L'innovation deeptech au service de la planète

Pour répondre aux enjeux sociétaux auxquels nous faisons face aujourd’hui, nos meilleurs chercheurs et entrepreneurs doivent s'unir .

Dans le débat sur la manière de répondre à la crise écologique, deux perspectives dominent.

D'un côté, certains plaident pour une solution essentiellement technologique, arguant que la science pourrait nous permettre de continuer notre mode de vie actuel sans changements majeurs.

De l'autre, un groupe préconise un retour à des méthodes moins gourmandes en énergie et à faible coût, s'appuyant sur des savoir-faire déjà acquis, en opposition à une dépendance accrue à la technologie.

Toutefois, il semble que la solution réside dans un équilibre entre innovation et sobriété.

Techniques d’isolation des bâtiments, miniaturisation de l’informatique et des machines, recyclage ultra performant, remplacement des matériaux minéraux par des matériaux bio-sourcés sont en effet des pistes de recherche essentielles.

Avec la création de notre nouveau bâtiment de recherche en Touraine, nous souhaitons mettre en place :

  • Un bâtiment à faible empreinte environnementale, véritable démonstrateur de développement durable en milieu rural.
  • Un lieu inspirant de retraite, au milieu de la nature, pour des chercheurs et entrepreneurs désireux de s’attaquer aux défis majeurs de notre époque.
  • Un observatoire de la biodiversité qui utilisera les technologies les plus récentes pour quantifier l’impact des activités humaines sur la biodiversité, et la façon de mettre en place des mesures de compensation efficaces.


Vue générale du bâtiment (visualisation)


Vue du bâtiment depuis la route (visualisation)

Deeptech innovation at the service of the planet

To respond to the societal challenges we face today, our best researchers and entrepreneurs must come together.

In the debate over how to respond to the ecological crisis, two perspectives dominate.

On the one hand, some argue for an essentially technological solution, arguing that science could allow us to continue our current way of life without major changes.

On the other hand, a group advocates a return to less energy-intensive and low-cost methods, relying on already acquired know-how, as opposed to an increased dependence on technology.

However, it seems that the solution lies in a balance between innovation and moderation. Building insulation techniques, miniaturization of IT and machines, high-performance recycling, replacement of mineral materials with bio-based materials are indeed essential avenues of research.

With the planning of our new research building in Touraine, we wish to set up:

  • A building with a low environmental footprint, a true demonstrator of sustainable development in rural areas
  • An inspiring place of retreat, in the middle of nature, for researchers and entrepreneurs wishing to tackle the major challenges of our time
  • A biodiversity observatory that will use the most recent technologies to quantify the impact of human activities on biodiversity, and how to implement effective compensation measures


Vue d'ensemble des infrastructures du bâtiment

Le Da Vinci Labs sera un centre de recherche multidisciplinaire, harmonieusement intégré dans l’environnement naturel de la Touraine, rassemblant plusieurs espaces de recherches et de travail dans un lieu de retraite unique pour les chercheurs et les entrepreneurs qui souhaitent s'attaquer aux grands défis environnementaux de notre siècle.

Le programme de construction combine des matériaux bas-carbone, la gestion intelligente de l’eau, la production d'énergie photovoltaïque et géothermique, ainsi que le stockage d'énergie par batteries et hydrogène.

L’enveloppe sera réalisée en caissons de bois remplis de paille qui assurent son isolation avec des matériaux bio-sourcés, renouvelables et produits dans un rayon de 150 km.

Le bâtiment sera encerclé par une noue permettant de récupérer et d'infiltrer les eaux de pluie. Une microstation permettra de traiter les eaux usées avant de les rejeter dans le réseau global. Les zones humides seront évitées au maximum et une mare sera créée avec les eaux traitées afin de favoriser la biodiversité.

L’exploitation du laboratoire fonctionnera principalement grâce à 472 panneaux photovoltaïques installés en toiture. Le surplus d’électricité généré par les panneaux photovoltaïques sera stocké et restitué sur le réseau électrique par le biais d’une pile à combustible en période de forte consommation. Le chauffage et le rafraîchissement du bâtiment seront assurés par des sondes géothermiques implantées sous le parking. Elles permettront la production de froid et de chaud pour couvrir les besoins en toute saison.


La construction planifiée de notre nouveau bâtiment dans une zone récemment reboisée présente des défis uniques, nécessitant un équilibre délicat entre développement et gestion environnementale. Nous avons employé la méthode ERC (Éviter, Réduire, Compenser), une approche progressive ancrée dans la science écologique, pour minimiser l'impact environnemental de ce projet.

Éviter : préserver la zone humide

La première phase de la méthode ERC implique d'éviter les dommages environnementaux dans la mesure du possible. Une étude écologique approfondie a identifié une caractéristique écologique significative : une zone humide sur la marge sud du site de construction. Les zones humides sont des écosystèmes cruciaux, connus pour leur biodiversité, leurs capacités de filtration de l'eau et leur rôle dans la séquestration du carbone. Reconnaissant la valeur écologique de cette zone humide, nous avons décidé de modifier la conception du bâtiment. En réduisant le diamètre du bâtiment et de son jardin central, nous avons réussi à éviter le chevauchement avec la zone humide, préservant ainsi son intégrité écologique.

Réduire : minimiser l'impact environnemental

En diminuant l'empreinte du bâtiment, nous avons obtenu une réduction de 46 % dans l'abattage des arbres et une diminution de 30 % de l'artificialisation des sols. Minimiser l'abattage des arbres est crucial pour maintenir les services écosystémiques, tels que la fourniture d'habitats et la régulation climatique. De même, minimiser l'artificialisation des sols aide à préserver leur santé et réduit le ruissellement de surface, maintenant ainsi les cycles hydrologiques.

Compenser : restauration écologique volontaire

Une petite partie (0.03 ha) de la zone humide sera tout de même affectée par la construction, ce qui est en dessous du seuil de compensation de 0.1 ha. Cependant, en accord avec notre engagement envers la responsabilité écologique, nous avons décidé de mettre en œuvre des mesures de compensation volontaires. Cela implique la réhabilitation de 0.06 ha de zone humide dans une autre partie du domaine. La restauration des zones humides est une approche soutenue par la science pour améliorer la biodiversité, la qualité de l'eau et restaurer les défenses naturelles contre les inondations.

Cette approche proactive de compensation non seulement atténue l'impact de la construction mais contribue également à l'amélioration écologique globale du domaine de Da Vinci Labs. En restaurant une zone supplémentaire de zone humide, nous doublons notre engagement envers la préservation et l'amélioration de ces écosystèmes cruciaux.


