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Star Trek CCG: All Good Things (Sealed Box)

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Star Trek CCG: Premiere White Border Edition ’94 Alpha – Complete Set (363 Cards)

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Star Wars CCG: Second Anthology – Sealed Box

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Star Wars CCG: Third Anthology – Sealed Box

Fajo – black hole.

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Threepio With His Parts Showing (AI) (foil)

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Queen Amidala

Best selling.

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Star Trek CCG: Premiere Limited Edition – Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Cloud City – Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Jabba’s Palace – Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Premiere Limited – Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Theed Palace – Booster Pack

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Star Trek CCG: Premiere Limited Edition – Starter Deck

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Star Trek CCG: Premiere White Border Edition (’95-Beta) Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Reflections – Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Premiere Unlimited – Starter Deck

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Star Trek CCG: First Contact – Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Hoth – Booster Pack

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Star Wars CCG: Coruscant – Booster Pack

Unbelievable Emergency

GEN. – Unbelievable Emergency (Foil)

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Star Trek CCG: Trouble With Tribbles – Complete Set (141 Cards)

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Terms And Conditions

1. Provider and Scope

1. Provider of the internet platform (hereafter: online platform) and thus contractual partner for the users of this online platform is the company Fabio Cadario (hereafter: Provider).

2. These terms and conditions contain the terms and code of conduct for using the online platform and for all legal transactions and quasi-contractual activities which are effected between you and the provider. It is, however, possible that additional terms are applied for certain special services. These will be made available to you before use in the form of additional terms and conditions. General terms and conditions deviating from these terms are not applicable unless the provider agrees explicitly.

3. Registration 1. Usage of the Provider's online platform requires the registration of a user account. Account registration is free of charge. 2. During registration you state your e-mail address and choose a user name and password. Additionally, you have to confirm that you have read and accepted the TC and that you have received the cancellation policy. The provider then sends you an e-mail with an activation link in order to verify your e-mail address. With this e-mail the provider offers you the conclusion of a user contract. You accept this offer by clicking on the activation link. The provider reserves the right to refuse registration without giving reasons. 3. All information can be changed or complemented later in your profile settings. 4. Your chosen password must be kept confidential. Particularly, you have to ensure that your login data do not come into the possession of any third party who could then use your user account. In case you lose your password or suspect that a third party is using your user profile, you are obliged to inform the provider immediately. In order to protect your account from the unauthorized access of a third party, you should change your password regularly. 5. All natural and legally competent persons above 18 years of age, as well as legal persons can register as a user. In the case of legal persons the registration must be completed by an authorized representative. Account registration for third parties without consent, as well as multiple accounts for a single user are expressly prohibited. The Provider reserves the right to demand that appropriate evidence (excerpt from the commercial register, trade license, regulatory licenses) be provided prior to account activation. 6. The data requested during registration is to be entered completely and correctly. Changes of personal data shall immediately be reported and/or corrected by the user in the profile settings. User accounts are not transferable. 7. The Provider reserves the right to make the utilization of the service provided dependent on certain requirements, such as the verification of personal user data and the amount of positive and negative ratings or the payment of the agreed commission.

