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  • La tour Eiffel : en littérature, en histoire et géographie, en histoire des Arts
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Étudier la tour Eiffel en français, en histoire et en histoire des arts

Cette fonctionnalité est destinée aux agents de l'éducation nationale. Pour ajouter cet élément à vos sélections, inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous.

Dans ces différentes disciplines, les professeurs peuvent travailler sur la tour Eiffel pour étudier l’industrialisation et les changements qui l’accompagnent mais aussi les réactions des artistes et des écrivains à l’édification de ce monument, y compris les représentations qu’ils en ont proposées.

Symbole de l'industrialisation et mondialement célèbre, la tour Eiffel, initialement nommée « Tour de 300 mètres » est une tour de fer conçue par Maurice Koechlin et Emile Nouguier, ingénieurs de la société de Gustave Eiffel, à l’occasion de l’Exposition universelle de Paris en 1889 qui célèbre le centenaire de la Révolution française. Sa construction suscite de nombreuses polémiques.

Le site France Mémoire, de l'Institut de France, propose un dossier à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de la mort de Gustave Eiffel le 27 décembre 1923 .

la tour eiffel cm2 pdf

Au cycle 3 – Éprouver de la répulsion et/ou de la fascination pour l'architecture métallique de la tour Eiffel

Que ressent-on face à la tour Eiffel ? Comment l’exprimer ? Quelle image du monde moderne renvoie-t-elle ?

La tour Eiffel, un symbole de la modernité

La tour Eiffel a inspiré de nombreux auteurs, notamment les poètes : Cendrars, Apollinaire, Cocteau, Queneau, François Coppée, Maurice Carême…  

En cycle 3, le professeur peut s’appuyer sur :

  • les calligrammes d’Apollinaire et de Maurice Carême ;
  • le poème « La tour squelettique » de Raymond Queneau ;
  • le poème « Tour Eiffel » d’Alain Debroise ;
  • des extraits du poème « Sur la tour Eiffel » de François Coppée, ou de « La Tour Eiffel à François Coppée, le jour de ses 300 mètres », de Raoul Bonnery ;
  • éventuellement « Le Chant du paveur » de Jean Cocteau.

À travers la lecture et l’interprétation des textes, le professeur amène les élèves à s’interroger sur ce que l’on peut ressentir face à l’architecture métallique de la tour Eiffel, et sur les façons de l’exprimer.

CM1-CM2 : questionnement « Imaginer, dire et célébrer le monde ». 6 e : questionnement « Récits de création et création poétique ».

Les représentations de la tour Eiffel : pistes en histoire des arts

La tour eiffel vue d'en haut en cm1-cm2.

En prenant comme point de départ le basculement du regard sur la tour Eiffel, par le peintre Robert Delaunay ou par la photographe Germaine Krull par exemple, une approche descriptive conduite par l'enseignant autour de questions ouvertes sur le point de vue engage les élèves à observer les formes géométriques et leur agencement, les déformations engendrées par le point de vue aérien. C’est poser la question des repères, du haut et du bas, du point de vue et de l’horizon et du lien avec le sol en comparant une vue photographique en plongée et une vue verticale de la Tour Eiffel .

La tour Eiffel comme emblème du décor parisien en 6 e dans le cadre de l'enseignement de géographie et du thème « Habiter une métropole »

Des ressources au format vidéo disponibles sur Lumni interrogent la construction du mythe de la tour Eiffel comme monument symbolique de la capitale parisienne. La tour reste un bâtiment emblématique des métropoles contemporaines, une projection imaginaire d’un idéal technologique. Dans le cadre du programme en histoire des arts au cycle 4 De la Belle Époque aux « années folles » : l’ère des avant-gardes (1870-1930) , de l’entrée Paysage du réel, paysage intérieur , il s’agit de contextualiser la forme de la tour Eiffel dans une histoire architecturale de la hauteur ou insérer le monument dans l’histoire de l’architecture métallique . Le désir de s’élever vers le ciel a des racines anciennes en lien avec le pouvoir ou la religion, puis au XX e siècle la tour devient l’instrument pour résoudre les maux des métropoles modernes et aujourd’hui se pose la question des tours écologiques de demain.

Compétences en histoire des arts : Identifier. Donner son avis argumenté sur ce que représente ou exprime une œuvre d'art. Socle commun de connaissances, de compétences et de culture : Domaine 5 : L’élève […] exprime à l’écrit et à l’oral ce qu’il ressent face à une œuvre littéraire ou artistique.

Lycée – Se questionner sur ce que la tour Eiffel dit du monde contemporain

Comment ressentir et dire la beauté du monde nouveau et se positionner par rapport à l’industrialisation ? S’agit-il d’exprimer une perte de sens, ou un sens reconstruit et retrouvé ?

Au lycée , les textes de Guy de Maupassant, de Dino Buzzati (« La tour Eiffel », dans Le K ) ou de l’architecte Le Corbusier (préface à l’ouvrage La Tour Eiffel de Charles Cordat, 1955) permettent de s’interroger sur la construction du monument et sa validité sur le plan artistique .

En classe de seconde , la lettre ouverte adressée par plusieurs artistes à M. Alphand, commissaire de l’exposition universelle de 1889, et la réponse de Gustave Eiffel, se prêtent à l’analyse comme à l’entraînement à la contraction de texte, ainsi que le propose l’académie d’Aix-Marseille .

En regard de ces deux textes, pour réfléchir et débattre sur l’ influence du monument sur le paysage parisien , on peut envisager l’étude de ceux de :

  • Léon Bloy («  Cette épouvantable grandeur des temps modernes  »)
  • Guy de Maupassant (« Lassitude  », dans La Vie errante )
  • François Coppée (« Sur la tour Eiffel »)
  • Jean Giraudoux («  Prière sur la tour Eiffel  »)
  • Roland Barthes ( La Tour Eiffel , 1964)
  • et éventuellement de Huysmans («  Cette allure d’échafaudage  »).

Seconde : objet d’étude « La littérature d’idées et la presse du XIX e au XXI e siècle »

Les représentations de la tour Eiffel : pistes en histoire des arts

La tour eiffel, œuvre collective.

