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Can non-Muslims go to Mecca or Madina? Can Tourists Enter?

can non muslims enter mecca or medinah

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Mecca and Medina are the two most important cities in the Islamic world, and millions of Muslims from around the world visit these cities each year to perform Hajj or Umrah.

However, non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Mecca, but are allowed to visit Madinah. This raises a lot of questions for people who wish to visit Mecca or Medina, especially for tourists and people of other religions.

Why Are Non-Muslims Not Allowed in Mecca or Madina?

When the question arises, ‘ Can non-Muslims go to Mecca ‘ the answer is No.

Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter the holy cities of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The reasons for this restriction are deeply rooted in the Islamic faith and history.

Mecca and Medina are considered the holiest cities in Islam and are revered by Muslims worldwide. Mecca is home to the Kaaba, the first house of worship dedicated to the one true God, Allah. It is also the site of the annual Hajj pilgrimage , which is one of the five pillars of Islam and mandatory for every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it.

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, states that Mecca is a sanctuary that is reserved exclusively for Muslims and non-Muslims cannot vsit Mecca.

It says in the Quran,

“O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Haram after this, their [final] year” (9:28). This Quran verse is interpreted by Islamic scholars as a commandment to keep non-Muslims out of Mecca.

Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) declared that Mecca and Medina are sacred lands that are not to be polluted by non-Muslims.

“No unbeliever may enter Mecca. No one may circumambulate the Kaaba naked or perform the pilgrimage naked” (Sahih Muslim, 1355).

This restriction on non-Muslims entering Mecca has been in place for centuries and is strictly enforced by the Saudi Arabian government. Non-Muslims who attempt to enter Mecca can face severe consequences, including imprisonment and deportation.

The rationale behind this ban is to preserve the sanctity and purity of Mecca as holy site for Muslims . Allowing non-Muslims to enter Makkah could potentially lead to the desecration of these sacred sites and compromise their spiritual significance for Muslims.

In addition to the religious and cultural reasons, there are also security concerns that justify the ban on non-Muslims entering Mecca. The Saudi Arabian government takes the responsibility of protecting the holy cities and their visitors very seriously. It believes restricting access to these cities is necessary to ensure their safety.

How Do They Check if You Are Muslim in Mecca?

muslim man praying to Allah

The passport will be checked at the arrival registration counter at airport when arriving in Saudi Arabia, and if the passport has any visa stamps from Israel, it will be deemed invalid.

Additionally, non-Muslims are not allowed to apply for the special Hajj or Umrah visas, which are required to enter Makkah and Medina.

Furthermore, there are checkpoints and barriers set up on the roads leading to Mecca to ensure that only Muslims enter the city.

At these checkpoints, visitors will be asked to show their Hajj or Umrah visas as well as their ID cards, which will indicate their religion.

Additionally, there are officers who will be observing the visitors’ behavior and dress to ensure that they are adhering to Islamic norms and customs.

What if I’m a Tourist Visiting Saudi Arabia?

If you are a non-Muslim tourist visiting Saudi Arabia, you will not be allowed to enter the holy citiy of Makkah. However, you can still visit other parts of the country, such as Madina, Riyadh or Jeddah, and experience the culture and hospitality of the Saudi people.

The government has also started promoting tourism in the country, and there are many tourist attractions that you can visit.

Can a Revert/Converted Muslim Go to Mecca?

Yes, a revert Muslims can of course go to Mecca.

However, it is important to note that the Saudi Arabian government has implemented strict rules and regulations for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims, and you must follow these rules to perform the pilgrimage.

Can a Christian Enter Mecca?

christian cross christians are not allowed to enter makkah

No, Christians are not allowed to enter Mecca. According to Islamic teachings, Christians are considered to be polytheists, and they are not allowed to enter the holy cities.

However, there have been reports of some non-Muslims being allowed to enter the cities for diplomatic or business reasons, but these are rare cases.

Can a Hindu Enter Mecca?

No, Hindus are not allowed to enter Mecca or Medina. Hindus are considered to be idolaters, and according to Islamic teachings, idolaters are not allowed to enter the holy cities.

However, there have been some exceptional cases of Hindus being allowed to enter Mecca for diplomatic or business reasons.

Can a Jew Enter Mecca?

No, Jews are not allowed to enter Mecca. The Saudi Arabian government strictly prohibits non-Muslims from entering the holy city of Mecca, and this includes Jews.

This rule is in place to preserve the sanctity and purity of the holy sites for Muslims and to prevent any potential harm to the religious and cultural identity of the city.

Is There an Age Limit for Hajj?

There is no specific age limit for Hajj, but the pilgrim must be physically and financially capable of performing the journey. However, due to safety concerns, the Saudi government has set the minimum age for performing Hajj at 12 years .

Elderly people and those with underlying health conditions are advised to consult their doctors before embarking on the Hajj journey.

What Happens if a Non-Muslim Enters Mecca?

Saudi Arabia flag

If a Non-Muslim is found entering Mecca, they will be arrested and deported back to their country.

The Saudi government takes the ban on non-Muslims entering Mecca seriously, and violators can face severe punishment, including imprisonment and fines.

Incidents When Non-Muslims Entered Mecca

There have been instances in the past where non-Muslims have entered Mecca. In 1979, a group of armed militants led by Juhayman al-Otaybi took control of the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

The militants were from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and they believed that the ruling Saudi monarchy had become corrupt and unIslamic.

The Saudi government eventually regained control of the mosque after a two-week siege, during which many people were killed or injured. This incident highlighted the potential security risks that non-Muslims could pose if they were allowed to enter Mecca.

In 2002, an American Jew and TV journalist in Israel named Gil Tamary secretly entered Mecca to record footage for a travelogue.

Despite the strict enforcement of the ban on non-Muslims in Mecca, Tamary managed to gain entry along with only 17 other non-Muslims known to have done so in recent decades.

The incident caused an uproar among Muslims, Israelis, and Westerners alike, as they feared it would increase hostility. The Saudi government pressed criminal charges against Tamary and his Saudi driver.

Tamary later issued an apology and claimed his intention was to highlight the significance of Mecca and the beauty of the religion to promote religious tolerance.

These incidents demonstrate the importance that Muslims place on the sanctity of Mecca and the need for strict measures to prevent non-Muslims from entering the city.

While there may be some curiosity among non-Muslims about what lies inside the holy city, it is important to respect the religious beliefs and practices of others and refrain from attempting to enter Mecca without permission.

Can Non-Muslim Enter Mosques?

Non-Muslims are allowed and welcomed to enter mosques in Saudi Arabia, however the only mosques they are not allowed to enter is Masjid Al Haram and sacred areas around it.

In many Muslim-majority countries, non-Muslims are allowed to enter mosques, although there may be certain restrictions or protocols that they need to follow, such as dress code and behavior. Visitors are often required to remove their shoes and dress modestly, and photography and loud talking may not be allowed.

In some cases, non-Muslims may be allowed to enter mosques but only in certain areas, such as a designated viewing area or the outer courtyard. In other cases, non-Muslims may be allowed to enter the mosque but only during certain times, such as outside of prayer times. But in most cases non Muslims are welcomed to visit mosques.

There are times when some mosques that do not allow non-Muslims to enter at all. This may be because the mosque is considered to be a particularly sensitive or sacred site or because there have been security concerns in the past.

In general, it is recommended that non-Muslims who wish to visit a mosque should be respectful of Islamic customs and traditions. This may include dressing modestly, removing shoes before entering the mosque, and refraining from any behavior that could be seen as disrespectful or disruptive.

Overall, non-Muslims are permitted to enter mosques, unless that mosque is Masjid Al Haram. With proper respect and consideration for Islamic customs and traditions, it is often possible for non-Muslims to visit and appreciate these important cultural and religious sites.

Islam Is Not the Only Religion That Bans/Restricts Access to Holy Sites

It is important to note that Islam is not the only religion that restricts access to certain holy sites. Many religions around the world have similar practices, and it is often done to preserve the sanctity and religious significance of these places.

For example, in Hinduism, non-Hindus are not allowed to enter certain temples.

In addition, there are also many secular restrictions on access to certain areas around the world, such as military zones, national parks, and private property.

Summary – Can Non-Muslims Go to Mecca or Medina?

The bottom line is non-Muslims are generally not allowed to enter Mecca, which are considered the holiest cities in Islam. This is due to the religious significance of these places and the Islamic belief that only Muslims are allowed to enter.

There are strict checkpoints and guidelines in place to ensure that only Muslims are able to enter, and those who attempt to enter without permission may face severe consequences.

However, tourists and visitors to Saudi Arabia are still able to experience the culture and history of the country, and there are many other places to visit and explore.

It is important to be respectful of local customs and traditions and to follow all laws and regulations while visiting the country.

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A Trip To Mecca: The Best Guide For Muslim Tourists

Whether you’re a Muslim or not, at least once you’ve heard about the city of Mecca . Mecca is a city located in Saudi Arabia that is considered by Muslims to be the holiest place in Islam . Every year, millions of Muslims make a pilgrimage (known as the hajj) to Mecca, and it is also a popular destination for Muslim tourists from all over the world.

Our guide, written by experts will cover everything you need to know about planning a trip to Mecca, including how to get there, where to stay, what to see and do, and how to make the most of your experience. We’ll also provide some valuable tips for staying safe and avoiding cultural misunderstandings.

A Trip To Mecca: The Complete Guide For Muslim Tourists

Introduction: Why Visit Mecca?

