Wapiti Travel

How to choose the best DMZ Tour (2024 edition)

By: Author Sylvia

Posted on Last updated: January 22, 2024

Are you wondering what’s the best DMZ tour?

When we visited Korea for the first time, we absolutely wanted to visit the DMZ.

We did tremendous research about the best way to visit the DMZ and the best DMZ tour.

What we didn’t know at that time was that the inter-Korean summit would sabotage our plans.

Our DMZ tour was canceled because of the meeting between the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in.

Covid-19 threw a wrench in the works of our second trip to Korea, but in 2023, the moment finally arrived! We could again travel to Korea, and this time our visit to the DMZ, became a reality. Hooray!

The visit to the DMZ is slightly different after Covid than it used to be. We share all the latest details.

Here’s everything we learned from our extensive research and from our visit in 2023.

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In a hurry? Here you will find the most important information about the DMZ

The DMZ is an interesting place to visit and a perfect way to learn more about Korean history and the current situation of separation between North and South Korea.

  • The cheapest way to visit the DMZ is with the DMZ peace train . (The train has stopped running due to COVID-19 and service has not yet resumed at this time. )

DMZ half or full-day trip

  • DMZ half or full-day trip ( is slightly cheaper than the one above, but at the moment only runs on Saturday or Sunday )
  • DMZ Tour with Optional North Korean Defector
  • If you are traveling with a larger family or a group, you could consider a private tour with a guide
  • After 2 years of being closed, the JSA is finally reopening. Note that JSA Tours are very popular and are quickly booked up. If you want to visit the JSA you should book your tour as soon as your travel plans are fixed. Read on to learn the difference between the DMZ and the JSA .

Table of Contents

What’s the DMZ

In order to completely understand what the DMZ is all about we will start with some history.

The complete Korean peninsula on which both North and South Korea are currently located was annexed by Japan in 1910. The Japanese treated Korea as a colony. The interests of the Koreans were completely subordinate to the interests of Japan.

Japan was defeated by the Allies at the end of the second world war in 1945.  At that time the Soviet Union had occupied the Northern part of Korea and the United States took control of the Southern part of the Peninsula.  

7 days in Korea, the perfect itinerary. 

The intention of the two superpowers was to create a temporary separation between the 2 parts. Plans existed to create a united and  independent Korea in 5 years but things turned out differently. 

The Cold War ensured that there was no agreement to hold elections for the whole of Korea.

The differences in politics drove the 2 parts further apart instead of coming to each other.

In 1948 the independent Republic of Korea was established in the American zone.  In the same year, the Communist Democratic Korean People’s Republic (North Korea) was founded in the north.

Two years later the Northern army invaded the South with the aim of uniting the two Koreas into one communist state.  This was the start of a 3-year-long civil war that claimed more than 2 million victims.

Initially, the Northern army succeeded in overrunning 90% of the South but they were fought back by US-led reinforcements sent by the UN.

In their turn, they crossed the border and made plans to conquer the whole North, against the will of China that launched a counter-attack.

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It took until July 27, 1953, before the Armistice Agreement was signed.

The two parties took long to negotiate where the new border should be but in the end, it was decided that the border remained more or less where it had been all the time. 

The new border diagonally crosses the  38th latitude and was widened with the creation of a four-kilometer-wide weapons-free buffer zone between the states, known as the DMZ.

The war left its traces and further perpetuated the division of Korea leading to a permanent alliance between South Korea and the United States and the establishment of a US base in South Korea.

There has been a truce since then but o fficially the 2 countries are still at war with each other.   We read about how you can literally feel the tension at the border where the armies of both countries are facing each other.

In other parts of South Korea, such as Busan , you do not notice much of the war except that foreign navigation systems, such as Google Maps, do not work because South Korea requires that all mapping data is stored locally. The government also enforces that military bases are removed from maps. Apparently, Google couldn’t promise to obey to all these rules.

In 2018 both countries have done a considerable effort to ease their relations.  At the Korean summit in May 2018, they vowed to officially end the war within a year.

Since then several other meetings have taken place between both parties as well as a historic meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un in June.  That was the first time that the sitting leaders of these countries spoke in person.