4. Right of withdrawal 1. The law provides a right of withdrawal for consumers for the provision of services also for distance contracts which are free of charge. Accordingly, we have to inform you about the right of withdrawal as follows: Cancellation policy A customer is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction which predominantly cannot be attributed to their commercial or freelance activities. Right of revocation You may revoke this contractual statement within 14 days, without stating reasons. The revocation period is 14 days with effect from the conclusion of contract. In order to exercise your right of revocation, you will have to inform us (Fabio Cadario, Viale Druso 183, 39100 Bolzano, eMail: [email protected]) about your decision to cancel this contract by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by mail, telefax or email). For this, you may use the attached model revocation form, which is not, however, mandatory. To observe the revocation period it is sufficient to send the notice on the exercise of the right of revocation before expiry of the revocation period. Consequences of cancellation If you cancel this contract, all payments made by you shall be promptly refunded by us within 14 days at the latest with effect from the day we have received your notice of revocation of this contract. For this refund we will use the same means of payment that you have used for the original transaction, unless deviating terms were expressly agreed on with you; we will in no event charge you for this refund. In case you have requested that the provision of services begin during the revocation period, you shall have to pay the appropriate amount for the share of services already provided at the time of your notice of exercise of revocation regarding this contract as compared to the total extent of services scheduled according to the contract. Exclusion of the right of revocation The right of withdrawal does not apply, if you, upon conclusion of the legal transaction, exercise your commercial or freelance activity and are thus to be regarded as entrepreneur. Model revocation form (If you wish to cancel the contract, please fill in this form and send it back to us) To  Fabio Cadario   Viale Druso 183  39100 Bolzano  Italia  Email: [email protected] I/We* hereby give notice that I/we* withdraw from my/our* contract for provision of the following services  Ordered on (*)/received on (*)  Name of the customer(s)  Address of the customer (s)  Signature of the customer(s) (only for notice sent by mail)  Date (*) Please delete as applicable. End of the information about the cancellation policy 2. You expressly agree to us commencing the provision of services before the end of the withdrawal period. For services rendered to you by us within the period until the withdrawal the agreed payments (prices) are to be paid.

5. Premium Membership Fee 1. Account registration, trades, and placing offers, are all free of charge. Account registration, placing offers, and tracking trades between users are all free of charge. Users may opt to purchase a Premium membership to access some specific extra services. The cost of a Premium membership has to be paid in advance and in full in order to enjoy those extra services. The amount of the fee charged depends on the Price list of the Provider valid at the time of the sale.

6. Duration of Contract 1. The contract between you and the provider is concluded for an indefinite duration. The contract may be terminated by you at any time by choosing the cancelation option in your profile. This option is not available if bad trader report is filed against you. 2. The Provider may terminate the contract at any time within a period of two weeks to the end of the month. The right to suspend user accounts shall remain unaffected by this. 3. The right to extraordinary termination of contract of both parties remains unaffected.

7. Contract conclusion between users 1. Placing offers on the platform operated by the Provider constitutes a legally binding offer for the conclusion of a contract. If a user generates a trade offer by filling in a Tracked Trade form, and the receiving user accepts it by confirming the form, a legally valid contract between both users is concluded. The items included in the agreement are to be sent in the specified order and within the time periods established for each step in the trade process.

8. Rights of use for uploading contents 1. You grant the Provider transferable, single rights, unlimited in time and place to the contents published by you on the online platform so far as necessary for operating the online platform. 2. In particular, you grant the provider the right to upload the respective contents to the online platform and to perform the duplication of the contents as necessary (saving to servers etc.). Furthermore, you grant the Provider the right to edit contents in order to better present them on the website. Editing may consist in shortening or editing texts, cutting uploaded images or reducing images as thumbnails. In addition, the provider is entitled to reproduce, communicate and make publicly available contents in the best possible quality via different terminal devices and different networks (public and private), comprising particularly the right to make the transfer of contents available for fixed and mobile terminal devices (e.g. mobile phones etc.) of other users. The right of public reproduction specifically also includes the right to stream contents on the site. 3. If you upload contents to the online platform, you permit other users to use your contents to a certain extent. Uploaded texts thus may be read and any images may be viewed. Inevitably, this involves that the respective content is saved to the memory of the other user's terminal device.