Mecca is the holiest city in the Islamic faith and a mandatory pilgrimage site for all able-bodied Muslims. Located in present-day Saudi Arabia, Mecca was where the Prophet Muhammad was born and received the revelation of the Quran. For people who follow Islam, Mecca is a place of great religious significance and a reminder of the central tenet of their faith: the Oneness of God.

For Muslims, the trip to Mecca is a once-in-a-lifetime religious obligation. Every year, millions of Muslims from all over the world make the journey to Mecca. The trip is an opportunity to perform the hajj or pilgrimage, and to stand in solidarity with other Muslims from all walks of life. Mecca is also a place of great historical and cultural significance.

The city is home to the Kaaba, the holiest site in Islam, as well as the Al-Masjid al-Haram, the largest mosque in the world. For many Muslims, visiting Mecca is a deeply moving and spiritual experience. It is a chance to connect with their religion on a personal level and to feel closer to God.

How to Get There: Flights, Trains, and Buses

The best way to get there is by plane. There are direct flights to Mecca from major airports all over the world, including London, Paris, New York, and Dubai. You can also take a train or bus to Mecca, but these options are less convenient and usually take longer. The journey by bus or train is also more expensive.

Before your trip to Mecca, it is important to check the visa requirements of Saudi Arabia in advance. Citizens of many countries, including the United States, will need to obtain a special visa to enter the country.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Mecca

When planning a trip to Mecca, it’s important to choose the right place to stay. There are a few things to keep in mind, such as proximity to the holy sites and the overall atmosphere of the hotel. Luckily, there are plenty of great options in Mecca, so you’re sure to find the perfect place for your needs.

If you’re looking for a luxurious and modern hotel, the Ritz-Carlton Mecca is a great choice. It’s located just minutes from the Grand Mosque, making it convenient for those who want to spend time praying and exploring the holy city. The hotel also has an on-site spa and restaurant, so you can relax and enjoy yourself during your stay.

For a more traditional trip , consider staying at the Dar Al Tawhid Hotel. This hotel is located right next to the Grand Mosque, making it easy to get to your prayers on time. The hotel has a more traditional feel, with Arabic architecture and furnishings. However, it still offers all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay, such as an on-site restaurant and laundry service.

Attractions: What to See and Do in Mecca

There are plenty of things to see and do in Mecca, whether you’re interested in religious sightseeing or exploring the city’s culture and history. Here are some of the highlights:

• Visit the Grand Mosque: The Grand Mosque is the holiest site in Islam and a mandatory pilgrimage site for all able-bodied Muslims. It is located in the center of Mecca and is home to the Kaaba, the most sacred object in Islam.

• Explore the Old City: The Old City of Mecca is full of history and culture. wander through the narrow streets and alleyways and soak up the atmosphere. Be sure to visit the King Fahd Gate, one of the city’s most iconic landmarks.

• Visit the Museum of Islamic Art: The Museum of Islamic Art is located in the Old City of Mecca and houses a collection of artifacts from the Islamic world. This is a great place to learn more about the history and culture of Islam.

• Go shopping: Mecca is a shopper’s paradise, with plenty of malls and markets to explore. For a truly unique shopping experience, head to the Gold Souk, where you can find everything from gold jewelry to traditional Arabic sweets.

• Take a day trip: Mecca is located close to many other interesting places in Saudi Arabia. Consider taking a day trip to Jeddah, the Red Sea, or Mada’in Saleh.

Food Guide: What To Eat While in Mecca

I think we can all agree that we would not be able to enjoy our trip to Mecca or any other city without the right food. What to eat in Mecca? There are many great options for food lovers, whether you’re looking for a quick bite or a sit-down meal.

If you’re looking for something quick and easy, consider grabbing a shawarma from one of the many street vendors in the city. Shawarma is a type of kebab that is very popular in the Middle East . It’s made with chicken, lamb, or beef that is cooked on a spit and then shredded and served in a pita bread with salad and sauce.

For a sit-down meal, there are plenty of great restaurants to choose from. If you’re looking for traditional Arabic cuisine, try Al-Baik. This restaurant is known for its delicious chicken dishes, and it has several locations throughout the city.

Tips for Staying Safe and Avoiding Cultural Misunderstandings

As with any travel destination , there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Here are some tips for staying safe while in Mecca:

• Dress modestly: Remember that you are visiting a holy city, so it is important to dress respectfully. Women should cover their hair and wear loose-fitting clothing that covers their arms and legs. Men should also dress modestly, with long pants and shirts that cover the chest and shoulders.

• Don’t take photos of people without permission: Many people consider it disrespectful to take photos of people without their permission, so be sure to ask before taking any photos.

• Don’t touch or point at the Kaaba: The Kaaba is the most sacred site in Islam, and it is considered disrespectful to touch or point at it. If you want to take a photo of the Kaaba, be sure to do so from a distance.

• Don’t drink alcohol: Alcohol is not allowed in Saudi Arabia, so be sure to abstain while in Mecca.

• Don’t use drugs: Drug use is illegal in Saudi Arabia and can lead to stiff penalties, including jail time.

• Don’t lose your temper: It’s important to remain calm and respectful while you’re enjoying your trip to Mecca, even if you don’t agree with everything you see or hear while in Mecca. Losing your temper could lead to a misunderstanding or even a dangerous situation.

Can Non-Muslims Visit Mecca?

Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Mecca. The only exceptions are diplomats and other officials who need to enter for business reasons. Even they are required to respect the religious customs of the city. Muslims who are not on a pilgrimage are also not allowed into Mecca. The holy city is reserved for those who are performing the pilgrimage rites.

Anyone caught trying to enter Mecca without permission can be arrested and deported. There have been some recent changes, however. In 2019, Saudi Arabia began issuing visas to non-Muslim tourists from 49 countries. Visitors are still not allowed into the holiest sites, but they can now see some of the other sights in and around Mecca.

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  • 1.1.1 Early history
  • 1.1.2 Medieval times
  • 1.1.3 20th century
  • 1.1.4 Grand Mosque seizure
  • 1.1.5 Modern history
  • 2.1 Visa requirements
  • 2.2 By plane
  • 2.4 By train
  • 3.1.1 Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro
  • 3.3 By foot
  • 4.1 Main attractions
  • 4.2 Hajj sites
  • 5.1 Factories
  • 5.2 Museums
  • 7.2 Mid-range
  • 7.3 Splurge
  • 10.1 Overcrowding and stampedes
  • 10.2 Extreme weather
  • 10.3 Pickpocketing
  • 10.4 Construction-related accidents
  • 10.5 Female travellers
  • 11 Stay healthy
  • 12.1 Local etiquette
  • 12.2 General etiquette
  • 12.3 Photography

<a href=\";lang=en&amp;name=Mecca\" title=\"Download GPX file for this article\" data-parsoid=\"{}\"><img alt=\"Download GPX file for this article\" resource=\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\" src=\"//\" decoding=\"async\" data-file-width=\"20\" data-file-height=\"20\" data-file-type=\"bitmap\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" class=\"mw-file-element\" data-parsoid='{\"a\":{\"resource\":\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\",\"height\":\"20\",\"width\":\"20\"},\"sa\":{\"resource\":\"File:GPX Document rev3-20x20.png\"}}'/></a></span>"}'/>

Mecca , officially known as Makkah al-Mukarramah ( Arabic : مكة المكرمة, Makkah al-Mukarramah ), is a city in Saudi Arabia and the holiest city in Islam .

Mecca is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammed , the founder of Islam, and Muslims believe the Qur'an was first revealed to Muhammad here. The Great Mosque of Mecca, known as Masjid al-Haram is considered to be Islam's most sacred mosque and Muslims anywhere face toward it when they pray.

Each year, millions of people from around the world flock to Mecca for the Hajj pilgrimage, which is an obligation for all Muslims. This makes Mecca the most visited city in all of Saudi Arabia .

Mecca is generally considered "the fountainhead and cradle of Islam".

Early history

Muslims believe that the history of Mecca goes back to Abraham (Ibrahim) who built the Kaaba with the help of his eldest son Ishmael around 2000 BCE. In 570 CE, Muhammad was born in Mecca. Since those days, Mecca's history and identity has been inextricably linked with Islam.

According to Muslim traditions, in 610, it was in Mecca (inside the Hira cave on the mountain of Jabal al-Nour) where Muhammad the age of 40 received his first revelation from Allah, through the Angel Gabriel. Muhammad then begin preaching. In 622, Muhammad left Mecca for Yathrib (now called Medina ) for fear of being assassinated by the local Quraysh ruling clan, who had declined to accept Muhammad and his beliefs and started persecuting followers of Islam. As Muhammad migrated to Medina and settled there, several armed conflicts followed between followers of Muhammad and local tribes of Mecca, particularly one during which the followers of Muhammad attempted to return to Mecca in 628 for pilgrimage but weren't allowed to enter the city. A peace treaty was eventually signed that allowed followers of Muhammad to return to Mecca. In 629, Muhammad along with thousands of his followers migrated back to Mecca from Medina (where he had lived for 13 years) for a Hajj, known as the first pilgrimage. According to Muslims, the peace treaty was to also include ceasefire for 10 years but after 2 years, the Quraysh violated the truce by slaughtering a group of Muslims. Muhammad and his followers, companions and allies now much stronger in number, so instead of fighting back, they simply marched across the city of Mecca and thereby triggered the surrender of the Quraysh of Mecca. Eventually, Muhammad Islamicized the city and made it the center of Muslim pilgrimage, Hajj, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Medieval times

Mecca has been ruled by various dynasties over the last 1500 years. Starting in 1517 CE, with only one short interruption, Mecca and the rest of the Hejaz were under the control of the Ottoman Empire . From the 10th century, the local religious and temporal leaders were the Hashemite Emirs.

