
10 Signs Your Pet Is Visiting You from the Afterlife

Anyone who has ever loved and lost a furry, feathered, or scaled companion can agree that the pain of their absence is profound.

Yet, amidst the grief, there exists a glimmer of hope and wonder as many individuals report experiencing signs that their departed pets are still with them, reaching out from beyond the veil.

This article delves into the mysterious and comforting world of pet afterlife visits, offering insights and guidance for those seeking to understand these ethereal encounters.

Whether through dreams, physical sensations, or unexpected symbols, the ways our beloved pets may communicate with us from the afterlife are as varied as they are profound.

We’ll explore the common signs of their presence, the emotional connections they continue to foster, and how to interpret the messages they may be trying to convey.

Signs Your Pet Is Visiting You from the Afterlife

Understanding Pet Afterlife Visits

Losing a beloved pet can be a heartbreaking experience .

However, many pet owners have reported feeling the presence of their pets even after they have passed away.

This phenomenon is known as pet afterlife visits, and although no tangible scientific evidence supports it, many people report feeling their pet’s presence or experiencing comforting signs that suggest their pet is still with them in spirit.

Here are some insights into understanding this experience.

Recognizing Signs from the Beyond

Pet afterlife visits can take many forms.

Some pet owners have reported seeing their pets in dreams, while others have felt their presence or heard their barks or meows inside their homes.

Some even report seeing physical signs such as paw prints or nose prints on windows.

It’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to these signs.

While it’s easy to dismiss them as mere coincidences, they may be your pet’s way of communicating with you from the beyond.

The Continuity of the Soul

Many people believe that the soul is eternal and that it continues to exist even after death. This belief is also applicable to pets.

The continuity of the soul means that your pet’s spirit may still be present even after their physical body has passed away.

Pet afterlife visits can be a way for your pet’s spirit to let you know that they are still with you in spirit.

While it’s impossible to prove the existence of an afterlife, many pet owners find comfort in the belief that their pets are still with them in some form.

Losing a pet can be one of the most heartbreaking experiences, so it’s natural to wonder if your beloved companion is still with you somehow.

Luckily, many pet owners report experiencing visits from their pets in the afterlife, which might be a possibility for you, too.

Here are some common signs that your pet may still be with you:

Physical Manifestations

One of the most common ways that pets communicate with their owners from the afterlife is through physical manifestations .

You may feel a sudden rush of cold air or a gentle touch on your face or hand.

Some pet owners report feeling their pet’s presence in the form of a warm spot on the bed or couch where their pet used to sleep.

Catching a Glimpse

Some pet owners have reported seeing a fleeting shadow or shape that resembles their pet out of the corner of their eye.

These brief sightings can be incredibly soothing for many and offer a sense of connection as if the beloved companion is still keeping a watchful eye over them.

Auditory Signals

Another way that pets communicate from the afterlife is through auditory signals.

You may hear your pet bark, meow, or purr, even though they’re no longer physically present.

Some pet owners report hearing the sound of their pet’s collar jingling or the sound of their pet’s paws on the floor.

Unexplained Movements

Pets can also communicate from the afterlife through unexplained movements.

You may see a shadow or a flash of movement out of the corner of your eye, or you may notice objects moving on their own.

Some pet owners report finding their pet’s favorite toy in a place where it shouldn’t be or seeing their pet’s image in a photograph.

Feeling Their Presence

One of the most common signs that your pet is visiting you from the afterlife is the feeling of their presence.

You may feel a sudden rush of warmth or a gentle touch or feel like your pet is sitting next to you or following you around the house.

These feelings can be comforting and reassuring and may be a sign that your pet is still with you in spirit.

Dream Visits

Another way that your pet may visit you from the afterlife is through dreams.

You may have vivid dreams in which your pet appears, or you may simply feel their presence in your dreams.

These dreams can be a powerful source of comfort and healing, allowing you to feel close to your pet even after they have passed away.

Sensing Emotional Support

Many pet owners report feeling a sense of emotional support from their pets even after they have passed away.

You may feel like your pet is comforting you during difficult times or sense their presence when you feel sad or lonely.

These feelings can be a powerful reminder that your pet’s love and support are always with you, even after they have crossed the rainbow bridge.

Sensing Their Smell

Smelling your pet’s distinct scent, like their fur or favorite treat, without any obvious source may be another sign that your pet is trying to make you aware of their presence.

Signs in Nature

Seeing animals that remind you of your pet or noticing unusual animal behavior that feels significant can be another way your pet is assuring you that you are not alone.

Unusual Electrical Disturbances

Flickering lights and spontaneous electronics may be gentle whispers from the afterlife, and although scary for some, they can be comforting for others who consider this manifestation a reminder of the unbreakable bond they shared with their departed pets.

Interpreting Messages from Your Pet

Some Pet Reincarnation Stories

When a pet passes away, it is common for their owners to experience signs that their beloved animal is still with them in spirit.

However, interpreting these messages from your pet can be a difficult task.

Here are some tips to help you decipher the symbols and understand their purpose.

Deciphering Symbols

One of the most common ways pets communicate from the afterlife is through symbols.

These symbols can take many forms, such as a certain song on the radio, a specific bird flying overhead, or even a particular scent in the air.

It is important to pay attention to these symbols and try to determine if they have any personal significance to you and your pet.

If you are unsure about the meaning of a particular symbol, try meditating or asking for guidance from your higher power.

You may also want to keep a journal to track any recurring symbols and their potential meanings.

Understanding Their Purpose

It is important to remember that the purpose of these messages from your pet is not to cause fear or distress but rather to provide comfort and reassurance.

Your pet may be trying to let you know that they are still with you and watching over you, or they may be trying to offer guidance or support during a difficult time.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure about the meaning of a particular message, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend or spiritual advisor for support and guidance.

Remember, your pet’s love and spirit will always be with you, even after they have passed on.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i tell if my deceased pet is trying to communicate with me.

It is not always easy to tell if your deceased pet is trying to communicate with you , but there are some signs to look out for.

Some commonly reported signs that your pet may be visiting you include feeling a sudden presence or a sense of your pet’s energy around you, hearing sounds that remind you of your pet, or catching a glimpse of their shadow or objects moving in an unusual way.

How can I connect with my pet, who has passed away?

Connecting with your pet who has passed away can be a healing and comforting experience.

You can try talking to them out loud, writing them a letter, or lighting a candle in their memory.

You can also dedicate a special corner in your home to honor their memory and spend time there when you want to feel close to them.

Can the presence of a deceased pet be felt physically?

Many pet owners report feeling their deceased pet’s presence physically, such as a sensation of them brushing against their leg or feeling their weight on the bed.

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  • Loss Of Pet

20 Common Claims of Signs From Deceased Pets

Updated 04/25/2024

Published 03/7/2021

Sarah Kessler

Sarah Kessler

Contributing writer, editor

Learn about signs from deceased pets with 20 examples of signs you might notice.

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Pets can bring light and comfort to even the darkest moments. So it’s a painful truth that for one of the darkest moments in our lives— the loss of our beloved pet —they’re not there. At least not physically. 

Without your pet around to comfort you when they’re gone, you might start seeing subtle signs of your pet’s presence. Many pet owners claim to experience signs from their deceased pets, letting them know they’re not alone. And those signs can appear just after a pet’s death or many years later. 

You might believe in signs from the afterlife, or you might not. And we’ll never truly know the true meaning of these kinds of messages. But no matter your beliefs about the afterlife, recognizing the potential signs from your pets will help keep them close to your heart and alive in your memory . 

Below, we’ll look at some of the most common claims people have made of signs from their deceased pets. So if you notice one or more of these signs, keep in mind that your pet might not be as far away as you think. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

1. familiar sounds, 2. familiar smells, 3. memories out of the blue, 5. physical feelings.

  • 6. More Signs

The most common sign that pet owners report after their pets pass away is the sound of their pet. Pets make all kinds of sounds throughout the day, and we often just ignore them. 

Even when our pets are gone, we might continue to hear those sounds without realizing they shouldn’t be there anymore.

But if you happen to notice a particular sound when your pet is no longer with you, it might give you pause. Some examples of sounds that might be a sign from your departed pet include: 

  • The jingling of a collar. 
  • The thudding sound of a tail against furniture. 
  • A faint bark, cry, or whimper. 
  • The doggy door flapping back and forth.
  • The sound of nails on a glass door or window. 
  • The tip-tapping sound of their nails on the floor. 
  • The sound of the floorboards or stairs shifting as they run across. 

Every pet owner knows their pet has his or her own distinctive smells, for better or for worse. 

If it’s been months or years since your pet’s passing, those smells should have worn off of the furniture and carpets. But you might suddenly catch a whiff of something familiar and wonder if it’s your furry friend saying hello. 

It might be your pet’s shampoo or the musky smell of their breath. If it’s raining, you might catch the distinctive scent of wet fur when you open a door or window. 

As you’re going through your normal day, a memory of your pet might suddenly pop into your mind for no apparent reason. 

Many pet owners see this as a sign that their pet is with them in spirit. And if it’s a happy memory, your pet might be trying to remind you that everything’s OK. 

Maybe there’s a song you used to sing to your pet or a song that reminds you of your time together. 

If that song gets stuck in your head out of nowhere, or if it comes on the radio at random, it might be a sign from your pet. 

Have you ever felt the brush of a cat or dog up against your leg when there’s nothing there? You might recognize that feeling as your pet coming to lend you some comfort or say hello. 

Other feelings that might be a sign from your pet include the feeling of a pet’s panting on your skin or a playful nip at your hand or foot. You might even feel the scratch-and-knead of little claws from a departed feline friend. 

6. Change in Temperature

Another physical sign is a temperature change. You know the feeling when a pet climbs under the covers with you or just sits on your lap? The temperature rises and becomes notably cozier. 

If you feel a small space of warm air around you, it might be your pet stopping by for a cuddle. And if you notice that the spot where they always curled up is warmer, that could be a sign, too. 

7. Interacting with Other Pets

Some pet owners claim to interact with pets that are just like their pets who are deceased. 

If you pet another person’s dog and notice the same smile as your departed friend, or if a cat comes by your house who looks just like yours, it might be a sign from your deceased pet. 

8. Behavior of Other Animals

Speaking of other animals, keep an eye out for the behavior of other pets in the house. Many pet owners believe that animals can see things—including signs from the afterlife —that we can’t.

If your other pets start acting like they see your departed pet, it might mean they’re there in spirit. 

9. Signs in Nature

Animals in nature might be signs from a deceased pet, too. If you see a bird, insect, or wild animal you don’t normally see around, it might be your pet checking in. 

For example, you might notice a dragonfly by your house, where you’ve never seen one before. Or you might encounter a symbolic bird, like a blue jay, a robin, a cardinal, or a goldfinch, while you’re out for a walk. 

Any animal or bug that starts appearing after the passing of your pet could be a sign. 

Some pet owners believe their pets’ spirits can visit them in their dreams. If you suddenly have a dream that revolves around your pet, or if your pet just stops by in your dream, it could be a sign from your beloved friend. 

11. Unexplained Movement

Do you keep seeing a furry little blur out of the corner of your eye? Does food keep getting knocked off the counter and onto the floor? 

Unexplained signs of movement like these could be considered signs from a deceased pet from the afterlife. 

Some pet owners see shapes in the clouds the remind them of their pet, or they see flowers blooming in the shape of their pet’s face. 

If you notice any shapes in nature or around the house that remind you of your pet, it could be them stopping in to let you know they’re OK. 

13. Dates and Times

If you look at the clock regularly and see the same time over and over again, it might be a sign. Consider whether the time on the clock is symbolic of anything, like the time of your pet’s passing or a special time you used to share. Is it the time you would usually feed your pet or take them for a walk? 

Also, take note if you find any coins out of place. You might find a coin with the year your pet was born or the year you adopted your pet, which may be a sign that they’re there with you. 

14. Fur and Whiskers

You might continue finding tufts of fur or even whiskers around the house, in new places or places you’ve cleaned already. 

This could be your pet reminding you of their presence in the home. You could even find things like baby teeth or nail clippings in odd locations. 

15. Scratches and Markings

As you’re going through your day, you might see a smudge on the sliding glass door from your pet’s nose. If it wasn’t already there before, that smudge could be a sign that your pet’s spirit is still around. 

You might also find other signs on the furniture or around the house, like a scratch on the upholstery or a muddy pawprint by the door. 

16. Feathers

Finding feathers in unusual places is thought to be a sign from the afterlife. If you find a feather in your home or while you’re on a walk, it might be your pet giving you a sign.

17. Mice and Birds

If you had an outdoor cat who liked to bring you “gifts,” like mice and birds, you might keep noticing these special presents when your pet is gone. 

If you see a deceased bird or mouse outside your home, don’t be alarmed. It may just be your kitty bringing you a gift from the other side. 

18. Your Pet’s Name

Your pet’s name is special to you, so when you see it somewhere out of the blue, you’ll probably take notice. If your pet’s name comes up somewhere unexpected, that may be a sign of your pet saying hello. 

19. Electrical Disturbances

Many people believe that spirits, including those of deceased pets, have a strong electrical presence. 

So if you have a light that keeps going out after your pet’s death, more static “shocks” than normal, or any other type of electrical disturbance, it could be a sign from your pet. 

20. Objects Around the House

Finally, keep an eye out for unusual objects around the house. You might find things related to your departed pet, like a toy ball or pieces of kibble. 

Take note of whether you put those items there or not. If they weren’t supposed to be there, they might be a sign that your pet is visiting from the other side. 

Signs From the Afterlife 

Some people believe deceased family members, including pets, can communicate with us from the other side. Others are more skeptical that something like that could be true. 

But whether or not you believe in signs from the afterlife, the “signs” we listed above will always remind you of your pet. And whenever you think about your pet, they’re close to you in spirit and memory. 


  • Coping With Grief

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33 Afterlife Signs from your Pet

  • Post author: Rebecca
  • Post category: Grief support / Life After Loss / Pet Loss

rainbow over waterfall

Do people keep telling you “everything will be okay,” “you did all you could,” or “they loved you so much and you should always remember that?” And all you want is a sign from your pet, letting you know that they are near and that they are okay. Maybe you keep thinking “how I am going to move forward and live with this loss?” Express your feelings and pain. Know that even though it is hard right now, you are not alone. It is possible to live and move forward from the loss. Not move on. Acknowledge the loss and the love. Treasure the experience and moments you had with them. And remember to look around and you are sure to see signs that they are near.

You are strong . This time of grief is an opportunity for you to look at the world differently. There is a new appreciation for life and this beautiful place that your pet was so happy to be apart of. Try to look at this world the way they did. Look around and you will see signs that they are near, visiting you from the afterlife.

  • You may hear your pet’s collar jingle as it used to when they were walking around or shaking themselves.
  • Wonder what that thudding sound was? Your pet is wagging their tail .
  • Clip clip clip, that’s the sound of their nails as they walk around.
  • Do you hear their barks, cries, or whimpering ?
  • Did a song come on the radio that reminded you of them? Or maybe you randomly get the song stuck in your head.
  • Have you ever felt them brush up against your leg ?
  • A sudden change in temperature around you can be a sign that they are near.
  • How about that spot they always curled up in? You may find a warm spot .
  • When a happy memory just pops into your head out of the blue, they are there to remind you of joy.
  • Have you ever interacted with a pet that felt exactly like your pet? Physical impressions are a truly wonderful experience.
  • Look at the clouds . The clouds may make an image or a line formation that reminds you of your pet – that’s them.
  • See that beautiful rainbow ? That’s them saying hello and that they are okay on the other side.
  • Have you ever had a dream where your pet comes to visit? Check out to learn more about grief dreams and listen to my episode on the Grief Dream Podcast .
  • Birds are a sign of freedom – common birds to start seeing after a passing are: Blue Jays, Red Robins, Cardinals, and Gold Finches.
  • Ever notice those beautiful dragonflies or butterflies ? These are a sign from your pet asking you to embrace change.
  • Ladybugs may start appearing as a reminder to live your life to the fullest.
  • Any other animal that started appearing after the passing that you never seen before could be a sign from your beloved.
  • Keep an eye on the behaviour of your other pets . You may notice them focused on something you can’t see. Even playing with what looks like something else but they are by themselves.
  • Ever look at the clock and see a repeat of numbers? 11:11 being the most common – these numbers are the spirits telling you that you are on the right path.
  • Other number formats can represent special dates, anniversary, etc. For example, if your pet passed away on October 20th, you may see 10.20 on a clock.
  • Maybe you’ve noticed a license plate before that insistently reminded you of your pet.
  • Did you by chance see movement out of the corner of your eyes?
  • Maybe the same picture keeps falling ? That’s them letting you know they are around.
  • Have you ever experienced a joyful scent out of the blue?
  • Maybe you still smell them even when none of there belongings are around.

Other signs

  • You may experience flowers budding , especially out of season. They are letting you know that they are okay and experiencing life in a different form.
  • Don’t forget that your pet’s spirit is filled with energy so it’s not uncommon that you may experience electrical manipulations after their passing.
  • You may find a feather after their passing. This is the Angel feather letting you know they are safe and at peace.
  • Have you ever found a coin with a special year on it? Maybe it was a birth, date, or anniversary.
  • Maybe you spotted their name somewhere unexpected.
  • Anytime you see heart shapes in, on, or around something, that’s love sent from your beloved pet.
  • Phone calls from unknown numbers on a static line could be your pet trying to connect with you.
  • You may even find sweet reminders of them and their love through strands of fur, whiskers, nails, or even baby teeth.

How can we be sure that these signs are our pets connecting with us from the afterlife? Believe it, and you will feel it. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your heart open.

Do you want to keep your pet’s psychically close to you? Browse our custom memorial jewelry and keepsakes created by preserving your pet’s hair and/or ashes.

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This Post Has 101 Comments

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I remember when my cat passed away I would feel light air on my neck or weight at my feet (like she used to lay on my feet in bed) or see the numbers 11:11 on my clocks often. This is very interesting and validates my personal feelings, our pets live on in the afterlife.

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Good morning, The day my dog passed was 05/07/2020 we had to put her down at the vets, later on in the late afternoon I was talking to the person who gave her to me 16 years ago she’s a friend of mine an I told her what had happened earlier in the day as I was informing her the water bowl dispenser started bubbling for a while like as if my dog was there drinking from it but there wasn’t a dog there?. Now a week has passed then last Thursday 05/14/2020 the water bowl again was bubbling like as if a dog was drinking from it? Forgot to mention I do have another small dog too thats why I have a water bowl in the kitchen but he wasnt there drinking from it? When I received my dog of 16 years she was a puppy, I didn’t pick her she picked me, she camed to me started to lick my fingers, wagged her tail and played. from there on she always wanted to know where I was, she loved me an adore me, she always was watching me with here loving eyes where every I go in the home she’d be there a few feet away, she slept with my for 16 years (7/3/2004 to 7/2020). In the evening when it was time for bed she’d be so happy that I was getting ready for bedtime she would go under the covers an cuddle right next to me stomach cuz I sleep on my side. She was a very close dog to me…. Cant believe she’s not here anylonger I sure will miss her dearly, its like someone just stole her from me, I will be getting her ashes an a plaque with her paw print on it in a few days hopefully this will comfort me…

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I hope those signs are comforting to you. My darling little Charlie died a year ago last month. When I’m coming home from work, I still go on automatic pilot and think I will see her at the door.

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Aug 7 of last yr my Jasper passed away unexpectedly it’s still so painful and others don’t understand why I still feel this way ?

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I just lost my baby Mia on 7/15/2020. It was the hardest and most painful thing. She was about to turn 10 years old and she had been with me since she was 2 months. The day I picked up her ashes from the vet I found a bird in my backyard that couldn’t fly. I took the bird and tried to feed it and gave water. It seem like it was going to be ok, I try to put it outside a few times to see if it wanted to to fly but it didn’t, it just moved from one place to the other in my backyard. The next day I put it on my lap because it seem startled. It felt like the bird was very calm and just laying on my lap, I could tell it was still breathing and alive but after about an hour I realized it had passed ?

I know it was a sign from my beautiful Mia. I miss and love her dearly. May her beautiful soul be in a wonderful place being the happy puppy she always was ❤️

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My mind is blown away, because when I got down to the part about if your pet passed on Oct. 20th you look at the clock and it’s 10:20.. well as soon as I read that, I look up at the time and it was 1 minute away from 8:10.. which was yesterday, August 10.. and my dog just passed away yesterday ?

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Just lost my beautiful Golden Retriever today…8/22/20…we feel lost…..came home from the vet…..and found a little gray and white feather beneath our coffee table next to a little fluff of Toby’s fur….

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I lost my beloved cat Muning five weeks ago. Days after her passing, I saw a brown lady bug in the kitchen, the color and spots of the lady bug reminded me of my cat’s tummy, brown with some faint grey spots, She loved when I pet/stroke her tummy, she’s like a dog. A couple of times we saw dragon flies, first time my husband saw it in the balcony. Today, we have it inside our apartment, I was able to catch it, took some photos and when I was trying to free it outside it didn’t fly right away, it stayed on my thumb. It stayed long enough for my husband to get my phone so I can take some more photos before it finally flew. We never saw lady bugs nor dragonflies in our apartment before since our apartment is on 5th floor and we live in New York City. The other day when I was working from home, I was having this team meeting with my boss and she was showing me a file from her screen, the filename of the file she was showing me begins with 1111, I was watching her screen and then she executed a command on that file, after the command finished processing, the timestamp shows11:11am, I was blown away with coincidence! I really love to see signs from my fur baby, I love and miss her so much. I really want to know if she is OK.

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My beloved horse Mouse passed over last Saturday, I’m heartbroken to say the least he was 30 years old we’d been a partnership for so long. Since he passed I have found 2 feathers, had a very confident Robin appear in the garden starring at me & not moving even though I got closer & yesterday a Ladybug appeared on my passenger car seat next to me, windows closed. Yesterday my youngest dog started acting like my dog that passed in 2018, hitting me with her paw to get my attention & she has never acted this way in 7 years although Reo did this everyday, I’m wondering if Reo came to see me because of how upset I am about Mouse? I felt Reo when he passed a few days after he jumped on the bed and lay next to me until I fell asleep as I was so upset from him going. I hope these are from my furry friends.

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I lost my beautiful boy last Tuesday 09/22/2020. The pain is like no other. I also have had the feelings like someone came down and took him from me. I do not know how to move forward without him. It does not feel right. He was my baby. The grief is overwhelming, it’s like losing an arm. Part of my heart is missing.

I don’t know how to go on without him.

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Dianne, I lost my sweet boy on 9/23/20. I feel your pain. I feel the same way. I’m having a harder time moving on, this time. Its so heart breaking. ?

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I lost my sweet little girl, my Miniature Pinscher that I had for 16 1/2 years on No. 6, 2020. I got her when she was 9 weeks. We did so much together. A year after I got her I lost my other Dog. So it was her and me….we went to parks, dog walks, fundraisers, pet stores, and traveled. We celebrated her birthday, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas morning she would open her presents under the tree. I played a music box for her. I love and miss her so much! I have her toys here. Her water dish is on the floor. Every night she would get her bedtime snack….a mini treat. She cuddled with me. It hurts SO much. My heart is broken. I just wish I could find out if she knew how much I love her!

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My little one crossed over a few days ago and my body yearns and pains so much to have him here with me! I am finding it so hard, so painful, it also feels a part of me is missing. He was my everything, my shadow, he gave me so much and not having him here is more painful than words can describe! I sometimes smell him and it brings me comfort and I want to feel him more and get more signs from him, I know he will always be with me. It’s just so hard not to see or physical have him by me ?

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my lab who was 14 yrs old passed away 1-27-21 at home. I fell asleep after being by his side off and on all night trying to comfort him. my heart is so broken. I was not by his side when he passed. I loved him so much! I cant quit crying. I brought his ashes home today. I hugged his little box of ashes and cryed my eyes out. I’m so sad.

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I lost my HENLEY 12/09/2020, I too am so lost and heartbroken.. I had him for 14 yrs. and he was my everything and my constant. I don’t think that I will ever get past the pain. I find my self looking for him Every min and crying constantly. How do I find him. Please help.

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I lost my beautiful cat Tigger on 16/12/20 and I was beyond devastated. I still am! It’s almost been two months and I don’t feel any better. I haven’t yet had any signs of him being here, though it would be wonderful to know that he is. His ashes are in a gorgeous wooden box on the mantlepiece in the living room. I feel like I make progress with my healing but whenever I’m alone in the house it all just comes crashing down again. Every time I’m alone in this house I feel so upset and most of the time I just cry and cry and cry, I want to feel better but it’s so hard ! I miss him so much. It did get to a point where I missed him so much I felt that the only way I’d feel better was to join him. I still feel that now and again but I know he wouldn’t want that. I just wish he was back here. :( He passed away in my arms ❤️

Oh @Claudia I feel your pain!! And identify with so much of it!! Grief is so painful and torturous, I am feeling it all myself! I know everything feels unbearable at the moment, though deep down, I know things will eventually get better, but unfortunately we have to let time heal and sooth us. I keep trying to by kind and gentle to my self. Try to find things that sooth you, it’s different for everyone and grief unfortunately isn’t Linea. Some days I may feel a bit calmer and other days it feels I am back at the beginning. All our beauties ever want is for us to be happy and soothed, once we find moments of lightness in our grief, we start finding signs, there are more signs than we realise, not just what is mentioned here, I know they are beside us and wanting only the best ❤️

@Monica, thank you for your kind words. It’s kind of comforting in a way to know that I am not the only one who feels this way! Yet I wish you happiness and healing at the same time. I feel exactly the same, some days I feel good and some days I feel right back at the beginning again! But you are definitely right, it will get better in time❤️ I will welcome any signs of him. Thank you for your advice as well, I will try my best! We are in this together :)

@claudia much love ❤️ I know words are easier said than done. Wishing much healing and signs from our beloved babies ?

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I lost my beloved American Cocker Spaniel Aubrey on the 4th March 2021. It has only been a couple of days since he left me. He had a bad heart and was battling an infection. At almost 14yrs, after two months of progress I thought he was winning the fight. Although weak, and being hand fed I still had hope. Till he died while I was trying to feed him, he just went limp, head rolling to the side, eyes wide. I fought to revive him and failed…he was gone. My heart is broken…we were like ET and Elliott, so in tune and empathic. Now there is just his absence…I feel his loss. I have been waiting to feel a sense of him around me. There is nothing…Just his ashes and a paw print. I find myself holding his blanket and PJ’s…anything to feel closer to him. People say get another dog, and that would feel like a betrayal of my baby. I would give anything just to hold him in my arms. Logically I know grief is something we go through…emotionally I am hurting in a way that even a relatives passing has not evoked. I thought I heard his paws on the kitchen floor the night he died, like he would do when looking for me…Since then there has been nothing. It has brought me comfort to read I am not alone in my grief…I was so lucky to have such a gentle soul in my life.

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I lost my four-legged soulmate Moo Moo two weeks ago. The grief is unbearable. He was the most handsome, smartest, most interactive cat. He was always glued to me, so I feel his absence every minute.I think of him constantly. I still cry multiple times daily. He left such a void in the house; it will never be the same. He has come to me in dreams and also sent us very obvious signs, with his name “Moo Moo” actually popping up twice. He sends us rainbows and other signs. I am grateful for them, but I still miss him and feel like I will never get over this loss. I look at photos and videos hoping they will make me feel better, but they just remind me of how much I miss him and hw the joy is gone from the house. I am just praying that his spirit is still her, that our love will connect us forever across time and dimensions, and that I will see him again one day.

Rachele, I read your post and feel for you.Yes, logically we all know that no one lives forever, but that does not matter. And I agree that the loss of our beloved companions is, in some ways, much more painful than the loss of a relative. I think it’s because our animals are always with us, offering unconditional love. The relationship with them is so easy and pure.

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My sweet Maggie lost her battle to cancer, ckd and ibd March 11, 2021. We were very close. I didn’t think I could survive without her but I am here. I was so desperate to see her she finally came to me about 3 days after she passed away in my dream. Some nights I forget she’s not here and call for her half asleep ;((( and I had 2 or 3 light bulbs go bad in a week. I miss her so much.

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Our baby Gigi died tragically on 3/24/2021. I’m trying to move forward but I took her to a friends while we moved and promised her I would be back. She was so mad at me. She got hit by a car the next morning trying to get home. I am drowning in what if’s. She was only 7. Praying her soul finds me again so I can hold her

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My baby boy Charlie was only 8 weeks old when I brought him home. Next week would’ve been his 10th birthday. Yesterday we took him to the vet to be laid to rest because of liver failure. My heart is shattered. Unrepairable. I feel empty inside. My house seems so empty and lifeless. My wife & I have been crying all day. Yesterday after we got home I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Charlie sitting in his favorite spot. Today just a few minutes as I was sitting by my computer I received a whiff of his sent. My ole stinky dog. Last night I slept on his bed and sobbed like a little kid. His bed still smells like him. He was not only our pet but he was my service dog. Our bond was unbreakable. I truly hope he is still with me. I feel as if part of my soul died along with him. It all seems like a terrible nightmare. I wish we could upload pics on this site. I love you Charlie Brown. Daddy misses you so much.

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My sweet boy, Maverick, was put to rest two day ago on 3/29. He just turned 14 in February and he was thriving until a fast moving cancer in his spleen gave us no choice but to put him down peacefully. Our hearts are shattered. I find comfort in reading all your grief experiences, but my gosh is the grief and longing to have him back in my arms overwhelming. I have anxiety walking through the house because I know I won’t see him in all his favorite spots. I weep in his bed and hold his toys and blankets tight only wishing it was him I was hugging and burying my face into his fur. So far, he’s appeared in my dreams and my husband’s dreams once, and we had birds all fly up to our kitchen windows, which has never happened before. I would give anything to hug and kiss him again. A part of me died with him Monday and all I want is to wake up again and see him lying next to our bed. I hope the signs he gives to us never end. We miss you so much Maverick. Our world will never be the same without your sweet, gentle soul following us around everyday. We love you dearly and you will always be on our minds. Until we meet again sweet boy <3

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It has been so good to read these comments…our Pinky passed on Saturday and although she was losing a fight with cancer and kidney failure, she died from choking, and we are so upset over that. We would give anything to be with her for one more day. The best advice i could give anyone is to be PRESENT with your pets every day. There were so many wasted days where my husband and i were wrapped up in things that didnt matter..days where we should have just loved on our sweet girl while we had the chance.

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I lost my beloved little girl from a heart attack in a sunshine saturday morning(2/23/2021). I went to the vet with her and she(the vet) told me to take her to the hospital with urgency. She was walking, I help her to get into the car and go to drive to the hospital. When we were on the way, she was barking to the sun as she did every time, I looked back and, this day, she was not barking to outside, to the other people or something like this, she was barking to the sun. I think that she knew what will happens 3 or 4 minutes later. She fell on the bench as she sometimes did, and I continued to talk with her. I had to reduce the velocity abruptly to avoid hitting a car that enter in front of me and she fall between the seats. I thought she was stuck between the seats and couldn’t get out. I stopped at the shoulder and went to help her. My little girl had gone. Since then it seems that things are no longer the same. She was my light, I miss her so much. It hurts so much, not being able to hug her at night, to call her to sleep, prepair her food, she is not waiting for me when I come home. I share your pain. One day, I believe, that God will allow that we met them again.

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My cat Silky passed away June 2019. I have her picture on top of the entertainment unit where she used to like to sit, along with two of her favourite toys. I talk to her and tell her how much I love and miss her and tell her she can play with them and bat them on the floor. I am still waiting

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My Tusk man passed a couple days ago. He was 14 years old. Golden Retriever, dumb as could be, but he was the best. I’m 16, we got him and his sister when my 14 year old sister was born. I have two sisters, and they have known those two since they were babies. I did see a Blue Jay after putting rocks on his grave the day he passed. I have yet to see two other signs to confirm it’s him. I believe that was one sin though.

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We lost our little girl on 5-30-21. She was almost 17 and we have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She passed as I was holding her close to me. She looked at me and just sighed. She was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer only 8 days before. Koko only weighed 4 pounds and lost weight in those 8 days. I have been having a hard time dealing and accepting her passing. I cry constantly and have even tried to “bargain” with God to get her back. I can see her everywhere. I am hoping that she will be there for me someday. It has been said that your pets will be waiting to run to you in Heaven. I am hoping that is true. I am sure she’s there and rolling in the grass for the pure joy of it. This pain I am having is almost unbearable. My heart will ache until I am with her again.

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My Eddie passed away on May 30th…my beloved kitty, best friend, buddy and love. I am devastated…he was 100% mine. He never sat on anyone else’s lap, never rubbed against anyone else and was by my side always. He slept with me for almost 18 years until he fell ill on May 7th. He never fully recovered. I am broken. I have always had kitties and loved them all, but Ed was different, a little spirit I have known before. Five days later his older sister, Fannie (age 20) died in her sleep. Losing two kitties in 5 day is almost unbearable. Saturday…as I was sitting and staring out the window, a white butterfly drifted by…I walked outside and there was a feather…not another one anywhere…my “kids” are fine. They are only out of sight. If I didn’t believe this with all that I am…I could not bear this double loss.The oldest of my three kitties, Bella, is still with me, and she comforts me. She is over 20 and I know her time is limited…she is very frail. I also know she will be fine when she joins her friends. <3

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Hi there I just lost my cat Charlotte on Tuesday evening. I adopted her in February 2017 when she about 3 years old. So I only had her a little over 4 years. She was diagnosed with IBD in January and was on a steroid. She had good days and bad days where the issues would flare up but mostly she was doing much better. Then out of the blue on Sunday and Monday her appetite was basically gone and she was just laying in front of the litter box. I noticed her breathing was heavy too, kind of like she was panting. So I took her to the ER and they told me her red blood cell count was so low that if they didn’t do blood transfusions she would die soon. They also wanted to do a series of other tests and said based on her blood work and breathing, etc they don’t think the outcome would be good. My poor baby has suffered enough and has been poked and prodded many times since January. Plus it was getting to the point where I couldn’t afford it anymore. The blood transfusions alone would be $3500. I didn’t want to put a price tag on her life and believe me I’m really struggling with my decision. I keep wondering what if I went thru with the transfusions and the tests, maybe I wouldn’t have had to put her to rest. It’s killing me. The pain is unbearable. I’m so sad and missing her like crazy. I can’t stop crying. I live alone and the house is so quiet and empty. I hope she can forgive me for the decision I made. Hardest decision of my life. I had very little time to prepare for this and I’m still in shock. I’d give anything to bring her back. I feel so badly for all she went through at a young age. It doesn’t feel fair. She was the most loving and gentle kitty. She was first pet. I keep begging God to send me a sign from her. This is the worst pain I ever felt and again, no time to prepare so I’m questioning everything. I’m worried that I’ll never get over this. She was the best and brought so much joy. I’m beyond heart broken and devastated. Holding her in my arms while the doctor put her to sleep will forever be in my memory. I hope time lessens the pain and guilt. Never did I know the impact an animal could have on my life. Rest easy baby girl and I hope you’re playing on the Rainbow Bridge. I’ll never forget you!!

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I feel everyone’s grief. I”m still hurting from my wonderful lab. pitbull. Her name is Girly, she was smart, over protective, especially w/my nephew’s, she also do tricks, like when I would take her for a walk, she would roll over, she’ll do it couple times while walking. I told her u belong in a circus. I had to put her down, she needed surgery. Cause of her age n what she had, it wasn’t a guarantee she’ll make it. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. It bothers me all the time, n I just break down n cry. Some days I’m fine and not. I was w/her when she was put down. It was July 21, 2021 at about 2:45. I stayed w/ her hoping she’ll come back. I wanted to share this. I slept outside,(patio) where my Girly sleeps, I was always next to her, she needed 24/7 watch. She couldn’t walk, but she’ll try to drag herself to do her thing. I always carried her out. Well anyways, that evening I heard her drinking water. I told my nephew, I think I’m losing my mind. I told my sister the same thing, n she thought I had Girly’s brother w/me. I said no. Girly gulps her water, loud. Another time I heard her chewing rocks, of course, I scold her. That’s what killed her. I miss her n I’m not crazy. I still mourn over her. Right now I’m trying to b strong for her brother (Theo). I think he knows she’s gone, He wasn’t himself the first few days. He does things he don’t do, but his sister does. I even ask God to take me instead of my Girly. Thanks for letting me vent all my feelings out.

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I lost my Molly on August 1st, after driving from the cottage to the nearest hospital which was almost 2hrs away. She passed away just before we got there. They tried CPR but she would not come back. I now sit and wait, crying, until I can pick up her ashes and bring her back home. I have never experienced such heartache and I hope all of you find comfort in your loved ones memories.

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Andrea, when we lost our Sprocket in 2017, my children and I all felt as if we had been hit by a semi truck. We loved him that much. Your pain will lessen.

We adopted another dog that was the same breed mix as Sprocket right away. For us, the joy of the new dog helped blunt the pain of our loss. We believe that sprocket understands our decision.

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I lost one of my fur babies yesterday..I walked back from the vets on one of the paths I frequently used. I found a plastic heart and today I saw literally 20 dragonflies and felt it was a message that my departed pet was happy

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We lost my beloved Moose on Sunday, September 5, 2021. We miss him so dearly. He was 11 years old (shy of one month). He was so energetic, full of life, allowed to be petted and would let you know when he’s had enough. Most of all, just very talkative and affectionate towards my mother and husband. He was like my mother’s little shadow. Suddenly he passed on at the ER vet with cardiac arrest. Just so strange! He was his normal self that same morning. My mother felt his purr next to her face on the same day he passed, and he also visited her in her dream. In her dream, he jumped into her arms, mine ,and a little girl (which is believed to be my younger female cat). I wish i could see him in my dreams. But on the same day he passed, i was out walking my dog when i looked up at my mom’s bedroom window- i believe i saw his reflection on the window- only the blinds were down. He was just looking down at the pool and grass. Perhaps i was imaging it? I just miss him dearly, since i picked him up from under a FedEx truck in 20 degree weather. He was my little baby and my first child. I know it will take time to move on, but for now it just really hurts. Most of all, it pains me to see my mother be so sad. He loved watching her eat and follow her everywhere. I look forward to bringing him home soon.

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I lost my baby girl Gizmo (she was a cat) on 9/9/2021 due to pancreatitis, diabetic etc.. She became a diabetic 2 1/2 years ago and I’ve been giving her insulin twice a day since. She just turned 16 yrs old last week and then died a week later. I cry every day, several times a day and it hurts. It helps to get out of my apartment but i can’t do that all the time. The constant reminders of her being in here hurts so much. She was by me for 16 yrs. She had several spots to sleep. My bed, on her table by window and floor by table on her rug etc.. I keep looking at those all the time hoping she is there again. I haven’t ate much in the past few days. Don’t feel like doing anything. I keep thinking of maybe adopting a new baby but i feel so guilty over that. It would never replace gizmo, but I miss something being here with me. It’ll have it’s own character and personality and never be anything the same as gizmo but i think it may help me to love it and it love me and form another special bond? If i could get gizmo back then that is all I’d really want but I know that isn’t possible. I went to sleep last night and i thought i felt her feet at bottom of my bed and also thought I heard her water bowl move in kitchen as she used to love playing with her water and moving bowl. I wish she knew I loved her so much and tried everything. I wish she’d come visit me all the time. I’m waiting for her.

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Tuesday morning 9/14/2021 she jumped into my bed and asked for caresses. She passed ta home on Friday night 9/17/2021. Many people have said that losing a pet can be harder than losing a family member, especially if the bonds are so strong. Going through the grief alone is hard, I feel like part of me has disappeared, and I have no reason to go home. My home is quiet, and I can’t hear the collar bell around the apartment anymore, the barking that she tried to protect me from whoever open the downstairs door is gone.

Princess Lily’s been everything to me for the past ten years + , she’s seen my ups and downs, and she’s always loved me unconditionally. It’s a loss I’ve never felt in my life, and I don’t know how to deal with it yet. What is going to happen? Everywhere I looked, I still see memories of her wanting to eat, following me, playing her toy, etc. I feel that this change me in a way that I could not see the end where I am completely lost.

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We put our cat to sleep on 8.18.21 after she showed symptoms of respiratory distress – she ended up being diagnosed with spleen cancer and internal bleeding. She was a street cat/stray so we don’t know for certain how old she was (but we’re guessing around 14 or 15). I’ve always disliked cats, but this cat was determined to make her mark and I’m still finding myself looking for her throughout the day. I really miss her.

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My beautiful Great Dane, Meka passed away this morning some time between 3:00 and 4:00. She was in end stage renal failure and her final two days were incredibly painful to watch. She couldn’t stand, walk, eat or even drink. I tell myself she’s no longer in pain, but it doesn’t lessen the heartache. I miss her so very much. She was 10 years old and I got her for my 30th birthday. I spent a 1/4 of my life with her. I don’t know how to move on without her. I keeping praying and begging for a sign that she is okay. Every night she would bark softly in my face to wake me up to cover her with the blanket. I miss that so much. If anyone has any advice to get through this terrible pain, please let me know.

Hi Aine, I’m so sorry for your loss. I had to say goodbye to my 14 yr old dog in March this year. He was with me his entire life, too. I can tell you that the first couple of weeks are the most painful because the only thing that could make you feel better is to have her back. My advice for you is when the tears come up, just let them out. I hugged my dog’s blanket and toys for awhile, which does bring some comfort. However, I know the hardest part is we just want them back. I ordered a couple books about signs from our pets in the afterlife, and pets in heaven if that helps you. They did bring some comfort. When I was able to leave the house again (it took about a week before I could control my tears until I got home), I went to the park and read one of those books. I imagined my dog with me laying in the sunshine as I read. Also, as we find a peaceful state of mind again, and I promise you will, that is when you’ll start to feel and see more signs from your Meka. What I can tell you is part of your heart will always feel like it left you because it did. It’s been almost 6 months since my dog passed and I wish I could just hold him and kiss him again. But just know, that when it’s your time to move on from this earth, your Meka will be waiting right there to greet you and never leave your side again. I also put photos of my dog everywhere – where his bed was, right across from my bed so I see him the moment I wake up. I hope these words bring you a little comfort. I know nothing can soothe your pain right now, but just know you are not alone. Even though you can’t see her anymore, she’s still right by your side in spirit always watching over you. I wish you all the peace, comfort and love during this very hard time, Aine. And, remember take all the time you need to heal, and try to do little things that can help make you feel more comfortable at home. Take your time <333

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just had to put our beautiful 11 yr old Molly to sleep yesterday, was my first morning coming home, without her jumping on me, asking for pets, kisses, and treats, my heart is shattered into peices right now, this pain is unbearable

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We lost our 16 yo dearest sweetest Georgia, our little rescue dog. She rescued us. She was the glue of our family. She died a little over a week ago. I was not able to be there when my wife put her down, sadly she took a turn for the worst very fast and we brought a vet to the house to humanely put her to sleep. She was ready. She let us know. Last night when i went to bed, I lifted the covers and asked her to come under and sleep with me, like we did every night when she was alive. I cried myself to sleep. At 3 am I awoke to the feeling of her little paws on my feet–signalizing she needed to get down and get water (like she used to do near the end). Being a paranormal skeptic, I lied there wide awake to verify if what I was imagining was merely a memory–but she did it 2 more times when I was wide awake. I am sitting here writing this still thinking–was I imagining that? The scientist in me tries to rationalize how this could have happened–but I do believe she was there and she came back to tell me she was okay. At least that is what I am choosing to believe. I hope that others also get these messages from our loved ones. Thanks for having this forum for us to express our pain, grief, sadness, relief, and hopes.

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I lost my best friend MaryJane 10/22/21. My husband fears that with all the grief I’m experiencing I am going to end up having a heart attack. I honestly don’t remember a time that I have hurt so had . Being an empty nester when she came into my life 8 years ago she became my child, my baby. I have a small business so she was always with me. If I went somewhere she went, if she couldn’t go my daughter kept her. MaryJane Hayes to stay by herself. Right now that’s one of the hardest thing for me, my baby is without me, she’s scared, hurts my heart so bad. I spoiled my baby in many ways. One being she knew whenever we went into a store she would get a stuffed animal. If she happened to not go you can bet that as soon as I picked her up from my daughter and she got into the car she would dig in the bags and find a stuffed animal. Every si often I would bag some to put in the shed and some for my daughter to take to her doggies. The night she passed unexpectedly I had given a huge bag to my daughter that u had a few days prior gotten together, but there are a few she has to become favorite and we never touched those to go. Since her passing I have put a few on a memory shelf to keep inside and others I packed away with a few other things I want to keep of hers. A couple days ago I was working at my desk and as I was getting things together take to the post office sometime caught my eye in “her area” of this room. It was her very first stuffed dog that she absolutely loved. I gave looked everywhere even had my daughter looking to see if I accidentally sent it with her.i don’t know where it came from honestly, but I will always believe it was a sign to let me know she is still with me.

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My cat just passed on November 22nd, at 10:21 in the morning. I’ve been crying nonstop since then, and hoping for a sign from her that she’s passed on safely. I know sometimes it can take spirits a day or two to find the path home, so to speak, so I’ve been patient. This morning I was researching her symptoms, and found out she may have died from congestive heart failure, and by the time her symptoms were like how they were in the end, there was nothing I could do. That even with treatment- painful, expensive, stressful medical treatment- she may have only gotten another 6 months to live. Maybe. The decision to let her go peacefully is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to face, and I’ve been feeling a ton of guilt about it. Like, maybe I could’ve done something, what could I have done differently? But this morning, finding out that in her advanced state, had they correctly diagnosed her, I would’ve been offered the same option I chose, I felt a lot of that guilt release. I finally allowed myself to get up and make a cup of coffee. And as I put the water in the machine, I looked at the time. It was 11:11. I know she has visited me and is validating my suspicions: yes, she was in heart failure, and no, there was nothing I could’ve done about it. That I let her go in a way that was peaceful instead of painful, that my decision was the right one. I’m still incredibly heartbroken, but I don’t feel like a cat killer anymore. Mommy loves you Bubsie, I’ll see you later <3

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I buried my petie an hour ago. He died on Thursday night. He was only 6 years old. He was not ill but had started to limp 2 days before. I thought he had sprained leg when jumping from my bed.Pete is a Maltese. The vet said probably a sprain. He was eating and drinking. At mid night I got up to cover him. He was gone. I can not stop crying. My other dogs said good bye with howling. The cat slept by his body. No am 74 and have said good bye to many humans and 3 dogs. It never gets easier.

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I lost my baby 01/03/22. Yesterday. Beyond devastated. Today is my birthday which is the 4th. I don’t ever want to think about my birthday again. I had him for 16 years not long enough.

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I lost my beautiful Maltese girl Kir on 01/03/2022. She was with me for 12 wonderful years. I feel completely lost without her. Nothing makes sense anymore. The pain that I feel is beyond anything that I have ever experienced in my life. I am so afraid that I can not go on without her. She was my everything. I miss her so much. I don’t know how to live without her.

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I’m so sorry for all of your losses. Trust me, I get it. I lost my 12 yr. old dog, Tyler, 2 months ago. He was my entire universe. I live alone and he was my utter joy, my purpose, my furry, 4 legged child… my everything. I always used to say that he knew every word I said, he just couldn’t talk back. The pain has been unbearable. There have been times I’ve thrown myself onto my wooden floors, screaming, “No! No! No!” At times I’ve cried so hard I can barely catch my breath and was sure I was close to having a heart attack. Times I’ve cried so much with my head on his bed, soaking it with my tears. I still have painful panic attacks because he’s not here. Even before reading anything about signs after death, I’ve had many signs that he is near and hears me. The magnolia tree out front appears to have shadowy shapes and faces formed by the street lights casting their light on its leaves at night. I’ve stared at it for years at night with Ty when I couldn’t sleep. I picked out the same shapes and faces that I saw every night for years. A clown, a monkey… A few weeks after Ty’s death, there he was, his face, plain as day, staring back at me. Every detail, including his tongue hanging out on the same side of his mouth as it always did. Also an incredibly bright star above the tree, so bright that I said out loud, “What is that?!” I thought it might be the International Space Station, but not so after researching. I’ve never seen that star before. It wasn’t there before … period. Now I see it every time I can’t sleep. One night, my sweet boy came to me in a dream. He ran fast to me and jumped in my lap. I was overcome with tears and laughter and I said, “Tyler!! Where have you been?!” He opened his little mouth and to my shock, words came out in the voice of a little boy and he said, “I’ve been in heaven, mommy!” I’ll love you forever, Tyler. ❤️

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My precious, beloved Shiva,passed away on Feb. 15…holding on through Valentine Day. She was the treasure of my life; a true lover and companion for me. I never felt so connected to an animal before. I had a friend communicate with her, and found out she is okay, she had to leave, and she is still with me. My broken heart is a little broken tonight. Never stop loving your pets and expressing that love to them everyday.

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i lost the love of my life, my soulmate a month ago, i can’t get over it still. The only place that helps me is

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My baby boy Oscar left me suddenly on 03/02/2022 after losing his fight to lymphoma My heart is beyond broke I feel broken and all I want is to see him and be with him again .I don’t know how to get over the grief he was my therapy Pup after losing my last dog .Now I’m lost and alone and I don’t know how to get over my pain .My heart aches for him I’m broken into pieces left alone in what seems a cold harsh world xx

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I lost my dog about almost a month or 2 ago. I hear feel and see multiple signs of him. He lived for 14 years and he was a lab mix. The most amazing thing is last week I woke up in the morning and I had my arm hanging off the side of my bed and I then felt his tongue lick my hand the way he would always lick my hand for years

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Just laid my 17 yr old Husky Sheppard, Isa, to rest yesterday 4/1/22. Took her in when she was about 1-1 1/2yrs old. She was suffering with arthritis and dementia, eye sight and hearing was diminishing and urine and bowel incontinence. Luckily we have a mobile vet unit and was able to have her euthanized at home without struggling to take her out in a vehicle and then into a vets office where she would be scared. We buried her in the back of the house close to our bedroom window. A short time later I went and looked out the window down at her grave then glanced up and noticed in the middle of the hedges right on the other side was a cardinal. I want so much to believe that was a sign she was free and happy.

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My beautiful dog Honey just passed away on April 4th Monday. She is 16 years old mixed fox terrier. She has been diagnosed with cancer in 2019. Initially the vet told us that her cancer was spreading and they were unable for perform surgery on her. I was devastated. Then she was put on palladia which has helped her cancer stable. Now, 3 years have passed she cancer was stable. Took her to regular vet checkup on March 22. No big concern. I noticed she was more weak more tired. But last Saturday, April 2, she started having breath problem, very fast breathing. I didnt notice before. I took her too emergency. She was getting worse and worse and finally we had to put her down on April 4th. I stayed with her as much as I can at the hospital. I was not allowed to stay but I begged the hospital. I held her in my arms for hours and played the Japanese song “oh my little girl” to her over and over. That’s her song. Since then, I have been crying my eyes out. She died in my arms, I held her body for another 2 hours after she passed.

For the past 3 years, I was preparing for her final days. But this came too sudden, I thought she had more time. This morning, i swear I saw her by my bedside, holding onto the edge of my bed, smiling to me. As I was having a hard time getting out of bed, I saw her by my bedside. I tried to pet her head, tried to touch her paws, as if she was real. I still look at the washroom door, thats where she always wait while I go to washroom. I look for her everywhere in my house, by the front door, on the piles of clothes, underneath my office desk, stairs. She was nearly blind and deaf last couple of years due to old age. But she’d still look for me every where. She never followed my husband or my kids, she never wanted to play with any other dogs. She only had me. I was her whole world. Now I have lots of regret and guilt. weeks before her final days, I should have stayed home, just simply hold her and do nothing, for half an hour a time. I should have bought more of her favorite treats, I should have spent less time socializing with fake people fake friends, and stayed home and just simply holding her or laying with her in quiet moments. I know guilt is part of grieving progress. But I really just wish she can come back for just a few more days.

Honey, thank you so much for being so close to me for the past 16 years. I had her when i was 23 years. I experienced break up with ex boyfriends, fights, getting married, giving birth to 4 children, moving to different places, travelling to different places, losing our other dog….she was with me while I was go through life, she was with me. Is it too late to realize that, she is actually part of my soul, and part of my “life”? She is more than family to me.

I want to see more signs from her. I want to dream about her tonight. The other day, i did a meditation to talk to her. I saw her. I saw her walking into a forest. Turning back looking at me. I saw her innocent eyes, I saw sadness. As if she was telling me, as much as she looked forward to go to heaven and meet nana (my other dog and her only dog friend), she also doesnt want to leave me alone. She knows how much I need her. I need her more than she needed me. She tried to stay as long as she could to make me happy, to stay with me. Even though she was suffering, she might have been suffering with cancer for the past 3 years but she didnt show obvious signs until the her last 2 days when she wasnt able to breath on her own.

As I am typing this, I am listening to our song “oh my little girl”. Honey, you will always be my little girl. I will never forget you. I dont know if spirit is real but I hope spirit is real. I hope your spirit is always with me. You are always in my heart. You showed me unconditional love. You gave me strength. Thank you for having done so much to me, but I have done so little in return. I will always love you, honey and nana!

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I lost my sweet Clyde on the 27th of May 2022 few days after both of our birthdays I’ve had him since we rescued his mother who is no longer with us. Lady was pregnant when we got her from the rescue agency I was either 15 or turning 16 at the time I’m now 31 parents went out of town and puppy delivery duty fell on me. We both chose each other and it was so special being there for his birth his little head got stuck in the bars to the kennel where we had lady I took some crisco out of the cabinet and got his head to poke back through ever since then we were inseparable. We did everything together i knew he was detereating fast but I had hope and he held on for another 7 months when I meet my now fiance and her 2 dogs both girls and so goofy and they loved each other so much I’m glad he was able to live the rest of his days in happiness and knowing he was loved by not just me but alot of my close friends and family members adored him. He told me the night before when I let him go potty I called for him but he never came I looked for 10min in the fenced in yard and found him at the edge of the fence he stuck his head up at me and I just knew something was wrong I picked him up and carried him in I comforted him as much as I could we went to sleep that night we woke up and his breathing was much heavier and more labored that morning I held him and carried him out to pee and brought food and water to him he nibbled at some food and drank plenty of water but he just couldn’t hold on anymore he died in my arms and it devistated me and I’m still so hurt and I know it will never be the same without him we were there for each other from his first breath to his last and it hurts more than I could ever imagine please love your pets cherish them.

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I lost my heart dog on November 1 and I see 1:11 and 11:11 and immediately knew that was her message to me. I hear her son and see rainbows. I do believe they are trying to tell us that they are still with us and to comfort us. It’s been 5 years and I still miss her every minute of every day and wish I could just hold her and snuggle her one more time.

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my spirit dog, trigger passed on 05/08/2021. he was a rescue who rescued me. he was my heart. my heart was his. he knew he was my heart. my heart will yearn for him until i see him again

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I lost my cat on 10/01/22 and saw a huge rainbow in the sky right after I received the news. I hope she is with God in heaven.

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Well, when my old bear rescued dog, Buddy, passed away four years ago, my husband and I were so sad, and out of nowhere, the most beautiful butterfly came and sat right at the spot, where Buddy used to rest and look at the park, when he was ill. The butterfly was big, colorful, healthy and so calm, just like Buddy, it sat there for quite a while and allowed us take pictures until it flew away, I still have the picture, my husband keeps it as screen saver in his computer. I knew it was our Buddy saying thank you and I am free and OK. And now, it was my beloved kitty, my diva cat, Misty Jane, she passed all sudden, this last Halloween 2022, I have cried and cried trying to find relief, and while my daughter and I were talking about how we love and miss this mischievous pretty girl, in front the kitchen window, a Blue jay stopped right in front this window, a really beautiful bird on the roof of the shed, I am pretty sure there are signs, and even thought, I am heartbroken because her departure, if she was trying to tell me she is OK, it will help my healing process, I want to be able to remember them, talk about these unconditional friends always smiling, it’s the least I can do in return of their big love they game me. Misty and Buddy, and all my pets friends, I ever had, are always in my heart, soul and memories, love u forever!

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well. this is something new for me.. i just lost my baby last night 11/5/22. she was my little HONEY girl. she was my everything, my best friend, my ride or die. im 15 years old and i have already lost my father 6 years ago and she was the only thing that reminded me of him. i had her every since i was 4 years old. she came to us during a storm and every since she has been my best friend. she got me through my depression and my addictions. last night she was in my arms and all of a sudden she starts peeing and pooping everywhere and blood was coming out of her mouth. i was terrified. and all the experiences you guys have i hope she will give me signs as well.. i miss my little honey girl. she will be missed in my house hold..

