
autocare christian tour

Inspirational Tours, Inc

Religious group tours, upcoming tours.

autocare christian tour

Guided All Inclusive

Christian tours.

For over 50 years, Inspirational Tours has offered Christian travelers safe and affordable travel packages to the world’s most revered Christian pilgrimage sites. Experience the scriptures as you journey through the lands of the Bible in Israel and the Holy Land, or tour the shrines of Europe including, Fatima, Avila, Lourdes, and more. Most Inspirational Tours packages are all inclusive with air from most major US cities, two meals each day, first class hotels, ground transportation, English speaking guides, entrance fees, tour escort, tips, and taxes.

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

August 2024, events for august.

We offer a variety of tours all over the world, and can customize your tour to include one country or multiple countries, and can be tailored for major celebrations, events and ceremonies overseas. Our tours are typically  9 to 16 days or longer. Planning personalized itineraries is our specialty.

The geographical center of the Christian faith, and the home of the Vatican, tours to Europe can include France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey.


Tours to Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina encompass visits to wondrous castles, magnificent cities, and UNESCO heritage sites.

Experience the life of Christ and his many apostles as you traverse through the footsteps of Christ, visit the sites of His miracles, and the sites of biblical events. Our tours will instill a refreshment of your spirituality, and provide precious memories to last a lifetime.

important notice

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The future of travel

The founder of Christian Tour, Cristian Pandel, has gone through all the stages of a successful story, starting from a simple idea, working hard and with passion, becoming an entrepreneur with an unique approach concerning travel and related services.

After 24 years, Christian Tour is one of the most prominent companies in SE Europe, with a dedicated team of more then 200 travel professionals active in +40 travel office all over Romania and Republic of Moldova.


We understand the families’ needs for vacation: a peaceful, serene trip for  adults and entertainment for children.

Nearly half million customers travel with Christian Tour every year . All our customers, looking for sunny beaches destinations, city breaks or niche holiday spots, can and will find ideas for their next holiday.


We know that the active people go on vacation for new experiences. Especially for them, Christian Tour  has created cultural tours, weekend breaks and pilgrimages all over the world.


Nowadays we want to explore the world, to discover new destinations, to change the décor for a while. We offer city breaks in the European capitals and flight tickets to any destination around the world.


You dream of paradise? Christian Tour will take you there! Exotic islands,  turquoise horizons, bizarre foods and exquisite cocktails. This is the scenery of an exotic holiday created by Christian Tour.

WE FOCUS on what our customers want; we constantly introduce new destinations and new services; we are very selective regarding our suppliers; nevertheless our rates for all holiday packages stay at the range of affordable.


Senior Voyage, our dedicated brand for senior citizens is well known for its unrivaled tours throughout the most spectacular destinations in Romania and in many European countries.

Christian Tour is the unique owner and developer of the „Senior Voyage” brand in Romania.  


WE ARE PROUD to show our guests the beauties of our country – Romania, our natural treasures, historic sites, our distinctive and unique traditions. Christian Tour welcomes guests from around the world since the very beginning of its existence.

Business Travel

We offer complete solutions for business travel by combining technology with experienced and well trained travel specialists. We provide complete counselling and support services such as accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance.


Our evets team is experienced, creative, innovative and enthusiastic.  We will work alongside you to create complex and memorable events. We aim to make your work easier, by taking over your responsibilities and saving you time, while also fully complying with your budgets and policies. 

Cristian Pandel Founder & President Memento Group

Who are we - THE JOURNEY

We make everything simple

IT ALL BEGAN ALMOST 24 YEARS AGO when, together with a group of other enthusiasts, we started exploring the Romanian mountains. We discovered the excitement of experiencing new places and the joy of escaping the everyday bustle. Three years later, Christian Adventure Mountaineering School was founded. We wanted to make these wonderful experiences accessible to as many people as possible.  

Following the success of the mountaineering school, the next natural step was to extend the activity outside the borders. Therefore, in 1997, Christian Tour was founded. Since the philosophy of the newly founded travel agency was based on the same values as the school, to open up new experiences and places, we chose as logo a symbol that reminded of those special early days: the Bucegi Sphinx.  

