titan travel tanzania

Tanzania Safari Tips For Travellers. 11 Things To Know And Prepare For!

by Gary Bembridge · July 6, 2017

My Tips for a Safari In Tanzania: Things To Know And Prepare For

Heading to Tanzania on safari is one of my favourite all-time travel experiences. I had been on safaris in South Africa and Zimbabwe but this was even more magical, enthralling and I saw more animals than I had imagined I would. It exceeded all expectations on so many levels when I travelled there I travelled with Titan Travel on a 9-night “Wild Plains of Tanzania ” trip. In this article I share 11 tips and advice on how to prepare for and get the most of a safari to Tanzania based on my experience.

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#1: Best Time To Go

While much of the year is suitable there are some key times you should plan to go to get the best experience, and see animals easier. Experts recommend visiting in the dry season, which runs from June to October. During this time the animals are easier to find and see as they have to concentrate around waterholes and rivers, and there is less vegetation for them to hide in. There are fewer mosquitoes at this time of the year, because there is almost no rain. Skies are clear and most days are sunny.

It gets very busy in June and July, when the huge mass migration activity peaks in the Serengeti. However, with millions of animals on the move many travellers still want to still go there to experience it. But availability will be tighter and prices higher.

I travelled in late May into early June, and we had overall good weather and incredible sightings of animals – including the “Big Five”.

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#2: Choose right Safari Tour Company

There are many operators and options available to do a safari in Tanzania with. To get the most I recommend you first draw up a list of your key requirements. So mine included (1) hitting the famous parks, (2) ensuring the greatest chance of seeing the “Big Five”, (3) staying in fairly luxurious lodges, (4) travelling with an expert local guide, (5) in as small a group as possible, (6) with fellow travellers of my age range and finally of course (6) within a reasonable budget.

I travelled with Titan Travel on their 9-night “ Wild Plains of Tanzania ” safari. We flew on KLM to Kilimanjaro Airport via Amsterdam Schiphol in a small tour group of just 9 people. We were split across two 4×4 trucks, with five people in one and four in another. The maximum each could have held was six. The tour was hosted by a local tour leader and two drivers and took in the must-see parks of Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Crater, Serengeti National Park and Lake Manyara National Park. This ensured we saw the “Big Five” (Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Buffalo and Rhino) along with tens of thousands of other animals including zebra, wildebeest, giraffe, cheetah and ostrich. We stayed in luxurious lodges and everyone was in my age group or older.

When planning your trip you should know there are three international airports:

  • Dar es Salaam is used by most international airlines, and is more convenient for business travellers or those exploring the southern safari circuit.
  • Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA), which is close to Arusha and is the handiest for safaris to the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire and Lake Manyara parks.
  • Some international flights land at Zanzibar .

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You probably will need one. These can be obtained in advance in your home country or at the airport on arrival. The line of people buying their visa on arrival can be long and so I recommend getting one before you travel.

To check if you will need a visa visit your local Tanzanian Embassy site or check using the Travvisa.com site at

https://www.travisa.com/Visa_Search There are some key requirements when applying for a Tanzanian visa:

  • Passport must have at least three consecutive blank visa pages.
  • Be valid for six months beyond entry date.
  • Two (2) passport size photos taken on a white background within the last six months.

If travelling from the UK, like I was, I had the option of getting a visa from the embassy in London ( http://tanzaniahighcomm.co.uk ) in person or by post, or by using a service like CIBT Visas http://www.cibtvisas.co.uk/ . I went into the embassy and got mine the same day within just a few hours.

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#4: Malaria tablets and any inoculations.

Tanzania is a malaria area and you need to take anti-malaria medication. You must arrange this before you travel, as you need to start taking them before you arrive.

The medication requires a prescription in most countries. This can often be obtained from a Travel Clinic run by some large Travel Agents or Pharmacy Chains, so you may not need to visit your doctor. However, if you are on other medication you should check with them on any potential interactions as the type of pills prescribed need to take this into account.

Travelling out of the UK I was able to use an online review and prescription service offered by Boots Travel, who then delivered the pills to my home.

You may also need some other inoculations based on where you are travelling from or have been recently. For example, Tanzania requires proof of yellow fever vaccination upon arrival if you are travelling from yellow fever endemic countries/regions.

Some sites to check on the recommended inoculations and requirements that I found helpful in planning were:

  • NaTHNaC (National Travel Health Network and Centre): http://nathnac.net
  • NHS FitForTravel website: http://www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk

titan travel tanzania

  #5: Travel Insurance

It is essential to take out comprehensive travel insurance, especially for medical issues. Many of the tour operators will insist on this when taking your booking. Your policy should include coverage for air evacuation to a hospital and back home if required. If you are injured, or have a serious medical incident, you will need to be evacuated from the park or lodge to a main centre, or even out to a neighbouring country like Kenya, mostly likely by plane.

A relatively inexpensive option, if your policy does not cover evacuation, is to take out an evacuation policy with Flying Doctors. They provide air evacuation by bush plane out of the wilds of Tanzania to Nairobi, Kenya. More details at http://flydoc.org

#6: Luggage requirements

Take the smallest possible case you can. Think small and then go even smaller! It is also essential it is a soft case, so ideally a duffel / holdall / carryall.