Au lycée, dans le cadre du programme en première spécialité, la tour est un fil conducteur possible de l’étude thématique L’artiste : le créateur, individuel, collectif ou anonyme . La tour Eiffel comme bâtiment est le résultat d’un travail individuel et collectif, vision d’ingénieurs et d’une équipe, façonnée ensuite par le regard des artistes. Il s‘agit d’identifier les personnes qui ont participé à ce chantier, les gestes et les techniques des ouvriers qui ont travaillé à l’édification de ce bâtiment. Hier symbole de progrès de par sa conception et ses formes, la tour est devenue aujourd’hui un objet de patrimoine et reste un objet de débats, sa conservation, sa protection, l’abord de son site sont d’actualité. La tour Eiffel émarge par ailleurs à l’histoire du goût, ayant trait au kitsch et à notre société de consommation contemporaine.

En histoire : étudier la tour Eiffel dans le contexte de son époque

La tour eiffel au collège et au lycée.

Symbole de l’urbanisation et de l’industrialisation au XIX e siècle, l’étude de la tour Eiffel peut être abordée en quatrième dans le cadre du chapitre   sur l' Europe et la Révolution industrielle . En classe de première générale, le point de passage et d’ouverture autour des expositions universelles de 1889 et 1900 offre également l’occasion d’étudier le monument.

Des ressources documentaires

En se connectant sur la plateforme Étincel (Réseau Canopé), un film d’animation (5 min) permet d’évoquer les expositions universelles de 1889 et 1900. Il est accompagné d’ une description de séance pédagogique .

Le site l’Histoire par l’image permet de consulter des photographies montrant la construction de la Tour Eiffel ainsi qu’un article d’Ivan Jablonka sur les visions de la tour . Ces deux ressources peuvent être complétées par celle d’Educ’Arte sur la Tour Eiffel .

La ville de Paris a consacré une page au centenaire de la mort de Gustave Eiffel, on y retrouve notamment son héritage architectural, encore visible aujourd’hui dans les rues de Paris.

En classe de première, la valorisation des femmes scientifiques peut être travaillée au travers de la figure de la mathématicienne Sophie Germain , qui a contribué à sa construction.

Des ressources pédagogiques

Afin de mettre en perspective la construction de la tour, dans le contexte de la révolution industrielle, en classe de quatrième, mais adaptable en première, ce scénario de l’académie d’Aix-Marseille publié sur Edubase propose, à distance et de façon collaborative, de co-construire un diaporama en choisissant des illustrations relatives à la Révolution industrielle.

Dans le cadre des TraAM 2022-2023, l’académie de Toulouse propose un jeu sérieux sur l’exposition Universelle de 1900 utilisable en 4 e et en 1 re , consultable sur Edubase . Les élèves parcourent l’exposition universelle de 1900 en récupérant des indices pour débloquer un code final : cela permet d’aborder différents points clé de la révolution industrielle comme l’électricité ou les transports.

Des ressources numériques sur la Tour Eiffel

  • Gallica « La Tour Eiffel par l’image  »
  • Le blog Gallica «  Aux couleurs de la Tour Eiffel »
  • Le site Passerelle(s) de la BnF « La Tour Eiffel, 1889 »
  • L'album Pont des Arts / Réseau Canopé « La Tour Eiffel attaque »
  • Panorama de l'art : une page sur la Tour Eiffel
  • Académie des Beaux-Arts : une page sur la Tour Eiffel
  • Les ressources Lumni sur la Tour Eiffel
  • Pour ou contre la Tour Eiffel ? piste pédagogique de l’académie de Poitiers
  • Dossier de l’académie d’Aix-Marseille : « La Tour Eiffel, quand l’art fait débat »
  • Une vidéo L’INA éclaire l’actu «  Louis Aragon et Elsa Triolet à la Tour Eiffel »

La tour Eiffel

Dans le cadre de l’étude du XIXème siècle en histoire (voir ici ), on peut mener un travail en histoire des arts sur ce monument français qu’est la tour Eiffel.


Tous les élèves la connaissent mais il es utilise de rappeler où elle est située et de quand date sa construction.

Voici un diaporama très bien fait trouvé sur internet (malheureusement, sans référence, je n’ai pu en retrouver l’origine) et des images séquentielles chez mitsouko , bien pratiques, même si on n’a pas de CP.

Un autre diaporama chez Sanleane avec la fiche d’histoire des arts qui l’accompagne.

Arts visuels

Je vous propose un travail à la manière de Delaunay (voir article ici )

Après une présentation d’un des tableaux de Robert Delaunay, je fournis aux élèves une image de tour Eiffel en noir et blanc format A4. Ils doivent ensuite travailler sur le fond avec une association de cercles de toutes tailles à mettre ensuite en couleurs.

Comme c’est un travail assez long, je propose parfois une version plus petite sur une fiche d’histoire des arts qui peut prendre place dans leur cahier d’explorateur (voir ici )

Le travail d’un élève (très soigneux !)

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La classe de Sanléane

Samedi 18 juin 2016, la tour eiffel, 1 commentaire:.

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Merciiii Sanléane !! Je vais utiliser ton tapuscrit de l'album Emma à Paris à la prochaine période et je découvre que tu as partagé d'autres ressources très chouettes ! Ta fiche sur la Tour Eiffel me plait beaucoup et le diaporama aussi ! Encore merci, tu me fais gagner beaucoup de temps de préparation et puis mes élèves vont être ravis ! :)

N'hésitez pas à me laisser un petit mot si mes ressources vous intéressent, que vous pensez les utiliser en classe.

CheminS faisant

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Comprendre un texte sur la tour Eiffel

Objectif : répondre à des questions simples de compréhension., présentation de la fiche.