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We just lost our little baby girl 11/19/22. She was like our second daughter. She was 11 years and two months old. Our little Pom ❤️ This is the worst grief Ever. We love and miss her so much. Its hard to function. Or go to work. But I know she is with us. We celebrated her birthday September 24th at a hotel in Pennsylvania. I took a picture of the room number so I won’t forget. We were thier for 3 nites with her. After she passed we my wife and I returned to the same hotel 3 days ago. When we went to the room we started looking at her videos on the phone A picture of the room number popped up I opened the room door to check our room Number ! It’s the same room229. Out of 300 hotel rooms. We asked the front desk did they give us the same room because we were here recently! The woman said no that needs to be upon request. We cried. We are going to make appt to speak to a pet medium pysic we hope it helps. .

Sorry did not mean to leave another message I played a scratch off lottery ticket just now .first scratch off lottery ticket since our Beautiful pom-princess passed away last Saturday .I wish I could take a photo with my phone and put it on the site the scratch off ticket came up 11 11. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and angels no matter what your belief is I truly believe that they are around us I believe it’s a sign not coincidence We are getting a lot of signs in the past five days! We are absolutely devastated and we still cry after every sign We feel that it’s her. I truly believe that when it is our time and there will be a day that we pass. we will be reunited with them something to look forward too. I feel for everyone who posted on this site and for those who did not that lost a pet so close to them .it truly is life-changing. God bless all our a little fur babies🙏

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Our sweet boy, Jasper, passed away November 12/2022. I still cry everyday, I miss him so much. He was an outdoor cat early in his life and always used to bring us mice, birds, and moles. Our family moved a few years ago, and due to health issues we decided to keep him inside. The day we brought his ashes home, my Dad looked outside and there was a mouse at our deck door. This had never happened at our new place. I like to believe it was Jasper telling us he’s okay, he’s free, he isn’t in pain anymore. It still hurts so much, but this brought us some comfort.

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I lost my beautiful siamese baby “Tigger ” on Friday September 23,2022. It is now December 5th and I still have a hard time some days especially Fridays with grief. We rushed home 2 hours away to a emergency clinic in barrie Ontario. He was fine in the morning but by afternoon he was in respiratory distress. We got to the hospital at 6:30 and he was gone by 8:30. They said he was in congestive heart failure probably due to a genetic inheritance of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. He was my love, even though I have 4 other cats and three dogs. I couldn’t vacuum if he passed my by cause of wanting to be on my should like a parrot. He had to sleep with his face so close to mine unlike the other cats who would sleep by my feet. My heart is still raw and I empathize with ALL pet parents who lose and grieve for their loved ones. I have had several energy visits with him feeling him close to me and one visual dream visit where he was misty looking. I had a molar pulled last week with 3 stitches and was in pain and freezing in bed and I guess I fell asleep and then I felt him next to me keeping me warm. Two nights later at 5:40 am I felt something wet and cold like a nose touch my cheek and I awoke suddenly and felt a cat jump off my bed. I turned my bedside light on and looked for one of my cats who might have snuck in to my room and there was no sign of a cat. IT WAS TIGGER! I’m sure of it.🐱

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I Have had 2 pugs, one is (Mojo) dad and i have had him for 14 years and other is the daughter (Jade) for 12 years. A couple of months go Mojo got really sick and it ended up being diabetes. I always thought Mojo would go first but he was ok. At the same time I noticed a swelling on Jade’s eye so I took her to the vet and we could clearly see this was not good. We found out it was a malignant cancer. Other than what was found she was visibly great and happy. On Dec 5 2022 when I got home from work I noticed Jade was not around to greet me like she always did. I found her trembling but still responsive and eating but something was not right. In less than 24 hours Jade’s health quickly deteriated. I think her kidneys were shutting down and I witnessed my best friends life slip away from me while she took a piece of my heart with her. She died in my arms just after I made arrangements with the vet to have an emergency euthanization as I didnt want her to suffer. I am so grateful for the memories she gave me and the abundance of love she brought into my life. I can feel her making my right ear ring since she’s past. I know it’s her. I love you Jade. I will never forget you. If you’re reading this I hope it brings you comfort if your losing or have lost your beloved pet. Here is the link to Jades farewell memorial video i made for her on Youtube. Just copy and paste. Thank you.

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My beloved Peepkitty lost her battle with kidney failure back on March 15 2022. She passed away in my arms at home. She was the cat I always wanted and I was lucky enough to share her life for 15 yrs, my husband brought her home one day when he found her at his job all alone, she fit in the palm of his hand and had no teeth, the vet said she was approx. 3 weeks old. We bottle fed her and raised her up to the beautiful girl she turned into. I have never been so connected with a pet as I was with her, she slept on my pillow, sat in her chair at the table when we ate cause she wanted to see what we had to eat. She loved spaghetti with parmesan cheese, spare ribs, and chicken wings. She acted more like dog than a cat, she was so unique. We are so heart broken and I still cry when talking about her or watching the videos I have of her. Christmas was always so special with her she had her own tree because she totally destroyed ours, it was so amazing watching her open her presents. I never believed in spirits visiting from the after life until a few nights ago when I was sound asleep and was woken up by a chirping noise, I opened my eyes and laid there in bed and wasn’t sure what was going on and I heard it again, she made this chirping noise, she never meowed. So now I’m fully awake and my arm is up on the pillow where she used to lay and all of sudden I felt this sudden warmth, then I heard a thud like she hit the floor and I could hear her nails clicking on the floor. Now I am freaked and bolt out of bed and turn the light on because I have another cat named Rag who was a few months younger than Peep and I’m looking for an explanation to the strange event that just took place thinking it was Rag but I found her in the computer room sound asleep in the computer chair. So I returned to my bed and looked at my pillow to find a depression on it and when I touched it I could feel the warmth like she was laying there. This happened at 3:20am and it shook my beliefs to the core, I just sat and cried, trying to process what had just happened. Since she passed I have always left that space where she slept available for her in hopes she may return, and she did. I guess I am just one of those people who find things like this hard to believe until it happens to you, and when it does, its an incredible gift to receive and such an emotional moment you will never forget. I hope others that a mourning a loved lost pet are lucky enough to receive a visit and hopefully it helps heal your heart.

Hi Kim….I read your post January 9th and I am the cat owner of my beloved deceased Tigger. My boy was not quite 6 years and he was absolutely fine on a Friday morning and then come the afternoon, he was breathing do heavily and would not eat. We rushed him 2 hours away to the huronia emergency veterinary hospital in barrie Ontario only to lose him 2 hours later. I have talked to him while trying to go to sleep at night and he I feel has visited my about 4 times. Kts weird cause I don’t see him but I feel him near. One time I think I was dreaming and I could see lots of flowers and then white butterflies and I felt his energy inside of me, cause my heart was pounding fast and furious inside of me. It was so weird. He left me on September 23 2022 and i keep trying to encourage another visit but haven’t felt him around lately. But to believe is to receive these precious visits and I pray with gratitude. Karen

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Yesterday close to this time I lost my precious boy my precious 4 year old kitty to renal disease it was sudden and a blockage caused his kidneys to shut down he was fine in the morning trying to pee but couldnt so I rushed him to our vet to be told they could use a catherter to pump his bladder out but could not assure he would suvive the surgery I made the horrible hard decision to put him to rest at 2.58 in the afternoon as his bladder had pumped up to double its size and he was in so much pain. . he knew he was going to die those last moment before he was put to sleep I took a photo of him and me and the look on his face was he knew he was about to die . this is been the hardest decision to make as a animal owner i stayed with him till he passed it was quick but as he passed i felt a cold woosh past me and I now know thats his spirit i was a mess and arranged for his cremation. i felt nothing from him all night until today, I went back to the vet to get preventative care for my remaining two babies as due to their pedigree are at a disavantage to the same condition. I hadnt taken the cat cage out was still in my car. I bought it inside and not long after my deceased babies mate started acting wierd and playing through the curtain as those two usually do but there was nothing there. My dog not long after got up and started staring up at the cat cage and then back down to where he used to sleep he repeated this 3 times my baby died close to 3pm I feel this is Salem trying to consol me because I havent stopped crying since he passed I believe as he was still waiting for cremation his spirit come home with me in that cat cage. I feel comfort with him being here even thought i cant see him or feel him I can see him interacting with his beloved friends he was raised with. I miss him so much and hope and pray he visits me in my dreams.

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I just lost my sweet Rocky a week ago. About 4 days ago I could swear I saw him out of the corner of my eye rubbing against the chair as he always did. Something made the chair move just enough for the ball of yarn that was on it to fall to the floor. Last night I heard my bedroom door make the same sound as it did when Rocky would lie down in front of it and lean against it. This morning I heard a single bark like the one his brother used to say it is time for you to get up and let us out.

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Yesterday, my Beloved Boston Terrier (Bruser) at 18 had to cross that beautiful bridge , words can’t even close describe my heart ache and loss of companionship- we had traveled all over the US Together , Hiked many moutains togehter and much much more, today 1/20/2023 day after I had a small lizard walk up and stare at me and two birdies in which were chasing eachother swoop down by me I actually ducked – I believe in my hard these are signs / you will see me again Bruser I poromsie

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My little puppy Bluey passed away last Sunday Jan 29 2023…..I didn’t believe anything was wrong with him two days prior to that he was having some breathing issues but I thought it was something he ate it he was just 16 weeks old a pitbull husky mix super energetic playful with my two-year-old daughter always by my side just wanting our love and he’s gone I don’t know how it happened because I wasn’t there but what I can’t explain is while I was at work that day I started to feel super weak and I almost fainted I had no energy and I dropped to my knees I couldn’t explain what was wrong with me I’m finally I was able to shake it off after an hour of sitting down in the office on my knees and I’m a mechanic so finally after The Rush slowed down my guys finally checked up on me and eventually I got sent home I work an hour away so by the time I got home I seen my puppy and he was asleep I didn’t think anything of it but he usually wakes up as soon as I come home so I sit down and get some rest and try to regain my strength and I do and by the time I look at him I take a second glance and he’s not breathing I opened up his crate door and my dog’s cold and he’s stiff just pause her white and his little puppy tongue is sticking out and I couldn’t believe it and two year old daughter is asleep and I have to now bury my puppy before my daughter wakes up and finds out my little two year old it was the hardest thing ever had to do as a new father and obviously being by myself since starting my life with my wife and my little girl our little puppy really had died but I felt like somehow he tried to let me know while I was at work and that’s why I was feeling sick and weak but I was too late I just can’t get the feeling that somehow spiritually you let me know he was leaving does that sound stranger is that possible? Just speaking about this and letting me know exactly the first time I spoke about this still very recent so I think you guys to this poster reading this I miss you Bluey rip!

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..last week, I brought my PRECIOUS, DARLING baby rabbit, Seven, a Cashmere Mini Lop, and..long story short, he was SICK, SUFFERING even, and..I made the TOUGH, but NECESSARY decision, to..put him OUT of his misery, despite ONLY being 8 weeks old, LITERALLY ONLY just a BABY, and.. yesterday, the 4th of the 3rd, his suffering ended..I don’t know, all these.. coincidences are making me THINK.. ANYWAY, Seven, my PRECIOUS boy, I just hope you’re safe and happy wherever you are now, and..may you now rest in peace, my precious fur baby.. I LOVE you, Seven, and I always WILL.. good luck with phase of your journey, my PRECIOUS little guy 🤧😟🥺😥😭😔😓♥️♥️.. but..he’s FINALLY back home now, where he belongs..he can’t be HURT anymore, and for THAT, I’m TRULY grateful..I JUST wish we had even a LITTLE more time together.. but I LOVE you, boy..

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I had to euthanize my schnauzer-german shepherd mix Finnegan that I rescued in 2009. We were together day and night for 13 years. Three walks each day and lots of playing and running around. I found out three years ago that he had kidney disease, but reversed it with a prescription diet and healthier treats.

Three months ago, they found he had bladder cancer which was being controlled with a prescription to reduce the tumor size and make him comfortable.

The day before I called to euthanize my best friend and funny companion, Finnegan was fine in the morning, acting like a puppy on the frosty grass. Coming back from a second walk while in my truck, he let out a small yelp and sat down. I checked him and he stood up and looked out the window. When I lifted him from the truck, his walk was slow and unsteady. That evening, I brought his dinner to him, and when he stood up, all four of his paws knuckled under and he fell on his side looking confused. He only ate a small amount of food and drank lots of water.

I called the in-home pet service that night knowing I could cancel if he was back to normal the following morning. The next morning, he wobbled when he walked and could not defecate. He wolfed down his breakfast and some treats, but I knew it was time. I placed him on his favorite blanket by the front window with the filtered winter sunshine streaming in. I went to the store and bought him his favorite jerky treats that he could no longer eat before because of the kidney disease. I also bought him a huge juicy fresh cheeseburger. When I returned, he put his big wet nose up in the air sniffing for that cheeseburger, which he devoured quickly.

The vet came and we went through the formalities outside. She then came upstairs, and Finnegan managed to get up and wobble over to her, sticking his nose in a crease of her bag and then smelling her. She told me then that his breathing suggested the cancer had moved to his lungs and the wobbly walking and previous day’s paw knuckling was degenerative spinal issues. She said it was the right time to let him go.

We all went back to his cotton blanket in front of the window and she petted Finnegan’s back area while his front paws were on a pillow in my lap and i showered him with rubs and hugs. We took turns letting him go crazy over the chicken jerky treats. He was very comfortable and happy when she gave him the first shot after 45 minutes of love, even managing to take another treat from me two minutes before he fell asleep.

His head and paws were on the pillow in my lap when she gave the second shot 15 minutes later. In less than a minute, his breathing and heart stopped. She went to get the stretcher and I placed my head on the side of his beautiful soft neck and broke down.

The vet returned and we gently lifted him onto the stretcher. She tucked a blanket over him leaving his head and front paws exposed, and placed four red roses between his front paws. After putting him in her wagon, I had a final moment to kiss him and rub him the way he liked before I covered his head and she closed the door. She gave me two big hugs before she departed with my companion and soulmate.

When I came back inside, I collapsed on the stairs in overwhelming grief and pain. A portion of my heart physically felt as if it was gone. I ambled around the house with a vacant, hollow feeling and tremendous sadness like I’ve never felt before.

I looked at his stuffed toys, his food, his chew bones, his bedding on the couch, his scratch prints in the carpet, the water spilled on the side of his waterbowl, the few poop piles in the backyard, and treats on the kitchen counter. They all made me burst out crying again.

That was three weeks ago. I’m not over it. I go on walks each day and carry his leash in my pocket like I used to do before. I talk to him and occasionally throw his favorite toy down the hall for him to get and refuse to give back to me. I come out to the couch in the middle of the night like before to check on him. I go out in the backyard in the early morning like we both used to do. And I tell him how handsome and smart he is, and how much I love, cherish, and miss his physical being.

Two nights after Finnegan was euthanized, I woke up early in the morning hearing him deep sleep breathing in the living room. A week later, I heard his claws tapping on the hallway tiles early in the morning. I’ve had happy, vivid dreams of both of us out on walks playing together, and I’ve conducted afterlife contact meditations many times to see him again.

Yesterday, I planted a tree in the front yard for him with a purple ribbon on it to represent the color of his favorite stuffed toy.

Yet there is nothing that can replace my arms holding him with my face buried in his soft hair and feeling his heartbeat grace my soul.

The bond is strong; we will be together again. No one will replace him.

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I lost my best friend Tonka yesterday (3/16/23). I am gutted by the grief. He was a beautiful 10 year old Alaskan malamute. He got sick and passed the next morning. We had no forewarning. I miss him so much. The grief comes in waves. Every time I see one of his toys or walk past one of his favorite places to nap, it comes flooding in again. This is not my first experience with the grief that comes from losing a pet. I have been through it twice before. And, despite all of this horrible pain, I know I will go through it again. I cannot imagine life without the incredible pure joy that comes from bonding with a dog. And, while all I want right now is my Tonka back, I know some day I will again open my heart and my home to another wonderful new best friend. He or she will not be Tonka, and I know I need to wait until that is okay in my heart before I bring a new dog into my life. But, I very much look forward to the day that my thoughts of Tonka bring more smiles than tears. I miss you, buddy.

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I lost the love of my life on 3/24/2023, her name was Molly a black lab/pit mix that I rescued about 10 yrs ago from an animal shelter. She was the light of our home, she would always literally be smiling. I’ve had pets before but not like her. About 4 days before I had to put her down was when I noticed something wasn’t right I was desperate to save her which was futile. Unfortunately, my experience with her euthanization was not pleasant , the mobile Vet that came did not explain much , did not even pet her and put her down so quickly that I will be forever traumatized. But Molly gave us the best 10 years I could have dreamed of. Even though my grief is immense I know she is at peace. I will always love you Mol.

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I lost my best friend April 3 and hurts so bad, he was 12 year old shiz Zu I had him put to sleep in his home, he had tumors on his anus for 3 years and the vet said it shows cancer on his back bone, I just hope I did the right thing , but they say it’s better a day early then a day late, I took him out and he just sits and looks at me , I’ll miss him forever, I just feel so much guilt !! Did I do the right thing? I keep asking myself.. all my love!!

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I am heartbroken reading all your stories and I hope and pray we can all get to see our beloved animals once again , on Tuesday 11th April 2023 I woke up and messaged my daughter to wish my 2 grandkids happy birthday one 4 years and the other 16 years , then I went and dealt with my lionhead bunnies and my 2 Guinea pigs and my husband was dealing with our 2 dogs Joe and Zeus , then I heard the barking big Zeus barking at the birds then people walking past he was so full of life well he was only 8 years and he was my 3rd German shepherd Rottweiler cross , he was the best ever guard dog he protected me from the first time he could bark I just adored him , come 1pm in the afternoon I noticed him sitting upright in the hall while Joe our red staffie was playing on his own and I said to my husband that’s strange so I told him to follow me into the kitchen to give him a treat but when getting up I noticed he was really struggling and I asked my husband if he had been hurt out the back while jumping and barking and he said no anyway I thought he must feel sick because he suffered colitis and sometimes he would need a tablet and that would help so I made his favourite scrambled egg and I put an omeprazole stomach tablet in it , but he refused to eat anything and all he wanted to do was drink , so after about 5 10 minutes I got his favourite toy and tried to get him to play but he still was sitting upright paws stretched out then I noticed his breathing so I said to my husband I’m calling the vet because I think there’s something wrong with Zeus heart and my husband said don’t be silly he’s only 8 but deep down I knew , so I got told to bring zeus right away but before we left to go our wee Staffordshire bull terrier joe came to see zeus and instead of trying to play he gave him a kiss and by this time I was frantic so off we went to the vet , they did blood tests and came and told us they were all perfect , I was baffled what was wrong with him then I asked so they wanted to try something else after they told me his blood pressure had dropped , I thought that’s ok I suffer low blood pressure myself I get dizzy I need to sit then I’m fine , so I asked what the next thing was going to be , they said scans ultrasounds in his tummy Incase something has burst so I said do whatever you need to so I can get medication and take him home , when she came back to get me she gave me a look and I knew he was not going to survive I just crumpled screaming no no please don’t take him , turns out Zeus heart had filled with fluid because a valve had popped but he also had 3 tumours , one on his liver one in the mouth that had only appeared that day and another in his heart , he went downhill very quickly and I managed to get in to see him when I saw him he seemed a million miles away he still wagged his tail but he never looked at me was that a good thing I don’t know , but he had developed a terrible thirst in the space of half an hour by this time I was uncontrollable I couldn’t speak for crying I just wanted Zeus to get up and bark at everyone I had to be taken out I was heartbroken then my husband came to get me and told me he passed so peacefully, every day since then I have did nothing but cry look for groups to talk on I cannot concentrate on anything, our little joe left a toy in zeus bed and I have spirit encounters with family frequently and I cannot get past the grief to see or feel Zeus and I too want him back and I feel I want to join him too it’s heartbreaking to the extent I’ve gave up on everyone including myself .

Sorry I forgot to say also Zeus was born on my sons birthday 5th august and died on my 2 grandkids birthday 11th April , I also collect his ashes next Friday and I will keep this one short , I just want to say if you are ever lucky enough to have a pet like everyone on here then please cherish and love them every single day because you don’t know when it will be your last .

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Sharon, my heart goes to you! We just lost our baby Kira (Siberian husky) on April 23rd. Something my husband pointed out to me is how I immediately noticed the slightest change in behavior and took her to the ER immediately after. You noticed the slightest changes too, you knew Zeus so well, his steps, his breath, his heart. That shows so much love! You know, Kira did have a friend husky Zeus, he was such a sweet boy. I wish I had something more comforting for you, but all of us, commenting here, know there is little comfort in anything when we grieve. I created a Facebook page for Kira when she was a puppy, and it’s been so nice to look at many, many pictures and videos I shared on that page. Never realized, just on how many adventures we’ve been together, and it helped with the feeling of guilt, seeing how wonderful Kira’s life was. I’m trying to look for signs she is still with me in spirit, she certainly is forever in my heart.

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I always wanted a dog, my whole life. Then one day, my dream came true! My mother took me to pick up my beautiful baby boy. My handsome Bullet. His previous owner couldn’t take him with her when she moved, and I was the lucky one to get to take care of him in her stead. My first ever dog. We got him in 2018, and he was born in 2007. My Boston Terrier. My gentleman. He was named Bullet because of how fast he could run. He loved tug-of-war, he loved the sun, and he loved sleeping and eating. We spoiled my baby Bullet. He would always sleep by my legs and snore and snore. I never cared about the noise, I loved my Bullet. I always had it in my heart that he would live with me forever, and that our little adventures and naps would never end. Two days ago, my sweet baby was laid to rest. April 24, 2023. It happened so suddenly. His heart was failing. His stomach was full of fluid and his back legs had swollen. He couldn’t breathe like he usually did. He couldn’t sleep. It hurt too much. But he tried so hard to live for me. My baby did his best to fight through the pain. I took him on one last walk that day. The same path I took him the first day we got him. We gave him so many treats and so much love. He won’t feel such pain anymore. My baby will never be sick again, and he can run as fast as a bullet again. I know I will see him again when my time comes. I just miss him so much. The pain is almost unbearable, I just want to see him again so badly. I just want to know he’s okay. But I know he always hated it when I cried…I’m trying my best to not cry for him. But he was my baby. I will miss him forever. I don’t know if it will ever stop hurting. I want to hear him snore again, I want to play tug-of-war with him again, and I want to take my handsome boy for another walk. I want to give him more snacks, take more naps with him, and give him more love. But my sweet Bullet is gone. He will never not be a part of me. He is my heart, my son, my love. I thank him for being so strong and keeping me alive. He was the best boy, the sweetest boy, and the handsomest. I will never forget his face, his smile, or his stinky farts. I miss my baby so badly. This pain will be with me forever, and so will be all my memories of him. My Bullet. I love you honey, and I miss you. Mommy will always be here for you, my sweet boy. Thank you for everything, Bullet. You will always be a good boy.

Thank you marina , Abigail I have just read your story and it brought tears to my eyes I know how you feel I felt exactly the same way but something wonderful happened to me last week , Zeus visited me in spirit with my baby bunny Smokey that I lost last year , also I have since rescued a kangal shepherd dog and even although I am still grieving for Zeus big bear my new kangal is keeping me from sitting thinking about Zeus and making myself ill because I had stopped eating too when I lost Zeus but for some reason this big beautiful dog landed on my doorstep , I took a trip to the vet to get him checked and the vet said given his history that I know of I have done a wonderful and courageous thing taking this dog so soon after losing Zeus and I am so glad I did , he has shown me lots of love in the past 7 days and I totally love him , he was badly abused and a bit underweight but I do believe Zeus helped me find him , he will never take the place of Zeus but I can show and love again through Zeus’s memory , I wish I could give each and every one of you a happy ending but when your feeling this low nothing seems to help so I will pray for all of you and I hope you all get a lovely happy ending the way I did .

Hi marina yes you are correct I knew every bit of Zeus and I still cry talking about him , but I’m doing well with big bear and bear adores us , he has a different life now and I couldn’t wish for a better dog apart from zeus , my wee staffie is very emotional just now , always crying I know he misses his big pal but through time I’m hoping bear will be his pal too , and the strangest thing happened last night too my son FaceTimed me on my iPad and said mum I’ve just met another kangal and I said surely not but he showed me her and the man said where he got her from it turned out the owner got her from the same place as myself and she is Bears daughter so it really is a small world and she is beautiful too , I love animals so much and if I can help an animal then I know no matter how bad things get animals do make me happy and cheer me up , I wish I could cheer you all up because losing your pet is the hardest thing any of us have to go through , I’m hoping Zeus will come back and visit me but if he dosent I’m grateful for that visit he gave me and I hope he is happy wherever he may be and I will be reunited with him again one day .

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I recently had to put my cat down and her favorite spot to lay was looking outside through the screen door to my backyard although I never understood why because there is no birds nor lizards ever out there for her to look at and since shes past I see birds everywhere for 3 days i see birds every time i’m out there i can hear them chirping from the other side of my house lots of redbirds blue birds pigeons and a lot of other ones i have never seen, these birds make feel it is her telling me shes okay i miss her so dearly

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Hey everyone, first off I’m sorry for all of your losses. I never experience having to put a dog down and I always knew it was sad but I really didn’t realize just how painful it was and is afterward. My sweet CoCo Bean (he was named coco by a previous owner we kept it since he responded to it when he was adopted) he was inheritaed to another family from another member passing away. They didn’t take care of him. Feeding him senior dog food when even though when we got him he was 4. He was severely underweight for a corgi when we got him ( 17 pounds) he was so thin and some major skin conditions. He was adopted after my parents cats passed and I had a corgi and they want to get one too. The only requirement for the corgi was that he or she would get along with my corgi (camber) they met and he barked a lot at her but not aggressively, we all agreed they seemed to mesh pretty well so we went through with the adoption. When my parents went and picked him up ( he was adopted through a corgi rescuer) the requirement from the rescue was that he had to be fixed. Which wasent a problem. They went to get him and the people who inherited him passed him over like he meant nothing to them. ( this was a family members of theirs that had passed dog ) we brought him home the full 2 hour car ride got all his stuff and I met my parents at the dog park so him and my dog could play on neutral territory before heading to his new home. We did move once while having him but his forever home was wherever we were with him. They continued to get along we noticed coco had issues with other dogs. Literally all of them besides mine? I’m sure it had something to do with the fact he had to fight for his food. That dog that they didn’t want ended up being our whole world. The dogs really brought the family together even closer. Any of us would drop anything to help the other with the dogs. Even though he didn’t live with me I took care of him weekly so my parents could run errands and him and my camber could play together. He really was everyone’s dog just like mine is. Later he went through some pretty traumatic events. He ended up having a broken tooth we didn’t know about. His teeth were in bad shape since they didn’t take care of him. Which eventually became infected and slowly took over his body. At first we thought it was just cherry eye but it ended up being the infection trying to find more space to fill. He was rushed to the ER and he had a draining tube out in the side of his face and he looked like a zombie for a few months. He eventually recovered fully he had some nerve damage which caused his lip to twitch (like Elvis it was so adorable) he was so happy. Later on a routine checkup the vet mentioned a heart murmor for him got worse. We had no idea he even had one they never told us. They checked his chart and sure enough it was on his last checkup which at the time was during vivid and the vets were only doing telephone visits so you couldn’t be in the room with your dog while they checked. ( it was really horrible) since they never told us he wasent treated for a year which when discovered was at a stage 2 and ended up at a stage 5 before we knew. Immediately he was taken to a cardiologist, was put on medicine to help slow the progression. We knew obviously the the prognosis was not great but we thought once he was on his meds and it had slow the progression it would give us a lot more time. Well he started not feeling good this week. We thought at first maybe something just didn’t agree with him but he didn’t really want to eat at times and was randomly getting hungry. So it seemed he was feeling a bit better. August 22 after he was in the emergency vet. The day before they said he was in heart failure or at least the signs pointed to it. Being hopeful we thought just like any other time he would pull through. Well they did some work on him and found out he had a cancerous tumor on his spleen that ruptured and he was bleeding internally. They said the chances of him coming out of surgery were slim to none. He has just been checked on august 10th and nothing was found. Sadly we had no choice but to put him down. He was miserable and the vet told us he was crying in pain in the morning. We said goodbye to him on a patio at the emergency vet. They brought him out and he was very out of it but looking around. We brought my dog with us so she could say goodbye too. He just stared at her. He couldn’t walk so he just layed on a bed they had out there. We got to spent some time with him while he was on pain meds and then we had to say goodbye. They came out and did it so we could all be there and I held his paw and told him how much I loved him repeadly. Probley to a point where it was annoying. Ever since then I have been so broken. It feels like world had crashed around me. I can’t sleep cause I feel guilty sleeping. Why should I when he goes get to? ( it was one of his favorite things was napping ) the guilt surrounds me it feels like I’m being suffocated and the only thing that will make it stop is not possible. I never understood pure grief until now. I’ve had grandparents pass but this feels so much worse. I have to hope that he knows we had no choice and no amount of money would have saved him. It’s only been a day since we put him down but it feels like an eternity of suffering while the 8 years we had with him after he was adopted at age 4 don’t feel nearly long enough. I feel robbed I thought I had more time with him and that their would be signs. This came on so quickly and I just can’t help but think did we all miss more signs that he wasent well ? I’ve been asking for signs from him to let me know he’s still with me since he didn’t live with me but was my dog none the less. I always took care of him when it was needed. I wish their was a way to just know the signs are real and not just fabricating in my mind things I want to see.

I know it was long but I appreciate anyone who took the time to even read part of how special my coco was to me. You didn’t know him but reading everyone else’s story made me feel a little better

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I wish this was true but sadly in the past 25 years i have lost so many pets, 6 months ago my calico cat lily 13 and yesterday my Russian blue paco who was going on 14. A part from my cat maddy that stairs at the wall a lot i never saw or felt a sign of my deceased pets.

The only thing now when Maddy passes i will never adopt another pet, the pain the stress when they get sick my heart can’t take this anymore.

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Julie and Alan.(New Zealand). We had our cat Tabs put to sleep on Monday 2nd October 2023, at 16.00pm, she was 13 or 14 years old. Unfortunately one of the vets diagnosed her with cat asthma and prescribed Prednisolone after a X-Ray to discover her bronchioles were clogged up, also a full blood count check was done and nothing showed up to say she had any underlying issues.After her anaesthetic she never seemed right. We took her back for her check up after being on the steroids as requested, but the other vet informed my husband she was getting old and losing weight due to her lungs failing due to old age a month later she developed swallowing issues!!!!! We are both medical and thought the first vet who intubated her caused trauma to her upper airway as she went down hill very quickly from this procedure. A drastic weight loss of 3kgs over the couple of months after her treatment was concerning as with steroids they tend to eat more. Unfortunately in the morning she appeared Hungary and would try to eat her treats followed by vomiting especially if she had a drink of water. One night which was the Sunday before Tabs our baby was put to sleep she cried it was almost her telling us she was ready to go. We are so empty and we are slowly trying to get back to a normal routine but its hard as she was our precious baby. Tabs adopted us as her previous owners who we think lived over the fence abandoned her so we had her chipped and pinned and she became ours. I feel as though due to the stress and pain we are going through losing  our little girl who got  unwell makes us both feel sick and dont feel we could go through this again. I hope this testimony helps people with their pain and grief that we are going through. Losing our precious little fur baby.

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My Mr. Wolf had to be put down July 1, 2023. He had a tumor that had grown rapidly on his spinal cord. A gorgeous Akita German Shepard mix, he was my first service dog- specifically trained for Psychiatric disorders. I have lost not only huge parts of my heart and soul, but now also have to contend with a life and conditions that are crippling. His blanket is now on my bed. I sleep with his service vest like a teddy bear. His bed hasn’t been moved or cleaned. I have yet to pick up his ashes, as I’m reluctant to see what it’s going to do to me. He has shown up though- He was a very vocal dog. Lots of shushing, paw thumping, tail bumping, and wouldn’t take no for an answer, (part of his benefits). Just yesterday I found a hair on my wrist, and it gave me a smile. He’s here, reminding me we’re always family, forever.

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My wonderful cat PJ had to be put down I regret it this was several years ago Now I feel him jump on my bed then he laid on my feet I here him and I feel him on my feet. Then he would move up to my face and he was purring, Then I could see things moving around the bedroom. There was dark spots and white moving around then there was and then white things moving the is was like a very large cloud. Then as it was moving down there were clear dots then I saw PJs face. And when the dark cloud moved around when it got near it had the same thing and went out the room. Then the white cloud was stretched out from the wall to the door over my bed it was long. As it was moving down I felt cool air when I put my hand up it came lower then I could see the inside and lights were all over my hand then went back up. Then when the white cloud came straight towards me I saw PJs face followed by other cats. Then I noticed the long cloud was going out the door. I never stopped praying and talking to PJ and telling him don’t let the clouds hurt me. I want to tell you I am at the top list of non believers I am 66 years old. These things have been happening for 3 nights now and this is real. I am wide awake just get into the bed I feel the weight on my feet. What does this mean. I am going crazy then when it started I told my son to come in things kinda went still except the long cloud I said do you see the cloud and he replied no. Now I feel like my sons think I lost my mind. Can anyone explain this?

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I feel everyone’s pain I had to go through the same thing but I was only 8 and it was my dog best friend that died I miss Goldie but I got over it after a couple days of depression but then I was good and prayed to myself and said I was going to let my wings fly.

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I lost my 13 year old baby Bentley on January 4th, 2024. He had developed pneumonia but didn’t show any symptoms of pneumonia. No running nose, no coughing, etc. On January 1st is when he didn’t want to eat his dog food so eventually I gave him some white rice and he ate it fine. He was eating his treats and still drinking water fine. His bowls movements were fine and no vomiting. I noticed his breathing had become a little labored that night. I took him to his regular vet who confirmed he had pneumonia and then I took him to the ER where they put him in an oxygen chamber for hours while also giving him antibiotics and fluids. At the ER was tortuous because I couldn’t hold him and comfort him. I was only able to open the chamber briefly to pet him periodically because every time the chamber opens it would affect the oxygen levels. He appeared to be doing better as the night progressed because his dependence on oxygen lessened and he even ate some chicken. I decided to go home to get some of his personal things to make him feel more comfortable and while at home the ER called me that he was being transported to a different ER location because the current one was running out of oxygen! While at this new location he became worse and needed more oxygen dependence. He started developing back pain from trying so hard to maintain breathing! I regret leaving him! I feel like because I left him, he started to decline. I ultimately made the decision to put him to sleep because I didn’t want him to suffer anymore. I held him the entire time and told him I loved him, that he was such a dog boy, and that I was so sorry! I feel like such a bad dog mom that I didn’t realize he was sick sooner. I feel like I made all the wrong decisions! My was my best friend and I failed him. I hope he forgives me and send me signs that he is ok and happy! My life will never be the same.

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Harley, born on December 29th, 2010, entered our lives on September 17th, 2011, at the tender age of 8 months. From the very first moment we laid eyes on her, it was love at first sight. She became an integral part of our family, bringing boundless happiness and love into our home. Harley was not just a pet; she was a source of laughter, comfort, and unwavering companionship. She had a zest for life that was infectious, and her playful spirit enriched our days. Whether bounding through the yard in pursuit of a ball or showcasing her incredible jumping skills, Harley brought a sense of joy that was truly unparalleled. Her adventurous spirit extended beyond our home. Harley loved long walks, swimming with dolphins, boating, and basking in the sun at the beach. She embraced life with an enthusiasm that left a lasting imprint on all who knew her. Harley wasn’t just a pet; she was a teacher. She taught us how to be better humans, reminding us of the importance of love, loyalty, and living in the moment. Her presence was a daily reminder of the simple joys in life, and the unconditional love she offered was a gift that we will forever hold dear. As the holidays approached, Harley’s excitement reached new heights. Thanksgiving and Christmas were her favorite times of the year, knowing that these celebrations brought not only delicious human food but also the company of family and friends. Her tail-wagging presence added an extra layer of joy to these special moments, and the memories of those times will forever be etched in our hearts. Today, as we say our goodbyes, our home feels emptier without her. Yet, we find solace in knowing that Harley’s spirit will live on within us. Though she may have crossed the rainbow bridge, the love and memories she left behind will endure for eternity. Harley, your sister Kahlua awaits you at the end of the rainbow, ready to guide you to green fields to run and crystal-clear beaches to swim and play. As we mourn your physical absence, we take comfort in the belief that one day, we will all be reunited, and the joyous moments we shared will be relived. Rest in peace, dear Harley. You were more than a pet; you were family. Your paw prints are forever etched on our hearts, and your memory will be a beacon of light in the days to come. We love you. RIP November 18th 2023

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I’ve been reading all of the messages above and they bring me so much comfort, peace and even joy as they make me believe a little bit more in the magic of subliminal messages sent to us from our loss pets… :-)

I’ve had two lovely dogs in my life. First there was Paprika who I received as a graduation gift when I was 20 (I am now 37!) and then came Lucy ten years later when I was 30. After their passing I truly believe that they have sent me subliminal messages to let me know that they were okay, safe and at peace…

Paprika died last year of kidney failure which had left me truly heartbroken and I’d dare say traumatized. I mean she had lost so much weight… And the day that we brought her to the vet to be put down was one day too late… she was crying in pain…her organs were shutting down… I will forever be mad at myself and feel guilty for being selfish and wanting to keep her just “one more day” alive and physically with me… The day she died, I saw a rainbow right outside the window of our house and the next day I found this very special keychain that I thought i had lost and would never find again. The keychain in question it was a replica of her. My sweet red haired dachshund! I felt so much love from her at that time. A very magical and special feeling. 💗

As for my sweet Lucy, well she just died this Tuesday. Right before Valentine’s Day. Lucy died of sick sinus syndrome. This health problem caused her to faint consecutively three times the morning of the 13th which had never happened before. After my third successful attempt at reviving her with a cardiac massage (yes i had to do it not just once but three times in a row!) she was for the third and last time awake, aware but panting. Yes she was stable, lying on her bed but she had so much difficulty breathing at that point. I knew it was time… So we called the vet and organized an at home euthanasia. When she left, it was different than for Paprika, i could see in her eyes that she was not afraid with what was coming… She looked so serene lying on her bed waiting for the two shots that would finally set her free. What surprised me first was that the neighbors cat that we love and had not seen for more than a month had appeared two days before Lucy’s death and was still with us at the house when Lucy was put down! She even went and lied down next to Lucy when we were waiting for the vet to arrive and she had done this only once or twice before, so it was quite unusual for her! Then came the signs after Lucy’s passing: The same day while I was feeding my one year old, she smudged purée all over her shirt and it left a clear heart shape. I.was.shocked. And ever since I’ve been seeing hearts in unexpected places. Something tells me it’s her telling me “hey I’m okay, don’t worry and I love you”. 🩷 I also know what you are thinking, Valentine’s Day was coming up so of course you would see so many hearts. The thing is, where I notice the hearts is places that are not so obvious like on the packaging of wet wipes, on one of my daughter’s toy or in a painting we have at home. And I feel like I should point out that Lucy died of a heart problem. I could it have not been her reaching out? ☺️

All in all i loved both of my girls to the moon and back and as much as theirs deaths have left me devastated, i also achieved a state of appeasement and peacefulness. 💛

Thank you Paprika and Lucy for all the love you have given me in the past and the love you have sent me after we’ve said farewell. I love you. 🧡💜🩵

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All these comments have me crying but also help me feel better. The love of my life, Moxie, passed away 2/21/24 at 2:45AM, she had been fighting lymphoma and finally let me know she was tired and ready for the fight to end. She was a “tweenie” long haired dachshund and I got her when I was 13 and I’m 27 now, I had her for half of my life and I’m just absolutely broken. Every time I’m alone I cry and I can’t stop. Even my other dogs seem so sad. But I have noticed signs that my love Moxie is here with me still. I’ve heard her little claws tapping on the ground behind me, a lady bug flew into my room yesterday and landed on me (in February of all times), a fan I have in my room wouldn’t work regardless of what I did and I finally gave up and sat down and about 5 minutes later it just randomly turned on. I know these were all her letting me know she’s still here with me. I am going to miss that little girl so much but I believe I will see her again someday. In the meantime I’m going to live for her and I’m going to comfort my other dogs until they’re okay again too.

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I read Beverly’s comment and felt like I could relate to it. My cat Allister passed away around the age of 12. I feel like he was gone too soon. He passed away outside after eating his food in the morning and going out. I live far but grew up with him since the 2nd grade (20y now) and when I heard the news from my mother I was devastated and still crying to this day. I’m glad i’m not alone in this but it has been a tough week and probably a tough month for the next days to come. He was a big cat but I want to believe he passed away peacefully and not hurting as he may have had heart disease. Currently still mourning his death but I hope I do see signs of him trying to communicate with me that he is okay.

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i miss my moo so much , i know she is waiting and ill be with her soon

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I lost my daughter Melita few days ago….she is my child, my soul, my breath. She loves swimming and we were almost every day together. She is (was) 13 y and 5 months.i see 1313 numbers. I want so much to kiss yes beautiful nose. Believe me she is gorgeous and amazing smart and I great swimmer.

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I was devastated after we made the difficult decision to put down my black lab mix, Izzy. Ten years was not long enough with my baby. The day that I went to pick up her ashes was an unusually beautiful, sunny winter day in February, and the facility was located in the countryside so it was a winding, peaceful drive through the woods to get there. After I left with Izzy, I was still crying as I turned onto the back road. There, sticking out on a tree at the end of a homeowner’s driveway as I drove towards it, was one of those yard flags. The picture on the flag was the head of a black lab. I had to pull over because I was so overcome with emotion at this very obvious sign from her.

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On 6/6/24 we said goodbye to our very good boy of 13yrs. He was the goofiest looking inbred chiweenie you ever saw and we loved him so completely. He was the mascot for my daughter’s softball team every year until she moved out of the town leagues. People knew and talked about our Gator man even when they didn’t know us. He really was famous in a small town, loved everyone. I always said he would be a terrible watch dog because if someone broke in while we were away it would be the greatest day for him. He was diagnosed with collapsing trachea and over sever years it got worse. He was intubated in January for dental and it exacerbated his collapse. He needed it done but I so wish I could have taken it back. During his last year sleep was difficult. The last 6mo he was up a lot and never slept past 4am. The last 3wks especially starting with wake ups at 2:30am then 1:30am then 12am the last couple days. He was placed on steroids because he wasn’t a candidate for surgery based on the location of his collapse at the main stem bronchial area. We attributed all the odd things we began seeing to his steroids but the cough had stopped. 2 days before he passed we took a nice walk at the track and he ran through the grass on the football field, big smiles as always. Then the following morning he started coughing again. We brought him in and they found that he now had pneumonia, his sleep disturbances and night walking was dementia not the steroids and his sight had gone. It was so rapid, he was seen in April and overall fine. My husband reviewed the x-rays and said the rapid change of his thinned trachea was startling. He didn’t sleep his last night and coughed nonstop. I was at the grocery store buying his salmon as soon as they opened. I always said when the day came he would have the best last week. We didn’t know it was his last week and yet we had done all the things we would have done had we known. The walks, the pup cup from DQ (he only got them on his birthday but for some odd reason we had gotten him one special and he had it throughout the week) and finally his salmon. When he could eat nothing else that morning he ate that so fast and stood in the kitchen while my husband cooked it for him. He was surrounded that whole last day and morning. Our daughter had only just come home from college and we feel like he waited for the whole family to be home before saying goodbye. The kindest thing he did was tell us it was time to go, we didn’t have to choose the date as he wouldn’t have made it another hour. It was so peaceful. We struggled without him, our house feels empty and we feel lost. My daughter curls up in his blanket because it smells like him. I haven’t vacuumed the house because I don’t want to lose hair that drove me crazy all over the house. I haven’t emptied his water bowl or put away his toys. All the firsts without him hurt. I cried when I opened a chip bag and he didn’t come running. My husband especially suffered having lost his first dog (I told him you’ll never understand until you have a dog what it’s like as I cried until he agreed to adopt from the special needs litter at the shelter…he was special for sure lol). He took him everywhere and for 13yrs he slept snuggled up to us. He was the center of our family and all the choices we made and our routine focused on Gator’s needs.

Since he’s been gone we’ve begun to hear his tippy toes around the house and once I felt something light brush my leg while I was washing dishes. My husband has come home twice to an overwhelming scent of our bubby boy. As I drove to work the first day after his passing a red cardinal dived straight down from the sky by my driver’s side window landing on the highway. He’s with us and there are so many signs. His presence has given us a sense of peace, he knew just how much we loved him. He really was such a good boy.

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Signs and Messages From Animals in the Afterlife

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Whitney Hopler is a writer and editor who has covered faith since 1994. She is the author of the book "Wake Up to Wonder."

  • B.A., English, George Mason University

Do animals in the afterlife , such as pets, send people signs and messages from heaven? Sometimes they do, but animal communication after death is different from how human souls communicate after they die. If an animal you’ve loved has died and you’d like a sign from him or her, here’s how you may perceive it if God makes it possible for your animal companion to contact you.

A Gift but Not a Guarantee

As much as you want to hear from a beloved animal that has died, you can’t make it happen if it’s not God’s will. Trying to force afterlife communication--or operating outside the trusting relationship with God--is dangerous and can open communication portals to fallen angels with evil motives who may take advantage of your grief to deceive you.

The best way to begin is by praying ; asking God to send a message from you to the departed animal indicating your desire to experience some kind of sign or receive some kind of message from that animal. Express your love wholeheartedly when you pray, since love vibrates powerful electromagnetic energy that can send signals from your soul to the animal’s soul across the dimensions between Earth and heaven.

Once you’ve prayed, open your mind and heart up to receive any communication that may come. But be sure to place your trust in God to arrange that communication at the right times and in the right ways. Be at peace that God, who loves you, will do so if it’s His will.

Margrit Coates, in her book Communicating with Animals: How to Tune into Them Intuitively  writes:  

“Animal messengers travel through the dimensions of time and space to be with us. We do not have any control over this process and cannot make it happen, but when the meeting does take place, we are invited to enjoy every second of it.”

Be encouraged that there’s a good chance you’ll hear something from your beloved departed animal. In her book All Pets Go to Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love , Sylvia Browne writes: 

“Just as our loved ones who have passed over watch over us and visit us from time to time, so do our beloved pets. I have received many stories from individuals about dead pets that came back to visit.”

Ways to be Receptive to Communication

The best way to tune in to whatever signs and messages are coming your way from heaven is to develop a close relationship with God and his messengers, angels , through regular prayer and meditation. As you practice spiritual communication, your ability to perceive heavenly messages will grow. Coates in  Communicating with Animals  writes:

“Taking part in meditations can help improve our intuitive awareness so that we are better able to tune in and better communicate with animals in the afterlife.” 

It’s also important to remember that strong negative emotions--like those produced from unresolved grief-- create negative energy that interferes with signs or messages from heaven. So, if you’re dealing with anger, worry , or other negative emotions, ask God to help you work through your grief before you try to hear from that animal. Your guardian angel(s) can help you, as well, by giving you fresh ideas for processing your grief and coming to peace with the death of the pet (or other animal) you miss.

Coates suggests even sending a message to the animal in heaven letting it know that you’re struggling but are honestly trying to heal from your grief:

“Unresolved grief and the pressure of strong emotions can create a barrier to intuitive awareness. […] Talk out loud to animals about what is troubling you; bottling up emotions radiates a disturbing energy cloud. […] let the animals know that you are working through your grief towards a goal of contentment.”

Types of Signs and Messages that Animals Send

After you pray, pay attention for God’s help hearing from an animal in heaven. 

Signs or messages animals may send to humans from the afterlife:

  • Telepathic messages of simple thoughts or feelings.
  • Scents that remind you of the animal.
  • Physical touch (such as feeling an animal jump up on a bed or sofa).
  • Sounds (like hearing an animal’s voice barking, meowing, etc.).
  • Dream messages (in which an animal usually appears visually).
  • Objects related to an animal’s earthly life moving (such as a pet’s collar inexplicably showing up somewhere you’ll notice it).
  • Written Messages (like reading an animal’s name right after thinking about that animal).
  • Apparitions in visions (these are rare because they require lots of spiritual energy, but they do sometimes happen).

Browne writes in  All Pets Go to Heaven:

“I want people to know that their pets live on and communicate with them in this world and even from the Other Side – not just nonsensical baby talk but real conversation. You’ll be surprised how much telepathy comes to you from the animals you love if you just clear your mind and listen.”

Since afterlife communication happens by means of energy vibrations and animals vibrate at lower frequencies than humans do, it’s not as easy for animal souls to send signs and messages through the dimensions as it is for human souls to do. Therefore, the communication that comes through from animals in heaven tends to be simpler than the communication that people in heaven send.

Usually, animals only have enough spiritual energy to send brief messages of emotion through the dimensions from heaven to earth, writes Barry Eaton in his book No Goodbyes: Life-Changing Insights from the Other Side . Any messages of guidance (which tend to feature many details and therefore require more energy to communicate) that animals send usually come through angels or humans souls in heaven (spirit guides) helping animals deliver those messages. “Higher beings in spirit are capable of bringing their energy through in the form of an animal,” he writes.

If you experience this phenomenon, you may see what is called a totem--a spirit that looks like a dog , cat , bird , horse , or other beloved animals, but is actually an angel or spirit guide manifesting energy in animal form to deliver a message to you on behalf of an animal.

You’re especially likely to experience spiritual encouragement from an animal in heaven during times when you’re most likely to experience help from an angel--when you’re in some kind of danger. Browne writes in All Pets Go to Heaven that the departed animals people have had relationships with sometimes “come around to protect us in dangerous situations.”

Bonds of Love

Since the essence of God is love , love is the most powerful spiritual force that exists. If you’ve loved an animal while it was alive on Earth and that animal loved you, you all will be reunited in heaven because the vibrational energy of the love you’ve shared will bond you together forever. The bond of love also increases the possibility of you being able to perceive signs or messages from the former pets or other animals that were special to you.

Pets and people who have shared bonds of love on Earth will always be connected by the energy of that love. Coates writes in Communicating with Animals:  

“Love is very powerful energy, creating its own communication network … When we love an animal a promise is made to us and it is this: My soul will always be linked to your soul. I am with you always. ”

One of the most common ways that departed animals communicate with people is by sending their signature spiritual energy to be with someone they loved on Earth. The goal is to comfort the person they loved who is grieving. When that happens, people will become aware of the animal’s energy because they’ll feel a presence that reminds them of that animal. Eaton in  No Goodbyes writes:

“Animal spirits often come back to spend a lot of time with their former human friends, particularly those people who are on their own and very lonely. They share their energy with their human friends, and along with the person’s guides and spirit helpers [like angels and saints], have their unique role to play in healing.”

Whether or not you receive a sign or message from an animal you love in heaven, you can rest assured that anyone who is connected to you through love will always stay connected to you. Love never dies.

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25 Common Signs From Deceased Pets

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The passing of our beloved animals is extremely challenging and can leave us feeling overwhelmed, lost, and profoundly empty. Our animals offer us unconditional love and fill our lives with great joy.

They offer comfort when we are feeling down and know just what to do to get our attention.

It is no wonder that many of us seek to connect with them even in the afterlife. The good news is that our deceased pets are never really gone, they remain with us in spirit.

In the afterlife, pets communicate through subtle yet powerful signs. They make their presence felt, hear familiar sounds, and appear in dreams. Unexpected reminders like finding their toys or treats are heart-warming and are a sign of their eternal bond. Through these silent messages, they bring us comfort and peace.

In this post, we will look at 25 ways our animals in spirit communicate with us, so we can recognize the signs and hear their messages.

25 signs from your pets in heaven

1. Hearing familiar sounds they used to make

25 signs from your deceased pets

Hearing familiar sounds such as paws jaunting around the house, door flaps opening and closing, faint barking, howling, purring or meowing sounds and thudding tails is a sign that your pet is still with you.

It is their way of letting us know that thy are safe and reassuring us that they are right by our sides.

This phenomenon is most common in the first two weeks after an animal’s passing. It is their way of comforting and accompanying us through our grief.

2. Seeing your pet out of the corner of your eye

Have you ever noticed a glimpse of your pet, a shadow, or something moving from the corner of your eye? Well, you may have just seen your animal in spirit. The reason why we doubt this experience is that when we turn to look we find nothing there.

It’s not your eyes playing tricks on you! Most people perceive their animals in spirit using their peripheral vision, not direct vision. It is your animal’s way of making its presence known. Visits are most common among dog owners as they tend to stay close to their family, even in the afterlife.

Next time you get a glimpse, acknowledge their presence and tell them how much you love their presence.

If you want to learn how to communicate with your pets, check out my courses and my list of the Best books on animal communication.

3. Smelling scents that remind us you them

Our animals in heaven may also communicate using scents and odors. Have you ever got a sudden whiff of your animal’s scent, musky breath, shampoo, food, or any other odor, that reminds you of them? Well, this could be a sign that your pet is nearby and wants to reconnect.

Our animals can also use phantom smells or scents to trigger past memories or shared experiences.

Those that experience scent visitations usually have a highly developed sense of smell and the psychic sense equivalent called clairalience .

4. Seeing orbs or small flashes of light

25 Signs from the afterlife

When our animals cross over, they often manifest themselves as a mist or luminous ball of light. This is common in the days, weeks, and even months after the passing of our pets. It is our animal’s way of comforting and supporting us through grief.

But orbs can also appear when we are dealing with challenging times. It is your loved ones’ way of letting you know that you are never truly alone. Our animals can remain by our side to heal and overcome difficult situations.

5. You get flashbacks of shared memories

visits from deceased pets

Our dogs and cats can also use telepathy to communicate from the spirit realm. You can experience a sudden influx of memories that appear out of nowhere. Our pets can impress thoughts and images into our minds to boost our mood, make us laugh, and remember the beautiful moments spent together. The experience is sudden, fleeting, and with an essence of peace and love.

So next time your animal comes to visit, enjoy the experience and send your love back to them too.

6. unexplained electrical malfunction

Signs your deceased dog is still with you

Our pets in the afterlife can also communicate through electronic devices. You may notice lights flickering, appliances turning on and off, or your phone starts playing your favorite song.

We could blame it all on a faulty device, but it could be your deceased pet’s way of saying hello.

7. Feeling your animals snuggle up next to you

Feeling your animals snuggle up next to you

Sensing your pet around the house is another common sign of our animals in spirit. Many people recall instances where they felt their animal jumping on their lap or on the bed to snuggle together.

Others observed footprints on the bed as they perceived the essence of the furry loved ones. These sensations are most strongly felt within the first two weeks of animal passing but can continue indefinitely.

8. Sensing your animals looking at you

Have you ever felt someone staring at you but then turned to see that you were all alone? You are not alone! And although this can seem a little spooky, it could be a loved one in spirit watching over you.

Our pets enjoy observing us during our daily routine and continue to do so in the spirit realm.

9. Special encounters with winged Beings

Another fascinating way our animals can connect with us is through winged beings such as birds and insects. They may appear as a butterfly, ladybug, dragonfly, magpie, red robin, or hummingbird.

Have you ever had a special meeting with one of these winged creatures? It could be your pet’s way of reconnecting and showering you with their love showing.

10. Noticing your pets stare into a corner

25 signs from your deceased pets

Have you ever noticed one of your furry animals stare into a corner or an empty space for no apparent reason? Then, it is possible that your living pets are seeing deceased animals or loved ones around the house.

But if you see your dog staring into space and growling, it could mean they are being protective.

Our deceased pets often come to visit during mealtimes, bedtimes, and snuggle sessions on the couch.

So don’t be surprised if your living animals set boundaries and become protective of their food, toys, or favorite places around the house.

11. A Sudden feeling of warmth and comfort

Another way that we can know if our animals are present is by sensing the energy around us. Those in spirit have a higher vibrational frequency, so it is not a coincidence that we can feel physical sensations when they are around. Most people get goosebumps or a warm feeling across their bodies when a spirit person or animal enters the room.

12. Sudden changes in room temperature

Noticing a sudden temperature change could also mean your animals are nearby. When our animals visit us from the afterlife, they draw heat from the environment. This is why a sudden drop in temperate also referred to as cold spots is often associated with contact from the spirit realm.

Next time you feel the room get chilly, say hello to your animals and thank them for coming.