If you are flying between lodges there will be strict limits on the size and shape of your luggage to ensure it fits in the small planes. The airline may also specify that the bags cannot have wheels on them either. So double check your travel documents carefully. If you are returning to the same airport at the start and end of your safari many of the providers will let you store excess bags or clothes in a lock up, but it is best to stick to the limitations.

If you are on land trip only there is also very limited space for bags in the back of the 4×4 trucks that you will be travelling in. You should have a small and soft bag for this as well, or they will struggle to fit them all in. It is easier to carry to and from the different rooms in the varied lodges you are likely to be staying in as you travel between different parks too. I travelled with a bag double the size of the more experienced safari travellers and regretted it. Luckily they could fit it in as everyone else was travelling light. It is a mistake I will not make again!

titan travel tanzania

#7: Packing Essentials

Following on from the need to have a small bag, you need to be ruthless when packing -and you must pack light!

In addition to taking a camera (of course!), here are my recommendations on what to take:

  • Take as few clothes as possible. You will not have to dress up in the evenings. Everyone will be casual. The clothes should be as breathable as possible, so cotton is good, and ideally quick drying if you do need to rinse them out.
  • It will be dusty on safari and you want to blend in. So have neutral colours (green, tan and brown) and I recommend bringing one change of shirt for every day and have one or two long-sleeved shirts that you use for the evening (these protect you better from mosquitos which tend to come out at this time).
  • Shorts and a T-shirt are fine for safari. You should though have at least one pair of long trousers for the evening to protect against mosquitos.
  • Bring layers, like a sweatshirt or jacket, as it can get chilly early morning or evenings on game drives.
  • Bring a waterproof jacket. I brought one that could be crumpled up and took up very little room. It also provided an extra layer when it was chilly.
  • Although many lodges have same day laundry service as you are likely moving about assume you will not use it, so bring a change of underwear for every day.
  • Bring a pair of good walking shoes / boots and one pair of more casual shoes, such as flip-flops or sandals for evenings in the lodge.
  • Bring swimwear as most lodges will have a pool and a refreshing swim after a day out on safari can be very welcome in the hot season.
  • Do not bring camouflage pattern clothes.
  • Anti-mosquito
  • Personal First Aid Kit with a supply of your favourite medications like headache pills, anti-diarrheal, plasters and a tooth repair kit (for quick fixes as a dentist will be hard to find!)
  • Binoculars are a nice plus!
  • Torch as the area is prone to power cuts. Though if you have a SmartPhone this will be able to double as a torch.
  • Alarm clock or phone (to wake up for morning drives!).
  • The sockets take UK style three-pin plugs, so bring an adaptor if you not from UK. It is best to use a travel adapter with a ‘surge protector’ to protect your equipment, although I found most of the lodges had extension cords with multiple plug sockets that were surge protected.

Things to leave behind:

  • Your laptop! It is extra weight, could get damaged in small bags and with the bumping around on dirt roads. The Wi-Fi in the lodges and parks is erratic and in some there is none. You will also have limited time to use it. Your SmartPhone or Tablet is probably enough if you have one.

titan travel tanzania

#8: Currency and money

The best currency to take is US Dollars. They are accepted virtually everywhere and save having unwanted local currency at the end of the trip. You should bring small bills and they need to be in good condition and as new as possible. Locals and stores will not take torn or notes in poor condition.

Tipping is quite common and expected. So plan to tip the lodge staff if they help you with your bags. The guide should be tipped up to US $ 20 to US $ 30 per group per day. I gave the driver and guide $50 each for the 9 days I was with them.

titan travel tanzania

#9: Photography: If want to take pictures come prepared

Before getting into the technical side, there are three key things you need to know and be aware of:

  • Always ask locals before taking their pictures, especially the Maasai. Many will expect some tip if you take their photo, and could even be quite aggressive if you take it without approval or paying.
  • Many parks in parts of Africa are starting to ban the use of SmartPhones and Tablets for picture taking. This is because the pictures have GPS location data imbedded and if posted live, or close to live, on social media can provide poachers with valuable information. Check before you go if Tanzania has introduced any limits. At the time of writing this guide they did not have any restrictions.
  • Do not bring a drone unless you have a permit before coming. They were not allowed in the parks when I travelled as the authorities are considering, and studying, the impact on animals and there is a real concern that poachers may use them, hence the blanket ban.