9. Illegal contents 1. You commit to the Provider not to upload any illegal contents to the online platform. Accordingly you will particularly not provide, offer to provide access to or advertise contents (in particular photos, videos, texts, graphics, logos etc.) contrary to the provisions of the German Penal Code or to the Narcotics Act, the Pharmaceutical Products Act or the gun control law or which are: 1. libellous or defamatory, irrespective of who is affected by these contents, 2. pornographic, glorifying violence, abusive, immoral or violating the law for the protection of children and youth, 3. constitute unacceptable harassment of other users, in particular in the form of Spam, 4. protected by law (e.g. by the copyright, trademark, patent, design patent or utility model law) without being entitled to do so, or 5. serve the performance or assistance of anti-competitive actions, including progressive customer canvassing (such as chain, snowball or pyramid systems), 2. Furthermore, you are prohibited from disseminating or publicly reproducing contents of the online platform or of other users, unless the dissemination and public reproduction is envisaged within the use of the online platform or the other user agreed to the dissemination and public reproduction. In addition, you are prohibited from using hyperlinks in your offers. The Provider reserves the right to remove such links immediately and to monitor the content of the site including any chat rooms and forums, to determine compliance with these Terms of Use. The placing of sham offers solely serving to advertise services outside the Provider's platform or to obtain ratings is prohibited. You are likewise prohibited from using the post-contractual communication serving the execution of contracts concluded on the provider's platform for advertising your own or another's commercial services or merchandise.

10. Warranties and Indemnities 1. You warrant to the Provider that you are entitled and able to grant the rights in the aforementioned scope for the contents posted by you. You warrant especially not to post contents violating copyright, trademark rights or other third party intellectual property rights. Furthermore, you warrant not to post anti-competitive contents. You are obligated to seek information accordingly and, in case of doubts regarding the authorisation, to seek permission of the right-holder. Doubts exist especially, if: 1. it concerns works which are protected under copyright or neighbouring right, such as third party videos, photos, graphics, logos, brands and texts. In this context, it should be noted that you may not alienate or otherwise edit third party works and post the result on the online platform without the consent of the right-holder, 2. a third party contributed to the production of the contents in such a way that they may have acquired a neighbouring right. 3. the contents involve any sensitive information on individual persons or groups of persons, unless the required consent and/or rights of use are at hand. 2. Moreover, you warrant to the provider not to post contents on the online platform which infringe the rights of third parties or the content of which is unlawful or has been declared inadmissible by the Provider.

11. Provider's Liability 1. The Provider is liable under statutory provision with the following exceptions: If your damages result from the loss of data, the Provider is not liable, provided that the damages could have been avoided by you by regularly and completely backing up any relevant data. The Provider's liability for damages not typical to the contract is excluded. This does not apply if the damage concerns life, body or health, was caused intentionally and by gross negligence, results from the absence of warranted properties or from a culpable violation of a major contractual obligation, the fulfilment of which enables the proper implementation of the contract in the first place and the observance of which the contracting party regularly trusts (cardinal duties). Liability according to the Product Liability Act also remains excluded. 2. The provider is not liable for the accuracy, quality, completeness, reliability, type and character or believability of the content uploaded by the users. Such content does not represent the Provider's opinion and in particular the Provider does not endorse such contents. The Provider is also not liable for the formation, implementation and fulfilment of contracts between users. They only provide the platform for the purpose of allocating offers. 3. The Provider is not liable for possible damages and/or misuse of personal data which may arise by your use of a third party app.

12. Your Liability 1. You bear full responsibility for any granting of rights, contributions, contents of your user profile and offers. 2. In case the Provider's services are employed via a third party, because you have breached your obligations regarding the granting of rights, you shall indemnify the Provider completely and at first request against any liability and costs, including potential procedural costs. The Provider will inform you immediately about the claim and give you the opportunity to enter a defence against the claims being asserted as far as this is legally necessary and/or possible. The same applies to claims of third parties because the contents violate third party rights regardless of the authorship, especially rights of use and exploitation under copyright law. 3. You are responsible to the Provider and third parties for your own contributions, commentaries and any user profile contents, especially regarding the accuracy of the contents. If legal proceedings are taken against the Provider by another user or other third parties due to unlawful contributions, commentaries, user profile contents and/or offers, you shall indemnify the Provider from any liability and costs to the aforementioned extent. 4. The use of the online platform via third party apps and similar application programmes shall be at your own risk.