13. Seeing your pets doppelganger

25 signs from your deceased pets

Every pet parent knows that no two animals are the same. We can all spot our horses, sheep, dogs, cats, and hamsters from a mile away. Almost no one has seen an animal that looks, walks, and behaves just like their own pet. But have ever seen your pet’s doppelganger, an animal that looks, walks, and acts just like yours?

Then it is no coincidence! It is your animal wanting to say hello and put a smile on your face.

14. Finding feathers, fur, or whiskers

Channelled Healing

We all love our animals, but not everyone loves their shedding process. But did you know that our animals can continue shedding fur, whiskers, feathers, and fur around the house even in the afterlife? It is yet another way that our pets let us know that they are still with us.

This phenomenon is predominant among cats, as they live most of their life in the astral world and sometimes aren’t even aware they have crossed over.

15. Using words & numbers to communicate

25 signs from your deceased pets

Your pets will go to any lengths to communicate with you. They are even savvy enough to remind us of upcoming celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions.

You may notice a person or animal’s name plastered all over town and then remember to call them. Other times you may hear people talking about a birthday party and instantly remember an upcoming birthday.

16. finding toys in unexplainable places

Our animals love and enjoy playing with their toys, especially when we are around. If you start noticing your pet’s favorite toys unexplainable moving around the house, it could be your pet wanting to play.

Just because they are no longer physically here does not mean they can’t enjoy playing with their precious toys. Our deceased animals retain their soul’s essence, including their personality, character, and quirkiness.

17. Finding your animals favourite treats

Most pets love food and have a strong appetite. So much so, that they come back during meal times to enjoy their favorite treats. During these visitations, you may hear them munching on their favorite foods and leaving crumbs and pieces of food around the house.

18. Being drawn to particular objects

25 signs from your deceased pets

Our animals may also use objects such as picture frames to deliver a message. Even in the afterlife, they will try their best to guide and uplift us. If you are drawn to a particular object, open yourself up to the experience.

Your pets may be trying to offer advice, trigger a shared memory, or remind you of the good times you spent together. Trust your senses and see where it leads.

19. Finding lost objects in unexpected places

Could your pets in the afterlife be playing games with you? Absolutely! Our animals enjoy having fun and may decide to unearth and hide our personal belongings and their most priced possessions. If you notice that your animal’s toys or accessories keep appearing out of nowhere, it could be a sign that they are around.

You may also notice your belongings moved to different locations in the house, the car, and at work. They just want to get your attention and have some fun.

20. Finding objects Knocked over

Signs your deceased dog is visiting you from the afterlife

Have you noticed objects being knocked over or inexplicably falling off shelves? Well, this could be a sign that your animal is trying to get your attention. Each animal targets different objects and areas within the house.

Dogs usually knock over items close to the ground and gravitate towards the living room and kitchen. But cats have full access to the house and enjoy messing with objects on higher surfaces such as shelves, kitchen countertops, and even wardrobes.

21. Finding unexplainable scratches or markings

25 signs from your deceased pets

Some people report personal experiences of unexplainable scratches or markings around their homes. Although this is a rare form of spirit contact, animals can interact with their environment in this way.

You may notice extra scratches on your sofa where your cat used to sharpen their claws. Alternatively, you may discover paw prints around the house or new tooth marks on furniture where they used to chew. This type of manifestation occurs around spiritually connected individuals.

22. Having vivid dreams about your pet

12 signs of claircognizance

Dreams are perhaps the most common way for animals to communicate and visit us in the afterlife. These dreams are vivid, comforting, and open to multiple layers of meaning and symbolism. And upon waking, you feel profoundly calm, emotionally fulfilled, and spiritually connected to the divine. Our deceased pets can use dreams to let us know they are right by our side and also provide healing.

Follow my 6 Step process to communicate with your pets in dreams . Or find out the differences between pet visitation dreams and regular dreams .

23. Receiving visions from your pet

You see images in your minds eye

Although our animals in spirit can visit us at any time, we are most receptive during meditation, in the evening right before sleep and early in the morning upon waking up.

In these moments, our mind is quiet and we are highly receptive to physical manifestations and visions. You may see your animal appear before you express unconditional love and offer guidance.

Your animals may use visions to help you understand and resolve difficult situations in your life.

24. animals come knocking at your door

25 signs from your deceased pets

Do you find yourself randomly encountering animals looking to be petted or searching for a new home? Whether it is a wild horse, a squirrel, a bird, a feral cat, or a stray dog, it could be a sign from your deceased pet that you need a new companion animal.

Our animals want us to be happy and think it is the right time to care for and love another animal. Another possibility is that your deceased pet is getting ready to reincarnate and is waiting for you to be ready for the reunion.

25. Hearing songs that remind you of them

Clairaudience is the ability to hear thoughts & sounds

Our deceased pets can also send messages through our radio and on our music playlist. They may choose songs to uplift our mood, guide us, and remind us of beautiful moments we once shared. When our animals communicate in this way, the same song keeps playing everywhere we go.

Wondering if animal reincarnation is possible? Then check to see if you have experienced any of the “ 13 signs your animal has reincarnated. “

Other blog posts you may also find interesting includes:   “ 11 Ways To Honor Our Animals In Heaven “ ,  “What is an Animal Medium?”  or  “100 Pet Loss Quotes”

Final thoughts: Signs From the Afterlife 

When our pets leave their physical body, it can feel overwhelming and challenging. But it is important to remember that it is not the end! Our animals are always around and ready to interact with us. We just need to understand how they communicate, recognize the signs, and acknowledge their presence.

The summarized list of signs from the afterlife includes:

  • Hearing familiar sounds: footsteps, barking, howling scratching
  •  Smelling familiar scents that remind you of your pet
  •  Seeing their presence out of the corner of your eye
  •  Noticing orbs or small flashes of light
  •  Receiving a sudden influx of shared memories out of nowhere
  •  Experiencing unexplained electrical malfunction or disturbances
  •  Feeling your animals snuggle up next to you
  •  Sensing your animals looking at you
  •  Special encounters with winged animals, birds and insects
  •  Noticing your other animals stare at an empty space
  •  A Sudden feeling of warmth, love, and comfort
  •  Sudden changes in room temperature
  •  Seeing your pet doppelganger
  •  Finding feathers, fur, or whiskers around the house or on clothing
  •  Using words or numbers to communicate
  •  Moving toys or objects around the house
  •  Finding your animal’s favourite food around the house
  •  Being drawn to a particular objects
  •  Finding misplaced objects in unexpected places
  •  Knocking objects around the house
  •  Finding unexplainable scratches or markings
  •  Having vivid dreams about your pet
  •  Receiving visions from your pet
  •  A new animal comes knocking at your door
  •  Hearing songs that remind you of your deceased pet

And if you haven’t yet received any signs, don’t worry, it may take some time. There are reasons why our pets may not be able to visit us from the afterlife. Discover the top 10 reasons your deceased pet hasn’t visited you yet .

And if you really can’t wait, consider an Animal Mediumship Consultation to reconnect with them. It is a great way to establish contact, overcome grief, and exchange loving messages.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

Let me know me know which signs you have experienced by leaving a comment in the box below. I love reading your comments.

And if you have any requests for future posts let me know, too.

Thanks for reading

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I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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My almost 15 yr old dog passed sometime early yesterday morning. I’ve never been more in tune with any dog I’ve ever owned like I had been with this guy. Since he’s passed, I’ve heard sounds of him going up and down the stairs to my room, felt a press into my legs where I automatically reach down to pet him as I always did, and finally, keep thinking I see him out of the corner of my eye. My other dog and his best buddy heard the stair sounds too, and was looking just like I was. She now has taken over his sleeping spot beside me. I hope he is visiting, for I miss that big guy so much. He had literally been by side wherever I went for so long, that it just feels empty now.

Hi Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear that you dog has passed away. Dealing with the loss of our furry family is so difficult and the emptiness can feel intense and overwhelming. But I can assure you that they never really leave, a part of them will always be with us. Your dog has made contact so that you know he is ok and that he is still with you. He wants to comfort you and help you heal from the other side. The other dog is also feeling the loss and needs to connect with you to find comfort. You are helping each other grieve the loss of your animal soul mate. Your dog feels the emptiness and the sadness all three of you are feeling. When you feel up to it I recommend writing a letter to him. Telling him how much he means to, how he changed your life, how much you miss him and ask him to help you heal. In my experience, this process has been extremely healing and connected me to a deep sense of gratitude. I hope this helps. Thank you so much for sharing. I am sending you, your animals and you house healing energy. Sandra

Thank you! I’ll try that with the letter. It’s funny because I almost did that a few nights ago. BellaTrix is def dealing with the loss as well. She looks sad, acts sad-even looks like she’s been crying. They were best buddies. She’s my baby duck now and follows me every where. She finally looks like she has perked up a bit today which is good because I was getting worried about her.

My 20 year old cat died Christmas eve 2023. His name was Lazyboy. I can hardly function because he was part of everything I do . I don’t know how to heal.

Hello I am so sorry to hear about Lazyboy. Dealing with the passing of our animal family is extremely difficulty. The healing process takes time and some days are worse than others. In my experience, the best way to heal is to allow myself to feel every emotion completely. This can feel very difficult at first because it is so overwhelming, but the more you allow your self to honour your feelings the quicker your reach a state of calm. It is simple in theory but a lot harder in practice. I would also contact the Blue Cross or a similar charity in your country that offers a pet bereavement service. The volunteers are absolutely amazing. Talking about what you are going through can be very healing. These calls are anonymous and you can discuss anything you like with them. You can talk about Lazyboy, how he made you feel, how you feel now that he is gone. Take your time to heal, and honour you needs. The healing process cannot be rushed and sometimes friends and family just don’t understand the impact their passing has had on our lives. So, look for support in your local community and try not to isolate yourself. I would also recommend journaling your thoughts and feelings too, this may provide some additional release. I hope this helps. Let me know how you get on. Sending you love and healing 🙂

Thank you Sandra. Is he with me? I think hes visiting my husbands dreams because he keeps calling for him in his sleep

Yes, it is possible that Lazyboy is still around in spirit. When out animals can’t get through to us during waking hours they can communicate with us through our dreams. It is also possible that the dreams are helping him grieve Lazyboy’s passing. I highly recommend keeping a dream journal and writing down any messages that come through, how your husband feels and include as many details as possible. Sometimes the messages come through in multiple dreams, so you won’t fully understand what they are tying to communicate, until you look back at your dream log and connect the pieces. When my dog Ludo passed away, I dreamt about him for months and felt such comfort knowing he was supporting me through my pain. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

Hello Sandra. Myself and my husband had to have our dog poppy put to sleep the 27/12/23. She was 17 and half. We are both heartbroken. The vet said she had a mini stroke. When my husband brought her ashes back from the vets yesterday as he put them on the table a random white petal fell off out of a vase of flowers that were on the table. Could this have been a sign from our beautiful dog? We miss her so much ❤️

Hi Jane I am so sorry to hear about Poppy passing away. It absolutely is heart-breaking to loose such an important member of the family. And it is not uncommon for guilt to creep in there too, especially when we have had to make the difficult decision of putting them to sleep.

WOW!! What a magical sign from Poppy! Absolutely, our animals will communicate in any way they can to get or attention and let us know they are around. The synchronicity of it all is just amazing. It is possible that she will keep communicating with you, so keep your eyes peeled. She may continue sending messages through flower petals, feathers, coins, or move things around the house. What a wonderful gift this is! Thanks for sharing Jane, let me know if you receive anymore signs from Poppy. 🙂

I lost my 12 year old dog a year and a half ago. I rescued her off a euthanasia list in NC only a few hours before she was to be put down. She had healed broken bones, overbred and obviously beaten and just someone’s trash. Her name was Emma. Together we went through high heartworm positive when she got home here. A few years later it was mast cell cancer that thankfully made her very lumpy, but not physically sick. A few years later she had a seized or stroke. Because of Covid, we couldn’t accompany her inside with the vet. Probably about a year later, I believe she had a set of mini strokes. Her death was traumatic for her. I was home alone with no emergency vet clinic to take her to. She spent hours gasping for air, gurgling, foam coming out her nose and mouth and more seizers. It was the worst day of my life. I did eventually find a vet. When I was home during the day, she was wherever I was. Waiting by the door for me whenever I was not home. I slept on the living room couch with her, the last three years of her life. I dream extremely vivid and actually do remember my dreams. All my other dogs have come to me in a dream. Once or twice. I just sit with them. It is amazing. I have been waiting for Emma. I haven’t seen her. With as much as I miss her, I’m angry she hasn’t come to me. I have started looking at dogs that look like Emma. A lot do but very few have her eyes. I have found a dog the spitting image of Emma and will be driving 15 hours this weekend to adopt her. Thing is, in the last week, I’ve had tv’s turn on automatically three times. I think it’s Emma. I don’t know if she’s telling me to get the dog or not get the dog. I already have 6.

Hi Lauri I can sense how much you loved Emma from reading your words. You saved her life and supported her through very difficult moments and traumatic events. Having vivid dreams of our animals is a sign that they are visiting us from the spirit world. Mos people don’t see their pets, but they can feel them around. Our animals decide whether or not to come back and also pick the time to return. If they choose not to return it is because you have interiorised all the lessons they came here to teach you and their job lies else where. She may have sent those beautiful 6 dogs to continue her work and help you on your spiritual journey. But the unconditional love she felt for you remains even when they are in spirit, and your love and connection will never die. Whether she decides to reincarnate or not, she will always be a part of you. Trust that you will find her if she decides to reincarnate back to you. Thank you for sharing Lauri. 🙂

I lost my baby Oct 11th 4 days before her 17th birthday. She had stage 4 kidney failure. I forgot her birthday but so strangly I got an email from a pet place I haven’t taken her to in over 13 years the day after she died like she wanted me to know what it was . I’ve heard songs , seen butterflies , lady bugs , blue Jay’s, her name, and most recently shooting stars one week 4 nights in a row. Our new puppy looks like her kinda she’s 7 months old and some nights barks at nothing and does the awkward stare at nothing, some people don’t believe in these things but I like to think they are all signs from her I miss her sooo much it hurts everyday

What a beautiful sign from Blue Jay! That couldn’t have been timed any better even if you tried! Even when you forgot about her birthday she was there to remind you that she is still there with you. How wonderful is that! Once you open up to this magical and spiritual world, the signs just keep coming. Congratulation on getting a new puppy, I am sure she is filling your hope with tons of unconditional love. Our animals can see things that most people can’t, if they stare into a corner or bark at nothing it could be that they are sensing something. Our animals in spirit often come to visit new additions to the family and help them settle in and learn the house rules. So don’t be surprised if your new puppy has learnt things Blue Jay used to do. T hanks for sharing your experience Wesley. 🙂

I put my beloved fur baby to sleep Friday (1/18/2024) her health was deteriorating quickly and I didn’t want her to have a painful death, but I still feel guilty and second guessing myself. She was my companion, when I was not working she was with me 24/7. I miss her so much, but I think she is giving me the strength to go back to my routine. I was not able to sit on the spot I took so many nap with her and now I’m typing this from that spot. I feel her laying down next to me and I see something that resembles her with the corner of my eye. I been crying since that day, I feel so lonely. My heart is broken beyond repair 💔💔💔 I miss you so much Leah, my baby, my faithful companion in the good and not so good times. “ If love could save you, you will lived forever” Love you baby girl 😭

Hello I am so sorry to hear about Leah. You clearly loved her so much and only had her best interests in mind. Unfortunately, guilt is one of the emotions we can’t escape, especially when we had to make such a difficult and heart-breaking decision. But I can confidently say that not a single animal has ever been upset with their family about making these decisions. When our animals cross over they feel peace, love and joy. And I can assure you that Leah also feels that right now. She knows how much you loved and continue to lover her and that you would have done anything to keep her safe. And now that she is on the other side, she wants to be by your side to help you grieve and heal. Having her around you is such a wonderful and magical experience. Take time to sit in that spot with her and feel her presence around you. Talk to her and tell her how much you love and miss her and ask her to continue helping you in anyway that she can. Thanks for sharing your experience. Sending love and healing you way. 🙂

We had to let our dog Oscar go Jan 24 2024. Sudden stage 4 renal failure… seemed like it came out of nowhere. We had a couple of days with him at home before his death. We knew when he looked at us that he was ready and just waiting for us to realize it. We loved him for 15 years and he loved us for 15 years. We are crushed beyond words. The house feels so lonely and so do our hearts. Reading fellow pet stories here before mine has helped. We trust that he will show us the way to heal as we go on this journey. Thank you to everyone for sharing. ❤️

I am so sorry to hear about Oscar’s passing. You are right, they do know when it is time, and we are the ones who find it difficult to let go. But bless their gentle souls, they just patiently wait for us until we are ready. Everyone who lost an animal they deeply loved knows what you are going through. It is extremely difficult and the healing process will take some time. Our little angels fill up our hearts with unconditional love and our homes with peace and joy. It is no wonder that we feel so sad, empty, and lonely all at the same time. The love we share with them is so natural and pure but that love is what will guide us through those sad and painful days. Yes, trust that Oscar will help you heal through this difficult time, and remember to be compassionate to yourselves too. We often beat ourselves when our animals cross over, so be kind, patient, and compassionate with yourselves through this difficult moment.

Thank you so much for sharing Cathy, you are right that hearing other people’s stories can comfort us and help us feel less alone.

Our 1 year old puppy suddenly died on 01/04/2025 having violent seizures. She always made a high frequency whistling noise when she wanted to go outside. Sometimes I hear the noise and for a second believe she is around. Maybe she is.

Hi Dan Sorry to hear about losing your 1 year old puppy. The high frequency could be her trying to communicate with you. Next time you hear that sound ask her to repeat it multiple times to confirm she is there. You may also hear a high pitch sound or ringing in one or both ears when she is around. Thank you for sharing. Sending love and healing your way 🙂

Dear Sandra, I don’t think I stumbled upon your website by accident. I’ve lost my best friend Maja on January 23rd. I’ve lost her twice in my life, this time forever. The first time was eight months ago, when Maja suffered brain damage from anesthesia during surgery. She was never the same again, and every day I thought about how bad I had hurt her. I sent her for an operation that everyone said was completely trivial, but I just felt deep in my soul that it wouldn’t end well. I didn’t listen to my intuition, I didn’t know exactly what the feeling meant. Everything fell into place when it was too late. Maja diead after a series of seizures that occurred eight months later. Her body didn’t want to let go, but her soul was leaving. When I laid her in the grave, I knew that she was not in the body, that she was with me. That evening I took a picture of the window facing the garden where her grave is. In the photo, there is darkness, the reflection of lightning and Maja right outside the window. Another day, my location on my phone changed to York Crosstown by itself in the morning, even though my phone doesn’t offer that option at all. I live in the Czech Republic: Pilsen is supposed to be there. I don’t know how I’m supposed to live without Maja. I don’t think she died the first time because I was pregnant. But I know it wasn’t our time, that we weren’t supposed to be apart. Not yet. I begged her to come back in a different fur coat. Since January 29, I don’t feel Maja in my surroundings. I don’t know what to do. I would like to book a session. I can write in English with mistakes, I understand the spoken word perfectly, but I am afraid that the sentences I speak would be very bad and I would probably be embarrassed.

Hi Andrea I am so sorry to hear about Maja. You loved her very much, you would never try to intentionally hurt her. But I know what you mean, you had a gut instinct and went against it. We do that because we are not used to trusting our intuition or when we doubt ourselves because of the potential consequences. I can only imagine how difficult this situation must have been over the 8 months and then at the end. You felt her around you because she was in spirit form and chose to be by your side. Many people feel their animals around in the first couple of weeks after their passing and as they fully cross over, it can be more difficult to sense them around us. Be patient and trust that she will contact you when she is ready. Maya will not abandon you, her love is eternal and is within you. Thank you for sharing with us. Sending love and healing your way. 🙂

We had to put our sweet boy Coco to sleep yesterday. The first day he was sick was Saturday and we had vet visits and communication for 3 days straight. Eventually blood work showed he had kidney failure and his liver was failing. He was almost 14. I had to make the decision that was best for him. I couldn’t allow him to suffer, as much as I wanted him to be with me for any amount of time longer. We rescued his mother and he was pet of her litter. We kept the two boys and my little girls named the boys (after chocolate) Coco and Hershey. I was the first one to hold him in life and the last one to hold him with kisses and love. Coco was so sweet and fun. He was so special to me and we had our own way of communicating. My husband said we had an “irrational relationship” because we were SO attached. He slept under my pillow and we did everything together. He was at my side for all my routines and knew how to communicate. I would see him sweetly staring at me. I would stare back and smile he would show me the whites of his eyes, like being shy. I deeply loved him with all my heart. His brother Hershey is a sweet, spunky dog, too and I love him so much, but Coco and I were connected. It was a different bond and special. I know I made the right decision and am not second guessing. He always showed up for me and I needed to show up for him. I haven’t been able to eat or function for two days and it doesn’t seem like it’s getting better. I am missing a piece of my heart and soul. I want him to bring me peace and help me heal. His brother is lonely and looks for him and it saddens me more. They have never been apart since birth. I feel empty, sad and broken. I love on Hershey. He is the closest thing to Coco and we both need to heal. I don’t know if my grief is making it worse for Hershey if he is sensing it. When I try to think of happy memories, which there are many, all I think about is how I want him back and miss him so much. Like it’s too soon for me to process memories, only loss. I can’t sleep and cry all night and day. I have a void, want to heal and remember the good times without pain and want to help his brother who I feel so sad for when he wanders and looks and sniffs his his brother he can no longer find. I feel broken.

Hi Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about Coco. We can love many pets with all our hearts and if we are lucky we can also connect with a soul mate pet too. These connections are much more intense than words can explain. It is a spiritual connection that the two of you shared. You could understand each other beyond words and know what the other needed. This type of connection is rare yet so magical. That is why it hurts so much when we lose them because we have lost a connection within. It is extremely difficult to lose a soul pet. The healing process takes a lot of time, but your connection allows you to reconnect with them even in the afterlife. It was a spiritual connection too. You and Hershey are both processing the loss, and you can support each other through it. He will feel all your emotions but you too understand what he is going through. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. And if you can find a local support group to help you process the grief. Unless the person has experienced this connection for themselves, they will find it difficult to understand the spiritual bond that you two shared. Your relationship with Coco was special and unique, and a wonderful gift. Honor your feelings and inner truth. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Sending you love and healing. 🙂

My dog penny died four weeks ago aged nine, her back legs had failed her and i had to have her euthanized, on returning home i went outside and heard her footsteps behind me. I have smelt her and my husband and myself heard her bark at us while we were watching the tv. I have seen a glimpse of her and really believe she is trying to connect to us. I have lost other dogs and even though i felt sad with their passing i am devastated over penny and really struggling with her death, although i didnt see her in my dream she did show me a new born puppy a tiny little black and white puppy its eyes still closed, penny was a rottweiler and even though i couldnt see her in the dream i knew she was there, i honestly think she was showing me my next dog, buy i am so not ready yet to bring another dog into my home. I miss her so much and really do hope she will greet me when my time comes.

Hello Sharon What a wonderful gift it is to sense and hear our animals after they have crossed over. It is their way of letting us know they are still with us. Oftentimes people convince themselves they sensed things that weren’t there and that it is our mind playing tricks on us. That is why is so wonderful when it happens when there are other people around. It is such a wonderful gift from the spirit world. You mentioned dreaming about Penny and seeing a little black and white puppy. This could be her next incarnation or your next puppy. Take your time to grieve and heal and when you are ready to open your heart again then consider introducing a new pet to the family. Penny will know when to come back or send a new puppy your way. Thank you so much for sharing these divine interactions. Sending you love and healing. 🙂

I appreciate this article. I just lost my best friend this week. I kept waiting to hear from her. As I was drifting off on the couch I smelled her breathe as she would always come over to my face if I fell asleep on couch and just stand there until I got up and let her out for the last time of the evening before going to bed. I opened my eyes expecting to see her. The last few nights I heard her. She made a lot of noise with her paws on our hardwood floors and we always knew when she was coming. I heard it with me other dog who jumped up, ears up, and we looked at each other. I said “you heard that too?” She got sad and lied back down. Me too. She is here. We feel her and hear her and smell her! I thought I was losing it a little due to my grief. But reading this made me feel so much better. Thank you

Hi there, I am so sorry to you about losing your furry best friend. I am very thankful to everyone who shares their experiences as it helps others who are dealing with the loss of an animal. And you are absolutely right, our mind convinces us, that we made it all up or that it was wishful thinking. It is only when someone else experiences the same thing we open our minds to the fact that our animals are still with us in spirit form. Thank your pet for being with you and let them know how much you love them. It is such a great opportunity to share what you are going through with them whilst you can still sense them around. Thank you for sharing your experience with us all. Sending love and healing your way. 🙂

I lost my dog 3 days ago. It is so devastating to be in the house and not have her around. She was the best, and smartest dog. She had a rough night her last night, and even snuggled up to my head and placed her head on my neck…I’m sure to get some comfort. She passed away in my arms as I was taking her to the car for a vet appointment I’d just made, hoping something miraculous could be done. Thankfully, with her help, I didn’t have to make the ultimate decision. I hope I can be alert enough to see signs of her around my home. I have seen a shadow out of the corner of my eye, along the couch where she usually napped. I miss her so

Hi Emel I got goosebumps as I read your comment. Nobody wants to ever make that heartbreaking decision. What a wonderful gift it is to hold your dog so close to support them through their transition.

You are already seeing some signs, so keep your eyes and ears peeled as they usually appear in the favorite spots during meal times, and on sofas or beds.

Thank you for sharing with everyone 🙂

Sending you love and healing

Hi, I just came across this and it had to be perfect timing. 2 days ago I had to put to sleep my beautiful animal soulmate dog Freyja. I’m broken beyond words as I also had to put to sleep my beautiful boy Ace (cat) only just after christmas. These two were by my side day in day out and always slept on my bed. They were both 11. My life has stopped in its tracks and I’m going to bed by myself for the first time in over 10 years. Hoping for signs they are still around but I think I’m grieving too much to notice anything.

Hello Tracy, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a soul pet is absolutely heartbreaking and you have had to endure the passing of two pets in such a short period. You are absolutely right, grief can sometimes interfere with our ability to sense our animals in spirit. But it can also happen when our pets pass away in a frail condition. This can limit the energy they have available to connect with us. If that is the case look for subtle signs such as the orbs, having vivid dreams, or hearing songs that remind you of them. Give it some time and trust that they will reach out when they are ready. I also recommend reaching out to local pet bereavement support groups to help you deal with the grief during this challenging time. The last thing our pets want is for us to forget about our well-being. Thank you for taking the time to share with us all. Sending you love and healing. 🙂 Sandra

Dear Sandra: Monday we had to put our 11 1/2 year old Havaese to sleep. She was our pride and joy – our little “human”. She followed me everywhere, ate at the dinner table….my little shadow. I am struggling so badly and at times can’t catch my breath. I think I see her coming down the hall or hear her tapping her feet. I feel such a void that I want to get another fur baby to fill this hurt. This will never be to replace her but I honestly feel this is our Anna Mae’s way of telling us that it’s OK to love another dog and if it helps you – do it. Of course I have guilt and question whether it’s too soon. I miss her so much. The hurt is 💔 unbearable. Thanks for reading.

Hi Jimmy Sorry for your loss. It is extremely difficult to deal with the loss of our cute littl e fur babies. Yet what a wonderful sign to receive from the spirit world. The decision to get another dog is a personal one and varies from person to person. I personally believe that you should give yourself some time to heal the loss before introducing a new pet. It can be challenging to get a new pet because we end up comparing them and haven’t quite let go of the grief and pain connected to losing them. But every case is different. Before making a decision, sit down quietly and ask yourself the following questions: Am I ready to have a new pet in my home, can I take care of them fully, do I have the energy Ask yourself if you are (and those living with you) ready to get a new pet, is your heart open to loving another animal, are you in the right physical, mental, and emotional state to take on this responsibility. Honestly ask yourself these questions and then make your decision. You may not feel ready today, but that could change days, weeks, months, or years down the line. Honor your truth. And know that all your beloved dog wants is for you to be happy. She knows you are not trying to replace her and is happy for you to have another dog in your life. Sending you loving and healing. 🙂 Sandra

My cocker spaniel “Tanner” lived to be 15 years old and just loved me to pieces. We would occasionally have random deer in our back yard that nibble on the bushes. But four days after he passed a deer came right to the sliding glass door with her feet on the threshold staring into our livingroom. I like to believe that Tanner sent the deer to check on us to see how we were doing.

Hi Phyllis As I read your message I got full body chills. REPEATEDLY! What a beautiful encounter. I also feel it was Tanner. But our minds doubt these magical experiences. That is why always tell my clients to try and get confirmation that even our minds can’t doubt. Next time Tanner comes to visit ask him to tap on the window, make a sound, or give you an additional sign to prove to you that it is him.

Thank you for sharing with us and acknowledging the signs from the spirit world. Sending you love and healing 🙂

OMG I’m in tears. I had to euthanize my 14 year old Shih Tzu, just Feb 28. I’m devastated. He was blind for several years and in the last 6 months or so had gone deaf. His eyes had constant drainage and would be cloudy. The drainage was heavy and would turn crusty around his eyes and on his cheeks. He had so much drainage and he wouldn’t let me clean his eyes or face for several weeks. Poor baby was confused and several nights he would just walk and whine around our condo he didn’t want to be picked up. I wanted him to be home but come to realize I was being selfish and he needed to be at peace. I’ve had regrets and guilt. I’ve been asking him to give me a sign. I have seen him out the corner of my eye, heard his little grunt a couple times. I watch a video and the dog in the video looked just like him but his back was to me. I keep saying turn around let me see your eyes and that dog didn’t, but a few days later there was an ad Shih Tzu that looked just like him and eyes were perfectly clean and clear. Your post has helped me so much. He is connecting with me and I can hardly wait to see him again. Like to add my niece Tricia died in 2018 she was a dog lover. I decided I couldn’t make the decision until I had signs from her that she would meet him, it was over a few weeks time, but I found a feather a coin and while playing a game a woman joined the game and her name was Tricia. So I had my signs that my precious Jade would be with her. Thank you so much.

I am sorry to hear about your Shih Tzu passing away. It is so hard to make that decision at the end and then deal with the loss. Almost everyone feels guilt and regret after their pets passing but that is even more difficult when you have had to euthanize your dog. But when those thoughts come into your mind, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Did you love your pet? 2. Would you have done anything to save them? 3. Did you put their well-being before the need for them to be around? If you answered yes to any or all of these, you know that you did the best you could at that moment. Then focus on the love you had for them and it will break you out of the negative thought pattern.

I can also tell you, that as of today, I have never had a pet come back angry, upset, or complain about their end-of-life experience. They want to talk about their wonderful pet parents and let them know how excited they are to reconnect with them. And that is what your beautiful Shih Tzu is doing through the signs you mentioned. They want to be a part of your life and let you know they are around.

And the situation with the lady named Tricia joining your game, the feather and the coin are just such divine signs. Thank you for sharing with us all. It is so important for us to reach out about these things and open our minds up to these magical encounters. Sending you love 🙂

Sandra Martinez

Thank you! Your information I feel saved my sanity! Tricia gives me signs a lot! Since I posted I’ve found a penny and a little brown feather. And in my dream Tricia was holding Jade and they both looked wonderful. I’ve seen Jade out the corner of my eye, and his fresh bathed dog scent I could smell the other day. When guilt tries to sneak in I remind myself he was suffering and it would’ve been selfish of me to not do the right thing for him. Thank you again!

Hi Kay I am happy to hear that you are feeling better and that you are actively dealing with your grief. I love the phrase you came up with and I am sure many more pet parents will benefit from reading your comment. Thank you so much for your honesty and for sharing your wonderful spirit signs with us all. Sending you love and peace Sandra

Dear Sandra,

Thank you so much for your lovely reading with our beloved Beccy. My Dad was blown away with what came through and did find it comforting, as did I. I have continued to have the lovely experience of butterflies and dragonflies coming up to me to say hello and I now say hello Beccy, and ask them to come closer. I haven’t smelt her since that day when I was hanging the washing out, but I will keep trying to connect with her on that level. We haven’t noticed any birds doing anything special yet but she might also still be building her energy up? Every time my Dad visits, we go outside and wait for the butterflies. I have had blue and black butterflies. Sometimes I am standing at the window and they just appear, right at the window, it’s so lovely. They do come when we are outside but Dad isn’t getting them at home yet. I keep telling him to be open and patient. When he was here last, there was this lovely big dog figure in the clouds. He couldn’t see it and when he verbalised that it faded away 🙁 I see them a lot and keep encouraging him. Thanks so much Sandra. I will definitely reach out again in the future. Best wishes, Bron.

Hi Bron, It is such a magical experience to have the butterflies and dragonflies visit you. Beccy will choose to manifest in the best way she can to get your attention, and your dad’s too. Many pets in spirit initially connect through insects such as butterflies or other winged creatures and then try to manifest through other winged beings such as birds. But this can take some time, so keep your eyes peeled.

By acknowledging the signs from Beccy through the butterflies and dragonflies you encourage her to reach out. Your dad should be patient and stay open to the possibility that she will visit him at his home soon. And for now, enjoy the winged experiences at your house. Beccy will visit him and make her presence known when she is ready and when your dad is open to seeing the signs.

It can take weeks, months, and even years for people to sense their animals in spirit. He shouldn’t lose hope but instead know that his beautiful Beccy will reach out to him soon.

Thank you for sharing with us all Bron and I appreciate your kind words.

Sending you love and healing. 🙂

Thank you so, so much Sandra. I wanted to just share with you also, that a little while after I shared the above post, Dad told me he dreamt of Beccy and she was there nuzzling into his neck as she always did. He said it was so real and felt it. I told him it was her saying hi and that she is ok and happy. How beautiful hey ❤️❤️

That is wonderful news!! Yes, that is exactly it. What a beautiful experience! She is at peace and she is happy too. Thank you for sharing this with us all. I love hearing about all these wonderful signs. It never ceases to amaze me.

I recently wrote two blog posts that I think your dad might want to read. I wrote the first one after our conversation so that pet parents get a little peace of mind. And the second one is so that they understand the difference between regular dreams and pet visitation dreams.

Sending you love and healing.

Good afternoon, Sandra. My little soulmate, Merlin just went thru kidney failure this past week and ultimately had to be euthanized on Friday, two days ago. He was the absolute sweetest kitty ever. It was just he and I and I was his whole world as he was mine. He followed me every single place I ever went and was always by my side. His kidney failure was sudden and took him just within 2 days of starting to show signs. We did everything possible for him but could not fix this. Before euthanization, his doctor echoed this statement and assured me that I was the best cat dad. He was my companion. My best friend and soulmate. He taught me so many lessons in his short 5 years. He was with me his entire life. The night he passed I sat on my patio where we would always sit together and just wept for hours. That same night he gave me the most beautiful sunset I’ve seen! And also that night, after I laid down for bed, I could feel him curl up between my legs as was our routine every night and I slept the best I have in days since this began. This morning, one of my bottled drinks was randomly knocked over like he would always try to get away with. I yearn for him to visit me in my dreams. I miss my boy. Deeply. I feel like part of me died with him on Friday. Thank you for writing all that you’ve wrote, and thank you for listening to Merlin’s story.

Hi Neal I am so sorry to hear about Merlin’s passing. Yes, some of us are exceptionally lucky to find our soul pet. There are no words to describe this deep-felt bond. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and divine experience. Your beautiful Merlin was right by your side enjoying the sunset with you. Stay present to continue feeling him during his visits.

The healing process is difficult and takes time, but you will get through it. Keep your heart open and stay present as much as possible to feel the connection that exists between you. If you want to get dream visitations from Merlin, you can try the 6 steps in my blog post:

Let me know how you get on.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience.

2 weeks ago my ESA Chiweenie died on the way to the emergency vet. I got him at 8 weeks old and he was 12 years old when he passed. I was crushed. I thought I felt him jump up in bed and snuggle with me, and last night I videoed an orb while calling him. For 12 years it was him and me as I live alone. I did have another dog at one point till I was forced to rehome her. He used to put his head on my chest when my depression was high, I was diagnosed with Chronic Depression. More than once I believe he saved my life.

I am sorry to hear about your dog passing away, I hope you are doing well. How divine! Feel your beloved dog snuggle up to you and visit you from the afterlife. He was your little angel, helping you in the difficult times. And he continues to do that even in the afterlife. Thank you for sharing with us all, these messages also help other pet parents who have lost their beloved animal. Sending you love and Healing. 🙂 Sandra

Hola Sandra, me encantó tu publicación, hace 12 días falleció mi Nico, un perrito de 9 años justo días antes de cumplir los 10 años. Mi madre lo adoraba ya que era su compañia y la seguía por todos lados, aún sufrimos su muerte y lo extrañamos mucho, en realidad he tratado de sentir su presencia y aún no logro hacerlo, por favor, dile que lo amamos y extrañamos mucho, no hay un solo día que no piense en él, gracias por animarnos en estos difíciles momentos, Saludos desde Perú.

Hola Wilder

Siento mucho escuchar sobre el fallecimiento de Nico. Todo se siente diferente cuando ellos nos dejan, pero puedo decirte que nunca se van del todo. Siguen siendo parte de nuestras vidas. Puede que no sientas su presencia ahora, pero con el tiempo empezarás a recibir señales del más allá. Nuestro dolor y tristeza pueden hacer que no los sintamos por un tiempo. Pero eso no significa que no puedas hablarle; dile que lo amas, que lo extrañas, y pídele que te envíe señales que puedas percibir. Confía en que él te enviará señales cuando esté listo y cuando tú puedas recibirlas. Gracias por compartir con nosotros.

Te envío amor y sanación, Sandra

Hola Sandra, me gustó tu publicación, gracias por tus consejos, hace poco murió Nico, mi cocker que me acompañó durante casi 10 años (falleció días antes de cumplirlos), el fue nuestro compañero, mi mamá lo adoraba ya que salian a pasear juntos y lo cuidó y quería como un hijo más, hasta ahora lamentamos su pérdida, sé que el también nos extraña desde donde está, solo le pido a Dios qué lo tenga gozando de su reino y continúe su otra vida mucho mas felíz de lo que fue acá, le mando un abrazo hasta el cielo con mucho cariño. Lo extraño.

Easter 2014, I was very sick with bronchitis in bed all day. I suddenly woke up at 9:30pm, went outside to breathe cool air and look at the stars. I found a stray white cat sitting outside my front door. He looked up at me with the most beautiful blue eyes. I felt a wave of love, I picked him up, he put a paw around my neck, I brought him inside. He wandered the house, found my bedroom, jumped in bed, and laid next to me on my pillow all night with one paw on me. It was like he was Heaven Sent. This magical cat was so sweet, intuitive, brave and a healer. He always laid by whatever body part was injured (I had an ankle fracture and knee injury) We were inseparable, traveled cross country, went on night walks with a leash, and looked up at the stars. I kept him safe and loved for 10 years. April 2024 I took him to Vet for an accidental injury. Cat recovered but May 14th got worse after a vet checkup. Listening to my instincts, I took cat to a Specialty Vet and discovered horrifying truth during an internal imaging scan, Cat was hurt by previous Vet stabbed in skull with needle. Cat fought to live but suddenly passed 2 weeks ago, in bed with me. He reached out to me with his paw, just like when I met him – I held him and he gracefully faded away. His spirit is here. I felt warm presense on left shoulder night he passed (he always slept snuggled under my left arm) I was crying at a red light and when I looked up, same type car I drive was in front of me with license plate PURR. My other 2 cats stared at corner in my bedroom, both chased something in the bathroom, meowed loudly and ran out. Those 2 cats now refuse to go in my bedroom. My world is shattered. I am furious at the tragic way he was taken from me. I am devastated and cannot imagine my life without this cat who was perfect, my soulmate.

Hello Elizabeth,

I’m so sorry to hear about the circumstances of your cat’s passing. I can only imagine the pain you’re both going through. He was truly a godsend, and you were blessed to share 10 wonderful years together in the physical world. Even now, he continues to be with you, sending signs to let you know he’s around. The other cats are respecting his space, but in time, one or both will want to be right by your side on that bed, honoring him. Thanks for sharing with us all. Sending you love and healing. Sandra

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visits from deceased pets

Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You

Losing a beloved pet can be a devastating experience. The bond we share with our furry friends is truly special, and their absence can leave a void in our hearts. Many pet owners find comfort in the belief that their deceased pets may still be with them in spirit, visiting them from the other side. While this idea may seem far-fetched to some, there are actually several signs that your deceased pet may be trying to communicate with you.

1. Unexplained Sounds and Noises

One common sign that your deceased pet may be visiting you is the presence of unexplained sounds or noises. Many pet owners report hearing their pet’s distinctive bark, meow, or even the sound of their claws clicking on the floor when no living animals are present. This phenomenon can be a comforting reminder that your pet is still with you in some form.

According to a pet psychic, “Pets have a strong connection to their owners, even after they have passed. They may try to communicate with you through familiar sounds to let you know they are still around.”

2. Strange Behavior from Other Pets

Another sign that your deceased pet may be visiting you is if your other pets begin exhibiting strange behavior. Some pet owners have reported seeing their living animals staring at nothing, following something invisible with their eyes, or even acting as if they are playing with an unseen presence. This behavior can be a clear indication that your deceased pet is trying to make their presence known.

A pet medium explains, “Animals are very sensitive to energy, and they can often sense the presence of spirits. If your other pets are acting strangely, it could be a sign that your deceased pet is visiting them.”

3. Objects Moving or Shifting

If you notice that objects in your home are mysteriously moving or shifting on their own, it could be a sign that your deceased pet is trying to get your attention. Many pet owners have reported finding their pet’s favorite toy in a different spot than where they left it, or seeing their pet’s bed suddenly moved to a new location. These occurrences may be a way for your pet to let you know they are still with you.

A paranormal investigator specializing in pet hauntings says, “Sometimes, spirits can manipulate objects in our physical world as a way to communicate with us. If you notice things moving around in your home, it could be your deceased pet trying to send you a message.”

4. Dreams and Visitation

Dreams can often be a powerful way for our deceased loved ones, including pets, to communicate with us. If you find yourself dreaming about your deceased pet frequently, or if you have vivid dreams where your pet appears healthy and happy, it may be a sign that they are visiting you in your sleep. These dreams can be a comforting reminder that your pet is at peace and still watching over you.

A dream interpreter who specializes in pet dreams says, “Dreams about deceased pets can be a way for them to connect with us from the other side. Pay attention to the messages and feelings you experience in these dreams, as they may hold important insights from your pet.”

5. Sudden Changes in Temperature

Another common sign that your deceased pet may be visiting you is a sudden change in temperature. Some pet owners have reported feeling a cold breeze or a warm sensation in a specific area of their home, even when there is no logical explanation for it. These temperature fluctuations can be a way for your pet to make their presence known to you.

A paranormal researcher who studies pet spirits explains, “Spirits often manipulate energy to create changes in temperature as a way to communicate with the living. If you feel sudden shifts in temperature in your home, it could be your deceased pet trying to reach out to you.”

6. Signs in Nature

Nature can be a powerful way for spirits to communicate with us, including our deceased pets. If you notice unusual animal behavior, such as a bird repeatedly visiting your window or a butterfly landing on you out of nowhere, it could be a sign that your pet is trying to communicate with you through nature. These signs can serve as a comforting reminder that your pet is still watching over you.

An animal communicator who specializes in interpreting signs from nature says, “Our deceased pets often use animals and nature to send us messages from the other side. Pay attention to the animals and elements around you, as they may hold clues from your pet.”

7. Strong Emotional Reactions

Lastly, one of the most powerful signs that your deceased pet may be visiting you is experiencing strong emotional reactions out of the blue. If you suddenly feel overwhelming love, joy, or sadness that is unexplained by your current circumstances, it could be a sign that your pet is trying to connect with you on an emotional level. These feelings may come as a gentle reminder that your pet’s spirit is still present in your life.

A grief counselor who specializes in pet loss says, “Our deceased pets often communicate with us through our emotions. If you find yourself feeling intense emotions that are out of the ordinary, it could be a sign that your pet is visiting you in spirit.”

Common Concerns and Answers

1. Can I communicate with my deceased pet?

While not everyone may be able to communicate directly with their deceased pets, there are ways to connect with them on a spiritual level. Practices such as meditation, visualization, and simply talking to your pet in your mind can help strengthen your bond with them and open up channels of communication.

2. Is it normal to feel guilty after my pet passes away?

Feeling guilty after the loss of a pet is a common experience for many pet owners. It’s important to remember that you did the best you could for your pet and that they would want you to focus on the love and happy memories you shared together.

3. How can I honor the memory of my deceased pet?

There are many ways to honor the memory of a deceased pet, such as creating a memorial garden, making a donation to a pet charity in their name, or simply talking to them and keeping their memory alive in your heart.

4. Will my deceased pet be waiting for me in the afterlife?

Many pet owners believe that their deceased pets will be waiting for them in the afterlife. While there is no definitive answer to this question, the belief that we will be reunited with our pets in the next life can bring comfort to those grieving their loss.

5. Can I ask my deceased pet for signs or messages?

If you feel comfortable doing so, you can ask your deceased pet for signs or messages to let you know they are still with you. Be open to receiving these signs in various forms, such as dreams, nature, or unexpected occurrences.

6. How can I cope with the loss of my pet?

Coping with the loss of a pet can be a challenging process, but there are ways to find comfort and healing. Seeking support from friends, family, or a pet loss support group, creating a memorial for your pet, and allowing yourself to grieve in your own time are all important steps in the healing process.

7. Is it normal to see my deceased pet in dreams?

Seeing your deceased pet in dreams is a common experience for many pet owners. These dreams can be a way for your pet to communicate with you from the other side and offer comfort and closure.

8. Can my deceased pet’s spirit protect me?

Many pet owners believe that their deceased pets continue to watch over and protect them from the spirit world. Whether it’s a feeling of warmth, a sense of presence, or a series of unexplained occurrences, these signs can be a comforting reminder that your pet is still looking out for you.

9. Why do I feel my deceased pet’s presence in my home?

Feeling your deceased pet’s presence in your home is a common experience for pet owners who believe in the spiritual connection between humans and animals. These feelings can be a way for your pet to let you know they are still with you and watching over you.

10. Can my deceased pet’s spirit communicate with other animals?

Many pet owners have reported that their deceased pets can communicate with other animals, both living and deceased. These interactions can be a way for your pet to connect with other creatures and continue their bond with you from the other side.

11. Should I keep my deceased pet’s belongings?

Deciding whether to keep your deceased pet’s belongings is a personal choice that varies from person to person. Some pet owners find comfort in keeping their pet’s toys, bed, or collar as a way to remember them, while others may choose to donate or discard these items as part of the grieving process.

12. Can my deceased pet’s spirit visit me in different forms?

Some pet owners believe that their deceased pets can visit them in various forms, such as a familiar scent, a sudden sound, or a feeling of warmth. These manifestations can be a way for your pet to let you know they are still with you in spirit.

13. How can I know if my deceased pet is at peace?

While it’s natural to wonder if your deceased pet is at peace, it’s important to trust that they are in a place of love and happiness beyond this world. Finding comfort in the signs and messages they send you can help reassure you that your pet is at peace and watching over you.

14. Is it normal to feel my deceased pet’s presence during significant moments?

Feeling your deceased pet’s presence during significant moments, such as birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries, is a common experience for pet owners. These moments can be a way for your pet to show their love and support during times when you may need it most.

15. Can I still connect with my deceased pet even if I don’t believe in the afterlife?

Even if you don’t believe in the afterlife or the idea of spirits communicating with the living, you can still find comfort in the memories and love you shared with your deceased pet. Keeping their memory alive in your heart and cherishing the time you had together can be a powerful way to honor their legacy.

In conclusion, the signs that your deceased pet may be visiting you are varied and unique to each individual. Whether it’s through unexplained sounds, strange behavior from other pets, objects moving on their own, dreams and visitations, changes in temperature, signs in nature, or strong emotional reactions, these signs can offer comfort and reassurance that your pet’s spirit is still with you. By remaining open to these signs and messages, you can continue to feel the love and connection you shared with your pet long after they have passed. Remember, our pets may leave this world physically, but their spirits can live on in our hearts forever.

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visits from deceased pets

9 Signs Your Deceased Pet is Visiting You (Using Technology!)

Did you know there are actual signs your deceased pet is visiting you ? That’s right! Your pet can send you signs from the afterlife! And guess what? They can even use technology to do it!

As an animal communicator and pet psychic, I specialize in helping people connect with their pets that have crossed over, assisting  them in navigating their grief and understanding the animal afterlife process. Today, I want to share with you nine signs your pet is visiting you from the afterlife using technology – along with a bonus sign from the afterlife that is just too cool to miss.

9 Signs Your Pet is Visiting from the Afterlife (using technology): Understanding the Animal Afterlife

Before we explore the fascinating ways animals on the other side use technology to send signs and messages to us, let’s briefly touch upon the concept of the animal afterlife. I’ve been working with animals in the afterlife for over twenty years and have been teaching animal communication courses almost as long.

When our pets cross over, they continue to enjoy their existence in the afterlife. However, they also keep an eye on us, visiting us and staying aware of what’s happening in our lives. They yearn for us to receive their signs of love and greetings because they know how much we miss them, and because they know they still exist, just in a different way..

The following list of signs your deceased pet is visiting you stems from my many years of experience as an animal communicator.

1. An Obvious Sign Your Deceased Pet is Visiting: Spotify Keeps Playing Your Song!

Have you ever had that one song on Spotify that always reminds you of your pet? Well, it’s not just a coincidence. 

Your pet on the other side has the ability to manipulate your Spotify playlist! So, when that special song starts playing, take a moment to thank your pet for the hello sign. When you express gratitude, it will open the door for your pet to play that song for you more often.

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2. Another Sign Your Pet is Visiting From the Afterlife: Their Photo Keeps Appearing as “Featured” on your Smartphone

Here’s the next one of the nine signs your deceased pet is visiting you: If you’re like most of us with smartphones, you might have noticed a featured section on your phone that showcases different photos each day. 

Well, guess what? When your pet wants to send you a message of love and hello, they take over that featured section. 

Keep an eye out for recurring photos of your pet, even if it’s supposed to be random. It’s their way of reminding you that they’re still with you.

3. Google Repeatedly Showing you Animal Images That Look Like Your Pet is Another Sign Your Deceased Pet is Visiting

9 signs your pet is visiting you from the afterlife 2

Ever found yourself searching the web and suddenly coming across images of animals that look just like your pet? Well, it’s not just the Google algorithm at work. 

Your pet is actually using your Google searches to remind you of their presence. So, the next time you stumble upon these familiar images, take a moment to acknowledge the message your pet is sending from the afterlife and feel their love.

4. One of the Signs Your Pet Is Visiting You After They Die Is Your Pet Showing Up in Your Selfie

The fourth of the signs your dead pet is visiting you (and using technology to their advantage) concerns your smartphone again. 

Next time you take a selfie and notice a small, clear bubble or orb-like object in the background, don’t be alarmed. It’s your pet showing up visually to let you know they are watching over you. 

These orbs are often not visible to the naked eye but can be captured by digital devices. So, go through your photos and look for these little orbs as a fun and easy way for your pet to show their presence.

5. Seeing Your Pet’s Name in Your Social Media Feed Is No Coincidence. It’s a Sign a Deceased Pet is Visiting

Have you noticed your pet’s name popping up repeatedly while scrolling through your social media feeds? 

Whether it’s Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube, seeing your pet’s name is not just wishful thinking, it’s a beautiful hello from them. Embrace the synchronicity and acknowledge their presence in your life

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6. When You’re Missing a Departed Pet, The Lights Start Flickering Is a Sign From The Afterlife

This sign that your pet is visiting you from the afterlife and be startling! 

Imagine sitting with a friend, reminiscing about your dead pet, and suddenly the lights in your house start flickering. It might seem eerie, but it’s a common way for your pet to say hello and let you know they are around. 

Interestingly, LED lights are more susceptible to their influence. So, when you experience this phenomenon, take a moment to acknowledge your deceased pet’s presence and feel their love.

7. When You Talk About Your Deceased Pet, Your Phone Drops the Call or Gets Staticky

Signs Your Pet Is Visiting You After They Die

Have you ever had a conversation with a friend about your dead pet, only to experience sudden interference on the phone line? It’s not a mere coincidence; your pet is actually causing the interference as a way to let you know they’re listening and present. 

So, if you find yourself saying, Hello? Hello? Are you there? During these conversations, know that your pet is sending their love and attention.

8. Your Pet’s Photo Suddenly Shows Up As Your Screensaver Is a Sign They’re Visiting From the Afterlife

One morning, as you power up your computer, you notice that your screensaver has magically changed to a picture of your deceased pet. How cool is that? 

Often, when our pets pass away, we tend to put away their pictures and belongings due to grief. However, our pets want us to remember them and keep their memory alive. 

So, when your screensaver becomes a portal for their presence, embrace it as a heartfelt message from your dead pet.

9. Another Sign Your Dead Pet Is Sending You a Message: Your Furbo Records “Nothing”

This sign your dead pet is visiting might be a little creepy, if you didn’t know what it was. 

Do you use a Furbo or similar device to keep an eye on your pet when you’re away? Well, after your pet has passed, you might notice that Furbo starts recording nothing. But here’s the secret: animals have the ability to show up digitally! 

So, when your Furbo seems to capture movement or strange lights, it’s your dead pet visiting and letting you know they’re still a part of your home.

Bonus Sign a Deceased Pet is Visiting – They Manipulate Online Searches to Show You Your New Pet

If you find yourself constantly drawn to a particular animal while searching for a new pet online, pay attention. Your dead pet might be pointing you in the direction of this specific animal. It’s not about obsessing or worrying, but rather a gentle nudge from your pet to guide you towards a new furry companion. 

So, trust the signs and take the necessary steps to bring your new pet into your life.

Animals have a remarkable ability to connect with us even after they have crossed over. By using technology, they can send us signs of love, hello, and guidance from the other side. The key is to remain open-hearted and trusting, allowing their messages to touch our souls. 

So, the next time you come across any of these signs, remember to express gratitude and embrace the everlasting bond between you and your pet.

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visits from deceased pets

Has your dog, cat, horse, or beloved pet passed over? Are you missing them very much? Does it feel hard to go through your day because the grief is so big?

In my work as an animal communicator, the animals have shown me incredible, surprising, and heart-lifting information about the animal afterlife. It’s exactly this information that I share with you, for free, in my Video Manual for Grieving Pet Owners.

If you’re looking for relief or understanding around the grief of losing your pet, my What Your Pet Wants You To Know When They Die Video Manual can give you some much needed information and inspiration!

Sign up below to get immediate access to the video manual.

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Pets Whisper, Let’s All Listen!

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Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You: Understanding Pet Loss and Coping

  • by Emmanuel Akinola
  • September 17, 2023

Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You

It is heartbreaking to lose a cherished pet, yet the bond we enjoy with them can transcend the physical realm. Many pet owners feel that there are signs that their deceased pets are still visiting them and providing comfort and reassurance from the other side. This blog post is for you if you’ve ever questioned if your deceased pet is still present in your life. We will look at the signs that your deceased pet may be visiting you, leaving you with a sense of connection and serenity.

Signs in the Environment: Whispers of Presence in the Surroundings

Our departed furry buddies communicate their presence by subtly engaging with the surroundings around us.

#1. Unexplained Movements

Unusual movement in your home is one of the most common signs that your deceased pet is visiting you. Even when there is no actual presence, you may observe doors opening or closing on their own, items moving, or the impression of a pet brushing against your leg. These enigmatic movements can act as gentle reminders that your favorite companion is still around.

#2. Distinctive Sounds

The sound of their familiar paws on the floor, the jingle of their collar, or the soothing purring or barking that you used to hear are all signs that your deceased pet is visiting you. These audio cues might arise spontaneously, often when you are thinking about your pet or are missing their company. Pay close attention to these sounds because they could be your pet’s way of letting you know they are nearby.

The Invisible Embrace: Sensing Their Presence

Our bond with our pets can go beyond the physical, and we can sometimes experience their ghostly presence.

#3. Warmth and Tingling Sensations

Many people report unexpected warmth or tingling feelings in specific areas of their bodies, such as the lap or shoulder, as if their pet is curling up or resting their head. These soothing feelings can occur while you are thinking about your pet or when you are vulnerable emotionally, serving as a gentle reminder that their love transcends physical bounds.