20th century

The Hashemites, working with the British intelligence officer Lawrence, led a successful revolt against the Turks during World War I . After the war, (at least as Arabs see it) the British betrayed their allies. Despite wartime promises, there was no independent Arab state in the Levant , only British and French protectorates.

In 1924, Mecca was conquered by the ibn Saud family following a short battle. This was part of the process of founding modern-day Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, the British helped put Hashemites on the thrones of Transjordan and Iraq .

Grand Mosque seizure

On 20 November 1979, armed extremists attacked and seized the Grand Mosque, calling for the overthrow of the Saudi royal family. The siege lasted two weeks, until the armed forces of Pakistan and France intervened to assist the Saudi authorities.

The seizure of the Grand Mosque had a profound impact on the Muslim world and changed the course of Saudi Arabia's societal and political direction; after the extremists were captured and executed by the Saudi government, Saudi Arabia adopted a more conservative stance, giving more power to the religious authorities and enforcing Islamic law more strictly. The role of women in Saudi society was completely reduced (female TV presenters were a common sight prior to the seige) and travel to Saudi Arabia became more restricted and regulated.

Modern history

Like any other city around the world, Mecca has its fair share of issues and problems. The Saudi government is routinely criticised for downplaying the severity of incidents during the Hajj, poorly managing the city, and demolishing Islamic heritage sites in the city. It has been estimated that 95% of Mecca's historic buildings, most of which were more than a thousand years old, have been demolished by the Saudi government. Many people from around the world have expressed anger and frustration at this, seeing this as cultural vandalism and an attempt to erase and eradicate Islam's origins and identity.

The Saudi government claims they're trying to accomodate Hajj pilgrims and make them feel comfortable, but some do not agree with that, claiming that the Saudi government is more interested in making Mecca a tourist destination. The Saudi government routinely rejects criticism of how they're managing the city, hitting back at critics by telling them that they are "playing politics" or "interfering" in state affairs.

One notable critic of the Saudi government's management of the city is the Turkish government. A number of Ottoman Empire structures in the city have been demolished, which the Turkish government sees as an attempt to diminish their historical legacy in the city. In 2002, the Ajyad Fortress , an Ottoman citadel that stood on a hill overlooking the Grand Mosque of Mecca, was demolished by the Saudi government to make way for the Abraj Al Bait, a $15 billion project designed to accommodate the vast and growing number of Hajj pilgrims. The Turkish government, as well as others in the international community, unsuccessfully tried to prevent the Saudi government from demolishing the fort.

Recent events, such as the 2015 Mina stampede, have drawn strong responses from governments in Muslim-majority countries. Iran, a country that has long been at odds with the Saudi government, has banned its citizens from going to Mecca for the Hajj a few times (only to reverse the bans later on) after several Iranian pilgrims were killed in separate incidents.

can i visit mecca as a tourist

Visa requirements

For more information on Saudi immigration regulations, please refer to the "Get in" section of the Saudi Arabia article.

If you plan on visiting during the Hajj , you must apply for a Hajj visa.

Since Mecca is deemed as a sacred and holy land, Mecca is a no-fly zone . There are no airports in the city, and commercial planes are strictly forbidden from flying over the city.

Once you've landed in either Jeddah or Taif , the next step is to drive to the city. Mecca is served by two major highways: Highway 40 and Highway 15 .

  • If you are driving from Jeddah, go along Highway 40 . Highway 40 is a well-maintained, modern, multi-lane highway and the journey will take you at least 60 minutes depending on traffic conditions. Expect this highway to be completely jammed and packed during the Hajj or the Umrah , however.
  • Another easier way to enter Mecca is through Taif . Just drive along Highway 15 and you will reach Mecca in 60 minutes. Since most Hajj pilgrims fly into Jeddah , expect this highway to be completely free of traffic. If you desire to enter Mecca quickly, it is recommended that you take this route.

If you don't have your own car, you can consider doing the following:

  • Hail a taxi at the Jeddah airport to take you to Mecca. You can share the costs with other pilgrims if you choose to do so. Prices might be higher during the Hajj season, so stay alert.
  • Hail an Uber to take you to Mecca. Uber works in all major cities in Saudi Arabia.

The quickest way to enter the city is by train. A train ride to Mecca from Jeddah will take you at least 30 or so minutes. The Haramain high-speed railway links Mecca and Medina via Jeddah, and you can directly go to the city from the train station at King Abdulaziz International Airport .

  • 21.4176 39.7893 3 Mecca railway station . ( updated Oct 2022 )

The Saudi Arabian Public Transport Company (SAPTCO) offers bus services to and from the city. A bus ride from Jeddah to Meccah would normally take you 1¼ hours depending on traffic conditions.

SAPTCO also offers a VIP service to Mecca. VIP buses are a lot more comfortable, have free Wi-Fi, and are more spacious. If you're not a citizen of a GCC country, make sure you have a valid passport and the right visa before boarding a VIP bus.

There are many ways in which you can book a bus ride to Mecca. You can do it at a SAPTCO branch, on the SAPTCO app ( iOS , Android ), or on the website. The SAPTCO app is only in Arabic .

  • 21.497723 39.794102 4 SAPTCO Station ( ابتكو محطة حافلات الطائف ), Tan'eem neighborhood - Madina road - near Makkah Medical Center Hospital , ☏ +966-12 5204949 , [email protected] . SAPTCO station in Mecca. You can use it to go to your next destination in Saudi Arabia . ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.430444 39.817449 5 SAPTCO Al-Haram Station , ☏ +966-515234427 , [email protected] . SAPTCO VIP Bus Station. ( updated Jan 2022 )

Mecca's transportation network is well developed, however, expect getting around to be a literal hassle during the Hajj; millions of pilgrims are in every nook and corner of the city, and it can take ages to get to one place from another.

can i visit mecca as a tourist

The Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro line ( Arabic : قطار المشاعر المقدسة الخط الجنوبي) is the only operating metro line in the city. The metro was built in the year 2010 by a Chinese railway construction firm (China Railway Construction Corporation Limited). It is believed to have the highest capacity of any existing metro in the world, which, truthfully, should come as no surprise to you, considering how millions of pilgrims flock every year to Mecca for the Hajj.

There are plans to fully add another metro network in the near future and this new network, known as Makkah Mass Rail Transit , will consist of four lines: line A, line B, line C, and line D . A total of 88 stations are expected to be served by this intended expansion. Although this sounds impressive, construction contracts have still not yet been awarded as of yet. Once construction contracts get awarded and the project gets finished, you can expect to get around Mecca with ease and convenience. But that's ages from now.

Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro

The Al Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro line has nine stations and is used as an exclusive shuttle train for pilgrims between holy sites in Mecca, Mount Arafat, Muzdalifah, and Mina. As is the case with all transport modes during the Hajj, the metro can be densely crowded and packed, so plan and prepare accordingly.

  • 21.418818 39.870853 6 Jamarat (Mina 3) ( قطار المشاعر - محطة منى 3 - الجمرات ), King Abdul Aziz Rd, Al Mashair . The very first station of the Metro. It is approximately 5km away from Masjid Al-Haram. You can reach Masjid Al-Haram in less than five minutes (if going by car) or two hours (if going by foot). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.406404 39.89089 7 Mina 2 ( محطة منى 2 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.401115 39.898095 8 Mina 1 ( محطة منى 1 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.391611 39.900632 9 Muzdalifah 3 ( قطار المشاعر - محطة مزدلفة 3 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.383721 39.907089 10 Muzdalifah 2 ( قطار المشاعر - محطة مزدلفة 2 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.379205 39.918193 11 Muzdalifah 1 ( قطار المشاعر - محطة مزدلفة 1 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.346792 39.961351 12 Arafat 3 ( قطار المشاعر - محطة عرفات 3 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.340996 39.969459 13 Arafat 2 ( قطار المشاعر - محطة عرفات 2 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.335853 39.975191 14 Arafat 1 ( قطار المشاعر - محطة عرفات 1 ). ( updated Jan 2022 )

Being served by two major highways, you can very easily cover the entire city by car. Mecca's road transportation network is well-maintained, organised, and well developed. Roads typically tend to be free of any traffic after the Hajj.

Uber works in Mecca. If you don't feel comfortable driving on Saudi roads, or if you don't have your own car, you can hail an Uber.

During the Hajj, expect to do lots and lots of walking. A lot of attractions in the city center are within walking distance.

As the holiest city in Islam, there are numerous attractions.

can i visit mecca as a tourist

Main attractions

  • 21.43374 39.75438 8 Al-Haramain Museum ( متحف الحرم شریف ). This museum has a lot of historical artifacts from different eras.  

can i visit mecca as a tourist

There's a lot you can do in Mecca if you plan on sticking around for long.

  • 21.435346 39.756497 1 The Kiswa Factory of the Holy Ka'aba . The only place in Saudi Arabia where Kiswa is traditionally made to mark the beginning of Hajj. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.384002 39.876342 5 Hussainiya Park . ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.381195 39.877341 6 King Abdullah Garden , Al Mashair . ( updated Jan 2022 )

While in Mecca, many pilgrims purchase trinkets to remember their time and souvenirs to bring back to family and friends. Zamzam water is available free. It is consumed in Mecca and brought home as a souvenir.

