Come Visit Or Come And Visit: Which Is Correct?

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re trying to find the answer to this question, and you’re not alone. Many people struggle with choosing the right phrasing when it comes to this expression. But don’t worry, I’m here to help.

I know just how important it is to use the right language to effectively communicate your message. That’s why in this article, we’ll explore the nuances of ‘Come Visit’ and ‘Come And Visit,’ and help you choose the right one for your specific situation.

We’ll also examine their usage in everyday conversation, and provide examples of each to help you understand the difference.

So whether you’re a writer, marketer, or simply someone looking to improve your language skills, this article has something for you. So let’s get into it.

Which Is Grammatically Correct, And Why?

One of the questions that frequently comes up is whether it’s grammatically correct to say ‘come visit’ or ‘come and visit’. So, which is correct and why?

The short answer is that ‘come and visit’ is grammatically correct. The reason for this is that ‘and’ is a coordinating conjunction that is used to join two independent clauses

In this case, ‘come’ and ‘visit’ are both independent clauses and ‘and’ is necessary to join them together.

On the other hand, ‘come visit’ is technically a sentence fragment. While it’s commonly used in conversation and informal writing, it’s not considered proper grammar.

In formal writing, it’s important to use the full form ‘come and visit’.

It’s worth noting that this is a relatively minor issue, and most people won’t even notice if you use ‘come visit’ instead of ‘come and visit’.

However, if you want to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and polished, it’s best to err on the side of caution and use the full form.

For example, in some dialects or regional variations of English, it’s common to drop the ‘and’ in phrases like ‘come visit’. Additionally, in poetry or creative writing, there’s often more leeway with grammar and syntax.

In summary, ‘come and visit’ is the grammatically correct form of the phrase, and should be used in formal writing or when you want to ensure that your writing is polished.

However, there are exceptions to this rule, and in some dialects or creative contexts, ‘come visit’ may be acceptable.

Why Is Come And Visit Us Used? 

Have you ever seen a sign or an advertisement that says ‘Come and visit us’? Maybe you’ve heard a friend or a family member use that phrase when inviting you over to their house. But have you ever wondered why we use this particular phrase?

First and foremost, the phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is a friendly and inviting way to ask someone to spend time with you.

Whether it’s a business inviting potential customers to check out their products or services, or a friend inviting someone over for dinner, ‘Come and visit us’ is a warm and welcoming way to extend an invitation.

Another reason why ‘Come and visit us’ is used is that it can help create a sense of community and belonging.

When a business or organization invites people to visit them, they’re inviting people to become a part of their community and to experience what they have to offer.

Similarly, when a friend invites someone to their home, they’re inviting them to be a part of their personal community and to share in their life experiences.

In conclusion, the phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is used because it’s a warm and welcoming way to invite someone to spend time with you.

It has its roots in Middle English and Latin, and it can help create a sense of community and belonging.

So, the next time you see a sign or hear someone say ‘Come and visit us,’ remember that it’s more than just an invitation – it’s an invitation to connect and build relationships.

Why Is Come Visit Us Used?

‘Come visit us’ is a phrase that has been used for decades, and for good reason. It is a simple, yet effective way to encourage people to physically visit a location, whether it be a store, restaurant, or any other type of business.

One of the main reasons why ‘come visit us’ is such a popular phrase is because it appeals to our human need for connection.

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the world around us. We spend so much time on our phones and computers that we forget about the importance of face-to-face interactions.

By inviting people to come visit a physical location, businesses are able to create a sense of community and connection that is hard to replicate online.

Of course, the effectiveness of ‘come visit us’ as a call-to-action also depends on how it is used. It’s important for businesses to be creative and come up with unique ways to use this phrase in their marketing efforts.

For example, a restaurant may use ‘come visit us for our daily specials’ or ‘come visit us to try our new menu items’.

By incorporating specific details, businesses can make this phrase more compelling and increase the chances of people actually visiting.

How Is Come And Visit Us Used In A Sentence? 

‘Come and visit us’ is a commonly used phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts. From personal invitations to business advertisements, this phrase has become a staple in our everyday language.

Here, we’ll take a closer look at how ‘come and visit us’ is used in a sentence and explore some of the different ways this phrase can be incorporated into your everyday communication.

Let’s start with the basics. The phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is often used to convey a sense of urgency or enthusiasm in an invitation.

By using the conjunction ‘and,’ we emphasize the invitation and make it sound more welcoming and informal.

For example, if you’re inviting a friend to come over to your house, you might say ‘Come and visit us!.’

The use of ‘and’ here conveys a sense of excitement and enthusiasm, which makes your friend feel more welcome and appreciated.

  • Personal Invitation: ‘Hey, why don’t you come and visit us next weekend? We’d love to have you over for dinner.’

Come Visit Or Come And Visit

Another common usage of ‘Come and visit us’ is in a business or commercial setting. Companies often use this phrase in their advertising campaigns to encourage customers to visit their store, office, or website.