Plans du bâtiment avant l'étude écologique du site


Plans du bâtiment après l'étude écologique du site (évitement de la zone humide au sud)

Projets de Recherche en Cours

(Intelligence Artificielle pour la Surveillance par Satellite des Risques Forestiers)

Financé par l'Union européenne dans le cadre du contrat 101082732

Les forêts du monde entier sont l'habitat de la majorité des espèces d'amphibiens, d'oiseaux et de mammifères. Ils abritent également 300 millions de personnes et font vivre 1,6 milliard d'autres. Les avantages procurés par cet écosystème - sous la forme de régulation hydrologique, de prévention de l'érosion et de stockage du carbone, entre autres - s'élèvent à plus de 100 000 milliards d'euros par an, soit plus que l'ensemble du PIB mondial.

Bien qu'elles soient très résistantes aux changements à long terme des conditions environnementales, les forêts sont vulnérables aux changements soudains, tels que les invasions d'insectes, les incendies de forêt et les chablis, c'est-à-dire le déracinement d'un arbre causé par le vent. Ces risques sont intensifiés par le changement climatique : les insectes se reproduisent plus fréquemment, plus de combustible sec pour les incendies de forêt devient disponible, et la fréquence et la gravité des grosses tempêtes augmentent.

Par conséquent, d'innombrables habitats sont perdus et le CO 2 séquestré annuellement diminue de plus de 4850 millions de tonnes. Cependant, avec une action précoce et appropriée, les risques peuvent être contenus et les dommages économiques et écologiques peuvent être réduits.

Le consortium SWIFTT fournira aux gestionnaires forestiers des outils de télédétection abordables, simples et efficaces soutenus par de puissants modèles d'apprentissage automatique. La solution de SWIFTT offrira un service de surveillance de la santé holistique utilisant l'imagerie satellite Copernicus pour détecter et cartographier les différents risques auxquels les forêts et leurs gestionnaires sont exposés.

Grâce à cet outil de gestion forestière durable, efficace et peu coûteux, l'Europe sera mieux placée pour lutter contre le changement climatique et préserver sa biodiversité grâce à des forêts plus saines.

(Plateforme de Fabrication pour les Thérapies Cellulaires et Géniques)

Financé par l'Union européenne dans le cadre du contrat 101070922

Les thérapies cellulaires et géniques (cell and gene therapies, CGT) représentent une percée médicale dans le traitement d'un large éventail de conditions. Des thérapies hautement personnalisées basées sur des cellules immunitaires appelées CAR-T (chimeric antigen receptor) ont été introduites en clinique il y a une dizaine d'années, avec des résultats spectaculaires chez des patients souffrant de cancers du sang jusque là incurables.

Alors que de plus en plus de thérapies CAR-T autologues entrent en essais cliniques, il y a une augmentation rapide de la demande de produits de qualité clinique. Cependant, les méthodes de fabrication actuelles de CGT souffrent d'importants obstacles technologiques et reposent toujours sur des processus semi-automatiques dans des unités de production centralisées. Ce manque d'évolution des procédés entraîne un faible débit, des coûts élevés et, au final, une capacité de production mondiale limitée, qui empêche de nombreux patients d'accéder à cette nouvelle génération de thérapies.

En particulier, le contrôle continu de qualité des cultures cellulaires reste se fait manuellement en milieu ouvert, avec un risque élevé de contamination. Pour résoudre ce problème, le projet PAT4CGT développe une plate-forme de capteurs miniaturisés qui, combinée à un nouveau type de bioréacteur, collecte automatiquement les paramètres critiques des procédés de fabrication tout en développant un outil prédictif intelligent.

Grâce à l’automatisation non invasive et fréquente des paramètres critiques de ces procédés, le projet PAT4CGT peut augmenter la qualité des CGT, accroître leur accessibilité pour les patients et contribuer à les rendre financièrement abordables pour le système de santé.

(Algorithmes Quantiques pour Applications Industrielles)

Financé par l'Union européenne dans le cadre du contrat 101080142

Née en Europe il y a environ 100 ans, la physique quantique a apporté une véritable révolution technologique à travers les semi-conducteurs, les lasers, la fibre optique et bien d'autres technologies aujourd'hui omniprésentes dans nos vies. Alors que la deuxième révolution quantique est en route, l'Europe peut à nouveau prendre la tête des sciences et technologies quantiques.

Les ordinateurs quantiques, les représentants de cette deuxième révolution, seront capables d’effectuer des calculs impossibles pour les processeurs ordinaires. Alors que leurs applications commerciales se rapprochent, ces incroyables machines représentent une opportunité de marché potentiellement énorme dans plusieurs secteurs.

Le consortium EQUALITY rassemble des scientifiques, des innovateurs et des acteurs industriels de premier plan qui ont pour mission de développer des algorithmes quantiques de pointe pour résoudre des problèmes industriels stratégiques. Le projet cible huit problèmes industriels paradigmatiques qui peuvent tirer le meilleur parti de l'accélération quantique, notamment les simulations aérodynamiques, la conception de batteries ou de piles à combustible et l'optimisation des missions spatiales.

Ces problèmes complexes sont régulièrement rencontrés par les partenaires industriels. En donnant la possibilité de les résoudre, les ordinateurs quantiques peuvent conférer un avantage stratégique à l'industrie européenne. En transformant l'intérêt industriel actuel en adoption généralisée, EQUALITY renforcera le lien entre les industries européennes stratégiques et l'écosystème quantique émergent, tout en contribuant aux technologies essentielles à la transition verte.

(Intelligence Artificielle pour Essaims de Robots)

Financé par l'Union européenne dans le cadre du contrat 101070918

Comment les robots d'un essaim savent-ils ce que fait le groupe dans son ensemble ? Comment les objets connectés peuvent-ils donner un sens au monde qui les entoure avec autant d'interconnexions ? Comment un bras robotique composé de nombreuses parties indépendantes peut-il comprendre comment son corps se comporte lorsqu'il atteint un objet ?

Lorsque l'intelligence est répartie entre de nombreuses parties, qu'il s'agisse de robots, d'appareils ou d'objets, il peut être difficile d'avoir une vue d'ensemble. Pourtant, répondre à ces questions est essentiel pour créer des systèmes collectifs faciles à concevoir, à surveiller et à contrôler.

