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How to Secure and Prepare Your Home Before Traveling

home travelling

A family vacation is always something to look forward to, but it also requires a fair amount of planning. Before you hit the road, sea, or air, there are a few essential things to do to ensure that your home will be secure while you’re gone. Start planning by creating a checklist of the crucial things you need to prepare before your travel day arrives. With a few simple tips and some thinking ahead, you can stay on top of your home’s security for a fun vacation and peace of mind. 

How to keep your house safe and secure while you’re gone

Before you go, there are some crucial things to do to keep your home safe . Make a checklist, and make sure you complete all of the tasks by the day before leaving.

Inform the right people you’re leaving. Police in certain areas will drive by your home if you let them know you’re out of town. Call your local police , and ask them to keep a watchful eye on your property. Inform the neighbors you’re leaving, and exchange phone numbers just in case there’s an emergency while you’re gone. 

Keep mum on social media. Don’t tell people on social media that you’re going on vacation. Keep your status private until you return.

Install a security system. Consider installing a quality security system you can monitor while you’re away. Look for high-definition security cameras, a doorbell camera, and alarms that will alert you to any suspicious activity. Some of the best home security systems are relatively affordable and are well worth the cost of protection and peace of mind. In the same way, integrating an IoT-based home security system will allow you to control locks, lights, radios, heating, and camera security while you are away. 

Install security lighting: A well-lit home is a protected home , so be sure you have plenty of bright outdoor lighting around the house’s front and back. Motion-activated smart lights are a good deterrent for criminals. Program your outdoor lights to come on at a particular time so that people think there’s someone there at night. Put your indoor lights on a timer so that they only turn on during certain hours to save on your electrical bill.

Use your safety deposit box. If you have a lot of valuables, consider leaving them in a safety deposit box to avoid the possibility of theft.

Hand out spare keys: Give a friend or relative a spare key in case your house sitter gets locked out, or the police need access. Make sure you lock the deadbolt and all exterior doors, including the garage door.

Get the yard in shape. Do a few simple yard decluttering tasks before you leave so that your home looks great when you come back. Mow the lawn, rake the leaves, or hire someone to come and cut the grass and check on the yard while you’re gone. Put your patio furniture away — store it in the garage or shed if you can. If not, cover your furniture with a weather-resistant cover to protect it. Stack chairs and place outdoor furniture together in a corner near the house to blow away or get stolen.

Program the thermostat. Consider installing a smart thermostat that you can program while you’re on vacation. Set the thermostat to a reasonable temperature , so your HVAC system isn’t running constantly. The ideal temperature for an empty home is about 50-55 degrees in the winter and 85-90 

Shut down the house. Before you leave, unplug the TV, computer, and small appliances — anything you don’t need to be plugged in while you’re gone. Use surge protectors for anything you must leave plugged in. Ensure that all doors and windows are locked, and close curtains and blinds so people can’t see inside. Check your smoke alarm and batteries and the batteries of other security devices, or just add new batteries to ensure they’re fresh.

Understanding security systems features for traveling

There are plenty of travel safety tips and having a home security system is one of the most valuable. Having a home security system will give you peace of mind, especially while traveling. Here are some security system basics to remember.

Remote Access

Remote access allows you to see activity in and around your home from any location. Most quality home security systems include an app so you can access this via your smartphone and check in on your home at any time.

Real-Time Notifications

Set up your home security system to alert you of any activity in real-time. This will send an alert to your phone where you can view the camera footage and see what’s going on as it happens. This is especially important if your home is unoccupied. Having real-time notifications set up will allow you to alert the authorities if you see any suspicious activity as it’s occurring rather than later.

Cellular Monitoring

Unlike landline monitoring, cellular monitoring works through a cellular network to provide you with a wireless security solution. This feature isn’t just convenient, but it also allows you to take your home security system with you when you move or if you plan to stay in another home long-term.  

Video Monitoring

Video monitoring is crucial if you want to have peace of mind while you’re gone. Using security cameras, your system will start recording any movement while you’re away. Set up motion-detecting cameras and turn on the real-time notifications alert option so you can see what’s going on in and around your home in real-time as it’s happening.

Home Automation

Home automation gives you complete control over your home, even while you’re away. Use this feature to lock and unlock doors, use your security cameras, and change the setting on your thermostat. Consider adding a home automation feature to as much of your home as possible to give you more control while you travel .

Additional preparation for extended vacations

If you’re planning a long time away, there are some extra things you should do to ensure home safety:

Clean or replace air filters. Replace your HVAC air filter before you leave, so the system runs smoothly while you’re gone. 

Forward your mail. When leaving long-term, it’s best to have your mail forwarded to a safe location. It can be to your hotel or the home of a trusted friend or family member.

Take care of the cars. Store your car in the garage while you’re gone. Give it a little TLC to get it through its idle period — get an oil and filter change, fill the tank, and top off the antifreeze.

Find someone to clean the house. If you’re concerned about dust and grime accumulating while you’re gone, consider hiring a reliable housekeeping company or professional cleaning service to do weekly or bi-weekly cleanings.

Mind the plumbing. If you’re leaving for an extended trip, turn off the main water supply, and drain all faucets until they run dry. Empty the toilet tanks and bowls, and pour a cup of bleach into the toilet bowl to prevent mold or ugly rings from forming.

Finding a house sitter. You might want to hire a house sitter to watch your home while you’re away. Enlist a friend or family member’s help to do the house sitting if you have people you know and trust nearby. If not, use an online referral service so that the house sitter is fully vetted and trustworthy. Here are a few tips to ensure that your house sitter will be comfortable and well-informed about what needs to be done:

Write down instructions for essential tasks. If you have houseplants, leave clear written instructions for watering, fertilizing, and sunlight, so the house sitter knows precisely how to care for them. Likewise, make sure the house sitter knows exactly what to do to take care of your pets. Write down instructions for feeding, and if you have a dog, let the sitter know when and where they like to walk. Leave plenty of pet food on the kitchen counter so it’s easy to find and include some extra cash they can use to buy more food if it runs low. For smaller pets like birds or hamsters, make sure you leave clear instructions on feeding them and cleaning their cages.

Leave contact information. Give the sitter your travel itinerary, your phone number, and the numbers of close family or friends they can call if there’s a problem.

Provide certain information. If you have a temperamental garage door, a coded entry, or anything else the sitter should know to make the job easier and less stressful, write it down.

Tell the sitter to help themself to what’s in the kitchen. It’s best to leave an empty fridge and freezer behind, but instead of tossing it, you can leave some things behind and tell the house sitter they’re welcome to eat whatever they want from the refrigerator and pantry, so it doesn’t go to waste.

Home Insurance: A Pillar of Pre-Travel Prep

As you make your travel plans, your home’s safety should be at the forefront of your preparations. While securing doors and windows or asking neighbors to keep an eye on your property are practical steps, an often overlooked yet crucial aspect of home security is ensuring your home insurance is up-to-date.

Before jetting off, it’s a wise move to review your home insurance policy . Ensure that your coverage limits adequately reflect the current value of your home and its contents. If you’ve made significant purchases or upgrades since your last review, you might need to adjust your policy to include these new assets.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with the ‘unoccupancy’ terms of your insurance. Some policies may have stipulations regarding how long a home can be unoccupied before the insurance becomes void or specific conditions change. If your travels will keep you away longer than your policy allows, inform your insurer in advance; they may offer an extension or a specialized product to cover such scenarios.

Lastly, ensure that your insurance policy covers common travel-related mishaps such as burglaries, water damage from frozen pipes, or electrical issues that could result in fire. By ensuring your home insurance is comprehensive, you’ll have an extra layer of peace of mind as you embark on your journey, knowing your biggest asset is well-protected.

Prepare for the trip

Once you’ve got most of the details checked off your list and it’s getting close to zero-hour, start getting into the mindset of traveling . Keep in mind that avoiding common mistakes will save you a lot of stress.  Here’s what you should start working on the week before you leave.

Go easy on grocery buying. Don’t over-buy groceries before you leave for vacation. Try to keep your food purchases minimal, so you don’t end up having to throw a lot of it away before you go. About a week before you leave, write down a meal plan and only buy the groceries you need. If you subscribe to any grocery delivery services, see if you can temporarily put them on pause. Now is a great time to declutter the fridge and freezer. Look for items that are expired or that have freezer burn and toss them. If there’s good food that you won’t eat before you go, consider giving it to a friend or family member, or let the house sitter eat it, so it doesn’t go wrong while you’re gone.

Plan transportation to the airport. Decide if you’re going to drive your car to the airport and park it, or if you’re going to use a driving service to pick you up and drop you off. Remember that airports charge you by the day to leave your car, so calling for a ride is likely the least expensive option. Asking a close friend or taking a taxi to the airport is the best idea for solo travelers . 

Pause delivery services and mail. Temporarily stop all home delivery services and mail so that it doesn’t pile up on your doorstep. The US Postal Service has a section online where you can temporarily pause mail delivery until you return.

Prepare for different weather conditions. Make a list before you start packing, and keep things as minimal as possible, so you’re not weighed down by too much clothing and too many travel accessories. Here are some tips to help you pack and prepare for various weather conditions :

Cold weather. Pack at least a few extra items of clothing in case the weather gets cold at your destination. Bring a fleece jacket or hoodie for layering during chilly weather , so you stay insulated and comfortable. If you’re leaving a cold climate behind, winterize your plumbing to prevent the pipes from freezing and possibly bursting while you’re away. Look for drafts, and seal them before you leave to keep your home warm. 

Hot weather. When traveling during hot seasons or in hot climates, always pack sunscreen and warm-weather clothing like tank tops, shorts, and a swimsuit. Preparing with the correct travel accessories will make your vacation smoother. To prep, your home, remove all trash and have your home professionally treated for pests. If you’re going on a long trip, hire someone to mow the lawn while you’re away.

Humid weather. Dress in lightweight, breathable clothing when traveling in humid weather to keep you cool and comfortable. Prepare your home by programming the thermostat to a reasonable temperature, so you don’t return to a stuffy house. If someone is house-sitting for you, ask them to open the windows when they’re there to improve airflow and help keep your home aired out.

Rainy weather. Pack a lightweight raincoat or jacket if you’re traveling in a rainy climate. A pair of packable rain boots are also helpful. You can buy an umbrella when you arrive since they’re relatively easy to find at most stores. Prep your home by making sure that all windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent leaks. Have your roof inspected before you go to confirm that it’s in good condition so you won’t have to worry about the possibility of a leak if there’s a heavy rainstorm. 

Are you leaving the kids behind? If you’re planning a trip without the kids, make sure that they understand why you’re going and that it’s only temporary. Make your kids feel secure, and inform them that it’s just a short time that you’ll be away. Choose a babysitter you trust while you’re gone, like a beloved friend or family member, that your children feel comfortable and safe until you return.

Are you bringing the kids along? Make a packing list for your kids’ luggage, so they have everything they need. But don’t stress yourself, flying with an infant doesn’t have to be a challenge. Be sure to bring a few games, their favorite stuffed animal, and some coloring books or puzzles to keep them entertained. When traveling with kids , bring lots of snacks, bottled water, a roll of paper towels, baby wipes, and all the chargers you need for their devices. Keep in mind that being prepared will ensure an amazing family vacation .

Dietary restrictions. Researching your travel destination ahead of time can save you time and money. Whether you are vegan , paleo, or keto, it’s a good idea to seek out meal options before arriving at your destination. In case of a food allergy, we recommend you bring an allergy card and the appropriate medication.

Prepping for business travel. If you’re planning business travel, your family will likely stay behind. There will be less planning required for a business trip since there should be someone at home to keep the house safe and maintained. Remember to pack essential business items, like your work phone, laptop, and professional attire, so you’ll be dressed appropriately for meetings and other work-related events during a business trip. Bring some street clothes, too, in case you want to dress down for a casual lunch or dinner. Every trip is different and you should pack according to the location. For example, if you are traveling to photography locations , don’t forget to bring all your camera equipment.  On the other hand, if the trip is leisurely, you can leave your work devices at home. 

Business Travel Home Safety Tips: Since most business trips are paid for by your employer, you’ll likely have the entire itinerary already planned for you in advance. Schedule things like mail forwarding, housecleaning, and lawn care around the dates you plan to be away from home. If your family is staying put, they can house sit and take care of pets and plants for you. However, if you’re bringing them along, make sure you follow the same tips you would when leaving home empty on a leisure vacation to ensure that everything is safe and in place before you go. 

Minimize travel stress. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep before travel day . Use an eye mask and earplugs if you want to nap on the plane or train. Stay hydrated, wear comfortable shoes, and eat a healthy breakfast so the day starts smoothly and you’re ready to roll. Your trip will go much more smoothly when you take care of the travel stress .

Prepare for a week, 1, 3, and 6-month trip

Whether you’re going away for one week or six months, it’s important to be sure to prepare the right way:

One week: If you’re just heading out for a week-long trip, you can have your neighbors keep an eye on your home or hire a house-sitter to mind your property. Make sure your mail and the daily newspaper are secure and out of sight. Turn on all motion-activated lights and security cameras just in case. Lock all doors and windows and set your thermostat to a reasonable temperature, so the HVAC system isn’t constantly running while you’re away.

One month: Temporarily deter any curious would-be thieves, asking the post office and newspaper delivery service to hold deliveries. You can also ask your local police department to drive by your home occasionally, making sure everything is safe and secure. Continue to set timers for your lights, set the thermostat for your HVAC system, and activate all security cameras, so everything is being monitored while you’re away. Trips longer than a week should always include a house sitter or a neighbor checking in on your property.

Three months: Hire a landscaping service to mow your grass and take care of your lawn while you’re away. Put the newspaper and mail on hold and consider having someone stay in your home while you’re gone so that it’s always occupied. Before you leave, get rid of food in the fridge and pantry so that it doesn’t spoil, and take out all trash before you lock up the home.

Six months: A six-month trip requires everything mentioned above and some more in-depth preparations. Turn off the main water feed to your home unless you plan to have someone stay there while you are gone. This is a good opportunity to rent out your home on a short-term lease if possible. Otherwise, make sure that all water and gas valves are turned off while you’re gone. Use a timer to turn the lights on and off sporadically and sign up for the local police check-in service if available. Stop all mail and package deliveries or have everything forwarded to your new destination until you return home. Continue all landscaping services, and never mention that you are not at home publicly on social media.

Tips for traveling during each season

Your specific travel plans may vary depending on the destination and the season. Here are some quick tips for preparing your home before you leave during each season of the year:

Spring: Remove all leaves and debris from gutters before you leave. Cut your grass one last time, and ensure that all patio furniture is secure or put away. Repair window and door screens so insects and pests can’t get inside your home while you’re away.

Summer: Cut dead or rotting tree limbs, so they don’t fall onto your roof during summer storms. Make plans for landscaping if you’re going to be gone for longer than a week. Remove all trash from your indoor and outdoor trash cans and empty the fridge if you will be gone for more than a few weeks. Spray the inside and outdoor perimeter of your home for insects.

Fall: Autumn is also a great time to clean your gutters and yard of excess leaves, twigs, and debris before you leave. Keep your patio furniture in storage and put garden tools away. If you have a swimming pool, secure it with a cover before you depart. Make sure all windows and doors are sealed and add new weatherstripping if necessary to prevent drafts.

Winter: Leave your heat on and set the thermostat to around 55 degrees. Turn off the water supply and drain all of your pipes, so they don’t freeze. Let family members know you’ll be away, so they don’t send Christmas gifts to your home while you are not there. Secure loose items outside so they don’t blow around or get damaged if a winter storm hits.

What to do with your home if you are becoming a digital nomad

If you’re planning to become a digital nomad , you’ll probably be away for extended periods of time. If you’re a renter, consider ending your lease early and putting large and valuable items in a storage unit.

Digital nomads who are homeowners can try these tips:

  • Consider renting your home to a tenant while you’re away so that your home is occupied and you’re making some extra money during your travels.
  • Use a rental service app to rent out your home to vacationers for some supplemental income.
  • Designate a trusted friend or family member to be your point of contact while you’re gone so they can check on your property for you.
  • Organize your luggage well and leave enough space to save the best moments of this journey. When packing as a remote worker , you should know that you will be carrying more than just a backpack. Don’t forget to bring your emergency kit or even the charging source for your work devices.
  • Always store valuables in a secure location if you plan to rent your home out while working abroad or in another state.

Snowbird checklist for leaving home

Snowbirds tend to leave their Northern homes for the winter and head to a warmer location like the Caribbean or Costa Rica . If you’re planning on taking your snowbirding journey to another country, make sure you’re familiar with local laws and tax regulations .  Here’s a handy snowbird checklist for leaving your Northern home:

Prepare for leaving your Northern home

  • Set your thermostat for about 55 degrees unless you plan to have someone occupy your Northern home while you’re gone.
  • Forward all of your mail to the Southern home address while you’re away.
  • Store valuables in a safe or a locked area of the home where they can’t be found.
  • Turn off the main water supply and drain the faucets and pipes to prevent freezing.
  • Clean your gutters, check your roof and windows, and do a general once-over to make sure your Northern home is winter-ready.

What to do when you get to your Southern home

  • Open all windows to let your Southern home air out and plug in kitchen appliances as soon as you arrive.
  • Inspect the home to make sure that everything looks good and that it’s free of damage.
  • Contact the utility companies before you get to your Southern home so that the power, cable, etc., are turned on when you arrive.

Prepare to leave your Southern home for the summer

  • Dispose of all perishable foods before you go.
  • Clean the home from top to bottom: dust, vacuum, and wash linens before putting them away.
  • Unplug appliances and electronics while you’re gone.
  • Have your mail re-forwarded back to the address of your Northern home.

Returning to your Northern home

  • Turn the water back on and make sure there are no signs of leaks or damage to plumbing, the roof, or anywhere else in the home.
  • Take all patio furniture out of storage and let it air out to be used for the summer.
  • Keep a snowbird checklist handy, so you can go back through the home and make sure everything is back for the summer season.

Travel hacks

Traveling smart is crucial if you want to have a pleasant vacation, so keep these travel hacks in mind:

  • Stay aware of all the latest safety measures and rules by checking the TSA website frequently.
  • Look for affordable flights to and from your destination to help you save cash . 
  • Pack items using organization cubes, and make sure you create a packing checklist before you leave so you don’t forget anything.
  • There are plenty luggage storage networks to stash your suitcases when you arrive in a city too early to check into your hotel or when you’ve checked out of your room and have adventures planned before heading to the airport.  Secure locations like Vertoe luggage storage NYC offer safer and convenient alternatives to any conventional locker storage while traveling abroad.
  • Sit down and create a budget for your trip in advance.
  • Take extra time to prepare if you are going to travel internationally.
  • Within the travel hacks , there are plenty of online options to help you find everything for your trip. You will get to book a wide range of activities, vacation homes, cars, and flights at low prices. Researching those sites will be key to book your accommodation on a secure website and avoid any unwanted scams. 
  • Come up with ways you can save money for traveling , like cutting down trips to the coffee shop, hosting a yard sale, or selling unwanted items online. Considering traveling by cruise  is a great option for your vacations. This type of trip has become one of the best options to visit several destinations in a single trip, without worrying about going from one place to another with your suitcases.
  • When talking about money, you should consider looking for the best options to transfer money while traveling , in any case, you need to do some payments back home and you´re out of the country, this could save you a lot of headaches when the situation happens.

Tips for traveling with a pet

Traveling with your pet is fun, but it can also be challenging. Follow these tips to keep your pet safe and healthy on your vacation:

  • Make sure you bring enough medication for your pet while you’re away and keep it close at hand.
  • Bring a lightweight, portable food and water bowl so you can feed your pet on the go.
  • Use durable leashes and harnesses, and always make sure you know local leash laws.
  • Give your pet a comfortable way to travel with a roomy carrier. Include their favorite blanket and toy, so they have a scent from home to comfort them.
  • Make sure your pet is microchipped, and bring all of your paperwork with you.

Budgeting House Expenses While You are Away

Aside from budgeting for your vacation , you will need to create a budget for household expenses while you’re gone:

Set your bills up for automatic payments, so everything comes out of your bank account, and all of your bills are paid on time.

Create a house expense budget before you leave to know what you can and should spend on the home separate from your vacation.

Pay for everything in cash or via debit while you’re away, so you don’t end up in debt when you return.

Turn down the thermostat to save on your energy bill and unplug appliances and electronics before you leave.

Consider stopping newspaper and magazine subscriptions to help you save a bit of extra money while you’re away. Ask if you can temporarily “turn off” your cable and Internet service until you return.

Remember to save money for landscapers and house-sitters so that everyone gets paid.

Don’t order anything online that will need to be delivered to your home – there will be time to shop when you get back.

Renting your home while you are away

If you’re planning to rent your home while you’re traveling the world, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use referrals or do background checks to make sure you choose a safe and reliable tenant.
  • Write up a lease and make sure you and the tenant both sign it before you leave and keep a copy for yourself.
  • Lock up your personal belongings and valuables or put them in a storage facility until you return.
  • Ask someone you trust to check on the home occasionally just to make sure everything is going well.
  • Consider using a property management service if you’re a digital nomad or plan to be away from your home for a year or more.

Tips for finding a home rental for long-term travel

If you want to rent a house, condo, or apartment for long-term travel, consider the following information:

Know exactly what you want in terms of size and amenities well in advance to help you narrow down your choices.

Set a budget for long-term rental, so you include the cost in your travel expenses.

Ask friends or family members if they have any recommendations for long-term rentals they may have used in the past.

Use apps like Airbnb, VRBO, or vacation rental by owner to help you select the right rental for you.

Try to put a deposit down and secure your rental well in advance to save money and avoid losing it if someone else gets it first.

Research the owner, the location, and the local culture before you make a decision, so you’ll be happy with your choice.

Read the rental contract carefully before you sign it so that you’re familiar with the terms.

Post-Vacation Home Recovery

When you return from your vacation , there are a few things you’ll need to attend to for a smooth transition back to everyday life at home. The first thing is to open the windows, even if it’s cold, to let the stale air out and bring fresh air in. Then:

Do a house check. Do a quick walkthrough of your house, make sure that the electricity is working, the water is running, and the house’s temperature is comfortable. You may need to run the faucets for a while and change the temperature on your thermostat so your home is comfortable again.

Unpack. Throw all of your clothing in the laundry when you return. Put toiletries back in the bathroom, and return medications to the medicine cabinet. Find a place for your souvenirs, and set aside gifts you brought home for your friends. Put your empty suitcases in the closet — clean each piece before you put it away , and pack smaller bags inside larger ones to save space.

Reinstate delivery services and mail. Reinstate your mail delivery as soon as possible, and cancel any forwarding instructions. Start up your subscription services back up, and if your neighbors were picking up the mail, retrieve it as soon as you can.

Clean, if it’s been a while. If you’ve been gone for an extended period of time, you’ll probably want to clean the house sooner than later. Dust ceiling fans, wipe down countertops, and vacuum and mop the floors when you return. Rinse out the sinks, tubs, showers, and flush the toilets.

Whether you’re heading out on a business trip , a girls’ getaway, or planning a fun family vacation, keep these traveling tips in mind to keep your pets, plants, and property safe. You can leave town confident that you haven’t left anything behind or undone with careful preparation — you know the iron is unplugged, and the front door is locked. Start early so you can ease into the vacation mindset and leave home ready and relaxed. 

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20 Ways to Travel From Home

Last updated: December 16, 2023 . Written by Laurence Norah - Leave a Comment

We love to travel. But it’s not always possible to travel all the time. Sometimes world events conspire against us to restrict travel, other times our budget might not stretch to cover travel. All is not lost however! There are lots of ways to travel from home, which I’m going to cover in this post.

These options, many of which are free, will let you get some of the thrill of travelling even when you are at home. They can inspire you for future trips, help with your trip planning, teach you about a destination, or simply fill some time with travel related activities.

If you have children, some of our tips for travelling from home can be a great way for families to virtually learn about the world, different cultures, history, animals, and more.

One of the great things about armchair travel is that you can do it from home at any time! And it generally requires little, if any, planning or money to do it.

Whilst nothing can entirely replace the wonder of traveling to a new destination, we hope these ideas on traveling from home will give you some ways to explore the world from wherever you are.

Table of Contents:

How to Travel from Home

Whether you’re planning a trip that you want to get more excited about, want to research a potential destination, or just want some travel themed ways to entertain yourself or your family at home, we hope these ideas for traveling from home inspire you to do some armchair traveling or your own!

Laurence and Jess blanket

Guided Virtual Tours

When we travel, we love to take guided walking tours. They’re a great way to get to know a destination or specific attraction, and learn about what it is we’re seeing.

One walking tour company that we often use and recommend is Context Travel . We’re delighted that they also offer virtual guided tours. These tours can be a great way to learn about a location in advance of your visit, or even just as a way to explore somewhere you might not have thought of visiting. If you’re at home with kids, you can think of one of these tours as a virtual field trip!

Context offers a range of tours from home. These are divided into courses and private virtual tours. The seminars are pre-scheduled events which are open to all, you just need to sign up and pay the fee.

The private tours are more expensive, but are designed to give you a private and more detailed tours on a specific subject. These are similar to the real-world tours they offer.

The other nice thing about Context is that if you don’t see a private tour that suits your particular interests, you can drop them a request for a tour that does.

We also have an exclusive discount code for Context’s virtual tours and seminars, which is travelcats . Enter the code at checkout to get 15% off your first order.

Of course, there are several other tour companies offering virtual tours as well. See some of the options available here on Viator  for an example of what else is out there.

home travelling

Books and Audiobooks about Travel

As Anna Quindlen said in How Reading Changed My Life , ““Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.”

We would have to agree. Books are a wonderful way to take a journey without leaving your house, be that on a voyage to fantasy worlds, or on an adventure through our own.

They can be educational, entertaining, and informative, and you can enjoy them almost anywhere. You can choose a specific destination to explore through a travel writer’s eyes, or you can read a travel themed work of fiction. You can read a book for armchair travel, to inspire and help you plan a possible future trip, or as an activity as a family.

Here are some of our favourite travel books, which cover a whole range of travel related subjects. Most of these are also available as audiobooks so you can have someone read to you while you do other tasks.

