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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Point and shoot review - olympus trip xb40af.

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Olympus Trip XB40 AF

I picked up one of these cameras from an Oxfam shop in Edinburgh city centre. It's an odd little thing as the flash appears to be permanently on. Photos to come.

Cameras By Max Ltd

How To Use The Olympus Trip

April 28, 2023 By Cameras By Max

The Olympus Trip is a super popular camera among beginners to film, so here is our guide on how to use this awesome little camera, and some tips on how to get the most out of your Olympus Trip.

Olympus Trip 35mm film camera in wood covering in front of a plant

What is the Olympus Trip?

The Olympus Trip 35 was introduced in 1967, and discontinued in 1984, which is considered a long production run for a 35mm film camera. Over ten million Olympus Trip cameras were sold in this time. 

Many people wrongly call the Olympus Trip a rangefinder camera, however we would classify it more as a point and shoot with zone focusing.


What features does the Olympus Trip have?

The Olympus Trip is really easy to use, and has some cool features that set it apart from other point and shoot 35mm film cameras.

  • Zuiko coated 40mm f/2.8 lens : this lens is sharp, and the wide aperture makes it versatile in a lot of situations.
  • Automatic settings : the Olympus Trip has two shutter speeds and aperture from f/2.8 to f/22.
  • No batteries needed : the Olympus Trip is powered by the selenium meter around the lens. This is also what receives light and tells the camera which aperture is needed.
  • Red flag feature : when the camera does not have enough light to take a photograph, a red flag appears in the viewfinder.
  • Zone focusing : the Olympus Trip has four focus settings depending on how far away your subject is from the camera.

What are the different parts of the Olympus Trip?

The top plate.

The Olympus Trip top plate is very simple. The camera features are easy to find, making it an ideal camera for beginners. Below is a labelled diagram of the camera.

Olympus Trip 35 35mm film camera top plate nomenclature

On the left of the top plate is the rewind knob (more on that later). In the middle is the flash hotshoe, used for mounting hotshoe flashes to the camera. The shutter button is the small black button on the top. On some models of Olympus Trip, this button can be silver. The small panel on the right is the shot counter that displays the number of shots you have taken.

The Olympus Trip lens holds most of the key settings for the camera , such as the ASA, focus, and aperture. 

Olympus Trip 35 lens settings

The ASA dial is set to match the roll of film that you put in the camera. For example, if you are using Portra 400, the ASA setting is set to 400. 

The focus settings are simple, and known as zone focusing. There are four zones to choose from. We go through them in more depth later on in this article. 

The aperture settings are only used if you are using flash. Otherwise, the camera is set to "A", which allows the camera to choose the aperture and shutter speed automatically. 

The Bottom Plate

There is only one function on the bottom plate of the Olympus Trip 35: the rewind button. (And the tripod mount, technically.)

Rewind button on the bottom of the Olympus Trip 35mm film camera

The rewind button is pressed when you are ready to start rewinding your film. 

How To Load Film In The Olympus Trip

Loading film takes some practice, but it is really easy when you get to grips with it. 

To load a roll of film in the Olympus Trip, first you have to open the back of the camera. To open the back of the camera, pull down this small silver tab, shown below.

How to open the back of the Olympus Trip camera

Once you have the back of the camera open, you can load your roll of film. To load the roll of film, pull the rewind knob up. The roll of film goes in with the top of the canister (the part that sticks out) at the bottom of the camera. See the image below.

How to load film in the Olympus Trip

When the canister is in, as shown above, you can pull the film leader across the camera to reach the other side.

Pull the film leader across the length of the camera

The rewind knob being put back down will lock the canister in place as you pull the film across. In order to lock the film onto the film spool in the camera, it has to go partly into one of the slots, and the notches at the bottom of the spool have to go through the sprockets on the film (the holes). 

Sprockets on the Olympus Trip 35

In order to be able to advance the film across the camera, you have to fire the shutter . You can do this by pointing it at a bright light or by setting the aperture setting to one of the numbers. 

I recommend firing the shutter, and advancing the film (with the advance thumb wheel) twice before closing the back, so that you can make sure the film is definitely loaded correctly. As you get more confident, you can fire the shutter less times and therefore get more photos on your roll of film. 

How To Take Photos With The Olympus Trip

Now you have loaded your roll of film, and closed the back of the camera, you are ready to start taking photos! 