Other items to buy in and around Mecca are: prayer mats and hats, prayer beads and perfume.

Being one of the most visited cities in the world, you can sample food from all over the world!

There is an Al-Baik Restaurant adjacent to the Sacred Mosque. You can also try the fullset-chicken with cheap price, even cheaper than KFC.

  • 21.419618 39.822361 1 Five Guys , Conrad Hotel, Ibrahim Al Khalil Rd, Ash Shubaikah . A branch of the Five Guys fast food chain. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.419516 39.826416 2 Faisalabad Restaurant , ☏ +966 55 202 7444 , [email protected] . Pakistani restaurant. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.359783 39.792998 3 Relish Joy of Taste , ☏ +966 53 020 9000 . Lebanese restaurant. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.420606 39.825879 4 Al Qasr ( 10-15 minutes from Makkah Haramain train station. ), ☏ +966 12571 7888 , [email protected] . Features a wide variety cuisines: Arab, Indian, Moroccan, and Western. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.4206 39.822057 5 The Oasis , The Oasis, Jabal Omar, Ibrahim Al Khalil Street ( Near Masjid Al-Haram ), ☏ +966 12 557 1234 . Serves a wide range of cuisines. SAR 250 (average price for two people) . ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.421784 39.822533 6 Al-Rehab Restaurant . 1pm - 11 pm . An Islamic-themed restaurant that offers a great view of Masjid Al-Haram. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.421744 39.822833 7 Al-Tayebat Restaurant . 6am - 10am . A restaurant at the Intercontinental Dar Al Tawhid. Offers a great view of Masjid Al-Haram. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.352921 39.895264 8 Gurkan Şef Steakhouse , ☏ +966 55 928 8684 . One of the four branches of a Turkish steakhouse chain. ( updated Jan 2022 )

can i visit mecca as a tourist

During the Hajj, you can try some Zamzam water , which is believed to be divinely blessed. As this is Saudi Arabia, the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is virtually non-existent.

  • 21.421944 39.822447 1 Zamzam Cafe . 9AM–1AM . A cafe at the Intercontinental Dar Al Tawhid. You can enjoy cold drinks, tea, coffee accompanied by lovely snacks on the side. ( updated Jan 2022 )

Mecca has a plethora of hotels. Prices vary depending on the hotel's proximity to the Holy Mosque. Some of the world's greatest hotels are situated in Mecca, and are full year-round. Make sure to book early, as soon as you know your dates of travel.

  • 21.421784 39.822533 2 Intercontinental Dar al Tawhid Makkah ( The Inter-Continental ), Ibrahim Al Khalis St ( Just Outside of Mecca ), ☏ +966-2-541-1111 .  
  • 21.42328 39.819759 4 Hilton Makkah Convention Hotel , ☏ +966 12 526 0000 . Offers majestic views and is close to Masjid Al-Haram. ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.402013 39.878921 5 Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Aziziyah , 2516 Al Masjid Al Haram Road AlMursalat District , ☏ +966 1255 99100 . ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.419163 39.823975 6 Swissôtel Al Maqam , King Abdul Aziz Endowment , ☏ +966 (12) 577 5888 , [email protected] . ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.381127 39.874021 7 Four Points by Sheraton Makkah Al Naseem , Third Ring Road, Al Naseem District at Al Rajhi Mosque , ☏ +966 12 550 8999 . ( updated Jan 2022 )
  • 21.420067 39.824648 8 Pullman Zamzam Makkah , Abraj Al Bait Complex, King Abdel Aziz Endowment , ☏ +966 15715555 , [email protected] . Located in the Abraj Al Bait complex, adjoining Masjid Al-Haram. ( updated Jan 2022 )

Mecca in general is a safe city, but one should take extra precautions during the annual Hajj pilgrimage.

The various safety tips found in the Saudi Arabia article will come in handy. Refer it to often to stay out of trouble.

Overcrowding and stampedes

can i visit mecca as a tourist

Overcrowding and stampedes are not unusual in Mecca . Since the development of air travel, pilgrims have been able to access the city much easily than before (earlier people used to travel to Mecca by boat or by other means), and as a result, the city's capacity can be completely overwhelmed.

If you're travelling with family members or with a friend, stick together . Supervise your children (if you have any) closely to make sure they are close to you and are not lost among the crowd.

In September 2015, approximately 2,236 pilgrims were trampled upon and killed in Mina, an incident regarded as the worst ever stampede in the city. The stampede drew extremely strong responses from Muslim-majority countries, with some blaming the Saudi government for being negligent and downplaying the severity of the incident, and the Iranian government (Iran had the highest casualty toll in the stampede) was angered to such a great extent that they went as far as banning their citizens from performing the Hajj in 2016.

Extreme weather

Mecca has a hot desert climate and temperatures regularly reach as high as 50°C (120°F) during the summers.

As is the case throughout the Middle East , always check weather conditions and hydrate often; you can very easily get exhausted, lethargic, and dehydrated if you do not take the necessary precautions.


There are many dishonest people and groups that often try to take advantage of the Hajj pilgrimage and/or the Umrah to deprive people of their personal property. You should not assume that Mecca only attracts the honest.

When traversing through the crowds, keep your valuables safe. Err on the side of safety and don't take any unnecessary risks. If you have been the victim of theft, call the police. Saudi authorities treat theft very seriously, largely because of a zero-tolerance justice system.

Construction-related accidents

The Saudi authorities invest heavily into construction projects designed to cater to Hajj pilgrims, and this has, on occasion, caused a few construction-related accidents.

In 2015, a crawler crane in the Grand Mosque collapsed, killing 111 pilgrims and injuring dozens of others. In the event something is being renovated or constructed, do not walk close to any construction site. Give all renovation sites a wide berth.

Female travellers

Since 2018, female pilgrims have spoken up about sexual abuse and harassment experienced on the Hajj. Although it is unlikely you'll experience severe harassment, don't be afraid to create a scene and don't feel the need to be polite in the event someone harasses you; no woman would be expected to put up with rotten behaviour like that.

The Hajj is time-consuming and can take a huge toll on your physical health. Many pregnant pilgrims suffer miscarriages during the Hajj. If you are expecting soon or if you are recuperating from an illness, it is strongly recommended that you postpone your trip.

Stay healthy

There are several hospitals in Mecca.

  • 21.436028 39.853968 1 King Faisal Hospital , ☏ +966 12 526 3200 .  

As the holiest city in Islam , appropriate religious prohibitions and attitudes should be in order. When you're here for either the Hajj or the Umrah, remember to eschew from the following: smoking, engaging in sexual relations, using foul language, shaving your hair and cutting your nails .

Local etiquette

The various respect tips found in the Saudi Arabia article are of immense help. Familiarise yourself with Saudi etiquette before entering Mecca.

Refrain from pontificating about the Saudi government's construction campaign in the city; the issue is very sensitive among some.

General etiquette

You are bound to meet people from all over the world. Be open to new experiences, and don't feel afraid of communicating with anyone. Approach people with a positive attitude and you are apt to make friends; a gruff, impatient attitude may generate resentment.


It's actually forbidden to take photographs inside the Masjid Al-Haram , but the rules are not rigorously enforced. In fact, it is quite common to see people clicking away happily with their smart phones inside the mosque. You would, however, arouse suspicion from the staff if you come in with a fancy camera.

There's some disagreement on whether or not people should take photographs inside the Masjid Al-Haram. Although some don't see it as a big deal and will happily share their photographs with others, many others consider it incredibly disrespectful .

If you feel the need to take a photo, don't engage in "touristy" behaviour (i.e. acting like you're seeing a place for the first time in forever) and don't conduct yourself in a way that would be perceived as disruptive or annoying. Always be considerate to the people around you; chances are, other people take things more seriously than you do!

The four mobile operators in Saudi Arabia, incumbent Al Jawal , Emirati rival Mobily , Kuwaiti Zain (Vodafone Network) and STC newcomer Jawwy [ dead link ] are fiercely competitive, with good coverage (in populated areas) and good prices.

You should be able to get a prepaid SMS at major airports, or at local shops nearby.

If you plan on spending some time in the Mecca Province, consider visiting the following cities:

  • Medina — Islam's second holiest city. Unlike Mecca, Medina is open to non-Muslims.
  • Taif — the unofficial summer capital of Saudi Arabia. Non-Muslims are allowed to enter.
  • Jeddah — the second largest city in Saudi Arabia, known for the traditional coral houses in its old town.

can i visit mecca as a tourist

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Top 10 Things to Do in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Mecca, Saudi Arabia is the holiest city in Islam, attracting millions of pilgrims every year. Aside from the pilgrimage, there are numerous things to do in Mecca that are perfect for travelers. Here are the top 10 things to do in Mecca, Saudi Arabia:

Visit the Masjid al-Haram

One of the most sacred sites for Muslims around the world, the Masjid al-Haram is located in the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This mosque is the largest in the world and can accommodate over a million worshippers during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. As a traveler, visiting the Masjid al-Haram is a once-in-a-lifetime experience you should not miss.

The mosque’s iconic Kaaba, draped in black cloth, is the focal point of the pilgrimage and attracts millions of visitors every year. The atmosphere inside the mosque is serene and deeply spiritual. You can join the pilgrims in performing the tawaf, the circumambulation of the Kaaba, or simply observe the rituals from a distance. The Masjid al-Haram is also home to several other historical and religious sites, such as the Maqam Ibrahim and the Zamzam well, both of which have significant religious significance for Muslims. Make sure to plan your visit in advance, as the mosque can get extremely crowded during peak times.

