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  • June 12, 2024 Setlist

Coldplay Setlist at Arena Națională, Bucharest, Romania

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Tour: Music of the Spheres Tour statistics Add setlist

  • Song played from tape Light Through the Veins ( Jon Hopkins  song) ( sustainability video intro ) Play Video
  • Song played from tape Flying Theme ( John Williams  song) ( from "E.T." ) Play Video
  • Act .i. Planets
  • Song played from tape Music of the Spheres Play Video
  • Higher Power Play Video
  • Adventure of a Lifetime Play Video
  • Paradise ( extended intro and outro ) Play Video
  • The Scientist ( with excerpts of “Oceans” in intro, and backwards outro ) Play Video
  • Act .ii. Moons
  • Viva la Vida ( on B-Stage ) Play Video
  • Hymn for the Weekend ( on B-Stage ) Play Video
  • Lost? ( on B-Stage; tour debut; first time since 2009; with a fan ) Play Video
  • Păi naa ( Babasha  cover) (with Babasha ) ( on B-Stage, interrupted because of the audience booing, the band left the stage for several minutes ) Play Video
  • Yellow Play Video
  • Act .iii. Stars
  • People of the Pride Play Video
  • Clocks Play Video
  • Charlie Brown Play Video
  • Politik Play Video
  • Infinity Sign ( shortened; with excerpts of "Music of the Spheres II" and "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" ) Play Video
  • Something Just Like This ( The Chainsmokers  cover) ( shortened; pre-recorded vocals with Chris performing in sign language ) Play Video
  • Midnight ( remix; contains elements of Lone's "Blue Moon Tree"; on B-Stage ) Play Video
  • My Universe Play Video
  • A Sky Full of Stars ( restarted, asks audience to put phones away for this song ) Play Video
  • Act .iv. Home
  • Song played from tape Sunrise ( with Louis Armstrong's spoken intro speech to "What a Wonderful World" ) Play Video
  • Sparks ( on C-Stage ) Play Video
  • The Jumbotron Song ( on C-Stage ) Play Video
  • Fix You Play Video
  • Biutyful Play Video
  • Song played from tape A Wave Play Video

Note: "Human Heart" and "Orphans" were on the printed setlist, but not played. "Charlie Brown" and "Politik" were not on the printed setlist but were performed. Soundcheck: "feelslikeimfallinginlove".

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93 activities (last edit by allenz , 17 Jun 2024, 22:54 Etc/UTC )

Songs on Albums

  • Higher Power
  • Infinity Sign
  • My Universe
  • People of the Pride
  • The Scientist
  • Adventure of a Lifetime
  • Hymn for the Weekend
  • A Sky Full of Stars
  • Charlie Brown
  • Păi naa by Babasha
  • Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers
  • The Jumbotron Song
  • Viva la Vida

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  • Jun 10 2024 Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2024 Athens, Greece Add time Add time
  • Jun 12 2024 Arena Națională This Setlist Bucharest, Romania Add time Add time
  • Jun 13 2024 Arena Națională Bucharest, Romania Add time Add time
  • Jun 16 2024 Puskás Aréna Budapest, Hungary Start time: 8:40 PM 8:40 PM

15 people were there

  • FranklinClinton
  • KaanKurtoglu
  • taliabaria81

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Coldplay, concert în România pe 12 iunie 2024. Cât costă biletele

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Trupa Coldplay va susține un turneu în Europa în 2024. Printre țările în care formația britanică de rock va concerta se numără și România.

Coldplay cântă la București pe 12 iunie 2024

UPDATE 20 iulie 2023 : Trupa britanică Coldplay va cânta, în premieră, în România, pe 12 iunie 2024 , la Arena Națională.

Turneul „Music of the spheres world tour” al trupei rock britanice va începe la Atena, Grecia, pe 8 iunie 2024 şi se încheie în 30 august 2024, la Dublin, Irlanda.

Vânzările de bilete pentru România încep în 25 iulie 2023. Deocamdată, nu se știe care va fi prețul biletelor, însă prețurile biletelor la concertele pe care trupa le-a susținut în America au fost între 173 și 265 de dolari.