The first thing to check is that your ASA is set to the same speed as your roll of film. For example, Portra 400 is ASA 400. Or Kodak Gold is ASA 200. 

Close-up of the Olympus Trip 35mm film camera ASA dial

When looking through the viewfinder, you will be able to see your frame lines, and the focus setting that the camera is set to. The viewfinder of the Olympus Trip does not show you where the focus is set, just which symbol you have the lens set to.

View through the viewfinder of Olympus Trip 35mm film camera

When the lens is set to "A", the camera will choose the shutter speed and aperture for you manually. If the image you are trying to take is too dark, the red flag will come up. 

You can override this by setting it to one of the numbers instead, but be aware that these are intended for a flash to be used with it. By setting the Olympus Trip to a number on the lens, it reduces the shutter speed to 1/30 - that's one thirtieth of a second. So you will need to have a steady hand when doing so.

How does the film counter on the Olympus Trip work?

When you first load your roll of film, it may look as though the film counter is not moving. It takes two or three shots for the shot counter to move to the number one. 

The back of the camera needs to be closed in order for the shot counter to start working. 

The counter shows the amount of images you have taken, not how many you have left.

Shutter counter on the Olympus Trip 35

How do I focus the Olympus Trip 35?

The Olympus Trip focus settings are simple, but take some getting used to. There are four settings on the camera. The symbols for these are found on the black part of the lens, as shown earlier in the article. 

The symbols are as follows:

Symbols for the Olympus Trip 35 focus settings

The Olympus Trip has  four focus settings . The viewfinder view does not change as you change the focus settings, so you need to know which setting is correct for how far away your subject is. Luckily, this is  not hard.

The first setting has the symbol of one person. The first setting is used for close-up photographs , where the subject is less than 1 metre away.

The second setting is of two people, which is to be used for subjects from 1.5 to 3 metres away. 

The third setting is a symbol of three people. This setting is used for subjects that are between  3 and 6 metres away. 

The final setting is a symbol of a mountain, which is used for anything beyond 6 metres away. 

If you ever forget these numbers, they are engraved on the underside of the lens (opposite to the symbols on the top). 

How does the Olympus Trip 35 red flag feature work?

The purpose of this Olympus Trip feature is to stop you from taking a photograph that is not exposed enough and therefore will not be visible when developed.

When there is not enough light in your image, the red flag will pop up in the viewfinder. You will clearly be able to see it if you are looking through the viewfinder. It also blocks the shutter button from being pressed.

Red flag feature inside the Olympus Trip viewfinder

Can I use the Olympus Trip at night?

Yes, you can. 

The easiest way to do this is to attach a flash to the top of the camera.

Attaching a flash to the top of the camera is easy and most flashes can be used on the Olympus Trip. It has a standard flash hotshoe on the top of the camera. 

Here is an example of a flash that can be used on the Olympus Trip:

When using a flash on the Olympus Trip, there are different settings to use. These are the aperture numbers on the silver barrel of the lens closest to the camera. 

The aperture you use needs to be read off of the meter table, which is usually displayed on the back of the flash unit. 

How to use a flash on the Olympus Trip 35

You can read more about using the Olympus Trip at night here .

How To Rewind Your Film

Congratulations, you've finished your roll of film. 

How can I tell if the roll of film is finished?

You will start to feel some resistance when trying to advance the camera. Do not force it, as you will snap part of the mechanism. 

If you are using a 24 exposure roll of film, you will have reached the 24th shot. The shot counter should show the number 24, or near to that number. The same applies for a 36 exposure roll of film, as this will show the number 36. Sometimes you are lucky and get 37 or 38 shots out of a roll of film. 

When the film will not advance any more, the film is finished. 

How do I take the roll of film out?

On the bottom of the camera is your rewind button. Push this button in. It should stay in after you have pressed it once. 

You can now use the rewind knob to rewind the film into the canister. Turn the knob clockwise. 

Using the Olympus Trip 35 rewind knob to rewind film

Rewinding the film usually takes around thirty seconds of rewinding. You will feel when the film comes off of the spool at the end, because the rewind knob will have less resistance. Keep rewinding it until you feel certain that the film is back inside the canister. 

You can now open the back and take the film out. 

Back of the Olympus Trip 35mm film camera

That's just about everything you need to know about the Olympus Trip 35 35mm film camera! We really recommend this camera for beginners, so we hope you have a great time using it and create some lovely images. 

