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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Tour de Cure Women’s Series? Tour de Cure Women’s Series is the American Diabetes Association's newest signature fundraising cycling event focusing on the passion and commitment of women who are helping to Stop Diabetes. With strong support from different women’s only clubs and organizations, this event raises money to support the mission of the American Diabetes Association.  How can I participate in Tour de Cure Women’s Series? You can form a team, participate as an individual rider or as a member of a team. Take your first step and register today!  Teams are made up of 2 or more.  What is involved in participating in Tour de Cure Women’s Series? Participants register and recruit friends or family to ride with them and raise money. The day of the event is a chance to ride and to celebrate the fundraising accomplishments of our teams and individual participants as well as an opportunity to promote awareness about diabetes and the American Diabetes Association. Do I have to raise money? There is a minimum fundraising requirement of $200 per person in order to participate as a rider in the Tour de Cure Women’s Series. As a reward, thank you gifts can be selected by riders who raise $250 or more, and we offer additional incentives to individual riders and teams who go above and beyond with their fundraising! We give special recognition to women raising over $1,000 as our Champions to Stop Diabetes.  How are the funds raised by Tour de Cure Women’s Series used? Your donations fund research for a cure, information to help prevent diabetes, advocacy for those affected by diabetes and public awareness activities of the American Diabetes Association. Do you need to be an avid cyclist with group riding experience to participate? No. The Tour de Cure Women’s Series welcomes participants of all skill levels and we have routes that will be perfect just for you! Each event will have three or four different route distances to choose from: a short, easy cruise or a more challenging route. We suggest training for whatever route you choose. You can find additional training resources once you register. Can friends and family participate in the Finish Line festivities? Friends and family members are welcome at the post-ride party, though you will want to check with your local Tour staff and ask if they will have to pay any extra fees for parking or food. Family and friends are definitely encouraged to cheer for you at the finish line and volunteer at the event! Can I bring my own personal SAG (Support and Gear vehicles)? Personal SAGs are not permitted on the route. However, if you would like to volunteer to drive a SAG available to all riders, please contact your local Tour staff.  There will be plenty of support to help you along the way, if needed.  What if it rains? We ride rain or shine! Pack rain gear just in case and don't let a little water stop you in the fight against diabetes! Check your local webpage for updates in case of severe thunderstorms that could delay or cancel the routes. The Tour de Cure Women’s Series is more than a great day on a bike. How many opportunities do you get to change the future of diabetes? Recent estimates project that as many as one in three American adults will have diabetes in 2050 unless we take steps to Stop Diabetes. You can help change that trend by raising important funds for the American Diabetes Association. The Tour de Cure Women’s Series riders are responsible for collecting donations to meet the fundraising minimum in order to participate; it powers our services to nearly 26 million children and adults in U.S. with diabetes until there is a cure. We're here to help you reach and exceed that minimum with easy-to-use tools and resources. When you register, a personal page is created for you that makes it easy to reach out to everyone in your email contact list in only a few minutes. Our local Tour de Cure coordinator and online support staff are available by phone, chat or email to help you get started and answer any questions you have. We've put the fun in FUNdraising for you!


Below are a few helpful fundraising tips as you get started on your fundraising:

  • Connect your donors to our mission ; include facts about why you are supporting the American Diabetes Association and the Tour de Cure Women’s Series.
  • Utilize your personal webpage provided by the American Diabetes Association and personalize it with "why you ride" from the very start. Let your donors know your reason(s) for riding. Everyone has a story so don't be shy about sharing your own.
  • Send emails to friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, fellow church or temple members, old classmates-you never know who has been touched by diabetes.
  • Set a high but not impossible goal and share this goal with everyone!
  • Double your money by applying for a matching gift. Be sure to check with your company to see if matching gifts are offered. You can also ask any of your donors if their donations are eligible to be matched by their companies too.
  • Use the power of social media to reach your contact and fundraise on Facebook! We have a fundraising app which will connect your Facebook page to your online Tour webpage making online fundraising a snap!
  • Form a team and fundraise even more with a group of like-minded women!

