Eric Extreme

How do I delete all tab groups in Safari?

I don't know how it happened, but I can't use Safari on any of my devices due to it being bogged down with over 1200 tab groups. I checked my cameras at home and sure enough one of my cats sat on my keyboard and somehow created over 1200 duplicate tab groups, each containing over 380 bookmarks. I have tried turning off iCloud syncing. I am unable to delete any tab group individually as it just freezes the computer. How can I delete all tab groups simultaneously? Thanks!

Posted on May 31, 2024 6:56 PM

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Jul 16, 2024 7:37 AM in response to francisperea

Okay, we'll try! This is not me (don't want to steal credit!). But it worked for me. Courtesy of Alexander Neth who posted this at Medium.

DISCLAIMER. It's very hard on a modern Mac, especially with Apple silicon, to "lock" the OS, but scripts are running right there in the UI, simulating your own keystrokes and mouse movements, so I recommend not having anything terribly significant — unsaved — in any other application window when you do this. Run it when it won't break your heart if, halfway through, you feel the need to reboot.

Here we go!

Starting on your Mac …

#1 Quit and then relaunch Safari , # 2 get one browser window open and make sure that the sidebar with that endless list of tab groups is visible in it ( View > Show sidebar ); in other words, the active window in Safari needs to be the window containing the tab groups you want to delete or the script will end up just banging its head against the wall, so to speak

#3 Now open Script Editor, create a new script ( File > New) , and # 4 plop this in via Copy and Paste :

-- Function to log messages to the Script Editor result

on logMessage(message)

log message

end logMessage

-- Activate Safari

tell application "Safari"

-- Main block for interacting with Safari's UI

tell application "System Events"

-- Verify Safari process exists

if exists process "Safari" then

tell process "Safari"

-- Navigate through each Personal Tab Group

-- Select the next tab group

keystroke (ASCII character 31 ) using {command down, option down}

-- Close the tab group

keystroke "w" using {command down, control down}

on error errMsg number errNum

-- Log the error if unable to delete a Personal Tab Group

my logMessage( "Failed to delete a Personal Tab Group: " & errMsg & " (" & errNum & ")" )

-- Check for delete confirmation dialog

if exists (sheet 1 of window 1 ) then

click button "Delete" of sheet 1 of window 1 -- Confirm deletion by clicking the "Delete" button

-- Log the error if unable to confirm deletion

exit repeat

-- Log if Safari process is not found

my logMessage( "Safari process not found." )

(in theory this next part is optional, but I saved it to the Desktop before the next step, just in case it broke and I had to reboot)

Ready? Last step is to ... # 5 run the script (press the 'play' button) in Script Editor.

At least in my experience, while it's running, you're kind of captive to it. You can't do much else. I was able to COMMAND-TAB to Safari and 'watch' the tab groups slowly disappear (Safari will give you a running summary of tab groups deleted and tab groups remaining), and that's when you might want to go make some coffee or read a nice, long Atlantic article. 😊 It will take a little while. Empty tab groups will disappear faster than those with embedded favorites.


Going into this process, I had tried several combinations of activating Safari — and de-activating Safari — from the list of apps that use iCloud (iOS > Settings > [your Apple ID] > APPS USING ICLOUD > Show All > Safari). I did that on the Mac a few times, too, just to see if removing some of Safari's supporting containers from the Library hierarchy helped. It didn't.

But I point this out because one of my fears in running the script was that, upon completion, the Mac would query iCloud, see all the tab groups on the PHONE, and just copy them all over again.

At least for me, that did NOT happen. 😅

For me, I just needed to be patient. It took about 30-45 minutes for the iPhone to sync and retire its "copy" of those extraneous tab groups.

Hopefully this works for folks! If it does, thank Mr. Neth and check him out on Medium.


Jul 24, 2024 11:04 AM in response to iGrayBeard

Hi iGrayBeard,

Thanks a lot for your contribution.