I think my Olympus Trip is broken; what should I do?

A lot of Olympus Trip 35mm film cameras have never been serviced in their lifetime. Because they are holiday cameras, a lot of them have sand in the mechanisms. 

We highly recommend getting your Olympus Trip serviced if it hasn't been used in a while. 

Maintained, these cameras can last many years, however when they have been left for decades, they can develop a few issues, such as stuck aperture blades, stuck shutter, non-functioning light meter, etc. 

All of our Olympus Trip services and repairs are very affordable, so definitely consider sending it to us before deciding that it doesn't work, or putting it back in a drawer. 

Shop our full range of Olympus Trips and accessories here:

Find out more about the olympus trip here:.

Different colours of Olympus Trip cameras

Featured Camera: The Olympus Trip 35

Olympus Trip camera with flash attached - can you use the Olympus Trip at night?

Can You Use the Olympus Trip At Night?

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Max, owner of Cameras By Max

Article written by: Max

Max is the owner of Cameras By Max. They work full-time repairing and refurbishing all the 35mm film cameras you see on the website. Their favourite camera (at the moment) is the Olympus XA, and their favourite city in the world is Edinburgh.

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Olympus Trip (autofocus)

When Olympus discontinued the long-lasting Trip 35 in 1984, it launched a series of cameras that used the 'Trip' name, but were otherwise quite different. Instead of metal bodies, these cameras were mainly plastic. They were cheap to produce and were mass-marketed towards holiday snapshooters who wanted "auto-everything" point and shoot cameras. The series continued into the 21st century with extra big viewfinders (XB) before digital took over and the line was discontinued. Some of these cameras had fixed focus . Listed here are the autofocus models.

  • Olympus Trip AF
  • Olympus Trip AF MD
  • Olympus Trip AF Super
  • Olympus Trip AF S-2
  • Olympus Trip AF Mini
  • Olympus Trip AF-1 Mini (QD version followed in 1995)
  • Olympus Trip AF 20
  • Olympus Trip AF 21
  • Olympus Trip AF 30
  • Olympus Trip AF 31
  • Olympus Trip XB40 AF (27mm lens)
  • Olympus Trip XB41 AF (Same as XB40, but with self-timer)
  • Olympus Trip AF 50 (28mm lens)
  • Olympus Trip AF 51 (more advanced version of AF 50)
  • Olympus Trip AF 60
  • Olympus Trip AF 61 (Same as AF60, but with self-timer)
  • Late models (2005) on (archived)
  • Flickr image
  • Japanese 35mm autofocus
  • Image by Paul Analog

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Olympus Trip XB40 AF

  • Edit source

The Trip XB40 AF of 2000 is a compact camera with autofocus , taking 35mm film, which was manufactured by Olympus in China. It was one of a series of cheap models branded with the famous Trip name. Encased in a small lightweight body this compact camera is fully automatic with no manual overrides. It has automatic film advance and power rewind. Customers requiring a self-timer had to pay a little extra for the XB41 AF , which was encased in exactly the same body. A QD model added Quartz date function.

Specifications [ ]

  • Lens: 27mm, f/6.3 [1]
  • ISO : DX decoding .
  • Autowind and power rewind.
  • Integral auto-flash.
  • Integral sliding lens cover.
  • Tripod socket.
  • Power: 2 AA batteries.

References [ ]

  • ↑ According to this unofficial Olympus history page


Olympus Trip XB40 AF QD 35mm Film Camera Point and Shoot

Olympus trip xb40 af qd 35mm film camera point and shoot .

For autofocus convenience and flash versatility turn to the Trip XB40 AF QD. An infrared, autofocus system with focus lock and a sharp Olympus lens combine for consistently clear shots while the camera's automatic flash takes care of low-light situations to give you brightly lit photographs. Nothing's impossible.

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Olympus Trip XB40 AF 35mm Film Camera Point and Shoot

Olympus Trip XB40 AF 35mm Film Camera Point and Shoot

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This early 2000's film camera is ideal for beginners, amateurs and professionals. It’s in excellent condition and is ready to produce another lifetime of fantastic photos. In  addition of a built-in motor allows the camera to automatically advance and rewind the film for you meaning all you need to do is point and shoot.

  • XB400 / XB401 
  • XB40 AF / XB41 AF 

All our cameras are tested, 100% working, cleaned and come with a 30-day guarantee. The camera is  packaged securely and shipped immediately. Tracked & Worldwide Shipping Available.