We are now well past this deadline and nothing has come of it. Relations between the two countries have even deteriorated again.

It would be great news if Korea would finally be reunited but at this point, it doesn’t seem like this will happen anytime soon.

Over time the DMZ will hopefully transition into a more amicable place but nothing has changed for the time being.

It may be one of the world’s most heavily militarized borders but it’s also one of the most visited tourist attractions in Korea.  The DMZ welcomes more than 1.2 million foreign travelers each year, according to the Korea Tourism Organization.

Why visit the DMZ

The guided tours are very educational and some tours have a North Korean defector as a tour guide who can give you more insight into how life is on the other side of the border. 

It is at this point one of the few still active remnants of the cold war and that makes it extra special.

Americans and South Koreans are not allowed to travel into North Korea, for them this will be the closest they can get to this isolated country.  And despite the fact that other nationalities are allowed to travel to the country, there are not many who do it.

The DMZ is described as one of the most volatile regions in the world and it is a border post that has torn thousands of families apart and still holds them hostage in their “new” country. 

It feels strange that at the same time it is one of the top tourist attractions in this country.

We wondered if we would not feel guilty that we as a tourist came to look at a place that is the source of so much misery for other people.

What convinced us is that we believe that, by showing this to people, hopefully, the following generations will learn from the mistakes of the past.

What is the difference between the DMZ and the JSA

With regard to the tours, there is a distinction between the DMZ and the JSA tours in Korea.

JSA refers to the Joint Security Area , this is as close as you can get to North Korea.

The JSA is what most people probably think about when they think about the Korean border.  This is the area with the blue barracks that are used for all the negotiations between the North and the South.

JSA Panmunjom South Korea

This is an iconic picture of the JSA but things may be different today.  One of the first things that North and South Korea agreed upon was to clear the JSA of all weapons and military.  This disarmament was completed in October 2018.

The good news is that they also decided to preserve the JSA in its current state.

Later on, in this article, we discuss in more depth the different points of interest that DMZ and JSA DMZ tours cover.

Who can visit the DMZ? 

Everybody can join the DMZ tours but at this point, certain restrictions are still in place regarding the JSA.

Since the JSA has been disarmed the expectation is that these restrictions will disappear in the near future.

Until that is a fact, these nationalities can visit the JSA but will need to provide a scan of their passport at the time of booking a tour. Albania – Afghanistan – Algeria – Azerbaijan – Bangladesh – Bahrain – Belarus – China – Cuba – Egypt – Estonia – Georgia – Hong Kong – Iran – Iraq – India – Indonesia – Jordan – Kazakhstan – Kuwait – Kyrgyzstan – Latvia – Lebanon – Libya – Lithuania – Malaysia – Morocco – Moldova – Nigeria – North Korea – Oman – Pakistan – Qatar – Russia – Saudi Arabia – Somalia – Sudan – Syria – Taiwan – Tajikistan – Turkmenistan – Tunisia – Ukraine – United Arab Emirates – Uzbekistan – Vietnam – Yemen Visitors with European, American, or Australian nationality do not have any restrictions when visiting the JSA.

Children must be accompanied by their parents for both the JSA as well as the DMZ tours.

Some tour companies require that children are at least 10 years old before they can participate in a JSA tour.  If you’re planning on doing a DMZ or DMZ/JSA tour with small children we recommend that you check with the tour company.

Things to know when visiting the DMZ

Opening hours.

The DMZ tours don’t run on Mondays and Korean holidays ( except Korea’s New Year and Thanksgiving Day).

If the Korean holiday happens to be during a weekend, there is a chance that the DMZ tours will run anyway.

We cover an alternative DMZ tour that you can do if your only chance is to visit the DMZ would be a Monday. More about this tour later.

Things you should bring

A current valid passport is required for both the DMZ as well as JSA DMZ tour. 

You have to take your passport with you.

Without your passport, you won’t be allowed to join the tour.

A dress code applies when visiting the JSA.

The dress code is expected to disappear now that the disarmament of the JSA is a fact but for the time being, we would advise you to stick to the dress code or to check with your tour operator to confirm what you will be wearing is OK.

