• Community Gardens (1)
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  • Food Delivery (8)
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Programs provided by: New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. (NJCO)

Food pantry.

  • food pantry
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Clothing Center

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Soup Kitchen

This curated database of resources is provided by findhelp, a Public Benefit Corporation.

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New Journey Community Outreach, Inc.

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Bilingual Food Pantry Volunteer

new journey community outreach

From 05/20/2024 to 05/23/2025

New Journey Community Outreach is looking for bilingual volunteers to assist with our daily Food Pantry operations. 

The Bilingual Food Pantry Volunteer assists in ensuring efficient and effective operations of the food pantry, with a focus on serving bilingual or non-English speaking guests. They play a crucial role in facilitating communication and providing support to individuals and families accessing pantry services. Volunteers should possess a c ompassionate and empathetic approach toward addressing the needs of food pantry guests.

Our hours are 9 am-12 pm daily and volunteer shift times are flexible to your schedule.


Prepare and provide lunches for our daily soup kitchen

From 10/25/2022 to 10/31/2025

New Journey is committed to providing food access to the most vulnerable in our community. We serve an average of 300 lunches daily through our soup kitchen. We have multiple ways you can help. We are looking for volunteers to provide bagged lunches (a sandwich and a snack) or made-ahead meals that can be heated here and portioned for a grab-and-go lunch distribution.

We also welcome volunteers into our kitchen to prepare lunches using food items we supply. This opportunity is perfect for team building while making a difference in the lives of our food-insecure neighbors.  

We’d love to have your group working in our kitchen to help spread warmth and hope to our neighbors!

The official registration and financial information of the United Way of Berks County (UWBC) may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free 800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

Please note: If you select Payroll Deduction and submit your voluntary pledge to United Way of Berks County, you authorize your employer to make the one-time or recurring deduction from your pay as noted. Learn more about your pledge.

Your privacy is important to us. To learn how we will use your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy

United Way of Berks County | 25 N. 2nd Street, Suite 101 | 610-685-4550 | [email protected]

Session Timeout

Fighting Poverty, Feeding Hope: New Journey Community Outreach

by Ali Bechtel , Photography by Heidi Reuter

October 26, 2017


Thanks to their more than 500 committed volunteers and generous donors, New Journey Community Outreach has been able to restore hope, comfort and dignity by feeding, clothing and supporting thousands of individuals and families in need in the Reading community. Through partnerships and collaborations, New Journey is committed to fighting poverty and ending hunger with a focus on helping people to break the cycle of poverty and sustain their daily lives. 

New Journey is the largest soup kitchen in downtown Reading, serving nutritious lunches four days a week. Last year alone they served more than 29,000 lunches. Their food pantry also provides dry groceries, meats, produce, dairy products and bread to nearly 300 families each month and acts as an Emergency Food Distribution Center. 

Two clothing centers provide everything from basic needs through business attire, and their Back-To-Work Clothing program also offers helpful tips for interviewing. The organization also partners with Reading Health System Street Medicine, and doctors visit weekly to address non-emergency medical needs.

New Journey Community Outreach is a leader in fostering a community where hunger is universally unacceptable and everyone has the tools they need to succeed. They serve all walks of life and there is no fee for any of their food or clothing services.

NJCO Partners

Access Industries

Brett & Tina Hatt

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Reading

Faithful Friends Consignment Sale

Koch Associates

Reading Health System

Tappro Tavern Services

Tom & Cathy Beaver

Seth & Barbara Rosenzweig

West Lawn United Methodist Church

White Star Tours

Want to Help?

Providing hunger relief and basic needs like clothing is costly, and food and clothing donations keep New Journey’s doors open, and contributions are always welcome. Volunteers are the backbone of daily operations. Volunteers help to prepare and serve meals, to bag groceries, and to sort and distribute clothing. To volunteer, donate or become an NJCO Partner, call Sue Krall at 610.375.2662 or email [email protected].

New Journey Community Outreach

138 South 6th St., Reading



Berks County Living 201 Washington St., Ste. 525 GoggleWorks Center for the Arts Reading, PA 19601

Tel: 610.923.0385 Fax: 610.923.0389

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New Journey Community Outreach Inc.

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Hosted by New Journey Community Outreach

The Coldest Night of the Year is a winterrific family-friendly walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Join us on February 24, 2024 - team up, fundraise, walk, and take a moment to look closer... because it’s cold out there.