Non-fiction travel writing

  • Any of Bill Bryson’s travel books which are filled with funny anecdotes about his travels, particularly around the USA, UK, and Australia
  • Paul Theroux is another well known travel writer with many books to choose from
  • A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle – British couple moves to Provence
  • The Silk Roads  by Peter Frankopan – history of the Silk Road and the countries it runs through
  • Train by Tom Zoellner – great book about train history and riding trains around the world
  • A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway – a memoir of Hemingway’s life in 1920’s Paris, published posthumously
  • Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert – a travel memoir chronicling the journey of the author through India, Italy and Indonesia

Fiction travel writing

  • The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams – Laurence’s all time favourite book. Definite escapism, with a vague travel theme
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – a book about the journey of a young Andalusian shepherd
  • The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown – this book about mysterious symbols, ancient societies and hidden clues pave a trail across Europe, with a particular focus on Italy. Definitely a fun read.

Travel Inspiration books

  • You Only Live Once – This Lonely Planet book has a massive list of experiences to kindle your excitement for all kinds of things, many of which are travel related
  • 1,000 Places to See Before you Die – awesome inspiration for future travels. There is also a United States and Canada version of this book for those traveling around North America.
  • Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World’s Greatest Trips – another one for those of you looking for inspiration for planning future adventures

Children’s Travel Books

  • The Travel Book: A journey through every country in the world – aimed at kids, this book takes the reader on a journey through 200 countries, with fun facts on all of them

If you’re looking for more travel reading inspiration, check out this comment thread in our Facebook group for lovers of travel.

Travel Themed Films

Of course, books aren’t the only medium which allow us to travel from our own homes. Film is another way we can explore the world, and there are some fantastic travel themed films as well, which make for great viewing.

Some of these are based on true stories, whilst others are entirely fictional. Regardless, there are some great options in here which can serve as inspiration for a future trip, or just provide some travel based entertainment.

Here are just a handful of the movies we love:

  • Midnight in Paris – we love this story of an American who travel back to 1920s Paris and meets many of his artistic heroes
  • Eat Pray Love – film version of the popular novel by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Lord of the Rings – this film trilogy inspired me to spend a year exploring New Zealand. It’s a stunning showcase of the beauty of the country, as well as an epic story.
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – this story of a man searching for a more adventurous life features some stunning travel scenery, including beautiful scenes shot in Iceland
  • The Beach – the film (based on a novel by Alex Garland) that inspired thousands of travellers to travel to Thailand
  • The Bucket List – the movie that spawned the phrase tells the story of a terminally ill patient trying to accomplish a list of things to do before he dies
  • The Way – a bittersweet story of a man walking Spain’s popular Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage after the death of his son
  • Out of Africa – an epic romantic drama based on a true story about a Danish woman who moves to Kenya, and the challenges and adventures she faces as a result
  • A Walk in the Woods – a movie version of Bill Bryson’s novel of the same name, about his attempt to walk the Appalachian Trail
  • Up – if you’re looking for a lovely family movie about travel to watch with your kids (or even without!), this tale of a senior adventurer setting off on a fantastical voyage with a young traveller should hit the spot
  • The Lion King – Beautifully remade in glorious 3D in 2019, this coming of age story of a young lion will take you on a beautiful journey through the African wilderness, and might inspire you to head off on safari

As you can see, there are no shortage of movies about travel to inspire your wanderlust!

Travel Podcasts

If you like the idea of learning about travel by audio, you might want to subscribe to a podcast. These are usually regularly updated shows that you can listen to on any of your devices.

There are podcasts across a whole range of subjects, including travel. And of course, within travel, there’s a whole range of podcast topics and shows to choose from, including family travel, budget travel, solo female travel, long term nomadic travel – the list goes on.

As you would imagine, there’s a huge number of travel podcasts to listen to, and they’re also free. So you have nothing to lose by trying a few of them to find one you like. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

  • Rick Steves Podcasts – Rick Steves is one of the best known US based travelers, with his own range of guidebooks, products, and tours. In addition to his popular TV series and radio show, he also has a series of podcasts, covering a number of travel topics, including tips for travel in Europe, and interviews with travel authors and experts.
  • Amateur Traveler – hosted by Chris Christensen, this podcast interviews expert travellers from around the world. It’s been running since 2005 and runs weekly, so as you might imagine, pretty much every destination in the world has been covered.
  • Rough Guides Podcast – Rough Guide is a popular series of travel guidebooks, and they also offer a number of travel themed podcasts.
  • Armchair Explorer – Aaron Miller hosts this popular travel podcast series which features some of the world’s greatest adventurers telling their favourite story from the road. It’s done in a documentary style, which makes for a gripping and immersive experience
  • The Travel Diaries – Holly Rubenstein hosts a weekly interview series where she talks to special guests about their travel experiences around the world.
  • Y Travel Podcast – Australian couple Caz and Craig have been blogging about travel, with a specific focus on family travel, for about as long as we have. They’ve recently launched a travel podcast, which covers interviews, family travel and travel tips.

As you can see, there are plenty of podcasts to choose from, and there are thousands more out there to discover!

Live Webcams, 360 views, & Virtual Visits

If you want to explore a location at your leisure rather than on a tour, you have no shortage of options. There’s a huge number of live webcams and virtual tours available at destinations around the world.

These range in what they offer, from 360 degree interactive tours of existing locations, through to webcams, virtual renditions of past locations, and more. You can visit natural wonders, museums, wild animal locations, zoos, parks, observatories, and more!

Here are a few options to consider, all of which are free.

  • Google has a virtual tour of the  Pyramids of Giza
  • Take a wander around a virtual rendition of Angkor Wat in Cambodia right  here
  • This is an excellent interactive  virtual tour of Stonehenge  by English Heritage
  • Take a walk inside the Colosseum in Rome thanks to  this tour from Google
  • Lots of museums have virtual tours as well. Check out  this tour of the Louvre ,  this one of the Vatican Museum ,  this tour of the British Museum  and  this one of the Metropolitan Museum of Art  to get you started
  • A series of live webcams of wild animals across countries in Africa
  • Live farm animals from a farm in the UK

As you can see, there’s something here for most interests!

Decorate your House with a Travel Theme

If you love to travel, one great way to get a travel vibe even when you are at home is to decorate your home with a travel theme.

There are a huge number of travel themed home decor items out there, and you can go as crazy or understated as you like. The list of what is available is long, but just to get you thinking, there’s travel themed bedding, wall art, throw pillows, globes, custom photo frames, tea towels, mugs, and more!

Maybe it’s just a few items to remind you of a trip, or perhaps you want to theme a room in a travel style. Or, you really love travel and want to give your whole home a travel makeover!

Whatever direction you want to go, we think you’ll find some products to suit.

We have some favourite travel themed items we decorate our own home with. We love our wall map pinboard for example, which lets us plan future trips and remember past trips. We’re also big fans of these travel themed wall decals , which add a cool travel theme to the wall of any room, and Jess loves her French inspired trinket dishes .

For more ideas, check out our comprehensive travel inspired home decor post, which has over 75 ideas for home decor items covering every room in your home!

Travel themed coasters

Through Cooking

For many travelers, experiencing the food of a country is one of the highlights of a trip. Whether it’s pizza in Italy, curries in India, or the comfort food of the USA’s southeast, food has a way to transport us to a destination. Sometimes, just eating a dish we’ve experienced in a place can take us right back there!

If you can’t travel to a country, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy its food. You can do this either by going out to a restaurant, or by learning how to recreate some of your favourite food experiences from your travels yourself.

Learning how to cook different dishes from around the world can be a really fun experience, and one you can involve your whole family in. You get multiple benefits – a new meal to add to your cooking repertoire, a fun experience everyone can join in on, an opportunity to learn about a culture through its food, and of course, a tasty meal to eat at the end of it all!

Traditional Seychelles Food

There are lots of ways to learn how to cook different dishes from around the world. To start with, there’s no shortage of cookbooks focused on the foods of different destinations. Some of these provide recipes from around the world, whereas other may focus on one country or region. Here are some to consider.

  • This cookbook features 450 dishes from around the world
  • This cookbook covers 1,000 foods you need to eat before you die, from all around the world
  • Love comfort food? Check out this recipe book featuring comfort food from around the world
  • This cookbook has over 500 recipes focused on the Mediterranean region

You can also check out Youtube cooking channels or TV shows about food . If you have cable or a streaming service subscription, you probably get at least one channel focused on food and cooking.

There are also lots of  specialist food blogs, such as this one focusing on the food of the Seychelles , or this one focusing on Italian dishes.

Localbites Class

We’re fairly sure that you’ll have no trouble finding information to recreate delicious meals to take your taste buds on a journey!

Plan a Future Trip

Just because you aren’t traveling right now, doesn’t mean you won’t ever travel again. So one way to fulfil your wanderlust might be to spend some time planning a future trip.

Planning a trip, especially one of the independent trips we enjoy the most, can be quite a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. You have to figure out exactly where you want to go, everything you want to see, any transport requirements, and plan where you’ll be staying. Then there’s what you’ll likely do each day, and of course, you’ll probably want to start thinking about potential dining options as well!

If you’re planning on travelling with others, perhaps friends or on a family trip, then you’re also going to want to discuss their interests and priorities for the trip as well. In our experience, group trips work best when everyone is involved in the planning from the beginning.

The trip you choose to plan can either be a real trip you plan to take in the near future, or you can have fun and put together a fantasy trip.

When it comes to trip planning, obviously we’re a little biased and would recommend you check out a travel blog to help. We have two, this one and Independent Travel Cats , both of which have content on number of destinations around the world, whether you’re planning a city break or a road trip.

Of course, travel blogs aren’t the only option when it comes to trip planning. We also love to use guidebooks, including the Rick Steves series, Lonely Planet and Insight Guides .

When it comes to the logistics of planning a trip, we like to use Google Drive for collaborative documents, Google Maps for putting together trip routes and sightseeing lists, and we have an extensive list of other tools we use for travel planning here .

Trip planning

Travel in Video Games

Not all travel has to be in the real world. You can take a virtual adventure in a video game, either to explore a representation of a real world location, or to tackle entirely different realities.

I’ve been playing video games since I could hook up a game console to a TV, and have spent thousands of hours in virtual worlds. There’s truly a video game for everyone, whether you want to visit distant galaxies, or take a virtual walk in a walking simulator (yes, this is a thing).

Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • The Civilization series . The first entry in the Civilization Series launched in 1991, making this one of the world’s longest running gaming series. The goal of the game is to build an empire, from the dawn of civilization through to the modern day. Along the way you’ll compete with historical world leaders, build structures like the pyramids, and if you’re lucky, take your civilization into space. A fun title that is also somewhat educational, and a great family gaming option.
  • Assassin’s Creed series .  If you prefer your games of the cut throat variety, check out the Assassin’s Creed series. These games have your protagonists generally trying to save the world from evil, whilst you explore a number of wonderfully rendered real world locations. If you’ve ever wanted to throw yourself around the 15th century rooftops of Florence, colonial Boston, or one of many other locations, this is a great way to do that.
  • No Man’s Sky . If your ideal means of travel is a spaceship with which you can explore the galaxy, you might want to try this vast space exploration simulator.  This has you attempting to survive as you explore literally quadrillions of planets across hundreds of galaxies.
  • Watch_Dogs 2 . This third person game is set in a fictionalized version of the San Francisco Bay Area, and has you playing as an elite hacker out to thwart an evil corporations privacy invading plot.
  • Lost Ember . If all the above sound a bit like hard work to you, then you might enjoy Lost Ember. Set in a post-human world, this has you exploring a series of stunning environments as a wide range of real world animals. There is a story to follow, but mostly it’s about just exploring the world and relaxing. Another good family entertainment option.
  • World of Warcraft . If you are looking to explore a fantasy adventure land on an epic scale in real time with millions of other players, then look no further than World of Warcraft. This game has you picking  a race and faction, and setting out to make your name in a massive world consisting of a number of lands.
  • Minecraft . If you prefer the idea of building your own world, then you might like to try Minecraft. If you do, you won’t be alone, as Minecraft is the world’s best selling video game of all time. You can build your own world, tour virtual recreations of real world structures and locations, and generally have a block filled adventure. Another great family option.
  • Planet Coaster . If you love to visit theme parks, then you might want to give a theme park simulation game a go. These started back in the 1990s with Theme Park , which had a number of spiritual successors, including the RollerCoaster Tycoon series . Game play is similar, but the graphics have improved over the years. The overall goal is to build and manage your very own theme park, including ride construction as well as staff and concession management. The most recent and widely acclaimed version currently available is Planet Coaster .

Of course, this is just scratching the surface of what’s available when it comes to video games that can take you on a journey, but hopefully it gives you some inspiration and a good starting point for your search.

Revisit Old Travel Photos, Videos, & Memories

When we travel, we often take a lot of photos of our trips. Sometimes we collect souvenirs as well as mementos.

A fun way to go on a virtual trip is to revisit an old adventure you’ve had, and a great way to do that is to look through the photos, videos or travel travel journals you have from past adventures, as well as the items you bought when traveling.

This can be a really nice way to feel a little like you are traveling without leaving the house. Looking at old travel photos and videos, which are often collecting dust (be that real or digital!), is a lovely way to transport you back to a trip.

If you went on the trip with someone else, you might like to connect with them and go through the memories together. This way you’ll remember the moments you experienced together.

This can also be a good opportunity to consider turning some of your digital memories into physical mementos of your adventures, which can make for a fun home based travel themed project.

One easy way to do this is of course just to order prints, but there are lots more ways to turn your photos into physical items. From personalised mugs to custom throw blankets , there are loads of ways to turn memories into reality. See some more ideas in our guide to travel home decor .

Photo Collage

Virtual Reality

If you want a more immersive travel experience than can be achieved via a computer game, movie or TV show, then you might want to check out a virtual reality experience instead.

There are two main types of virtual reality system that you can get. First, you can get a specialized virtual reality headset like one of the Oculus systems . Some of these work standalone, whilst other require a high end PC to get good results. This will definitely get you the best VR experience.

Another option is to get a headset which supports your smartphone like this or this . Since most of us already own a smartphone, and these tend to have motion sensitivity and high resolution screens, this can be an inexpensive way to experience virtual reality content.

However, the experience is definitely not as good as a dedicated system. The quality will be lower, there are no cameras to support interacting with real world environments, and you don’t get the advanced controllers that you get with a dedicated VR system. Support for these is definitely waning as manufacturers focus on the dedicated VR headset market.

Whatever option you go for, when you have your virtual reality solution you are going to need some content to view.

If you have a dedicated headset, then a good starting point is Google Earth VR , which will let you explore the world through Google Earth using your headset. Almost as good as being there!

If you have a smartphone solution, check out Google Street View which includes support for smartphone based VR.

Of course, there’s lots more content you can explore in VR, from rollercoaster rides on Youtube to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City . You can even take a virtual vacation in the Vacation Simulator game for VR!

Google Earth VR

Backyard / Home Camping

Taking a camping trip is a popular vacation option, and is particularly popular as a family travel option. Sometimes though, we might not be able to travel to our favourite camping spot.

All is not lost though! You can recreate the fun of a camping adventure in your own home.

If you happen to have a yard or outdoor space, then you can definitely take advantage of this area to pitch a tent, have a BBQ, and generally take part in all the fun camping activities you would do at a real campsite. In some ways it’s even better – you have access to your own bathroom, and if the weather turns bad you can always just go inside!

Even if you don’t have your own outdoor space, you can still recreate your own camping experience. Just set up one of your rooms as a campsite! You might have to be creative with your tent construction as most home floors don’t work so well for pegs, but as it’s unlikely to be windy indoors you can probably get away with a slightly less robust solution. And if you don’t have a tent, you can make a DIY camp out of some sheets and blankets!

We appreciate that camping at home might not be exactly the same as camping at a remote wilderness location, but this can definitely be a fun experience, especially if you have kids.

Travel TV Shows

There’s no shortage of TV shows for you to enjoy and get a travel fix from. These range from spectacular wildlife documentaries, through to television dramas that will make you fall in love with a destination, through to stories of adventure.

So whether it’s travel inspiration you want, a good story, or just to explore far flung corners of the globe, there’s a TV show for you. Here are some to think about.

  • Planet Earth – This is an epic documentary series, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, which took four years to make. It will take you on a journey across some of the world’s most awe inspiring natural wonders. There’s also a sequel, Planet Earth 2 .
  • Long Way Round – In 2004, actor Ewan McGregor and his friend, TV presenter Charley Boorman, set off on a quest to travel from London to New York by motorcycle. The series covers the 19,000 miles they covered, and the challenges they faced along the way. It has since been followed up with an overland journey from London to Cape town called the Long Way Down . A third iteration called the Long Way Up, from Argentina to California, is due in 2020.
  • Parts Unknown – hosted by the late Anthony Bourdain, this travel and food show spans 12 seasons and 104 episodes, and takes the viewer to less visited parts of the world to explore both culture and cuisine.
  • Rick Steves’ Europe – Hosted by Rick Steves, these half hour episodes will take you on a journey across a number of European destinations, as well as a number of other countries.
  • Outlander – There’s no shortage of fictional TV shows set in stunning locations, but Outlander is perhaps one of the most well known. This time travel shows features locations around the world, but is best known for the stunning Scottish landscapes it depicts
  • The Amazing Race – this competitive reality TV game show has couples competing in challenges in locations around the world, as part of a wider challenge to race around the world. It has been filmed in locations around the world, and there have been over thirty seasons to date! The American version is the original, but a number of other countries also have versions of this popular show.
  • Places to Love – hosted by Samantha Brown, this lovely travel series focuses on the emotional heart of travel, and the people who make up the places she visits
  • Dora the Explorer – If you have younger kids, they will likely love the adventures of Dora. Whilst the show doesn’t visit real world locations, a live action movie released in 2019 does.

Naturally there are thousands more shows to choose from that include elements of travel, allowing you to explore the world from the comfort of your own couch. Many TV shows are also family friendly and educational, so your kids can learn as you watch as well.

Learn a New Skill for Travel

One great way to spend your time in anticipation of a future trip is to learn a new skill that you can use on the trip. This is also a good stay at home activity that you can involve your whole family in together if you wish.

Learning a language for example is a great way to prepare for a trip. This might be a language you started learning at school but have since let lapse, or a language that you know will come in useful on a trip you are already planning. French and Spanish are popular options, but there’s no shortage of languages in the world you can learn.

There are plenty of different ways to learn a language. There are free platforms like Duolingo (ad-supported, paid version available), and more known language programs like Rosetta Stone .

As well as a language, there are other useful skills you can learn to enhance your trips. We all love to take photos when we travel, so learning how to improve your photography can help you capture better memories of your adventures. It’s also a useful skill for all sorts of other events, from family gatherings to events.

Again, there are lots of way to improve your photography while at home. For example, we have lots of free content on our blogs all about photography. Get started on our photography tips page for a range of photography articles.

If you want to take your photography to the next level, then you might prefer a more structured approach to learning. We run a comprehensive online photography course which will teach you everything you need to know about photography across 10 weeks. We’ve already helped over 2,000 people improve their photography, and would love to help you do the same. You can see that here .

Laurence camera

Set up a Relaxation Zone

Many of us travel to get away from it all and relax, and spa holidays are a very popular option for achieving this goal.

However, a spa holiday can definitely be an expensive option, and it might not be something your budget stretches to on a regular basis. And even if it does, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to recreate that experience at home anyway?

Well, why not set up your own home relaxation zone?

This can be a place of retreat for you and your family. It can be a specific room in your house, perhaps a spare bedroom where you can read and relax or a bathroom that you can set up for an at-home spa experience. If you have an outdoor space and the climate is suitable, you can also designate an outdoor space. Consider a garden area with flowers and herbs from different parts of the world.

It’s probably a good idea to have some ground rules for use of the space, and to fill it with some items to make it relaxing. For example, you might consider making it a devices free zone, with minimal talking allowed, and a focus on calming activities like meditation, yoga, or reading. Consider using fragrance candles or reed diffusers to create a calming environment that emulates that which you might find at a real spa.

Participate in Travel Forums, Facebook Groups, and Chats

Just because you’re not travelling right now doesn’t mean you can’t indulge your love of travel with like minded individuals! A great way to do this is online, either in travel forums, in Facebook groups, or in group chats devoted to travel.

There are a number of popular travel forums online. These include the long running Thorntree forum by Lonely Planet, the Rick Steves Travel Forum , and the Travelfish forum which focuses on travel in Asia.

If you would prefer to discuss travel on a platform like Facebook, then there are lot of options here too. We even run our own travel Facebook group where you can talk about all things related to travel, including sharing stories of past trips and helping others plan upcoming trips. You can join that here .

Set up Online Video Chats with Travel Loving Friends and Family

Do you have friends and family who love to travel? Maybe you’ve travelled with friends or family in the past, or plan to in the future. Or maybe you just know folks who love travel as much as you do.

If so, a great way to rekindle your love of travel is to connect with them for a chat. As well as being a lovely way to catch up, this will also give you a chance to talk about travel with a like minded individual. You can talk about trips you’ve been on, discuss potential future trips, share stories, and generally pass an amenable time.

There are a wide range of platforms that allow for free video chats, including Skype , Facetime , Facebook Messenger , Whatsapp , and Google Duo . There are also platforms designed to host more people at once, such as Facebook’s Messenger Rooms and Zoom . Whatever you choose, just make sure everyone on the call can use it (some products like Facetime for example are for Apple users only).

If you are planning on hosting a call with multiple participants, it might be an idea to appoint a host, or come up with a loose agenda, so everyone can get the most out of the call.

Travel Themed Subscription Services

If you want a regular dose of travel themed inspiration in your life, one option is to sign up to a travel themed subscription service of some kind.

These are available across a range of product types, and you might find that one of these options replaces an existing service you use with one that is more travel oriented.

Here are some travel themed subscription services we think you might enjoy. These cover all sorts of things, such as food, art, souvenirs, books, spices, handicrafts, beauty products etc. They cover a range of destinations, and some are aimed specifically at kids to start kindle their curiosity in the world.

  • The Wordy Traveler – This international travel themed book club sends a quarterly box which includes travel themed books, premium tea as well as a limited edition fine art print.
  • Little Passports – This kid focused subscription box aims to give kids across a range of ages a monthly package filled with toys and activities. They have a range of subjects, including a USA and World Travel themed box, which include souvenirs, toys, stickers and collectibles. This is a great option if you have kids and want to encourage a love of travel whilst also teaching them about the world. Based in the USA with shipping a number of destinations around the world.
  • Paddington’s Postcards – younger children in the UK will likely enjoy the Unicef Paddington’s Postcard series. For a monthly fee you get a monthly personalised postcard from Paddington Bear, all about the life of a child in another country. A lovely way to learn how people in different countries live
  • Nomadik – this subscription box service is perfect for lovers of the outdoors. Each month you get a box filled with at least $50 worth of outdoor gear that’s ready for your next adventure.

Always check when subscribing to any of these services where they ship, and be aware that you might be liable for customs and import taxes if you sign up to a service outside your home country. For this reason, we recommend trying to find a local service where possible.

An International Penpal

Travel is often about the people we meet and the experiences we have with them. Learning about different cultures through others is often one of the more rewarding parts of our travels.

The good news is that you don’t have to travel to have contact with people from around the world. You can find a Penpal, and exchange letters or emails with folks in different places.

There are a number of services to help you find a Penpal, such as Penpal International , Penpal World and International Pen Friends . There are also dedicated sites for children and students to find a Penpal, such as Students of the World .

Of course, as with any service like this, always be very careful about who you give your personal information out to, and if you want to get your kids involved, ensure they understand the principles of staying safe online .

Music and Dancing

Have you ever heard a song come on and been transported back to a memory where you heard it playing? Music, like food, has a powerful ability to stimulate our memories.

With this in mind, you might enjoy listening to music that originates in a destination you’ve visited, or of a destination you plan to visit. A good example of this might be bagpipe music , which for me is impossible to listen to without thinking of the stunning vistas of Scotland.

Other songs might evoke a road trip, such as the songs about Route 66 in the USA. You can also get world music to relax to , or music that showcases the sounds of a continent .

It’s not just music of course. Dance is a hugely important part of many cultures around the world, with different types of dance associated with places and people. Learning a dance of a destination you have visited or plan to go can be a fun way to learn more about the culture, as well as potentially connect with other like minded people.

You can learn to dance at studios in locations around the world, or you can do it for free at home using some of the many online dance class videos . There’s also the side benefit of getting a workout whilst you learn!

home travelling

Further Reading

That’s it for our detailed guide to how to travel from home. We hope that some of these suggestions have given you some ideas for how to travel without leaving your house, be that on your own or as a family.

Before you head on, we also have some other resources we think you might find useful for planning future trips.

  • If you’re travelling from home you’ll probably want a good internet connection to take full advantage of the online offerings. See our guide to the best home WiFi routers for our favourite ways to improve your home internet
  • We have guides for how much it  costs to travel in the USA and how much it costs to travel in the UK
  • We have a guide to travel inspired home decor , travel themed jewelry and gifts for travelers
  • Our guide to the  best travel routers for improving your WiFi signal when travelling
  • Our guide to  how to get online when travelling away from home and a guide to choosing the  best VPN for travel
  • You’re going to need to power all your devices when you travel – see our guide to the  best travel adapters
  • If you are heading out onto the road and looking for a laptop to get some work done, see our guide to the  best laptops for photo editing
  • Thinking of buying a new camera? See our guide to the  best cameras for travel
  • Looking to improve your photography? See our detailed  online travel photography course here

And that’s it! As always, we hope you found this guide useful. If you have any thoughts on the policies above, or more tips on how to travel from home, just pop them in the comments section below.

A host of ideas to help you travel from home! Everything from virtual tours to books, movies, travel planning tips, music, creative outlets and more!

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home travelling

How to Rent Your Home and Go Traveling

Janice Waugh

November 28, 2018 by Janice Waugh

home travelling

Renting your home to go traveling is a great way to make your travel dreams come true.

Whether you live in an apartment as Elizabeth does in the example below, or have a house to offer as I did when I took a 10-month trip, it helps significantly.

In this post we'll explore why and whether renting your home on a short-term basis is right for you. Then we'll explore many ways and many details to consider, so that your experience is a positive one.

Table of Contents

Why Rent Your Home for Travel Money?

