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Travel Immunizations

For complete health information for international travel including vaccine recommendations:

  • Travelers' Health - CDC
  • Health Information for International Travel - The "Yellow Book" - CDC
  • - National Vaccine Program Office, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Foreign Language Terms: Disease, Vaccine, and Related Terms and Trade Names, CDC

Measles Vaccine for Travelers

  • Measles Fact Sheet

Some parts of Europe, Asia, the Asia-Pacific Region, and Africa are experiencing outbreaks of the measles. If you are planning to travel outside the U.S., ask your health care provider if anyone in your family needs a measles (MMR) vaccine.

Young children and some adults may need an additional dose of vaccine before traveling overseas.

Measles is a very contagious, and sometimes deadly disease. Even traveling on an airplane with other international travelers could put you at risk of catching the disease. Vaccination is the best protection against the measles.

Not sure if you were vaccinated against measles?

Check with your health care provider. If you were born before 1957 it's likely that you have been exposed to the virus and are immune. If you were vaccinated before 1971 when vaccines weren't as reliable, ask your health care provider. You may need an additional dose of measles vaccine.


  • Don't wait – start early! Travel vaccinations can take a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks to complete. Contact your health care provider as soon as you can.
  • Children, adolescents and adults should have two doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, at least 28 days apart, before traveling internationally.
  • An early dose of MMR vaccine is recommended for children 6-11 months of age who will be traveling internationally. This dose does not count as part of the routine doses given at 12-15 months and 4-6 years of age. Young children who travel internationally may need a total of 3 MMR vaccinations.

Additional Measles Resources:

  • Learn more about measles - CDC
  • Top 4 Things Parents Need to Know about Measles (English) - CDC
  • Top 4 Things Parents Need to Know about Measles (Spanish) - CDC

Travel Vaccination Clinics

If you are looking for clinics that can vaccinate you for travel outside of the United States, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website to Search for Yellow Fever Clinics . These clinics can provide you with the vaccinations you need for travel as well as Yellow Fever vaccinations if necessary.

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travel vaccinations nyc

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  • Prices and Fees
  • Office hours
  • Yellow Fever

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis b.

  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Malaria Prevention
  • Traveler’s Diarrhea
  • High-altitude sickness

Travel destination

  • C ote d'Ivoire
  • D emocratic Republic of the Congo
  • M ozambique
  • S ierra Leone
  • S outh Africa
  • S eychelles
  • K azakhstan
  • P hilippines
  • U zbekistan

South America

Middle East

  • A zerbaijan

Travel Clinic NYC saves you time and money in New York and keeps you healthy abroad.

Get only the shots YOU need

Travel Clinic NYC saves you time and money in New York

Most affordable prices

No upselling

Same day appointment

Convenient location

Travel vaccine costs at TravelClinicNY

A one-time office visit fee of $75 is applied to all visits.

Travel Clinic NY is one of Manhattan's biggest and busiest travel clinics.

We provide travel consultation and all types of immunizations for infectious diseases based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-anything you might need for wherever you are going for international travel.

Yellow fever

Tetanus (tdap), japanese encephalitis.

In 2023, we served 21788 New Yorkers traveling to many different countries.

What customers are saying


You may be wondering:

What is the reason for the office visit fee ›.

We are a small, one-location clinic, and the fee helps us cover administrative and processing costs. Every person will be charged an office visit fee of $75. More information on office visit fees is here.

Do you accept health insurance for vaccination? ›

No. TravelClinicNY does not accept health insurance for vaccination, but we can provide you with the necessary papers to get reimbursed by your health insurance.

Can I get the necessary prescriptions? ›

Yes. Each patient is seen by a certified doctor who prescribes all the necessary medications for your trip: malaria, anti-diarrheal medication, medication to prevent vomiting and for altitude, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and sleeping and flight anxiety pills.

Why should I choose your Travel clinic instead of other clinics? ›

People Choose TravelClinicNY for Many Reasons:

Affordable medical care

Our vaccine prices are very affordable and among the lowest on the market.

We value our reputation, and we will recommend the necessary shots. There will be no upselling—guaranteed. Our provider will explain the difference between mandatory and recommended travel immunizations during your visit. He will help you decide based on CDC guidelines for the country you are visiting, your planned activities, and your medical conditions, medications, and allergies.

Same-Day Appointments

You can schedule your appointment online for the same day.

Convenient office location

Our office is conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan, a few blocks away from the Empire State Building and Macy’s flagship store.