13. Extraordinary contract termination and suspension of the account 1. You and the Provider shall have the right to extraordinary contract termination in the event of good cause without notice at all times. An extraordinary contract termination is especially possible in case of major violations against these TC, violations against the obligation to truthfully submit the required personal data or major violations against the prohibition of posting illegal contents. Furthermore, an extraordinary contract termination shall be considered in case of another good cause, especially in case of the loss of access data or the suspected misuse thereof by a third party. Notice of termination must be given in writing in any event. 2. As a less severe measure, the Provider may suspend you temporarily in case of violations against these TC, in order to urge you to meet your obligations. You will be informed of the suspension in writing. In case of the suspension of the user account or a termination by the Provider for good cause, you are prohibited to re-register on the online platform in order to open a new user account without the prior express consent of the Provider. 3. As an even less severe measure the Provider is entitled to delete such offers violating legal regulations or these TC. In choosing the measures, the Provider will consider your legitimate interests, and in particular, whether you were responsible for the violation.

14. Data protection 1. The collection of your data serves to be able to offer a user friendly, efficient and secure internet service. 2. All information on data protection and data security may be found in our Privacy Policy.

15. Functional changes, transfer of contract 1. The Provider reserves the right to continually adapt, update, extend, restrict, or remove features of the online platform. 2. The Provider shall be entitled to transfer all or part of their rights and obligations arising from this contract to a third party by giving four weeks' notice. In this case you are entitled to an extraordinary termination after notification of the transfer of contract.

17. Dealings with Advertisers 1. Your correspondence or business dealings with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers found on or through the site, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such advertiser. You agree that Card Game Geek shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such advertisers on the site.

18. Links 1. The site may provide, or third parties may provide, links to other World Wide Web sites or resources. Because Card Game Geek has no control over such sites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that Card Game Geek is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that Card Game Geek shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such site or resource.

19. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions 1. The Provider reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. 2. The changes and the new TC will be sent to you by e-mail. The new TC shall be considered as agreed, if you do not object to its applicability within six weeks upon receiving the e-mail. The objection has to be entered in writing. In this e-mail the Provider will inform you separately about your possibility of objection, the time limit, the form and the consequences of your inactivity

20. Final Clause 1. The contractual relationship between you and the Provider as well as these terms of use shall exclusively be subject to the law of the Republic of Italy. The provisions of the Italian private international law are excluded. 2. The mandatory consumer protection regulations applicable in the country where you usually reside shall remain applicable, as long as these offer you extensive protection. 3. If the user is an entrepreneur, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, as defined by the Italian Civil Code, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the licence agreement and these TC is the Provider's place of business in Bolzano.

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  • Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Black Border
  • Star Wars CCG Dagobah - White Border
  • Star Wars CCG - Cloud City
  • Star Wars Official Tournament Sealed Deck
  • Star Wars CCG - Special Edition
  • Star Wars CCG - Jabba's Palace
  • Star Wars CCG - Reflections
  • Star Wars CCG - Endor
  • Star Wars CCG - Death Star II
  • Star Wars CCG - Tatooine
  • Star Wars Exclusive Cards, Sets & Enhanced Exclusive Sets
  • Star Wars CCG - Reflections 2
  • Star Wars CCG - Theed Palace
  • Star Wars CCG - Reflections III
  • Star Trek Second Edition Premiere
  • Call To Arms
  • Necessary Evil
  • Fractured Time
  • Reflections 2.0
  • Adversaries Anthology
  • Strange New Worlds
  • To Boldly Go
  • Dangerous Missions
  • Captain's Log
  • Genesis Collection
  • These Are The Voyages
  • In A Mirror Darkly
  • What You Leave Behind

Star Trek The Next Generation Premiere

  • Alternate Universe
  • Q-Continuum
  • First Contact
  • The Fajo Collection
  • Deep Space Nine
  • The Dominion
  • Blaze Of Glory
  • Rules Of Acquisition
  • The Trouble With Tribbles
  • Reflections
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Holodeck Adventures
  • The Motion Pictures
  • The Enterprise Collection
  • Other First Edition
  • Fellowship Of The Ring
  • Mines Of Moria
  • Realms Of The Elf-Lords
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  • Battle Of Helm's Deep
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  • Star Trek Plates (32)
  • Star Wars Plates (5)
  • Pergamum Prophecy
  • Class Of '99
  • Doctor Who Trading Cards
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  • James Bond Trading Cards
  • The Orville

These are the Star Trek First Edition Premiere gaming cards available for sale from W.L. Swarts Enterprises! For an overview of the set, please check out my review at: Star Trek The Next Generation Premiere CCG Set Review !