Whether it's for a weekend, a week, a month, or longer, renting your home can bring in good money to help pay for your travels.

Many years ago, I did a 10-month trip with my family. We had our youngest with us full time who we home-schooled. Various combinations of our older sons joined us along the way. To help pay for our trip, we rented our home for the ten months we were away. With four bedrooms (two in the basement) that rental brought in $25,000 which, as you can imagine, was significant in helping pay for our trip. This was before Airbnb and we managed the rental ourselves. This DIY method may still make sense for a 10-month rental depending on where you live and because it saves the fees that a rental platform charges.

By contrast, my friend, Elizabeth, has rented her apartment a number of times to go traveling for shorter but equally significant trips. Her longest trip was 9 weeks. The revenue from renting her apartment on Airbnb helped cover the cost of her monthly rent while she was gone, and then some. On her latest trip it covered her rent and her car rental for the month-long trip.

So, renting your place can help pay for your travels. Let's explore how to do it, but first, let's evaluate whether it's right for you.

photo, image, edmundston, how to rent your home and go traveling

Is Renting Your Home Right for You?

Renting out your home is not for everyone. You need to decide if it is right for you.

  • Do you get stressed by the idea of someone living in your home and using your stuff? Then it's not for you.
  • Are you easy-going about your things? If you will travel and not worry about your home, go for it.
  • Are you allowed to rent your home? If you rent or live in an apartment or co-op, you need to ensure that you can legally sublet.

Money is one thing. Peace of mind and operating within the terms of any contracts you may have signed are also important. Consider these questions carefully.

The result of renting my home for 10 months was not perfect. But it was acceptable. We returned from our trip and there was some minor damage to our home. But it was the type of damage that could have easily happened with our family living there as well. My conclusion? Overall, it was a good experience and the $25,000 was very helpful!

Renting Your Home through Airbnb and Other Options

When you want to rent your home and go traveling there are a variety of home rental platforms for you to consider. Some people use them all, which requires maintaining the calendars for them all as well. It can be a bit of a hassle. Elizabeth only uses Airbnb and has found it adequate. Use all or one, that's up to you.

  • Airbnb – Airbnb is to apartment and home rentals as Kleenex is to tissue. It's the number one site for renting your home and for renting a home. Click here to become an Airbnb host.  Airbnb has recently added their Host an Experience feature to their site. This allows you to earn more by offering experiences to your guests as well.  Click here to rent on Airbnb and you'll get a $25 credit .
  • Homeaway and VRBO – VRBO stands for Vacation Rental By Owner. It is owned by Homeaway. They both offer rooms, apartments, houses, and even hotels. The same search on both sites produces the same results. Click here to list your home on VRBO and Homeaway.
  • TripAdvisor and Flipkey  – Like the relationship between VRBO and Homeaway, Flipkey is owned by TripAdvisor.   Click here to list your home on Flipkey and TripAdvisor .

Before posting your own home on one of these platforms it's probably a good idea to try them from a traveler's perspective first. This has two advantages: you get to see what the experience is like for yourself which will help you be successful when you rent your own home, and you will be able to get a review from your host on the rental platform. Reviews are how the system keeps quality up and will increase the number of people wanting to rent from you.

home travelling

How To Be a Successful Airbnb Host

Elizabeth has been renting her apartment a few times a year for a number of years. I asked for her best tips for success. Here they are.

  • House rules – Determine your own house rules. You can go onto other listings and see what house rules are being published by others to help you come up with your list.
  • Define your cancellation policy – Again, do a bit of homework and make your own decision.
  • Photography – Elizabeth first listed with her own photos, which produced some results. But once the Airbnb photos were up, interest was much greater. In Toronto, they'll send a free photographer. Accept the service.
  • Pricing – She prices her apartment above the average rate on Airbnb for a similar place. She says that her rate should be $70/night. She charges $99/night and she still receives inquiries. Be prepared to negotiate the price for longer stays, though not everyone does this.
  • Reviews – She gives reviews every time she rents or hosts and requests that the person on the other side of her transaction does the same. Reviews increase rentals.
  • Anecdote: On one occasion she was renting to a single man coming to Toronto for Pride. He looked like a good bet but Pride generally means partying. She told him that she had really nosy neighbors and there should be no one but him in the apartment. He assured her that all would be fine and that he would leave the place cleaner than he found it. And he did.
  • Edit the house –  Before your renter arrives, clear out all personal items, empty a few drawers for people to use, clear out your fridge so that people can store their own fresh food, take personal soaps, etc. out of the bathroom and replace with new product for your renter and make sure there is a first-aid kit in plain sight.
  • Add a welcoming touch . Ask about the people's needs. Do they drink coffee? Would bread and milk be appreciated? You don't have to spend a lot but having a few supplies in for your renter on their first day makes a great impression and results in great reviews. A few chocolates and fresh flowers make a positive impression too.
  • Check-in . If you can't be there to check your guest in yourself, have someone who lives nearby do so. There are a few people in Elizabeth's building who rent through Airbnb now and then and so they help each other with this. By having someone who is nearby do the check-in it will be less of an inconvenience if the renter is held up by a flight delay.
  • Schedule a cleaning person . You can charge for this so always schedule a cleaning person to come after your renter departs. Even people who are really clean and tidy may leave behind subtle messes you don't want to deal with. Elizabeth spoke about one renter who seemed to leave her place immaculate but then she found the woman's long hairs here and there for about a week.
  • For more tips on preparing your home for a tenant, read the How to Prepare Your Home for your Renter

how to rent your home and go traveling

DIY Renting Your Home Starts with Finding the Right Renter

Renting your apartment or house yourself, directly with an individual rather than through a network like Airbnb, is a little more stressful. In fact, after trying to rent our home for months, we didn’t find our renters (we rejected a number of prospects) until two weeks before we left. Fortunately, the renters we found were perfect.

I learned a lot from that experience. Here are some takeaways that may be of help to you. Start by identifying the type of person or people you want to rent your home.

  • Specify your criteria regarding smoking, pets, and any other detail that is important to you.
  • Decide what you will include in your rental, such as utilities or technology.
  • Remove items that you will not include in the rental before showing it to prospective renters.
  • Clarify whether you are willing to rent to a number of people on a short term basis or if you are only willing to work with one renter for the entire time you are away.

home travelling

Once you know the type of person you want to rent your home:

  • Create a mini website that shows off your home. Google “make a free website” and you'll find that you can do this yourself at no cost.
  • Let friends and family know that you are looking to rent your home. Let them know your criteria and share your website with them.
  • Use an online service like SabbaticalHomes.com to list your home. If you want to stay in one place, consider trading places with a service like Home Exchange . It won't bring you in extra money for travel but it will cover the cost of your accommodation. Read Free Accommodation: Try a Home Exchange
  • Post your home with a faculty newsletter or notice board of a local university or college to find academics on sabbatical.
  • Many neighborhoods have websites for local news, shops, and classified ads. Post your listing there.
  • Try Craig's List and Kijiji. They have been successful for some people.
  • If you’re not having success or not comfortable managing the process yourself, find a real estate agent to do the job for you.  Unfortunately, they'll make more from a sale of a house than by renting yours, so they are not likely to work at it very hard.

When you've found a prospective renter, check them out thoroughly. You're going away. You don't want any headaches. You need financial, business, and personal references.

  • Do a credit check. Read How to Run a Credit Check .
  • Confirm that they are employed and talk with their boss. You want to find out how reliable and responsible they are. Don't do this by email. Chat with them by phone long enough that they start to care about you before you ask the tough questions. Leave pauses in the conversation. People tend to fill dead air and you may find out more this way. You should always ask: “if you wanted to rent your home, would you rent it to him/her?”
  • Try to get more than one business reference. Personal checks can be valuable too but friends say nice things anyway. A second business reference is more valuable.

How to Prepare Your Home for Your Renter

Make sure that the lease you sign with your tenant is airtight in terms of which utilities are covered and which are not, responsibilities for repairs, insurance requirements, and more. You will want to keep your insurance on the property and your contents. Editors note: as reader segacs adds in the comments below “… Here in Quebec, things like damage deposits and last month's rent are very, very illegal. When you sublet, you're essentially becoming a landlord for a short period of time; read up on all the local laws and make sure you don't violate them or else you could come home to a nasty surprise in the form of being dragged in front of your rental board.” Now, back to the tips…

  • Take a damage deposit and last month’s rent.
  • Arrange for automatic deposits of their rent payments into your bank account.
  • Arrange for automatic payments for all expenses that you are covering from your bank account or credit card.
  • Check with your insurance broker to ensure that you don’t have to change your policy.
  • Arrange for a local representative to manage problems should they arise. This person should be able to authorize repairs to your home. I chose my brother rather than a professional as I knew I could trust him completely to protect my interests.
  • Divert your mail to a friend or family member.
  • Arrange for someone to take care of regular details like checking to make sure that your mail is not accumulating (which it can do even if you have requested a redirect), cutting grass, raking leaves, shoveling snow… This time, I hired my eldest son who only traveled with us for a couple of weeks.
  • Request a disconnect of your landline phone and a hold on your number so that you can use the same number on your return.
  • Talk to your neighbors. Give them the contact numbers for your local representative to call if they see something amiss.
  • Put away all personal belongings. This is a great time to purge things you don’t really need. Rent a storage unit if necessary.
  • Clean everything.
  • Take photos or, preferably, video of every detail of your home. Keep a copy and give copies to the tenant and your local representative.
  • Make copies of the keys for yourself and two local representatives.
  • Give your representatives multiple ways to get in touch with you in case of an emergency.
  • Introduce your new tenant to a neighbor or two. This can be seen as you being helpful. In fact, it lets your tenant know, subtly, that they have moved into a community that sees what is going on.

There are a lot of details involved with renting your home but the effort is well worth it. It can make the difference between traveling and not.

Sharing is caring!

Publisher Janice: info @ solotravelerworld.com

Editor Tracey: tracey @ solotravelerworld.com

Sales Simon: simon @ solotravelerworld.com

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

Travel At Home

Want to learn how to travel without leaving home?

Whether you're craving a DIY yoga retreat , are in need of a relaxing weekend staycation , or are simply searching for travel at home ideas, this guide has you covered.

Itineraries For People Who Love Travel

Choose your (at home) destination + steal these weekend travel plans:.

health & wellness travel

Fun Travel Plans

Virtual travel experiences, trip-themed games & bucket list experiences in your living room:.

at home travel ideas

Transformative Travel At Home

Make a difference in your own life & the lives of others from your couch:.

virtual travel through journaling

Travel At Home Through Self-Care

Travel without leaving home by practicing the following self-care rituals for travelers that can really be enjoyed anywhere.

Common questions about traveling at home

Note: Some of the below links are affiliate links to trusted partners I think you'll love!

Q: I'm wondering how to travel at home?

If you're wondering how to travel the world at home, make a list of the ways travel makes you feel, and then do things at home that also make you feel these things.

Q: What are the best ways to spend my vacations at home?

Start by making a list of places and destinations you've always wanted to visit, and then choosing your desired trip location and transforming your living space to resemble it.

For instance, you might buy some travel photography from a national park, pick up some Moroccan-inspired housewares, or hang up some New York street scenes.

Then, choose food recipes and activities that further bring you to that place.

travel at home ideas

Q: What are some travel-related things you can do that home?

There are so many great travel experiences you can have at home, like:

  • go on a virtual yoga retreat with BookYogaRetreats or YogaDownload ,
  • go on a free virtual safari with Explore.org,
  • learn to cook from chefs around the world on Skype through The Chef & The Dish ,
  • spend time binge-watching episodes of Anthony Bourdain travel shows,
  • enjoy free virtual tours on YouTube or Google Earth or book one from a tour company,
  • go on a virtual road trip (again, YouTube is great for this),
  • listen to a travel podcast (or a travel blogging podcast , like mine!),
  • take a class or buy a book to learn about a new culture or cultural practice,
  • focus on education and learn about travel issues and how you can help make things right,
  • learn travel tips for a future vacation,
  • connect with travelers from around the world on social media,
  • peruse artisan wares through NOVICA , a global online marketplace,

What are your favorite ways to travel at home?

Enjoyed this content on traveling from home? Pin it for later!

14 ways to travel the world without leaving your sofa

Samantha Rosen

Have you been stuck inside for weeks? Us too.

Though some destinations are cautiously lifting travel restrictions and people are learning to navigate a new version of normal, it's safe to say this Memorial Day weekend — typically one of the biggest weekends for travel of the year — will look a little different.

If you're staying home this holiday weekend , it's a great time to start planning your next real-life adventure . And, in the meantime, we rounded up some of our favorite ways to travel the world without leaving the comfort of your home. So, break out your comfiest sweats and buckle up for your next virtual trip.

For more TPG news delivered each morning to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter .

Celebrate summer at Stonehenge

(Photo by Cj Smith/EyeEm/Getty Images)

Stonehenge boasts some of the most popular summer solstice celebrations on Earth, a magical event you'll just have to see to believe. And while you probably won't be able to visit in person this year, the show must still go on.

You'll be able to livestream the summer solstice at Stonehenge this summer. Just tune in to the English Heritage Facebook account , where they'll be broadcasting the sunset on June 20 at 9:26 p.m. BST and sunrise on June 21 at 4:52 a.m. BST. They'll be live for at least 30 minutes before sunrise and sunset — and no matter where you are in the world, you can join in on the fun.

Discover a museum

The Guggenheim Museum in New York City. (Photo by Luis Davilla/Getty Images)

Iconic museums from the Guggenheim in New York City to the Louvre in Paris are available through Google Arts & Culture, a platform that allows you to take digital tours of some of the world's most famous museums. You can browse through all the available museums , and even see some of the most famous pieces of art up close . Historic sites, such as the Palace of Versailles, are also available to tour through Google. The best part? Access is 100% free.

If you want something that sparks your inner child (or keeps your actual children occupied), you're in luck. The Children's Museum of Houston is sharing do-it-yourself experiments, as well as activities and behind-the-scenes exhibit content on YouTube , Instagram and Twitter . You can make a cardboard kazoo, listen to story time and even learn about how the water cycle works. This is a surefire way to pass the time if you've found yourself suddenly homeschooling your kids .

Read more: No travel required: 10 iconic museums you can tour online

Take a cooking class

home travelling

Is there anything better than having a home-cooked meal from an Italian grandma? We don't think so. While Italy will start to reopen to tourists in early June , you can still get your fix of some incredible Italian cooking before your next trip there, whenever it may be.

Nonna Nerina, an 84-year-old Italian grandmother in Palombara Sabina, Italy, has set up a virtual cooking class on Airbnb Experiences. Here , she'll virtually teach you how to make Italian classics such as ravioli, gnocchi and fettuccine. Just note that she only teaches classes on weekends; the weekday classes are taught by her granddaughter. Plus, if you enter your email, you can get 25% off the class for a limited time. Better yet, the classes are on sale, too. For example, her class usually costs $100 but is just $60 right now.

Related: How to plan a bucket list trip to Italy with points and miles

Go on a ride at Disney

(Photo by Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

The magic isn't over just because most Disney parks remain closed . You can stream virtual Disney rides from parks around the world, from Florida to France , in the comfort of your own home. How's that for a bargain on a Disney vacation ?

Related: How to take your kids on virtual Disney rides around the world

Explore parks and attractions

home travelling

Take a trip to the great outdoors from, well, indoors. You can virtually explore national parks and famous attractions around the country, all courtesy of Google Arts & Culture . Think: the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park and Alcatraz Island. Better yet, they're all accessible for free and you won't have to wait in a single line.

Google Earth can even help you enjoy the cherry blossom blooms around the world, though the season has passed. From the Meguro River Cherry Blossoms Promenade in Tokyo to the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. , there's something for everyone here. You could easily spend hours taking virtual tours.

Visit a botanic garden

The Bronx Botanical Garden. (Photo by Hiroyuki Matsumoto./Getty Images)

A handful of botanic gardens around the country are also offering virtual tours for travelers to enjoy. The indoor conservatory at the United States Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C., for example, is temporarily closed to the public. In the meantime, though, you can take a virtual tour of the gardens and soak in all of the beautiful scenery.

Join an art class

(Photo by Dean Mitchell/Getty Images)

A handful of universities are hosting free, virtual art classes , according to Artsy, and many have a global perspective. You can study the history of Japan through images or discover ancient Egyptian art and antiquities. You know what they say: If you can't travel, you might as well spend a few hours every week looking at pictures of places you wish you were. Right?

Listen to live music

home travelling

Did coronavirus derail your plans to travel to a major musical event like South by Southwest (SXSW), the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival or Coachella?

Fortunately, a number of bands and musicians are performing "couch tours," as many of their concerts were canceled. Acording to NPR , travelers can also catch live, virtual jazz performances, electronic festivals, classical concerts and more.

Instead of watching the annual National Memory Day Concert from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, for example, you can catch the event (and a performance from the National Symphony Orchestra) online at 8 p.m. Billboard also highlighted concerts by the Dropkick Murphys (performing to an empty Fenway Park on May 29 at 6 p.m.), and a livestream performance by David Guetta from New York on May 30 at 7 p.m.

Watch a movie

home travelling

Give yourself a much-needed break from all the craziness out there and curl up on the sofa with one of these feel-good and wanderlust-worthy films this weekend. Some of our top picks include "Eat, Pray, Love" and "Mamma Mia" — but there are plenty of classic flicks and television series to choose from.

Anthony Bourdain's famous documentary, "Parts Unknown," is coming back to Netflix on June 1. The only catch? It will only be available in the U.K. and Ireland. Here's hoping it's a good sign, though, and will be available to stream in the U.S. and rest of the world soon.

Related: Stuck at home? Stream these 12 movies to cope with travel wanderlust

Live like a royal for the day

home travelling

Put on your crown and get ready to take a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace . You can take a peek at the Throne Room, Grand Staircase, White Drawing Room and more. The entire palace isn't up for viewing, but it's certainly enough to keep you occupied for hours.

Related: Using points and miles to get to London

Take a trip to the beach

home travelling

In need of some sunlight and vitamin D? Enjoy the sun and sand in St. Lucia. All you have to do is go to @TravelSaintLucia 's Instagram Live to take part. Every Tuesday and Thursday, they go live and show off things like the island's beautiful sunsets, rainforests and more. You might be so inspired, you book a trip there when the island nation reopens to Americans on June 4.

Another option? The beautiful island of Bermuda is also hosting a daily livestream . Put on some Jimmy Buffet, make yourself a piña colada and enjoy your makeshift beach day.

Learn a magic trick

(Photo by krisanapong detraphiphat/Getty Images)

Airbnb recently began offering virtual "travel" experiences, so you can book online activities from around the world right at home.

For just $20, you can take a magic class with Martin, a Guinness World Record-holding magician based in Berkhamsted, U.K. His class will show you magic tricks you can perform with everyday objects, such as playing cards, phones, rings, money, sweets and even fire. Prepare for some mind-reading, too, as well as the psychology that turns a trick into magic. The class is an hour and a half long, and availability is open through the end of June.

Make Portuguese tapas

(Photo by Rob Lawson/Getty Images)

Another Airbnb Experience that's sure to please? This Portuguese tapas class . You'll learn how to make popular dishes such as tuna paté and açorda alentejana — and of course, plenty of sangria. The host, Joana, spent 10 years teaching hotel management before opening her own restaurant in Lisbon. The class costs $17 per person and is available through September.

Related: Vacation rental guests and hosts are all feeling the cancellation crunch .

Hang out with wild animals

(Photo by David Merron Photography/Getty Images)

OK, so you might not be hanging out with real penguins in real life. But for only $12, you can spend an hour learning about the history of African penguins , as well as some little-known facts and insights. You can even build your own penguins from items lying around the house. Your host, Jon, is based in Cape Town, South Africa and his class is sure to be a hit with the whole family. You can check out even more of these virtual experiences here .

home travelling

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We Are Global Travellers

What to do if you're travelling and you feel homesick

Updated On 23rd February, 2024

All you’ve heard people say about travelling is ‘ how amazing it is ‘ and how ‘ you’ll never regret it ‘, right?

Something a lot of people aren’t so quick to share about their travels are the moments in which they struggled and the moments in which they just wanted to book a flight home. Trust me, even as a seasoned and very experienced traveller,  I still have moments  on my travels where i’m like ‘i’m done, i want to go home’.

Feeling homesick can mean something different for everyone. For some it’s missing the comforts that home life provides, for others it’s missing family or routine. For me often it’s missing my gym routine and regular sleep schedule.

Whatever it is that you’re feeling… please know it’s okay to feel like that. It’s normal. Please don’t panic.

The first thing you must do if you feel homesick or like you’ve made the wrong decision is to take a big deep breath.  Go on, do it now for me.

Okay, I’ve got you. Let’s work through this together…

Take the pressure off of yourself for a second…

Whether you’ve just touched down in a new country, you’re out of the honeymoon period and you’ve been gone a few weeks or the feeling has hit 6 months or a year in. It makes no difference to the validity of your feelings. Feeling homesick can come at any given time.

Chances are you have thoughts like…

‘I’ve just saved all my money for this’ ‘I should be enjoying this’ ‘They are having the best time on Instagram why aren’t I’

…running through your mind, all of which are putting an incredible pressure on you to change how you feel. The more pressure you add and the more guilty you make yourself feel, the worse it’s going to get.

Things to avoid:

  • Scrolling social media and watching people on their travels
  • Telling yourself you should be feeling any different to how you are
  • Telling yourself that going home will solve everything

What to do instead:

  • take yourself somewhere calm, for a walk, to the ocean, to a view point
  • take some really deep breaths and calm your heart rate down so that you can think clearly
  • remind yourself that your life is in your hands and you have the ability to make whatever decision you feel is right

Identify how you’re feeling and pinpoint what it is that you are missing…

Taking deep breaths and  bringing yourself into a calm space is a very important stage of over coming homesickness.  Mainly because when you’re in a panic or when you’re upset you might be led to making rash decisions that don’t necessarily reflect your best interests. Chances are you’ve invested a lot of time and money in your travels and the last thing you want to do is waste it.

Once you’re feeling calm, bring up your notes on your phone / grab a pen and note pad / do this mentally.

  • Note the reason you came travelling in the first place
  • Note 3 great memories you’ve made so far
  • Note 3 things you’re looking forward to ticking off of your bucket list on this trip
  • Note the emotions you’re feeling
  • Note what could be causing this
  • Note, in an ideal world, what would make you feel better

If you’re missing home comforts…

Gosh, this is such a normal thing to miss, particularly if you’ve traded your fresh bed sheets and comparative luxurious home set up for hostel life or for living out of your suitcase. Home comforts are something you definitely compromise when you’re on the road but the benefits of travel far outweigh what you  temporarily  leave behind.

Things you could do

  • watch a film or something that makes you feel nostalgic about home and revel in the feeling of comfort
  • go and buy yourself some nice food, your favourite meal
  • book into an Airbnb / hotel for the night and treat yourself to some comfort
  • call mum / dad / friends to hear a familiar voice

If you’re feeling lonely…

You have got this. Loneliness is such a common feeling people face when travelling and it’s here in these intense feelings that you are forced to dig deep and grow. You’ve left all you know behind you and you’re out their navigating your dreams on your own, of course you’re going to feel lonely. But don’t give up at the first hurdle. Get to know yourself, push through the discomfort and find strength as you step out of your comfort zone…

Things you should do:

  • Check yourself into a hostel and surround yourself by other solo travellers in a similar position to you.
  • Take your mind off of thinking too much. Indulge in a new experience or some pamper time.
  • Source some busy surroundings where you can interact with people, like a local market.
  • Head down to a local bar and… make conversation. Go on – YOU GOT THIS.
  • Watch your favourite programme or FaceTime home – give yourself a shot of familiarity to soothe yourself.
  • Take a deep breath and listen to a soothing playlist
  • Join a weekly sport / hobby club to meet new people in an energetic atmosphere
  • Enrol on a new course that takes your fancy

If you’re over-worked or over-tired…

Have you been working abroad and working some intense hours on your travels? Have you been travelling for a while and (naturally) are you feeling tired from the constant changes in climate / location / language / culture? Again, SO normal. I’ve been backpacking on 4 occasions and I can usually move around hostels and countries for 8 weeks max before I need routine back. At 8 weeks I’m usually craving some serious gym, sleep and work routine.

If you’re feeling tired / over worked, it might not mean that you need to go home, it might mean that you need to:

  • slow down, take some time off
  • slow down the pace of your travel, adjust the itinerary
  • change up your itinerary / look for a new job
  • go home. Honestly, if your gut is telling you you’ve fulfilled all that you need to, that’s completely okay!

Listen to your gut, always.

If you’ve been away for a while…

Similar to the above section of feeling over worked / over tired, if you’ve been away for a while it might mean that you need to change things up a bit. If you’ve been away for a while travelling, perhaps it feels right to come home? Or if you’ve been away a while and have spent time building home somewhere, feeling homesick might actually mean that just like any one of us does from time to time when we outgrow our current circumstances, you need a challenge?

  • Joining a new sports team / club
  • Taking up a new hobby / sign up to an online or physical course (cooking, photography etc)
  • A new job? are you enjoying yours
  • Take a holiday? we all need time off to reset!
  • Starting conversation with someone new and open some new doors!
  • Going home. If it feels like you’ve done your time, that’s awesome!

If you are questioning your decision to go travelling and are worried you’ve made the wrong decision…

I truly believe that there’s no such thing as a wrong decision in this life. If you want to go home, it doesn’t mean your decision to travel was wrong. At the time it was exactly what you wanted and if now going home is what you really want, that’s okay too. That’s the right decision for you now.

Of course if you’ve spent years saving to go and live in Australia and then you arrive and it just does not feel right – it’s going to be an expensive lesson to learn. But if there’s a desire in you to go and do something, the risk you take by following your dream is way less than the risk you take by denying it.

In this example, you’d never regret the move to Australia because at the end of the day it would have taught you that Australia is not for you. That’s just as important as a dream going ‘ how you thought it would go’.

Going home doesn’t mean you’re failing. If you’ve sat down, really considered the pro’s and con’s of staying / going home and going home feels right – then that is what you must pursue.

It’s important to note that travelling isn’t for everyone. It really isn’t.