Le consortium EMERGE fournira un nouveau cadre conceptuel, mathématique et technologique pour démontrer, à la fois théoriquement et expérimentalement, comment une conscience collaborative - une représentation de l'existence, de l'environnement et des objectifs partagés - peut naître des interactions et des perceptions des agents individuels.

Dans cet effort, le consortium s'appuiera uniquement sur les conditions non structurées que le monde réel exige sans tirer parti d'un langage partagé préexistant entre des êtres artificiels. EMERGE met en œuvre une voie directe de la recherche à la technologie pour dépasser les limites et les barrières des systèmes distribués de pointe actuels afin de produire des avancées et d'ouvrir de nouveaux marchés dans la prochaine génération de systèmes robotiques.

En plus des applications robotiques, EMERGE envisage également un impact dans des domaines tels que l'Internet des Objets (IoT), les villes et transports intelligents, les systèmes d’information basés sur des microservices et les nano-dispositifs biomédicaux, entre autres.

Le Codex vous propose des essais et des entretiens trimestriels combinant tradition séculaire et science de pointe, qui présentent une vision synoptique de l'innovation deeptech dans les domaines de l'IA, des technologies quantiques et de la biologie synthétique.

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The Codex Q3 2022 Télécharger

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The Codex Q1 2022 Télécharger

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The Codex Q3 2021 Télécharger

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The Codex Q2 2021 Télécharger


Leonardo Rebooted !

Leonardo ne se souciait pas des frontières entre l'art, la science et l'ingénierie. Il était aussi à l'aise pour peindre un sourire mystérieux que pour concevoir des ponts ou étudier l'anatomie et la dynamique des fluides.

En 2021, Le Da Vinci Labs à inauguré le programme Leonardo Rebooted ! pour soutenir le développement d’œuvres d’art digital dans deux catégories : biologie synthétique et IA/quantique. En février 2022, les jurys des catégories ont sélectionné deux lauréats :

Dans la catégorie biologie synthétique, la proposition gagnante a été rédigée par Noémie Soula , une artiste-designer française émergente basée au Royaume-Uni. Dans son projet intitulé "Mythical Living Data: An Inquiry into the Future of DNA as Data Storage" , Noémie étudie comment la création de chimères avec de l'ADN naturel et artificiel pourrait fournir une solution de stockage et de collection de données environnementales par des mutations génétiques. À travers le conte et la narration, ce projet fournit des outils pour s'engager dans des débats bioéthiques. Plus d'infos

Dans la catégorie IA / quantique, la proposition gagnante a été rédigée par Shawn Lawson , professeur agrégé à l'Arizona State University. Dans son projet, intitulé "XAI : Living Guts" , il aspire à créer et à révéler le fonctionnement interne de l'IA et de l'apprentissage automatique du point de vue des arts visuels, en utilisant la technologie de l'IA interprétable (XAI) pour favoriser la confiance et la rendre plus accessible. Plus d'infos

Suivez nos réseaux sociaux pour des mises à jour régulières sur ces projets.

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Da Vinci Labs SAS 49 Boulevard Preuilly 37000 Tours France

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New Hours: We will be open Tuesday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Open select holiday Mondays to be announced online and on social media.

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Traveling Science Programs

Can’t Make it to the Science Center? No Problem!
We’ll Bring the Science Center to You.

Presented by the STEAM Team

Traveling Science Programs inspire future scientists and bring hands-on science fun to schools and communities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, New York, and Connecticut. We offer single-day or multiple-day classroom programs, assembly-style science shows, and large-scale science celebrations. Programs are offered in English and Spanish.

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Classroom Programs

Standards-based classroom programs can be single-day, multiple-day, semester-long, or summer experiences. They can be held in schools or at community locations and are available during the school year and for after-school programs.

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Science Shows

Traveling science shows add fun and standards-based live science demonstrations to create memorable experiences for you and your students.

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Science Celebrations

Bring science to life in your community! Science celebrations provide your guests with exciting hands-on activity stations.

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Community Programs and Special Events

Experience Da Vinci Science Center’s fun and engaging brand of interactive science at your community program or special event!

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STEAM Team Specialty Programs

Specialty outreach programs provide teachers and students with unique access to the Science Center’s interactive healthcare exhibits, SynDaver and The MEGA Brain.

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Support Our Outreach Efforts

Your support helps Da Vinci Science Center bring more science to life and lives to science!

  • We do our best to accommodate all requests. However, we recommend booking at least one month in advance to ensure program availability.
  • Outreach educators will arrive: Up to 30 minutes prior to designated program start time for Classroom Programs. One hour prior to designated program start time for Science Shows. 30-60 minutes prior to designated program start time for Community Programs and Science Celebrations.
  • Please remember to allow time for clean up when booking.
  • Billing through PayPal is available upon request.
  • Purchase orders are acceptable in advance only and will not be accepted on the day of the program.
  • Final payments are not accepted on the day of the program.
  • All final payments should be made two weeks in advance of the first program date.
  • Make all checks payable to Da Vinci Science Center
  • Da Vinci Science Center Attn: Reservations Office 815 West Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18101

A travel fee will be applied to all programs held at locations more than 50 miles round trip from the Da Vinci Science Center.

  • 51-75 miles round trip: $75
  • 76-100 miles round trip: $100
  • 101-125 miles round trip: $125
  • Rates vary for programs farther than 125 miles round trip.
  • Travel restrictions apply for The Mega Brain programs.
  • Please call us immediately if you need to reschedule.  We will make every effort to accommodate your request.  If you need to cancel your program, please contact us at least two weeks in advance.  A $35 processing fee may be applied for rescheduling or cancelling a program.
  • A $75.00 rescheduling fee will be charged if an educator is traveling to the program’s location prior to receiving notification that a program needs to be rescheduled.
  • Delivery of programs is weather dependent. Weather-related cancellations can be rescheduled to a new date within the current school year with no penalty. Weather-related cancellations that are not rescheduled to a new date within the same school year will be refunded.

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Students were able to explore these areas, incorporate what they learned in class and talk about careers related to them. The staff from DaVinci was amazing! They were very engaging and answered so many questions posed by our students. — Pocono Mountain West High School

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The computer programming concept was delivered in a way that was fun and understandable at this age level. The activities provided experiences with literature, math, and science. — Lehigh Valley Children's Center

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We can’t thank Da Vinci enough for coming out yesterday! It was such a great day and your team was incredible! The kids had a wonderful time. — Community Event Organizer

Explore More

Photo of a father and child experiencing one of the programs in Curiosity Hall

Curiosity Hall

Begin your adventure in Curiosity Hall, where the excitement reaches new heights – literally!