Customer service.

Star Trek CCG Gallery & Card List

I have put together a filterable Card Scan Gallery and Card List . Currently it contains only Star Trek CCG 1E cards, but I hope to expand this to 2E at some point in the future.

Star Trek CCG Rules and Rules Supplements

  • Star Trek Promo Singles
  • Star Trek Sealed Product
  • Star Trek: 1st Edition Premier Singles WB Nov 1994
  • Star Trek: Alternate Universe Singles
  • Star Trek: Blaze of Glory Singles
  • Star Trek: Captain's Log Singles Star Trek 2nd Edition
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Singles
  • Star Trek: Enhanced Premiere Singles
  • Star Trek: First Contact Singles
  • Star Trek: Holodeck Adventures Singles
  • Star Trek: Limited Edition Singles (Black Bordered)
  • Star Trek: Limited Edition Tin Singles (Silver Bordered)
  • Star Trek: Mirror Mirror Singles
  • Star Trek: Official Tournament Sealed Deck Singles
  • Star Trek: Q-Continuum Singles
  • Star Trek: Reflections Singles
  • Star Trek: Rules of Acquisition Singles
  • Star Trek: The Borg Singles
  • Star Trek: The Dominion Singles
  • Star Trek: The Fajo Collection Singles
  • Star Trek: The Motion Pictures Singles
  • Star Trek: Trouble with Tribbles Singles
  • Star Trek: Unlimited Edition Singles (Alpha)
  • Star Trek: Voyager Singles
  • ‹ Other CCGs
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Star Trek Singles and Sealed Product

  • Current Games

Star Trek CCG 1st Edition

  • Edit source

Star Trek CCG 1st Edition is a Collectible Card Game based on the TV series Star Trek . It is published by Decipher from 1994 - 2003. It is designed by Tom Braunlich, Evan Lorentz, Bill Martinson, Jason Robinette and Roland L. Tesh.

At first, Decipher acquired only the license for Star Trek: The Next Generation , but later on acquired the licenses for other Star Trek series and movies.

  • 1 Card Types
  • 3 Expansions
  • 4 Virtual Expansions
  • 6 External Links

Card Types [ ]

  • Combo Dilemma
  • Damage Marker
  • Facility (originally called Outpost )
  • Q Interrupt
  • Time Location

Rarities [ ]

  • Rare+ (also called Triple-Rares)
  • Starter Common
  • Virtual Promo

Expansions [ ]

Virtual expansions [ ].

On 5 December 2007, Decipher announced that it would no longer be releasing new sets or officially supporting the game. Decipher have also since removed all Star Trek related content from their website. A group of players came together and began work on The Continuing Committee (TCC). The name itself comes from the Romulan Continuing Committee, introduced in Deep Space 9, as the name was appropriate for the non-profit work being proposed. Since then, most of the game's faithful community has moved its activities to the new site and work has gone into producing "virtual sets" of cards to provide continuous new blood to the game.


The current active block sets are ENTERPRISE BLOCK and THE ORIGINAL SERIES BLOCK.

  • The following Decipher issued sets had no expansion icon until The Continuing Committee produced errata cards: Premiere Limited , Premiere Unlimited '94 , Premiere Unlimited '95 , Collector's Tin , Warp Pack , Alternate Universe , Q-Continuum , Introductory Two-Player Game , First Anthology and Reflections .