Perform the Hajj pilgrimage

Performing the Hajj pilgrimage is the ultimate experience for Muslim travelers visiting Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Hajj is a pilgrimage that takes place during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah and is one of the five pillars of Islam. Millions of Muslims from around the world come together to perform this pilgrimage, which includes several rituals such as walking seven times around the Kaaba and standing on the plain of Arafat.

The Hajj pilgrimage is a deeply spiritual and transformative experience that can be life-changing for many travelers. offers a variety of accommodation options in Mecca that are conveniently located near the holy sites, making it easier for you to immerse yourself in the pilgrimage experience. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses, has something for every traveler.

Whether you are an experienced pilgrim or performing the Hajj for the first time, can help you plan and book your trip to Mecca. With our user-friendly platform and 24/7 customer support, you can rest assured that your journey to perform the Hajj will be worry-free and memorable. Start planning your pilgrimage today and experience the spiritual journey of a lifetime in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Explore the Kaaba

For Muslims around the world, Mecca is a sacred pilgrimage site as it is home to the holiest site in Islam, the Kaaba. As a traveler, you can also explore the Kaaba and its surroundings. The Kaaba is a cube-shaped structure located in the center of the Grand Mosque, with a history dating back to the time of Prophet Ibrahim. It is believed to have been built by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismael as a house of worship for one God.

During your visit to the Kaaba, you can join the millions of Muslims who perform the tawaf, a ritual where they walk seven times around the Kaaba in a counterclockwise direction. You may also observe the prayers, which take place five times a day and are attended by Muslims from all over the world. The Kaaba is truly a mesmerizing sight, especially during the Hajj season, which is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that takes place during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah.

Visiting the Kaaba is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should be on every Muslim’s bucket list. As a traveler, it’s important to respect the customs and traditions of the locals and dress modestly when visiting the Grand Mosque. Book your stay in Mecca with and experience the beauty and spirituality of the Kaaba.

Visit the Well of Zamzam

If you are planning a trip to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, you cannot miss the opportunity to visit the Well of Zamzam. This well is known for its religious significance and is considered one of the holiest sites in Islam. The well is located in the Masjid al-Haram and is believed to have been revealed by Allah to provide water to Prophet Ismail and his mother when they were stranded in the desert. Today, millions of pilgrims visit the well every year during the Hajj season to drink its water, which is believed to have healing properties.

Visiting the Well of Zamzam is a unique experience that will leave a lasting impression on your mind. The well is surrounded by a beautiful marble structure and is guarded by security personnel to ensure the safety of visitors. When you visit the well, you will see pilgrims from all over the world offering prayers and drinking the water from the well. You can also take a sip of the water and experience its refreshing taste for yourself.

If you are planning to visit the Well of Zamzam, it is important to dress modestly and show respect to the holy site. Mecca is a sacred city and the well is a holy place, so it is important to follow the rules and regulations set by the authorities. You can easily book your accommodation in Mecca through and make the most of your trip to this holy land.

Explore the Makkah Museum

One of the most interesting attractions in Mecca is the Makkah Museum, which is a must-visit destination for history and culture enthusiasts. The museum showcases the rich Islamic heritage of the city and gives visitors the chance to learn about the different aspects of Mecca’s history, including the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the development of Islam over the centuries.

Inside the museum, you will find a wealth of exhibits, including ancient manuscripts, rare artifacts, and interactive displays that provide a fascinating insight into the lifestyle and traditions of the people of Mecca. You can also take a guided tour of the museum to learn more about the different sections and exhibits, and gain a deeper appreciation for the significance of Mecca in the Islamic faith.

If you’re looking for things to do in Mecca, the Makkah Museum is well worth a visit. With its impressive collection of artifacts and interactive exhibits, it provides a unique and engaging experience that is sure to leave you with a greater understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of this historic city.

Visit the Abraj Al Bait Towers

If you are planning a visit to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, make sure to add the Abraj Al Bait Towers to your itinerary. This iconic tower complex is located just a few steps away from the Grand Mosque, making it a popular destination for visitors from all over the world.

The Abraj Al Bait Towers are the fifth tallest buildings in the world, standing at a height of over 1,900 feet. The complex consists of several skyscrapers, including the famous clock tower, which is the largest in the world. Visitors can take a tour of the towers and enjoy a breathtaking view of the surrounding area from the observation deck.

In addition to its impressive architecture, the Abraj Al Bait Towers also house a luxury hotel, shopping mall, and a range of restaurants and cafes. Whether you are interested in sightseeing, shopping, or simply relaxing in a beautiful setting, the Abraj Al Bait Towers are a must-visit destination in Mecca.

Enjoy the views from Jabal al-Nour

Mecca is a city that is very special for Muslims. It is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad and houses the holiest site in Islam, the Kaaba. While many travelers visit Mecca for religious purposes, there are other activities that they can engage in as well. One of these activities is hiking up Jabal al-Nour. Jabal al-Nour, which means “Mountain of Light” in Arabic, is a mountain located outside of Mecca.

The hike is about 3.5 kilometers and can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to complete. The trail is steep and rocky, so proper hiking shoes are recommended. Once at the top, visitors can enjoy stunning views of Mecca and the surrounding mountains. It is also the site of the cave where Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from Allah through the angel Gabriel. For Muslim travelers, this is a very special and spiritual experience. For all travelers, it is an opportunity to take in the natural beauty of the area and learn about the history and culture of Mecca.

Visit the Cave of Hira

Mecca, the holiest city in Islam, is renowned for its religious significance and cultural heritage. A visit to this city is incomplete without exploring its various landmarks and historical sites. One such landmark is the Cave of Hira, situated about 3 miles from the Grand Mosque.

The Cave of Hira holds immense religious significance and is a popular tourist attraction. It was here that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his first revelation from Allah through the Angel Gabriel. The climb to the cave is steep, but the breathtaking view from the top is worth all the effort. Visitors can also witness the small prayer area inside the cave that is adorned with Islamic calligraphy and lighting to create a spiritual atmosphere.

The Cave of Hira is a must-visit site for anyone traveling to Mecca. It not only offers a glimpse into the Prophet’s life but also provides a unique spiritual experience that cannot be found anywhere else. Don’t forget to carry comfortable shoes and sufficient water while visiting the cave as the terrain can be challenging, especially during the hot summer months.

Take a day trip to the city of Jeddah

For travelers looking for a change of scenery from the holy city of Mecca, a day trip to the nearby coastal city of Jeddah is a must-do. Known as the “Bride of the Red Sea,” Jeddah offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modernity.

Explore the old town of Al-Balad, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that features charming coral stone buildings and narrow streets filled with bustling souks and cafes. Visit the famous Jeddah Corniche, a scenic waterfront promenade that offers stunning views of the Red Sea and is lined with restaurants, parks, and sculptures.

For a more modern experience, head to the towering Jeddah Fountain, one of the world’s tallest fountains that shoots water up to 260 meters high. And for a taste of luxury, the Red Sea Mall offers high-end shopping, dining, and entertainment options. With its vibrant atmosphere and diverse attractions, Jeddah is the perfect complement to a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Shop for souvenirs at the Makkah Mall

If you’re looking for a place to shop for souvenirs in Mecca, then head to the Makkah Mall. This shopping center is located just a few kilometers away from the Masjid al-Haram, making it an easily accessible destination for tourists and pilgrims alike. With over 400 stores spread across four floors, you’re sure to find something here to take back home as a memento of your trip to Mecca.

At the Makkah Mall, you’ll find a wide range of products to choose from, including traditional Arabic perfumes, clothing, jewelry, and souvenirs featuring iconic images of Mecca and the Kaaba. The mall also has a number of restaurants and cafes where you can rest and refuel in between your shopping trips. So if you’re looking to do some souvenir shopping in Mecca, the Makkah Mall is definitely worth checking out.

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Makkah Visitors Guide

Religious and Historical Sites to Visit

  • Important Principles
  • Prayer Salat
  • Prophets of Islam
  • Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr
  • Hajj and Eid Al Adha
  • M.Ed., Loyola University–Maryland
  • B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University

Whether you are traveling for a pilgrimage (umrah or hajj), or simply making a stop through, Makkah is a city of significant religious and historical significance to Muslims. Here is a list of must-see sites in and around the city of Makkah. Most of these sites are official stops during pilgrimage, while others may take you off the beaten path.

The Grand Mosque

The first stop for many visitors, the Grand Mosque ( al-Masjid al-Haram ) is located in the heart of downtown Mecca. Prayers are said here around the clock, with space for nearly a million worshippers inside the building itself. During peak visiting periods, worshippers also line up in rows along the courtyards and streets surrounding the mosque. The current structure of the Grand Mosque was built in the 7th century AD, and through various imam's leadership has gone through several renovations and expansions since then.

The Ka'aba

 Basil D Soufi via Wikimedia Commons

The Ka'aba (literally "the cube" in Arabic) is an ancient stone structure that was built and re-built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship. It is located in the interior courtyard of the Grand Mosque. The Ka'aba is considered the center of the Muslim world, and is a unifying focal point for Islamic worship.

The Hills of Safa and Marwa

These hills lie within the structure of the Grand Mosque. Muslim pilgrims visit the hills in remembrance of the plight of Hajar, wife of the Prophet Abraham . Tradition holds that as a test of faith, Abraham was ordered to leave Hajar and their young son in the heat of Mecca with no provisions. Facing thirst, Hajar left the infant in search of water. She reportedly raced to these two hillsides, back and forth, rising up each one to get a better view of the surrounding area. After several trips and on the verge of desperation, Hajar and her son were saved by the miraculous springing of the well of Zamzam.

