Watch time-lapse video of massive salvage operation to set Costa Concordia cruise liner upright

Salvage crews completed setting the wreck of the Costa Concordia upright early Tuesday after a 19-hour-long operation off the Italian island of Giglio, where the huge cruise liner capsized 20 months ago.

Perhaps the most complex and expensive maritime salvage operation ever attempted saw the 114,500-ton ship pulled upright by a series of huge jacks and cables and set on artificial platforms drilled into the rocky sea bed.

The operation was completed at around 4 a.m. local time (10 p.m ET) without any significant problems.

"The ship has been settled onto its platforms," Franco Gabrielli, the head of Italy's Civil Protection Authority, told reporters and a group of cheering residents who waited up into the early hours of the morning to hear the news. "We have accomplished an important step toward removing the ship from the island."

After a salvage operation estimated to have cost more than 600 million euros ($800 million), the hulk will remain in place for months more while it is stabilized and refloated before being towed away to be broken up for scrap.

The so-called parbuckling operation, in which the ship was painstakingly rotated upright, took longer than the 10-12 hours initially estimated, but engineers said the project had gone exceptionally smoothly.

"The rotation happened the way we thought it would happen and the way we hoped it would happen," said Franco Porcellacchia, leader of Costa Cruise's technical team, according to Reuters. "It was a perfect operation, I would say."

Engineers were successful on Monday in shifting the hull of the Costa Concordia ocean liner from the Italian reef where it has lain stricken since January 2012, according to reports. But progress was far slower than anticipated.

The daring attempt to pull the shipwrecked ocean liner upright began early Monday.

Thunderstorms and lightning delayed the operation by around two hours , but at around 9 a.m. local time (3 a.m. ET) Italian officials gave the all clear for the 500-strong team of engineers to begin moving the giant vessel.

Engineers applied some 6,000 tons of force using a system of pulleys and counterweights, Sergio Girotto, a project manager for contractors Micoperi, told The Associated Press. And at around midday local time underwater cameras recorded water swirling around where the metal hull rested on the seabed.

Girotto said the cameras did not, however, reveal any sign of the two people who were not recovered among the 32 killed in the initial incident.

Officials stressed that no appreciable pollution has spewed out of the vessel, where vast stocks of food and drink have sat untouched for almost two years.

The cruise ship has lain partly submerged in shallow waters off the Tuscan island of Giglio since the accident in January 2012.

The liner hit a rock when it maneuvered too close to the island, prompting a chaotic evacuation of more than 4,000 passengers and crew.

Salvage workers will continue to look for the bodies of the two missing people, an Italian and an Indian unaccounted for since the disaster, with underwater cameras combing the seabed.

The ship's owner last week estimated the cost of the salvage operation at $795 million "and rising."

Captain Francesco Schettino has been charged with multiple counts of manslaughter and causing the wreck.

Five others, including two bridge officers and the ship’s hotel director, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and negligence in July . 

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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The travel industry is hurting as the coronavirus pandemic ravages on, but the US cruise industry, in particular, has been hard hit.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a no-sail order in March, which it changed to a " conditional sailing " one on November 1. This means that cruises could accept passengers, but only after making significant changes to their health and safety protocols. Most cruise companies voluntarily renewed the no-sail order through 2020 as they figure out these new measures.

Ahead of the coronavirus pandemic, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the world's largest cruise industry trade association, which represents 95% of the global cruising industry, projected that 32 million passengers would set sail in 2020 and that the industry was creating an economic impact of $53 billion in the US , and $150 billion worldwide.

The CLIA now estimates that "each day of the suspension of cruise operations in the US results in a total loss of approximately $110 million in economic activity and up to 800 American jobs."

For the shipbreaking industry, however, this means big business.

Photos of cruise ships being dismantled into scrap metal at bustling shipbreaking yards around the world illustrate just how deeply the cruise industry is hurting right now.

Photos of unused cruise ships getting stripped for parts show just how much the cruise industry is struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Nicola Mulinaris, the communication and policy officer at NGO Shipbreaking Platform, told Insider that they've seen an increase in the number of cruise ships getting scrapped since the pandemic hit.

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Source: NGO Shipbreaking Platform

He explained that cruise ships can be "extremely costly to maintain if they're not operational."

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Consequently, cruise companies, many facing financial troubles, are downsizing their fleets.