Boutique clinic advantages

TravelClinicNY is a boutique travel vaccination clinic with the advantages of a small office, including a personalized approach and a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere.

Doctors instead of PAs and NPs

All our patients are seen by our board-certified travel doctor, not a PA or NP, as in our competitor’s clinics. Doctors get more education and training in all fields of medicine. This makes a big difference because common medications that people take for chronic conditions can interact with travel shots, and there are other things to consider, like age limit, allergies, and questions about pregnancy.

In addition to travel vaccines

Travel medicine is our specialty, but we also carry all the routine vaccines that primary care medical services carry to serve our community, including pneumonia, shingles, and flu. Our travel health services clinic is a member of the International Society of Travel Medicine.

Travel Vaccinations NYC Logo

Travel Vaccinations NYC

travel vaccinations nyc

All travel medicine consultations are performed personally by our doctor in a private office setting in our convenient New York City location. The information, vaccinations (such as Yellow Fever , Typhoid, and Japanese Encephalitis), and prescriptions provided are based on the details of your specific trip, what you are doing during that trip, and your health history.

Known for providing some of the most comprehensive care and travel vaccinations NYC has to offer, our approach to travel health is customized to help ensure you stay well throughout your entire trip.

travel vaccinations nyc

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. P.S. I love you. Rutledge Hill Press, 1990.

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Why do i need a travel medicine consultation.

…why not avoid the shots or just get a couple of them at a pharmacy or walk-in clinic and skip the consultation?

At our Travel Clinic in NYC , we commonly hear “I have traveled all over the world without a problem, so why spend extra time and money on travel shots and health preparation?” In reality, traveling abroad poses many health risks. Going on a trip without adequate preparation is, essentially, gambling. You may be fine most of the time, however…

Julian Klapowitz, MD

Travel Medicine

Pre-Travel Preparation and Vaccinations

Certificate in Travel Health™

CDC-Registered Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinic

Travel Medicine Consultations, PC is a Geosentinel Affiliate Site

133 East 58th Street, Suite 1403

New York, NY 10022



Please do not use this email for medical emergencies or to transmit sensitive health information.

Julian Klapowitz, MD Travel Medicine Pre-Travel Preparation and Vaccinations Certificate in Travel Health™

Travel Medicine Consultations is a GeoSentinel Affiliate Site 133 East 58th Street, Suite 1403 New York, NY 10022 646-648-1695

travel vaccinations nyc

Are You a Health Practitioner?

Are you a busy physician/practitioner who can give Typhoid and Hepatitis A vaccines and briefly review the CDC recommendations, but not much else? Send us your patients, even if they have received some vaccinations at your office! We will provide the needed travel vaccines in NYC ( Yellow Fever , Japanese Encephalitis, and others) and finish what you began. Then we’ll refer the patient back to you with their vaccination records in hand!

(212) 734-3000   -  

110 East 55th Street, 16th floor, New York, NY 10022

Travel Vaccines

travel vaccinations nyc

The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine offers a full array of travel vaccines including Yellow Fever vaccine, Polio vaccine, Meningitis vaccine, Tdap vaccine, Hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccine, Rabies vaccine, Typhoid vaccine, Hepatitis A (Hep A) vaccine, Chickenpox vaccine, and Japanese Encephalitis vaccine. Let our travel doctor and his international travel health team determine which travel vaccinations are recommended for your specific travel needs.

  • (212) 734-3000

Travel Vaccine Q & A

What kinds of vaccines are required for travel.

That depends on where you’re traveling. Some countries require proof of vaccinations before they’ll allow you to enter the country. Other vaccinations may not be required for travel, but they may still be recommended in order for you to avoid contracting a disease and becoming ill. Travelers to tropical and sub-tropical countries are at special risk for travel-related illnesses, as are those who travel to developing countries. At Travel Health Services, we offer a comprehensive array of vaccinations for travel throughout the world, including vaccinations for yellow fever, and more. Our practice is authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to validate the International Certificates of Vaccination (ICV). During your pre-travel consultation, we’ll review your destination as well as the health risks associated with that locale. We’ll also review your overall health so we can make recommendations based on pre-existing health conditions and other factors.

When should I be vaccinated?

Some vaccines require several weeks to become effective, which means you’d need to be vaccinated a month prior to travel to be fully protected. To ensure your vaccinations are provided at the optimal time, you should call to schedule a pre-travel consultation as soon as you have confirmed your travel dates. The pre-travel consultation will provide you with a list of both required and recommended vaccines as well as other health-related information specific to your needs so you can feel more confident as you explore the world.