Travelling requires you to take on and persevere through an  emotional rollercoaster . A rollercoaster  you have to be ready to belt in for.  It requires you to fall down many times and it requires you to be willing to  find the strength to stand up again . It will push you  so far out of your comfort zone , you won’t recognise yourself and the decisions you’re making from one day to the next.

Travelling is the opportunity to  expose yourself fully  to the world and most importantly to yourself. Travelling forces you to look inside yourself, to see your flaws gives you the time, the space and the inspiration to  build yourself and your life however you desire for it to look .

If you’re feeling homesick, I just want you to know that it’s normal. Feeling homesick for 99% of people is part of the process. Think about the bigger picture. This is most incredible journey you’ll ever go on, the journey with yourself.

Dig deep, don’t sit still for too long, don’t call home too much and let the homesickness be the making of you…

What to do if you're travelling and you feel homesick

Have you felt homesick? What did you do?

Love as always + happy adventuring,

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What to do if you're travelling and you feel homesick




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How to Protect Your Home During Extended Vacations, From Security Systems to House Sitters

Image may contain Housing Building Nature House Outdoors Cabin Countryside Shelter and Rural

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

In today’s increasingly interconnected world, it’s becoming easier to lead what was once considered a “nontraditional” lifestyle full of travel. Whether you’re a retiree spending a few months at a vacation home, at sea , or visiting family, a digital nomad traversing the globe, a burnt out employee planning an adult gap year , or someone like me whose job requires extended stays away from home, that time away brings with it a new consideration: how to ensure your residence will be safe as it patiently awaits your return.

Ahead, we’ll dive into practical tips, products, and services to protect your home and put your mind at ease whenever you leave for long periods of time. From home security systems to finding a house sitter, we’ll cover it all.

All products featured in this story are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Protect your home from disaster.

Securing your home before departure goes beyond locking all the doors and windows. Start by sealing any small holes leading outside to prevent animals from making themselves comfortable in your floorboards or roof. Adding fresh batteries to smoke alarms can be a lifesaver in case of emergency, too. However, homeowners often overlook another common cause of extensive issues: water. 

“By installing water sensors, or water shut-off devices, you could be alerted to water leaks while you’re away and help prevent costly damage,” says Sarah Jacobs, vice president of personal lines product development at Nationwide . If possible, Jacobs recommends shutting off the main water valve completely. Not sure how? Check out this video for a few tips on how to locate and cut off your home’s water supply. If you need additional assistance, HomeX's Remote Assist tool can connect you via phone or video call with a trained technician who will walk you through the process and help with any other home repairs or pre-trip preparations you’re having trouble with.

Image may contain Railing Balcony Banister and Handrail

With these tips, you can spend less time worrying while away from home.

Set your home to “vacation mode.”

To reduce your electricity bill and protect your belongings from any power surges, be sure to unplug everything possible, from the washing machine to lamps and televisions. When it comes to your thermostat, the strategy depends on your environment. In cold climates , you can prevent frozen pipes by setting a temperature in the high 50s, while warmer areas require a temperature in the high 70s to avoid mold and mildew. These temperatures are warm/cool enough to keep your home in good condition without running up the electric bill.

Take care of the mail.

Nothing screams “this home is vacant” quite like an overflowing mailbox or unattended packages waiting for porch pirates to strike. Instead of relying on loved ones to check your mailbox, sign up for the USPS mail hold service to stop deliveries for up to 30 days or try temporary mail forwarding for longer absences.

Expecting something important to arrive? Anissia West, a DEI consultant and life coach who leaves home for extended periods at least five times per year, recommends a virtual mailbox like iPostal1 . The company collects your mail, uploads photos of it through an app, then allows you the option to discard it, forward it, or have it scanned so you can digitally read your mail from anywhere.

Make it look like someone is home.

Another way to ward off would-be robbers is to create the illusion that you never left home. That could be as simple as arranging for regular landscaping service, but Royal Williams goes the extra mile. “To make the house seem lived in, I use light timers, so for a few hours every night, the living room lights turn on,” says the online teacher and graduate student who splits her time between California and Colombia . Light timers like this Amazon bestseller are relatively inexpensive, but “smart” lights can also be programmed to periodically turn on and off without the extra purchase.

Find someone to care for your plants and pets.

Whether you’re leaving for a few days or a few months, TrustedHousesitters connects homeowners with travelers who will take care of their property, pets, and plants in exchange for free accommodation. I once spent two weeks taking care of an adorable kitten at her apartment in downtown Miami, but not everyone is comfortable with a stranger setting up camp in their private space. That’s where digital marketing specialist and travel influencer Lauren Kokoskie suggests using TaskRabbit , a website that allows users to hire local gig workers for special errands. Kokoski, for example, once hired a landscaper to care for her indoor plants. “I met with them in person and showed them how to water my plants. They returned weekly while I was gone,” she says. “I made sure to lock up my valuables since it was still a stranger in my home, [but] I had a positive experience.”

Install smart home security.

Long gone are the days of leaving a spare key under a flower pot by the door. Instead, invest in a smart lock and make it easier to grant access to your home as needed. There are dozens of options on the market, but I personally use a keypad deadbolt from Schlage . When I go on vacation or work trips, I give the cat sitter a temporary code that only works during the designated times she’s scheduled to be at the house. I get notifications whenever the door is unlocked and can also remotely control the deadbolt from my phone using the Schlage app, Apple Home, Alexa, Ring, and other home automation systems. Several of these systems, including Ring and Nest , also offer other smart home security services such as indoor and outdoor cameras, motion-activated floodlights, alarms, and more.

Prepare for a smooth return.

It may feel like a burden to tack on extra cleaning before a long trip, but you’ll thank yourself later when you have an inviting space to welcome you home. For freelance writer Giulia Alvarez-Katz, that pre-trip cleaning routine includes covering furniture with blankets to prevent excessive dust build up and eating all the food in her refrigerator so there’s nothing left to spoil should her appliances lose power. Alvarez-Katz also stocks up on key supplies she’ll need to make her return as stress-free as possible. “There’s nothing worse than coming home to an apartment with no toilet paper,” she says.

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Travel Home Decor: Travel Themed Home Decorations

Last updated: December 4, 2023 - Written by Jessica Norah 96 Comments

A great way to fuel your wanderlust in between trips is to have travel inspiration and reminders in your home or office, and we’ve put together a long list of wonderful handmade travel home decor items.

We have a number of travel themed home decor items in our home including rugs, coffee mugs, blankets, wall art, photo frames, shower curtains, towels, and decorative globes.

We’ve put together a list of over 75 travel themed home decor in this article for those looking for a way to express their own love for travel, searching for a gift for a traveler, or just looking for inspiration about what types of travel themed home furnishings are out there.

Our list contains dozens of home decor items that are well-suited for a variety of spaces, budgets, and decorating tastes. Many can be personalized or customized so you can get a one of a kind piece. We give suggestions for items suited for all the rooms of your house including the kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom, nursery, and office.

We have physically reviewed many of these items and hope you enjoy this list of wonderful travel themed home decor items. Perhaps you’ll discover your new favorite home furnishing pieces along the way!

world map wall art Travel Home Decor Handmade Travel Themed Home Decorations

Table of Contents:

Handmade Travel Home Decor: Home Decoration for Travelers

I love travel themed items and have previously written posts on some of my favorite handmade travel themed wedding products and travel themed jewelry . I love globes, vintage maps, vacation photos, old postcards, etc. and love when I find items that incorporate travel themed elements into useful home decorations and furnishings. So we decided to put together another list on some great handmade travel themed home decor items.

These include pieces for all parts of the home from the office to the bedrooms and include everything from fridge magnets and lampshades to wall art and shower curtains. The items were also chosen to fit a wide range of decorating tastes and budgets with most items ranging in the USD $20 to $150 range.

Just so you know, many of the home decor items on this list we physically reviewed. Some were items we purchased or received as gifts, and others were given to us by artists for review. The other pieces are just ones I loved when searching for travel themed home furnishings online.

The majority of the items on our list are handmade or hand customized items, made by a single artist, family, or a small business. We love supporting these great individual artists and small businesses.

One of the things I love most about shopping for items on Etsy is that most artists can do personalized or custom items. Many of these items on this list are truly unique and many of them can be personalized for you.

We strove to include travel home decor pieces from around the world and items came from a number of places in North America, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia. However, the majority are from artists in the United States and United Kingdom.

If you are looking for a gift for your favorite traveler, but don’t find it here, consider checking out our guide to gifts for travelers . It contains 75 gift suggestions that should suit any budget or type of traveler!

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about any of these items included. We hope that this list helps inspire you to show your wanderlust in decorating your own home!

travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings home office

Travel Themed Home Decor for the Living Room & Lounge

Many people spend a lot of time in the living room or lounge in their home, and it is often the place where you gather with family and friends. It is a great room to display your love of travel, whether it is through displaying your favorite travel photos, throw pillows, blankets, candles, or coasters.

Here are a number of travel-themed home decor items that would be great for the living room to give you some decorating ideas.

travel signpost tree travel home decor handmade travel themed home decorations

Wooden World Map Cutout

This amazing 3D wooden wall world map creates a 3D effect due to its unique raised areas, anywhere from 6 mm to 18 mm. With over six contrasting shades of wood, it is one of the most stylish wall maps we’ve seen online. You can use pushpins in it if you wish to mark specific travel locations. The maps are available in a variety of sizes and color shades.

3D wooden map art travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

This would make a great piece to accentuate a focal wall in any room, and would also make a wonderful gift. Check out Igor and Maryna’s Etsy store here.

Fun Printed Animal & Tropical Lamp Shades

This bold and eye catching zebra lampshade was created by UK artist Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan. Kelly is known for her unusual and whimsical animal art and designs. She works with galleries and some of the leading interior designers worldwide.

zebra lamp shade travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Whether you want to reminisce on adventures from your past or you dream of a safari trip in the future, this statement lamp shade will create an instant focal point in any room, and is sure to be a conversation piece. Take a look at more of her designs in Kelly’s store .

Wood Mountain Shelf

These sweet mountain shelves have three peaks and are custom made from knotty pine. They add a great piece of interest to any home and immediately make us think of our time in the mountains. They are easy to hang on the wall with two simple nails and come in a variety of stain colors.

wooden mountain peak shelf travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Please note that they are made to order, so be sure to allow plenty of time for shipping if buying as a gift. Sasha has loads of other wonderful handmade minimalist pieces of home decor in her store .

Custom Travel Photo Blanket

These custom photo throw blankets are perfect for displaying your favorite travel memories. The blankets come in a variety of polyester fabrics, including fleece and woven styles. You can use one photo or use several photos to create a collage. Photos are sublimated into the fabric (rather than screen printed) to help prevent fading, cracking, and peeling. 

vacation photo blanket travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

You can see more blanket styles and other personalized gifts at Julie’s store .

Wooden Vacation Photo Frame 

Use a personalized vacation photo frame to proudly show off your best vacation photos in your home or office. You can choose a ready-designed one to personalize or have it entirely customized with your own design. All frames include a stand for tabletop display and hook for wall hanging display.

custom wood vacation photo frame travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

We love taking the time to print some of our best travel photos and displaying them in our home so we can look at them every day. You can find more at Richard & Tatiana’s Store .

Travel Photo Throw Pillows

This beautiful hand sewn pillowcase is made from weather- and fade-resistant 100% spun polyester poplin fabric. The pictured pillowcase features a photo taken by the artist on Route 66 in the USA, but you can choose from hundreds of different photo designs and custom orders are also possible.

Route 66 travel photo throw pillow travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Katya also makes a number of other handcrafted items with travel and nature photos including phone cases, shower curtains, wall tapestries, duvet covers, and travel journals. See more at Katya’s store Lost in Nature .

Custom Country Heart Pillow

Why not use these pillows to give a rustic look to your home and show off the places that you love.  This b urlap fabric pillowcase comes with cotton lining and an envelop closure. The pillowcase is hand embroidered with a country outline of your choice and heart in the location of the city of your choice.

country outline burlap pillowcase travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

The pictured pillowcase is 16 inches  X 16 inches  (40 cm X 40 cm) and shows the UK with the heart over London.

Various pillowcase sizes and designs are available, but please note that the pillow insert is not included. Pop over to Puja’s Store to see more designs.

MOVA Solar-Powered Globes

I am in love with the solar-powered globes from MOVA . We first spotted them spinning in a window display in a shop in Venice, Italy. We assumed they were spinning because of their base so were surprised when the shopkeeper put them in our hands and they kept spinning!

The globes spin on their own using solar power and magnets so they don’t need to be plugged in and there are no batteries to be changed. They just need light, either indirect light from the sun or indoor lights. They can also be put onto about any base.

In addition to world maps, they also sell ones depicting planets, the moon, artwork, and sports teams. They come in a variety of color schemes with several base options.

home travelling

The companies sells their globes both on the MOVA website and on Amazon . Just be sure to buy them from an authorized site and register them once you receive them to benefit from the warranty.

If interested in purchasing one, we have been given a 5% off discount code that can be used for any 6 inch or 8.5 inch MOVA globe purchased from their website. Just put in coupon code TRAVELCATS at checkout.

Travel Themed Coasters

Travel themed map stone coasters are a great way to add a bit of travel decor to any room. We especially love that these can all be personalized or customized as much as you want. The map design is decoupaged to the stone tile and treated with commercial grade paver sealant on both front and back, and felt backing is applied to the bottom of the coasters.

We have a  set of these personalized coasters that include the places where we met, our first road trip, where we got engaged, where we got married, and our first home together! 

personalized map stone coasters travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Coasters can be made of ceramic or natural stone and a number of customized elements and designs are available. They can also be hung on your wall as a decoration if you’d prefer (just request that wire loops be added). See more at Brenda’s store: Hand to Home Concepts

Personalized Travel Tree

The Travel Tree Starter Set is unique product consisting of a white metal stand and base with attachable metal signs showing various travel destinations. The stand and travel signs are made of steel and aluminum and the travel signs are printed on high-quality vinyl stickers.

Each starter kit comes with the base, stand, title sign, and three customized travel signs. Additional personalized travel signs can be added.

travel signs Tobris The Travel Tree travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

This is a  great way to track and show your travels in a unique way, and you can keep adding to it as your list of visited cities or countries gets longer. In addition to travel destinations, trees can also be customized for golf courses, baseball parks, marathons, or other accomplishments. You can see more products from Maria in her store . 

Map Throw Pillow Set

This set of 4 throw pillowcases includes four different designed focused on maps, travel, and geography. Pillowcases are 18 inches by 18 inches, made of cotton, and have a zipper closure. They do not include the pillow inserts.

home travelling

See more travel-themed pillows on Amazon here.

Antique Map Pillar Candles

Fans of antique maps will love these wonderful decorative candles which are ivory, vanilla-scented candles with map transfers of antique city maps from around the world. Available in two sizes.

vintage map pillar candles travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Note that if Terri doesn’t have any candles listed in her shop, you can contact her for a custom order with the city map of your choice. You can find out more handmade home decor items over on Terri’s store .

Custom Travel Slide Lamp Shade

Can you imagine turning your family slides into a gorgeous decoration for your home? That’s exactly what the team at BlinkLab are doing, with their magnificent lamp shades . A great conversation piece and a perfect way to repurpose all those family slides.

Each shade requires 64 standard cardboard mounted photography slides which are affixed together to form the round lampshade. Then a diffusion material is attached to the interior of the shade which gives the slides a beautiful glow and a crystal clear view of the images.

photo slide lamp shade travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

You can find more of Blink Lab’s handmade repurposed industrial home decor in their store.

If you don’t have your own travel slides to use, this shop makes travel slide lampshades using vintage photographic slides.

Vintage Suitcases

Add a pop of color to your home with these vintage retro suitcases . Not only do they look great, but they also make great storage solutions as coffee tables, side tables, or bedside tables. They come in stacks of 3, 4, 5 or 6 and can be used for in a number of different ways for the home and for events.

vintage suitcases travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Anthia will usually send you a mixture of colors such as cream, brown, navy, black, teal, grey, green, and blue. But if you have very specific color or size requirements, send her a message and she might be able to help you. She has a beautiful collection of handmade and vintage products in her store .

Travel Themed Home Decor for the Kitchen

It’s true what they say, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It is a place to make delicious food and share memories with the people you love. From tea towels to mason jars to wine stoppers, here are some of our favorite travel-themed kitchen decor items to showcase your memories from around the world.

travel fridge magnets refrigerator souvenir magnets

State Shaped Cutting Boards

You can celebrate your home state or favorite USA vacation destination with these state shaped cutting boards . Each board is made of high-quality bamboo wood and they are handcrafted in a workshop in Florida. They can be personalized with an engraving of your choice. Can be used as both a cutting board and serving board.

state shaped wood cutting boards kitchen travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

The boards are available in the shape of all 50 states. See a range of other handcrafted goodies at Left Coast Original .

Map Magnets

Our refrigerator is covered in souvenir magnets brought back from travel destinations around the world. These classic glass magnets with real paper atlas map paper can be customized to allow you to choose your favorite locations in the world, either places you have been or places you want to go! The magnets come in various sizes and shapes.

custom map magnets travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

We love that you can pick your favorite locations in the world and be reminded each time you open your refrigerator door! See more at Lil & Jill’s store Lil and Jill

Custom City Tea Towel

It seems that you can never have enough tea towels in the kitchen! These custom printed ones come with a map of your own home town or any location you choose! They are made from 100% cotton and  m easure at 28″ x 14″, while the map can cover a range of 11.5 miles x 6 miles.

home travelling

These towels would make for a perfect house warming gift! Butler and Hill have a number of map and travel-themed products available, including personalized map jigsaw puzzles, keepsake boxes, clocks, and more.

Custom Map Wine Stoppers

These heavyweight, food-grade wine bottle stoppers are a perfect gift for wine lovers. They fits all standard wine bottles and the silicone seal makes for a perfect fit. The wine stopper features a map location of your choice under a crystal clear glass dome, so you can remember your favorite destinations around the globe while protecting your wine.

custom map wine stopper travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

You can also get custom flag and U.S. state designs. You can find plenty of other gift ideas and personalized products over at Tammy’s store Bjeweled Vintage .

Painted Mason Jars with Travel Decals

These subtle but sweet mason jars add a pop of color to your kitchen with customizable state or country outlines. The jars themselves are quart sized, handpainted, distressed, and sealed for a beautiful matte and rustic look. Color options include turquoise, mint green, yellow, duck egg blue, and more.

kitchen country decal painted mason jars travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

The jars displayed have Michigan state decals, but Jennifer can do a custom order for just about any state, region, or country outline. She can also paint them just about any color. For more hand crafted products, take a look at Jennifer’s store here .

Custom Handpainted Dishes & Serving Platters

If you want something to commemorate a special day or trip, consider a custom handpainted dish or serving platter. These custom cityscape dishes can be personalized to denote the city landscapes or city landmarks of any town or city. Or this large custom serving platter can be personalized to depict or say whatever you wish.

Huntsville Alabama custom handpainted dishes platter travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Whether you are looking for a decorative serving platter or an entire set of dishes, there are artists who can create handpainted ceramic dishes that are truly unique. See examples from shops Cotton Table Ceramics and Your Dish is My Command .

Map Design Reusable Sandwich Bags

One of our favorite travel-themed sustainable products has got to be these reusable sandwich bags ! These natural, safe, and plastic-free items can be used to store sandwiches and snacks. Each reusable bag is handmade with 100% cotton, organic beeswax, organic jojoba oil, and pine resin.

map fabric reusable beeswax sandwich bags travel themed kitchen home decor handmade

We only have this one planet, this one life, and Aubry hopes to leave it better than when we came through her online store The Little Blue Stitch .

County Destination Embroidered Dish Towels

No matter what country you wish to celebrate, the team at Embroider Everywhere can embroider it on just about anything! This embroidered dish towel is made from 100% cotton and measures at 30″x30″ inches. You can choose the color of the towel and the design – there are several ones already made or you can ask for a custom design.

country embroidered Switzerland tea towel kitchen travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

In addition to kitchen towels, the team can embroider bath towels, aprons, pillowcases, shirts, laptop covers, and more. Take a look at Embroidery Everywhere’s full store to see their full list of products.

Custom Map Cabinet Drawer Knobs

These personalized map cabinet knobs are perfect for the kitchen drawers. These solid drawer pulls are finished in either nickel or bronze and feature a 1.25″ (30mm) map image under a clear glass dome. You can choose the map location you want for each cabinet drawer knob.

map cabinet door knobs drawer pulls travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

You can see a number of other personalized map items over at Tammy’s store Bjeweled Vintage .

City Skyline Jars

These wood and glass storage jars are 16 oz. glass food safe jars with a maple wood lid that creates an airtight seal. They can be used for a number of purposes from storing foodstuff in the kitchen to storing craft or sewing supplies. The laser-cut lids can be personalized with the skylines of one of over 40 cities in the United States.

wood city skyline jar kitchen travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

These jars would also make a perfect way to give a gift of candies or other small treats. Lucca Workshop is full of beautiful pieces of wood & paper items.

Canvas Spice Map

This spice map canvas is a great option to consider if you want to decorate one of the walls of your kitchen. The print itself is made from museum quality, heavy-duty canvas with a satin finish. It is handstretched over a frame and arrives ready to hang. You can add personalized text to the piece if you’d like.

It is available in several sizes and 3 panels or a single panel, depending on what suits you and the size of your space.

canvas spice map kitchen travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Tom is an experienced graphic designer and photographer and offers a lot of great wall canvas items, including dozens of travel themed canvas pieces. You can check those out in his store .

Eat Well Travel Often Towel

These dainty Eat Well Travel Often towels can be custom made in colors to match your home décor. Made from 100% white cotton, the towels are super absorbent and lint free. These flour sack towels are designed to get softer with more washes. The towels measure approx. 29″ x 29″.

Eat Well Travel Often kitchen towel travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

If you don’t see what you are looking for feel free to message April with any requests you have as she can do custom items. Her store Mudpies and Daisies is full of beautiful unique handcrafted sewn items.

Travel Themed Home Decor for the Office

Whether you work from an office or at home, it is important to fill your space with little reminders of why you work so hard! Whether it’s your favorite family vacation photo, vacation countdown blocks, or a mini desk globe to remind you of your travels, there are plenty of ways to incorporate your love for travel into your home office.

Here are a number of travel-themed home decor items that would be great for your office space.

office travel home decor handmade travel themed home decorations

Personalized Vacation Photo Coffee Mug

This personalized vacation photo mug is a great way to commemorate a special trip! The mug is a ceramic 10 oz. coffee mug with ink printed brown and green travel design. Text includes “Let’s Go” and “Le Mug de Voyageur.” The mug design can be personalized with a photo.

custom travel photo coffee mug travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

We really enjoy drinking our coffee and seeing a photo from one of the first trips Laurence and I took together in Spain. A great and practical way to remember your own travels, and would also make a great gift for a special traveler in your family.

Take a look at Noémie’s store LesptitescreasdeNono for more!

Secret Travel Book Safe

Keep your keepsakes, travel documents, or valuables in this hollow secret safe book that will hide in plain sight on your bookshelf. It is a h ardcover copy of a real book (we have To the Ends of the Earth: The Selected Travels of Paul Theroux ) with its original dustcover that has been hollowed out so there is an inside opening that is 4 7/8 inches wide x 8 long x 15/16 deep. Inserted magnets keep it closed even when it is standing upright.

You can actually get a hollow safe in a number of book titles (including custom requests) and size and shape of hollow can be changed. We have To the Ends of the Earth: The Selected Travels of Paul Theroux, and the one pictured is a collection of stories by Robert Louis Stevenson.

secret hollow book safe travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

We love being able to hide items in plain sight, especially in a book written by a modern travel writer which fits in well on our bookshelf. It is a great place for us to store our passports, desk keys, and extra cash that we would normally just shove in a drawer. See more at Kara & John’s store, Secret Safe Books .

Travel Themed Stationary

If you want to bring a smile to someone’s face, send them a letter in one of these atlas envelopes . These u pcycled atlas map pages have been handcrafted into letter-sized envelopes. They measure at 9 1/2″ X 4″ although a variety of sizes and recycles papers are available and you can also request custom orders.

atlas envelopes stationery travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

We love that these are so well-made and are also making good use of discarded atlases and maps. I still write letters to my grandmother and these travel themed envelopes make it more fun to send a letter. Jennifer has some great products in her store, Paperette Shoppe .

Antique Style Map Pencil & Pen Holder

Add a traditional vintage feel to your desk with these beautiful pencil and pen holders . Handmade in Australia, these decoupage holders are sold as a set of two which includes one pen/pencil holder and one paper clip holder. The artist paints the set in brown acrylic, applies map images, and then varnishes them.  You will find her details and signature on the bottom of each item – a really nice touch!

map pencil pen holder desk holder travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

You can find all of Laura’s work on her store, Silver Glow Designs . She has a whole range of handmade desk accessories.

Vacation Countdown Blocks

As you look forward to your next trip, you’ll know exactly how many days are left to go with these vacation countdown blocks . You can actively countdown the months, weeks, and days! The blocks are handpainted and all of the writing is created using vinyl. You can customize the colors, words, and images.

holiday vacation countdown blocks travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Gina also makes countdown blocks for holidays, birthdays, weddings, retirement, etc. You can find her full store here .

Mini Desk Globe

This mini globe sits on a brass stand and has a personalized handlettered phrase. At 7 inches high and 4 inches wide, it will fit perfectly on your desk or office shelf. You can personalize the lettering to say whatever you want. The globe is available in different colors.

mini globe desk travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Nicole has a store full of handlettered decor and gifts, which you can see in her store here .

Wooden Mountain Bookends

These intricate bookends are the perfect way to bring the feeling of nature and the mountains into your office space. Measuring at 13″ x 7″ x 5″, the mountain range book ends come with non-slip cork bottoms to ensure that your books stay in place. Due to the nature of wood, each piece will be slightly unique in color and grain.

wood mountain bookends book shelf travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

In addition to mountains, the Moku Crew also make spectacular and fun wooden bookends of ships, trees, lighthouses, and even the Death Star and Hogwarts. If you are looking for a unique decoration to add to your office, or a great gift for someone you love, look no further .

