Forum from Capitoline.

Ancient Rome

In a city of extraordinary beauty, Rome’s ancient heart stands out. It’s here you’ll find the great icons of the city’s past: the Colosseum, the Palatino, the forums and the Campidoglio (Capitoline Hill), the historic home of the Capitoline Museums. Touristy by day, it’s quiet at night with few after-hours attractions.


Must-see attractions.

ancient rome travel guide

Roman Forum

An impressive – if rather confusing – sprawl of ruins, the Roman Forum was ancient Rome's showpiece center, a grandiose district of temples...

Farnese Gardens built a top Domus Tiberiana on Palatine Hill at the Roman forum in Rome, Italy.

Sandwiched between the Roman Forum and the Circo Massimo, the Palatino (Palatine Hill) is one of Rome's most spectacular sights. It's a beautiful,…

ancient rome travel guide

Everyone wants to see the Colosseum, and it doesn’t disappoint, especially if accompanied by tales of armored gladiators and hungry lions. More than any…

ancient rome travel guide

Capitoline Museums

Dating from 1471, the Capitoline Museums are the world's oldest public museums, with a fine collection of classical sculpture.

Vittoriano at sunrise

You can't ignore the Vittoriano, built at the turn of the 20th century to honor Italy's first king, Vittorio Emanuele II.

Walking up the cobbled street towards Arco di Tito at the eastern end of the Roman Forum.

Arco di Tito

Said to be the inspiration for the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, this triumphal arch was built by the emperor Domitian in AD 81 to celebrate his brother Titus…

Mercati di Traiano Museo dei Fori Imperiali

Mercati di Traiano Museo dei Fori Imperiali

This striking museum showcases the Mercati di Traiano (Trajan's Markets), the emperor Trajan's towering 2nd-century complex, while also providing a…

Palazzo Venezia

Palazzo Venezia

Built between 1455 and 1464, Palazzo Venezia was the first of Rome's great Renaissance palaces. For centuries it was the embassy of the Venetian Republic …

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

16 Ancient Rome Sites & Roman Landmarks to See in Rome, Italy (+Map)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: September 28, 2023

16 Ancient Rome Sites & Roman Landmarks to See in Rome, Italy (+Map)

Ancient Rome – the civilization dating from the founding of the city of Rome in 753 BC until the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD – has had a big influence on the world. It has inspired and influenced so many generations and continues to do so today…

No matter how many books you read and how many movies you saw, there is no better way to get acquainted with this fascinating culture than by visiting some of the ancient Roman landmarks in Rome, Italy!

In this guide, you can learn about the best Ancient Rome sites that you can still see in Rome today . Some of them – such as the Pantheon or the Colosseum – are world-known and are among the most popular places to see in Rome . Quite a few other remaining Roman landmarks are lesser-known and could be qualified as the hidden gems of Rome , often overlooked by tourists… But they are all worth seeing!

Whether you are fascinated by the Ancient Rome civilization, are interested in antique Roman architecture, or simply want to see some of the most impressive Roman landmarks and learn the stories behind them, this list will give you a good idea of the places that are worth visiting the most.

To help you plan your time, we also created a map indicating the best Ancient Rome landmarks in Rome . You can find this map at the bottom of the article.

Even if you just visit a few of these landmarks, you’ll appreciate so much better how special and unique Rome really is. It’s not for nothing that it’s called the Eternal City.

Domus Augustana - ancient Roman emperor palace on the Palatine Hill in Rome

Good to know: Please note that in this guide we only mention some of the best-preserved and most important Ancient Rome landmarks that are located in or just near the city of Rome.

We also tried to sort this list by age, starting with the oldest Roman landmarks first. However, it’s not always possible to determine the exact dates. Furthermore, some archeological sites contain more than just one building (each dating from different periods), and others were built and rebuilt or their development spanned over several centuries…

So the timeline is only meant to give you an idea of how Ancient Rome developed over the centuries. It should give you a better insight into how old and unique these antique Roman sites really are…

Take a look!

Here are some of the best ancient Roman landmarks you can see in Rome today:

1. Palatine Hill & Roman Forum

The origins date from around the 10th century BC. Some of the oldest Roman temples (7-8th century BC) were located in this area as well.

The Roman Forum (Forum Romanum) and the Palatine Hill (Palatino) are among the oldest places in the city of Rome. It’s in this area that you’ll find most of the ancient Roman landmarks; too many to even try to list them here…

It’s believed that the founders of Rome – Remus and Romulus – were nursed by a she-wolf in a cave – Lupercal – that was located on the slopes of the Palatine. In 2007, this theory was once again confirmed when the archeologists found a vaulted sanctuary deep under the ground that could indeed be the Lupercal.

So if you are looking for the most ancient sites in Rome, this is as good as it gets. The Palatine is literally the birthplace of Rome !

Palatine Hill - one of the oldest places in Rome

In Ancient Rome, the Palatine was one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the city. The rich and the famous built their palaces here and you can still see some very impressive ruins on the Palatine.

Right next to it is the Roman Forum, the bustling heart of ancient Rome. Today, this is a huge archeological site where you can see many of the oldest buildings and monuments of Rome.

How to visit: The Roman Forum and the Palatine are located right next to the Colosseum and an entrance to all these sites is included in the same ticket . You can just walk around on your own, but I highly recommend visiting here with a guided tour . There’s so much to see and it’s a fascinating site, but without knowing what you’re looking at, it’s just a bunch of ruins and stones…

Roman Forum - one of the oldest Ancient Rome sites

2. Ostia Antica

The origins date from the 7th century BC.

Ostia Antica was an old city, the commercial and military seaport of ancient Rome. The archeological remains found here date to the 3rd- 4th century BC, but some inscriptions are believed to be three centuries older than that.

This is one of the best-preserved ancient Roman cities and a great place to visit if you want to get a better idea of what life was like for ordinary folks in the old Roman times.

In its glory days (2-3rd century AD), over 100,000 people lived in Ostia. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the city slowly fell into decay. It was completely abandoned in the 9th century.

Big parts of the old city of Ostia are excavated and you can see the remains of old houses, shops, baths, but also docks and warehouses. One of the most impressive sites is the old Roman theater – Teatro di Ostia.

Teatro di Ostia at the ancient Roman theater at Ostia Antica, Italy

Ostia Antica is often compared to the more famous ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

However, these places are located close to Naples, a 2.5-3 hours drive from Rome (they can be visited as a day trip too , but you will need an entire day for that). Whereas Ostia Antica is just 45 minutes drive from the city center. In fact, it’s located very close to Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Fiumicino.

How to visit: Ostia Antica is the only Roman landmark mentioned in this guide that is located quite a bit further from Rome’s city center. You can get here by taxi or by train, and there are also organized tours. The most popular option is this half-day guided tour by train .

Ostia Antica mosaics - ancient Roman landmark in Italy

3. Circus Maximus

The origins of Circus Maximus date to Rome’s earliest days. The construction began around the 6th century BC.

Circus Maximus (Circo Massimo) was the largest stadium in Ancient Rome, mainly used for chariot races. It also served as the site of Roman Games, gladiator fights, animal hunts, etc.

Its current distinctive U-shape dates from the times of Julius Caesar who ordered the refurbishing of this arena at around 50 BC. At that time, the stadium could seat about 150,000 spectators.

After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, Circus Maximus was rebuilt and reached its maximum capacity with place for about 250,000 people.

The last chariot races here were held in the 6th century, after which the ancient arena was pretty much abandoned. The area was cleared and turned into a park in the early 20th century and is nowadays sometimes used for concerts and other big outdoor gatherings. A small part of the ancient site is being excavated, but the majority remains under the ground.

Circus Maximus as seen from the Palatine Hill in Rome

How to visit: Apart from the big open oval space in the middle of the city, there is actually not that much left of the ancient Circus Maximus nowadays. You can see it from an elevated angle from Palatine Hill, and you can also go for a walk here. Some tours also come here. It’s a good way to learn more about the place and the guides usually have pictures showing you what the place looked like, etc.

There may not be much left of it, but as you stand here, it’s easy to imagine a crowd of a quarter of a million people cheering at the chariot races: the noise, the dust, the excitement… It’s well worth seeing Circus Maximus, even if just from a distance. It’s yet another puzzle piece that gives you a better idea of what life was like in Ancient Rome.

TIP: If you are interested in a tour, we recommend this one that visits Circus Maximus and also the Baths of Caracalla (a very interesting ancient Roman site that you can read about further below).

Circus Maximus in Rome

4. Appian Way

Built around 312-264 BC.

Appian Way (Via Appia Antica) is an ancient road that connected the city of Rome to Brindisi in Southern Italy, some 563 km (350 miles) away. Its main purpose was to help the army with the expansion of the Roman Empire.

To me, the Appian way feels the most authentic of all Ancient Rome sites that you can still see today. Built over 2300 years ago, some parts of this road look pretty much as they would have looked back in the old days. There are hardly any signs of modern-day life here, and if you’re lucky to visit on a quiet moment or go just a bit further from the city, you’ll likely be completely alone… It’s magical!

Appian Way is lined with ancient family graves and mausoleums, some of them still standing next to the road today (in the past, it was forbidden to bury people inside the city walls, and it was easy to have a family grave next to a major, easily-accessible way just outside the city).

As you walk or bike on Via Appia, you can easily imagine the Roman military marching here, horses and carriages driving up and down, and families visiting the graves of loved ones… If you’ve seen movies like Spartacus , vivid images of Ancient Rome come to life. It’s a really special place, and if you have a few hours extra, I highly recommend visiting here!

Ancient Appian Way in Rome

How to visit: The Appian Way is a long road that starts in Rome. The first part closest to the city has changed a lot and looks just pretty much like any other street. And while you don’t have to go very far to find some more authentic parts of this ancient way, it’s not really a place you can easily walk to. It’s best to come here by bus, on a tour, or by bike.

TIP: I highly recommend joining an e-bike tour . Not only is this the best way to get here and explore a bigger section of this unique road, but you’ll also see so much more! It’s also good to visit here with a local guide who knows exactly where to go and will bring you to the most authentic sights.

We visited the Appian Way with this great bike tour that also includes quite a few other ancient Roman landmarks mentioned further in this guide. Highly recommended!

Biking on Via Appia Antica in Rome

5. Park of the Aqueducts

Most Roman aqueducts date from the period between the 3rd century BC and 1st century AD. The oldest Roman aqueduct – Aqua Appia – was constructed around 312 BC, at around the same time as the Appian Way.

If you want to see more of the most authentic ancient Roman sights and get a bit more off the beaten path in Rome, definitely consider a visit to the Park of the Aqueducts (Parco degli Acquedotti) . This is antique Rome at its best, and without the crowds. In fact, you’ll likely have the park all to yourselves…

Here, you can see several ancient aqueducts dating from the glory days of the Roman Empire. Reliable water supply was of utmost importance for the quickly-growing cities, and a series of aqueducts were built in order to bring drinking water from the mountains into the city of Rome.

Parts of these ancient aqueducts survived to the present day, and you can admire some really fine examples of ancient engineering. Some aqueducts were tens of kilometers in length, and they were built with such a small gradient that was just enough to get the water flowing towards the city at a steady pace. It would be quite an achievement even nowadays…

Ancient Roman aqueduct at Parco degli Acquedotti in Rome

How to visit: Park of the Aqueducts is located on the outskirts of Rome, about 10 km from the city center. There’s a metro line running just nearby, so you could get here by public transport quite easily. However, it’s a massive park and so if you come on foot, you’ll need at least half a day to explore it. The best way to visit Parco degli Acquedotti is by bike.

We came here on the earlier-mentioned e-bike tour that also took us to Via Appia and ancient catacombs (see further below). It’s really one of the best ways to explore several of the best ancient landmarks in Rome in a short time!

TIP: One of these 2000-year-old aqueducts still supplies water to the famous Trevi Fountain today. If you don’t have the time to visit the Aqueducts Park, you could also opt to visit Vicus Caprarius (aka Trevi Underground) in the city center. Here, you can see one of the ancient aqueducts under the ground.

Old Roman aqueducts at Parco degli Acquedotti in Rome

6. Largo di Torre Argentina

The ancient temples here date from the 2nd – 4th centuries BC.

Largo di Torre Argentina is a town square in the historic center of Rome. Some of the city’s most ancient temples are located here, and this was also the site of Rome’s 1st theater, the Theater of Pompey (55 BC).

The square is best known as the place where Julius Caesar was murdered by the members of the Roman Senate on the Ides of March (15 March) in 44 BC.

Most of the ancient buildings here are just ruins, but some of the remains of the temples can still be distinguished among the rest. The oldest temples are believed to date from the 4-3rd centuries BC, the others are from the 2nd century BC. They all date from pre-Christian times, but one of them was later rebuilt as a church.

Ancient temples at Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome

How to visit: Largo di Torre Argentina is a public square, just a few minutes walk from the Pantheon and other main sights in the city center. The archeological site has recently been made accessible to the public via a small walkway with several panels where you can learn about the history of this place. It’s free of charge and wheelchair-accessible.

You can also just walk all the way around the archeological site and easily see all the ancient buildings from the street. Some people come here to learn more about the death of Julius Caesar, others – for the ruins, and yet others for the cute cats that inhabit the area.

TIP: This amazing food tour we did in Rome also brings you to Largo di Torre Argentina and the guide gives some explanation about the sites you see.

LEARN MORE: Rome Street Food Tour with a Local Guide

Largo di Torre Argentina - 101 BC Roman temple dedicated to Fortuna Huiusce Diei

7. Pyramid of Caius Cestius

Built in 18-12 BC .

Looking somewhat out-of-place and totally different from anything else in Rome, the Pyramid of Cestius (Piramide di Caio Cestio) is one of the oldest and best-preserved landmarks in the city .

Just as the famous pyramids in Egypt, this one was also built as a mausoleum. Inside, is the tomb of Gaius Cestius, a wealthy Roman magistrate who died in 12 BC.

The pyramid of Cestius survived for over 20 centuries mainly because it was integrated into the city walls. You can still see one of the old city gates – Porta San Paolo (3rd century) – just next to the pyramid.

Pyramid of Cestius is one of the oldest landmarks of Ancient Rome

How to visit: You can see the pyramid from the outside at any time.

However, it is only open to the public a few days a month and if you want to visit inside, you’ll have to book it in advance. For more information, please consult the official website .

The chances that they are open just when you’re in Rome aren’t very high and it does require quite some planning, so this is one of those landmarks that you can best admire from the outside.

Pyramid of Caius Cestius and Porta San Paolo ancient sites in Rome

8. Theater of Marcellus

Built around 17-13 BC.

Marcello Theater (Teatro di Marcello) was the largest and most important theater in Ancient Rome, with space for almost 20,000 spectators. Its original construction looks a bit like the famous Colosseum, which was built almost 100 years later.

Built in the 1st century BC, this open-air theater remained in use until the early 4th century. Just like many old buildings in Rome, it was then looted and the stones were used for the construction of other buildings. What remained of it, was later used as a sort of an apartment building, and afterwards as a fortress.

Nowadays, the archeological site is a museum and it’s sometimes used for concerts as well. The upper part of the building still serves as residential apartments. Marcello Theater looks really impressive at night when it’s nicely lit.

In addition to the ancient theater, you can see lots of other ruins here as well that are yet several centuries older. The most notable is Portico of Octavia (2nd century BC) and also the Temples of Apollo Sosiano and Bellona (5th-1st centuries BC), plus Tempio di Giano (3rd century BC).

Marcello Theater in Rome

How to visit: You can see the theater of Marcellus from the street (the best view is from Via del Teatro di Marcello), but the archeological site can also be visited inside. It is normally open from morning to dusk and is free to visit.

There are informational panels and you can just walk through here when visiting the Jewish Ghetto or on your way from/to Circus Maximus or Bocca della Verità (Mouth of Truth).

TIP: Outside this archeological site, but also just near the theater, you’ll find several other lesser-known ancient Roman landmarks. This is the site of the cattle market Foro Boario (3rd century BC). Here, you can see the remains of two temples – Tempio di Portuno (2-3rd century BC) and Tempio di Ercole Vincitore (2nd century BC). If you’re in the area anyway, it’s worth checking them out as well.

Portico of Octavia (2nd century BC) in Rome Italy

9. Domus Aurea

Built around 65-68 AD.

Domus Aurea , aka the  Golden House of Nero , is another ancient landmark worth seeing in Rome. It’s located just a stone’s throw from the Colosseum that was built just a bit later.

After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, Emperor Nero seized a huge centrally-located plot of land in order to build a lavish entertainment complex for himself and his guests. This started the rumors that he might have started the fire in the first place…

Domus Aurea was a lavish entertainment site with landscaped gardens, an artificial lake, fountains, pools, etc. The huge villa was richly decorated and had a rotating dining room with a golden dome with an oculus, a masterpiece of ancient engineering. The building materials included marble, gold, and mosaics made of precious stones and ivory, etc.

The Golden House represented the best of the Roman Empire’s art and engineering, but also the worst of its excesses. The project was hugely unpopular and after Nero’s death, a big part of the site was covered by ground. In fact, the Colosseum was built over the site of Nero’s artificial lake. The villa itself was still used by other emperors, but a few decades later it was also covered by ground and new bathhouses were built over it…

Covered by the earth, Domus Aurea remained very well preserved. It was rediscovered in the 15th century and became an inspiration to many Renaissance artists. However, the exposure to the elements has done a lot of damage, and because a large part of the site remains under what’s currently a park, it’s extremely difficult to preserve what’s left of it without causing a complete collapse.

Domus Aurea - Nero's Golden House in Ancient Rome

How to visit:   Domus Aurea is located at Colle Oppio Park; the entrance is on Via della Domus Aurea. You can visit a small part of the original site, partially underground.

The Golden Vault Room virtual reality experience gives a good idea of what this place must have looked like in the past. Here you can see the availability and book a guided tour.

TIP: If you have more time, we highly recommend opting for a guided tour that also includes the Virtual Reality experience !

Ornate ceiling of Domus Aurea underground palace in Rome

10. Colosseum

Built around 70-80 AD.

The Colosseum (Colosseo) is probably the most iconic and best-known of all Ancient Rome landmarks. Almost 2,000 years after it was built, it remains the symbol of the Roman Empire, but also of Rome as we know it today.

This was the largest and the most impressive ancient amphitheater. Despite being ruined by several earthquakes, plundering, and looting, the Colosseum still stands today. Built as an entertainment arena, it could seat some 50,000 – 80,000 spectators!

The main purpose of the Colosseum was to keep the regular people of Rome content by providing entertainment (remember the old Latin saying “panem et circenses” – bread and circuses). The amphitheater was used for public spectacles including gladiator fights, animal hunts, but also the recreation of sea battles and dramas based on ancient mythology.

A big part of this impressive building is quite well preserved and you can get a pretty good idea of what the original arena would have looked like. It’s really interesting to see all the different layers of the structure. So if you can, take the time to walk around it and explore deeper, – you’ll appreciate it so much more.

Colosseum - one of the most iconic ancient landmarks in Rome

In addition to seeing the Colosseum from the outside, you really have to see the inside as well. Part of the arena floor has been restored and you can also take in the views from the upper levels.

It’s now also possible to visit the underground level which gives you a very unique insight into how the arena functioned. You can see where the wild animals were kept, where the gladiators waited for the fights, the mechanisms used to bring them upstairs, etc.

How to visit: You can see the Colosseum from the outside and walk all the way around it. But you’ll need a ticket in order to visit inside. This is one of the most popular Rome attractions in Rome and you really have to  book your tickets  or  a guided tour in advance.

TIP:  If you want to visit all the levels of the Colosseum including the underground, you’ll need to go with a guide. We opted for  this tour  which includes all the levels of the Colosseum, and also the earlier-mentioned Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, and I can highly recommend it.

LEARN MORE: Colosseum Levels & Best Ticket Options

Inside the Colosseum in Rome

11. Trajan’s Market

Built around 100-110 AD.

Trajan’s Market (Mercati di Traiano) is a 2nd-century Roman market, often described as the oldest shopping mall in the world . It was part of a bigger complex – Trajan’s Forum – that was once the bustling center of the Roman Empire.

This architectural site is not only a fine example of ancient Roman architecture, but it also gives you a unique insight into the everyday life of the Roman people. It’s also a good place to see how the city has changed over the centuries.

The markets were mainly used in the 2-5th centuries. Later, new floor levels were added, a tower was built, and in the 16th century, there was a convent here… At the beginning of the 20th century, some of the recent additions have been demolished again, and an effort was made to restore Trajan’s Market and the surrounding area.

In 2007, the Museum of Imperial Fora  was opened here, and you can now explore this unique site from close by. Walking on the original streets of ancient Rome – Via Biberatica and Via della Torre – is a really special experience. This is one of the places where you can truly feel the antique Rome around you. And despite its very central location, only very few tourists seem to find their way inside…

Trajan's Market in Rome Italy

How to visit: You can see a big part of the Trajan’s Market archeological site from Via dei Fori Imperiali, the main street between Piazza Venezia and the Colosseum. However, if you want to learn more about it, walk on the ancient streets, and explore the most impressive parts, be sure to visit the Museum of the Imperial Fora in the Trajan’s Markets.

It’s open daily except for some public holidays. More info on the official website . The entrance here is included with this and several other city passes .

TIP: If you have more time to explore, get a ticket that includes a multimedia video . This video gives you a unique insight into what Trajan’s Markets looked like during the glory days of Imperial Rome.

In addition, as you walk on Via dei Fori Imperiali towards the Colosseum, you can see the ruins of the Forum of Augustus (2 BC) and too many other ancient ruins to even try to mention.

Ancient Roman street Via Biberatica at the Trajan's Market in Rome

12. Pantheon

The origins go back to 27 BC, but the Pantheon as we know it today was built around 125-127 AD.

Built almost 2,000 years ago and still standing strong, the Pantheon is the best-preserved of all ancient monuments in Rome. In fact, the Pantheon is  the oldest building in the world that is still in use today .

Dating from before Christianity, the Pantheon was originally built as a temple to all gods. However, it was later converted into a church (7th century). This saved the old temple from looters and plundering and helped preserve this unique monument through so many centuries.

The Pantheon has also served as the burial place for many artists and kings. Inside, you can see the tombs of Raphael, King Victor Emanuele II, King Umberto I, Queen Margherita of Savoy (after whom pizza Margherita was named), and several others.

World-known for its impressive oculus , the Pantheon has inspired many generations of architects and engineers, including Michelangelo who designed the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. Michelangelo was so impressed by the unknown ancient architect and its genius dome structure that – out of respect – he made sure that his own construction was slightly smaller.

Pantheon - one of the best preserved ancient landmarks in Rome

How to visit: The Pantheon is a working church, but it can only be visited for free during mass (and you won’t be able to walk around).

It’s open daily, and if you want to visit it as a tourist, you need to pay for a ticket. While you can ‘just’ queue at the entrance, we recommend getting a timed entry ticket in advance. The queues can be really long, there are multiple lines for cash and credit card payments, and it’s overall quite chaotic. Even with online reservation, you have to pick up an actual ticket at another location first (hopefully, they’ll change this in the future, but be sure to read the instructions!).

You can book the Pantheon tickets on the official website (which many of our readers find confusing), or on GetYourGuide or on Tiqets . GetYourGuide also offers free cancelation up to 24 hours before the visit. All online tickets include an audio guide.

TIP: If you want to learn more about this unique ancient landmark and visit without stress, you can also opt for a  guided tour .

Oculus of the Pantheon in Rome Italy

13. Castel Sant’Angelo

Built around 134-139 AD.

Castel Sant’Angelo (Mausoleum of Hadrian) is another ancient Roman landmark that you really can’t miss in Rome.

Once the tallest building in Rome, it might look a bit like a castle indeed, but it’s actually a tomb. This impressive mausoleum was built in the 2nd century for Emperor Hadrian and his family. The ashes of several other emperors were placed here as well, including Emperor Caracalla at the beginning of the 3rd century.

At the beginning of the 5th century, the mausoleum was looted and turned into a military fortress. In the 14th century, the building was turned into a castle and was subsequently used by various popes. A covered fortified corridor was built in order to connect Castel Sant’Angelo to the old St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.

Nowadays, Castel Sant’Angelo serves as a museum. Inside, you can see some perfectly preserved frescoes from the Renaissance, visit the Chamber of Ashes where the emperors were incarcerated, and see the Papal Residence.

St. Angelo Bridge and Castel Sant'Angelo

How to visit: You can just see the building from the outside, but you can also visit the inside. It’s located on the main route on your way to the Vatican.