This is the dress code:

  • Skirts/dresses need to be at least knee length
  • No sandals, flip-flops,s or slippers
  • No t-shirts: must be collared shirts
  • Civilian clothes preferred
  • Jeans accepted with no holes (no ripped jeans)
  • No tank tops
  • No exercise clothes
  • No clothing with militarily styled prints
  • No stretch pants/tights

The reason that the dress code is in place has nothing to do with security as most would think.

The dress code came after it appeared that North Korea used photos of “sloppy” dressed foreigners to use them in their propaganda.   The North Korean government used the photos to showcase the poor state of the other countries.

For this same reason, it is not allowed to wave to the North Korean guards.  Images of foreigners waving to North Korean guards have been used in propaganda and have been framed as people who wanted to defect to the communist state.

Codes of conduct 

There is still a strict code of conduct in place as we write this article. You mustn’t wave, point, or in any other way signal to the North Korean guards.

Photos are also not allowed everywhere.  The guides will tell you what you can and cannot take pictures of. (eg. it is not allowed to take pictures inside the 3rd infiltration tunnel)

When you tour the JSA you must at all times stay with your guide and the military escorts and comply with all the instructions given by your guide and the military.

The disarmament will result in a more relaxed code of conduct in the future.

Most interesting points of interest

The most interesting sights are the Joint Security Area, the Freedom Bridge, the Infiltration Tunnels, and the Mount Odu Observatory.

JSA view from North Korea

The Joint Security Area (JSA)

Located in Panmunjom, the JSA is the closest point a tourist can get to North Korea without getting arrested or shot.

Here you’ll have a chance to physically stand in North Korea. It is also the only spot  in the DMZ, where the South and North Korean soldiers face each other.

The JSA area is occupied by the South Korean and US military. 

Bill Clinton repeatedly called this border post the scariest place on earth but it is touristy at the same time.  There is even a gift shop selling original items from North Korea, including stamps, money, and wine.

A visit to the JSA zone usually starts in Camp Bonifas.  

This is a United Nations Command military post that houses the United Nations Command Security Battalion of the Joint Security Area whose primary mission is to monitor and enforce the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953.

Here you will normally also be given a 20-minute briefing by an American soldier explaining the rules and possible dangers. 

There are quite a few rules you should follow so listen carefully. You cannot  take any loose items with you, if you bring a coat you have to wear it all the time (you cannot hang it over your arm), you will also have to walk to the actual border in “formation” and have to set up in rows, etc. 

At this point, you’ll also be signing a waiver that absolves South Korea, the UN, and the USA in case any incidents will arise.  The waiver explicitly states that the visitor’s safety is not guaranteed in the event of unanticipated complications.

A standard formality because in recent years there have been no accidents and these tours are done on a regular basis.

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This document also provides more information about photo privileges, specifically when and where you’re allowed to take pictures.

Once everybody has signed the waiver a tour bus brings you to the freedom house.

Here two South Korean soldiers of a special unit stand guard facing soldiers from North Korea.   Often there is only one soldier on the side of North Korea.

The JSA is the only part of the DMZ where North and South Korean soldiers are face-to-face. They stare at each other all day long and have been for several years.

A little later you can enter the conference room. This is the actual conference room where the armistice agreement was signed.  In this room, you will get the chance to cross the border.  The border cuts the conference room in 2 so when you cross the room to the opposite side you’re effectively in North Korean territory. 

This concludes your visit to the actual JSA zone, next you get a short tour along a lookout point towards North Korea from where you can see the Propaganda Village.

This is a well-tended village just along the North Korean border that is supposedly housing 200 families, several schools, and a hospital. 

Tourists seldom see any movement in the village and it is believed that North Korea only built the town for propaganda purposes.  Hence the name South Koreans gave to the town.

You will also visit the location of the Korean ax murder incident.  Two American soldiers were killed here by North Koreans while cutting a tree.  

Another highlight is the bridge of no return.

This is the bridge where prisoners between the two countries were exchanged after the Korean War. 