Personalized Vacation Photo Frame

Cherish your best memories in this laser engraved, wood photo frames . The 5″ X 7″ frames are made of alder wood and you can choose a horizontal or vertical orientation. The frames feature an easel back design for easy table top display or can be hung on the wall.

personalized vacation photo frame Disney travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Such a wonderful way to remember a special moment in time, especially if you are looking for a unique gift for an upcoming birthday or Christmas. Leticia has a whole collection of customizable products in her store Timeless Engravings .

12 Inch Globe

This 12-inch desk globe is perfect to adorn the office, whether on a bookshelf, filing cabinet, or desk. The antique map style raised-relief globe is 12 inches in diameter and features an antique brass colored base.

home travelling

Replogle sells a number of different globes of different sizes and styles, and you can see their full range on Amazon .

Lamp with Old World Map Lamp Shade

This timeless travel themed Old Word map lamp is a perfect twist of Old World and modern. It stands 28″ in height and features a HBC shade, bronze finish, on/off pull chain, and crystal design elements.

map lamp shade travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Royal Lampshaes offer a lot of lighting options and accessories, including customizable lamp shades and colored light bulbs. Take a look at their full store if you are looking for something in particular.

Travel Themed Home Decor for the Bathroom

Everyone spends time each day in the bathroom getting ready, bathing, and answering the calls of nature, so why not fill it with memories and decorations from around the world to inspire you. These travel themed bathroom decorations are sure to spur on your wanderlust throughout the day.

boat shower curtain Travel Home Decor Handmade Travel Themed Home Decorations

Map Shower Curtain

This world map shower curtain in a blue and cream color with a crisp world map design will help pull your bathroom look together. The shower curtain is made with 100% softened polyester, which is a machine washable fabric and measures at 70 x 70″, but custom sizes are available if you reach out to the designer.

blue world map shower curtain travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Matching bath mats, bedding, and other items are also available. Find more great travel themed products in Catherine’s full store, Mapology .

Ceramic Travel Trailer Soap Dispenser

How sweet is this ceramic travel trailer soap dispenser ! It is sure to complete any RV camping decor. The rounded silver gray and red trailer soap dispenser is made of ceramic and measures at 5 1/2 inches tall with the white plastic pump (4 inches tall without). Each dispenser is made to order of high-quality materials and finished with non-toxic glazes.

ceramic travel trailer soap dispenser RV travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

This soap dispenser can be a great reminder of fun road trips and vacation camping adventures. Jacque is an extremely talented artist who has a full store of beautiful products for you to enjoy.

Makeup Brush Roll

This travel themed makeup brush holder makes it easy to store and protect your favorite brushes at home or on the go. It is handmade in an antique world map print and features a durable canvas fabric and cord tie closure. It can hold approximately 8 small/medium brushes, 3 large sized brushes, and has an additional 3″ wide pocket for additional brushes or a beauty blender sponge. Machine washable for easy cleaning.

map fabric travel makeup brush roll travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Kelly also makes matching toiletry bags and toiletry bag sets in the same fabric. Check out Kelly’s full store here .

Nautical Map Bath Mat

This nautical map bath mat is a great addition to the ultimate travel themed bathroom! Made from soft microfiber foam with non-skidding backing to keep it from sliding, your feet will love to step out of the shower onto this after a long day.

nautical map bath mat anchor bathroom travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Items are printed in the USA by designers Ryan and Rachael.They have an amazing selection of mugs, ornaments, art prints, canvases, and home goods in their online store, Loftipop .

Navy Map Bath Towel

These super soft and extremely absorbent bath towels can be used at home, at the spa, or at the beach. This beautiful navy towel is made with a one-sided print, polyester facing with a cotton loop backing for extra lush absorbency. It comes in a range of sizes.

navy map bath towel travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

It is another one of the fantastic products available on Catherine’s Mapology store . She has a whole range of world map shower curtains, pillows, duvets, and more!

Nautical Themed Shower Curtain

Even showering can be an adventure with these nautical themed shower curtains ! M ade of 100% polyester, the shower curtain measures  71 inches (W) x 74 inches (H) with 12 button holes for shower hook placements. 

We have this shower curtain, we love this fun and colorful nautical design. It would look great in a variety of bathrooms!

boat shower curtain nautical travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

If boats aren’t you thing, you may want to take a look at Rachel and Ryan’s many other shower curtains (and other home decor item) designs!

Travel Themed Home Decor for the Bedroom

Fall asleep dreaming of travel with these amazing travel themed home decor ideas for your bedroom. You’ll be dreaming of enjoying spring in Paris, vacationing with the family at Disney World, or cruising along the blue seas of the Bahamas in no time!

Paris ring dishes Travel Home Decor Handmade Travel Themed Home Decorations

Blue & Cream World Map Bedding Set

This world map bedding set is currently in my shopping cart! The vintage world map prints amazingly well on this duvet cover or comforter. The look is clean and pretty with tons of detail, and it comes in a variety of sizes to suit everyone. You can also pick out matching pillowcases to keep the theme going strong!

blue world map bedding duvet pillow bedroom travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Catherine can even customize your order if you reach out to her. You can find lots of map and travel themed decorations in her store, Mapology .

Wanderlust Ring Bowl

This little bicycle dish is really cute. This handmade bowl is made of white earthenware clay. The letters and design were stamped with dark brown ink – this one has a bicycle design on outside and word “Wanderlust” along the inner rim. The bowls are fired and covered with a lead free, clear glossy glaze and they can be customized with various colors and larger sizes are available. 

wanderlust bike ring dish travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

It is a great place to store my travel-themed jewelry pieces, particularly our world map wedding rings whenever we need to remove them.

Elycia offers a wide range of handmade bowls in her shop that I recommend checking out, and most of her pieces can be customized! See more at Elycia & T.J.’s store Elycia Camille .

Framed Maps with Love Quote

We really like how this framed quote combines both love and travel, two of our favorite things! Made with a pretty white frame with pearl and twine embellishments, and a map that includes a handwritten quote inside. The standard quote is “Love makes the world go round” but this can be customized to any short quote you desire.

framed map with love quote travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Such a great decoration or gift for any travel loving person or couple. You can s ee more at Kelly’s store UniqueWeddingBoutique .

Tommy Bahama Map Quilt Set

Can you picture yourself relaxing under this amazing Bahamas themed quilt ? Made from 100% cotton, this beautiful vintage style quilt is filled with 60% cotton, 30% polyester and 10% new reclaimed fibers. The set includes a quilt and two standard shams, and is available in twin, queen, and king sizes. 

home travelling

See more tropical inspired bedding patterns at Tommy Bahama . 

French Inspired Trinket Dishes

Beautiful trinket dishes for those who love France like we do! These handmade small ceramic dishes are made from clay. The designs are stamped on and then the dish is fired, glazed, and then fired again. The pictured dishes have the Eiffel Tower and Je t’aime (“I love you” in French) designs, but there are a number of different dishes available in a variety of colors, designs, and shapes. 

Eiffel tower trinket dish Paris ring dish travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

We always use ceramic dishes for soap, rings, coins, candies, tea bags, etc. These would also make great party or wedding favors. Cynthia has a number of French inspired items in her store and is happy to make custom items as well.

Vintage Suitcase Shelves

We love vintage suitcases but have never thought of turning them into a wall shelf before! Such a great idea if you are looking for a truly unique home décor option! This vintage suitcase are turned into shelves that can be hung on your wall. They are available in various sizes and colors.

vintage suitcase shelf travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

If you are looking for a particular color or size, Mandy will work with you to find the pieces that will best fit your decor and vision! You can see her full store right here .

Travel Themed Decor for the Nursery or Children’s Room

Fill your nursery or child’s room with beautiful travel themed decor items that will spark their imagination and creativity. You can transform their space to bring them on a journey around the world, right from the comfort of their own home!

Here are some of our favorite pieces that we think you might love as well!

hot air balloon decorations nursery travel themed home decor children room

World Travel Activity Rug

This colorful world map activity rug comes with three wooden vehicles (car, airplane, and boat), plus a passport with stickers to keep track of globe-trotting adventures! T his durable rug is machine washable for simple, convenient clean up and it has reinforced edges that won’t fray in the wash.

home travelling

It is a great gift for children aged between 3 and 6 and is sure to brighten up any room. We all know that the best toys are those that encourage interaction. This activity rug is designed to inspire engagement and connection with your child. You can find lots of wonderful toys in the popular Melissa & Doug store, but the travel themed toys are our favorites!

World Map Fitted Crib Sheets

This is the sweetest handmade fitted crib sheet for all the mini travelers out there! The sheet has encased elastic all the way around and French seams for a nice finish. It features a 100% cotton map print fabric and measures at 28″ x 52″. It is machine washable.

world map fitted crib sheet nursery bedding travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

If you require a different size or if you don’t see what you want, you can message Katie and she can set up a custom order. A matching changing pad cover is also available. You can find her full store, which has lots of beautiful handmade home decor, right here .

Printable Adventure Themed Prints

These wanderlust-inducing adventure themed prints are the perfect addition to any nursery or child’s room. You don’t even need to wait for the prints to arrive, they are downloadable, so you can print them out from the comfort of your own home and display them as you wish. This set of 6 prints includes a hot air balloon, a compass, a train, a globe, a plane, and a boat.

adventure nursery wall art travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Amy has an entire shop full of fantastic travel inspired designs in a variety of different colours and styles. You can find all of her work right here .

Airplane Baby Mobile

This handmade airplane mobile will add the perfect finishing touch to any nursery! This sweet airplane baby mobile is made of top quality would felt and plush fiber filling, and is hand sewn. It can feature airplanes, hot air balloon, rockets, the moon, clouds,  and stars, all handing from a metallic hoop with cotton. The hoop measures at 7.5 inches and the mobile is 17 inches in length.

airplane baby mobile crib travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

You can find all of Kate’s handmade baby mobiles, rattles, and teethers over on her store The Mobilion .

Transportation Themed Wall Art

These adorable transportation wall art decor are perfect for a gallery wall in any little person’s bedroom, featuring airplanes, helicopters, trucks and more. All prints are made from original watercolor paintings created by Teresa in her studio. The images are printed on quality heavyweight archival matte paper. They are available as different sets and of different sizes.

transportation themed wall art nursery boy's room travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Woodland Adventure Bedding

This is the woodland adventure bedding I definitely would have wanted as a kid! They are sure to bring out your child’s imagination as they fall asleep under these adventure inspired sheets. Choose from the toddler duvet, twin, queen, or king duvets. Matching sheets, pillowcases, and blankets available.

woodland nature bedding duvet travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

All bedding and accessories are made in Lublini’s atelier. They are 100% proudly, designed, cut & sewn in Austin, Texas! For more nature inspired deisgns, take a look at Lublini’s full store here .

Hot Air Balloon Hanging Decorations

You will want to fill an entire ceiling with these colorful hot air balloon decorations ! They are a perfect addition to your nursery or as wedding or baby shower décor. They are hand-sewn in a colorful rainbow print fabric and stuffed, and then an accompanying handmade burlap basket is attached. They come in two sizes.

hot air balloon decoration nursery travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Elisa has an entire range of hot air balloon is many different fabric prints and colors, so you are sure to find the perfect one for you no matter what style you are looking for. See her full store for more.

Map Play Mat

On the look out for a soft and comfortable baby velvet surface for your baby to practice belly time on? This map play mat comes with anti-slip points at the bottom to prevent it from sliding. Measuring at 4.8 X 6.4 feet, the large-scale play mat allows you and your child to play together on the game carpet. The play mat folds flat for easy storage and travel.

home travelling

For more play mat options, you can see these options on Amazon . 

Oh the Places You’ll Go Nursery Wall Decal

This is one of our all time favorite quotes from Dr. Seuss! We couldn’t resist including this ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Go’ hot air balloon nursery wall decal . The matte finish to this high quality vinyl decal will make it look like the name was painted right on your wall. Perfect for any nursery, bedroom, or playroom wall. Available in your choice of colors.

Oh the Places You'll Go map wall decal nursery travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

If you are looking for something in particular, make sure to check out The Decal Spot Co , they have tons of eye-catching and creative decals for any room in your house.

Personalized Travel Themed Baby Blanket

This personalized baby blanket is a great gift idea for a baby shower or any new parent. The outer part of the blanket is made of a cotton/cavas world map printed fabric and the inner side is made of a soft cream color minky fabric. The text says “Welcome to the World” and is personalized with the baby’s name. It comes in 3 sizes.

personalized map baby blanket travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Hagar has lots of beautiful, customizable products on her store, including travel themed pillowcases, baby bedding, teethers, pencil cases, and more. You can find her store here .

Geography Floor Puzzle

Keep the kids occupied with this easy to assemble 51 piece USA floor puzzle . It has individualized pieces with brightly colored features distinct to each state featuring details such as the state name, capital, and a state landmark. E ach piece is coated with an easy to clean surface to keep the puzzle looking new and allowing for easy clean up. 

home travelling

This puzzle is recommended for children age 6 and older. This is just one of the many great toy options by Melissa & Doug ! 

Travel Themed Wall Decor & Wall Art

One of the easiest and most impactful ways of incorporating your love for travel into your home decor is with travel themed wall decor. These can be hung in just about any room of your house and might be map pin boards, artwork, wall decals, or your own travel photos. 

There are lots of options to choose from online, but here are a few that really caught out eye!

travel world map pin board travel home decor handmade travel themed home decorations

Travel Map Pin Board

A world map pin board is a great way to both show your love of travel and display the places you have traveled and want to travel. The maps are made from printed canvas that is stretched over a cork backing and attached to a wooden frame. The pin boards come in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes. You can personalize the title and legends of each map if you wish.

We have had one of these (in the vintage rustic style) on our own walls for years and we love it. The pin board comes professionally packaged and easy to hang on your wall as all the fixtures are included. Each map also comes with a set of two colors of pins.

world map pin board black white travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

The pin boards are available in world map designs as well as USA maps, Europe maps, and individual USA state maps. They also make decals, ornaments, and other travel inspired items. All products are made in Ohio, USA. See more at Ross’s store Conquest Maps .

Custom Map Wall Art Prints

We love the wide variety of travel-related prints that Robert has available in his store. Each wall art print is printed on high-quality matte paper. There are a number of designs available including world map prints, crossword travel map prints, travel list prints, longitude and latitude coordinates, and travel quote maps.

bucket lists wall art travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

If you don’t see what you want, contact Robert to see if a custom order is possible. See more at Robert’s store Eleven Corners .

Travel Themed Wall Decals 

Each vintage travel stamp  decal is made of high quality self-adhesive matte-finish vinyl. They are also available in a number of colors and sizes, and decals can be customized. They can be applied to many types of clean, flat (or lightly textured), and dry surfaces such as walls, doors, windows, mirrors, wood, and plexiglass. 

We applied these to our bedroom wall in our last bedroom, and enjoyed seeing them every morning when we woke up. We applied these carefully and slowly following the included directions and had no problem. We were also able to remove them a few years later when we moved with no issue.

vintage travel stamps wall decals travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Adam and Kim have a number of other great travel-related wall decals as well! See more decals and other items at their shop Blue Design Co .

Personalized Framed Vacation Maps

Want to remember an epic vacation, road trip, service tour, marathon, or other event? At Passport Maps , you can have a personalized map of just about any vacation, location, or route. The design is personalized for each customer and can include text, map locations, routes, and personal travel photos. Designs are either printed on 51lb acid free paper or are digital ones you can print yourself.

A few years ago Scott designed a map of a train trip we took from Istanbul, Turkey to Pisa, Italy and we loved how much Scott was able to incorporate our specific route locations, text, and several of our travel photos into the design. A great way to remember our trip every time we glance at our wall!

custom travel maps for wall Passport Maps travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

The frame is not included but you can add framing to your order or frame it on your own. See lots of personalized map examples at Scott’s store PassportMaps and in his Etsy shop .

Scratch Off Travel Map

This is a great scratch off map and a fun way to show where you have traveled in the world. It can also help you decide on your next vacation destination. The map is printed on high quality paper then covered with a gold foil layer. It shows over 10,000 cities and places and the package also includes a dust cloth, push pins, and metal scraper. The map measures 34.6 inches X 23.6 inches (88 X 60 cm).

We have this map and it is very detailed for its size and it was easy to scratch off the gold foil level. Individual U.S. states, Canadian provinces, and regions of large countries can also be distinguished so you can scratch off certain areas rather than the entire country.

scratch off map world map travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Robert has several scratch map options over in this store The Map Lab . 

Push Pin Map with Frame

This framed push pin map comes with a 2 inche wooden frame. The map was designed by National Geographic. You can choose from several colors for the frame to best match your room interior and you can also choose to personalize the text of the map legend. The map comes with 100 push pins.

home travelling

This push pin map is made in the USA and comes ready to hang on the wall. Also maps available for specific countries or continents, and of different sizes. For more push pin maps, you can see options here on Amazon .

Wooden World Map CutOut

This beautiful Wooden Map of the World Map is such a statement piece! It has a 3D effect, due to its unique raised areas, anywhere from 6 mm to 18 mm. Featuring over six contrasting shades of wood, it is a very cool gift for family, friends, coworkers or yourself to mark your travels. Plus, it is a great way to accentuate a focal wall in any room.

Made with birch plywood, the map is eco-friendly and will last a lifetime. It comes with special double-sided sticky tape, that you can put on the map and it will not ruin your walls. It also includes airplane or flag push pins to mark places you have traveled to or dreaming about!

You will find many intricate map designs available in Igor and Maryna’s store .

Steampunk Art

We fell in love with these original art prints that are printed on high quality vintage dictionary paper and measures 8″ x 10.5″. It is a very unique and fun way to add steampunk charm and a pop of color to your home. There are hundreds of designs available and you can also request a custom order.

hot air balloon steampunk drawing art travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

It is a one-of-a-kind vintage dictionary artwork, so no two pieces will ever be exactly the same. Liam has a huge selection of original vintage dictionary page art prints over in his store , so you will probably have no trouble finding one you love.

Custom Hand Drawn or Painted Caricatures of Travel Photo

Do you love getting a caricature done while on vacation? You don’t have to find an artist on vacation, instead you can have Anatoli create a custom caricature based on your personal photographs and ideas. Any personal details or situations can be added to create a unique gift. You can get one done of yourself, your family, children or a friend. Caricatures are hand drawn with pastel pencils on cotton paper. Custom oil paintings are also possible.

custom caricature art travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

You will find his entire store of oil paintings, dry pastel paintings, and caricatures here .

Travel Inspired Candles & Home Fragrance Products

Travel-inspired scents can help you remember past travels. Smell is one of the human’s most powerful senses and scents can instantly trigger vivid memories . They can transport people back to favorite locations or help inspire future destinations. Here are some of the travel themed candles and fragrance companies we think you will love.

travel themed soaps travel soaps

One of our go-to destinations for home fragrances is Wanderlust Scents . Drew has a huge selection of candles, wax melts, room sprays, perfumes, and room diffusers, all inspired by different locations around the world. The scents are complex and are designed to be unisex so that they can appeal to both men and women.

We are in love with the wax melts and melt them almost every night in our living room.

Wanderlust Scents Cuba candle travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

One of the company’s most popular sellers is its Cuba-inspired Old Havana scented candles, but it offers scents that are inspired by London, California, the Rocky Mountains, Brazil, Hawaii, Brooklyn, Tuscany, Milwaukee, and dozens of other locations. See all the options here .

Mer & Sea Home Fragrance Products

If you are looking for mindful products with minimal packaging, the Mer & Sea collection will be right up your alley. Their candles, room sprays, room diffusers, and soaps have been inspired by travel and locations around the world, especially the seaside. They are artisan soy wax blend candles, hand-poured in the USA using fresh fragrances and packaged in beautiful locally-sewn canvas bags.

Mer & Sea candle travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Mer & Sea also make a number of other travel-related products, including travel wraps , ponchos, and beachwear. You can find all of their products here .

Travel Destination Inspired Soaps

We love these colorful travel destination inspired soaps that are inspired by places around the world. They are vegan-friendly and free of sulfates and harsh detergents. This set includes your choice of four .75 oz soaps from 10 different scents. Scents include Rome which smells of orange blossom, amber and basil, Hong Kong which smells of Asian pear and lily, and Reykjavik which smells of sparking icicle, cedarwood, and musk.

The mini soaps are also perfect for traveling, camping or backpacking, party favors, stocking stuffers, and your gym bag. We personally use them in our guest bathroom for when we have visitors over.

scented travel soaps travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

In addition to soaps, Julie also makes a lot of other travel-inspired scented products including perfumes, lip balms, wax melts, shampoo bars, beard oils, and more. I also really like Julie’s lip balms. Take a look at all of Julie’s travel related products here .

Archipelago Luxury Candles

Archipelago is a California-based luxury fragrance company that makes  natural soy wax candles .  They have a destination collection with scents inspired by places around the world including Kashmir, Charleston, Stonehenge, Havana, Dubai, Positano, Black Forest, and Lanai. They come in a variety of sizes and come in glass jars, as pillar candles, and in metal travel tins.

home travelling

They also sell reed diffusers of the same scent. You can see more fragrance products by Archipelago Botanicals here .

Homesick Candles

We absolutely love the concept behind Homesick candles . They have lots of different scented soy wax candles representing different countries, USA states, cities, and national parks They are designed to bring back all the nostalgic memories of great experiences and wonderful places. They offer each of their candles in different sizes and the large 13.75oz candle has a long burn time of 60-80 hours.

home travelling

The Homesick store also has a range of oils and reed diffusers to choose from. You can find their full store here .

Travel Themed University Dorm Room Decor Items

Moving into your college dorm room is an exciting moment in life. With this new era comes a blank canvas to decorate your new space how you want it. These travel inspired university dorm room home decor items and furnishings should get your creative juices flowing.

beer cap map customized map travel home decor handmade travel themed home decorations

Travel & Ticket Shadow Box

This shadow box ticket holder is a creative way to store and display your tickets, travel stubs, photos, postcards, or anything else you want to keep. The black 8 x 8 inch glass-fronted shadow box has a large slot at the top that makes it easy to drop in your mementos and they can be removed by taking off the back. It can sit on a flat surface or can be hung on the wall. The background text can be personalized to say whatever you wish.

travel ticket shadow box travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

This would make a great gift. You can find more shadowboxes and other home decor in Denise’s full store here .

Throw pillow

This soothing cotton candy colored sky world map throw pillow adds a touch of pink and fun to your dorm room. The throw pillow cover is doubled printed and is made from 100% spun polyester poplin fabric and has a concealed zipper for ease of care. You can choose different sizes and add a pillow insert if you wish.

pink world map throw pillow travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Marianna has lots of beautiful and colorful decor options on her store , including shower curtains, duvet covers, pillows, tapestries and more.

Map Cork Board

This wonderful cork map of the United States with engraved geographical details is an ideal centerpiece for a travel lover’s dorm wall where you can pin photos, reminders, or chart your road trips! The cork map measures 21″ tall by 34″ wide and is made with heavy duty 1/2″ thick corkboard, so it is really built to last.

map cork board dorm office travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Check out Nick’s full store for more minimalist geography related items at Geo 101 Design .

Beer Cap World Map 

For those of legal drinking age, this beer cap world map is a fun way to play Around the World in 80 Beers and helps encourage you to try new beers. The printed map is covered with high quality laminate and a foil layer and has a total of 80 blank circles (40 on top and 40 on bottom) that are used to stick on beer caps. It includes a magnifier to help find the smaller countries and islands, a scratcher to help remove the foil level, and 80 sticky squares to attach the beer caps to the map.

We started off our map with a beer from the oldest operating brewery in the United States (Yuengling in Pennsylvania in case you were wondering!). I also gave this as a gift to my younger brother.

beer cap map travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

A great gift for any beer drinker or a fun item to have at a craft beer party! See more at Rita’s store, MapFever .

World Map LED Candle Holder

This world map candle holder is the perfect decor for a university dorm room as most universities do not allow real candles since they are a fire hazard. This one can be purchased with a LED pillar candle that flickers like a real one. The candle holders are made from steel tubing or pipe with a world map cut out and come in several colors and finishes.

steel world map candle holder travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

The decorative candle holders has no bottom so it can easily slide over LED votive candles or wine bottles. Bela has over 300 creative designs and you can see them all over in her store Tube Torcher .

Other Travel Themed Home Decoration Items

We could go on and on with amazing travel inspired home decorations out there, but we’ll control ourselves and end with a few more that don’t quite fit into any specific room. If you haven’t found what you are looking for quite yet, perhaps these final few travel themed home decorating ideas will ignite a spark.

vacation fund jar travel home decor handmade travel themed home decorations

Switchplate covers

The unique decorative switchplate covers are created and assembled by hand, using laminated images affixed to durable steel plates. This one is of a steam engine train on a blue retro background. This design, like all the shop’s designs, are available in 30 different types of plate configuration to cover any light switch, electrical outlet, or telephone or data jack on your wall.

train switchplate cover travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Sheree offers more than 1,000 unique designs which cater to virtually any taste, ranging from bold to subtle, from classic to off-beat. See her store for more inspiration.

Luminary Bags

We love these luminary bags as they remind us of luminaria in New Mexico which are a traditional holiday decoration around Christmas. The use of paper maps, the customized cut-out shapes, and stenciled on designs really make these stand out from any other luminaries we’ve seen. These can be used inside or outside with LED candles. 

map luminary bags luminaria candle bag travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

There are different sizes and customization options available for any of Suzie’s luminary bags. Check out more creative designs in her shop Olden Designs .

Vintage Luggage Label Stickers

This set of 30 reproduction retro luggage label stickers advertising hotels, ships, and travel agencies that have been professionally retouched and printed on high gloss, water-resistant self-adhesive paper. These stickers are an inexpensive way to add a retro feel to any travel-related DIY project.

I am a bit obsessed with vintage luggage and vintage luggage labels so I was drawn to these immediately. We use these to decorate our vintage looking luggage and to also stick on the back of our laptops as we decorate them with stickers we get from our travels, so these are a perfect addition! 

vintage luggage label stickers travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Ben also creates and sell a number of other vintage inspired printed items including tote bags, magnets, posters, and wall prints. See more at his store BvdB Design .

Travel Fund Jar

We love that the world map money jar serves both a functional purpose (place to throw loose change) and a decorative one. This 1-gallon jug is made of thick, durable glass with a black plastic screw cap. The world map design has been added to the jar and is made of high quality matte black vinyl.