#4. Feeling Watched

Have you ever had the impression that you are being watched or that someone is close even though you are alone? This strange but comfortable sensation is frequently linked to the presence of a deceased pet. Trust your feelings and accept that your beloved companion is watching over you, giving you spiritual protection and company.

Whispers in Symbols: Symbolic Messages

Even after they have died, pets have a unique way of communicating with us. These symbolic messages have the potential to be profound and extremely personal.

#5. Dream Visits

Dreams are one of the most powerful methods or signs that our deceased pet is visiting or talking with us. You may have vivid dreams in which your pet appears alive, healthy, and full of joy. These dream visits are frequently extremely genuine, and they can provide you with a sense of serenity and confidence. Pay attention to the messages conveyed in these dreams, as they may hold significant meaning or guidance from your beloved pet.

#6. Synchronicities and Signs

Keep an eye out for synchronicities and signs that appear to be too coincidental to ignore. It could include seeing your pet’s name in unexpected places, coming across objects with special meaning, or continually seeing images or representations of your pet’s breed. These coincidences serve as gentle reminders that your pet’s spirit is inextricably linked with your life, and they are reaching out to let you know they are still around.

Electrical Phenomena: Energy Flickers

Our deceased dogs can use electrical energy to interact with the physical world, providing intriguing signs that they are visiting you.

#7. Lights and Electrical Devices

The flashing of lights or the malfunctioning of electrical items without a logical explanation are intriguing signs that your deceased pet is visiting you. You may notice light bulbs dimming or brightening, TVs or radios going on or off, or other equipment acting strangely. These incidents may be your pet’s way of manipulating energy and drawing your attention to their spiritual presence.

#8. Battery Drain

If you notice that the batteries in your electronic gadgets are draining faster than usual, especially if they have a unique link to your pet, this could be a sign of their energy impact. This occurrence is frequently linked to a pet’s attempt to channel their energies and make their presence known.

Animal Messengers: Other Animals as Messengers

Our departed pets may choose to communicate with us or visit us through other animals, acting as bridges between the physical and spiritual worlds.

#9. Animal Encounters

Our departed pets may utilize other animals as messengers to speak with us at times. You may come across a bird, butterfly, or stray animal that exhibits strange behavior or appears to have a unique connection with you. These interactions can be noteworthy since they may contain a message or serve as a reminder of your pet’s presence. Please pay attention to these creatures’ distinct characteristics or actions, as they may convey a message from your cherished pet.

#10. Visits from Similar Species

Another unusual occurrence is when another pet, who is similar in appearance or breed to your deceased pet, unexpectedly enters your life. It’s as if your deceased pet directed you to this new buddy. The similarity or shared features may serve as a reminder of your bond with your lost pet, bringing comfort and healing during your grieving process.

Emotional Connections: The Heart’s Language

Our departed pets frequently find ways to connect with us emotionally, bringing comfort and support during difficult times.

#11. Sudden Emotional Changes

Have you ever experienced an unexpected shift in your emotions, from grief to joy or from despair to comfort? The presence of your deceased pet may have caused these emotional changes. They have a way of touching our hearts and soothing our spirits, assisting us in navigating difficult times, and reminding us that love transcends life and death.

#12. Comfort during Grief

When you are very depressed or grieving the loss of your pet, you may perceive their presence as a source of comfort. It could be a sudden sense of warmth, a loving touch on your shoulder, or an enveloping sense of tranquility. These emotional bonds are powerful and can provide much-needed support as you go through the grief process.

Whispers in the Mind: Intuitive Impressions

Our intuition can be a strong tool for detecting the presence of our deceased pets and receiving subtle messages and insights.

#13. Clear Thoughts and Impressions

You may have instances when clear thoughts or impressions enter your head that seem unconnected to your current state of consciousness. These thoughts may feel like gentle nudges from your deceased pet, guiding or comforting you. Trust your instincts and the messages you receive, since they may contain essential insights or reminders from your cherished companion.

#14. Knowingness and Guidance

In times of uncertainty or decision-making, you may have a powerful feeling of knowingness—a distinct and reassuring intuitive guidance. It’s as if your departed pet is speaking in your ear, offering spiritual wisdom and encouragement. Accept these intuitive impulses and let them guide you on your path.

Dreaming of Your Pet: Reunion in the Subconscious

Dreams play an essential role in our relationship with our deceased pets, providing opportunities for reunion and significant experiences.

#15. Vivid and Detailed Dreams

Dreams about your deceased pet can be vivid, detailed, and emotional. You may have a sense of reunion in these dreams when you can interact with your pet exactly as you did when they were alive. These dreams frequently have a long-term influence, offering solace, closure, and a sense of continuous connection with your cherished pet.

#16. Visitation Dreams

Visitation dreams are remarkable events in which your deceased pet visits you while you are sleeping. Your pet may appear healthy, alive, and full of delight in these dreams, radiating love and reassurance. These dreams are generally distinct from ordinary dreams, with a distinct sensation of divine visitation. Keep these beautiful moments and the messages they convey close to your heart.

Embracing the Signs and Trusting Your Heart

The signs that your deceased pet is visiting you are deeply personal and exclusive to your relationship. Trust your intuition and embrace the signs that speak to you.

#1. Recognizing Your Signs

It’s crucial to realize that the signs that your deceased pet is visiting you may differ from others’ experiences. Each bond is distinct, and your pet will find a way to communicate with you that feels familiar and particular to them. Pay attention to the signs that speak to your heart and provide you comfort; these are the messages intended for you.

#2. Maintaining an Open Mind and Heart

It’s critical to retain an open mind and heart while recognizing and accepting signs that your deceased pet is visiting you. Allow yourself to believe in the spiritual realm’s strength and the continuation of your relationship with your cherished mate. You create space for the signs to manifest and your bond to transcend the physical realm by being responsive and open.

The Healing Power of Connection: Finding Comfort and Healing in the Visitation

The signs that your deceased pet is visiting you can provide you with a great deal of comfort, healing, and a renewed sense of connection. Accept these signs and use them as a source of comfort while you grieve and move forward.

#1. Finding Peace in the Connection

Recognizing and accepting signs that your deceased pet is visiting you can provide you with a tremendous sense of comfort. Knowing that your pet is still with you, looking over you, and sending you messages from beyond the Rainbow Bridge can help you recover and find consolation in their absence. Accept the bond and use it as a source of strength and reassurance.

#2. Continuing the Bond

The signs that your deceased pet is visiting you serve as a reminder that your attachment extended beyond physical bounds. Your pet’s love and presence remain in your life, guiding and supporting you from the spiritual realm. You may keep their memory alive and appreciate the particular place they hold in your heart by recognizing and maintaining this connection.

How do you connect with a deceased pet?

The spirit of a pet typically stays after they die. Their scent may linger on an object they used to play with or a location where they frequently congregated. Holding on to that object or spending time in the place can help you connect with your pet and communicate with them, whether it’s a favorite toy or a specific spot on a couch.

Can your deceased pet visit you in a dream?

However, there is no scientific evidence to back up the belief that deceased pets can visit us in our dreams. Some people believe that when they dream, their pet’s spirit or soul merges with their own, allowing them to see and converse with them.

How do you honor a deceased pet?

Humans have many rituals for mourning the loss of a loved one, but there are none for mourning the death of a pet. Some pet owners hold funerals, burials, or cremations for their pets. Others display framed images or give to a favorite animal charity.

Did my dog know I loved him before he died?

They know you loved them and did everything you could for them. Everything from the tone of our voice to the gentle way we stroke their hair is gentle. They see beyond our shortcomings and fears to the individuals we genuinely are on the inside. They don’t need hundreds of toys and personalized dog beds to know how much we love them.

Does a dog spirit stay with you?

Yes! When a pet dies, they are still reachable and frequently seeks to communicate with their owners for many years. Their spirit is alive and well even though they are not in the physical body. You can still see, hear, or feel your pet, albeit for a little duration.

What happens to a dog’s soul when it dies?

Numerous investigations in the field of spiritual psychology have concluded that dogs do indeed have souls. Once they build a relationship with a person, the dog’s soul joins that person’s soul and accompanies that person after death.

The signs that your deceased pet is visiting you can be a beacon of light in times of sadness and longing, offering solace, reassurance, and a renewed sense of connection. Your cherished companion finds ways to let you know they are still with you, whether through tiny movements in the environment, sensing their presence, symbolic messages, or even encounters with other animals.

Trust your intuition, embrace the signs that speak to you, and let the bond you had bring you peace and healing. May your deceased pet’s visits serve as a reminder that love has no bounds and that the Rainbow Bridge ties us to an eternal bond of unconditional love.

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You are sound asleep when you suddenly feel a cat jump up and walk across your bed. You open your eyes and in the darkness you don’t see anything. You switch the light on and look all around but there is nothing there. Normally, this wouldn’t raise an eyebrow with you unless your only cat died a few months ago. 

Do our departed pets visit us?

Our departed pets will often visit us after they pass away and send us signs to let us know they are near. A visitation can occur at any time but the most common incidences occur during the night. When we are asleep, our brains relax and we enter into a deep REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state. We are much more open to receiving a visit from our departed pets during this phase of sleep. We remember vivid details of the visitation that seem so real. We may feel our pets fur, we may remember running or playing with them, we may even feel them snuggle in next to us. Most of us will brush this off as just a dream but in reality, it is an actual visit from our departed pet.

Other signs they are near

Some departed pets are very vocal and will make a noise to get your attention. They may whine, scratch at the door, or knock something over. Others will manifest in partial or full form and you may see a fleeting glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye. You may also feel whiskers on your face or feel them brush against your leg. Some pets get very creative and will leave you a feather, a tuft of fur, or a paw print to let you know they are near.

Birds, butterflies, and feathers

Other signs from your departed pets include seeing birds such as cardinals, hummingbirds, robins, or hawks. They also send butterflies, ladybugs, crickets, or feathers in very obvious places so we are sure to notice and think of them. By asking for more signs, you are giving your departed pet the attention they are seeking and you will likely receive more messages.

Invite your departed pets to visit

Your departed pets need energy or spiritual fuel to send signs. They don’t have a physical body so they have to draw upon an energy source to communicate with you. Spiritual fuel can be supplied through any item that conducts energy such as quartz crystals, batteries, an indoor fountain. If you feel you have not received any signs from your pet it is likely have sent you signs you just haven’t noticed them. Some signs may be very subtle and if you aren’t paying attention or if your mind is always racing with thoughts, text messages, or other distractions, you may miss them. Remember, they don’t intend to scare you with their visitations they just want you to know they love you, they are near you, and still hanging around in their favorite places. It takes a lot of energy for your pet to make a noise or to appear so if this happens to you be sure you acknowledge their presence and encourage them to send more signs. If you ignore them they may stop trying in order to conserve their precious energy.

It won’t harm your pet

Don’t worry about depleting your departed pet’s energy or harming them by asking them to send more signs. They love it that you are thinking about them and you can always ‘top off their tank’ so to speak with spiritual fuel by imagining their heart is a gas tank and your loving thoughts are fuel. Top them off with lots of happy memories too.

If you enjoyed this article or have a story you’d like to share please comment below.

I read every post and appreciate the time you take to share your experience with me. Please SHARE this post  With love and light, xoxo Karen

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Many times I have felt like a cat has jumped up on the bed and laid down beside me. In the dark I put out my hand and nothing was there. I wish there was.

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Ten days ago my Chihuahua mix crossed over and I and my wife got back home last night to enter our home at the side door. A proximity light lights up on our backyard shed but it NEVER does that unless one I’d five feet away from it! I called out Grover! And a minute or two later heard two soft whines!

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I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. How wonderful to receive such an obvious sign from Grover! You must be elated! Keep asking for signs and inviting Grover to visit you. They love the sound of your voice saying their names out loud. Awesome!

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A few months after my Dolly Cleopatra passed away she work me up at 4:44 am with 2 very loud meows in my ear.

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Almost all the time. I feel her jump on the bed and feel her grooming herself or have even her felt kneading my leg. I also feel her jump from the bed to the window she spent so much time in. Her little urn is near me in the night and sometimes it feels like there is purring coming from it (actually more often than not). I can see her shadows when I get up in the night. My Honey has left me many signs including feathers, coins and a picture of her that she sent me after she passed to let me know she is still here. I am very grateful knowing that she is always with me. I feel her presence day and night with me and thank her everyday for the efforts it takes for her to do it. I also let her know she can go and play if she wants and just be free. Seems in life she always wanted to be with me as well as in spirit. I love you Honey!!

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My outdoor cat refuses to use the litter box and cries to go out when he needs to go. After my dog passed away, my cat insisted on using kitty litter on a warm day after he cried to get inside the house. When he did, the marking of the urine was in the shape of a heart… I feel my dog used the cat to send me a sign

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I’ve heard from so many people that their departed pets will send a message from the Other Side by manipulating a living pet. Heart-shaped urine is pretty unique! I’ve found heart shaped outlines in the kitty litter outside the litter box before so anything is possible.

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My sweet kitty “Fidy” a female 8 months old just passed away around 3 weeks ago… Its a bad departed, she just don’t like to eat and I thought something about her stomach. But I brought her to Vet, and that stupid doctor said she was infected by calicivirus and gave her so many madicine, without mind about her stomach. I often said she couldn’t eat anything.. just drink, but after eat medicine, even could’t drink at all. I said she need to get infus and please scan her stomach, but doctor said no need and gave more medicine, and she died in 7th days of medicine with everyday dropped.. In 4th day she getting better and want to eat a little, I brought to doctor almost everyday and doctor said to give flu medicine because a little nasal from her nose..after eat the flu medicine she getting drop and everything throw out from her mouth. But doctor still said OK and said depend on me, I have to finished all medicine if want her cure.. but that night she died. I thougth she died because her stomach couldnt work anymore since 5th days I add more flu medicine and 7th days (her last day) doctor said to finished all medicine, without eat anything and drink anything… Even doctor tell me to stop honey water that I usually gave her because the medicine include the honey he said. Poor kitten.. She just very pretty and active when she passed away.. even on her last day she climbed our window to go outdoor, but we didnt allow her…. I feel sooo regret that she very trust me and lay down on me on her week days… but I killed her by followed all wrong instruction from that stupid doctor T_T I thought maybe she not departed yet when she lay down after her convulsions.. because her mother still licking her face, head and around.. maybe there were something I could do that time like give her water etc.. but I couldn’t do anything that time except crying and let her go… Until now.. almost every early morning her thought appear with me and remembered her everyday activities.. she favourite place to lay at my desk and laptop with her brother.. I always feel she is still here now… Is that true? Her brother “Fido” also sick few days after her departed, with same condition, but now getting better.. that morning before I saw her brother very sick, I woke up with tears that feel her very closed at my bed.. and suddenly when I saw her brother very sick, there were a thought that Fidy want to take her brother to accompany her playing there.. because they are very tide. Even 1 day before Fidy departed, she laid spent time with her brother. Her mother (Dora) have a kitten 1 month (little brother named Denis), also died around 10 days ago.. he was very strong, but cannot eat 2 days before because her mother suddenly sick and got fever more than 40 degree celsius, but the baby have sick of swollen with pus before (I brought them-mother and baby to another Vet), and brother of her mother (Doreng) also sick together with baby but now already cure. Is there any relation one another? 1-2 days after Fidy departed and burried, no one cats n our home like to eat.. the circumstance so quiet… Were there every cat feel lost? Few days after that, baby got sick similar with her uncle Doreng. I brought to another Vet and doctor gave same antibiotic for them.. then Fido and Dora got same sick (fever and similar condition like Fidy) and doctor gave them another antibiotic, same medicine to Fido and Dora. They all cure now exept baby also departed and Fido still up and down… I still remember the baby eyes.. very sincere and look at me, and mostly Fidy always appear in my mind like now I use the laptop.. are they still around?

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. You are a good mom and did everything you could to help them. They know that and they will always be with you as there is nowhere else they would rather be.

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My dog died 2 years ago after her stitches opened after an emergency c-section. She had one puppy who I had named after her, Patchy J. My family and I have seen her partial body. More specifically her very distinctive tail. Long story short I went to say goodbye to her at my mother’s house today with her son. I always cry about her and I had cried today. Then while my boyfriend was getting ready for bed, he has seen her tail in the mirror reflection. He thought it was Patchy J but he was in bed with me. Then he began to hear the kennel door rattle. He’s very scared and I went and talked to her in the front room and said I loved her and goodbye. I still have her ashes and fur. My question is how Do I know my mourning is holding her back? Is she okay? Is she happy? I always ask these questions even 2 years after she died

I am so sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking to hear what happened to your dog. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is incredible for you to get so many messages. It takes a lot of energy to send messages like moving a door or materializing so you must feel so fortunate! No matter how much time goes by pets love it when we think about them and ask for signs. They never get tired of it! If you haven’t already read it, I recommend reading my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. You will discover what happens to your pet when you grieve and how it affects them, and so much more! Your grief cannot harm your pets and will not stop them from their spiritual journey, however, they can sense your feelings both happiness and sorrow. Remember to celebrate her life and make her life more important than her death. Honor her, think of her with love and smile.

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My little cat Emme was hit by a car. A few days after she passed I was sitting on the sofa thinking of her and got upset. I went to the other room and when I returned, one of her whiskers was laying where I’d been sitting. I knew it wasn’t there before and I felt her presence. I sat down and a couple of minutes later, her little stuffed toy fell on my shoulder off of the window ledge. The window ledge is large, the window was closed and there was no breeze – the toy couldn’t have rolled as it’s not shaped in that way. I know this was her comforting me. I am happy to learn about the bird sightings. The day after this happened, I went for a walk and sat down near a pond. A little robin kept flying really close and sitting almost on me, looking and flitting around me. I felt her presence then too. Thank you for the article.

I am so sorry for your loss, Rachel. It is so hard when they go especially when accidents happen. Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. You sure received a bunch of signs from Emme! Wow! I hope you realize how rare it is to receive so many! You must be thrilled! Keep asking her for more signs and be sure to thank her when she sends them.

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My cat Max was 18 years old when he passed away on December 30, 2019. Max was my entire world, my best friend, my other half that completed me. He was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease showing no signs that he was sick whatsoever. Being diagnosed only months beforehand, the disease moved very rapidly and my Max stayed with me as long as he could battling and fighting till his last day. It is going to be six months this June 30th and I cry every day and I still keep all of Max’s toys and belongings everywhere in my house where he left them. Every day Max would go the kitchen several times to go to his cupboard where I kept his treats and Max would open up the cupboard door just enough where it would make a noise when it shut to get my attention so I would give him a treat. Max was not like every other cat, Max was very special as we had a very special bond that I have never had or felt with any other cat that I had growing up as a child. Max is definitely leaving me signs and reaching out to me from cat heaven! Several times since his passing I have heard the cupboard door where his treats made the same closing noise that he has always done before. I have heard him meowing throughout the night and I have woken up to little scratching noises at my apartment door. The very best sign that Max has sent to me so far was a little over a month ago. I was sleeping at night next to his box of ashes as I do every night always saying goodnight to him and giving him a kiss and I was awoken by the feeling of something tickling the inside of my ear. I woke up and turned on the light to see what it was and I found one of Max’s whiskers lying right there on my pillow! Max always slept with me cuddling up right next to my head. Given the fact that I had just washed all my bedding and had just cleaned I went to sleep that night with a clean pillowcase so being awakened and finding that it was Max who was sending me a sign by leaving me one of his whiskers on my pillow and the fact that it was tickling the inside of my ear, it brought this great feeling within my heart and soul that Max is still right next to me as he always was. I miss my best friend so much and I’m so grateful for his signs that he has been gifting me with and I never want Max to stop because I love him so so much and he has the one and only special key to my heart and always will!

You are one lucky lady! Your sweet boy is sending you the most amazing signs he is near and always will be as there is nowhere else he would rather be. I hope you will keep track of each sign and continue to thank him for sending them. The more we acknowledge their signs and messages the more they tend to send. They love the attention. Thanks for sharing your story about Max with us.

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I saw a distinct image of my Schnauzer in a cloud passing over. I also found a heart shaped rock on the lane the same day he died, which I put on his grave.

That is so special, Gwenn! Thanks for sharing.

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You all sound very LUCKY to have your pets come and visit you. I pray so hard that my little boy will come to me or give me a sign he is near I lost him yesterday 6/26/2020 He was my precious little boy, and we had such a great time. I can’t believe how hard it is when your dog dies, my heart is so broken and all I do is cry, and I mean out loud too. I’m just sick over it. What will he do without me. What will I do without him. This is so hard to handle. I hope I get to know that my little boy has come to visit me.

I am so sorry Donna, your loss is so recent and it must be so painful for you. Yes, those who have visitations from their departed pets are very fortunate. Some pets are really good at sending signs while others don’t feel the need to because they are with you all the time! So your angel boy may be one of those who is with you all the time. Grief can also make it difficult to sense them near. Even for me it can be a challenge when I am grieving to feel or sense my loved ones. Be patient, invite him to send a sign or a message, then pay attention and never doubt what you receive. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, it will help you navigate through the pain. Sending love and healing for your broken heart.

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My name is Britta and I recently lost my dog princess last week. Its been hard for me. Everywhere I look I see her and everywhere I go I can feel her. But the only time I can really feel her is when I’m on my walks every day. I used to take her on my walks with me a few times. Now i just think of her on my walks and i tear up and cry. But this evening coming home from my walk I felt her right next to me and I walked home and as I walked up to the house I looked in the backyard and saw her standing at the gate and I just choked up and cried…but I know she’s here. Shes made her presence known. I keep her ashes in my room with two pictures of her on the wall above and her collar is sitting on top of her picture frame… I miss her so much… It has been hard for me..

Britta, I am so very sorry for your loss. It must be so hard for you I can’t imagine how painful it is. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you navigate through the pain. You are so lucky to have sings of her presence! I hope you will thank her and invite her to send more. Just know that she will always be near as there is nowhere else she would rather be. Sending love and healing for your broken heart.

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My parents lost their pug of 13 years. They are in their 90’s and taking this so hard. I am so afraid it is going to kill them. Suzy was their baby so now she is not there. They feel so empty inside. I keep telling them there are signs she is still with them😟

Hi Jo, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your parent’s angel, Suzy. Can you get them a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, or get them the audiobook from Audible? I’m sure it will bring them peace to know Suzy is still with them in spirit. Sending love and healing for all.

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MY 10-month-old puppy died on sunday and I heard her in my bedroom going through my things like she always did and I felt her. Last night her sister, Ruby who is 10 months old also was running around in my daughters room just as she and Katandra used to do, and, after a while, Ruby stopped and just started crying out loud. Does that mean that Katandra was with her and, want her back?

I am so sorry for the loss of your puppy. It is hard enough to lose an older pet but losing a young one must be so devastating. Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. Ruby can sense her energy and is likely reacting to it. Pets are able to see and hear in frequencies we cannot. I’m sure your beloved Katandra is near and wants you to know she loves you with all her heart and she is doing just fine. If that happens again, talk out loud to Katandra and let her know you welcome her visits.

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Reading everyone’s stories has given me so much comfort. I lost my little four-year-old mini dachshund this week. She fell in the garden pond on Monday night and drowned. She loved sitting watching the fish swim and always searched for the frog who lived in the rushes. I did not think for a minute so would fall in. The guilt I feel is overwhelming and I don’t think I felt this much grief ever. I keep thinking of her struggling to stay alive and I wasn’t there for her. My husband was in the garden the next day and a little robin flew up to him and then around him and flew off over the pond. There was also a ladybird sitting on the wall in the dining room which was strange. I would give anything to have her back and just hold her and tell her how sorry I am. I hope the robin and ladybird were a sign.

I’m so sorry for your loss. It must be overwhelmingly painful for you. When accidents happen we often punish ourselves relentlessly and play the same loop over and over in our minds about what we should have done differently. I know because I’ve done the same thing. The loss of your little angel makes no sense and it is hard to move past the images in your mind. I have learned from the animals that even when accidents like this happen, the love you have for each other is all that matters. There is another blog post that may help you: Click Are You Punishing Yourself for Your Pet’s Death? I’m sure your sweet angel doesn’t blame you one bit and has only the greatest of love for you. Those ‘signs’ you received would definitely validate the bonds you share. Trust that she is letting you know she is just fine, she loves you so much and wants you to move through the pain into healing as soon as you can. Holding onto that pain serves no one and only acts as a torturous reminder that some things are not in our control. Try as we might, we are not responsible for the actions of our babies. We all have free will including our pets. If she were mine, I’d thank her for sending those wonderful signs and ask her to send more. You’re her momma remember she loves you so much. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals . It will help you move through the pain. Sending love and healing

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My Sammy just transitioned shortly after midnight this past July 2. I am heartbroken. He was the most unique cat I have ever met. His personality was unexplainable. I randomly just burst into tears. My 19-year-old son heard him meow less than 24 hours later. I also heard him scratch my bathroom door trying to get in, which was normal. Today there was a rainbow on my bedroom ceiling. I called to him and thanked him for visiting me and half the rainbow disappeared. My husband told me Sammy visited him yesterday. He just turned 8. We adopted him at 8 months. I miss him so much. I am grateful he is no longer suffering.

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet angel, Sammy. I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. It sounds like you are one very lucky family getting so many signs from him! That’s exactly what everyone should be watching for. Our departed pets will send signs that they are just fine, doing well, and always near. Thanking him for sending those signs was perfect. What a beautiful blessing you received. Thank you for sharing

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After being homeless for a year my two older brothers and I moved out of town. We got an apartment in June of 2019 and about three to four months of living there, being a night-owl… I noticed that there was a black dog with glowing white around the dog’s body just laying there in front of my middle brother’s bedroom door. I told my brothers about it when they woke up, I’d since started calling it The Spirit-Dog. My middle brother’s health went downhill pretty quickly we had really no idea just how bad he was going to get he started acting like he’d suffered a stroke or something then multiple hospital visits they kept telling him it was his diabetes. He had severe seizures and the doctors said it was diabetes again. He was falling a lot for no reason doctors again blamed it on diabetes. The Spirit-dog visited a few times laying in front of my brother’s bedroom door, then in jan.2020, he started having severe breathing problems he couldn’t even tie his shoes without having trouble breathing. I told my brother to go to the emergency room before he has a heart attack, so he went in. It was a Friday they kept him until Monday afternoon then they released him telling him it was his diabetes again. Several hours later that evening my brother passed away. We called 911 the police arrived and started CPR and it took about twenty to thirty minutes for them to get vitals on my brother, he was flown eighty miles away and was put on life support. Three days later we had to take him off of life support. I never saw The Spirit-dog after my brother passed away. Now I believe The Spirit-dog was our deceased dog, Tippy who passed away in 2000. So yes, I believe that Tippy knew and she wanted to be here for my brother. My brother was 47 and died from an enlarged heart. His life could have been spared if the hospital would have done something. I just wanted to share my story.

I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. Please accept my deepest sympathies. It sounds like your Tippy was right there waiting for your brother to greet him when he made his transition to the Other Side. Our departed loved ones know when our time is approaching and will congregate and patiently wait for our arrival. I have no doubt there were more loved ones there to greet him and guide him. I wrote about this exact type of experience in my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals . I hope you have a copy. If not, go to my home page and opt-in as a VIP family member for special prices. I also wrote another blog post about this. Click. Thank you for sharing your story.

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My 11-year-old little baby, named Buddy, a Miniature Schnauzer, had to be put to sleep 6 weeks ago due to a tumor on his liver which progressively got worse. He was my baby and he was so spoiled. I feel so lost without him. I feel like my heart is breaking. I found a tuft of his fur last week. As he didn’t shed his coat I had never seen that in all the 11 years of having him. Do you think that was a sign from him? Also the day he passed my tv turned itself over then all of a sudden the TV guide was rolling up the screen. I have seen his shadow a couple of times too. I miss him so so much. This pain is horrendous.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your angel, Buddy. Please accept my deepest sympathies. They take such a huge part of our hearts with them when they go. Do I think you received a sign from him? Yes! Absolutely! Please be sure you thank Buddy, ask him to send more signs, and remember to fill up his heart like it was a gas tank on empty. Your happy memories and special moments of love are the fuel. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you navigate through this painful time. If you opt-in as a VIP you get special prices. It can’t make the pain go away, nothing can, but it will help you understand what happens when they die and how your thoughts continue to affect them on the Other Side. I’m sure Buddy wants you to know he is happy, loved, and feeling special to have you as his mom.

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My beautiful Mastiff, Tasha, passed away almost 9 months ago and on July 9th will be 9 months. She passed away due to a heart condition. We had her an extra 6 months after her diagnosis she was doing great and one morning I woke up for work and my baby was leaving us unexpectedly. She went into congested heart failure in her sleep. My heart is forever broken and I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye to her. Even after 9 months, the heartache is just as bad as it was the first day she left us. I keep hoping and praying I will get a sign from my baby, so far I haven’t noticed any. I really think once I get a sign from her it might help me cope a little better with her loss. I need to know she is okay and that she is always with me. Hopefully one day that day will come and she will send me a sign, it’s something I really need.

Donna, I am so very sorry for the loss of your angel, Tasha. I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Not being able to say goodbye can be like adding another layer of pain onto your grief. What I want you to know is it is NEVER too late because she can hear you, feel you, and sense your emotions. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals , as you will find out how the animal’s perspective is often much different than our own. The main reason you are not sensing signs is likely due to the layer of grief around you which acts like a thick heavy blanket. It insulates us from many of the subtle signs our pets send. The other reason is that she is likely right by you and does not feel the need to ‘manifest’ in any way. It takes a lot of energy to manifest a sign. If you are tapped out from grief and pain, she does not have a source of fuel. So she is just quietly and patiently by your side and trying to help. Talk to her out loud and tell her how you feel. She will hear you. You can always tell her your feelings and she will always hear you. You are forever connected as the bonds of love never die. Sending love and healing.

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I lost my beautiful 3-yr-old German Shepard, Bella, very suddenly to cancer. She was diagnosed on Tuesday and passed on Friday last week. I’m truly devastated but today after reading your page I was outside when I saw a ladybug. We never see them here… very rarely. I picked it up and knew it was Bella, it made me so happy. I asked her in the morning to send me a sign. Thank You Helen x

Helen, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved, Bella. I can’t imagine how heartbroken you must be. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. How wonderful that you received a sign from her! You are so lucky and so loved! Be sure to make a big deal out of it and keep asking for more signs. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you through this difficult time. If you haven’t already, you can opt-in as part of my VIP family for special low prices. Just go to the home page to opt in next to my picture (orange button) . Thank you for sharing your story. Sending love and healing

Karen, thank you so much for your reply, you are 100% right my grief is very heavy, it’s been like that for 9 months since my dog left us. I’m having a really hard time accepting her loss. I know I have to accept her loss and not only mourn her death, but cherish the great memories I had with my girl Tasha. I’m going to try my hardest not to grieve as hard as I have been, and hopefully I will get some signs from my girl. I will definitely being looking into getting your book, I think reading it might take a heavy weight off my heart. Thank you again for your reply, your words really made me realize a lot. Take care

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My 13 year old cockapoo, Lucas, passed away a little over a month ago and I still cry about it almost every night. He had a sudden condition that affected his breathing, and the vets said it was not going to get any better so I made the decision to put him down. I’ve been feeling sad about the fact that I haven’t seen Lucas in my dreams. I was his ‘mom’ and I miss him so much. He was always by my side and it’s been hard to get used to not having him around me anymore. I really wish I could see him and know if he thinks I made the right decision for him. I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen him in other ways, though. The night he passed, I was in my room closing the curtains and I felt a presence of something come into my room. It felt comforting and I’m almost positive that it was Lucas coming in, like he normally would when it was time for bed. A few nights ago, I also think that I heard him breathing. It had been about an hour since I stopped crying, and I heard soft exhales in the area of my room where Lucas would sleep. Even though I’m still so sad about Lucas’ passing, I know that he’s probably doing better now, wherever he is, because he can breathe well again, run around, and do all of the other things that he couldn’t do anymore. I really hope that he decides to show up in my dreams someday, because I would love to see his little face again.

I am so sorry for your loss, Diana. It is so hard to lose a close companion and family member. Lucas sounds like an amazing boy. I am not surprised that you were able to sense his presence. Life continues on for him in the same way it did when he was still in his body so I’m sure he is right there by your side. Be sure you thank him for letting you know he is near and inviting him to send more signs. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Sending love and healing

Hi yes I got you e book. It’s a great read, is Bella ok, I keep asking for her to send me some signs x

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I just had to say goodbye to my baby boy, Harvey, on Tuesday morning after a 2 month battle with large cell lymphoma. He was the best cat in the whole world. I had him since he was 3 months old, and he just turned 7. My heart is completely shattered. We had the most special bond, and I am really having a hard time trying to think about life without him. He was my best friend. I have another kitty, Khaleesi, who is my other bundle of joy, but I have a completely different bond with her. I noticed that she’s been extra affectionate the last day or two almost to a point that she is reminding me of Harvey. I have this weird feeling of relief when I noticed it. It almost feels like she is channeling him. Is that possible? I’ve been trying to talk myself out of it, but it’s the strangest thing. I miss him so much, and if it is him, I am eternally grateful to know he is close by.

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I “inherited” two old intact Toms who were feral when a lady down the street who did TNR passed away. They chose to live with me and I quickly said “you guys have to have names…” so I dubbed them Fred and Barney. They had a love-hate relationship. When Fred would get too “mushy”, Barney would smack him around. Fred was always the more “studdly” boy and would vanish for days on end defending his territory that he had lived in for over 8-9 years. Barney would get concerned after a day or so and go out hunting for Fred. I could always say “go find Fred” and he would come home with Fred. This year, Fred must have run into a younger male as he came back beat to heck. I nursed him back to health and when spring came around, he got into a worse fight. His toe was almost torn off his one foot. I work for a company that manufactures enzyme-based products so he’d let me spray his foot with a topical spray and within time his foot healed. But he still had a limp. He had lost some of his studly ways …. but these two guys are old and I knew that one day if something happened to them, it would be in their own way. Fred took off last week, and I haven’t seen him since. We have coyotes around here and with his limping, I was scared. But I had to let him continue his life journey and he knew he was loved and safe here. I asked for a sign….send me a cardinal if he was ok, and a hawk if he wasn’t. This morning I heard and saw the cardinals. Then just now……circling over my house were four hawks. One kept circling down at me. I knew that Fred had two brothers who eventually died during the years. So I took it as a sign…. Then the hawks disappeared and four blue jays flew into the tree over me. I felt he was saying he had transformed. Oh, it breaks my heart. And I know Barney will be heartbroken. Pray for Fred. And pray for Barney.

You are a wonderful person to help these two ferals. May you be blessed! I am sorry to hear that things may have not worked out as you hoped. I’ll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

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Hello, my chihuahua, Madison was perfectly fine but suddenly has seizures and a stroke, the vet rang me the next day to say it would be best to put her to sleep on July 13th, 2020, I have been so upset and shocked that she was suddenly gone so fast yet was so happy and her usual self. A couple of days later her daughter Zara sat in Madison’s chair and just stared at me, my mom, and dad like Maddie used to, I said, “That’s Maddie!”. Well, today her daughter, Zara has been so unsettled and wanting to go upstairs so I let her in my room put her on my bed and she was looking all around and jumped on my hip, I thought this is odd behavior for her, I whispered, “Maddie is that you?. Zara rushed to my face so excited and licking me just felt like it was Maddie…coming through Zara… and has given me peace knowing she is ok 🙂

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with Maddie and Zara! I write about this ‘soul-sharing’ in my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals >. That is a wonderful visit you had from Maddie.

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I seriously don’t know if it was a coincidence or my guinea pig. my girl just passed away tonight well I’m laying in bed reading this afterwards I pick up my cpap mask and a battery had connected to the magnetic piece right after I read about the pets need energy and you can use batteries.

There is no such thing as a coincidence in my world! Trust these signs! Your beloved angel saw an opportunity to let you know she is near. They LOVE when we acknowledge them. It is like a burst of loving spiritual fuel for them. Keep talking to her as if she is there and ask for more signs. Then THANK HER when she sends them!

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Hello Karen, my 13 yr old beloved Pug went to sleep 2 weeks ago on a Friday, me & my 12yr old daughter has since been very distraught, and I burn a candle many times a day next to his ashes and have also printed many photos to display. My daughter came to stay for the weekend yesterday(Friday)as she normally does every 2 weeks, and for the first time since his passing. We were watching a film late last night with the rear patio doors open as we have done since I bought this house 10 months ago when all of a sudden a huge Moth flew into the house and started fluttering around a table light near the doors, I took a small carton to catch the moth for release. I put the box on the ground in my garden and the Moth flew out of the box onto the patio slabs right next to it, and that’s when I noticed not only was it very large but it was also quite furry & a light brown color, Buster was very large for the breed (19kg) honey fawn in color & furry. It just seemed so calm, and I felt I should stroke the Moth, it let me stroke it’s head/back 4 or 5 times before very calmly flying off in a straight line behind me. I am 100% sure this was a manifestation by my beloved & well missed Puggy.

Hi Ronnie! This is an amazing experience you had! I think you are right…your Puggy is letting you know all is well. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story.

Thank your for sharing this story, Ronnie. I don’t believe in coincidences…I believe our departed loved ones are doing the best they can to let us know they are near. I hope this brings peace to you and your daughter. What a beautiful message from your Puggy.

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My best friend of thirteen and a half years, Bob, passed away on Monday 27th July 2020. I have never felt heartbreak like it. I am heartbroken and absolutely devastated. Bob was the most loyal, beautiful, friendly, and chilled dog and Bob loved socks! He would take them, hide them, chew them, or just hold them in his mouth! On Tuesday afternoon I was sat on the sofa with my other dog who began pawing my foot so I took my sock off. After ten minutes I decided I wanted to go to bed to sleep the rest of the afternoon (I felt emotionally drained). My other dog followed me upstairs and lay next to me to take a nap as well. After a couple of hours I woke up, the sock I took off never to be seen again! I have searched everywhere (more than once). It could only be in the lounge or my bedroom! I really believe Bob has it. The sock he took has a small embroidered picture on the rim of my other dog – they were my favorite! I find comfort in the fact, even though not here in body, he hasn’t lost his mischievous personality. I will love you forever Bob xxx

Francesca, thank you for sharing your beautiful story with me. I am not surprised to hear that Bob is letting you know he is near with socks! That is super cool and you are so very lucky to get such a BIG sign! I hope you thanked him and made a big deal out of it. Keep asking for more signs and then keep your eyes open. They love it when we notice their messages from the Other Side. Sending love and healing

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Hi Karen, I hope you still read your comments. I lost my dog yesterday, and I have to move to a new home. Do you think he’ll know where to find me instead of his favorite spots in this current house?

I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. I have no doubt whatsoever that he will find you in fact he is likely with you now. Do you have a copy of my book? If not, please get it. I explain in great detail what happens when they leave. Your angel is bonded to you. While he may visit his favorite places your two souls are coded and forever bonded. Don’t worry one bit. He will always be near

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My beloved peek-a-poos passed away one at 11 1/2 and one at 15 years old. They were brother and sister. Benny passed away July 5, 2020, after a long battle with heart problems and he just collapsed one early morning. We had to put him down. The grief of putting him down has overwhelmed me. My pups slept with me all these years and were my other children. Every night since Benny’s passing I hear scratching against the wall in the closet, he would like to go to sleep in there after a few hours on the bed with me. Something his sister and him did every night. When he would turn in the closet he would always lay on his back with his feet against the wall. Like clockwork, I hear this at 9:30 pm every night and when I don’t hear him, I ask him if he is there and I say good night to him and then I hear the scratching. This morning we looked at the security camera in our pool area at 6 am (the time I would let Benny out before we went to work) we saw this white shadow walking from the plant in the flower bed he would tinkle on come over to the sliding door look into the door and turn around in a circle something he used to do while waiting to go inside. Is this something he is doing because of habit and he is letting us know he is still here? Is he telling me to stop feeling guilty for putting him to sleep. Please help me put this guilt to rest. Thank you

Terese, My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. I can help you. Please get opted in as a VIP and get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. Each chapter will help you on your journey through grief. I am not surprised that you are receiving these loving signs from your angels. They want you to know they are alive and well in spirit and that life continues for them as it did while they were with you. VIPs get special offers. Be gentle with yourself you have suffered terrible losses and you need a safe place to heal. You may also want to join my on my Facebook page for pet loss support. Sending you love and healing hugs

Karen, thank you so much for replying. I am definitely getting your book, I now need to know more. My other dog has now realized his friend isn’t here and is pining for him. Is there information in your book about how to help pets who are missing their friend? I feel Bob everywhere, on our walks and around the house, there is a silence and calmness in the house, which I cannot explain. I suffer from anxiety and Bob helped me with this, so to feel a sense of calmness is very strange for me! Love you Bob and thank you xxx

I am writing about that in my new book which I’m still working on but here is a link for you click here . This can help you with the grief of your other pup. There is a painful silence when we lose someone we love. We long to hear them, see them, and feel their presence. Just trust Bob is with you and always speak to him as if he is right by your side. Hold onto the love.

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Sadly, I had to have my 12+ year old female Chihuahua mix euthanized on Saturday. She had renal failure but there was no change in her behavior until she stopped eating dry food the Sunday before and then began urinating around the apartment. When she stopped eating food on Saturday and began to throw up bile, I knew it was best to take her to the emergency vet practice. Since she was considered stable, she was not seen until 6 hours after I brought her in. They vet asked additional questions and had to run some tests. After 10:30 pm (8 1/2 hours after she arrived), I returned to the vet practice – due to COVID19 precautions, you could not wait inside the practice. The technician told me she would get her ready and then my phone rang after 11 pm with the vet telling me that she had renal failure and could try dialysis for 3-5 days but her lab results indicated that she was in grave condition and it may only give her a few extra days to live. I made the heartwrenching decision to have her euthanized and seeing her for the last time made me want to grab her and run home. However, my brain overruled my heart and told me that she was in pain and did not need to suffer anymore. I am glad that I got those last few minutes with her but now I am all alone and miss her deeply – my little girl depended on me and I feel as though I let her down when she needed me most! Yesterday morning, less than 32 hours after she had passed, I was standing by my kitchen counter looking toward the window. I heard some weird clicking noises coming from my chest freezer and turned around to see what it was. When I turned, I saw the back wheel of my bike (which I keep upside down in the apartment) slowly turning and then stop. I cried “Is that you Lincy? Did you come to tell me goodbye?”. I am positive it was her as you have to pull or push the bike wheel/tire to get it to move – the ceiling fan doesn’t blow near it and even if I exercise near the bike, the wheels never move. I hope to be visited by her again soon as it only left me more depressed as I don’t know if the sign was of her being mad at me or simply letting me know she was there!

Jennifer, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet angel, Lincy. There are few words to ease your pain and I cannot imagine how devastated you must be. She knows you did the best you could and I’m sure she was very excited that you noticed her ‘sign’ moving the wheel. Ask her to keep sending more messages and get really excited when she does! She will love the attention. If you haven’t already done so, please get a copy of my book (just opt in on the HOME page for VIP specials), The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you navigate through the grief during this difficult time. Sending love and healing.

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I have been doing practice sessions that are supposed to heighten animal communication. I’ve been curious because I tap in serendipitously and wanted to see if I could do it more intentionally. I’ve mainly been working on connecting with a foster cat that I had and dearly loved. I was ready to keep him, but need to travel to care/help my mom (who doesn’t like cats and doesn’t want one around). So when a family member showed up that I thought might be a good match for his sensitivity and need to play (they had another kitten the same age), I reluctantly let him go, thinking it might be best for him, since he wouldn’t do well being left alone with a pet sitter (he was too scared of strangers to get attention from them, but needed attention). It has been much harder to let him go, then the other fosters I’ve had as we really bonded. Anyway, I’ve only had what I think was felt connections and partial visual connections with him. But last night a cat that was with me for 17 years (my first), visited me in full form, just as I awoke. The interesting thing was that her visit was associated with my cell phone battery completely drained. It never does this, the battery is very good and I charge it during the day -it is full when I go to bed. It usually takes about 3 days to drain. It kept turning off, because it was completely discharged. It took me a while to put the two things together, the cat and the drained battery. Anyway, it was such a blessing to see and feel her presence after I’ve been lonely for the foster kitty. I just wanted to share with those who might understand.

Kim, First, let me say thank you for fostering this kitty and wanting to give him the best home. It is so hard to let them go as I am a failed foster myself. I love the story about your other kitty manifesting when your cell phone battery drained! That is a perfect example of how our departed pets must use some form of energy to manifest or visit! Fantastic! I hope you made a big deal about it and asked kitty to do it again! They love it when we acknowledge their visits! Thanks for sharing this with us. Big hugs and lots of love to you

Of course I sent lots of love to her. She can visit me every night if she wants, drained batteries and all. 🙂 Now, how to communicate that I would like her to return in physical form, but not until after my mom doesn’t need me anymore.

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My dog, Sasha, just passed away 3 weeks ago. She was 15 1/2 year old chocolate lab. About a week after her passing I started to smell her. What I mean is when she was alive she used to fart and it had a distinct smell to it. So now every once in a while I will smell that distinct smell. I thought I was losing it so when my husband was home and I could smell her I told him to sniff and see if he smells the same thing I did. He told me he did. I’m happy to know she is still here with us spiritually but wish she was here physically.

Kristal, I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Sasha. There are few words to ease your pain so I hope you have my book for comfort. Dogs most certainly have a distinctive ‘scent’ don’t they! They will let us know they are near in some of the most unusual ways. I hope that brings you peace knowing she is always near. Please get a copy of my book so I can help you heal. Sending love…

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I had to put my baby girl, Nuzzles (cat) down almost 2 weeks ago as she had cancer and stopped eating. I feel so bad for doing it and I hope she knows I did because I love her…I miss u so much and feel so much guilt…I just need to know if I did the right thing or not….I miss u so much and will never stop loving he…she truly was my baby.

Bobbie, I call it The Impossible Decision in my book which I hope you get a copy. I know it will help you on your journey. I’m sure your angel, Nuzzles knows you did the best you could on her behalf. They don’t blame us as you will read about in the book. I am so sorry for your loss and may you find peace of mind and healing in each chapter. Sending love

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I lost my beloved dog, Scooby, 21-yrs old 1 week ago I’m broken-hearted and devastated don’t think I will ever get over his passing I miss him so much. I’ve had 4 signs off him in a week I kept his stone in my jewelry box at the side of my bed last night I put my phone on top of it and at 12 pm the jewelry box started playing with the lid shut. Then I felt him brush pass me the day after he passed the 3rd was my corner protector on my coffee table flew off bearing in mind they are stuck on is this possible

Zena, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Scooby. I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. How amazing that you are getting messages from him! I hope you are super excited about them and keep asking Scooby to send more signs. Thank you for sharing these special moments. Sending love and healing.

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My indoor/outdoor cat, Jack, was tragically killed by a coyote. I’m carrying an immense amount of guilt and heartache. I cry everyday. After my kids were born, he didn’t get as much attention in the day to day hustle and bustle. I want to know if he feels my heartbreak?? Does he feel how much I LOVED him?? I miss him so much it’s unbearable. 2 days after finding his body, we left for a scheduled vacation and I kept seeing the name “Jack” in various places, like street names and billboards. Does this mean something?? I’ve only dreamt of him 1 time, it was the day after his death. He was in the front of my house with a black kitten. He seemed well but it was so fast…At the time of this dream I didn’t know he was dead yet, we found his body a week later. I love you so much Jack! My heart is shattered!

Elisabeth, I am so sorry to hear about this horrible loss. My heart breaks for you. Yes, he knows how much you love him and how devastated you are. Please get copies of my books so I can help you process this grief. Seeing his name in multiple places is a BIG SIGN and you should be honored to receive them! Thank him and know he is telling you he is just fine. Fortunately, the animals do not take the trauma with them. So if your angel experienced any trauma it would not be part of his memory. For you to keep focusing on it, however, that is probably not the best for him. Since his experience is not what you think it was, focus on him being happy, healthy, and whole. Perfect and loved. To keep him in that moment is painful for you so he can sense that pain. Not fun for either of you. Please read my other post . Let go of what no longer serves you and think about how you can shift your messages/thoughts. Read this post too. Sending love and healing

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I lost my boy Deacon on Aug. 2nd, 2020. He was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and deteriorated rapidly as I looked on and was unable to do anything to help him. I feel so guilty, I felt as if I killed him feeding him that “grain-free” food for so many years. I hope I didn’t wait too long to allow him to transition. A few days after his transition early in the morning for a fleeting moment I saw a shadow of him walk by my bedroom door with another big dog. I was so excited to see him. I want him to know I am sorry he got so sick. I miss him all the time and I talk to him like he is still here.

Natalie, I am so sorry for your loss. It is beyond painful when we feel we have something to do with their death. Something that used to haunt me in the past. I no longer see things that way and let me explain why. We never set out that day or during that time to harm our pets. In fact, it is quite the opposite. We do everything in our power to help them, love them, and care for them. If something happens that seems to speed up their passing, then it was truly something that was meant to happen. Even if you somehow avoid that tragedy, then there will likely be another event that happens soon after that will take them. There are exit points in our pet’s lives and when time is up there isn’t much anyone can do about it. Bypassing an exit point simply means they will take the next one. I have seen this over and over. The animals tell me that we are innocent of any wrongdoing as much as we want to blame ourselves. They live with us so of course, we are going to be involved in their passing. It doesn’t mean we killed them. It means we signed up to experience EVERYTHING with our pets including their passing, whenever that time arrives. Please tell me you have my book as I write about this in the Chapter ‘When Accidents Happen’. Remember, your intentions were to love and care for your angel. Never to harm. That is all that matters and no you did not kill him. This was just the way it happened and you as his mom were a part of this experience. I love that you saw him in that one fleeting moment. Talking to him like he is still there is perfect! Keep doing that. He will love the attention and he may keep sending more signs. Sending love and healing.

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I just lost my 8 year old pup on the 25th. I am trying so hard to get past it but it just seems impossible right now. He was our first family dog and I just can’t stop crying. I feel like I can’t even function. I never knew this kind of grief and I am 45. I try to be strong for my family but I just want to lay in bed and wish things didn’t have to be this way.

I am so sorry Liz. It must be devastating for you. There is no short cut through the pain. Unfortunately, we must endure. Just keep this in mind…the pain will ease. It won’t be as intense or raw but it takes time. I hope you have my books and please join us on my Facebook for more support. I’m here for you during this difficult time. Sending love and healing.

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I had to give my beloved Shimi away right after my daughter was born 14 years ago due to allergies. We had Shimi for 11 years before our daughter was born and Shimi was our child. We were devastated after we gave her to a good home that she had to be put down due to a feline disease. I miss my little girl every day and have photos of her peppered around the house. She will forever be my first child. Lately over the past 4-5 months I first found myself dreaming of cats and loving and petting them to dreaming of my kitty holding her and just smiling. I could feel her in my hands as I pet her. Kissing her face and stroking her under the chin. During this time I also started to feel a pounce on my mattress and weight on top of my feet above the sheet. I first thought this was a past loved one but the cat dreams came on almost every night and I got more satisfaction from them. Eventually I started to feel the “kneading” on the mattress and then the weight of her walking across my ankles over to my husbands spot. A lot of times this would be after he got out of bed around 4 am, like our own private time. She would make her way around the bed kneading all over the place. At one time I could hear her purring even with earplugs in (sleep with them nightly). One night she came up near my head and purred as loud as she could. Not sure it was her and not wanting to scare her off it it was, I didn’t open my eyes until after several nights of this happening. She’s there from anywhere in the middle of the night until dawn when I can see in the room. I can’t see her but can feel her presence not only on the mattress but where I think she might be on the bed, it looks almost like a heatwave. The area looks almost distorted.

I am so sorry that you had to find another home for your beloved, Shimi. I’m sure her energy is with you and she is letting you know she is near. That heatwave you described is her energy. It will look like a shimmer or distortion as you described. Hold onto the love not the loss and make her life a celebration of the memories you share.

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My wonderful dog, my best friend, Carlotta, passed away a couple of days ago. I actually had to put her down, as she had terminal lung cancer. We had a special bond and I felt as if she was a part of me. A couple of hours after we buried her, I saw a small rainbow in the sky. Could that be a sign from her to tell me she is ok now? I do hope to get other signs from her, to reassure me that she is fine and she will be waiting for me.

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved, Carlotta. I have no doubt that she is letting you know that all is well by sending you signs such as the rainbow. In my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, I wrote about the signs and messages they send us to let us know they are still with us. I hope you get a copy if you haven’t already. Let her know how much you appreciate the rainbow and ask her to send more signs. Be sure to ‘fill her up’ with loving thoughts and memories as spiritual fuel. Sending love and healing

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I lost my sweet angel Jillian one month tomorrow. Her final days were spent on my bed watching bird videos and cuddling with me. I’m having such difficulty with her loss, she was with me through thick and thin for 14.5 years. I have her Sweet brother Simba, he has also felt her loss deeply. I buried her near a lovely stone wall and placed several bird feeders, and a wonderful bird bath. I visit daily to water the flowers, fill the feeders, and just say hello. I think she’s here with me. I had this talkative little bird today land all around me, looking at me chirping away.the little cutie took me from tears to a smile. I found a wee little fluffy feather, I have feather pillows, but this feather greeted me on my desk the other morning. I hear her meow, I felt her jump on my bed the other night. Simba her brother sees things, he will pop up and stare at what seems like nothing. I have one of those touch sensor flashing cat ball i bought her brother, oddly it goes on by itself as its sitting in the toy basket. Thank you for letting me share. Like everyone else here we are heart broken, but so grateful our little angels graced our life. Thank you Jillian and I love you my sweet ladybug.

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved angel, Jillian. She is doing her best to let you know she is alive and well in spirit and still with you. Be sure to thank her for those wonderful signs and ask her to send more. Each time, fill up her heart with loving thoughts and cherished memories. Sending love and healing

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We lost our beloved dog Lara on Sunday . We were so devastated and couldn’t stop crying all day and night . Monday morning we went for walk with our 2 dogs to the same place we always did and there was rainbow right there without any rain. Then 2 days later we picked up her ashes first we took picture of the urn that we had inscribed ( on the way to pick up the ashes ) and we turn the radio and the song playing was Bob Marley “birds were singing don’t worry everything will be alright “ We brought the ashes home and created memorial with the urn and framed picture of Lara with her collar and name tag fitted on top of it . We felt calmer that night when we went to bed . In the middle of the night our 10 years old dog Coco stood up in bed and jumped down and back up 7/8 times and just stood there like listening to something but not growling the way she does if she hears something strange . She never does anything like that ( if she needs to go to bathroom which is very rare she jumps gown and cry) My husband opened the bedroom door and she went to the hallway (that is catwalk overlooking the living room where Lara used to sleep ) she went to the guest bedroom next to ours sniffed it and then instead of going to the stairs to go down she went back to the hallway and looked down towards the living room and then just went back to our bedroom and back to bed . My husband said he felt something strange that gave him goosebumps. The next morning Coco ( our dog ) went down and instead of going to the back door as usual she went and sniffed the bed Lara used to sleep then walked to one of the sofas where I normally sit and sniffed my cashmere shawl then sniffed the area rug there and just sat there instead of going out . My husband went out to the backyard as he does everyday to drink his coffee and 2 birds just came and sat on the hedge next to him and started chirping. Then we looked at the table where Lara ashes were and the collar was lower down the frame to the spot halfway and looked like was on her neck . I know it sounds so strange and maybe it was coincidence but ..

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved angel, Lara. It sounds like you are blessed with many signs and messages that Lara is alive and well in spirit. I do not believe in coincidences. These things happen for a reason and the more you honor that the more she will send. So many people would to anything to get so many wonderful and loving signs. I hope you will thank Lara for letting you know she is with you. My book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals is full of stories about how our pets communicate with us from the Other Side. I hope you will get a copy and please opt in on my app or email updates. Just go to the HOME page of my website and opt in. Sending love and healing

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Yesterday my dog sugar passed away. 9-11-20 and today 9-12-20 she showed herself. She was a blonde lab 15 years old when she passed. She use to be afraid of storms and she jump around places. Weird thing is today my mom put her collar on a coffee table which is high enough where our other dog couldn’t get to it. Our other dog is a little chihuahua so she couldn’t jump and get it because it was too high to get it. I’m 100% sure sugar was visiting her home again. When we got home after a long day the collar was on the floor.