To take great pictures of animals on safari you really need a camera with a good zoom lens. This needs to be at least 300mm. This is what I used to take my photographs. You can view them at https://tipsfortravellers.smugmug.com/Tanzania/

Some tips I have for your photography are:

  • Get close through using a zoom lens or crop pictures afterwards using editing software. The former is better to ensure good quality.
  • If you have a DSLR, consider hiring a zoom lens rather than buying one, as they can be pricey to purchase. There are sites in the UK like http://www.lensesforhire.co.uk/ and in USA like https://www.lensrentals.com  and https://www.borrowlenses.com
  • Focus on the eyes when taking pictures. Take multiple shots and try and get one with the animal looking directly into the lens.
  • Take lots of charged batteries. You may not be always be able to charge properly in lodges or camps so whenever you can charge them up.
  • Take lots of SD cards.
  • Bring a beanbag to rest your lens on. The zoom lens can be heavy and shooting animals at distance can lead to camera shake and out of focus pictures. The beanbag can be quickly thrown on the side of the truck and is very versatile. Do not bring tripods, as there will be no room to store them.
  • Switch off the flash.
  • Don’t spend all time behind a lens! Make sure you enjoy seeing the animals live and not just through a lens.

titan travel tanzania

  #10: Staying connected

You should let your friends and family know that you will be out of contact for much of the time you are way. The mobile signal will be patchy or non-existent and roaming charges are very high (around $3 or £2 a minute to receive and make calls to and from Tanzania). I did take one of those roaming devices with me but this proved largely useless as they rely on the mobile phone signal. So I do not recommend these.

I did have some success occasionally using FaceTime audio across the Wi-Fi in some lodges, but it was inconsistent and erratic.

You should let your family and friends have your itinerary and the landline numbers of the lodges you will be staying at as well as the safari operator numbers. They can then use these if there is any emergency and need to contact you.

titan travel tanzania

#11: Know what to expect and be prepared

Although it is very rewarding and you will see a lot in Tanzania, going on a safari there can be tiring. To make the most of the potential to view animals the days are long with lots of time in the truck out sightseeing or moving between parks and lodges. There will also be a number of early starts. On average we spent about six hours a day in the van. It can be tiring and so naps in between and early to bed is recommend.

Unlike safari vans in places like South Africa, the vans will not be open. The roof will be raised up so you can stand up to view and take pictures of the animals.

Here are some things to expect and be ready for:

  • Expect crowds and a number of vans when you spot animals, especially the harder to find beasts like lions, leopards and cheetah. The parks request no more than five vans when animals are spotted but not all stick to this.
  • English is widely spoken but a few words of Swahili will always be appreciated.
  • Only drink bottled water, including for brushing teeth. This will be provided in your room.
  • In many lodges after sunset you will be escorted to and from your room for dinner in the main lodge building, to avoid any unpleasant or unexpected encounters with animals.
  • Most meals will be buffet style.
  • When heading out on a game drive in addition to wearing neutral coloured clothing, avoid strongly scented deodorant and perfumes.
  • Take along tissues and a plastic bag in case you are “caught short” and your guide cannot take you to toilet facilities in the park and you have to go behind the van to “check the tyres” (the polite expression for having to do your business!)

titan travel tanzania

Final Thought

I loved my safari in Tanzania. The people were welcoming and friendly, the wildlife abundant and impressive and the lodges of great quality. It is definitely one of my favourite trips of all time. I hope these tips help, and I wish I had been given them before I went. If you have any to add please leave a comment to help other travellers.

Watch my Video of the Highlights

Some Other Useful Links

Wildlife Overview:

  • https://www.insightguides.com/inspire-me/blog/tanzanias-wildlife-africas-big-5-and-other-mammals-to-see-on-safari
  • https://www.safaribookings.com/tanzania/wildlife

General Tips:

  • https://www.tanzania-expeditions.com/tanzania-travel-tips/
  • http://www.tanzaniawildlifesafaris.com/tanzania-travel-tips

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Disclaimer: I travelled as a guest of Titan Travel on a 9-night “ Wild Plains of Tanzania ” safari.

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Gary Bembridge

I grew up in Zimbabwe, but I have been based in London since 1987. My travel life spans more than three decades and that includes more than 95 cruises. In 2005, I launched Tips for Travellers to make it easy and fun for people to discover, plan and enjoy incredible cruise vacations. And the rest, as they say, is history. I have the largest cruise vlogger channel currently on YouTube, with more than 3 million video views per month.

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  • Ngorongoro Crater
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Trip includes

  • 7 nights in hotels/lodges and 1 in flight (accommodation as specified or similar)
  • 20 meals: 7 breakfasts (days 2-8) 7 lunches (days 2-8) 6 dinners (days 2-7)
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  • Services of a local Titan tour manager/driver
  • International and internal flights as detailed (prices are based on return flights with KLM from London Heathrow via Amsterdam. Supplements may apply from other airports)
  • Transportation in 4x4 safari vehicle (with Wi-Fi), with experienced driver/guide
  • All airport taxes, duties and surcharges

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Premium kenya & tanzania.