Yesterday I got a call from Apple Support. They said that they know the existence of this bug and that it should be supposedly corrected in next MacOS update.

By the moment I decided to give a try to your script and after adjusting a bit the waiting times for my situation (I had some groups with more than 12 tabs that wew heavy to load) and after more than 6 hours working I finally get rid of all those thousands of tab groups!

After that I have back enabled Safari in iCloud and they have also disappeared in my iPhone and iPad.

By the moment I'm not still able to see iCloud tabs shared among devices but I hope it is just a question of time and/or restart, but the heavy weight of the tabs groups has ended.

Thanks a lot once again!

I'll leave my adapted version of the script in case any one can use it.

May 31, 2024 7:19 PM in response to Eric Extreme

tab groups safari delete

Jun 12, 2024 12:43 AM in response to Eric Extreme

Were you able to get any solution for this? I've got just the same situation.

Thanks in advance.

Jul 11, 2024 3:03 PM in response to Eric Extreme

I was able to mass delete the unwanted tab groups under Sonoma on the Mac

You do need to make sure you have the sidebar visible in Safari before you run it and it does take a while (and it's not the kind of thing where, at least in my experience, you can do anything else while it's running as it's effectively a screen macro).

BUT! Once done, the tab groups are gone. For your other devices, you do need to be patient. It took about an hour for everything to stabilize.

[Edited by Moderator]


Jul 13, 2024 12:41 PM in response to iGrayBeard

Hi iGreyBeard,

How did you mass delete your groups? I can't select multiple tab groups in any of my profiles. I've tried holding shift and selecting the bottom and topmost tab groups, and I've tried holding cmd and selecting each tab group individually. Neither works. Any tips?

Jul 15, 2024 7:13 AM in response to Eric Extreme

I finally had to get in contact with Apple Support, they asked for lots of information because it seems they know already that there is some kind of problem with this. More than a month later I still have no solution for this.

The only thing I've been able to do is delete all tabs on Mac (they are stored on several SafariTabs* files on ~/Library/Containers/ and disable iCloud for Safari in all my devices.

If I get some news from Apple Support I'll let you know.

Jul 15, 2024 11:18 AM in response to hendrikfromparis

I apologize. My initial post included a link to a script I found that automated the process, but guidelines for Apple support forums bar the inclusion of external links (which I get; for every noble effort to point someone to a useful resource, there would be spam links or other malicious cruft).

So, I posted — and then that section was removed! Automatically.

If it's permitted to include the text of the script in a post, with attribution, I'm happy to do it, but someone overseeing the thread needs to give me their blessing first.

Jul 16, 2024 12:07 AM in response to iGrayBeard

It would be great to take a look into that script. Perhaphs you could upload it to Github for example and just give us your username and repository name. 

I’ve seen also that this editor has a Code Insertion button, so it should be possible to paste it just here too.

Thanks in advance 

May 31, 2024 7:22 PM in response to BraxtonD24

Safari freezes upon opening. I am unable to do anything within Safari on my M2 iMac, M3 MacBook Air, M2 Ultra Mac Studio, and on my iPhone 15 pro max.

Jun 1, 2024 6:49 AM in response to BraxtonD24


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tab groups safari delete

Group tabs in Safari on Mac

You can organize tabs into groups that make it easy to quickly switch between groups of related websites.

A Safari window showing the sidebar with a Tab Group selected.

Open Safari for me

Create a Tab Group from the tabs in the current window

tab groups safari delete

Choose New Tab Group with [ number ] Tabs.

Enter a name for the Tab Group, then press Return.

Create a Tab Group by selecting tabs

Choose New Empty Tab Group.

Control-click a tab in the tab bar, choose Move to Tab Group, then choose the Tab Group.

You can also drag tabs from the tab bar into a Tab Group.

Open a Tab Group

Choose a Tab Group.

If the sidebar is open, click a Tab Group in the sidebar.