These tips are just a few of the things we suggest to our riders but we're also here to provide you with a personalized experience so please reach out to your local Tour staff to talk about other ways in which you can fundraise successfully!

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Father and son ride for a cause at Tour de Cure, embracing the battle with diabetes

by Lara Bryn


This coming weekend is the Tour de Cure Capital Region, the signature awareness and fundraising event for the American Diabetes Association. This year, there's a new red rider with type one diabetes, who's riding with his dad and says this event is about much more than just the ride.

Stu Balter first started riding in the Tour de Cure Capital Region back in 2017.

"Actually the first year I decided to ride was only because I wanted to do a 50-mile ride," said Balter.

But a few years ago, his "why" changed.

"Then a few months later, Connor decided to come down as a type one person with diabetes," said Stu.

Suddenly the annual event held much more meaning. The father-son duo from West Sand Lake will be riding side-by-side with hundreds others this Sunday at the annual Tour de Cure Capital Region. Stu's son, Connor, says some days he doesn't even think about his diabetes. Other days, it's an absolute burden.

"There are some days where I just can’t keep my blood sugar down, no matter what I do. Changing out my fusion sets, the needles, doesn’t matter what I eat. It just won’t go down. Really frustration’s the best word for it," said Connor.

He says he's grateful to have discovered the diabetes community.

"This is the reason why myself and all of our staff, our volunteers, our sponsors get involved with the tour," said ADA Upstate New York Executive Director Jeff Collins.

"Am I ready? Not yet, but I hope to be," said Connor.

Connor is doing the 10-mile route of the ride. It's his first time participating. The ride itself, he may still be prepping for, but one thing he's certainly ready to do is "I kind of just also want to say thank you to a lot of them. It’s hard for me to say how much this means to me and to us really," said Connor.

Registration will remain open until 4 p.m. Friday. You can also register the day of. The Tour de Cure Capital Region is Sunday at 7 a.m. at Ellms Family Farm in Ballston Spa. Check-in is between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. and all proceeds go to the American Diabetes Association.

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The Cure : le nouvel album arrive!

C'est une nouvelle qui devrait réjouir les fans du groupe the cure. ils ont annoncé la sortie de leur prochain album le 1er novembre..

La Rédaction

  • Publié le 13-09-2024 à 14h33
  • Mis à jour le 13-09-2024 à 15h12

Anvers - Sportpaleis: The Cure en concert - tournée européenne 2022. A Anvers le 24 novembre 2022

Le miracle est arrivé. Le tant attendu nouvel album de The Cure, promis depuis des lustres, maintes fois évoqué par Robert Smith et toujours reporté, arrive enfin. En début de semaine, le groupe avait fait un lifting de tous ses réseaux sociaux et de son site Internet. Sur fond noir, on pouvait y voir le nom de la formation écrit, sans autre détail mais avec une nouvelle typographie. Seule interaction possible : s'inscrire sur une liste de diffusion.

Jeudi soir, les rumeurs ont pris forme sur les réseaux sociaux. La date du 1er novembre a commencé à circuler. Fausse info, il s'agissait d'un visuel vieux de 9 mois. Vendredi matin, la donne a changé. Des personnes ont reçu un mystérieux carton qui, de prime abord, semble tout noir.

Un étrange bristol noir

À la rédaction, nous avons reçu le même courrier. Dans une enveloppe noire, un carton au format bristol, noir également, apparaît. En le regardant de près, on distingue vaguement des caractères imprimés et un alignement de chiffres romains en relief. Déchiffré, ce dernier indique I-XI-MMXXIV . C'est une date, le 1er novembre 2024.

Quant aux lettres imprimées, on peut distinguer en plaçant le bristol dans un certain angle la mention : "Songs of a Lost World". Cette fois, le doute n'est plus permis, c'est bien le nouvel album de The Cure. C'est le titre évoqué à plusieurs reprises par Robert Smith lors de ses rares interviews. Et il sortira donc le 1er novembre.