Trupa Coldplay, turneu în Europa în 2024

„În curând! Noile date Coldplay pentru turneul din Europa în 2024, în Grecia, România, Ungaria, Franța, Italia, Germania, Finlanda, Austria și Irlanda au fost prezentate în cadrul Humankind din Amsterdam.

Un anunț cu datele pentru concerte vor fi dezvăluite după ce spectacolele din Amsterdam vor ajunge la final🥳🥳🥳🥳 Spuneți-ne ce țară europeană vă atrage atenția din această listă!”, e mesaj apărut pe pagina oficială de Instagram a trupei Coldplay, alături de un scurt clip video.

Vezi această postare pe Instagram O postare distribuită de ColdplayXtra (@coldplayxtra)

Misterioasa dispariție a lui Ionuț Bulgaru, pe miriștea de lângă Cuibul Vulturilor, dintr-o căruță trasă de o „iapă cu năluc”. Care e singura ipoteză a poliției

Coldplay este o formație de rock alternativ și piano-rock din Londra, Regatul Unit, printre cele mai cunoscute formații din lume. Formația este compusă din Chris Martin, Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman și Will Champion.

Moment inedit cu Chris Martin, solistul trupei Coldplay

În 2022, Chris Martin, solistul trupei Coldplay, a cântat melodia de nuntă unui cuplu într-un bar. Hannah și Jeremy au spus că au fost surprinși să îl vadă pe Christ Martin, la localul The Stag Inn, Hinton, lângă orașul Bath din Marea Britanie.

Când au menționat că își plănuiau nunta și că primul lor dans va fi pe melodia „A Sky Full of Stars” de la Coldplay, acesta a sărit la pian. „Acesta este un moment magic pe care îl vom prețui pentru totdeauna”, a spus Hannah. Se crede că starul se întorcea atunci de la un festival când a vizitat pubul și a comandat o băutură.

Proprietarul Chris Parkin l-a întrebat pe Martin dacă vrea să cânte pentru cuplul logodit, care stătea în apropiere și își plănuia nunta. „După cum vă puteți imagina, am fost absolut șocați când a fost de acord să cânte pentru noi”, a spus Jeremy.

You never know who might pop in for a pint! @coldplay what a lovely man he is. — The Stag inn (@StaginnHinton) June 27, 2022

Foto: Hepta

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Any0205   •   30.07.2023, 08:52

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piciusz   •   28.07.2023, 15:16

Sa vedem daca ne mai permitem bilete anul viitor. ;)

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floridante_ro   •   21.07.2023, 09:27

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~ 28 iulie 2023

Biletele pentru cele doua concerte Coldplay ce vor avea loc la Bucuresti pe 12 si 13 iunie 2024 sunt acum sold out!

~ 25 iulie 2023

In urma numeroaselor solicitari de bilete la anuntul concertului Coldplay programat pentru 12 iunie 2024, Coldplay Music Of The Spheres World Tour a adaugat un al doilea show pe 13 iunie 2024, la Arena Nationala din Bucuresti!

Biletele sunt acum in vanzare pe .

~ 20 iulie 2023




“De-a dreptul uluitor” – The Guardian

“O aventură fantastică” – NME

“Mai bine de atât nici că s-ar putea” – London Evening Standard

“Un spectacol cu adevărat fascinant” – The Sun

După succesul extraordinar al turneului European Coldplay din vara aceasta – ce a culminat seara trecută cu cel de-al patrulea show la Amsterdam – trupa a anunțat astăzi a treia parte a turneului Music Of The Spheres World Tour , cu date programate în Europa în lunile iunie, iulie și august 2024.

Pe lista concertelor sunt incluse și primele showuri ale trupei în România , Grecia și Finlanda , precum și primul show la Roma de la concertul din 2003 și prima vizită în Budapesta după evenimentul din 2008 .

Fanii care doresc să aibă primii acces la bilete se pot înregistra acum la presale – care va începe marți, 25 iulie – pe

De asemenea, pentru evenimentul de la București, pe site va fi disponibilă și o campanie de presale destinată clienților BCR.

Campania de presale pentru București va începe la ora 09:00, precum și pentru Atena, Budapesta, Lyon, Roma și Helsinki, și la 10:00 pentru Düsseldorf, Munich, Viena și Dublin.