Will my insurance cover the costs of my immunizations?

You’ll need to contact your insurance company to determine which immunizations are covered under your insurance. At The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine we do not accept insurance. After your care, we will provide you with an itemized receipt that you could submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement.

Mount Sinai

Travel Medicine

Doctor and Patient

Whether you are about to travel abroad and need vaccinations, or have contracted a disease while traveling, our infectious disease specialists can help. Many countries require certain vaccinations, while others are recommended. We have the expertise to help keep you safe and healthy, wherever you’re going.

For pre-travel consultations—in addition to the appropriate shots—we can offer dietary and safety suggestions, make recommendations based on your overall health, and take into consideration your current medications. Depending on your itinerary, you may be prescribed travel medicines such as anti-malaria medication. Make sure you have your immunization records and travel itinerary when you come to see us. It’s important to get vaccinated four to six weeks before you travel. Taking precautions now will not only keep you healthy on your trip, but will also make sure you don’t bring any serious diseases home to your family, friends, or community.

Consultation for Individuals, Groups, and Organizations

We provide consultations for individuals, businesses, and groups. Customized services for business travelers, nongovernment organizations (NGOs), and others are available. Please call us to discuss your particular travel health concerns and needs. We speak English and Spanish. Whether you’re traveling for pleasure or business, we will do our best to make sure you have a healthy and safe trip. 

The Mount Sinai Travel Medicine Program is part of the Division of Infectious Diseases , Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Yellow Fever Vaccinations

The Mount Sinai Travel Medicine Program is a designated Yellow Fever Center and offers official yellow fever vaccine certificates to both adults and children. As an academic center for travel medicine, Mount Sinai serves as a referral center for patients working for the United Nations and Doctors Without Borders.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC), the yellow fever vaccine is recommended for people aged 9 months or older who are traveling to or living in areas at risk for yellow fever virus transmission in South America and Africa. Yellow fever vaccine may be required for entry into certain countries. Yellow fever vaccination requirements and recommendations for specific countries are available on the CDC Travelers’ Health page .

For most travelers, a single dose of yellow fever vaccine provides long-lasting protection, and a booster dose of the vaccine is not needed. However, some travelers may require a booster dose. Also, certain countries might require a booster dose of the vaccine; visit the CDC Travelers’ Health page for information on specific country requirements. We can help you to determine if you may need a dose of yellow fever vaccine or a booster dose before your trip to an area at risk for yellow fever.

Currently we send all bills for the travel medicine consultation and vaccinations to insurance companies.  Different plans have different coverage policies.  If the insurance company does not cover the services listed, the traveler will be responsible for the costs of the vaccines and the visit. Please contact your insurance provider prior to the visit to find out more.

Weill Cornell Travel Medicine (WCTM)

The Weill Cornell Travel Medicine (WCTM ) practice, now in operation for more than 30 years on the Upper East side of Manhattan, was the first health unit devoted exclusively to travelers in New York City. WCTM, a comprehensive clinical service provided by the prestigious Weill Cornell Medical College, is also affiliated with the New York Presbyterian Hospital, and offers pre- and post-travel consultations and care in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases. WCTM is staffed by Weill Cornell-New York Presbyterian Hospital physicians board-certified in Infectious Diseases and by Family Nurse Practitioners. Together, we provide travel advice and immunizations for adults, children and families, and we see over 2,500 travelers annually. We have recently moved. Please find us in our beautiful new location in the Weill Greenberg Center, 1305 York Avenue, 4th floor.

Travel Information: Travel Assessment 2019 | PDF

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Travel vaccinations and immunizations

Traveling overseas for work can be thrilling—and it also can be stressful. When you don’t have much time to plan, it can be challenging to just to put together a packing list, let alone research which travel vaccinations you may need to protect against exotic or foreign diseases. The CDC can help you search by country to find out which vaccines you need for your travels, and your nearby CityMD urgent care can give them to you.

Many vaccine-preventable diseases can be fatal, so planning ahead and protecting yourself with the proper immunization before travel is crucial.

Travel vaccines & immunizations available at CityMD include:

Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Meningococcal (Menactra), Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR), Rabies Activate Vaccine, Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (TDaP), Tetanus, Tuberculin (PPD), Zoster (Shingles), Varivax (aka Varicella/Chicken pox).

*Be sure to call your local CityMD to ensure we have a vaccine in stock.

Where to get your travel shots.