Voici le mystérieux bristol envoyé à la rédaction de la DH et qui annonce le nouvel album de The Cure.

C'est la fin d'une interminable attente pour les fans. Le dernier album de chansons originales du groupe date de 2008. Il s'agit de 4:13 Dream . Pour beaucoup, ce n'est pas forcément le meilleur souvenir qu'ils ont de la musique de Robert Smith et de ses comparses. Ils attendaient donc la "séance de rattrapage". Leur patience a été mise à rude épreuve. 16 ans ! Certes, The Cure a proposé beaucoup de sorties pendant ce temps, dont les éditions Deluxe des albums Disintegration et Wish , ainsi que de multiples rééditions sous format picture disc, etc.

Lors de sa dernière tournée, celle qui a fait étape fin 2022 au Sportpaleis d'Anvers, The Cure avait dévoilé certains titres inédits. Se retrouveront-ils sur Songs of a Lost World ? A priori oui. Mais avec Robert Smith, on n'est jamais à l'abri d'une surprise. Il faut donc encore patienter un bon mois et demi avant de découvrir ce qu'il a fait mijoter pendant si longtemps.

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El nuevo álbum de The Cure ya tendría fecha de estreno: las fotos que confirman la salida de "Songs Of A Lost World"

The Cure prepara el lanzamiento de su esperado álbum "Songs Of A Lost World" para una fecha cercana, según pistas reveladas por fans.

  • Por Edecio Brito Adrián
  • 12 Sep, 2024. 17:07 hrs

The Cure

El nuevo disco de The Cure , titulado Songs Of A Lost World , está cada vez más cerca de ver la luz.

La legendaria banda liderada por Robert Smith ha generado expectación tras cambiar el logo en sus redes sociales y sitio web, movimientos que parecen indicar que algo importante se avecina.

Pistas reveladas por los fans

Este jueves, un usuario del foro de fans de Steve Hoffman compartió lo que parece ser una pista clave sobre la fecha de lanzamiento del álbum.

Según su relato, recibió una misteriosa postal negra con su nombre escrito en letra plateada, tal como lo recoge Rolling Stone .

"Dentro había una tarjeta negra de buena calidad con un pequeño relieve... Tras observarla con detalle, se leía Songs Of A Lost World . En la parte inferior, en números romanos, la fecha 1/11/24", describió el usuario.

The Cure Nuevo Disco

Esta misteriosa postal sugiere que Songs Of A Lost World llegará a las plataformas el viernes 1 de noviembre de 2024, justo después de la noche de Halloween.

The Cure Nuevo Disco 2

15 años de espera

Este esperado álbum sería el primero de The Cure en 15 años, desde que lanzaron 4:13 Dream en 2008.

Durante ese tiempo, la banda ha lanzado algunos sencillos y ha realizado giras, pero los fans han estado esperando con ansias un nuevo material de estudio.

Una de las canciones que formará parte de Songs Of A Lost World es A Fragile Thing , que The Cure ya ha presentado en sus conciertos recientes.

Esta pista ha recibido elogios por su estilo melódico y oscuro, característico de la banda.

¿Qué esperar del nuevo disco de The Cure?

Aunque Robert Smith ha mantenido en secreto la mayor parte de los detalles sobre el nuevo álbum, todo parece indicar que Songs Of A Lost World seguirá explorando las temáticas melancólicas y sombrías que han definido la carrera de la banda.

Smith ha señalado en entrevistas pasadas que este nuevo material es uno de los más personales que ha escrito.

Con el cambio de logotipos y la misteriosa postal, es evidente que The Cure está preparando el terreno para el lanzamiento de su nuevo trabajo.