In the past years, due to an excellent team of tourism professionals and the economic force behind us, Christian Tour has become one of the most important brands on the Romanian tourism market. Our field of activity is one of the most fascinating anyone can imagine: we set out our clients for dream destinations!  

Christian Tour, as part of Memento Group, stands out as NO 1 tour operator in Romania and a major player in SE Europe. We are committed to fulfill the need of travelling, to make the journey as enjoyable, accessible and memorable as possible, to deliver the right experience to all our customers.  

Corporate Services

BUSINESS TRAVEL: Ticketing, accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance

BENEFITS: Employee benefits, gift vouchers, discount packages

MEETINGS: Consultancy on accommodation and meal choices, transport, technical equipment, graphics

INCENTIVES : Consultancy on destinations, transport, accommodations, meals, conference venues, party planning, teambuilding activities, tour guides, customized gifts

CONGRESSES : Event concept, on-site coordinator, participants registration, accommodation, meals, catering, transport, graphic design, technical equipment, multimedia solutions, translation services, hostess services, airport meet& greet, photo and video services, voting and videoconference facilities, VIP services, speakers booking, entertainment, security services

EXPOSITIONS : Planning, contracting, concept design, logistics, graphic production, marketing and promotion services

inside MementoGroup

Benefits for our customers

  • A single provider that manages the entire travel business of the company
  • Personalized and complete services adapted to their needs
  • Negotiated rates
  • Access to our global network of partners
  • Optimized travel costs
  • Safe travels through verified services
  • Advantageous payment terms
  • Dedicated travel consultants
  • Specialized assistance during the trip in case of flight cancellation or schedule changes
  • Event planning
  • Compliance with the company’s SLAs
  • Detailed and efficient reporting
  • Specialized help in designing travel policies

Happy Clients

autocare christian tour

Christian Tour: 50% dintre turiştii care intră în agenţii călătoresc cu autocarul

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Cei mai mulţi dintre cei care aleg acest mijloc de transport sunt tineri cu vârste cuprinse între 18-27 de ani şi seniori de peste 55 de ani.

“Peste 60.000 de turişti Christian Tour aleg să călătorească în fiecare an cu autocarul. Tinerii şi seniorii sunt cei care preferă acest mijloc de transport. Alegerea acestora este motivată atât de considerente financiare, vacanţele cu autocarul având un preţ mai redus, dar şi pentru că, o călătorie cu autocarul le oferă turiştilor posibilitatea de a descoperi mai multe locuri în drumul lor către destinaţie”, a spus Marius Pandel, CEO Christian Tour.

În topul celor cinci destinaţii preferate de români pentru vacanţele cu autocarul sunt: Thassos, Halkidiki, Riviera Olimpului, Kuşadasi sau staţiunile de pe litoralul Bulgariei. Pentru acest sezon estival, agenţia Christian Tour le oferă turiştilor romani 33 de destinaţii pentru charterele cu avionul, 12 destinaţii pentru charterele cu autocarul şi 47 de circuite cu autocarul în destinaţii din toată Europa. În plus, în ultimii doi ani, agenţia turoperatoare şi-a mărit flota la zece autocare şi ţinteşte ca flota sa să ajungă la 30 de autocare până în 2016.

“Pentru ca turiştii să beneficieze de cele mai bune condiţii, indiferent ce variantă de transport aleg, am decis ca autocarele Christian Tour să fie de ultimă generaţie şi să aibă toate dotările. Astfel, autocarele noastre au toate condiţiile moderne de confort şi securitate: climatronic, sistem de încălzire, aer condiţionat, LCD, DVD, cale mari pentru bagaje, WC, scaune rabatabile, iluminare independentă la fiecare scaun. În plus, ca o noutate, unul dintre ultimele autocare achiziţionate are tavanul din sticla pentru o panoramă inedită”, mai precizează Marius Pandel.

Christian Tour a înregistrat, în anul 2013, o cifră de afaceri de 45 milioane euro, cifră care o clasează pe locul 2 în topul agenţiilor de turism din România.