You can get a fast-track ticket and visit on your own or join a guided tour. The entrance to the museum is also included with the Omnia Pass .

TIP: Don’t miss the panoramic views from the rooftop terrace of the museum. It’s one of the best viewpoints in Rome , offering amazing views of the River Tiber, the historic city center, and the Vatican.

Ancient Rome landmarks - Castel Sant Angelo

14. Catacombs of St. Callixtus

Built between the 2nd and the 5th century AD.

If you are looking for even-more unique sites to see in Rome, consider visiting some of the ancient catacombs (underground burial sites). There are over 60 known catacombs in Rome, with hundreds of kilometers of subterranean tunnels, and hundreds of thousands of graves. Some of these catacombs are open to the public.

Probably the most special and best-known are the Catacombs of St. Callixtus (Catacombe di San Callisto) , located next to the Appian Way mentioned earlier. This ancient site stretches for about 20 km (12 miles), is over 20 meters (65 ft) deep, and contains about half a million graves.

Several Popes were buried at this site and you can visit the  crypt of the Popes . In addition, you can see the crypts of some early Christian martyrs, including the  crypt of St. Cecilia . You can also walk around and explore underground galleries and see hundreds of – now empty – tombs around you.

Catacombs of St Callixtus Rome Italy

How to visit: You can only visit the Catacombs of St. Callixtus with an official guide (included in your entrance tickets ).

You have to make your own way to the catacombs (by car, by bike, or by public transport) and it’s essential to book a tour in advance or you risk not being able to visit. It’s a popular site.

TIP: There are also many guided tours from the city center that include a visit here, usually together with some other ancient sites. We visited St. Callixtus Catacombs with this e-bike tour that also took us to Via Appia and the Park of the Aqueducts.

Catacombs of St Callixtus ancient site in Rome Italy

15. Baths of Caracalla

Built around 212-216 AD.

Baths of Caracalla   (Terme di Caracalla or Termae Anthoninianae) is one of my personal favorite ancient sites in Rome. This grand 3rd-century complex with remarkable ruins and some very well restored mosaics is absolutely impressive! You feel so tiny here and it makes you realize how advanced the Romans really were in architecture and engineering.

These public baths were built at the beginning of the 3rd century and were the second-largest bathhouse in Rome. In addition to the luxurious bathing houses, the complex also had several saunas, a sports center, and even an Olympic-size swimming pool. The site was surrounded by beautiful gardens and even had a library.

The baths were heated via a sophisticated underground oven system and you can still see the remains of it today. These Roman baths remained in use for about 300 years. Nowadays, it’s a working archeological site that is open to the public.

Visiting here gives you an amazing insight into yet another aspect of daily life in the glory days of the Roman Empire. And because the Baths of Caracalla are somewhat of a hidden gem and not many tourists come here, this is one of the ancient Roman sites with a more authentic feel.

Ancient Roman sites in Rome - Baths of Caracalla

How to visit: The Baths of Caracalla are located a 10-15 minutes walk from the Circo Massimo metro station or about 20 minutes walk from the Colosseum.

You can see some ruins from the outside, but the best parts and the mosaics can only be admired if you actually visit inside.

Normally, you can just get your tickets on the spot. You can find more info on the official website (in Italian).

TIP: The earlier-mentioned guided tour is a great option if you want to visit the Caracalla Baths and Circus Maximus with a local guide.

Baths of Caracalla - one of the most authentic Ancient Rome landmarks

16. Baths of Diocletian

Built around 298-306 AD.

Baths of Diocletian (Terme di Diocleziano) were the largest and most impressive public baths in Rome. The site is just as grand as the above-mentioned Baths of Caracalla, and it also contained several hot and cold baths, but also open-air bathing pools, etc. It’s also believed to have housed a library.

Built at the turn of the 3rd – 4th centuries, the baths remained in use until the 6th century. Over the centuries, the site has been used for various purposes, with lots of construction in and around it shaping the new city of Rome. In the 16th century, a basilica was built here, and later a monastery was added as well. At a certain point, parts of the old bathhouse were used to store and sell grain and oil.

In the late 19th century, the monastery was abandoned. The Roma Termini railway station was built nearby, just as several hotels, palazzos, etc. In 1889, the remaining site of Diocletian’s Baths and the monastery was designated as a museum, part of the National Roman Museum .

This means that the site is quite well-preserved, many of the areas are covered with a roof, there are beautiful sculptures, mosaics, and other Ancient Rome artifacts. It has much more of a museum feel than the Baths of Caracalla, but is well worth visiting too!

National Roman Museum - Baths of Diocletian ancient site in Rome

How to visit: The National Roman Museum – Baths of Diocletian section is quite centrally located, just next to the main train station in Rome.

It’s normally open daily except on Mondays, and you can just get a ticket on the spot. For more practical info, please see here .

TIP: The entrance here is also included with the Omnia Card .

Baths of Diocletian (Terme di Diocleziano) in Rome

Map of the best ancient landmarks in Rome

To help you get a better idea of where all the sites mentioned in this guide are located, we created a map indicating the best ancient Roman landmarks in Rome.

This should help you plan your visit, and maybe you can include a few of these places in your itinerary when exploring the most popular sights and tourist attractions in Rome .

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

So, this is our guide to some of the most interesting ancient landmarks to see in Rome. I hope that this gives you a better understanding of when some of the oldest buildings were built, the stories behind the ruins you see, and inspires you to visit at least some of them.

There’s so much history and fascinating ancient sites everywhere you go in Rome, and that’s what makes the Eternal City one of a kind!

For more information and tips for your visit, please also see our itineraries and other guides to Rome via the links below.

Rome travel guides:

  • Tips for Planning a Trip to Rome
  • How to Get to Rome from the Airport
  • How to Plan Your First Trip to Europe
  • Must-sees: Best Things to Do in Rome
  • Where to stay: Best Area to Stay in Rome
  • Where to eat: How to find the best food in Rome
  • Hidden Gems of Rome
  • Best Views & Viewpoints in Rome
  • Rome Underground Sites
  • 1 Day in Rome  (all the best places)
  • 2 Days in Rome  (the musts + a few hidden gems)
  • 4 Days in Rome  (top sights, hidden gems, a few more ancient landmarks)

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Best Ancient Roman sites to see in Rome, Italy

More travel inspiration and tips for Italy:

  • What to see:  Best Places to Visit in Italy & Most Beautiful Cathedrals in Italy
  • Cities:  Most Beautiful Cities in Italy
  • Itinerary: How to See the Best of Italy in 2 Weeks
  • Florence: Best Things to Do in Florence & One Day in Florence
  • Milan: Best Things to Do in Milan &  One Day in Milan
  • Venice:  Best Things to Do in Venice  &  One Day in Venice  &  Doge’s Palace  (must-see!)
  • Naples: Best Things to Do in Naples & One Day in Naples & Where to Stay in Naples & Best Day Trips from Naples
  • Cinque Terre:  One Day in Cinque Terre & Where to Stay in Cinque Terre & Info + Tips for Visiting Cinque Terre
  • Tuscany:  Most Beautiful Towns in Tuscany  &  Tuscany Itinerary & Montepulciano
  • Siena: Best Things to Do in Siena & Siena Cathedral
  • Amalfi Coast:   Amalfi Coast Itinerary & Capri & Amalfi Coast Travel Tips
  • Emilia Romagna:  Emilia Romagna Itinerary & Best Things to Do in Bologna & Best Things to Do in Rimini
  • San Marino:  Complete Guide to Visiting San Marino
  • Italian Lakes:  Lake Garda  & Lake Como &  Bellagio &  Best Lakes in the Dolomites
  • Italian Mountains:  Hiking in the Dolomites  &  Best Places in the Dolomites  &  Best Lakes in the Dolomites & Dolomites Accommodation Guide
  • Food:  Italian Food by Region
  • … for many more guides and destinations, please see our Italy travel guide .

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Friday 28th of April 2023

Thanks for this great guide, Jurga. It's so interesting to also see the timeline of the oldest places in Rome. I always thought that colosseum is the oldest building in Rome and had no idea about so many other places. I will try to visit Ostia Antica too and already booked the Appian Way bike tour that you recommended.

Thanks for the feedback, Evy, and have a great time in Rome!

Guía turística de Rome

Rome was called the “ Eternal City ” by the ancient Romans because they believed that no matter what happened in the rest of the world, the city of Rome would always remain standing . Exploring the city centre by foot surrounded by glorious monuments and colossal remains takes you back in time to the glory that was Rome.

Rome Travel Guide

  • General Information
  • Things to do
  • Getting to Rome
  • Public Transport
  • Money-saving tips
  • Where to Eat
  • Where to Stay
  • 3-Day Itinerary

Why Visit Rome?  

With its unparalleled history , Rome is the 3rd most visited city in Europe and the 14th worldwide. It attracts visitors from all over the world who come to discover the city’s impressive monuments and archaeological sites ; not to mention its renowned cuisine and its lively atmosphere .

Walking through Rome is not just about touring an ancient city full of archaeological remains; Rome reminds us of gladiators fighting for life and death in the Colosseum , chariots racing in the Circus Maximus , and the sight of Roman sages strolling through the forum while discussing democracy.

With more than 16 million visitors a year, tourism in Rome is unstoppable. It's the 3rd most visited city in Europe, behind London and Paris , making it a high contender for the most romantic city in Europe.

Looking for Accommodation?

At the following link, you'll find hotels of all categories with a minimum price guarantee. Discounts can be up to 75% and payment is made directly at the hotel.

  • Hotels in Rome - find the best deals​!

top activities

Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Guided Tour Skip the endless queues for the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel—explore the most iconic landmarks in the Vatican City accompanied by an expert guide .

Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums + St Peter's Basilica On this tour, you'll get access to the Sistine Chapel first thing in the morning, avoiding all the crowds . We'll also visit  St Peter's Basilica .

Colosseum Tour + Gladiator's Entrance When in Rome, don’t miss the eternal Colosseum! Access the arena through the Gladiator’s Gate, the entrance used by the ancient Roman fighters.

Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Tour Travel back in time to Ancient Rome and discover the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill on this guided tour with priority access !

With this skip-the-line ticket for the Pantheon , you'll visit one of the most iconic monuments from Ancient Rome —a must-see in the Eternal City!

Borghese Gallery Guided Tour Discover the extraordinary collection of paintings and sculptures housed in the Borghese Gallery , one of Rome's must-see art museums .

Pompeii & Naples Day Trip Set off on a full day trip and discover the ruins of Pompeii , followed by a panoramic tour of Naples , one of the world's oldest constantly populated cities.

Audience With Pope Francis An audience with Pope Francis is a unique spiritual experience . Your guide will take care of everything, so you can go relaxed.

Florence & Pisa Day Trip Discover two incredible jewels in Tuscany on our Florence & Pisa Day Trip from Rome. You'll see the Duomo , the Ponte Vecchio and the Leaning Tower .

Discover the Colosseum , the Vatican or the Pantheon in comfort aboard the Big Bus Sightseeing Bus in Rome . Hop on and off as much as you like!

Italian Pasta & Tiramisu Workshop If you love Italian cuisine, then don't miss out on this  Italian Pasta and Tiramisu Workshop . You'll learn how to make some staple Italian dishes!

Rome Private Tour with Driver Fall in love with Rome with this private tour with driver. Choose your route, and enjoy a comfortable tour solely for you and your travel companions.

Rome Night Tour On this night tour of Rome ,   we'll visit the most iconic piazzas , streets and monuments of the Italian capital when the city comes to life at dusk.

Big Bus Rome Open-Top Night Tour Discover the main attractions in the Eternal City at nightfall on this  open-top night bus tour of Rome . You'll love this fun and informative tour!

OMNIA Rome & Vatican Card The OMNIA Card is a sightseeing pass that includes priority access to Rome’s main attractions like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican City .

Private Walking Tour of Rome Explore the Eternal City's most iconic sights accompanied by an expert guide just for you and your partner, family or friends.  Discover the best of Rome !

Capri Day Trip Like the writers and artists before you, you'll fall in love with Capri on this unmissable tour. Discover the island's myths, legends and Blue Grotto .

This tourist bus is the perfect way to discover Rome . You can choose different routes with numerous stops and hop on and off as many times as you want!

Papal Audience & Vatican Museums Tour Enjoy this unique experience of the Holy See with this combination tour which includes an  audience with Pope Francis and a visit to the Vatican Museums .

Lake Albano Kayak Tour If you're in Rome and want to escape from the hustle and bustle of the big city , join us on this kayak tour on Lake Albano .

Rome Sightseeing Cruise on the Tiber River Take a sightseeing cruise along the Tiber River and enjoy spectacular 360º views of Rome from the water. You can hop on and off as many times as you want!

La Traviata with Ballet Entrance Ticket Enjoy one of the most famous operas of all time in the magical setting of the St Paul's Within the Walls Church with this La Traviata Ballet Entrance Ticket.

Trevi Fountain and its Underground World On this  tour of the Trevi Fountain and its underground world , we'll reveal the hidden treasures and history of the most  fountain in Rome . 

Rome Fiumicino Airport Shuttle Bus Are you travelling to Rome? Book this shuttle bus between Fiumicino Airport and Rome so you can get into the city centre comfortably and quickly.

Free Walking Tour of Rome The city of the Caesars, of Baroque and, of course, The Eternal City. Discover Rome with this free walking tour of the Italian capital .

Rome Photo Tour Discover the most Instagrammable locations in the Italian capital and show off your trip with this Rome Photo Tour.  Benvenuti a Roma !

Castel Sant'Angelo Tour + Terrace Access A refuge for popes and an ancient Roman mausoleum , Castel Sant'Angelo harbours great secrets. On this guided tour we'll unveil its most hidden mysteries.

Trastevere Food Tour Feast your eyes and stomach during a 3-hour food tour in Trastevere, one of Rome’s most bohemian neighborhoods and sample the delicious Italian gastronomy.

Rome: Angels and Demons, the Illuminati Adventure Quest Impersonate Robert Langdon himself for a day in this puzzle hunt in Rome: Angels and Demons , the Illuminati Hunt. The best way to explore the city!

Capitoline Museum Guided Tour Marvel at one of Rome’s most important museums , the Capitoline Museums, followed by a visit to Piazza del Campidoglio on top of the Capitoline Hill.

St. Peter's Basilica Tickets: Dome Access + Audioguide Secure your ticket to St. Peter's Basilica for an experience that includes access to its magnificent dome and a self-guided tour with an English audio guide .

Rome Squares and Fountains Guided Tour Set off on a walking guided tour of Rome and discover some of its iconic landmarks, such as the Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, and Piazza Navona .

Italian Aperitif on the Tiber River Looking for things to do in Rome ? A river cruise on the Tiber is an absolute must! You'll see some beautiful monuments as you eat delicious Italian aperitifs .

Naples to Capri Tour: 2/3 Days Relax in southern Italy with this Naples to Capri Tour lasting 2/3 days. Discover Pompeii's incredible history, Sorrento's cuisine and Capri's beauty .

Florence Excursion by High Speed Train Known as the "City of Art", Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. On this day trip, you'll expe its historic centre and the Uffizi Gallery.

Rome Catacombs Tour & Appian Way Visit the catacombs of Rome with an expert English-speaking guide during a tour along the Appian Way . We'll also discover the fascinating Villa di Massenzio!

Rome Ciampino Airport Shuttle Bus With this shuttle service between Ciampino Airport and Rome, you'll be in the centre of the Italian capital in less than an hour. The eternal city awaits you!

Rome Pub Crawl Are you ready to discover the vibrant nightlife of the Italian capital ? Join us on this pub crawl through Rome and experience it for yourself!

The Three Tenors Concert The church of  St. Paul's Within the Walls in Rome opens its doors to you to offer you the show The Three Tenors. Enjoy an unforgettable opera concerto.

Mostra di Leonardo Ticket With this ticket to the Mostra di Leonardo Museum , discover the small yet mighty collection of inventions from the Italian master. See amazing machines!

Go City: Rome Explorer Pass The Go City: Roma Explorer Pass  tourist card gives you access to the  main attractions in the Italian capital, such as the Sistine Chapel and the Colosseum.

The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi With this classical music concert, you'll experience all Four Seasons of the famous Antonio Vivaldi . An unforgettable concert in an incomparable setting!

Ostia Antica Half-Day Tour from Rome Discover the legacy of the Imperial City on a guided tour of Ostia Antica, an ancient harbor town only 30 km from Rome. Travel back in time with this tour!

Set off on a day trip from Rome across the Italian countryside to discover the birthplace of St Francis  in the charming town of Assisi .

Baths of Caracalla & Circus Maximus Guided Tour Go back in time on this walking tour of the Bath of Caracalla, the most luxurious thermae of the Roman Empire . Then marvel at the remains of the Circus Maximus.

Palazzo Santa Chiara Opera Concert Treat yourself to a unique experience during your stay in Rome when you attend a fantastic opera concert at the Palazzo Santa Chiara .

Italian Pizza Workshop Visit Rome and enjoy a delicious pizza made with your own hands . Try this Italian Pizza Workshop and learn how to make one of the country's most famous dishes.

Visit the largest Roman amphitheater in the world on this guided tour of the Colosseum. An absolute must if you're in the Italian capital!

Rome Bike Tour Tour the Italian capital on two wheels whilst you enjoy an electric bike tour of the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum and much more .

Basilicas Tour and Secret Underground Catacombs Discover some of the most symbolic sites in Christian history: the Catacombs and two of the world's most important Basilicas on this tour of the Eternal City.

Day Trip to Venice by High Speed Train Experience a day trip from Rome to Venice on a high-speed train and explore its beautiful canals and historic centre at your own pace.

Trastevere and Jewish Ghetto Tour Enjoy a walking guided tour of Trastevere and the Jewish Ghetto and soak up the neighborhood’s bohemian atmosphere with numerous landmarks to visit.

Tuk Tuk Tour around Rome Tour Rome in the most comfortable way on this tuk tuk tour. We'll explore its seven hills and learn tons of historical fun facts about the eternal city.

The impressive dome of the Pantheon of Agrippa has fascinated the whole world for centuries. Discover it with this guided tour of Ancient Rome .

Skip-the-Line Ticket to the Hard Rock Café Come to the Rome Hard Rock Cafe and enjoy an exquisite menu of American food in an emblematic place where the rhythm of rock is felt in every corner. 

Hadrian's Villa and Villa d'Este Day Trip Visit the two treasures of Tivoli on this day trip: Hadrian's Villa, Roman Emperor's retreat, and Villa d'Este, a Renaissance mansion with magnificent gardens.

Welcome to Rome Tickets Immerse yourself in Rome's thrilling history when you buy a ticket for the fascinating Welcome to Rome multimedia experience .

Ponza Island Day Trip Enjoy a  day trip from Rome to Ponza Island . Cruise along the waters, feel the breeze in your hair and cool off with a dip in the Tyrrhenian Sea!

Rome Fascist History Tour discover the architecture designed in Rome at the time of Benito Mussolini's fascist dictatorship with this Rome Fascist History Tour.

Wine Tasting in Rome Italy is world-renowned for its tradition of wine-making. Indulge your senses on this wine tasting tour of Rome with an expert sommelier!

Castel Sant'Angelo Ticket + Audio Guide Explore the intriguing history of Castel Sant'Angelo with this admission ticket + audio guide. Uncover the mysteries of one of Rome's most cryptic monuments !

Janiculum, Trastevere and Jewish Quarter Guided Tour On this fascinating tour of the Gianicolo , Trastevere and   the Jewish Quarter  in Rome, we'll gain a truly unique perspective of the Italian capital.

Rome Electric Tuk Tuk Tour Explore the Eternal City through an eco-conscious lens with our electric tuk tuk tour of Rome  and roam the Italian capital's streets in a zero-emission vehicle!

Rome Street Art Tour Discover secrets and the most interesting glimpses throughout the most colourful district with this Rome Street Art Tour. Explore the captivating capital city!

Roam the underbelly of Rome on this tour of its underground system . Walk  the Appian Way and Caffarella and   dive into the lesser-known side of the Eternal City !

Entrance to IKONO Rome Looking for a unique plan in the Italian capital? With a ticket to IKONO Rome , you'll get to explore this creative space and become a part of the art!

Private Photoshoot outside of the Colosseum Remember your trip to Rome forever with this private photoshoot outside the Colosseum - we'll make sure you look your best beside the iconic monument!

Rome Layover Tour Take advantage of your time at Rome airport to explore the Italian capital with this Rome Layover Tour. You'll discover the charm of the beautiful Eternal City.

Aqua World Ticket Do you want to combat the heat in Rome ? With this ticket to Aqua World, you'll have a blast at the swimming pools and slides at  Cinecittà World

Rome Private Day Trips Explore the beautiful Italian cities of Naples, Pompeii, Ostia or Assisi with these Rome Private Day Trips. You'll have an exclusive guide just for your group.

Cinecittà World Ticket With this entrance ticket to Cinecittà World you can visit real film sets and travel to the imaginary worlds of movies and TV series .

Ischia 5-Day Tour Are you in Rome? Join us to visit the most beautiful islands in the Napolitan archipelago  on this  5-day tour of Ischia . You'll love it!

Private Tuk-Tuk Tour of Rome Would you like to see the Eternal City in the most comfortable way ? On this private tuk-tuk tour of Rome , we'll tour the capital of Italy in an exclusive group.

Roma World Ticket + Roma on Fire Show With this ticket to Roma World, you'll be able to enjoy a visit to this amazing theme park about the Roman Empire  on the outskirts of the Italian capital.

Appian Way Catacombs Tour Join us and discover the  hidden side of  Rome  on this  tour of the catacombs on the Appian Way . You'll uncover the mysterious past of the city!

Capri Tour: 2/3 Days Be captivated by the glamour of the Italian island with this Capri Tour lasting 2 or 3 days. Explore the fascinating Mediterranean cave, the Blue Grotto.

Tour of Rome in a Fiat Topolino Set off on a  tour of Rome in a classic Fiat Topolino for an eco-friendly adventure through the Eternal City. See the most emblematic monuments in comfort!

St Peter's Basilica Guided Tour History and art intermingle on this guided tour of St. Peter's Basilica  in Vatican City. For an added experience, book the option to go up to the dome!

Pompeii & Minori Tour: 3 Days Discover the impressive ruins of Pompeii , explore the Almafi Coast  & enjoy 2 nights in Minori on this incredible 3-day tour.

Colosseum Private Tour Discover the World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World with this  Colosseum Private Tour . Explore the Roman site with an exclusive guide.

Vatican Museums Private Tour Step into the legacy of the Italian city-state on this Vatican Private Tour. Visit the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel with just your family or friends!

Vatican Gardens + Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Ticket Discover the green lung of Vatican City on this tour of its gardens. You'll also visit the Sistine Chapel and take a self-guided tour of the Vatican Museums.

5 Day Tour: The Best of Italy The best of Italy in just 5 days! Asisi, Siena, Florence, Bologna, Padua, Venice and Montepulciano  are the cities we take in on the tour.

Rome Mysteries & Legends Free Tour Wandering ghosts and enigmas in Caravaggio's works ... Discover the hidden side of the city with this free tour of Rome's mysteries and legends.

Day Trip to Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti On this tour to Siena, San Gimignano and Chianti , we'll discover the beautiful region of Tuscany - including medieval towns, and a visit to a wine cellar!

Bioparco di Roma Ticket With your ticket to the Bioparco of Rome you will discover this zoo located in the heart of the city, inside Villa Borghese, an ideal plan for families!

Why is our guide of Rome the best?

This guide has been written by travellers like yourself and is designed to help you plan your stay in Rome, so that you get the most out of the city as possible, whether you're staying for 2 days or a month. Find out what the top attractions  and the best places to eat are, which museums are worthwhile, and where to stay in Rome. If you’re travelling on a budget, we also have an article on how to save money while visiting this fascinating city, and the daily costs , so that you're prepared before getting to Rome.

The information provided in this guide was updated in  July 2024 . If you find a mistake or would like to make a suggestion, please do not hesitate to   contact us .

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Your Trip to Rome: The Complete Guide

ancient rome travel guide

  • The Best Time to Visit Rome
  • Weather & Climate
  • Rome Airport Guide
  • Tipping in Rome
  • Rome's Top Neighborhoods
  • Public Transportation in Rome
  • Itinerary: 3 Days in Rome
  • Day Trips From Rome
  • Rome's Top Attractions
  • Free Things to Do
  • Things to Do With Kids
  • Beaches Near Rome
  • Top Museums in Rome
  • Where to Shop in Rome
  • Events in Rome
  • The Best Food to Try
  • The Top Restaurants in Rome
  • Nightlife in Rome

TripSavvy / Christopher Larson

Rome, Italy, commonly referred to as the Eternal City, is a top travel destination that draws millions of visitors each year. An exuberant and modern world capital, Rome offers travelers fascinating reminders of its imperial past at every turn. It's also an international hub for contemporary fashion, design, art, and culture.