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  • June 11, 2012 Setlist

The Cure Setlist at Tushino Air Field, Moscow, Russia

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  • Plainsong Play Video
  • Open Play Video
  • High Play Video
  • Pictures of You Play Video
  • The End of the World Play Video
  • Lovesong Play Video
  • Play for Today Play Video
  • A Forest Play Video
  • Shake Dog Shake Play Video
  • Cold ( First performance since 2002 ) Play Video
  • A Strange Day Play Video
  • Bananafishbones Play Video
  • The Walk Play Video
  • Push Play Video
  • In Between Days Play Video
  • Just Like Heaven Play Video
  • Doing the Unstuck Play Video
  • Trust Play Video
  • Want Play Video
  • From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea Play Video
  • The Hungry Ghost Play Video
  • Wrong Number Play Video
  • One Hundred Years Play Video
  • End Play Video
  • Disintegration Play Video
  • The Same Deep Water as You ( First performance since 2002 ) Play Video
  • The Kiss Play Video
  • If Only Tonight We Could Sleep Play Video
  • Fight Play Video
  • Lullaby Play Video
  • Close to Me Play Video
  • Let's Go to Bed Play Video
  • Friday I'm in Love Play Video
  • Why Can't I Be You? Play Video
  • Boys Don't Cry Play Video

Edits and Comments

24 activities (last edit by CraigatCoF , 12 Jun 2012, 04:35 Etc/UTC )

Songs on Albums

  • Doing the Unstuck
  • Friday I'm in Love
  • From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
  • Disintegration
  • Pictures of You
  • The Same Deep Water as You
  • If Only Tonight We Could Sleep
  • Just Like Heaven
  • Why Can't I Be You?
  • A Strange Day
  • One Hundred Years
  • Close to Me
  • In Between Days
  • Let's Go to Bed
  • Play for Today
  • Bananafishbones
  • Shake Dog Shake
  • The Hungry Ghost
  • Boys Don't Cry
  • Wrong Number
  • The End of the World

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Maxidrom 2012 setlists

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The cure gig timeline.

  • May 26 2012 Pinkpop 2012 Landgraaf, Netherlands Add time Add time
  • Jun 01 2012 Primavera Sound 2012 Barcelona, Spain Add time Add time
  • Jun 11 2012 Maxidrom 2012 This Setlist Moscow, Russia Add time Add time
  • Jun 15 2012 Hultsfredsfestivalen 2012 Hultsfred, Sweden Add time Add time
  • Jun 22 2012 Hurricane Festival 2012 Scheeßel, Germany Add time Add time

82 people were there

  • alex_priemskii
  • AlexanderYaslev
  • Ambassadeur
  • artyompetukhov
  • callmearabella
  • dasha_starlight
  • due_to_insomnia
  • everlasting74
  • fb:1006308164
  • femmeoftheyear
  • greenquarter
  • GrimDeadReaper
  • irishkirsche
  • lastlostsoul
  • levkalinichenko
  • LittleDaisy21
  • madchester_1977
  • Megavoltzzz
  • MyWintermoon
  • overquietwater
  • Possible_Psycho
  • Romankovgan
  • shilovesfish
  • thatboringnerd
  • vague_horizons

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Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Moscow

Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Moscow

Visiting Moscow? Get yourself a metro card and explore Moscow’s beautiful metro stations. Moscow’s world-famous metro system is efficient and a great way to get from A to B. But there is more to it; Soviet mosaic decorations, exuberant halls with chandeliers, colourful paintings and immense statues. Moscow’s metro is an attraction itself, so take half a day and dive into Moscow’s underground!

The best thing to do is to get on the brown circle (number 5) line since the most beautiful metro stations are situated on this line. The only exception is the metro stop Mayakovskaya one the green line (number 2). My suggestion is to get a map, mark these metro stops on there and hop on the metro. It helps to get an English > Russian map to better understand the names of the stops. At some of the metro stops, the microphone voice speaks Russian and English so it’s not difficult at all.

Another thing we found out, is that it’s worth taking the escalator and explore the other corridors to discover how beautiful the full station is.

Quick hotel suggestion for Moscow is the amazing Brick Design Hotel .

