, their culture and the places.

Thank you for all your assistance, Best Regards, Dahlia Ismail from Malaysia


We truly appreciated your help! Your travel agency was friendly and informative. We can’t thank you enough!

Sincerely,  Scooter Potamites from USA


Firstly thanks for your nice arrangement for my trip.Cappadocia is really an amazing place.  The local tourist guide and the accommodation are also very good.  Thanks again for your nice arrangement.

Thanks again. B.Rgds , Mr. Francis NG from Hong Kong


Thank you very much for your hospitality and service in arranging our tour. We enjoyed our holidays in Turkey. All the places we visited were fantastic & enjoyed thoroughly. All the guides were extremely helpful. I would love to come back again in Turkey for to see the other parts of the Turkey.I will recommend your agency to any of our friends who travel to Turkey, and wish you continued success.

Best regards, Rajesh & Pratima from UK


Thank you for all your help in booking our holiday, we had the most wonderful time and met some lovely people, we didn’t want to leave.I would recommend Turista Travel to anyone wishing to travel around Turkey and would like to thankyou once again for your help.

All our good wishes. Catherine Keable and Graham Murray  from UK


Do you remember me ? You mede a tour of Cappadocia for me .Your tour is safe, nice and reasonable. So very good . I wanna say to you  “Thank you !!”

Take care. Dai Takamatsu from Japan


How are you in beautifull Istanbul? Fall has arrived in Canada and the tres are just amazing colours!

We loved our trip, thank you for all your help.

Nathalie and David ,  from Ottawa Canada

Hello Yasar & Erdogan,

I am so sorry it has take me so long to write to you and tell you how much we all really enjoyed our time in Turkey. You made our holiday very special, everything went so well and I would just like to thank you both again for everything you did. Kindest regards and best wishes to you both . Tony Cox from USA

Dear Mr. Dogan,

My husband and I had wonderful time in Istanbul and Cappodocia. We are back home in the US now. I can’t thank you enough for you help. Turkey is such a great country, I hope I will visit it again in the future.

Thank you again. Grace Su  from USA

Package Tours in TURKEY

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  • Ephesus and Virgin Mary House tour

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What to do in Moscow

Ballet at the bolshoy, cathedral of christ the saviour, drinking & nightlife, entertainment, house-museums, the museum of modern history, the new tretyakov gallery, novodevichiy convent, patriarch’s ponds, the pushkin museum of fine arts, sandunovsky baths, the tretyakov gallery.

Travel in Moscow is easier than you might think: the city’s general layout is a series of concentric circles and radial lines emanating from Red Square and the Kremlin, and the centre is compact enough to explore on foot. Moscow’s sights can also be mapped as strata of its history: the old Muscovy that Russians are eager to show; the now retro-chic Soviet-era sites such as VDNK and Lenin’s Mausoleum; and the exclusive restaurants and shopping malls that mark out the new Russia. A CityPass is a good bet if you plan on seeing several of the city's heavyweight attractions.

Despite its size, Moscow's concentric layout is easier to grasp than you'd imagine, and the city's famous metro ensures that almost everywhere of interest is within fifteen minutes' walk of a station. Red Square and the Kremlin are the historic nucleus of the city, a magnificent stage for political drama, signifying a great sweep of history that includes Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Stalin and Gorbachev. Here you'll find Lenin's Mausoleum and St Basil's Cathedral, the famous GUM department store, and the Kremlin itself, whose splendid cathedrals and Armoury Museum head the list of attractions. Immediately east of Red Square lies the Kitay-gorod, traditionally the commercial district, and originally fortified like the Kremlin. Stretches of the ramparts remain behind the Metropol and Rossiya hotels, and the medieval churches of Zaryade and the shops along Nikolskaya ulitsa may tempt you further into the quarter, where you'll find the former headquarters of the Communist Party. Take a private Kremlin tour to skip the lines for the Kremlin grounds and cathedrals.