For immediate, fast travel shots, walk into one of our urgent care clinics today.

travel vaccinations nyc

Virtual care.

If you can’t visit us in person, we have options for you. Schedule an online appointment with a provider on your smartphone or tablet using the My Summit Health app.

Cold vs. Flu

Cold vs. flu.

It's not always easy to tell the difference between a case of the flu and the common cold based on the symptoms alone. Learn about what your symptoms could mean and how CityMD can help.

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  • New York Locations
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • Carle Place, NY
  • Jamaica, NY
  • Long Island City, NY
  • Massapequa, NY
  • Melville, NY
  • New York – Financial District, NY
  • New York – Gramercy Park, NY
  • Rego Park, NY
  • Upper West Side, NY

Upper West Side Travel Clinic

Passport Health offers a variety of travel vaccinations for your trip.

Passport Health has the most popular travel vaccines on hand and ready for your journey, including protection against typhoid , cholera and hepatitis A .

Vaccination is just the start, repellents and netting also play a key role in mosquito prevention.

Getting a yellow fever vaccine is important before going on a trip to places where the disease is found. Yellow fever is a sickness caused by a virus spread by mosquitoes and can be very dangerous. Getting the vaccine helps protect you and helps keep other people healthy too.

It’s best to go to a special travel clinic which knows about yellow fever and carries the vaccine, like Passport Health. We can also tell you about other shots or medicines you may need for your trip. Our clinics are authorized yellow fever vaccine providers and can give you a yellow card (or proof of vaccination) that shows you got the shot. Some countries need to see this card before they let you in.

Travel clinics make it convenient to receive all necessary vaccinations in one session. Passport Health keeps yellow fever and other essential travel vaccines in stock, simplifying your travel health preparations.

Routine vaccinations play a key role in everyday health. Make sure you are protected with Passport Health.

Chickenpox , measles, mumps , and hepatitis A are just a few of the vaccines that are recommended for everyone, regardless of age. If you’re planning on traveling, Passport Health wants to make sure you’re protected from the most hazardous infections.

Travel supplies like mosquito repellent can help keep you safe and healthy abroad.

Travelers’ diarrhea kits, mosquito nets and repellents are just the start. Passport Health offers a wide variety of travel supplies to help you stay safe and comfortable throughout your trip. See our Passport Health store to learn more !

Details & Directions

Passport Health clinics are conveniently located to serve your travel health needs.

Schedule an appointment today by booking online or calling .

From West Side Community Garden - Follow West 89th Street toward Amsterdam Avenue. Turn right onto Broadway then left onto West 92nd Street. Turn right onto Broadway then left onto West 93rd Street.

From Frederick Douglass Playground - Follow Amsterdam Avenue southwest toward West 101st Street. Turn right onto West 94th Street. Turn left onto West End Avenue, the clinic will be on your left.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

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  • Renal Artery Scan
  • Venous doppler of upper and lower extremities

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  • Pregnancy Tests

Annual physical

Medical spa services.

  • Vitamin Injection

travel vaccinations nyc

Travel Vaccines

if you have travel plans, it’s best to get vaccinated to help protect yourself from a number of infections and complications. At Family Medicine NYC, PC in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City, Eva Galstian, MD, Virali Patel, PA, and the team provide a range of travel vaccinations, including meningitis, yellow fever, and tetanus. Call Family Medicine NYC, PC, or schedule online.

Travel Vaccines Q&A

What are travel vaccines.

Travel vaccines are a way to help protect travelers from serious diseases and complications. It’s possible you might come into contact with diseases, such as yellow fever, that are rare in the United States. Some countries require that you get certain vaccines before traveling there.

To discover what vaccines you need before you embark on your trip, it’s best to visit Dr. Galstian and the team at Family Medicine NYC, PC.

The travel vaccines recommended for you depend on:

  • Where you plan to travel
  • Your overall health
  • The vaccines you’ve had previously

Some countries require proof of vaccination for some diseases, such as yellow fever or polio. If you have a weakened immune system or an ongoing illness, you might require additional vaccines.

When should I get my travel vaccines?

You should get vaccinated at least four to six weeks before your trip. This helps to ensure the vaccines have ample time to begin working, offering you optimal travel protection.

Some vaccines might require more than one dose. Starting your vaccines in advance gives you more time to receive any additional doses.

The team at Family Medicine NYC, PC offers personalized plans that are specific to your travel itinerary and health history. During your travel health appointment, your doctor goes over your personal medical history, provides and plans any necessary vaccines, and gives you valuable information and tips for remaining healthy on your journey.