Encounter glorious monuments and ancient ruins dating as far back as at least the 3rd century B.C. Marvel at the stunning Romanesque- and Gothic-style architecture, medieval churches, picturesque squares, Baroque fountains, and world-class museums . Besides having an almost unlimited number of sights and attractions to see, Rome is famous for its traditional Roman food and wine and its vibrant nightlife , as well as pretty urban parks and peaceful nature reserves.

Planning Your Trip

Things to know before you go:

  • Best Time to Visit : Since Rome has a Mediterranean climate, there's really no bad time to visit . If you want to avoid the crowds and the heat of summer, we recommend coming to Rome in the late spring or early autumn when the weather is mild and lines tend to be shorter. For average daily temperatures and rainfall, month by month, see our article.
  • Language: Italian is the official language   , but you'll find that many people speak some English, especially those who work in the tourist industry. That said, it's always a good idea to bring along a pocket-sized phrasebook or download one of the many free language translation apps on your smartphone, just in case.
  • Currency: As a member of the European Union   , Italy uses the Euro (€). Prices include tax and credit cards are widely accepted in restaurants, hotels, and shops. But when purchasing small items like a cup of coffee, a slice of pizza, or a glass of wine, plan on paying cash.
  • Getting Around: Although Rome is a big metropolis, the historic center, or centro storico , is fairly compact, making it a highly walkable city. Public transport in Rome is run by ATAC , which operates the buses and trams linking riders to most areas in the city. The Metro subway system is affordable and quick.
  • Travel Tip: You might find shorter lines if you visit the most popular attractions in the early afternoon when most people are at lunch.

Getting Around

Rome has an extensive public transportation system that consists of the Metro (subway), buses, trams, and three suburban railway lines (FS). Convenient and relatively inexpensive, the network connects to Rome's most popular tourist attractions but can be sometimes unreliable and overcrowded, especially during the summer months.

Things To Do

With so much to do and see in Rome, we recommend you start by hitting the major tourist attractions first—especially if this is your first visit. Regardless, do make sure to leave time in your schedule for people watching on an intimate piazza or strolling down Rome's many charming streets and cobbled alleyways.

Here are just some of Rome's top attractions:

  • The Colosseum or Colosseo is the largest monument from Imperial Rome   still in existence today. The enormous amphitheater once housed fierce gladiator contests and wild animal fights. It's best approached from Via dei Fori Imperiali to get the full effect of its grandeur. Entrance lines can be long, so check out our tips for buying Colosseum tickets and avoid waiting .
  • The Pantheon , one of the world's best-preserved ancient buildings, this masterpiece of Roman architecture began as a pagan temple before becoming a church in the 7th century AD. Located on Piazza della Rotonda, the Pantheon has a cylinder-shaped, hemispherical dome featuring a round hole in the top, the oculus, that allows natural light to stream in, as well as raindrops. Admission is free.
  • Vatican City, the home of Saint Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums, is the world's smallest city-state. Geographically located within Rome, but not actually part of it, St. Peter's is the largest church in the world and houses important works by Michelangelo and Bernini. The Vatican Museums ( Musei Vaticani ) is a massive complex that contains an impressive art collection spanning 3,000 years—from Classical to modern eras. It's here that you can see the Sistine Chapel featuring Michelangelo's renowned frescoed ceiling.

For more information and details about Rome's sights and attractions see our 3 Days in Rome: What to See and Do or The 25 Top Things to Do in Rome.

What to Eat and Drink

Traditional Roman cuisine is based on inexpensive cuts of meat like offal and simple pasta recipes such as cacio e pepe (pecorino cheese and black pepper) and spaghetti carbonara (egg, cheese, and pork cheek). Other Roman favorites include deep fried artichokes ( carciofi alla giudia ), supplì (stuffed balls of rice with tomato sauce), and thin, crisp-crusted pizza.

Frascati is a white wine blend made in an area just south of the city. Artisanal and craft beer has become quite popular recently with pubs cropping up all over the city. In speakeasies and chic hipster bars, cocktails are flowing after hours.

Where to Stay

With so many diverse and interesting neighborhoods in Rome, it's hard to choose where to stay. For easy access to the airport and public transportation, staying in a cozy B&B or friendly hostel near Termini Station makes a lot of sense. If you want to be where the action is, there are a myriad of lodging options in Trastevere , Monti, and the centralissimo (very central) area, though these quarters can be rather noisy at night. If romance is what you're after, consider staying at a historic luxury hotel along the famed Via Veneto or near the Spanish Steps, but expect to pay a premium for such stellar locations. If you're on a budget, self-catering Airbnbs and inexpensive hotels are available all over the city, offering a great solution.

Getting There

There are two airports serving the Rome metropolitan area: Fiumicino (also known as Leonardo da Vinci) is the main international airport and Ciampino is a smaller, regional one. The best way to get into the city from the Fiumicino is by train to the main railway station closest to the historic center, Stazione Termini . You can also take airport buses to either Termini or Tiburtina station. We recommend you avoid driving in Rome if at all possible.

The Port of Civitavecchia is where cruise ships dock in Rome. See Civitavecchia to Rome Transportation for information about getting to the city or airport from here.

Culture and Customs

If you want to "do as the Romans do," then follow the bit of advice below.

  • You must have your ticket before boarding any public transportation—buy them at station kiosks, newsstands ( edicole ), and tabacchi (tobacco shops). At boarding, be sure to stamp your ticket to validate them or you could get hit with a steep fine.
  • You can't hail a cab on the streets of Rome, but can pick up one at the many official taxi stands scattered throughout the city.
  • In restaurants, remember that tipping isn't obligatory, but is much appreciated. The rule of thumb is to leave €1 for each diner in your group or round up the check a few euros. If you get exceptional service, feel free to leave up to, but no more than 10% of the total bill.
  • When perusing Rome's many boutiques and fashionable shops know that handling items is frowned upon, therefore it's best to ask the shopkeeper for assistance.
  • Rome is a relatively safe big city, yet it does have its share of petty crime. Be aware of pickpockets, especially at train stations, on the Metro, and in crowded tourist areas.

For more information regarding the art of tipping in Italy, check out our article,  When & How Much to Tip in Italy: The Complete Guide .

Money Saving Tips

For budget-conscious travelers, here are a few ways to save a little coin without skimping on the fun.

  • Rock the Aperitivo (pre-dinner drink): When you order a glass of wine or cocktail, it usually comes with a plate of yummy food (cold cuts, squares of pizza, etc.) at no extra charge.
  • Forgo summertime and opt to visit during the winter, early spring or late fall. Temperatures are mild and travel packages and discounts are available.
  • If you're going to be in Rome for three or more days, the OMNIA or RomaPass pass is a great value. Along with offering free admission to several sights, you don't have to wait in line thanks to the "fast-track" entrance feature included in the price.

Find out more about the cheapest ways to have fun by exploring our guide on visiting Rome on a budget.

Central Intelligence Agency. "The World Fact Book."

European Union. "The 27 member countries of the EU."

Encyclopedia Britannica. "Colosseum."

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Ancient Rome is surely one of the most fascinating places history has created over the centuries. Still today, two millennia later, the extraordinary architecture and renowned monuments which the Italian capital boasts astound travellers of any age, culture, and geographical background. To fully embrace the extraordinary experience that is exploring the Eternal City, at Avventure Bellissime, we have developed specific travel guides on Ancient Rome, a small collection of gems which will undoubtedly provide you with useful information and details on the most appropriate methodologies and trails to fully experience all the beauty this city has to offer. Amongst the tourist attractions of Ancient Rome we wanted to focus on, there's the Colosseum, probably the most famous building in the city, the Pantheon, still impressive today thanks its vault architecture and central oculus, the Roman fora, an extraordinary legacy of a unique past, the art of the Sacred Roman Empire, ancient villas and much, much more. Would you like a preview of what you can visit in one of the most historically significant cities in the world? Thanks to our travel guides on Ancient Rome, your dream will come true!

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It was my first time using rough guides and it will not be my last. From the first time I connected with the team it had been great. They were easy to comm...

Rome is the most fascinating city in Italy. You could easily spend a month here and still only scratch the surface. It’s an ancient place packed with the relics of over 2,000 years of inhabitation, yet it’s so much more than an open-air museum: its culture, its food, its people make up a modern, vibrant city that would be worthy of a visit irrespective of its past. As a historic centre, it is special enough; as a contemporary European capital, it is utterly unique.

The best travel tips for visiting Rome

Best things to do in rome, best areas to stay in rome, best restaurants and bars, how to get around, what is the best time to visit rome, how many days do you need in rome, how to get here, travel ideas for italy, created by local experts.

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Once the heart of the mighty Roman Empire, and still the home of the papacy, Rome is made up of layers of history. It's the most visited city in Italy , and there's a reason for that.

There are its ancient Roman features, of course, but beyond these, there’s an almost uninterrupted sequence of monuments – from early Christian basilicas and Romanesque churches to Renaissance palaces and the fountains and churches of the Baroque period, which perhaps more than any other era has determined the look of the city today.

The modern epoch has left its mark too, from the ponderous Neoclassical architecture of the post-Unification period to prestige projects like Zaha Hadid’s MAXXI exhibition space. These various eras crowd in on one another to an almost overwhelming degree: medieval churches sit atop ancient basilicas above Roman palaces; houses and apartment blocks incorporate fragments of eroded Roman columns; and roads and piazzas follow the lines of ancient amphitheatres and stadiums.

You won’t enjoy Rome if you spend your time trying to tick off sights. However, there are some places that it would be a pity to miss, namely the Vatican and its incredible museums, the star attractions of the ancient city – the Forum and Palatine, the Colosseum – and the signature Baroque churches, fountains and art, in particular the works of Borromini and Bernini.

Rough Guides tip: browse our Italy itineraries and find the best option to suit your tastes.

Piazza Mincio, Quartiere Coppede, Rome © Vinicio Tullio/Shutterstock

Piazza Mincio, Quartiere Coppede, Rome © Vinicio Tullio/Shutterstock

From iconic landmarks like the Colosseum and the Vatican to hidden gems found in quaint neighbourhoods, Rome seamlessly blends its storied past with a vibrant present. Whether you're a history buff, an art enthusiast, a food lover, or simply a curious traveller, Rome's captivating charm is bound to leave an indelible mark on your heart.

These are the best things to do in Rome. For a more detailed version, please read our article about the best things to do in Rome.

#1 Marvel at the architectural feats of the Pantheon

The Pantheon is easily the most complete ancient structure in Rome and, along with the Colosseum, visually the most impressive. It was originally a temple that formed part of Marcus Agrippa’s redesign of the Campus Martius in around 27 BCE, but was entirely rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian in 125 AD.

It’s a formidable architectural achievement even now, with a diameter precisely equal to its height (43.3m). The oculus – from which shafts of sunlight illuminate the musty interior – is a full 8.7m across. Most impressively, there are no visible arches or vaults to hold the whole thing up; instead, they’re sunk into the walls.

In its heyday, it would have been richly decorated, the coffered ceiling heavily stuccoed and the niches filled with the statues of gods. Now, apart from its sheer size, the main points of interest are the tombs of two Italian kings and the tomb of Raphael.

Things to do: Pantheon, Rome, Italy.

Pantheon, Rome, Italy © Shutterstock

#2 Explore the heart of Ancient Rome

There are remnants of the Roman Empire all over the city, but the most concentrated grouping is the area that stretches southeast from the Capitoline Hill and hosts the Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, Forum and Palatine Hill.

Mussolini ploughed the Via dei Fori Imperiali road through here in the 1930s, with the intention of turning it into one giant archaeological park, and this to some extent is what it is. Although its glories are hard to glimpse now, the five or so acres that make up the Roman Forum have a symbolic allure that make it one of the most compelling sets of ruins anywhere in the world.

Rising above the Forum, the Palatine Hill is supposedly where the city of Rome was founded and is home to some of its most ancient remains. In a way, it’s a greener, more pleasant site to tour than the Forum.

Rome from above aerial view of the Roman Forum and the Colosseum © Calin Stan/Shutterstock

Roman Forum and the Colosseum © Calin Stan/Shutterstock

#3 Explore Trastevere: where authentic Rome unfolds

Trastevere, a district nestled on the west bank of the Tiber River, beckons travellers seeking a genuine Roman experience. Its labyrinthine narrow streets, charming squares, and bohemian atmosphere make it a must-visit. Roam these picturesque lanes adorned with vibrant street art and stumble upon cosy trattorias serving time-honoured Roman dishes. As the sun sets, Trastevere transforms into a lively nocturnal hub.

#4 Visit the Roman Markets

Immerse yourself in the vibrant pulse of Rome by exploring its markets. Campo de' Fiori, a bustling square during the day, unveils a vibrant market scene offering fresh produce, fragrant flowers, and artisanal goods. But it's at night that Campo de' Fiori truly comes alive, becoming a focal point for dining and socializing.

#5 Visit The Colosseum for ancient grandeur

The Colosseum, an emblem of Rome's illustrious past, invites you to step back in time.

This colossal amphitheatre, once a stage for gladiatorial battles and grand spectacles, embodies the city's ancient magnificence. Traverse its corridors, and envision the roars of the crowd and the valour of gladiators. To delve deeper into its history, consider a guided tour that unravels the tales concealed within these mighty walls.

#6 Discover the Roman Catacombs

Beneath Rome's bustling streets lies a clandestine realm of history and spirituality – the Roman Catacombs. Here, intricate networks of burial chambers, tunnels, and crypts reveal the city's early Christian heritage. Among the most notable are the Catacombs of St. Callixtus and Catacombs of Domitilla, where you'll encounter not only sacred traditions but also the architectural marvels hidden beneath the surface.

#7 Strike a pose on the Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Spagna) sweep down in a cascade of balustrades and balconies to Piazza di Spagna, whose distinctive boat-shaped Barcaccia fountain is the last work of Bernini’s father. At their top, the 16th-century, rose-coloured Trinità dei Monti church looks out over Rome.

In the nineteenth century, the steps were the hangout of young hopefuls waiting to be chosen as artists’ models, and nowadays they provide the venue for international posing and flirting late into the summer nights. The only Spanish thing about them, incidentally, is the fact that they lead down to the Spanish Embassy, which also gave the piazza its name.

Facing directly onto Piazza di Spagna, opposite the fountain, is the house where poet John Keats died in 1821. It now serves as the Keats-Shelley House, an archive of English-language literary and historical works and a museum of manuscripts and literary memorabilia relating to the Keats circle of the early 19th century.

Spanish Steps Piazza di Spagna, Rome © Shutterstock

Spanish Steps Piazza di Spagna, Rome © Shutterstock

#8 Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain

It’s hard to miss the Fontana di Trevi: a Baroque gush of water over sprawling statues and rocks built onto the backside of a Renaissance palace.

There was once a more modest version around the corner, but in the 16th-century Urban VIII decided to upgrade it and employed Bernini, among others, to design an alternative. Work didn’t begin, however, until 1732, when Niccolò Salvi won a competition to design the fountain, and even then it took 30 years to finish. Salvi died in the process, his lungs destroyed by the dank waterworks of his construction.

The fountain was restored by the fashion house Fendi in 2015 at a cost of €2.2 million and is now a popular hangout and, of course, the place you come to chuck in a coin if you want to guarantee your return to Rome.

You might remember Anita Ekberg frolicking in it in La Dolce Vita, however, any attempt at re-creating the scene would be met with an immediate reaction by the police.

Night view over fountain di Trevi in Rome ©  trabantos/Shutterstock

Night view over Fountain di Trevi in Rome © trabantos/Shutterstock

#9 Explore the galleries and museums of Villa Borghese

Some of the areas immediately north of Rome’s city centre are taken up by its most central park, Villa Borghese, which serves as valuable outdoor space for both Romans and tourists as well as hosting some of the city’s best museums.

The wonderful Galleria Borghese was built in the early 17th century by Cardinal Scipione Borghese and turned over to the state in 1902. Today it’s one of Rome’s great treasure houses of art and should not be missed; be sure to book in advance.

The Villa Borghese’s two other major museums are the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna and the Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, which holds the world’s primary collection of Etruscan treasures.

#10 Discover modern Rome at MAXXI

A 10-minute tram journey north of Piazza del Popolo, MAXXI is a museum of 21st-century art and architecture. Opened to much fanfare in 2010 in a landmark building by the Anglo-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, it’s primarily a venue for temporary exhibitions of contemporary art and architecture (though it does have small collections of its own).

The building, a simultaneously jagged and curvy affair, is worth a visit in its own right, with its long, unravelling galleries and a towering lobby encompassing the inevitable café and bookstore.

#11 The Vatican and its museums

The Vatican City , the headquarters of the Catholic Church, was established as a sovereign state in 1929 and today has around 1,000 inhabitants.

The Basilica di San Pietro, better known to many as St Peter’s, was built here on the site of St Peter’s tomb. It was worked on by the greatest Italian architects of the 16th and 17th centuries. On entering, the first thing you see is Michelangelo’s graceful Pietà, completed when he was just 24.

Stretching north, the Renaissance papal palaces are now home to the Vatican Museums. So much booty from Rome’s history has ended up here, from both classical and later times, and so many of the Renaissance’s finest artists were in the employ of the pope, that it really is quite simply the largest, most compelling museum complex in the world.

There’s no point trying to see everything in one visit, but don’t miss the Raphael Rooms and the Sistine Chapel.


Vatican at night @ Shutterstock

#12 Eat your way through one of the world’s great food capitals

Roman cooking is traditionally dominated by the earthy cuisine of the working classes, with influence from the city’s Jewish population.

You’ll find all sorts of pasta, but spaghetti and the local speciality, bucatini, are the most common. The most famous local pasta dishes are cacio e pepe, alla carbonara, alla gricia and all’amatriciana.

Fish features most frequently as salt cod – baccalà – best eaten Jewish-style, deep-fried. Look out, too, for roasted milk-fed lamb, grilled lamb chops, and saltimbocca alla Romana, thin slices of veal cooked with a slice of prosciutto and sage on top. Offal is also key, and although it has been ousted from many of the more refined restaurants, you’ll still find it at more traditional places.

Artichokes are the quintessential Roman vegetable and fiori di zucca – batter-fried stuffed courgette blossom – is another unmissable side dish.

Roman pizza has a thin crust and is best when baked in a wood-fired oven, but you can also find lots of great pizza by the slice.


Italian pizza, Rome @ Shutterstock

#13 Enjoy gelato and a coffee

Indulge your taste buds in one of Italy's greatest pleasures. Treat yourself to authentic Italian gelato, a velvety delight that comes in a myriad of flavours. Pair it with a freshly brewed espresso or cappuccino for the perfect culinary experience. Rome's numerous gelaterias and quaint cafes provide the ideal backdrop for this sweet and caffeinated rendezvous.

#14 Bike along the Appian Way

Embark on a scenic adventure along the historic Appian Way, one of Rome's ancient roads. Rent a bicycle and pedal your way through picturesque countryside landscapes, passing by ancient ruins, catacombs, and Roman tombs.

Feel the echoes of history as you explore this well-preserved pathway that once connected Rome to the southern regions of Italy. It's a journey back in time like no other.

#13 Take a day trip

Escape the captivating chaos of Rome for a day and uncover the hidden treasures that surround the city. From the ancient ruins of Pompeii to the enchanting streets of Florence , a plethora of remarkable day trips awaits.

Delve into the mystique of history as you explore the ruins of Ostia Antica, or bask in the elegance of the Renaissance in Tivoli's Villa d'Este. The scenic Amalfi Coast beckons with its breathtaking coastline, while the medieval charm of Siena offers a glimpse into Tuscany's past.

Rough Guides tip: make sure to check all the day trips from Rome .


Santa Maria del Fiore Duomo in Florence @ Shutterstock

Whether you want to be at the centre of the action or prefer somewhere quieter, there will be a place to stay in Rome that meets your needs.

Centro storico and Campo de’Fiori

These central areas are within walking distance of many of Rome’s key sites, but while there’s plenty of moderately priced accommodation you’ll need to book well in advance to nab cheaper places.

This artsy neighbourhood near the Colosseum is known for great vintage and indie shopping, alfresco coffee spots and lively nightlife.

Located on the west bank of the Tiber River, Trastevere is away from the busy tourist areas but still within walking distance. The winding cobblestone streets, colourful buildings and flower-filled balconies make it one of Rome’s prettiest neighbourhoods. It can be noisy at night, particularly in summer, so look for the quieter streets.

Browse the best hotels in Rome.

Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere and Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome © Catarina Belova/Shutterstock

Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome © Catarina Belova/Shutterstock

Rome is a great place to eat. Romans know a good deal about freshness and authenticity and can be demanding when it comes to the quality of the dishes they’re served.

There are lots of good restaurants in the centro storico, and it’s surprisingly easy to find places that are not tourist traps – prices in all but the really swanky restaurants remain pretty uniform throughout the city.

The small streets that surround Campo de’ Fiori square are filled with restaurants, wine bars and cafes while the square itself hosts a produce market.

The area around Via Cavour and Termini is packed with inexpensive places, but you’ll do even better heading to the nearby student area of San Lorenzo, where you can often eat superior food for the same money.

South of the centre, Testaccio is well endowed with good, inexpensive trattorias. The Testaccio Market is a major highlight but the whole neighbourhood is generally great for traditional Roman food.

The best way to get around the centre of Rome is to walk. However, the public transport system is cheap, reliable and as quick as the clogged streets allow.

The website has information in English and a route planner; and the Muoversi a Roma website (and its free app, Roma Mobilità) have a journey planner that uses real-time data to find the quickest route.

Buses run till around midnight, when a network of night buses comes into service, accessing most parts of the city and operating until about 5.30 am.

The metro operates from 5.30 am to 11.30 pm (till 1.30 am on Fri and Sat). Its two main lines, A (red) and B (blue), crossing at Termini, only have a few stops in the city centre.

The most useful on metro line A are Ottaviano (for the Vatican), Flaminio (near Piazza del Popolo), Spagna (by the Spanish Steps), Barberini (at Piazza Barberini), Repubblica (at Piazza Repubblica) and San Giovanni (near the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano).

On line B, useful stops include Piramide (near Testaccio); Circo Massimo (by the Circus Maximus and Palatine Hill); Colosseo (by the Colosseum) and Cavour (near the Monti district).

A new line, C, some of which is still under construction, crosses line A at San Giovanni, and – archaeological finds permitting, will have stations at Piazza Venezia and the Colosseum.

The easiest way to get a taxi is to find the nearest taxi rank (fermata dei taxi) – central ones include Termini, Piazza Venezia, Largo Argentina, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza del Popolo and Piazza Barberini.

Alternatively, you can call a taxi, but bear in mind that this cost more – €3.50 for the call, plus the meter starts ticking the moment the taxi is dispatched to collect you.

Women travelling alone get a 10% discount between 10 pm and 6 am. All taxis carry a rate card in English giving the current tariff.

Renting a bike or scooter is an efficient way of nipping around Rome’s clogged streets. You’ll need to have a full driving licence.

Rome Metro sign © Shutterstock

Rome Metro sign © Shutterstock

Rome is busy all year round, but generally, the best times to visit are just before or just after the peak summer months: between Easter and June, and September to November.

Christmas is also a special time in Rome, especially if you’re able to wrangle your way into Vatican City on Christmas Day when the atmosphere is rather carnival-like.

Avoid July and August: the summer heat is at its fiercest, the streets are most congested and many Romans will be taking their holidays elsewhere.

Find out more about the best time to visit Italy .

The number of days you should spend in Rome depends on your interests, the pace at which you prefer to explore, and how much you'd like to see. Generally, to experience the major highlights of Rome without feeling rushed, a recommended itinerary might look like this:

2 to 3 days

With 3 days in Rome , you can cover the iconic attractions like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Vatican City (including St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums), Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, and Piazza Navona. You'll have a chance to immerse yourself in the history, art, and architecture that Rome is renowned for.

4 to 5 days

4 to 5 days in Roma gives you a bit more flexibility to explore at a leisurely pace. You can delve deeper into the above-mentioned sites, perhaps taking guided tours to gain richer insights. Additionally, you can explore some of the city's charming neighbourhoods, visit more museums and galleries, and enjoy more leisurely meals at local trattorias.