Vânzarea pentru publicul general începe vineri, 28 iulie, la 10:00 pentru toate orașele.

De la primul concert al turneului, “Music Of The Spheres World Tour”, ce a avut loc în martie 2022, Coldplay a vândut peste 7.5 milioane de bilete – cea mai mare cifră de vânzări a unui turneu în ultimii doi ani. Turneul a primit review-uri pozitive atât de la fani, cât și de la critici și a primit titlul de “ Favourite Touring Artist ” în cadrul premiilor AMA din 2022, precum și titlul de “ Turneul Anului ”, oferit de iHeartRadio Awards în 2023.

Luna trecută, un raport al Institutului de Tehnologie din Massachusetts a dezvăluit că acest turneu Coldplay a produs până acum cu 47% mai puține emisii de CO2 decât turneul precedent din 2016/ 2017 (în urma unei comparații de la show la show) și că până în prezent au fost plantați deja 5 milioane de copaci în toata lumea (câte un copac pentru fiecare participant la concertele trupei).

Evenimentul de la București, ce va avea loc pe 12 iunie 2024, la Arena Națională, este organizat de Emagic și Live Nation.

Powered by BCR & Mastercard.

Datele turneului European:

8: Atena – Stadionul Olimpic

12: București – Arena Națională

16: Budapesta – Puskás Aréna

22: Lyon – Stadionul Groupama

23: Lyon – Stadionul Groupama

12: Roma – Stadio Olimpico

13: Roma – Stadio Olimpico

20: Düsseldorf – Merkur Spiel-Arena

21: Düsseldorf – Merkur Spiel-Arena

28: Helsinki – Olympiastadion


15: Munich – Olympiastadion

17: Munich – Olympiastadion

21: Viena – Ernst-Happel-Stadion

22: Viena – Ernst-Happel-Stadion

29: Dublin – Croke Park

30: Dublin – Croke Park

Coldplay au confirmat de asemenea că vor pune la dispoziția publicului, la o dată ulterioară, un număr limitat de bilete Infinity Tickets . Coldplay va lansa Infinity Tickets pentru fiecare concert, din dorința de a se asigura că prețurile biletelor pentru evenimentele din cadrul turneului Music Of The Spheres World Tour sunt accesibile pentru fani. Infinity Tickets vor costa aproximativ 20 EURO. Comenzile pentru aceste bilete vor fi restricționate la 2 bucăți per fan și se vor putea cumpăra doar în pereche de două locuri (situate unul lângă altul).

DHL este Partenerul Logistic Oficial al turneului Music Of The Spheres World Tour, susținând trupa în misiunea ei de a reduce emisiile directe ale turneului cu 50%.



20: Seattle, WA – Lumen Field (Support: H.E.R. + 070 Shake) SOLD OUT

22: Vancouver, BC – BC Place (Support: H.E.R. + 070 Shake) SOLD OUT

23: Vancouver, BC – BC Place (Support: H.E.R. + 070 Shake) SOLD OUT

27: San Diego, CA – Snapdragon Stadium (Support: H.E.R. + 070 Shake) SOLD OUT

28: San Diego, CA – Snapdragon Stadium (Support: H.E.R. + 070 Shake) SOLD OUT

30: Los Angeles, CA – Rose Bowl (Support: H.E.R. + 070 Shake) SOLD OUT


1: Los Angeles, CA – Rose Bowl (Support: H.E.R. + 070 Shake) SOLD OUT


6: Tokyo – Tokyo Dome (Support: Yoasobi) SOLD OUT

7: Tokyo – Tokyo Dome (Support: Yoasobi) SOLD OUT

11: Kaohsiung – Kaohsiung National Stadium (Support: Accusefive) SOLD OUT

12: Kaohsiung – Kaohsiung National Stadium (Support: Accusefive) SOLD OUT

15: Jakarta – Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (Support: Rahmani Astrini) SOLD OUT

18: Perth – Optus Stadium (Support: Amy Shark, Thelma Plum) SOLD OUT 19: Perth – Optus Stadium (Support: Tash Sultana, Thelma Plum) SOLD OUT

