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Star Trek: Voyager

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Star Trek Voyager: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

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This project started during the first Covid-related lockdown back in March 2020 and has been continuing ever since.

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The “Enhanced Edition” features a PAL-DVD-based higher quality version that focuses mainly on the “clean-up” of visual aspects of the show, like: Reduced motion stuttering (stable 23,976 FPS), deinterlacing, cross color reduction, noise removal, deblocking, dehaloing, deringing, anti aliasing, reduction of color banding, sharpening. All borders have been slightly cropped to eliminate the “VHS-tape look”. Slight color grading has been added to enhance the color representation. Furthermore, the audio tracks have been slowed down to correct for the PAL-shift.

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The releases (4K) are encoded as follows: H265 (mkv) at 20 Mbps with Main 10 @ L5 @ Main, BT.709 @ 10 bit, resolution 2880x2160p (4:3 aspect ratio / no black borders left and right; you can decide if you want to stretch or not) with English and German AC3 5.1 audio tracks at 640 Kbps. 45-minute-episodes take up between 6-7 GB of space per episode.

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The releases (1080p) are encoded as follows: H265 (mkv) at 2,5 Mbps with Main 10 @ L5.1 @ Main, BT.709 @ 10 bit, resolution 1440x1080p (4:3 aspect ratio / no black borders left and right; you can decide if you want to stretch or not) with English and German AC3 5.1 audio tracks at 256 Kbps. 45-minute-episodes take up between 0,8-1,0 GB of space per episode.

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The realisation of this project is a very complicated multi-step approach (f.e. using several instances of AI-upscaling software), so it may take a while, but it continues to go on.

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If you are interested in getting to know more technical details or in watching the “Enhanced Edition”, send me a private message!

The Ends DO Justify The Means …

Set of comparison images for Season 1, episodes 1&2 (pilot):


Set of comparison images for Season 1, episode 3:


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Not the greatest episode, but thank you again for your continued efforts.

A couple of the shots are a little unsteady (particularly the shuttle launch and one pan across the bridge), but that’s all I noticed.

I’m looking forward to the next couple.

@vranir: Since I am going in episode/season order, the better episodes will soon follow. Yeah, not every shot/scene is perfect, but the upscaler still has trouble with wide angles and smaller elements.

You had us spoiled with the frequency of those initial releases. Hope all is well.

Sorry I haven’t been around much. Was sick (including hospital and recovery time), but I am getting back into things. Actually, I am planning on revamping a few things including a latest quality update. I will keep you guys updated.

That’s terrible! Glad you’re on the mend.

Exiting news on the Voyager front guys: As you have probably noticed, I have been busy updating my projects as of late (Voyager included).

The thing that always stressed me out was how badly the CGI/VFX was handled on the PAL-DVDs of Voyager (DS9 sometimes suffers from similar problems, but not as bad as VOY). The motion is so jerky ships seems to stumble across the screen sometimes. So, since I am updating things anyway, I thougt “Perhaps I can get a grip on this as well”.

Yesterday, I think I found a sort of “work-around” that improves things. I managed to get the NTSC rendered in a way that reduces the motion stutter and replace the PAL-DVD frames that contain CGI/VFX effects.

Note that this is only a preliminary trial, I am also considering adding FlowFrames to further smooth things out (so the examples do not include FlowFrames yet) - but I am excited and wanted to share where things are going.

First, you have an example of my previous work, upscaled straight from PAL-DVD to 4K (but downmastered to 1080p here for size-reasons) - note how jerky the ships move (link is free, no password): https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqolbtlovv5t2z1/VOY 1080p from 4K Test (PAL only).mkv?dl=0

Second, you have an example of my latest work, live action scenes from PAL-DVD, effects from NTSC - spliced together to create 4K (but downmastered here for size-reasons) - note that the movements are smoother (link is free, no password): https://www.dropbox.com/s/7sz6mshgw159svf/VOY 1080p from 4K Test (with NTSC Fix).mkv?dl=0

Let me know what you think!

star trek voyager descargar mega

A little warning to everyone: don’t watch it streaming there on dropbox, or at least if you see big compression artifacts know that it’s NOT in the file. For me at least, downloading was the way to go.