Il s’agit ici de comprendre un texte sur l’histoire de la tour Eiffel. Le questionnaire comprend, entre autres, une grille de mots croisés. Voici un extrait du texte : « Le 31 mars 1889, vingt et un coups de canon claquent dans le ciel de Paris. On se bouscule, on tend le cou pour l’apercevoir. On se masse à ses pieds pour découvrir son impressionnante ossature de fer : la tour Eiffel est terminée !  » D’après « Ouest-France » du 31 mars 1989 (400 mots) [Mots clefs : Paris, les monuments, le 19e siècle]

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La tour eiffel - [fr:]exercice de lecture et de compréhension de texte [/fr:] [en:]learn french: reading and comprehension.[/en:], [fr:]lis attentivement ce texte et réponds aux cinq questions. [/fr:] [en:]read this french text and answer the questions.[/en:].

Exercice de lecture et de compréhension avec la Tour Eiffel

[fr:]Lis le texte ci-dessus et réponds aux questions (ou complète les phrases) [/fr:] [en:]Read the text above and answer questions (or complete sentences) [/en:]

1 . Le long de quel fleuve se trouve la Tour Eiffel ? La Seine 2 . Pour quelle occasion fut-elle construite ? l' Exposition Universelle/exposition universelle 3 . Quelle est sa taille actuelle ? 327 mètres 4 . Quel grand monument de Paris est le plus visité ? la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris 5 . Quelle est la dernière antenne installée au sommet de la tour : un émetteur TNT

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Maîtresse paupau, cm1/cm2 - la tour eiffel en arts visuels.

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 Bonjour à tous,

En première période j'étais en remplacement long en CM1-CM2 et on suivait Dictées et Histoire des Arts, et après quelques recherches, j'ai découvert une idée en Arts Visuels sur La Mater de Vlynette   afin de coller avec la première dictée sur la Tour Eiffel. 

Les étapes  : 

  • Tracer un trait horizontal à 5 cm de la feuille (paysage) (à la règle)
  • Tracer deux points en haut de la feuille à 9,5 et 11,5 cm
  • Rejoindre les points aux extrémités de la ligne horizontale (à main levée)
  • Tracer un arc de cercle au niveau de la ligne horizontale (au compas) et gommer la ligne horizontale à ce niveau
  • Tracer des lignes (irrégulièrement espacées) dans la tour (à la règle)
  • Tracer des lettres majuscules dans les lignes
  • Repasser au feutre noir les lettres  -  et les contours de la tour
  • Faire des motifs autour de la tour

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Si vous avez des questions, ou si vous avez des idées de variables, n'hésitez pas :)


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Nian Shou, le monstre du Nouvel An chinois


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Take a walk through the most ancient Kremlin in Russia

The Novgorod Kremlin, which is also called ‘Detinets’, is located on the left bank of the Volkhov River. The first fortified settlement was set here during the reign of prince Vladimir Yaroslavich, the son of Yaroslav the Wise. During these times, all the state, public and religious life of Novgorod was concentrated here. It was the place where people kept chronicles and copied the texts of books. The Novgorod Kremlin, the most ancient one in Russia, was founded here in the 15th century.

St. Sophia Cathedral (11th century), The Millennium Of Russia Monument, Episcopal Chamber (15th century) and the main exhibition of The State Novgorod Museum-reservation located in a public office building of the 18th century are all situated in the Novgorod Kremlin. The exhibition will tell you about the whole Novgorod history from ancient times to the present day. There are also restoration workshops, a children’s center, a library and a philharmonic inside the Kremlin walls.

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Send a letter with the State Novgorod Museum-reservation stamp

While visiting the main building of the Novgorod Kremlin museum, you’ll see a small bureau near the souvenir area. Two more bureaus like that can be found in the Fine Arts Museum and the Museum information centre. This is the Museum Post, the joint project of the State Novgorod Museum-reservation and Russian Post.

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The tradition to exchange letters (at that time written on birch bark sheets) dates back to the 11th century so it’s hardly surprising that such a project appeared here. The bureaus are desks and mailboxes at the same time, so you can send your friends a postcard with a view of Novgorod right from the museum.

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Find the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin among the figures of The Millennium Of Russia Monument

In 1862, 1000 years after the Varangians were called to Russia, a monument dedicated to this event was launched in Novgorod. To tell the story of Russia’s one thousand years, the sculptor used 129 bronze figures: from state and military leaders to artists and poets.

One of figures portrays Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin, a politician and reformer who was responsible for Russia’s diplomatic relations in the middle of the 17th century. He is believed to be the father of international and regular mail in Russia. He was also the person who came up with the idea of the first Russian Post official emblem — a post horn and a double-headed eagle.

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Cross the Msta River over the first arch bridge in Russia

The steel bridge in Borovichi town that connects two banks of the Msta river was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project of the bridge was created by Nikolay Belelyubsky, engineer and professor of St. Petersburg State Transport University. This is the first arch bridge in Russia.

In 1995, it was included in the national cultural heritage register. More than 100 bridges across Russia were developed by Belelyubsky, but only this one is named after him.

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Cast a virtual bell

When in the Novgorod region, you’ll definitely hear bells ring and learn about the Novgorod Veche Bell. During the siege of the city, tsar Ivan III ordered to remove this bell from the bell tower and send it to Moscow. Legend says that the bell didn’t accept his fate, fell to the ground near the border of the Novgorod region and broke to pieces against the stones.

In the biggest Museum Bell Centre in Russia located in the Valday town, you can see bells from across the world and learn why Novgorod bells are unique. The museum’s collection represents bells from different countries and ages, some of them dating back to the 3rd century BC. You’ll learn about the history of casting and modern bell-making technologies and also play games on a touch table. For example, harness virtual ‘troika’ (three) horses with bells or cast a virtual bell.

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Spot the pigeon on the cross of St. Sophia Cathedral

St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Novrogod between 1045 and 1050 by Kievan and Byzantine masters. It was conceived as the main cathedral of the city, and during its first years it was the only stone building in Novgorod. So where does the pigeon on the cross of the cathedral’s biggest dome come from?

Legend says that while tsar Ivan the Terrible and his Oprichniki were cruelly killing peaceful city folk in 1570, a pigeon suddenly sat down to the cross of the city’s main cathedral. It looked down, saw the massacre, and was literally petrified with horror. Since then the pigeon has been considered the defender of the city. People believe that as soon as the pigeon flies away from the cross, Novgorod will come to an end.