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Nisipurile de Aur

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Bilete de autocar pe cele mai populare curse din Romania

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Friendship Tours

Learning the Bible with a Christian Group Tour in the Land of the Bible

Galilee • Masada • Qumran • Bethlehem • Jerusalem


  • Roundtrip airfare from New York or a city of your choice from the list below
  • First Class Hotels, Full Israeli Buffet Breakfast and Dinner Daily
  • Deluxe, air-conditioned Motor coaches
  • Visits to Sites as mentioned below
  • Comprehensive Sightseeing per the Itinerary
  • Professional Tour Manager
  • Gratuities to Guide, Driver and Restaurant staff
  • Airport taxes & airline fuel surcharges

Friendship Tours - Christian Tours of Israel - Ruins at Jerusalem

Watch the video below and hear what people are saying about Friendship Tours to Israel

A Pastor's Testimony from Israel!

Our past and present travelers know the quality of tours we deliver. Friendship Tours is America’s leading Christian tour company since 1981.  We believe every Christian must be given the opportunity to visit the land of our Lord and experience the Bible come alive! 

  We are offering this “high quality & all inclusive” Christian tour of Israel at extremely low rates. There are no additional expenses other than your lunches and any gifts you buy.   Rates include airfare, 8 nights hotels, gratuities and much more.   

We will print your custom brochures in color. With your name and your church name.

  Pick a date, any date from below, and plan your own group for your church. Get your own private bus with 30 or more paid passengers. Pastors & spouse always travel free. Please call us for more details.  


Day 1 —  usa• tel aviv.

Depart from USA on our flight to Tel Aviv, Israel   Meals and overnight on board.  After dinner relax and enjoy the on-board entertainment.


Arrive at Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion Airport and meet our guide who will welcome us to the Land of the Bible and escort us throughout our stay in Israel. Israeli guides are legendary for their knowledge and dedication. Ours will instruct us on the many sites we will visit and their relationship to the religion, history, archaeology, culture, and modern life in Israel. Time permitting, visit Old Jaffa , the traditional home of Simon the Tanner and the port from which Jonah sailed. Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Tiberias.


Refreshed from a good night’s sleep you may wish to stroll the beach before a full Israeli Buffet Breakfast. Today we pass through the fast growing towns and farms of the Plain of  Sharon enroute to Caesarea , site of major events in the lives of Peter and Paul . It’s on to Megiddo , inspiration for James Michener’s “The Source”. Archaeological digs reveal 20 layers of civilization, including fortifications of King Solomon and the water tunnel of King Ahab . Megiddo provides a magnificent view of the fertile Jezreel Valley , prophesied site of Armageddon , at the crossroads of the ancient Via Maris .   Continue through the rolling hills of the Galilee to Nazareth , site of Mary’s Well, and Cana , site of His first miracle, before arriving in Tiberias . Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Tiberias .

Friendship Tours - Israel Boat Tour

“I LOVE LOVE LOVE Israel and Friendship Tours. As a Pastor I will bring my Church every year until everyone has experienced Gods Chosen Land and people. Deena Clayman is the BEST Guide in all of Israel!”


This day alone is worth the trip!  We are now literally walking in the footsteps of Jesus.  We will take a most memorable boat ride on the Sea of Galilee , in a replica of the ancient wooden boat used in Jesus’ day.  We will visit an ancient boat believed to be from Jesus’ time found in the Sea of Galilee in 1986.  We walk into old Capernaum with the ancient synagogue ; on to the site of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes (Tabgha), the Sermon on the Mount and the Mount of Beatitudes .  You will have an opportunity for a lunch of St. Peter’s fish (optional.)  In the afternoon we will journey north to Caesarea Phillipi (Banias Spring) where Peter confessed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16.)   Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Tiberias .


This morning we will visit the Jordan River and have the opportunity for a baptismal service .  Drive along the Jordan Valley to Beit She’an to see the expansive excavations taking place at this ancient Roman Decapolis city.  Stop at Gideon’s Spring where Gideon selected his soldiers to do battle against the Midianites.  It’s now time to “go up” to Jerusalem .  We will enter the city as pilgrims did since ancient times to fulfill the words of the prophet “I was glad when they said unto me: ‘Our feet shall stand within thy Gates, O Jerusalem’ ” (Psalms 122:1-2.)   Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem .

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Start the day with a magnificent view of the Old City from the top of the Mt. of Olives .  Take the “Palm Sunday Walk” to the Garden of Gethsemane , the Church of All Nations and drive across the Kidron Valley .  Enter the Old City through St. Stephen’s Gate (Lions’ Gate) to the Muslim Quarter , visit the beautiful Church of St. Anne and the Pool of Bethesda , Pilate’s Judgment Hall , and the Ecce Homo Arch .  Walk along the Via Dolorosa, into the Christian Quarter , and see the Stations of the Cross .  Drive to Mt. Zion to see the House of Caiaphas and the Upper Room of the Last Supper .  We will visit Bethlehem and see Manger Square , the Church of the Nativity , and view Shepherds’ Fields and the Fields of Boaz and Ruth .  Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem .


Depart to Masada , overlooking the Dead Sea , the lowest spot on Earth, where we ascend by cable car to visit the remnants of Herod’s Palace and where in 73 A.D. the Zealots made their last stand against the might of Rome.  Visit Ein Gedi , fabled Spring of David , and proceed to Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947.  Time permitting, we will go for a swim, rather a “float”, in the salted waters of the Dead Sea .  Return to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.


We will begin the day with a visit to the reconstructed Jewish Quarter , walk through the Cardo , the original Roman street and see the amazing remains of the massive wall built by King Hezekiah . See the important excavations taking place at the Western Wall and the Southern Temple Staircase . On to the Temple Mount , where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac.  See the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque that now stands there.   End the afternoon at Golgotha (Gordon’s Calvary) and the empty Garden Tomb .  Special time is planned for worship, communion, meditation and inspiration


Today is a day at leisure for you to relax and enjoy the Old city on your own. .  This evening we  will share in a Farewell Dinner and the presentation of a Certificate of Pilgrimage to each tour  participant. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem .

DAY 10   —  ISRAEL • USA

Today we transfer to the airport.  Our guide will assist us with check-in procedures.  Depart on our flight home.  We arrive home today with wonderful memories of a visit to the Land of the Bible!

Friendship Tours - Jordan-River-baptism-christian-tour

“We always feel safe in Israel. Traveling with Friendship Tours is a great experience. They really know what they are doing”

Special Rates

Our rates below are all inclusive and include a 20% bundle savings. All passengers pay for are their lunches & souvenirs.  There are no hidden charges!

*Value Pricing With Limited Inventory

Egypt – Four day optional extension that can be combined with above tour dates. $1085 Add Egypt Extension

Jordan – Four day optional extension that can be combined with above tour dates. $1200 Add Jordan Extension

East Coast – New York, Boston, Washington Dulles, Newark Central Coast – Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta West Coast – Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle

Note: All above rates are based in U.S Dollars

Our philosophy is very simple!

We offer an all-inclusive price with airfare, 4 star hotels, two meals a day and all the sightseeing outlined above. The only thing that is not included in our pricing is lunches.

Hotels we use:

Tiberias – Leonardo Club & Lake House, or similar

Jerusalem – Grand Court Hotel, Ramada Jerusalem Hotel or Leonardo Jerusalem Hotel, or similar

Important Note: All rates are subject to change without notice

Airfares and airline fuel surcharges are subject to change without notice!

Friendship Tours - google rating 5


Please fill out the form below and one of our travel experts will follow up with you with additional information about our travel packages and answer any questions you may have.


If you have a group of 20 or more we will create a custom tour for you with an itinerary of your choosing including your own private motor coach. We will price your tour from your gateway city. Then we will print a custom brochure personalized to your group. We will offer our suggestions to complement your ideas in order to achieve the best possible program for your group. We are happy to design any program you like. Flexibility is part of our service to you.

(800) 213-9155



Book your tour now


Questions to consider when selecting your Tour Company

  research is key to selecting the right company, please read this carefully before you sign up with any tour company.

What is the Tour Company’s main focus?

Several vacation tour companies have attempted to make inroads into the Christian

Pilgrimage market. Friendship Tours only specializes in Christian pilgrimages. We do not sell vacation packages to other countries. Christian Pilgrimages is all we do and we do it well!

What knowledge does the company have about their guides?