Community Sponsors

Reading (new journey community outreach) is super grateful for our fantastic 2024 sponsors view all sponsors >, 2024 cnoy photos, thanks to all of our amazing volunteer photographers if you've got cnoy day photos or videos you'd like to share, contact [email protected] ., reading scoreboard, are you thrashing the competition (for a good cause) find out here stats are updated every 15 minutes. see how you stack up on the national scoreboard >, the challenge, got a big-hearted business, workplace, group, church, or community step up and join the challenge to compete for your local pride in support of cnoy. check the national challengeboard to see more, about new journey community outreach.

For many in our community, food and shelter is not a given. 40,000 of our neighbors are food insecure and an increasing number are at risk. These families face difficult decisions; do I pay my heating bill or do I buy groceries for my family? We see families losing their homes or apartments, sometimes sleeping in cars as funding for alternative housing has been stretched thin or, in some cases, isn't available. New Journey Community Outreach supports our neighbors who find themselves struggling by providing them with food, clothing, and support.

Through our weekly food distributions, we ensure families have food to put on the table. Last year, over 13,000 bags of groceries were distributed. Our daily soup kitchen provides a full lunch for our guests, including many who are homeless. Last year, we served over 52,000 meals.

Our clothing center provides clothing for infants to adults and we also host a Back to Work clothing center, providing clothing for interviews and a variety of workplace settings. In the winter, we distribute coats and warm clothing to help our neighbors face harsh weather.

We work closely with other social service agencies, ensuring individuals and families have their most critical needs met.

We invite you to be partners in our work! Sign up, lead a team, or join a team, because no one should have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.

Event Day Details

Save the date - cnoy day is february 24, 2024, start google map, 1801 broadcasting rd, reading, pa 19610.

This year, we return to Penn State Berks for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk. Enter off Broadcasting. The walk begins and ends at the Gaige Building, located on campus.

  • 4:00 pm: Meet Check-in + Welcome
  • 5:00 pm: Move Send-off
  • 6:00 pm: Munch Light meal served
  • 7:00 pm: Mosey Goodbye + see you in 2025!

Not able to join us in person at the Main Event? We hope you'll register , fundraise and walk offsite with friends and family.

Route details.

  • Route Distances: Check out the maps below to see where we will be walking.
  • Rest stop: Keep an eye out for opportunities to rest and refresh with yummy snacks along the route.
  • Signage: All routes will be well-signed with our bold blue CNOY signs.
  • Route Support: Route marshals, rest stop hosts, and support vehicle drivers provide support along the route.
  • Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
  • Pets: We love our little furballs like you do, but pets are not permitted at the Coldest Night of the Year except for approved and trained service animals. Read more about our pet policy
  • All walkers participating at the Main Event on Saturday, February 24, 2024 must check-in upon arrival.
  • Toques! Fundraising walkers who raise $150+ (or $75+ for those under 18) will receive a CNOY toque as a thank you on event day, while supplies last.
  • (Psst... a toque is what CNOYers call that trademark winter hat. Read more here: CNOY toque )
  • Offsite fundraising walkers can contact their local event director to arrange toque pickup the week of the event.

Have questions? Visit the FAQ section!

Handling money.

  • Credit Card: The Best Option! Simple, secure, automatically tax receipted for gifts of $20+. Visit the Donate page , share your personal page link, or have your donor call CNOY Head Office.
  • Checks: The Old Faithful - made payable to Blue Sea Philanthropy USA with the name of the walker or team on the memo line. Mail them to CNOY Head Office along with your completed pledge sheet. (Scroll down to find the address)
  • Cash: You have 2 options:
  • 1. Login to FundHub , click “Enter $$ and Checks,” create pledges for your cash donations, pay them off with your personal credit card, and keep the cash. OR...
  • 2. Write a check (made out to "Blue Sea Philanthropy USA”) for the total amount of cash you’ve collected. Mail it to the CNOY Head Office with your completed pledge sheet.

All participants must register online this year and accept the electronic waiver.

  • Adults accept the waiver automatically when they register online.
  • Youth/Children under 18 need a waiver signed by their parent or guardian.
  • An online form will be emailed to all parents/guardians before CNOY Day.
  • You may also bring a filled-out printed waiver .
  • Waivers will also be available at check-in on CNOY Day.

What to Bring

A few common sense suggestions:.

  • A cell phone for emergencies (recommended but not required)
  • Good waterproof shoes/boots for walking
  • Warm coat and mitts/gloves
  • Extra snacks if you have allergies or food sensitivities
  • Your own water bottle
  • A passion for the charity you're walking and fundraising for

Reading Maps

Check out this year's cnoy route maps below:.

The event will take place on the Penn State Berks Campus. The route consists of a loop - you can walk the 2.5 K loop or go around again to complete the full 5k!