22: Kuala Lumpur – National Stadium Bukit Jalil (Support: Bunga) SOLD OUT


19: Manila -Philippine Arena (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT 20: Manila -Philippine Arena (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT

23: Singapore – Singapore National Stadium (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT

24: Singapore – Singapore National Stadium  (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT

26: Singapore – Singapore National Stadium  (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT

27: Singapore – Singapore National Stadium  (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT 30: Singapore – Singapore National Stadium  (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT

31: Singapore – Singapore National Stadium  (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT


03: Bangkok – Rajamangala National Stadium (Support: TBA) SOLD OUT 04: Bangkok – Rajamangala National Stadium (Support: TBA) DATA EXTRA

8: Athena – Stadionul Olimpic

16: Budapest – Puskás Aréna

22: Lyon – Groupama Stadium

23: Lyon – Groupama Stadium

Bilete gratuite pentru persoanele cu dizabilitati.

Emagic sustine accesul persoanelor cu dizabilitati (cu handicap) la cultura, astfel, va facilita participarea persoanelor cu dizabilitati si a insotitorilor acestora la evenimentelr Coldplay pe care le organizeaza in datele de 12.06.2024 si 13.06.2024, pe Arena Nationala din Bucuresti, prin oferirea de bilete cu gratuitate.

Organizatorul va oferi un numar limitat de bilete gratuite persoanelor cu dizabilitati si insotitorilor acestora pentru cele doua evenimente, in zona special amenajata destinata persoanelor cu nevoi speciale din Arena Nationala.

Persoanele cu dizabilitati ce doresc sa beneficieze de acces gratuit la unul dintre cele doua evenimente Coldplay de pe Arena Nationala sunt rugate sa trimita un email la [email protected] in primele 3 luni de la anuntul evenimentelor, respectiv, in perioada 20 iulie – 20 octombrie 2023, cu solicitarea lor, insotita de copie dupa certificatulde handicap, copie dupa cartea de identitate a persoanei ce detine certificatul de handicap, precum si copie dupa cartea de identitate a insotitorului. Documentele trebuie sa fie valide cel putin pentru perioada in care au loc evenimentele.

Solicitarile trimise in perioada de trei luni mai sus mentionata vor fi centralizate si verificate pentru eligibilitate. Solicitantii vor fi considerati eligibili daca au transmis cererea lor si documentele valide mai sus mentionate in perioada 20 iulie – 20 octombrie 2023. Toate solicitarile vor primi raspuns pana la 30 noiembrie 2023 pe adresa de email de pe care au transmis solicitarea.

Fiecarui participant eligibil i se va oferi posibilitatatea de a participa la cel putin 1 (unul) dintre cele doua concerte Coldplay, in limita disponibilitatii locurilor.

Ordinea acceptarii participarii la un spectacol va fi data si de ordinea primirii cererii, mergand pe principiul primul venit-primul servit si respectand totodata principiile de eligibilitate (solicitantii vor fi considerati eligibili daca au transmis cererea lor si documentele valide – certificat handicap, carte de identitate, carte de identitate insotitor – in perioada 20 iulie – 20 octombrie 2023).


Piaf the show, fanfara ciocarlia, trentemøller live, depeche mode, thievery corporation, morcheeba, golan, sir tom jones, lenny kravitz.

Hai sã trãim împreunã experiențe de neuitat la concertele sold out ale anului

coldplay tour romania

Coldplay: 12 & 13 Iunie

Hai să trăim împreună experiențe de neuitat la concertele anului.

Coldplay vine în premieră, în România, pe  12 & 13 Iunie 2024, pe Arena Națională, din București. 

Turneul  Music of the Spheres World Tour, care promovează cel de-al 9-lea album, semnat de trupa britanica și lansat în Octombrie 2021, ajunge la București pentru 2 zile de concert live.

Pregătește-te pentru unul dintre cele mai mari evenimente ale anului viitor.

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12 & 13 iunie 2024, nu ai încă george.

Fă-ți un cont George, 100% online, cu card Mastercard atașat , în mai puțin de 10 minute .

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Coldplay is currently touring across 4 countries and has 16 upcoming concerts.

Their next tour date is at Croke Park in Dublin, after that they'll be at Croke Park again in Dublin.