The name originates from the final ultimatum that was given to prisoners of war brought to the bridge for repatriation: they could either remain in the country of their captivity or cross the bridge to return to their homeland.

However, once they chose to cross the bridge, they would never be allowed to return, even if they later changed their minds.

After 2 years of being closed, the JSA is finally reopening.

Note that JSA Tours are very popular and book out quickly. We therefore recommend that you book as early as possible so that you can choose your desired date.

Check prices and availability: DMZ-JSA Tour

Imjingak park DMZ, South Korea

Imjingak Park and the Freedom Bridge

Imjingak Park has an important sentimental and symbolic meaning. This park commemorates families who are separated because of the split between North and South. 

The remnants of the Freedom Bridge can be seen from the park. This bridge was long 1 of only 2 bridges that crossed the Imjin River.

It had long served peaceful purposes but its position close to the Korean border made it of crucial importance during the Korean War.

The bridge was destroyed early in the war, making the Imjingang bridge alongside it the only connection to supply the Southern troops fighting in the Northern territory with supplies.

After the peace treaty was signed this bridge was also used to exchange the sick and wounded prisoners.

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The Third Tunnel of Aggression

The Third Tunnel of Aggression is one of four known tunnels under the border between North and South Korea.

The tunnels have been dug to make a surprise attack from North Korea on South Korea.

North Korea denies this and claims the tunnels are part of a network of tunnels belonging to a coal mine.  This is highly unlikely as coal has never been found in the area.

The Third Tunnel of Aggression is located 44 kilometers from Seoul and was discovered in 1978.  It runs underneath the Demilitarized Zone. 

The incomplete tunnel is 1,635 meters long, with a height and width of 2 meters. It is estimated that the tunnel would be able to accommodate more than 30,000 soldiers with light weapons per hour.

Today the tunnel has become an all-inclusive tourist attraction, with a DMZ video hall, representative sculptures, gift shops, and more.

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The tunnel is located 73 meters below the surface and is accessed through a steep tunnel. It makes for quite a tough climb. For a supplement, you can use the monorail pictured above to enter and exit the tunnel. Check in advance with the tour organizer if he can arrange this if you want to use the monorail.

You can walk a part of the tunnel until the MDL (military demarcation line). The tunnel may feel quite cramped and if you’re claustrophobic you want to skip it.

Pictures are not allowed in the tunnel.

The New Dora observatory in the DMZ

The Dora Observatory

The Dora Observatory is the northernmost Observatory.  It is situated on top of Mount Dora.

Here you can catch a rare glimpse of the reclusive North Korean state without setting foot in the country.

You will see the Kijong-dong Propaganda village and, on a clear day, you can see as far as the real city of Kaesong situated about 8km from the DMZ.

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Kaesong is the only city that actually changed hands after the Armistice agreement was signed.  It used to be under the control of South Korea but is now ruled by the North. 

The Kaesong Industrial region that borders the city is because of its proximity to the border a special administrative region where both people from the North and the South are allowed to work.

You can also see the Dorasan train station , a station located only 650 meters from the Korean border. 

The railway line used to continue into North Korea all the way to the capital city of Pyongyang.

The tracks are still there and one hopes that in the near future the trains will again operate in between the two current capitals.

Dorasan Train Station DMZ, South Korea

The Dorasan Train station 

In 2000 North and South Korea made plans for a rail line that connected both capitals.

The line was completed in 2003 but it took until 2007 before the first freight trains started to run across the border.  Not for long unfortunately because already in December 2008 North Korea decided unilaterally to again hermetically close the border.

The Dorasan Train station is currently hugely oversized.  The DMZ train is the only train that serves the station with exactly one arrival and one departure daily.

But, with a large customs & immigration area, the station is completely ready for the day that the trains will again continue further North.  The original intention was to enable passenger transport in the long term. Let’s hope that this will become a reality in the future.

At this point, Dorasan station is more a symbol of the hope for a reunion between South and North Korea than it is an actual functioning train station.

How to visit the DMZ 

The DMZ area is located 60 km from Seoul and can be visited with the DMZ train or a private guided or group tour.

The DMZ peace train

DMZ peace train service has not yet resumed post-COVID-19.