6 to 7 days

With a week in Rome, you can truly immerse yourself in the city's culture and lifestyle. You can consider day trips to nearby attractions like Ostia Antica or Tivoli's Villa d'Este and Hadrian's Villa. This extended stay also allows for more spontaneous exploration and relaxation, wandering through different districts, and taking in the local ambience.

RoughGuides tip: browse our Italy itineraries and find the best option to suit your tastes.

Piazza Navona,Rome during christmas time © Shutterstock

Piazza Navona during Christmas time © Shutterstock

Rome has two airports: Leonardo da Vinci, better known as Fiumicino, which handles the majority of scheduled flights, including easyJet’s; and Ciampino, where you’ll arrive if you’re travelling with Ryanair.

Fiumicino airport is linked to the centre of Rome by a direct train, the Leonardo Express, which takes 32min to get to Termini. Services begin at 6.23 am, leaving every 15–30min until 11.23 pm.

From Ciampino airport there are buses roughly every 30min–1hr to Termini and the journey takes 30–45 min. Alternatively, the cheapest way is Atral’s Ciampino Airlink comprising a bus to Ciampino train station and a train into Termini.

Travelling by train from most places in Italy, or indeed Europe, you arrive at Termini station, centrally placed for all parts of the city and meeting point of the two metro lines and many city bus routes.

Selected routes around Lazio are handled by the Regionali platforms of Termini station (a 5min walk beyond the end of the regular platforms).

The main station for buses from outside the Rome area is Tiburtina; from here, take metro line B to Termini for buses, trains and metro line A.

Coming into the city by car can be confusing and isn’t advisable unless you’re used to driving in Italy and know where you are going to park.

If you are coming from the north on the A1 autostrada take the exit “Roma Nord”; from the south, take the “Roma Est” exit. Both lead to the Grande Raccordo Anulare (GRA), which circles the city and is connected with all of its major arteries.

Find out the best ways to get to Italy .

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Rome from above aerial view of the Roman Forum and the Colosseum © Calin Stan/Shutterstock

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updated 06.06.2024


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Rome Travel Guide

Rome: An ancient city with a modern twist.

Whether you are in Rome for 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months, be prepared to step into the world’s biggest open-air museum.

You can decide to follow the typical tourist paths or be brave enough to go off the beaten tracks. One way or the other, Rome will romance you, surprise you and leave you wanting more!

Rome is one of the world’s most photogenic cities – not surprising when you consider what’s here: the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel, and many more world-famous attractions .

Whether you spend your time sightseeing or watching the world go by in a pretty outdoor cafe, it will be your turn to feature in your very own Roman Holiday.

Rome is a romantic place for a honeymoon, a favorite holiday destination, and a city of fashion.

Be Street Wise: It’s important to consider the downsides when visiting any city. We have put together a list of some things you should avoid when visiting Rome .

Suggested itineraries for Rome

ancient rome travel guide

Rome Travel With an Open Heart

:: Sustainable tourism in Rome ::

Exploring, discovering, and experiencing cultures and lifestyles around the Globe is a great gift that has been given to humankind. It has never been so easy to travel as we experience it now. All is there at our disposal, and we can touch it with almost making an effortless effort. The question that arises is the way we touch it. We, people engaged in travel pages, believe that one should treasure this opportunity and blessing of travel which is given and treat it with respect and kindness. A visitor should be lovingly committed to making a low impact on the local culture and environment, protecting privacy and space in the life of locals, and rewarding an invitation to their lives with gratitude and frolic. Sharing inspiration. While people like us, on the other side, are trying to help to ensure that development is a positive experience for local people, companies, and tourists themselves. Sustainable tourism is regarded as responsible behavior, and visitors to our pages are invited to embrace this attitude when travelling in Rome. It is more than a form of tourism as it represents a human approach to engaging with cultures, local magic, be there as a human being – tourist, a business, locals at a destination, or any other tourism stakeholder.

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Michelangelo Buonarroti Portrait

Michelangelo in Rome Explore the work of a genius with Paintings, sculptures, frescoes, and other of Michelangelo’s masterpieces related to Rome. Catching stories on Michelangelo’s Pieta , Moses , the Sistine Chapel , and more…

Travel Guide: Exploring Ancient Rome

Some visitors come to Rome for the stunning architecture of the Vatican Palace and Rome’s basilicas, some come for the beautiful art galleries and museums, and some come for its ancient history — to explore the sites and buildings of Ancient Rome. If you’re fascinated with Ancient Rome and you want to see and learn as much as possible about it during your next trip to Rome, then you’ve definitely come to the right place. Gray Line Rome has an extensive range of  Rome Tours  and we’d like to offer a brief guide to its three most important historical sites for anyone who’s planning their next visit: the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the Forum.

The Colosseum

ancient rome travel guide

The Colosseum is probably right at the top of most visitors’ to-do list. This ancient structure dates back to 80 AD. Despite its huge size and impressive design, it only took 10 years to build. This structure was built by Emperor Vespasian for his successor, Titus. Everyone knows that the Colosseum was built for gladiatorial combat, but it was also the site of chariot races and a range of other spectacles. When it was first built, the Colosseum could hold approximately 50,000 spectators, all of which were granted free access to the gladiatorial games and other events.  

The Colosseum is still a huge, imposing structure in modern Rome, but much of its past splendour has been worn away over the last two millennia. However, when you consider that most ancient Roman structures have been completely destroyed, the Colosseum is actually remarkably well preserved. 

If you visit the Colosseum, you will get the chance to walk through the different parts of the structure and you may be able to imagine what it was like in ancient times, filled with its raucous crowds and fierce gladiators, as well as lions, bears, and other deadly animals. It might be a little more difficult to imagine how the Colosseum might have looked when they flooded it to carry out naval battles for the crowd’s amusement! 

ancient rome travel guide

If you’d like to learn and experience as much as possible about the Colosseum, you should consider our  range of Colosseum tours . If you’re looking for a particularly special Colosseum experience, you may like to try Gray Line Rome’s  Colosseum-by-Night tour

The Pantheon

ancient rome travel guide

Whilst the Colosseum is pretty well preserved for a building made over 2000 years ago, it has nothing on the Pantheon! The Pantheon is famous for its incredible dome and it is, without a doubt, the best preserved Ancient Roman structure. The Pantheon was made in 125 AD and is 45 years younger than the Colosseum, but you’d be forgiven for thinking it was 1,500 years younger.  

ancient rome travel guide

The Ancient Romans where remarkably good at recording their history as it happened, but this practice broke down a little as the empire was dismantled. It’s a total mystery why the Pantheon survived all of the attacks and raids by Rome’s enemies over the years. Almost every other important Roman ruin was damaged significantly, but the Pantheon remained intact. Part of this is due to the material the Romans used as it is very similar to modern-day concrete — which was many centuries ahead of all other civilizations’ architectural technology. The Catholic Church is also responsible for the Pantheon’s preservation, as the building became a church in 609 AD and has therefore been looked after by one of the richest organisations in the World ever since. 

The Roman Forum

ancient rome travel guide

The Roman forum is a complex assortment of ruins that made up Ancient Rome’s cultural hub. The current ruins were once the city’s centre for commerce, food, culture, etc. It was where its government convened and where laws were passed. It was also where elections were campaigned and where public debates took place. Ancient Rome was a city that thrived on discourse and the Forum was where everyone met up to discuss the city, the Roman empire, and the wider world beyond that. Whilst there are only ruins where the Forum’s buildings once stood, they still tell an important story and tours can help convey to visitors what the Forum would have been like at the time.  

You can take our combination  tour of the Colosseum, the Forum, and Palatine Hill  if you’d like a comprehensive tour by a professional guide. Our guide can tell you things you won’t find in handbooks and show you the spot in the Forum where Julius Caesar was assassinated by Brutus and the other conspirators. This tour is the perfect option for history buffs looking for the quintessential Ancient Rome experience.

There’s so much more of Ancient Rome we haven’t covered, such as the Baths of Diocletian, Trajan’s Market, and Piazza Navona, but Rome has too many important historical sites to cover in one guide. We hope this guide as inspired a few readers to finally start organising that Roman trip they’ve been fantasising about for years. And if you have any questions about any of the tours mentioned in this guide, please don’t hesitate to  get in touch . Unlock the secrets and stories of Ancient Rome with Gray Line Rome!

The Geographical Cure

5 Days In Rome, The Perfect Rome Itinerary

With its ethereal beauty and rich history, Rome is a magical mecca of ancient architecture and carbs.

Over the centuries, Rome has accumulated layers of beauty, history, and romance, eagerly awaiting the arrival of those who come to admire it. I simply can’t resist the city and have visited many times.

If you’re planning a trip to the Eternal City, my 5 days in Rome itinerary gives you a detailed, step-by-step guide for exploring the city in the most efficient way.

street in Trastevere

Snapshot Of 5 Days In Rome Itinerary

Here’s what you’ll see with 5 days in Rome.

  • Day 1 : Imperial Rome, Monti, Capitoline Hill
  • Day 2 : Centro Historico, Borghese Gallery
  • Day 3 : Vatican City, Trastevere
  • Day 4 : Rome Hidden Gems
  • Day 5 : Day Trip to Tivoli or Orvieto

You may be tempted to rush through Rome in fewer than 5 days. I have myself.

But Rome has so much to offer and discover — mind blowing art, charming neighborhoods, perfect wine bars. It’s better to slowly savor the wealth of art and cuisine that’s before you.

beautiful old buildings in Rome

You’ll need a plan of attack and pre-purchased tickets if you want to hit all of Rome’s key cultural sites and ramble among the rubble properly.

So channel your badass gladiator and read on for the full scoop on the best things to see, do, eat, and gasp at in Rome.

As with all of my suggested itineraries, I recommend that you use this 5 days in Rome itinerary as a guide. You can tailor it to suit your individual interests, needs, and pace of travel. 

the Colosseum

5 Days In Rome Itinerary

Day 1 am: imperial ruins.

Begin your day by visiting the Imperial ruins tour, which includes the iconic Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum.

I never tire of it. These sites can be visited with one trifecta ticket or ticket or on a guided tour and are Rome’s biggest draw. You can gaze in awe at the birthplace of Western civilization.

1. The Colosseum

The Colosseum , also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, stands at a towering height of 600 feet and was officially inaugurated in 80 A.D. during an extravagant 10-day festival.

Over the centuries, it has become synonymous with spectacles involving gladiators, chariots, and the infamous “thumbs up or thumbs down” decree by the emperor. Within its walls, gladiators and wild animals engaged in deadly combat for the entertainment of the masses.

view of the underground Colosseum

When visiting the Colosseum, make sure to explore the arena floor, where all the action unfolded, and take in the special boxes and podiums reserved for the emperor, vestal virgins, and senators.

Additionally, the top level of the Colosseum, which includes seating for the common people, was reopened in 2017. This vantage point offers breathtaking panoramic views and might just be the highlight of your visit.

I also recommend booking a guided tour that takes you to the hypogeum or the Colosseum Underground. You won’t see this on a standard tour.

You’ll be able to inspect animal cages, gladiator corridors, back stairs used by the slaves, trap doors, and the launching point for mock naval battles.

Tip : If you’re DIY-ing the Colosseum, you need to reserve your entry time online well in advance. This is true even if you have a skip-the-line Roma Pass.

Domitian's Palace on Palantine Hill

2. Palatine Hill

Palatine Hill has enough raw beauty and buried mystery to restore the rosy tint of Rome to any jaundiced eye.

It’s a lovely setting, lush and green, with plenty of benches and a viewing terrace.

This is where the rich and famous of Imperial Rome lived. None of the structures are terribly intact. And you might find it hard to identify the ruins.

The most impressive one is the ruins of Domitian’s Palace, which included private and public areas.

Casina Farnese

But there are three other noteworthy stops.

Domus Tiberiana is an ancient Roman palace, notable for its connection to the early emperors and its impressive architectural remains. It recently opened to the public for the first time in September 2023.

The House of Augustus is the former residence of Emperor Augustus, offering visitors a glimpse into the life of one of Rome’s most influential figures. Its red Pompeiian style frescos are some of the finest in Italy.

My last time in Rome, I took a this  guided tour with a PhD and loved the sound and light show. It takes place three times a day.

Finally, the Palatine Museum, located near the Domus Tiberiana and House of Augustus, houses an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts and art from the Roman Republic through the Roman Empire.

Temple and House of the Vestal Virgins

3. The Roman Forum

After Palatine Hill, you move on to the Roman Forum , the very core of antiquity. This was where Romans shouted “Caesar has been murdered” and crowded to hear Mark Anthony’s eulogy.

I advise having a guided tour here. There’s not much signage. It will be difficult to divine what you’re looking at without a guide to decipher the lovely rubble and ruins.

The forum is a rectangular valley running from Arch of Titus to the Capitoline Hill. The main road is the Via Sacre.

The forum was the beating heart of Rome, the seat of power, and its central showpiece. It was a grandiose public district consisting of white temples, grand basilicas, and vibrant public spaces.

Temple of Saturn

Stroll by the Arch of Titus, the Basilica of Constantine, the Temple and House of the Vestal Virgins (home to the sacred flame of Rome), and the 3 columns of the Temple of Castor and Pollux.

You’ll also find a small temple to Julius Caesar . Inside, is a mound of dirt covered with coins and flowers that marks his grave.

If you buy the SUPER ticket on Viato r , you can also visit the Church of Santa Maria Antiqua .

It’s renowned for its early Christian frescos that are nicknamed the “Sistine Chapel of the Middle Ages.” Two rooms feature a sound and light show that fills in the blanksand shows you what the frescos looked like in their day.

the picturesque Rione Monti in Rome, with the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in the background

Day 1 PM: Monti and Capitoline Hill

After you’ve finished exploring the ruins, take a short 5-10 minute stroll to Rome’s neighboring Monti district.

Monti is the city’s trendiest area, teeming with one-of-a-kind shops and trendy dining spots. You can enjoy a delicious lunch at one of the restaurants along Via Panisperna or Via Urbana.

One absolute must-see attraction in Monti is the Santa Maria Maggiore Church, a personal favorite of mine even compared to St. Peter’s Basilica.

This historic church boasts an older pedigree, dating back to the 5th century A.D., and it mesmerizes visitors with its stunning mosaics adorning the triumphal arch and nave.

For more mosaics, including the stunning Chapel of San Zeno, you can pop into Santa Prassede , which is just around the corner.

Tip : Monti is also a great place to take a  guided food tour  or a  guided wine tasting tour .

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome's Monti neighborhood

When you’re done in Monti, head over to the the Vittorio Emanuel II monument on Capitoline Hill, also known as the “typewriter” or “wedding cake” building. For views, hike up to the second floor.

For even better views, book a ticket for the elevator around the back up to the viewing terrace. It’s a fairly pricey, but I thought it was worth every penny.

I personally thought this view was better than the view from St. Peter’s Basilica because it was closer to the ancient Roman sites.

When you’re done swooning over views, head back down the stairs. Take a left at the bottom of the stairs and then another left.

staircase leading up to the Michelangelo-designed Piazza del Campidoglio

A few 100 feet later, you’ll see Michelangelo’s stairway, rising to the Piazza del Campidoglio at the top of Capitoline Hill.

Take the stairs up. At the top is the wonderful Capitoline Museums , housed in two buildings connected by an underground passage. In high season, you’ll want to pre-book a skip the line ticket .

Inside, are some of Rome’s greatest treasures — the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, the original She-Wolf of Rome that suckled Romulus and Remus, and other ancient statues.

After exiting the museum, head down the alleyway on the right side of the square under an arched building. That will take you to a viewpoint over the Roman Forum. This is the best view you’ll have of the forum.

Largo di Torre Argentino, the site of Caesar's assassination

You could also make a quick detour to the Church of Santa Maria d’Araceli. It’s an ancient brick church. The church is mostly known for its beautiful frescos by Pinturicchio, an early Renaissance artist. 

When hunger calls after this hectic day, head to the atmospheric Jewish Ghetto neighborhood. It’s just a stone’s throw away, on the banks of the Tiber River.

On your way, visit Largo di Torre Argentina. These are the ruins of the Theater of Pompey, the very spot where Caesar was assassinated. They opened in 2021. But it was not until June 2023 that walkways were installed so you can see the ruins up close.

I just wandered around the evocative Jewish Ghetto. But you also book a  guided walking tour of this historic neighborhoo d , if you want something more structured or are interested in the history.

flower stalls at Campo dei Fiori

Day 2 AM: Central Rome

Begin day 2 of your 5 days in Rome with a classic walk through Rome’s Centro Storico . Start at Campo de’ Fiori and end at the Spanish Steps, visiting the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, and the Pantheon along the way.

You can follow my walk (linked above) on your own. Alternatively, you can also book a  private walking tour  of this beautiful part of Rome.

1. Campo de’ Fiori

Campo de’ Fiori is Rome’s colorful market square.

In the center is a statue of Giordano Bruno, a 16th century friar and philosopher who was imprisoned in Castle Sant’Angelo and burned at the stake for his scientific theories.

Here, you’ll find fresh produce and can pick up some souvenirs like olive oil, pasta, or limoncello. There are also a cluster of contemporary art galleries near the Campo.

Borromini's Church of Sant'Agnese in Piazza Navona

2. Piazza Navona

Your next stop is the Piazza Navona , sometimes called the Square of Fountains. Piazza Navona is the very symbol of Rome.

This famous square is a long rectangle, dotted with beautiful fountains designed by Gianlorenzo Bernini and outdoor cafes. It dates back to the time of Domitian, who used it as a racetrack. Today’s buildings date from the 16th century.

Be sure to pop into the beautiful Church of Sant’Agnese designed by Borromini. Borromini was an Italian architect who helped launch Roman Baroque architecture.

Everyone goes to Piazza Navona and admires the striking concave facade. Most people don’t step inside the church. Do it, it’s free!

Pink and white marble covers the walls. The bright and simple interior is filled with Baroque statues. Beautiful frescos decorate the dome.

Tip : If you love ancient sculpture the Palazzo Altemps is a lovely museum at the northern end of the piazza.

Caravaggio paintings in the Contarelli Chapel

3. Church of Sant’Agnese and St. Louis of the French

Just one block from Piazza Navona is the Church of St. Louis of the French. You can enter for free.

The highlight is the Contarelli Chapel, which holds three stunning Caravaggio paintings. If you’re an art lover, you can’t miss this spot!

the Pantheon, Rome's most ancient temple

4. Pantheon

Then you’re off to Rome’s most famous temple, the 2,000 year old Pantheon , set in a lively piazza. This is my favorite building in Rome.

The entrance boasts massive 40 foot single piece granite columns. The pediment proclaims that Marcus Agrippa, Augustus’ right hand man, built the Pantheon. In fact, it was built by Hadrian.

Inside is a magnificent dome with a giant oculus (or eye in the sky) that inspired the domes of St. Peter’s Basilica and the Duomo in Florence .

If it’s raining, water falls through the oculus and drains out the floor.

Pantheon interior

One of the greatest painters of the Renaissance, Raphael, is buried in the Pantheon. His tomb sports a sculpture by Lorenzo Lotti that Raphael himself commissioned.

>>> Click here to pre-book a ticket and avoid lines

Just one block away from the Pantheon, you should make a quick stop at the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva . The plain facade belies the treasures inside.

The Minerva is a mini-museum, with frescos and sculptures by some of the greatest artists of the Renaissance and Baroque.

Tip : You can also book a  guided tour of both the Pantheon and Sopra Minerva .

Column of Marcus Aurelius in Piazza Colonna

5. Piazza Colonna

Then, stroll to the Piazza Colonna. This square features the massive Column of Marcus Aurelius carved from Carrara marble.

Reliefs wrap around the column telling stories of Marcus Aurelius’ war exploits.

The exploits were exaggerated because Rome had already begun losing skirmishes with the barbarians.

READ : Guide to the Gorgeous Palazzo Colonna

Mausoleum of August

6. Mausoleum of Augustus or Ara Pacis

Fans of the first Roman emperor will want to visit the Mausoleum of Augustus and/or the Ara Pacis Museum . They’re right next door to each other.

Dating from 28 B.C., the mausoleum is Augustus’ monumental family tomb, built in his 30s, shortly after he became emperor. Talk about your own sense of destiny!

Everyone in the Julio-Claudian dynasty is buried there — Augustus, Livia, Octavia, Agrippa, Germanicus, Tiberius, Caligula, etc. Though Augustus did ban family members he considered disloyal, like his own daughter Julia.

The Ara Pacis, or Altar of Peace, is one of Ancient Rome’s most significant monuments. Built in the 1st century BC, this 2,000 year old altar symbolizes the peace and prosperity of Emperor Augustus’s reign.

It’s covered in gorgeous relief sculptures. They show Augustus’ family, processional scenes, mythological images, and a cornucopia of vegetal and floral motifs.

>>> Click here to pre-book a skip the line ticket

the Trevi fountain with the figure "Ocean" in the center

7. Trevi Fountain

Further on is the famous Trevi Fountain, an imposing Baroque monument designed by architect Nicola Salvi. The fountain was immortalized in Fellin’s La Dolce Vita .

The fountain is 85 feet high and 65 feet wide, making it Rome’s largest fountain. In the center is the figure “Ocean.” Water pours from 24 spouts.

If you’re superstitious, toss a coin over your shoulder to ensure your return to Rome. Over 3,000 euros are collected from the fountain daily and donated to charity.

If you didn’t lunch earlier, you have options. There’s a cute little hole in the wall restaurant nearby, Ristorante Sora Lucia, which serves up delicious gnocchi for locals.

Piccolo Buco is also a tiny and delicious pizzeria only one minute from the Trevi Fountain. And La Prosciutteria serves up killer porchetta sandwiches.

the Sinking Boat Fountain in the Piazza di Spagna in front of the Spanish Steps

8. Spanish Steps

After lunch, head down Via Sistina to the Spanish Steps. It’ one of Rome’s iconic sites.

This grand staircase of 135 steps connects the Piazza di Spagna at its base to the Trinità dei Monti Church at the top.

Visitors and locals alike gather here to relax, people-watch, and take in the picturesque views of Rome, making it a popular spot for both tourists and Romans.

At the foot of the steps is another famous Bernini fountain, the Sinking Boat Fountain .

Borghese Gallery

Day 2 PM: Borghese Gallery

After lunch, take in one of my favorite art museums in the world — the Borghese Gallery . You may think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. Incredible masterpieces are set in a stunning villa filled with frescos and marble.

The villa was commissioned in 1613 by Cardinal Scipione Borghese to house his impressive collection of Roman, Renaissance, and Baroque art.

The cardinal was a fan of Bernini and helped him rise to fame. An ardent and obsessed collector, he acquired art work by unscrupulous means, once stealing a painting from a convent altar in the dead of night.

READ : Bernini Guide to Rome

Bernini's Daphne & Apollo

You’ve got to pre-book a ticket well in advance to visit the Borghese Gallery. Only a set number of people are allowed in every two hours. You can’t purchase a ticket at the museum itself.

Your visit will start in the Pinacoteca, or painting gallery, on the upper floor. But budget most of your time for the first floor.

Arrive early and only carry a very small purse or bag. Everything else must be checked, no exceptions. There are information placards in each room. But an audio guide will educate you on the must see highlights more easily.

Bernini's David

In the Pinacoteca, you’ll find some Bernini self portraits and smaller sculptures. You’ll also find two of Raphael’s most famous works — The Deposition and Young Woman with a Unicorn. Both paintings are currently undergoing diagnostics for conservation work.

The bottom floor is overflowing with perfectly arranged masterpieces. The sculptures by Bernini, who almost single handedly invented the Barqoue style, steal the show. The most beautiful ones are The Rape of Persephone , Apollo and Daphne , and David .

There’s also a stunning work by Antonio Canova, Pauline Borghese as Venus . And a room filled with Caravaggio’s art, including his famous David with the Head of Goliath .

Click here for to book a guided tour of this magnificent museum.

Piazza del Popolo

Piazza Popolo

When you’re done admiring the exquisite art, I recommend heading over to the west side of the Borghese Gardens, towards the Piazza del Popolo. The cobbled Renaissance square is home to Rome’s north gate and its largest obelisk.

Pop into the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo to see two beautiful Caravaggio paintings for free. Climb the stairs to the Pincio Terrace (directly above the piazza at the end of Via del Corso).

The view of the rooftops of Rome is quite beautiful, particularly at sunset.

There are some good restaurants near the Borghese Gallery, if you want to stay in the area for dinner. For gourmet food, try Oliver Glowig (Michelin-starred) or Sapori del Lord Byron. For a cozy informal setting, try Girarrosto Toscano.