External Links [ ]

  • Star Trek CCG 1st Edition at CCGTrader

Wikipedia favicon

  • Star Trek CCG 1st Edition at The Continuing Committee
  • Star Trek Customizable Card Game Encyclopedia of Collecting at The Continuing Committee
  • Star Trek CCG 1st Edition at
  • 1 Core Set (A Game of Thrones LCG)
  • 2 DC Comics Deck-Building Game
  • 3 Marvel Champions: The Card Game
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  • Star Trek CCG (1st Edition) - Decks


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Star Trek - The Next Generation - Black Border Starter Deck

By: Decipher

Product Line: Star Trek CCG (1st Edition) - Decks

Star Trek - The Next Generation - White Border Starter Deck Box Display (12 Packs)

Stock #: DEG150-D

MSRP $120.00

Deep Space Nine Starter Deck

Stock #: DEG179

Official Tournament Sealed Deck

Premiere starter deck ii.

Stock #: DEG185

Star Trek - The Next Generation - White Border Starter Deck

Stock #: DEG150-S

Tournament Sealed Deck

Trouble with tribbles, the - federation starter deck.

Stock #: DEG463

Trouble with Tribbles, The - Klingon Starter Deck

Stock #: DEG464

Voyager - Starter Deck

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Grading System

Every item in our inventory has been inspected, very strictly graded, and bagged for its protection.

Shrink Wrapped. Still in the original factory shrink wrap, with condition visible through shrink noted. For example, "SW (NM)" means shrink wrapped in near-mint condition.

Perfect. Brand new.

Near Mint. Like new with only the slightest wear, many times indistinguishable from a Mint item. Close to perfect, very collectible. Board & war games in this condition will show very little to no wear and are considered to be punched unless the condition note says unpunched.

Excellent. Lightly used, but almost like new. May show very small spine creases or slight corner wear. Absolutely no tears and no marks, a collectible condition.

Very Good. Used. May have medium-sized creases, corner dings, minor tears or scuff marks, small stains, etc. Complete and very useable.

Very well used, but complete and useable. May have flaws such as tears, pen marks or highlighting, large creases, stains, marks, etc.

  • Boxed items are listed as "code/code" where the first code represents the box, and the second code describes the contents. When only one condition is listed, then the box and contents are in the same condition.
  • A "plus" sign indicates that an item is close to the next highest condition. Example, EX+ is an item between Excellent and Near Mint condition. A "minus" sign indicates the opposite.
  • Major defects and/or missing components are noted separately.
  • Boardgame counters are punched, unless noted. Due to the nature of loose counters, if a game is unplayable it may be returned for a refund of the purchase price.
  • In most cases, boxed games and box sets do not come with dice.
  • The cardboard backing of miniature packs is not graded. If excessively worn, they will be marked as "card worn."
  • Flat trays for SPI games are not graded, and have the usual problems. If excessively worn, they will be marked as "tray worn."
  • Remainder Mark - A remainder mark is usually a small black line or dot written with a felt tip pen or Sharpie on the top, bottom, side page edges and sometimes on the UPC symbol on the back of the book. Publishers use these marks when books are returned to them.

If you have any questions or comments regarding grading or anything else, please send e-mail to [email protected] .


What You Leave Behind. The newest expansion for the Star Trek CCG Second Edition adds new strategies for all affiliations, and brings to the forefront some of the favorite moments of the Star Trek universe. The 122-card expansion includes an 18-card subset of rare cards that appear in both regular and diffraction foil versions.

Download and print this physical expansion! [PDF] Download Expansion (Low Resolution) For high-resolution versions of physical cards, purchase them from a specialty gaming store.


  1. Tomalak

    star trek ccg singles

  2. Category:Science-classification personnel (Star Trek CCG 1E

    star trek ccg singles


    star trek ccg singles

  4. Star Trek CCG First Edition Decipher The Trouble With Tribbles TTWT

    star trek ccg singles

  5. Star Trek CCG First Contact SINGLES BASICS * Choose Your Card * NrMint

    star trek ccg singles


    star trek ccg singles


  1. Trek Madone 6.9 SSL Project One

  2. Die Energiekrise & TRADITION #4

  3. 1999 Decipher Star Trek CCG Rules of Acquisition part 2

  4. STAR TREK CCG: Cardassians vs. Romulans

  5. Let's look at some Star Trek CCG cards!

  6. Ds9 Feds and dna sdeF 9sD


  1. Star Trek CCG 1E

    Newest from Star Trek CCG 1E. Star Trek 1E & 2E Grab Bag RePack - 25 Total Rares, Foils, or Premiums 1E Boxes / Packs / Starters $14.99 Star Trek 1E & 2E Grab Bag RePack - 100 Rare/Foil/Premium - No Duplicates 1E Boxes / Packs / Starters $57.99 ...