CNOY Reading 2024

Christie Botterbusch Event Director Phone 6109142615 Email [email protected]

© 2024 Blue Sea Philanthropy USA

A Registered American Charity

EIN#: 47-3541807 Search IRS.gov >

Toll Free: 1-877-743-3413

Mail to: PO Box 331

St. Charles, IL, USA, 60174

[email protected]

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New Journey Community Outreach Executive Director to Retire

by New Journey Community Outreach

New Journey Community Outreach Executive Director to Retire

New Journey Community Outreach’s (NJCO) Board of Directors has announced the planned retirement of its first Executive Director, Susan Krall, effective August 26, 2022.

Susan Krall joined NJCO in 2012 when the non-profit organization was created in response to the closing of New Journey United Methodist Church (which merged with West Lawn United Methodist Church). NJCO assumed responsibility for continuing the essential food and clothing services provided for low-income persons by “the yellow church” which served as a leader for social outreach programs in Southwest Reading for the past five decades.

“It is a bitter-sweet time for NJCO”, says Marnell McCarthy, NJCO Board President.  “Sue was our first Executive Director and helped enhance the program, funding, and volunteer efforts for the organization over the last 10 years.  As she hands off the reins, we find that NJCO is a strong organization that is perfectly positioned to move forward.  We wish her all the best as she enters this next stage of her life.”

new journey community outreach

The Board of Directors is very pleased to announce the selection of Christie Botterbusch as the new Executive Director. Christie knows the organization well as she has served as a volunteer at NJCO. With her extensive background with non-profit organizations and strong leadership skills, we are confident that she will lead the organization to further New Journey’s growth and mission.

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Community testimonials.

Wish my town had a channel like this, very cool idea to bring the community together and give people a platform. James
Fantastic work and thanks so much for the quick turnaround!  Always a pleasure to work with you and the rest of the BCTV team! Jim
Thanks for your commitment to communication far and wide, for your technical support, and tireless efforts to bring fresh programs to BCTV. Bravo! Liz
Thank you for always being receptive to my ideas. All of your efforts help me to help others and that is a blessing to me. Adrean
Thank you and your staff for all you do to accommodate so many different shows, personalities, etc.!  Can’t be easy, but we really do appreciate it. Martha
I am happy and proud to be a part of such a dedicated assembly of talent and purpose. Thank you for being a part of my efforts to promote theater and the arts in this region. David
I wanted to thank you again for the opportunity you have created for our kids.  This experience is more than the TV show.  Eight students who probably never would have talked to each other were excited to execute a plan. Know that you make a difference. Kristi
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New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. Endowment Fund

new journey community outreach

Grants from New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. Endowment Fund will be distributed to New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. to support general operation of the soup kitchen and food pantry and other charitable activities of the organization.

Current Funding Opportunities


Deadline & Cycle

Region Served

Designated Fund

Berks County

Individuals in Need

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Want to make a positive difference in your community? Need to know more about giving back, starting a fund, or getting funding? We’d love to chat.

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NJCO provides a daily lunch program, weekly food distributions, and a clothing center.

​ Hours of Operation:  Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 1:0 0 pm

​ Food Pantry:   Call 610-375-2662 to schedule an appointment.  ​ ​

Local Donations:  Friday, 9:00 am. A pop-up-pantry with limited food available depending on donations.

Lunch Hour: Monday through Friday 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Eat in our take out. We serve bagged lunches and hot meals depending on availability. 

Clothing Center:   Center is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30-12:00, no appointment needed. Call 610-375-2662 to  inquire about clothing donations or to make an appointment to drop off clothing donations. 


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  1. New Journey Community Outreach

    New Journey Community Outreach provides a daily lunch program, weekly food distributions, and a clothing center. New Journey Community Outreach provides a daily lunch program, weekly food distributions, and a clothing center. top of page. This site was designed with the .com. website builder. Create your website today. Start Now.

  2. New Journey Community Outreach

    New Journey Community Outreach, Reading, Pennsylvania. 1,784 likes · 161 talking about this · 432 were here. Food, clothing, support, Mon-Fri, 9-1. Lunch...

  3. Who We Are

    about. The establishment in 2014 of the new nonprofit corporation — New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. (NJCO) — was an immediate response to the closing of New Journey United Methodist Church (which merged with West Lawn United Methodist Church). NJCO has assumed responsibility for continuing the essential food and clothing services ...

  4. New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. (NJCO)

    Call 610-375-2662. Contact or go to the nearest location. 1.95 miles ( serves your local area) 138 South 6th Street, Reading, PA 19602. Closed Today See open hours. Sunday: Closed. Monday: Closed. Tuesday: Closed. Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM EDT.