Black Alert, really nice job. The effects shots look great ! It’s hard to believe you got those out of NTSC!

LightWave = fun times with gfx for me 😃

@WXM: Thanks for the notice that downloading is better than watching as stream - it’s something I always do but forgot to mention, my bad.

As far as the NTSC-DVDs go: It’s a bit of a complicated process, but generally I have found that the NTSC have better quality in the CGI/VFX area, since they haven’t been adjusted for PAL distribution (25 FPS). With my workflow, I reduce the 25 FPS PAL to 23,976, which looks nice for about 95% of the live action segments, but it really hurts the effects, which are already stuttering (coming from 29,97 FPS half fields). Since live action is mostly shot on 24 fps film stock, the 23,976 fps from PAL are ok.

My modifications now include: Taking the NTSC and restoring to full fields (which creates 59,94 FPS output), the render them to reduce rainbowing and increase detail, then I eliminate frame doubles and blend the rest together so I get 29,97 FPS again, then I use an AI-based solution to reduce further to 23,976 FPS (without actually changing the number of frames/images in the videostream), then I do 3 upscaling runs with different models and finally I compare the number of images from the PAL stream to the NTSC stream. Usually, there is only a difference of 1 image, but to avoid losing audio sync I delete 1 image that isn’t as “noticeable” which works quite well if you can simply kill a black image during fade-in/fade-out.

The only thing left I want to do is to add FlowFrames in my final workstep to further smooth out the effects - then perhaps it could look even better.

Intricate but very cool and smart! 😃

This might sound like a noob question, but since you have this down I want to see what you use… What is your preferred way to eliminate the double frames? And I assume that the quality differs between the two dupe frames, right? Is it always that the first (or always the second) of the dupes is poorer quality so you know which of the pair to drop?..or are they just of equal quality?

It’s all too technical for me, but I truly appreciate your work and your willingness to give us a glimpse of your workflow.

The improvement in the Badlands shots is clear.

star trek voyager descargar mega

Love seeing updates like this. Voyager is one of my favourite Trek series, but it looks awful in SD. Really happy to see what is technically possible through AI, even if I don’t have the technical know-how to understand all the steps involved.

@trip64: Happy to do it. Voyager (and also DS9) deserve this kind of attention.

Hello again community. I am sorry to say that I have to take a break for a while (don’t worry, my projects are not dead, nor am I going to abandon anything) and I don’t know how long that break will be. I have recently lost a family member and I have to deal with stuff.

I tried to distract myself with work and my projects here, but it’s really up and down and not consistent.

I will let you know as soon as I am back, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable to give you a timeframe (which I couldn’t, anyway) that may or may not work out.

Please don’t be worried, I will come back to you guys.

Until then.

Sorry to hear that. Best wishes and thanks for letting us know.

Hello community. I am going to be posting this in both the DS9 and VOY topics, since it affects both.

I am happy to say that I have dealt with most of my issues and that means … I am coming back. Having been through a lot, my attitude towards this project has changed somewhat (for good or worse will be up for you to decide 😉 ).

So, what does that mean for you?

In general: I will implement a few changes (more on that below), most importanly I feel like I need to take back creative control of this project (I know, this may sound strange, but let me explain) - I think I have been listening to way too many opinions about my work, trying to please everyone as much as possible. In the end: I have to be happy with the result, since I will be watching those episodes when I feel like enjoying some Trek. So if my updates/re-renders are annoying to you, you don’t have to take them. Nevertheless, I will still be happy to talk about technical details and how I did things, I am just simply done apologizing for stuff or justifying things.

Specifically: As I had intended before, all the things I have done so far will be getting updates (the DS9 and VOY pilot will be swapped for the latest as well), but there is an important difference this time: I have tested my workflow against both DS9 and Voyager by doing tests with episode snippets from seasons 1, 3, 5 and 7 respectively to make sure I do not have to change anything in the future and the work remains consistent. The most important new elements are: Better color grading, the inclusion of chapters and subtitles (english and german) as well as the combination of multiple AI models by doing layer-based work to create better quality. I have decided to work on challenging samples, containing both CGI/VFX effects as well as live action; furthermore, I used mostly scenes that are dark, have bad lighting or difficult visuals (explosions, flickering lights, consoles and such) - that way I can make sure this does not cause problems down the line.