The Kremlin and Kitay-gorod are surrounded by two quarters defined by rings of boulevards built over the original ramparts of medieval times, when Moscow's residential areas were divided into the "White Town" or Beliy Gorod, and the humbler "Earth Town" or Zemlyanoy Gorod. Situated within the leafy Boulevard Ring that encloses the Beliy Gorod are such landmarks as the Bolshoy Theatre and the Lubyanka headquarters of the secret police – with its "KGB Museum" – while the Zemlyanoy Gorod that extends to the eight-lane Garden Ring is enlivened by the trendy old and new Arbat streets, with three Stalin skyscrapers dominating the Ring itself.

Beyond this historic core Moscow is too sprawling to explore on foot. Krasnaya Presnya, Fili and the southwest describes a swathe which includes the former Russian Parliament building (known as the White House); Tolstoy's house and the Novodeviche Convent and Cemetery; Victory Park, with its war memorials and Jewish museum; and Moscow State University in the Sparrow Hills – the largest of the Stalin skyscrapers.

Across the river from the Kremlin, Zamoskvorechye and the south are the site of the old and new Tretyakov Gallery's superlative collection of Russian art. Private guided tours are recommended for art enthusiasts. Here too you'll find Gorky Park, the Donskoy and Danilov monasteries that once stood guard against the Tartars, and the romantic ex-royal estates of Tsaritsyno and Kolomenskoe – the latter known for staging folklore festivals and historical pageants.

Taganka and Zayauze, east of the centre, likewise harbour fortified monasteries – the Andronikov, Novospasskiy and Simonov – and the erstwhile noble estates of Kuskovo and Kuzminki, but the main lure for tourists is the Izmaylovo art market. Inside the Izmaylovo Kremlin, a cultural centre, there are also a range of attractions, from the Bread Museum and the Vodka History Museum to the fascinating Museum of Russian Toys.

Moscow's Northern Suburbs cover a vast area with a sprinkling of sights. Foremost is the Memorial and Museum of Cosmonautics and VDNK. For anyone interested in the glory days of the space race, and its monumental landmarks and propaganda, a visit is a must, like on this guided tour . In the vicinity are the Ostankino Palace, Moscow's Botanical Gardens and TV Tower. West from here, the Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines will appeal to visitors with an interest in Soviet social history, too.

Outside Moscow there's scope for day-excursions to the Trinity Monastery of St Sergei, the Abramtsevo artists' colony, Tchaikovsky's house in Kiln, Lenin's estate at Gorki Leninskie, and the battlefield of Borodino, where the battle is re-enacted every September. You can also head out to the village of Aksakovo for a beautiful two-hour troika ride. Further afield, the historic towns of Vladimir and Suzdal are graced by splendid cathedrals and monasteries attesting that they were the seat of a principality when Moscow was merely an encampment. Suzdal is one of the loveliest towns in Russia, and definitely merits an overnight stay. It's also possible to visit the Aviation Museum at Monino air base, en route to Vladimir, if you take the trouble to get permission ahead of time.

This article includes affiliate links; all recommendations are editorially independent.

Top image: Komsomolskaya metro station © Gubin Yury/Shutterstock

While Moscow's Bolshoy Ballet (also spelt "Bolshoi") is going through uncertain times, plagued by infighting and rivalries (not least the recent acid attack on Artistic Director Sergei Filin), few would deny themselves the chance to see this legendary company. During the season, evening performances start at 7pm, and Saturday and Sunday matinees at noon; there are no shows on Monday.

You can see what’s on currently and for a few months ahead on the Bolshoy’s website – although the English version sometimes lags behind the Russian one. The ballet company is usually abroad over summer and sometimes also in the autumn, leaving the junior corps de ballet to entertain visitors – although star dancers are certain to be in Moscow for the opening of the new season in September. For more on Russian ballet visit www.for-ballet-lovers-only.com . For those not interested in ballet but more in the historical aspect of the Bolshoy theatre, take a guided historic tour of the grounds.