The use of ‘and’ here conveys a sense of urgency and importance, which makes the invitation sound more compelling.

For instance, a store might say ‘Come and visit us for our end-of-season sale!’ or a website might say ‘Come and visit us for the latest deals and discounts!’

The use of ‘and’ in both these examples adds emphasis and encourages the customer to take action.

  • Business Advertisement: ‘Come and visit us at our new location and see our latest products in person!’

Come Visit Or Come And Visit

Finally, ‘come and visit us’ can be used to create a sense of community and belonging.

Whether you’re inviting someone to your home or encouraging them to check out your business, this phrase communicates a sense of openness and inclusivity.

It invites people to become a part of your community and to share in your experiences. Here’s an example:

  • Creating Community: ‘We’re having a neighborhood block party next weekend. Come and visit us and get to know your neighbors!’

Overall, the phrase ‘Come and visit us’ is a versatile and effective way to invite someone to visit you, whether in a personal or professional setting.

The use of ‘and’ adds emphasis, urgency, and warmth to the invitation, making it sound more genuine and appealing.

How Is Come Visit Us Used In A Sentence?

Let’s take a closer look at the usage of ‘Come visit us.’ Unlike ‘Come and visit us,’ the phrase ‘Come visit us’ does not use the conjunction ‘and,’ which makes it sound more direct and straightforward.

The phrase ‘Come visit us’ is commonly used when the invitation is more formal or professional in nature.

For example, if you’re inviting a colleague or business partner to your office, you might say ‘Please come visit us at our headquarters.’

The use of ‘Come visit us’ in this context conveys a sense of professionalism and formality, which is appropriate for a business setting.

In addition to being used in a professional setting, ‘Come visit us’ can also be used in a personal setting to invite friends or family to visit.

For example, if you’re inviting a friend to your home, you might say ‘Come visit us this weekend.’ The use of ‘Come visit us’ in this context conveys a sense of warmth and hospitality, which is appropriate for a personal invitation.

Another common usage of ‘Come visit us’ is in the context of travel and tourism. Cities and countries often use this phrase to invite tourists to visit their destination.

For example, a tourism board might say ‘Come visit us in sunny California!’ The use of ‘Come visit us’ in this context conveys a sense of excitement and invitation, which is appropriate for attracting tourists.

  • Tourist Attraction: “If you’re ever in town, be sure to come and visit us at the local museum. We have some amazing exhibits on display.”

Overall, the key to using ‘Come visit us’ in a sentence is to keep it simple, direct, and inviting.

Whether you’re using it in a personal or business context, this phrase is an effective way to communicate your desire to spend time with others and build relationships.

So, the next time you’re extending an invitation, consider using ‘Come visit us’ as a warm and welcoming way to invite others into your life.

The answer to the question ‘Come Visit’ or ‘Come and Visit’: Which is correct?’ is that both are acceptable and commonly used in different contexts.

‘Come visit’ is a more casual and friendly invitation, often used among friends and family. It can also be used in marketing or advertising to create a sense of personal connection with the audience.

‘Come and visit,’ on the other hand, is a more formal invitation, often used in professional or business settings. It can also be used to emphasize the importance of the invitation or to convey a sense of urgency.

Ultimately, the choice between ‘come visit’ and ‘come and visit’ depends on the context and the tone you want to convey.

Both are grammatically correct, and the important thing is to use the one that feels most appropriate for the situation.

So, next time you’re inviting someone to come over, consider your relationship with them and the context of the invitation.

Whether you choose ‘come visit’ or ‘come and visit,’ make sure to do so with a friendly and inviting tone that will make your guests feel welcome and appreciated.

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Come vs. Visit — What's the Difference?

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Difference Between Come and Visit

Table of contents, key differences, comparison chart, beyond physical movement, compare with definitions, common curiosities, can "come" and "visit" be used interchangeably, how does "come" convey more than physical movement, what is the main difference between coming and visiting, why might someone use "visit" instead of "come", can "come" imply an invitation, is "come" more casual than "visit", how do "come" and "visit" differ in planning and intention, can "visit" imply a long stay, how do "come" and "visit" reflect the speaker's relationship with the audience, is "visit" restricted to physical locations, share your discovery.

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To Visit vs Visiting Infinitives & Gerunds

Notes from a Native English Speaker

Infinitives: An infinitive is the base form of a verb, usually preceded by the word "to" (e.g., to swim, to eat, to learn). It can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. Infinitives are often used to express intentions, purposes, desires, or potential actions. Gerunds: A gerund is the -ing form of a verb (e.g., swimming, eating, learning). It’s different from a “present participle” which functions as a verb tense. A gerund can be the subject, object, or complement of a sentence.

When and How to Use Each Expression?

To visit (Infinitive)

Purpose or Intention : Use the infinitive "to visit" when you want to express a purpose, intention, desire, or potential action

I want to visit my grandparents this weekend.

Visiting (Gerund)

Activity or Experience : Use the gerund "visiting" when you want to refer to the activity itself or the experience as a noun.

Visiting new places is always exciting.