  • Manufacture Olympus
  • Type Point and Shoot
  • Film Type 35mm
  • Condition Used
  • Photography Ability Beginner
  • Flash Built-in
  • Focus Fixed focus system
  • Aperture f/6.3
  • Sensitivity Range Auto exposure
  • Power Source 2x AA

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Olympus Trip XB40 AF 35mm Film Camera Point and Shoot

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Details: Olympus Trip XB40 AF

35mm autofocus point-and-shoot camera made by Olympus. Has a built-in flash and a sliding lens cover. Plastic body available in grey.

  • Lens: Olympus 27mm f6.3 (3 elements, 3 groups)
  • Minimum focus distance: 0.8m
  • Shutter: leaf, 1/100s
  • ISO: 100 - 400
  • Size: 111 x 68 x 44mm
  • Weight: 157g

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My Wandering Voyage

The Olympus Trip 35 – a perfect travel film camera

Discover the Olympus Trip 35, a film camera made for travelling | My Wandering Voyage #filmphotography #Olympus #Travel #Travelphotography

The Olympus Trip 35 is a compact, battery-free point-and-shoot 35mm film camera known for its ease of use and quality. When it was released in 1968, it was marketed as the perfect film camera to take on your travels.

NOTE: Travel is not recommended at this time. These posts are here to serve as inspiration when we can explore again. Hey there – this post likely contains affiliate links, which means I earn a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you purchase from them. This helps me earn a few dollars to run this website.

Discover the Olympus Trip 35, a film camera made for travelling | My Wandering Voyage #filmphotography #Olympus #Travel #Travelphotography

Imagine yourself as a traveller in the 1970s . Airlines were becoming more popular than ever, with more and more destinations opening up to international exploration. The Grand Tour of the 19th century had felt a resurgence for the everyday person. You only connected with those back at home by postcard and you took photos on film, waiting to share them once you returned.

With over 10 million units sold during its 16-year run, it would be likely that as a traveller in the 1970s, you would have had (or would have wanted) the Olympus Trip 35. How about today? With film photography becoming more popular again, is the Olympus Trip 35 a worthwhile film camera to take on your travels?

What is the Olympus Trip 35?

The Olympus Trip 35 is what is known as a point-and-shoot camera – one that does most of the work for you. The camera has a fixed 40mm f/2.8 lens. The camera uses just two shutter speeds and a selenium photocell as a light metre.

The Olympus Trip 35 was marketed as an easy-to-use, compact camera to take with you on your travels. They are super lightweight, take regular 35mm film and work with a click of a button.

Oastler Lake camping | Olympus Trip 35

How does the Olympus Trip 35 work

The Olympus Trip 35 doesn’t need a battery to operate, which is pretty darn cool if you ask me. It uses a solar-powered selenium photocell light metre to automatically set the aperture and select a shutter speed.

First up, the Olympus Trip 35 has an ISO range of 25 to 400, which makes it perfect for a film stock like Kodak Gold 200. You can use (the crème de la crème) Kodak Portra 400, but because that film stock is so expensive, I’d use the cheaper Kodak Gold 200 or Kodak Ultramax 400 in this point-and-shoot camera. You could even try a nice black and white film stock, although I haven’t done that yet myself.

The Olympus Trip 35 just has two shutter speeds – 1/40s or 1/200s, which the camera chooses automatically based on the available light. The camera’s aperture ranges from f/2.8 to f/22, which it also chooses automatically when in “A” mode. You can take the camera into Aperture-priority mode by twisting the aperture ring on the lens, but there’s really no need to.

The camera has a hot shoe where you could sync with a flash, although I’ve not tried that yet.

Lastly, the only thing you really need to think about when using the Olympus Trip 35 is the focus setting. The camera has four focus zones marked by four symbols: portrait, two people, a group of people and landscape. It’s relatively easy to figure out what focus range you need, but if you need more specifications, the focus zones are 1 metre, 1.5 metres, 3 metres and infinity. For most travel photos, you’re going to stick to the landscape focus zone.

Olympus Trip 35 film camera

Is the Olympus Trip 35 easy to use?

Once you get the hang of it, yes, the Olympus Trip 35 is so easy to use! The first step is to choose your film stock. The ISO ranges from 25 to 400 so you’ll want to choose a film stock in that speed. (Kodak Gold 200 and Ultramax 400 are some of my favourites).