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Sharks - Coming Soon!

Older than dinosaurs — and more threatened than threatening Sharks are spectacular, surprising, and often misunderstood.

Photo of a child interacting with one of the Vitruvian Hubs in Lehigh Valley Health Network My Body

Lehigh Valley Health Network
My Body

Embark on a journey into the incredible realm of the human body – the most sophisticated and complex machine on the planet!

Your support will help us bring science to life and lives to science in so many ways — including our exhibit experiences, academic and visitor programs, professional development for educators, and our new facility.

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Our Partners

Beall and Linny Fowler

  • Questions? +1 (202) 335-3939
  • Pricing & Comparison Chart

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Unitary Fund to open first European office in Tours (France) in collaboration with Da Vinci Labs

Unitary Fund to open first European office in Tours (France) in collaboration with Da Vinci Labs

Xavier Aubry Da Vinci Labs [email protected]

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Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence: A Journey in Nutritional Innovation

Nov 10, 2023 11:43:11 AM

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Written By: DaVinci Healthcare Expert

50 year

Since 1973, DaVinci® Laboratories has been a leader in nutritional research, product development, and innovation. To celebrate 50 years, we're reflecting on the milestones that have defined our mission to bring the best possible products to our customers, with research-backed supplements to support inflammatory health, restful sleep, a strong immune system, and balanced emotional health. *

FoodScience ® , LLC, the parent company of DaVinci ®  Laboratories, was founded with a vision to support  health  through the power of high-quality supplements. * Over the past five decades, we've stood firm in our dedication to providing professional-grade supplements and nutraceuticals known for their quality and efficacy in the industry.

As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we reflect on how far we've come and look forward to a future where we continue to innovate and advance the science of nutrition to help people live healthier, happier lives. *

A meaningful milestone in our journey cam e when we secured patents for DMG, or Dimethylglycine, a nutrient known for its versatile health benefits. * DMG, a derivative of the amino acid glycine, plays a vital role in heart health and cellular energy production , immune system support , mood and energy balance , and overall wellness.* This finding allowed us to develop a range of DMG products and offerings, which have since become widely used by practitioners and consumers.  We take pride that our DMG supplements have helped individuals and integrative practitioners alike  support their health  and that of their patients. *

In a stride to advance joint health and our joint support offerings,  we secured a patent for the combination of Perna ®  canaliculus , Glucosamine , and MSM. * This unique synergy of healthy ingredients has  ma de a significant difference in the choices available for joint support. * Perna ®  canaliculus, commonly known as the green-lipped mussel, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support a healthy inflammatory response beneficial to  joint comfort. *   Glucosamine is a building block for cartilage, promoting its regeneration and overall joint health. * MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) complements this combination by helping to provide sulfur, a key element for collagen production and joint tissue integrity. *

Our patented blend, Perna® Plus ,  is the foundation of our joint support product line, which is formulated to  promote joint flexibility and  comfort. * We’ve been thrilled with the impact these formulations have had on our customers over the past 50 years, supporting them to stay active and mobile throughout their lives. * We look forward to staying at the forefront of joint health solutions for decades to come.

In 2013, a technological breakthrough reshaped the landscape of our supplement offerings with the introduction of liposomal liquid production, changing how we deliver essential nutrients to our customers .* In many cases, liquid supplements provide distinct advantages over traditional forms, such as pills or capsules. They are easier to swallow and boast superior absorption rates with many nutrients, allowing the body to gain maximum benefit from the nutrients they contain. * Populations that can especially benefit from liposomal liquids (and liquids in general) include children, the elderly, those who have trouble swallowing pills, and individuals with digestion or malabsorption  issues. *

What sets our liposomal liquid supplements  apart is their ability to help enhance  bioavailability—the efficient absorption of active ingredients into the bloodstream.* Since so many struggle with proper nutrient absorption, our move to using liposomal technology empowered many to achieve improved health through effective supplementation.*

Some products we are especially proud of include Collagen Bright™  and D3/K2 Liquid , Liposomal  C , B12 MC Liquid , and Liposomal Melatonin Spray . Explore the benefits of our liposomal liquid supplements   and delve deeper into this transformative technology.

In 2016, a significant development occurred in our journey with the introduction of the DaVinci® Benefits line. This line of products was created to address the metabolic and biochemical processes within the body using advanced, high-end, and high-power formulations. *

The DaVinci® Benefits line includes products like GI Benefits® , Phyto Benefits™ , Andro Benefits™ , and Neuro Benefits™ . These products are carefully crafted  to provide targeted support to  help various health concerns by maximizing their potency and effectiveness. * Our formulations support cardiovascular health, improve cognitive function, along with several other specific health goals. *

A turning point for D aVinci® Laboratories occurred in 2019 with the launch of the Little DaVinci ®  line . This innovative  line was created to provide children with the same adequate levels of essential nutrients found in our adult formulas while delivering them in a kid-friendly format. *

Little DaVinci ®  products are not only designed to taste great (without harmful added sugars, sweeteners, and artificial ingredients found in many children’s supplements), but are also easy for children to take. * Delivery method adjustments help make sure kids are receiving essential nutrients in a way that is comfortable for them, such as chewable vitamin C , sleep support , Focus Chewable , Immuni-Z , and others. * Promoting lifelong wellness begins with the youngest members of our community, and the Little DaVinci ®  line helps children fill in nutritional gaps with high-quality and potent supplements designed for growing bodies.*

To explore our specially formulated supplements for children and learn more about the importance of early nutritional support, read our children’s nutritional health Ebook . * Our intention to continue expanding our children’s product offerings remains strong, as we understand that doctor-formulated nutraceuticals designed for kids aren’t widely available.

Now, in 2023, we are thrilled to announce that we’ve secured a patent for Provail® Whey Protein Encapsulated Glutathione, and this has enabled us to offer two new exciting products: DaVinci® Laboratories Glutathione with Provail® and Glutathione Bright with Provail®.

Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and is crucial in maintaining cellular health.* Healthcare practitioners have historically found standard glutathione supplements to be problematic, as they are easily broken down and poorly absorbed.

Both of our new innovative supplements, Glutathione with Provail® and Glutathione Bright with Provail®, are formulated using a revolutionary whey protein encapsulation delivery system, technology that involves the microencapsulation of active ingredients and allows for precise and controlled release within the body.* This delivery system worked better, faster, and went deeper than the leading glutathione products in a published animal study. [1] * Along with being more bioavailable, DaVinci® Laboratories glutathione products were seen to boost blood antioxidant activity and produce peak plasma glutathione faster than leading competitors.