Premium Kenya & Tanzania Spend 15 unforgettable days discovering the wonders of East Africa on a Premium journey through Kenya and Tanzania. Enjoy a front row seat as the spectacular landscapes and wildlife of the Masai Mara, Tarangire National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park unfold in front of you on an exciting series of four-wheel drive game drives. Travel to the waters of lakes Naivasha and Nakuru, meet Maasai warriors at a traditional village and explore with local leaders eager to show you the best of their countries. Dine beneath the stars, sip drinks at sunset and fall asleep to the magical sounds of East Africa. Activities

  • Complimentary Airport Arrival Transfer
  • Nairobi – Welcome Dinner
  • Lake Naivasha – Boat trip
  • Lake Naivasha – Elsamere Conservation Centre
  • Kiambu Tigoni – Eden Reforestation Project
  • Lake Nakuru – Afternoon 4×4 Game Drive
  • Lake Nakuru – Morning 4×4 Game Drive
  • Loita Hills – Cultural talk and village visit
  • Masai Mara – Sundowner and snacks
  • Masai Mara – Full Day 4×4 Game Drive
  • Masai Mara – Afternoon 4×4 Game Drive
  • Arusha – Welcome Dinner
  • Tarangire National Park – Afternoon 4×4 Game Drive
  • Tarangire National Park – Morning 4×4 Game Drive
  • Mto Wa Mbu – Market Visit
  • Serengeti National Park – 4×4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti National Park – Sundowner in the Park
  • Serengeti National Park – Afternoon 4×4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti National Park – Morning 4×4 Game Drive
  • Ngorongoro Crater – 4×4 Game Drive
  • Ngorongoro Crater – 4WD Game Drive
  • Karatu – Coffee Tour
  • Explore the heart of Lake Nakuru’s National Park and look out for endangered black and white rhino stopping for a drink on morning and afternoon 4×4 game drives. Visit Elsamere Conservation Centre, enjoying a high tea lunch, then spot hippos and unique birdlife on a boat trip on Lake Naivasha.
  • Visit a local Maasai community known for championing Maasai women’s health and education. Be welcomed by traditional Maasai warrior song and dance and learn about this remarkable and ancient culture.
  • Spend three unforgettable nights immersed in nature at your feature stay camp, located with easy access to the Masai Mara Game Reserve. Search for lions and cheetahs prowling the park on several 4×4 game drives and enjoy sunset drinks within the park.
  • Sleep in the heart of the Serengeti – with no fences, your feature stay eco-camp offers wild surroundings and modern comforts. Dine and drink beneath the African sky during a private bush dinner and enjoy refreshing sunset drinks after an exciting day of game drives.
  • Venture through the diverse Tarangire National Park and explore the spectacular World Heritage-listed Ngorongoro Crater in open top 4×4 vehicles. Be astounded by a vast array of wildlife and enjoy a bush picnic lunch on the crater floor.

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The Best of Kenya and Tanzania - Great Migration and Big Game Safari

This tour is no longer available.

Experience the Great Migration and Big Game Safari across Kenya and Tanzania with expert guides and luxurious accommodations.

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The Best of Kenya and Tanzania - Great Migration and Big Game Safari

tourhub | Titan Travel | The Best of Kenya and Tanzania - Great Migration and Big Game Safari | SETGM

Visiting: Amboseli National Park, Maasai Mara National Reserve

Tour operator:

Titan Travel

Physical rating:

This tour is no longer available, tour overview.

Animal magic. Every year, the seasonal changes create one of the greatest spectacles on earth - the Great Migration. Africa’s annual race for life plays out on the great plains of Kenya and Tanzania, as over two million wildebeest, gazelle and zebra migrate from the Serengeti to the Maasai Mara. We map the course of the migration, staying in safari lodges and tented camps to get unrivalled access to unparalleled wildlife viewing. We don’t say this lightly, but this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

VIP door-to-door travel service

Places You'll See

The best of kenya and tanzania - great migration and big game safari.

tourhub | Titan Travel | The Best of Kenya and Tanzania - Great Migration and Big Game Safari | SETGM | Route Map

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Our VIP door-to-door travel service collects you from home for your flight to Nairobi. Arriving in the evening, we'll be transferred straight to our hotel.

Today, we get ahead of the game with an early start to Amboseli National Park. Located on the border of Tanzania beneath the snow-capped gaze of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli is one of the best places in Africa to get close to herds of free roaming elephants and see traditional Maasai communities. Our home for the next two nights has incredible views of Kilimanjaro and there’s no compromise on safari or style. After lunch at the camp, we head out on our first game drive.

A bunch of early birds and late-night party animals, the wildlife in the park is most active at dusk and dawn. As the sun starts to rise, we’re up for an early game drive in search of four of the Big Five residents - lion, elephant, leopard and buffalo. After breakfast at the camp and time soak up the mountain views from the pool, we listen to a talk on the tribes of Kenya and Tanzania - focusing on the Maasai. As the heat of the day starts to fade and the savannah comes back to life, we head out on another game drive in search of cheetah, giraffe, hyena and some of the 400 species of bird that have been recorded here.

Today we start our own migration south. Playing eye-spy spotting zebra, antelope and buffalo as we take a final game drive through the western part of Amboseli, we cross the border into Tanzania. Passing beneath the twin peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru (the tallest and fifth tallest peak in Africa), we stop for lunch in Arusha - the chaotic but charming safari capital of Tanzania. Continuing across the Rift Valley past local villages and roadside stalls, we wind our way into the cooler climbs and coffee plantations of the Northern Highlands. Arriving by late afternoon, we stay for two nights in a thatch-roof hotel set in 500 acres of fragrant gardens and coffee plantations.