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Visit a monastery, that was founded by Patriarch Nikon

The Valday Iver Monastery is situated on the island in the middle of the Valday lake. It is considered to be one of the most important and picturesque orthodox shrines.

The monastery was founded in 1653 by the initiative of Nikon who had just been elected Patriarch. Nikon wanted the monastery to look like the Iviron Monastery on Mount Athos, including the architectural style and monk’s clothes. Legend says that Nikon saw the spot for the monastery in a dream.

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Check out Fyodor Dostoevsky’s country house

Fyodor Dostoevsky, a famous Russian writer, first visited Staraya Russa town in 1872 during a summer trip with his family. They liked it so much that the next year they rented a house near the Pererytitsa River’s embankment and spent every summer here ever since.

Dostoevsky loved this house, called it ‘his nest’ and considered it the perfect place to work and to be alone. In Staraya Russa he wrote his novels ‘The Adolescent’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ and ‘Demons’. Today, this place is a museum where you can explore what Dostoevsky’s house looked like and see his family’s personal belongings, photos and letters.

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Visit an authentic Russian ‘izba’ (wooden house)

If you want to really enjoy the atmosphere of the old Novgorod, you should come to the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of folk wooden architecture that is located on the Myachino lake not far away from Veliky Novgorod. In this open-air museum you’ll see the best examples of Russian wooden architecture, including authentic old ‘izbas’ (wooden houses), rural chapels and churches.

During the year, the museum hosts fairs of crafts and folklore, christmastides, and even an international bell ringing festival.

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Learn what Brick Gothic looks like

The Episcopal Chamber of the Novgorod Kremlin is the only non-religious German Gothic building of the 15th century preserved in Russia. You can have a good look at the facets of the gothic cross-domed vaults inside the chamber. This is why this building is also called ‘Faceted Chamber’ or ‘Chamber of Facets’.

The chamber was part of Vladychny Dvor, the place where all important city events took place: court hearings, gatherings of the Council of Lords of the Novgorod Republic, ambassador’s receptions and feasts. The seals of the city’s lords were kept here. The decree of tsar Ivan III on merging the Novgorod Republic with the Moscow State was first announced in 1478 in Episcopal Chamber. This is when the name of the new state, Russia, was first pronounced.

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See the murals by Theophanes the Greek

The Byzantine Empire had a huge impact on the development of the Russian culture. Many works of art and architecture in ancient Russia were created by Byzantine artists and masters. Theophanes the Greek was one of them. He was born in Byzantine and created icons and murals in Constantinople and Caffa (modern Feodosia). After that he moved to Novgorod where he was commissioned to paint the walls of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyina Street. You can enjoy his unique and expressive style if you look at the murals inside the dome of the church and the Trinity side chapel.

The most recognizable and the only monumental work of Theophanes the Greek that is preserved today is the chest-high portrait of the Savior the Almighty in the dome of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior.

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Take a photo with an ancient Novgorod citizen who is learning how to read and write

In 1951, a letter written on birch bark dating back to the 14–15th centuries was found in Veliky Novgorod. Many decades later, in 2019, a sculpture designed by Novgorod artist and sculptor Sergey Gaev appeared on this exact site.

The sculpture portrays an 8–year old boy sitting on a stool and holding a piece of birch bark. At this age children in Novgorod started to learn how to read and write. During archaeological excavations in Novgorod, scientists often found ancient handwriting practice books and children’s drawings on birch bark sheets.

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Feel like an ancient viking or prince Rurik’s guest

Novgorod is one of the waypoints of the famous trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks. The route passed through the Volkhov river. In the 9–10th centuries there was a fortified settlement of the Viking Age here.

Some scientists believe that Novgorod is named after this area which was called ‘Stary Gorod’ (‘Old City’) at that time. Some historians and archeologists consider this place to be the residence of Prince Rurik who was asked to rule the city in 862. That’s why this ancient settlement is called ‘Rurikovo Gorodische’ (‘Ruruk’s Old City’).

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Learn more about the Soviet modernist architecture

On the bank of the Volkhov river near the Novgorod Kremlin, there is an incredible building that looks like a spaceship and contrasts strongly with the ancient buildings of the city.

This is the Fyodor Dostoevsky Theater of Dramatic Art that was built in 1987. It is one of the most striking examples of the Soviet modernist architecture. The theater was built for 10 years according to the project of architect Vladimir Somov.

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See what an everyday life of Old Believers looks like

The Krestsy town in the Novgorod region has always been considered to be the center of the Novgorod Old Belief community, and it still is. Before the Soviet revolution there were three Old Believers churches here.

The Lyakova village, which is located not far from the town, used to be inhabited completely by Old Believers. You can learn more about their lifestyle in the local interactive museum. You’ll be introduced to Old Believers’ traditional crafts and ceremonies, drink tea with healing herbs and learn how to chop wood and use an old spinning wheel.

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Buy a traditional embroidered tablecloth

A unique embroidery style that is now famous all over the world was born in the Staroye Rakhino village in the Novgorod province. By the middle of the 19th century, it had become a folk craft. Since then, linen tablecloths, towels and clothing items decorated with unusual ornaments have been popular not only among the locals, but also travellers.

In 1929, the first cooperative partnership of embroidery masters was created in Kresttsy. Later it turned into a factory that still operates today. The factory has a museum where embroidery traditions are preserved and new ornaments and technologies are created.

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Find yourself in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Staraya Russa town could be called ‘the salt cellar of Russia’. That’s because salt making was the main trade here up to the 19th century. A few years ago, the old craft was brought back to life, and construction of salt works began. Later, an interactive museum was launched based on the results of archaeological findings.

This museum recreates a typical medieval manor of Staraya Russa of the 12th century with living rooms, a bathhouse, workshops, a livestock pen and traditional peasant household items. In this museum, you can also buy salt which is made in the same way as 1000 years ago.