The cheapest way to visit the DMZ is with the DMZ peace train .

The DMZ peace train runs from  Seoul  to Dorasan station from Tuesdays to Sundays. Just before the train reaches Dorasan station it crosses the Imjingang bridge which gives you a good view of the remnants of the Freedom bridge. 

Once arriving at Dorasan station, you can hop on a bus to visit the DMZ. The bus will take you to the Dorasan peace park, the Dora observatory and you will visit the Third Tunnel of Aggression.

Pros and cons

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  • The cheapest way to visit the DMZ. You will have to take cash to pay separately for the bus tour (if you don’t join the bus tour the only other option is to hang around for 5 hours at the train station) as well as for your lunch.
  • This tour might be for you if you don’t like group tours. It gives you slightly more freedom although you still will have to join the bus once you arrive at Dorasan station.

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  • No English is spoken on the bus tour.
  • This tour takes a whole day. If you are short on time you better opt for an organized half-day DMZ tour allowing you to explore the rest of Seoul during the remaining afternoon
  • You cannot visit the JSA.
  • No hotel pick up, you will need to get to the train station on your own expense

Although we’re not fans of organized group tours ourselves we have opted for an organized tour to visit the DMZ and we were happy with our choice afterward.

The first reason is that you have to join a tour anyway if you want to see the sights such as the infiltration tunnel that are located inside the DMZ. Otherwise, you can only visit Imjingak park.

The second reason is that many of the sights, including in Imjingak park, don’t say that much unless you hear the story from the guide.

We haven’t been able to visit the JSA yet, that will be for our next trip. If you want to visit it you also need to book a tour with a guide.

Finally, there isn’t a huge price difference between what you would pay if you went to the DMZ on your own and took a tour there or booked an organized tour from the start.

That’s why our advice would be to have a look at the organized tours before you opt for the train.

“The scariest place on Earth” – Former US President, Bill Clinton, during his visit to the DMZ in 1993.

The best DMZ tours from Seoul

The most comfortable way to visit the DMZ is with an organized DMZ tour from Seoul.

We recommend using GetYourGuide to book your DMZ tour in Korea. One of the advantages of GetYourGuide is that most tours have a flexible cancellation policy. Normally you can cancel up to 24hours before the tour to get a full refund.

Here is an overview of all the tours on GetYourGuide.

You have a choice between half-day and full-day DMZ tours.

All DMZ tours will head to Imjingak Peace Park first where they will buy tickets to enter the DMZ area. Depending on how busy it is, your group will have to wait there until it’s your turn to visit the DMZ region.

Your guide will tell you some stories about the most important things at Imjingak when you arrive.

The last train to cross the Korean border

You can use your free time at Imjingak to see several monuments and other elements that tell stories about the Korean War. One of them is this steam locomotive riddled with bullets. This was the last train to cross the border. It was destroyed by US soldiers so that it could not be used by North Korean troops.

Once it is your turn to visit the sights inside the DMZ area, the Dora Observatory, and the Infiltration tunnel, you will board a bus and visit those things in groups.

Know that the end times of all tours are only indicative. Only a limited number of people are allowed in the DMZ area at a time. Therefore, there is a real chance that your group will have to wait and that your tour will be delayed. We recommend not booking any other activities on the day of your DMZ visit.

Make sure to book your DMZ tour from Seoul well in advance to avoid disappointments, especially JSA tours tend to sell out well in advance.

Which Dmz Korea tour is the best one? Here’s a list of the most recommended and popular tours. 

To create this list we looked at the itineraries and the reviews.

This tour visits the DMZ and JSA in 1 day. It is the most complete and popular DMZ tour.

Tours to the JSA zone have only just resumed and availability is currently difficult to find.

Check prices and availability: JSA tour on Viator

Inside the JSA buildings DMZ, South_Korea

  • Visit the freedom bridge near Imjingpark and the old steam train
  • Learn more about the Korean war by visiting the 3rd infiltration tunnel and the DMZ Exhibition Hall
  • See North Korea from the Dora observatory
  • Visit the Dora station

They offer both half-day and full-day tours. You can join the half-day tour in the morning or in the afternoon. The morning tour starts at 8 am, the afternoon tour at 11 am.