The high point of any Africa safari, today we drop down into the Ngorongoro Crater. The fertile slopes and rich grazing ground of this vast 260 sq km caldera is home to one of the greatest concentrations of wildlife on earth. Known as ‘Africa’s Eden’, expect seas of fuchsia flamingo, monochrome herds of zebra, and the stars of the show - the Big Five. After a wilderness picnic lunch on the reserve, we continue driving around the crater - looking out for cheetah, warthog, hyena, endangered black rhino and rare black-maned lion.

On the way to one of the most important wildlife reserves in the world, we stop at one of the most important sites in human history - Olduvai Gorge. Known as the ‘Cradle of Mankind’, this UNESCO-listed site holds some of the earliest evidence of humankind - including fossilised bones dating back 1.8 million years. After lunch, we drive into the wildlife-rich plains of the Serengeti on our first game drive. Our base for the next two nights is located in an elevated position with privileged access to the seasonal flow of the migration. Tented suites with four-poster beds open out onto verandas with views across the southern plains.

When it comes to wildlife watching, the Serengeti always brings its A-game. Endless grasslands set the stage for a supporting cast of lion, rhino, elephant, cheetah, leopard, buffalo, giraffe and impala. The Serengeti is also the starting blocks for the Great Migration. Each May, millions of wildebeest start the perilous 800km journey to the greener pastures of the Maasai Mara, braving crocodile-filled rivers and big cat predators along the way. We go on two game drives today, with expert guides getting us closer to the action.

Today we charge our cameras for our final game drive in the Serengeti, before travelling through the riverine forests and mountains of the park’s Western Corridor and onto the shores of Lake Victoria - the second largest freshwater lake in the world. The afternoon is free to relax at our lakeside eco-resort - stretching out by the pool, booking a treatment at the spa, or birdwatching in the grounds. The skies above Lake Victoria are home to over 250 species of bird, including the African fish eagle, sunbird and coucal.

Continuing to map the path of the migration, today we drive back across the Kenya border and into the Maasai Mara National Reserve - stopping for a picnic lunch and to spot wildlife on the way. We arrive late afternoon at our safari lodge, located on the peaceful banks of the Talek River.

When you picture African safaris, you’re probably picturing the Maasai Mara. Along with the highest density of lions anywhere in the world, 'The Mara’ also got the lion’s share of big cat predators. Cheetah, leopard and lion prowl the grasslands, along with herds of elephant, giraffe, rhino, aardvark, hyena, and critically endangered black rhino. We'll explore its wonders on two game drives.

Today, we make our way back to Nairobi. After lunch at a local restaurant, we visit the Giraffe Centre - an educational non-profit aimed at reintroducing endangered Rothschild giraffe into the wild. After meeting the residents, we return to the hotel where we started our incredible journey 10 days ago.

Today we drive into Nairobi National Park to visit the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Orphanage. A sanctuary that rescues elephants and rhinos orphaned as a result of habitat loss, poaching and human conflict - the orphanage opens for one hour a day for visitors. After our final lunch at a local restaurant, you’ll have the use of your hotel room to freshen up and say your farewells before transferring to the airport for our flight home.

Upon arrival your vehicle will be waiting for the journey home.

What's Included

11 nights in hotels/lodges and 1 in flight

Local Titan tour manager

International flights. Prices are based on return flights with British Airways from London Heathrow.

31 meals: 11 breakfasts 11 lunches 9 dinnersundefined excursions and visits

4 game drives in Amboseli National Park

Visit to Olduvai Gorge

Talk on the Tribes of Kenya and Tanzania

Full-day game drive in Ngorongoro Crater

4 game drives in Serengeti National Park

2 game drives in the Maasai Mara National Reserve

Visit to the Giraffe Centre

Visit to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust elephant orphanagePlus

Local Titan tour managerfalse

Titan's VIP door-to-door travel service

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In most cases a single supplement will apply. If the price for a Single room for sole occupancy is not shown, please ask our team for details and we will be able to check the details for you.

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How long has the tour company been trading.

We've been taking our customers across the world on escorted tours for more than 40 years

What Ethical Travel credentials does the tour company have?

Our commitment to sustainable travel is part of our ethos. We love exploring the world and hope that, alongside our customers, we can be part of a bigger change in respecting the people and wildlife on our planet and minimising the impact we have on our environment.

What policies are in place for Covid-19?

With some COVID-19 rules and restrictions still in place there are a few details that you need to know. This information is subject to change. It’s your responsibility to monitor changes and ensure you fulfil all relevant criteria for travel. Rest assured that we’re on hand to help and answer any questions you might have.

What documents will I receive before I travel?

You’ll receive your Final holiday documents via email approximately 14 days prior to your departure.

Reviews of this operator

Recently returned from the great....