We were also amazed to learn in our research and testing that because whey-encapsulated glutathione is 2.5 times better absorbed than leading glutathione supplements, you get the same effect with half as much. This is promising for doctors and healthcare professionals who want their patients to derive the maximum benefits of glutathione, and reap the rewards of taking whey protein. Whey boasts a rich source of cysteine, which also boosts glutathione levels.

The implications of Provail® are profound, as it opens up new possibilities for creating supplements that are even more effective in promoting health and well-being.* These products will help boost glutathione levels in ways that haven’t been possible before, supporting the most challenging cases of oxidant stress, everyday toxic exposures, age-related issues, healing, and repair.


The journey continues: beyond 50 years.

Since our founding in 1973, we have set out with a vision to harness nature’s gifts for human health, leading to cutting-edge patents, product lines, and technologies.

From pioneering DMG formulations to redefining joint health with products like Perna ® , Glucosamine, and MSM and introducing innovative liposomal liquid supplements, our primary aim has always been to empower healthcare practitioners and consumers  with top-quality products. * This mission also extends to meeting the unique needs of various generations, from the Little DaVinci ®  line for children to the latest Provail® technology for enhanced supplement delivery. *

As we look to the future, our dedication to innovation and scientific development continues to drive us forward. We are excited to keep exploring new horizons in nutritional science, taking steps towards healthier, happier lives for everyone.

We want to express our gratitude to our valued practitioners, c ustomers, and partners  who have been a part of this incredible journey. Your trust and loyalty motivate us to pursue excellence every day, and we look forward to many more years of serving you.

Thank you for being here. We look forward to the next 50 years together.

shop for dietary supplements

[1]   Zhang S, Wang C, Zhong W, Kemp AH, Guo M, Killpartrick A. Polymerized Whey Protein Concentrate-Based Glutathione Delivery System: Physicochemical Characterization, Bioavailability and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Evaluation. Molecules. 2021;26(7).


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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The Da Vinci Code Trail

This is the film tour everyone wants to take. visit the locations of the book and film in paris, london and edinburgh to bring the whole event to life. add in some detours, some more information, or is it mis-information decipher the riddles, perhaps those clues are really in there, itinerary at a glance.

  • Arrive in Paris
  • A tour of the Louvre; the Denon wing, the Mona Lisa and the pyramid
  • A tour of further Parisian locations from the book and film, including The Ritz
  • Visit Chateau Villette the location for Teabing’s house Chartres to view the wonderful cathedral and maze
  • Explore Chateau Clos Luce in Amboise, home to Leonardo da Vinci, which now houses an amazing collection of 40 inventions, drawn by Leonardo and constructed by IBM
  • Travel to London by Eurostar
  • See London’s Da Vinci Code highlights including Westminster Abbey and Temple Church
  • A free day in London
  • To Glastonbury in search of the holy grail with a visit of the Tor and Abbey
  • Visit more locations from the film; Burghley House, Lincoln Cathedral and Belvoir Castle
  • A stop off in beautiful York
  • A stay in the grand city of Edinburgh with a chance to see the Castle, Freemasons Hall, Royal Mile and Rosslyn Chape

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Day One: Arrive in Paris

  • A meet and greet at Paris CDG airport followed by a coach transfer with our special ‘Da Vinci Code’ tour manager to the hotel
  • An afternoon walking tour of the Louvre; the Denon wing, the Mona Lisa, the pyramid; could they really have made that jump?
  • An overnight stay in central Paris.

Day Two: Full Day in Paris

  • A tour of Paris with coach and guide.  Not only does the group see the superb sights of Paris, but also the many locations of the book and film; the Ritz hotel, Saint Sulpice church, the Arago plaques, the Arc du Carousel, the Pont du Carrousel and the astronomical gnomon.
  • Free afternoon for exploring, taking in more clues, hunting down more locations used in the film or to take some time out for shopping.

Day Three: Chateaux Villette and Clos Luce

  • First to Chateau Villette the location for Teabing’s house and a tour of the gardens, before travelling on to Chartres to view the wonderful cathedral and maze; the meanings of the sacred geometry are still open to much debate.
  • Finally to Chateau Clos Luce in Amboise, home to Leonardo da Vinci for many years. Discover the amazing collection of 40 inventions, drawn by Leonardo himself and constructed by IBM; the first automobile, the tank, the parachute, the helicopter, the swing bridge.  No codex or hidden clues here though!
  • Return to Paris

Day Four: To London

  • A morning transfer to the Paris station of Gare du Nord for the Eurostar train to London.  Travel across northern France at 300 km/h whilst re-reading the Da Vinci Code novel.
  • Arrive in London for a city tour of the Da Vinci code highlights:
  • Westminster Abbey, with the tomb of Isaac Newton
  • Temple Church, built by the Knight’s Templar (originally soldier monks who protected pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem) with its most unusual circular nave.  Situated in the Inner Temple, Temple Church is the epicentre of Templar/Priory activities in the UK. This is where Langdon and Neveu begin their search in London for the Holy Grail.
  • The tour will also pass by Kings College London, St.James Park, and Opus Dei London office, along with the more general sights of London.
  • An overnight stay in London.

Day Five: Free Day in London

  • A free day in London to explore more sights; the National Gallery with the painting ‘Virgin of the Rocks’ by Leonardo da Vinci, again used in the book to help decipher the code.  Alternatively a chance to soak up the atmosphere and take in some shopping.

Day Six: To Glastonbury

  • Depart London by executive touring coach for Glastonbury, where many believe the Holy Grail was hidden by Joseph of Arimathea. Dan Brown does gives a different perspective on the meaning of the Holy Grail, but Glastonbury has been so tied up and linked with this for centuries it is definitely worth the journey to make up your own mind.
  • Climb Glastonbury Tor, then descend to visit the abbey said by many to be a resting place for the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus drank from at Last Supper, or is it as Dan Drown asserts, the bloodline of Christ and Mary Magdalene?
  • Overnight stay in Bath.

Day Seven: Heading North

  • Passing through the picturesque Cotswolds, travel to Burghley House.  Originally built by one of Queen Elizabeth I advisors, it was used in the film for the interior of Castle Gandolfo.
  • Continue to Belvoir Castle, another location that was used in the film instead of Castle Gandolfo near Rome.  Tour the house and grounds that will bring back many memories from the film.
  • Continue to Lincoln and visit the cathedral – this cathedral was used instead of Westminster Abbey in the film.