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See the place where Suvorov started his Italian campaign

Alexander Suvorov’s manor in the Konchanskoe village, which has now become the museum of the great commander, was originally the place of his exile. Suvovor openly disagreed with the reform of Russian’s army based on the Prussian model, and Emperor Paul the First didn’t appreciate such behaviour. He first fired Suvorov and then sent him away to his family estate.

However, the exile lasted for only two years. The great commander started the military campaign straight from his house in the Konchanskoe. During this legendary expedition, he crossed the Alps and defeated the French army.

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Become a real hiker

If you dream of having a hike in the Novgorod region, but at the same time you are afraid that a tourist’s life may be too hard, you should try the Big Valday trail. This is a five-day 59-kilometer walking route. Its central part goes right through the Valday National Park’s territory.

You won’t have to cope with difficulties and inconveniences of camping life here. The route is marked with signs, and there are camping sites where you can find everything you need for an overnight stay from shelters and places for a fire to toilets. The trail finishes at the Dunayevshchina village where you can take a bus back to Valday. To take the trail, you have to fill out a special form and register on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation website.

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Russian Post has launched a limited series of products dedicated to the cultural heritage of the Novgorod region.

In autumn 2020, Russian Post announced an open contest to create the design for its limited series dedicated to Novgorod region. The project was supported by the Government of the Novgorod region, ‘Russ Novgorodskaya’ (Novgorod Russia) project, the State Novgorod Museum-reservation and Yandex.

Stamps and envelopes are traditionally used to spread information about historic dates and figures and famous landmarks. Now we can also use parcel boxes, packaging tape and postcards. The limited series products will travel around the world, introducing the most popular Russian attractions to six million Russian Post clients daily.

The participants were to create the design for the limited series featuring three iconic attractions of the Novgorod region, the Novgorod Kremlin, the Millennium Of Russia Monument and the Belelyubsky Bridge in Borovichi. Moscow designers and graduates of the Higher School of Economics’ Art and Design School Alena Akmatova and Svetlana Ilyushina won the contest. Their project was chosen via an open vote and by the expert jury.

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  • Novgorod Oblast Tourist Attractions

Veliky Novgorod

The whole city of Veliky Novgorod is a big museum; there are many well-preserved monuments dating back to the 11th century and later centuries.

Bell ringing in Veliky Novgorod (credit to Lucia McCreery from Brooklyn)

Veliky Novgorod attractions

Novgorod kremlin, trade side and yaroslav’s courtyard, st. george's monastery, vitoslavlitsy museum of wooden architecture.

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Novgorod kremlin territory

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Veliky Novgorod city, Russia

The capital city of Novgorod oblast .

Veliky Novgorod - Overview

Veliky Novgorod or Novgorod the Great (just Novgorod until 1999) is a city in the north-west of Russia, the administrative center of Novgorod Oblast. It is one of the oldest and most famous cities in Russia with more than a thousand years of history.

The population of Veliky Novgorod is about 224,800 (2022), the area - 90 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 8162, the postal codes - 173000-173902.

Novgorod city flag

Novgorod city coat of arms.

Novgorod city coat of arms

Novgorod city map, Russia

Novgorod city latest news and posts from our blog:.

7 January, 2022 / Nikolai Bugrov's Summer Dacha in Volodarsk .

27 September, 2020 / The Nikolo-Vyazhischi Convent near Veliky Novgorod .

30 August, 2020 / Staraya Russa - one of the oldest Russian towns .

31 March, 2019 / Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Folk Architecture .

28 January, 2019 / Veliky Novgorod Kremlin .

More posts..

History of Veliky Novgorod

Foundation of novgorod and the novgorod republic.

The official founding year of Novgorod is 859, when it was first mentioned in the chronicle. In 862, the so-called “vocation of the Varangians” led by Rurik took place on Novgorod land, which was the beginning of the formation of the Old Russian state. In 882, after the death of Rurik, Prince Oleg became the ruler of Novgorod. He captured Kiev and moved the capital of the state to it. It was the beginning of the Kievan Rus state.

Novgorod was the second town of the Kievan Rus by cultural, economic, and political influence. In 1045-1050, the Cathedral of St. Sophia was built - the main Orthodox church of Novgorod and one of the oldest preserved stone churches in Russia.

The convenient location of Novgorod at the intersection of trade routes “from the Varangians to the Greeks” made it the largest center of intra-Russian and international trade. Constant contacts of the town with the island of Gotland, German towns and the Hansa led to the opening of the first foreign missions on the territory of Novgorod.

The first attempts of Novgorod to gain independence from the Kievan Rus were taken in the 11th century. Novgorod boyars, with the support of the local population, wanted to get rid of the burden of Kiev taxation and to create their own army. In 1136, due to the retreat of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavovitch from the battlefield at Zhdanaya mountain, he was exiled from Novgorod, and a republican government was established in the region.

From 1136 to 1478, Novgorod was the capital of the Russian medieval state known as the Novgorod Republic. In the 12th century, the Novgorod land included part of the Baltic, part of Karelia, the southern part of Finland, the southern coast of Lake Ladoga, the banks of the Northern Dvina River, and vast areas of the European north up to the Urals.

More Historical Facts…

During the Mongol invasion of Rus, Novgorod avoided destruction due to its remote location. It was the only old Russian town that avoided decline in the 11th-12th centuries. In 1259, with the support of Prince Alexander Nevsky, the Mongols conducted a census in Novgorod to collect tribute. In 1280, in Novgorod, a document was drawn up known as “Russian Truth” - the very first set of laws in Russia. Until the 15th century, Novgorod’s possessions expanded to the east and northeast.

Areas northeast of Novgorod were rich in fur-bearing animals and salt. These resources were of great importance for the economy of the Novgorod Republic, which was based on trade. The town was part of the trade route from Scandinavia to Byzantium. The Russian folk hero Sadko was a merchant from Novgorod.

The Novgorod Republic was characterized by some features of the social system and feudal relations: a significant social and landowning weight of the Novgorod boyars and their active participation in trade and other activities. The main economic factor was not land, but capital. This led to a special social structure of society and an unusual form of government for medieval Rus.