In order to proof that I will not be going back and forth and only move forward, here are samples from my test renderings, I call them “What does the Future hold?”, regarding both shows (DS9 and VOY). Note: I apologize for the Borg Queen looking green and then blue in one image - I accidentally used the wrong image, sorry.

First, comparison images with slider function:

Show: DS9, episode 3x21 “The Die Is Cast (Part 2)” https://imgsli.com/ODA1Nzk https://imgsli.com/ODA1ODA https://imgsli.com/ODA1ODI https://imgsli.com/ODA1ODM

Show: DS9, episode 5x26 “Call to Arms” https://imgsli.com/ODA1ODY https://imgsli.com/ODA1ODg https://imgsli.com/ODA1OTI https://imgsli.com/ODA1OTQ https://imgsli.com/ODA1OTU

Show: DS9, episode 7x25;26 “What You Leave Behind (Parts 1&2)” https://imgsli.com/ODA1OTY https://imgsli.com/ODA1OTc https://imgsli.com/ODA1OTk

Show: VOY, episode 3x26 “Scorpion (Part 1)” https://imgsli.com/ODA2MDA https://imgsli.com/ODA2MDI

Show: VOY, episode 5x06 “Timeless” https://imgsli.com/ODA2MDQ https://imgsli.com/ODA2MDU https://imgsli.com/ODA2MDY

Show: VOY, episode 7x25;26 “Endgame (Parts 1&2)” https://imgsli.com/ODA2MDg https://imgsli.com/ODA2MTM https://imgsli.com/ODA2MTc https://imgsli.com/ODA2MTk https://imgsli.com/ODA2MjE https://imgsli.com/ODA2MjM

And now, for the video samples (comparison between PAL-DVD and 4K-AI-Upscale; no password required):

Show: DS9, episode 3x21 “The Die Is Cast (Part 2)” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1gf7zlyjkdaq1ex/DS9 - 3x21 - The Die Is Cast%2C Part 2 (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s8v05sjkwrhy1js/DS9 - 3x21 - The Die Is Cast%2C Part 2 (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

Show: DS9, episode 5x26 “Call to Arms” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr8wv0t1ujygrcm/DS9 - 5x26 - Call to Arms (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/erakyiabempe4u8/DS9 - 5x26 - Call to Arms (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

Show: DS9, episode 7x25;26 “What You Leave Behind (Parts 1&2)” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2r781sx8q7z1ae0/DS9 - 7x25%3B26 - What You Leave Behind (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pr3gnnrq03l9rxe/DS9 - 7x25%3B26 - What You Leave Behind (4K Test).mkv?dl=0

Show: VOY, episode 3x26 “Scorpion (Part 1)” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2eq7j3gk5djrsk7/VOY - 3x26 - Scorpion%2C Part 1 (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ex11ftno848zsh3/VOY - 3x26 - Scorpion%2C Part 1 (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

Show: VOY, episode 5x06 “Timeless” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tt2nrzqfaouvfxn/VOY - 5x06 - Timeless (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7j4oc62m7k73ny/VOY - 5x06 - Timeless (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

Show: VOY, episode 7x25;26 “Endgame (Parts 1&2)” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ei5iphako0u9sje/VOY - 7x25%3B26 - Endgame (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnnprmm3mwgpfly/VOY - 7x25%3B26 - Endgame (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

That’s what’s going to be coming our way. Let me know what you think.

Welcome back. Beautiful work. I’ll be eagerly waiting for each episode of both series.

@vranir: Rendering the update to the DS9 pilot now. Then I have to test watch for errors or remaining problems. Chapters and subtitles have already been prepared (adjusted from 25 to 23,976 FPS speed change, so they should match up, but I will check of course, hence the mentioned test watch).

Hello again guys.

Sorry that I haven’t put up anything yet, but things are crazy around here. Covid came back with a vengeance, rules are changing daily and we are doing everything we can to keep up.