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I had always heard Coldplay were a fantastic band to see live. They did not disappoint last night at Fedex Field, right in the midst of their joyous and decidedly over-the-top Head Full of Dreams tour.

The show began with an explosion of color and light (including the LED wristbands supplied to every concertgoer) in the titular track on the band's touring album. Then came fan-favorite "Yellow," followed by "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall," the ever-popular "The Scientist," and "Birds" (the latter was a bit of a personal disappointment as it replaced the brilliant "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" from recent setlists). This part of the show finished with the anthem "Paradise," featuring an incredible remix outro.

Next the show slowed down for an intimate trio of songs (most of us actually took a seat). This included one of the better tracks from the sub-par "Ghost Stories", "Magic."

Soon, however, things picked up with the timeless piano strokes of "Clocks," themed to a magical red light show. Next came the lighthearted "Charlie Brown." Before it began, lead singer Chris Martin asked everyone to put away their phones and simply enjoy the show. This was followed by the radio hit "Hymn for the Weekend," a candlelit (okay...Iphone flashlight lit) "Fix You," and "Viva la Vida." This last one was remarkable, as nearly the entire stadium knew the lyrics and sang along to the triumphant "Oh-oh-ohhhh" chant. The groovy "Adventure of a Lifetime" finished off this section, featuring Chris gettin' down with the audience, asking everyone to "Get low!"

Then came the highlight of the night for me: an acoustic quad of older (*cough* better *cough*) Coldplay songs which were as intimate as they were nostalgic. The lovely riffs of "In my Place" started off the set. "Don't Panic" was sung by drummer Will Champion; it's one of my favorites. But it couldn't top what was (for me) the best song of the night: "Trouble." Somber but beautiful in its own way, "Trouble" is a rare find in the setlists of today's Coldplay and was absolutely fantastic. Finally came another rare gem: "Green Eyes," which was somewhat marred by Chris's well-intentioned attempt at giving the local Redskins some luck (HA! what folly) by changing the lyrics.

The finale of the show was the hopeful and popular trio of "Something Just like This," "A Sky Full of Stars," and "Up and Up." This last track was played against the backdrop of the magical and visually stunning music video for the song.

And if there were two adjectives to sum up the show as a whole, they would be just that: magical and visually stunning. Thanks for an awesome show, Coldplay!

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JackJacobs17’s profile image

First of all I need to just say wow! Wow! Yesterday I experienced one of the greatest nights of my life. Yesterday I really did feel like I was part of something special, something so big and beautiful. The love, the happiness and the excaitment people were feeling last night were something you can't put words on. We stood in the rain for so many hours, we sat in a que and then we stood in the rain again.. but let me just say that when Coldplay came on stage they put on the best god damn show ever. You could really feel their thankfulness during the show. They promised us (in Chris Martins own words) "The best fucking show ever" and let me tell you it was! During the night I got to experience people from different countries dancing and singing along together, I got to experience that moment when Chris decided to write a new song about Sweden and Gothenburg! The night was amazing in so many ways. And just as he said during the night, that he believes when people are working together and last night everybody in that arena stood together. We celebrated the music, the evening and most of all we celebrated the love. Because in the end of the day Love is what matters and it will always win.

Yesterday was beautiful, just pure beautiful!

saraeleonora’s profile image

A Coldplay concert is a real face to face experience for a someone who love their songs. It may not be an intimate experience but considering the legions of fans that they have only a concert can accommodate everyone who are waiting all their lives for a chance to hear them live. and they never disappoint. A total performance complete with lasers and light and firework BUT without much fanfare, just them singing & playing their hearts OUT song after song alone or in harmony with the fans some crying, most gleefully dancing to their upbeat song or swaying OR slow dancing to slow Fix You or Yellow and probably thinking of someone they "cannot replace". Chris Martin is an awesome guy and so are the rest of the band. May their personal lives be as awesome as their professional lives, they deserve that too. as to Singapore, it may not be as engaging as it would be in the Philippines but hey, no one can complain; i had the best time celebrating my birthday in one of the best stadium this side of town with around 50K Coldpay fans celebrating with me :) :). Long live Coldplay, may you continue to bring joy to you fans worldwide. Looking forward to another Coldplay concert experience in the future.

lsmanila’s profile image

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A limited number of Infinity Tickets are released for every Coldplay show to give fans the chance to attend the Music Of The Spheres World Tour at a super low price. They cost the equivalent of £20 / $20 / €20 per ticket and must be brought in pairs. Infinity Tickets are randomly allocated anywhere in the venue - from the back row to the floor to the best seat in the house.