The veche - a gathering of a part of the male population of the town - had broad powers. It invited, judged and expelled Novgorod princes; elected the mayor and the military leader; resolved issues of war and peace; passed and repealed laws; set the size of taxes and duties; elected representatives of the authorities in the Novgorod lands and tried them.

From the 14th century, the Tver and Moscow principalities, and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania attempted to subdue the Novgorod Republic. In 1470, Novgorod people asked the Metropolitan of Kiev to appoint a bishop for them (Kiev belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at that time). After it, Ivan III, the Grand Prince of Moscow, accused them of treason. In 1471, he announced a military campaign against Novgorod. Moscow troops defeated Novgorod militia during the battle on the Shelon River and took the town.

In 1478, after a series of wars against Moscow, Novgorod lost its independence and the Novgorod Republic ceased to exist. The veche was abolished, the veche bell was taken to Moscow; power in the town was granted to the governors appointed by the Grand Prince of Moscow. A lot of boyar families were expelled from Novgorod.

Novgorod in the 16th-19th centuries

The oprichnina pogrom perpetrated in the winter of 1569/1570 by the army personally headed by Ivan the Terrible inflicted enormous damage on Novgorod. The reason for the pogrom was a denunciation and suspicion of treason. The town was plundered, the property of churches, monasteries and merchants was confiscated, thousands of residents were killed. In 1571, the population of Novgorod was about 5,000 people.

From 1611 to 1617, during the Time of Troubles, Novgorod was occupied by the Swedes. After the occupation, half of the town was burnt down. The population decreased to only about 500 residents. Nikon (the most famous Russian Patriarch) was the metropolitan of Novgorod in 1648-1652.

In 1700, the Great Northern War began. After the defeat at Narva, Peter I hastily prepared the fortifications of Novgorod for a possible siege of the Swedes. Swedish troops did not reach Novgorod; nevertheless, the Novgorod regiment played an important role in the Battle of Poltava in 1709.

In 1703, in connection with the founding of St. Petersburg, the new capital of Russia, a lot of craftsmen from Novgorod were involved in its construction. At the same time, Novgorod finally lost its former importance as a trade center and turned into an ordinary provincial town. In 1727, a separate Novgorod Governorate was formed with its center in Novgorod.

In the first half of the 19th century, Novgorod became the center of military settlements. At the same time, there was almost no industrial production in the town. In 1841-1842, the writer Alexander Herzen was in exile in Novgorod.

One of the brightest pages in the history of Veliky Novgorod in the 19th century was the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Russian state in 1862. In honor of this event, a monument to the Millennium of Russia was erected in the center of the Novgorod Kremlin. In 1875, 17,384 people lived in Novgorod, along with military units. 12 small enterprises employed only 63 workers.

Novgorod in the 20th century

Despite the increased interest in its history, Novgorod both at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century remained a typical provincial town of the Russian Empire, despite its status as a regional capital. In 1914, the population of Novgorod was about 28,200 people.

In 1927, as a result of the administrative-territorial reform carried out in the USSR, the Novgorod Governorate became part of Leningrad Oblast. The Leningrad leadership viewed the Novgorod land as a rural region. No industrialization was planned.

From August 15, 1941 to January 20, 1944, during the Second World War, Novgorod was occupied by German and Spanish troops (“The Blue Division”). The war caused huge and in many ways irreparable damage to the monuments of the city itself and its environs. All wooden buildings burned down. The most valuable collections of archeology, history and art were plundered from the Novgorod museum, which was not completely evacuated in time. Almost the entire city infrastructure and industrial enterprises were destroyed, world famous monuments of Novgorod architecture were turned into ruins.

On July 5, 1944, Novgorod Oblast was formed. The transformation of Novgorod into the administrative and economic center of a separate region had a beneficial effect on the acceleration of its restoration. On November 1, 1945, Novgorod was included in the list of 15 Soviet cities subject to priority restoration. In addition, a special decree was issued on the restoration of architectural monuments. One of the first to be restored was the Millennium of Russia monument.

In the post-war years, the presence of large undeveloped areas and wastelands after the dismantling of the rubble of destroyed buildings in the city center made it possible to begin extensive archaeological research. The results of these studies were numerous finds of objects of old Russian art and everyday life. One of the most important finds was the discovery of the first birch bark letter on July 26, 1951. Archaeological research continues to this day.

In the 1950s-1970s, the main restoration work of architectural monuments was carried out. Novgorod became known as the center of all-Union and international tourism. In 1964, not far from the old Yuryev Monastery on the shore of Lake Myachino, the creation of the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture began. In 1967, the population of the city was about 107,000 people.

In 1992, 37 unique monuments of old Russian culture in Novgorod were included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. The population of the city reached its maximum and amounted to 235 thousand people.

On June 11, 1999, the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin signed the federal law “On renaming the city of Novgorod, the administrative center of Novgorod Oblast, into the city of Veliky Novgorod.” Also in the 1990s, a lot of streets in the city center received their historical names back.

Monuments of Veliky Novgorod

Victory Monument in Veliky Novgorod

Victory Monument in Veliky Novgorod

Author: Sergey Duhanin

Light tank T-70 in Veliky Novgorod

Light tank T-70 in Veliky Novgorod

Author: Konstantin Matekhin

Monument to the Millennium of Russia in Veliky Novgorod

Monument to the Millennium of Russia in Veliky Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod - Features

Veliky Novgorod is deservedly called “the father of Russian cities”. In this place the Russian statehood was born. The city stands on the banks of the Volkhov River, 6 km from Lake Ilmen, 575 km north-west of Moscow and 190 km south-east of St. Petersburg. Due to similar names, Veliky Novgorod is often confused with Nizhny Novgorod. And this applies not only to foreigners, but also to residents of Russia.

The Volkhov River divides the city into two parts: Sofia and Torgovaya (Trade) sides. The Sofia side got its name from the Sofia Cathedral, which is about one thousand years old. The main part of the city is located here, including the Novgorod Kremlin and the historic center, as well as new districts.

In the old days, there was a large market on the Trade side - Torg. Today, it is built up mainly with private houses. The Yaroslav’s Courtyard is also located here. It is a historical and architectural complex on the site where the residence of Yaroslav the Wise (Prince of Novgorod in 988-1015) used to be.