Where can infinitives/gerunds be placed in a sentence?

To visit is a great way to learn about different cultures.

  • "*To visit*" serves as the subject of the sentence.
  • Infinitive phrase (subject) + verb (is) + noun phrase (a great way to learn about different cultures).

She wants me to visit her new house.

  • "Me *to visit* her new house" is the object of the verb "wants."
  • Noun (She) + verb (wants) + noun phrase (me *to visit* her new house).

I need a map to visit all the famous landmarks.

  • "*To visit* all the famous landmarks" modifies the noun "map."
  • Noun (I) + verb (need) + noun phrase (a map *to visit* all the famous landmarks).

Visiting historical sites is a popular tourist activity.

  • "*Visiting* historical sites" is the subject of the sentence.
  • Gerund (subject) + verb (is) + noun phrase (a popular tourist activity).

I enjoy visiting art museums.

  • "*Visiting* art museums" is the object of the verb "enjoy."
  • Noun (I) + verb (enjoy) + gerund (*visiting* art museums).

She has a passion for visiting new cities.

  • "For *visiting* new cities" is the object of the preposition "for."
  • Noun phrase (She) + verb (has) + noun phrase (a passion for *visiting* new cities).

Verbs Taking Infinitives/Gerunds as Objects

Verbs Taking Infinitives as Objects

She plans to visit Paris next year.

They hope to visit the museum during their trip.

He wants to visit his favorite restaurant.

We decided to visit the national park this summer.

They agreed to visit the art gallery together.

Verbs Taking Gerunds as Objects

She enjoys visiting local markets during her travels.

They recommend visiting historical landmarks for a better understanding of the culture.

I dislike the idea of visiting crowded tourist attractions.

He avoids visiting touristy areas.

Can you imagine yourself visiting ancient ruins?

Verbs Taking Both Infinitives and Gerunds as Objects

She likes to visit new restaurants in town. She likes visiting new restaurants in town.

We started to visit historical sites. We started visiting historical sites.

He began to visit art galleries. He began visiting art galleries.

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Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Come describing movement

We usually use come to talk about movement from the listener to the speaker or from the speaker to the listener.

Can you come to my office? I need to show you something.

Movement from speaker to listener

Shall I come to your place at 8 pm?

We also use come to talk about movement from another place to the place where the speaker or listener is:

Rosie is going to come to you on Friday if that’s okay. (a third person moves to the listener)
A man came to my door last night selling pictures. (another person moved to the speaker)

Come is also used with the meaning of ‘accompanying the speaker or listener to a place’:

Are you coming with us to the beach this afternoon?
A: I’m going for some lunch. Are you coming ? B: Yeah, why not .

Come meaning ‘arrive’

We can use come to mean ‘arrive’:

Has the post come yet?
Flavio came about an hour ago but Tom isn’t here yet.

Come or come to ?

When we talk about an event which happens because someone comes to a particular place, we use come and :

Would you like to come and have dinner with us one day next week?

When we simply express someone’s intention or purpose in coming to a place, we use come to :

He came to apologise, but she wouldn’t speak to him. (it was his intention to apologise)

Common informal spoken expressions with come

How come? is used informally to mean ‘why’:

A: How about lunch at 1 pm? B: Not today, I’m afraid . A: How come? B: I’ve got a big meeting this afternoon and I need to prepare for it .

Come or go ?


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long weekend

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Saturday and Sunday with at least one extra day added, either Friday or Monday.

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Miss Manners: When carnivores visit their vegan relatives, they always leave hungry

  • Published: Aug. 27, 2024, 8:00 p.m.

"Miss Manners" Judith Martin

"Miss Manners" Judith Martin NJ Advance Media

  • Judith Martin, Nicholas Ivor Martin and Jacobina Martin

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have vegan relatives, and when we go to their home, they prepare only vegan foods. If it is a three-day visit, we eat the same boring foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

When they come to my home, I always provide vegan dishes. Shouldn’t they provide non-vegan dishes for me, too? Or do I have to bring my own?

GENTLE READER: Sorry, but your turnaround does not work here. That is because a moral issue is involved: If your relatives believe it is wrong to kill living things for food, you would be asking them to violate this by providing such food for you. You do not violate any such principles when you provide vegan food for them.

And bringing food they consider morally objectionable into their house is not the solution.

What about hosts’ obligation to please their guests? Nope -- again, not at the sacrifice of their morals.

Still, Miss Manners would like to be helpful. You can get temporary relief by being a good guest, and one way to do that is to relieve your hosts of the work of at least one meal. Locate a restaurant nearby that serves both vegan and non-vegan food, and take them out.

Another way is to relieve them, temporarily, of your company. No matter how much hosts like their guests, they also like to have a few minutes to themselves. So identify a time when they have not made plans, say, “We thought we’d take a little drive around,” and head for the nearest hamburger joint.

(Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, ; to her email, [email protected] ; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)

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come visit vs come and visit

Last updated: March 19, 2024

This phrase is correct and commonly used in informal contexts.