I am feeling truly guilty. I have rendering the pilot episodes of Star Trek (DS9 and VOY) as well as the first episode of season 1 of B5, but I just simply can’t find the time to watch them in order to note down what corrections have to be applied. Then they would have to be rendered again and after that I could upload them.

I will do my best to hurry up, but it’s very difficult at the moment.

I will keep you posted (this post will be copied into the other topics for time-reasons).

Hello community. Wanted to share something that I had “left over” from my upscaling trials (testing the workflow that has now become my standard), so you know I am still at it. Please forgive me if I haven’t always hit the exact same frame or if the crop is a little off (I forgot to change the values), but since this was short ordered cooking, just focus on the visuals, ok? Let’s call this “What does the Future hold (Part 2)”

New comparison images below.

Show: VOY, episode 2x21 "Deadlock” https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzE https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzM

Show: VOY, episode 4x09 “Year of Hell (Part 2)” https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzQ https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzU https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzY

Show: VOY, episode 6x26 "Unimatrix Zero (Part 1)” https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzc https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzg https://imgsli.com/ODUwNzk

And here you have the corresponding video samples (both SD-DVD from PAL-Source and 4K-Upscale - please remember that PAL has a speed-up to 25 FPS, which I corrected in the upscale towards 23,976 FPS, which is why voices sound different); free, no password:

Show: VOY, episode 2x21 “Deadlock” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3dpnwoqyalqdshz/VOY - 2x21 - Deadlock (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0t9kf9aqr54uio2/VOY - 2x21 - Deadlock (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

Show: VOY, episode 4x09 “Year of Hell (Part 2)” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e39dan9wd32hzpj/VOY - 4x09 - Year of Hell (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rj50eu911935udz/VOY - 4x09 - Year of Hell (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

Show: VOY, episode 6x26 “Unimatrix Zero (Part 1)” DVD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a9g8bcpkmvzv91j/VOY - 6x26 - Unimatrix Zero (SD-DVD).mkv?dl=0 Upscale: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oob69p5do2wselc/VOY - 6x26 - Unimatrix Zero (4K-Test).mkv?dl=0

Hello there guys. Just wanted to let you know my upgrades are nearly done, the workflow is set, things are moving along. With this post I wanted to provide you with a little christmas tease to show you the latest results. The following snippet is from the VOY-Pilot (the first act including the opening/intro), but for size reasons I reduced from 4K to 1080p, which didn’t effect the quality much (after all, it’s just to give you an impression of what’s soon to come). If all goes well, the pilot should be done some time this week.

Here are comparison images: https://imgsli.com/ODc2NTA https://imgsli.com/ODc2NTE https://imgsli.com/ODc2NTI https://imgsli.com/ODc2NTM https://imgsli.com/ODc2NTQ

Here the sample (no unpacking, no password required; about 81 MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/auyt1mktdh2ft2z/SciFi-Upscale - VOY Sample (1080p from 4K).mkv?dl=0

Things that have been modified/improved upon (compared to what I did before):

  • better sharpness handling
  • more grain retention / adjusted grain addition
  • better color management (specified input as SDR, output as Rec. 709 with Gamma 2.4)
  • added contrast and texture pop
  • reduced motion stutter (either through integration of NTSC-material or motion flow / frame interpolation)

star trek voyager descargar mega

Now wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute here. I don’t see a single frame with Seven of Nine in it. You tryin’ to kill me or somethin’? 😃

It’s really sad when the “creative minds” behind something we hold dear are also guilty of its destruction.

@Nearsighted Scrappile: Sorry, you’ll have to wait til season 4 onwards. But I am sure once we get to that point, well, let’s just quote Q’s son “Talk about perfection …” 😉

  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews

Dark Frontier

  • Episode aired Feb 17, 1999

Jeri Ryan and Susanna Thompson in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

Aboard the Delta Flyer, Janeway leads Tuvok, Paris and the Doctor on a rescue mission to retrieve Seven from the Borg Queen. whose treatment of Seven is markedly atypical. Aboard the Delta Flyer, Janeway leads Tuvok, Paris and the Doctor on a rescue mission to retrieve Seven from the Borg Queen. whose treatment of Seven is markedly atypical. Aboard the Delta Flyer, Janeway leads Tuvok, Paris and the Doctor on a rescue mission to retrieve Seven from the Borg Queen. whose treatment of Seven is markedly atypical.