The climate of Veliky Novgorod is moderately continental, with cold snowy winters and moderately warm summers. The average temperature in January is minus 9.2 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 17.3 degrees Celsius.

Novgorod Oblast has a unique transport and geographical position. The main highway, rail, air, and water transport routes connecting St. Petersburg and Moscow pass through its territory. Public transport in the city is represented by buses, trolleybuses.

The region’s largest employer is the chemical fertilizer plant “Acron”, which produces ammonia, saltpeter, nitric acid, and other substances. This enterprise is one of the world’s largest fertilizer producers. The plant in Veliky Novgorod employs about 5 thousand people.

Tourism is gradually becoming more and more important in the city’s economy. Veliky Novgorod is rightly called the city-museum of Old Rus. No other city in Russia has so many remarkable architectural monuments and monumental paintings of the 11th-17th centuries. The architecture of Veliky Novgorod is unique because a lot of old churches have survived here. A significant part of them were erected in the period from the 11th to the 16th centuries. In some churches, old wall paintings have been preserved, which are of great cultural value.

The main discovery made on the territory of Veliky Novgorod is more than 1,000 preserved birch bark letters of various contents written in the 11th-15th centuries. These include business letters, love letters, recipe notes, Bible commentaries, commercial calculations, and even student scribbles.

Main Attractions of Veliky Novgorod

Novgorod Detinets (Kremlin) - the fortress of Veliky Novgorod located on the left bank of the Volkhov River, the oldest preserved kremlin in Russia and the most northern one. The first mention of it in chronicles dates back to 1044. It is an architectural monument of federal significance. Novgorod Detinets as part of the historic center of Veliky Novgorod is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The construction of the stone fortress was completed by the end of the 15th century. About 1.5 kilometers of fortress walls, nine towers, and old churches have survived to this day. A road going through the Novgorod Kremlin leads to the bridge connecting the Sofia and Torgovaya sides of the city. The 41-meter watchtower known as “Kokuy” offers a great view of the entire city and its surroundings.

Today, it is the cultural and tourist center of Veliky Novgorod. Here you can find the main expositions of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve (the exposition of the Old Russian arts and crafts and jewelry in the Chamber of Facets; “History of the Novgorod Region”, “Old Russian icon painting”, “Russian art of the 18th-20th centuries”), restoration workshops, a library, philharmonic society, college of arts, and a music school. The Novgorod Kremlin is surrounded by a spacious park. A walk from the railway station to the Novgorod Kremlin takes about 20 minutes.

Saint Sophia Cathedral (1045-1050) - the main Orthodox church in Veliky Novgorod located on the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin, one of the oldest churches in Russia. Churches of this type were built in Rus only in the 11th century. Sophia Cathedral was built in the Byzantine style, has a pyramidal structure and 6 domes. This is one of the symbols of Veliky Novgorod.

The belfry of St. Sophia Cathedral rises above the Novgorod Kremlin in the form of a wall with five spans in the upper part. This type of structure was invented during the reign of the Novgorod Archbishop Euthymius II and then repeated in Russia only twice.

Monument to the Millennium of Russia (1862) - a magnificent monument more than 15 meters high erected opposite the St. Sophia Cathedral in honor of the millennium anniversary of the legendary vocation of the Varangians to Rus. The monument consists of 128 figures. At the very top you can see an angel - the personification of Orthodoxy and a woman depicting Rus, below - princes, church hierarchs and enlighteners, who took part in important historical events that happened over the thousand-year history of Russia.

Yaroslav’s Courtyard and Torg - an architectural complex located opposite the Novgorod Kremlin, on the other bank of the Volkhov River. Both banks are connected by a pedestrian bridge. Several monuments of the 12th-16th centuries have survived on its territory, including the Nikolsky Cathedral (1113) and the Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa (the 13th century). The place was named after Prince Yaroslav the Wise. In old times, fairs were held here. The most recent construction is the arcade of the Gostiny Dvor, which consists of several dozen white-stone arches.

St. George’s (Yuriev) Monastery . Founded in 1030, it is one of the oldest monasteries in Russia, a cultural heritage site of federal significance. The monastery is located on the southern outskirts of Veliky Novgorod on the bank of the Volkhov River. On the territory of the monastery there are St. George, Spassky, and Holy Cross Cathedrals, a four-tiered bell tower 52 m high, and several old churches. Crowned with three silvery domes, St. George’s Cathedral is a wonderful example of Old Russian architecture. The Vitoslavlitsy Museum is located nearby. Yur’yevskoye Highway, 10.

Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsy” . This open-air exhibition was opened in 1964. 22 wooden architectural monuments of the 16th-20th centuries - churches, residential buildings, and outbuildings - were brought here from different districts of the Novgorod region.

Inside the peasant huts, you can see recreated old interiors: “Winter Life”, “Wedding”, “Wool Felting Craft”, and others. Folk festivals are also held on the territory of the museum. On the second floor of the souvenir shop there is the Museum of Irons with a unique collection of irons of the 18th-20th centuries. Yur’yevskoye Highway, 14.

Center for Musical Antiquities named after V.I. Povetkin . The unique collection of this museum acquaints visitors with the old musical instruments of Rus. Here you can also hear old Russian music. Most of the exhibits date back to the 10th-15th centuries. For the guests of the center, folk songs of the Russian North-West and North are performed. Choir concerts are held on holidays. Il’ina Street, 9b.

Art Museum . The permanent exhibition of this museum is dedicated to Russian art of the 17th-20th centuries. It was opened in the historic building of the Noble Assembly in 2001. The rich collection of the museum includes paintings, drawings, sculptures, miniatures, etc.

Among the most valuable exhibits are paintings created by such masters as K. Bryullov, I. Repin, A. Aivazovsky and sculptures, including M. Antokolsky and M. Vrubel. The museum’s collection of Russian art objects is considered one of the best outside Moscow and St. Petersburg. Sofiyskaya Square, 2.