The owners of Friendship Tours personally screen and select all of our guides.  We choose guides who are flexible and responsive to the needs of our group leaders.  Our guides are well informed with a broad base of knowledge in both the Old and New Testament. Our guides make us successful and this is why our group leaders re-book year after year with us.

How long has the company been around?

After 9/11 several companies avoided refunding churches the tour payments and closed shop only to re-open under a different name. Friendship Tours has been in business since 1982 and has refunded all travelers their money.  Every client was cared for after 9/11. This level of service and trust is important in the ever-changing world we live in.

Are the company owners Christian?

Friendship Tours is a Christian Company.  We consider our work to be the work of God on behalf of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We understand Christian Pilgrimage and we make every effort to help you in planning a meaningful, memorable and faithful experience.

What financial protection does the company offer?

Friendship Tours carries high limits of liability insurance that protects the churches that work with us. We adhere to all US government over sight with regard to Financial regulations. We have strict company policies prohibiting the commingling of client deposits. This is a critical component of our integrity. During difficult times some companies will use customer deposits to survive and run out of funds to service their group commitments.  Friendship Tours is a member of the Better Business Bureau with an “A” rating. Friendship Tours has the best buying power due to our long-standing professional relations with all international airlines offering us the lowest airfares with the best connections. Our buying power for ground services is reflected in the prices we are able to offer. Very few

Companies are able to do what we do. How do we do it? Very simple. As a wholesale Tour Operator, we work on large volume of passengers and pass the savings on to our clients.  This is our mission.  This is a ministry entrusted to us by God.  At every turn we will seek to be faithful to you and our mission.  Our

Tagline says it all. “We build lasting relations. One client at a time.”

Christian Group Tours to Israel

Israel is a land steeped in rich history, where Jesus was born, delivered his famous Sermon on the Mount, performed miracles, and was resurrected. There’s no way to describe the joy and wonder of walking the path followed by Jesus, his disciples, and other biblical luminaries with our Israel tour groups. You simply have to see it for yourself.

At Friendship Tours, our goal has always been to enrich the lives of our Christian friends by offering affordable travel to the Holy Land. We want you to experience the awe that can only come from standing in the birthplace of Jesus, following in the footsteps of his disciples, and entering the city of Jerusalem as pilgrims have done for generations.

When you choose Friendship Tours for your Christian tours of Israel, you become our friend. We treat our Isreal tour groups with the utmost care and consideration.

You’ll enjoy all-inclusive pricing, upscale hotel accommodations, and informative and entertaining tours delivered by carefully vetted local guides. Your safety and satisfaction are always our highest priorities.

If you’re ready for 10 days filled with unforgettable sights and experiences that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life, book to join a group tour to Israel today.

What to Expect with Our All-Inclusive Israel Group Tours

There’s no better way to travel to the Holy Land than with an all-inclusive itinerary from Friendship Tours. Planning a trip is not easy, between arranging for transportation, lodgings, and meals, and figuring out what your Israel tour group wants to see once you arrive.

With over four decades of experience, the team at Friendship Tours is more than qualified to do the heavy lifting for you. We’ve established long-term partnerships with vendors all across Israel and beyond in order to provide a worry-free travel experience, so you can enjoy every minute of your trip.

Whether you want to visit the Holy Land as a personal treat, travel with a partner, bring the whole family, or arrange a trip for a large church group, we make the process easy with pre-planned itineraries and affordable pricing.

Don’t forget, we offer one free trip for every five paying travelers, allowing you to bring ministry staff or parishioners that otherwise couldn’t afford to join.

Food, Lodgings, and Transportation

All-inclusive travel, first and foremost, must cover all the basic necessities, including food, lodgings, and transportation. Your final price per person includes airfare from a range of East Coast, Central, and West Coast cities with major airports. You’ll also enjoy two meals a day (lunch not included) and lodgings at safe and comfortable 4-star hotels.

We carefully choose hotels that we have visited and found to meet standards for cleanliness, friendliness, and expected amenities for our Israel tour groups.

These hotels include the Leonardo Club & Lake House (or similar) in Tiberias and the Grand Court Hotel, Ramada Jerusalem Hotel, or Leonardo Jerusalem Hotel (or similar) in Jerusalem. Gratuities and taxes are also covered.