Next, you need to load the film. There’s a small release button on the left-hand side to pop open the back cover. The 35mm film loads in like most other 35mm film cameras. You need to pop the rewinder knob up, fit in the film and push the rewinder knob back in. Then thread the leader part of the film into the take-up spool making sure that the teeth are grabbing onto the perforated part of the film. Tighten the film by using the film advance wheel, making sure the rewinder knob is turning as you crank the film advance. Close the back of the camera and advance the film three times until the counter is at 0.

Make sure you’ve set your ISO to match your film stock. You can do so by twisting the outer ring of the lens.

Make sure the aperture is set on “A” so that the camera can decide what aperture to use. Once you do that, the camera will decide on either 1/40s or 1/200s for the shutter speed based on the available light.

close up of Olympus Trip 35 lens and controls

Next, choose your focus zone. If you’re taking a portrait, use the portrait focus zone, if you’re taking a landscape, use the landscape focus zone. It’s pretty simple.

Then you look through the viewfinder you’ll notice that you can see the lens in the viewfinder. That’s because it’s a parallax viewfinder, rather than a mirror system like you see in most DSLR cameras. The viewfinder in the Olympus Trip 35 has parallax markings, which help you frame up an image when your subject is close to correct for this viewing error.

The second, very small window you see under this (which is called the Judas window – don’t ask me why) shows the aperture session and distance symbol that you’re using.

Once you look through the viewfinder, click the small shutter button on the top right to take the picture.

If a small red flag appears in the viewfinder, it just means that the camera has decided there’s not enough light and won’t take the photo.

olympus trip xb40 af photos

Finding an Olympus Trip 35

I think what sold me on the Olympus Trip 35 was how easy it was to use. I had just started my journey back into film photography and I already had the 100% manual Canon AE-1. I wanted something light, enjoyable and fun to use, while still being vintage.

I think I stumbled across the camera while perusing YouTube and thought I’d look it up. I was surprised at the range of cost. Some were selling for over $300 CAD, while others were listed for only $60 CAD.

I learned that people were buying these cameras cheap, replacing the exterior with new leather and reselling them for a lot more, which is why you see Olympus Trip 35s in fun colours. I ended up looking at three Olympus Trip 35s that were for sale but weren’t functional before buying the one I found. There are two major things you need to look out for when searching for an Olympus Trip 35.

First, make sure the aperture blades aren’t stuck. Sticky aperture blades is pretty common in these vintage cameras. You can test to make sure the aperture works correctly by looking through the front of the lens as you change the apertures and pressing the shutter. The aperture blades should change accordingly, opening and closing with ease. If it doesn’t it’s not the end of the world. There are a couple of tutorials on how to fix this online.

close up of Olympus Trip 35 viewfinder and Judas window

Second, make sure the selenium photocell functions. This is key because if doesn’t work properly, the camera won’t metre light properly and your images won’t come out. To test this, you can place your hand in front of the photocell, covering it completely. Try to take a photo, if the red flag appears, it means that it works. If it takes a photo, then it means the selenium photocell isn’t working.

I looked at three different Olympus Trip 35s where the sellers didn’t know if it worked properly or not. I ended up passing on all three before finding one at a camera store in Collingwood that actually worked.

Then I put just one roll of (relatively) cheap film through it and found it worked perfectly.

The tip is to keep a lens cap on it or in a case while not using the camera. Use this handy guide for more tips when buying an Olympus Trip 35.

Why the Olympus Trip 35 is a great travel film camera?

The Trip name is a reference to its intended market—people who wanted a compact, functional camera for holidays.

For me, I think the joy of it is wrapped up in one image I took while on a camping trip in the summer. I was headed out on a kayak on Stormy Lake near Restoule Provincial Park. I wanted to bring my camera, but because I use my camera for my wedding photography business, there was no way in hell I was putting it in a kayak, even if it was protected by a dry bag. I just didn’t want to take that chance. So I put my phone and my Olympus Trip 35 in a dry bag and set off.

I had just brought my film camera out to take a photo when suddenly, a loon popped out of the lake in front of my kayak. I love the sounds of a loon and had heard them often, but I had never seen one so close. I snapped a quick photo of it with my Olympus Trip 35. I didn’t have to worry about aperture, shutter speed and I knew I already had it on landscape focus, so I just pointed the camera at the loon and snapped the photo.