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Source: WESH

Carnival lost $2.9 billion last quarter, the New York Times reports. It has canceled trips into 2021 and is cutting 18 of its ships, per Good Morning America.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Source: The New York Times , Good Morning America

Three of those ships, the Inspiration, Imagination, and Fantasy, are being dismantled at the Aliaga Ship Recycling Facility in Turkey, alongside two other cruise ships.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Almost 2,000 people are working to dismantle the five ships in Turkey, according to the New York Times.

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Source: The New York Times

Mulinaris said that because many shipyards had to close due to lockdowns, there's even a waiting list for cruise ships to get dismantled around the world.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

In the past, cruise companies sold their ships to smaller companies, but because of the pandemic, no one can afford to buy them — nor would they want to.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Cruise companies are also afraid of strengthening the competition, said Mulinaris, "so it becomes quite appealing to recycle the vessels and get money out of it."

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Generally speaking, cruise ships will sell their ships to scrap dealers through a broker. These will then pay the shipyards for their work, and make money selling scraps.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

According to Mulinaris, 90% of a conventional vessel is steel, which is recyclable. But machinery and furniture can also be sold.

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"It's a treasure chest in there," an antique store owner told the New York Times about cruise ship interiors. "These are not regular ships; they are luxurious floating museums with many precious items inside."

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Depending on where the ships are sold and scrapped, cruise ship companies could be paid between $150 to $400 per ton.

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Carnival sent its ships to get scrapped in Turkey: While the prices there per ton are on the low end, according to Mulinaris, the working conditions are better and the recycling process more environmentally friendly.

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A cruise ship can take up to 10 months to dismantle, but it depends on both the vessel and the shipyard.

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"Everything is taken out piece by piece, from the light bulb to the piano and swimming pool to the golf course," Kamil Onal, chairman of the Ship Recyclers' Association of Turkey, told the New York Times.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Usually, ships are cleaned, stripped of anything that can be sold, then cut into small blocks, taking care to avoid hazardous materials. These pieces are then usually lifted away by crane, one by one.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Sometimes they are carried away by hand.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Shipbreaking is dangerous work.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Besides the obvious risks of sustaining injuries from operating heavy machinery, getting crushed, or falling, ships are also filled with flammable gases that can cause explosions and toxic elements like asbestos and lead.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

According to data by NGO Shipbreaking Platform, there have been 397 deaths in shipbreaking yards since 2009.

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Source: Off the Beach

Shipbreaking is also bad for the environment. As it can be difficult to contain pollutants, oil spills, sludge, and heavy metal, contaminated debris are common side effects.

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Governments and organizations such as Mulinaris' NGO are working hard to improve working conditions for shipbreakers and to ensure more environmentally sound practices.

cruise ship dismantling time lapse

Cruise companies are working to turn things around, however, and are working to get passengers on the ocean as soon as safely possible with measures like mock cruises to test safety measures.

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Refloating the Costa Concordia: Successful First Day – UPDATE

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Cruise liner Costa Concordia is seen during the refloat operation at Giglio harbour at Giglio Island July 14, 2014. You can see the makeshift plimsoll line of the ships decks, which are exposed by about 1 meter more since when the refloating operation began.    REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi

Update (5:15 p.m. EST):  A Monday night update from the authorities in Giglio has confirmed that the first day of the operation to refloat the Costa Concordia shipwreck in Giglio has concluded successfully.

During the day, the wreck was raised approximately 2.2 meters after technicians pumped air into the buoyancy sponsons, allowing the ship to be moved about 30 meters eastward. The Costa Concordia is now afloat and moored, which concludes the first stage of the operation. Work is still on going to connect chains and cables underneath the vessel to the sponsons.

Complete Coverage:  Refloating the Costa Concordia

Update (1:00 p.m. EST): Refloating the Costa Concordia – Day 1 Time-Lapse Video

Update (9:23 a.m. EST):  Towage of the now floating Costa Concordia 30 meters to the east is in progress. A second press conference with an update on the status of the refloating operation just wrapped up.

Update (7:30 a.m EST): The Costa Concordia has detached from the underwater platforms on which it rested and was floating by about 1 meter at approximately 12 noon CEST. The wreck still needs to be raised by another meter before tugboats will tow it to the east by about 30 meters.  Technicians have now begun to tighten the chains on starboard sponson S14, as planned.

The wreck is now floating thanks to the 30 steel sponsons that have been attached to either side of the wreck and deballasted.