What are the different types of travel vaccines?

There are different types of travel vaccines. Some vaccines are recommended for most travelers, such as:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Yellow fever

Other vaccines are recommended for people traveling to certain areas where there are higher risks. Antimalarials are provided for those traveling to malaria-risk areas, and rabies vaccines are recommended for those traveling in remote areas, the outdoors, and those who might come into contact with bats, dogs, and other mammals.

Children are considered a higher risk for a number of complications and infections and require different travel vaccines. For your convenience, Family Medicine NYC, PC offers pediatric travel vaccines.

Other vaccines that Family Medicine NYC, PC offers include:

  • Immune globulin
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella)
  • DPT (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis)

If you have upcoming travel plans and want to protect your health with the most advanced and effective medical care, call or schedule your appointment online with Family Medicine NYC, PC in New York City.


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Nurse Practitioner Group

Travel health services, personalized travel health services for you and your family, make an appointment.

Our team is here to help you make an appointment with the specialists that you need.

Our board-certified nurse practitioners provide a range of personalized travel health services to help you and your family stay healthy anywhere your travel plans take you.

Travel Health Services We Offer

  • Comprehensive pre-travel consultations
  • Evaluation of current health and medications
  • Recommendations for appropriate immunizations
  • Full range of vaccinations
  • Anti-malaria medication prescription
  • Advice on disease prevention in relation to travel plans
  • Dietary and safety education
  • Medical kits for travelers


Our board-certified nurse practitioners can recommend and administer vaccinations specific to your travel destination, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for international travel. We are also an authorized vaccine center and a certified CDC Yellow Fever immunization site.

Vaccinations We Offer

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Yellow Fever
  • Japanese Encephalitis

Please note that vaccinations should be administered well in advance–at least 4-6 weeks–prior to your departure. You may also need to return for booster shots to complete a vaccination series.

Your Appointment

During your visit, we will provide a consultation specific to the destination(s) to which you will be traveling. We will also provide you with the recommended vaccines and prescriptions for any medications needed before your trip, as well as health-related travel tips.

Please remember to bring your current immunization records and your trip itinerary to your appointment.

Please note that most travel vaccines are not covered by insurance plans. Fees are payable by cash or credit card at the time of service.

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Care & Services

We offer the highest quality of care and expertise in all specialty care areas.

Our radiology experts offer imaging services from CT and MRI scans to ultrasound and X-ray throughout the New York City area. Learn about our imaging services and how to schedule an appointment.

Find care close to you at our locations throughout the New York City area and in Florida.

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Explore our approach to diagnosing and treating adults and children.

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Learn about our support services and find information to help you before, during, and after your visit.

Learn more about our visiting hours and policies and how we maintain a safe environment for all.

Family Travel Medicine Center at NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island

Phone: 516-663-4600 Fax: 516-663-3793

At the Family Travel Medicine Center at NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island , we provide personalized care and medical recommendations for you and your family based on your specific travel destination. Our goal is to ensure that you receive appropriate immunizations and preventive medications, as well as information you need to help prevent illness and injuries during your trip abroad.

Your visit to the Family Travel Medicine Center includes a comprehensive health assessment that takes into consideration your immunization history, current medications, and overall health. Together, we discuss potential risks, such as infectious diseases, safe food and beverages, contact with animals and insects, and high altitudes.

We prepare you to handle symptoms that can arise when traveling abroad, and can advise you on who to contact in case of an emergency. We also address any specific health concerns you may have, such as asthma in children and adults , or seasonal and food allergies. Upon your return, we can evaluate children who experienced fever, flu-like symptoms, skin infections, or other post-travel–related illness.

We provide treatment for the following conditions:

  • Japanese encephalitis
  • parasitic infections
  • tick-borne illness
  • travel-related infections , including chikungunya, dengue fever, malaria, typhoid fever, and yellow fever
  • traveler’s diarrhea
  • tuberculosis
  • varicella, commonly known as chicken pox

Vaccinations We Provide

We provide the following vaccinations:

  • hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and the combined hepatitis A and B vaccine, also known as TWINRIX
  • measles, mumps, and rubella, also known as MMR
  • meningococcal
  • pneumococcal
  • tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, also known as Tdap
  • yellow fever

As an authorized yellow fever vaccination center, we provide an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis, also known as an ICVP card.