By the time I put down my film camera and picked up my phone to take another photo, the loon had dove back into the depths and when it resurfaced again a few minutes later, it was too far away.

I had to wait another 3 weeks before I saw that photo, and it was even more magical once I saw the image developed.

So why is the Olympus Trip 35 such a great travel film camera?

Hopefully, by now I’ve convinced you that it is easy to use. The camera is lightweight and compact, plus it won’t accidentally take a photo if you’ve got it stashed in your bag. Plus, since it doesn’t need batteries, all you really need to worry about is making sure you have enough film!

Loon on Stormy Lake | Olympus Trip 35

Olympus Trip 35 sample photos

So far, I’ve put four rolls of film through this camera and I’ve loved how it turns out every single time. The camera is so light, it fits in my waist bag, and makes shooting a breeze. I can’t wait to take this on my next photography adventure! Here are some sample photos from the Olympus Trip 35.

little daisies | Olympus Trip 35

Love film photography? Join Grainery.

I’m pretty new to film, but I’ve absolutely LOVED this new app called Grainery . It’s Instagram-inspired but focuses solely on analog photography. It’s really new, the actual app for iPhone and Android is still in development, but the website works perfectly. And it’s free! Plus, the guy who is developing it is super grassroots and is planning to keep it ad- and algorithm-free.

If you are looking to upgrade to Grainery+, it’s only $3/month, which helps support the developer. (Not sponsored, just something I genuinely LOVE.)

Screenshot of Grainery App

If you love film photography, then what are you waiting for! Join Grainery and follow me @mywanderingvoyage . It’ll be fun!

Love beautiful photos?

I’ve launched a print shop!! After a couple of years of imposter syndrome, I finally launched my own print shop and I am stoked to share it with you!

You can hang up your favourite prints in your home, get a canvas print or even print on metal! Check out the Print Shop now!

Want to know when a new print collection drops and get exclusive discount codes? Sign up for the Print Shop list and you’ll be the first to know!

My Wandering Voyage Print Shop

Olivia Rutt

Olivia Rutt is the travel writer and photographer behind My Wandering Voyage, a travel website helping working millennials find time to travel. She shares insight in trip planning, travel inspiration and photography tips. Olivia hails from southern Ontario, Canada where she works in the media industry between travels. Follow Olivia on Instagram where she shares her travel photos, or catch up with her on Facebook or Twitter.

Further Reading...

This guide will help you with the best way to organize your travel photos so that you can easily find them, show off your best pictures and put them together in a memorable way. #TravelPhotography #Photography #Lightroom | My Wandering Voyage travel blog

Best way to organize your travel photos

Travel photographers are the easiest group of people to buy a gift for, but there are so many options to choose from! That's why I've put together this handy guide of gifts for travel photographers. #travel #photography #travelphotography #giftguide

Gift guide for travel photographers

How to take better travel photographs - tips and ticks | My Wandering Voyage travel blog

How to take better travel photographs


August slipped away into a moment in time 🩵⁠⁠What a wild August it's been! Wedding season is in full swing keeping me busy busy busy, so I've been trying to spend my free time by checking off things from my summer bucket. ⁠⁠A few life hiccups got in the way of a few items on my list, but that's okay. What I love most about creating these seasonal bucket lists is not to check off every single one, but to do my best and enjoy all the little things. ⁠⁠Here are a few of the summer bucket list items I checked off in August:⁠⁠✅️ Go to a really big antique market⁠✅️ Go for a bike ride on a rail trail and stop for ice cream⁠✅️ Camping with friends!⁠✅️ Buy a bouquet of flowers from a roadside vendor⁠✅️ Go to the Ex⁠⁠Also, quick reminder that summer ends Sept 21. So I've still got time to tackle the rest of this bucket list!⁠ 😜⁠#OntarioTravel #ontariosummer #augustdump #getoutside #getoutdoors #photodump #OntarioPhotographer #destinationontario

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Olympus Trip XB40 AF

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The Olympus Trip XB40 AF was introduced in 2000. The camera is equipped with a 27mm f/6.3 lens with auto focussing. It's a lightweight model which is easy to take everywhere and anywhere.