“The ship is upright and is not listing either longitudinally or latitudinally. This is extremely positive,” said Franco Porcellacchia, an engineer overseaing the project on behalf of the ship owner Costa Crociere.

Sponson deballasting. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi

Update (1:26 a.m. EST):  Work to refloat the Costa Concordia kicked off as planned at 6 a.m. CEST (UTC/GMT +1), Salvage Master  Nick Sloane reached the Remote Operations Center located on the Costa Concordia with the rest of the team from Titan-Micoperi, according to the project’s website. 

The cruise liner Costa Concordia is seen at Giglio harbour at Giglio Island July 13, 2014. Italian authorities gave the green light to refloating the wrecked Costa Concordia cruise ship on Saturday, setting the stage for the next step in the largest maritime salvage in history to begin on Monday morning. The defunct luxury liner is due to depart Giglio on July 21, two and a half years after it struck a reef while performing a display manoeuvre to move close to shore and "salute" the port. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi (ITALY - Tags: DISASTER TRANSPORT MARITIME)

Earlier (Sunday): The salvage team working to refloat and remove the Costa Concordia shipwreck from Giglio have been given green light from the Italian government to kick off one of the final phases of the largest maritime salvage job in history.

On Saturday, the Italian environmental Monitoring Observatory gave the all clear for the start of the refloating operation scheduled to begin Monday, which was considered the last hurdle the project needed to clear before the refloating could begin. Italy’s   Civil Protection Department  said that documentation submitted for the refloat was “valid”, allowing it “to give the go-ahead for the operation to refloat the  Concordia “.

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Refloating Phase

The refloating phase is expect to start at 6 a.m. local time (UTC/GMT +1) , Monday morning, weather permitted.

The full refloating phase will take place in 5 stages,  The whole operation is expected to take about 6 or 7 days to complete.

During the first stage, the Concordia will be partially refloated about 2 meters up off the underwater platforms and moved 30 meters towards the east with the assistance of tugs. The ship will then be securely moored and technicians will be able to complete the attachment and tensioning of the last cables and chains, and to lower the starboard sponsons to their final position. Once this is completed, engineers will use a pneumatic system to  slowly deballast the sponsons, raising the ship one deck at a time from deck 6 to deck 3 when the draft of the wreck reaches 18.5 meters.

A total of 32 of the watertight steel boxes – including 30 sponsons and 2 blister tanks – have been installed onto the ship since the salvage project began.

You can see an illustration of the entire refloating phase broken down into its five stages below.

How to Watch

These next phases of the Costa Concordia salvage are creating a similar media frenzy to what we saw with the parbuckling in September and it is likely that a number of live streams will be available. We’ll link to some of the best streams here once they are live and be sure to share the links you’re watching in the comment section.

Below are a few links to live streams. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that the quality and accuracy of each.

Live Stream from  (BEST)

Live Stream from

Monday’s partial refloating and the move 30 meters to the east is expected to happen the first day. The tow to Genoa, on the other hand, will be a multi-day event. Check back to gCaptain for the best videos and photos throughout the whole process.

Removal Phase

The departure of the Concordia from Giglio is currently scheduled for July 21, when the ship will be towed to San Giorgio del Porto in Genoa over the course of an estimated 5 days. The wreck will be accompanied by a flotilla of vessels that will provide environmental monitoring and emergency support.

The hulk will be dismantled by a consortium led by Italy’s Saipem.

Largest Maritime Salvage

The successful refloating, removal and dismantling of the Costa Concordia shipwreck will conclude the largest maritime salvage job in history, which has been estimated to cost in excess of $800 million. The salvage has been led by a consortium made up of Titan Salvage, which is a subsidiary of Jacksonville, Florida-based Crowley Maritime Corporation, and Italy’s Micoperi. In charge of the operation itself has been  South African salvage master Nick Sloane, who made headlines across the globe following the successful parbuckling of the cruise ship in September. Sloane and Titan-Micoperi will once again be at the helm of the entire refloating and removal, basically until the shipwreck reaches Genoa and the baton is passed to Saipem.  

“ We are pleased that the documentation sent to the authorities has been well received. Everything is in place and ready, the salvage team has successfully completed the technical tests and if weather and sea conditions will remain favourable the refloating operation will commence as planned on Monday morning ” said  Costa Crociere, CEO Michael Thamm . “ It is a complex operation never attempted before, but we know we can count on the best technicians in the world. I wish them all the best for the success of this great challenge .” 