To preview thumbnails of the websites in a Tab Group, Control-click the Tab Group in the sidebar, then choose Show Tab Overview.

Tip: To quickly email the links in a Tab Group to others, drag the Tab Group from the Safari sidebar to an email message.

How To Delete Tab Groups In Safari

Copy to Clipboard

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Tab grouping is a convenient feature that allows users to organize and manage their browsing experience more efficiently. By grouping related tabs together, users can reduce clutter, improve productivity, and easily switch between different sets of tabs based on their interests or tasks. However, there are times when certain tab groups are no longer needed, and users may want to declutter their browsing environment by deleting these groups.

In this guide, we will explore the process of deleting tab groups in Safari, Apple's popular web browser . Whether you're streamlining your browsing experience, reorganizing your tabs, or simply looking to remove unnecessary tab groups, understanding how to delete tab groups in Safari can help you maintain a tidy and organized browsing environment.

By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you will learn how to navigate Safari's interface to access and manage your tab groups effectively. With a few simple clicks, you can declutter your browser window and tailor your tab organization to suit your current browsing needs.

Let's dive into the process of deleting tab groups in Safari and take control of your browsing experience. Whether you're a casual user or a seasoned web enthusiast, mastering this essential skill will empower you to maintain a clean and streamlined browsing environment, enhancing your overall productivity and enjoyment while using Safari.

Step 1: Open Safari

To begin the process of deleting tab groups in Safari, the first step is to open the Safari web browser on your device. Whether you're using a Mac computer, an iPhone, or an iPad, launching Safari is the initial action that sets the stage for managing your tab groups effectively.

On a Mac, you can easily open Safari by clicking on its icon in the dock or by locating it in the Applications folder. Alternatively, you can use Spotlight Search by pressing Command + Space, typing "Safari," and hitting Enter to launch the browser.

If you're using an iPhone or iPad, simply locate the Safari icon on your home screen and tap it to open the browser. Once Safari is launched, you'll be ready to proceed to the next step of accessing your tab groups.

By opening Safari, you gain access to a versatile and user-friendly browsing environment that serves as the foundation for managing your tab groups. Whether you're a casual user or a power browser, launching Safari is the gateway to a world of possibilities, including the ability to organize and optimize your browsing experience through the management of tab groups.

With Safari now open on your device, you're ready to delve into the next steps of accessing and deleting tab groups, taking control of your browsing environment and tailoring it to your specific needs and preferences. By mastering the foundational step of opening Safari, you've set the stage for a seamless and efficient tab group management process, empowering you to declutter your browsing experience and enhance your overall productivity.

Now that Safari is up and running, let's move on to the next step and explore how to access your tab groups within the browser's interface.

Step 2: Access Tab Groups

Accessing tab groups in Safari is a straightforward process that allows users to view and manage their grouped tabs seamlessly. Whether you've organized your tabs into specific categories or utilized tab groups for different projects or interests, accessing these groups is essential for effective tab management.

Viewing Tab Groups: Upon opening Safari, look for the tab group icon located in the upper-left corner of the browser window. This icon resembles a square comprised of smaller squares, representing the grouped tabs. Clicking on this icon reveals a dropdown menu displaying all your existing tab groups.

Selecting a Tab Group: Once the tab group menu is visible, you can select a specific tab group by clicking on its name. This action instantly switches the browser window to display the tabs within the chosen group, allowing you to focus on the content related to that particular category or project.

Managing Tab Groups: In addition to accessing tab groups, Safari provides options to manage them effectively. By right-clicking on the tab group icon or a specific tab within a group, you can access a contextual menu offering various actions, including renaming, moving, or deleting the tab group.

Keyboard Shortcuts: For users who prefer keyboard shortcuts, Safari offers a quick way to access tab groups. Pressing Command + Shift + \ allows you to toggle between tab groups, providing a convenient method for navigating through your grouped tabs without using the mouse.