The hills of Safa and Marwa are approximately 1/2 kilometer apart in distance, connected by a long corridor within the confines of the Grand Mosque.

Plain of Arafat

This hillside ("Mount Arafat") and plain is located just outside Mecca. It is a gathering point on the second day of Hajj pilgrimage rituals, known as the Day of Arafat . It was from this site that the Prophet Muhammad gave his famous Farewell Sermon in the final year of his life.

Zamzam Spring Water Well

Zamzam is the name of a well in Mecca which provides natural spring water to the millions of Muslim pilgrims who visit each year. Traditionally dating back to the time of the Prophet Abraham, the well is located a few meters east of the Ka'aba.

Looking for additional sites to visit? Consider Station of Abraham, Mina, and Muzdalifah.

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Can you visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia as a tourist?

While Mecca is open to tourists, it's important to know that it's limited to Muslim travelers only , and there are other rules and restrictions you must know about before you go.

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Can I travel to Mecca as a tourist?

The simple answer is no, unless you're Muslim .

Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering the holy city of Mecca and certain parts of Medina. Signs indicating these boundaries are clearly signposted, and it's crucial to respect these restrictions.

Rules and restrictions for visiting Mecca as a Muslim tourist

Embarking on a pilgrimage to Mecca, the heart of the Islamic world, is a profoundly spiritual journey that every Muslim aspires to undertake at least once in their lifetime.

Here are the essential rules and restrictions for visiting Mecca as a Muslim tourist , ensuring your spiritual journey is both fulfilling and in complete harmony with the sacred regulations of this holy city:

Pilgrimage eligibility: The pilgrimage to Mecca, known as Hajj, is obligatory for all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey. Additionally, the Umrah, a smaller pilgrimage, can be performed at any time of the year but is not obligatory.

Visa requirements: Pilgrims must obtain a specific visa for Hajj or Umrah from Saudi Arabian embassies or consulates. These visas are issued by Islamic lunar months, with Hajj visas available only during particular periods. Our platform simplifies this process, offering updated information and assistance with your visa application.

Respect for local customs and dress code: Visitors to Mecca are expected to adhere to Islamic principles of conduct and dress modestly. For men, this includes wearing the Ihram during the Hajj, while women should wear clothes that cover the body appropriately and avoid perfume and makeup during the rituals.

Health requirements: Pilgrims must meet certain health criteria to protect themselves and others during their journey. This includes vaccinations, particularly for meningitis. Check the latest info on the government website .

Environmental awareness: The Saudi authorities encourage pilgrims to maintain cleanliness and environmental awareness throughout their journey. Littering or damaging the natural and urban environment of the sacred sites is strictly prohibited.

Safety and security: Given the large crowds, especially during Hajj, it's essential to follow all safety guidelines provided by the authorities. This includes staying with your group, following the designated ritual routes, and securing personal belongings.

Women: Women can register for Hajj without a male guardian if they go in a group with other women.

Photographs: You are not allowed to take photos (still or video, even with your phone) at the Holy Mosque in Mecca or the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. If you break this rule, your device may be taken away.

There may be other rules that you must adhere to, so make sure to stay updated and informed throughout the process of traveling to Mecca.

How does the Saudi government check if you're Muslim to visit Mecca?

Saudi Arabia's government restricts entry to Mecca to Muslims only . Proof of your religious beliefs will be checked upon entry, and anyone not showing proof of being Muslim will be denied access.

This check can include:

  • You may be asked to present documentation from an imam (Muslim religious leader)
  • You may be asked to submit your documentation from your imam upon booking your trip (especially important if you're a converted Muslim traveler)
  • You may be asked to say the Shahada and be asked about your knowledge of Islam
  • Some countries offer ID cards that include the holder's religion, which is accepted as proof

What happens when non-Muslims try to enter Mecca?

While it's not only incredibly disrespectful, it's also not a good idea as you're trespassing and breaking Saudi Arabian laws.

The penalty for non-Muslims attempting to enter is deportation from the country and a possible fine​​. This rule applies whether you're trying to enter the city by plane, car, bus, or train​​.

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Do you need a visa to visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia?

The visa requirements depend on your nationality , even if you can prove you're Muslim. The various visas include:

Saudi Arabia Tourist eVisa : This electronic visa allows Muslim travelers from certain nationalities to visit the country for their Umrah pilgrimage. However, some restrictions apply, such as being unable to take holy water home.

Saudi Arabia Tourist Visa (paper visa): If you're not eligible for the eVisa, you must apply for a traditional Tourist Visa from the nearest Saudi Embassy or Consulate .

Saudi Arabia Umrah Visa : This is a special visa for Umrah pilgrims. While it involves more required documents, you have more freedom within the Umrah privileges.

Saudi Arabia Hajj Visa: This is a special visa for Hajj pilgrims. A trip and accompanying visa must be booked through a government-approved travel agency .

Hajj visas are assigned to countries on a quota basis according to the number of Muslims that live there. In recent years, additional restrictions have been placed on those who have previously been to Mecca to avoid overcrowding.

  • [Saudi Arabia Electronic Visa Waiver]: At the time of writing, this visa waiver was only available to travelers from the United Kingdom, and allows Muslims to perform Umrah.

More questions about traveling to Mecca in Saudi Arabia?

If you want to learn more about the Saudi Arabia visas or have questions about the application process, we’re here to help. Our dedicated online team of customer service agents is available via online chat to assist with any questions, or you can contact us on WhatsApp .

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What are the requirements for traveling to Mecca? passport and rules

What are the requirements.

Muslim pilgrimage to the Mecca once a year. The most important of them all is the so-called Hajj, pilgrimage that takes place in a particular month. During the rest of the year, other pilgrimages take place, but these are considered minor and are not mandatory. 

There are some requirements to travel to the Mecca and make the pilgrimage. The first one is almost tacit: to be a Muslim. Non-Muslims ‘unfaithful’ or are banned from this city. The next requirement to travel to the Mecca is to be an adult, male or female and have the possibility, whether economic to make the pilgrimage.

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requirements for traveling to Mecca

The following requirements to travel to the Mecca are quite , such as being healthy and being an adult, means mature, in order to understand the meaning of the pilgrimage to Mecca. In addition, the believer must be free and be able to make the pilgrimage without any problem at all. 

Another group of the requirements to travel to Mecca is of a financial nature: being able to pay for the round trip, as well as supporting your family during the time the believer is absent from the house. This is one of the most important requirements since the pilgrimage to Mecca is expensive. To carry out this Muslim rite matter, several believers dedicate an important part of their lives saving money to make it possible.

Some believers do not have the chance to raise enough money to perform the rite. That is why there are several foundations and organizations around the world that donate money to pay for travel and lodging for some rigorously selected believers, during the days when the pilgrimage lasts. In some cases, the foundations get money from the sponsors, while in other cases, they get it from the government. 

For the sponsors, offering the pilgrimage of another believer, it is like giving them a blessing, since they are giving them the opportunity to live a unique experience and that will be of great benefit to their spirituality. Among the requirements to travel to Mecca under this scheme, it is precisely not having the money to do so. In addition, you have to be over 40 and converted to Islam. This foundations treat believers to live the spiritual experience this rite gives, and the idea is to favor the less privileged. For example, they try to pay for the trip to the elderly, since it is considered that he or she will be less likely to make the pilgrimage in the remaining time of their life.

These are not the only requirements to travel to the Mecca. Apart from the economic barrier, there is another important barrier, which is the permission to enter the country. Saudi Arabia does not issue a tourist visa, nor is tourism allowed on its border, because of this, a limited amount of fees are given to each country, in proportion to the number of Muslims living in the country, so that they can Make the pilgrimage. In this way, Muslims who do not live in Mecca or Saudi Arabia can enter to make the pilgrimage.

There are other requirements to travel to Mecca of a religious nature. This is due to the fact that there are three ways to make the pilgrimage: one for those who live in the same city, another for those who live outside, as long as they do not live more than 88 kilometers from it, and another for those who live more than 88 kilometers of it. As the latter is the most important, important characteristics will be mentioned.

It has two parts, the first one has 5 defined rites, like consecration as a pilgrim, circling around the Kaaba, praying after turning around the Kaaba, running between two points and finally shaving the mustache and with the haircut. The second part has more requirements. 

During the first rite of the pilgrimage, the believer has to have every intention of finding God during the pilgrimage, wearing a special costume and saying the prayer. For the second rite, seven laps must have around the black stone, with departure and arrival in it. Immediately after that, the prayer must take pleasure in front of a monument. After the run between the two points between which it is believed that Agan ran to get water for Ishmael takes place. To end the rite, the fifth stop is to have a little haircut, shave your mustache or beard.

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Can you visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia as a tourist?


Mecca, also called Makkah, is the most important city in Islam. It’s in western Saudi Arabia Umrah Visa.

Every year, over three million Muslims go to Mecca during the month of Dhul-Hijjah for the Hajj pilgrimage. Many others also go for smaller pilgrimages or perform Umrah at other times of the year.

For Saudi Arabia Umrah visa applications, you can apply online.

While Mecca is open to tourists, it’s important to know that it’s  limited to Muslim travelers only , and there are other rules and restrictions you must know about before you go. Let’s dive in.

Can I travel to Mecca as a tourist?