Museum of Artistic Culture of the Novgorod Land . This museum was opened in one of the buildings of the Desyatinnyy monastery in 2002. The exposition is composed of works by Novgorod artists of the late 20th - early 21st centuries. In addition to paintings, visitors can look at porcelain and glass products made by local craftsmen. Desyatinnyy Lane, 6.

Novgorod city of Russia photos

Pictures of veliky novgorod.

Veliky Novgorod architecture

Veliky Novgorod architecture

Author: Elena Abramova

Veliky Novgorod Detinets (Kremlin)

Veliky Novgorod Detinets (Kremlin)

Author: Ismail Soytekinoglu

Veliky Novgorod Fortress

Veliky Novgorod Fortress

Picturesque churches of Veliky Novgorod

St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod

St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod

Author: Zaritsky Igor

Peter and Paul Church in Veliky Novgorod

Peter and Paul Church in Veliky Novgorod

Church of Clement, Pope of Rome in Veliky Novgorod

Church of Clement, Pope of Rome in Veliky Novgorod

Old churches of Veliky Novgorod

Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin in Veliky Novgorod

Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin in Veliky Novgorod

Author: Sergey Popov

Myrrhbearers Church in Veliky Novgorod

Myrrhbearers Church in Veliky Novgorod

The questions of our visitors

There are several ways of going from the airport of St. Petersburg to Veliky Novgorod.

The fastest one and of course the most expensive is to go by taxi from the airport straight to the destination city. The price is about 4,500-5,000 Rubles (about 70-80 USD).

Another way is to go by train. From the airport you should go to Vitebsky railway station, departure: 7:53, arrival: 13:06 local time. Also you can go to Moskovsky railway station. There are two trains: the first one departs at 8:12 and the second one - at 17:18). Not sure about the price of the tickets but much cheaper than going by taxi.

The third variant is to go by bus. You should go to the bus station at Obvodnoy Canal Embankment. The first bus departs at 7:30; the latest - at 21:30.

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    Lecture CM2 - Il s'agit ici de comprendre un texte sur l'histoire de la Tour Eiffel. Le questionnaire comprend, entre autres, une grille de mots croisés. Aller au contenu (Pressez Entrée) ... Fiche au format pdf; Fiche au format odt (LibreOffice) Fiche au format doc (Word) Laisser un commentaire Annuler la réponse.

  14. La Tour Eiffel

    La tour Eiffel est une tour de fer de 324 mètres de hauteur (avec antennes) située à Paris, à l'extrémité nord-ouest du parc du Champ-de-Mars en bordure de la Seine. Construite par Gustave Eiffel et ses collaborateurs pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1889, et initialement nommée " tour de 300 mètres ", ce monument est devenu le ...

  15. PDF Dictée La tour Eiffel

    ris.• Dictée bilanLa construction de la tour Eiffel dure plus de deux ans. et se termine en 1889. Elle nécessite plusieurs centaines de tonnes de fer ainsi que des dizaines. 32 mots. tres au-dessus du sol.Chaque nuit, toutes les heures, des milliers d'ampoules. brillent cinq minutes. Son phare rayonne.

  16. CM1/CM2

    Bonjour à tous, En première période j'étais en remplacement long en CM1-CM2 et on suivait Dictées et Histoire des Arts, et après quelques recherches, j'ai découvert une idée en Arts Visuels sur La Mater de Vlynette afin de coller avec la première dictée sur la Tour Eiffel. Les étapes : Tracer un trait horizontal à 5 cm de la feuille ...

  17. PDF La tour Eiffel

    La tour Eiffel. Et si ma tête est dans le ciel, C'est pour mieux brouter les nuages, Car ils me rendent éternelle. Mais j'ai quatre pieds bien assis Dans une courbe de la Seine. De mon cou comme des frelons La nuit, je lèche les étoiles. Et si l'on m'aperçoit de loin, C'est que très souvent, j'en avale Une sans avoir l'air de rien.


    La Tour Eiffel - Paris Page 1 MON THEME Au mois de février 2013, ma classe de CM1 accompagnée des CM2, a eu l'occasion de passer trois jours à Paris. De toutes les visites organisées, ma préférée a été la visite de la Tour Eiffel. Quand je suis arrivée devant, ... Classe de CM2 - Année 2013/2014 ...

  19. Veliky Novgorod

    Veliky Novgorod (Russian: Великий Новгород, lit. 'Great Newtown', IPA: [vʲɪˈlʲikʲɪj ˈnovɡərət]), [10] also known simply as Novgorod (Новгород), is the largest city and administrative centre of Novgorod Oblast, Russia.It is one of the oldest cities in Russia, [11] being first mentioned in the 9th century. The city lies along the Volkhov River just downstream ...

  20. 20 reasons to visit Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region

    Using them, you can download a free audio guide and AR mobile app for a guided tour around Novgorod. Feel like an ancient viking or prince Rurik's guest. Novgorod is one of the waypoints of the famous trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks. The route passed through the Volkhov river. In the 9-10th centuries there was a fortified ...

  21. Veliky Novgorod

    The main exhibitions of Novgorod Museum are located in a two-storied building of Public Offices Chambers on the territory of the Kremlin. The most interesting parts of the exhibition are the collection of Russian icons of the 11th - 19th centuries, birch bark manuscripts, handicrafts, military equipment and other artefacts from ancient times till the end of the 17th century.

  22. PDF La tour Eiffel

    La tour Eiffel Mais oui, je suis une girafe, M'a raconté la tour Eiffel. Et si ma tête est dans le ciel, C'est pour mieux brouter les nuages, Car ils me rendent éternelle. Mais j'ai quatre pieds bien assis Dans une courbe de la Seine. On ne s'ennuie pas à Paris :

  23. Veliky Novgorod city, Russia travel guide

    Veliky Novgorod - Overview. Veliky Novgorod or Novgorod the Great (just Novgorod until 1999) is a city in the north-west of Russia, the administrative center of Novgorod Oblast. It is one of the oldest and most famous cities in Russia with more than a thousand years of history. The population of Veliky Novgorod is about 224,800 (2022), the area - 90 sq. km.