Customizing Tab Group Display: Safari also allows users to customize the display of tab groups. By right-clicking on the tab group icon and selecting "Show Tab Bar," you can choose to display the tab groups as a separate bar below the address bar, providing a visual representation of your grouped tabs for easy access.

Accessing tab groups in Safari empowers users to efficiently manage their browsing experience, enabling seamless navigation between different sets of tabs based on specific categories, projects, or interests. By understanding how to access and utilize tab groups effectively, users can optimize their browsing environment and enhance their productivity while using Safari.

Step 3: Delete Tab Groups

Deleting tab groups in Safari is a simple yet essential task for maintaining an organized and clutter-free browsing environment. Whether you've completed a project, concluded a research endeavor, or simply no longer need a specific set of grouped tabs, removing tab groups can help streamline your browsing experience and ensure that your browser window remains tailored to your current needs and interests.

To delete a tab group in Safari, follow these straightforward steps:

Accessing the Tab Group Menu: Begin by opening Safari and locating the tab group icon in the upper-left corner of the browser window. This icon, resembling a square comprised of smaller squares, represents the grouped tabs. Click on this icon to reveal a dropdown menu displaying all your existing tab groups.

Selecting the Tab Group to Delete: Once the tab group menu is visible, review the list of tab groups and select the one you wish to delete by clicking on its name. This action instantly switches the browser window to display the tabs within the chosen group, confirming your selection.

Deleting the Tab Group: With the tab group displayed in the browser window, right-click on the tab group icon or a specific tab within the group. A contextual menu will appear, providing various options for managing the tab group. Select the "Delete Tab Group" option from the menu to initiate the deletion process.

Confirmation Prompt: Safari will typically display a confirmation prompt to ensure that you intend to delete the selected tab group. Confirm the deletion by clicking "Delete" or a similar affirmative option in the prompt.

Verification of Deletion: Once the tab group is deleted, the browser window will no longer display the tabs associated with that group. The tabs will either be closed or returned to the general browsing view, depending on the browser's default behavior for deleted tab groups.

By following these steps, you can effectively delete tab groups in Safari, decluttering your browsing environment and ensuring that your tab organization remains aligned with your current browsing needs. Whether you're tidying up after completing a project or reorganizing your tabs for a fresh start, mastering the process of deleting tab groups empowers you to maintain a clean and efficient browsing experience.

Deleting tab groups in Safari is a valuable skill that allows users to adapt their browsing environment to their evolving interests and tasks. By understanding how to manage tab groups effectively, users can optimize their browsing experience and maintain a tidy and personalized workspace within the Safari browser.

In conclusion, mastering the art of deleting tab groups in Safari empowers users to maintain a clean, organized, and personalized browsing environment. By following the simple yet essential steps outlined in this guide, users can effectively manage their tab groups, declutter their browser window, and tailor their tab organization to suit their current browsing needs and interests.

The ability to delete tab groups in Safari offers a valuable opportunity to adapt and optimize one's browsing experience. Whether it's tidying up after completing a project, reorganizing tabs for a fresh start, or simply removing unnecessary tab groups, this skill allows users to maintain a streamlined and efficient workspace within the Safari browser.

By accessing and managing tab groups, users can seamlessly navigate between different sets of tabs based on specific categories, projects, or interests. This level of organization not only reduces clutter but also enhances productivity by providing quick access to relevant content without the distraction of unrelated tabs.

Furthermore, the process of deleting tab groups in Safari is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. With straightforward steps that involve accessing the tab group menu, selecting the tab group to delete, and confirming the deletion, users can easily declutter their browsing environment without any unnecessary complexity.

As technology continues to play an integral role in our daily lives, the ability to manage and optimize our digital workspace becomes increasingly important. Safari's tab grouping feature, combined with the capability to delete tab groups, empowers users to take control of their browsing experience, ensuring that their browser window remains tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

In essence, the skill of deleting tab groups in Safari is not only about decluttering the browser window but also about maintaining a personalized and efficient digital workspace. By mastering this essential skill, users can enhance their overall browsing experience, boost productivity, and enjoy a more streamlined and organized approach to navigating the web.