Recently returned from the great Indian rail journey.My wife and I could hardly believe the value for money.From pick ups from Durham to Heathrow and back,to the number of coach and train journeys , quality hotels, great choice of food throughout and our first night in Heathrow Hilton. What really made our trip a success was our guide, Prashant,who managed a party of twenty four very varied, sometimes a little unpredictable travellers with ease.Nothing was too much trouble for him and as a group we gelled and warmed to Prashant as he kept us safe, well informed and a little entertained by his mix of authority and humanity.Where do I begin with the tour itself ? India,a country of extremes.Poverty,wealth,order,chaos.Sometimes bleak,often breathtakingly beautiful.The people,the cities,art, architecture,flaura and fauna.Delhi,Jaipur, Amritsar,Agra, Ranthambore, Chandigarh and the icing on the cake that is Shimla. An absolute masterclass of man versus nature,the railway and buildings are an unbelievable feat,but wait until you see the dual carriageway being built on the mountainside.🤯I could go on for a very long time but I'll just post some photos.Thanks to Titan,thanks to the excellent Prashant and and a massive thanks to the other twenty two travellers who helped shape our holiday of a lifetime.🏁💜

I have booked the Icelandic...

I have booked the Icelandic Adventure holiday with Titan Travel, the Booking Staff was pleasant throughout. What I love about Titan Travel, transfer from your home to the airport and vice versa is included in the holiday.

Danube cruise was great value....

Danube cruise was great value. Well organised. Clear instructions from Titan prior to travel. Door to door service great.

Exceptional trip and service by Titan

Just returned from a fabulous tour of California & the golden west. It’s a full on tour with early starts but you see so much varied landscape from the ocean to the desert to Yosemite. My 2nd tour with Titan & my first solo tour. Thoroughly enjoyed it & met some great people. Grand Canyon was amazing would definitely recommend

Not merely a holiday, rather a memorable experience

I have used other travel operators; this was the 1st time of touring with Titan----Israel, The Holy Land, from being collected from home and returned at the end of the holiday this was an unforgettable experience; the Tour Manager, a PhD Archaeology made the whole tour so interesting, he enlightened us throughout each day from an historical, archeological and Biblical viewpoint, bringing each site we visited come to life, and went over and above his remit escorting us for evening trips around the local area; thanks also to our very patient driver who coped with the very busy traffic; our hotels were good, professional and pleasant staff and really good food; I would recommend Titan to anyone looking for a fascinating tour with excellent efficient service thank you Titan nor just for a holiday for a memorable experience

We had a 2 weeks...

We had a 2 weeks fantastic holiday arranged by Titan to Vietnam and Cambodia. Excellent,well organised Throughly enjoyed. Very good service by Vietnam Airlines, if you could afford book it in premium economy. We had a door to door service , picked up to airport from home and then dropped at home from airport, very convinient. Particular credit goes to our guide THI who is a caring, knolegeable, friendly down to earth man who made our trip a memorable one. I will not hesitate to book another holiday through Titan, their staff are friendly and helpful

We had a fantastic holiday...

We had a fantastic holiday in Mississippi. Right from our chauffeur driven car picking us up to the return journey, we had a great time. The first hotel The Gaylord was amazing,absolutely huge,first class. The second The Double tree in Memphis unfortunately wasn't, the hotel was tired and very basic, the only plus was where it is situated in the centre of town, we were only there two nights so it wasn't to bad. The American Queen Steam Boat was first class all the way, thoroughly enjoyed the seven nights sailing down the Mississippi. The last hotel the Sheraton New Orleans was very comfortable too. Our guide throughout our time away was Laura Tuttle. she was amazing, very knowledgeable, and helpful. We also had a coach driver Guil, who went over and beyond to give you the best time. Other coach guides included Jim,who was so funny, and also very knowledgeably. Very entertaining throughout. The entire itinerary itinerary was very well thought out, included a huge variety of visits to different Interesting locations. Highly recommend using Titan for all your holiday destinations.

Wonderful travel company I booked my...

Wonderful travel company I booked my first tour to lndia and was wonderfully taken care of Highly recommended, especially tour guide Janice


THE GREAT INDIAN RAIL JOURNEY!!!! (Dreadful) Avoid Titan and Saga at all costs. False descriptions of the tour and dreadful administration Returned to the UK last evening with a great sigh of relief after the worst holiday ever. 1. No block booking of airplane seats by Titan. (Husband and I sat apart on the long, overnight flight) 2. Unable to pre-book seats as Titan reference numbers did not coincide with anything. 3. Husband and I not sat together on any of the train journeys! In fact, on one occasion I was sat, alone on a sleeper carriage, a couple of carriages away from the rest of the group who were scattered over two or three carriages. Terrifying as a female to be sat alone in the midst of noisy locals!!!!! (Eventually the guide, Rahi, did come to rescue me and found a seat near the main group) 4. The guide, Rahi, would usually get off the coach and begin walking off without waiting for all the group to disembark the coach. (Spot the guide in the crowd!) 5. The guide, Rahi, refused to use any identifying prop such as a flag, hat, jacket or umbrella. Frightening to be in the manic crowds of Delhi and other crowded places to be unable to see the guide. 6. NO AUDIO HEADSET system on any excursion 7. The guide, Rahi, didn’t face the whole group, but stood sideways on and was unable to be heard by the majority. 8. OUTRAGEOUS behaviour by the guide when he enquired as to the whereabouts of my husband, whom I explained was in bed with an upset stomach and was feeling unwell. Rahi DID A REVERSE AIR PUNCH😳😳. This was in response to an earlier conversation when my husband had complained about our separate seating arrangements. TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL 9. When we arrived at Heathrow to find our aircraft seats were not allocated, we were advised to speak to our guide on arrival at Delhi. Rahi merely shrugged his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything. 10. Tour pace incorrect - gruelling pace and only half a day relaxation due to the guide, Rahi, throwing in visits to shops and factories fie him to earn his commission as I head him tell another!!!!!!! 11. When off loaded the return flight due to illness, we were unable to get in contact with Titan/Saga. Left in Delhi without an hotel or flight!!! Found accommodation but didn’t remove shoes or clothes due to the poor standard. Final summary: Poor, disappointing, inefficient, incompetent, misleading, misrepresentations, are just a few words to describe.