If you're more interest in Folk Dances, visit the Kostroma Folk Dance show , the most authentic one in Moscow.

Built as a symbol of gratitude to divinity for having aided the Russians’ defeat of Napoleon in 1812, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (daily 10am–6pm), opposite the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts at Volkhonka ul. 15, was demolished in 1931 in favour of a monument to socialism. The project was soon abandoned and years later, under Krushev’s rule, the site was turned into the world’s largest public swimming pool. In 1994 the Cathedral was rebuilt and is now a symbol of Moscow’s (and Russia’s) post-Communist religious revival.

Moscow isn’t a city that goes to bed early. Many venues act as a café by day, restaurant in the early evening, and both bar and club at night. This can cover anything from an arthouse café with a spot of live music to a dance warehouse, or a fancy nightclub with a restaurant and casino. Most cater to a certain crowd, whether it’s creative professionals, students, shell-suited "flatheads" or designer-draped models. While formal dress codes are rare, face control (feys kontrol) is widespread. Russians distinguish between “democratic” face control (aimed at keeping out hooligans and bandits), and the kind that favours the rich (never mind how they behave). It’s unwise to rile club security staff, however rude they might be.

There are scores of trendy bars and clubs on Krasny Oktyabr, a former chocolate factory building located across the river from Kropotkinskaya and now home to some of Moscow’s hippest nightlife.

Learn how to walk, talk, drink and party like a Russian on a small group with Russian spirits.

Moscow's gastronomic scene has improved enormously over the last five years, with hundreds of new cafés and restaurants offering all kinds of cuisine and surroundings, aimed at anyone with a disposable income – from mega-rich New Russians and expense-account expatriates to fashion-conscious wealthy teenagers.

For cheap eats head to a canteen, where you can compile a tray of dishes smorgasbord-style. Take advantage of the great-value business lunches offered by cafés and restaurants during the week between noon and 4pm.

For well over a century, Moscow has been one of the world’s great centres of classical music, opera and ballet, most famously represented by the Bolshoy Theatre but also by its orchestras and choirs. Theatre can be tricky for non-Russian speakers though circus and puppetry surpass the language barrier. Moscow’s film industry and annual international film festival dwarf St Petersburg’s, but at other times most cinemas screen Hollywood blockbusters.

All this can be surprisingly good value, provided you ask for the cheapest ticket available ( samiy deshoviy bilyet ).

Gorky Park on ul. Krymskiy Val 9 (R100; Park Kultury) is a large park occupying an area of over 700 acres along the river. In the winter the frozen-over paths become one of the city’s largest ice rinks, while in the summer Muscovites stroll the area savouring an ice cream.

Admirers of Bulgakov, Chekhov, Gorky and Tolstoy will find their former homes preserved as museums. Anton Chekhov lived at Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya ul. 6, in what is now the Chekhov House-Museum (Tues, Thurs & Sat 11am–6pm, Wed & Fri 2–8pm; R100, student R60; Barrikadnaya), containing humble personal effects, while the Gorky House-Museum (Wed–Sun 11am–6pm, closed last Thurs of the month; free; Arbatskaya) on the corner of Povarskaya ulitsa and ulitsa Spiridonovka is worth seeing purely for its raspberry-pink Art Nouveau decor. Leo Tolstoy admirers should head to the wonderfully preserved Tolstoy Memorial Estate on ul. Lva Tolstogo 21 (Tues, Wed & Fri 10am–6pm, Thurs 1–9pm, Sat & Sun 11am–6pm; R200, student R60; Park Kultury) where the Tolstoy family lived after moving to Moscow from their country estate in 1881, and where the novelist wrote War and Peace . The Bulgakov Museum at Bolshaya Sadovaya ul. 10 (Sun–Thurs 1–11pm, Fri & Sat until 1am; free; t 495/970-0619; Mayakovskaya), is the house where the novelist lived from 1921 to 1924. There are nightly tours (1–6am; R550; phone a week in advance for tour in English).