The product is made of high quality materials and the hole on top is big enough for any type of coin we tried. Unlike many other money storage containers, the coins were fairly easy to remove from the jar.

glass travel fund jar saving money travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

 A great place to keep your spare change to save up for your next adventure. A smaller 1/2 gallon world map jar is also available for those wanting something smaller. See more at Renee’s store All Sales Are Vinyl .

World Map Wall Clock

This unique modern world map wall clock is a great fit for any room of the house! The 10″ clock includes a backside hook for easy hanging and requires a AA battery to operate. It is available in 3 colors and you can also change the color of the clock hands.

modern world map wall clock travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

All items are made to order at Lanre Studio. The world map design is also available to be printed on a mug, pillow, art print, and duvet cover. You can see their full list of products here .

Ireland Inspired Flower Pot

This Ireland inspired shamrock flower pot i s made of ceramic and is then decorated using transfer printing and low VOC chalk paint. it contains an Irish verse. Pot is covered in UV protectant and 3 coats of matte water sealant. Pots can be used indoors or outdoors. They come in various sizes and the designs change regularly.

Ireland shamrock flower pot travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Katie made a number of beautiful handmade planting plots, many of which are inspired by the Emerald Isle. She can also do custom designs. You can see her current designs available in her shop Summer Bird Design .

RV USA State Decal

Have you ever considered tracking how many states have you been to with your campervan, RV, or travel trailer? This high quality outdoor vinyl USA State Decal allows you to keep track and proudly display your adventures for the whole campground to see!

USA map RV decal campervan travel themed home decor handmade travel

These decals are an automatic conversation starter for when you’re unhooking and the neighbors walk by. There are a lot of other vehicle decals as well as lots of travel inspired home decor you can check out over at the Conquest Maps store.

Wooden Antique Map Wall Clock

This antique style sublime clock depicts a 17th century map that is printed on the wooden face of the clock. It also features silent quartz mechanisms. It is available in 8 sizes. Customization is possible.

wood antique map wall clock travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

If you are looking for something a little different, the team at The Big Clock Store have very unique clock styles (over 500!), so you can pick the size and style that best fits your room and décor.

World Map Sticker Decal

You can add this explore world map sticker to your laptop, notebook, skateboard, fridge, lunch box, bedroom door, or mirror to inspire you to go on more adventures every time you see it! The sticker is 3.8″ W x 3.1″ H and is coated in a scratch and weather resistant glossy vinyl.

black world map decal sticker laptop travel themed home decor handmade

Amanda has a selection of travel inspired products over in her store Forget Sunday Drives .

Airplane Doormat

This airplane doormat is the perfect welcome mat for any travel lover! Each doormat is made of coconut fibers and the design is hand painted by the shop owner with outdoor paint. It is spray sealed with a clear coat of UV resistant spray paint and backed with vinyl. The doormat measures at 18” x 30” and can be used inside or outside your door.

pilot airplane doormat welcome mat travel themed home decor handmade travel home decorations furnishings

Sarah offers a wide range of funny and cute original doormat designs. She can also create a custom design if you have an idea for a unique doormat. You can see all of her available designs in her store .

vacation photo blanket Travel Home Decor Handmade Travel Themed Home Decorations

So that is our guide to home decor for travelers, and hopefully we have helped inspire you in how to decorate your own home to inspire some wanderlust.

If you are looking for gift ideas for travelers, check out our travel gift guide  for over 75 gift ideas that are perfect for travelers. Ideas for every budget and type of traveler.

Planning to decorate your home in the future? Pin this article to Pinterest to save and read it later:

The ultimate list of travel themed home decor items for every room of your house or for a gift for a special traveler. Many of these travel inspired home decoration pieces are handmade and unique. List includes travel inspired home decorating ideas for the living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, nursery, home office, and much more! #homedecor #travelthemed #homedecorations #travel #decorating

Did any of these travel themed home decor items catch your eye? Do you own any travel home decor pieces yourself that you love? If you have any questions about any of these travel home decor items, just ask us and we’re happy to share our honest thoughts!

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Miley Post author

September 18, 2023 at 1:51 am

I have been into home decoration at my new house and your blog has given me so many ideas. I ordered the recommended wood map board and its so beautiful!! As well as a few of other smaller travel themed things plus adding a lot of our vacation photos. Thank you very much for sharing this amazing blog.

Jessica & Laurence Norah Post author

September 21, 2023 at 7:54 am

I am so glad to hear that you are loving your wooden map, those look really nice on the wall. And of course, your own personal photos are the best and can bring back so many great memories. Thanks for stopping by to comment.

Best, Jessica

Mian Umair Post author

September 11, 2023 at 1:56 am

Its really good information for me and those people who wanna look for travel decor. Thank you very much for sharing this amazing list and your blog.

September 11, 2023 at 3:55 pm

Thanks for taking the time to comment, and glad you enjoyed our travel themed home decor post!

Happy decorating! Jessica

Arkaa Post author

March 7, 2023 at 1:33 am

I have not had an opportunity to travel, but, I dream of beautiful places. I want to go to Italy and Greece.

March 9, 2023 at 4:34 am

I hope that you enjoyed our article and perhaps found some ways to decorate your own home with some Italian and Greek touches to keep those dreams alive until you have the opportunity to travel to those places yourself. I hope you get the chance to travel soon!

Best wishes, Jessica


May 28, 2020 at 2:56 pm

Love all these items featured especially the lamps and cushions by Kelly Stevens-McLaughlan. If I were to pick one item out from all of these sellers, it would be the baby mobile

May 29, 2020 at 5:26 am

Yes, the handmade baby mobiles would be lovely in a nursery or young child’s room as decoration!

Ruth Mendez Post author

July 13, 2018 at 12:34 am

I love traveling as much as I love handmade products! So whenever I travel, I make sure that I get to purchase handcrafts especially those made by local community artisans. There is just one time, I went to Chiang Mai in Thailand, I never had the chance to actually buy my souvenir, but thankfully I found a store called localbazaar who sells handmade crafts from Chiang Mai!

July 13, 2018 at 9:44 am

Hi Ruth, Yes, handmade travel products make for great souvenirs. If you don’t pick up something while traveling, you can always seem to find something online out there 😉 Best, Jessica

Kate Evans Post author

September 13, 2017 at 4:33 am

Hello Jessica, I love this travel themed decoration and as well as items. Some of my favorite handmade travel themed are vacation photos, unique travel items and travel themed jewelry. These are really fantastic ideas to decorate. Thanks for sharing such a nice idea.

Laurie Emerson Post author

July 15, 2017 at 7:08 pm

I love themed travel decor as it brings the outside world into my home. I love the Explore Bath Mat and the World Map Money Jar.

Kelsi Post author

July 15, 2017 at 4:58 pm

I love the Travel Map Pin Board and the Framed Maps with Love Quote!

Sheri Anderson Post author

July 15, 2017 at 2:06 pm

I love to travel and explore places that I’ve never been to but it’s been hard to get away as I care for a special needs adult. I love all the items but really love the wooden wall decor world map, thanks!

Rust Post author

July 15, 2017 at 12:08 pm

I likethat the travel themed items I collect bring back memories of places and events. I like mappy type mementos.

Maranda Hymes Post author

July 15, 2017 at 11:25 am

I’ve always wanted to travel the world as a kid my dream job was to be a doctor overseas. I’m a bit sad that I’ve never ventured outside of the United States. My favorite is definitely the book safe! I’ve always wanted a hollow book. My mandatory entry I hit too soon it was 17, 15, and 7. Hope I can still be entered.

July 15, 2017 at 12:19 pm

Hi Maranda, It is never too late to travel (or do most things!) so don’t give up on your dream of doing some international travel! I will go in and manually change it for you so your entry is valid. Best, Jessica

Rob+Ann Post author

July 15, 2017 at 9:54 am

Love that glass world map print! Also the travel fund jug – we need a couple of those, only filled up! 😉 Great finds – thanks for sharing!

brandi swanson Post author

July 15, 2017 at 9:14 am

My husband is in the military and we travel a lot! I love the money jug the most!

Leah Shumack Post author

July 15, 2017 at 8:18 am

The Custom Travel Themed Map Luminary is so beautiful! I would also love to have the map where I can mark the locations that I’ve been to!

Sarah L Post author

July 14, 2017 at 9:40 pm

I like them because they remind me of where I’ve been and of where I want to go. I most like the travel blanket because I’d wrap myself up in Patagonia… (which I gather is NOT one of the items up for a prize…) Thanks for the contest.

Lauryn R Post author

July 14, 2017 at 9:37 pm

I love all of these travel related home décor items because I love to travel and have since I was a little kid! I love all of these things each for different reasons. I definitely want a World Map Money Jar and a photo blanket would be such a wonderful way to cherish memories! 🙂

July 14, 2017 at 8:31 pm

I would love to win many of these travel themed home decor items!

Chrissy Malave Post author

July 14, 2017 at 5:25 pm

I love travel themed home decor because it’s a reminder of how big the world is and it also inspires me to want to explore and travel the world. I am loving the World Map Money Jar, this is something I could really use to help us save money for traveling.

Shane A Post author

July 14, 2017 at 4:06 pm

Because travel themed decor is a great idea I haven’t seen before.

Lesley F Post author

July 14, 2017 at 8:11 am

I like the Travel Fund Jar!

Tina Post author

July 14, 2017 at 7:19 am

Hollow Secret Safe Book is my favourite. It is very useful

Megan Post author

July 13, 2017 at 10:40 pm

I like the world wooden map, the scratch off travel map, and the color changing mug! So cool!

Anita Jude Post author

July 13, 2017 at 8:28 pm

I love the little bowls that you can put your rings in and things the best

wen budro Post author

July 13, 2017 at 3:43 pm

I love how these items are travel related and so unique. They are all very cool items.

Fiona N Post author

July 12, 2017 at 10:01 pm

I love them all, especially the Nautical Shower Curtain Thank You for the chance!

LisaM Post author

July 12, 2017 at 3:11 am

My first favourite would be the Travel Map Pin Board!

Angela Saver Post author

July 11, 2017 at 9:17 pm

I love travel-themed home decor to remind me of all the cool places I’ve visited and for the memories! My favorites are Nautical Shower Curtain and the RVing Kitchen Towel!

Adele Post author

July 11, 2017 at 8:10 pm

I love travel themed decor because It gives a home a vibrant look. I like the world map wooden sign the most, it looks amazing.

Seana Turner Post author

July 11, 2017 at 5:00 pm

This post is so much fun!!! We actually own 2 of these… the map pin boards (which we got one year for our girls) and the scratch off map (which my daughter got for my husband). We always had fun moving the pin to our “next planned destination.” My husband loves maps, and these are terrific gifts. I recently received coasters from a friend that have outlines of areas in the city where we both used to live. I loved it… these are perfect gifts for the traveler in your life!

Valerie Caldicott Post author

July 11, 2017 at 2:08 pm

Rustic World Map Pin Board is a great idea & my #1 pick #2 the wooden photo frame & #3 book safe

Dana Matthews Post author

July 11, 2017 at 1:11 am

I love maps and have always been fascinated with them. It’s a reminder that, contrary to what the little song says, it is NOT a small world after all. The Wooden World Map is gorgeous!

Terra Heck Post author

July 11, 2017 at 12:56 am

I really, really like that World Map Wooden Sign. The other stuff is neat too. Travel themed items are a great way to show a love for the places you’ve visited. Thanks.

Edith & Juan Post author

July 10, 2017 at 2:12 pm

These are all such neat ideas! I especially loved the travel tree and I’m sure it’s something I’d decorate my house with.

Pam Halligan Post author

July 10, 2017 at 12:53 pm

I do love travel themed home decor. Favorites include the map of Ireland flower pot, the color changing mug, and the RVing kitchen towel.

Susan D Genna Post author

July 10, 2017 at 9:20 am

I have not had an opportunity to travel, but, I dream of beautiful places. I want to go to Italy and Greece. I also want to travel Europe to look at castles (ruined and restored).

Jill Jeffrey Post author

July 9, 2017 at 10:40 pm

My favorite is the Travel Tree!! Such nice stuff!

Carolyn G Post author

July 9, 2017 at 5:39 pm

Favorites are the scratch off travel map, the pin travel map, the secret book and the wooden world map

Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard Post author

July 9, 2017 at 5:15 pm

all your travel theme items are cute but I think I like the Map Fridge Magnets Set best – so cute on the fridge

Danielle Porter Post author

July 9, 2017 at 8:35 am

I just think it looks great and inspires. We are due in September and doing the nursery in travel themed decor! I like the maps for the walls and the glass money jar.

July 9, 2017 at 12:21 pm

Hi Danielle, Yes, some of these items would be fantastic for a nursery! There are also loads of other cool travel themed nursery specific stuff on Etsy, including from some of the sellers listed. Best of luck on your new arrival! Jessica

Deb Philippon Post author

July 8, 2017 at 8:17 pm

I like things that I can use, so I would choose either the Vintage Map Flower Pot or the themed candles.

Melissa C Post author

July 8, 2017 at 5:34 pm

Sooooo many fun items!!! Especially love the Nautical Shower Curtain, Map Pencil Holder, & World Map Wooden Sign, Travel Tree Tree Starter Kit, Atlas Letter Envelopes, & Color Changing World Map Mug Whew!

Lori Q Post author

July 8, 2017 at 2:08 pm

I love all of your products, the lighted maps, the wooden, the hanging. Its so wonderful to have maps to dream

hannah Post author

July 8, 2017 at 11:29 am

I love maps! I especially like vintage or old style looking map art, and we plan to theme one room in our house with maps/globes/etc. My favorite is the scratch off map, that’s fun and unique.

Lolo Post author

July 8, 2017 at 1:20 am

Hey, I tried to enter the contest, and only managed to type in #1 before I could put in the other options. Now it won’t let me put in the rest of my choices… Is there a way I can redo it? Or just put them here? … #1, #6, #11

July 8, 2017 at 6:41 pm

Hi Lolo, Um, Rafflecopter must have had a glitch or you may have clicked it too soon. I will add in your entires manually 🙂

Anda Post author

July 7, 2017 at 9:52 pm

These are some great ideas even for gifts. Thank you for sharing them with us. I’m going to bookmark your post because I already have my mind set on a couple of these things. #TheWeeklyPostcard

Anisa Post author

July 7, 2017 at 7:57 pm

Wow so many great products. I think my favorite is the travel tree. It is so unique and I love the idea. It’s funny when I see signs like that on my travels I usually take a picture, there is just something about it.

Jen D. Post author

July 7, 2017 at 3:59 pm

I love travel themed decor because I love the look of it, especially maps and globes.

Tara L Post author

July 7, 2017 at 10:27 am

I love to travel it’s the best ever and traveling with people you love. I’m loving the photo blanket that you can treasure forever and pass it down to your kids.

Nicole Zerbini Post author

July 7, 2017 at 7:06 am

Travel home decor remind me of all of the wonderful places that I have visited and where I still would love to go. I’m loving the Wooden Map sign! I have the perfect place in mind!

Kim Swan Post author

July 7, 2017 at 6:25 am

Hi there!! I love many of these treasures, mainly because I find them inspiring. Having travel related decor in your home,reminds you that there’s a whole world waiting for you to explore!!

Shirley S Post author

July 6, 2017 at 10:28 pm

I love travel themed home decor because it reminds me of all the wonderful places to travel. I love the Map Fridge Magnets, the Hawaii Vacation Photo Frame, and the Zion National Park Lampshade.

Sandra McFadden Post author

July 6, 2017 at 5:31 pm

Makes great conversations for when your guest visit. I love the coasters the best.

pycnos Post author

July 6, 2017 at 2:10 pm

i love maps! and new places, new people, new cultures…i loved the money jar, but nearly all products are pretty awesome!

Jessica Miller Post author

July 6, 2017 at 11:50 am

I love the #19: Color Changing World Map Mug #6:, World Map Money Jar, #15: World Map Wooden Sign

Amanda G Post author

July 6, 2017 at 10:38 am

I love all of these products! Such great gift ideas, but I also want them all for myself!

Janet OBrien Post author

July 6, 2017 at 10:24 am

I really like the Color Changing World Map Mug.

Megan H Post author

July 6, 2017 at 9:22 am

Oh my gosh, so many of these Items are amazing…I want them all!

Angelica Dimeo Post author

July 6, 2017 at 9:05 am

I love the Explore Bath Mat, the coasters and the Map Fridge Magnets Set. Those are the ones I like the best

Emily Z Post author

July 6, 2017 at 9:02 am

This is the coolest collection of travel items I ever seen, great job putting it together!!

July 9, 2017 at 12:22 pm

Thanks Emily 😉 Glad you love our travel themed home decor items – we also love they are handmade and unique! Best, Jessica

kelly tupick Post author

July 6, 2017 at 9:00 am

Love it all!! My top ones are #16: Ireland Vintage Map Garden Pot #7,: Amalfi Coast Limoncello candle, #12: Around the World in 80 Beers Scratch Map, #19: Color Changing World Map Mug,#6: World Map Money Jar and #15: World Map Wooden Sign

Angela P Post author

July 6, 2017 at 7:19 am

I love the World Map Wooden Sign, Color Changing World Map Mug and Nautical Shower Curtain

Michelle Donovan Post author

July 6, 2017 at 6:45 am

I love the decor because it’s so inspirational. Gives you the travel bug/itch immediately.

Joni Lively Taylor Post author

July 6, 2017 at 6:01 am

I love the travel themed decor because it makes me want to explore the world and appreciate the beauty.

Sarah Blake Post author

July 6, 2017 at 4:14 am

I love it because I’m so into the whole wanderlust theme! I want to explore! I LOVE the wooden sign <3

DeAnna Keller Post author

July 5, 2017 at 9:42 pm

I love all of these travel gift ideas! My favorite’s are these~ 1. Custom Travel Photo Blanket 2. World Map Wooden Sign 3. Color Changing Map Coffee Mug

renee Post author

July 5, 2017 at 9:40 pm

The beautiful blanket is my favorite item. I would love to see pictures of my family’s most recent Disney trip on one of those!

July 9, 2017 at 12:24 pm

Hi Renee, The artists, Kristy and Nicole, are a mother-daughter team and fantastic to work with and you can currently get a 10% discount (until the end of July) on any blanket if you use the code in the post. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a custom blanket. Jessica

Wanda B Post author

July 5, 2017 at 3:29 pm

I love travel themed home decor because it makes me want to put on my travellin’ shoes and go, go, go!

Nadine Post author

July 5, 2017 at 2:57 pm

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks!

desiree Post author

July 5, 2017 at 2:46 pm

My family is from ireland so I love the planter pot. The luminaries I use to remember lost family members.

Stephanie LaPlante Post author

July 5, 2017 at 1:08 pm

I love how the decor makes you really feel a part of something bigger, the whole wide world. It’s hard to choose a favorite.

Calvin F. Post author

July 5, 2017 at 10:09 am

I love the world map wooden sign the most. I like the travel decor as I save up a piece of memory by getting a souvenir where ever I go.

Alison Braidwood Post author

July 5, 2017 at 9:10 am

I love the shower curtain, and the book safe. Super cute, and useful. I have a few travel decorations; one being an enormous framed poster of a Routemaster bus). I used to live in London, so I’m legit allowed to keep that one up :0

Amanda Post author

July 5, 2017 at 8:49 am

Love all these items! Travel bug is real 🙂

Marlene V Post author

July 5, 2017 at 8:14 am

I love travelling and have lots of items from my travels to remind myself of all the places we have been to. I really love the wooden sign – it would look perfect in my home.

Helga Post author

July 5, 2017 at 7:05 am

I like travel themed home decor because it reminds me that there is more to see out there than my four walls. I like the shower curtain and bath mat.

Crystal Rose Post author

July 5, 2017 at 6:30 am

I like personalized items and useful items the most. I like the candle a lot because we go through candles so quickly here and that one sounds like it has a lovely scent.

Nancy Post author

July 5, 2017 at 6:25 am

I like travel themed home decor because it reminds me of previous trips and inspires me to go on new travels. I especially like the Personalized Photo Blanket and the shower curtain.

deanna Post author

July 5, 2017 at 2:40 am

I love the wooden map sign because it looks like it will last for a long time and I love to decorate. Traveling is my favorite thing to do (besides walk my dog).

Theresa C. Post author

July 5, 2017 at 12:34 am

Loved lots of them! But especially two that weren’t for the giveaway – the Travel Map Pin Board, and the Luminary Bags – just lovely!

Leela Post author

July 4, 2017 at 9:05 pm

I love having little beautiful reminders of the places we’ve visited and enjoyed. My favorite is the Zion National Park Lampshade.

Sandra Preti Post author

July 4, 2017 at 7:47 pm

Traveling is very important to me and my family and I like my home to reflect our love of travel and places we’ve been lucky to get to or want to get to!

Jenna Hudson Post author

July 4, 2017 at 5:07 pm

I love travel decor because it inspires me to adventurous. I do love the World Map Money Jar. All that spare change adds up to more trips!

Julie Lundstrom Post author

July 4, 2017 at 4:07 pm

I love photo decorations and travel decorations. I love to see different places and to bring that to my home would be so comforting.

kelly mcgrew Post author

July 4, 2017 at 3:09 pm

i love travel decor because it keeps me inspired and gives me the drive to save towards going to exotic places!

Sandy Klocinski Post author

July 4, 2017 at 10:13 am

There are few things that make me cringe harder than a tacky travel souvenir. On the other hand, as a passionate traveler, I understand the burning desire to buy said tacky travel souvenir. My favorite of this not tacky travel decor is the Bicycle Wanderlust Bowl…perfect for my car keys

cheryl s Post author

July 4, 2017 at 7:01 am

We are big cruisers to we have cruise pictures around the house. Love the Hawaii frame, planning a trip back there in the next year or so

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Best Home Exchange and Home Swap Websites To Save Money on Travel Accommodation

Freaking Nomads is supported by you. Clicking through our links may earn us a small affiliate commission, and that's what allows us to keep producing free, helpful content. Learn more

If there is something that frequent travelers know well, it is that booking travel accommodation through rental sites is one of the biggest expenses that drain budgets the most.

But now, thanks to home exchange websites , affordable and immersive extended stays abroad are no longer impossible. These platforms allow you to soak in overseas adventures far more affordably and can open doors for frequent travelers, families, and location-independent workers to enjoy houses around the world like locals.

In this guide, we'll share with you the best home-sharing websites and platforms out there, comparing their listings, pricing, and more.

What Are Home Exchange and Home Swap Websites?

Home exchange websites (also called home swap sites ) allow you to stay in someone else's home while they stay in yours, at a fraction of the cost of a standard accommodation like a hotel room or an Airbnb.

Unlike typical rental sites , home swap platforms offer some unique advantages:

  • You save money : with no accommodation fees, you can splurge on food, activities, or shopping at your destination.
  • You go truly local : you get to experience the culture and neighborhood by staying in a local's home so you'll feel more like a local rather than a tourist.
  • You travel more sustainably : rather than demanding new rooms and resources, home swaps repurpose existing homes leading to less waste.

But which are the best home exchange sites out there? Let's have a look at them one by one.

1. HomeExchange

HomeExchange home swap website homepage

HomeExchange has the world's largest selection of home swap listings , with over 150,000 members' homes spanning 145+ countries.

Its home swap system is through an annual membership and they provide two options for arranging home exchanges on their platform:

  • You either directly coordinate simultaneous swaps with other members through a reciprocal exchange system
  • You can tap into a GuestPoints system to claim properties without a direct trade

Membership cost: $220 per year

Noad home exchange homepage

Noad is the fastest-growing members-only home exchange community catering to digital nomads and remote workers . Their listings are all equipped with reliable WiFi, desks, and home-office equipment, so they are perfect for location-independent professionals and remote workers.

It currently has 100+ destinations across 30+ countries and allows you to leverage your home and stay in work-ready accommodations for $0/night . The only thing you will pay for each stay is the final cleaning.

Home swaps are arranged through Noad's credits-based booking system and nights are booked for 1 Credit + $0 per night as needed.

Membership cost: Starting at $150/year

3. People Like Us

peoplelikeus home exchange homepage

People Like Us is another fast-growing platform with thousands of members and listings in over 100 countries . Although it's one of the newest, this home exchange website has quickly become one of the most trusted and well-known . It's not a case in fact that if you look for reviews about them online, you'll find an incredible amount of great customer reviews from one of the friendliest community members.

Similar to many other home swap platforms, People Like Us is a subscription-based service and it offers 4 different home exchange types:

  • Simultaneous: the most common, where you and another member trade homes for the same dates
  • Non-simultaneous: you trade homes, but not on the same dates. This is flexible if you're unsure about your travel plans
  • Non-reciprocal: only one member exchanges using People Like Us  Globes . A Globe is a one-way exchange worth one  stay  at another member's place and it's been thought for people who live in less-touristy areas
  • Hospitality: you stay at someone's home while they're still there (you don't get the whole place to yourself)

Membership cost: $149 per year (Free trial for 30 days)

4. Swaphouse

Swaphouse home exchange homepage

Up next on our list, we have Swaphouse , a completely free home exchange platform with hundreds of WFH-friendly listings across all continents that make travel accessible for remote workers and digital nomads . This platform enables location-independent workers to embark on "workations" while exploring different places and enjoying the comforts and functionality of a remote work friendly home. All, without spending a single dollar!

Exchanges are facilitated through a match-based system , almost like a dating app. Members can access their "Explore" section to discover all the available listings and, if they see a home they would like to stay in, they can just hit the "heart" button. If other members also like your home, then you have a "match," and you are ready to agree on a home swap with the other homeowner. And the beauty of it, is that it's completely free. No memberships or fees to pay!

Membership cost: FREE!

kindred home exchange homepage

Kindred is another popular members-only home swap website with 50,000 homes in 100 cities , although the large majority are in North America and Europe. Platform members are thoroughly vetted , so you need to be accepted to be part of this home-sharing community.

There are no membership fees to be paid for Kindred, and home trades are on a credits-based system , which means that for every night you spend (or earn) 1 Credit . The only thing you pay is a cleaning and service fee per trip . Every member also starts with 5 free credits which equals 5 nights you can rent even without hosting yourself.