Alternatively, you can take a food tour in Rome at night and find out what and where the locals eat. There are several options for all interests (I’ve done them all and feasted!’

  • a  food tour of the trendy Testaccio district
  • a  food tour in the off the beaten path Pratti district
  • a  food tour in the beautiful Trastevere district
  • a   food and wine tour in the historic center

view of St. Angel's Bridge and St. Peter's Basilica

Day 3 AM: Vatican City

Start off day 3 of your 5 days in Rome with a bang by visiting Vatican City , the spiritual and administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church.

Unless you arrive on a weekend. You don’t want to go on a weekend, ever. It’s too crowded. So if your time in Rome falls on a Saturday or Sunday, flip flop the days of my sample itinerary around and push the Vatican to a weekday.

The Vatican holds one of the world’s greatest art collections. It’s a treasure trove of cultural and religious artifacts.

Some of the most famous art works on the planet are there. If you’re an art or history lover, the Vatican is an absolute must see site in Rome.

You absolutely must pre-book skip the line tickets for the Vatican. Or else you’ll be stuck in line for hours unless it’s the dead of winter. You may also want to book a guided tour and there are many options to choose from .

Raphael, School of Athens, 1509-11

Much of the work was collected by Pope Julius II, who left a staggering legacy. Julius rebuilt St. Peters Basilica.

He commissioned Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel and the Vatican’s Raphael Rooms . In 1506, he founded the Vatican Museums.

The real highlight of the Vatican is the Sistine Chapel, adorned with Michelangelo frescos . Michelangelo spent 4 years toiling away on the 9 ceiling panels.

They depict scenes from Genesis and seem to open up the chapel to heaven. And he did it standing up, not laying down as legend holds.

In 1533, Pope Julius II summoned him back to Rome to paint The Last Judgment on the altar wall. This fresco is more monumental in style than Michelangelo’s ceiling frescos.

Michelangelo's Creation of Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

In the middle, Christ is excessively youthful and floats on clouds. He’s depicted more like Apollo than the suffering bearded savior one expects.

When you’re done admiring the Vatican treasures, head to St. Peter’s Basilica . It’s the most famous church in Christendom.

Designed by Bramante, Raphael, and Michelangelo, it’s a true Renaissance masterpiece. The dome of St. Peters, designed by Michelangelo, is the tallest in the world.

The basilica is the burial place of St. Peter and past popes, has Bernini’s famous Baldachine altar, a plethora of Bernini sculptures, and Michelangelo’s tragically beautiful Pieta .

St. Peter's Square as seen from the dome of St. Peter's Basilica

St. Peter’s is free to enter. But you may have a long security line. If you’re on your own, pick up an audio guide inside. It will take you on an hour long tour.

For just € 6, you can climb up a narrow flight of stairs to inspect the dome at close range. There’s also an elevator for € 8.

From there, you’ll have a bird’s eye view of the nave below.

Continue higher to stand on the outside of the dome. This is where you have the iconic view of St. Peter’s Square and a panoramic view of Rome.

Castle Sant'Angelo and the Bridge of Angels

You can take a  guided tour  of St. Peters or a tour that includes the  underground grottos .

When you’re done Vatican-ing, head to the nearby Castle Sant’Angelo .

The castle is a cylindrical beauty at the end of the Sant’Angelo Bridge. It was once Hadrian’s Masoleum. It then served as a fortress, castle, papal residence, and (now) museum.

The castle is the perfect reflection of Rome’s history. Though Castle Sant’ Angelo owes its name to a medieval legend, its history dates back to ancient Rome. Visiting the Castle Sant’Angelo is a walk through the entire history of Rome in one go.

Click here to pre-book a ticket.

enjoying Vatican City on a blustery day in Rome

It’s worth going inside if you’re a real history buff. The Terrace of the Angel on top serves up stunning views of St. Peters and the surrounding area.

From here, unless you want to burn off some pasta, I recommend taking a taxi to Rome’s atmospheric Trastevere neighborhood.

Day 3 PM: Trastevere

On day 3 of your 5 days in Rome itinerary, head to Trastevere. This beautiful and charming Rome neighborhood is a village within a city, with the laidback vibes of small town Italy.

Trastevere is worth lingering in. Its lovely cobbled and cafe-lined streets are vastly quieter than the cacophony of central Rome.

Raphael frescos in the Loggia of Psyche in the Villa Farnesina

You may want to book a  guided walking tour or even take a  fun Segway tour  to get oriented.

If you haven’t yet had lunch, grab a delicious panini at La Proscuitteria (there’s a branch in Trastevere as well).

After a look around Trastevere, head into Villa Farnesina . It’s an underrated small museum in a beautiful setting that’s a quiet oasis of  in situ  art and architecture. 

The villa is only open weekdays until 2:00 pm. If you can get there at 1:00 pm, you’ll have an hour, which is all you need.

12th century mosaics showing Christ and his mother flanked by saints in the Santa Maria basilica in Trastevere

This sumptuously decorated villa was built in the early 1500s for one of Europe’s richest Renaissance men, Agostino Chigi. The villa has some magnificent mythological frescos by Renaissance painters Raphael, Peruzzi, and Sebastian del Piombo.

Then stroll to the lively Piazza di Santa Maria, which is the heart of Trastevere. Head into the Sant Maria Basilica, the oldest church dedicated to Mary in Rome.

The church itself dates from the 3rd century. But it’s outfitted with a 12th century Romanesque bell tower. Inside, in the apse, you can admire the beautiful 12th century mosaics.

Spend some time wandering the quaint alleys of Trastevere, admiring the golden and coral homes. Then, visit the Church of Santa Cecelia.

The exterior is a mishmash of architectural styles. But the interior is a luminous gold and cream combination.

Square Santa Maria in Trastevere

It’s time for happy hour. Settle in for some wine at Enoteca Ferrara, which has a huge wine list. You can eat here too. I had a divine puttanesca.

If you want to move on in Trastevere, try Ombre Rosse .

Another restaurant I enjoyed is La Sora Lella on Isola Tiberna. It’s one of Rome’s oldest restaurants, serving up classic rustic food in a casual setting. You’ve got to make reservations for both places.

mosaics in the apse

Today, take in some of Rome’s hidden gems.

San Clemente

In the morning start your day with a visit to the Basilica of San Clemente . It’s one of the most fascinating churches in the city.

San Clemente is microcosm of the architectural stratification that is a prime characteristic of Rome.

You enter a 12th century church, descend to a 4th century church below, and further down to 1st century spaces including a Mithraic temple. Along the way, you’ll see some beautiful mosaics and frescos.

Because this is such a historic site, you might consider booking a guided tour. There is signage, but you’ll get more out of the experience with a guide.

You can book a  1 hour small group tour  or a a  2.5 hour private tour .

the Golden Vault of Domus Aurea

Domus Aurea

The ruins of Nero’s Golden House, Domus Aurea, are now open after years of excavation. Located on the Oppian Hill, you can only visit on Friday throughSunday with a hard hat. But Domus Aurea is worth the effort; it’s an exciting archaeological site.

Nero’s Golden House was once the grandest building on earth. Built by Emperor Nero between 64-68 AD, the sprawling property covered up to 300 acres.

The facade and walls were adorned with frescos, gold leaf, glass mosaics, pearls, and marble. In natural light, it had a golden hue.

But little of this wealth survived Nero’s rule. As Nero’s extravagance and tyranny spun out of control, rivals condemned both his reign and his emblematic palace.

For a decade after his death, the palace was looted, destroyed, and filled in with brick. But the vivid frescos by the artist Famulus couldn’t be pried off.

the Octagonal Room in Domus Aurea

At the end of the 15th century, the Domus Aurea was discovered by accident when a young man fell into a crevice. To his surprise, he found himself surrounded by paintings.

At first, the palace ruins were thought to be caves or grottos. Artists like Michelangelo and Raphael flocked to see the ancient frescos.

In the 18th century, proper excavation of the Golden House began. The crown jewel is the Octagonal Room, which represented a revolution in architectural style and technique.

Since the site is only open on certain days, I advise booking a guided tour , with a virtual reality experience, well in advance.

When you’re done at Domus Aurea, head over to the nearby St. Peter in Chains, San Pietro in Vincoli. There, you can inspect one of Michelangelo’s most riveting sculptures, the statue of Moses on the tomb of Pope Julius II .

Michelangelo's Moses sculpture in the Church of St. Peter in Chains

Doria Pamphilj

One of my favorite secret gem museums is the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj (pronounced Pom-fee-lee). It’s simply a joy to visit, a heady blend of in situ art and magnificent 17th century architecture.

The art collection was meticulously assembled and is still owned by a powerful Italian family, the Doria Pamphilj. The museum boasts over 650 works spanning the 15th to the 18th century.

The collection includes pieces by Velazquez, Raphael, Bernini, Caravaggio, Titian, Carracci, and Bruegel. And it has a spectacular Hall of Mirrors. The palazzo also has one of Rome’s most beautiful gardens.

>>> Click here to pre-book a ticket

For dinner, make a reservation at one of the most authentic and unconventional restaurants and wine bars in centro historic, Roscioli .

It’s a small place, but with excellent food. After a full day on the streets of Rome, you’re owed a carbonara.

the conopus of Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli

Day Trip to Tivoli or Orvieto

I think the best and easiest day trips from Rome, via high speed train or tour, are Tivoli and Orvieto.

1. Tivoli: UNESCO Sites

While the town of Tivoli isn’t one of Italy’s most picturesque villages, Tivoli home to two magnificent UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the sprawling Hadrian’s Villa and the comely 16th century Villa d’Este, a Renaissance retreat.

You might want to book a tour , just to make it easier to visit both sites and get the historical backdrop.

READ : Best Day Trips From Rome

me at the Canopus of Hadrian's Villa

If you’re fond of ancient history or are ruin luster like me, you’ll be fascinated and thrilled by the evocative ruins of Hadrian’s Villa .

If you have ruin fatigue, Villa d’Este is a playground of whimsy, topped with a frescoed villa. The gardens are to die for — filled with sparkling fountains, moss draped grottos, and ponds filled with water lilies.

If you opt for Tivoli, you’ll get back early enough to take an evening stroll through Rome’s centro historic.

If you want to really splash out on your final dinner, try La Pergola , with three Michelin stars, at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel .

The hotel itself also has a superb art collection (you can schedule a tour with an art historian). If you want something more casual as you stroll, La Sagrestia is right near the Pantheon.

the magnificent Fountain of the Organ at Villa d'Este

2. Orvieto: Cathedral Town in Umbria

A car free haven, Orvieto is a striking hill town. There are three reasons to day trip to the capital of Umbria — its beautiful cathedral with one of Italy’s most exciting facades, chianti, and ceramics.

Orvieto’s piece de resistance is its UNESCO-listed Orvieto Cathedral . It’s one of the most beautiful and ancient churches in Italy.

It’s a riveting ensemble of spires, spikes, golden mosaics, statuary, stained glass, and black and white striped marble. And that’s just the facade.

Inside, the Chapel of San Brizio is one fo the most beautiful chapels in Italy . It has a great Renaissance fresco cycles by Luca Signorelli.

cityscape of Orvieto

Michelangelo came to inspect the chapel before beginning his own master work, the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. The frescos depict the usual religious themes — temptation, damnation, and salvation.

If you opted for Orvieto, have apertivo and dinner there.

For inventive cuisine, try I Sette Consoli. If you want to eat in the remains of an Etruscan tomb, reserve at Al Pozzo Etrusco.

For some more detailed guidance on what to do, here’s my one day in Orvieto itinerary . You may want to book a guided day trip tour to Orvieto from Rome.

This tour includes both Orvieto and Assisi , another stunning town in Umbria that’s the home of St. Francis. You can also take an 8 hour guided tour to Orvieto and Civita di Bagnoregio , a tiny architectural stage set suspended in midair on a hilltop.

Great Hall of Palazzo Colonna

Must Know Tips For Rome

1. how to get to rome.

You’ll likely fly in to Fiumicino Airport.

While I had decent luck with taxis in central Rome, one place you won’t fare well is Fiumicino Airport. The cabs aren’t well regulated and known to rip off tourists.

You may also encounter exceedingly long lines, especially on the weekends. Given this, I strongly advise booking a  privat e tr ansfer online , so you can skip the line.

You can also take the train. The Leonardo Express leaves every 15 minutes from the Felice Santini train station near the airport. 

It drops you off in Rome’s Termini Station, which is in northeast Rome. Click  here to book a round trip ticket.

Tip : Right across the street from Termini is one of Rome’s best museums, the Palazzo Massimo . It’s a bastion of ancient sculpture and frescos.

Palazzo Barberini, an underrated museum in Rome

2. How To Get Around Rome

Rome is a fairly walkable city. So bring really comfortable shoes, especially for the uneven cobblestones. I easily clocked 10 miles a day.

I’m not really a fan of Rome’s metro. It’s only 2 lines, very crowded, and known for pickpockets. The bus system was too confusing for my taste.

I thought it was easier and fastest to use taxis, if you’re going a fair distance (like from the Vatican to Trastevere). Look for them at taxi stands near major attractions.

It’s not very easy to flag them down on the street. Most will pretend they don’t take credit cards, so be sure to have cash. You can also use Uber.

Statue and Column of Emperor Trajan in via dei Fori Imperiali, Rome Italy

Definitely don’t have a car in Rome. The drivers are very aggressive and many streets are teeny tiny.

If you’re venturing outside Rome on an Italy road trip, pick up the car on your way out of Rome.

There are plenty of other fun ways to explore Rome, for every interest. You might consider booking one of these tours:

  • a  daytime Segway tour
  • a  nighttime Segway tour
  • an  e-bike tour
  • a biking sightseeing tour
  • the  hop on hop off bus tour
  • a  private tour by car
  • a  classic vespa tour

Gelateria del Teatro -- a great place for gelato and cannoli

3. When To Visit Rome

Try to visit Rome in the off season. Rome is one of the world’s most popular and busiest cities. It can be a chaotic, crowded, sweaty mess in the summer.

Fall and spring are lovely. Even in winter, you’ll have sunny days and mild temperatures.

If you must visit in high season, it’s essential to invest in skip the line tickets. Otherwise, the bulk of your day will be standing in lines and you won’t see nearly as much.

4. Rome City Passes

If you’re in Rome for 5 days, consider purchasing the Roma Pass . For just 38 euros, You’ll have full access to public transportation, admission to two museums, and discounts on performance and exhibition tickets.

Alternatively, try the more comprehensive Omnia Rome and Vatican Card . It consists of the Roma Pass and an Omnia Card.

bridge linking Trastevere and Isola Tibernia

Most importantly, it gives you skip the line access at the Vatican Museums, St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Colosseum.

5. Where To Stay In Rome

If you’re a first timer in Rome, you may want to stay in the historic center around the Pantheon or Piazza Navona. Some good options are the  Li b ert y Boutique Hotel , the  H otel M aalat ,  De co Ro ma , or  Hotel H a s s ler Roma .

If you want to stay near the Imperial ruins,  P al azzo Manfredi   and the  In n at The Roman Forum  are good choices.

If you want to stay in the quieter Monti area, which makes a great base, the  Pa lazzo Man fr edi  (Colosseum views),  Vill a S palletti Trivelli   (Roman townhouse), and  Ro m a Luxus  (former 18th century palace) are fantastic choices.

view of St. Peter's Square

One of my personal favorites is the  Rome C avalieri , which has its own art collection. You will also love the  J.K. Pla ce Roma , a simply gorgeous boutique hotel.

6. Departing Rome

Are you ending your trip in Rome? If so, you may want to drop off your car and stay at one of the airport hotels to fly out the next day.

The Hilton Rome Airport is the best place to stay. It’s just a few blocks away and you can easily roll your bags there.

Via dei Coronari in the historic center of Rome

If you’re staying at another airport hotel, you will need to take a taxi. Be sure to get in the line for local taxis, which is different than the regular taxi line. It’s across the street and up the stairs.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my 5 days in Rome itinerary. You may enjoy these other travel guides and resources for Italy:

  • Historic Landmarks in Italy
  • Most Beautiful Towns in Italy
  • 101+ Epic Experiences To Have in Italy
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Italy
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Tuscany
  • 12 ways to spend 1 week in Italy
  • 5 ways to spend 1 week in Sicily
  • 10 day itinerary from Milan to Rome
  • 3 Day Itinerary for Florence
  • 2 Day Itinerary for Venice
  • 24 Hours in Milan
  • 24 Hours in Siena

If you’d like to spend 5 perfect days in Rome, pin it for later.

Pinterest pin for five days in Rome itinerary

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Last Updated on January 9, 2024 by Leslie Livingston

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How to Plan an Unforgettable Trip to Rome, According to Local Experts

Whether your tastes swing towards art and architecture, high-end shopping and dining, or browsing markets and munching on street food, it’s an exciting time to visit Rome.

ancient rome travel guide

Best Hotels and Resorts

Best things to do, best shopping, best nightlife, best restaurants, best time to visit, how to get there, how to get around.

Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

For me, the Eternal City is eternally fabulous. No matter how crowded it gets, how dysfunctional its current government is, or how many bad pizzas there are in ratio to good ones, Rome remains. It’s persisted and resisted for more than 2,775 years, and even at this ripe old age, Rome is still evolving. 

It’s an exciting time to visit Rome, and even for people who live there, the flurry of post-pandemic activity in the travel sector has been dizzying. “Archaeological sites that have been fenced-off for years are now accessible to visitors, there’s a host of innovative new tour options, and I can barely keep up with the number of absolutely stunning luxury hotels that have opened ,” says Travel + Leisure contributor and Rome resident Laura Itzkowitz, who also writes about Rome in her newsletter, The New Roman Times . “It’s a delight to see so much investment in the city and so many new ways to experience it.” 

No matter how you decide to see the city or whether your tastes swing towards art and architecture, high-end shopping and dining, or browsing markets and munching on street food, Rome gives you options. We asked Itzkowitz and some other Rome travel experts to weigh in on their favorite places and experiences to recommend in eternal Rome.

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • Swoon over the cityscape. Few things are as romantic as Rome at night from a vantage point like the Fontana dell'Acqua Paola or the Capitoline Hill.
  • See marble turn to flesh. At the Galleria Borghese, Bernini’s lifelike sculptures are a gazillion times more impressive than what you remember from art history class. 
  • Do the Full Monty of Italian dining. Bring your appetite and go big, with antipasto, pasta, main course, and dessert at a homey trat like Da Enzo da 29.  
  • Get up early. At least once during your stay, request an early wake-up call to discover a deserted city. ArcheoRoma can lead the way. 
  • Shop at a market. If you don’t buy produce, trinkets, or street food at a real Roman market like Testaccio or Campo de’ Fiore, have you been to Rome? 

Courtesy of Bettoja Hotels

Palazzo Vilòn

If there’s one thing our experts agree on, it’s that Palazzo Vilòn luxury apartment is the most sumptuous new address in Rome. Nicole Bono, luxury travel and events planner with Bono Events International says, “When they open the doors for you, your jaw will drop.” Gary Portuesi, a T+L Top Travel Advisor with Authentic Explorations , says that at Vilòn, “you get to live like a Roman aristocrat in an intimate palazzo in the best neighborhood.”

Singer Palace

“I'm in love with the Singer Palace these days,” says Bono of this 19th-century beauty in the former Singer sewing machine headquarters. “It's family-owned, and that is felt with every single detail in this property. You're truly cuddled from the moment you walk in the door till your last Spritz before you leave.”

Hotel de Russie, a Rocco Forte Hotel

T+L readers’ favorite hotel in Rome is also a hit with Portuesi, who raves about its “with its unique and secluded Mediterranean tiered secret garden walking distance from the Spanish Steps, Fontana di Trevi and Piazza del Popolo.” The hotel’s Stravinskij Bar remains one of Rome’s most elegant locales for a cocktail.  

Hotel Mediterraneo

Every time I exit Termini Station, I sigh with comfort at the sight of this trusty four-star in a fascist-era Art Deco building. Stepping through the doors feels like stepping back in time, in a good way, with old-school service, a delightful lobby bar, and humongous suites, some with skyline views of Rome.

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Basilica di San Clemente

For a real sense of how Rome’s history is layered like a lasagna, head to this church near the Colosseum — or rather, underneath it. An atmospheric archaeological area beneath the not-too-shabby 12th-century church holds an even earlier Christian church, which lies on top of a pagan altar and an ancient Roman apartment building.  


If you’re a runner, join archaeologist, guide, and running enthusiast Isabella Calidonna on an early morning jogging tour through Rome's truly magical empty streets. (Trust me, it’s okay if you run slowly.) If you’re not a runner, don’t sweat it — she’ll be happy to do the same informative tour at a walking pace. 

Via del Governo Vecchio

Spend a late afternoon vintage shopping on my favorite street in Rome , then stick around for an aperitivo, followed by pizza and gelato. If that trifecta of Roman drinking and eating isn’t enough, this splendid street near Piazza Navona has a buzzy but manageable bar-hopping scene. 

Largo Argentina

Want to stand at the very site (or very near it, anyway) where Julius Caesar lost his life? Long visible only from street level and best known as a cat sanctuary among picturesque ruins, the archaeological area at Largo Argentina site is now open to the public, thanks to funding from Bulgari . The Curia of Pompeo, where Caesar got shivved, stands near the ruins of four ancient temples.

Galleria Borghese

Reserve your tickets in advance and prepare to be overwhelmed by the beauty here, both of the ornate salons of this noble palace turned art museum, and the amazing works inside, including Bernini’s spellbinding "Rape of Proserpine" and several Caravaggio paintings.

Testaccio Market

This sprawling covered market in the working-class Testaccio neighborhood offers an authentic slice of Roman daily life. Even if you’re not shopping for clothing, produce or fresh fish, stop for some of Rome’s best street food, especially a suppli at Food Box or a drippy panino at Modri e Vai. 

Itzkowitz is a fan of this artisan jeweler in Monti and even had owner Antonio design a pair of custom earrings for her wedding. If you don’t have time for a made-to-order bauble, the shop has many original designs, many of which feature colorful gemstones.

Essenzialmente Laura

For a real only-in-Rome gift or souvenir, Portuesi refers friends and clients to the perfumery of Laura Bosetti Tonatto, who’s made custom scents for celebrities, royals, and aristocrats, including Queen Elizabeth II. “You can create your own perfect perfume or find the scent you love,” he says. 

La Bottega del Marmoraro

It’s hard to imagine a store like this anywhere else — a tiny workshop on pretty Via Margutta where stone carver Sandro Fiorentino tinks away at marble plaques by hand. “I love to bring out-of-town visitors here,” says Itzkowitz. “Prices start at around 15 euros, which means you can find an affordable, handmade souvenir.”

Courtesy of Hassler Hotel

Fontana dell'Acqua Paola

Some of the best things in Rome are free, including the views from this monumental fountain high on the Janiculum hill. It’s one of T+L’s top underrated things to do in Rome . Fans of the Oscar-winning film “Rome, the Great Beauty” will recognize this majestic spot.

This classy bar offers great cocktails and light bites with a sublime view. “A table there in the stunning Piazza di Pietra,” says Bono, “with the incredible Roman columns all lit up is truly magical, and it feels like it's just there for you."

Hassler Hotel 7th Floor Terrace

The recipe for an unforgettable Roman evening: Start with panoramic city views from atop the Spanish Steps, stir in a specialty cocktail, garnish with some elevated aperitivo fare, and drink it all in at one of our favorite family-run hotels in Italy and one of the absolute best in Rome.

Da Enzo da 29

Despite its near-legendary status and the long lines for a table (Enzo doesn’t take reservations), Itzkowitz says a meal here is “worth the wait and lives up to the hype — every time.” She’s a fan of the handmade tonarelli cacio e pepe but says that the food here is consistently good across the menu. 

Trattoria Da Cesare Al Pellegrino

This new-in-2023 sister property of a neighborhood favorite in residential Monteverde brings hearty, traditional Roman pasta and meat dishes to the centro storico. “Run, don't walk,” says Bono, “because this city location is super charming, and tourists haven't found it yet.”

Pro Loco Pinciano

Portuesi says you’ll feel like a local at this super-casual pizza and pasta joint just outside the city walls, where the emphasis is on ingredients and wines sourced from the surrounding region on Lazio. Charcuterie platters are delicious and abundant here. 

L'Antica Pesa

Regularly named one of the best restaurants in Rome, this Trastevere culinary landmark is, per Portuesi, “a standard and consistent classic” and worth crossing the river for. Head here for a special dinner or when you’re ready to go big (before going home, maybe?) and order an appetizer, pasta (primo), meat, and dessert for the full Italian dining experience.