The Museum of Modern History at Tverskaya ul. 21 (Tues, Wed, Fri 10am–6pm, Thurs & Sat 11am–7pm, Sun 10am–5pm, closed last Fri of the month; R100; Tverskaya) brings the Communist past alive with striking displays of Soviet propaganda posters, photographs and state gifts, although there’s a frustrating lack of English translation.

Opposite the entrance to Gorky Park at Krymskiy Val 10, the New Tretyakov Gallery (Tues–Sun 10am–7.30pm; R360, student R220; Park Kultury) takes a breakneck gallop through twentieth-century Russian art, from the avant-garde of the 1910–1920s to contemporary artists. Full and illuminating commentary in English is a bonus.

A cluster of shining domes above a fortified rampart belongs to the lovely Novodevichiy Convent (daily 10am–5pm; closed Tues & last Mon of month; R150; Sportivnaya), founded by Ivan the Terrible in 1524. At its heart stands the white Cathedral of the Virgin of Smolensk. In its cemetery lie numerous famous writers, musicians and artists, including Gogol, Chekhov, Stanislavsky, Bulgakov and Shostakovich.

One of Moscow’s most exclusive neighbourhoods, Patriarch’s Ponds is a pleasant spot (there’s actually just one pond) for a summer stroll or an ice-skate on its frozen waters in the depths of winter. The area is also known for being the location of the opening scene of Mikhail Bulgakov’s magical realist novel The Master and Margarita .

Founded in 1898 in honour of the famous Russian poet, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts at Volkhonka ul. 12 (Tues–Sun 10am–7pm; R150–300, separate fee for Impressionist wing; Kropotkinskaya) holds a hefty collection of European paintings , from Italian High Renaissance works to Rembrandt, and an outstanding display of Impressionist works.

Get the city grit out of your skin at the exquisitely elaborate Sandunovsky baths (Neglinnaya ul. 14 bldg 3–7 w www.sanduny.ru ; Teatralnaya), patronized by Muscovites since 1896. Join Russian businessmen and socialites in the banya , a wooden hut heated with a furnace, where you are invited to sweat out impurities, get beaten energetically with birch twigs, and finally plunge into ice-cold water. Men’s and women’s baths are separate, with the women’s section more like a modern spa. A three-hour session costs R1000. Daily 8am–10pm.

Founded in 1892 by the financier Pavel Tretyakov, the Tretyakov Gallery at Lavrushinskiy per. 10 (Tues–Sun 10am–7.30pm; R360, student R220; Tretyakovskaya) displays an outstanding collection of pre-Revolutionary Russian art. Russian icons are magnificently displayed, and the exhibition continues through to the late nineteenth century, with the politically charged canvases of the iconic realist Ilya Repin and the Impressionist portraits of Valentin Serov, including The Girl with Peaches , one of the gallery’s masterpieces.

To see Soviet triumphalism at its most prolific, visit the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, or VDNKh (Prospekt Mira; VDNK/Prospekt Mira), with its statue upon statue of ordinary workers in heroic poses. Adding to the scene is the permanent trade-fair-cum-shopping-centre housed in the grandiose Stalinist architecture of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition of 1939, and the People’s Friendship Fountain, flanked by Soviet maidens, each symbolizing a Soviet republic. One of the most hubristic Soviet monuments ever built is the Space Obelisk , which bears witness to Soviet designs on the stratosphere. Unveiled in 1964 – three years after Gagarin orbited the earth – it’s a sculpture of a rocket blasting nearly 100m into the sky on a plume of energy clad in shining titanium. Moscow’s giant Ferris wheel, small amusement park and numerous food vendors help to create a fairground-like atmosphere. For a fantastic view over the VDNK, take the lift to the 25th floor of Hotel Cosmos across Prospekt Mira.

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updated 26.04.2021


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Shape your Montenegro Story

What excites you? Find inspiration by choosing images that charm you.

See what's on right now

It's time to log out of all of your devices and come here to relax, eat organic food, and swim in clear, healing sea water while breathing fresh mo...