Luxury VIP door to door...

Luxury VIP door to door travel! I don't think so....Titan sent a Toyota Prius uber to Stanstead for a return journey to Newport, S Wales. 4 adults plus luggage! the experience was anything but luxurious. Contacted Titan on the return journey and since return. They simply didn't seem interested and offered us a £300 travel discount off a future trip! After a lot of emails they converted it to a £300 cash refund. Give it a lot of thought before booking !

2 Finding available rooms...

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Excellent tour company with quick service and support. We loved that there is 100% refund if you had to change anything as long as your within certain time limits. A very professional company with a huge selection of different tours and several dates to choose from.

The staff at TourHub were very responsive to all of my questions and more! They provided me with all the information I needed to book our trip in a very short period of time. I am very impressed with this company and looking forward to our tour in 2025!

I have never been much of a tour person, but this company offers so many options! I love the fact that they consolidate many options so that you have all the adventures in one location.

Customer service was prompt in responding to any questions I had, and offering suggestions on tour options. Looking forward to our adventure in September!

I love that each destination and hotel accommodation is listed. Makes planning or even deciding to take the trip so much easier. Each time I emailed a question, I got a response right away. So far, I'm very impressed and looking forward to the trip that we booked for next year.

I just heard about tourhub. What a fantastic collection of holidays. I booked a holiday to Morocco and had a few questions, for which I received prompt and useful responses. Would highly recommend

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Titan Travel requires a minimum deposit of 395 GBP per person or the full booking value, whichever is less, with the final balance not due until 75 days before departure.

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We don't charge a cancellation fee, here is a summary of titan travel charges.

Up to 75 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of deposit.

At 74 days before tour starts: Forfeit 50% of booking price.

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At 14 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of booking price.

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  1. Tips For Travellers on Titan Tanzania Safari

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  2. Tour

    titan travel tanzania

  3. Tips For Travellers on Titan Tanzania Safari

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  4. TTG

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  5. Tour

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  6. Tour

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  1. The Best of Kenya and Tanzania

    We map the course of the migration, staying in safari lodges and tented camps to get unrivalled access to unparalleled wildlife viewing. We don't say this lightly, but this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Or Call us FREE on 0800 988 5823 to book this holiday. Showing itinerary for 2 passengers on 21 November 2024 from London Heathrow Airport.

  2. Premium Tanzania

    Premium Tanzania Buckle up for an in-depth exploration of Tanzania's natural wonders on an eight-day Premium adventure. Enjoy a front row seat as the spectacular landscapes and wildlife of Tarangire National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park unfold in front of you on an exciting series of four-wheel drive game drives.

  3. Titan Travel Tanzania

    171 helpful votes. 1. Re: Titan Travel Tanzania. 9 years ago. Chances are slim you will find someone who regularly posts here and has done this tour. Often folks travel to Tanzania on private bespoke safaris. This trip doesn't look to include flights. If there are two of you travelling, you can definitely get more value for pound if you ...

  4. Tanzania

    Mount Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro Crater, and Serengeti National Park: Tanzania is home to some truly majestic scenery with grazing wild animals, fertile coffee plants, and indigenous tribes with long-cherished traditions. Zanzibar, the Spice Island is without doubt the country's brightest gem for its colonial heritage and colourful marine life, but the other islands of the turquoise…

  5. Tanzania Safari Tips For Travellers. 11 Things To Know And Prepare For!

    It exceeded all expectations on so many levels when I travelled there I travelled with Titan Travel on a 9-night "Wild Plains of Tanzania" trip. In this article I share 11 tips and advice on how to prepare for and get the most of a safari to Tanzania based on my experience. #1: Best Time To Go

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    Tanzania Family Safari Experience East Africa with your family as you discover the wildlife, history, people, culture and beauty that spans across this incredible landscape. Roam the famous Serengeti National Park, nearly 15,000 sq km of rolling savanna that shelters an astounding array of animals, from miniature dik-dik antelopes to the noble ...

  7. Titan Travel Tanzania

    Answer 1 of 4: Has anyone done Titan's 'Wild Plains of Tanzania'? It looks like a wonderful trip, but I'd like to get some comments on it from people who have done it, before committing myself. ... Tanzania Attractions Tanzania Travel Forum Tanzania Photos Tanzania Visitors Guide All Tanzania Hotels; Tanzania Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in ...