I am so sorry you lost your angel, Sugar. My heart breaks for you. I’m sure she is letting you know she is alive and well in spirit by moving her collar. It takes a lot of energy to do that so I hope you thanked her for that sign. How wonderful! There are so many people who would do anything to have a sign like that! Talk to her just as you would when she was alive. She will love the attention and likely send more signs. Sending love and healing.

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Is there any possibility that eye floaters could be your pet? I saw random brown spots in my vision about a week after my dog died horribly. It’s been a year this month and I cry every day because I have no closure and what happened during his last minutes alive. I tried so hard to find an affordable pet communicator but was never able to afford one 🙁

I am so very sorry for your loss, Lindsey. There are many ways our pets send us messages or signs so I guess anything is possible. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals as it will help you navigate through the grief. Sending love and healing.

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I just lost my girl after 8 years. It is really hard for me, I am trying to tell myself I done everything I could but, be real, we always can do more. Last year I was a lot of stress, no time, two jobs, and who suffered. My kid and my two dogs. But happiness is in the small thing for which I didn’t have time or understanding sometimes. So my girl (dog) had a problem with the stomach (she never had any problems). So the doctor said it is her spine, but I did tell them few times but stomach! And so, after one month we end up with blow-up tumors and blood everywhere. She didn’t make the after the operation, so I lost her in 5h!!!! For her I can just be better for her brother, but I should have been that way before she was alive and obviously, because of the late lifestyle, she got a tumor, because she was really sensibly girl,really! Special one. If she is still around me, is she confused cause we don’t see her? Cause she had only me, and in the afterlife, I don’t know who can help her be there for her? arent they better at peace and not around us? And the last one, does her brother eventually forget about her, is he going to be better..he is also devastated.. thank you, and regards from Croatia. Sorry for my English

I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. I’m sure you did the best you could and she knows that. Many of us look back and wonder if we could do more for them. We are meant to love them forever and do our best. We aren’t always meant to heal them. Keep talking to her as if she is right by your side. She will not be confused she will be so happy you are thinking about her. Sending love and healing

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My darling cat passed away at home, that night I dreamt he was waking up in the bed we had laid him peacefully to rest In. Days following I felt a cat brush pass my leg, whisker in my ear, claw noise on the floor. But interesting was he used to play with the blanket on my bed before sleep, the other cat never did this. The night after he passed the other car jumped up and did exactly what my cat used to do. The cat walked out the door then came back in as if to say what on earth just happened. It was like his body had taken his over. Are these visits? I find the other cat doing things he did with me even though the other cat never has done this before I haven’t heard from him for a few weeks now, I must ask him to visit me will this help?

I am so sorry for your loss, Catherine. It sounds like you are one lucky lady to have all of those visits! Never doubt them and be sure to thank him. The more you pay attention the more you will sense. You can always invite him to visit. Some will make their presence known and others won’t. It is not a lack of love if they don’t some who are with us all the time don’t feel the need to spend precious energy by sending messages when they are right by your side. Sending love and healing

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Karen, my family, and I had to flee our home due to the wildfires. Our fur baby has now gone missing, we have done all we could to look for her including door to door flyers with no luck. my family thinks she has passed but I refuse to lose hope. I feel like I’m losing it and I’m emotionally drained 😪. Is there any way you could help bring closure? Our fur baby name is Tinker a small teacup chihuahua. Any help you could bring will be greatly appreciated 🙏

Trini, I can’t imagine how devastated you must be and I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult time. Never give up hope that you will find your angel. Miracles happen and hopefully, Tinker is alive and well. I’m so sorry but I do not offer lost pet consultations but I will hold a sacred space in my heart for Tinker’s safe return.

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My cockapoo dog passed away on Sept 15th 2020. I miss him so much. I keep asking him to let me know if he’s okay. I haven’t got no signs from him. I just want to know if when he passed away was he peaceful? 🙁

Hi Mandy, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, to help you on your journey through grief. As you will read in the book, some pets send signs and others do not. It is not based on love or if they are okay so never doubt the love your angel has for you. Trust he is alive and well in spirit and wants you to heal as soon as you can. Sending love and healing

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Hi Karen Where do I start but with absolute heartbreak and every day I walk with a very heavy heart. I hate waking up each day without her. Mia my Dalmatian passed away 2 weeks ago. She suddenly was very sick and I took her to vet and said she had cancer and had a good chance it could be on her spleen but when they operated it was inoperable and be kind to let her go while she was under I’m completely broken. She never came out I can’t get my head around it what am I going to do without her it was just us for 9 years my heart hurts so much. I had her cremated and brought her ashes home I take her up to bed with me every night and light a light candle as we always did as she slept better then downstairs in the morning or outside if I’m having a tea. I’m normally a very spiritual person and have seen a lot. A robin comes every day but they do anyway and I think of Mia but I don’t seem to feel her around me why? Every morning I use to sing you are my sunshine and I still sing to her every day and talk to her every day. I have been looking at moving near my sister before Mia passed away had to be the right house for us but I’m so scared she won’t know where I am, what if I leave her there or she lost gets lost I find my self not wanting to move just to be with her please help I don’t know what to do just broken.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Mia. There are few words to ease your pain so please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. Please get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you understand so much about what happens now and going forward the many ways she may communicate with you with signs or messages. A robin is a very obvious sign from the Other Side so be excited and happy to receive those precious messages from her. Mia will always be connected to you no matter where you live. Her love for you is so strong those bonds will never be broken. Talk to her as if she is right by your side. There is nowhere else she would rather be than with you. Sending love and healing.

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I lost my sweet boy my best friend Jimmy on Monday he went in for what should of been a routine operation and he didn’t make it home with us. Me and my partner are devastated he was like our little baby he would let us pick him up and cradle him cuddle him, he had such a little personality. He waited on the toilet seat lid when I would come out the shower and nuzzle me till I picked him up, he would jump on my back when I would do yoga I just can’t get over that I had to say goodbye to him. He was only 5yrs old. All the events that led up to his passing I hold so much guilt for and I really want him to know that I am so so sorry and all I wanted was to make him better at the vets. I sit alone at night and wait for him to visit me I feel like I am sending him signs and talking to him in my head should I be speaking out loud? When will he come to see me, is he happy where he is? Is someone looking after him. I cry everyday for him and my heart is so heavy. We’ve got his brother Tom who is also feeling the grief of losing his best friend. We’re all empty. I love him so much I’d love to know he was with me.

Lauren, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet angel, Jimmy. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will guide you through this difficult time and help you understand where he is, who he is with, and how to sense his presence. I can’t imagine how devastated you all must be. It is so hard when we have to say goodbye. I’m sure your angel loves you so much and wants you to move into healing as soon as you can. Sending love and healing

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My darling cat passed away three days ago, in his sleep as far as we could tell. Up till then he was perfectly well. He and I have been together 24/7 for the past 12 years. This morning I was was sitting staring out a nearby window, unfocused without my glasses, and I saw two tall entwined white whisps of something near the adjacent sofa where he frequently snoozed. I blinked and didn’t see it again. Was it a sign from him or my eyes, quite red from weeping? Did he pass peacefully?

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel kitty. It was most likely your boy letting you know he is near. Passing peacefully in their sleep is the best way to transition and much less stressful for them. I hope you have many more visitations. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you so much during this difficult time. Be very grateful when he visits and ask him to keep visiting! Sending love and healing.

Hi karen . I don’t know if you’ve read my 1st email 2 days ago 23rd sep 2020. I know your probably very busy . 2wks ago Mia my dalmatian who was 9yrs old was suddenly very poorly taken her to the vets and discovered she had cancer it was a very silent one where you wouldn’t of know they said it would be worth given her a chance and if the cancer was on the spline they could remove it but when they operated the cancer was on her kidney they got a 2nd senior in to look but said nothing could be done it be kinder to let her go while she was still under . Omg I’m so so heartbroken karen and feel so guilty she went in and never came out I feel so lost my home so empty I walk everyday with a very heavy heart and I physically hurt so bad I can’t stop crying and I hate waking up without her there just don’t know what to do my head just can’t get round the fact I’m not going to see her again what am I going to do what’s mai going to do with it being a us after 9yrs on our own . I been looking at moving before mia passed away near my family and the house had to have large garden side entrance etc now I’m to scared to move incase I leave her there or she can’t find me I dont know what to do I’m so broken I can’t think .mo

Karen, thank you for your reply and your condolences. My heart hurts so much and my life is so empty without Mia. I talk to her every day and still continue to sing “You are my sunshine,” even though she has taken my sunshine away with her. And have ordered your book as recommended. Karen, I had Mia cremated and brought her home is it a bad thing to do, and does that affect her in her afterlife? I could never forgive myself if it will.

It hurts so badly to lose someone you love. My book will help you understand how pets feel about euthanasia, cremation, burial and so much more. It will help you navigate through this difficult time. Mia wants you to be happy and to move through your grief and pain as soon as possible. She will love you no matter what as the bonds of love never die. Sending love and healing

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Hi Karen I’ve worked in dog rescue for 20 years and have always had a pack of three and often a foster. Last week a friend asked me to help re-home a dog who’s owner’s life situation has taken a serious turn and was not able to provide the attention her pet needs. Due to COVID, most shelters are not able to take in as many dogs. I really had to work hard (by calling in a favor)to get this darling 7 yr.old Dalmatian mix named “Boo” into an excellent shelter. They agreed to take her, and yesterday the owner and I brought her in. Very emotional for the owner to surrender her beloved companion. It was a very teary ride home for both of us, and I was exhausted and anxious last night. A year ago, my husband and I lost the last dog in our pack. We rescued Lucie, a poodle/bichon mix when she was 11 yrs. When we got her she was obese, needed tons of dental work, and had other medical issues. Within a year, she was at the proper weight and all her medical issues had cleared. We had five wonderful years with this angel baby. Her passing hit us very hard and I still get choked up at times. Last night, I woke up because I felt Lucie’s presence. She was quietly laying on the floor (fully manifested) next to the bed. I laid down next to her to stroke her and buried my face in her fur–I could smell her. Within seconds, she faded away. I know this was her way of reassuring me that she was with me and that Boo would find the right family. I miss Lucie so much and am so thankful for the gift she gave me last night.

Paula, Thank you for sharing this incredible visitation! You are one lucky lady to have this experience. A full manifestation is so rare! Wow! I’m so happy for you. I hope you thanked Lucie for that special moment and asked her to keep visiting. Those bonds of love never die and it must feel so good to be able to connect with her on that level. Thank you for all you do on behalf of the animals and fostering those in need. Sending love and healing

Hi Karen, Thank you once again for taking the time to reply. I’ve read your book and it’s a great comfort. Do you do telephone consultations please I’m so desperate to see if Mia is ok as I heard her yelp downstairs last night like she did when she was in pain before taking her to the vets I’m worried she still in pain? I came downstairs and chatted with her then slept on the sofa to be with her or even if you can feel a message from her anything please help.

Mo, That must have been quite a surprise to hear Mia’s yelp. I promise you it was not that she is in pain. Only living creatures experience pain. She was likely just trying to get your attention. They leave their pain behind when they transition to the Other Side. My book goes into that so be sure you go back and read through it again. Sometimes we miss things when we are grieving. I’m so sorry but my calendar is closed at this time and I only release my calendar to my VIP family. The best way to stay informed is to download my free app or opt-in for updates. Just go to the HOME page and opt-in. Sending love and healing

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Karen, I can’t believe what is going on, I’m floored. I lost my best friend (dog) on 7/5/17 a long story short, I was recently attacked inside my home by another tenant. I only have lived here a month, the guy knocked on my door and strangled me. He is now in jail and has been charged with strangulation…here’s my thing…my dog has been here since it happened. I hear him walking (his legs snapped the last couple years) he licks himself, follows me in the bedroom at night, he itches. I’m starting to worry they maybe he couldn’t cross, I don’t want him to feel my pain. Please tell me if this is something you’ve seen or heard before.I’m not crazy and I’m being honest, he’s here all day/night. The bathroom door will open when I go in without shutting the door completely. He always followed me in the bathroom. I’m in shock, is this normal…to stay like this..please get back to me. God Bless.

Bridget, I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. I can’t imagine how scary that must have been for you. It sounds like your beloved dog is with you. It is quite normal for departed pets to linger in familiar spaces and he is likely just watching over you because he loves you. Rarely do pets fail to cross over into the Light. They are so pure and so closely connected to God our creator they immediately transition into the Light. Trust that he is alive and well in spirit and just keeping an eye on you to make sure you are safe, happy, and healthy. He will feel your pain but it won’t harm him. Just live the best life you can and he will benefit from that. Be sure you are taking good care of yourself and let him know you appreciate his visits. Many people would do just about anything to have experiences like you so consider yourself very fortunate to have so many visitations. Sending love and healing.

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I lost my dog jeyo and we saw a dog that looked liked him on Facebook and I said OMG ITS A MIRICLE and well I miss him now😭😭😭😭r.i.p jeyo

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Jeyo. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. Each chapter will help you move closer to healing. Sending love

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Hello, Karen, I ran across your site while researching how I might be able to communicate with our beloved Golden Retriever, Logan, that just passed early this morning. It was very sudden, so we have been desperately struggling to make some sort of sense of it. I worry if I made the right decision to euthanize him, based on the vet saying he had fluid around his heart, likely coming from a Hemangiosarcoma tumor that burst. We just can’t believe he’s gone. He was fine Friday night up until about 9:15 pm, then he didn’t want to eat (not even a slice of cheese, which he loves), began acting lethargic, and when he walked he would slightly wobble. My daughter and I raised Logan from the time he was a baby (6 weeks) to the moment we had to say goodbye. It was the toughest thing I’ve ever had to do, and I am deeply concerned about my daughter’s pain right now. She is 23 and lives with me. She is inconsolable right now. It has been hitting me in waves, but I’m mostly still in shock. We have been through a lot over the years, and Logan has done so much to provide the unconditional love and comfort we needed. I hope he knew how much we loved him and why we had to do what we did. I’ve read that it’s important to try to be calm and strong when saying goodbye to your pet, but we sobbed and were full of fear and anger and so much confusion. I hope the vet was right about the diagnosis and that we made the right decisions to let him go. I want to believe the doctor knew what she was saying and that she wouldn’t have recommended we talk about and of life care. He was 8 years old and would have turned 9 on 11/29/20. We miss him so much. I was hugging his neck and chest as the doctor administered the drugs that put him to sleep. He made short snoring sounds and then my daughter said “mommy, no…” as he closed his eyes. It was so hard to see our beautiful sweet boy laying there lifeless. He was always bursting with love and fun energy. I hope he will visit us and understands why we didn’t what we did. We are devastated.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Logan. I cannot imagine how devastated you and your daughter must be. Losing a beloved member of the family is so painful and the grief hits in waves. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you during this difficult time and going forward. Also, I hope you will opt-in as a VIP member for ongoing pet loss support that I provide to my VIPs. I’m sure Logan knows how much you love and miss him and is near you all the time as there is nowhere else he would rather be. Sending love and healing.

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My 16yo dog Tipper, passed very recently 3 weeks ago. He had rapid spleen cancer….last week we got his ashes back and I took home one of his paw print casts with me. Later that night, I had a dream that he was at laying my bed side. I only saw his backside and heard his regular panting and distinct yawn he would make.

I am so sorry for your loss, Angel. It is so hard to say goodbye. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you during this difficult time. It sounds like you had a dream visitation from Tipper! He was letting you know he is always near and loves you so much. I hope you thanked him and invited him back for more visits! Thank you for sharing.

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My beautiful baby Sage passed away 2 months ago at 15 years old and we cremated him and scattered his ashes along his favorite hiking trail. I miss him so much every single day, and the only thing I wish is that he is happy wherever he may be. He always used to come to my bed in the middle of the night and snuggle up next to me, and about a week after he left us, I felt something snuggle up to me and lick my chin like Sage always did. I opened my eyes and there he was, blue eyes staring at mine but he disappeared when I tried to pet him. My next experience was maybe a month after. I always left treats, water, and his favorite dog toy in his crate after his passing as remembrance of the happiness he brought to the entire family. I woke up the morning after to find that the food was gone along with some of the water. The water had some of his white fur in it and the toy was missing. I don’t necessarily believe in ghosts or afterlife but this has convinced me that our baby knows how much we miss him and he will always be with us no matter what happens.

Brianna, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Sage. You had quite an amazing experience and if that doesn’t make a believer of you that their spirit is alive and well I don’t know what would. So many people would do anything to have that happen. Just getting one sign is special so you are very lucky! Sending love and healing

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I just lost my best friend, my baby, my cat Clark (though I usually called him Clarkie) on Monday afternoon. The transition was horrible! It started when I heard him crying out loud (like he had been really hurt, not just looking for attention) when I turned my head, it looked like he was paralyzed and couldn’t use his two left feet, but he was still trying to get to me. I picked him up and cuddled him to my chest, petting him, and he stopped crying in just a little while. I tried to help him walk in front of me, just because I couldn’t process what I was seeing. My sweet boy tried to do it for me (he would always do anything I asked) and when I saw he couldn’t stand on his left side, I just held him. He curled up in my arms, opened his mouth as big as it would go, and started panting heavy. I thought about trying to rush him to the vet, but as I thought it through, ‘I could throw him in the carrier, which he hates, and sling him all around the car as I take corners on two wheels, and it’s rush hour on top of everything, so I probably wouldn’t get through it all in time anyway.’ So I decided to just stay put and keep him where he was comfortable, at home. He was drooling as he panted, and then for a few seconds, he got up, walked across my lap, and laid down like everything was ok. Then he meowed one more time, and a minute or two later he started seizing up. He was curled up in my arms when he finally went still. I switched him to Active Senior formula dry food when he was 10, and when I noticed him getting skinny last winter I started giving him wet food twice a day in addition to the dry food. He went from weighing 14 pounds (he was pretty big for a cat, not really overweight) to just 6 pounds. I tried to give him kidney support chews, but he absolutely hated them and would not eat them, no matter what I did. I got him a drinking fountain to get him to drink more water, and he loved it- once he got the hang of using it. When I saw his fur getting all matted and dull, I started brushing him every day. I tried to justify it to myself by saying ‘well, what good would I be to him if I can’t keep a roof over our heads? Cats, especially older ones, don’t do well being homeless.’ I feel so guilty, because I couldn’t afford to take him to the vet like I should have, and I was in such denial about how he was declining over the last year. He was about 3 months old when we adopted him, and I was only 14. He was there for me through EVERYTHING, from high school and being raised by an overcontrolling narcissistic father, going to college, moving 400 miles away, watching both parents die quite suddenly 6 months apart from each other, and meeting a man that I can see a great future with. He was about 16 years and two months old, and it was 16 years, almost to the day we brought him home, that he left us. When we first went to the shelter back then, we were only going to adopt one cat- his brother. As soon as my eyes met his, I knew that he had to come home with me. So I begged my dad, with my best daddy’s little girl voice, “but daddy we can’t leave him behind, all by himself…” The animal control officer on duty that day jumped in really fast and said that we could adopt the two of them for 10 dollars less than the fee for one, which made my cheapskate dad agree. I was the one who named the two of them, Lewis and Clark, because cats like to explore and those names go together. (Lewis later had to be rehomed so he would be the only cat in the house). I held Clark on the way home, and he was so small back then that he could sit in one of my hands. I miss him so much… but I can see now how much pain he was in for the last year. I’ve seen a couple signs from him. On the way home from work on Wednesday, I saw a delivery truck on the highway from a company called Clark’s White Glove Delivery, but from a distance all I could see was Clark’s. Thursday night when I was just laying down to go to sleep, I swear I heard him licking himself next to me in bed. Now that I think of it, my phone has been discharging faster overnight than usual. Thank you for taking the time to read all this, I know I’ve been rambling.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Clarkie. He is so lucky to have a mom like you who loves him so much. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you through this difficult time. It sounds like you have a lifetime of memories to celebrate together. I have no doubt you sensed him near. There is nowhere else he would rather be. Sending love and healing.

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On Sep 14, 2020, my sweet loving fireball had passed. He was sick, we took him to the vet the first time and they said he had fluid in his lungs. He loved to play, loved seeing me smile, he would follow me everywhere I go, and he let me pick him up a lot he loved that. From the first time I got him when I was 5, he was a kitten. We saved him and his sister from a fire. He never had breathing problems bad until he got sick. My Dad was bringing him to get put down on Sep 14 I was outside but when I came back in that’s when I heard them talking about it I didn’t want to let go of him they pulled me away and told me he would be happier and in a better place after. But, then my mom got a call from my dad just down the road saying he didn’t make it in time.😔 He came back and I saw fireball for the last time before we buried him he had a smile on his face😭. When we buried him and there was a rainbow. (Maybe rainbow bridge) Then the next couple of days after there were more rainbows. I miss him every day he was everything to me😥. All the time I see his pictures or someone says his name I cry🥺 Any advice on receiving signs from him I tried everything😕. He was an angel 🕊❤️

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. It is so hard to say goodbye. The best advice I have is to read my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals so you know what to watch for. You can also opt in to my Animal Communication Planet Facebook practice group to learn how to receive messages. Signs come in all forms such as in your dreams or sending butterflies, hummingbirds, fur, feathers, numbers, and each pet is different. It may be that he doesn’t feel the need to send signs because he is always near. Each pet is different and some send many signs while others don’t. It is not due to a lack of love so don’t worry if you don’t receive any signs. Just keep asking and keep paying attention and be sure to acknowledge him if you do receive a sign. Sending love and healing.

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Our family pet dog had to be put down in February of this year. It was the hardest and most painful thing I’ve had to go through in years. Right after her departure I was in bed for days crying and not able to eat a thing. I started to feel her at night when I would go to sleep she would come to me. When she was alive she would always walked by my room at night on her way to bed, She would push my door open and put her big beautiful head on my bed. I felt it was her way of saying goodnight. I would feel this a couple of times a week right after her departure. I haven’t felt her for a while now. I feel like it was her way of comforting me and helping me through those painful months. I still miss her so much and I can’t believe it’s been so long and the pain is still there.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, to help you during this difficult time. It is so beautiful that she has given you signs that she is there. The signs may become more subtle over time but she will always be with you as there is nowhere else she would rather be. Sending love and healing

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Hello Karen, This post it is going to be a bit long but, Im sure it will help other people. If only to spot similar symptoms and how to deal with it. Plus, what I think, it might have helped me to recover quicker. Although, everyone is different and have different circumstances in life. My dogson, Charlie, an amazing Jack Russell, passed away on the 19th of Oct 2020, seven days ago now. I am devastated, to say the least. But, incredibly, after only 1 week, I think Im healing. I refused to suffer this way for something I cannot fix. He isnt coming back and that is that. He was a very unusual Jack Russell. People ALWAYS asked if he really was a Jack Russell. White and Tan, beautifuly shaped, amazing markings. Large one on the back clearly as Mickey mouse head shape. His personality and temperament was so unlikely for a Jack. Calm, never ever snapped, silly, obedient, one of a kind. People that have met him, strangers or not, inmediately fell for his charms, looks and sweetness. At the same time, clever and sharp mind. I wouldnt say this if it wasnt true. Absolutely everyone, is devastated to know about his sudden and not to old age passing. Im amazed myself! He has left me so sudden. Friday, his last walk, he was perfectly fine and then Saturday he started being sick. Called vet on Saturday evening and said, not an apparent emergency. He never made a sound to let us know that he was in pain, as other times. Only stopped eating and very slow moving. Came out to the garden very slowly,every 30 mins or so to try to poo but nothing. Then we noticed while lying down, he had strange contractions every 15 seconds in his lower abdomen. I gave him his painkillers I had previously when he had muscular pain. Calmed him down and almost stopped doing it. Next day Sunday, he started again but drank water by himself. Vomited all shortly after. I then took him to emergency vet. He said, could be 3 things. Colitis, ulcer, unlikely but possible, or a more sinister thing… Recommended me to leave him for observation overnight and have ultrasound and sedation next day monday early morning. I refused to leave him. I couldnt cope with the idea. And thank god I didnt. The vet gave me super strong painkillers, Temgesic 200mg, and some antibiotics, Metronizadole. His final diagnosis was colitis. This painkiller knocked him out completely, sedated him big time. He stopped drinking by himself as was almost irresponsive. I though, oh well, vet said it would do this so I helped him with a syringe. Then gave him antibiotics in a liquid form that he swallowed with difficulty. He passed the night like that and started breathing strangely at times and crying a bit only once. Monday morning, he was very gone and moving very very little. I went to shower and the time for his 2nd dose of antibiotics at 7 am came. When I went, he was almost gone. Half open eyes, not making a sound, moving little and I could see those weird look in his eyes. Kind of opaque and as if he had some kind of membrane of fluff. I tried to clean them with saline water for eyes. I kind of knew. Rushed him to the same vet to no avail, as he died in my arms in the car half way. He looked and me and took 3 sharp and deep breaths and his heart stopped. Now, after constantly looking on internt,before and after, what can possibly could be the cause of his death, I couldnt find anything quite the same. I of course blamed myself. What if I caught it earlier, what if I left him in observation as advised, was he poisoned?, what, why, how, when, where!!! The vet came out on arrival and talked to me. I bombarded him with questions. He then said… unfortunately, the mass I felt on the left side of his lower abdomen wasnt just inflamation, was a mass/tumor that developed very quickly and bursted. Then he said that, even if I left him there as he advised, most probably the outcome will be the same. They couldnt do the ultrasound till that Monday morning anyway so it would have been to late. I begged him to be honest and dont try to ease my pain saying that. He replayed… it was to fast. No possibility to safe him. That did give me a bit of comfort but I wanted to do postmortem regardless. Everyone told me, the vet too, that was no point really. After changing my mind several times, as they allowed me to have him in one of his freezers for a few days, I reluctantly opted for not to do it. Maybe affraid in case he could have been saved…?? I have read post and forums and I know now, this things happen in many different ways. They are ok and suddenly gone. He was going to turn 11 years old on the 27th of November. Not too old for his breed at all. Gave him the best foods and treats, exercise, care. I blame it on genetics and that it was his time. Seven days on, Im feeling ok??? Kind of accepted his leaving, although, Im still sad. Watching videos and photos almost constantly. My pain was tremendous and awful. So, what did I do? I took other people advice. I comfronted all the first days. Full on. I cried as much as I wanted and needed. I spoke to people about him, I went to all the places I have been with him by myself and talked to him, I went to our usual park with his lead and walked around remembering him and how much he enjoyed it, I have hugged his beds, his blanket, his little outfits. I watched all his videos and photos every time I needed, still doing it. After all this, I find myself soothing, and sad yes, but much better somehow. I have read that he would like me to be happy and Im sure of that, coz of his reactions when I was sad. So sorrow give way to sadness and melancholy. I feel more at peace. I consider myself to be an sceptic over matters of life after death, more in animals. But reading forums, such as this, I like to believe, that not everyone is crazy or lying about signs, some more clear than others, that maybe he is still with us here. I would need some kind of very very strong and unmistakable sign from him for me to really believe it. Im to racional for my own good. But, and here is the odd part. Two days after his passing, my partner and I were in the kitchen and then, my landlady’s 4 dogs, came downstairs to the garden, we share it. I inmediately opened the door. I can say with absolute certainty that I saw my Charlie coming at me. His face. It was half a second if at all, and then I realized it was Spider, the dog that looked similar to him bit different shape, face and long hair. It transformed for a sec. I was spooked but happy?? I then turned to my partner and he was pale and said before I said anything…Have I just seen Charlie? Then I had real goosebumps. He said, he saw him passing by. His short hair his body his markings. Him! Was this for real? My mind tells me, it was a trick of my mind and I got confused with the other dog. But then, 2 people seeing it at the same time? We were not even talking about him. Just watching a programme on tv. And if I may say so, my partner is the least spiritual person in the face of the earth. Or he thought so up until that day. Another funny thing is that he says that he is ok because he feels that he still here but cannot explain. He cried and still have his moments but he seems more at peace. I am the one asking for signs, more signs. More irrefutable signs. Nothing for now. Except little coincidences here and there. I hope I get eventually a good one. I starting to believe. In fact, I have just purchased Karen’s book on Amazon, because I really think it will help me to go through grieve completely. Needles to say, that I miss him terribly, that I love him more than words can say. He was my dogson!, my family, friend, my life, my world, and I will give everything I have to have him back. Now Im waiting for his ashes. Bought a very nice box that can keep his pic and his possession. I think that will help me. Also, Im getting a piece of jewellery,a bracelet, made with his ashes to carry him everyone I go. Considering also a tattoo with his pretty Mickey marking and his name on it. I really hope this can help people to get through this awful and painful lost. We are all different as said above, but in my case, it has worked to face all at once the first week. My advise… dont leave it for later if you can. It is painful but comforting in an odd way. Also, super important, talk to people. I am the one saying… so sorry, maybe it is only a dog to you, while crying my eyes out. Because we all know some people think this way. Either because they are morons or just never had the experience of having such wonderful creatures by their side for years! It is like loosing a human being. Full stop!! Now I do believe it. To my surprise, absolutely everyone, pet owners and not, said the same exact words. NOOO, IT IS FAMILY, YOUR BOY, YOUR SON. All!!! That is very nice and soothing. But regardless of what people say or think, live your pain the way you want and need. It does help a lot!! And last. I am being told to get a new dog. Stupidly, I kind of think I will betray my Charlie. Also, Im not ready as he was so special and we had a very strong bond. It will be unfair and unrealistic to expect that other dog or pet to be exactly the same. I have decided that, if afterlife indeed exist and he is here, he will make his way back to me by putting in front of me whatever pet. I like parrots, cats and dogs. He will let me know. And when I encounter it, and I feel the connection, I will get it. Whatever the animal or breed. After all, when I got Charlie, I went to the petshop looking for a rabbit. And there he was. In a litter of 9, the only one that was calling us on his two little legs. I dont even remember the others. I didnt bother. Sooo cute and gorgeous.I always wanted the dog from the movie “The Mask” and there he was. To the point that people call him Milo!! But way more beautiful. One of a kind. Even Jack russell owners used to say it when saw him. Rest in peace my most beloved! All the best. Monica C

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel. Thank you for sharing your story and I hope this helps others. Sending love and healing…

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My baby boy taz passed a month ago from kidney failure, he was such a loving boy, I miss him and love him so very much. I was sleeping one night, I woke myself up petting the pillow saying aww your such a good boy. I just know he was right there. That day he passed he had a bad seizure, I was the one that had to hold him during the car ride. It was the most painful experience, to watch, I tried so very hard to help him, he finally came out of it. By the time we reached the hospital, the dr ran some tests found out he was in the worst state of kidney failure. Breaks my heart everyday.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Taz. It is a devastating loss when we lose someone we love so much. I’m sure you did the very best you could for Taz and he knows that. He will always be near as there is nowhere else he would rather be. Sending love and healing…

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My best friend, Jack, passed away after a battle with Hemangiosarcoma. He was only 6 and a very special boy. I’m deep in grief right now, and I so badly want a sign that he is okay and knows how much I love him. Is it better to speak out loud to him or can he hear it if I’m speaking to him in my head?

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss, Jill. It is so hard to lose them when they are older but when we feel they are too young to go it is even more painful. My heart breaks for you. I hope you have my books which will help you on your journey into healing. He can hear you if you speak out loud or if you just think about him. They hear with an internal sense much like in your dreams. They absorb your energetic ‘words’ telepathically. So it won’t matter which way you do it I promise you he will hear you! Say his name often…he will love it. Sending love and healing

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My dog Frazier recently passed, on monday it will be exactly one week since then, and it completely broke me, he was the only dog i had ever had and I genuinely don’t believe i will ever have the same connection with another animal like i had with him again in my life. He was one of the goofiest dogs id ever met, my grandma called him a crazy circus dog, because he would jump on high tables and counters and would walk on his back legs like a human during half of his walks. He was my best friend and was probably part cat based on some of the skills he had before even being trained. He unfortunately had a lot of health problems, specifically involving his heart, he had always had a heart murmur which was never a big problem until in his older years when he started getting sick and they found out his heart was actually 3 sizes larger than a dog his size should have had (called an enlarged heart), and this presented some difficulty in his life, he had to get put on 6 different medications, but the problem was that there was never anything the vets could do for him other than keep him comfortable which is what the medication was doing. Then he started to hack constantly as if he was choking on his own heart and trying to cough it back up and shortly after the hacking started he had several syncopal episodes (where something either in his heart or brain would stop working properly for a few seconds, causing him to collapse and go unconscious while losing his bowels and bladder simultaneously. Then he began to have fluid buildup in his stomach and this unfortunately is what lead to us having to put him down because of how much pain it cause him, he basically was being suffocated by the fluids in his belly, like he was drowning and could never catch his breath. But man was he always a fighter, its like he would have happily went through years of suffering if it meant he could be with us a little longer. After every syncopal episode he had the second he regained consciousness his tail would start pounding on the ground and staring up at me, then the confusion of having just reawakened would set in, but his happiness to see me by his side never faded. When we had to put him down they had to give him two shots before the actual euthanasia shot because he did not want to go to sleep, it wasnt even like he was laying down fighting to keep his eyes open, he was standing up still trying to climb on top of me (something he always did when he was anxious, which he was due to a noise trauma that he developed because of a smoke detector beeping all day when nobody was home but him). Losing him was the hardest thing i have ever had to go through in my life, but it makes it a little easier every time i get a sign from him. Today only about an hour ago, i kissed his box of ashes goodnight and stood for a second, looking at his picture beside the box and the other reminiscences we have surrounded it, one of which was his dog collar and tag. After saying goodnight to him and kissing the box i turned around reaching to turn of the lights when i heard a very quick jingle of his tag. Immediately i turned around to look at them and saw them completely untouched. He was there in that moment i believe it with all my heart, he was saying goodnight back to me, just like we used to when he was alive.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet boy, Frazier. He sounds like an incredibly amazing boy who you love dearly. You are so lucky to have such an incredible sign from him. I hope you thanked him for doing that! Please get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals if you haven’t yet. It will help you on your journey through the pain. Sending love and healing.

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About a month after my cat I had ever since I was a baby was killed by a dog, I saw her (ironically her name was Spirit) she was a ghostly white cat figure (her original color was white) she looked at me meowed then walked through a fence and on the other side was a dog it was barking (remember Spirit was killed by a dog) until she walked towards it and then she just vanished. After I asked and only one other person saw her the person sitting right next to me saw Spirit’s spirit. Every time I think about her of her anyone say or write spirit or ghost it makes me sad because I miss her sadly this is the only time she showed herself, but I have felt Spirit and her beautiful fur multiple times.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Spirit. It is such a blessing for her to visit you and let you know she is near. So many others do not have this incredible experience so that is wonderful for you. Sending love and healing

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I lost my Miniature Pinscher, Lady, 3 weeks ago. She was 16. We did everything together. She had pulmonary issues and when I took her to the emergency hospital Covid prevented me from going in with her. A stranger, vet tech, came in and took her from my car. They ended up keeping her for four days. I got a call that she was not doing well and went to see her. I always told her “Mommy will never leave you.” I just wish she knew how much I love her. I want her to know that. My heart is SO broken.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet, Lady. My heart breaks for you. There is no reason you cannot tell her how you feel right now. There is no time on the Other Side so no time has gone by for her. Just speak to her as you normally would if she were right there by your side. She will hear you. I hope you get a copy of my book as it will help you through this difficult time. Just go to the HOME page of my website and opt in as a VIP. Sending love and healing

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I had to put our ten-year-old cat down a few months ago. He swallowed dental floss but we didn’t realize it until weeks later. The vet missed it when we took him in. He had it wrapped around his tongue and when my son mentioned seeing him swallow dental floss the vet ignored him. I wasn’t there my mom took him in while I was at work because I was getting really worried. The vet said it was pancreatitis. He’d been fine up until this point. He was vomiting and not eating and he lost a lot of weight. Finally I took him back to another vet who said it was floss and it was cutting his intestines. We did have the vet attempt surgery because they made it sound very common and that he’d be fine. I couldn’t put him down without trying and they truly gave us hope. They called during surgery and said there was too much damage. They recommended I put him down while he was in surgery. I couldn’t reach my son (he’s eighteen) he’d been up all night watching him and worried so he was sleeping. I told them to yes put him down and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and to be honest I regret it. I wish I’d went and picked up my son and taken him to say goodbye. He was his cat. His only friend and companion. His dad abandoned him and he has a half brother he isn’t allowed to see. We’ve been homeless for two years staying with different people. The last three years have been so hard and my son has no friends and is very lonely. He named our cat Yoshi – and Yoshi was a person to us. He was a stunning Maine Coon Mix and really smart and had such a personality. He loved to tip over water bottles and was so quirky. We miss him so much. About a week after he died I had a very vivid dream – I was in the kitchen with my sister and family and I noticed her ex was there – we haven’t seen him in years. And I suddenly realized I was dreaming. As soon as I realized this my sister said you’re dreaming and then they all disappeared. And Yoshi was on the table and I knew he was passed and I knew I was dreaming and I knew he was letting me say goodbye. I went over and picked him up and held him and felt his fur. He has the softest fur. And I hugged him. He loved being held. And I felt his fur on my cheek. I knew it wouldn’t last long and it didn’t. I woke up shortly after but I felt like it meant something – I truly think he was visiting me. I found out that my son had almost the exact same dream around the same time but we didn’t realize it until a couple weeks ago. I had another lucid dream about Yoshi not long ago. It was strange because my sisters ex was in the dream and that triggered me to realize I was dreaming. Right away I started looking for Yoshi. My sisters ex went and got him for me and handed him to me. Right away I went down the hall to where my son was sleeping and opened his door. He was sleeping on the bed so I woke him up and said look it’s Yoshi. But he couldn’t see him:-( he said I can’t see him I can’t see him. So I held him for a bit longer and I felt so sad he couldn’t see him. My son tells me he dreams of him though every night so I think Yoshi visits him. My son is having a tough time. He feels like it’s his fault. I feel like it’s my fault I wished I’d taken him in sooner to his normal vet. Covid made it impossible though they wouldn’t see him for weeks and I didn’t know it was so serious or I would have taken him somewhere else myself. I hope he continues to visit me. Lucid dreaming is new to me – started happening this year. I don’t know why. I love it but it doesn’t happen very often. I wish it would happen again I want to see Yoshi. We are still so sad and I don’t know if I can ever get another cat. He was so different not like other cats I’ve known. He was our family.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your loss. It is devastating when we lose them especially when accidents happen that take them too soon. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you and your family through this difficult time. The dream visitations from Yoshi are truly remarkable! Be sure you thank Yoshi and ask him to visit again. Those bonds of love never die so I’m sure he wants you to know he is alive and well in spirit. Sending love and healing

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I was sleeping one night around 8 years ago not long after my dog passed away, me and him grew up together and he sadly had to be euthanized as he was suffering from colon cancer, I was around 11 or 12 and I remember feeling like I was being watched while I was sleeping (I slept with my large light on in my room) so I opened my eye to my dog standing infront of me just looking at me, he didn’t move or blink or anything I didn’t blink either but we both just kinda stared at eachother for a few minutes . I was in shock and didn’t know what to do but when I finally felt okay to move I remember sitting up super fast and saying “CODY” and as soon as my arm crossed my face while I was sitting up he was gone.. I haven’t seen him since but that night was the second time I had received a message from him. The first time was 3 days after he passed, he was a bull terrier and they have very distinctive head shapes, I was out for a drive with my mom and we seen a cloud shaped like his head with an eye hole and everything. I’m so thankful for him sending me messages it made me feel like he was still around and was watching over me as I’m sure he still is, I have a missing cat and a cat who passed away. I’m not sure the state of my missing cat he’s been gone for almost a year but when I’m sleeping I do feel a cat jump on my bed the odd time. I’m praying my missing one is still alive but I do believe it’s my cat that has passed away sending me a message if it’s not him <3

You are receiving so many signs from all of your angels. That is so special! It takes a lot of energy for them to send you a sign so be thankful, grateful, and excited…and ask for more! I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you understand what happens when they go. Sending love and healing…

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I had to make the hardest decision of my life this week. I was so confused and so full of worry the days leading up to my decision. I had my sweet Lisa Kiddio for 16 years and she was my love, joy, comfort and companion. I’ve dreaded this day and now I’m here, whewwww. I have cried buckets but at the same time I feel so thankful for all these beautiful years we had together. She was truly a gift. I have asked for signs in between my frantic tears. A couple of nights ago I heard footsteps on my roof and I can still not figure out what they were. I even called the police as I felt scared in the moment. Now I feel bad about calling the police because what if that was my baby girl giving a sign? I told her, Kiddio, if that was you, please come back. I will embrace your visits and attempts. This last week has been a huge battle for me and my concept of time is really warped. Right before or right after my baby left this life I saw a ladybug on the doorstep. In the moment I felt so destroyed and failed to recognize the sign. I also had a thin feather right inside the door. I did recognize that and saved it but thought, perhaps this is a feather from one of her old toys. It’s so hard to live without her and I long for her presence. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say, Karen. Thank you for this great article – I truly enjoyed.

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet angel. It is so hard to say goodbye and you both shared a lifetime of memories. My heart breaks for you. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey through this difficult time. It sounds like you are getting all kinds of messages and signs from her. That is truly remarkable! It takes a lot of energy to send just one sign so be excited, grateful, and ask for more signs. Sending love and healing…

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My dog Fisher died 3 months ago. He was 14 almost 15 years old. The loss of my Fisher is beyond hurt, it fully took a piece of my heart. I miss him so much. I pray for a sign that lets me know he is in no pain but peace. He lived a wonderful life, of course with his issues being he was an old man. He had a lot of heart and our bond was so deep that I believe he was holding in for me. He knew how much I loved him. I let him leave this world with me by his side and face to face. It was by far the hardest thing I could ever go through but I loved him that much. I owed him that. I never get a sign from him that he’s ok. I feel maybe he’s mad. Maybe he feels I gave up. I sure hope I will see him again. My life will never be the same.

I am so sorry, Danielle, for the loss of your angel, Fisher. My heart breaks for you. I hope you have read my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you understand so much about what really happens. I promise you Fisher is not mad at you. There is no way he would ever feel that way. You provided him with a full life with love and tenderness. Some pets don’t feel the need to send a sign or if they do it is so subtle you may miss it. Ask Fisher to send you something obvious. Then make a big deal when it happens. Keep in mind that just because you do not notice any signs usually means he is with you all the time and doesn’t feel the need. I promise you he loves you with his whole heart and there is nowhere else he would rather be than with you. Sending love and healing

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Hi, I read your comment and feel deeply for your struggle with your cats’ health. If you have any more sick cats I recommend contacting Their products healed my cat of irritable bowel disease. She would not eat or drink and was emaciated at death’s door. I spent thousands of dollars at the vet and all they did was give her medicine that made her more sick, and tell me that she will not live much longer. I stopped going to the vet and searched online for cures for her symptoms, and found the company I am speaking of. It has only been two weeks with the products from vitality science and my Mina has fully recovered and gained back her weight. It is truly a miracle from God. If anyone truly cares about their beloved cats, please, bare minimum, stop feeding them food with poultry in it, and avoid white potatoes. Poultry is inflammatory and is what caused my Mina’s “terminal” IBD. Feed your cat a limited ingredient diet that’s not birds. If your cat is already not eating poultry, just a new protein altogether. Rabbit is what helped my kitty. Please do not feed your cats all dry food. A dry food diet kills cats. It sucks moisture from their bowels in order to break down and digest the food. Cats already do not drink very much water because their bodies were made to get most of their moisture through the animals that they kill in nature, so please supply them with the moisture their bodies need by feeding them at least 50% wet food diet. I have learned all these things from vitality science. They saved my cat and gave me all this advice and recommendations for free over phone and email. They truly care about pets. I am paying it forward to anyone who needs a miracle for their pet to tell you to contact them. God bless all the animals and animal lovers.

Thank you for all this information, Hillary!

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I lost my little boy, Nemo two days ago. He was hit by a car on a busy road. It’s been so hard to accept as he never ever went near this road he was a very skittish little boy and everything scared him. We are besides ourselves with grief. We managed to get his body back where my husband gently washed him as he was very dirty and placed him in a blanket he looked so cozy like he was sleeping we all stroked him and kissed him and said our goodbyes. Why did this happen and why was he near this road we will never find out. He was so sweet and gentle a wonderful cat. I hope he knows how much we love and miss him I want him to come home to me I’m so broken.

I am so sorry to hear this about your sweet angel, Nemo. My heart breaks for you. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you during this difficult time. I can also offer you ongoing support as a VIP member, just opt-in on the HOME page . It is so hard to lose someone so special. Sending love and healing

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I am so broken. I lost my 14-year-old dog on Christmas day and my 3-year-old German shepherd. I just want them to visit me just so I know they are happy and ok. I can’t stop crying hit me so bad.

I am so sorry to hear of your losses, Gina. One is hard enough so I cannot imagine the pain with the loss of two special angels. Please tell me you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you so much during this difficult time. Also, I can provide you with ongoing support via my VIP family. Just opt in on the HOME page . Sending love and healing…

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Dear Karen, when my 6 year old poodle died in my arms in the vets office, I was very sad, but I believed I had to hold it together for her housemate, my 15 year old black standard poodle. He was so grieved, he stopped eating. We tried everything to encourage him, hand feeding him, etc., but his heart just would not go on. My husband and I sat next to him and sobbed while he took his last breaths. We couldn’t stay in the empty house so we took a small trip. On the road, there was a stuffed white poodle with a red heart in the back window of the car in front of us. I felt it was a sign of love from them. I remained grieving, crying and mourning them. My black standard appeared to me on a dream. He was curled up on a bed I believe. He said to me, “ mommy, please stop crying. I can’t rest because you are so sad.” 6 mo this later, there was a rescue site that came up on my computer. A sweet, creamy standard poodle was available at our poodle rescue. We were supposed to be at a concert, but we knew we had to go and see this little girl. She was about 2 years old and had already had at least one litter. She was so excited to see us, came right in the house and sat on the sofa. That was 11 years ago. I believe my other two found her for us…the stuffed poodle in the back car window. She is the love of our life. Thank you for your work. I don’t feel like a crazy woman anymore🐩

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet angel. We seldom realize how much of our lives they fill until one day they are gone. It is so hard to lose someone you love. Such a beautiful story Thank you so much for sharing. I have no doubt that it was meant to be and good for you for paying attention to those amazing signs. I thank you for shining your beautiful light into my life. Sending love and healing

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Hi Karen, I had some amazing experiences with my two departed dogs. My first dog passed away and a few days later I heard him sigh loudly while I was in bed getting ready to sleep. It was exactly the sound he made in life when he was about to sleep. After that, his spirit was in my home for almost a year. He was very possessive and protective of me and 6 months after he passed I brought a dog home to foster. I ended up adopting her. I lived in an apartment and my new dog would never go anywhere near where my previous dog used to lay. She was even often scared of walking by those spaces, and wouldn’t even walk through my foyer. She often seemed to watch something in those spots. I found it really strange, and to test her, I put treats in those spots. She would start to go for the treat and then suddenly jump back as if something/someone was preventing her. It subsided after a few months. In May of 2020 that same second dog, Lucy passed away after 7 years. She was my animal soulmate – we were extremely close. She was a rescue with many problems, and we lived alone, so we were always alone together. After she passed, she visited me four times. The first time was about a week afterward. I was standing at my desk and felt her jump from her usual spot on the sofa and walk up behind me. Later, just after I turned off my bedside lamp to go to sleep, I heard her take a few steps on the floor next to my bed (the tap-tap of her claws on hardwood), and then felt her walk over my legs, make a circle and lie down next to me – exactly as she had done every night in life. The third time, I was awake in the morning and lying on my side listening to the radio, in bed. I suddenly felt her breath in my ear and heard her loudly make a snorting sound that I recognized immediately because she used to make it all the time and it made me laugh. The last time she visited me (this memory always makes me cry so much!!!) was in the middle of the night. I was sleeping, and it was like a very very clear dream/memory. I was standing in the middle of my bedroom facing the door. I saw her walk up the stairs, down the hall, and come into my bedroom and straight to me. She came right to me, and I bent down and kissed her on the forehead. It was exactly what I always used to do in real life a hundred times a day – kiss her on the forehead. As soon as I kissed her forehead, it ended – poof, it was over. I didn’t wake up, but the next day it was a very, very clear memory. And I know it was real because nothing about it was strange, e.g. my bedroom was exactly how it was in real life. That was the final time Lucy came to me, and I haven’t felt her presence since. However, sometimes I say goodnight to her, I tell her I miss her, and I talk to her about the things I see around me while I’m on walks.

I am so sorry for your loss, Jasmine. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will resonate with you and help you understand even more about the Other Side. Thanks so much for sharing all of you experiences. I am not surprised to hear that you have your angels near you. The bonds of love never die and there is nowhere else they would rather be than with you! Sending love and healing

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I know most of my cats spirits stayed with me and are up at night with me and we sleep part of the day away cause I’ve felt them jump up on the bed and lay behind my back and up by my head like they always done I’ve felt them patting a bed down by my legs and walk across my legs it’s what they do I can’t see them but I can feel that they’re there. I had my black white cat for 17teen years in 2019 but he had enough of living then I believe though he was reborn to a kitten. and I don’t believe in getting animals put to sleep or neutering or spaying those things are wrong doing in my book and I’ll not have it done if your god is their he’ll not allow the creature to suffer my animals die naturally when they seemed they’ve lived enough they always live a long time then they keep on in the spirit forum they don’t visit they stay. People wouldn’t cope with losing they’re kids as people with passed away animals don’t because people who decide not to have kids but to have pets are the same as having kids so others telling one to cope with losing a pet wont happen its like telling a person to forget about losing they’re kid and that’ll never happen. I always liked my one cat I had for almost 20 years when he’d do those headbumps and want petted like how dogs do and my cat he’d come up an lick all over my face and hair I still have my one cats grey white uncle and he likes playing in water he’s a short haired Turkish van. Another thing cats do listen just like dogs you just gotta teach um when they’re young.

My pets/animals are my equivalents to human children too. It is devastating to lose them. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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I have experienced this my whole life through childhood and moving out of my childhood home into homes of my own. I have seen actually physically seen departed pets I felt them jump up on my bed even pets that weren’t mine but a family members I have seen after they pass.

Thanks so much for sharing, Rachelle. Do you see them in full form or just an outline? Transparent or full bodied?

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We just lost our bulldog Samson 2 days ago. He was almost 10 and the love of our lives. He had some health issues that we couldn’t quite get figured out, but I knew something wasn’t right with him. We live in the Colorado foothills and decided to go into the mountains for a few days to relax. When we got there he seemed like he was doing ok, then he passed out while drinking water and it seemed like something was wrong. I called every vet I could, but none local were available. I spoke to a vet in Denver that said to get him down the mountain, so we did. He died in my wife’s arms in the car as we rushed him down the mountain. She resuscitated him once, but he couldn’t hang on. She kept trying but it didn’t matter. The loss of him has devastated me and I feel as there is a hole in my heart. I’m racked with guilt that going into the mountains may have contributed to his death and it kills me because I would’ve died for him. I love him so much and constantly think about him and hope he knows what he meant to me. My love for him has no bounds and I pray that he visits me someday.

I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how devastated you and your wife must be to lose him this way. It is hard not to blame everything you did or did not do in those final hours. I’m sure Samson knows you love him more than anything and would have done anything to help him… and that you had the best of intentions to take him on a nice stroll. Please get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you during this painful time. It will help you understand a new perspective that can help ease your pain. Just go to my HOME page and opt in for book info. My heartfelt condolences for your loss.

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I had a dream that my dog that passed away and she was in the garage where she always was and I looked at her and she wagged her tail and she looked so happy and I could feel her fur and I miss her so much

When it feels so real that you can feel them that is likely a visitation! How wonderful for you. Ask for more signs she is near and be super excited when it happens. Thank you for sharing

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My best friend and companion, Bella, an adorable chihuahua mix I rescued when she was 2, crossed over on Christmas Eve, 2020. She was 15 yrs old and I am so blessed to have had her for as long as I did. She was my quiet companion, following me throughout my condo even into the bathroom! I have been talking to her since she crossed over, just as I always did, and I was so relieved to read that they want attention when their on the other side. I thought that I might have been bugging her! It is especially difficult because my daughters moved into their own apt. in May and Bella got me through the empty nest syndrome – I’m divorced with no family closer than 200 miles and Covid and no car has made it even worse. And the grief has been unbelievable – I just miss her so much but I’m also happy that she is healthy and free to run in the sunshine and play with her brothers – she was my 5th dog, but the only one I had who was not a family dog – she and I had a bond from the moment we saw each other and she has always been “Mom’s dog” My daughters think I should get a cat – which I am open to but I don’t want to do anything that would upset Bella or take away from her in any way. Do you have any thoughts on this Karen (my sister who is my human best friend’s name is Karen). Also, does she “feel” my petting and kisses when I feel that she is sitting next to me? I instinctively pet my couch as if it were her – I don’t know if it matters or not but I want her to know how happy I am that I feel like she is with me – and I’ve always been very affectionate with her although it wasn’t in her nature to be affectionate back, except for the occasional kiss on the nose she would give me. She never liked to sit on my lap, just by my side, and when I would give her too much petting she would get up and move to the other side of the couch, which always made me laugh because it was just her way. If you could comment on my two questions I would so appreciate it Karen. Thank you and God bless you! Trisha

I am so sorry for your loss of your angel, Bella. It is so hard to lose the one you love and adore. Only you can decide if it is time to get another companion animal. Your Bella will benefit from the love that you share if you decide to adopt someone new. I’m sure she can sense all of your love and attention as that provides spiritual fuel. I suggest you get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals if you haven’t already. It will answer many of these questions and more. Sending love and healing

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I would like to know why animals wait for me to be present when they pass. I just lost a bird 15 minutes ago. From a cat attack. In the last year, I’ve lost a goat due to a mountain lion. He waited. An alpaca from a dog attack. He waited. And a horse that when she passed I had the whole herd. 50+ animals all lined on the fence line. I had to touch every animal and speak with everyone. It breaks my heart when I lose any animal, but why do they wait to take their last breath in my arms?

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Dear Karen, My sweet darling Margot passed away on 1/13/2021 from an aggressive form of cancer. She is an albino ferret. Like many others here, I felt like “I gave up on her” but she was in pain, so my options ran out. Margot was a fighter to the end. Again, the lockdown in London meant I could not go inside the surgery to be there for my baby’s final moments in this physical realm. Reading all the stories made me cry… I firmly believe we will be reunited again, in the afterlife. Margot is playing with her brothers and sisters, healthy, happy, and whole. There is no pain, disease, or suffering where my babies are, only loving strings, connecting us to each other forevermore. I also hug Margot’s bed and kiss the cushion where she lay. I speak to her out loud. I am waiting for a visit in any way, shape, or form. To love someone so much that it physically changes you when they die means we have truly lived. Writer C.S. Lewis said: “The pain of today is the happiness I had yesterday. That is the deal” (after his wife Joy died of cancer). I know that my beloved who passed away are all around me. They are together and waiting for me to join them. The love, joy, and pain are the invisible binds that I accepted fully as part of the deal of loving these purest of beings. Yes, my heart hurts…questions remain…but one thing is certain: my babies will visit me to let me know they are near and are still connected to me. Love never dies. “And Death shall have no Dominion!” Dylan Thomas the poet said. P.S. I wished to add that Margot my baby-girl ferret lived with me 6 years when she passed away on January 13th 2021. Even though we are still in lockdown I do not feel alone.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved, Margot. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. Our responsibility is to do our best on their behalf. We aren’t perfect, and they never judge us. They know above all else that we love them with our whole hearts. Love is all that matters. If you love Margot, she will sense that above all else. Nothing comes close. May you find peace and healing on your journey. My book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals can help ease your pain. I hope you get a copy and discover how animals feel about these things. Just opt-in on my HOME page for more. Sending love and healing.