They have a pretty cool mobile app for iOS and Android and plenty of safety features like meeting members over video before trip approval and $100,000 host coverage included per stay , among others.

6. HomeLink

homelink home exchange homepage

HomeLink is a 70+ year-old exchange platform with listings in more than 58 countries worldwide . Their extensive portfolio of home swap listings includes mountain retreats, beachside cottages, and other vacation properties, although it must be said that most of them are in Europe and the US .

Home exchanges on HomeLink can be done directly through a secure message system that allows the coordination of simultaneous and non-simultaneous home trades .

With their annual membership, Homelink members have unlimited exchanges and listings and can also benefit from HomeLink's support for the duration of their membership.

Membership cost: $118 per year (Free Trial for 30 days)

7. Intervac Home Exchange

Intervac Home Exchange homepage

With a global inventor of over 13,000 listings across 80 countries , Intervac Home Exchange is one of the longest-running home swap platforms out there (since 1953!). It's particularly popular in Europe, where the vast majority of their listings are.

The site facilitates home exchanges through a direct swap system in which you can agree to stay in other members' homes both simultanously and non-simultanously without directly exchanging money .

Their annual membership unlocks features like unlimited exchange agreements, personal exchange coordinators, wish lists, custom alerts and reviews to handpick ideal listings for you. They also offer a free 21-day trial membership to see if you like the platform.

Membership cost: $130/year

How Do I Choose the Best Home Exchange Websites?

Now that we have shared with you the top home exchange sites, you are probably wondering where you should start your home swap journey with all these different options . We recommend considering these key factors :

Choose home swap site that match your travel style and goals , and offer homes that suit your needs. For example, if you are looking for a family-friendly site, you may want to check HomeExchange which has collections of homes that are suitable for children and pets but if you are a remote worker and you need a home-office setting, perhaps platforms like Noad and Swaphouse will be more suitable for you.

Verification processes

You should always prioritize rigorous screenings and vetting processes that authenticate members through address checks and identity verification . For example, the home-exchange site Noad verifies members thoroughly by using industry-leading 3rd party services and checking. Their identity is protected against short-term rental flag lists and the sex offender registry, as well as through public databases. Kindred is also amazing here, as it has a ton of safety features.

Membership fees

Look for reasonable, transparent pricing and flexibility around payment options, cancellations, etc . Compare pricing against site features offered like robust search filters and travel coordinators who expertly arrange exchanges. The cheapest option might not always offer the strongest safety and security policies , so sometimes it's better to pay a bit more for your membership to get covered against issues such as cancellations or, worse, damages to your house. Also, consider that platforms that don't have membership fees might not be suitable for short-term stays as you would probably pay a service fee for it.

Is Home Exchange Safe?

Digital nomad looking outside the window of a swapped house

Although you may question whether it's secure to temporarily live in strangers' homes, most top platforms have verification processes and review systems in place. So, as long as you use a reputable home exchange site or platform , you and your home are absolutely safe.

All the home swap websites we have mentioned in this guide provide various security measures, such as:

  • Identity Checks : Top home exchange sites verify the identity and address of their members and also check the quality and availability of their homes
  • Reviews and Ratings : Platforms allow their members to leave feedback and ratings for their hosts or guests and also display the number of exchanges they have completed.
  • Financial Coverage : Most reputable sites or platforms offer insurance and guarantees to protect their members from damages, cancellations, or disputes. They also provide customer support and assistance in case of any issues or emergencies

So, every time you are evaluating joining a new home exchange website, make sure those three factors are covered.

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Irene Lidia Wang

UX Designer and digital nomad. After struggling with feelings of not belonging due to her Italian-Chinese heritage, she co-founded Freaking Nomads to offer a space for people seeking their own paths.

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How to Get High-Speed Wi-Fi When Traveling

Looking for reliable, fast wi-fi when traveling?

If you’re having trouble getting affordable, reliable internet on the road, we feel your pain. In almost 20 years of traveling together, we’ve suffered through weak wi-fi signals at hotels, cafes, and in more restaurants than we can count. Sure, sometimes we luck out and get reliable internet, but that’s not always the case.

At this point, we’ve used almost every kind of internet connection available when we travel, whether overseas or domestically.

The Best Options for Wi-Fi When Traveling

In this post, we’ll guide you through your options for getting reliable, fast wi-fi when traveling, and the pros and cons of each type.

Whether you’re looking for temporary internet for a vacation home, internet for a laptop or phone while you travel, or even internet while traveling in an RV on a road trip, here are some of your best options.

Beg, Borrow, or Steal Free Wi-Fi

When we first started traveling together, we spent a lot of time and hassle trying to find free internet for travelers. Over the years, I swear we’ve used the free wi-fi at every hotel chain and fast food chain around.

Sometimes the wi-fi is fast and reliable, but most of the time it’s spotty and unreliable. We’ve had more than our share of times where the internet was completely down, or where we couldn’t get the wi-fi signal in our room.

Pros : It’s free. Most hotel, restaurant, and public place wi-fi is free (though there are exceptions). It’s also easy to access.

Cons : Security is a major issue here, as it’s relatively easy to intercept your data. A password manager and a VPN can help with security, but you’re always taking your chances with free wi-fi. If you use a VPN, be sure to pick one that has a no logs policy, like the reputable Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN .

Use Roaming from Your Mobile Provider

Likely the easiest way to get wi-fi on the road is to simply use roaming data from your existing cell phone provider.

The danger of this is that you’ll get slammed with outrageously expensive roaming fees when you get home. To avoid the price shock, contact your cell provider and see if they offer a more affordable roaming plan.

Pro : Easy, instant and generally reliable and secure.

Con : May be prohibitively expensive. To share your cell’s data with a computer or other mobile, you’ll need share your connection via wi-fi, USB, or Bluetooth. This is called tethering, and can result in slowing down the data connection, and may drain your phone’s battery quickly.

Get a Mobile Hotspot

In the last five years, we’ve become huge fans of mobile hotspots for internet access.

A mobile hotspot is a small device (usually the size of a deck of cards) that gets you internet access wherever you go, whether that’s on a road trip near home, or in a country half way around the world.

You’ll pay a fee to rent the portable wi-fi hotspot for travel (or you can buy it outright), and then pay for a data plan. Depending on where you are in the world, data plans can run from $8 a day internationally, or $49 for unlimited internet in the USA for up to a week.

Most hotspots let you connect up to 10 devices, so they’re great for groups or families, but they don’t offer SMS texts or voice phone calls (though you can always use an app like Fongo or Google Voice to call).

  • GlocalMe portable Wi-Fi hotspot review
  • Skyroam Solis portable Wi-Fi review
  • Keepgo MiFi device review .

Pros : Convenient, easy to use, reliable connection in most countries and fast speeds, some with unlimited data. Great for groups.

Cons : More expensive than free hotel Wi-Fi.

Buy a SIM Card at Your Destination

Buying a local SIM card at your destination can be a great way to save money, and save you from expensive roaming charges or scrounging free wi-fi.

Companies like Orange Travel can offer great savings, when compared to roaming or paying for a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Right now they have an Orange Holiday Europe 20GB deal on, which includes includes unlimited calls and texts in Europe.

However, depending on your destination country, tracking down a local SIM card can be tricky. Occasionally, you can find a kiosk selling SIMs in the airport, but we’ve often had to schlep around a new city to find a cell provider. You can usually get a local SIM at convenience stores, news stands, and vending machines.

The biggest negative with a SIM card is that if you’re traveling to multiple countries, a local SIM may not work in all of the countries you visit. It’s also harder to share your connection with other members of your family or group.

Some countries may also require that you’re a citizen, or need a local address, to get a local SIM card, so a local SIM isn’t an option everywhere.

You’ll also have to physically remove your mobile phone’s old SIM card, store it somewhere, and insert the new SIM card, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Pros : Generally affordable, and speeds are usually good.

Cons : Finding a local SIM can be inconvenient, and it may not work in more than one country. You’ll also need an unlocked phone for this to work. To share your connection, you’ll need to create an internet tethering connection or a hotspot on your phone to share the internet connection to a laptop, tablet, or other phones.

Buy a Roaming SIM Card at Home

You can buy a local SIM card when you get to your destination, but that can be inconvenient, especially if you’re short on time.

Some companies simplify travel internet by letting you buy a SIM card at home for use as you travel. The SIM comes with a data plan, and also usually lets you make phone calls and get SMS messages while abroad. To use it, you’ll just need to remove your old SIM card, and insert the travel SIM once you arrive in your destination country.

Pros : Affordable (generally under $50).

Cons : Same as the previous one. To use internet on computers or other phones, you’ll need to create a mobile hotspot connection (called tethering). You’ll also need an unlocked phone.

Internet Cafe

We’re really showing our age here, but when we first started traveling together back in 2001, we relied almost exclusively on Internet cafes (also called cyber cafés) for how to get internet away from home.

Their rows of boxy monitors and beat up desktop computers used to mean an instant connection to the internet, for the cost of a small hourly fee. In 2001, internet cafes were used by almost all travelers as a place to get together, and get good internet. Today, cell phones and free wi-fi have all but obliterated the good old internet café.

While you’d be hard pressed to find an internet café in most tourist spots today, they do exist in much less developed areas. If you’re looking for one as you travel, also look out for gaming centers or gaming cafes since many have gone that route, however their gaming computers can still be used to browse the web, print things off and chat with loved ones back home.

BTW, the last time we used a dedicated internet café was in the Philippines back in 2008, and we used it to access a printer, not for the internet connection, though we have jumped into a few gaming centers over the years to cool down with their aircon and let the kids game for a while.

Pros: No computer or mobile phone needed, affordably hourly cost, generally high connection speeds.

Cons : Security issues with using a shared computer, often noisy environment and overall lack of privacy.

What’s your preferred method of internet access when you travel? Let us know in the comments.

Finding reliable wifi when traveling is always a concern. Free wifi always has security concerns. I like your idea about purchasing a local SIM card to avoid roaming charges.

Getting high speed Wi-Fi when travelling is such a blessing! Sometime the connection at your hotel is weak and I completely understand the security threat. Great to learn a few options on having Wi-Fi on the go. Thanks for this informative post.

We have been begging, borrowing and stealing while on the go when it comes to Wi-Fi connection. A local sim card is a great option to get affordable and uninterrupted connection I feel. Besides it is easy to contact the provider and promptly get things sorted in case of technical glitches. Wonderful post!

Informative Post. I think buying a sim card at the destination is always a good choice, however its best to do your own research since there are many vendors at airports looking to get your on their most expensive plan which is overpriced.

My favorite part of this article is a password manager and a VPN can assist with security, but with free wi-fi, you’re constantly taking chances. Someone recently told me about this and it is different from what I understand. Thanks for helping me understand internet service plans.

Loved your blog, thanks for the information, I find it really interesting.

My favorite hotspot is the local library. Most towns even small have one and they are free to hook up to their WiFi as a guest.

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What to Do if You Get Homesick During Your Trip

home travelling

Homesickness is not just for college students.

In fact, homesickness is a perfectly normal feeling. Missing family, friends, pets, food, and even your pillow is a very common experience for travelers of all ages.

While feeling homesick can sometimes come from culture shock (another perfectly normal reaction to being away from home), homesickness is just as likely to occur in your own country as it is at a foreign destination. Missing family, familiar routines, friends, and pets are normal feelings.

Homesickness can make you feel sad, tired and isolated. It is hard to look forward to a travel day when you are missing your loved ones. Given time, however, homesickness normally subsides, especially if you are traveling in a place that is very different from your home.

Here are some ways to push homesickness aside so you can enjoy the rest of your trip.

Accept Your Emotions

Homesickness is normal. You are not a bad traveler if you miss being at home. Instead of berating yourself for spoiling your own travel experience , look objectively at the situation. You are away from home, you miss being at home and that is okay. It is also okay if your homesickness sticks around for a few days or if you feel like having a good cry. These emotions are normal, too.

E. T. had the right idea. Find a WiFi hot spot and use a smartphone app or Skype to talk with your family. Yes, you will feel sad when you hear their voices, but you will also be reassured that they are happy and healthy. They will be supportive if you explain the ups and downs of your trip, and this support will help you manage your feelings of homesickness.

Talk With People

Particularly if you are an extrovert, part of your homesickness may stem from your need to interact with other people. Take a class, go on a short guided tour, stay at a youth hostel or find some other way to talk with people and recharge your emotional batteries. If you feel comfortable mentioning your homesickness, you may be surprised to find that other travelers understand just how you are feeling. They, too, have been homesick.

Find the Familiar in an Unfamiliar Place

Sometimes we get homesick for something – anything – familiar, like a newspaper in our own language, a movie we can understand or a soft drink with ice in it. Find a fast food restaurant, newsstand, foreign language movie theater or some other place where you can do something just as you would back home. Indulging in familiar activities and foods will remind you that travel is temporary and your home will be there when you return.

Spoil Yourself

Treat yourself to something you enjoy. Take a warm bath, buy a bar of chocolate, read a book or head to the prettiest park in town and go for a walk.

Exercise can clear your head and motivate you to continue your journey. If your hotel or cruise ship has a gym or swimming pool, consider adding a light workout to your daily routine. Walking and bicycling are also great low-impact ways to get some exercise.

Create a Routine

Some travelers miss the structure of their regular lives when they are on the road. They feel a bit out of control when they are away from normal routines. Take charge of your personal routine by doing some of the things you would do at home, such as exercising or reading, at the same time each day.

Look for Humor

Rediscover the habit of smiling by finding something funny to listen to, watch or read. Comics, books, YouTube videos, humor websites and TV and radio shows can bring a smile to your face. Facing homesickness becomes easier when you realize you have not lost the ability to smile.

Change Your Plans

If your homesickness becomes truly debilitating, consider cutting your trip short and going home or to a place where you have family or close friends. There is no reason why you should put yourself through an emotionally crippling travel experience. While this solution might not work if you are on a cruise or guided tour , it could help if you are on a long, independent vacation.

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17 Top Companies to Find Home-Based Travel Agent Jobs


Last Updated on May 15, 2024 by Katie

Are you passionate about travel and love helping others have amazing experiences? If so, working as a home-based travel agent might be the perfect job role for you.

Whether it’s organizing corporate travel solutions, finding the best luxury beach resorts or curating hiking trails for adventurers, working as a home travel agent will never get boring!

In this blog post, we’ll explore the best reputable companies that hire home-based travel agents , providing you with the opportunity to turn your passion for travel into a rewarding career.

Here’s an overview of what this article details:

  • What does a home-based travel agent do?
  • Best companies hiring home-based travel agents
  • What do you need to be a home-based travel agent?
  • How to become a work from work-from-home travel agent
  • Pros and cons of working as a home-based travel agent
  • Is being a travel agent from home right for you?

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Understanding the Role: What Does a Home-Based Travel Agent Do?

home based travel agent

As a home-based travel agent, the job responsibilities revolve around assisting clients in planning and booking travel experiences.

This includes researching destinations, flights, accommodations, and activities to curate personalized itineraries.

Moreover, home-based travel agents often provide recommendations, offer travel tips, and ensure all necessary arrangements are made for a seamless travel experience.

Job Responsibilities

Home-working travel agents are entrusted with the task of liaising with clients to determine their travel preferences, providing them with various travel options, and making bookings on their behalf.

They must stay updated on travel regulations, and documentation requirements, and ensure that clients are well informed about their travel plans.

Skills Required

To excel in this role, home-based travel agents need multiple different skills. These include:

  • Excellent communication
  • Great customer service skills
  • Great research skills to find the best deals
  • Proficiency in travel booking systems
  • Knowledge of diverse travel destinations
  • Ability to multitask
  • Adaptability and problem-solving skills
  • Passion for travel and helping others

Salaries and Benefits

The income of home-based travel agents can vary based on experience, commission structures, and client base.

Typically, they earn commissions from bookings, and with experience and a strong client base, their earning potential increases.

Additionally, the flexibility of working from home and the opportunity to create personalized travel experiences for clients are valuable non-monetary benefits of this profession.

According to Salary , remote travel agents earn on average between $35,636 – $45,925 a year.

However, it’s possible to earn more in certain travel niches and if you work as a freelance home-based travel agent.

home based travel agent

Company Profiles: Where to Find Home-Based Travel Agent Jobs

Take a look at the best, reputable companies, hiring work from home travel agents today

1. ADTRAV Travel Management

home based travel agent

ADTRAV Travel Management offers home-based travel agent jobs with a focus on innovative travel solutions for corporate clients.

Joining their team opens up opportunities to leverage cutting-edge technology and a supportive network to excel in the travel industry.

Take a look at their current job openings.

2. Go Cruise and Travel

Go Cruise and Travel has been established for over 17 years and hires home based travel agents from all over the UK.

They set you up with your own territory so you’re not competing with other agents and allow you to choose the travel niche you want to specialise in. These include:

  • Cruise specialist
  • Luxury specialist
  • Weddings and honeymoon specialist
  • Or choose to sell a variety of packages

Learn more about their homeworking travel agent jobs here.

3. AllTrails

home based travel agent

AllTrails, known for its dedication to outdoor exploration, also offers remote positions for travel enthusiasts.

By curating exceptional travel experiences, home-based agents at AllTrails have the chance to contribute to shaping unforgettable adventures for clients.

4. Kemp Travel Group

Kemp Travel Group is currently hiring passionate and experienced travel consultants to work from home.

You’ll be expected to sell travel products and travel suppliers, respond to inbound inquiries, promote travel services and to share accurate travel information.

Take a look at Kemp Travel Group careers here.

5. Travel Solutions International USA

home based travel agent

Travel Solutions International is a travel management company that regularly hires sales professionals, account managers and home-based travel consultants.

They offer competitive salaries, generous benefits and an engaging place to work.

They’re currently hiring workers from these regions:

  • Dallas headquarters
  • Houston, TX
  • Chicago, IL
  • India/Bolivia

Learn more about the open job positions here.

6. AvantStay

AvantStay offers remote opportunities for travel agents who are passionate about creating memorable stays for vacationers.

Home-based agents can expect a dynamic environment with ample room for creativity in crafting unique travel experiences.

A few remote travel jobs AvantStay often hire for include:

  • Reservation agents
  • Remote customer experience concierges

Take a look at the current AvantStay job openings here.

7. BCD Travel

BCD Travel provides home-based travel agent opportunities that emphasize global corporate travel management.

Agents working remotely for BCD Travel are positioned to engage with a diverse clientele and provide tailored travel solutions on an international scale.

Research the current job openings at BCD Travel here.

8. Booking Holdings

home based travel agent

Booking Holdings offers remote positions for travel agents who thrive in a fast-paced, customer-centric environment.

As a home-based agent with Booking Holdings, individuals have the chance to tap into a global network and influence the travel experiences of countless customers.

Learn more about current job openings at Booking Holdings here.

9. Corporate Traveler

Corporate Traveler provides remote travel agent jobs centred around corporate travel and event management.

As part of this team, agents have the chance to collaborate with businesses of varying sizes and industries, making a substantial impact on their travel needs.

FROSCH offers remote opportunities for travel agents seeking to deliver a high-end, personalized service.

By joining FROSCH as a home-based agent, individuals have the chance to be part of a team dedicated to creating bespoke travel experiences for clients across the globe.

home based travel agent

Hopper, known for its innovative approach to travel booking, also offers remote positions for travel agents.

Home-based agents at Hopper have the opportunity to leverage cutting-edge technology to help customers discover and book exceptional travel experiences.

A few recent remote travel jobs with Hopper include:

  • Travel agent for hotels
  • Customer service team lead
  • Customer service manager

Check out the current job openings with Hopper here.

12. Ovation Travel Group

Ovation Travel Group provides home-based travel agent roles focused on high-end, luxury travel experiences.

By joining this team, home-based agents can tap into a network of industry experts and provide unparalleled service to a discerning clientele.

Learn how to become an independent travel advisor with Ovation.

13. Travel Leaders Group

Travel Leaders Group offers remote positions for travel agents seeking to engage with a diverse client base.

As a remote agent with Travel Leaders Group, individuals can expect to be part of a collaborative team that prioritizes delivering exceptional travel experiences.

Learn more about the Travel Leaders Group here.

14. Tzell Travel Group

remote travel agent jobs

Tzell Travel Group provides remote opportunities for travel agents who are passionate about curating unique travel experiences.

By joining Tzell Travel Group as a home-based agent, individuals can harness their creativity to craft personalized journeys for clients.

Learn more about current job openings here.

15. Vail Resorts

Vail Resorts offers home-based travel agent roles with a focus on delivering exceptional mountain and lodging experiences.

Home-based agents with this company have the opportunity to make a difference by assisting clients in creating unforgettable mountain getaways.

Take a look at the current job openings here.

16. Virtual Vocations

Virtual Vocations is a job search platform where you can often find work from home travel agent opportunities.

Use the job search bar to find suitable roles and register for their newsletter so you get notified when remote travel jobs suiting your skills are posted.

Take a look at the current home travel agent roles hiring today.

17. World Travel Holdings

world travel holdings

World Travel Holdings offers remote positions for travel agents who are passionate about delivering exceptional cruise and vacation experiences.

Home-work agents at World Travel Holdings have the opportunity to engage with a broad customer base and tailor travel experiences to their specific needs.

Learn how to become a remote travel agent with World Travel Holdings.

What Do You Need to Become a Home-Based Travel Agent?

Becoming a home-based travel agent can be an exciting venture for those with a passion for travel and a desire to help others plan their dream vacations.

Here’s what you need to make this career path a reality:

Passion for Travel

Having a genuine love for travel and exploring new destinations can be the driving force behind your success as a remote travel agent.

Your enthusiasm for different cultures, cuisines, and experiences will shine through as you help others plan their getaways.

Customer Service Skills

home based travel agent

Strong customer service skills are essential for building lasting relationships with clients.

Being able to actively listen to their needs, offer personalized recommendations, and provide exceptional support throughout their journey can set you apart in the travel industry.

You’ll also need to be able to stay calm and be a problem solver if travel conditions change at a moment’s notice.

Knowledge of Destinations

Familiarizing yourself with popular travel destinations as well as off-the-beaten-path gems can position you as a trusted source of information for your clients.

Stay updated on the latest:

  • Travel trends and popular destinations
  • Visa requirements and local customs for different countries
  • Best places to eat, drink, see local sights

Sales and Marketing Acumen

Promoting travel packages, negotiating deals with vendors, and creating enticing marketing campaigns requires a knack for sales and marketing.

Developing these skills can help you excel as a home-based travel agent and will help you if you want to start your own business.

Technology and Communication Tools

Utilizing modern technology and communication platforms is crucial for staying connected with clients and industry partners.

Embracing social media, email marketing, and online booking systems can streamline your operations and expand your reach.

Industry Certifications

home based travel agent

Obtaining relevant industry certifications, such as travel agent licenses or specialized training in certain destinations, can enhance your credibility and reassure clients of your expertise.

Laptop or Computer and Reliable WIFI

Creating a dedicated home office space with a reliable internet connection, comfortable work environment, and organizational systems can boost your productivity and professionalism as a home-based travel agent.

Networking and Collaboration

Building a network of fellow travel agents, industry professionals, and local businesses can open doors to collaboration opportunities and provide a supportive community for sharing insights and resources.

Search for travel agent groups on Facebook and Twitter and don’t be afraid to ask questions and make friends in the industry.

How to Become a Home-Based Travel Agent

If you’re ready to start a home-based travel agent career there are a few steps you need to take. These include:

Develop a Business Plan

Before embarking on the journey of becoming a home-based travel agent, it’s crucial to start with a well-thought-out business plan.

A business plan will serve as your roadmap, outlining your target market, services offered, financial goals, and marketing strategies.

It will also help you identify potential challenges and devise contingency plans to address them.

Identify a Travel Agent Niche

Setting yourself apart as a home-based travel agent involves identifying a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise.

By deciding on a niche, you can market yourself as the go-to expert for this type of travel planning and it’ll give people confidence you know what you’re talking about.

A few options include:

  • Luxury cruises
  • Adventure travel, or eco-tourism,
  • Family travel
  • Honeymoon travel
  • Solo travel
  • Medical tourism
  • Corporate travel
  • Retiree travel

Specializing in a particular niche allows you to cater to a specific clientele seeking specialized experiences.

Once you have a niche, you can get any related certifications and build up a huge knowledge base of all the information that’ll be useful for that type of niche travel.

Get Training and Certifications

To establish credibility and enhance your knowledge in the travel industry, obtaining relevant training and certifications is paramount.

Accredited programs such as The Travel Institute and the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) offer comprehensive training courses that cover various aspects of travel planning, customer service, and industry regulations.

Additionally, obtaining certifications from suppliers like cruise lines and tour operators can further bolster your expertise and credentials.

Build Experience

home based travel agent

Gaining practical experience in the travel industry is instrumental in honing your skills and understanding client preferences.

Consider pursuing internships, part-time roles, or volunteer opportunities with established travel agencies to familiarize yourself with booking systems, itinerary planning, and customer interactions.

Additionally, attending industry events and networking with seasoned professionals can provide valuable insights and mentorship.

Select a Host Agency

Aligning with a reputable host agency offers numerous benefits, including access to industry resources, technology platforms, and commission structures.

Research host agencies that align with your business goals and provide comprehensive support, such as marketing tools, back-office assistance, and supplier connections.

Evaluating factors like commission rates, contractual terms, and training opportunities can guide you in selecting the most suitable host agency for your home-based travel business.

Pros and Cons of Being a Home-Based Travel Agent

Just like any job role, home-work travel agent careers come with advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Being a Home-Based Travel Agent

Imagine having the freedom to work from anywhere, whether it’s a cozy café in Paris or a beachside spot in Tulum.

There are many benefits to working as a remote travel agent, including:

  • Great work/life balance
  • Flexible work hours that you choose
  • Work is location-independent
  • Don’t need to rent an office
  • Don’t need to travel in rush hour
  • Excellent income potential
  • Can start part-time
  • No formal education needed
  • The travel perks are great

home based travel agent

Cons of Being a Home-Based Travel Agent

While the flexibility and freedom of this type of work sound enticing, it’s crucial to stay disciplined and organized.

Managing your own schedule requires self-accountability to avoid missing out on potential opportunities.