With the knowledge gained from this guide, users can confidently navigate Safari's interface, access and manage their tab groups, and delete unnecessary tab groups as needed. This proficiency enables users to maintain a tidy and efficient browsing environment, ultimately enhancing their enjoyment and productivity while using the Safari web browser.

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Safari now features tab groups that organize your browser tabs in groups you can label and move around. It helps you reduce tab clutter, similar to how tab groups work on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome . Here's how to use them.

To use tab groups in Safari, you need to be running Safari 15 or later. You can update Safari using System Preferences.

Related: How to Update Safari on Mac

When you're ready, launch Safari on your Mac and open your favorite websites in different tabs. Next, click the "Show Sidebar" icon in the top-left corner of Safari to reveal the Sidebar.

In the Sidebar, you'll see the number of Tabs open at the top. Right-click the button showing the number of tabs open at the top of the sidebar and select "New Tab Group with [#] Tabs" to add all the open tabs into a single new tab group.

All the tabs will appear in a new "Untitled" tab group on the Sidebar. Right-click "Untitled" and select "Rename." Give a new name to the tab group and hit Return to save it.

Next, click the "Hide Sidebar" button in the top-left corner of Safari to close the Sidebar.

Safari will show you the tab group label at the top, next to the "Show Sidebar" button.

To move a tab into a new or existing tab group, right-click on the particular tab, select "Move to Tab Group," and choose an existing tab group name or a new tab group.

You can switch between the tab groups by clicking on the tab label in the top-left corner of Safari.

To add a new tab in any group, you can press Command+T to open a new tab or click the "+" (plus) button in the top-right corner of Safari. You can re-arrange the order of the tab groups by dragging them above or below the existing groups on the Sidebar.

To delete a tab from a tab group, hit the Tabs Overview button in the top-right corner (four squares) to see the snapshot of tabs in a group. Then, click the "X" in the top-left of the tab preview thumbnail to remove it from the group.

Tab Groups are a helpful feature for organizing and managing tabs instead of leaving several of them open. You can also  copy the links of the open tabs in a tab group to save them for later before you close all the tabs at once . Happy Browsing!

Related: How to Copy URLs of All Open Tabs in Safari

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How to manage your tabs in macOS Monterey Safari

No more tab hunting in Safari

Safari Tab Groups screenshot

With Safari 15 on macOS Monterey , you can now organize your tabs with Tab Groups. For those of us who regularly open up one too many tabs, it can be a bit of a chore finding the one you need. Tab Groups can make your life easier by allowing you to organize specific tabs into neat groups.

Incorporating Tab Groups into your browsing flow helps you find information faster. When you open a Tab Group, you open all the tabs within it - and hide everything else. You can then switch between Tab Groups, if need be. Here’s what you need to know about how to manage Tab Groups in Safari. 

Creating a New Tab Group

Safari Tab Groups screenshot

There are a few different ways you can create a Tab Group on Safari. Let’s start with the sidebar options:

  • Click the down arrow next to the sidebar icon (marked Tab group picker). Then click on ‘New tab group’ with x tabs. You can then enter a name for this Tab Group, and press Return.
  • If the sidebar is already open, then you can complete the same process outlined above by clicking on the icon at the top marked ‘New tab group’.

You can also create a new tab group by clicking on File > New Tab Group with x tabs . This will automatically add all your open tabs into that Tab Group.

Finally, you can also create an empty Tab Group. To do this:

  • Follow the steps we outlined above, but instead of selecting ‘New Tab Group’, choose ‘New Empty Tab Group’.
  • Give your Tab Group a name, then press Return.
  • You can then drag the tabs you want from the tab bar into your Tab Group. Alternatively, control-click a tab, select Move to Tab Group, then choose the Tab Group you want to move it to.