Franco Porcellacchia, who is leading the ship owner’s technical team for the Costa Concordia wreck removal, said Sunday that they have “reasonable certainty that all will work.”

The Costa Concordia shipwrecked on the small island off the coast of Tuscany on the night of January 13, 2012, killing 32 people.

More Photos:

Front view. Photo (c)

The Five Stages of the Refloating Phase

Step 1

Illustrations courtesy

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Captivating Time Lapse Shows Construction of Cruise Ship

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This mesmerizing time lapse shows the piece by piece construction of the 167,600 ton, 1,033 ft long MSC Meraviglia cruise ship. The Meraviglia was built at the STX France shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, the same shipyard where Royal Caribbean’s Harmony of the Seas was assembled. MSC Cruises captured not one, but two stunning videos of the ship’s construction. See how it all came together in these bow and stern-view time lapses.

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Sail away time Lapse, Miami?

Extra Kim

By Extra Kim , January 7, 2016 in Ask a Cruise Question

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We are doing our first cruise from Miami (have done cruises from other ports before). I want to make a time lapse with my GoPro and my Sony HDR AS-100. on which side of the ship do you recommend that I put my cameras? It takes a while to put them up good, in other words, I do not have the time to go between the port and starboard after we leave the dock.

We are leaving on Majesty Of The Seas if that matters.

My first time doing time lapse, I didn't used enough frames per minute and the sail away from port Everglades didn't turn out that well.

What settings should I use on a moving ship one pic every 1, 2, 5

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We are doing our first cruise from Miami (have done cruises from other ports before). I want to make a time lapse with my GoPro and my Sony HDR AS-100. on which side of the ship do you recommend that I put my cameras? It takes a while to put them up good, in other words, I do not have the time to go between the port and starboard after we leave the dock.   We are leaving on Majesty Of The Seas if that matters. My first time doing time lapse, I didn't used enough frames per minute and the sail away from port Everglades didn't turn out that well. What settings should I use on a moving ship one pic every 1, 2, 5 seconds ?  
Is there a ferry boat anywhere near where you live? Although it wouldn't be the same as being on a cruise ship, you could set up on it to experiment and see what camera positions and which time lapse settings would work best to give you the results you'd like to have.

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There are several things to consider. As you sail out, the prettier view will be on the port side. However, if there are other ships still in port, they will be docked on your starboard side... And if Majesty did not turn around when she came in, she will have to sail down to the turning basin, and then sail out, so views would change with your direction...

I see there will be three other ships in Miami, but two will be leaving before you do (if the schedule is followed). And I think Majesty docks at the west end of the pier.

You might also enjoy catching the sail-in at Nassau.

You might watch a few sail aways on the Miami webcam to see what happens...

No ships in port today, but weekends are busy...EM

If you want an impressive view of Miami Beach and the beach itself, you need to be on the port side (left side facing forward).


I hope you will post this when complete.


I was going to say the same thing! i would do port side, you'll capture Miami Beach!

No there's no ferry nearby, but I guess that I always can use 1fps and take out pictures when I make the editing if there's too many pictures. Better to do it that way, I have big memorycards so it doesn't matter if I get a lot of pictures that I won't need.

There are several things to consider. As you sail out, the prettier view will be on the port side. However, if there are other ships still in port, they will be docked on your starboard side... And if Majesty did not turn around when she came in, she will have to sail down to the turning basin, and then sail out, so views would change with your direction...   I see there will be three other ships in Miami, but two will be leaving before you do (if the schedule is followed). And I think Majesty docks at the west end of the pier. You might also enjoy catching the sail-in at Nassau.   You might watch a few sail aways on the Miami webcam to see what happens...   No ships in port today, but weekends are busy...EM

Thanks, I will take a look this weekend.

I hope you will post this when complete.   Keith

I will post a youtube-link when we are back in Sweden.

To all others that have replyed, thanks!

Theres more activity on the starboard side. Theres the traffic on MacArthur causeway, the waterfront homes, a chance to catch a ferry departing, and South Beach, If the ship has to go into the basin to turn around you will get a view of downtown Miami.

I apoligize, the port side is where you want to be.

  • 1 month later...

Here's the result:*

Here's the sail-away from Port Everglades on Celebrity Equinox.


Thanks for posting, nice videos.:)

Here's one from Cozumel.

This one is from Grand Cayman.

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