These are my favourite metro stations in Moscow, in order of my personal preference:

1. Mayakovskaya Station

The metro station of Mayakovskaya looks like a ballroom! Wide arches, huge domes with lamps and mosaic works make your exit of the metro overwhelming. Look up and you will see the many colourful mosaics with typical Soviet pictures. Mayakovskaya is my personal favourite and is the only stop not on the brown line but on the green line.

the hub tour de cure

2. Komsomolskaya Station

Komsomolskaya metro station is famous for its yellow ceiling. An average museum is nothing compared to this stop. Splendour all over the place, black and gold, mosaic – again – and enormous chandeliers that made my lamp at home look like a toy.

the hub tour de cure

3. Novoslobodskaya Station

The pillars in the main hall of Novoslobodskaya metro station have the most colourful stained glass decorations. The golden arches and the golden mosaic with a naked lady holding a baby in front of the Soviet hammer and sickle, make the drama complete.

the hub tour de cure

4. Prospect Mira Station

The beautiful chandeliers and the lines in the ceiling, make Prospekt Mira an architectural masterpiece.

the hub tour de cure

5. Belorusskaya Station

Prestigious arches, octagonal shapes of Socialistic Soviet Republic mosaics. The eyecatcher of Belorusskaya metro station, however, is the enormous statue of three men with long coats, holding guns and a flag.

the hub tour de cure

6. Kiyevskaya Station

The metro station of Kiyevskaya is a bit more romantic than Belorusskaya and Prospect Mira. Beautiful paintings with classical decorations.

the hub tour de cure

7. Taganskaya Station

At the main hall Taganskaya metro station you will find triangle light blue and white decorations that are an ode to various Russians that – I assume – are important for Russian history and victory. There is no need to explore others halls of Taganskaya, this is it.

the hub tour de cure

8. Paveletskaya Station

Another and most definitely the less beautiful outrageous huge golden mosaic covers one of the walls of Paveletskaya. I would recommend taking the escalator to the exit upstairs to admire the turquoise dome and a painting of the St Basil’s Cathedral in a wooden frame.

the hub tour de cure

Travelling with Moscow’s metro is inexpensive. You can have a lot of joy for just a few Rubbles.

  • 1 single journey: RMB 50 – € 0,70
  • 1 day ticket: RMB 210 – € 2,95

Like to know about Moscow, travelling in Russia or the Transsiberian Train journey ? Read my other articles about Russia .


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' src=

Wow! It is beautiful. I am still dreaming of Moscow one day.

' src=

It’s absolutely beautiful! Moscow is a great city trip destination and really surprised me in many ways.

' src=

My partner and I did a self guided Moscow Metro tour when we were there 2 years ago. So many breathtaking platforms…I highly recommend it! Most of my favorites were along the Brown 5 line, as well. I also loved Mayakovskaya, Arbatskaya, Aleksandrovski Sad and Ploshchad Revolyutsii. We’re heading back in a few weeks and plan to do Metro Tour-Part 2. We hope to see the #5 stations we missed before, as well as explore some of the Dark Blue #3 (Park Pobedy and Slavyansky Bul’var, for sure), Yellow #8 and Olive #10 platforms.

That’s exciting Julia! Curious to see your Metro Tour-Part 2 experience and the stations you discovered.

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The American Diabetes Association is the nation's leading 501(C)3 nonprofit charity providing diabetes research, information and advocacy.

Tour de Cure is the premier fundraising campaign of the American Diabetes Association ® , now with virtual engagement designed for anyone and everyone to participate. The campaign has been expanded to include more members of our community and bring them together to learn about diabetes, healthy living and to support people living with diabetes. Tour de Cure is a unique opportunity for businesses, clubs, friends and families to form virtual teams with the vision of a life free of diabetes and all its burdens.

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17 Top Tourist Attractions in Moscow

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on May 4, 2024

The capital of Russia is an incredible place to explore. Visitors to Moscow come away spellbound at all the amazing sights, impressed at the sheer size and grandeur of the city. Lying at the heart of Moscow, the Red Square and the Kremlin are just two of the must-see tourist attractions; they are the historical, political and spiritual heart of the city – and indeed Russia itself.