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Coldplay musical guest booed for performing controversial manele music during Romania concert

The folk music is often considered controversial due to its vulgar and misogynistic lyrics, article bookmarked.

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The musical guest at Coldplay ’s recent concert in Bucharest, Romania , was booed by fans for singing manele, a genre of Romanian pop-folk.

The four-piece rock band was performing at the city’s Arena Națională on Wednesday (June 12) as part of their 2024 world tour when they brought out manele singer Babasha to join frontman Chris Martin .

In videos of the moment posted on X, Babasha can be seen walking around the stage singing while a chorus of loud boos can be heard coming from the crowd. In other clips, several fans can be seen walking up the stadium stairs to exit the venue.

Manele is a controversial genre in the country due to its often vulgar and misogynistic lyrics.

According to Digi24 , before welcoming Babasha to the stage, Martin told the audience: “When I landed yesterday, well, two days ago, I wandered the streets and heard this man singing so beautifully on the street. Then I looked at the music charts in Romania and was impressed because there are so many wonderful artists. Maybe you don’t understand what kind of people you have in Romania, it’s incredible.”

Even amid the boos, Martin reportedly continued to encourage and sing along with Babasha.

Following his performance, Babasha posted a video message on Instagram, saying: “I don’t want people to think I’m taking advantage of this, and I’m not in a position to talk about such things, I leave it to people to judge the situation as they see fit.

“But what I must say is that Coldplay wanted to have a moment with a Romanian artist for their concert […], and they looked at the music charts and saw me,” he added. “They personally contacted my agents, I suddenly found myself in this situation, and I don’t know how many of you would have refused such an opportunity. Because we’re talking about a completely different level, and regardless of all the boos in the world, I still would have accepted because something like this is once in a lifetime.”

During their second Bucharest gig on Thursday (June 13), Coldplay brought out Babasha again; however, he apparently received a warmer reception.

“The Romanian manele singer Babasha received a great reception performing on the C-stage for #ColdplayBucharest night 2, a stark contrast to the booing last night,” one person tweeted, alongside a video showing the crowd clapping along to Babasha and Martin.

The Independent has contacted Coldplay’s representative for comment.

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Coldplay concerts in Romania sell out in record time

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Radu Dumitrescu

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All tickets put on sale for Coldplay's concerts in Bucharest in the summer of 2024 have been sold out, marking the fastest sell-out for a stadium double show in the history of the live music industry in Romania. 

The first round of sales took place on Tuesday, July 25, and the second round on Friday, July 28. This is the fastest ticket sale for a stadium double show in the history of the live music industry in Romania, surpassing the 24-hour sell-out record set by Metallica's concert in 2019, as reported by Emagic, the concert organizer, cited by .

The concerts will take place on June 12 and 13, 2024. 

Depending on their location in the National Arena, the tickets were priced at RON 199 (EUR 40), RON 300, RON 415, RON 480, RON 585, RON 645, and RON 725 (EUR 147). 

Initially, only one Coldplay concert was scheduled in Romania on June 12, 2024, at the National Arena. Due to the high demand for tickets, the organizers decided to add another show on June 13. The events in Bucharest are organized by the local promoter Emagic and Live Nation, according to Adevarul .

Following the extraordinary success of Coldplay's European tour this summer, the band has announced the third part of the Music Of The Spheres World Tour , with dates scheduled in Europe for June, July, and August 2024. The tour includes the band's first shows in Romania, Greece, and Finland, as well as their first show in Rome since 2003 and their first visit to Budapest since 2008.

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(Photo source: Yakub88 | )

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Coldplay score biggest rock tour of all time

The band's 'Music of the Spheres Tour' has become the highest-grossing rock tour in music history

Chris Martin of Coldplay. Credit: Ole Jensen/Getty Images

Coldplay ‘s ‘Music of the Spheres’ tour is officially the highest-grossing rock tour ever.