  5. Friends of New Journey Community Outreach

    New Journey Community Outreach is the largest soup kitchen, food pantry and clothing center in Reading, PA. Every day, hundreds of people needing food look to NJCO for help. The goal of this group is...

  6. New Journey Community Outreach, Inc

    New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. From 10/25/2022 to 10/31/2025. New Journey is committed to providing food access to the most vulnerable in our community. We serve an average of 300 lunches daily through our soup kitchen. We have multiple ways you can help. We are looking for volunteers to provide bagged lunches (a sandwich and a snack) or ...

  7. PDF New Journey Community Outreach 138 S 6th Street Reading, PA 19602 Sue

    New Journey Community Outreach 138 S 6th Street Reading, PA 19602 Sue Krall 610-375-2662 [email protected] NJCO operates the largest soup kitchen in downtown Reading and a weekly food pantry that focuses on the immediate and long-term health implications of receiving a nutritious daily meal and supplemental groceries.

  8. New Journey Community Outreach Inc

    NEW JOURNEY COMMUNITY OUTREACH INC READING, PA 19602-1604 | Tax-exempt since April 2014. EIN: 46-3623955; Classification Food Banks, Food Pantries (Food, Agriculture and Nutrition) Nonprofit Tax Code ...

  9. New Journey Community Outreach Inc

    138 S 6th St. Reading, PA 19602 United States. EIN. 46-3623955. NTEE code info. Neighborhood Center, Settlement House (P28)

  10. Volunteer

    Clothing Center Volunteers. Read More. Contact Us. (610) 375-2662. [email protected]. 138 South 6th Street, Reading PA 19602. Connect with us.

  11. Fighting Poverty, Feeding Hope: New Journey Community Outreach

    Learn how New Journey Community Outreach fights poverty and hunger in Reading by providing food, clothing and support to thousands of people in need. See how they partner with local businesses, organizations and medical professionals to restore hope and dignity.

  12. A New Journey Community Outreach Inc.

    A New Journey Community Outreach Inc. 502 likes. A New Journey Community Outreach Inc., is a nonprofit organization geared to provide different needs

  13. Rating for New Journey Community Outreach Inc.

    Good. This charity's score is 84%, earning it a Three-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence. This overall score is calculated entirely from a single beacon score, weighted as follows: 100% Accountability & Finance.

  14. Reading (New Journey Community Outreach)

    New Journey Community Outreach supports our neighbors who find themselves struggling by providing them with food, clothing, and support. Through our weekly food distributions, we ensure families have food to put on the table. Last year, over 13,000 bags of groceries were distributed. Our daily soup kitchen provides a full lunch for our guests ...

  15. New Journey Community Outreach Executive Director to Retire

    New Journey Community Outreach's (NJCO) Board of Directors has announced the planned retirement of its first Executive Director, Susan Krall, effective August 26, 2022. Susan Krall joined NJCO in 2012 when the non-profit organization was created in response to the closing of New Journey United Methodist Church (which merged with West Lawn ...

  16. New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. Endowment Fund

    Designated Fund New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. Endowment Fund. Grants from New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. Endowment Fund will be distributed to New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. to support general operation of the soup kitchen and food pantry and other charitable activities of the organization.

  17. New Journey Community Outreach (@njcoreading)

    517 Followers, 448 Following, 961 Posts - New Journey Community Outreach (@njcoreading) on Instagram: "Reading's largest soup kitchen, food distribution and clothing center. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30-12:30. Call to make an appointment for groceries."

  18. Support us

    In Person. To donate food or clothing please contact us at (610) 375-2662 to arrange a drop off time. Our address is 138 South 6th Street, Reading PA 19602.

  19. New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. 12-8-22

    New Journey Community Outreach, Inc. 12-8-22 by Berks Community Television. Publication date 2022-12-09 Topics Reading, Pennsylvania, Berks Community Television, BCTV, Public Access TV, Community Media, PEG, Youtube, 2022 Language English.

  20. Hours

    A pop-up-pantry with limited food available depending on donations. Lunch Hour: Monday through Friday 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Eat in our take out. We serve bagged lunches and hot meals depending on availability. Clothing Center: Center is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30-12:00, no appointment needed. Call 610-375-2662 to inquire about ...

  21. New Journey Community Outreach

    Back to All Pantries New Journey Community Outreach. Pantry #9683. We are open daily from 9 until 1. This listing was last updated May 27, 2022. Want an email when this food pantry updates their hours or other information?