  • Hey, come visit me this weekend!
  • I miss you, come visit soon.
  • Come visit us at our new office.
  • When are you going to come visit?
  • Come visit anytime you're in town.


  • come and see
  • pay a visit

come and visit

This phrase is correct and slightly more formal than 'come visit.'

  • Please come and visit us at our booth during the event.
  • We would love for you to come and visit our new home.
  • Come and visit our website for more information.
  • You are invited to come and visit our museum.
  • Feel free to come and visit us anytime.
  • come over and see
  • drop by and visit
  • pay a visit to

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Customers have come to expect when they order something online, it arrives in two days or less. But with increasing adverse weather events like  Houston’s heatwaves ,  Florida’s hurricanes  and other extreme storms, it’s getting harder to ensure fast delivery.

Many logistics companies have warned about shipping delays due to extreme weather. Weather-related supply chain disruptions will cost the industry an estimated $100 billion in 2024, according to  Freight Waves . Freight solutions company  Breakthrough , which focuses on sustainable transportation, conducted a survey of 500 shippers and carriers this year that revealed extreme weather was cited as the top transportation challenge. 

“Shippers and carriers continue to face a myriad of disruptions,” Breakthrough chief operating officer Jenny Zanden said in a statement. “Last year, transportation professionals were focused on reducing costs as a means to overcome volatile diesel prices. This year, sustainability and climate-related disruptions are driving the need for fuel efficiency and changes to transportation strategy.” 

The issues are affecting key global transportation conduits, such as the Panama Canal, where  drought conditions  have plagued shippers. But the issues are also increasing for the biggest retailers in the U.S. as they attempt to get delivered to customers and keep warehouses and stores stocked.

In March, an expected snowstorm hit the Sparks, Nevada. It led to the closure of Donner Pass, which many drivers use to traverse the northern Sierra mountain range. Walmart was unable to dispatch its grocery delivery from its Sparks center as a result. It turned to to predictive analytics and artificial intelligence to optimize last-mile strategies.

“We have now this technology at our hand, which allows us to make sure that we continue to serve those customers in the best possible way, run those scenarios, and have those recommendations ready so that we can start taking actions in a much quicker way, rather than waiting for the event to happen and then reacting,” said Walmart senior vice president Parvez Musani.

Walmart used its simulation platform built with artificial intelligence to create a digital twin of its entire network. Predictive modeling allows the company to see how to react to an adverse weather event, including if there are stores or warehouses in the weather path that need to be shut down and where those orders can be fulfilled. In the Sparks storm, Walmart identified 85 stores spread across Nevada, California and Oregon that could be quickly realigned to address the deliveries coming from the Sparks center. The system was able to find four specific distribution centers that could handle the workload, as well as offer alternate driving routes to get items to customers. 

“Our goal is that by using technology and AI, we make it seamless for our customers where they don’t see the impact of some of this unforeseen event that happened, and we continue to serve the customers in that area,” Musani said. “We would reroute trucks where possible. We will realign warehouses that serve the stores in that area so that we can continue to bring the freight for our customers in the affected areas.”

Target adjusts its logistics network to address any delays created by storms or other adverse weather, so its supply chain can move faster. It also has adapted its models to make sure it stays stocked in areas where supplies may be in demand, pre-positioning inventory like food, water, batteries and other essential items in areas where predicted storms will hit. And rather than rely on large warehouses, it uses its stores as hubs, which helps it change delivery fulfillment quickly.

“We can quickly shift delivery origins across markets to ensure our stores are stocked,” said a Target spokesman. “And our various fulfillment options, including Target Circle 360 same-day delivery, Drive-up, and next-day delivery, provide multiple ways for guests to get products quickly.”

Rising temperatures affecting warehouse and deliveries have also become a serious issue for retailers, including Amazon. One union organizer in New Jersey showed temperatures as high as 92 degrees in July in areas where people lift heavy boxes, according to the  Daily Beast .  Other facilities in states like California  have also complained about working conditions during heat waves in recent years.

In addition to  closing warehouses  in cases of extreme weather, Amazon is using algorithms to plan delivery worker routes. During 2023, it worked with partners to adjust routes based on heat by more than 96.9 million minutes to allow drivers to take additional breaks to hydrate and cool down. It also spent $59 million to insulate vans, including a rapid cooling system.

All delivery associates are also provided electrolyte powder, a cooler for each vehicle, a 64-ounce insulated tumbler, cooling bandanas, and sunscreen, with additional cooling mechanisms currently being tested. Its buildings provide heat mitigation above federal standards, including  having most of its North American warehouses climate-controlled . It also requires  mandatory additional indoor breaks  for delivery workers in extremely cold temperatures, and invested $8.5 million in cold weather supplies for its delivery team. 

A company spokesperson said that despite these adjustments, predictive analytics and strategizing have helped it maintain its shipping speeds. It set new shipping speed records for Prime delivery in the first three months of 2024, including more than two billion items arriving within two days globally.  