  • READ MORE:   Coldplay live at Glastonbury 2024: Worthy Farm’s house band become “100,004 people” strong

According to Billboard Boxscore , the British band’s current tour has grossed $945.7 million and sold 8.8 million tickets since it began in March 2022, making it both the highest-earning and best-selling rock tour since Boxscore ‘s records began 40 years ago.

They’ve surpassed a record previously set by Sir Elton John ‘s ‘Farewell Yellow Brick Road’ tour, which earned $939million . The legend achieved this number with 328 shows and five years of touring from September 8, 2018 to July 8, 2023.

At the time, John bypassed Ed Sheeran ‘s ‘The Divide Tour’ at the end of 2019, which made $776.4million (£630.5million).

Sir Elton John performs on The Pyramid Stage at Day 5 of Glastonbury Festival 2023

Sheeran  previously beat U2’s ‘The 360 Tour’ to the record .

Yet, although they still have 21 more shows to go, it doesn’t seem like Coldplay will surpass Taylor Swift’s colossal ‘Eras Tour’ record any time soon. Swift made history in December when the tour became the first to gross $1billion (£796million).


According to  Pollstar , a live entertainment trade magazine Swift sold a “mind-boggling 4.3 million tickets at an average ticket price of $238.95”. They also calculated that the singer grossed roughly $17.3million for an average show for the current leg of her tour.

The ‘Music Of The Spheres’ tour has been praised for “setting a new standard” when it comes to an eco-conscious approach to live music, thanks to a slew of sustainable initiatives introduced by the band.

In June, it was revealed to have already produced 59 per cent less CO2e emissions than their previous stadium tour in 2016 and 2017. This already beats the original target that Chris Martin  and co. had set to ensure they beat those of previous tours by 50 per cent.

It has also been revealed that 7million trees have been planted globally thanks to the success of the live shows. This comes as a result of the band promising to have one tree planted for every person who attends the tour.

Yesterday (August 16), Coldplay revealed the full tracklist for their forthcoming 10th studio album ‘Moon Music’ . Alongside the announcement, the band also shared a snippet of a new track ‘We Pray’, which features Little Simz  and  Burna Boy , as well as Palestinian-Chilean singer Elyanna and Argentine artist Tini, and  the band gave it its live debut during their headline set at Glastonbury  in June, alongside Simz and Elyanna.

In  a  four-star review of Coldplay’s record-breaking return to Worthy Farm ,  NME  wrote: “With a run of guest turns, some dad banter and  an emotional  Michael J. Fox collab, Chris Martin and co. reach to make their fifth headline set one for the books.”

At the start of this year, Coldplay  revealed that the forthcoming ‘Moon Music’ was almost finished  and called it a “second [2021 album]  ‘Music Of The Spheres’  volume”.

Martin spoke to  NME  in 2021  about the “intense” pressure of releasing new music. “We’re going to make 12 albums. Because it’s a lot to pour everything into making them,” he explained at the time.

Chris Martin of Coldplay performs at Optus Stadium on November 18, 2023 in Perth, Australia.

“I love it and it’s amazing, but it’s very intense too. I feel like because I know that challenge is finite, making this music doesn’t feel difficult, it feels like, ‘This is what we’re supposed to be doing’.”

Later, the singer said that  the plan to only make three more Coldplay records “feels right to us” . Martin added: “I think we’ll keep touring, and we’ll always be together as a group of musicians and friends. But I think the story of our albums ends then.”

In other Coldplay news,  they were recently joined on stage by Shawn Mendes in Munich  for a version of ‘Fix You’.

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June 3, 2024.

When we first announced the Music Of The Spheres Tour in 2021, we pledged to reduce our direct carbon emissions (from show production, freight, band and crew travel) by at least 50%.

We’re happy to report that direct CO2e emissions from the first two years of this tour are 59% less than our previous stadium tour (2016-17), on a show-by-show comparison. These figures have been verified by the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative.

We’d like to say a huge thankyou to our incredible touring family and to all the brilliant people who’ve made this possible.