Our philosophy of providing unmatched value at competitive pricing also includes tours and excursions. Travel by deluxe, air-conditioned motor coach and tours led by expert guides are both part of the package with Friendship Tours.

Expert-Guided Tours

When it comes to planning tours to Israel, choosing the right guides is essential to ensuring a fun and fulfilling experience. This is why we take the time to personally interview every guide we employ and endeavor to build long-term relationships for the benefit of everyone involved.

Our guides offer impressive knowledge of history and religion in the area, not to mention a love and appreciation for their native land.

What’s Included in Your 10-Day Itinerary?

Your tour of Israel will take you from the U.S. to Tel Aviv, Tiberias, and Jerusalem, along with Masada, overlooking the Dead Sea, and Qumran, where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Our renowned Israel group tours include important sites in the lives of Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others connected with His life.

Make Your Dream a Reality Today

If you’ve always dreamed of visiting Cana, the Mount of Beatitudes, the Mt. of Olives, and the Stations of the Cross, among other holy sites, you’ll find what you seek and so much more with Friendship Tours.

You’ve been waiting your whole life to embark on a tour of the Holy Land, and our Christian tours of Israel offer experienced planners, tour managers, and guides who treat you as friends. If you’re ready to experience the power of His life on a 10-day tour of the land He called home, book your tour today!

Friendship Tours - BBB-logo small

The experts in the planning and delivery of high quality, worldwide, custom Christian group tours. ©2024 Friendship Tours   P.O.Box 1140, Moorpark, California 93021 All rights reserved Telephone: (800) 213-9155 | CST # 2069059-40 Privacy Policy Booking Terms & Conditions

Recent Blogs

  • 12 Must-Visit Churches and Monasteries in Greece for Christian Travelers
  • The New ETA-IL System for Israel Travel: How to Apply and the Benefits
  • The Conversion of Saul: A Journey of Redemption
  • Tracing Cultural Exchange: Jewish Influences on Greek Culture and Vice Versa in Antiquity
  • 7 Christian Destinations Every Believer Should Experience

We do not serve individual travelers and we are unable to book you on one of our custom groups. Please do not submit this form if you are not already a part of a group with 15+ people..

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Israel Christian Tours

Explore Israel Christian Tour Packages

Christian tour packages.

Select from our variety of Israel Tour Packages. Each Christian tour package was designed to create a deep, meaningful Holy Land experience. See where it all began. Walk through the history of Christianity with one of our superb guides, stay in the best hotels, and visit all the major Christian landmarks .

With over 40 Years of Experience, we are one of the most prestigious and celebrated tour operators in Israel offering world class service. Our 2020 tour packages offer competitive pricing on all levels.

Contact us today, and we will help you find the right Christian tour package for you.

8 Day Heritage of the Holy Land Tour

8 Day Heritage of the Holy Land Tour

Follow in the footsteps of Jesus in this wonderful Holy Land tour package. Let the Bible come to life from the hills of the Galilee to the alleys of Jerusalem. Visit the places you only read about, the Sea of Galilee the Dead Sea, Nazareth, Cana, Capenaum and more. Experience the Holy Land in a deep, meaningful and fun way.

  • Sea of Galilee
  • Mt. Beatitudes
  • Qumran caves

11 Days Pilgrim Tour of Israel & Jordan

11 Days Pilgrim Tour of Israel & Jordan

This pilgrim tour of Israel and Jordan is an extension of our 8 day Heritage of the Holy Land Tour . In addition to the 8 days itinerary in Israel you will get 3 full days of the highlight of Jordan. In Jordan you will visit the beautiful Red City of Petra and enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the desert with an exciting jeep safari in Wadi Rum. So hop and join us for for an unforgettable experience of Israel and Jordan.

  • Mt. of Beatitudes
  • Dead Sea, Israel
  • Amman, Jordan
  • Jerash, Jordan
  • Petra, Jordan
  • Wadi Rum jeep safari
  • Madaba, Jordan

3 Days Jordan & Petra Tour

3 Days Jordan & Petra Tour

This wonderful Jordan and Petra tour from Israel is a true delight. Enjoy the best of Jordan and its fascinating sites. Visit the magnificent ancient city of Petra and take a horse ride to the Siq. View the stretching hills from Mt. Nebo and see archaeological treasures that are world heritage sites.