The allure of working from picturesque locations might lead to distractions, potentially affecting your productivity. Moreover, being on call for client emergencies means being prepared to handle unexpected situations at any time.

Despite the allure of working from exotic locales, being a remote travel agent also means being available to mitigate unforeseen issues that could arise during a client’s vacation.

Balancing the allure of an independent work environment with the responsibility of being on-call is a significant consideration for aspiring home-based travel agents.

Is Being a Home-Based Travel Agent Right for You?

Only YOU can answer that question!

But, if you love travel, have great research skills and want to work from home on your own schedule, home-based travel agent work could be ideal.

Take the time to create a strong CV to show possible travel company employers why you’d be a good fit for the role.

And, spend time getting experience with this type of work if you can by volunteering or taking on part-time work.

By taking the time to plan upfront, you can realise your dream of working as a remote travel agent and work from anywhere in the world!

Want more remote jobs that let you work from anywhere?

Check out these work-from-home jobs hiring:

  • 45 Entry Level Remote Jobs Always Hiring New Talent
  • 53 Legit Work from Home Jobs that Pay Weekly
  • 20 Online Jobs that Require No Degree and Pay $20+/Hour
  • 21 best Early Morning Jobs that Early Risers Will Love
  • 15 Online Jobs for Introverts to make $2,000+/Month
  • 13 Companies Offering Work from Home Web Search Evaluator Jobs

* Disclosure : I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate  links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

17 Top Companies to Find Home-Based Travel Agent Jobs

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How to Become a Travel Agent and Work From Home

Author: Holly Reisem Hanna

June 10, 2024 Leave a Comment

Do you love to travel? Are you a master at finding great travel deals? Then, becoming a home-based travel agent might be your ideal work from home career path!

Working as a travel agent might seem outdated in today’s world of Kayak and Airbnb, but many people still prefer to work with travel agents.

Experienced travel planners help travelers save money, time, and travel-related headaches.

Home-based travel agents generally work for a host agency (a company bonded and accredited by the Airlines Reporting Corporation or the International Airlines Travel Agents Network) as independent contractors.

As a travel agent, you’ll earn a commission on the travel arrangements (flights, hotels, rental cars, travel excursions, and more) you book, and you’ll often have access to special deals and travel discounts. You can choose to work in a particular niche, such as cruises or business travel, or work with clients looking into a specific type of travel (adventure, Disney vacations, eco-friendly, budget, or luxury travel).

One of the great things about becoming a work at home travel agent is that it’s a relatively easy startup business idea, and the costs are low. With a basic home office (including an internet connection, a phone, computer, printer, and website), you can get started with a host agency.

So, if you love to travel or if you love to help other people fulfill their vacation dreams, you may want to start a home-based travel agent business!

home travelling

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Successful Travel Agent?

The basic skills you’ll need as a travel agent include attention to detail, excellent research and communication skills, high-level organizational skills, and a knowledge of geography and travel destinations. You’ll also need to be tech-savvy and have a solid understanding of programs like Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. 

If you’re working as an independent contractor, the host company will usually train you; some host agencies charge a fee, while others do not. While there are travel agent certificate programs that you can take, you may be able to break into a travel role if you have customer service , hospitality, marketing, or sales experience under your belt.

Getting Started as a Work at Home Travel Agent

According to Host Agency Reviews , experienced travel agents make an average of $50,000 per year, and 25% of experienced agents earn $100,000 or more annually. Your earnings will depend on your experience, the number of clients you retain, hours worked, and commission and support from your host agency.

Agents who work in specific markets or on particular vacation types (like destination weddings or luxury travel) can become very familiar with their market and, thus, enjoy even greater success. Working in particular markets, like weddings or corporate travel, can also make a big difference regarding salary.

Remote Travel Agent and Consultant Jobs

If starting your own business seems intimidating, many companies within the travel and hospitality industry hire at-home travel consultants, reservationists, and planners for full-time and part-time positions. Best of all, many of these positions come with travel perks!

To start, you may want to explore:

  • American Express
  • Kemp Travel Group
  • Vail Resorts
  • Working Solutions
  • World Travel Holdings

Exploring Host Agencies

Finding a good host agency is key to getting started as an at-home travel agent. If you’re just starting, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with host agency options to get a feel for what each can offer.

  • American Society of Travel Advisors
  • Cruise Planners Franchise
  • Disney Vacation Planner
  • Dream Vacations Advisors
  • Dugan’s Travel

How to Select a Great Host Agency

Travel agencies vary significantly in what they offer their consultants. Besides who offers the best commission, there are many other factors to consider.

For example, do you prefer a large agency or a small agency? Locally-based hosting can be easier for new agents who might need extensive support and training. On the other hand, national agencies may offer more flexibility and growth.

Carefully weigh your agency options and perform background research. Sites like Host Agency Reviews and Find a Host Travel Agency can help. They offer tips and ratings for finding the best travel agency that fits your needs.

Perks of Becoming a Travel Agent

Aside from being a fun business opportunity, being a travel agent offers some amazing perks.

If you enjoy travel, you might enjoy taking “FAM trips” or “familiarization trips” to various locales. Cruise lines, hotels, and tour guides know the best way for you to sell their services is for you to try them firsthand. So they offer perks, including complementary and deeply discounted fares, as well as opportunities to use their services and explore all your amazing options.

You can also save big on your own travel with great discounts! You’ll score awesome deals before anyone else even hears about them. As a travel agent, you’ll have access to discounts because, of course, the more you travel, the more business experience you rack up.

The best part? You can deduct those travel expenses from your taxes as part of your business! You can also deduct things like advertising and expenses related to your clients. This amounts to big tax savings for you!

Other Ways to Make Money in the Travel Industry

If you love the idea of working and traveling but you’re unsure about becoming a travel agent or consultant, there are many other options available.

Traveling to another country as an Au Pair is a great option if you enjoy working with children. When you work as an Au Pair, you’ll live with a family, helping them with household chores and childcare. In return, you’ll get free room and board and a small stipend that you can use on your days off. Being an Au Pair allows you to experience life in another country for an extended period of time. Becoming an Au Pair does come with some fees you’ll need to pay, such as your flights, travel visa, and insurance.

Customer Service Representative

Customer service is an excellent way to break into the travel industry and work from home! Many companies provide full training for these roles as well as a host of benefits. You can work for airlines, hotels, cruise lines, travel booking sites, and other travel-related sites and industries. For these work from home positions, you’ll generally need your own device (laptop or computer) and a high-speed internet connection. Check out this article for a list of hospitality companies that hire remote customer service reps.

ESL Teacher

You’ve probably heard of being an online ESL tutor , but did you know you can travel to another country to teach English as a second language? Most countries require ESL teachers to have a bachelor’s degree and a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate. Like being an Au Pair, there will be fees for your flights, travel visa, and insurance. Depending on which host company you use and which country to travel to, your housing may be free or purchased at a reduced cost. How much you can earn will vary as well. For more information on traveling and making money as an ESL tutor, check out the resources below.

  • EF (Education First)
  • International TEFL Academy
  • Premier TEFL

Local Coordinator

If you enjoy working with high school and college students, consider becoming a local coordinator . In these independent contracting roles, you’ll work with educational organizations and programs to place and mentor students interested in foreign exchange programs. These part-time positions are a flexible and easy way to make extra money from home. Some programs also offer incentive trips and perks for their local coordinators.

  • Education, Travel, and Culture – Earn $700-$1,600 per student
  • International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES) – Average earnings are $8,000 a year

Social Media Marketer Specializing in Travel

If you love to travel and you’re looking for ways to earn money from home, there are plenty of opportunities to take your travel beyond Instagram snaps and shares on Facebook… If you’re really great at social media, you could also become a social media manager in the travel industry! Many of these positions allow you to work from home for a travel-based company, sharing posts and connecting with their customers.

home travelling

If you prefer to create your own schedule and be your own boss, become a local tour guide! With this idea, you’ll need to be in the know about the food, culture, and history of the area you’re helping tourists explore. With apps like  Showaround  and  Viator , you can create your tour, book customers, and make money from your travel expertise. You can also look at local tour operators and see if they have any openings for tour guides. Explore this article for more tips on making money as a tour guide .

Travel Writer

Magazines, guidebooks, and websites are often looking for freelance travel writers to contribute their experiences and give readers recommendations. If you have writing and communication skills and you travel often, this might be an excellent option for you.

The income for travel writers varies greatly, but many writers make great money by documenting and sharing their travels. Travel writers, according to ZipRecruiter , earn an average of $24 per hour. I think these numbers sound high, but I wasn’t able to find any other stats for how much travel writers really earn.

Travel Blogger

If you prefer to write and document your own travels, start a travel blog ! With blogging, you can make money with affiliate marketing, ad networks, sponsorships, product sales, and more! The great thing about blogging is it’s affordable and easy to set up, and there are many free ways to promote your content through social media. Amanda from A Dangerous Business Travel Blog documents how she makes money from her blog in this blog post , and she earned a multiple six-figure income in 2022 alone!

Travel Influencer

Have you been documenting your travels on social media? Then, make money while traveling the world as a social media travel influencer . Whether your specialty is Instagram , Pinterest, TikTok , or YouTube , you can earn good money through paid sponsorships, advertising, and affiliate marketing. Besides building an engaged audience of followers, you’ll need to become skilled at taking photos and videos, editing, and writing captions. How much you can earn as a travel influencer will depend on how many followers you have, your reach, your engagement, and which platforms you’re using. According to this article in Vogue , a travel influencer with 1-4 million followers can earn $31,000 per post!

Travel Nurse

If you’re a registered nurse , you can sign up to become a travel nurse. These nurses travel to areas where there are nursing shortages in work in a wide variety of settings. Nurses typically work in one location for 13-16 weeks, then move on to another location. Not only is travel nursing a great way to see the country, but it’s also lucrative. The average travel nurse can earn $59.66 per hour plus housing stipends. If you’re interested in travel nursing, check out these sites for assignments.

  • Health Carousel Travel Nursing

Working From Home as a Travel Agent

If you have a passion for travel, there are many ways you can earn money working in the travel industry. From becoming a home-based travel agent to finding ways to document and share your own travel experiences—there’s an opportunity for every traveler out there. Explore your options and pack your suitcase! Check out this post if you’re looking for ways to make money while you travel the world!

Originally published February 25, 2009. Updated June 2024.

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About the Author

Headshot Holly Reisem Hanna

Holly Reisem Hanna

Holly Reisem Hanna is a former nurse who decided to start a blog to make money from home while caring for her daughter. Since its inception in 2009, The Work at Home Woman has helped millions of readers find legitimate work at home jobs and business ideas. Under Holly's guidance, The Work at Home Woman was named one of the best websites for your career by Forbes two years in a row. Holly graduated from the University of Texas and has been featured in Yahoo Finance, Woman’s World Magazine, CNN, and many others.

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Travel agent planning a trip for her clients

Moscow   Travel Guide

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Why Go To Moscow

Moscow's opulence and high culture is a sight to be seen. Forget what you learned about Russia in grade school. This lavish capital of a formerly communist nation has fully embraced the luxuries, excesses and decadence of Western capitalism. Like many former Soviet countries, Mother Russia struggles to successfully confront issues of widespread poverty, alcoholism, failing healthcare, and environmental protection. But Moscow has burgeoned into one of the most expensive, exclusive and largest travel destinations in the world. It comes complete with world-class museums, magnificent palaces, $1,000-a-night hotels, "face-control" nightclubs and internationally-renowned restaurants. Don't think you can afford Moscow? Don't be afraid. You can still find affordable deals if you are vigilant. This metropolis has a big and bold character and grandiose setting that's definitely worth getting to know.

Find Flight and Hotel Deals

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Navigate backward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

Best of Moscow

Best hotels in moscow.

  • # 1 in Hotel Metropol Moscow
  • # 2 in Radisson Collection Hotel, Moscow
  • # 3 in Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

Hotel Metropol Moscow

Best Things to Do in Moscow

  • # 1 in Red Square
  • # 2 in Tretyakov Gallery
  • # 3 in St. Basil's Cathedral

Moscow Travel Tips

Best months to visit.

The best time to visit Moscow is April and May, when the temperature creeps into the 50s and 60s, the sun begins to shine for significant portions of the day, and hotel rates have yet to skyrocket into peak ranges. Of course, the golden period is summer, when the city is warm and bustling. But if you want to (slightly) spare yourself from the perpetually expensive rates, try the shoulder seasons in the spring and early fall. Preferably spring, since fall experiences more rainfall and less sunlight. Winters are brutally cold, but this is when you'll get a true glimpse into the Moscow experience (A frost-bitten walk through Red Square seems to intensify the historical significance of this great capital city).

Weather in Moscow

Data sourced from the National Climatic Data Center

What You Need to Know

A little Russian English is spoken only in major hotels and restaurants, and you'll find mostly Russian speakers in the less tourist-heavy areas. American visitors also struggle with the Cyrillic spellings and pronunciations. Practice some key Russian phrases on the long flight over.

A little tipping Unlike most other European cities, tipping (five to 10 percent) in restaurants is the custom.

A lot of vodka This Russian drink of choice (yes, they usually consume it straight) is found at any bar. But if you wish to taste it and learn about its origins, the Moscow Distillery Cristall is your best bet.

How to Save Money in Moscow

If it seems too good to be true It probably is. Take that proverb to heart in Moscow, and don't expect the Czarist medal you purchased off a street vendor to be worth anything more than a good memory.

If you're oblivious on the subway You'll probably leave several rubles lighter. Pickpockets prey on unsuspecting foreigners in crowded places, particularly metro cars. Beware!

If you're not scared of the dark You may be able to handle Moscow's long nights in fall, winter and spring, when hotels offer the lowest rates. December sees an average of 18 hours of sunlight … in total.

Culture & Customs

English is spoken in major hotels and restaurants, but you'll find mostly Russian speakers in the less tourist-heavy areas, such as at the market or in small inns. Some helpful Russian greetings include the informal hello (pronounced, pri-VET ); the formal hello ( Zdravst-vwee-tye ); the informal goodbye ( pah-KAH ); and the formal goodbye ( Dah svih-DA-nee-ye ). To thank someone, say " Spas-EE-ba ."

What to Eat

Traditional Russian fare focuses on hearty meat dishes and cold soup, a particularly Russian specialty. But don't arrive in Moscow thinking you'll experience only the old cuisine. Russia's new personality has been accompanied by a lavish taste for international cuisine, especially Asian food. Sushi and Asian fusion restaurants are among the most popular in the city, and other dining options include American and Italian cuisine. Eating out, like everything in Moscow, can be very expensive, but you can find cheaper restaurants in shopping centers and areas outside the city center. 

Stay alert for pickpockets when using public transport and when visiting the main tourist sites. Many an unsuspecting traveler has been relieved of some rubles on the Moscow Metro and near Red Square. Also, make sure to exercise extra caution when leaving bars and clubs at night.

There have been cases of corrupt police asking for random fines -- if this occurs, get the officer's number and name and ask to go to the police station with him or her.

Getting Around Moscow

The best way to get around Moscow is the metro. Faster and more efficient than the trolley buses and trams, this extensive system has stations that contain beautiful ornamentation, sculptures and mosaics. You could rent a car, but it's best to use public transportation to avoid the city's perpetually congested roads. Plus, street signs are all in Russian. In fact, English signs are nonexistent in the public transit system as well, so it's best to quickly get familiar with a map. Most travelers arrive through Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO), but there are several other airports that serve the metro area. Several buses and a metro line shuttle airport travelers to and from downtown.

Entry & Exit Requirements

Acquiring a visa to travel in Russia is a bit more complicated and expensive than visiting other countries. Every foreign traveler entering Russia must have a Russian-based sponsor (like a hotel, tour company, university or relative). In addition to a valid U.S. passport, you must also obtain a travel visa from a Russian embassy or consulate prior to arriving in Russia. If you plan to stay in Russia for more than seven days, you have to register your visa and migration card (the white paper document given by the border police on first entry to Russia) with the Federal Migration Service. Visas can cost anywhere from $160 to $250 per person, depending on the length of your stay. For more information on entry and exit requirements, visit the U.S. State Department website .

Red Square is one of the most famous squares in the world.

Explore More of Moscow

Tretyakov Gallery

Things To Do

Best hotels.

World Map

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I’ve flown all around america for free — here’s how i get my rides.

A woman who flies across the USA for free saves “tons” — because her brother is a pilot.

Sophia Bamford, 22, started getting free flights in March 2024, when her brother Anthony Bamford, 23, put her on his standby list.

This means whenever her brother is flying a plane and it is not full — Sophia can take up one of the seats.

Sophia Bamford, 22, on a helicopter

Since then, Sophia has flown nine times with her brother as a pilot — including to New York City, Orlando, Venice Beach, Colorado.

Sophia is planning to travel on her brother’s flight to Canada and use her standby pass to go to Puerto Rico with a friend.

Sophia, a nanny, from Miami, Florida, said: “It is so awesome. It is a surreal feeling.

Sophia with her brother Anthony

“Both of my brothers are pilots and to me, it is hard to differentiate that we are grown up.

“To me, we are all still kids.

“It is weird when I am on his flight and he is flying all these different people to their vacation, home or wherever they need to be.”

Anthony started flying in high school and would fly small planes and Sophia would join.

Anthony the pilot

He then became an instructor and would take Sophia across the United States.

Sophia said: “Earlier this year, I was able to get onto his flight benefits.

“When you’re a pilot, you get to put someone on standby.

“When you are put on standby it means you get the flight completely free.

“You get to the airport and if the flight has extra seats you get to go on the flight.”

Sophia on a flight

The first time Sophia got on her brother’s plane was when he flew to New York City.

It was also Sophia’s birthday so Anthony announced it to the plane.

She said: “The first flight I ever went on, it was my birthday.

“He announced through the speaker that it was my birthday and said the seat I was sitting on.

“People came up to me and wished me a happy birthday.

Sophia on the beach

“Usually when I am on a plane that he is flying I will wait for him when everyone gets off the plane.

“It is pretty cool to see him come out of the cockpit.”

Sophia said her favorite location has been when Anthony flew her and her mom, Karen, 62, to Colorado in February, 2024.

Sophia in a helicopter

Sophia said: “We have mainly flown to New York City as we have family up there.

“We have been to Colorado and back in one day which was my favorite trip.

“My brother had two extra seats on the flight so we decided to take the trip.

“We got to see snow which was pretty cool.

“Being from Miami, we had never seen snow like that before — it was awesome.”

Sophia Bamford, 22, on a helicopter


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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Mexico

Key points .

  • There have been reports of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) in people traveling to the United States from Tecate, in the state of Baja California, Mexico.
  • RMSF has been found in urban areas of several states of northern Mexico, including but not exclusive to Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo León (see map).
  • Ticks spread the bacteria that causes RMSF. Ticks can live anywhere that dogs live. This includes close to peoples’ homes and in their yards.
  • Dogs can carry the infected ticks that can bite humans. RMSF is NOT spread from a person to another person.
  • Using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellants on exposed skin and clothing.
  • If you find a tick on your body, remove it as soon as possible.
  • Ticks can be tiny and their bites may be painless, so you may not always notice a tick bite.
  • If traveling with your dog, you can protect yourself and your dog by using tick-preventatives on your dog. Talk to your vet for further guidance.
  • RMSF can be deadly. Seek medical attention if you or a family member has traveled to Tecate or another city in northern Mexico and develops symptoms during travel or within 2 weeks of returning to the United States.

Traveler Information

  • Health Information for Travelers to Mexico
  •   Prevent Tick Bites
  • About Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Clinician Information

  • CDC Health Alert Network (HAN): Severe and Fatal Confirmed Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever among People with Recent Travel to Tecate, Mexico
  • Rickettsial Diseases  (CDC Yellow Book: Health Information for International Travel)
  • RMSF: Clinical Overview of Transmission and Epidemiology
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment for Health Care Providers (Continuing Education ) [Available in English and Spanish]
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Training Video [Spanish Subtitles]

Map showing location of Tecate, Mexico

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is a potentially deadly bacterial disease spread through the bite of an infected tick.  

RMSF is spread by the brown dog tick ( Rhipicephalus sanguineus ) in parts of the southwestern United States and Mexico.

Symptoms of RMSF include fever, headache, and rash. The rash usually appears about 2–4 days after onset of symptoms, however, some patients never develop a rash. The disease can rapidly progress and be deadly if not treated early with the recommended antibiotic. Children younger than 10 years old are five times more likely than adults to die from RMSF.

Doxycycline is the recommended antibiotic treatment for RMSF in adults and children of all ages.

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Is it possible to visit Russia as a tourist right now? (Q&A)

home travelling

Who can enter Russia as a tourist?

At present, people from 80 countries can enter Russia. There are two main conditions: first, one must be a citizen of that country or have a permanent residence permit; and second - one needs to enter Russia by plane. The primary document that regulates entry during the coronavirus pandemic is Order no. 635-r (March 16, 2020), which is regularly updated. 

Some of the countries on the list include the United States, Britain, Greece, Germany, Tunisia, Israel, Japan, Armenia, Qatar, Portugal, Mexico, Croatia, Belgium, China, France, Denmark, New Zealand, Iran, Peru, Norway and Argentina. Click here for the full list. 

In the meantime, any country with which Russia currently has a travel agreement can serve as the port of departure (however, the transit country must be on the above list).

What type of visa is required?

Those who already have a valid Russian visa - and citizens of the above countries - can enter Russia using that visa. Those who do require a visa can submit their documents at the Russian consulate in their home country.

home travelling

What is still not possible at this point is obtaining a unified electronic visa (a type of visa that is valid for up to 16 days, takes only four days to process and does not require submitting any documents relating to the purpose of visit). Therefore, in order to receive a regular tourist visa (valid up to six months) it is necessary to have a confirmed accommodation booking or an agreement with a travel agency.

Is a COVID test required?

Yes, PCR tests must be performed no earlier than 48 hours before arriving in Russia. The results must be printed in Russian or English (this is required even if you received a Sputnik-V vaccine shot). If you’re flying with children, they, too, must obtain a test, irrespective of age. And a form for arrivals must be filled in before entering the country.

Who is not affected by the rules? 

These restrictions don’t apply to foreigners with a valid Russian residence permit or those with close relatives. They can enter Russia from any country using any means of transportation, including by land.

home travelling

They also do not apply to partially recognized republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as citizens of Belarus (or those with Belarusian permanent residence permits), Kazakhstan and citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. Entering by land is also possible when traveling from Mongolia or China. 

Furthermore, if Eurasian Economic Union citizens cross over by land, they don’t have to submit a coronavirus test or fill out the arrivals form. 

Is vaccination required? 

No. The QR codes required for visiting public gatherings before spring (including cafes, bars, hotels, etc.) are no longer required in the majority of regions. The same goes for various other COVID restrictions: regions have the final say, but almost all have been lifted.

What about masks?

home travelling

Masks are also no longer a requirement. However, some regions still require people to wear masks in some places, including stores, pharmacies, shopping malls, movie theaters and so on. In Moscow, the rule on masks has been completely lifted, while, for example, in Kaliningrad, some places still enforce them. 

Are there any quarantine regulations in place?

No, you will not be required to quarantine on arrival to Russia. However, if you get sick in Russia, you will have to be quarantined for a period of seven days at your own expense. Those who have come in contact with infected people do not require quarantining (provided they did not contract the coronavirus). 

Important! In many countries, there are still restrictions on LEAVING for the purpose of tourism, so having a Russian visa does not guarantee you will get permission to leave your country. This must be clarified before making any trips.

The information listed here is valid as of June 1, 2022. 

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Ajit Doval Headed To Moscow As PM Modi Tries To Broker Russia-Ukraine Peace | Read

  • Published On: September 08, 2024

National Security Advisor Ajit Doval will be travelling to Moscow this week to hold discussions aimed at resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict, sources have said. This comes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ukraine and met its President Volodymyr Zelensky and also spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the phone.

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  1. 20+ Ways to Travel from Home (Without leaving the house!)

    In This Post. 1 20+ Ways to Travel Without Leaving Home. 1.1 Read Travel Blogs. 1.2 Book a Live Video Tour with Remote Guides Around The World. 1.3 Get Creative in the Kitchen. 1.4 Watch a Travel Themed Movie. 1.5 Take a Virtual Tour of a World Famous Museum. 1.6 Re-live your past adventures.

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  14. HomeToGo

    HomeToGo | Vacation Rentals: Cabins, Condos, Villas, & ...

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  20. The best-ever travel tips from travel editors, experts ...

    Award-winning photographer and writer Simon Urwin who contributes to the likes of Lonely Planet, The Telegraph, and BBC Travel says, "Airalo is a great e-sim for using your mobile phone abroad, but also head out with your phone switched off. Go wandering, and ask for directions and personal recommendations, rather than just being a slave to online reviews.

  21. Moscow Travel Guide

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  22. A trip to Moscow

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  23. I've flown all around America for free

    Sophia is planning to travel on her brother's flight to Canada and use her standby pass to go to Puerto Rico with a friend. Sophia, a nanny, from Miami, Florida, said: "It is so awesome ...

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  25. Is it possible to visit Russia as a tourist right now? (Q&A)

    There are two main conditions: first, one must be a citizen of that country or have a permanent residence permit; and second - one needs to enter Russia by plane. The primary document that ...

  26. Delta Air Lines

    Delta Air Lines, a leader in domestic and international travel, offers airline tickets & flights to over 300 destinations in 60 countries. Book direct at Delta.com.

  27. Video

    National Security Advisor Ajit Doval will be travelling to Moscow this week to hold discussions aimed at resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict, sources have said. This comes after Prime Minister ...

  28. 7 Brook Ln, Moscow, PA 18444

    Zillow has 7 photos of this $119,900 3 beds, 1 bath, 1,236 Square Feet single family home located at 7 Brook Ln, Moscow, PA 18444 built in 1954. MLS #PM-118489.

  29. 103 S Polk St, Moscow, ID 83843

    Zillow has 42 photos of this $969,000 3 beds, 2 baths, 2,513 Square Feet single family home located at 103 S Polk St, Moscow, ID 83843 built in 1889. MLS #98922366.

  30. 1565 Driftwood Ln, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

    1565 Driftwood Ln, Moscow Mills, MO 63362 is pending. Zillow has 1 photo of this 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,234 Square Feet single family home with a list price of $290,005.