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Hi Karen, I thought I was going nutty last night….I just put down both my beloved girls…almost 12 years old within 3 weeks. Cancer and heart disease. They were litter mates/sisters, Newfie/Rottie mix. I loved them with all my being, and they were my daughter’s girls, so to speak, she’s 17 btw. Of course I was “momma”. I was home alone last eve, watching a movie, sitting on the couch, and I could “feel” them…I heard their paws on the hardwood floor, and even felt a large thump against the couch like Roxy used to do…just “thump” when she would lay down next to me. It was uncanny. I had fallen asleep, woke up, and went into my bedroom to officially “go to bed”.. I was almost asleep when I very distinctly heard their collars. Whenever they would move in any way, their tags would rattle of course…the many sounds we associate with our babies. They always slept at the foot of my bed. It kind of made me a little uneasy to be honest. It was VERY vivid. I finally fell back asleep and had the most “real”…not sure else how to put it, “dream” I’ve ever had. My girls were with me. I knew they had passed, and my mind was trying to process it logically, but they were right here, and I reached out to touch them. I could actually FEEL them and told them how much I loved and missed them. I thought I was crazy, but reading your blog, I know I’m not. Thank you so much for helping us understand our pets/kids and their transition. I’ll look forward to reading your book, and especially more signs from my baby girls. Michelle

I am so sorry for your losses. Losing one is hard enough let alone two of your precious angels. My heart breaks for you. I am not surprised at all to hear about your ‘visitations’ from your girls. I am thrilled that you got to experience exactly what I write about in my books and share with those who are struggling. The signs are there, we just have to be open, ready to receive, and pay attention. Never discount these incredible moments as coincidence or imagination. Our departed loved ones are always near. The love we share never ends. I am so happy to hear you will be reading my book. I’d love to hear back from you afterward. Sending love and healing.

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I lost my sweet little kitty a 3 weeks ago I’ve received a feather in the middle of the winter and my mom keeps thinking she sees out of the corner of her eye my sweet kitty I was just doing my online school when from in my closet something feel over so I went straight to these websites

I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. It sounds like you are receiving multiple messages from your angel! How wonderful for you! Please thank your kitty and ask for more signs. BE excited each time. Sending love and healing

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My 16 year old pomeranian, Suki, passed away last June. I had her since she was 9 weeks old. Suki was everything to me. I have very few family members and we aren’t close. I never had kids. I took Suki everywhere with me. At special holiday meals, I held her in my lap and shared the meal with her because I always said “It’s her holiday too”. She was my shadow. I had to have her put to sleep because after a year on heart pills, her organs were shutting down and she was going into kidney failure. My grief since Suki died has been heartbreaking. Since Suki passed, I’ve dreamed about her constantly. In my dreams, I hold her and I can feel her warm fur and how soft it is. I can go weeks without dreaming of her though. This last Sunday, as I said my nightly prayers, I started to cry and asked God why did he have to take her from me? It’s been 7 months and I still miss her terribly. The following day at work, my boss’s dog, who runs free through the office everyday, kept coming into my office for me to pet him. His little dog is normally very standoffish and doesn’t like any of us touching him. So it was really unusual the way he kept coming into my office, around my desk and over to me, putting his front paws on my leg so I would bend down and pet him. I even remarked “What has gotten into you?” He did this three times throughout the day. Then last night I had the longest and most relaxing dream I can remember ever having and the entire time Suki was laying on my chest (the way she did in real life, she only weighed 9 lbs). She was sleeping and warm and I was petting her and so content. I wonder now, was Suki with me yesterday and the other dog sensed her? Or was Suki using him to console me because she was aware how much I missed having a dog to pet? I feel very grateful that I’m able to see Suki so often in my dreams. She seems to come when I need her the most. I don’t think these dreams are coincidences. None of my other dreams have ever been this vivid. Before Suki passed, her little voice had gotten hoarse from old age and her bark could no longer wake me in the mornings when she needed to go potty. She developed the habit of shaking her neck to make her collar jingle to wake me. Two months ago, I was dreaming and I kept hearing her collar jingle. But the noise was outside of my dream, like an external sound, that was slowly bringing me out of my dream. I was almost awake and I heard it so clearly, that without thinking I said “stop that”. When I woke that morning, I expected to look over and see her in her dog bed but then I remembered she was gone. But I know that sound was not in my dream. when I got up, I saw a little tuft of her fur on the carpet. My biggest fear is I’m only 45. I still have a lot of life left to live. I don’t to forget her.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Suki. It sounds like you have a lifetime of precious memories together. How wonderful that you are receiving so many signs. Our departed pets will often be wherever we are whether it is at work or at home. Dreams are the number one way our pets visit us so be grateful and excited each time. How special it must be to find a tuft of fur….your angel is letting you know all is well. I doubt you would ever forget someone you love so dearly. Sending love and healing…

I recently had a dream about Frazier a few weeks ago and I remember it like it was yesterday, in the dream i was sitting in my car staring up at the sky when i saw a cloud moving above a building the way a dog would run or frolic through the grass, the cloud took on the shape of frazier and as i watched it moved closer to me and then I realized it actually was frazier, he came up to the car window and i reached out to pet him under his chin which was his favorite spot to be pet, i just pet him for a minute before he ran back up into the skyline, but everything about it felt real, every curl in his hair and i felt like he was curled up on my lap again just for a moment, but when he left i knew he was happy again and that he loves me and wanted to tell me he was okay now, and that i would be okay again too.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Frazier. My heart breaks for you and I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you during this difficult time. You must feel so good to have so many dream visits from him. Those dreams seem so real because they are real. Be excited, grateful and ask Frazier to keep visiting. Sending love and healing…

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I’ve landed on your page today as last night 30th January we lost my boyfriend’s cat, Ziggy. Ziggy was about 14 and he has been in my life for nearly 3 years and I loved him like he was my own. Everyone who lives on my boyfriend’s street loved him too and was welcomed in their homes (we find this funny as he wasn’t even a particularly sociable cat yet managed to win so many people over!) We made the decision to have him put to sleep last night and due to COVID we could not be with him. We knew he was ready but we feel really bad he was alone, although the nurse promised she gave lots of cuddles and was talking to him. Naturally, we’ve been beating ourselves up wondering if we could have avoided it or had we not done enough. I’ve lost pets before but this one just seems to have cut so deep and really hit me like a ton of bricks even though I was only a part of his life for a few years, compared to the 14 years my boyfriend had him. I haven’t stopped crying and can’t eat or sleep. When he was put to sleep last night, we went home and decided to have a few drinks and watch Netflix. When we were on the sofa talking about him, we heard something fall in the kitchen. We hadn’t been in the kitchen very recently before this happened, we had been sitting down about 10 minutes. I’m not sure what it was that dropped and made the crashing noise or how it happened. He used to sit on the counter next to the back door a lot as he always wanted to go out and mingle! Then early this morning I had a strange dream. I was in the kitchen with Ziggy and he jumped off the counter and was writhing around my legs and jumping at the back door wanting to go out. All I kept saying was, you’re fine I can see you and I can feel you – it felt so real and I felt like I could feel him. He was back to his old self, not poorly like he had been the last few days. I just couldn’t believe that I could see him and he was ok. This is how I landed on this page just searching for answers about this dream as it felt so intense and real. Now I’m wondering if this actually was Ziggy trying to tell me he is ok.

I am so sorry for the loss of your precious angel, Ziggy. The ones that affect us the most are the ones we have spent the most past lives with. We are bonded together more than others and therefore more affected by their death. I have no doubt that your boy was letting you know he is there with you and all is well. I hope you get my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you through the pain and opt-in as a VIP so you can receive ongoing support for your loss. Just go to my home page and click the orange button. I believe Ziggy has guided you to my site so you can understand more about your deep bonds. Sending love and healing…

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My two Scotties died at least 10 years ago and both were 13, now as I get into bed l feels like something has jumped up on it, then They are both on my dreams twice this has happened with what is going on in the world I do feel more anxious do you think it would be them?

What matters the most is what you think. Ask them to give you another sign and be grateful, excited, and let them know you felt them. Many people would do anything to have a sign like this. Our departed pets love to let us know they are near so it just may be them.

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I had a sweet black. Chihuahua named Nikki in 2010 we had to put her down at Buckhead animal clinic in Atlanta I can’t stop worrying about my Dog I am very depressed for years still thinking about Nikki My 🐕☹️

I am so very sorry for your loss. Please get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you understand how to move through that worry and depression. Just opt-in on my home page for book specials. Sending love and healing

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My cat Rosie passed on 26th May our National Sorry Day. Since then I have read your web page and the comments now I feel it only fair to share some of my moments. I saw her paw print on a folded soft blanket thrown across the bed it was by a window ledge she used to love sitting on. There have been other gifted moments, too many. But her best little gift was a perfect pearl like claw that I found in me jewelry box, 2 days after Xmas. It is now nearly 9 months. she still visits at night. The best companion I have ever had and like the previous comment opened the door to my heart. A cat saint!

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Rosie. They take a piece our hearts with them. I was so excited to read about your visitation! How wonderful that must feel. Did you happen to get a photo of it? Also, have you read my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals? It will help you so much. Sending love and healing

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My grey lion-head bunny named BuBu was 6.5 years old and just passed suddenly last month. We came back home from the vet for a blood test check-up. After 2 hours, I heard a big sound from the cage, I ran there, I saw her lying down and looking at me. She breathed two times then and no more response. I tried to do CPR and bought her to the vet immediately. But we can’t get her back. I felt so guilty and regretful, I think I killed her. She was so fine the day before the blood test, we talked so long, we hugged, we kissed for the whole night as usual. I shouldn’t have brought her to see the vet on that day. It was a cold day. The first night that she left me, I kept on dreaming of her dying in front of me. I felt so heartbreaking. I love her so much,, I can’t even say goodbye to her. I have so many “If..” in my mind. If I didn’t bring her to the vet, If I didn’t insist to do an early check-up.. If I postpone the appointment one more day…. ..maybe she will not die? I read a book about the afterlife, I felt a little bit better. And I’m going to read your book too. Btw, I saw her last week in my dream. She was so excited circling my feet and asked for play/snack. She looked so happy in the dream, just like when she was alive. I hope that it is her sign to me. All I want is that she is happy and no more pain. I really hope she is happy right now. I miss her so much.

I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your angel, Bubu. My heart goes out to you both. It is so hard when things don’t end the way we want them to. It sounds like Bubu had excellent care and you are an amazing bunny mom. It is normal to feel regrets and question all your decisions. I have done so myself many times. We are not always meant to cure them or save them we are meant to love them, care for them, and do our best as pet parents. I’m sure Bubu knows you love her and did the very best you could…love is all that matters. Hold on the that rather than the loss. I hope you get my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals as it will help you on your journey. Please opt-in on the HOME page as a VIP so you can receive the love and support you need right now. Sending love and healing

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I have been asking for a sign cause I miss my dog Clover. I had to put her down over a year ago and still cry over it. So lately at night I wake up cause I hear dog nails clicking across the tile floor it sounds exactly like a dog walking across the floor.

If you heard it I believe you! Your angel, Clover is likely there by your side even as I write this. Be excited, ask for more signs, and never doubt it when it happens. I hope you get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey. Sending love and healing

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My beloved cat Smokey died almost 6 and a half months ago. I’m missing her every day I talk to the Urn every time when I go in the bedroom thinking she is going to hear me. I hope she is with me all the time but I’m not sure, and I’m crying many times telling her that I miss her and I want to see her. One day about 2 am I went into the washroom and suddenly I saw her eyes wide open shiny eyes, I was kind of still half asleep but I saw my Smokey and I said: “Hi Smokey”. I thought because I miss her terribly maybe that wasn’t Smokey, my imagination. Or maybe it was! I want to see her again hope during the day but I’m not sure. So I just talk to her every day and I’m telling her that I love her, I miss her and I want to see her again. I love you Smokey and I won’t forget you, you are always in my heart!

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Smokey. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. How fortunate you are to have a visitation from her! If you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, you know how important it is not to discount any visits or signs. Your angel is trying so hard to let you know she is alive and well in spirit so trust that is her and ask for more signs. Be excited and trust, trust, trust it is her. I hope you will opt in on my HOME page as a VIP to continue to receive the love and support you need during this difficult time. She will always be with you as there is nowhere else she would rather be. Sending love and healing…

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I lost my doxie, Sherry, just 2 months ago. We got another doxie who was born 2 days after my first passed in the hopes that she’ll reincarnate and come back to us. But I know in my heart that our new dog isn’t Sherry. And it breaks my heart. And I have had no signs from her in the past 2 months. Her passing was horrible. I wish she would give me a sign and let me know that she doesn’t hurt anymore. I wish she would just tell me somehow that she is okay. I miss her and love her so much… I am just broken and I really want to feel her even if it is just once.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your angel, Sherry. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. I can feel the pain in the words that you wrote so I recommend my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals . There are so many questions that will be answered including why you haven’t sensed any signs from her. You’ll also discover how focusing on the horrible way she passed serves neither of you and only keeps you (and her) in that same dark space. Tell her right now how you feel. Trust she is there with you and can hear you. There is nowhere else she would rather be than with you. I’m sure she is loving the fact that you have a new pup in your life. Sherry will greatly benefit from the love you bestow upon your new addition. I hope you will also opt in as a VIP on my HOME page to receive ongoing love and support during this difficult time. Sending love and healing…

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What a wonderful article. I was searching online to see if anyone had an experience I just had and found this page. my precious cat Bobby passed away on Valentine’s day this week. My heart has been so crushed all week with grief. I kept praying God would just let me see or hold my little boy one more time in the spirit or somehow see him, just something to help me cope. Tonight I was just watching a movie online and glanced over my shoulder at my other cat Percy who was laying on the bed. I don’t know why I did it but when I did, I swear I saw Bobby curled up asleep in his little bed near Percy. I did a doubletake and he was gone. I went over and petted the air over the bed where I saw him and told Bobby I was so happy he came inside to nap. I don’t know if I imagined it but it was so real and I wanted him to know I saw him

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Bobby. It is so painful to lose a friend and companion. I have no doubt that Bobby was stopping by for a visit to let you know he is just fine. I highly recommend my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals , as it will help you understand what happens when they transition out of their body and how you can stay connected with them. You’ll also discover how important it is to not doubt a sign or message from Bobby. It takes a lot of energy to send you one little sign. Your experience is beautiful and a testament to the love you share. Blessings and healing to you.

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My sweet Mia kitty left this world in early May last year. I miss her horribly how I loved her. The final hours of her life in a vet clinic without me to reassure her because of this pandemic. I was not permitted to be with her to say goodbye. I said there would be no more kitties but only a few days after my beautiful baby passed I had a new boy kitty and 6 months after I got him I got him a baby sister. Neither will ever replace my sweet Mia. I dreamed a few nights ago that Mia was making sounds happy sounds but when I looked for her she was actually in a photo that was in my window looking in on me. I was so happy in my dream to see her and to hear her but was very sad she was a photo.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Mia kitty. You must be devastated without her. It sounds like she stopped by for a visit in your dream. This is very common and so many people would do anything to have such a vivid dream visitation. Be excited and happy! I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals which can help you understand more about the Other Side and how Mia will connect with you. Sending love and healing

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My dear little girl mostly visits at night but if I’m relaxed enough she will come when I’m awake as well. I can feel her warm fur and movement and hear her purr but I have never seen her. She has a physical weight and will still plonk herself on my legs to sleep. I’m glad she is happy and at peace. She was very sick before she died and I had to make the decision to get her to put down. I was always worried that she wouldn’t understand. I asked her to show me a bluebird the day after she passed which is rare to see and the very next day when I went out walking I saw one. I didn’t know until then that everything moves on. I’ve had dogs come as well, one of them I wasn’t sure that I knew? One thing I will say is unlike the pets, the people visitors absolutely scare the bejesus out of me. I can sometimes hear them walking across the carpet and I don’t know who they are but it’s frightening and it makes me panic. Once or twice I’ve felt their touch with a message. Could you please shed any light on what they want or why they come? Each time I’ll say “don’t you ever come again”. I haven’t had a visit for a while now but then eventually they start again …

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel kitty. It is comforting to hear that she visits you and how wonderful it is that you can feel her! Be excited and let her know how good that makes you feel. As for departed humans, they have free will and can decide to come and go as they please. They may be attracted to your home, your energy, the land, objects in your home, so many things. While it can be a bit unnerving, most mean no harm. If you are respectful to them and politely tell them that they are scaring you and kindly ask them to leave most will do so. Cleansing your home by smudging with sage or palo santo can also help deter unwanted visitors. Remember, spirits were once human so treat them as you wish to be treated and most will move on.

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One time, my mom, stepdad, our pets, and I had Silky, who was a cat, and Juno, who was a dog. My mom had a job, where she always had to be on call. One time we had to camp out at a parking lot, and could not bring Silky. So when we left him there for a few days, leaving him food and water, so he would have everything he needed. Before we left, I went to say goodbye to him, I barely pet Silky and hugged him, then we left. But three days later, when we got back, the trailer Silky was in was robbed, and the thieves scared Silky away. We were devestated, and we sent six months nonstop searching for him. We printed up thousands of flyers asking for him. We spent every second of free time looking through the area he was lost. We constantly went up to the site of where the trailer was robbed. We called him. We even left one of our most favorite mats where the trailer was robbed in case he wanted something to remember us by when he was there, and still, it’s been three years since he was lost, and We still sometimes go up to the hill to look for him. But we never found him. A few months later, I was camping with my family when I heard three or four meows under my fold-up chair I was sitting on. But when I looked Silky wasn’t there. There was nothing under my chair. Since then I have also seen two of his shadows, and pray someday he will come scratching at the door of our new house to come in. I have not had any other signs from Silky other than those three and do not usually think of him now. I find these stories in the chat comforting. I do not know whether or not Silky is alive. I hope either way he is very happy. Silky was a special cat. He was always bringing us dozens of mice as gifts, and My stepdad was really badly alergic to cats, but Silky didn’t bother him. He also never scratched, except if you count the one time he fell off my mom and tried to grab on to her to stop himself and accidentally scratched her. he was very nice. We still have our dog Juno, and a new dog Lily juno is getting old but I try to make every day special so she is happy when she goes. Lately, my grandparent’s dog Kitty Boots has been following me and really loves me, and is sitting with me and hardly leaves my side and I think Silky is sending love to me through Kitty. But I haven’t really had any more messages and have been wondering if between this gap of not really talking to Silky, now I can tell him I love him, and ask for messages from him and that I’m still interested in him. Thank you so much for your time

I am so sorry to hear about how things happened with Silky and your family. It sounds like Silky is letting you know he is near and doing just fine. No matter how much time goes by, your beloved friend will always be near. Say his name often, and say it out loud. Let him know exactly how you feel. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you understand more about visits and the Other Side. Sending love and healing

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I lost my cat on the 3.2.21 due to kidney failure. I am so lost without my furbaby and every wednesday feels like ive lost her again. I am yet to have a sign that she is ok happy safe and that she forgives me for letting her go. She was everything to me she has such a special soul and we connected on every level. Is not having a sign so early on normal or am i just not seeing them through my grief. Thanks

I am so sorry to hear of your recent loss. You must be devastated. As hard as it is for you, this is very easy for our pets. Their transition out of their body is usually filled with love, light, and extreme joy. I highly recommend my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you understand what happens when they leave. Some pets don’t even realize they have died and carry on as usual. Your grief can make it difficult to sense any messages or signs as some pets are very subtle. Be patient and trust that all is well and she is safe and comfortable with loved ones. Sending love and healing

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Hi Karen, we lost our two pups two weeks ago, two days apart. Our first was Maui, 14, and she was old with kidney failure and couldn’t get any rest. We finally decided to put her down to spare her of her pain of not being able to lay down comfortably and having to wear diapers that were too hard on her hips. She was also blind and deaf, and terribly nervous because of it. We feel guilty, and hope it was the right time for her. In the meantime, our dog Motley, 8 got diagnosed with a nasal cancer and two weeks later it had metasticized and his eye was the size of a golf ball. He was not mentally ready to go, and we couldn’t bare seeing him in pain like that any longer, practically blind from all of the pressure and pain. We put him two days after our girl passed, and the euthanization did not go well. The medicine did not work as stated, and we moved a little bit and he woke up and started panicking. His eyes were bulged and he was scared. He wanted to get up but we had to painstakingly hold him down (he was 90lbs) until the vet was able to successfully get another sedation medication at all. I am struggling because he did not go peacefully like we were informed we would. He was my very best friend. He loved to play outside so much in the backyard and it was snowing a lot the day he died. The last day of his life, he played for an hour like nothing was wrong. Then two hours later, they came to put him down and he was gone. We feel just awfully guilty and know it was the right decision to spare him of the pain and discomfort of what was to come from this horrible cancer. I can’t shake the image of the bad experience, and I don’t know how to get past it. I’ve been looking for signs from him because our kitty who passed two years ago sent us a clear cut sign he was okay. But I didn’t get anything from him, my very best friend. A couple nights, however, I’ve seen an image just when I was waking, of his whole body, and his face. His ears perked up and happy. I reached down to pet him, and he shook his long tail rapidly, then I woke up. Then that happened two mornings later — the same image of him. Then, my five year old told me he had a dream that they came to say hi to him and my late mother was in heaven taking care of the dogs, and Motley (who was having severe nose bleeds for his last three months of life) was being cleaned by her and his nose was not bleeding anymore! And he was really happy and excited when he told the dream. And he said, and let me tell you something else, Mom. Maui was standing on all four of her legs and she was walking! She slept a lot towards the end. I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort, but still was upset because I felt I hadn’t received a personal visit except for the dream. The night he died I could definitely smell his blood in the air, so strong like he was laying by me. Was that a sign? And on our way to pick up our kids, we smelled his very intense doggy fart in the car. Is this a coincidence? And I’ve been super torn up about being able to look at our backyard. Ever since he died, I haven’t been able to go back there and I haven’t even been able to look at it without crying because it was his happy place. We had visitors two days after he died with a big dog, who walked around the back yard a bit. The snow came, melted a bit, came, melted a bit, but never fully melted. Two days ago, it melted quite a bit, leaving a bunch of ice. But then it snowed yesterday, and there was nothing. Then when I woke up this morning, there were fresh tracks in the snow. Very fresh. I was sure the neighbor’s cat jumped over our fully fenced yard and had fun running around in it with no dogs to chase after him. But I finally went outside out back today (the first time in two weeks) to look at the tracks, having a weird feeling they weren’t cat tracks. And to my surprise, they were not, they were big Motley tracks ,and fresh, with skid marks and everything. Am I crazy? Could this be him telling me not to be sad when looking outside, that he is there? Could they be the visitor dog tracks from a week and a half ago? How could they be though, with all of the melting that went on after that? There is no way another dog could have gotten in our backyard. Is this my Motty boy or just old iced over track marks? But they have skids! My heart is telling me it is him. I am going to get your book, as I think it will be helpful. I’ve dreamed about my Maui girl too, but just images of her. I haven’t received any signs from her. Do people not get signs from their beloved pets? If there is anyone else out there looking for more signs, our cat George died two years of cancer. Four days after he passed I was mourning upstairs with my children. I had a big FAO Schwartz floor piano out for the kids, and it was on. The kids were by me, about five feet from the piano. It started playing on its own. Only one key. I said, oh my goodness! It started playing really fast. I said, George, is that you?! Excited and freaked out at the same time. The piano responded with more fast and excited key hits. Then I said, oh George! It is you! Thank you for visiting me! I love you so much! And it responded, with four keys that sounded like, “I love you too” with the “too” held down. We exchanged I love you’s about five times with the same exact response every time. Then the kids said I love you and it did the same thing back to them. ThenI said, oh george, thank you so much for visiting us. You’ve made me feel so much better. And he responded with the “knock knock kna-knock knock” tone. And then it was quiet. Two hours later, it came back on, and the whole I love you process happened for about five more minutes. I just felt so visited and loved, and strongly believed it was him. I told my dad this story and he said you have to be careful because bad entities will sometimes try to take advantage of you. But I definitely felt like this was love, and from my cat, whom I still hear purring in my pillow very often and have felt jump on the bed and lay on my legs like he used to do a few times. And, I heard his comforting meow the night Motley died. Do you think, if I pull that piano out to see if Motley gives me a sign that I would be inviting bad entities in to try to trick me? I would so love to see if he would come to visit me in that manner since George was able to. But I’m also afraid, as I don’t want it to be something trying to fool me either. Thank you so much for your advice!

I am so sorry for your losses. Losing one is hard enough let alone two. My heart breaks for you. I recommend that you opt in as a VIP member if you haven’t already done so. Once a VIP you will receive a free Animal Communication Handbook e-guide with the steps to properly protect yourself with prayer and blessings. I always make sure I am properly protected and my home is smudged. I have no doubt your angels are letting you know they are near. You aren’t crazy and it is sad that so many people overlook signs or disregard them as their imaginations at work. You’ll get the answers to your questions in my books so please be sure to order copies. If you haven’t yet downloaded my free app there are many answers in there too. Continue to be excited when you receive messages from your angels. They will love the attention and likely send more.

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Our beloved Mason passed away on Friday. We took our first trip without her since the pandemic. She slipped out of her Petsitter’s fence and was killed by a car. We were walking to the beach when we found out. I immediately went to the ocean and asked “where are you?” Over and over again. My husband and I sat on the beach and a hundred seabirds landed in a line in front of us. They were beautiful. They didn’t move. People walked by and they stood still. Mason loved chasing birds on the beach. She came to us in the form of the birds. My husband and I made the decision to not blame, carry guilt, or second guess our decisions. We adored our baby. We will move forward only with love. I’m reading your post tonight because I would really like for her to visit me in my dreams. It would help. Our souls were tied together – that doesn’t stop. The love is still here.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your angel, Mason. Our departed loved ones do their best to let us know they are near in so many ways so I am not surprised to hear you are receiving messages through the birds. It is devastating when accidents happen and my heart breaks for you. Maybe someday we will know why things happen as they do and until then I applaud your choice to focus on the positive and to honor your angel in all you do. Sending love and healing

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It’s 3:00 AM and I just felt my dog brush up against my bare leg, He passed 2-1/2 years ago, I know It’s him, He use to do it all the time when he was alive, I know his touch up against my bare leg. Feels like static electricity. I rescued a dog that looks very similar like the one that passed, He does a lot of things that my other dog did, Like remove my socks from my bare feet and take them to the exact spot where my dog passed away. My rescue dog might look very similar, He’s not the same as my “Buddy” that I had for close to 20 years. Miss him still. <3

I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose someone you love. It sounds like your boy is visiting you which is wonderful! They will often use the other pets in the household as a conduit to let us know they are near. Thank you for sharing and I hope you keep getting those amazing signs!

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I lost my dog, Meg, yesterday we spent 8.5 years together. She died in her sleep unexpectedly. Monday night I thought I saw her and it was a weird feeling so I went inside. Tuesday night I took my other two dogs walking when we came home they look under the bedroom window like something was there. Then when I was petting Roxy she lightly growled just like when Meg was alive when they were fighting for my attention. Then I heard a sound on the fence but no dogs were there. One dog was in front of me and the other was laying down. Then last night I smelled dog smell really strong on my side of the bed and today I found a piece of her hair which is odd because the last time she was in my house was before I had my son and he is 17 months. What is she trying to tell me?

I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It sounds like your angel, Meg just wants you to know she is okay. Be grateful, excited and ask her for more signs. Many people aren’t as fortunate and do not receive such obvious signs to be sure to let Meg know you appreciate her stopping by. Sending love and healing.

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My recent experience may sound odd, but here goes. I lost my pet parakeet (“Chip”) almost 50 years ago. He died fairly young (a little less than four years old). I was nine years old when I asked for and received him as a Christmas gift (1967). He was sprightly and a welcome addition to our family. He was a solo pet, and I tried to give him as much attention as I could. He seemed happy, and enjoyed getting out of his cage on a fairly regular basis. He enjoyed listening to music that I would play on my transistor radio. In summer, I would take his cage outside on the lawn to clean it, often with him in it. On one occasion he escaped, and I felt my heart travel to my throat as I watched him soar high in the air. He passed two houses and then made a semi-circle around, heading back toward our lawn. Miraculously, he landed on my shoulder. I quickly whisked him back into his cage. That was the last time I ever cleaned that cage outside with him in it! One afternoon, after returning home from school, I found him at the bottom of his cage, dead. I hadn’t noticed anything wrong with him, but I don’t think I was as engaged with him at that time (I was 13) as I had been in the past. I felt bad, but gave him a little funeral memorial and burial in a front yard rock garden. As a kid, I was fairly resilient, and got over this loss fairly quickly. Over the years I’ve thought about him, but very infrequently. I’ve had other pets, but never another parakeet. The odd part about this story is that I have had an overwhelming amount of grief thinking about him since last week. I do not recall what triggered this. My wife thinks it is because I am now volunteering some of my time at a local wildlife rehabilitation center, and have been engaging with helping release wild birds. My grief has a lot to do with thinking I just didn’t pay him enough attention later in his life. I’ve prayed about this, I’ve asked Chip to forgive me. Other than my wife, I have told no one about this. I haven’t felt his presence, I haven’t heard any of his budgie chirps or sounds. To feel this way almost 50 years after his death, well, it’s really odd. I keep telling myself to snap out of it. I apologize for the long message, but I wanted to provide some background. Thank you for any input — it will be very much appreciated.

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy, Chip all those years ago. They leave a permanent impression on us and I feel it is perhaps unresolved grief that is surfacing. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals which will answer many of your questions and provide so much insight. Whatever triggered it be grateful as even though it may be sad or feelings of guilt have arisen take this opportunity to tell Chip how you feel about him and how much he means to you. I don’t believe in coincidences so he is likely watching your work with wildlife and releasing other birds and he wants to let you know he is near. There is nothing to snap out of you are having a beautiful experience and embrace every moment. Chip must really love you! Sending healing hugs

Thank you very much, Karen — I do not have your book, but will purchase it. I just read some great reviews! Again, thank you very much for your input regarding “Chip.”

It is my pleasure! Thank you for sharing your experience with me.

Thank you Karen I’m at this present moment reading your book it’s a truly beautiful enlightening read too. Already I feel my Nemo has visited us the other evening I heard him scamper behind the couch he used to do this when playing. How I miss him still and grieve so very deeply for him. I was in a very bad place when it first happened the shock was almost too much to bare some days. I know peace will come eventually to me. Thank you again

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Nemo. It warms my heart to know my book is helping you on your journey. Losing someone you love is so hard. I had to smile when I read about him scampering behind the couch. That is so sweet and I hope you thanked him and told him to visit again. The depths of pain cannot be described with simple words. There is shock, denial, anger, pain, all kinds of emotions involved. I’m so glad you are here and sharing your experience. Sending love and healing

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My 18 year old black cat Bella passed away this Sunday a month and 2 days after my 17 year old cat Bruno. She suddenly couldn’t breathe and went off her food. I can’t even cry right now. I had Bella since I was a teenager and she helped me through so much in life with my mental health problems. I just want to know they are ok and know that I loved them with all of my heart. The flat is so empty now. I only picked up the biscuit bowl today. 18 is a long life isn’t it? Did I do the right thing? I don’t think she could of lived much longer. She was laying on the sofa and I was next to her stroking her hoping she would pass peacefully at home but then she started to act a bit scared, calm but scared so I called the vet and went down there. I didn’t bring her back. In the space of a month and 2 days I’ve lost my best friends. I don’t know how I feel. Totally shocked I guess. My whole life revolved around my cats. Maybe in a more intense that usual way for adults but I’m considered a vulnerable adult. I want my cat’s to come and visit me. I just feel so lost right now. I feel like I’m cursed but then again I know it’s just me punishing myself. 17 and 18 is a long life. I’ve never been through something so traumatic and I lost my dad when I was 15. That didn’t hit me as hard. Weird as it sounds. I guess as I was too young to accept and understand that grief back then. Thank you for your article. I’m going to see a pet psychic when I have the money to do so. RIP Bella and Bruno. You were my world and my reason to get up in the morning. Love you always ❤️

I am so very sorry for your losses. Losing one is hard enough let alone two angels. My heart goes out to you and I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you navigate through your grief. I completely understand the devastation, not being able to breathe, feeling as if your heart has been ripped out of your chest. It is normal to blame yourself and to second guess every decision but I promise you they don’t see it that way nor do they blame you. Only humans blame. Truly a human concept. Your angels love you that is all that matters. Tell your angels how you feel. You don’t need a pet psychic to do that. They love you. They hear you, feel you and want you to know they are just fine on the Other Side. We only have to worry about the ones that are still here. They are perfect on the Other Side and you are a wonderful mom and caretaker. Please get my book and reach out if you need help. Sending love and healing

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Hi my name is jessica. My sweet old man mixed beagle had to be put down after a quick aggressive cancer got him. I had Tonto for 15 years, he knew my soul and we just had such a unique connection. The day I took him in my daughters saw a rainbow about the time he was laid to rest. That evening we were in my bedroom at night and a huge circular rainbow appeared on my wall. It was so bright and illuminated so beautifully. I knew it was my tonto. It felt like heaven opened and he was saying he was ok. My husband and children could not see it. It lasted for a minute or two and then it just disappeared. It brought me so much peace. My heart is still broken but I know my puppy is waiting for me on the other side and he will be with me forever.

I am so sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking to lose someone you love so much. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, which will answer many questions about the Other Side. What a beautiful sign you received from Tonto. Treasure each one and keep asking for more! Sending love and healing.

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We lost our sweet boy, Beau on Saturday. He was at the table waiting for breakfast to be over so he could have a piece of bacon and when I got up to put my plate away he took a couple of steps then collapsed. We rushed him to the emergency vet and he had a tumor on his spleen that ruptured and he bled out into his stomach. We had to put him down, he was 9 1/2. It was such an unexpected loss and we went home and cried most of the day. My wife and I went to bed and were both just about asleep when we heard his breath exhale as he would always do just as he was going to sleep at the foot of our bed. We both sat straight up at the same time, looked at each other, and asked each other, “did you hear that?”. We both had heard it and we just started crying again. Our sweet boy had come back I think to say he is ok and still with us. The next morning, I heard his nails on the hardwood floor but just once. We are devastated by his loss and I pray his sweet spirit sticks around.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Beau. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you through this difficult time. How exciting and heartwarming to hear that he made his presence known to you! Our departed pets are always near and nothing really changes for them except they can go anywhere they want. Their routine stays the same so I am not surprised to hear he was right there snuggling in for the night. Tell him to send more signs and be sure to thank him each time. Sending love and healing

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Just lost my dear cat Magus February 17, 2021 he had tumor which led to blood in lungs causing labored breathing then congestive heart failure vet euthanized him that day. I’m heartbroken had him since he was about a year old he was a stray prior took him in June 2016. He passed away too young too soon he was only on this earth 5-6 years.

I am so sorry for your loss of Magus. I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. It is hard enough to lose them after a long life so losing him so young but be even harder. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you during this difficult time. You get book discounts as a VIP on my site just go to my HOME page and opt in. Sending love and healing

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I have always had more than one cat, sometimes as many as 13 and have loved them all, but my love for Logan was extra special. I adopted him from a large shelter/vet hospital where I’d taken a friend’s cat to be neutered and wandered into the cat room. It was an instant connection for both of us. Logan adapted to my home and the other cats immediately. Unfortunately over time he developed a bad habit of not urinating in the litter boxes. I would have him checked multiple multiple times for an infection, but it was always found to be behavioral. I tried every kind of litter and litter box, open, lidded, very large, his own box with only paper – you name it, but he urinated in every known spot in my home and some you would never guess ruining counters and walls and cabinets etc. After 10 years when he was 18 years old, I could not bear it any longer although my heart was broken, I decided to say goodbye. He also had lymphoma and was on chemo medication and borrowed time. The night after he died, and I was just unbearably grief stricken, I smelled his urine close by and found it on a throw on the sofa next to me where he liked to sit – but it had been washed completely after he passed and actually had no urine on it at that time. In addition for days after as I sat on the sofa, I would feel his tail swishing by my legs and moving my slacks as it always did because he sat at my feet all the time until I asked him if he wanted to come up and sit with “mommy.” I still miss him after 28 months. I miss my many dogs and cats and pray that someday we will be reunited in the spiritual world.

I am so sorry for your loss of your angel, Logan. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. It sounds like you had a very unique visitation. They will find very interesting ways to let us know they are near. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, to help you navigate through the grief. Sending love and healing

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My 15-year-old dog passed away in January and at first, I was really sad but I’m not anymore I just appreciate the time we had together. It honestly feels like she’s still with me when the weather is nice and the sun is out sometimes it looks like she’s sitting in her favorite spot. Also at night, she used to sit right outside the bathroom and when she was alive I sometimes accidentally walked into her, the other night as I was walking to the bathroom I felt her on my feet and turned the light on and was there. Another day I felt like she tried to communicate through a Robin. When I was outside in the sun a Robin walked 3 feet away from me I said hi and it walked away, that’s never happened to me before. I really miss her presence and I’m glad to see she’s communicating, she really was the best listener to all my good and bad days.

I am sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. It warms my heart to hear that she is visiting you and letting you know she is near. I hope you thank her and ask her to keep sending signs. Sending love and healing

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I miss my Johnny. I am pissed at myself, I let him down. Cutest cat this side the Universe. Totally sincere and kind.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your angel, Johnny. It is hard not to blame yourself when things don’t go well. I’ve done so myself many times. I hope you will opt into my VIP family on the HOME page for ongoing support and get a copy of my book The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey. Sending love and healing

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Hi my name is Mary I lost my cat on March 12 2021 the worst day of my life when I let him out and fought him laying on the sidewalk a block from where we live really in the back of us where he go and play..I scream so loud and was in shock it was like he was just laying there sleep and he knew I would find him that morning it hurt so bad these 3 wks Im just lost without my Uno he was 7 yrs old always watching over me sleeping with me praying with me I ask God to protect him when he was out there because he always at the back door want to go out so I let him out and didnt no that was going to be my last time sleeping and playing and praying with my babyboy he was so smart everyone love Uno I got the most precious caring loving memories of my baby but right now I hurt and I kiss his picture on my phone everyday I buried him in the back yard I say Goodmorning and Goodnight to him every day Its so sad I feel empty I hate even going home sometimes because hes not there hes the first I greet when I come from work pick him up kiss on him I let him know everyday I love him and I make sure I have him something when I come he know it..he see a bag in my hand he say meow meow loud come sit on my feet I miss all that..Im trying but right now I got a Broken Heart and Im lonely without my Uno..thanks for listening.Mary

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your angel, Uno. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, to help you on your journey. You can also opt into my VIP family on my HOME pag e for ongoing pet loss support or download my free app, Pet Loss Hope & Healing. Sending love and healing.

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I just lost one of my furbabies – Hershey this Friday March 26th. Her belly started growing really large, like she was bloated, and it just kept growing. 3 vet visits later in less than 2 1/2 weeks – her liver values were bad, she was in liver failure and had an aggressive form of cancer taking over her little body. I opted to take her home and spend a few more days with her and keep her comfortable vs trying to nail down the exact kind of issue/fight it as she was 13 years old with a grade 3 heart murmur and history of partial seizures. I didn’t want to stress her out more and make her even more uncomfortable or in more pain. She was put down 2 days later after I got to take her on a few little adventures, spoil her with her favorite foods, treats, lots of loving and snuggles. She never once got aggressive, always wanted to have me pet her, rub her belly even though she was uncomfortable. Putting her down was the hardest thing ever. I’ve lost other furbabies before but Hershey is a special one to me – just like my other dog who is still living and will be 16 in May (Hershey’s mother). They’re both my actual babies (as well as my human son…) – I have 3 children and I lost one. My heart, my soul, everything in me hurts so bad. I keep questioning if I made the right choice… That night, I woke up with Hershey in my mind, she was smiling (dog open mouth smile), wagging her cute little crooked tail, sun rays shining behind her lighting her up, grass… and I felt a pressure on my chest where she would usually head boop me to lay her head down when we would snuggle. That woke me up and got me bursting into tears. Later that day I could have sworn I kept seeing her like at the corner of my eye but when I’d look – she wasn’t there. Zara (my other dog – Hershey’s mom) kept sniffing all over the house for her, sniffing in places she’d usually rest. Zara is 100% blind and has been for the last 2 years. She was so confused. The other day I found her laying exactly where Hershey would lay – I think she knows now that Hershey is gone. I miss her so much and I don’t know how to get my grief to calm down a little bit. I don’t even want to think about losing my other dog – my other baby. I don’t know what to do… I hope I see more of Hershey, signs of her… I haven’t seen her since that first night.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Hershey. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. It sounds like she is sending you lots of messages and signs. That is so special and I hope you are thanking her and asking for more signs. For ongoing pet loss support please opt in on my HOME page and get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey. Sending love and healing

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After my beautiful Shashawnee passed I was heartbroken. We were so close. He slept next to my side with his head resting on my shoulder every night. And in the daytime he spent much of his time on my lap. We were extremely close to one another. After he passed, one night in bed I felt a cat jump up on my bed and walk toward me. I turned on the light and looked around and saw nothing. This happened again and again for almost a year. I love Shashawnee so much and I still miss him terribly. I always wondered if he was coming back b/c he was lost and was trying to get home. I would have never believed this sort of thing could happen until it happened to me. Some people believe animals don’t have a spirit……but I can tell you, animals do have a spirit and are capable of showing deep love for their caregivers.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Shashawnee. I can assure you pets do not get lost on the Other Side. He was probably letting you know he loves you and is right by your side. I agree, it takes a personal experience before your mind can open to the possibilities. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals , to help you on your journey. Sending love and healing.

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Hello, our Charme (female basset hound almost 11 years old) passed away 4/4/21 sometime in the A.M. maybe 3 or 4 o’clock. She had not eaten in about a month. we took her to vet early part of March and he ran tests, X-rays and could not find any disease, no blockage, did not appear to have cancer. The vet gave her antibiotics to keep her from throwing up, and Pepcid. For the last month, she just quit eating on her own. It started early part of March when she eats normally and then started to throw up and would not eat. We had her to the vet 2 times in March and 2 times they had to do IV fluids for the night, she seemed a little better but still not eat. Some of our other basset hounds also got sick at the same time she did but they got over it. for this last month, my wife fed her dog food from the can by putting it in her mouth and she would eat that, also my wife used a syringe to put chicken broth in her mouth and she would take some of that. On 4/3/21 in the afternoon she did not want to open her mouth for the chicken broth but we gave her a little. On 4/4/21 my wife told me she thought she died and I checked her, she was laying on the carpet floor by the couch and was still somewhat warm but she was not breathing. The vet had wanted to do some more tests earlier in march but due to finances, we could not afford it. She lived for about a month at the onset of this problem. One thing the vet told us if I understood right was that the x-ray showed that it looked like the stomach was not contracting, like staying full all the time and that was making her throw up. anyway, sorry for going on about this but I myself still feel lots of grief over this. I wish I knew what was the cause of this. I have waited but I just have not gotten a sign from her that bothers me a lot. I don’t know if there is anything you can say to make me feel better but I am just sad over this.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Charme. It sounds like you did everything you could for her and sometimes we just aren’t meant to fix what ails them. It is part of the experience of having our beloved pets in our lives to go through good times and challenging times too. It hurts so deeply to lose someone you love. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey. There are no words that can take away your pain. The love is deep and so is the grief. Sending love and healing

I send you my comment about my cat Smokey before, now it is 9 months since she past away. Couple times I have sensed in my bed down by my feet something seating and loud beating of the hearth it was all over my bed. I know wasn’t my hearth and I know that was my Smokey. I kept quiet, but I couldn’t fall asleep. Last night was even more actions she was going all over my bed above me I kind of got scared it was going for hours. No sleeping until 3am. And one time I said “Smokey can we sleep now?”. I don’t know maybe I fall asleep around 3:30am. I just wonder is my cat going to act every night like this? I still love my cat, I want to see her and hear her but is she going to bother me every night like this, no sleeping? And what should I do if she is like this more and more?! I really got scared her hearth was beating very loud, like she came alive or something?!Was going bum, bum, bum….for hours I think so much energy. Should I do something about this? Thank you!

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Smokey. It is unusual to have so much activity so I recommend have a loving and beautiful ceremony for Smokey giving your permission to release the soul from this Earth and continue on a spiritual journey. You will always be connected but perhaps Smokey needs a little help from you. Ask your angels, spirit guides, and departed loved ones to gather around and welcome Smokey’s energy. Imagine Smokey being at peace, happy, comfortable, and give Smokey your permission to visit ‘quietly’. Sending love and healing

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I lost my baby on the 21st. He had to be put to sleep due to complications of cystitis and sand like crystal in his bladder, which led to him getting blocked, which then led to kidney failure. He was a beautiful 14 pound orange tabby cat. He was only 3 years old. They brought him to me wrapped up in a blue blankie, and he passed peacefully in my mom’s arms. Every day, I cry for him. I cry for my baby. But I don’t cry because he’s gone. He’s in peace now, and he deserves nothing but peace after all the pain he’s been through. No, I cry because I miss him. I miss him so much. He really was my baby. I moved away from him for 6 months, and when we were finally reunited, he was diagnosed with cystitis, and I only got to spend two months with him before his illness took him from me. He snuggled me when I was sad, and always slept by me at the windowsill. I was his person, and he was my baby. We had a special bond. I suppose what I’m asking is, how long will I have to wait to see the signs? I just want something. Anything. I’m going to get his urn from the vet in about a week, then I’ll have his ashes with me. Is that when? Thank you.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel. It is heartbreaking to lose someone you love especially when they go so young. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, and/or my free app Pet Loss Hope & Healing /strong>. Both contain answers to your question and so much more. As you will discover, you may be getting signs now. I encourage you to take advantage of all the free content as you continue to expand your awareness of what happens after a pet dies. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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My cat Cooper has been deceased for 8 years but a couple of years ago I could feel him jump upon the bed. Usually I sense this just after shutting out the room lights, so I know I’m not dreaming. He has been doing this several times a week for the past couple of years and many times I can see him out of the corner of my eye. Sometimes he reaches out and touches my leg and other times just snuggles. Some say they have experienced this a few weeks or months after their cat has died but my cat has been gone for 8 years, so there no recent grieving involved. Today I decided to take a nap and before I could get settled in my bed, I felt Cooper jump up on the bed a walk around. I’ve never experienced anything like this with other deceased pets over the 73 years of my life, so it is a little bizarre for me. I have embraced it and it puts a smile on my face when he visits me, so it is all good. Thanks for your forum.

I am so sorry for the loss of your boy, Cooper. It warms my heart to hear that he visits you often and jumps on the bed! That is wonderful and many people never get to experience that. He is so lucky to have you and you are so lucky to have him. Sending love and healing…

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My wife and I are sad to announce the passing of our beloved family member, Rocky. Rocky was a full bred german shepherd who was only with us for about 5 years. He was a loyal companion to both of us and once, he even stood his ground against a black bear. They never fought but Rocky was ready to fight to protect his mommy (My wife). Rocky left us at 2:45 pm this passed afternoon as we both watch him fade away. He will forever be in our hearts. Thank you for your time.

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your angel, Rocky. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. They take a piece of your heart with them when they go. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you during this difficult time. Opt-in as a VIP member on my HOME page for book specials and ongoing pet loss support. May you find the peace and healing you need. Sending love

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I was having my dog sleep in my room at night for his last 1.5 years, as it was my was of nursing him, as his health was deteriorating, and i knew time was limited. He also suffered epilepsy, and would at times suffer an attack over the night. He wasn’t to recover from his last attack, and two days later at 15.5 years of age, the vet confirmed what i already knew. This was 2017. My dog was my best friend. During the night, following his passing, i heard 3 or 4 barking sounds by my side while i was sleeping. I awoke, and the immediate thought was ‘dont feel bad, i know you had no choice but to euthanise me’. My mother who is 2 rooms away also heard his bark. I thought this might sound crazy to some, but i was surprised subsequently to hear the number of people who have had shared similar afterlife stories when i spoke of this. A few months later i brought a new dog into my life, a puppy at 8 weeks of age. The puppy would gravitate to the previous dogs hiding spots, and i couldn’t help but think that the little puppy was being helped to settle in by the previous dog. I sensed this spirit lasted until the puppy had grown his confidence and became more independent, then i felt the spirit departed as he felt his job was done. I have continued the same name of the dog, used the same leather collar, and i have passed down 3 generations of dogs, which is now 32 years. This little dog is now 4 years old.

I don’t think it is crazy I think it is wonderful! So many others would love to have this experience so you are very fortunate. I’m so glad you have a new little dog in your life again. Thank you for sharing your story.

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I just lost my sweet kitty Jack on 6/8/21 he was 18 years old and its has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done I feel like a part of me is gone. I keep looking for signs that he is near I keep hoping to see something how long does it take for them to reach out? I just want to know if he’s okay and at peace and knows how much I loved him with every ounce of my being. I found great comfort in this article because it gives me hope that he’s okay and is waiting for me so thank you

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your sweet angel, Jack. I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you through this difficult time. Some pets will send signs and messages right away…others never do. I write about this in my book. Each animal is different so you just never know if they will send an obvious sign. Do your best to provide Jack with plenty of spiritual fuel with lots of loving thoughts and cherished memories. I’m so glad this article has helped you during this time. You never need to worry about Jack being okay or at peace. He was just perfect the moment he left his body behind. Now it’s your turn to find that peace of mind and mend your shattered heart. He will be so happy when you do. I hope you have opted in as a VIP so I can continue to provide ongoing support and the love you need so much right now. Sending love and healing…

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My baby boy Frankie was put down with colon cancer on 5/01/2021. I had him just 3 weeks shy of 10 years (adopted him on 5/23/2011 at 8 weeks old). We had a very strong bond as I told him I loved him everyday and he constantly wanted to be with me on my lap and trusted me 100%. He was even possessive of me with people and other pets but I loved him like no other pet I’ve had before and he absolutely knew it. I waited a few weeks to pick up his ashes as I dreaded the final closure that he was actually gone. I’ve had his ashes for about 1 week now. I had a vision of him over the past weekend 6/04/2021. I’m not sure if it was a dream or if I was half asleep and woke up for a minute or two. I was in my bed and looked down and in my lap was Frankie curled up, but he was translucent almost glowing and I pet his body. That’s all I remember… I have another cat that sleeps with me but I never have dreams of that sort that are so realistic, in the place I am actually sleeping. Usually my dreams do not take place in my current home (only places from my past) and don’t make any real sense and are all over the place. I’m not a religious or spiritual person and don’t usually believe in afterlife contact. The only metaphysical object in my bedroom I am aware of is a small selenite crystal It could have been my cat Gia in my lap, but it just didn’t feel like her and I know the difference between the two. But it could have been her as she has become closer to me in this difficult time. She has soft fine fur and and he had coarse wirey fur. But also the position I woke up in/dreamed I was in wasn’t the usual way I sleep or how I would sleep/cuddle with him. I’ve been calling out Frankie’s name and checking to see how my other cat Gia responds. She seems to look all over, be alert, jumpy and see things. She even alerted me to a ladybug that was on my curtain 1 week or so before my vision. She was trying to get the ladybug, as like any cat she likes to hunt insects. I don’t know if I am imagining, hoping or dreaming…. but I am keeping my heart open and talking to him and my other cat Gia to see what happens and keep open channels of communication.

I am so very sorry for the loss of your angel, Frankie. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. Trust that this was a visitation by Frankie to let you know he was right there with you and all is well. They do their best to let us know and send signs that they are near. You are so fortunate to have this experience! So many would love to have this happen. I wrote about this in my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, so I hope you have a copy. This was such a unique and incredible moment and I’m so excited for you. I hope you have also opted in as a VIP on my HOME page so I can continue to provide you with ongoing love and support. Thank you for sharing your experience. Sending love and healing…

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It is 1:55 am Wednesday, June 16. I heartbreakingly made appointment to bring my baby girl Zoe to the vet. She had what was believed by the vet to be cancer. A large lump on her left lower spine. An ulcerated small mass under her tongue. A small spot in her lungs. She had lost so much weight. I brought her to the vet a few times since last December and she had a UTI. Her weight loss was believed to be from hyperthyroidism. I didn’t find out about the masses until a month ago. I had recently lost my job and so was with her just about 24/7, even sleeping with her. She was so alert especially when we took her outside and rides and she lived to be held in my arms looking out the window. She didn’t appear to be in pain or suffering until last week but it was not consistent and I gave her the prescribed pain med as needed. I kept putting off the visit to the vet because I kept praying and hoping for a miracle. And I was afraid to lose her and so I guess I was in denial. But because she was pretty bad today I made the dreaded appointment. Well, she died about 2 1/2 hours ago last night. I cannot sleep. I am filled with grief. I am so sorry I waited and she had to suffer so much today. She was so upset and I was holding her and trying to soothe and comfort her and then I realized she was dying and started praying and praying and suddenly I knew. She was gone. I wrapped her in blankets and put her in her bed which is on my bed and this probably sounds crazy but I am with her using part of her bed as my pillow. I went online looking for something to comfort my grief and I came upon here. In 2004 I lost a beloved cat, Rooney, and it took me 2 years to get over my grief. She came to visit me 3 nights in a row about 3ish in the mornings. First night I heard scratching at my bedroom door and then pitter patter of little feet on my hardwood floors and a jump up onto a bench in front of my bed. I knew it was her and I called out “Rooney is that you?” The next night I heard all of the same but it continued where i felt a tiny little body on my bed around me and heard purring. I called out to her again. The third and last night, everything was the same except she then moved on top of my body and I could hear her purring loudly and feel her fur on my face. I was wide awake all 3 nights. I was not dreaming. I am hoping that Zoe visits me. I am so heartbroken about losing my special girl. I am so grateful for the time I had her but I don’t think I can go through this again. Although I do still have another cat here who I believe understands what is going on and she is staying away from me … not sure why. But I do need this time with my Zoe. Sorry for such a long post. It is now 2:25 am so I have been typing for 1/2 hour. Does anyone know if cats linger here in spiritual form before transitioning? I have been speaking to her and hoping she hears me…hoping she forgives me for not letting her go sooner.

I am so sorry for the loss of Zoe. You loved her with your entire heart and soul and that is all that matters. Many animals linger after they leave their bodies behind. It is more out of concern for you than it is that they were not ready. She can hear you so don’t worry…your thoughts and words are like music to her ears. Just tell her right now how you feel. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, to help you on your journey and please opt into my VIP family on the HOME page so I can continue to provide the loving support you need during this difficult time. Sending love and healing…

Since Frankie passed on 5/01/2021… I just adopted a 3-month old kitten today (6/16/2021). This evening I was in my bathroom with my new kitten and he looked up at the ceiling focusing on something. To my surprise it was another lady bug sighting. This can’t be a coincidence. First the curtain 2-weeks ago and now the bathroom ceiling on the same day I bring a new kitten home, particularly seen in the room I’m keeping him in (bathroom).

I love this! What a beautiful sign! Congrats on your new kitten! May you enjoy a long life of love and happiness

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My dear kitty cat passed away as she fell from my balcony…she was only 8 months old and my first pet ever! Yet I feel her close to me..she rubs on my feet and I talk to a little squishy I made to look just like her..I use it as a communication phone to heaven and I know she’s with me right now and she’s looking at me type this in right now! Love ur Arti all and will remember it 💖💖

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel in such a tragic accident. My deepest condolences. It warms my heart to hear that you feel her close by. Those bonds of love never die they stay with us for eternity. Sending love and healing

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Hi. I lost my dear little boy Benji to Lymphoma in March. Benji was my first dog, he was a rescue dog. I never had children of my own, so Benji was my little boy. Since he passed I am still crying. I miss him so much. I am hoping that he will come and visit me. I am a strong believer in the spirit world. Friends say it is early days. Can you please explain more to me? I do suffer badly from anxiety and depression. It would be nice to let me know more about pets in the spirit world.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Benji. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. I go into great detail about the spirit world and what happens when your beloved pet dies in my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals . I also share many articles and stories in my free mobile app: Pet Loss Hope & Healing. Just opt-in as a VIP MEMBER on my HOME Page to get access to all this valuable information so you can move through this difficult time and get the answers you need to heal. Sending love and healing…

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My dog Alfie passed away on 26th May. He was old and sick, but he had a good life and was loved very much by all of us. I held him in my arms as he slipped peacefully away and I feel honoured to have been with him in his final moments. When he was alive he used to open the back door and let himself out. Twice since he passed we have found the back door slightly open and I am 100% sure it was closed. We have a new puppy so I am very careful about keeping the doors closed. I am absolutely certain it is Alfie giving us a sign he is still with us,

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Alfie. There are few words to ease your pain so I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey. You can opt in on my HOME page to get a copy. How special that he is sending you signs that he is near. The open door is a great way to say “Hi! Here I am! Doing what I always do!”. Be sure you thank him for those wonderful signs and ask for more. I wish you peace and healing…

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Hi Karen, Reading your article has provided me with some small relief from my heart ache. Our almost 15 year old Boston Terrier passed on Saturday, he all of a sudden starting having seizures – they just kept coming. When we took him to the vet, they had to medicate him and he was going into another one. When we laid him to rest he was very out of it, and I hope he knows we were there every step of the way. It was traumatic, and I’m sure his little soul needs to recover. I will keep in mind remembering him with love, and not try to have the grief overwhelm his memory – maybe in time Mason will send signs to my husband and I that he is still around.