Eat like a local

Montenegrins traditionally prepare dishes from mutton and lamb, as well as quality pork, beef, and fish. How do they like to "season" their meals?...

Kotor Cable Car

Discover unique montenegro.

So small you could drive across it in an afternoon . Which gives you opportunity not just skim through it but to truly absorb the essence and authenticity .

Seaside Jewels of the Adriatic

Explore the area of ​​the Bay of Kotor and the Montenegrin coast with its enchanting beaches, mighty mountains, and ancient cities that bear the historical marks of Roman, Venetian and Byzantine conquerors!

Hidden gem Relaxation in the untouched nature of Montenegro

Your authentic experience will take you on a journey to wild beauty and striking landscapes throughout Montenegro.

Adventure Tara Canyon

Tara Canyon provides you with invigorating and close-up contact with nature. One of the most immersive ways to experience the canyon is to raft or kayak down the length of it. Prepare for a blast of adrenaline!

Hidden gem Meet the makers

Visit Montenegrin workshops to not only learn how traditional goods are made, but also get involved in the crafting process itself. The stories of Montenegrin craftsmen will captivate you.

A place to visit a year-round

Although small country it is incredibly diverse. See how much it can offer you

Meetings Special offers

Want us to give you some ideas for a dream vacation? See offers for lively activities in nature, as well as delectable food and cultural tours.

Adventure Cool & quirky events

Check out the event calendar and stay up to date with all events happening throughout Montenegro - from live music concerts to theaters and carnivals.

Winter Winter

Despite the fact that Montenegro is most often associated with summer vacations, you can enjoy a fantastic mix of winter adventures.

Spring Spring

Montenegro's natural beauty awaits you!

Summer Summer

Are you looking forward to a rush of adrenaline while on vacation? Montenegro is your top choice for the coast, and for good reason!

Autumn Autumn

The unique beauty of the incredible Balkan country is waiting for you to discover!

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So small you could drive across it in an afternoon. Don’t just skim through it but try to truly absorb it’s essence.

Explore destination year-round

Although small country it is incredibly diverse. See how much it can offer you:

Travel responsibly

Did you know? In 1991, the Montenegrin authorities adopted a declaration by which the country became the first ecological state in the world .

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Is it possible to visit Russia as a tourist right now? (Q&A)

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Who can enter Russia as a tourist?

At present, people from 80 countries can enter Russia. There are two main conditions: first, one must be a citizen of that country or have a permanent residence permit; and second - one needs to enter Russia by plane. The primary document that regulates entry during the coronavirus pandemic is Order no. 635-r (March 16, 2020), which is regularly updated. 

Some of the countries on the list include the United States, Britain, Greece, Germany, Tunisia, Israel, Japan, Armenia, Qatar, Portugal, Mexico, Croatia, Belgium, China, France, Denmark, New Zealand, Iran, Peru, Norway and Argentina. Click here for the full list. 

In the meantime, any country with which Russia currently has a travel agreement can serve as the port of departure (however, the transit country must be on the above list).

What type of visa is required?

Those who already have a valid Russian visa - and citizens of the above countries - can enter Russia using that visa. Those who do require a visa can submit their documents at the Russian consulate in their home country.

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What is still not possible at this point is obtaining a unified electronic visa (a type of visa that is valid for up to 16 days, takes only four days to process and does not require submitting any documents relating to the purpose of visit). Therefore, in order to receive a regular tourist visa (valid up to six months) it is necessary to have a confirmed accommodation booking or an agreement with a travel agency.

Is a COVID test required?

Yes, PCR tests must be performed no earlier than 48 hours before arriving in Russia. The results must be printed in Russian or English (this is required even if you received a Sputnik-V vaccine shot). If you’re flying with children, they, too, must obtain a test, irrespective of age. And a form for arrivals must be filled in before entering the country.

Who is not affected by the rules? 