Care for Children

Our board-certified pediatric infectious disease specialists identify potential health risks and make age-specific recommendations using the most up-to-date guidance on emerging global infections. A child’s immune system is still maturing, which can make them more susceptible to certain diseases. Children also have different behaviors and health risks. Vaccine recommendations and preventive medications for children are usually different than for adults. 

Make an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, please call us at 516-663-4600 at least four weeks before travel to allow time to prepare and receive any needed immunizations.

Our Team of Doctors

Our pediatric infectious disease specialists provide personalized care and prepare both adults and children to travel safely.

Theresa M. Fiorito,MD. Pediatric Infectious Disease

For Our Patients

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Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinics in New York

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If you are a yellow fever vaccine provider and need to update or revise any information listed on this site, please notify your state health department. For additional questions, contact CDC at [email protected] .

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COVID-19: Vaccine

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Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Coming Soon

New COVID-19 vaccines that are formulated to protect against currently circulating variants will be available for New Yorkers soon, likely beginning in early to mid-September. The NYC Vaccine Finder will be updated with locations where you can get the new vaccine when it is available.

This year’s vaccine is formulated to provide good protection against currently circulating variants. Immunity to COVID-19 wanes over time, so getting the updated vaccine can give you the highest protection. COVID-19 vaccines have been safely administered to hundreds of millions of people in the U.S. The vaccines continue to be the best way to protect yourself from severe illness from COVID-19 and other health complications, like Long COVID.

COVID-19 Vaccines Recommended for Everyone 6 Months and Older

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a COVID-19 vaccine this season.

While anyone can become very sick from COVID-19, the vaccine is especially lifesaving for people who:

  • Are 65 or older
  • Are pregnant
  • Have an underlying health condition that puts them at higher risk for severe outcomes
  • Have certain disabilities that may increase their risk for having underlying health conditions

Vaccination can help reduce the duration and severity of COVID-19 symptoms if you become infected, and it reduces the risk of long COVID for adults and children.

Get Vaccinated Today

To find a vaccination site, use the City's Vaccine Finder. You can search for specific types of vaccines and age-specific doses. Locations that offer the updated vaccines will be added to the site on a rolling basis — check back regularly for updates.

No-cost vaccines are available for people who are uninsured and regardless of immigration status. You can search for no-cost vaccine sites using the “Insurance” tab within Vaccine Finder.

Call 212-COVID19 (212-268-4319) for vaccination assistance.

COVID-19 vaccines remain our best protection against COVID-19. Even healthy people can become very sick from COVID-19 and should be vaccinated.

If you get COVID-19, vaccines reduce your risk of long-term health effects , including long COVID. Even people who have had COVID-19 should get vaccinated.

The vaccines now available from Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax are designed to protect against newer variants. In studies, they were shown to be effective against current circulating variants. They also help strengthen your protection against the virus, which is important as protection lessens over time.

Everyone should stay up to date with their vaccines. For most people, that means getting just one updated 2023-2024 vaccine dose.

Vaccines and Schedules

Three updated vaccines are available in the US: Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax), and Novavax. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are available for people ages 6 months and older, and the Novavax vaccine for people ages 12 and older.

The CDC recommends an updated vaccine for everyone ages 6 months and older. The prior versions of the Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax vaccines are no longer available.

People 5 years and older

Most people ages 5 years and older need just one updated vaccine dose to be considered up to date.

  • If you previously received one or more COVID-19 vaccine dose, get one dose of the Pfizer, Moderna or Novavax updated vaccine — it does not matter which brand. However, Novavax is only available for ages 12 and older.
  • If you never received a COVID-19 vaccine dose, get either one dose of the updated Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or two doses (three weeks apart) of the updated Novavax vaccine.
  • If you are 65 or older or immunocompromised, you may need additional doses for better protection .
  • The updated vaccine can be administered two months after your last dose.

If you recently had COVID-19, you can consider waiting three months before getting your next vaccine dose. You may want to get vaccinated sooner than three months if you are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or getting it again. Talk to your provider about when you should get your next vaccine.

Children Younger than 5

Children younger than age 5 still need multiple doses of vaccines. The vaccines for this age group have been updated with the new formula, but are a lower dose than for older people. Only the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are available for this age group.

Children who have never received a COVID-19 vaccine should follow this schedule:

Updated Pfizer Vaccine

  • Ages: 6 months to 4 years
  • Doses: Three
  • Schedule: Second dose given at least 21 days after the first, and the third dose given at least 56 days after the second.