“We’ve built our operations for agility, so even in the face of extreme weather, our supply chain modeling allows us to place in-demand products in non-impacted areas and monitor inventory levels for essential items, like bottled water, where people need them most,” said an Amazon spokesman.

While mitigating adverse weather during deliveries does add additional cost to the companies, in the end keeping customer loyalty by honoring shipping time promises pays off. It helps create a sustainable business, Musani said. With the aid of technology, that can be cheaper than ever. 

“We want to have our cake and eat it too, in the sense that we want to create the fastest network possible for the customers, but do it at the lowest cost possible,” Musani said. “With our scale and using technology and using some of these AI-based platforms that are out there, it actually makes it easier, and it enables us to do all of that, to manage both the top line and the bottom line.”

Michelle Castillo is a staff writer for CNBC Digital, covering advertising and digital media. Previously,she was a digital media reporter for Adweek, and has covered media and entertainment for such publications as the Los Angeles Times, the Hollywood Reporter and Time magazine. Castillo graduated from UCLA and received her master's degree from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.


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Fed Chair Powell Signals ‘Time Has Come’ for September Rate Cut

Jerome H. Powell made it clear that the Federal Reserve will cut rates on Sept. 18, as the central bank turns the corner in its fight against inflation.

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Fed’s Powell Signals an Upcoming Rate Cut in Jackson Hole Remarks

Jerome h. powell indicated the federal reserve will begin to cut interest rates in september, but stopped short of stating how large that move might be..

The time has come for policy to adjust. The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks. We will do everything we can to support a strong labor market as we make further progress toward price stability. Today, the labor market has cooled considerably from its formerly overheated state. The unemployment rate began to rise over a year ago and is now at 4.3 percent — still low by historical standards, but almost a full percentage point above its level in early 2023. The upside risks to inflation have diminished. And the downside risks to employment have increased. After a pause earlier this year, progress toward our 2 percent objective has resumed. My confidence has grown that inflation is on a sustainable path back to 2 percent. So let me wrap up by emphasizing that the pandemic economy has proved to be unlike any other and that there remains much to be learned from this extraordinary period.

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By Jeanna Smialek

Reporting from the Kansas City Fed’s annual conference at Jackson Hole in Wyoming

Speaking in his most closely watched speech of the year, Jerome H. Powell, the chair of the Federal Reserve, clearly signaled on Friday that the central bank was poised to cut interest rates in September.

And while Mr. Powell stopped short of giving a clear hint at just how large that move might be, he forcefully underscored that the central bank stands prepared to adjust policy to protect the job market from weakening further and to keep the economy on a path for a soft landing.

“The time has come for policy to adjust,” Mr. Powell said during the Kansas City Fed’s annual conference at Jackson Hole in Wyoming. “The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook and the balance of risks.”

He then added: “We will do everything we can to support a strong labor market as we make further progress toward price stability.”

Mr. Powell’s speech was his firmest declaration yet that the Fed is turning a corner in its fight against inflation. After more than a year of holding interest rates at 5.3 percent, the highest level in more than two decades, officials finally have enough confidence to change their stance by cutting rates at their Sept. 17-18 meeting.

Policymakers have been using those high rates to try to cool the economy and, by doing so, wrestle down rapid inflation. But as price increases slow substantially and the job market shows signs of wobbling, officials no longer need to hit the brakes quite so hard.

The big question now is just how big a September rate cut will be, and how rapidly the Fed will lower borrowing costs in the months that follow. Policymakers will meet again in November and December.

Mr. Powell did not provide a clear outline for the path ahead, but by focusing on risks to the labor market, he did clearly hint that central bankers are willing to cut interest rates quickly rather than gradually if the job market appears to be at risk.

“We do not seek or welcome further cooling in labor market conditions,” he said, later adding that a strong labor market could be maintained with “an appropriate dialing back of policy restraint.”

The unemployment rate jumped in July, and Fed officials will receive August jobs data on Sept. 6, just ahead of their next meeting. Mr. Powell was clear that central bankers are keenly focused on the possibility of a job market slowdown.

“The upside risks to inflation have diminished,” Mr. Powell said in his speech. “And the downside risks to employment have increased.”

Markets rallied on Friday, with the S&P 500 index posting a gain that pushed it closer to a fresh record high. Government bond yields fell as investors priced in the possibility of steeper Fed rate cuts in the future.

The Fed’s looming decision about how much to cut interest rates — and how quickly to proceed with reductions after September — comes at a fraught political moment. The central bank is poised to begin lowering interest rates just weeks before the presidential election in November.

That could plunge Fed officials, who set policy independently from the White House and who fiercely defend that insulation, into the political spotlight. Already, former President Donald J. Trump, the Republican candidate, is talking about the Fed regularly from the campaign trail.

Mr. Trump has implied and said that it would be political for the Fed to cut interest rates in the run-up to the election, suggesting that doing so would help incumbent Democrats. Mr. Trump himself regularly pushed for lower interest rates as president, and he has recently asserted that presidents should have a say in Fed policy before backpedaling from that assertion.