  2. Star Trek 1E

    Select from our Star Trek 1E Products Below. Beam me up, Scotty! Arguably the best sci-fi series on TV since, well, ever, Star Trek is a genre that resonates with players and collectors worldwide! One of the first games Decipher Inc. ever produced, Star Trek Customizable Card Game was an adventure like none other.

  3. First Edition

    The Star Trek: Customizable Card Game universe gets a whole lot bigger with Homefront IV, the latest core expansion to join the First Edition card pool! Twenty-seven (27) newly printable cards - including two dozen missions - combine the old, the converted, and the new into an exciting collection sure to bring new challenges and new ...

  4. Star Trek & Star Wars CCG's

    Star Trek CCG: Premiere White Border Edition '94 Alpha - Complete Set (363 Cards) $ 149.50. Hot.

  5. Star Trek CCG Rare Individual Collectible Card Game Cards

    Explore a universe of rare Star Trek CCG cards like USS Enterprise, Captain Proton, & more. Enhance your collection with vintage and modern treasures. ... Star Trek CCG Deep Space Nine Singles/You Pick, Decipher, Complete Your Set. $0.99 to $4.99. Free shipping. Star Trek CCG Reginald Barclay Near-Mint/NM Rare - Premier Limited 1994. $5.79.

  6. Star Trek CCG Trading Card Games for sale

    Great deals on Star Trek CCG Trading Card Games. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at Fast & Free shipping on many items! ... Star Trek CCG First Edition First Contact Singles NM/Mint. $1.00 to $21.00. $4.00 shipping. Star Trek CCG 1E Two-Player Game 2PG - GI'RAL - Rare Premium NEVER PLAYED ...

  7. CardGameGeek

    What is now known as First Edition (commonly abbreviated “1E†among players) is the original conception of the game, through various designers and iterations. It was first licensed only to cover Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the first three card sets were limited to that show’s universe. As such, the only affiliations ...

  8. Star Trek CCG Individual Collectible Card Game Cards

    Great deals on Star Trek CCG Individual Collectible Card Game Cards. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at Fast & Free shipping on many items! ... Star Trek CCG Premiere Alpha Singles - Mix & Match cards to save up to 33% off! $1.66 to $10.43. $0.50 shipping. STAR TREK:TNG COLLECTIBLE CARD TIN ...

  9. Star Trek First Edition Premiere CCG Sets and Single Cards!

    Star Wars CCG - Reflections; Star Wars CCG - Endor; Star Wars CCG - Death Star II; Star Wars CCG - Tatooine; Star Wars Exclusive Cards, Sets & Enhanced Exclusive Sets; Star Wars CCG - Reflections 2; Star Wars CCG - Theed Palace; Star Wars CCG - Reflections III; Star Trek Second Edition Gaming Cards. Star Trek Second Edition Premiere; Energize ...

  10. First Edition

    First Edition | trekcc. Decipher re-releases a core product of Star Trek CCG, the Premiere starter deck, with a new Premiere rule booklet (version 1.1, including all Premiere rules updates to present), and including 8 new cards specially designed for Starter Deck II. Each of the new Premiere Starter Deck II packs will contain 60 randomized ...

  11. So, you want to play Star Trek CCG?

    Welcome to TrekCC! Let me (re)introduce you to the next game that you want to play: Star Trek Customizable Card Game. The game itself dates back all to the way to 1994 when Decipher, Inc came out with Star Trek The Next Generation Customizable Card Game and continued onward from there through many sets, a new edition, many more sets, and then and ultimately a sad ending for the Decipher which ...