If you opt for a full-day tour, you will also visit the War Memorial of Korea.

Pickup is included ( see the tour for the exact pickup locations)

  • Those who are not interested in the JSA or who are short on time will find that the half-day DMZ tours offer a great alternative.  You will see all the highlights of the DMZ and still have a half-day to discover Seoul.
  • If you want to visit the War Memorial of Korea, you should opt for the full day tour.

Check prices and availability: DMZ half or full day trip

Dorosan train station

DMZ half and full-day tour

  • Explore the extraordinary Demilitarized Zone that separates North and South Korea
  • Get a rare glimpse of North Korea from the Ganghwa Peace Observatory
  • Stop by at the Veterans Memorial Park and learn more about the Korean War
  • Watch the statues and monuments at Imjingak Park
  • See the Bridge of Freedom

There are both half and full-day tours. 

Both tours will take you to all the highlights of the DMZ. 

In addition, the full-day tour includes an authentic Korean-style lunch (Bibimbap) and a real shooting experience back in Seoul.

Due to COVID-19 measures, the places visited will be Imjingak Park, Bridge of Freedom, 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, Dora Observatory, and Dorasan Station.

Note that at the moment this tour only runs on Saturday and Sunday.

  • If you aren’t interested in the JSA or short on time will find that the half-day DMZ tours offer a great alternative.  
  • The Ganghwa Peace Observatory is a great alternative for those that are looking to visit a less touristic area of the DMZ.
  • If you add up all the costs of the train excursion, the difference between these half-day excursions is negligible.

Check prices and availability: DMZ half and full day

DMZ North Korean Defector tour

DMZ Tour with a North Korean Defector

  • Listen to enlightening commentary from a professional guide and a real North Korean defector
  • Ask questions about real North Korean life and hear about the past and present of North Korea
  • Enjoy a comprehensive tour of the Korean Demilitarized Zone ( tour of DMZ) and learn about both South and North Korea’s history
  • Explore all the must-see spots in the DMZ in one tour
  • Catch a rare glimpse of the reclusive North Korean territory


With this DMZ tour, you visit the must-see spots in the DMZ zone and you have the possibility to ask questions to a North Korean defector about life in North Korea.

You can opt for a tour with or without hotel pick-up.

This tour is similar to the half-day DMZ tour we listed above but you will be accompanied by a guide and a North Korean defector.  

This is our top recommended tour if you want to learn more about North Korea. 

There’s no better way to learn more about North Korea than to speak to somebody who lived there for several years.

Check prices and availability: Tour with Optional North Korean Defector

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Private DMZ Peace Tour: 3rd Invasion Tunnel(Monorail) and Suspension Bridge

If you are traveling with a larger family or a group, consider a private tour with a guide.

This tour visits all the important stops such as the freedom bridge and the Mangbaedan altar, the third tunnel, Dora Observatory, and more.

You will also have the option to visit Gamaksan Chulleong Bridge or Majang Lake.

The Gamaksan Chulleong Bridge is with length of 150 meters one of the longest suspension bridges in Korea. This bridge was a fierce battlefield during the Korean War. 

Majang Lake is the lake where the Allied Forces fought a fierce battle during the Korean War.

Check prices and availability: Private DMZ Tour

A journey to South Korea is not complete without a visit to the DMZ.  It may feel strange to travel to a very controversial border post as a tourist but it is the best way to learn about the rich albeit sad history of the 2 Korean countries.

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Best DMZ Tour

A DMZ tour from Seoul

Visiting the border with North Korea is a fascinating experience, so here’s what you need to know about the demilitarised zone.

Written by Michael Turtle

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle. A journalist for more than 20 years, he's been travelling the world since 2011.

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle and has been travelling full time for a decade.

Updated: July 11, 2024

How to do a DMZ tour from Seoul

One of the most fortified places on the planet, the Korean Demilitarised Zone is not just fascinating to see, it represents so many awful stories about what's happened to the two countries.

The easiest way to visit the DMZ is to take a tour from Seoul, so here's everything you need to know (plus some alternatives).