8 Day Bible Land Tour

8 Day Bible Land Tour

From the peak of Masada to the lowest place on earth, from ancient to modern, enjoy a wonderful experience, travelling through history and time. Indulge in a float in the Dead Sea, wander through the cobbled alleys of Jerusalem, visit spiritual Safed and much more. See the land in all its diversity and color and experience its rich and fascinating history.

Traveler Photos

Contact us.

I’m Interested in 8 Days Christian Tour Package 11 Days Christian Tour Package 3 Days Jordan and Petra Tour Private Christian Tour Custom Group Tour A day Tour Other

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Put-in tours

Original tour agency in moscow and st petersburg..

Onboard a Soviet van!

Welcome to Russia!

We are Sergey and Simon, a Russian and a Frenchman, both  passionate about Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and classic cars. Together, we have created Put-in tours. Our goal is to help you experience Russian culture off the beaten path. Join us onboard our classic Soviet van and let’s get rolling!

In Moscow we offer you a city tour to discover most of the city in an original way as well as a night tour to admire the lights. Our pubcrawl is ideal to explore Moscow’s night-life and have fun. If you are craving to discover Russian culture, come impress your senses during our monastery diner or join our 100% Russian Banya Excursion . The latest will also bring you to Sergiyev Posad and it’s famous monastery!

For the most extreme travellers, our shooting tour will deliver your daily dose of adrenaline whereas our tank excursion will let you ride a real tank and shoot a bazooka.

We also offer help to receive your visa , safe and multilingual airport transfers , as well as organisation services for team-building events or bachelor parties .

All our excursions (but the monastery diner) happen onboard our Soviet military vans and can be covered by our  professionnal photographer or videographer.

In Saint Petersburg

We welcome you in Saint Petersburg onboard our Soviet van to discover the imperial city with our city tour and night tour .

Continue your discovery in style! The adrenaline lovers will like our shooting tour  which brings 3 Russian weapons to the tip of your trigger finger.

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At Put-in tours, we put you in our classic Soviet vans to go explore Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Russian culture off the beaten path. Discover our Moscow city guided tour, visit Moscow by night, join our banya & Sergiyev Posad excursion, visit and dine in one of Moscow's oldest monastery or even Luzhniki stadium, before you party on our famous pubcrawl! Original and atypical tours : Shoot AK47 and a bazooka after riding on a tank with our tank & bazooka excursion ! Extreme tours: Fly a fighter jet in Moscow onboard a L-29 or L-39 aircraft!

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The Assumption Belfry and Ivan the Great Bell Tower

The Assumption Belfry and Ivan the Great Bell Tower

View from a corner of Assumption Cathedral on the architectural ensemble of the Assumption Belfry (at the left) and Ivan the Great Bell Tower (at the right) built in the Moscow Kremlin in 16th century. The tower’s name implies that it had once housed St. John’s Church, and that it used to be the tallest building in Moscow (height with cross is about 80 m). For many decades the bell tower was also the main watchtower in the Kremlin, and later also a fire tower. Petrok Maliy, the Italian architect who built the Kitai-Gorod wall in Moscow, started the construction of the church of the Resurrection, later renamed Church of the Nativity, next to the Ivan the Great Tower in 1532. Decades later was converted to a four-tier belfry for large bells, known today as the Assumption Belfry after its main 64-ton bell placed in the middle of the fourth tier. The Assumption bell tolled only on great holidays and to announce events of exceptional significance.

Photo #043 taken on June 29, 2016 during a tour of Moscow Kremlin with my dear client from Lebanon, Jacques Saade.

About Me in Short

Guide, Driver and Photographer Arthur Lookyanov

My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website Moscow-Driver.com from 2002. Read more about me and my services , check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.

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  • Owner: Moscow Guide & Driver
  • Date: June 29, 2016 05:14:00 am EDT
  • File name: ALP-2016-0629-043-Assumption-Belfry-and-Ivan-the-Great-Bell-Tower-Moscow-Kremlin.jpg
  • Tags: Russia , Moscow Kremlin , Kremlin Towers , Ivan the Great Bell Tower , Belfry , Assumption Belfry , Assunmption Bell , Moscow

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