  12. Second Edition

    Second Chances: A Virtual Expansion released on 2023-06-09, containing 18 new 2E cards. Lead Designer: Richard New Design Team: Charlie Plaine, Michael Shea The Continuing Committee generously offers you Second Chances, the sixty-first expansion for Star Trek CCG: Second Edition!For this set, the designers dug through the "cut file" of old, unused card designs to give some of them another shot.

  13. Star Trek 2E

    Select from our Star Trek 2E Products Below. Such a great game, it required a second edition, Star Trek CCG 2E rebooted one of the most popular card game of all time, with brand new card looks, new packs, boosters, starters and foils for collectors and players to enjoy! Starting off with another Premiere Set, all the way until the ultra rare ...

  14. Star Trek CCG

    Star Trek CCG Gallery & Card List. I have put together a filterable Card Scan Gallery and Card List. Currently it contains only Star Trek CCG 1E cards, but I hope to expand this to 2E at some point in the future. Star Trek CCG Rules and Rules Supplements. The following is a collection of every major Rulebook and Rules Supplement I could find.

  15. Star Trek Singles and Sealed Product

    ‹ More CCG/TCG Singles & Sealed Product; Star Trek Singles and Sealed Product; Star Trek Promo Singles; Star Trek Sealed Product; Star Trek: 1st Edition Premier Singles WB Nov 1994; Star Trek: Alternate Universe Singles; Star Trek: Blaze of Glory Singles; Star Trek: Captain's Log Singles Star Trek 2nd Edition; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Singles

  16. Star Trek CCG 1st Edition

    Star Trek CCG 1st Edition is a Collectible Card Game based on the TV series Star Trek. It is published by Decipher from 1994 - 2003. It is designed by Tom Braunlich, Evan Lorentz, Bill Martinson, Jason Robinette and Roland L. Tesh. At first, Decipher acquired only the license for Star Trek: The Next Generation, but later on acquired the licenses for other Star Trek series and movies. Artifact ...

  17. Star Trek CCG SINGLES

    Star Trek CCG SINGLES - YOU PICK THE ONES YOU NEED. apemadhouse (9219) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $1.15. Condition: Ungraded - Near mint or better Ungraded - Near mint or better. Near mint or better. Comparable to a fresh pack ...

  18. Home

    Buddy-Buddy Poffin - 144-162. $2.00. QTY: 24. CCGCastle, Your #1 Source for Discount Pokemon Cards, Warcraft TCG Singles, Boxes, Packs & Minis as well as Star Trek, Star Wars & Lord of the Rings Card Games!

  19. Star Trek CCG Rulebook

    Borg Rule: Non- Borg Cards in Your Deck (3.0.1) Your Star Trek CCG game deck consists of a seed deck of up to 30 cards, plus a draw deck of at least 30 cards. Your seed deck consists of the cards you play during the game setup, while your draw deck consists of the cards you will play during the main game.

  20. Star Trek CCG (1st Edition)

    Star Trek - The Next Generation - White Border Starter Deck Box Display (12 Packs) MSRP $120.00MINTnew price: $69.95. Add to Cart. List. Star Trek - The Next Generation - White Border Starter Deck Box Display (12 Packs) By: Decipher. Stock #: DEG150-D. Product Line: Star Trek CCG (1st Edition) - Decks. MSRP $120.00.

  21. The Continuing Committee

    Apply to host a Regional Championship today! Star Trek Customizable Card Game lives on under the Continuing Committee. We create virtual 1E, 2E and Tribble cards. Join for local and online games.


    The Star Trek Customizable Card Game (First Edition) is a universe of over 3500 different cards, representing people, places, events, equipment, missions, and more from Gene ... While even a single virtual starter deck is competitive in today's game, additional cards unlock more options and new ways to play. Download, print, purchase, and trade ...

  23. Second Edition

    The newest expansion for the Star Trek CCG Second Edition adds new strategies for all affiliations, and brings to the forefront some of the favorite moments of the Star Trek universe. The 122-card expansion includes an 18-card subset of rare cards that appear in both regular and diffraction foil versions. ... • Founder Leader, Single-Minded ...