Most of all, we’d like to thank everyone who’s come to a show and helped charge the show batteries on the power bikes and kinetic dance floors; everyone who’s arrived by foot, bike, ride share or public transport; everyone who’s come with refillable water bottles or returned their LED wristband for recycling; and everyone who’s bought a ticket, which means you’ve planted one of 7 million trees so far.

As a band, and as an industry, we’re a long way from where we need to be on this. But we’re grateful for everyone’s help so far, and we salute everyone who’s making efforts to push things in the right direction.

Overall 59% reduction in direct CO2e emissions

7 million trees planted
, 2 solar-powered the ocean cleanup river interceptors deployed, 86% = average return and re-use rate of led wristbands 
, 18 shows powered entirely using the tourable battery system in 2023 
, 23 partnerships with green travel providers, 17kwh average power per show, 100% of shows, over 3,000 tco2e saved, 72% of all tour waste, 9,625 meals + 90kg of toiletries donated, financial support given to environmental organisations, 33% reduction in freight impacts, impact assessment and co2e calculations validation.

All our data and environmental impact assessments from both the A Head Full Of Dreams Tour (2016/2017) and the first two years of the Music Of The Spheres Tour have been independently collated and undertaken by our long term sustainability partners Hope Solutions.

The assessments and reports are shared with the team and leadership at the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative for annual audit and verification. They have once again independently validated and quality-assured the data as well as the calculation methodologies, assumptions and rationale for the tour vs tour comparison.

"For some time now, Coldplay has been leading by example in taking seriously and acting on the various interrelated environmental and social challenges facing humanity; climate change, biodiversity loss, air and water pollution, environmental injustice and more. With each subsequent year of their tour they demonstrate an evolving vision and expanded commitment to move the entire music industry toward true and humane sustainability and planetary resilience. From collecting unprecedented amounts of data to taking specific actions today based on rigorous analysis, Coldplay is modelling a trajectory toward a low carbon, biodiverse and equitable future. I, Prof. John E. Fernández of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have reviewed their latest efforts and endorse and congratulate Coldplay in their dedication to positive and meaningful actions and Hope Solutions in their comprehensive and meticulous analysis and recommendations. This latest analysis of Coldplay’s impact on the environment from touring is again setting a new standard for the entire music industry. The data and the methods of analysis support the conclusion that substantial progress has been made to reduce emissions in touring."

What are our figures based on?

Our figures are based on actual emissions reductions and do not factor in any carbon offsetting or carbon credits.

As yet, there is no industry standard for sustainable touring or centrally-mandated methodology for emissions reporting in this sector. This is something that we will continue to promote and try to establish. We have made all efforts to align ourselves with the principles of recognised standards such as the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and follow best practices and guidance.

We are also working closely with Hope Solutions, MIT, Live Nation and Warner Music Group to study the impacts of live music and create some carbon footprint baselines for different types of tours.

Hope Solutions and Green Nation

All of the tour’s sustainability efforts have been overseen by a Chartered Environmentalist and Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment at Hope Solutions with support from Live Nation’s Green Nation team.

Freight Impact Assessment

As the tour’s Official Logistics Partner, DHL have been instrumental in minimising emissions from freight and transportation and will continue to offer solutions to minimise logistics-related emissions: from packing efficiency, to advanced biofuels on sea and air, to electric vehicles on land.

DHL’s GoGreen team supported us with our freight impact assessment, taking all the data from our freight forwarder and plugging it into the EcoTransIT freight emissions calculation tools. The methodology and assessment is consistent with leading industry guidelines including EN16258 and the Global Logistics Emission Council’s (GLEC) framework.

We have not included fan travel to and from the venue in our direct emission figures.

However, the data gathered by our tour app, developed in partnership with SAP, suggests a higher proportion of fans travelling by public transport and a significant reduction in indirect emissions compared to previous tours.

· ⅓ of audience members use public transport · Average carbon footprint per traveller is 48% lower than the previous tour · 4% of fans travel via zero carbon transport – on foot or by bike

We are grateful to all local transport authorities and solutions providers who have provided free or low cost public transport to our shows.

Charities & Good Causes

proudly supported by the Music Of The Spheres world tour:

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