  • A brief history of the DMZ
  • The best things to see at the DMZ
  • My tips for the best DMZ tours from Seoul
  • How to visit the DMZ independently

These days, it seems so ludicrous that you would just split a country apart – especially along a fairly arbitrary line like the 38th parallelā€¦ but that’s exactly what they did to Korea at the end of the Second World War.

To try to deal with the remaining tensions between the major powers at the end of the war, the US and the Soviet Union agreed to temporarily divide the Korean Peninsula in a straight east-west line while they worked out what to do.

As we now know, though, they couldn’t work out what to do. This irrational hard border led to the Korean War. It led to the creation of two new countries – South Korea and North Korea. And led to the DMZ, or Korean Demilitarised Zone.

As an introductory video proclaims on my tour to the demilitarised zone, “the DMZ has remained a scar of the war”.

In the immediate aftermath of this division, many families were separated, jobs were lost, lives were upended.

Just think about what would change for you if suddenly you weren’t allowed into the other half of your country, your state, or your city.

Nowadays, we think of North Korea and South Korea as separate countries, with completely different cultures (and, of course, political systems). But one of the things that visiting the DMZ does is remind you that they were unified for centuries until this artificial border was drawn across the country.

To see the DMZ, I recommend this guided tour from Seoul , which includes all the main sights.

Visiting the DMZ is one of the most popular things to do in Seoul, and I think it’s worth the day trip. What you’ll see on a DMZ tour is unique and, of course, you’ll even be able to peer over all the fortifications into North Korea.

Perhaps it’s just a bit of fun for some people – and certainly the small theme park here on the southern side suggests that even some locals see it that way.

Or perhaps, for many foreigners, there’s something adventurous about going to the front lines of a war that has not technically ended.

But the issues are really complicated around the Korean War, the separation of the peninsula, and any potential resolution. You won’t solve them yourself on a day trip to the DMZ from Seoulā€¦ but it does offer a good chance to give them some consideration.

As our guide Jenny ruminates towards the end of the DMZ tour when asked about whether there will be a reunification of the Koreas: “Honestly I don’t know, it will be very difficult. But what I do know – we need peace”.

If you take a guided tour , you’ll learn a lot about the history of the DMZ and gain an insight into what South Koreans think about it. (Hint: there’s not a unified opinion on reunification).

But I also think it’s worth doing a bit of research beforehand, because the experience is not always what people expect.

For instance, here are a few key things to know about a DMZ tour from Seoul:

  • A DMZ tour won’t actually take you into the official DMZ. The actual Korean Demilitarised Zone is about four kilometres wide and is largely empty (and guarded). What you’ll go to is the Civilian Control Zone, which is a secure buffer area to the south.
  • Regardless of which tour you take or if you arrive independently, you’ll have to transfer to one of the official tour buses that have a few set stops.
  • Yes, you will be able to see North Korea – but from a distance. It may be the closest you’ll ever come to the isolationist country, but you’ll still be getting most details through binoculars.
  • Also, one of the famous images you may have of the buildings that literally straddle the border – well, that’s not on most DMZ tours. It’s called the Joint Security Area (JSA) and it’s in a different part of the border to the main tours.

This photo of mine of the Joint Security Area (JSA) is actually from when I visited it from the North Korean side years ago.

There are some tours that visit the JSA, but they are not always available. I’ll talk about more about the logistics of that soon.

What is the DMZ?

The Korean Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) is the area around the border between North Korea and South Korea. It stretches out for about two kilometres in each direction from the border, which is known as the Military Demarcation Line. It is one of the most heavily guarded places on the planet but is mostly empty, with very little development inside.

Can tourists go to the DMZ?

Tours to the DMZ from Seoul are very popular and are easy to join – but most people won’t actually go to the DMZ, which is generally off-limits. Instead, the tours go to an area called the Civilian Control Zone, from where you can look into the DMZ (and into North Korea). There are sometimes tours to a different part of the border called the Joint Security Area (JSA) which is within the DMZ. So, if a tour there is running (they often stop for indefinite periods for security reasons) then tourists can visit the DMZ.