You’ve heard all the warnings about visiting in high summer, but if that’s the only time you have to visit, Itzkowitz says to do as the Romans do: rest in your cool hotel room in the afternoon and venture out again in the early evening. Bono agrees that summer can be...sticky but adds, “Those summer sunsets on a rooftop with an Aperol spritz certainly make for that 'Dolce Vita moment' we all crave.”

Portuesi recommends November, as it’s still relatively warm and the crowds have thinned out; January, when sale season starts; or April and October. “Tourists might still be there, but the colors of spring and autumn are amazing, and temperatures are on the warm side.” I love visiting in January or February when the crowds are much more manageable, and if you’re lucky, you can catch some lovely, crisp, sunny days.

Most visitors fly into Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci/Fiumicino Airport (FCO). From there, you can take a 30-minute non-stop train to Termini, the central station, and take a taxi, Metro, bus, or tram to your accommodation. A cab from FCO to anywhere inside the Aurelian Walls costs 50 euros. Ride-sharing services other than Uber Black are not available in Rome. 

Rome’s historic center is primarily flat and highly walkable. Many visitors take the Metro to reach the Vatican Museums, then walk back into the city from there (or take a cab from St. Peter’s Square). 

Buses and Metro, both run by ATAC , are also reliable ways to get around, though depending on the distance, walking may be faster. Note that taxis in Rome cannot be hailed on the street. Instead, they wait at taxi stands or ranks generally located near tourist areas. 

I strongly recommend against renting a car in Rome, as traffic and parking are a mess and the centro is a maze of one-way streets, many of which are pedestrian-only. If you pick up a car in Rome for a more extended tour in Italy, make sure you have your route mapped out in advance — and nerves of steel. 

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The Ultimate Travel Guide to Rome – Best Things To Do, See & Enjoy!

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The Ultimate Travel Guide to Rome – Best Things To Do, See & Enjoy!

Table of Contents

A brief history of rome, fact file    , getting there and getting around, top 10 neighborhoods to visit in rome, top 10 rome attractions, 10 unique and quirky things to do in rome, 10 green spaces and gardens in rome, 10 churches you should visit in rome, 10 shopping areas & markets in rome, 15 rome travel tips & hacks, 10 fun facts about rome, top 5 day trips from rome, how to stay safe in rome, final thoughts.

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The capital city of Italy is one of the most romantic and historic places in the world. Rome has a lot for you to explore and discover with its plethora of cobbled streets, beautiful architecture, Ancient ruins, and relics dating back over 2000 years.

Rome is packed with cultural experiences around every corner and is the home to some of the most awe-inspiring historical artwork in the world, including Michelangelo’s masterpieces in the Sistine Chapel. Affectionately known as the Eternal City, Rome is situated within the 7 hills on the banks of the Tiber River.

Many visitors return to Rome time and time again as there is more to do than you could fit in 1 trip. When it comes to downtime, you’ll be spoiled for choice with quaint restaurants and cafes serving delicious traditional Italian food and high-quality wines. If you want to dance the night away, Rome has a truly Mediterranean party scene that will suit all tastes.

Legend has it that the city was founded by twin brothers Romulus and Remus in 753 B.C. Raised by a she-wolf, the brothers fought over who should be ruler, and Romulus eventually killed Remus and named the city after himself. In the centuries that followed, Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy to a republic and then an empire.

The very first headquarters of the Roman Empire was based in the city of Rome itself, and the Roman Catholic Church was also founded here. Julius Caesar, the famous dictator of the Roman Empire, became Rome’s first emperor (in everything but name) and one of the city’s most historically important residents.

It is not just Italy that has felt the powerful force of Rome either, as the city has at times ruled over other countries such as Greece, and during the reign of Napoleon, it was officially part of France. Rome became the capital of the newly reclaimed Italian Republic in 1870 and is today considered to have been one of the most influential cities in history.

The Colosseum Rome

Rome has been the capital city of Italy since 1870 and is located within the center of the Italian Peninsula. Rome is around 15 miles inland from the Tyrrhenian Sea and sits along the Tiber River.

Population : 2.7 million

Population Density : 2.1 per km²

Area : 1285 km²

Official language : Italian

Rome has residents originating from many other countries, so a diverse range of other languages can be heard in the city including French, Greek, German, Sardinian, Albanian, Croatian, and Slovene.

Religion : The main religions in Rome are Roman Catholic and Christianity.

Current President : Sergio Mattarella

Patron Saints : Saint Peter and Saint Paul

Weather : Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers (peak temperatures in August are around 82°F/27°C) and cold, humid winters (average of 37°F/3°C in January).

Time Zone : CEST + 2hrs UTC (Central European Summer Time)

Currency : Euro

Country Dialing Prefix Code : +39

Emergency Numbers : 113 for Police, 115 for Fire Department, 118 for Medical Emergencies

Green Spaces : Parks and gardens make up 3% of Rome

Churches : There are over 900 churches in Rome!

Rome has 2 airports, Leonardo da Vinci Airport (FCO) and Ciampino Airport (CIA).

Leonardo da Vinci Airport, also known as Fiumicino Airport , handles mostly scheduled flights and is connected to the city via a direct train service, The Leonardo Express train. This train is a non-stop service which takes approximately 30 minutes from Fiumicino Airport into the central station in the city, Rome Termini, and costs around $16 (€14).

Alternatively, you can get a shuttle bus service from Fiumicino Airport into Rome’s city center. These buses take on average 1 hour and tickets are available from $8 (€7). If you prefer to travel by private taxi, they are available outside Fiumicino Airport and charge approximately $49 (€44) to take you the half-hour journey into the center of Rome.

Hot Tip: See our in-depth guide on the best ways to fly to Italy, using points and miles.

Ciampino Airport mainly receives chartered flights and those from the budget European airlines. To get from Ciampino airport to Rome’s city center, you can get a bus into Ciampino town center and then a regional train to Rome. In total this would only cost you around $3 (€2.50).

Alternatively, you can get the SITBus Shuttle service, which is a direct route from $6 (€5). Ciampino Airport is only 9 miles from Rome city center, and taxis are waiting outside the airport to take you privately for around $28 (€25).

Getting Around Rome

Once you are in Rome itself, your best travel options are to walk, use the ATAC buses, or the Metro.

Many visitors choose to travel around the city on foot so that they can appreciate everything on offer. Many of the winding streets are cobbled, though, so be sure to pack proper shoes if you are planning to head from 1 attraction to another.

The bus service in the city is very reliable and offers excellent value for money with stops at almost all the major points of interest. There are also night bus services which will run to 5 a.m. The average single bus journey costs around $2 (€1.50) and bus tickets can easily be purchased from any Metro station, newsstand, and many convenience stores.

If you are planning to take several bus journeys during your stay, then you may wish to purchase a travel card which will save you money. There are also 3-day, weekly, or monthly tourist cards on sale for this bus network.

The metro is a useful way for tourists to travel around the city as it is predominately set up for commuters to travel in and out of the city. The metro system crosses the city in a big ‘X’ and has stops near most of the main attractions. From Termini, you can travel to some of the main attractions with train stations, such as the Colosseum, Piazza Barberini, and the Spanish Steps.

The metro runs from 5:30 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. and tickets can be purchased from metro stations, newsstands, or convenience stores. You will be able to save money by purchasing a travel card if you are planning to travel by train for more than a couple of journeys.

Although private taxis are available to take you around the city center, these are not very popular with tourists as they are notorious for over-charging. If you plan to take a taxi, then it is advisable to discuss the cost of the fare with the driver before getting into the cab.

River Tiber Rome

Rome is a city that is spread across 22 different districts (known as “rioni”) and made up of 35 urban quarters (known as “quartieri urbani”), each with a diverse community atmosphere.

Some are set just within the walls of the city and some just outside. The following is an outline of these 10 areas — some are well known on the traditional tourist routes, and others are more up and coming.

Sitting just across from the Tiber River is the area known as Trastevere (which means “across the Tevere”). This area has a trendy, student vibe with an array of restaurants, trendy shops, and lively bars. From Trastevere, you can access river walkways to the historic center that meet and cross at Ponte Sisto and Ponte Garibaldi.

The historic center has a main square which is home to Piazza di Santa, one of the oldest churches in Rome. Trastevere as an area is situated at the bottom of Gianicolo Hill (also known as Janiculum Hill), and from here you can take spectacular walks and hikes until you eventually reach Rome’s largest park, Villa Pamphili.

Hot Tip: Along the way, you can see the 17 th -century marble fountain Fontana dell’Acqua Paola, as well as breath-taking views of the Capitoline and Palatine hills, the imposing Vittorio Emmanuele II monument, and Pantheon’s dome.

San Giovanni

San Giovanni is overflowing with beautiful Renaissance buildings and elaborately decorated cathedrals. Unlike other areas of Rome which have the cobbled streets and narrow winding pathways, San Giovanni is made up of modern avenues and is home to many of Rome’s residents.

Although there are local restaurants, the majority of food is sold via community markets, and people sit in the parks for entertainment rather than bars. San Giovanni has brilliant public transport links and is also within walking distance of the Colosseum.

In this quiet, residential area of Rome stands the city’s oldest major Christian basilica, intertwined with modern high street shops and department stores, as well as the popular bimonthly second-hand market.

Despite having a modern vibe, San Giovanni is still a great choice for visitors interested in ancient ruins, cultural city walks, and historic fountains.

Monti gives you a taste of an authentic classic Roman neighborhood. Nestled between the Roman Forum and Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, it has a relaxed, lived-in vibe where you can meet the locals and admire the stunning scenery. The beautiful hillside landscape is scattered with pretty historic buildings set in cobblestoned paths and streets.

There is a wide variety of hip restaurants and trendy cafes, and from the southwest side of the neighborhood, you can see across to the Colosseum. Many tourists love visiting Monti where they can sit back and enjoy chilling out around the fountain in the main square known as Piazza della Madonna dei Monti.

Monti was historically an impoverished slum that has evolved to become a picturesque area bursting at the seams with character, attracting young bohemian-type residents and travelers.

Aventino is located on one of Rome’s 7 ancient hills and is a beautiful, green area within the city. Wealthy Roman families own imposing villas in this area, and a wander along the prestigious tree-lined avenues is an experience in itself.

While you are in Aventino, be sure to visit the Bocca della Verita, the chariot track at Circus Maximus, and the historic ruins at the Baths of Caracalla. There are fantastic views of the Tiber River to be had from the hillside of Aventino, and many tourists choose to sit in the orange garden to soak up the stunning vista.

Hot Tip: If you get the chance to visit the Magistral Villa of the Knights of Malta, you will get the opportunity to view St. Peter’s dome from a totally different perspective through the keyhole on the gate.

Centro Storico

The streets that make up Centro Storico are some of the most historic parts of Rome where tourists flock to see the Campo de’ Fiori, the Piazza Navona, and the Pantheon. These areas are brimming with the charming narrow streets and ancient architecture that Rome is so famous for. In Centro Storico you will see some spectacular examples of classical Roman- and Baroque-style buildings.

The main square is busy every night and has a plethora of lively restaurants and bars, all of which serve up good quality Italian dishes and fine wines. The famous food and flower market at Campo de’ Fiori is not to be missed and should be on every tourist’s experience list.

Bottom Line: Centro Storico’s location makes this a popular neighborhood, so be prepared for the crowds.

San Lorenzo

San Lorenzo is situated outside of the city walls and sits between Termini and Tiburtina stations. This area was traditionally a working-class industrial center whose roots remain today with plenty of warehouse buildings and factory-style architecture on every corner.

San Lorenzo has a young, hipster, and student vibe and is close to Sapienza University. As you wander around San Lorenzo you will be able to admire the creative and artistic murals dotted on the side of buildings.

The progressive alternative music scene attracts free-spirited hipsters to the many live music events which take place in the vibrant bars. There are also plenty of opportunities in San Lorenzo to purchase some of the best street food in the city.

Testaccio was historically a slaughterhouse and butchers’ district up until the 1970s. These traditions are still active today, and many tourists enjoy a visit to the Testaccio Market to purchase gourmet street food and fresh meats.

Testaccio is an area is situated along the Tiber River, just south of Aventine Hill. The main attraction in Testaccio is the Pyramide of Cestia, which is the Protestant Cemetery where non-Catholics were buried.

Even though Testaccio is a trip away from Rome’s center, many visitors report that it is well worth the journey. It is considered to be one of the prettiest areas in the city and is within walking distance of the Pirimide metro station and the Colosseum.

Bottom Line: Testaccio is a quaint and quiet area as it is off the tourist path, but has great restaurants and cafes for a relaxing day away from the main drag.

Tridente is in the northern part of central Rome and gets its name from the fact it is made up of 3 main streets. These 3 streets (Via di Ripetta, Via del Corso, and Via del Babuino) all filter off from the Piazza del Popolo. This area is one of the most sophisticated parts of Rome and is home to designer boutiques, fine dining restaurants, and magnificent 5-star hotels.

In Tridente you can visit wonderful attractions such as the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, and the flagship Fendi store. This area is an iconic and popular destination for tourists and is usually on people’s must-see tick list.

Tridente is a bustling area and one where you can experience the posh, high-end Italian lifestyle during your visit to Rome.

Pigneto is a diverse and artistic area of Rome where many locals live. The former working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of the city is now considered to be a trendy, up and coming area that attracts creative and free-thinking residents and visitors.

There’s a plethora of trendy cafes, ethnically diverse shops, and vibrant bars, as well as an abundance of street art for you to admire as you wander around this unique neighborhood.

Pigneto has a market each morning in Via del Pigneto which is a pedestrian-only street with its own metro station. In this shopping part of Pigneto you have the chance to buy original artwork, street food, and cruelty-free, vegan-friendly clothing.

Bottom Line: Hipsters congregate in this area to enjoy the live music and art scenes which the colorful Pigneto has to offer.

Prati is the Italian word for “meadows” and is a charming, historic area of Rome on the west side of Tiber River. Here you can wander alongside elegant buildings in a quieter and calmer part of Rome. It is here in Prati that you can visit the elaborate Palace of Justice which has an expansive bronze sculpture on the rooftop of a chariot being drawn by 4 beautiful horses.

Other must-see things in Prati are the charming Piazza Cavour and Via Cola di Rienzo, which is one of Rome’s most famous streets for high-end, designer shopping. Prati borders the north of the Vatican State, providing easy access to the Vatican Museum, St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City itself, and Castel Sant’Angelo.

Colosseum Rome

Here are 10 of the best attractions to visit in Rome.

The Colosseum is usually the top of all tourists’ must-see tick list. It is the largest amphitheater ever built and is situated in the center of Rome. This oval amphitheater is an imposing 157 feet (48 meters) high and is open from 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. every day. For a standard admission ticket costing $13 (€12), you can walk freely between the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill.

The nearest metro station is Colosseo on Line B.

Roman Forum

The Roman Forum is the central rectangular space surrounded by the ancient ruins of Rome’s government buildings. This popular tourist attraction is open from 8:30 a.m. – 7:15 p.m. daily, and the admission cost is $13 (€12). However, this is the same ticket as the Colosseum, so if used on the same day, you can access both attractions for 1 ticket price. This is easily achievable as the entrance gate is very close to the Colosseum.

St. Peter’ s Square and Basilica

St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the most iconic landmarks in all of Rome. The Italian Renaissance church is situated in an expansive square in Vatican City that dates back to 1506. Tourists can visit St. Peter’s Square and Basilica from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. every day except Wednesday. Entrance is free, but if you wish to go to the dome at the top, it’s $11 (€10) by elevator or $9 (€8) on foot.

Take Line A on the metro and San Giovanni station is only a 5-minute walk from St. Peter’s Square.

The Pantheon

The Pantheon is now a church but was historically a Roman temple dedicated to all the ancient gods of pagan Rome. Admission to the Pantheon is daily from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., except Sundays when the opening times are 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

This is a public site that is free to visit and within walking distance of Barberini on Line A of the metro.

The Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps were initially built to link the Trinità dei Monti church with the Spanish Square beneath in Piazza di Spagna. It is free to visit the Spanish Steps, and it is well worth the climb to view the spectacular church at the top.

You can use Line A of the metro and get off at Spagna station close to Trinità dei Monti church. From there you can take the steps down to the Spanish Square.

Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is possibly one of the most famous fountains in the world. It is Rome’s largest Baroque fountain, and legend has it that you throw 1 coin into the fountain to ensure another trip to Rome, 2 coins for love, and 3 coins for wedding bells. It is free to visit Trevi Fountain, and it only a 10-minute walk to the Spanish Steps if you are looking to combine sightseeing experiences.

Alternatively, the nearest metro station is Barberini.

The Vatican and Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel in Vatican City is the official residence of the Pope and is a must-see for all tourists when they are in Rome. The chapel dates back to 1473 and hosts the amazing artwork of Michelangelo on the ceiling. The opening hours are 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. every day except Sundays when the chapel is closed and is only around 5 minutes’ walk from Spagna metro station.

It costs $16 (€14) to enter and visitors should allow 3-4 hours to wander around the rooms.

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is a square that was first built in the 1 st century A.D. and is considered to be one of the largest and most beautiful piazzas in Rome. This is a very popular free tourist attraction with 3 stunning fountains, including la Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi and its imposing central obelisk.

The nearest metro station is Spagna which is just a 5-minute walk away from Piazza Navona.

Galleria Borghese

Galleria Borghese is a famous art gallery which is open between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. every day except Mondays and costs $14 (€13) for a ticket. During your visit to Galleria Borghese, you will be able to see beautifully preserved sculptures, ancient mosaics, and paintings that date back to the 15 th -18 th centuries. The museum is set within the Villa Galleria gardens which are free to enter.

The easiest way to travel to Galleria Borghese is by bus which stops within walking distance.

Castel Sant’ Angelo

Castel Sant’Angelo was originally built as a mausoleum for the Roman Emperor Hadrian and his family in 135 A.D. It has since been used as a fortress and castle by different popes over the years, but nowadays it is open as a museum. You can visit this amazing example of Ancient Roman architecture every day between 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., and admission costs $16 (€14).

The easiest public transport for this attraction is a bus from the main center of Rome or metro Line A to Lepanto.

Hot Tip: Looking for more tour and tour information? Explore our guide to the best tours in Rome . 

Outside of the usual tourist attractions, there are some unique things to see and do. Here are 10 to add to your list.

Pyramid of Cestius

The Pyramid of Cestius was built in 12 B.C. as a tomb for Gaius Cestius. This pyramid was sealed when built but has since had one of the entrances plundered. The Pyramid of Cestius is open to the public on Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. and only costs $6 (€5.50) to go inside.

The nearest station is Piramide, which is only a 2 minutes stroll from the pyramid — the only attraction of its kind in Rome.

Street Art in Ostiense

The Ostiense district of Rome is located just to the south of the city center. Here you can view some impressively creative street art across a plethora of urban contemporary artwork and spectacular murals. There are lots to see so allow plenty of time when visiting Ostiense if you want to stroll and appreciate the street art in this area.

The easiest way to travel to Ostiense is by metro and walk from Piramide station.

House of Owls

The Little House of Owls is a quirky museum that some visitors describe as the hidden gem of Rome. Nestled within the ground of Villa Torlonia is this little fairy-tale looking house dedicated to owls. The house is away from the usual touristy sightseeing lists but is well worth the entrance fee of $13 (€12).

The Little House of Owls, also known as Casina delle Civette, is open between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. every day except Mondays, and can easily be reached by bus from the city center.

Largo di Torre Argentina

Largo di Torre Argentina is a square which includes 4 Roman Republican temples as well as the famous ruins of Pompey’s Theatre. The excavation work is ongoing and is an inspiring discovery since the 20 th century. It is within Pompey’s Theatre in this square where Julius Caesar was thought to have been assassinated.

This is a public site that is free to visit. Although you can’t directly access the ruins, you can closely view them from the street. There is no metro station nearby, but this attraction is within walking distance of bus stops which run from all main areas.

These ancient underground burial places , or catacombs, can be viewed for only $9 (€8) and there are around 40 catacombs to experience. Some of them were only discovered a few decades ago. Ancient Roman law stated that the dead must be buried outside the walls of the city and these catacombs were built so that Christians could be buried as Christian symbols could be used underground.

The nearest station to the Catacombs is Appia Pignatelli.

Teatro Marcello

Teatro Marcello is a stunning open-air theater which was built in 13 B.C. for Julius Caesar and Marcus Marcellus. In the summer, concerts are held within the ancient theater, and it is a truly magnificent setting which many visitors report to find as breathtaking as the Colosseum.

Ticket prices vary depending on the concerts being held. It is free to walk the perimeter of Teatro Marcello to experience the historic Roman site, which is 85 years older than the Colosseum.

This theater is only a 1-minute walk from Teatro station.

Capuchin Crypt

The Capuchin Crypt is a collection of tiny chapels that sit beneath the Santa Maria della Concesione dei Cappuccini church. Here is where the bodies of Capuchin monks were buried, and their skeletal remains are still held. The Capuchin Crypt is open every day between 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and the admission fee is about $9 (€8.50).

The nearest station for visiting this attraction is Barberini.

The Appian Way

The Appian Way is a historic Roman road built in 312 B.C. Today this is one of the most famous ancient Roman roads where you can walk or cycle (bike hire is available at the site). On average, tourists spend around 6 hours traveling the length of the Appian Way and generally find it to be a peaceful experience just outside the city walls.

It is easy to travel to the Appian Way by bus from Piramide station.

Circo Maximus

Circo Maximus is an ancient chariot-racing stadium which would have been a major entertainment venue in its day. Situated between Aventine and Palatine Hills, this attraction is becoming ever more popular with tourists visiting Rome.

The remains of this inspiring Ancient Roman architecture form the archaeological site which stands today after fire and flood damage. Circo Maximus is open every day except Mondays and pre-booking is essential as it is for organized tour groups only.

Use Line B of the metro and get off at Piramide station for this attraction.

Vintage Fiat 500 Tour

This is a fantastic way to tour around the historic sites of Rome! These vintage Fiat 500 cars set off in convoy, and you will spend 3 hours driving around Rome. You’ll travel where some larger tour buses cannot access and cruise along the Tiber River. For just $142 (€128) you can be seated inside one of these iconic open-top vintage cars. Tours start from just outside the Colosseum.

Hot Tip: Need a great place to stay? Check out these 15 great hotels in Rome.

Villa Borghese

It’s not just about the architecture in Rome. The city is also home to some beautiful green spaces and gardens. Here are 10 of the best.

Villa Borghese

Villa Borghese is the third largest park area in Rome. It is a landscaped area with English-style manicured gardens. Villa Borghese is open 24 hours a day and is free to explore. This park is situated on Pincian Hill, close to the Spanish Steps, and is known by locals as the “green lung” of Rome. It can be accessed from Spagna or Flaminio stations.

Villa Doria Pamphili

Villa Doria Pamphili is Rome’s largest and most impressive park which was built around a 17 th -century villa, now the sole location for the Italian government. This stunning landscaped park is free to visit and nearby to Termini station. Villa Doria Pamphili is thought to be one of the best places for walking in Rome.

Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden, Orto Botanico, is situated in the Trastevere neighborhood. Visitors to these gardens can see over 3,500 species of plants. There is also a rock garden, bamboo grove, “Scent & Touch” visually impaired sensory garden, greenhouses, and the Japanese gardens.

A day spent strolling around Orto Botanico is definitely time well spent. This attraction is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the admission fee is only $9 (€8), and the nearest metro station is Piramide.

Vatican Garden

The Gardens of Vatican City are owned by the Pope, and there is public access from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. every day except Wednesdays and Sundays. These beautifully manicured gardens can be toured by bus for $36 (€32). This may sound expensive until you realize that the admission ticket also allows you access to the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel.

You can take the train to Ottaviano-S. Pietro to access the gardens.

Orange Trees Garden

Savello Park, also known as the Orange Trees Garden, is on Aventine Hill, and from this garden, you have the most wonderful views of the city. You can wait in line to peek through the keyhole on the gate of Magistral Villa of the Knights of Malta and view St. Peter’s dome from above. These gated gardens are free to visit and are open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in winter and 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in summer.

Piramide metro station is the closest to the garden gates.

Villa Torlonia

Villa Torlonia and its surrounding grounds are a hidden gem in Rome. You can see magnificent neoclassical architecture set within English-style manicured gardens. Villa Torlonia is open daily from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and admission tickets cost $11 (€10).

Guidubaldo Del Monte is the nearest station to the park.