Open an Existing Tab Group

Safari Tab Groups screenshot

Once you’ve created a Tab Group, it’s really simple to open it when you need it. There are two ways to do this:

  • In Safari, you can click the down arrow that’s next to the Sidebar button on your toolbar. You can then choose the relevant Tab Group from the dropdown menu.
  • Alternatively, if the sidebar is already open, you can choose a Tab Group from there.

It’s worth noting that if you are unsure which Tab Group you need, you can preview thumbnails of what’s in the group. To do this, click the Tab Group in the sidebar, then click the Tab Overview button. This will then present your tabs in an easy-to-view tile format, so you can quickly find what you are looking for.

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Switch Between Tab Groups

Safari Tab Groups screenshot

If the sidebar menu is closed, then click on the name of your current Tab Group, which you’ll see in the top left corner of the Safari window. If you click on it, you can then select a different Tab Group. There will also be a small down arrow next to your Tab Group name, which serves the same function.

If you need to switch between Tab Groups, this is also very straightforward. If you are using the sidebar, you’ll see all your Tab Groups listed under the Tab Groups header. Simply choose whichever one you wish to switch to by clicking on it. It will open the new Tab Group, and the previously open tabs will be hidden.

Editing Tab Groups

Safari Tab Groups screenshot

Tab Groups give you plenty of scope to edit, so you don’t need to worry that once you’ve created a group, it can’t be changed. Let’s run through the key things you need to know:

  • Rename a Tab Group from the sidebar. Control-click the Tab Group you wish to change, choose Rename, type in a new name, and press Return.
  • To rearrange the order in which your Tab Groups appear, again use your sidebar. Simply drag a Tab Group to the position you want it to be.
  • If you want to rearrange the order of the tabs within a Tab Group, start by opening the tab group. Then in the tab bar, drag a tab before or after another tab, to put it in the desired spot.
  • To delete a tab from a Tab Group, open the Tab Group. Find the tab you wish to delete in the tab bar, and click the Close button on the left side of that tab.
  • And finally, if you want to delete a Tab Group altogether, go to your sidebar. Control-click the Tab Group you no longer want, and choose Delete. This will delete all the tabs that were included in that group. So if you want to retain any of them, make sure you move them to another Tab Group first.

Sync to Other Devices

Safari Tab Groups screenshot

If you are signed in with the same Apple ID to any other device - be it an iPad, iPhone, or Mac - then Tab Groups from your Mac will be shared with your other devices automatically. The same principle applies in reverse, so any Tab Groups you create on your iPhone for example, will be shared with your Mac.

You can also send the links in a Tab Group to others, simply by dragging the Tab Group from the sidebar of Safari and dropping it into a mail message. If you control-click the Tab Group, you can copy the links from your Tab Group, and then paste them into another app, such as a Notes or Pages document. It will automatically include the name of the Tab Group, followed by the list of links.

That’s everything you need to know about how to manage Tab Groups in Safari in macOS Monterey. It’s a great tool for keeping your tabs under control, instead of endlessly searching for what you need.

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Steven Shaw is a full-time freelancer, but before his change of career at the start of 2021, he was in the retail industry, leading teams to achieve goals in selling technology products, such as smart phones, tablets and more.

Graduating from the University of Cambridge with a Masters in Medieval History, he's always had a passion for the topic, alongside technology, and many Simpsons quotes.

You'll find him on TechRadar mainly helping out the Software & Downloads section, offering his knowledge of macOS, Windows and more, from the systems that he's sold and showcased for many years in his previous life.

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tab groups safari delete

How to use tab groups in Safari on iPhone and iPad

Iphone 13 Mini Safari Hero

How to create a new tab group in Safari

  • How to rename a tab group in Safari
  • How to reorder tab groups in Safari
  • How to view all tabs in a tab group in Safari
  • How to delete a tab group in Safari

When you're browsing the web on your current iPhone, do you end up with hundreds of tabs open? I mean, did you even know that the limit of tabs you can open is actually capped at 500? I've come about halfway to that, but I know others have reached that outrageous limit thanks to social media. But an iOS 15 feature can help you organize that chaos into something a little more manageable, at least, if you're disciplined enough to keep up with it.