These restrictions don’t apply to foreigners with a valid Russian residence permit or those with close relatives. They can enter Russia from any country using any means of transportation, including by land.

mon turista travel

They also do not apply to partially recognized republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as citizens of Belarus (or those with Belarusian permanent residence permits), Kazakhstan and citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. Entering by land is also possible when traveling from Mongolia or China. 

Furthermore, if Eurasian Economic Union citizens cross over by land, they don’t have to submit a coronavirus test or fill out the arrivals form. 

Is vaccination required? 

No. The QR codes required for visiting public gatherings before spring (including cafes, bars, hotels, etc.) are no longer required in the majority of regions. The same goes for various other COVID restrictions: regions have the final say, but almost all have been lifted.

What about masks?

mon turista travel

Masks are also no longer a requirement. However, some regions still require people to wear masks in some places, including stores, pharmacies, shopping malls, movie theaters and so on. In Moscow, the rule on masks has been completely lifted, while, for example, in Kaliningrad, some places still enforce them. 

Are there any quarantine regulations in place?

No, you will not be required to quarantine on arrival to Russia. However, if you get sick in Russia, you will have to be quarantined for a period of seven days at your own expense. Those who have come in contact with infected people do not require quarantining (provided they did not contract the coronavirus). 

Important! In many countries, there are still restrictions on LEAVING for the purpose of tourism, so having a Russian visa does not guarantee you will get permission to leave your country. This must be clarified before making any trips.

The information listed here is valid as of June 1, 2022. 

If using any of Russia Beyond's content, partly or in full, always provide an active hyperlink to the original material.

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our Scandinavia Trip Ideas

Your scandinavia vacation starts now.

To give you an idea what exciting tours are available in Finland, Sweden, Norway and the Baltic States, we’ve created a variety of trip ideas that will make planning more fun. Take a look at the sample trip plans below and then contact us – we will custom make the trip to suit your budget, interest and tastes so you can make the most out of your trip on your own terms and departing whenever you choose. 



Classic Baltic Tour

Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn 10 Days / 9 Nights FROM €1675


Complete Baltic Holiday

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Baltic Capitals Tour

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Active Baltic Adventure

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Lapland Summer Holiday

Rovaniemi 5 Days / 4 Nights FROM €950


Arctic Wildlife Tour

Rovaniemi, Kuusamo, Pyhä-Luosto 7 Days / 6 Nights FROM €1850


Active Finland Adventure

Helsinki, Turku, Rovaniemi 10 Days / 9 Nights FROM €1775


Taste of Finland

Helsinki, Turku, 7 Days / 6 Nights FROM €1825


Southern Finland Holiday

Helsinki, Tampere, Turku 7 Days / 6 Nights FROM €1175


Baltic Cruise: Helsinki, Tallinn & Stockholm ​

Helsinki, Tallinn, Stockholm 7 Days / 6 Nights FROM €1650


Lofoten Island Cruise

Svolvær, Skrova, Litlmolla, Trollfjord, Gimsøy, Henningsvær, Svolvær 8 Days / 7 Nights FROM €5150


Midnight Sun in Norway: Tromsø Getaway

Tromsø 5 Days / 4 Nights FROM €1150



Northern Lights Tour

Rovaniemi, Äkäslompolo, Saariselkä 7 Days / 6 Nights FROM €2825


Complete Finnish Lapland Holiday

Rovaniemi, Pyhä – Luosto, Ivalo 7 Days / 6 Nights FROM €2175


Ultimate Arctic Adventure

Finnish Lapland 9 Days / 8 Nights FROM €3250


Lapland Winter Holiday

Rovaniemi 5 Days / 4 Nights FROM €1250


Helsinki and Rovaniemi Holiday

Helsinki, Rovaniemi 6 Days / 5 Nights FROM €1350


Baltic Christmas Tour

Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn 8 Days / 7 Nights FROM €1275


Lapland Christmas Holiday

Rovaniemi 6 Days / 5 Nights FROM €1625


Finland Winter Holiday

Helsinki, Rovaniemi, Pyhä, Inari, Levi, Ylläs, Kilpisjärvi 14 Days / 13 Nights FROM €4925