Day Eight: To Edinburgh

  • North to York, for a short stop to view this wonderful city before continuing north into Scotland and Edinburgh.

Day Nine: Edinburgh’s Da Vinci Code Sites

  • A morning city tour taking in the Castle and Freemasons Hall.  Over the ages there have been many links made between the Freemasons and the Knights Templar, so this is definitely worth exploring as background to the plots in the novel and film.  Walk the Royal Mile taking in all the wonderful city sights.
  • An afternoon excursion to Roslin and a visit to Rosslyn Chapel built in 1446 which plays a major part in the film.  This chapel is linked to many legends and groups; the freemasons, the Knights Templar. The interpretations of its carvings may have links to the Norse, Christian and Jewish faiths.  The guide will explain the details whilst you take in the amazing carvings and surroundings.
  • Return to Edinburgh for a farewell dinner in a local restaurant.

Day Ten: Flight Home

  • Transfer to Edinburgh airport for departure flight home.

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100+ Off-Broadway Performances and Touring 


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The UK Tour Begins Sept 4, 2024

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  One Night Only – Remaining Cities:

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Sept 18, 2024 – Wed – Liverpool: St George’s Hall

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Sept 19, 2024 – Thur – Alnwick: Playhouse

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Sept 21, 2024 – Sat – Kirkcaldy: Adam Smith Theatre

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Sept 26, 2024 – Thur – Henley on Thames: Kenton Theatre

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Sept 27, 2024 – Fri – Honiton – The Beehive: Matinee 2:00 pm

Sept 27, 2024 – fri – honiton – the beehive: evening 7:oo pm performance.

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Sept 28, 2024 – Sat – Farnham: Aldridge Theatre

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Limited Number of Tickets for the Bloomsbury Londay Show Two 4 One with Code: DaVinci241

Sept 30, 2024 –  monday – london: bloomsbury theatre matinee 2:00 pm, sept 30, 2024 – monday – london: bloomsbury theatre 7:00 pm performance, reviews: glasgow – grosvenor picture theatre – sept. 12, 24, “ my wife and i did find the whole experience exhilarating, intriguing, in some parts amusing but all in all very captivating and extremely well presented. the life and work of the two famous geniuses were shown in a way that had the audience attention focused on the screen while mark’s words illustrated and explained the various pictures shown. this is a thank you note for the two hours that had me, as an italian, feeling very proud of my roots. keep up the good work “ best regards, f and r de martin, coventry – the albany theatre – sept. 5th, 24, “ this man’s passion is unparalleled “, “ in all honesty when he first came out i was a bit taken aback by his intensity, it’s very full on but wow, he kept us gripped the whole way through. “, what did you particularly enjoy “ everything “, winchester – theatre royal – sept. 4th, 24, “ brillant show “ – p. edwards, “ loved your show and your passionate presentation “ – s. mike, over 100 off-broadway nyc performances .

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Original Broadway Opening August 15, 2019

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100th NYC Performance / SoHo Playhouse / March 11, 2022

Additional performances are being scheduled for NYC and across the US. 

in an unforgettable journey through the Renaissance.

the most exceptional artistic period in history.

in an off-Broadway experience unlike any other.

"What a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Rodgers is a histrionic delight; full of information or bubermeise. Oh so cool, as he would say. A pinch of history, a bird's eye of what Michelangelo and Da Vinci left as a legacy to us. But, it's more Rodgers is a tonic for our sad times, replete with depressing reality. He leaves us with a simple old saw: dare to struggle, dare to think out of the box, dare to listen to our heart... I highly recommend the to hours with the effervescent Rodgers.

— Jakob C., New York

"He has a passion to share what inspires him about DaVinci and Michelangelo. Makes good points about how both figures are genius and yet so different in personality. While enjoyable and informative -- this is an explorative presentation more than a theater work. Touches on many themes. Everyone will find at least one moment of awe and 'I didn't realize that' as you come to learn how much DaVinci is in our daily lives."

— S.P., NYC

"I give the performance 5 stars: If you are interested  to learn more about Leonardo and Michelangelo  go to this show. Mark Rodgers, the presenter, does an amazing job, it’s a theatrical performance and a wonderful subject. The show is most entertaining  and informative. Go and enjoy. Don’t listen to the reviews  of small-brained folks. If you like the subject it’s great."

— C.G., Manhattan

"Davinci and Michelangelo will inspire you to 'discover the Davinci in you.'  Mark Rodgers is an expert historian and makes his subject come to life."

— Paul Zulkowitz, NYC

"Two of histories’ greatest minds, greatest artists and two rivals from the Italian Renaissance, this presentation of DaVinci and Michelangelo will leave you spellbound by the dynamic presenter and the on-screen presentation. Whether you have studied these Masters , travelled to Italy to see their masterpieces or are just interested in learning about these phenomenal figures this is an event that will inspire."

— Kathleen Curcio-Pollio, NYC

"DaVinci and Michelangelo: The Titans Experience" is a terrific show, a one-man performance about the art, the inventions, and the times of DaVinci and Michelangelo. The experience, always funny, interesting, and deft, is against a background of videos and still photographs of great beauty and interest, The Renaissance was a great gift to mankind, and these two artists were among its fascinating luminaries. Well worth seeing."

— M. Z., Brooklyn

"If you are a fan of DaVinci and Michelangelo, then this Titans Experience is for you.  So much information I learned that I never knew about. It is a multimedia production that brings both artists to life. Creator Mark Rodgers is also the director for the DaVinci Machines and Michelangelo Exhibitions for North America. He is knowledgeable and quite entertaining and funny. I enjoyed it and found it fascinating. I left the theater feeling as if I want to research these titans more on my own.

— M. Pizarro, Brooklyn

"I’ve studied DaVinci and Michelangelo and seen many of their works in Italy but was introduced in today’s wonderful performance to them as “persons.” They came alive and real with characteristics that are innate to all of us. This humanistic focus enraptured me. I feel so uplifted! A masterful performance that was presented with intellectual clarity and deep emotion."

— L.M., New York

"Excellent show, a lot of fun. Great information, about two famous painter plus so much more."

— M.C., Howard Beach

"Terrific and informative performance by a passionate actor admirer of DaVinci and Michelangelo! Highly recommend very upbeat and ultimately very personal! Not traditional theater but uplifting and you learn a lot - come away feeling good!"