  8. Titan Travel Tanzania

    Answer 1 of 4: Has anyone done Titan's 'Wild Plains of Tanzania'? It looks like a wonderful trip, but I'd like to get some comments on it from people who have done it, before committing myself. ... Tanzania Attractions Tanzania Travel Forum Tanzania Photo All Tanzania Hotels; Tanzania Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in Tanzania; Skip to main ...

  9. Titan Travel

    5 excursions & visits. 41 meals. VIP door-to-door travel service. Moderate pace. 15 Days from £2,495pp £1,795pp. Now with £700pp off. See holiday details. California and the Golden West. 12 excursions & visits.

  10. The Best of Kenya and Tanzania

    11 nights in hotels/lodges and 1 in flight. A local Titan tour manager will be available throughout the trip. 32 meals: 11 breakfasts (days 2-12), 11 lunches (days 2-12), 10 dinners (days 2-10). 4 game drives in Amboseli National Park. A talk focusing on the Maasai tribes of Kenya and Tanzania.

  11. Wild Plains of Tanzania by Titan Travel [reviews_count]

    Reviews, prices, videos, photos, and itinerary for Wild Plains of Tanzania. Compare similar trips and tour companies to find your perfect vacation at the perfec. Search. Connect with an expert. My Lists Sign In. Destinations.

  12. Titan Travel Group

    Premium Kenya & Tanzania Spend 15 unforgettable days discovering the wonders of East Africa on a Premium journey through Kenya and Tanzania. Enjoy a front row seat as the spectacular landscapes and wildlife of the Masai Mara, Tarangire National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park unfold in front of you on an exciting series of four-wheel drive game drives.

  13. Africa Holidays & Escorted Tours

    More flexible. Feel free to amend or extend your travel plans, up until final payment, and enjoy free time on your tour with us too. Our holidays to Africa cover everything from South African tours & safari holidays to river cruises along the Nile. Find your perfect moment with Titan Travel.

  14. Titan Travel Tanzania

    Titan recently launched an online review service, operated by Reevoo, a completely independent and impartial third party service. Reevoo collects and publishes genuine reviews and ratings from verified customers, allowing you to share your experiences and read what other travellers have to say about their holidays with Titan.

  15. The Best of Kenya and Tanzania

    Titan Travel. £5595 pp including flights £466 per night View Deal Send me the trip details ... Africa's annual race for life plays out on the great plains of Kenya and Tanzania, as over two million wildebeest, gazelle and zebra migrate from the Serengeti to the Maasai Mara. We map the course of the migration, staying in safari lodges and ...

  16. Titan Travel The Best of Kenya and Tanzania

    Day 1: To Nairobi Head to the airport using Titan's VIP door-to-door service for your flight to Nairobi. On arrival, transfer to your hotel. Hotel Eka, Nairobi**** Day 2: Amboseli National Park Depart early from Nairobi to travel towards the border with Tanzania, arriving in Amboseli National Park. Sitting beneath Mount Kilimanjaro, this is one of the best places in Africa to get close herds ...

  17. Titan Travel Tanzania

    Answer 1 of 4: Has anyone done Titan's 'Wild Plains of Tanzania'? It looks like a wonderful trip, but I'd like to get some comments on it from people who have done it, before committing myself. ... Tanzania Attractions Tanzania Travel Forum Tanzania Photos Tanzania Guide All Tanzania Hotels; Tanzania Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in Tanzania ...

  18. The Best of Kenya and Tanzania

    The Best of Kenya and Tanzania - Great Migration and Big Game Safari ... Animal magic

  19. Titan Travel Tanzania

    Answer 1 of 4: Has anyone done Titan's 'Wild Plains of Tanzania'? It looks like a wonderful trip, but I'd like to get some comments on it from people who have done it, before committing myself. ... Tanzania Attractions Tanzania Travel Forum Tanzania Photos All Tanzania Hotels; Tanzania Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in Tanzania; Skip to main ...

  20. Titan Travel

    24/7 Support. Our team of experienced tour specialists have travelled to hundreds of countries around the globe and have decades of first-hand travel experience to share. Contact us now to have all of your tour-related questions answered! Ask a question. Read -OperatorReviewsCount- tour reviews and get the best prices on all tours by Titan Travel.

  21. Titan Travel Tanzania

    Answer 1 of 4: Has anyone done Titan's 'Wild Plains of Tanzania'? It looks like a wonderful trip, but I'd like to get some comments on it from people who have done it, before committing myself. ... Tanzania Attractions Tanzania Travel Forum Tanzania Pictures All Tanzania Hotels; Tanzania Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in Tanzania; Skip to main ...

  22. Exhilarating and wild Kenya holidays

    Experience the unique romance of Kenya - a land of sun-baked plains, lush forests and expansive grasslands, immortalised in films like Out of Africa and Born Free. For a classic safari experience, there's nowhere better. Head out on a thrilling game drive in the world-famous Maasai Mara National Reserve. Track the Big Five - lions, leopards ...

  23. Titan Travel Tours & Holidays

    Titan Travel. Titan Travel has a wide range of amazing destinations to choose from, with escorted tours available across the globe in places ranging from the USA, Canada, Europe, South America, the Caribbean, Australia & Africa at discounted Low Cost Deals prices. Titan escorted tours allow each holidaymaker to get as close and personal to ...