I am so very sorry for the loss of your angel, Mason. You do not need to worry at all about him now. I’m sure he is surrounded with loving, peaceful energy with your loved ones. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you during this difficult time. Also, please opt in on my HOME page for email support as a VIP member so I can continue to help you. Sending love and healing…

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This stuff is all really new to me. I struggle to understand. I had my kitty for less than 7 months but still had a very deep connection to him. He was a 16 year old hospice case, but he didn’t look, behave, or live like it. He was chatty, charming, lovable, and so self-assured. I worked hard to be present with him during our time together. I haven’t had anything like in your article- no signs, no dreams. I miss him so much it hurts my chest. I’m moving out of my apartment soon, and I fear losing this connection to him. I try to “carry him in my heart” and yet I still prefer to be in the same space we shared and made many memories. As his caretaker, I need to know he’s ok, that’s he healthy and safe and comfortable. As his guardian and best friend, I want him to feel loved and treasured and never think I abandoned him, because guess what he went through before I got him? But I feel so lost. Our relationship used to be lots of conversations, physical affection, and just enjoying being around each other. Am I missing his signs? Is he ok? Is he loved? Will he ever visit me in my dreams? Does he feel my love for him still? I don’t even know what to look for! And how can I leave “our” apartment? I don’t want to be here forever either.

I am so sorry for the loss of your soulmate kitty. How wonderful that you had him and he had you in this lifetime. No matter how long or short of a time we spend there will always be an eternal connection after they leave us. You are probably missing signs due to the heaviness of grief. I would recommend reading my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals as it will explain so much to you and answer many of the questions you listed and so much more. I also invite you to opt-in as a VIP on my website so I can continue to provide you with the loving support you need during this difficult time. Trust he is with you no matter where you live. There is nowhere else he would rather be. Sending love and healing.

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My cat Pepsi passed away a few months ago. Sometimes I see little glimpses of her out of the corner of my eye and it makes me so happy! We have another cat Chewy and me and my mom were in the kitchen this one time, but both of us saw that out of the corner of our eyes there was Pepsi! We both looked to were we saw her and it was Chewy. It was the WEIRDEST thing that has ever happened to me. That is why I now believe in ghosts.

I am so very sorry for your loss of your angel, Pepsi. She obviously wants you to know that she is doing great and is right there with you. That is really cool and special! How fortunate you are! Super cool that your mom saw the same thing. I’ve had that happen to me. One will morph into the other. All things are possible when our beloved pets want to let us know they are near. Thank you for sharing. Sending love and healing

I am so very sorry for the loss of your angel, Pepsi. She obviously wants you to know that she is doing great and is right there with you. That is really cool and special! How fortunate you are! Super cool that your mom saw the same thing. I’ve had that happen to me. One will morph into the other. All things are possible when our beloved pets want to let us know they are near. Thank you for sharing. Sending love and healing

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I lost my Spooky on June 12, 2021. It is just shy of a month and every day without her is harder and harder. I got Spooky as a kitten, right after losing my grandpa and my mom within a 6 month period. I was 22, alone, and depressed. I had another sweet kitty at the time, but she was not very social (RIP Puddy). After getting Spooky, I smiled again for the first time on a long time. She started out as a frizzy, awkward kitten, and overnight, bloomed into a beautiful, fluffy princess. I had always wanted a long-haired cat, but refused to buy one, so it was meant to be that a friend found her and convinced me to take her. Though she is gone, I still am in awe, thinking of her beauty. She was a Maine coon type, but her underside, chin to belly was pure white, and all four of her fluffy paws white too. I had never loved something so much. Spooky went through every milestone in my life with me; my daughter being born, the tumultuous split with my ex, finishing college, many moves to new homes…she never left my side. She was the only reason, in sooo many situations, that I stayed sane or felt loved. I didn’t even have to call to her – she always just knew, and instantly jumped onto my bed, snuggled up to me, and rubbed her face on my cheek. She would purr until I fell asleep. Everyday, I’d come home from work, she would be waiting at the door for me. We could make eye contact, and she would stare into my eyes for a moment, and then excitedly chirp at me, jump on my lap, and nuzzle my face with hers. Everyone who met her was in awe of her beauty, massive fluff, and princess-like attitude. Yet, sassy as she could be, she always let her gues down for me. I have said from the beginning that it was going to kill me to lose her. My friends and family have made comments for years, saying they don’t know how they would begin to console me when it was her time – because anyone who knew me, even superficially, knew that Spooky was half of my heart, my best friend, my confidant, my peace, my comfort. She was my baby before I had a baby. And I was going to do everything in my power to keep her healthy and safe. We had many pets growing up, and several of our indoor cats lived to be 20-ish. So I prayed to god everyday of her life, that He would let me keep her that long. I was supposed to go to a friend’s wedding when the unthinkable happened. Spooky couldn’t use her right back leg. She flinched when I picked her up, and almost instantly starting panting and meowing. To the emergency vet on a Saturday morning, and within ten minutes of being in the car, she was squalling and drooling so much that it looked like she’d been dumped in water. I couldn’t even grasp what was going on, all I could do was sob. She had just had her 12th birthday the week before. Within an hour, the vet had informed me that she had heart disease, and for reasons unknown in the medical community, this can cause clots to be thrown out into the system. The clot had made its way into her leg, and the other leg by then too. She was in respiratory failure. I was physically laying on the floor screaming and sobbing in the vets office. They were so kind, but assured me that she was only going to die slowly and painfully, as there is no reversing the condition once a clot has moved into the body. They asked me to end her pain. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And all I could do was hold her and cry, in complete shock that the worst day of my life was coming so much sooner than I had ever anticipated. I held her for an hour after she was gone, praying it was a bad dream. I have two other cats. Minnie, was another stray I rescued a year after I got spooky. Of course, I never had close to the bond with her that I did with Spooky, but the two of them bonded to each other and became very close over the years. Minnie instantly came to me when I finally got home. I sobbed for 36 hours straight, and I swear she never left my side. I know she was grieving too, but also trying to comfort me. The hardest part of all of this is that Minnie looks very similar to Spooky, minus the white paws and belly. My family and I catch glimpses of her throughout the day, and think it’s Spooky – then constantly have to relive losing her again. I lost my mom and my grandpa (who was like my father) at such a young age, six months apart from each other, and I swear it didn’t hurt as much as this does. Spooky truly was my angel sent here to save me from the sadness of losing them, and to provide me the comfort and peace to make it through the turbulent years to come. Now she is gone, and I have lost my sunshine, my security blanket. I have cried everyday in the month she’s been gone. I don’t know how to begin to get over her. I’m still in shock. I cry until I hyperventilate start night when I go to bed, because she never let me sleep a night without her snuggles and purrs, right beside me. Where do I go from here? What happened to our bond, and how will I ever feel that special kind of love again? I look at Minnie, and wonder what she feels. She has become my new source of comfort, and she tries her best to love me the way Spooky did. All I want is to hold her one last time, feel her soft fur on my cheek, look into her eyes, and watch her excitedly fluff her tail, chirp, and bounce onto my bed to lay on my chest. All I want is to know she knows how desperately I love and miss her. Please help me find some form of communication with her. I am so lost and broken.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Spooky. There are few words to ease your pain as losing someone you love so much is devastating. My first suggestion is to read my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals as it will help you understand how the bond you share with Spooky remains for eternity. You will always be connected. You will also discover that Spooky can sense your emotional condition and staying in a place of relentless pain serves neither of you and is the exact opposite of what Spooky wishes for you. If you have read it then likely your grief is just too heavy to absorb the information. It has happened to me too. The pain is paralyzing and numbs the brain. Just making it through the day is a challenge. If you are so deeply affected by your grief perhaps a certified grief counselor can help you through this difficult time. Only you can make the decision to move forward and process your emotions in a healthy and productive way. I would also like to invite you to opt-in to my VIP family for ongoing pet loss support and my mobile app, Pet Loss Hope & Healing. Both of those provide valuable resources to help you on your journey. I’m sure Spooky is with you, loves you, and holds only good memories of your time together. Trust that your love is all that matters. Sending love and healing…

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Reading the comments made me feel I’m not the only one, I’ve been dealing with my pet loss for only a week and it feels so painful, he passed the 4th of July and a really fun day turned into the worst day I’ve had. Losing my cashew has been more than a tragedy to me.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Cashew. It is so painful to lose someone you love so much. My deepest condolences for your loss. I’m so glad you are here as I can continue to provide you with the love and support you deserve during this difficult time. My calendar remains closed for Pet Sessions but you can go to my directory and schedule with a practitioner who can help you. I know you have my app but I do not see you in my email VIP opt in. Just go to the HOME page and opt-in on the VIP button to receive ongoing support. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals , which can help you through the pain from your loss. Trust your angel is with you as there is nowhere else he’d rather be. Sending love and healing

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I lost my hospice kitty Rick over 3 months ago. I had had him for just under 7 months, but we were incredibly close, with a deep connection. I think the closeness happened because we were both really trying to make us work. I’ve never had a cat like Rick before. He didn’t look, behave, or think like a 17- year old kitty. We had lots of enjoyable conversations since he was a talker with such an expansive vocabulary. I loved him speaking so often! He even caught a bird on my apartment’s balcony several weeks before he passed! Rick really liked to be in the same room as me, so he spent a lot of time on “our” bed or in his beds behind the couch that I had set up for him, with me doing quiet things since he didn’t like noise. And when he wanted his head rubbed and snuggles it was magical! I adopted him as a hospice case so I worked really hard to understand him and what he liked and needed. In other words, I spoiled him! I was so happy to do anything for him, even holding his food dish up as he ate at 3am. I have many pics and videos of him. I read him to know when he had had enough of my affections. I was happy with him on his good days and I felt sick with him on his bad days. And I practiced being present with him to enjoy the moments we had. It must have worked because several times with him it all felt so incredible my chest felt like it would burst with joy. I can recall those times so well and feel that joy again, even as it’s tinged with sadness. Though I had a plan for his end of life based on his condition for hospice care, when he began going downhill we didn’t follow almost any of it! The one thing I did follow was cremating him. And I regret that, I loved his soft furr and petting him so much. But there was really no good option for me about his body. I’m working with a therapist on processing my grief and guilt (over many things) and accepting I can’t control some things. Friends and family are tired of me grieving so deeply still, so it’s hard to express grief safely. I want to adopt again at some point. But right now I can’t imagine another cat here with me using Rick’s things. But I’m writing for 2 reasons. First, i’m moving out of our apartment soon, and i’ve been putting it off at significant financial expense because this was Rick’s home and I feel connected to him here. I love being in the same space he was in. I love remembering his rear claws clicking on the floor, how he watched the world from his bed in front of the sliding door, how he loved looking out the bedroom window with me. I am terrified that if I leave I will lose the connection. Will he think I’m abandoning him, something I told him i would never do since he’d been through it once? When family came to help me move, they would tell me that Rick would come over and stare at a door I had gone through for a long time, waiting for me to appear again. I don’t want him to think I will leave him, something i’d never do. I hated that I couldn’t come with him when I took him to ther vet or an animal ER (except for the last time when they let me be with him for the euthanasia). I told him I’d never leave him, that he’d be the one to leave me. If (or when) I move how will he come with me? Will he even do so? His home was with me in this apartment! How will he visit me if everything is different? How could he send me signs? And 2, I haven’t had ANY visits or dreams from him, and I know it would be so helpful to my heart to have SOMETHING. He avoided me for several days before he began his downhill trajectory and though I told myself not to take it personally the first 2 days, it was hard not to by day 5. And i recognize he did let me hold him and purred a few hours before I took him in for euthanasia, but he was really already transitioning then. My poor boy. Is he with his old family who had abandoned him to the shelter? I can understand wanting the comfort of the 16 years he spent with them in the same house. During the 6+ months with me I moved him across several states! (Which was a crazy, stressful time for us both.) Will he come to me eventually? Does he feel my love? Is he put off by my grief? (He didn’t like noise when he was physically here.) Will he give up on me? He was so special and amazing, gentle, and personable- a real heart kitty to me. I thought he loved me just as much. I try not to take his absence now personally, but it is affecting me. And I have so much grief over his loss despite knowing what I was getting into. I didn’t think I’d fall so fully and deeply for my old man Rickydoos! And is he whole and healthy now? I only knew him as an old, lively, declining-yet-so-lovable kitty. I did see signs of his younger self when we played and when he stalked. He came to me declawed which made me so angry when I would watch him knead the air or my arm. But I also felt awful that he lost the only home he knew for 16 yrs. And yet if they hadn’t abandoned him I wouldn’t have been able to show him what life could be.. Ps. I have reserved your book at my library and can’t wait to begin reading it.

I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your angel, Rick. You have a very deep bond so the grief must be overwhelming. My deepest condolences for your loss. I’m so glad to know you have my book reserved at the library. It will answer all of your questions and help you during this difficult time. There are chapters that are specifically written to bring you a sense of peace and balance. I also would like to invite you to opt-in to my VIP emails on my HOME PAGE so you can receive ongoing love and support. Your bonds of love will never die and he will always be connected to you no matter where you live. Sending love and healing

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I lost my 18 year old black lab mix Friday. We were together for those 18 years, I found him tossed on a dirt road in the country when he was 3 weeks old. He has definitely been visiting often. My wife and I both have seen him out of the corner of our eyes and I always feel his comforting presence when I break down. We always acknowledge him when we feel him. I’ll even go as far as sticking out my hand so he can get scratches. We have kept the same schedule and go to the park like normal for his walks. We offer food everytime we eat bc he would always beg us. We just place it in his bowl. I miss him so much. He wasn’t a pet. He was my best friend.

I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you are all deeply bonded and how heartwarming to hear that he is visiting! You are so fortunate as many people would love for this to happen. I love that you always acknowledge him when he visits as that will encourage him to do it again and again. Thank you for sharing and may you keep getting those wonderful signs! Sending you all love and healing…

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We lost our beloved 2 year old Jay, a Presa Canario on Thursday, 15th July 2021, the day after his 2nd birthday. Jay is survived by his sister and Sammy, a whippet mix. The grief is overwhelming and the only way I can get through my day is to do stuff.. Stuff like gardening, pulling weeds, laundry. Back in early 2021, my boyfriend and I noticed that Jay was having trouble sitting, getting up and was limping after he had played in the garden with his sister. We took him to the vet and received devastating news that he not only had advanced hip dysplasia, but his knees lacked sufficient cartilage and already there was bone tissue forming on the end of the joints. So he was understandably in some pain. Once we returned home, we discussed his prognosis, and I agreed reluctantly that we would have to let him go when it got worse. Well it got exponentially worse from Monday onwards. He couldn’t get up, couldn’t go up or down the stairs, and a fast walk was all he could muster. My boyfriend would carry him up and down, but at 55kg, it was hard on my boyfriend too. It was heartbreaking to see Jay in so much pain and at such a young age. Two days later, we decided that we should put him out of his misery. The vet came and we said out goodbyes. Later that day we buried him in our garden, in one of his favourite spots. I do believe I receive signs from little Jay. Friday morning, the day after he passed, I sensed something pass across my face. I woke up thinking it was a fly or spider, but found nothing. Jay would sleep next to me almost every night, so I deduced that it must have been his tail or whiskers. And after spending hours by his grave Friday, I went into the house and saw a beautiful Monarch butterfly fluttering in front of the mirror. I looked for the butterfly a few minutes later to let it out, and it was gone. I read your post about how butterflies are a sign from our pets that they are looking out for us. I feel better now knowing that the butterfly (which we have never seen indoors) is a sign from him. I’m writing for two reasons. The first is, how can I encourage him to send more signs that he is ok and happy where he is, and how do I recognize and confirm to him that I see and understand the signs. Should I call out his name? Secondly, does the way they lived their life, the closeness we had with him, does that affect how he communicates with us? I lost my father 2 years ago and I thought that was hard. That was nothing compared to losing Jay. He was an integral part of our lives and we were together almost 24 hours a day. We have no children so Jay, his sister and Sammy are practically our ‘children’. I was terrified of going ahead with putting Jay down because of the potential effect this could have on his sister. But she is eating, playing with Sammy and quite herself. Although I do see her look towards the bedroom, especially in the evenings, where Jay spent most of his last days. Maybe she can feel him there still? I have put an order in for your book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and hope it arrives soon. Many have said that time heals, but I would be more comforted to KNOW that Jay is well and happy by seeing his signs. I’m also really comforted to have found your website and read the comments, and to know that the devastation is shared by so many all over. Jay was my baby boy and I miss him so much. Thank you for reading.

I am so very sorry for the recent loss of your angel, Jay. There are few words to ease your pain. I cannot imagine how devastated you must be. My heart goes out to you. I am so glad to hear you have ordered my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will answer many of your questions about what happens and how you can stay connected. It warms my heart to hear you are receiving signs from Jay. Some pets send messages and others do not. It is not due to lack of love in fact the ones that don’t send messages are the ones that are with us the most so they don’t feel the need to let us know they are near. I recommend inviting Jay to send more signs. Say his name often and say it out loud as if he is right there. Remember, it takes fuel to send messages to be sure you are topping off his tank with lots of loving thoughts. I’m sure Sammy can sense his energy as pets are really sensitive where humans are not. I hope you have also opted in on my HOME page for emailed support as a VIP member. I have no doubt you were guided to my site as your loved ones know that you will find the support and ongoing guidance you need during this difficult time.

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Karen, My Sir Pepper Von Winston passed on last month on June 15th. He was by my side, through thick and thin, for 15 years. My baby was the sweetest and cutest dog you could ever imagine. I miss his gentle presence more than words can describe. I must admit, I’ve never been a “spiritually woke” kind of person, but since his passing on I am visited by a white butterfly daily. I work from home and the window I sit by overlooks our front yard. Pepper had a particular spot that he would love to bask in the sun and, at least once a day, I catch a glimpse of a white butterfly fluttering in that exact spot. Sometimes I will dart outside and the butterfly will come so close that I think it might land on me. It brings me comfort and makes me smile but I’m a skeptic and oftentimes wonder if I am just being silly and wishful. Another thing I want to mention is that, after his passing on I have had two pretty horrible nightmares of him being sick. I won’t go into details of the nightmares but they are really doing a number on me mentally and emotionally. He got very sick before we had to make the decision to have an emergency in-home-euthanasia Veterinarian come help him transition on to end his suffering. It all happened so fast and was a very traumatic experience for me. Why do I keep having these recurring, graphic nightmares of him being sick? Is he trying to tell me something? What can I do to make them stop? Thank you, truly

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Sir Pepper Von Winston. What a great name for an amazing boy. I have no doubt he is sending you signs and butterflies to let you know he is near. There are no coincidences in my world. Things happen for a reason and spirit messengers are often in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, robins, ladybugs, hawks, and others. Be excited you are receiving this sudden visitation! Most would do anything to have this experience. Thank him and ask him to send more signs. The nightmares are likely your subconscious thoughts playing out in your mind. Dream visitations are always positive, loving, vivid, amazing, uplifting and you feel as though you held them close. I am not a dream expert so you’ll have to research someone who specializes in that area. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey and please opt-in as a VIP member on my home page to receive ongoing support during this difficult time. Sending love and healing…

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I often ask Smokey to come visit me at night and I ask him to come with answers to questions and he does come with answer to only one question per visit. The weird is when he does I am in a half awake half asleep state and it is always noisy and I hear other voices and things being said that are not necessarily addressed to us or to me it’s like he is in a crowded place. Last time it happened, I asked him to come visit and tell me if he loved me and he came at night and cuddled with me, showed me his belly, and blinked at me. But there was a lot of noise like in a mall and a distinct voice saying “I hate you (some random and unique name” the name was so clear in my head all night but when I woke up in the morning, I could not remember it even though I kept repeating it in my head all night.

How wonderful you are receiving such loving visits from Smokey! There can be so many things going on in our dreams. So many people would love to have such a beautiful visit as with you and Smokey. Thank you for sharing.

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Hi Karen, My dog Cleo died August 9th. She was only 9 years old and it happened out of no where. She was a rescue from India and I knew once we met our souls were connected. I have been in constant pain for the past week. I read your book and have opened my mind. Once I did that everything started happening. The first sign was a feather on our patio. Then the next day in same exact spot was this blue butterfly just sitting there doing this weird thing with its wings. Something I really never saw a butterfly do. I took a quick picture because I knew it was my little girl. My other dog was outside with me, we both walked over to the butterfly and it started flying around the both of us and disappeared. Today my other dog wanted to go outside so I went out with her. She was looking at something. I knew it had to be Cleo. We walked around the yard and something pushed me to look over at the patio. There was the same exact butterfly doing the same exact thing. I took a quick picture before I got to close. Walked over to the butterfly and it flew around us again and I said Cleo I know its you and chills went down my spine. It was the same feeling that came over me when I saw my mom take her last breath. A feeling of peace and that my dog was ok. Last night I made up my mind to learn as much about communicating with animals as I can. I will be taking your course. I have known my whole life I have had a connection to all creatures. Now my baby dog in heaven is showing me. Some of my friends think I am crazy but I know it is my dog communicating with me.

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your angel, Cleo. My heart breaks for you. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much especially when it is so unexpected. It warms my heart to hear that your angel has guided you to my books as she knows it will open your heart and mind to communication with her. The feathers, the butterfly, that sense of peace…those are all messages from her. I am thrilled to hear that you are open to receiving them and paying attention as the signs are often all around us and they can be easy to miss especially if we are deep in grief. I have no doubt that she will be your guide and will help you learn communication as you move forward on your journey. Don’t let anyone or anything stand in the way of what your heart and soul desire to accomplish. It will be the single most important step in trusting your intuition. Thank you for sharing this sacred moment with me. I look forward to walking this animal communication path with you. Sending love and healing…

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Here’s my story, from beyond, about my Golden Retriever. Recently, I was in my kitchen and the light over the stove that I turned on was fading in and out. It has done this from time to time over the past year, but never went out. So I felt my dog’s energy (not the first time) and I said to myself “If this is you, show me a sign by letting the lights over the stove go out.” Nothing happened at that moment, so I turned off that light and left the kitchen to eat my dinner in the next room. Then, about 20 minutes later, I went back to the kitchen to wash off my plate. However, when I clicked the light on the stove, it didn’t come on. I tried the other light over the stove, which I usually don’t use, and it didn’t come on either. It felt eerie for a moment but no fear. Then my heart and stomach felt very warm, my heart was beating fast and I was beyond happy. I told her how much I love her, as I usually do every other day. But this time, it really felt like she was there because the energy was very strong. Sure, the lights going out could be a coincidence. However, here are 2 things that made me really feel she was with me: 1) For as long as those lights had been fading in and out over the year, I never communicated spiritually to my dog, asking for the lights to go out, if she was there. Yet, the first time I did ask, they went out. 2) There are 2 lights over the stove. I just had one on, which is the one that I use more often because it’s brighter. So the other should have been okay. But when I tried both, neither came on. So I feel like it was a sign from her and made me feel at ease, especially with the way she exited out of my life. Backstory on how my dog came into my life and exited it: It was 22 years ago and she was one of several stray dogs that used to play in my neighbor’s yard with their dog. I never had a pet in my life so I didn’t know much about dogs except that I could see she needed food and some care. I would leave food out for her and decided that I would bring her with me when I moved out of state a few months later since she obviously didn’t have a caretaker. About 2 weeks before I was scheduled to move, I didn’t see her there. I was sad because I kept thinking the worst, like she could’ve gotten hit by a car, etc. So since my moving date was approaching, I prayed to God and said that if she’s meant to be with me, to please let her show up. As those weeks passed, I had given up and was planning on returning the kennel and other supplies I’d bought for her. Then, the morning of my move, she was back in the yard. So I took it as the sign I asked for and brought her with me. It was then that I learned of her breed, age, and treatments she needed from the Vet. I got her the treatments, nursed her, spent time, and played with her. The love I felt was like nothing I had ever experienced. Also, until this day, I still haven’t felt that kind of love and bond. Anyway, it’s a long story how she exited my life but the short version is that someone who was supposed to be taking care of her for a while for me, while I was out of town, said that she ran away. I never believed this and went through a lot trying to get her back. However, those efforts didn’t work out. So since then, I’ve always expressed my love to her in private and often reminisce about the short time I had with her. I really appreciate articles like this because it makes me feel like I’m in the company of compassionate, like-minded people. Thank you for giving us pet parents a place to share without feeling like we’re “making too much of things because they are not humans”, as some insensitive people like to say.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. You are in the right place and we welcome these precious moments. Our companion animals are beyond ‘human’ and beyond ‘family’ to us. I have no doubt that you and your angel are connecting on a higher level. So many signs and so many experiences that cannot be just mere coincidence. I believe everything happens for a reason. Whether it be a message, a moment of clarity, or a visitation. Paying attention to your surroundings and the subtle signs is how to connect with your departed loved ones. I am honored to share this journey with you. Sending love and healing.

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My 15 year old border collie Bess passed away Monday. She died at home with everyone but my daughter there as she was at uni. After she passed I was worried that she was scared while dying and if we had done enough to comfort her. Her ashes came back the next day and I got upset. My partner came to comfort me and as he turned a massive butterfly was over our heads in the house. I’m usually scared of moths and butterflies but after jumping I sort of got comfort from it.

I am so sorry for your loss of your angel, Bess. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. What a beautiful visit you received from her! A giant butterfly is a BIG sign! Wow!!! I hope you thanked her and asked her to send more signs. They love it when we acknowledge their signs. I’d love to include Bess in the GALLERY section of my app…please email her photo to my office and we will post it for you. Sending love and healing…

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My precious dog, Mickey, passed away Aug. 10th, 2021. I am still in shock because it was so sudden. There were no illnesses. He had been tripping over his feet; the vet said his lack of depth perception is the cause as he is 15 1/2. On the 3rd, I had prayed that his end of life, whenever it might be, would not have options. I could not drive him to the unthinkable appointment of euthanasia; I could not fathom that. I’d done it once. Mickey had a lovely life and I didn’t and couldn’t and shudder at that thought. We’d been on vacation together when I’d said that prayer aloud in the backyard of a vrbo house that had the softest grass and beautiful weather. We got home on the 6th; mickey was up and smelling the sea air, looking all around him; very excited and ran around and into the house with such joy to be home. that night, he shared filet with my husband; sat. and sun. walks were perfectly fine. he saw some friends, we did the usual routine of cleaning paws or a sponge bath to cool down (we’re in Florida), he loved his meals, I put him to bed each night laying on the floor and telling him about his day, covered him with my old pjs and took off his collar, and kissed him goodnight. Then on Monday, the 9th, he had a fall different than others; his back end splat out…he had trouble standing up. I straightened him out, steadied him, and he walked home. he stopped a few times and looked behind him; but the rest of the day and all of Tuesday walks and meals and playtimes were normal. We went into the vet and that’s when things changed; he couldn’t stand; he fell maybe 8 times in the exam room and X-rays showed he had full hip dysplasia; he wouldn’t be able to stand again without tons of steroids and visits. We had to let him go. No options. I cannot stop crying; I am heaving; I did not see this coming; I am not eating; I cannot be home; I need distractions; but I keep smelling his blankets, laying down on the floor of his favorite spots, I saved his favorite toy, and cannot put away his things. one morning, I heard breathing; 3 inhales and exhales; a few days later, I heard a ball bounce; I went out to see the ball and there was no ball; and I’d forgotten about all the carpeting; we would play in a hallway; a few days after that, when I was doing ok, I heard him whining in his puppy voice and it was at 7:15 am which is when he’d come find me and say, “take me out already!” Last night, my bedroom door opened a smidgeon which would have been perfect for little mickey to squeeze through as he often did; but this time, I tried not to believe; an internet writer said when these things happen, the human is suffering “heartbreak syndrome,” and needs to take care of preventing further illnesses to happen from digestion and headaches and often extreme anxiety. So I tried to ignore the door opening by itself over new thick carpeting no less. Watfcing the US Open, and feeling ok, I unexpectedly heard him licking himself. This would be when we might say, “stop kissing!” and he would stop. Instead, I said a prayer that he is okay, that I love him and miss him so much, and that heartbreak syndrome or not, I cannot say goodbye to him, and that I love him so much I can barely drive or eat or anything. The shock is overwhelming. Please share a thought. I am dying out here.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Mickey. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. Your pain must be immense and I am so sorry for that. I would like to invite you to join my VIP family on my Home page so I can continue to provide you with the loving support you deserve. To help you move through this pain please get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals . The only thing that matters to your sweet Mickey is your love. Those bonds of love never die and you will always be connected. If you feel you need more help there are many licensed grief support counselors who can guide you. I can share what happens on the Other Side but only you can decide how to move forward on your journey. Your angel, Mickey will be so happy to see you move into a calm and peaceful place when you are ready. Sending love and healing

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Hi I lost my beautiful boy of 15 1/2 2 weeks ago. I made the appointment that I was dreading but knew deep in my heart was the right thing. I was lucky in the fact that he didn’t have anything sinister but of old age, arthritis and quality of life in the end Altho he loved his food up until the last minute. I am still really torn. 2 nights after his passing I dreamt that I was chasing him around this room because I wanted to touch him to see if he was real and he was in my dream. Both my partner and I just sat with him fussing him and he looked happy. But I haven’t had anything since Altho saw a couple of white feathers. I just don’t feel him around me and I’m really struggling. I collected his ashes last wkd and took me 3 days to look at them but haven’t found comfort in them yet. I’m still unsure. I’m not sure whether the intense grief or the uncertainty of how I feel about his ashes is preventing him from reaching me 😢 I know everyone is different but I’m finding it hard thinking those ashes are my beautiful boy. I also had a dream (not comforting at all) that I was out with friends planning my day including going back to do routine things with my dog. When I got back I was fussing him and my partner was looking at me saying what are u doing? He couldn’t see my dog only me and I was shouting saying why can’t u see him! I don’t know if I’m in denial and I know that is probably a bad thing but I don’t know how to get past this 😔

My heart is breaking for you and I am so sorry for your loss. It is an impossible decision we must make when it is time for them to go. You are probably still in grief shock. It is a slow process and it may take you some time to move through all the layers. I promise you he is just fine in spirit and you do not need to worry about him. I encourage you to get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, as it will answer so many questions for you. I am not a dream specialist but some dreams can be very unnerving but those are likely your emotions, grief, and subconscious mind not an actual visitation. Visits in our dreams are lovely, beautiful, and so vivid you wake up expecting them to be right there. Be patient with your grief. It is normal and expected for you to feel this way. I’m so glad you were guided to me so I can continue to provide you with ongoing love and support. Sending love and healing…

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My beloved dog Delilah had to crossover to her new life this spring . Although i could feel her spirit hovering over me and i had a reading done soon after her passing that was very spot on, i had some dark days where my sadness got the better of me and i started doubting what i believed in spiritually . I thought maybe there is no great reunion one day and all these signs aren’t really . In my reading i was told the color pink is associated with my girl and that night as i went out to the deck i was treated to the most spectacular pink sunset . Brought a tear and a smile to my face . Now for the last 20 years s or so i have been obsessed with seeing an owl in , organically in nature . I’ve wanted this experience so badly . I’m always hoping to see an owl . I love owls. On this particular night as it got darker , a bird flew over my boyfriend and i and landed on a peak right on our roof deck, RIGHT next to us. A beautiful great horned owl !!! It turned and looked right into my eyes i swear it wasn’t like i was looking into my dogs eyes . It then flew away . Leaving my boyfriend and i in shock. It still brings tears to my eyes because i know in my heart it was my girl sending me that owl. I’m 42 years old and had never seen one until that night . A few months later i asked for her to send me another owl. I knew if it was the same one that it was more likely we just had an owl. But nope ! That night a light owl with mostly white feathers and a sweet little round head landed in the exact same spot !! If it has happened once i would consider it a lucky coincidence . But two different owls in the same spot ….. i know it is my girl . I light white candles for her every Friday ( the day she passed ) and leave a fresh flower for her every time i buy flowers at the store . I still talk to her and thank her out loud for all the signs and tell her how much i love them and ask her to always send them . I never heard about the spiritual gas tank and crystals being a part of that but i do have a ton and they are on a book case in the room i sleep in, which would explain all the dream visits !! I dreamt of her this week , and also the best day of my cat who passed almost 20 years ago and also the day after that was one of my first childhood dogs last night . They just wanted to be held and loved . Also a lion visitef with me. I’m still trying to figure out what that one meant or who it was but i gave love as well. I woke up feeling more energized than i have in awhile , it was quite lovely ! I would appreciate any tips on how to use my crystals to supply more energy to any of my pets who would like to visit . Thank you 🙂

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Delilah. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. My heart breaks for you. It is so beautiful to hear about all the signs you have received. The owl visits are amazing! And the pink sunset…wow! I love how open you are to receiving. That makes a big difference. Many people will discount messages and signs as coincidence and brush them off. It is truly remarkable how many signs we receive from loved ones and staying aware, open, and ready to receive is so important. I’m so glad you were guided here and thank you for sharing all of these special moments. Sending love and healing

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On Good Friday of 2013 (or Best Friday as I’ve called it since then), I adopted a cat who was roughly 3 years old who had FIV & anxiety issues. I named him Wally (short for Walter Matthmeow) and sadly he passed away Saturday October 9th, 2021. I’ve lost many people in my life, from my mother when I was barely a teenager, to other family members & friends that I’ve known for decades, and none of them hurt anywhere near as much as when I lost my boy. He was truly my best friend, always a loving & sweet boy. I wanted to thank you for your article. If thinking of Wally since Saturday has been “filling his tank”, his tank must be overflowing. He was quite literally my world. I’ve never had any children nor will I ever have, so he was my child. Saturday, a matter of hours after he left me, I glanced over at the nook where his litter box is (now was) and I saw what I could only describe as a silhouetted blur. And to your article as well, I will never give up on asking him for signs as I will always want him to know I love him now, and will love him forever. Thank you, Karen, thank you so very much.

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved, boy, Wally. My heart breaks for you. I have no doubt he is with you now and will always be near. How wonderful you were able to see him in his favorite spot. They will often do exactly as they did when they were in physical form. Not much changes for them but for us it shatters our whole world. I appreciate your kindness and I am so glad that this article has been a positive part of your journey. I hope you will also get a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, to provide more insight into what lies ahead for you and Wally. You have my heart, thoughts and prayers for healing.

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My cat immediately sent out a brown butterfly right after he died. The butterfly flew across the spot where he always lie down. I felt his presence and cried.

Truly beautiful…a very special moment to cherish. I am so sorry for your loss and I send love and healing.

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I lost my last 2 pets last year. Casper was the most endearing just stared at me all the time. I had a male visitor that didn’t know my dog died recently he visited and said to make sure my dog stays upstairs I said, “What dog?” and he described my Casper walking up the stairs, real life, like, but why didn’t he show himself to me? There have been signs a heavy mirror was knocked over there was no way it could have fallen and lately, I’m awakened by something jumping on or off my bed the whole bed moves startling me I think it’s Casper but there was Roxy too so how do I let them know I’m aware of them? Thank you so much for being here I didn’t want to go crazy or invite unwanted spirits

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Casper. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. How wonderful that someone saw him! That is fantastic and I would be envious too but it could be that your grief is clouding those images. Grief makes it hard to breathe so seeing Casper is even more challenging if you are in pain or missing him. It is hard to know for sure if you have another pet that could jump on the bed. You can set up a camera and see what happens. That would solve the mystery! I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey. Also, be sure to join my VIP family for ongoing support to help you during this difficult time. Sending love and healing

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9 weeks ago today, our gorgeous, loving, handsome, Hungarian Vizsla, Freddie, died. He had had cancer for 2 years and was just 12. My partner and I are still totally devastated with no end in sight. Freddie would spend every evening lying on top of my partner when she was sitting on the couch, so that sometimes she was barely visible. (He was a big dog!) They were inseparable. And for 12 years, he was always allowed to sleep in the bed. Since he passed,a number of things have happened which have convinced me that he is sometimes still with us. I was alone in bed shortly after his death when the bedclothes next to my feet moved. I did not cause that and this was where Freddie used to curl up to sleep. About a week later, my partner was nudged on the back of her leg whilst in the house, but nothing was there. An hour ago, whilst making supper, I saw out of the corner of my eye a large brown dog-just for a second. I asked my partner if Freddie’s sister Ruby had come into the kitchen but she said Ruby had not moved from the sitting room. My partner asked me if I had seen this from the corner of my eye because she had had the same thing happen. She never told me about this before. So I am certain he is still with us now and then. The important thing is that I was absolutely not a believer in visitations like this, but no longer. Years ago, I was involved in a civil court case which was causing me immense stress and worry. My then wife’s mother went to see a medium about it who said not to worry because there was a woman there helping me who was widowed young. That was my grandmother. My mother lost her father when she was 2 years old. My then mother in law and my ex wife knew nothing at all of my grandmother who had died 30 years previously. So now I am a complete convert. It is such a comfort to know that Freddie has not disappeared from our lives for ever but will come to see us from time to time and also to see from those lovely people who have commented on here that what we are experiencing is real and not imagined.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Freddie. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. It sounds like Freddie is around you and manifesting which is WONDERFUL! I hope you shared your gratitude and invited Freddie to visit again. It takes a lot of energy to do so. Many people are non-believers until something happens to them. I’m so happy that you were able to experience this. Consider yourself very fortunate. My book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, reveals many stories that you will love, I hope you have a copy. Sending love and healing.

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I lost my beloved Teddy, my little orange cat who had a deep connection with me. I am devastated and feel so guilty that he was outdoors and hit by a speeding car. I am restless and grieving – getting through the day was so hard. I read the other posts with hope that I would be able to let Teddy know how much he meant and still means to me. I miss his vocal greetings, our hugs, his jump into my arms, time in the gardens, sleeping on my lap, snuggling in my robe in the morning, making him fish for his morning treat – special kitty who had a heart of gold. I am heart broken, my life is not the same without him.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Teddy. I cannot imagine how much you miss him. He can hear your thoughts and feel your love so just let him know how special he is. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you heal. Sending love and healing

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My sweet boy, Deku, died three days ago December 22, 2021. He choked to death. It upsets me so much because I keep thinking how I could’ve saved him but couldn’t because I was in a panic and didn’t know what to do. My moms boyfriend tried saving him but it was unsuccessful. I have some many regrets. I should’ve taken him to the emergency vet. My other cat, Bean, he’s 4 yrs old. It seems like he keeps wandering around the house as if he’s looking for him. It makes me sad for him because that was his first brother & best friend. Now it’s back to just me and him. We were so excited for Christmas, as it was his first with our family. Hours prior to his death, we opened presents. So glad I got to capture a video of it. I rescued him back in July. Nurtured him back to life because he almost died. He was originally supposed to go to a shelter as soon as he got better but I’m so glad that I kept him. I don’t want to wash my bed sheets because it still has his fur on it from the previous days he was here. It hits me more at night because Deku would always lay by me or on me throughout the whole night. My mind can’t stop thinking “what if”. It’s been three days, hoping I’d get some sort of sign from him. last night I had a dream and he happened to pop up in it for what felt like only a second. I hope and pray he sends me more signs. We get to bring his ashes home on Monday. Super upset that I didn’t have longer time with him or to welcome him into the new year with me. This is my first time losing a pet and it feels like my world ended. I’m trying to be strong for me and my other cat. Thank you for this article.

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your angel, Deku. I cannot imagine how devasted you must be. It is so painful to lose someone you love and even more difficult when tragedy strikes around the holidays. My deepest condolences for your loss. Be patient, kind, and gentle with yourself as you move through your emotions. There is no set time for signs to appear and that he popped in once is huge. He wants you to know all is well. Trust that he is near and knows only the deepest love for you. While it may seem like being strong is the way through the pain it actually benefits all by leaning into your grief. Feeling all the emotions is the fastest way through the pain. When we hold back, we just put all that pain on a shelf. It will likely pop up again and again as unresolved grief. I am not a grief expert but I can share what I have learned over the years. Do what makes you feel safe, calm, and balanced and that will help your sweet Bean with this terrible loss too. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals t o help you through this difficult time. Please opt in on the HOME page as a VIP so I can continue to provide you with the loving support you deserve. Sending love and healing

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Two weeks ago today we had to put our beloved tuxedo cat Zorra to sleep. My fiancé rescued her from a snow storm 17 years ago and she was a part of our lives. She became ill and went downhill quickly. We miss her so much. We have seen fleeting glimpses of her at home that have been comforting. Lastly, she always looked at the same squirrel in a tree outside the window. Well, this same squirrel ended up on our 2nd floor porch the moment we returned home with her ashes. This squirrel never had gone on the porch before. My fiancé opened the porch door to give him some nuts and he didn’t even run.I believe these are signs that our Zorra is sending us to let us know she is ok as the squirrel is known as a totem.

I am so very sorry for the loss of your angel, Zorra. What beautiful memories you must have of all those years together. I have no doubt that the squirrel incident is significant. There are no coincidences in my opinion and the fact that you honor that will likely bring even more signs. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you through this difficult time. I would also like to invite you to opt in on my HOME page as a VIP to receive the loving support you deserve. Sending love and healing

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We lost our beloved staffy in September last year I still can’t look at her picture it’s to upsetting, she was 15 years old. Yesterday morning I was getting milk out of the fridge and she was sat by the back door on the mat next to her bowl and the water bowl were she would always sit at breakfast time, we have another staffy he is 10 now but he was sat in the living room on the rug waiting for his breakfast. I couldn’t believe it I miss her so much

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Staffy. Fifteen years is a lifetime of love and memories. I’m sure she is right there with you and is still in her favorite spots. I hope you have a copy of my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey. Also, please be sure to OPT-IN on my HOME page to receive the ongoing love and support you deserve. Sending love and healing

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I lost a pet in November and I’ve really been struggling with it. The days without her here are hard, I miss her a lot. We kept her collar with her box. The jingle of her collar plays in my head from time to time and I always feel at peace when I shake the collar when I need to hear it. I’m really glad I found this article because last night, I was “sleeping” ?? And I heard her jingle. She always used to sleep at the end of my bed in the corner, and I felt the weight of her there. I felt as though I was awake but asleep at the same time. The weight traveled all the way near my left arm where she would lay and snuggle. I remember calling her name, and feeling her getting excited and playful I could feel the weight of her body next to mine. The weird thing is, I never saw anything in my head, it was all dark. No dream, nothing. I’m wondering if I was in a REM state? I’m not sure but I will never forget the happiness I felt experiencing that. I hope she knows how much I miss her. As a spiritual person myself, I really do believe it was her.

I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. I have no doubt that the jingle you hear is your angel. They will often let us know they are near by sending audible sounds. Their routine does not change after they transition and they are often in their usual spots right by us. Feeling her on the bed is another really amazing experience! You are so fortunate! Please don’t doubt these incredible visitations. They are REAL! I wrote about visitations in my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and the signs they will send. Thank her for those wonderful moments and ask for more! Sending love and healing

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My beloved Pot Belly pig visited. I was delighted, as I’m still quite heartbroken due to the loss. I am thrilled (although crying) to actually see the image that my ring camera captured, I wish I could show you here. If your pet has not visited yet, be patient.

I am so sorry for your loss and that was truly an incredible image you received on your RING. It is a fact that we miss most of their messages but you received a wonderful visitation for sure. Sending love and healing

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I lost my gal Pappy on Jan 12, 2022. She was 13 years old. Her passing was so sudden and tragic for me. She had an enlarged heart condition and was getting weaker with a few episodes of seizures. For the past few weeks before her passing, I was so heart broken and was crying thinking she might be leaving me soon. She sensed my sadness and licked off my tears from my face. After she passed, I somehow came across your book The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. I finished the booked and I am so thankful that this book has help me to answer so many questions and most importantly it has help me in my grieving process. Instead of reliving the tragic event over and over again in my mind, I am now able to focus on all the good memories I had with her. I can’t believe Pappy guided me to your book. Knowing that she still loves me and takes care of me even though she is no longer physically here with me is comforting. I have checked out your Painted Rain Ranch website and what you are doing is so amazing. I am so grateful that my husband and I received so many signs from her and the dream she gave me lead me to your book and the Painted Rain Ranch. Thank you Karen!

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Pappy. I have NO DOUBT that she guided you to my book. Our loved ones know who can help us and they will place us in the path of those we can learn from so our healing process can begin. I’m so honored to be a part of your journey. The Painted Rain Ranch is truly a blessing. It has been a life-long dream and now it is a reality. Dreams really do come true! I don’t see you in my VIP family so please opt in as a VIP member so we can stay in touch. Thank you for your kindness and your beautiful sentiments…Sending love and healing…

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I usually go back to Lola’s house at 8:20 night. On January 26, 2022, when I went home to feed my dogs, Skye was waiting at the back door, so I looked for Bubbles, Kibs, and Mot-mot. I looked for Kibs for 5 minutes until I found her inside the water station. When it was time to feed them, I went to Cookie to wake her and feed her a tiny portion of our food. As I tapped her neck, she won’t wake up. I tried shaking her body, but still not moving. Now, I tried to feel her heartbeat, no signs, and her skin was cold. I stared at her for a few seconds to gather my thoughts and tried to wake her again while crying, still no response. To be honest, I am regretting everything I had done while she was still alive. I am one of those people who are busy with their lives and didn’t notice that there was something wrong with their parents, spouse, children, and pets. If I notice something wrong with her, as I unleashed her and she just slept on the floor mat in our kitchen, I would have comforted her. If I was not rushing to finish doing my notes, I could have bonded with her. If I unleashed her the whole day, she could have strolled the house, not left alone while others are outside. If didn’t spend a lot of time with my studies, love-life, or watching series, I could have spent my time with her without knowing she will be gone forever. If I didn’t hesitate to go home earlier that day, maybe 7:30 pm, I would have been with her, comforting her until she died. She could have died not alone in that freezing night full of insects. Only if I could tell her that I’m sorry for what I have done, she could have left peacefully, not waiting for me to be there. Only if I knew she was going to die that night I could have gone there earlier. Cookie, I wish you have left me not remembering our bad deeds. I hope you have left this world not regretting anything as I do.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Cookie. It is so hard to lose someone you love so much. My heart breaks for you. I must guide you to my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals . You will discover that Cookie does not view things as you do. Your feelings of guilt and blame are only yours. She loves you and knows how much you love her. I promise she only holds you in the highest regard. I would also like to invite you to my VIP family. It is free to opt in on the HOME page so I can provide you with the loving support you deserve. Sending love and healing…

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I’m blessed to have found you! I’ve always had/and have dogs, cats, a gecko, a bunny and an African Grey Parrot named Rowdy. I had Rowdy since she was 6 weeks old. 4 years ago (she was 31 years old) she had a heart attack in my arms and passed away. I still hear her whistle, her distinctive noises she made & at times I hear her the bells she had in her cage ringing. Some people don’t believe me & say it’s my mind playing tricks in me because I had her for so long & was used to hearing her all day long. Maybe that’s true, but once in a while my kids & I will hear a noise that only she made and look at each other and say “that was Rowdy girl”. I know my other dogs & cats are with me I will be sure to fill their hearts with my energy so they can communicate with me more vividly. Thanks for reading!

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Rowdy. That is an incredible lifetime the two of you shared and all those amazing memories. I cannot imagine how devasted you must be and how much you miss her. How special that you know she is near and hearing the bells, sounds, and whistles is truly heartwarming! I don’t see you in my VIP family yet so please opt in as it is free and I can provide you with the loving support you deserve. I hope you have my book too, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. I have so much to share with you on your journey. Sending love and healing

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I lost my beautiful Mr.Kitty four weeks ago today. He was 10 and I’ve had him since he was 2 months old. He had a urinary blockage and kidney failure. It all happened within 36 hours. The news that he needed to be euthanized was devastating. He was my love, my bestfriend. I was able to say goodbye but I couldn’t bear to watch him go. I just couldn’t. It was heartbreaking. I just couldn’t see his life leave him. I’ve been grieving terribly for four weeks. I found your site a few days ago and I’m finding some comfort from your words. I finally feel the sadness lifting some. I don’t want to keep my handsome boy in a dark place. When we got home after that awful day I had lots of signs. I heard the bell of his toy, I smelled cat pee and heard him scratching in his box, I heard him meowing and my husband and I both saw him out of the corner of our eye. I also smell his fur very strong all the time. About 3 days after his death, I woke with terrible guilt over not being there for his final moments. It hit me like a hammer. I’m finding it impossible to forgive myself. I keep thinking if I knew that he forgives me that’s all I need. Its because I love him soo that I couldn’t watch him go. I wish he would come to me in a dream so I could hold him again. I miss him like crazy.

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Mr. Kitty. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. The guilt can be overwhelming when things do not go as we hoped. I promise you he does not hold you responsible for not being with him. He likely chose a time to leave so it really wasn’t up to you after all. Trust that he knows only love for you. Please get my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals , and opt in as a VIP on my HOME page so I can provide the loving support you deserve. I have so much to share with you. Sending love and healing

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Something very strange happened to me this morning. Our sweet cat boy left us last year, almost a year ago, on April 19. We still think of him a lot and miss him very much. He must know this. Anyway, I found a tuft of the softest dark grey fur – his fur- this morning in my elderly mom’s house where I am a P/T caretaker. He had never been there, ever, and she didn’t own cats, only dogs. I’m in awe, and there is no other explanation for this. My sweet, sweet cat baby came to visit me and left a little reminder of him.

I am so sorry for your loss. Even a year later the pain is still fresh. What a beautiful sign you received! That is so special and you should be so very excited! So many would do anything for a sign like that. Be sure to let your angel know how grateful you are and to please send more! Thank you for sharing this amazing experience with me.

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My beloved cat Norah crossed over the rainbow yesterday. She was 11 years old with cancer diagnosis. I was taking care of her until the day when it was obvious that her suffer was very strong and that her time to leave us was very close. We decided to help her to end that suffering in her vet clinic. I was again with her all the time. That moment and many days earlier I was asking her to let me know that she is ok, for a sign. Day after her passing a little bird appeard between my husbands lags (he was sitting as usual at the table where he work)! We live in apartment on 3. floor and she came suppose from the terrace nearby that table. The bird was then trying to fly away so I took her and release her from the ground to the bush and she immediately fly to a tree in front the building to her friends. I am shure it was sign from my cat Norah. She loved to watch birds from the windows and I used to feed them during cold winter times. I asked Nora for something, black butterfly, but this bird was more like her sign. I still cry but after this I am in piece knowing she is safe and painless. Love You my Norah!

I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Norah. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. I have no doubt she is sending you signs to let you know she is just fine and still right there with you. These strange appearances by birds, butterflies, dragonflies, or even vivid dreams are ways that our loved ones in spirit reach out to us. When we pay attention and trust it is them they will often send more signs. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to help you on your journey to find peace and comfort. Sending love and healing

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Last week I brought my PRECIOUS baby rabbit, Seven, and..he was SICK, from the start, and.. long story short, I noticed, as he was SICK and not getting any better, I made the TOUGH, but the NECESSARY, decision to..put him to sleep so that he can NEVER SUFFER AGAIN.

I got him from a breeder and though our time together was brief, I LOVED EVERY SECOND of it and wouldn’t have it ANY other way and it’s only been a day, but I miss him TERRIBLY..and, this morning, I could SWEAR I saw, inexplicably, a CLOUD, shaped like a 7, interestingly enough.

THEN it looked ALMOST like a, I KNOW it will sound CRAZY, but..a PHOENIX, of all things.

I didn’t WANT to put him to sleep, but..if it MEANS he’s in a BETTER place, and I KNOW he is, it SHOULD ease the pain, if even a LITTLE..RIP, Seven, I LOVE you and always WILL, boy, may you now rest in peace.

I ONLY did it for YOUR sake, little guy, so you can’t SUFFER anymore.

I just.. hope you’re safely on the other side now, free from pain and misery and suffering.

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Hi Karen. It has been over 15 years since this one dog died (had MANY !!) Had a weird dream last night. Lot of water in the yard from a hose or something running . I told someone to turn it off, costing me money. At the edge of where it was pooling up was my dog , Buster. He was laying on his back, legs up in the air,wagging his tail at me as I walked over to him!!! I bent over for a kiss and he just kept smelling my breath, almost like taking it out of me. I kept my mouth open & it didn’t stop. I wasn’t “out of Breath” or anything,but he just didn’t stop & kept wagging his tail !!! that’s all I remember. So VIVID.

Those vivid dreams are incredible aren’t they?! Dream visitations are very realistic and memorable. How wonderful your angel came for a visit. Thank you for sharing and just wondering if you had an emotional response too.

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Stumbled across your page and loved reading all the posts. I Lost my 4 year old 83kg St Bernard 2.5 weeks ago unexpectedly and suddenly the day after he had surgery for a torn ACL. The surgery went well, the morning after he was also well and the next time when he was just about to be released to us the vet nurses found him unresponsive in the kennel not breathing. They were as shocked as we were and didn’t know why? My ex husband opted not to have an autopsy altho its killing me.not knowing what had happened. I am grieving soo bad over him ,devasted, heartbroken and lost. However a couple of days of him passing , I was not eating or sleeping well I saw a particular van pass me on the motorway which I assume was a sign from him.The night after I had a dream with him playing , the next morning a picture was hanging off the wall walk I go on every day had a white feather laying at my Feet …..I’m hoping he is really trying to tell he is ok ?

I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. It is obvious that your angel is letting you know he is alive and well in spirit. Those signs are precious and be sure you thank him and ask for more. I hope you have my books to help you during this difficult time. Please opt in on the Home page for ongoing support and afterlife insights. Sending love and healing…

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I lost my 3yo male rottie Raf on 7Dec from aggressive lymphoma I now hate myself for accidentally falling asleep for four hours as he passed in that time, and I didn’t wake up, he passed in a room he didn’t tend to usually like the feel of or go in, on hard floorboards, on his own, as I got to his face was frozen but his legs felt hit but I couldn’t find a pulse. I just wish I could know he didn’t suffer and how sorry I am I didn’t make vets listen sooner, and how sorry I am I fell asleep and that he passed away alone and how I wasted those final few days researching rubbing around health food stores to try fight a battle I had no idea would take him that fast. I still want take things further with surgery as something just doesn’t feel right. It’s all so horrible I don’t know how to move on, he was everything to me, by my side 24-7, at work, in car, helped with my anxiety, I feel I’m only here as I need some firm of justice for him now. I don’t know what to do, I’ve begged him to send me signs but I feel none. I just wail all night it’s 347am and I still can’t sleep now, been staying in local hotel as can’t even bare thought going home without him there, can’t bare getting in car without his gorgeous head behind me. I just hate he died alone, how? What happened? Did he suffer? Did he try wake me? 😭

I am so sorry for your loss. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. Your sweet boy will love you no matter what happened. My books can help you through this difficult time. The Pet I Can’t Forget, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals, and Hear All Creatures. They will help you navigate through the pain after this terrible loss. Sending love, hope and healing….

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Hi Karen, my beautiful Boston Terrier passed last July at 14 years old from Heart Failure. I miss her so much, she was my best friend in the whole world, I am lost without her. My question is she started to send me signs right away, and have been receiving the odd one since, but now have noticed nothing in the last 2 or 3 weeks, this upsets me, because her signs bring me comfort. Is she ok? I am really worried about her and want to know that she is ok. Anything you can tell me would be appreciated.

I am so sorry for the loss of your precious angel. My heart breaks for you. It is quite common for some animals to send messages right after they transition. It sounds like you received wonderful signs and then everything went silent. There are many different reasons this may be, and I wrote about this in my book, The Pet I Can’t Forget . Those that are around you the most may not need to send signs, or you become desensitized to her presence. This is a good thing! It means she is experiencing a beautiful adventure, her soul is progressing, and you did everything right. My books go into more detail, so I encourage you to get them. Trust she is near as there is nowhere else she would rather be than with you!

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My dog always loved car rides, road trips, she passed away yesterday. I found a lady bug on the window sill at my seat today 😩 I called her name and talked to her for a while. I hoped she would visit often.