— Barbara Tanzman, New York

A Spectacular One-Man Show

2022 broadwayworld.com 5 award nominations:.

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Best Performance – Mark Rodgers

Best direction of a play – bill stine, best lighting design – maarten cornelis, best sound design – matthew palmer & john rodgers, “the davinci michelangelo experience”, is set to awe and inspire you.

Revel in an unforgettable journey through the Renaissance and rediscover the most exceptional artistic period in history.

Now in its 9 th season, The Davinci Michelangelo Experience has played across the United States and most recently performed it’s 100+ Off-Broadway show in NYC at The Soho Playhouse on March 11th, 2022

Join Mark Rodgers, Director of The DaVinci Machines & Michelangelo Exhibitions for North America, on a unique journey through the glory of the Italian Renaissance with Davinci and Michelangelo as your guides!

Rodgers’ energy and passion are infectious, and you will quickly find yourself immersed in the inspirational world of The Italian Renaissance.

The performance showcases these two legendary geniuses and looks at their work through a contemporary lens.

The show is guaranteed to enrapture audiences from across the world at Broadway.  With shows across the United States, Europe, Australia and China, Rodgers has clearly distinguished his show as one of the very best on DaVinci and Michelangelo!

DaVinci & Michelangelo inspires and entertains.  Don’t miss it!

Running Time 2 Hours with 15 minute intermission.

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DaVinci Michelangelo Experience Reviews

Davinci michelangelo experience review headout.com, davinci michelangelo experience review curtainup, davinci michelangelo experience review theaterscene , davinci michelangelo experience review new york theatre guide,                , anthony r. – dec. 30th, 2022 performance, guaranteed to enrapture.

This extraordinarily unique and awe-inspiring, breakneck, multimedia journey takes you through the glory years of the Italian Renaissance with DaVinci and Michelangelo’s most famous chef-d’œuvres to guide you.

Some famous artwork explored during the show includes the Statue of David, the Mona Lisa, the Sistine Chapel, and DaVinci’s magnificent machines among countless others. The performance includes 3D animations of the various da Vinci inventions, along with images and movies of his sculptures, codices, and artwork of both the artists.

A fitting tribute to DaVinci and Michelangelo. 

See the Show

Upcoming usa and european performances.

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European Tour: September 2024

Performances Begin – September 3rd, 2024 and Beyond

UK Performance Dates:  Click On Theatre Venue Link For Tickets

Remaining Cities:

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Birmingham – Town Hall Theatre: Wed – Sept 11, 2024

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Glasgow – Oran Mor Theatre: Thursday, Sept. 12th, 2024

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Dumfries – Theatre Royal: Friday – Sept 13, 2024

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Sheffield – The Foundry: Sat – Sept 14, 2024

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Aberdeen – Tivoli Theatre: Mon, Sept 16, 2024

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Liverpool – St George’s Hall: Wed – Sept 18, 2024

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Alnwick – Playhouse:         ____ Thur – Sept 19, 2024

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Kirkcaldy – Adam Smith Theatre: Sat – Sept 21, 2024

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Middleton Hall – University of Hull: Sun Sept 22, 2024

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Hunstanton – Princess Theatre: Wed – Sept 25, 2024

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Henley on Thames – Kenton Theatre: Thur – Sept 26, 2024

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Honiton – The Beehive 2 pm Matinee Performance: Fri Sept 27, 2024

Honiton – The Beehive: 7 pm Evening Performance: Fri – Sept 27, 2024

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Farnham – Aldridge Theatre: Sat – Sept 28, 2024

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Harpenden – Eric Morecomb Theatre: Sun – Sept 29, 2024

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London – Bloomsbury Theatre: Mon. Sept 30th, 2024: 2:30 Matinee Performance

London – Bloomsbury Theatre: Mon Sept. 30th, 2024 7:30 Evening Performance

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London – The Leatherhead Theatre: Tue – Oct 1, 2024

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Upcoming US Performances

Merced Theatre, Merced, CA. 

April 13th, 2024 – 6:00 pm Performance 

Tickets Now On Sale! 

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Created by and starring Mark Rodgers, “ The DaVinci Michelangelo Experience” Theatre Performance is directed by Bill Stine, with lighting design by Maarten Cornelis, board technician Matthew Palmer and sound and video design by John Rodgers.

All shows presented by DiscoverDaVinci.com unless otherwise noted.

Highlight Reel

Media & reviews.

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"Mark Rodgers’ presentation is powerful and passionate, and it is easy to see that he has put in an incredible amount of effort and time into this endeavor." 

— Headout

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"This compelling work is the product of nearly a dozen years of tireless endeavors by Mark Rodgers"  

— Intermission Talk

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"His enthusiasm is infectious making you want to rush out and experience the exhibit live or read the lives of these great artists or see their works of art first hand."  

— Theater Scene

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"Intelligent, Entertaining, Masterful, Interesting, Absorbing"  

— Show Score

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Visitor Center

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Ames Gift Shop

The Ames Gift Shop in Silicon Valley, located off of Highway 101 near Mountain View (at exit 398, Moffett Blvd/NASA Parkway), is the place to purchase unique NASA gifts and official NASA gear. The Ames Gift Shop is open for in-person shopping: Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. PT. Merchandise can also be purchased online.

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 DIL is committed to servicing ALL your inspection needs. From the Medical, Aerospace and Semiconductor industries to our newest customer's industry, DIL has been inspecting manufactured parts since 1984. Our work is accurate, timely and reasonably priced. 

 Our service is backed by a management and inspection team that offers you years of hands-on experience operating coordinate measuring machines. 

 Quality is critical. And in this area, as in speed of response, DIL is unequalled in the industry. 

    Please contact us today to learn more about our inspection services.        We can give you a free quote on an individual part or group of parts, by phone, fax or e-mail, in as little as one hour after receiving your blueprint. While our standard turnaround time is 5 working days, a faster turnaround can be arranged. Email [email protected]

Dimensional Inspection Laboratories

35481 Dumbarton Court, Newark, California 94560, United States

Telephone (510) 744-4100 Fax (510) 744-4199

Copyright © 2020 Dimensional Inspection Laboratories - All Rights Reserved.