A fascinating city to wander around, stunning cathedrals, churches, and palaces lie side-by-side with bleak grey monuments and remains from the Soviet state. In addition to its plethora of historical and cultural tourist attractions, Moscow is home to world-class museums, theaters and art galleries.

Renowned for its performing arts, fantastic ballets and amazing circus acts, catching a show while in Moscow is a must. The wealth of brilliant restaurants, trendy bars, and lively nightlife means there is something for everyone to enjoy.

See also: Where to Stay in Moscow

17. Tsaritsyno Palace

Tsaritsyno Palace

Once the summer residence of Catherine the Great, the stunning Tsaritsyno Palace is now a museum-reserve. The architecture is magnificent and there is a lovely park surrounding it for visitors to explore.

Located in the south of Moscow, the palace was commissioned in 1775 and recent renovations mean its lavish interior looks better than ever before with its elegant halls and beautiful staircases.

The exhibits on display look at the life of the empress as well as the history of Tsaritsyno itself. The huge palace grounds are also home to some other delightful buildings with the elegant opera house and wonderful brickwork of the Small Palace being particularly impressive to gaze upon.


Starting out in 1935 as the ‘All-Union Agricultural Exhibition’, VDNKh has slowly morphed over the years into the fascinating open-air museum of today. Remarkably, over 400 buildings can now be found within its confines.

The huge park complex has numerous pavilions representing former Soviet republics on show, such as those of Armenia and Turkmenistan and the distinctive architecture of each of the buildings is always interesting to gaze upon. In addition to this there is the fascinating Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics which is dedicated to space exploration and the fun Moskvarium aquarium even offers you the chance to swim with dolphins.

With lots of eateries scattered about and numerous entertainment options such as horse-riding and zip-lining, there is something for everyone to enjoy; the Friendship of Nations fountain truly is wonderful.

15. Kremlin Armoury

Kremlin Armoury

One of the oldest museums in the city, the Kremlin Armoury has a wealth of treasures; highlights include the ornate Grand Siberian Railway egg, the historic Cap of Monomakh and the stunning Imperial Crown of Russia which often has a crowd of tourists around it, jostling to take a photo.

Once the royal armory, there are loads of fascinating objects on display. Perusing the many sabers, jewelry, armor and more is as interesting as it is educational and entertaining and the swords are so finely crafted that you’ll almost wish you could pick up one and wield if yourself.

Established in 1851, the museum is situated in the Moscow Kremlin.

14. GUM Department Store

GUM Department Store

Standing for ‘Main Universal Store’ in Russian, GUM is stunning. Its wonderful skylights and beautiful facades mean it doesn’t look out of place alongside its illustrious neighbors on Red Square.

With over 200 shops, boutiques and upmarket eateries inside, it is a shopaholic’s heaven and concerned partners will be glad to find more affordable options alongside luxury brands such as Dior and Prada.

The main department store in the city, GUM was opened in 1893. The stunning architecture makes it well worth a visit even if shopping isn’t your thing.

13. Moscow Metro

Moscow Metro

It’s not often that public transport looks like a work of art. So many stops on the Moscow Metro will astound visitors with their beauty and elegance.

Decked in marble and with frescoes covering the walls, the stations are amazing to gaze upon and are part of one of the longest metro systems in the world, with the first stations opened in 1935.

Using the metro is the quickest and easiest way to get around Moscow and braving the crowds of commuters is well worth it for the beauty all around you.

12. Arbat Street

Arbat Street

An elegant yet lively street, Arbat is full of impressive architecture and was once a popular place to live for aristocrats, artists, and academics.

A historic place, it is down Arbat Street that Napoleon’s troops are said to have headed on their way to capture the Kremlin.

Nowadays, there are many cafes, restaurants, and shops, as well as various monuments and statues to former residents such as Alexander Pushkin who was reputed to be a lover of the Russian Empress due to his massive influence in court.

11. Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent

Drenched in history, the Novodevichy Convent is located in a striking building that was once a fortress. This captivating place is well worth visiting when in Moscow.

Founded in 1524, the convent houses four cathedrals; Smolensk Cathedral is the undoubted highlight due to its delightful 16th-century frescoes.

Wandering around the grounds is like stepping back in time. The Novodevichy Cemetery is where many famous leaders of the Soviet Union are buried, such as Yeltsin and Khrushchev.

10. Pushkin Museum

Pushkin Museum

Despite its name, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts actually has no connection at all to the famous poet other than that it was named in his honor after his death. A delight to visit, its extensive collection focuses on European art with masterpieces by Botticelli, Rembrandt, and van Gogh all featuring.

Sculptures, graphic art, paintings and more can be found in its beautiful galleries; various sections look at themes and epochs such as the Renaissance, the Dutch Golden Age, and Byzantine art.

Among the many highlights are the clownish characters which can be found in Cezanne’s Fastnacht (Mardi Gras) and the twirling ballerinas who look so elegant in Degas’ Blue Dancers. Picasso’s Young acrobat on a Ball is also well worth checking out for its interesting use of shapes and colors.

9. Christ The Savior Cathedral

Christ The Savior Cathedral

This gorgeous Russian Orthodox cathedral is located on the banks of the Moskva River, just a stone’s throw away from the Kremlin.

The church as it stands today was consecrated in 2000, as the original church that stood here was destroyed on the command of Josef Stalin in 1931 due to the anti-religious campaign.

With its delightful golden dome, spires and dazzling white facades, the Christ the Savior Cathedral is stunning. The interior is just as captivating to wander around, with its beautifully tiled floors and impressive altar.

8. Lenin Mausoleum

Lenin Mausoleum

Opened to the public in 1924, Lenin’s Mausoleum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Moscow. The red granite structure is located at the heart of the city in Red Square.

Lenin’s embalmed body lies in a glass sarcophagus; it is a somewhat eerie experience walking past the former leader of the Soviet Union but is well worth doing as you understandably can’t do it anywhere else in the world.

After visiting the mausoleum, head to the Kremlin wall right next to it for more graves of important communist figures such as Stalin and Brezhnev.

7. Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery

Home to the most extensive and impressive collection of Russian fine art in the world, the State Tretyakov Gallery is definitely worth visiting when in Moscow for the wealth of amazing art pieces that it has on display.

Having started out as the private art collection of the Tretyakov brothers, there are now over 130,000 exhibits. Highlights include the iconic Theotokos of Vladimir which you will almost certainly recognise despite probably not knowing the name and Rublev’s Trinity which is considered to be one of highest achievements in Russian art.

An absolute must for art lovers, the State Tretyakov Gallery will delight visitors with all that is has to offer.

6. Kolomenskoye


Once a royal estate, Kolomenskoye is now a museum-reserve and lies a few kilometers outside of the city center. A captivating place to visit, there is a plethora of history on show and the site overlooks the Moskva River.

Consisting of four historical sites, there are extensive gardens for visitors to explore, as well as loads of interesting old buildings, the former village of Kolomenskoye itself and the impressive Palace of the Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich – once considered the Eighth Wonder of the World by contemporaries.

Among the many stunning sights, it is the brilliantly white Ascension Church that is the undoubted highlight – dating back to 1532.

5. Gorky Park

Gorky Park

Lying alongside the Moskva River, the huge Gorky Park is a lovely place to visit. Its extensive gardens are home to numerous cultural institutions and visitors should definitely check out the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and while the eclectic exhibits may not always feature such incredible sights as a balloon-covered rider on a zebra; they certainly always succeed in pushing back the boundaries of art.

Pop-up exhibitions and festivals can be found from time to time in the park itself and there is an open-air theatre and numerous eateries alongside a plethora of leisure activities.

Whether it’s cycling, table tennis or yoga that you are after or beach volleyball and rowing, Gorky Park certainly has it. In winter, there is a huge ice rink for visitors to enjoy.

4. Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is the main theater in the country. The amazing opera and ballet performances it has put on over the centuries go a long way in explaining Russia’s rich history of performing arts.

While the Bolshoi Ballet Company was established in 1776, the theater itself was opened in 1825. The glittering, six-tier auditorium is lavishly and decadently decorated; it is a fitting setting for the world-class performances that take place on its stage.

Spending a night watching a performance of such classics as The Nutcracker or Swan Lake at the Bolshoi Theatre is sure to be a memorable experience and the beauty all around you only adds to the sense of occasion.

3. Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin

This famously fortified complex is remarkably home to five palaces and four cathedrals and is the historic, political and spiritual center of the city. The Kremlin serves as the residence for the country’s president. It has been used as a fort, and this fact is made clear by its sheer size. The Kremlin’s outer walls were built in the late 1400s.

Under Ivan III, better known as Ivan the Great, the Kremlin became the center of a unified Russian state, and was extensively remodeled. Three of the Kremlin’s cathedrals date to his reign that lasted from 1462-1505. The Deposition Church and the Palace of Facets were also constructed during this time. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower was built in 1508. It is the tallest tower at the Kremlin with a height of 266 feet (81 meters).

Joseph Stalin removed many of the relics from the tsarist regimes. However, the Tsar Bell, the world’s largest bell, and the Tsar Cannon, the largest bombard by caliber in the world, are among the remaining items from that era. The Kremlin Armory is one of Moscow’s oldest museums as it was established more than 200 years ago. Its diamond collection is impressive.

The Kremlin’s gardens – Taynitsky, Grand Kremlin Public and Alexander – are beautiful. The Kremlin has also served as the religious center of the country, and there is a tremendous number of preserved churches and cathedrals here. The collections contained within the museums include more than 60,000 historical, cultural and artistic monuments. Those who enjoy the performing arts will want to consider attending a ballet or concert at the State Kremlin Palace. Completed in 1961, it is the only modern building in the Kremlin.

2. Red Square

Red Square

Lying at the heart of Moscow, Red Square is the most important and impressive square in the city. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions due to its wealth of historical sights and cultural landmarks.

Drenched in history, the huge square is home to incredible sights such as the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral and Lenin’s Mausoleum, among others. Consequently, it is not to be missed when in Moscow as it really is home to the city’s most stunning monuments.

It is here that many important moments in Russian history took place; the former marketplace has hosted everything from Tsar’s coronations and public ceremonies to rock concerts and Soviet military parades. Wandering around the massive square is a humbling experience and undoubtedly one of the highlights the city has to offer.

1. Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Located in the impressive Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral is gorgeous; its delightful spires appear as if out of a fairytale. The most recognizable building in the country, the cathedral is very much a symbol of Russia. No visit to Moscow is complete without having taken in its unique and distinctive features.

Ivan the Terrible ordered the cathedral’s construction in the mid-16th century, and legend holds that Ivan put out the architect’s eyes so that he would be unable to build another cathedral more glorious than St. Basil’s. Designed to resemble the shape of a bonfire in full flame, the architecture is not only unique to the period in which it was built but to any subsequent period. For various reasons, both Napoleon and Stalin wanted to destroy the cathedral but fortunately did not succeed.

Known for its various colors, shapes and geometric patterns, St. Basil’s Cathedral houses nine different chapels that are all connected by a winding labyrinth of corridors and stairways. On the lower floor, St. Basil’s Chapel contains a silver casket bearing the body of St. Basil the Blessed.

Throughout the cathedral are many beautiful murals, frescoes, wooden icons and other art works and artifacts. Outside the cathedral is a lovely garden with the bronze Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, who rallied an all-volunteer Russian army against Polish invaders during a period of the late 16th century known as the Times of Troubles.

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    Completed in 1961, it is the only modern building in the Kremlin. 2. Red Square. Lying at the heart of Moscow, Red Square is the most important and impressive square in the city. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions due to its wealth of historical sights and cultural landmarks.