Tromso Northern Lights Tour

Tromso 6 Days / 5 Nights FROM €2225


Tromso Whale Watching Tour

Tromsø 7 Days / 6 Nights FROM €4325


Lapland Northern Lights Getaway

Inari-Saariselkä 5 Days / 4 Nights FROM €2575



Ultimate Northern Lights Photography

Rovaniemi 5 Days / 4 Nights


Valentine's Day Getaway

Rovaniemi 4 Days / 3 Nights


Estonia Song and Dance Festival​

Tallinn 5 Days / 4 Nights

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    Let's explore the beauty of Istanbul with Turista Travel. We offer high quality Istanbul package tours with our comfortable vehicles and our professional local guides. You will see below of page many different Istanbul package tours including hotel and transportation. You can choice which is the best for you.

  14. Montenegro Holidays

    Explore the area of the Bay of Kotor and the Montenegrin coast with its enchanting beaches, mighty mountains, and ancient cities that bear the historical marks of Roman, Venetian and Byzantine conquerors! More.

  15. Cheap Flights

    Choose your destination and preferred travel dates, and we'll provide you with an overview of the cheapest, quickest, and best flights so you can compare prices and book flights with confidence. Flexible on dates? It's even easier to find cheap flights by using our Price Calendar (found above your search results), which shows you the ...

  16. Is it possible to visit Russia as a tourist right now? (Q&A)

    Yes, PCR tests must be performed no earlier than 48 hours before arriving in Russia. The results must be printed in Russian or English (this is required even if you received a Sputnik-V vaccine ...

  17. Why Book Your Trip With Us

    Book your vacation to Finland and Baltic States with MonMon Travel and be ready to be amazed. Our Core Values We believe in regenerative travel, which doesn't just aim to leave a lighter footprint on places visited, but to help our destinations regenerate and grow even stronger in the future.

  18. MonMon Travel

    No matter why you travel, our aim is to make your trip special and enriching. Book one of our trips and bring home unforgettable memories to share for years. Our local experts have deep in-country knowledge and will customised each experience to suit your budget, interests and tastes so you can make the most out of your trip away.

  19. Istanbul Full Day Tours, Let's discovery beauty of Istanbul by Turista

    Let's explore the beauty of Istanbul with Turista Travel. We offer high quality daily departure Istanbul full-day city tours with our comfortable vehicles and professional local guides. While visiting the historical and popular places of Istanbul, we offer delicious Turkish dishes for lunch. We will be happy to have a nice experience on your ...

  20. Scandinavia Trip Ideas

    Your Scandinavia Vacation Starts now! To give you an idea what exciting tours are available in Finland, Sweden, Norway and the Baltic States, we've created a variety of trip ideas that will make planning more fun. Take a look at the sample trip plans below and then contact us - we will custom make the trip to suit your budget, interest and ...

  21. Official Trusted Traveler Program Website

    The Trusted Traveler Programs (Global Entry, TSA PreCheck ®, SENTRI, NEXUS, and FAST) are risk-based programs to facilitate the entry of pre-approved travelers.All applicants are vetted to ensure that they meet the qualifications for the program to which they are applying. Receiving a "Best Match" or program recommendation based on eligibility or travel habits does not guarantee acceptance ...

  22. Contact us we will be glad to help you for booking Turkey

    Contact Us; Turista Travel Sales Office. Contact Us; Please don't hesitate to contact with us.We will be glad to help you; Sales Office : +90 212 5137119 Head Office : +90 212 5186570 WhatsApp : +90 553 651 45 28 . Head Office Karagümrük Mah. Fevzi Paşa Cad. Hatice Sultan Sok No : 5 Fatih - Istanbul

  23. 516 Birchwood Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

    516 Birchwood Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362 is pending. Zillow has 1 photo of this 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,234 Square Feet single family home with a list price of $299,985.