Apple added Safari tab groups in iOS 15 , iPadOS 15, and macOS Monterey . With tab groups, you can sort and group together your open tabs, such as websites for work, shopping, entertainment, and more.

Here's how to use tab groups in Safari on the best iPhone and iPad, like the iPhone 13 Pro . And if you're wondering about it for your Mac, here's how to use tab groups in Safari in macOS Monterey .

The moment you launch Safari on iPhone and iPad, you've already created a new tab group by default. Any tabs that you open will go into this default tab group. However, you can create a new group at any time if you so choose.

  • Launch Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap the tab button on the bottom toolbar . It looks like two cascading squares.
  • Tap where it says X Tabs ("X" being the number of tabs open in this group), with an arrow pointing down . This will bring up the Tab Groups menu .

Create new tab group in Safari on iPhone: Launch Safari, tap the Tab button, tap the number of tabs to bring up menu

  • Tap New Empty Tab Group .
  • Give your new tab group a name .

Create new tab group in Safari on iPhone: Tap New Empty Tab Group, give group a name, tap Save

Now, any new tab that you open will be in this new tab group until you switch groups. And tab groups are synced across all of your devices via iCloud, so you can pick up easily where you left off across your iPhone, iPad , and Mac.

How to rename a tab group in Safari on iOS and iPadOS 15

If you have multiple tab groups, you'll want to make sure that they are named so you can easily recognize what they are for at a glance. Thankfully, you can rename a tab group at any time.

  • Make sure you are in the Tab Groups menu by following steps 1-3 above .

Rename tab group in Safari on iPhone: Launch Safari, tap the Tab button, tap the number of tabs to bring up menu

  • Long press on a tab group that you have already given a name .
  • Select Rename in the contextual popup menu.
  • Type in the new name .

Rename tab group in Safari on iPhone: Long press an existing tab group to bring up menu, tap Rename, type in new name, tap Save

How to reorder tab groups in Safari on iOS and iPadOS 15

  • Make sure you are in the Tab Groups menu .

Reorder tab groups in Safari on iPhone: Launch Safari, tap the Tab button, tap the number of tabs to bring up menu

  • Touch and drag one of your groups into your desired spot on the list.

Reorder tab groups in Safari iPhone: Touch-and-drag the tab group you want into the position on the list

You should make sure that you are quick to drag it because if you long-press the tab group, it will just bring up the menu to rename or delete it.

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How to view all tabs in a tab group in Safari on iOS and iPadOS 15

When you can't remember all of the tabs that are open in a tab group, you can view everything that is in a certain tab group just by viewing that group.

  • While you're on a webpage , tap the tab button on the toolbar .
  • To see what other tabs are open in other tab groups, select the tab group you want to view tabs for.
  • You'll get to see a thumbnail of each tab in a tab group once it's selected.

View all tabs in a tab group in Safari on iPhone: Launch Safari, tap the Tab button, tap the number of tabs to bring up menu

How to delete a tab group in Safari on iOS and iPadOS 15

Delete tab group in Safari on iPhone: Launch Safari, tap the Tab button, tap the number of tabs to bring up menu

  • Select Delete in the contextual popup menu.
  • Confirm that you want to delete by tapping Delete .

Delete tab group in Safari iPhone: Long press on a tab group that you previously created, tap Delete from the menu, confirm by tapping Delete

Deleting a tab group will close out all tabs that are in the tab group. You cannot undo this action.