As a non-Muslim, you cannot travel to Mecca for tourism purposes. Mecca is considered the holiest city in Islam, and access to the city is strictly limited to Muslims only. Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter the city.

The Saudi government strictly enforces this rule, and there are checkpoints and entry permits in place to ensure that only Muslims enter Mecca. Violating this rule can result in deportation or other penalties.

However, there are other cities in Saudi Arabia Umrah Visa that are open to tourists, such as Riyadh, Jeddah, and Medina. These cities offer historical sites, cultural attractions, and modern amenities for visitors to explore.

If you are interested in visiting Saudi Arabia for tourism, you can apply for a tourist visa through the official channels provided by the Saudi government. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the visa requirements and regulations before planning your trip.

Visiting Mecca as a Muslim tourist involves adhering to certain rules and restrictions set by the Saudi government and Islamic law. Here are the key points to understand:

  • Islamic Faith Requirement : Only Muslims are permitted to enter the city of Mecca. This is because Mecca is considered the holiest site in Islam, home to the Kaaba, and visiting it is a religious obligation for Muslims.
  • Visa Requirement : If you’re a Muslim wishing to visit Mecca, you will need to obtain a specific type of visa known as a Hajj or Umrah visa. These visas are granted for the purpose of performing pilgrimage or Umrah (a lesser pilgrimage), and they typically come with specific entry and exit dates.
  • Travel Restrictions : Mecca has checkpoints and controls in place to verify that visitors are indeed Muslims. These measures are in place to ensure that the sanctity of the city is preserved and that non-Muslims do not enter.
  • Dress Code : When visiting Mecca, both men and women are expected to dress modestly. This means covering the body appropriately, with women wearing loose clothing that covers their entire body except for their face and hands, and men wearing modest clothing that covers at least the area from the navel to the knees.
  • Behavioral Expectations : Visitors to Mecca are expected to conduct themselves with respect and reverence. This includes refraining from inappropriate behavior, maintaining cleanliness, and showing humility and devotion during religious rituals.
  • Respect for Sacred Sites : Mecca is home to several sacred sites, including the Kaaba and the Masjid al-Haram (the Grand Mosque). Visitors are expected to show utmost respect for these sites, refraining from any behavior that may be considered disrespectful or sacrilegious.
  • Health and Safety Regulations : Visitors should also adhere to any health and safety regulations put in place by the Saudi government, especially during times such as the Hajj pilgrimage when large crowds gather in Mecca.
  • Health requirements:  Pilgrims must meet certain health criteria to protect themselves and others during their journey. This includes vaccinations, particularly for meningitis, and the Saudi government may require COVID-19 vaccinations. Check the latest info on the  government website .
  • Safety and security:  Given the large crowds, especially during Hajj, it’s essential to follow all safety guidelines provided by the authorities. This includes staying with your group, following the designated ritual routes, and securing personal belongings.
  • Women:  Women can register for Hajj without a male guardian if they go in a group with other women.
  • Photographs:  You are not allowed to take photos (still or video, even with your phone) at the Holy Mosque in Mecca or the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. If you break this rule, your device may be taken away.

How does the Saudi government check if you’re Muslim to visit Mecca?

In Saudi Arabia, only Muslims are allowed to go to Mecca. When you want to visit, they’ll check if you’re Muslim. Here’s how they might do it:

  • They might ask for a letter from your mosque or imam (a Muslim leader).
  • Sometimes, when you plan your trip, they might ask for this letter too, especially if you’re a new Muslim.
  • They might ask you to say the Shahada, a declaration of faith in Islam, and ask what you know about Islam.
  • Some countries have ID cards that say your religion. If you have one of these, it can be proof that you’re Muslim.

What happens when non-Muslims try to enter Mecca?

When non-Muslims try to enter Mecca, they are stopped from going further. Saudi authorities have strict rules that only Muslims can enter the city. They have checkpoints and guards to ensure this. If a non-Muslim tries to enter, they will be turned away and not allowed to proceed. This is because Mecca is considered the holiest city in Islam, and only Muslims are allowed to visit its sacred sites.

Do you need a visa to visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia?

The  visa requirements depend on your nationality , even if you can proof you’re Muslim. The various visas include:

  • Saudi Arabia Tourist eVisa:  This electronic visa allows Muslim travelers from certain nationalities to visit the country for their Umrah pilgrimage. However, some restrictions apply, such as being unable to take holy water home.
  • Saudi Arabia Tourist Visa (paper visa):  If you’re not eligible for the eVisa, you must apply for a traditional Tourist Visa from the nearest  Saudi Embassy or Consulate .
  • Saudi Arabia Umrah Visa:  This is a special visa for Umrah pilgrims. While it involves more required documents, you have more freedom within the Umrah privileges.
  • Saudi Arabia Hajj Visa:  This is a special visa for Hajj pilgrims. A trip and accompanying visa must be booked through a  government-approved travel agency .

Hajj visas are assigned to countries on a quota basis according to the number of Muslims that live there. In recent years, additional restrictions have been placed on those who have previously been to Mecca to avoid overcrowding.

  • [Saudi Arabia Electronic Visa Waiver]:  At the time of writing, this visa waiver was only available to travelers from the United Kingdom, and allows Muslims to perform Umrah.

More questions about traveling to Mecca in Saudi Arabia?

If you want to learn more about the Saudi Arabia visas or have questions about the application process, we’re here to help. Our dedicated online team of customer service agents is available to assist with any questions, or you can contact us on

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Must-see attractions in Mecca

can i visit mecca as a tourist

Al Masjid Al Haram

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Exhibition of the Two Holy Mosques

This little museum is brimming with relics from the two holy mosques, Al Masjid Al Haram in Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. These include…

Cave of Thor

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Jabal Al Nour

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Al Hukair Funland

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Masjid Al Khayf

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Millions of people from around the world undertake the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca every year. Umrah is a pilgrimage that can be completed at any time of the year. 

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Hajj and Umrah offers an electronic portal for Hajj registration and bookings. The portal allows for electronic Hajj visa applications and provides additional information, such as an FAQ page and awareness guides.

In order to participate in Hajj, U.S. citizens must have a permit issued through the Saudi Arabian Ministry Website. That rule applies whether you are visiting or living in Saudi Arabia.  If you participate in Hajj without a permit, you may be deported, detained, fined, or banned from future visits to Saudi Arabia.

Refer to for all related information, including required vaccines and medical insurance, specific mobile apps needed to enter holy sites, and other details. Please also see the current Travel Advisory and Country Information page for Saudi Arabia.

Note:  Once you arrive in Mecca for Hajj, you must get permission from the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah to leave Saudi Arabia early, before the completion of Hajj.

Personal Security

Travelers seeking to perform Hajj and Umrah are often targets for scammers. Watch out for dishonest guides or people pretending to be tour operators, who may leave pilgrims stranded without paying their bills. Also, be cautious of hotels that demand fees to return passports.

There are reports of pickpocketing, theft, and other crime in Mecca, particularly in the area of the Grand Mosque. There are also reports of crime in Medina, where there are large crowds of people. Always carry contact information for your hotel and tour operator.

Keep travel documents (your U.S. passport or U.S. “green card” residency permit) secure during your trip.  Make two copies of your passport—including pages stamped with Saudi visas—with one saved digitally and the other in a safe place while you travel.

Emergency Contact Information for U.S. Citizens

  • U.S. Embassy Riyadh: (966) (11) 835-4000
  • U.S. Consulate General Jeddah: (966) (12) 220-5000
  • U.S. Consulate General Dhahran: (966) (13) 839-5700

Between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time in Saudi Arabia, Sunday through Thursday, ask for the American Citizen Services Unit. For emergency cases outside of those hours or during holidays,  use the same numbers listed above to reach a duty officer for assistance.

Visa Information

The Hijri calendar is used in Saudi Arabia for all official functions.  Please review the dates on your visa carefully, and make sure you know when it expires.

Do not overstay your Hajj or Umrah visa . If you stay in Saudi Arabia longer than you are allowed, you may have to pay fines in order to depart the country.  Fines can be thousands of dollars. You might also be held in detention until your deportation proceedings. Additionally, you could be banned from returning to Saudi Arabia in the future.

Permitted areas of travel and duration of stay:   If you are unsure, ask Saudi airport officials or the Passport Office (jawazat) for clarification upon arrival.

  • Hajj and Umrah (pilgrimage) visas are  not valid for work or residency .
  • Non-Muslims are forbidden to travel to Mecca and the portions of Medina which are considered sacred.
  • All pilgrims visiting for Hajj must leave Saudi Arabia after the completion of Hajj.

Women Pilgrims

Women can register for Hajj without a male guardian if they go in a group with other women.

Travelers With Disabilities

Be prepared for standards of accessibility and accommodation below the minimum of what is required in the United States. While most of the Holy Sites, such as the Grand Mosque in Mecca, are accessible to disabled people , most hotels and transportation options are not. Check with your tour group provider to ensure your needs are well known and can be accommodated.


You are not allowed to take photos (still or video, even with your phone) at the Holy Mosque in Mecca or the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. If you break this rule, your device may be taken away.

Safety and Emergency Information

Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.

Follow us on Twitter  @KSA_ACS  and  @TravelGov  as well as the U.S. Mission Saudi Arabia ,  Consulate General Jeddah , and Bureau of Consular Affairs Facebook pages.