Updated Moderna Vaccine

  • Doses: Two (children who are immunocompromised should get three doses)
  • Schedule: Second dose given at least 28 days after the first

Children ages 6 months through 4 years who have already received one or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine should receive the updated vaccine. The number of updated doses they need will depend on the vaccine and their vaccination history. Ask your child’s provider how many doses they need.

A parent or guardian must provide consent for their child to be vaccinated. Consent can be given in person, by phone or in writing, depending on the vaccination site.

  • NYC Department of Education: COVID-19 Vaccination for Students

Additional Doses for People Ages 65 and Older and People With a Weakened Immune System

The CDC recommends that people 65 and older should get an additional vaccine dose of the 2023-2024 updated COVID-19 vaccine at least four months after their previous shot.

People who have a weakened immune system — such as those being treated for cancer or who have had an organ transplant — can get additional doses as long as they are given at least two months apart.

People who have a weakened immune system and received previous COVID-19 vaccines should get at least one updated vaccine dose. They can get additional updated doses at least two months after the last updated vaccine dose if recommended by their provider.

People who have a weakened immune system and have never received a COVID-19 vaccine should get three vaccine doses as part of their initial vaccine series. They can then get additional doses, as noted above.

Additional Resources

  • Older Adults Should Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19, Flu and RSV (PDF) Other Languages: Español | Русский | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano | Polski | العربية | Français | ײִדיש | اردو
  • COVID-19 Vaccines Are Still Our Best Defense: Palm Card (PDF) Other Languages: Español | Русский | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano | Polski | العربية | Français | اردو
  • Infographic: How the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Work (PDF) Other Languages: Español | Русский | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano | Polski |  ײִדיש | العربية | Français | اردو -->
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Monitoring (PDF) Other Languages: Español | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Русский | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano | Polski | العربية | Français | ײִדיש | اردو
  • The Truth About COVID-19 Vaccines (PDF) Other Languages: Español | Русский | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Kreyòl ayisyen | 한국어 | বাংলা | Italiano | Polski | العربية | Français | ײִדיש | اردو
  • FDA: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
  • FDA: Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
  • FDA: Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine

More Information

  • COVID-19 Main Page
  • COVID-19: Vaccine Information for Providers
  • Vaccines and Immunizations


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  1. Travel Immunizations

    Travel vaccinations can take a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks to complete. Contact your health care provider as soon as you can. Children, adolescents and adults should have two doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, at least 28 days apart, before traveling internationally. An early dose of MMR vaccine is recommended for children 6-11 ...

  2. Immunization Clinics

    Patients are required to make an appointment before they visit the Immunization Clinic. If you need help making an appointment, call 347-396-7943. You can get low- or no-cost immunizations at the Health Department's Fort Greene Health Center immunization clinic, regardless of your immigration status. The clinic serves anyone 4 years or older.

  3. New York City Travel Clinic

    Located a block away from The Goddard School, Passport Health's Upper West Side travel clinic offers a variety of vaccines, medications and advice to help you travel safely across the world. Schedule an appointment today by booking online or calling 347-472-1122 .

  4. Certified Travel Clinic NYC

    Travel Clinic provides vaccination and up-to-date travel health information in Midtown Manhattan, NYC. Schedule an appointment or call us at (212)6965900

  5. The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine

    The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine - Accepting new appointments. Call today or request an appointment online. (212) 734-3000 - 110 East 55th Street, 16th floor, New York, NY 10022 . Book Online. ... I needed a yellow fever vaccination for travel. After an internet search and calling other providers, I chose NY center for ...

  6. New York

    Details & Directions. Located between Gramercy Park and Peter's Field off 3rd Avenue, Passport Health's Gramercy Park travel clinic provides key travel vaccines like typhoid, yellow fever and rabies to individuals traveling across the globe. Schedule an appointment today by booking online or calling 332-264-1588.

  7. Travel Vaccines NYC

    Travel Medicine. Pre-Travel Preparation and Vaccinations. Certificate in Travel Health™ CDC-Registered Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinic. Travel Medicine Consultations, PC is a Geosentinel Affiliate Site. 133 East 58th Street, Suite 1403. New York, NY 10022. 646-648-1695

  8. Vaccines

    Hepatitis A. $125 (series of 2 doses; totaling $250) Hep A&B Combo (TWINRIX) $175 (series of 3 or 4 doses at $175 each) Chikungunya Vaccine (IXCHIQ) $350. ADDITIONAL FEES: The pre-travel consultation charge is $95 per person and is mandatory before vaccines can be administered and medications prescribed. During your pre-travel consultation, our ...