Tab groups are useful, but for the disciplined

As you can see, tab groups can definitely be helpful if you tend to end up with hundreds of open tabs in Safari over time, thought the feature can be a little hidden for most people. But as useful as the feature is, it's definitely for those who are disicplined enough to keep up with it. As you can tell from the screenshots, I'm a little lazy to maintain the upkeep. iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 brought many changes to Safari, and despite some early controversies, it seems to have quieted down a bit.

Updated May 2022: Added screenshots. These are still the current steps for tab groups in Safari in the latest version of iOS.

Christine Romero-Chan was formerly a Senior Editor for iMore. She has been writing about technology, specifically Apple, for over a decade at a variety of websites. She is currently part of the Digital Trends team, and has been using Apple’s smartphone since the original iPhone back in 2007. While her main speciality is the iPhone, she also covers Apple Watch, iPad, and Mac when needed. When she isn’t writing about Apple, Christine can often be found at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, as she is a passholder and obsessed with all things Disney, especially Star Wars. Christine also enjoys coffee, food, photography, mechanical keyboards, and spending as much time with her new daughter as possible.

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tab groups safari delete


  1. How to Use Tab Groups in Safari for iPhone and iPad

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  4. How to use Tab Groups in Safari in macOS 12 Monterey

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  5. How To Use Tab Groups in Safari on iPhone and iPad

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  6. What Are Safari Tab Groups and How to Use Them

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  1. How do I delete a tab group in safari? - Apple Community

    Use these steps: " Delete a Tab Group: In the sidebar, Control-click a Tab Group, then choose Delete." This Apple Support page has the full details to better assist you and answer your question: Edit and customize Tab Groups in Safari on Mac - Apple Support.

  2. Edit and customize Tab Groups in Safari on Mac - Apple Support

    In the Safari app on your Mac, do any of the following: Delete a tab from a Tab Group: Open the Tab Group, place the pointer over the tab in the tab bar, then click the Close button on the left side of the tab. Arrange the tabs in a Tab Group: In the tab bar, drag a tab before or after another tab.

  3. Unable to delete group tabs in safari - Apple Community

    I'm running Monterey and am unable to delete or alter tab groups in Safari. Does anyone else have this problem or a solution to it?

  4. How do I delete all tab groups in Safari? - Apple Community

    The only thing I've been able to do is delete all tabs on Mac (they are stored on several SafariTabs* files on ~/Library/Containers/ and disable iCloud for Safari in all my devices.

  5. Edit and customise Tab Groups in Safari on Mac – Apple ...

    In the Safari app on your Mac, do any of the following: Delete a tab from a Tab Group: Open the Tab Group, place the pointer over the tab in the tab bar, then click the Close button on the left side of the tab. Arrange the tabs in a Tab Group: In the tab bar, drag a tab before or after another tab.

  6. Group tabs in Safari on Mac - Apple Support

    In the Safari app on your Mac, click the down arrow next to the Sidebar button in the toolbar. If the sidebar is open, click the Add Tab Group button in the toolbar. Choose New Empty Tab Group. Enter a name for the Tab Group, then press Return.

  7. How To Delete Tab Groups In Safari |

    By following these steps, you can effectively delete tab groups in Safari, decluttering your browsing environment and ensuring that your tab organization remains aligned with your current browsing needs.

  8. How to Use Tab Groups in Safari on Mac - How-To Geek

    To delete a tab from a tab group, hit the Tabs Overview button in the top-right corner (four squares) to see the snapshot of tabs in a group. Then, click the "X" in the top-left of the tab preview thumbnail to remove it from the group.

  9. How to manage Tab Groups in Safari in macOS Monterey - TechRadar

    To delete a tab from a Tab Group, open the Tab Group. Find the tab you wish to delete in the tab bar, and click the Close button on the left side of that tab.

  10. How to use tab groups in Safari on iPhone and iPad | iMore

    Delete tab group in Safari iPhone: Long press on a tab group that you previously created, tap Delete from the menu, confirm by tapping Delete (Image credit: iMore) Deleting a tab group will close out all tabs that are in the tab group.