Fed officials insist that they do not pay attention to politics when they are setting interest rates.

Instead, they focus on what is happening in the economy.

In recent months, data have suggested that they are making progress toward their big policy goal: Price increases seem to be coming under control. The Consumer Price Index inflation measure has cooled to 2.9 percent as of last month, down sharply from 9.1 percent at its peak in the summer of 2022.

The July reading of the Fed’s preferred inflation measure, the Personal Consumption Expenditures index, will be released next Friday. That, too, has been falling back toward the central bank’s 2 percent inflation goal.

Some economists even think the Fed might be on the verge of nailing a “soft landing,” in which inflation and the economy cool down sustainably without major pain. Mr. Powell voiced optimism about the central bank’s chances during his speech on Friday.

“While the task is not complete, we have made a good deal of progress toward that outcome,” he said.

There’s plenty of reason for hope. Even as inflation moderates, growth and consumer spending have remained solid. While shoppers have become pickier and more sensitive to prices, they are still opening their wallets.

But at the same time, serious risks have begun to appear. The job market is a pivotal barometer of the strength of the overall economy, so its recent weakness was concerning, especially given that survey data also suggests that labor conditions are deteriorating.

While the weakness in the July report may have been driven by a hurricane and other weather events, it has left officials on edge, warily awaiting the next report on Sept. 6.

The unemployment rate is “still low by historical standards, but almost a full percentage point above its level in early 2023,” Mr. Powell said on Friday, noting also that the increase was mainly coming as hiring slowed and new applicants took time to land work — not as people lost jobs. “Even so, the cooling in labor market conditions is unmistakable.”

Even as he voiced caution, Mr. Powell also used his speech to review how far the Fed has come in its inflation fight. He noted that the Fed thought that inflation would fade quickly in 2021, when it first took off. Back then, Fed officials often called inflation “transitory,” something they have been widely criticized for in the time since.

“The good ship Transitory was a crowded one, with most mainstream analysts and advanced-economy central bankers on board,” Mr. Powell said, defending the central bank’s stance.

When price increases did not fade, the Fed reacted by jerking rates higher in 2022, and Mr. Powell warned that economic pain might result. Many economists thought a recession was all but assured.

With inflation now fading in earnest, though, a more benign possibility — one in which the economy simply settles back into a normal pattern — has come into view.

“High inflation triggered stress and a sense of unfairness that linger today,” Mr. Powell acknowledged. But he later added that Fed officials “did not flinch from carrying out our responsibilities, and our actions forcefully demonstrated our commitment to restoring price stability.”

Jeanna Smialek covers the Federal Reserve and the economy for The Times from Washington. More about Jeanna Smialek

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  • Thread starter Brigitte_anna
  • Start date Feb 9, 2019


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  • Feb 9, 2019

Hi! come visit is a very common expression, I'm sure it doesn't require any context. What I'd like to ask is why there's no to between come and visit ? Is it just a fixed phrase that shouldn't be analysed from the grammatical point of view?  



Modwoman in the attic.

We don't discuss words or phrases out of context in this forum, Brigitte_anna. What usage of "come visit" do you have in mind? Is it a two word command? ("Come visit!") Is there more to the sentence? ("I hope you will come visit me next year.") Or something else?  

Florentia52 said: We don't discuss words or phrases out of context in this forum, Brigitte_anna. What usage of "come visit" do you have in mind? Is it a two word command? ("Come visit!") Is there more to the sentence? ("I hope you will come visit me next year.") Or something else? Click to expand...

london calling

london calling

To me 'Come visit!' is AE. I say 'Come and visit!'  

Brigitte_anna said: I've heard this phrase several times when someone was inviting someone to their home - this is the context I meant. Click to expand...
Florentia52 said: And was "Come visit!" the complete sentence when they said the phrase, or was there more to it? We need to know the complete sentence you wish to discuss. Click to expand...

Well, as you're not giving us the larger sentence, we can't discuss whether a comma would be appropriate in it. In the command form -- "Come visit!" -- no comma is needed. Similarly, we wouldn't use one in "Come see!" or "Come look at this!"  

No, but in BE you need 'and'.....I'd never say 'Come visit'.  

Following an unforgettable Olympics, the 2024 Paris Paralympics plan to build on the sporting excitement by showcasing the exceptional athletes of the Paralympic movement. Kicking off with the Opening Ceremony, and featuring 549 medal events across 22 sports, the Paralympics will be jam-packed with can't-miss action.

So, how does one watch the first Paralympics to be held in Paris? Read on for our guide to all the options across TV, streaming and social.

When do the Paris Paralympics start and end?

The 2024 Paralympics will begin with the Opening Ceremony on Wednesday, August 28 and end Sunday, September 8.

Where can I find the full schedule for the 2024 Paris Paralympics?