📷 Tested & 2 months warranty 🌎 Worldwide shipping 🔋 2 x AA battery included

The picture is displaying near mint condition .  Learn more about   condition types

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Film that fits the Olympus Trip XB40 AF

Buy Kodak Portra 400/36 now at Analogue Amsterdam

Kodak Portra 400/36

Kodak Portra 800/36

Kodak Portra 800/36

Kodak Gold 200

Kodak Gold 200

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Kodak Portra 160/36

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Olympus Trip XB41 AF

  • Brand: Olympus
  • Name: Olympus Trip XB41 AF
  • Type: Snapshot camera
  • Type of Film: 35mm
  • Focal length: 27 mm
  • Maximum aperture: f/6.3
  • Focus: Autofocus
  • Shutter speeds: 1/100 s
  • Flash / Flash connection: Built-in flash
  • Release date: 2000
  • Age: Up to 24 years

Launched in 2000, the Olympus Trip XB41 AF is part of the Olympus Trip range of point-and-shoot cameras. The production of this camera was realized in China.

Thanks to its plastic body, it proves to be extremely user-friendly, making it a perfect choice for those new to photography and those who take up photography as a hobby.

A model similar to the Olympus Trip XB41 AF is the Olympus Trip XB40 AF. This model doesn’t have a self-timer, but otherwise it doesn’t differ much from the XB41 AF.

The camera is characterized by its built-in lens with a fixed focal length of 27 mm. The “Focus Free” mode eliminates the need for manual focusing and does not have a zoom function. It is recommended to maintain a minimum distance of 0.8 meters from the photo subject. A sliding cap serves to protect the lens.

Automatic adjustments to exposure, aperture and shutter speed are made by the camera, which detects the film speed using the film’s DX encoding. If a film without such coding is used, the camera assumes a sensitivity of ISO 100.

The built-in flash plays a crucial role due to the camera’s limited sensitivity to light. It is activated automatically and cannot be switched off.

A carrying strap is included and there is a thread for a tripod on the bottom of the camera. A self-timer function is available.

The dimensions of the Olympus Trip XB41 AF are 11.5 x 6.8 x 4.6 cm. It weighs 152 grams.

Power is supplied by two AA batteries ( eBay / Amazon * ), which are responsible for both the flash and the film transport.

Films for the Olympus Trip XB41 AF

The Olympus Trip XB41 AF can still be used today, although you can purchase used models at a reasonable price. Of course you need suitable films for this.

The camera supports 35mm films and, fortunately, the selection of films is still extensive. Normally, a film allows you to take 36 exposures, the number of which can be read from a counter on the top of the camera. A small window on the back shows whether a film is inserted.

The Kodak Gold 200 * is particularly suitable for color photographs, while the Ilford Delta 100 * is ideal for black and white images. Both types of film are characterized by their flexibility and excellent image quality.

After each shot, the film is automatically transported. When you reach the end of a roll of film, the camera automatically pulls the film back into the cartridge. This function can also be activated manually using a special button.

Quartz Date Model

The Olympus Trip XB41 AF QD has a unique feature: an integrated clock. This function allows the date and time to be recorded directly on the photos, which makes it easier to later assign the times when the photos were taken.

A potential downside to this feature could be the prominent display of the date in the photos, which some may find annoying. This model also has a display and additional controls on the back of the camera, which sets it apart from other models.

Technical datasheet

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olympus trip xb40 af photos

Olympus Trip XB40 AF

£ 30.00

Olympus Trip XB40 AF 35mm compact film camera, in fully working condition with 30-day warranty.


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The Olympus Trip XB40 AF is a simple compact camera from Olympus produced in 2000. It has a sliding cover to protect the lens when not in use, an integral flash, and autofocus covering just under 1m to infinity, aswell as DX coding for ISO 100 and ISO 400 films.

This camera in in full working condition, including the flash, film advance and rewind. It has not been film teste, but it comes with a full 30-day warranty.

It will require two AA batteries which are not included.

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    The Olympus Trip XB40 AF was introduced in 2000. The camera is equipped with a 27mm f/6.3 lens with auto focussing. It's a lightweight model which is easy to take everywhere and anywhere. 📷 Tested & 2 months warranty. 🌎 Worldwide shipping. 🔋 2 x AA battery included. The picture is displaying near mint condition.

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    The built-in flash plays a crucial role due to the camera's limited sensitivity to light. It is activated automatically and cannot be switched off. A carrying strap is included and there is a thread for a tripod on the bottom of the camera. A self-timer function is available. The dimensions of the Olympus Trip XB41 AF are 11.5 x 6.8 x 4.6 cm.

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