Parco degli Acquedotti

Parco degli Acquedotti is a beautiful, expansive park within the Appian Way area on the outskirts of Rome. In this park, you can see the ancient ruins of 2 massive Roman aqueducts. This public park is open 24 hours a day, and entrance is free.

Capannelle is the nearest station.

Palazzo Venezia

Formerly the Palace of St. Mark, Palazzo Venezia is a spectacular example of Renaissance architecture. The gardens are pretty and open from 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. every day except Mondays. Admission is $9 (€8.50) and it’s only a 10-minute walk from Termini station.

Villa Celimontana

The grounds of Villa Celimontana are considered by some visitors to be the prettiest hidden gardens of the city. Stroll through these immaculate gardens, which were once a vineyard, and discover the obelisk dating back to the mid-16 th century. This free public park is located just above the Colosseum and is open from 7:00 a.m. until sunset.

Rose Garden

Rome’s Rose Garden was formerly a Jewish cemetery that has been constructed in the shape of a menorah. This public park on Aventine Hill is open to the public from April to June, and there’s no admission fee. Allow plenty of time when visiting these gardens as there’s a huge area to cover.

The gardens are just a short walk from Termini station.

Rome Church

Rome is home to over 900 churches, so it is a challenge to choose a top 10. Nevertheless, we gave it a go and here are our top picks.

Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo

Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo is a 15 th -century church which sits within Rome’s famous square Piazza del Popolo. Visitors report that this tiny temple is unlike any other church in Rome, with its delightful Renaissance decoration inside. Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo is open every morning from 7:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., then every afternoon from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

The nearest station to the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo is Civitavecchia.

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Santa Maria in Trastevere (Our Lady of Trastevere) is one of the oldest churches in Rome. There are beautiful mosaics on the exterior, and it is a dazzling sight to behold at night when the tower is illuminated. The church is open to the public from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily and admission is free.

Santa Maria in Trastevere is only a few minutes’ walk from Mameli station.

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is the largest Catholic Marian church in Rome dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is breathtaking with a 15 th -century wooden ceiling, a hidden spiral staircase, gorgeous mosaics, and a display of part of Jesus’ crib brought from Bethlehem. It’s open from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. daily except Sundays and bank holidays when it is closed in the afternoon.

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is only a short walk from Termini station and admission is free.

Santa Maria in Aracoeli

Santa Maria in Aracoeli was built in the 6 th century and is still today the designated church of Rome’s city council. It’s a popular church, particularly at Christmas, as inside there is a wooden baby Jesus which is thought to have healing powers. The entrance is free, and the church is open from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. daily.

Ara Coeli station is less than 3 minutes’ walk away.

San Giovanni in Laterano

San Giovanni in Laterano is open to the public from 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. daily. This impressive monumental church was the most influential building within the Christian faith for over a thousand years. Visitors always report that they are amazed by the rich history, art, and architecture of this church.

Use Lines A and C of Rome’s metro for the nearest station, San Giovanni.

Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

Santa Maria Sopra Minerva is a popular church for tourists to visit to take in the heady blend of Gothic and Medieval architecture. It is still one of the major churches in Rome’s Catholic Order of Preachers and this 13 th -century attraction is open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily with free admission.

Santa Maria Sopra Minerva is a 20-minute walk from Termini and around the corner from the Pantheon.

Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli

Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli is a Renaissance-style church and basilica that is famous for being home to Michelangelo’s statue of Moses. This Roman Catholic church is open in the mornings from 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., and then in the afternoons from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Entrance is free, and this is only a short walk from the Colosseum for tourists wishing to combine experiences.

Santa Maria in Cosmedin

Santa Maria in Cosmedin is a minor basilica built in the Middle Ages which attracts visitors wanting to see the “mouth of truth” inside the porch. There is also plenty of medieval art to admire throughout the church. The church is open from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.

Bocca Della Verita’ station is only 1 minute away and admission is free.

San Clemente

San Clemente is a minor basilica dedicated to Pope Clemente I. This church is considered significant among religious scholars as it outlines the history of Christianity right from the beginning of the faith through to the Middle Ages. This temple is decorated internally with old mosaics and is open to the public from 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and then 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 pm.

The church is a short walk from either Colosseo or Manzoni stations.

Saint Paolo Fuori le Mura Basilica

Saint Paolo Fuori le Mura Basilica is one of Rome’s 4 major basilicas and is located outside the city walls. This 9 th -century church with Neoclassical architecture is a popular year-round tourist attraction. Saint Paolo Fuori le Mura Basilica is open daily from 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Saint Paolo Fuori le Mura Basilica is easily reached via the bus network service.

Rome is a fashionista’s dream, but it’s not all high-end fashion. The city is home to some great markets, too. Here are 10 of the best places to shop.

Via Condotti

Packed full of beautiful designer big name brands including Gucci, Dior, and Dolce & Gabbana, Via Condotti is the place to be for the largest selection of designer outlet shopping in all of Rome. It is an absolute must for lovers of designer Italian leather handbags and upscale fashion and accessories. The pedestrian walkway is also dotted with cafes and restaurants for regular shopping breaks.

This retail heaven can be found close to the Spagna metro station.

Via del Corso

As one of the most popular shopping spots in the city of Rome, the Via del Corso is home to designer dresses and big brand fashion. Offering affordable fashion at its finest, you will find some of the most highly regarded names in Europe here including H&M, Zara, and Sephora.

You can easily walk to Via del Corso from the Spagna Metro station, or bus lines 170 and 175 both stop close by.

Via Cola di Rienzo

The Via Cola di Rienzo is the main thoroughfare that cuts through Rome’s Prati neighborhood. It is also one of the very best destinations in the city for laid-back, leisurely shopping with fewer crowds than some of the more upmarket areas. The Via Cola di Rienzo offers an impressive blend of international brands like Coin, Tiffany’s, Kiko, and Diesel, as well as a wide variety of bars, cafes, and restaurants.

Close to the Cola Di Rienzo/Terenzio subway stations, the Via Cola di Rienzo is a great place to explore after visiting the Vatican.

Porta Portese

Porta Portese is the biggest flea market in Rome and is the perfect place to enjoy a lazy Roman Sunday strolling through the ancient streets of the Trastevere district. Cheerful vendors offer a wide selection of secondhand clothing, antiques, brand name knockoffs, bric-a-brac, household products, vinyl records, and much more. The market is just as popular with the locals giving it a truly continental feel.

The nearest station is Porta Portese.

Tucked away behind the city gates close to the cathedral of San Giovanni in Laterano lies this enchanting outdoor market that is perfect for those who are happy to rummage for bargains. Vendors show their wares on old tables and tatty looking stalls, but for those who have the patience to sift through the piles of stock, the rewards can be incredible. Secondhand and vintage designer gear by the bucketload is here — you just need to find it first.

Surrounded by super cool cafes and record shops, the nearest subway is San Giovanni.

Via del Babuino

Via del Babuino is a historic cobbled street that connects Piazza di Spagna and Piazza del Popolo. Chock full of beautiful old buildings, it is also one of the city’s premier upmarket shopping districts. This elegant pedestrianized thoroughfare is dotted with luxury brands including the likes of Armani Jeans, Tiffany, Tory Burch, Gente, Maison Margiela, and Valentino.

This is a great place to have a latte while enjoying a spot of people-watching; the nearest station is Spagna.

Via Giulia has some of the city’s finest examples of authentic Roman architecture and is an utterly enchanting place to spend the day. Via Giulia is also a residential area for rich Romans, meaning that there are plenty of fantastic independent shops that line the cobbled street. These include art galleries, antique shops, and quirky homeware stores, as well as fashion boutiques, bars, and cafes.

You can reach this part of town using the Circo Massimo station.

V ia del Governo Vecchio

Just off the Piazza Navona, the Via del Governo Vecchio offers something for everyone. From the super cute secondhand book stores and biggest vintage clothes shops in the city to the modern-day fashion boutiques and grocery stores, this a popular part of town with a great atmosphere. Take a stroll along the cobbled street until something takes your fancy, then sit back and relax in one of the many coffee shops and bars.

The nearest subway station is Chiesa Nuova.

Flaminio Market

Set at the heart of the Piazza del Popolo, Flaminio Market is packed full of cool market traders selling pre-owned and vintage clothing, accessories, and jewelry. This is one of those flea markets similar to those you find in many European cities, but this being Rome, you are likely to come away with a pair of pre-loved Gucci sunglasses or a Fendi bag.

Set in a bus station, there is an entrance fee of $2 (€1.60), and you can get there using the 88, 204, or 231 buses or trams 2 and 19.

Fontanella Borghese Market

Nestled between the Tiber and the Via del Corso, the Fontanella Borghese Market is a gorgeous piazza market that offers a selection of bijou box shops. These sell a variety of small antiques including antique maps, etchings, posters, books, photographs, and even cameras. The area is always popular with tourists, as the wares on sale are usually just the right size to bring home.

The nearest station to the market is Spagna.

Rome Spanish Steps

House Wine is the Best Wine

When in Rome, drink like the Romans. In a city that appreciates fine wine, the house bottle or “vino della casa” is often as good as, if not better, than more expensive brands. Buy it by the glass or share a carafe or 2 with friends old and new.

Experience the Culture for Free

On the first Sunday of each month, some of the best museums and archaeological sites can be enjoyed for free. If you are on a tight budget, plan your dates accordingly, and visit world-famous sites like the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Galleria Borghese for free. Read our comprehensive guide to discover some of the best museums in Rome .

Be Travel Savvy With Taxi Drivers

The city of Rome operates and enforces set fees for most taxi journeys to, from, and within the city walls. Taxis registered outside of the city are not bound by the same rules but can travel the same routes. This makes it easy for unsuspected tourists to be stung with huge fares. Always check your taxi fares before you begin your journey.

Imparare a Parlare Italiano (Learn to Speak Italian)

Learning a few key phrases and common words will not only help you in everyday situations, but it will also help to ingratiate you with the locals. Learn a little before you leave, and take a phrasebook with you.

Go C ontinental

Much like the French, the Italians are famous for their love of late-night meal times. 8:00 p.m. is a good starting point for eating your evening meal, but be prepared to enjoy long, laid-back affairs that last well into the small hours.

Travel Light

When wandering around the city, leave your super-size backpack back at the hotel. European cities tend to get very crowded, and most tourist attractions will ask you to check bulky bags in the cloakroom. Keep your money, phone, camera, and other essentials close at hand with a fanny pack , sling backpack , or mini backpack instead.

To Tip or Not to Tip?

Most restaurants in Italy will automatically apply a “service charge” to your bill. If you are in a smaller cafe or independent restaurant, you may like to leave a few euros for your waiter as you leave. The same rules apply to taxi drivers and bartenders, too. Tipping is not necessary, but of course, no one will complain if you do.

Cash is King

Rome is a city with plenty of ancients wonders to see, and in some places, this even extends to your payment options. To avoid being caught out, be sure to carry enough cash on you to pay for your entry tickets to attractions, as well as food, drinks, and any travel while you are away from your hotel.

Look Out for Fake Gelato

Even here in Italy, not all gelato is created equal. Being one of the most refreshing and delicious national dishes you will ever taste, it is important that you find an authentic scoop or 2. The brightly colored, fluffy looking ice cream served across town is often packed with artificial colors and sweeteners.

Real gelato, however, takes its color and flavor from the ingredients within it. As a rule of thumb, compare your frozen treat with how it would appear if the ingredients were blended.

Enjoy a Drink at the Bar

Italians have a unique way of enjoying their coffee, and they see it simply as fuel to keep them going. If you would prefer to sit down and relax with a hot coffee and a good book, you are welcome to by all means, but be prepared to pay extra for the privilege.

Take the Day Off

Monday is considered a day of rest in Rome, and many of the city’s main attractions and restaurants will be closed to the public. When planning your next trip, be sure to make the most of the weekend, and save Monday for shopping or visiting local parks and open spaces.

Drink from the Water Fountains

Usually, when you go overseas, you are advised not to drink the water, but here in Rome, the “nasoni” fountains provide thirsty travelers with fresh drinking water that flows from the aqueducts. Stay hydrated for free by topping up your water bottle as you go.

Avoid the Busiest Times

The Vatican Museums are the most popular in all of Italy, and they get very busy from the moment they open. Ignore the advice of those who tell you to get there early, and instead, wait for the rush to die down before visiting. On a Friday the museums are open late, so why not enjoy a late afternoon or evening tour instead?

Keep Covered Up

In most of the ancient churches and buildings in the city, including St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museums, and the Sistine Chapel, you will need to be covered up to be allowed entry. Although it can get super hot outside, carry a shawl or scarf with you to cover your knees and shoulders when you need to.

Finally, Bring Your Own Toilet Paper

Roman toilets aren’t great. Often they will be without toilet seats, and toilet paper will be in short supply. Sometimes you will even have to pay for the privilege of using these less than perfect facilities. Keep a stash of toilet paper or wipes in your bag at all times — just in case.

The Eternal City receives millions of tourists every year, many of whom come to see some of the most iconic and religiously important landmarks in the world. But aside from the stunning architecture, the fantastic food, and amazing Italian weather, there are lots of interesting facts about Rome that you may not know about:

Romulus and Remus

Legend has it that the ancient city of Rome was founded by 2 twin brothers, who fought over who should be the rightful ruler. Believed to be the sons of a mortal priestess, Rhea Silvia, and the Roman god of war, Mars, they were always destined for battle. In a moment of fury, Romulus killed his brother and gave the name Rome to his beloved city.

The Trevi Fountain

Millions of visitors come and throw their coins into the Trevi Fountain every day. It is believed that if you throw your coin over your left shoulder using your right hand, you will return to Rome in the future. Other legends also claim that you should throw 3 coins into the fountain. Over the course of a day, around 3,000 euros are thrown in.

You Can Drink the Water

Thanks to the aqueducts beneath the city, Rome is full of fountains that offer potable water. Called “nasone” fountains, there are between 2,500-2,800 nasoni in Rome, and they supply citizens and tourists alike with free drinking water throughout the city.

There are Lots and Lots of Fountains

If you love fountains, you certainly won’t be disappointed in Rome. There are 50 named monumental fountains and hundreds of smaller fountains dotted across the city. There are believed to be over 2,000 fountains, which is way more than any other city in the world.

No Cappuccino After 11:00 a.m.

Italy is home to some of the most delicious coffee in the world. But did you know that in the city of Rome, local tradition dictates that you should never drink cappuccino either after 11:00 a.m. or after a meal? This is because the Romans believed that milk impairs the digestion and therefore should only be used sparingly.

The Aventine Keyhole

Tucked away at the Knight of the Malta gate on Aventine Hill, there is a tiny door that you wouldn’t even notice unless you were looking for it. Rumor has it that if you peek through the keyhole, you will see the Vatican perfectly in line with the garden beyond. From this also unassuming viewpoint, you can gaze across 3 entirely different countries all at once — Malta, Italy, and the Vatican City.

Secret Passageway to the Vatican

Just outside the Vatican lies the Castel Sant’Angelo. This pretty looking castle is chock full of beautiful rooms and elegant frescoes, but buried deep in the castle walls is a secret passageway that runs all the way into the Vatican. Popes used the secret tunnel when they felt they were in danger.

There Are a Lot of Cats That Live Here

Rome is home to hundreds of wild cats that sit on the walls of the Colosseum and sleep among the ancient ruins of the Forum. There is also a dedicated cat sanctuary housed among the ruins of 4 Republican temples at Largo de Torre de Argentina. The feline population is so dense because there is a law in the city that allows cats to live without disruption in the place where they were born.

Shop ‘Til You Drop

Rome is home to one of the earliest shopping malls in the world. Between 107 and 110 A.D., Emperor Trajan built the Mercati di Traiano (Trajan’s Market), where a wide range of grocery items was sold across different levels. Modern-day Rome is still home to some of the very best shopping districts and flea markets in the world.

The Pasta Museum

Rome is home to a dedicated pasta museum that is devoted to the history, production, and nutritional values of Italy’s favorite foodstuff. Visitors can learn everything from optimum cooking times and recipe advice through to pasta-related artwork and exhibits on pasta-making techniques throughout the ages.


Ostia Antica

What was once the most important harbor city in Ancient Rome is now an important archeological site and popular tourist destination. Located just 19 miles west of Rome, Ostia’s main arterial street is home to a street show of houses, shops, baths, and taverns. The city is also home to a Jewish synagogue, a Christian Basilica, and a wealth of Persian temples.

You can get to the ancient harbor city by taking the 20-minute journey from the metro Line B station of Piramide to Ostia Antica using the Roma Lido commuter train. The Roma Lido line runs from around 5:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m., and you can reach Ostia using a travel card costing from as little as $2 (€1.50), depending on the time and duration of your visit.

The ancient city of Pompeii was famously buried by the 79 A.D. eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Visitors come from all over the world to see the perfect example of ancient Roman communities anywhere in Italy . Ruins include the Antiquarium, the Forum, the Terme Stabiane, the House of Menander, the Amphitheater, and the Nuovi Scavi (New Excavations), among others.

Pompeii is 133 miles from Rome, and the train journey from the city takes around 1 hour and 50 minutes. You can reach Pompeii Scavi-Villa dei Misteri station using the Circumvesuviana line that departs from the main Roma Termini station. Ticket prices start from as little as $19 (€17) depending on the time of travel.

Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli

Hadrian’s Villa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an impressive archaeological complex located in Tivoli, 18 miles east of Rome. Considered to be the most remarkable and extravagant example of an ancient Roman Villa , it was built for Emperor Hadrian when he decided that he no longer wanted to reside in the city of Rome itself.

The giant structure contains a variety of interesting structures including the Nymph Stadium, the Poecile, the Camopus, the Philosophers’ Room, Piazza d’oro, the Grandi Terme, and the Piccole Terme.

You can reach the Villa by taking the Trenitalia line from Tiburtina Station (also on the metro B line) and enjoy a 40-minute ride on the Avezzano bound line. Get off at Tivoli Station to visit the Villa and surrounding attractions. Tickets cost from around $6 (€5).

The pretty, hilltop town of Orvieto is one of the most ancient cities in Italy, and home to some of the most important vineyards in the country . Visitors make the journey from Rome out into the Umbrian countryside to admire the impressive Piazze del Duomo, explore the grottos and rock formation of underground Orvieto, peek into the well at Pozzo di San Patrizio, relax by the fountains at Fortezza dell’Albornoz, and sample the fantastic wines at Decugnano dei Barbi.

The train journey from the city of Rome to Orvieto takes around 1 hour 30 minutes, and you can pick up the Trentitalia Line from Roma Termini. Tickets start from around $8 (€7) for a single journey.

Naples is a UNESCO World Heritage site that dates back as far as 470 B.C. It is also home to 3 amazing castles:  Ovo Castle with its imposing fortress, Castel Nuovo with its Medieval towers and Renaissance arch, and the Castel Sant’Elmo with its former prison. Visitors also come to see the Royal Palace of Naples, the Palazzo Reale, and a wealth of historic churches and cathedrals.

Naples is around 140 miles from Rome, so expect a 2-3 hour train journey to reach the city from Rome. The Frecciarossa Express runs from Roma Termini to Napoli Centrale every 20 minutes at peak times, and ticket prices start from $26 (€23), one-way.

Rome is an enchanting city that can reel you in from the moment you take your first steps out on to the cobbled streets. Whether you are enjoying a drink in one of the many piazzas, taking in the incredible architecture, or simply enjoying some retail therapy, it can be easy to get carried away here.

While Rome is not necessarily any more or less dangerous for tourists than any other European city, it can be easy to become distracted. Follow our advice on how to stay safe in The Eternal City, and breathe it all in without worrying about your belongings.

Beware of Pickpockets

Rome does have a high number of pickpockets operating in the main tourist areas during the high season. Roman pickpockets are very skilled and have numerous tricks to help relieve you of your belongings. Be aware of distraction techniques such as flower sellers, gangs of children, and even ladies in distress, and be sure to keep your bag in front of you at all times.

Keep Your Valuables Out of Sight

This is common sense for any large town or city, and it is just as important here as it is anywhere else. Keep your wallet, phone, and cards locked safely away in your purse, fanny pack, or shoulder bag, and do not flaunt them when you need to use them. Better still, use a money belt or body pouch for days out in the city, to help you keep your belongings safely by your side at all times.

Avoid Some Areas at Night

Urban spaces, riverbanks, and deserted piazzas may look romantic in the daylight, but they can become menacing and oppressive when the night falls. Some streets around Termini and Piazza Vittorio, in particular, are not safe for strolling tourists after dark. Likewise, some stretches of the river are not as safe at night as they would be during the day.

Keep Electronic Copies of Your Documents

If your plane ticket, passport, personal ID, or other important document goes astray while you travel, it can make things extremely difficult for you. If you are able to make and store electronic copies of all of your important documents, either by email or your smartphone camera, you will always have a back up should you need them.

Know Who to Call in an Emergency

Should the worst happen, you will probably want to call the police. Make a note of the following telephone numbers and keep them safely with you while you travel:

  • General Emergency: 113
  • Police (Carabinieri): 112
  • Fire (Vigili del fuoco): 115

Don’t Look Too Much Like a Tourist

We aren’t telling you how to dress with this one, simply suggesting that you keep your maps, travel cameras , and large amounts of cash out of sight while you are on the road. This will make you look more like a local and less like a tourist.

Take Advantage of the Hotel Safe

Most hotels will offer a safe facility in their guest rooms. These are important because it means your belongings are safe and sound and you don’t need to take all of your stuff with you.

Rome is perhaps one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. With so much history right on your doorstep, it can be challenging to take it all in the first time you visit.

From the historic architecture and works of art to modern-day fine dining and upscale shopping, Rome really is a city that has it all.

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Free Walking Tour of Trastevere Rome

Free Walking Tour of Trastevere Rome

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Discovering Rome’s Squares & Fountains

Discovering Rome’s Squares & Fountains

Enjoy a free walking tour of Rome, discover amazing squares and fountains in the Eternal City! Duration 3 hours, Kid-friendly Tour, no tickets needed.

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Domus Aurea Virtual Reality Tour Event

Domus Aurea Virtual Reality Tour Event

Location: Domus Aurea, Viale della Domus Aurea 1 Rome

Calendar: Until December 31st 2017

Visiting Time: Guided Tours start from 9.00 am

Duration: Approximately 40 minutes

Tickets: Starting from 12€

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Location: MAXXI Museum Rome

Calendar: Until October 29th

Visiting Time: From Tuesday to Sunday

Duration: Approximately 1,5 hours

Tickets: Starting from €12,00

Roma “GNAM!” Street Food Festival

Roma “GNAM!” Street Food Festival

Location: Via Oceania, EUR District (Rome)

Calendar: From October 5th to October 8th

Visiting Time: Thursday from 6.00 pm to midnight / Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11.00 am to midnight

Duration: As long as you can eat

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Calendar: Every Day from 1st - 15th October 2017

Visiting Time: From 8.30 am to 6.00 pm

Duration: 1 hour

Tickets: Free entrance

Forum of Caesar Light Show 2017

Forum of Caesar Light Show 2017

Location: Forum of Caesar, Next to Trajan Column

Calendar: Until November 12th, 2017

Visiting Time: Subject to changes / Seasonality

Duration: 55 minutes

Tickets: Starting from €15,00

Forum of Augustus Light Show

Forum of Augustus Light Show

Location: Forum of Augustus - Via Alessandrina Largo Corrado Ricci Entrance

Calendar: Until November 12th

Visiting Time: Night Show starts at 7.00 pm

Duration: 40 minutes

“Cross The Streets” Contemporary Art Macro Museum Rome

“Cross The Streets” Contemporary Art Macro Museum Rome

Location: MACRO Museum

Calendar: Until October 1st

Visiting Time: From Tuesday to Sunday from 10.30 am to 7.30 pm

Duration: Approximately 1.5 hour

Tickets: Starting from €10,00

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Calendar: From October 19th 2017 to January 28th 2018

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Tickets: Starting from €13,00

Baths of Caracalla By Night Event

Baths of Caracalla By Night Event

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Calendar: Until October 3rd 2017

Visiting Time: Friday and Monday from 7.00 pm - 10.30 pm

Duration: 75 Minutes

Tickets: Starting from 20€

The Ara As It Was

The Ara As It Was

Location: Ara Pacis Museum

Calendar: Until October 30th

Visiting Time: Friday and Saturday Evening from 8.00pm

Duration: 45 minutes

Tickets: Starting from €12

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Ancient Rome Empire Tour with the Pantheon and Teatro Marcello

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

Rome Travel Guide

Last Updated: August 27, 2024

the ruins in Rome, Italy

Considered the center of the western world for centuries, Rome is the birthplace of Caesar and home to the Catholic Church. It’s also bursting at the seams with ancient historic ruins and tons of delicious restaurants (I particularly love Trastevere for food), bars, and world-class shopping.