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  1. Da Vinci Labs

    da vinci labs tours

  2. Tours : IA, quantique et biologie synthétique se développent au Da

    da vinci labs tours

  3. Da Vinci Labs

    da vinci labs tours

  4. Da Vinci Labs

    da vinci labs tours

  5. Le Da Vinci Labs implante son incubateur deeptech en Touraine

    da vinci labs tours

  6. Da Vinci Labs

    da vinci labs tours


  1. Da Vinci's Last Supper Tours

    5-Star Rated Da Vinci's Last Supper Trips and Activities! Book Top Tours on Viator. Quick & Easy Purchase Process! Full Refund Available up to 24 Hours Before Your Tour Date

  2. Da Vinci Labs

    The Da Vinci Labs will be a multidisciplinary research center, harmoniously integrated into the natural environment of Touraine, bringing together several research and work spaces in a unique retreat for researchers and entrepreneurs who wish to tackle major environmental challenges of our century. ... 37000 Tours France Contact. If you have ...

  3. Da Vinci Labs

    Da Vinci Labs est un bâtiment de recherche multidisciplinaire qui vise à répondre aux enjeux environnementaux de notre époque. Il utilise des techniques innovantes de construction, d'énergie et de biodiversité pour réduire son empreinte et compenser ses impacts.

  4. Da Vinci Labs

    The Da Vinci Labs is an ambitious and visionary innovation programme in the middle of the Touraine region in France. The Da Vinci Labs aims to reconcile technological innovation with sustainable ...

  5. Da Vinci Labs va créer un incubateur dédié aux deeptechs en Touraine

    Le Da Vinci Labs, une structure actuellement implantée à la Cité de l'innovation à Tours, va créer un incubateur axé sur les deeptechs en pleine campagne, à Reugny, à une vingtaine de ...

  6. Meet The DaVinci Team

    Beth has graced DaVinci Laboratories with her presence since 2009, starting as a sales executive and then moving into the Customer Care Manager role. Having graduated from Champlain College with a degree in graphic design, she quickly learned that her passion lies in helping people. This decision launched her into an exciting career in sales ...

  7. Xavier Aubry

    Founder of Da Vinci Labs, a deeptech accelerator, and Zaz Ventures, an innovation… · Expérience : Da Vinci Labs · Formation : Harvard Business School · Lieu : Tours · 500 relations ou plus sur LinkedIn. Consultez le profil de Xavier Aubry sur LinkedIn, une communauté professionnelle d'un milliard de membres.

  8. Traveling Science Programs

    Da Vinci Science Center. Attn: Reservations Office. 815 West Hamilton Street. Allentown, PA 18101. Travel Fee Policy. 51-75 miles round trip: $75. 76-100 miles round trip: $100. 101-125 miles round trip: $125. Rates vary for programs farther than 125 miles round trip.

  9. Unitary Fund to open first European office in Tours (France) in

    Unitary Fund, a non-profit organization supporting the quantum technology ecosystem, will open its first European office in Tours, France. Da Vinci Labs, a

  10. Da Vinci Labs Investor Profile: Portfolio & Exits

    Da Vinci Labs General Information Company Description. Founded in 2021, Da Vinci Labs is an accelerator firm based in Tours, France. The firm focuses on agriculture, renewable energies and artificial intelligence sectors.

  11. Da Vinci Labs

    Da Vinci Labs is a multidisciplinary research center focused on reconciling technological innovation with sustainable development. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Da Vinci Labs's full profile. ... It was founded in 2021 and is based in Tours, France. Headquarters Location. 49 Boulevard Preuilly . Tours, 37000, France. Suggest an edit ...

  12. DaVinci Laboratories

    DaVinci® Laboratories is a company that produces and sells natural and high-quality nutritional supplements since 1973. It has a strong focus on research and innovation, especially on DMG, and offers truth in labeling and quality assurance.

  13. Contact Us

    Our sales consultants contact information can be found on the meet the team page. Describe in two or three words what we can help with. Stay in Touch! Yes! Sign me up for DaVinci Laboratories emails to stay up to date on content and product information. Hours of Operation for Customer Care are 8:00 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday.

  14. Intuitive

    Intuitive is a company that develops and manufactures robotic systems for minimally invasive surgery. Learn about its products, such as Da Vinci 5, Ion bronchoscopy, and SureForm stapling, and how they advance what's possible in health care.

  15. Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence: A Journey in Nutritional Innovation

    DaVinci Laboratories is a leader in nutritional research, product development, and innovation since 1973. Learn about their milestones, patents, and products that support inflammatory health, restful sleep, immune system, emotional health, and more.

  16. The Da Vinci Code Trail

    Day Four: To London. A morning transfer to the Paris station of Gare du Nord for the Eurostar train to London. Travel across northern France at 300 km/h whilst re-reading the Da Vinci Code novel. Arrive in London for a city tour of the Da Vinci code highlights: Westminster Abbey, with the tomb of Isaac Newton.

  17. DaVinci Custom Travel &Tours: Custom Tours Of Italy

    Experience Italy's hidden treasures and essence with Peter D'Attoma, a native of Italy and a travel expert for over 25 years. He designs custom itineraries with personalized service, attention to detail, and value for each client.

  18. Shop Supplements

    DaVinci Laboratories offers a variety of supplements for health, wellness, and beauty. Browse their products by category, bundle, or best seller and enjoy 30-day returns.

  19. Home

    Discover DaVinci, the Exhibition is now on tour in an awe-inspiring, multi-media theatrical event. DaVinci & Michelangelo: The Titans Experience will be back in theaters in May 2021. ... The performance includes 3D animations of the various da Vinci inventions, along with images and movies of his sculptures, codices, and artwork of both the ...

  20. Where can I buy DaVinci® products?

    DaVinci® offers natural health products for various needs and conditions. You can buy them online, on Amazon, or at participating doctor's offices.

  21. Visit Ames Research Center

    NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley is a research laboratory that does not host public tours, but offers a visitor center and a gift shop. The visitor center at Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland showcases Ames history and projects, while the gift shop sells NASA merchandise.

  22. Inspection

    DIL is a company that offers inspection services for various industries since 1984. It uses coordinate measuring machines and provides fast and accurate results, as well as free quotes and turnaround options.

  23. Glutathione with Provail®

    Glutathione with Provail® is a glutathione supplement with 2.5x better bioavailability than other forms of glutathione. It helps maintain cellular health, immune system, digestive tract, and mental focus.*

  24. Planning a Visit to the Intel Museum or Other Intel Locations

    Our museum showcases our history through unique, educational exhibits. Journey through decades of innovation by visiting the Intel Museum in Santa Clara, CA, or online! For hours, address, and directions, visit the museum. Schedule a tour or school field trip - Call (480) 765-5050 or email. Explore Intel's history in our Virtual Vault.