Emergency Contact Information for Hajj Authorities

  • The National Tawafa Company for Pilgrims of Turkey and Muslims of Europe, Americas, and Australia Telephone: +966-920-012-013 Fax:  966-920-006-620 Website:   Street Address: Mecca Al Mukarramah, Al Nuzha Road, near Alnuzha Bridge
  • Health Affairs : 012-530-8812
  • Lost Pilgrims: 012-530-8813
  • Emergency Services : For all emergencies including ambulance service call 911.

What The United States Government Can and Cannot Do

We hope you have a trouble-free hajj or umrah like thousands of other pilgrims from the united states do every year. if something goes wrong, u.s. embassy riyadh and consulate general jeddah can help you with consular services, such as:.

  • Arranging for emergency U.S. passports and “boarding foils” for lost I-551 (“green cards”) for U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents. After Hajj, please bring a report from the police station regarding the theft or loss, and a copy of your U.S. passport or green card if possible.
  • Seeking to contact you within 24 hours of being told that you have been arrested . 
  • Providing contact information for local lawyers and hospitals.
  • Arranging for a spouse or next of kin to be informed if you are involved in an accident, are arrested, or die, and advising them on the appropriate procedures.

The U.S. government cannot:

  • Arrange for travel outside of the designated areas in Mecca and Medina.
  • Resolve alleged or actual immigration violations.
  • Become involved in any disputes involving a travel agency, hotel, airline, or any other service provider.
  • Manage airline, hotel, or other travel bookings.
  • Pay for hotel, legal, medical, travel, or other bills.
  • Obtain your release from prison.
  • Provide legal advice or intervene in court cases or criminal investigations.

Enroll in STEP

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Learn about your destination

Make two copies of all of your travel documents in case of emergency, and leave one with a trusted friend or relative.

Tips for Hajj Journey

Packing Reminders for Hajj

Once You’re in Saudi Arabia

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  1. Visit Mecca: 2021 Travel Guide for Mecca, Makkah Province

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  2. Mecca, Saudi Arabia 2024: Best Places to Visit

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  3. Top 8 Things To Do In Mecca

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  1. Can non-Muslims go to Mecca or Madina? Can Tourists Enter?

    The government has also started promoting tourism in the country, and there are many tourist attractions that you can visit. Can a Revert/Converted Muslim Go to Mecca? Yes, a revert Muslims can of course go to Mecca. However, it is important to note that the Saudi Arabian government has implemented strict rules and regulations for Hajj and ...

  2. Can I visit Mecca as a Tourist?

    Can I visit Mecca as a Tourist? Mecca is the holiest city in Islam and Saudi law strictly forbids non-Muslims from entering it. Documents will be checked upon entry at dedicated checkpoints, and non-Muslims will be redirected to a motorway that bypasses the city. Pilgrims must show proof of being Muslim (a certificate is needed for those ...

  3. Discover Makkah

    Explore Makkah, the pivotal city in Islam where the Prophet Muhammad was born and the Quran was revealed. Experience serenity in this holy city year-round.

  4. What Are The Strict Rules To Follow When Visiting Mecca, Saudi Arabia?

    To participate in The Hajj, one must be a Muslim. Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering Mecca. Men and women from all walks of life, colors, and nations participate in this annual pilgrimage. It is a powerful demonstration of unity among Muslims, providing an opportunity to connect with diverse cultures and languages.

  5. A Trip To Mecca: The Best Guide For Muslim Tourists

    It is located in the center of Mecca and is home to the Kaaba, the most sacred object in Islam. • Explore the Old City: The Old City of Mecca is full of history and culture. wander through the narrow streets and alleyways and soak up the atmosphere. Be sure to visit the King Fahd Gate, one of the city's most iconic landmarks.

  6. Can I visit Mecca as a Tourist?

    Best Time to Visit. The weather in Mecca is hot and dry year round, but there is some variation between summer and winter. Most tourists and pilgrims visit Mecca during the somewhat cooler winter months and avoid the city during the hottest period (June-August). Mecca sees almost no precipitation and winds are usually very calm which, coupled ...

  7. Mecca travel

    Mecca. Saudi Arabia, Middle East. Mecca is only accessible by Muslims, who often describe the moment they first lay eyes on the city's sacred Kaaba as an overwhelmingly emotional experience. For those living outside the Kingdom, a visit to Mecca - generally spelt 'Makkah' by Muslims and in Saudi Arabia - is a lifelong dream.

  8. Mecca

    For other places with the same name, see Mecca (disambiguation). Mecca, officially known as Makkah al-Mukarramah ( Arabic: مكة المكرمة, Makkah al-Mukarramah ), is a city in Saudi Arabia and the holiest city in Islam. Mecca is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammed, the founder of Islam, and Muslims believe the Qur'an was first revealed to ...

  9. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Mecca (UPDATED 2024)

    1. Great Mosque of Mecca. 1,350. Points of Interest & Landmarks. The Sacred Mosque, stands majestically in the heart of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, serving as the focal point for millions of Muslims who embark on the sacred pilgrimages of Umrah and Hajj. This bio explores…. See ways to experience (6) 2.

  10. Top 10 Things to Do in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

    Visit the Abraj Al Bait Towers. If you are planning a visit to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, make sure to add the Abraj Al Bait Towers to your itinerary. This iconic tower complex is located just a few steps away from the Grand Mosque, making it a popular destination for visitors from all over the world. The Abraj Al Bait Towers are the fifth tallest ...

  11. Why Are Only Muslims Allowed to Visit Mecca?

    Restricting access to Mecca is intended to provide a place of peace and refuge for Muslim believers and preserve the sanctity of the holy city. At this time, millions of Muslims visit Mecca each year, and additional tourist traffic would simply add to the congestion and detract from the spirituality of the pilgrimage visit. Cite this Article ...

  12. Mecca Visitors Guide: Makkah, Saudi Arabia

    The Ka'aba. Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Ka'aba (literally "the cube" in Arabic) is an ancient stone structure that was built and re-built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship. It is located in the interior courtyard of the Grand Mosque. The Ka'aba is considered the center of the Muslim world, and is a unifying focal point for Islamic ...

  13. Can you visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia as a tourist?

    While Mecca is open to tourists, it's important to know that it's limited to Muslim travelers only, and there are other rules and restrictions you must know about before you go.. Can I travel to Mecca as a tourist? The simple answer is no, unless you're Muslim.. Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering the holy city of Mecca and certain parts of Medina.

  14. What are the requirements for travelling to Mecca?

    The following requirements to travel to the Mecca are quite , such as being healthy and being an adult, means mature, in order to understand the meaning of the pilgrimage to Mecca. In addition, the believer must be free and be able to make the pilgrimage without any problem at all. Another group of the requirements to travel to Mecca is of a ...

  15. Can I visit Mecca as a Tourist?

    Can I visit Mecca as a Tourist? Mecca is the holiest city in Islam and Saudi law strictly forbids non-Muslims from entering it. Documents will be checked upon entry at dedicated checkpoints, and non-Muslims will be redirected to a motorway that bypasses the city. Pilgrims must show proof of being Muslim (a certificate is needed for those ...

  16. Can you visit Mecca in Saudi Arabia as a tourist?

    As a non-Muslim, you cannot travel to Mecca for tourism purposes. Mecca is considered the holiest city in Islam, and access to the city is strictly limited to Muslims only. Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter the city. The Saudi government strictly enforces this rule, and there are checkpoints and entry permits in place to ensure that only ...

  17. Mecca

    Best Time to Visit. The weather in Mecca is hot and dry year round, but there is some variation between summer and winter. Most tourists and pilgrims visit Mecca during the somewhat cooler winter months and avoid the city during the hottest period (June-August). Mecca sees almost no precipitation and winds are usually very calm which, coupled ...

  18. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Mecca (2024)

    1. Great Mosque of Mecca. 1,350. Points of Interest & Landmarks. The Sacred Mosque, stands majestically in the heart of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, serving as the focal point for millions of Muslims who embark on the sacred pilgrimages of Umrah and Hajj. This bio explores…. See ways to experience (6) 2. Safa to Marwa.

  19. Mecca Travel Guide

    Average rates range from around $96 per night for a double room in a 3-star hotel to $144 and up for a 5-star experience. There are also lots of vacation rental options in Mecca, with prices from $20 to $360 per night. Batha Quraish is the neighborhood with the highest amount of rentals to choose from. On average, vacation rentals in Mecca are ...

  20. Must-see attractions Mecca, Hejaz

    Mecca. According to a hadith (Prophetic tradition) of Bin Abbas - a cousin of the Prophet and an early Islamic scholar - numerous prophets prayed here. It's…. Discover the best attractions in Mecca including Al Masjid Al Haram, Exhibition of the Two Holy Mosques, and Cave of Thor.

  21. saudi-arabia islam mecca

    If you break the law in Mecca in a way that is considered un-islamic, particularly when you're not muslim, yeah, I can imagine consequences to be more severe. The solution is not to figure out how to appear muslim when you're not, but to respect the rules and to not visit when you're not.

  22. Can I visit Mecca as a Tourist?

    Can I visit Mecca as a Tourist? Mecca is the holiest city in Islam and Saudi law strictly forbids non-Muslims from entering it. Documents will be checked upon entry at dedicated checkpoints, and non-Muslims will be redirected to a motorway that bypasses the city. Pilgrims must show proof of being Muslim (a certificate is needed for those ...

  23. Hajj and Umrah

    Millions of people from around the world undertake the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca every year. Umrah is a pilgrimage that can be completed at any time of the year. Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Hajj and Umrah offers an electronic portal for Hajj registration and bookings. The portal allows for electronic Hajj visa applications and provides additional ...