Here you walk down the street and see modern buildings next to ruins dating back thousands of years.

It’s a city filled with life, beauty, and charm that appeals to travelers of all stripes. Backpacking here is popular with budget travelers on Eurotrips, history buffs come to explore the ruins, couples visit Rome on honeymoons, and the jet-set splash out on the city’s upscale dining and nightlife.

No matter your interests, Rome has you covered.

This budget travel guide to Rome can help you plan your trip, navigate the endless amount of sites and attractions, learn how to get around in the chaos, and save money in one of the most expensive cities in Italy !

Table of Contents

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Top 5 things to see and do in rome.

Wide street filled with people and basilica at the end in Rome, Italy

1. Explore the Colosseum

Even though the line of tourists can seem endless, the Colosseum is not to be missed. Built in the 1st century CE, it is nearly 2,000 years old and was the largest amphitheater in the entire Roman Empire (it could hold 50,000-80,000 people). During the Roman Empire, it was used for gladiatorial contests and other public events including animal hunts, dramatic plays, executions, and military re-enactments. I really enjoyed seeing it from all the different angles and levels, imagining what it was like in its prime. From the Middle Ages onwards, it was repurposed into workshops, housing, and even a Christian shrine. Admission is 18 EUR for a ticket that offers 24-hour access to the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum (though not the Colosseum’s arena). A two-day ticket with access to all areas (including the arena) is 24 EUR.

For an in-depth tour with special access to the arena floor, book a tour with Walks of Italy . They run the best tours in the city and use expert local guides who ensure you have fun and learn a ton. I always take their tours when I’m in Rome.

2. See the Forum and Palatine Hill

The Roman Forum was the seat of Ancient Rome. It was the center of Roman public life and the place from which Rome administered its empire. Today, the forum is a two-hectare (five-acre) site filled with ruins of countless important buildings amongst which you can wander around. Next to the Forum is Palatine Hill, where the Roman aristocracy lived. Admission to both is 18 EUR or 24 EUR (depending on which combination ticket you purchase). It is also worth getting a guide to give you context and bring the ruins to life. You can book a tour with priority skip-the-line access for 91 EUR.

3. Tour Vatican City

Vatican City is an independent city-state surrounded by the city of Rome. It gained its full independence from Italy in 1929 and is the smallest city-state in the world. Don’t leave Rome without spending some time here to see the home of the Pope, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and all of the wonderful museums. Give yourself at least half a day here. I spent most of a day and could have easily gone back for more. (Please dress modestly as the Basilica has a strict dress code requiring shoulders and knees to be covered). Tickets are 20 EUR while skip the line tickets cost around 31 EUR. Keep in mind that tickets sell out weeks in advance (especially in the high season, so you’ll want to plan this one in advance).

If you want a behind-the-scenes tour with VIP access, book the Key Master’s Tour of the Vatican . You’ll get to help unlock the chapel in the morning, giving you access to the Vatican before all the other tourists enter. It’s an amazing, unique opportunity with limited space so be sure to sign up in advance!

4. Admire the Trevi Fountain

The 18th-century Trevi Fountain was built at the ending point of the aqueduct that supplied ancient Rome with water from the surrounding countryside. Designed by Roman architect Nicola Salvi and composed largely of stone from a quarry just 35 kilometers (22 miles) from the city, the Baroque fountain is a true emblem of Rome and has been featured in numerous films. It is always crowded, especially at night when couples come for a romantic picture. The best time to see this beautiful fountain is before breakfast when the crowds are thin. Tradition says that if you throw a coin over your left shoulder into the fountain, you’ll find your way back to Rome. (The thousands of euros thrown into the fountain each day are donated to charity).

5. Eat your way around Trastevere

This former working class district turned bohemian neighborhood is one of my favorite areas of the city to explore. The winding, cobblestone-lined alleys and buildings covered in ivy are incredibly picturesque, so spend some time strolling around — you won’t regret it! Fewer tourists go here as compared to the historic center, so it has a much more authentic Roman feel to it. There is some really great food to be found here too. Food and wine tours around the neighborhood start at 124 EUR.

Other Things to See and Do in Rome

1. take a free walking tour.

Walking tours are a wonderful way to learn about a city. I recommend Rome’s Ultimate Free Walking Tour. Their tours are 2.5-3 hours during which you’ll cover about 3 kilometers. Along the way you’ll pass iconic sights like the Pantheon and Castel Sant’Angelo. New Rome Free Tours also give great walking tours and have a few to choose from. Their tours last about two hours, cover all the highlights, and can introduce you to the city on a budget. Just be sure to tip your guide at the end!

If you’re looking for a paid guided tour that goes above and beyond, check out Walks of Italy . They have expert guides and can get you behind the scenes at the city’s best attractions. They’re my go-to walking tour company!

2. See the churches

Rome has a ton of churches so don’t hesitate to wander into them as you pass by to take in the art, sculptures, decorations, and stained glass. The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, dating back to 440 CE, is one of the most impressive and my personal favorite because of the ornate interior. It’s covered in colorful 5th-century mosaics which display 36 scenes from the Old Testament. Other noteworthy churches include the Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, one of the few Gothic churches in Rome and known for its deep blue vaulted ceiling; and San Giovanni in Laterano, the official cathedral of Rome which apparently is home to the heads of St. Peter and St. Paul. It’s also home to the world’s first baptistry.

3. Explore Ostia Antica

The ruins of the ancient Rome port of Ostia Antica are well worth a visit. About 2,000 years ago, this place was a bustling commercial center and home to 60,000 people. Now you can wander the ruins of the docks, apartments, mansions, baths, and warehouses. You should plan at least a half-day for this trip. Entry is 18 EUR. City Wonders runs half-day tours for around 58 EUR.

4. Tour the Pantheon

The Pantheon looks today much like it did nearly 2,000 years ago before it became a church (it was originally a temple for the twelve Roman gods ). Hadrian built the current structure over Agrippa’s earlier temple, and it has been around since 125 CE. As soon as you walk through the heavy bronze doors and across the marble floors, you can look up and marvel at the largest unreinforced dome ever built. It’s by far one of the best-preserved buildings in the world, as its been in use continuously since its construction. It inspired the Renaissance artist Raphael so much that he asked to be buried there. Admission starts at 15 EUR and includes an audioguide.

5. See the Spanish Steps

The Spanish Steps, built in the 1720s, are a long and grand staircase in Rome with the Piazza di Spagna at its base and Trinità dei Monti looming at the top. While the Spanish Steps were once a social hub on which you could hang out and people watch, sitting on the steps is no longer allowed. This is part of new preservation measures enacted in 2019, intended to ensure that the monument will be around for generations to come. While you can’t linger on the steps, visiting this iconic sight is a must, and you can still climb them to get to the top.

6. Check out the art museums

If you enjoy art museums, Rome will not disappoint. There are a ton of great ones here, several of which are some of the highest-ranking in the world. The Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna is a good starting point as it is home to several Italian masterpieces. The Galleria Borghese is also excellent as it boasts a garden villa filled with Bernini sculptures and artwork from Caravaggio, Raphael, Titian, and other masters. Cardinal Scipione Borghese originally commissioned this collection. For something different, check out MAXXI, Rome’s first national museum devoted entirely to contemporary art.

7. Partake in La Settimana dei Beni Culturali

This is a 10-day event that occurs every May. During this cultural heritage week, all governmentally owned and operated landmarks, museums, and archeological sites offer free admission. There aren’t any other deals better than this! Be forewarned, these sites get really crowded so arrive early. In addition to free entry at all the sites, there are concerts, guided tours, and other cultural events throughout the week.

8. See a show

Aside from beautiful auditorium complexes, Rome often hosts world-class operas and concerts performed by international musicians. The Olympic Stadium is a hotspot for summer concerts and the Auditorium in Viale Pietro de Coubertin and at Parco della Musica holds events year-round. Ticket prices vary but expect to pay at least 35 EUR.

9. Visit Castel Sant’Angelo

This structure was built as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian at the end of the 1st-century. During the course of history, it has also served as a papal residence and a prison. As you may know from The Da Vinci Code , there’s a passageway here that runs into the Vatican. It was designed as an escape passage for the Pope in case of an emergency, and it was actually used in 1527 by Pope Clement VII. You can visit the castle and look around the exhibits; there are seven levels in total. The Terrace of the Angel has some amazing city views. Admission is 15 EUR while Get Your Guide offers reserved tickets starting around 21 EUR.

10. Explore the Catacombs

Rome has three major sets of catacombs that are open to the public – the Catacombs of Praetextatus, the Catacombs of San Sebastiano, and the Catacombs of San Callisto. Some of the underground crypts are adorned with sculptures and frescoes. San Callisto is the most popular, with a labyrinth of galleries extending about 19 kilometers (12 miles) long and 20 meters deep. It’s located at the southwestern edge of the Parco della Caffarella. There are a number of martyrs buried there, along with sixteen popes. You can also see the crypt of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music. I enjoyed learning about the history and seeing the different mosaics and paintings decorating the crypts. Though some may thing it morbid, it’s a fascinating place to visit. Admission to each catacomb is 10 EUR.

11. Take a cooking class

If you’re a foodie, taking a cooking class in Rome is a must. I like Walks of Italy as they offer some my favorite cooking classes, including a pasta making class. Their classes are around 3 hours each and are super insightful. You’ll not only have fun but you’ll learn a lot too. Prices vary but expect to spend around 71-81 EUR. Eat and Walk Italy runs tours for around 60 EUR.

12. See the Roman Appian Way

This ancient road connects Rome all the way to Brindisi. It was finished in 312 BCE and it’s so well preserved you can see the ruts in the stones left by chariots. There are lots of interesting highlights along the way, including the Catacombs of San Callisto and a huge mausoleum for Cecilia Metell, a Roman noblewoman. A lot of people rent a bike to pedal the path, but I think walking is the best way to go. You’ll be following in the footsteps of the ancient Romans! If you’d prefer a tour, Walks of Italy runs an Ancient Rome walking tour that covers the Appian Way (as well as the Park of the Aqueducts below — and much more!).

13. Hang out in the Park of the Aqueducts

This large, green park is part of the Roman Appian Way and home to some of the ancient aqueducts that once carried millions of tons of water into the city from the mountains. Although the park is located on the outskirts of the city, it’s a really great place to go and just hang out with the locals. The park covers nearly 600 acres and there are seven different aqueducts you can see in the area. It’s about a ten-minute walk from the nearest metro station, so it’s pretty easy to get to. Pack a lunch and a bottle of wine, and enjoy a lazy afternoon in the shade of some 2,000-year-old monuments.

14. Visit Piazza Navona

This is one of the most beautiful public spaces in Rome. It’s home to Bernini’s Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, with its stunning statues representing the great rivers of the world. The entire oval-shaped piazza is lined with restaurants, gelaterias, shops, and the Museo di Roma. Nearby, you’ll find Via della Pace, one of the city’s most photogenic streets. Pull up a chair at a sidewalk cafe and take it all in.

15. Wander around Centro Storico

Spending an afternoon getting lost in the maze of cobblestone streets in Centro Storico is one of the best free things you can do in Rome. Wind your way through the narrow alleyways and streets, admire the churches filled with Baroque art, pause for a coffee, and do some shopping at the many boutiques. This area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site where you can see some of the earliest Christian churches along with ruins from the ancient Roman structures. This is where you’ll find the Piazza Navona and the Pantheon.

16. Climb Gianicolo

Gianicolo (or Janiculum) Hill offers the best views over Rome. It’s a famous spot for young lovers and tourists and from here you can see some of the city’s best attractions, including Palazzo Venezia and the Spanish Steps. It’s beautiful at dusk, but if you come in during the day, prepare for the cannon firing at noon (it has been happening daily since 1904). It’s located on the banks of the Tiber River and statue of Garibaldi on horseback stands in the middle of the square. Between the views and the surrounding art, it’s definitely my favorite spot for enjoying an epic view of the city.

17. Take a food tour

To learn more about the history and culture behind Rome’s cuisine, take a food tour. It’s the best way to eat your way around the city sampling the best eats Rome has to offer while learning what makes the cuisine unique. Devour Tours runs in-depth food tours led by expert local guides that will introduce you to the food culture and its history. If you’re a foodie like me who wants to learn more about the history and culture behind each dish, this tour is for you! Tours from 65 EUR.

How to Stay Safe in Rome

Rome is a very safe place to backpack and travel — even if you’re traveling solo and even if you’re a solo female traveler. However, petty theft can be a problem here so keep your valuables secure and out of sight. Pickpockets are very active around Rome’s main attractions such as the Colosseum and St. Peter’s Square so stay vigilant.

It’s also not uncommon to get ripped off in this city. You should never buy tickets from unofficial ticket offices. If you are approached by someone selling skip-the-line tickets, ignore them. Also, always make sure your taxi driver is using the meter.

If you’re worried about getting scammed, you can read about common travel scams to avoid here.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here. However, the standard safety precautions apply (never leave your drink unattended at the bar, never walk home alone intoxicated, etc.). There are many incredible solo female travel blogs on the web that can give you specific information about a place. They’ll give you tips and advice that I can’t. If you experience an emergency, dial 113 for assistance.

Always trust your gut instinct. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Where to Stay in Rome

Rome has tons of fun, affordable, and social hostels. Some of my recommended places to stay are:

  • YellowSquare
  • The Beehive
  • Palladini Hostel
  • Alessandro Palace Hostel and Bar
  • Hotel Laurentia
  • Luxury on the River
  • Eurostars Roma Aeterna
  • Colosseo Prestige Rooms

For more hostel suggestions, check out my list of the best hostels in Rome . For hotel recommendations, here’s an article with my favorite hotels in Rome .

And, to find out exactly where in the city you should stay, here’s a post that breaks down the best neighborhoods in Rome.

Rome Travel Costs

View over pastel colored buildings and terracotta rooftops in Rome, Italy


  • Hostel Dorms – 32-45 EUR per night (+25-35 EUR during the summer)
  • Hostel private rooms – 92-170 EUR per night
  • Budget hotels – 90-140 EUR per night (10-20 EUR less per night in the off-season)
  • Airbnb private rooms – 60-80 EUR per night
  • Airbnb apartments – 80-115 EUR per night
  • Street food – 4-8 EUR
  • Sit-down restaurants – 15-30 EUR
  • Casual take-out places – 5-10 EUR
  • Fast food (think McDonald’s) – 10 EUR
  • Beer – 4-5 EUR
  • Glass of wine – 3-5 EUR
  • Cappuccino/latte- 1.50 EUR
  • Bottled water – 1 EUR
  • Groceries for a week – 55-65 EUR

Rome Suggested Budgets

Backpacker – 85 eur per day.

On this budget, you can stay in a hostel, cook all of your meals, and take public transportation to get around. You’ll need to limit your drinking and do mostly free activities like free walking tours and visiting the Parthenon and Spanish Steps. If you plan on drinking, add another 10 EUR to your daily budget.

Midrange – 190 EUR Per Day

On a mid-range budget, you can stay in a private Airbnb, budget hotel, or private room in a hostel. You’ll be able to eat out for most meals, enjoy a few drinks, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like touring the Colosseum and visiting the Vatican.

Upscale – 305 EUR Per Day

On this budget, you can stay in a hotel, eat out for all your meals, drink as much as you want, take more taxis, and do whatever tours and activities you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

Rome Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

It’s easy to blow a lot of money in Rome as it’s one of the most expensive cities in Europe. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to cut your costs. Here are some of the best ways to save money in Rome:

  • Stay outside the center – If you are open to staying on the outskirts of Rome, you can save a lot of money on accommodation. Food outside of the city is much cheaper as well, and it’s easy to take the train to Rome for your sightseeing.
  • Eat cheap – When eating in Rome, opt for sandwich and pizza places as opposed to touristy restaurants. For really good, inexpensive food, visit Trastevere across the river.
  • Cook your own meals – If you’re on a tight budget, skip eating out and cook your own meals. If you have access to a kitchen, you’ll be able to save a fortune.
  • Get a tourist card – If you are going to see a lot of museums, consider buying one of Rome’s many budget cards such as the Roma Pass, the Omnia Card (for Rome and the Vatican), or the Colosseum Full Experience ticket (which grants access not only to the Colosseum but several other iconic sites). You pay one flat fee for all the attractions and can save a good amount of money in the process.
  • Redeem hotel points – Hotel credit cards let you earn points for everyday spending and use those points for accommodations when you travel. There’s nothing better than free place to stay and most cards come with at least 1-2 nights free when you sign up. This can save you a lot. Here’s a post that will help you get started with the basics. That way you can start earning points today and have plenty for your trip.
  • Pass on the bread – Some restaurants charge you extra for bread they leave on the table — but they won’t tell you about it until the bill arrives. Send it back if you don’t want to be tempted.
  • Take advantage of First Sunday – Most of the museums and other sights are free on the first Sunday of every month. This includes the Colosseum, the Forum, the Pantheon, and many more of the iconic sights. Though you won’t be able to see it all in one day, you can save a lot by visiting a few major attractions then.
  • Drink the tap water – When eating out, ask for tap water or you will automatically get expensive bottled water included on your bill.
  • Buy your wine at supermarkets – You can buy a great bottle of wine for 6-10 EUR at the store. It’s much cheaper than the bar.
  • Stay with a local – Use Couchsurfing to stay with locals who have extra beds or couches for free. It’s the best way to save money while connecting with a local who can share their insider tips and advice.
  • Go on a free walking tour – This is a great way to learn the history behind the places you are seeing and get your bearings. Rome Free Walking Tour has a few tours that can show you what the city has to offer. Just don’t forget to tip your guide!
  • Get a transportation pass – A 24-hour transportation pass for the metro, bus, and trams is just 7 EUR and a 48-hour pass is 12.50 EUR. If you’re staying longer, you can get a one-week pass for 24 EUR. It’s the best way to get around the city on a budget.
  • Take advantage of free museums – On the first Sunday of the month, dozens of museums and galleries around the city have free entry, including the Colosseum, the Borghese, and the modern art museum (among many others). And on the last Sunday of the month, the Vatican Museums are free. Just expect crowds!
  • Bring a water bottle – The tap water here is safe to drink so bring a reusable water bottle to save money and reduce your plastic use. LifeStraw is my go-to brand as their bottles have built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe. You’ll find clean drinking fountains all over the city.

How to Get Around in Rome

People cycling on the street in Rome, Italy

Public transportation – Rome has an extensive public transportation network consisting of buses, a subway (metro), trams, and trolleys.

The metro is the fastest way to get around the city. There are three lines and a single journey ticket that’s valid for 100 minutes is 1.50 EUR. You can pick up tickets from local tobacco shops, newsstands, and vending machines at the stations. You can also use contactless payment methods on the metro.

The bus can get you into the areas not covered by the metro system, but it’s a lot slower than the subway due to constant traffic jams. Tickets are 1.50 EUR.

You can purchase a one-day pass for unlimited travel for 7 EUR, and a two-day pass is 12.50 EUR. A one-week pass costs 24 EUR.

If you’re going to be using the public transportation system a lot, the Roma Pass is your best bet as it includes free access to some museums, discounts on others, and unlimited public transportation. It’s 32 EUR for 48 hours and 52 EUR for 72 hours.

Taxis – Taxis are very expensive here so I don’t recommend taking them. The meter starts at 4.50 EUR and then goes up 1.45 EUR per kilometer. Avoid them at all costs!

Ridesharing – Uber is available in Rome and their prices are usually cheaper than taxis. That said, they’re still not super cheap so skip Uber too!

Bike rental – Bicycling around Rome may seem a little scary with the high volume of traffic (and the hills), but there are bike lanes around the city center that make it possible. Bike rentals start around 9-16 EUR per day.

Car rental – The traffic in Rome is absolutely terrible so I would avoid renting a car here. Even if you’re leaving the city, it will still be a nightmare to get around and find parking. If you do want a car to explore the surrounding area, the best rental car deals can be found with Discover Cars . Prices start as low as 15 EUR per day for a multi-day rental.

When to Go to Rome

Peak season is during the summer, from June through August. You’ll be constantly competing for views at Rome’s main tourist attractions, but the weather is also fantastic during these months (although sometimes it’s unbearably hot and humid). Temperatures during this season average around 27°C (81°F), but in August, temperatures soar above 32°C (89°F) per day.

If visiting in the summer, wake up early to beat the heat and the crowds. There are a lot of outdoor concerts and activities this time of year, like the ones at the Olympic Stadium and Parco della Musica. June 2nd is Festa della Repubblica when the city celebrates the unification of Italy in 1946. The Festa dei Noantri happens in late July in the Trastavere neighborhood with street performers and lots of food and drink.

Personally, I recommend visiting during the shoulder season, which is from April-May and late September-October. It’s slightly less chaotic than the summer months, and the temperature is pleasant, hovering around 18°C (64°F). That said, post-COVID, tourism has grown so much that even those times of the year can still be pretty crowded. There’s plenty to do in the city during these times besides sightseeing as well. The Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio (Greenery and Landscape) happens in April with displays, art, live music, and vendors all related to gardening and outdoor spaces. It’s perfect for nature lovers! The Romaeuropa arts festival happens, with events from September through November, and showcases art in all its forms, and the Rome Film Festival is in October.

Winter is from November to March. This is the off-season in Rome but the city is never quiet. Although there are fewer travelers around, you can still expect a bustle of activity everywhere you go. Temperatures during this time range from 4-15°C (39-59°F).The city celebrates Epiphany in early January and Carnevale in February. Both of these events involve parades, costumes, and performers.

Rome Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • HostelPass – This new card gives you up to 20% off hostels throughout Europe. It’s a great way to save money. They’re constantly adding new hostels too. I’ve always wanted something like this and glad it finallt exists.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • The Man in Seat 61 – This website is the ultimate guide to train travel anywhere in the world. They have the most comprehensive information on routes, times, prices, and train conditions. If you are planning a long train journey or some epic train trip, consult this site.
  • Rome2Rio – This website allows you to see how to get from point A to point B the best and cheapest way possible. It will give you all the bus, train, plane, or boat routes that can get you there as well as how much they cost.
  • FlixBus – Flixbus has routes between 20 European countries with prices starting as low 5 EUR! Their buses include WiFi, electrical outlets, a free checked bag.
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!
  • Walks of Italy – This walking tour company provides inside access to attractions and places you can’t get elsewhere. Their guides rock and they have some of the best and most insightful tours in all of Italy.
  • BlaBlaCar – BlaBlaCar is a ridesharing website that lets you share rides with vetted local drivers by pitching in for gas. You simply request a seat, they approve, and off you go! It’s a cheaper and more interesting way to travel than by bus or train!

GO DEEPER: Nomadic Matt’s In-Depth Budget Guide to Europe!

Nomadic Matt's Guide to Paris

There’s a lot of free information online but do you want to spend days searching for information? Prob not! That’s why guidebooks exist.

While I have a lot of free tips on Europe, I also wrote an entire book that goes into great detail on everything you need to plan a trip here on a budget! You’ll get suggested itineraries, budgets, even more ways to save money, my favorite restaurants, prices, practical information (i.e. phone numbers, websites, prices, safety advice, etc etc), and cultural tips.

I’ll give the insider view of Europe that I got from years of traveling and living here! The downloadable guide can be used on your Kindle, iPad, phone, or computer so you can have it with you when you go. Click here to learn more about my book on Europe!

Rome Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more tips for your trip? Check out all the articles I’ve written on Italy travel and continue planning your trip:

Skyline of Rome, Italy at sunset, with historic buildings including the Colosseum in the foreground, and mountains in the background

The 8 Best Hotels in Rome

The massive colloseum in Rome, italy with the bright sun in the background on a sunny day

The 24 Best Things to Do in Rome

Trevi fountain in Rome

The Best Walking Tours in Rome

The historic architecture of Italy at sunset

The Best Tour Companies in Italy

The Colosseum in Rome at sunset

Where to Stay in Rome: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Nomadic Matt posing for a photo near the massive and ancient Roman Colosseum in Rome, Italy

The 7 Best Hostels in Rome

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Rome Travel Guide

Michelangelo masterpieces and centuries-old villas, palaces and temples framed with the vines of bygone times. With its mix of modern and ancient architecture, beautifully curated exhibitions, and the best wine bars, Rome will never give you the same experience twice. Between Vatican City, the Trevi Fountain, and the Pantheon, you may begin to wonder how many feats of architectural genius can be squeezed into one city. — Nicola Ferlei Brown

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