I am so sorry for your loss. It is devastating to say goodbye. I hope you have my books to help you through this difficult time. I love the ladybug sign you got…how special! Ask for more signs and keep talking to her. Sending hope and healing

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So nice to find this article. I lost my Lola girl in November of 2023. We’d just moved into a new house and without “history” here I wasn’t sure she’s ever visit. I was wrong. I feel her jump up on the bed, I’ve heard her little footsteps in the hallway, her clawing the couch and the “craziest” was noticing a little trail of kitty litter in the ensuite long after it had been removed. The week she was preparing to leave, a family of 4 magpies started showing up on my doorstep. The day she passed they came and sat by her bedroom window and they’ve every day since. Every few weeks a new bird joins out little tribe and it’s the most wonderful feeling. For the few weeks following her death I saw butterflies every single day but what is most special is knowing she has sent all these amazing birds my way, to fill my heart with joy every day that I’m without her <3

How lovely for you to receive all those signs! How does that make you feel? I would be over the moon happy.

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I am daily and nightly constantly crying over my handsome, smart, gentle dog. I feel as if I no longer have a heart for anyone or anything. Everyone who knew him said,” You will never get another like him.” They say, he looked soooooooooo good-looking similar to a male movie star. He used to ride with me always wanting to be the passenger. I am so broken without him and only now drifting daily. I did hear him bark before falling asleep, however try to notice anything unusual thinking and believing he is still here with me. Just completely devastated. Hoping he will leave me other signs he is with me, however now. Maybe he is playing over the rainbow. I know upon my departure he will stop and see me while running to me and I to him and WILL ALWAYS BE TOGETHER!!!! After all he is MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just another thought. When I rescued him from a shelter it was he who picked me. A true gift from “GOD’!

I’m so sorry for your loss. We are never the same after losing our beloved companions. Grief exposes who we are at the soul level. I hope you have my books to help you during this difficult time. Sending hope and healing

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I find this very interesting , 4 days ago we had to say goodbye to our beautiful Leonberger that we had for 12 years. I have never seen a dog so in love with a person (my wife). Anyways, I was home alone the day after working on my PC (by lower patio door) and I distinctly hear the very short whining chirp she would make whenever she wanted in from outside. I though nothing of it. 10 minutes later I hear it again and it sounds clearly coming outside. My curiosity it peaking at this point. I go up to the kitchen level and open the door, investigate outside and there is nothing that could possibly make this noise. I go back to my PC, 10 minutes later I hear it again and it seems to be coming from the alternate patio door right beside my desk. I open it, look around and see nothing. I would guess I heard 5-6 of these whining noises. At one point, I reopened the door and said “Come on in”, unusual for me! Anyways, I am at work today and my wife messages me and says “In the last few weeks Ellie had become very gassy with a particular smell. I am smelling it this am in the kitchen and living room”

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved companion. They are so precious. My heart breaks for you. I have no doubt your angel is letting you know she is alive and well in spirit. Those afterlife signs and messages are proof that the bonds of love never die. Sending hope and healing

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visits from deceased pets


Do Deceased Pets Visit from the Afterlife?

Imagine seeing your dead pet happily sitting next to you, approx. reading time 6 minutes,  you’re devastated over the loss of your pet.

Do deceased pets visit from the afterlife? Where pets go when they die is a question many devoted pet owners wonder about. Relax. Your pet moves on to another place just like human souls do.

When a beloved pet dies, grief can be profound and emotional. It may be as challenging to move through, as with any human loved one that has passed. Moreover, we’ve lost our companion, our friend, and precious family member. At a time like this, adult pet owners, and children, may wonder, “What happens to my pet when it dies? Do they go to some kind of a pet heaven?”

Can Pets Have Some Kind of Afterlife?

I can assure you that pets do indeed move on to a particular place on the *astral plane. Animals that reside there, including every pet we’ve ever had, cats, dogs, birds, and even horses, stay connected to us with the same unwavering loyalty and unconditional love that they gave us during their time on earth.

When we humans transcend to the ‘Other Side’, our deceased loved ones are there to greet us. This fact also holds true for our pets who are also excitedly waiting to welcome us ‘Home.’

The Trauma of Putting Down a Pet

It’s devastating when we have to put our pet down  due to old age or illness. Pet owners may feel a profound sense of guilt, and wonder if their pet in spirit resents them because of this. Be assured, the pet ‘understands’ on a spiritual level why this had to happen. They will not hold a grudge against former owners, and in fact, they are thankful towards us for having  eased  their pain and suffering.

Ms. Meyer’s Dog

Ms. Meyer’s beloved dog, died in January 2006, But she believes her dog’s spirit continues to visit her. So much loved was her dog, that she keeps the cremains in an urn by the door.  Ms. Myers shared, “Every now and then I hear her coming up the steps. I can sense her, feel her. She was the most special, special dog.”

Angelina’s Cat

Angelina in California is a cat lover. Over the years, she’s had many cats. A few years ago, still in grief about a beloved cat that had died a year earlier, Angelina came home one day and had the shock of her life.

Coming home from work one day, just for the heck of it, Angelina checked her in-home security footage. All seemed as it should be, and she saw her present cat snoozing on the couch. Suddenly something strange appeared in the footage. Out of nowhere was the apparition of a cat sitting next to her current one. The other cat seemed blithely unaware of the other animal sitting next to it. Then, in a few seconds, the phantom cat was gone.

In shock, Angelina reviewed the footage over and over. Yep. It was her former beloved pet. Angelina had been wishing for a sign from her deceased pet but figured it was impossible. Now she had proof that her pet was alive and well somewhere else. Angelina reported that this event gave her great peace and changed her outlook on life forever. Now, she had no doubt the pets could visit from the afterlife.

Ways Deceased Pets Let Us Know They’re Near

Many pet owners report seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, or the presence of their much loved pet after its death. It can be an apparition of Princess lying on her favorite rug or the faint clicking of Bolt’s paws trotting down the hall. Other times, it’s the distinctive odor of Ellie’s fur. And, it’s not surprising when more than one family member mentions noticing their pet.

Pet owners have claimed seeing a fleeting glimpse of their departed pet. Additionally, they’ve reported smelling their pet’s scent. And, they’ve felt them as well.

In some instances, the pet owner experiences a  rubbing sensations  against a leg just as the animal did in life. Furthermore, many reports include hearing a familiar meow or a particular bark. When this happens, there can be a feeling of wonderment and emotional upliftment with the realization that their  pet is still alive  somewhere!

People often dismiss the signs of visits from pets as imagination, a trick of the eye or wishful thinking, yet when we acknowledge that visits from our deceased pets are real, we can receive greater comfort from their loss.

What Science Says about Where Pets Go

Dr. Mark D. Miller, an associate professor of psychiatry at UPMC’s Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, says his profession generally views reports of pet spirit encounters as grief-related hallucinations.  Furthermore, it’s on an unconscious level. 

We think it’s a phenomenon where the critical thinking part of the brain is suspended because pet owners want to believe so much that their beloved pet is coming back, and maybe they aren’t actually dead.

To add to this, Miller feels that they’re not accepting the pet’s death. Also, they’re not accepting the reality of it because it’s too painful. Hanging onto the pain is, in a way, hanging onto the pet,” Miller says.

Joe Hirsch, chairman of the Hearts and Paws Ministry at Christ United Methodist Church in Bethel Park, says he believes animals have souls but doesn’t put much stock into the paranormal. In his view, pet spirits’ sightings are explainable due to grief and a kind of memory association.

Pet afterlife

What Happens to Pets: Religious Points of View

The Rev. Rapczak, a Lutheran minister, regarding an afterlife for pets, says a lot depends on whether an individual accepts their religion’s official teachings. She continues with, “To her knowledge, no primary Western faiths officially teach the survival of animals after death. “They teach that when animals die, they die.  However, Eastern faiths such as Hinduism and Buddhism have a much different view. They believe that animals fit into the great wheel of **Reincarnation.”

Spirit Over Mind

Author of “Pet Ghosts: Animal Encounters from Beyond the Grave,” Joshua P. Warren, says people worldwide report animal apparitions all the time. He calls them “phantimals”—a mix of the terms phantoms and animals.

“Pet spirits do exist and often visit their owners,” says Dr. Janice Dreshman, a registered psychic medium in Lily Dale, N.Y. “In my experience, those pet owners are being able to witness a piece of Spirit.” She goes on to define Spirit as the purest light from God, or The Divine that is a part of every person and animal.

In the North Hills of Finleyville, Washin g ton County, PA, the Peace of Mind Paranormal Society captured audio evidence of a suspected ghost cat. Don Wagner, T ech Manager  stated, “The client told us that something would shake her mattress each morning, jump on her chest and purr loudly in her face, waking her up. Interestingly, her pet cat died long ago. No other cat being present, the team   unmistakably  heard purring while sitting in her kitchen.

A Friend’s Pet

“Some weeks after she’d had to be put to sleep, I was not surprised when I tripped over the reclining body of my much-loved Labrador, Sally, in her customary place between the kitchen and living room doorway. “

Deceased Pets Might Appear in Dreams

When a beloved  pet dies , they may visit us in a dream. Are these dreams a real visitation or merely a sign of grief? Yes and no. While it’s true that we may  dream  of a deceased pet due to sadness, a pet may very well appear as themselves in a dream to console us. They want us to know they are happy in their spirit world.

Not Sure if You Really Saw Your Deceased Pet?

Learn to distinguish your own thoughts from those emanating elsewhere. “Pets will whisper things that only the owner can know.” The person may feel that it’s their own emotions coming up to surface yet, it was most likely placed there by their pet’s spirit.

In Conclusion:

Sadly, seeing, hearing, or feeling a deceased pet doesn’t happen for everyone. Although many pet owners might not have the experience of consciously detecting a departed pet’s presence, on a much deeper level, owners will often intuitively know when their dead pet is near. They don’t know how to explain it, but the  knowing  is as real as any physical sighting.

As mentioned, the death of a pet can be devastating as some of you have experienced. However, knowing that your pet is alive and well on another plane of existence may help to alleviate some of the  grief and sadness  felt at the passing of your pet. Be assured they will be there to greet you when it’s your time to pass to the “other side.”

You may also like:  Moving through Grief from the loss of a pet.

*Astral Plane:  The dimension closest to the earth where human spirits, spirit guides, and animals reside. This dimension is considered as Heaven to some. **Reincarnation: A person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have been reborn.


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10 Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You

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visits from deceased pets

Losing a pet is a difficult event for any pet owner.

The loss, the mourning, the grief, and the love all swirl together to form one big cluster of emotions.

This is perfectly normal.

However, you should know that your pet is never truly gone.

They will often come to visit you, without you even knowing.

To help you recognize visitations from your beloved deceased pet and better process their death, let’s have a look at ten signs your deceased pet is visiting you. 

1. You Hear Them Moving Around The House

You may hear your deceased pet’s collar jangling around the house or the sound of their wagging tail hitting the floor.

This can be a clear sign that your pet is still there with you. 

They’re letting you know that you aren’t alone. They are still in the house, going about their daily routine, in the afterlife.

Your pet misses you and wants to make sure that you know that they’re still by your side. 

Hearing your pet can also sound like whining or whimpering. You can talk to them and might even find that they respond with a whimper or whine. 

Their favorite toys may make sounds throughout the night as if they were playing with them.

A subtle reminder of the presence of your deceased pet can look like hearing a song on the radio that reminds you of them or hearing them eating food.

Don’t be alarmed when you hear these sounds; it’s just your furry friend coming to pay you a visit from the afterlife.

A professional psychic medium is able to communicate with those who’ve passed over to the afterlife. If you’d like to speak with a psychic medium, my favorite online psychic service is offering a free 5-minute medium reading here.

cat in clouds

2. You Feel Their Presence

Of course, one of the clearest signs that your deceased pet may be popping in to check on you is feeling their presence. 

This can be a spiritual feeling, like feeling their energy or spirit wandering around the house, or it can be a physical feeling, like feeling their headrest on your lap.

You may feel a tingle on your lap, letting you know that they’re there nudging you for comfort. 

Many people say that they feel as if their pet is still hanging around their usual favorite spots around their home for many weeks or even months after their pet passes.

A sudden temperature change is a good way to tell that your beloved pet is curled up next to you. You may find that their favorite spot on the couch is extra warm on a cold day.

When you sense your pet’s spirit, it’s simple to acknowledge this communication with your furry friend.

Simply converse in the same manner that you did while your buddy was living. In reaction, you could hear a phantom whimper or meow.

Random happy memories might pop into your mind when you feel them close by. Savor these moments, as they are precious.

3. You See Them Trotting Around The House

Clairvoyancy is a divine gift bestowed only upon some. But on the odd occasion, people develop the gift after a loved one has passed. 

If you are already clairvoyant or have been blessed enough to see your deceased pet around the house, you should appreciate this rare time.

You get extra time to see your furry friend. Stop and admire the view occasionally. 

Some passed pets make themselves visible to their owners during trying times, when their owners may need a bit of extra love and support. 

It is not uncommon to see spirits of pets who have passed when you are feeling lost or alone.

In fact, 84% of pet owners whose pets have passed away say they have seen or heard their pet at least once since their death ( 1 ).

They may see you struggling, either with their death or with other personal issues, and come and visit you during this time.

Sometimes seeing your deceased pet doesn’t mean seeing a full, clear image of them, but rather, thinking you see them out the corner of your eye or seeing their shadow next to yours.

4. You See Their Personality In Other Pets

When your pet passes, it is not uncommon to start noticing small pieces of their personality shining through in your other pets or the pets of your friends.

Every pet’s personality is unique, so if you see hints of your deceased pet’s personality in other animals around you, it is an obvious sign that your late furry friend may be popping in to say hello from the afterlife.

Sending their distinctive spiritual energy to be with someone they love on Earth is one of the most prevalent ways that deceased animals connect with people.

The objective is to console the bereaved person they care about. 

When this occurs, people will become aware of the animal’s energy because they will sense a presence that reminds them of that animal.

This may be a sign that your deceased pet is visiting you through the spirits of other animals.

You should talk to their spirit in the other animals and make them feel welcome. 

Let them know that you recognize them. Take this time to appreciate the extra moments with your beloved pet.

Many people think that animals may reincarnate in the same manner that humans can. 

When their new companion exhibits similar personality characteristics and behaviors, some people believe their dog has reincarnated. 

Others think the pets live on the other side and are waiting for them to join them before reincarnating or going on to different planes of life.

5. Reaction of other pets 

Are your other pets acting strange? Well, this could be a sign that they are seeing or hearing their deceased friend. 

In the same way that you may be able to notice the presence of your pet’s spirit, your other pets may be able to do the same thing. 

People have argued for years about whether dogs can detect death.

Some say that dogs are genetically designed to be more aware of diseases and death since they have far superior senses to humans. 

Dogs specifically are highly alert, and they are probably one of the first animals to detect even the tiniest change in their friend’s mood.

Many sources claim that animals are highly sensitive to the presence of spirits.

This claim is widely believed to be true, as there have been many instances where animals have picked up the presence of a deceased pet and responded to it. 

If it is true that dogs and other animals can sense death, that should substantiate the claim that they can sense the presence of a deceased friend.

6. You See Them In Your Dreams

Dreams are the most typical ways for deceased pets to communicate with their owners. 

Dreams act as a link between this world and what is often referred to as heaven or the other side, depending on one’s religious views.

Walking with your departed pet, caressing your beloved friend, or simply resting by a lake, taking in the moment of being together again are all possible dream scenarios with your deceased pet. 

There is no set rule for dreaming about your dogs after they have died.

People claim that their dogs converse or interact with them in their dreams via telepathy or images. 

What you feel after having a dream about your pet might be very different. 

After your dream reunion with your pet, you may feel a range of emotions, both happy and unpleasant. This is completely normal.

Focusing on the messaging of your encounter is the greatest approach to deal with after having a dream reunion with your dear furry friend. 

Reassure yourself that your pet has communicated with you to let you know that they are safe and well in the afterlife.

7. You See Divine Signs From Them

There are a few objects and symbols that could indicate a connection with your pet’s spirit.

  • Seeing the shape of them in the clouds in the sky
  • Seeing a rainbow after thinking about them
  • Birds symbolize freedom. Seeing many birds can indicate that your pet is free and safe. The most common bird to see after death is a blue jay.
  • Seeing dragonflies or a white butterfly is a sign from your deceased pet to embrace change. This could be your sign to get a new companion or finally move on from their death.
  • Ladybugs frequently appearing in your space can be a sign to make the most of life and live it to the fullest. Your pet may want to remind you that life is short, and you can’t mourn forever.
  • Seeing number signs, specifically angel number 11:11 over and over again, can be a very obvious sign that your deceased pet is watching over you and is now one of your guardian angels. 
  • Flowers may begin to bloom, especially if it is out of season. They’re letting you know that they’re okay and having a different kind of life.
  • Remember that your pet’s spirit is full of energy, and it’s not uncommon to experience electrical manipulations after they die away.
  • After they’ve passed away, you could find a feather which could be them letting you know that they are safe and sound.
  • You came upon your deceased pet’s name in an unexpected place

All of these signs can be from your deceased pet.

dragonfly on reed

9. You See Angel Numbers

According to numerology, angel numbers are a recurring series of three or four numbers that emerge in apparently random locations throughout your life to transmit a spiritual or heavenly message.

Your deceased pet could be sending you a sign through angel numbers. 

It is important to pay attention to what numbers are being sent to you, as each number or series of numbers has its own meaning, and therefore its own message.

They enjoyed giving us numbers that were meaningful to them or you, such as birthdates, ages, or other significant numbers or numbers that are repeated in a sequence, such as 1111 , 222 , 33333 , etc.

Your pet wants to communicate with you. This is one way they can “visit” you through other methods.

These numerals can be found on clocks, the television, billboards, watches, and any other place where numbers appear in your life. 

10. You Feel Ready To Move On

Moving on after the death of a pet can be difficult, and often, people try and avoid it. They feel like if they move on, their deceased pet will feel forgotten. 

This is not the case, and your deceased pet may even visit you to let you know that it’s okay to move on, it’s okay to get a new pet, and it’s okay to feel happy again.

When you feel a sudden surge of peace or happiness amidst the sadness, you will know that your pet is saying that it’s okay to stop being sad.

Of course, you can take as long as you need to, but it is always comforting to have the all-clear from your furry friend’s spirit. It can aid the grieving process for a lot of pet owners.

Remember that even if you move on, your pet will never truly be gone or forgotten.

Everyone takes their own time to heal. The same goes for your deceased pet. 

They may communicate with you two days after passing or four years after passing. Either way, they’re always looking out for you.

Final Thoughts

It is a privilege to have a deceased pet come to visit you.

Whether it’s an obvious sign, like making themselves visible, or a subtle sign like seeing a butterfly where they used to play, they are always with us. 

You should keep in mind that it’s okay to move on.

In fact, some people take two days to move on, while others take two years.

This is normal, and your pet may visit you at any time or not at all. Whatever the case, your pet loves you eternally.

If you’d like to communicate with your beloved pet, I recommend a free 5-minute reading with a professional psychic medium. Here’s the link for a free reading.



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My name is Ash and I'm the founder of High Vibes Haven. I have been studying numerology, angels, and angel numbers for over 20 years. I am passionate about helping people recognize signs from their guardian angels, understand the hidden meanings of numbers in their life, and learn more about the secrets of the universe.

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Preston Ni M.S.B.A.

Stories of Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets

Loving, healing, and uplifting experiences from readers’ dreams..

Posted October 18, 2020 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma

“Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking.” ―Black Elk

A few years ago, I posted "How Dreams of Deceased Pets Affect the Dreamers." The piece became and continues to be one of my posts with the strongest response. Many readers shared their own visitation dream experiences with their beloved pets that have passed. These stories, which are often sad, loving, healing, and uplifting at the same time, attest to the power of human-animal connection.


In examining the reader testimonials, certain striking similarities emerge. Here are five characteristics of visitation dreams of deceased pets, with references from my book How to Interpret & Re-Experience Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets . Many readers have reported at least one, and often several of the patterns below about their dreams.

1. The dreamer is often struck by the vivid, realistic quality of the visitation dream.

“My god it was so real.” ―Anonymous
“Her fur felt so real and soft.” ―Anonymous

One of the most frequent characterizations of visitation dreams of deceased pets is that they appear much more vivid and lucid than normal dreams, with an intense and kinetic “felt-sense” connecting the dreamer with their pet. Many readers commented on how “real” the dream felt to them. Frequently the dreamer would awaken with strong emotions (i.e., love, tenderness, sadness, relief, gratitude ). The positive experience may stay with the dreamer “as if it only happened yesterday” for months or even years afterward.

2. The deceased pet often appeared young and healthy.

“My girl came to me full of life, love and happiness .” ―Anonymous
“(My dog) was completely healed.” ―Anonymous

In many visitation dreams, the deceased pets appeared not in their afflicted or stricken states toward the end of their lives. Instead, they are young, energetic, and healthy. The pets would play and interact with their owners in the dream.

3. The deceased pet communicated with the dreamer telepathically and lovingly.

“I felt a wonderful wave of love and comfort from his presence.” ―Anonymous
“I just felt wrapped in love.” ―Anonymous
“She made me feel calm…” ―Anonymous
“I don’t need to be so sad anymore.” ―Anonymous

During the dreams, the deceased pets often relayed messages and feelings telepathically, conveying comfort and reassurance. The deceased pet may lovingly impart to their owners that they’re OK and that the owners will be okay, too. Many readers reported that these messages facilitated their grieving and healing process. Other readers noted that the messages helped them better handle challenges in their lives.

4. Some visitation dreamers reported what may be characterized as “ supernatural ” experiences.

Intriguingly, a number of visitation dreams included themes that may arguably be described as “supernatural” or “ spiritual .” Below are a few examples. Whether one believes in these dreams or not, there’s no denying the powerful impact they had on the dreamer:

  • A reader reported a vivid dream about her dog the moment it accidentally died while staying with a relative in another part of the country.
  • After her cat passed away, a reader had a premonition dream about a kitten showing up in her life, which happened later the same way in reality.
  • One reader reported their young child having a dream of their family dog “returning home to visit” the same night the dog was put to sleep.
  • A reader reported being lovingly kissed by her deceased dog in a dream and woke up with her face moist and the room smelling like the puppy.
  • One reader described her deceased dog leading her to a place of higher knowledge, where she learned from a wise and insightful guide.

5. Some dreamers ponder the profound implications of their visitation dreams.

“(The dream) shocked me beyond words...” ―Anonymous

After experiencing their visitation dreams, a few readers began contemplating questions about the nature of life and consciousness including the unique connection between human-animal consciousness. One reader, a self-professed “non-believer,” admitted that the visitation dream opened his mind to new possibilities of existence, both in waking life and beyond.

Although currently there are few scientific studies on the subject of visitation dreams of the deceased and visitation dreams of deceased pets in particular. It is hoped that more research will be conducted on this interesting aspect of the dream phenomenon, with potentially significant implications for the grieving experience, the healing process, and psychological and spiritual well-being.

visits from deceased pets

Have you experienced a visitation dream of a deceased pet? Please share in the comment section.

For tips on how to interpret and re-connect with visitation dreams, see references below.

© 2020 by Preston C. Ni. All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright violation may subject the violator to legal prosecution.

Ni, Preston. How to Interpret & Re-Experience Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets . PNCC. (2020)

Ni, Preston. How to Interpret Your Dreams: Keys to Insight & Empowerment . PNCC. (2020)

Ni, Preston. Visitation Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones: Understanding Their Meaning and Transformative Power. PNCC. (2016)

Garfield, Patricia. Dreams in Bereavement. From the Anthology Trauma and Dreams. Harvard University Press (2001)

Krippner, Stanley & Faith, Laura. Exotic Dreams: A Cross-Cultural Study Dreaming: Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams. (2001)

Shorter, Jennifer E. Visitation Dreams in Grieving Individuals: A Phenomenological Inquiry Into the Relationship Between Dreams and the Grieving Process. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. (2010)

Preston Ni M.S.B.A.

Preston Ni is a professor, presenter, private coach, and the author of Communication Success with Four Personality Types and How to Communicate Effectively and Handle Difficult People.

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Understanding Pet Visitation Dreams: Connecting With Deceased Companions

Table of Contents

  • Visitation dreams of deceased pets are common and can bring comfort and healing to pet owners who have experienced loss.
  • These dreams often feel vivid and lifelike, with common scenarios involving youthful and healthy appearances, telepathic communication, supernatural experiences, and profound implications.
  • The interpretation of visitation dreams can vary based on individual experiences and cultural and religious beliefs, but they serve as a means of processing grief, finding closure, and connecting with the love shared with our pets.
  • Coping strategies for pet loss involve acknowledging and normalizing feelings, being open to visitation dreams, sharing experiences with others, journaling and self-reflection, honoring the pet’s memory and legacy, engaging in self-care and healing activities, seeking professional support, and creating new connections.

Losing a beloved pet can be one of the most heart-wrenching experiences in life. The grief, loneliness, and guilt can be overwhelming. However, many people believe that their deceased pets can visit them in their dreams, providing comfort and letting them know that they are still with them in spirit.

Recognizing Signs of a Deceased Pet’s Visit in Dreams

Labrador retriever on bed inside room

1. Typical Characteristics of Visitation Dreams

Visitation dreams of deceased pets often possess certain common characteristics. These dreams can be vivid and realistic, leaving the dreamer with a strong sense of connection and emotions. The dream may feel so real that the dreamer is struck by its intensity even after waking up. The positive experience from the dream can stay with the dreamer for a long time, providing comfort [1] and healing.

2. Common Dream Scenarios Involving Deceased Pets

In visitation dreams of deceased pets, certain scenarios tend to occur frequently. Here are some of the common dream scenarios reported by readers:

Young and Healthy Appearance Deceased pets often appear young, energetic, and healthy in these dreams. They are free from any ailments or suffering they may have experienced before passing away. They play and interact with their owners just like they used to in their prime.

Telepathic Communication The deceased pet communicates with the dreamer through telepathy, conveying feelings of love, comfort, and reassurance. These messages from the pet provide solace and help the dreamer with their grieving and healing process.

Supernatural Experiences Some visitation dreams involve supernatural or spiritual elements. For example, a dream may occur at the exact moment the pet passes away, or there may be premonitions about future events related to pets. These experiences can have a profound impact on the dreamer, opening their minds to new possibilities and questioning the nature of life and consciousness.

Profound Implications Visitations dreams of deceased pets can leave the dreamer pondering deep questions and contemplating the profound implications of their dreams. They may question the unique connection between human and animal consciousness and explore new perspectives on existence, both in waking life and beyond.

Recognizing these common characteristics and dream scenarios can help you identify if you have experienced a visitation dream from your deceased pet.

3. Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You

When it comes to recognizing signs of a deceased pet’s visit in dreams, there are a few key indicators to look out for. These signs can provide comfort and reassurance, letting you know that your pet is still with you in spirit. Some of these signs include:

Vivid and Realistic Dreams Visitations dreams from deceased pets often feel incredibly real and lifelike. The dream may leave you with a strong emotional connection and a sense of comfort. You may wake up with intense emotions and a feeling that the dream just happened yesterday.

Young and Healthy Appearance Deceased pets in these dreams are often portrayed as young, energetic, and healthy. They are free from any ailments or suffering, just like they were in their prime. This portrayal can provide reassurance that your pet is happy and at peace.

Telepathic Communication During the dreams, the deceased pet may communicate with you telepathically, conveying feelings of love, comfort, and reassurance. These messages can facilitate the grieving and healing process, helping you navigate challenges in your life.

Supernatural Experiences Some visitation dreams may include supernatural or spiritual elements. These experiences can be intriguing and may defy logical explanations. Whether you believe in them or not, they can have a profound impact on your beliefs and perspectives.

Profound Implications Visitations dreams of deceased pets can leave you pondering profound questions about life and consciousness. They can open your mind to new possibilities and expand your understanding of existence.

Interpretation of Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets

mallard duck on water during daytime

Visitation dreams can be a powerful and comforting experience for those who have lost a beloved pet. These dreams often feel vivid and real, and they can hold deep meaning and symbolism. While the interpretation of these dreams can vary based on individual experiences and beliefs, we can explore some possible meanings and understand the psychological and emotional significance behind them.

1. Possible Meanings of Different Dream Scenarios

In visitation dreams of deceased pets, different scenarios can occur, each with its own possible meaning. Here are a few examples:

Playing If your deceased pet appears joyful and playful in the dream, it may indicate that their spirit is at peace and they want you to find joy in your life. It can also be a reminder of the happiness you shared with your pet during their life.

Communicating If you have a telepathic conversation with your pet in the dream, it may suggest that they are trying to convey a message to you. Pay attention to the feelings and emotions that arise during the dream, as they might hold clues to the message your pet wants to convey.

Being Healthy and Young If your deceased pet appears in their youthful and healthy state, it can symbolize their freedom from pain and illness. It may also represent their eternal spirit and the idea that they are still with you in some form.

Offering Comfort If your dream involves your deceased pet offering comfort and reassurance, it can indicate that they are watching over you and want you to heal from the grief of their loss. They may be trying to alleviate any guilt or sadness you feel.

2. Psychological and Emotional Significance

Visitation dreams of deceased pets can have a profound psychological and emotional significance. These dreams allow us to process our grief, find closure, and connect with the love we shared with our pet. They can bring comfort, solace, and even a sense of healing.

In a psychological sense, these dreams can provide a way for us to work through our emotions and come to terms with the loss. They give us the opportunity to say goodbye, express our love, and receive comfort from our pet’s spirit. Visitation dreams can also serve as a reminder that the bond we shared with our pet continues beyond death, offering a sense of continuity and connection.

3. Spiritual Psychologists’ Viewpoint

Spiritual psychologists believe that visitation dreams of deceased pets hold spiritual meaning and can provide insight into different spiritual levels. These dreams are often considered “big dreams [1] ” by Carl Jung, indicating higher significance and insight.

According to spiritual psychologists, deceased pets may visit us in dreams to offer guidance, love, and messages of comfort. They believe that these dreams allow us to connect with the spiritual realm and receive guidance from the spirits of our pets.

4. Trusting Your Own Interpretation

While these suggested meanings and viewpoints can guide your understanding of visitation dreams of deceased pets, it is essential to remember that your interpretation holds the most significance. Trust your intuition and feelings about the dream. Consider the emotions, symbols, and messages that resonate with you on a personal level.

Role of Culture and Religion in Understanding Dreams of Deceased Pets

male game character

Varied cultural beliefs on deceased pets visiting in dreams

  • Different cultures around the world hold diverse beliefs about the spiritual connection between humans and animals, including our beloved pets.
  • In some cultures, such as ancient Egypt, deceased pets were believed to guide their owners in the afterlife, emphasizing the strong bond between humans and animals.
  • Native American spirituality recognizes the sacred role of dogs as spiritual guides and protectors, mediating between humans and the spiritual realm.
  • Greek and Roman mythology also attribute significance to dogs, associating them with loyalty, protection, and connection to the divine.

Spiritual interpretations and religious beliefs

  • Many spiritual traditions view dreams as a means of communication between the physical and spiritual realms, and dreams of deceased pets are no exception.
  • These dreams are often interpreted as messages from the spirit of the pet, conveying love, comfort, and reassurance to the [1] dreamer.
  • Some religious beliefs teach that animals have souls and continue to exist in the afterlife, and dreaming of deceased pets is seen as a way for their spirits to visit and provide guidance or healing.
  • The spiritual interpretations of these dreams may vary depending on the specific religious or cultural beliefs of the individuals experiencing them.

The role of personal beliefs and experiences

  • It is important to recognize that the meaning of dreams, including those of deceased pets visiting, can be highly subjective and influenced by personal beliefs and experiences.
  • For some, dreams of deceased pets may provide a sense of solace and connection to their departed loved ones, offering them comfort and a continued bond.
  • Others may interpret these dreams as purely psychological, reflecting their deep love and attachment to their pets and serving as a means of processing grief and healing.
  • Whatever the interpretation, the role of culture and religion in understanding dreams of deceased pets lies in providing a framework for individuals to make sense of these experiences, find solace, and derive spiritual or emotional meaning.

Cultivating a sense of connection and healing

  • Regardless of cultural or religious beliefs, dreams of deceased pets can bring solace and healing to those who have experienced the loss of a beloved companion.
  • These dreams serve as a reminder of the deep love and bond shared between humans and animals, offering comfort and reassurance during periods of grief.
  • Cultivating a sense of connection with the departed pet through dreams can aid in the healing process, allowing individuals to cherish memories, find closure, and navigate their grief journey.
  • It is important for individuals to embrace the interpretation of their dreams that resonates most with their personal beliefs and experiences, as this will bring the greatest sense of comfort and meaning.

Coping Strategies and the Grieving Process

person writing on white paper

Losing a beloved pet is an incredibly difficult experience, and the grieving process can be overwhelming. However, visitation dreams from a deceased dog can play a powerful role in helping us cope with our grief and find healing. Here are some coping strategies and the grieving process that can foster emotional well-being [1] after the death of a pet:

Acknowledge and Normalize Your Feelings It’s important to recognize that your feelings of grief and sadness are valid and normal. Allow yourself to experience these emotions and understand that it’s okay to grieve the loss of your beloved pet.

Open yourself to Visitations Dreams Be open to the possibility of visitation dreams from your deceased dog. These dreams can provide comfort, reassurance, and a sense of connection with your pet. Embrace the vividness and realism of these dreams, allowing them to offer solace and healing.

Share Your Dream Experiences Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who understand and respect the bond you had with your pet. Share your visitation dream experiences, as talking about them can help you process your emotions and find solace in knowing that others have had similar experiences.

Journaling and Self-Reflection Keep a journal to document your visitation dreams and your thoughts and feelings related to them. Reflecting on your dreams and writing about them can provide a sense of clarity and understanding, as well as help you process your grief.

Honoring the Deceased Pet’s Memory and Legacy Find meaningful ways to honor your deceased pet’s memory. Create a memorial space in your home or garden, plant a tree or flowers as a tribute, or make a donation to an animal charity in their name. Remembering and celebrating your pet’s life can bring comfort and healing.

Self-Care and Healing Activities Engage in activities that promote emotional well-being and self-care. Take time to engage in activities that you enjoy, such as walking in nature, practicing mindfulness, listening to calming music, or engaging in creative outlets like painting or writing. These activities can provide a sense of peace and help you find solace during the grieving process.

Professional Support Seek support from a therapist or counselor who specializes in pet loss and grief. They can provide guidance, validation, and tools to help you navigate the grieving process. Additionally, support groups for pet loss can offer a safe space to connect with others who have experienced similar loss and gain insights and support from one another.

Creating New Connections While it’s impossible to replace the bond you had with your deceased dog, consider adopting another pet when you feel ready. Opening your heart to a new furry companion can bring joy and provide a source of comfort during the healing process.

Losing a beloved pet can be a difficult experience, but visitation dreams offer a glimmer of hope and comfort during the grieving process. It is important to acknowledge and normalize your feelings, as well as be open to any visitation dreams that may come your way. Sharing your experiences with others, journaling and engaging in self-care activities can also aid in healing. Remember to honor your pet’s memory and legacy, and seek professional support if necessary. Although your pet may no longer be physically present, the love and connection you shared lives on through these dream visits. May you find solace and peace in the realization that your furry friend is always with you in spirit.

[1] Stories of Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets

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Signs a Dead Loved One Is with You

Last Updated: May 30, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Stina Garbis and by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy, MA . Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 256,916 times.

When a loved one passes away, the grief can be overwhelming. But just because someone has died doesn’t mean they’re gone forever. Many people believe deceased loved ones still watch over us and visit from time to time—although they might appear in unexpected ways, such as in the form of a bird. We’ve compiled a list of common beliefs and legends relating to signs a deceased person is visiting you from the beyond . Keep reading to understand potential indications your loved one is checking in on you.

Things You Should Know

  • You may hear your loved one speaking to you, either in person or over the phone.
  • You might smell them or smell scents related to them, like their favorite perfume or a food they often cooked.
  • Loved ones may appear as apparitions, or as glimpses out of the corner of your eye.

You sense their presence.

You may just feel it when they’re around.

  • Their presence may linger in places that were familiar and comfortable to them when they were alive.
  • They may show up in times of trouble to offer you support or guidance. For instance, if you receive alarming medical news from your doctor, or if you undergo a painful breakup, you might sense their presence protecting and comforting you.
  • They may also be nearby during celebratory moments to cheer you on, like at your graduation or on your birthday. They’re not missing out on your milestones, even if they’re not physically there!

You receive a symbolic message or sign.

Your loved one may leave you a particular sign of their presence.

  • Certain animals, like butterflies, cardinals, and blue jays, are believed to be signs the dead are nearby. If you see any of these animals, your loved one may be sending you love and peace.
  • Specific signs that your loved one is visiting might include things they loved in real life. For example, if your mother always loved daffodils, you may see daffodils growing in your yard after she passes and know she’s near.

You see angel numbers.

Your loved ones may send you messages through number patterns.

  • If you're thinking about a loved one who has passed away and then you see "their" number, you can take heart and know they're watching you. For example, if their phone number ended in 1147, you might notice the time on the clock reads 11:47.
  • Your loved one may also show you common angel numbers that aren't specifically relevant to them, but that carry their own innate significance: for instance, the angel number 6666 is generally believed to encourage self-trust and overcoming obstacles.

You smell them.

You may get a whiff of your deceased loved one’s scent.

  • Of all our senses, our sense of smell is the most powerful tool we have for eliciting memories. [2] X Research source It’s no wonder the dead may use it to reach out and remind us they’re still with us.

You hear their voice.

Your loved ones may still speak to you even after they’re gone.

  • You may not only hear their voice, but their footsteps or knocks at the door. Some deceased people speak in words, and others communicate by making sounds.
  • If you hear your loved one speaking, try to speak back. Even if you don’t hear them, speaking to the dead can bring about peace and healing.

They visit you in your dreams.

Deceased loved ones commonly communicate via dreams.

  • They may appear in your dream to let you know they’re at peace and help you move on . They may want to let you know they're still there: your relationship is simply different now—not over.
  • They might continue to appear throughout your life at significant moments, when you’re in need of guidance or support.

You feel their touch.

If your loved one is nearby, you may physically feel their touch.

  • They might touch you to remind you they’re still nearby, and that the connection you had when they were alive isn’t really gone.

You experience unexplained electrical activity.

The dead may reveal themselves via flickering lights or static on the TV.

  • If you didn’t experience the same electrical activity before they passed, it could mean they’re causing it—especially if they turn the radio on to their favorite song, or turn the TV on to the show you always watched together.

They communicate over the phone.

Some people believe the dead can reach out over the telephone.

  • Even if you don’t experience this sign of your loved one’s presence, many people find comfort in calling their loved one and leaving a voicemail message to them, or texting them to say goodbye. The dead may not speak directly, but they may still receive your message of love.

Items move on their own.

The dead have been believed to move things—or even take them.

  • For instance, if you keep misplacing your deceased aunt’s cherished bracelet, it’s possible her spirit is responsible! Despite no longer being corporeal, she may still want to keep her jewelry for herself.
  • Most people report noticing an item has moved without them noticing, but some people claim to have witnessed items moving on their own.

You witness an apparition.

In some cases, the dead may show themselves.

  • The dead may reveal themselves to let you know they’re nearby, always watching out for you. They’re not really gone.
  • Some people claim to see a complete apparition, but others report seeing only a shadow or a movement out of the corner of their eye.

You have visions of the afterlife.

Your loved one may send you visions of heaven to let you know they’re at peace.

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visits from deceased pets

December 2, 2008

Ghost Stories: Visits from the Deceased

After a loved one dies, most people see ghosts

By Vaughan Bell

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Carlos Sluzki’s cat died a while ago now, but he still sometimes visits. Now more of a shadow cat, the former pet seems to lurk at the edges of Sluzki’s vision, as a misinterpreted movement amid the everyday chaos of domestic life. All the same, the shadow cat is beginning to slink away and Sluzki notes that as the grief fades his erstwhile friend is “erasing himself from the world of the present and receding into the bittersweet world of the memories of the loved ones.” The dead stay with us , that much is clear. They remain in our hearts and minds, of course, but for many people they also linger in our senses—as sights, sounds, smells, touches or presences. Grief hallucinations are a normal reaction to bereavement but are rarely discussed, because people fear they might be considered insane or mentally destabilised by their loss. As a society we tend to associate hallucinations with things like drugs and mental illness, but we now know that hallucinations are common in sober healthy people and that they are more likely during times of stress. A Common Hallucination Mourning seems to be a time when hallucinations are particularly common, to the point where feeling the presence of the deceased is the norm rather than the exception. One study , by the researcher Agneta Grimby at the University of Goteborg, found that over 80 percent of elderly people experience hallucinations associated with their dead partner one month after bereavement, as if their perception had yet to catch up with the knowledge of their beloved’s passing. As a marker of how vivid such visions can seem, almost a third of the people reported that they spoke in response to their experiences. In other words, these weren’t just peripheral illusions: they could evoke the very essence of the deceased . Occasionally, these hallucinations are heart-rending. A 2002 case report by German researchers described how a middle aged woman, grieving her daughter’s death from a heroin overdose, regularly saw the young girl and sometimes heard her say “Mamma, Mamma!” and “It’s so cold.” Thankfully, these distressing experiences tend to be rare, and most people who experience hallucinations during bereavement find them comforting, as if they were re-connecting with something of the positive from the person’s life. Perhaps this reconnecting is reflected in the fact that the intensity of grief has been found to predict the number of pleasant hallucinations, as has the happiness of the marriage to the person who passed away. There are hints that the type of grief hallucinations might also differ across cultures. Anthropologists have told us a great deal about how the ceremonies, beliefs and the social rituals of death differ greatly across the world, but we have few clues about how these different approaches affect how people experience the dead after they have gone. Carlos Sluzki, the owner of the shadow cat and a cross-cultural researcher at George Mason University, suggests that in cultures of non-European origin the distinction between “in here” and “out there” experiences is less strictly defined, and so grief hallucinations may not be considered so personally worrying. In a recent article, he discussed the case of an elderly Hispanic lady who was frequently “visited” by two of her children who died in adulthood and were a comforting and valued part of her social network. Other case reports have suggested that such hallucinations may be looked on more favorably among the Hopi Indians, or the Mu Ghayeb people from Oman, but little systematic work has been done. And there, our knowledge ends. Despite the fact that hallucinations are one of the most common reactions to loss, they have barely been investigated and we know little more about them. Like sorrow itself, we seem a little uncomfortable with it, unwilling to broach the subject and preferring to dwell on the practicalities—the “call me if I can do anything,” the “let’s take your mind off it,” the “are you looking after yourself?” Only a minority of people reading this article are likely to experience grief without re-experiencing the dead. We often fall back on the cultural catch all of the “ghost” while the reality is, in many ways, more profound. Our perception is so tuned to their presence that when they are not there to fill that gap, we unconsciously try to mold the world into what we have lived with for so long and so badly long for. Even reality is no match for our love.

Are you a scientist? Have you recently read a peer-reviewed paper that you want to write about? Then contact Mind Matters editor Jonah Lehrer , the science writer behind the blog The Frontal Cortex and the book Proust Was a Neuroscientist .

2 dead, 3 injured in Suffolk, Virginia shooting near bus service station

The shooting took place just before 11:30 p.m. and police have not said if an arrest has been made. two men died and three were hospitalized..

Portrait of Natalie Neysa Alund

A late-night shooting near a bus servicing business in southeast Virginia Thursday left two men dead and three seriously injured, police said.

The shooting took place in Suffolk, a city just over 35 miles southeast of Virginia Beach.

A motive in the shooting was not immediately known, but the Suffolk Police Department reported just before 11:30 p.m., someone called 911 to report a shooting on East Washington Street .

Arriving officers reported finding five people shot, according to a release from police.

Suffolk Fire & Rescue also responded and provided medical assessment and treatment to the five victims − one who paramedics pronounced dead, officials reported.

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Four people shot in Suffolk shooting taken to hospital

Another man was taken to a hospital, where he died from his injuries, police said.

Three other victims were also transported to a hospital to receive treatment for unspecified injuries.

Their conditions were not immediately known Friday morning.

Police have not released information about the shooter or said whether an arrest had been made in the homicide case.

Police asking public for help in Suffolk shooting

USA TODAY has reached out to police and fire officials.

Police did not release additional information and said the case remained under investigation Friday.

Anyone with information regarding the shooting is asked to contact Suffolk Police or go to , visit the Suffolk Police Department website ( ) and look for the Suffolk Crime Line link. Tipsters can also call 888-LOCK-U-UP, 1-888-562-5887, and select option 5.

Natalie Neysa Alund is a senior reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X @nataliealund.

Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'

Former President Donald Trump, during Tuesday’s presidential debate , repeated a baseless and sensationalist claim about Haitian immigrants in Ohio eating dogs and other pets.

"They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats," Trump said during an answer to a question about immigration. "They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame."

Trump's answer was among the most extraordinary of the first 30 minutes of the debate: a former U.S. president spreading an internet rumor — one labeled by some of his critics as racist — in front of an audience of millions of Americans. The comment illustrated the rapid spread of misinformation in today's media ecosystem.

David Muir, the ABC News anchor co-moderating the debate, immediately fact-checked Trump's claims, saying that the city manager in Springfield, Ohio, told the network there had been no credible reports of pets being harmed, injured or abused by people in the city's immigrant community.

Baseless rumors have spread on social media for days claiming that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are abducting and eating pets. Most of the rumors involve Springfield, which has a large number of Haitian immigrants, but police there released a statement Monday knocking down the stories and saying they hadn’t seen any documented examples. 

“There have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community,” the police said in a statement. 

Republicans including Ohio Sen. JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, have pointed to the claims as evidence that immigrants are causing chaos. Vance, though, hedged in a statement on X earlier Tuesday, saying, “It’s possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false.” 

The claims about pets were based in part on vague social media posts, including one fourth-hand story posted in a Facebook group devoted to local crime, as well as statements at public meetings , where residents spoke about violence against animals without providing evidence.

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue repeated Tuesday that the city had no documented cases of immigrants eating pets. 

“Rumors like these are taking away from the real issues such as housing concerns, resources needed for our schools and our overwhelmed health care system,” he said at a meeting of the city commission. 

Rue said that one alleged case of someone attacking a cat — falsely attributed to a Haitian immigrant in Springfield — actually occurred 160 miles away in Canton, Ohio. And the defendant there charged with animal cruelty has no known connection to Haiti, according to T he Canton Repository newspaper. 

The topic of immigration took center stage at Tuesday’s city commission meeting in Springfield. At the meeting, resident Nathan Clark, whose 11-year-old son was killed last year when a minivan driven by a Haitian immigrant struck his school bus, denounced Republican politicians who he said were using his deceased son Aiden as “a political tool” to fuel anti-immigrant hatred.

Immigration is a potent subject in the presidential face. In an NBC News poll in April, 22% of voters put immigration and the border as the most important issue facing the country, second only to inflation and the cost of living at 23%. 

John Kirby, the White House’s national security spokesperson, denounced the claims about Haitians in Ohio as a dangerous conspiracy theory that could inspire anti-immigrant violence. 

“There will be people that believe it no matter how ludicrous and stupid it is, and they might act on that kind of information and act on it in a way where somebody could get hurt,” Kirby told reporters Tuesday.

Trump's comments about pets was one of a variety of claims and allegations that drew from rumors and conspiracy theories.

In an exchange about immigration, Trump referenced false rumors about a Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado — claims that have been debunked by local officials while spreading widely on right-wing media channels.

Then, in a series of statements before the second commercial break, Trump alluded to conspiracy theories about the influence of foreign money on the Biden administration.

“You know, Biden doesn’t go after people because, supposedly, China paid millions of dollars,” he said. “He’s afraid to do it — between him and his son, they get all this money from Ukraine. They get all this money from all of these different countries. And then you wonder why is he so loyal to this one, that one, Ukraine, China? Why did he get $3.5 million from the mayor of Moscow’s wife? Why did she pay him $3.5 million? This is a crooked administration, and they’re selling our country down the tubes.”

But none of those claims appear to be grounded in fact. The most concrete point appears to be  a debunked claim  that Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. The claim was included in a Republican report but without any evidence.

visits from deceased pets

Daniel Arkin is a national reporter at NBC News.

David Ingram is a tech reporter for NBC News.


  1. Ways to Remember Deceased Pet Animals

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  2. How to Care for a Deceased Pet at Home

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  3. Communication with the Dead- Signs from Deceased pets- Animal Medium

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  4. 3 Meaningful Ways To Honor Your Deceased Pet

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  5. 3 Meaningful Ways To Honor Your Deceased Pet

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  6. Do Deceased Pets Visit from the Afterlife?

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  1. A compilation of heartwarming reactions to clones of their deceased pets 🥹❤️ #cuddleclones #petloss


  3. Jewelry for Deceased Pets:A Great Way to Remember.#pets #dog #passedaway #deceased #dogshorts #gifts

  4. Do you Miss your Deceased Pets and Loved ones?

  5. The trembling puppies were found after heavy rain, hiding in stone cave,one of them already deceased

  6. Pet Psychic Karen Anderson Episode 171 of The Dead Life


  1. 10 Signs Your Pet Is Visiting You from the Afterlife

    Feeling Their Presence. One of the most common signs that your pet is visiting you from the afterlife is the feeling of their presence. You may feel a sudden rush of warmth or a gentle touch or feel like your pet is sitting next to you or following you around the house. These feelings can be comforting and reassuring and may be a sign that your ...

  2. 35 Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You From Beyond

    Eyes are the window to the soul, after all. If you lock eyes with someone and feel an instant connection, then realize that their eyes are unmistakably similar to your deceased pets; that's more than a coincidence. This is a sign that your dog wants to protect you and find ways to be around you. 26.

  3. 10 Signs Your Pet Is Visiting You From The Afterlife

    Pet visitations can often wake us up and catch our attention through the creation of noise in your physical space. 2. You smell them. Clairalience is possible, even after you've cleaned the carpet, the floors, and the furniture. Smell visitations are one of the most rewarding forms of energy pets use to remind us of them.

  4. 20 Common Claims of Signs From Deceased Pets

    19. Electrical Disturbances. Many people believe that spirits, including those of deceased pets, have a strong electrical presence. So if you have a light that keeps going out after your pet's death, more static "shocks" than normal, or any other type of electrical disturbance, it could be a sign from your pet. 20.

  5. 33 Afterlife Signs from your Pet

    These are a sign from your pet asking you to embrace change. Ladybugs may start appearing as a reminder to live your life to the fullest. Any other animal that started appearing after the passing that you never seen before could be a sign from your beloved. Keep an eye on the behaviour of your other pets.

  6. Will My Dead Dog Visit Me? Signs from Pets in the Afterlife

    Mistake When Deceased Pets Visit. Now, let's address the biggest mistake people make when trying to receive messages from their pets on the other side - lack of trust. Some peeps have such a strong desire for an obvious sign that they overlook the subtle messages they're already receiving, which closes the connection space that an animal ...

  7. Afterlife Signs and Messages From Pets in Heaven

    Signs or messages animals may send to humans from the afterlife: Telepathic messages of simple thoughts or feelings. Scents that remind you of the animal. Physical touch (such as feeling an animal jump up on a bed or sofa). Sounds (like hearing an animal's voice barking, meowing, etc.). Dream messages (in which an animal usually appears ...

  8. Signs from Pets in the Afterlife

    6 Say My Name Say My Name. The first way you can get signs from pets in the afterlife that they're visiting is through your animal's name. My dog's name, when she was alive, she was Bella. She still is Bella even though she's on the other side. She'll often let me know she's around and say, "Hi," through her name.

  9. 25 Common Signs From Deceased Pets

    25 signs from your pets in heaven. 1. Hearing familiar sounds they used to make. Hearing familiar sounds such as paws jaunting around the house, door flaps opening and closing, faint barking, howling, purring or meowing sounds and thudding tails is a sign that your pet is still with you.

  10. Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You

    1. Unexplained Sounds and Noises. One common sign that your deceased pet may be visiting you is the presence of unexplained sounds or noises. Many pet owners report hearing their pet's distinctive bark, meow, or even the sound of their claws clicking on the floor when no living animals are present. This phenomenon can be a comforting reminder ...

  11. When Your Pet Visits from the Afterlife

    Karen is the CEO and founder of Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary a non-profit charity that serves as a final refuge for elderly, special needs, and abandoned companion animals. Karen saves the pets no one else wants on her 30-acre farm in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Proceeds from Karen's books and coaching benefit the animals at the ...

  12. 20 Things Your Deceased Pet Wants You To Know

    6. It's okay to talk to other pet moms and dads about how you feel. There's a lot of love and a lot of broken hearts in the human world. Just because I died doesn't mean your pain goes away. Talk to people who can help you. 7. Do something on earth in memory of me. Plant a tree in my name.

  13. 9 Signs Your Deceased Pet is Visiting You (Using Technology!)

    During these conversations, know that your pet is sending their love and attention. 8. Your Pet's Photo Suddenly Shows Up As Your Screensaver Is a Sign They're Visiting From the Afterlife. One morning, as you power up your computer, you notice that your screensaver has magically changed to a picture of your deceased pet.

  14. 41 Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You from The Beyond

    26. Your pet appears healthy and happy. Dream visits from your deceased pet often depict them as vibrant, healthy, and full of life once more. These visions signify they are no longer suffering and want you to feel assured of their blissful state. 27. You replay happy memories together

  15. Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You ...

    Accept the bond and use it as a source of strength and reassurance. #2. Continuing the Bond. The signs that your deceased pet is visiting you serve as a reminder that your attachment extended beyond physical bounds. Your pet's love and presence remain in your life, guiding and supporting you from the spiritual realm.

  16. Signs From Your Departed Pets

    Invite your departed pets to visit. Your departed pets need energy or spiritual fuel to send signs. They don't have a physical body so they have to draw upon an energy source to communicate with you. ... Now I believe The Spirit-dog was our deceased dog, Tippy who passed away in 2000. So yes, I believe that Tippy knew and she wanted to be ...

  17. Do Deceased Pets Visit from the Afterlife?

    Author of "Pet Ghosts: Animal Encounters from Beyond the Grave," Joshua P. Warren, says people worldwide report animal apparitions all the time. He calls them "phantimals"—a mix of the terms phantoms and animals. "Pet spirits do exist and often visit their owners," says Dr. Janice Dreshman, a registered psychic medium in Lily Dale ...

  18. 10 Signs Your Deceased Pet Is Visiting You

    2. You Feel Their Presence. Of course, one of the clearest signs that your deceased pet may be popping in to check on you is feeling their presence. This can be a spiritual feeling, like feeling their energy or spirit wandering around the house, or it can be a physical feeling, like feeling their headrest on your lap.

  19. Stories of Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets

    3. The deceased pet communicated with the dreamer telepathically and lovingly. "I felt a wonderful wave of love and comfort from his presence.". ―Anonymous. "I just felt wrapped in love ...

  20. Understanding Pet Visitation Dreams: Connecting With Deceased Companions

    2. Psychological and Emotional Significance. Visitation dreams of deceased pets can have a profound psychological and emotional significance. These dreams allow us to process our grief, find closure, and connect with the love we shared with our pet. They can bring comfort, solace, and even a sense of healing.

  21. 21 Signs Your Deceased Loved One is Visiting You from Beyond

    Together, they indicate your loved one wants to connect and comfort you. 5. Dreams and Visions. Dreams are a common way for deceased loved ones to visit. Unlike regular dreams, visitation dreams feel extremely vivid and real. Your loved one often appears healthy, happy, and whole.

  22. 12 Common Signs a Deceased Loved One Is Visiting

    Many people believe deceased loved ones still watch over us and visit from time to time—although they might appear in unexpected ways, such as in the form of a bird. We've compiled a list of common beliefs and legends relating to signs a deceased person is visiting you from the beyond. Keep reading to understand potential indications your ...

  23. Ghost Stories: Visits from the Deceased

    Ghost Stories: Visits from the Deceased. After a loved one dies, most people see ghosts. By Vaughan Bell. Mind & Brain. grief. dead stay with us. A Common Hallucination. One study deceased. 2002 ...

  24. Pet Adoption

    All pets adopted from Miami-Dade Animal Services undergo basic vetting and include sterilization, vaccinations and microchip. ... but it is best to visit the Pet Adoption and Protection Center or Petco in person as pet adoptions are ... If the animal dies within 30 days of adoption and is returned to Animal Services deceased; If you are ready ...

  25. Suffolk, Virginia shooting: 2 dead, 3 injured near bus service station

    2 dead, 3 injured in Suffolk, Virginia shooting near bus service station The shooting took place just before 11:30 p.m. and police have not said if an arrest has been made.

  26. Trump pushes baseless claim about immigrants 'eating the pets'

    The claims about pets were based in part on vague social media posts, including one fourth-hand story posted in a Facebook group devoted to local crime, as well as statements at public meetings ...