If figuring out what's going on when and how to watch seems a little tricky, head on over to the schedule page for an easy-to-use, intuitive guide that will help even the most seasoned viewer navigate the many hours of Paralympic coverage. The schedule can be filtered by sport, event, top athletes and topics like  Must See ,  Team USA ,  Top Stars  and  Medal Events . There's also a toggle at the top to indicate whether you'd like to see schedule info for "TV & Digital" or "TV Only."

If you still have questions, visit the  FAQ page , where additional support will be available via the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right corner of web browsers, or email questions to  [email protected] .

How to live stream favorite Paralympic events on Peacock and

Starting on August 28, for 12 days there will be countless can’t-miss moments streaming LIVE on phones, tablets and connected TV devices via Peacock,, the NBC app and the NBC Sports app. 

How to stream the Paralympics on Peacock:  After subscribing and logging in, either go to  in web browsers or download the Peacock app and navigate to the Paralympics section.

How to stream the Paralympics on NBC Olympics digital platforms:  Users can also authenticate with their cable subscription, which allows them to watch live streams of every Olympic event on,, the NBC app or the NBC Sports app. All streams can be viewed in web browsers or on phones, tablets or connected TV devices. 

How to watch the 2024 Paris Paralympics on TV

Cable, satellite or even classic over-the-air audiences will be able to easily find Paralympic programming on TV. On weekdays, USA Network will have event coverage throughout the day and on the weekends you can tune into CNBC for 12 hours of Paralympics. NBC will also feature the Paralympics with daytime coverage on Sunday, September 1 and Saturday, September 7.

Plus, check out NBC’s Primetime coverage of the top moments from the Games on Friday, August 30, Sunday, September 1, and Friday, September 6. 

Check local listings for start times. 

How can I watch Gold Zone?

A breakout hit of the 2024 Paris Olympics, Gold Zone is returning for the Paralympics as well. The Paralympic Gold Zone will debut Thursday, August 29, the first day of competition. Carolyn Manno will host the whip-around coverage streaming live on Peacock from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET each day through September 7. 

How can I watch highlights from the 2024 Paris Paralympics?

From athletes on the road or track like Oksana Masters  and Nick Mayhugh  to Chuck Aoki  on the court and Jessica Long in the pool, there will be no shortage of memorable moments and record-breaking stars in Paris. 

Relive some of the competition's best performances, watch exclusive athlete interviews and features, or catch up on the viral moments happening in Paris  here . Enjoy the 2024 Paralympic Games!

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  1. Come vs Visit: Meaning And Differences

    come visit or come to visit

  2. Come Visit Or Come And Visit: Which Is Correct?

    come visit or come to visit

  3. Visitor Sign for Friends that Come To Visit Stock Image

    come visit or come to visit

  4. Come Visit Or Come And Visit: Which Is Correct?

    come visit or come to visit

  5. Norwegian å komme på besøk means to come to visit someone

    come visit or come to visit

  6. Visit Come Sticker by Fiftygrams for iOS & Android

    come visit or come to visit


  1. [Phrasal Verbs] Come around to, Get across

  2. Day 1 of 2 Dentist Visit|Come Shop with me at Whole Foods & At Home|Nikki’s Fish Fry

  3. Фразовые глаголы с COME


  1. Come Visit Or Come And Visit: Which Is Correct?

    Unlike 'Come and visit us,' the phrase 'Come visit us' does not use the conjunction 'and,' which makes it sound more direct and straightforward. The phrase 'Come visit us' is commonly used when the invitation is more formal or professional in nature.

  2. Come visit/ Come to visit

    Hi everyone, Is there any difference between come visit and come to visit? I would like you to come (to) visit me at my place. I will come (to) visit you in India. These cases above sound better to me using to, but I've seen lots of similar phrases written without to. Can both ways be used...

  3. phrases

    Is there any difference between visit someone or come to visit someone? For example: My old friend visited me yesterday. My old friend came to visit me yesterday. I have heard English nat...

  4. come visit vs visit?

    Maybe 'come visit us' is easier to pronounce than 'comes visit us', and they do not use 'comes visit us'. Is there anybody who can answer my question out there?

  5. Come AND visit us

    My doubt is with "come" and the following verb. Should I write "come and visit us", "come to visit us", or "come visit us"? Somehow I guess the three of them are possible, but I would like to check with you because probably all of them are not equally suitable (remember this is a notice about a course for university students). Thank you in advance.

  6. Which one is correct? "come to visit" or "come visit"?

    come to visit This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. This phrase is also a valid way to invite someone to visit, but it may sound slightly more formal or structured compared to "come visit." It can be used in various contexts, including both formal and informal settings.

  7. What is the difference between "visit" and "come visit ...

    Synonym for visit "Visit" is more general and can be used in pretty much any situation. "Come visit" is only used when you're talking to the person you're going to visit or the person you want to visit you. For example: Come visit us soon! I'll come visit next year.

  8. Come vs. Visit? : r/EnglishLearning

    A transitive verb like "visit" is usually immediately followed by its object, which is a noun, or a noun phrase, or a pronoun or a verb-ing form, while an intransitive verb like "come" cannot take an object.