  9. Travel Vaccines

    Travel Vaccines - The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine offers a full array of travel vaccines including Yellow Fever vaccine, Polio vaccine, Meningitis (212) 734-3000 - 110 East 55th Street, 16th floor, New York, NY 10022 . Book Online. Request An Appointment. Menu. About. Testimonials; Blog;

  10. Travel Medicine

    Yellow Fever Vaccinations. The Mount Sinai Travel Medicine Program is a designated Yellow Fever Center and offers official yellow fever vaccine certificates to both adults and children. As an academic center for travel medicine, Mount Sinai serves as a referral center for patients working for the United Nations and Doctors Without Borders.

  11. Find a Clinic

    Call your doctor or local health department to see if they can provide pre-travel advice, vaccines, and medicines. List of health departments. Travel Medicine Clinics. If you want to see a travel medicine specialist, the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) can help you find a clinic.

  12. Weill Cornell Travel Medicine (WCTM)

    Call. (646) 962-TRIP (8747) The Weill Cornell Travel Medicine (WCTM ) practice, now in operation for more than 30 years on the Upper East side of Manhattan, was the first health unit devoted exclusively to travelers in New York City. WCTM, a comprehensive clinical service provided by the prestigious Weill Cornell Medical College, is also ...

  13. Travel Medicine Services

    Just bring your trip itinerary and immunization record for a pre-travel consultation. Together, we will evaluate your immunizations, current medications, and overall health to assess your needs before you travel. ... New York, NY 10032. United States. General Information / Find a Doctor 877-426-5637. Patient safety phone 212-305-8548.

  14. Travel Vaccinations & Immunizations

    Travel vaccines & immunizations available at CityMD include: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Meningococcal (Menactra), Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR), Rabies Activate Vaccine, Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (TDaP), Tetanus, Tuberculin (PPD), Zoster (Shingles), Varivax (aka Varicella/Chicken pox). *Be sure to call your local CityMD to ensure we ...

  15. Need travel vaccines? Plan ahead.

    You may be able to get some travel vaccines from your primary healthcare provider. If you or your healthcare provider need help finding a location that provides certain vaccines or medicines, visit CDC's Find a Clinic page. If yellow fever vaccine is recommended or required for your destination, you'll need to go to a vaccine center ...

  16. Travel Medicine

    Travel Medicine. 170 William Street New York, NY 10038. 646-588-2500. The travel medicine program of NewYork-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan offers destination-specific travel precautions, vaccines and diagnosis and treatment of travel-related diseases.

  17. Upper West Side Travel Clinic

    Details & Directions. Located a block away from The Goddard School, Passport Health's Upper West Side travel clinic offers a variety of vaccines, medications and advice to help you travel safely across the world. Schedule an appointment today by booking online or calling 347-472-1122.

  18. Travel Vaccines

    At Family Medicine NYC, PC in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City, Eva Galstian, MD, Virali Patel, PA, and the team provide a range of travel vaccinations, including meningitis, yellow fever, and tetanus. Call Family Medicine NYC, PC, or schedule online. 845-305-6691. Travel Vaccines Q&A. What are travel vaccines? Travel vaccines ...

  19. Travel Health Services

    Our board-certified nurse practitioners can recommend and administer vaccinations specific to your travel destination, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for international travel. ... New York, NY 10032. United States. General Information / Find a Doctor 877-426-5637. Patient safety phone 212-305 ...

  20. TOP 10 BEST Travel Vaccinations in New York, NY

    Top 10 Best Travel Vaccinations in New York, NY - September 2024 - Yelp - The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, Walk in Clinic NY, Travel Clinic, Traveler's Medical Service, CityMD West 23rd Urgent Care - NYC, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, Fort Greene Health Center, Passport Health, CityMD West 14th Urgent Care - NYC, CityMD Park Slope Urgent Care - Brooklyn

  21. Family Travel Medicine Center at NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island

    Phone: 516-663-4600. Fax: 516-663-3793. Family Travel Medicine Center. Find a Doctor & Schedule. At the Family Travel Medicine Center at NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island, we provide personalized care and medical recommendations for you and your family based on your specific travel destination. Our goal is to ensure that you receive ...

  22. Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinics in New York


  23. COVID-19: Vaccine

    Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Coming Soon. New COVID-19 vaccines that are formulated to protect against currently circulating variants will be available for New Yorkers soon, likely beginning in early to mid-September. The NYC Vaccine Finder will be updated with locations where you can get the new vaccine when it is available.

  24. NYC COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Finder

    Find a vaccine near you.