  • Terry Windell
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Rick Berman
  • Michael Piller
  • Kate Mulgrew
  • Robert Beltran
  • Roxann Dawson
  • 13 User reviews
  • 9 Critic reviews

Kate Mulgrew and Scarlett Pomers in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

Top cast 35

Kate Mulgrew

  • Capt. Kathryn Janeway

Robert Beltran

  • Cmdr. Chakotay

Roxann Dawson

  • Lt. B'Elanna Torres

Robert Duncan McNeill

  • Ensign Tom Paris

Ethan Phillips

  • Seven of Nine

Garrett Wang

  • Ensign Harry Kim

Susanna Thompson

  • Magnus Hansen

Laura Interval

  • Erin Hansen
  • (as Laura Stepp)

Scarlett Pomers

  • Naomi Wildman

Katelin Petersen

  • Voyager Computer

Patrick Barnitt

  • Holographic Borg Drone
  • (uncredited)
  • Species 10026 Member
  • Cliff Bole (Part 1)
  • Terry Windell (Part 2)
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia "Dark Frontier" won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series. Star Trek nearly swept the category that year; also nominated for it were Thirty Days (1998) , Timeless (1998) , and What You Leave Behind (1999) .
  • Goofs The Borg Queen says that Seven is the only Borg to return to a state of individuality. Either this is a deliberate or convenient deception, or she is unaware of the recurring characters 3rd-of-5 ("Hugh") and Locutus (Captain Picard's alter ego) from Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and the colonists from Unity (1997) , although it is conceivable she was unaware of the latter.

[Janeway examines a spherical object]

Harry Kim : Captain! Don't touch that.

Captain Kathryn Janeway : What is it?

Harry Kim : I don't know, but a few minutes ago it was crawling around the floor.

  • Alternate versions Some material was cut from the original feature-length episode when it was split in two parts for reruns, to make room for extra credit sequences and the "previously on" segment. In later airings of the two parts, the cut material was restored. One restored scene shows Seven getting angry after hearing Harry Kim and Tom Paris making anti-Borg remarks in the mess hall.
  • Connections Featured in Star Trek: Voyager: The Voyager Conspiracy (1999)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title Written by Jerry Goldsmith Performed by Jay Chattaway

User reviews 13

  • Sep 5, 2018
  • The Hansen Journals?
  • February 17, 1999 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (Studio)
  • Paramount Television
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 32 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Star Trek: Voyager es remasterizado @ 4K gracias a la Inteligencia Artificial

Star Trek: Voyager es una serie de culto de los 90, la cual ahora se ha dejado ver en YouTube a una resolución 4K gracias a cómo no, el reescalado de la imagen mediante una Inteligencia Artificial que hace bastante bien su trabajo. No hay que quitarle mérito alguno, y es que esta serie llegó en un formato de vídeo adaptado a los antiguos televisores de tubo , que tenían una resolución de 720 x 576 píxeles en un formato PAL (480i NTSC) con un ratio de aspecto de 4:3 .

Star Trek: Voyager

El encargado de esta transformación se llama Billy Reichard , el cual ya ha "remasterizado" cinco episodios al completo a una resolución 4K . Esto le está llevando un tiempo en torno a las 6 horas por episodio . El único problema, pese a este trabajo, es la sincronización del audio con la imagen, donde el audio va ligeramente por delante del vídeo, algo que no es un problema si no te pones a mirar las bocas de los actores, claro, pero indica que ha conseguido minimizar el defecto en las siguientes remasterizaciones.

"Un pequeño vídeo de Voyager siendo remasterizado a 4K desde una fuente de DVD usando un software de Machine Learning con IA. He remasterizado 5 episodios completos hasta ahora. El audio no está completamente sincronizado. Esto ha sido arreglado desde entonces, pero no puedo cambiar el vídeo. Mis nuevos vídeos salieron mejor que en esta edición. Se debe principalmente a que Voyager emplea una velocidad de frames variable. El programa de IA no se ajusta a los cambios en la velocidad de los frames."