  9. Came or Come: Which Is Correct? (With Examples)

    Understanding the difference between came and come is crucial for using them correctly. Both words are forms of the verb "to come," but they serve different purposes. Come is the base form, used in the present tense, for things happening now or generally. For example, "Please come to my house.". On the other hand, came is the simple ...

  10. Come vs. Visit

    11. "Come" can also suggest a future action directed towards the speaker's current or future location, used in planning or inviting. For example, "Come to my house tomorrow." In contrast, "visit" suggests a planned engagement with a place or individual, often involving preparation or a defined timeframe, as in planning a trip or arranging a ...

  11. come and visit vs come to visit

    Learn the correct usage of "come and visit" and "come to visit" in English. Discover differences, examples, alternatives and tips for choosing the right phrase.

  12. to visit vs visiting

    To visit (Infinitive) 1 Subject. To visit is a great way to learn about different cultures. To visit is a great way to learn about different cultures. "*To visit*" serves as the subject of the sentence. Infinitive phrase (subject) + verb (is) + noun phrase (a great way to learn about different cultures). 2 Object.

  13. "was insisting that he come visit" or "was insisting that he should

    I might also drop the "come to" and just say or write, "that her son, Rino, visit his father in New York" because this is more formal than "come visit". "Come visit" is an informal way of saying it in English, usually American English; it should be "come to visit" because it needs the infinitive form after "come" rather than the bare infinitive.

  14. word choice

    0 Some friends will come round for dinner. Some friends will visit for dinner. Some friends will visit me. These are OK, but "some friends will come round me" isn't OK. The answer is simple, but it needs some thought.

  15. Come

    Come - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

  16. come visit

    For example, "My family and I are in Las Vegas this weekend, come visit!". Come visit! Please come visit! Come visit yourself. Come visit, there's room for everyone. Come visit us if you have time". "We have many friends who come visit".

  17. to come to visit, or to come visiting

    1. No one ever visits. 2. No one ever comes to visit. 3. No one ever comes visiting. Any difference, especially between 2 and 3? and also: is it actually possible to say: "No one ever comes visiting." Thank you!

  18. Visit vs Come

    As nouns the difference between visit and come is that visit is a single act of visiting while come is coming, arrival; approach.

  19. Miss Manners: When carnivores visit their vegan relatives, they always

    DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have vegan relatives, and when we go to their home, they prepare only vegan foods. If it is a three-day visit, we eat the same boring foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  20. come visit vs come and visit

    Learn the correct usage of "come visit" and "come and visit" in English. Discover differences, examples, alternatives and tips for choosing the right phrase.

  21. Toby Keith's Final Song in Studio: 'Ships That Don't Come In'

    The "Ships That Don't Come In" recording featured previously unheard recordings of Diffie's voice from 2016. Keith died of stomach cancer after battling the disease for several years.

  22. comes to visit

    The phrase 'comes to visit' is correct and can be used in written English. It is often used to refer to someone coming to a particular place on a temporary or one-off basis. For example: "My cousin comes to visit every summer." Harish comes to visit. Polly comes to visit. His mother comes to visit. Gabriel's friend, Doctor Falke, comes to visit.

  23. Analysis: Arlington confrontation isn't Trump's first ...

    Trump pivoted from a visit to Arlington National Cemetery earlier this week to an attack on President Joe Biden's Afghanistan policy - a turn that apparently followed a dustup with an official ...

  24. 'The time has come': The Fed just sent a crucial message ...

    America's top central banker has unambiguously signaled that lower interest rates are finally on the horizon, marking a crucial milestone for the Federal Reserve's historic — and, so far ...

  25. The two-day or less shipping Americans have come to expect faces a

    Customers have come to expect when they order something online, it arrives in two days or less. But with increasing adverse weather events like Houston's heatwaves, Florida's hurricanes and ...

  26. Fed Minutes Show a Cut 'Likely' to Come in September

    Investors think that a quarter-point reduction is most likely, but they see a half-point cut as a possibility. While the Fed is independent of politics, that move is likely to draw attention to ...

  27. Fed Chair Powell Signals 'Time Has Come' for September Rate Cut

    The time has come for policy to adjust. The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.

  28. come visit

    Hi! come visit is a very common expression, I'm sure it doesn't require any context. What I'd like to ask is why there's no to between come and visit? Is it just a fixed phrase that shouldn't be analysed from the grammatical point of view?

  29. 8 Reminders About Voter Registration in NC

    See How to Register. Registration deadlines. The deadline to register to vote on Election Day in the 2024 general election is 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11. If you miss that deadline, you may still register and vote or make changes to your registration during the early voting period at any early voting site in your county. The early voting period ...

  30. How to watch the 2024 Paris Paralympics on TV

    If figuring out what's going on when and how to watch seems a little tricky, head on over to the schedule page for an easy-to-use, intuitive guide that will help even the most seasoned viewer navigate the many hours of Paralympic coverage. The schedule can be filtered by sport, event, top athletes and topics like Must See, Team USA, Top Stars and Medal Events.