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Star Trek Voyager

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Watch Star Trek Voyager in 4K, thanks to AI upscaling

AI goes boldly where no official release has gone before

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Binged your way through Amazon 's Picard ? Looking for some more 4K trekking to tide you over until Picard Season 2 engages? Fans of classic Star Trek series Star Trek Voyager may be in luck then.

Star Trek fan Billy Reichard has kicked off a project to get the 90s era show remastered in 4K , using an AI machine learning engine.

Taking six hours per episode to process, Reichard has produced five episodes so far, working from a DVD source. Take a look at the early results in the YouTube upload below:

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As you can see, the results are pretty special. As a show that kicked off in 1995, Star Trek Voyager's 4:3 ratio can't be extended for modern widescreen displays – but the machine learning engine does a great job of sharpening the existing picture and interpreting further details than were present in the original.

The main issue is audio syncing, as Voyager wasn't filmed at a fixed frame rate – which Reichard's method can't automatically fix, and thus needs manual tweaking.

Will Star Trek Voyager license holders CBS allow this project to continue? It's unlikely, but it would be a shame to see it shut down, as an official remaster would be difficult to achieve. With its effects shot on video rather than added afterwards, touching up the original source would be a painstaking job. For now, Reichard's glimpse at what might be is the best we're likely to get.

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Gerald is Editor-in-Chief of iMore.com. Previously he was the Executive Editor for TechRadar, taking care of the site's home cinema, gaming, smart home, entertainment and audio output. He loves gaming, but don't expect him to play with you unless your console is hooked up to a 4K HDR screen and a 7.1 surround system. Before TechRadar, Gerald was Editor of Gizmodo UK. He is also the author of 'Get Technology: Upgrade Your Future', published by Aurum Press.

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Trekkies rejoice star trek: voyager is being unofficially remastered in 4k.


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We have a bit of a soft spot for Star Trek: Voyager and if you do too then you'll love the idea that it's being remastered (unofficially) in 4K.

It's hard to believe that it's been 25 years since Voyager first aired. With Captain Janeway and her crew trekking through the Delta Quadrant on their way home over seven series spanning six years until 2001. 

Things looked a bit different back then as the show was filmed for old-fashioned televisions which didn't even have a modern aspect ratio. 

Star Trek: Voyager might have been pioneering, being the first Star Trek series to use CGI footage for the exterior space shots rather than models, but it was still filmed in a 480p 4:3 format. 

However, Billy Reichard , a fan of the series, has set about bringing new life to the show by using artificial intelligence to upgrade the original footage to 4K. 

The results are impressive too. Using a mid-range PC, Billy Reichard has employed Topaz Labs  machine learning software to upgrade and improve the original footage. 

He explains that it takes around 13 hours to process an entire episode and even then it's not perfect. Voyager was recorded with a variable frame rate which means the audio is sometimes out of sync and the AI doesn't take this into account. Some human editing is required to manually re-sync the audio with the scenes. 

We applaud his efforts and hope to see more in future. 

It's also great to see the different ways Topaz Labs AI technology is being used. We only just recently saw it employed to upscaled an 1886 film to 4K and that was thoroughly impressive too. 

Star Trek: Voyager: String Theory #1: Cohesion

Descripción editorial.

Lifting the Hem of the Universe Spirits unbroken by the failed promise of the U.S.S. Dauntless, Captain Kathryn Janeway's indefatigable crew continues their odyssey of discovery through an enigmatic region of the Delta Quadrant, encountering a system inhabited by a species that, according to known physical laws, shouldn't exist. These unusual beings, the Monorhans, hover near the edge of extinction; technology from the Starship Voyager™ promises life. Janeway, compelled by the aliens' plight, dispatches Seven of Nine and Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres to the Monorhan homeworld. But an unexpected shock wave crashes the shuttle carrying Torres and Seven, catapulting Voyager into a place beyond the fabric of space-time. As B'Elanna and Seven wage an interpersonal war, Voyager struggles to prevail on an extradimensional battleground against an indefinable enemy. But fate has determined that one is inexorably linked to the other: the insurmountable chasm separating Voyager from her lost crew members must be bridged...or all will perish.

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