Is it worth visiting the DMZ?

Visiting the DMZ from Seoul is a really interesting day trip and a good way to learn about some of the history of the Korean War and the division of the Korean Peninsula. There are quite a few things to see around the DMZ that make the visit worthwhile. But keep in mind that most tours don’t physically go into the DMZ, just the zone bordering it, so make sure you have realistic expectations.

There are quite a few ways you can get there, and I’ll run through some of the best DMZ tours later in this article.

HOT TIP: You’ll almost certainly save money if you use the GoCity Seoul Pass to take a DMZ tour from Seoul!

First, though, I wanted to have a look at what it actually is and what you’ll discover when you visit the DMZ during your trip to South Korea.

History of the DMZ

The DMZ (officially called the Korean Demilitarised Zone) has been there for the entirety of many of our lifetimes – but in the broader history of Korea, it is very new.

The story of the DMZ starts at the end of World War II when the defeated Japanese left the Korean Peninsula they’d be controlling, and a decision had to be made about what to do with it.

The ‘solution’ at the time (in 1945) was a compromise between the US and the Soviet Union to temporarily split it in two along a straight line tracing the 38th parallel.

The problem was they couldn’t agree what to do next, and in 1948 the two new countries of South Korea and North Korea were established and both claimed they should have the whole peninsula.

This led to the North invading in 1950 and the start of the Korean War, which raged until 1953 when there was an armistice agreement (although, technically, no official end to the war).

As part of the Korean Armistice Agreement, a new border between the two countries was determined, 248 kilometres long, following geographical contours (so not a straight line), and intersecting the 38th parallel in a southwest-northeast direction.

This border is called the Military Demarcation Line.

On either side of this line a buffer area was declared, about two kilometres in each direction. And it’s this four-kilometre-wide stretch of land the entire way along the border that is the DMZ.

There’s something ironic about the name – the Korean Demilitarised Zone is actually one of the most militarised places on earth. It’s just that these fortifications are on the edge of the zone, not in it.

The DMZ is actually relatively empty, other than a few small settlements and official buildings. It’s so undeveloped that is actually has a reputation for becoming a bit of a nature reserve, particularly for deer, bears, and birds

Things to see at the DMZ

Whether you visit the DMZ independently or come on a DMZ tour from Seoul, you’ll be able to see the same things – because ultimately everybody ends up on one of the same official buses to head into the controlled area.

There’s actually a fairly limited range of things that you’ll be able to see, but they each show a different side to the history and current situation along the border.

Your visit will almost certainly begin at Imjingak, which is on the edge of the Civilian Control Line.

Everything you pass through to get here is just normal South Korea. Everything beyond is in the heavily guarded Civilian Control Zone, which is the buffer area before the actual edge of the DMZ.

Imjingak is a funny place because it’s been developed as a bit of a tourist resort, and there’s the odd sight of a small theme park called Pyeonghwa Land right next to the sombre National Memorial Hall of the Korean War Abductees.

Regardless of how you arrive, you’ll probably have to spend some time in Imjingak while you wait for the official tour bus to take you further. Which is fine, because there are quite a few things to see at Imjingak (if you do jump on a bus quickly, come back and have a look around).

The most interesting area is around the Freedom Bridge, which was built in 1953 as part of the Korean Armistice Agreement and used to exchange prisoners at the end of the Korean War.

This is where you’ll also see the Peace Train, which is the locomotive from the last train to cross the border before the war, in 1950.

There are also quite a few memorials here, dedicated to different groups who fought in the Korean War, as well as the Peace Bell, which is rung at midday each day to pray for peace.

Imjingak is also where you can catch the Paju Imjingak Peace Gondola (more commonly known as the DMZ Gondola). It’s not really worth it if you’re doing a proper tour, but it’s an easy way to go into the Civilian Control Zone to visit the former American installation of Camp Greaves (plus get a view across the area).

Camp Greaves

I just want to make a quick mention here of Camp Greaves, because it’s not actually somewhere that most people will visit as it’s not considered important enough for the majority of tours.

As I just said, it’s reached via the DMZ Gondola from Imjingak and usually doesn’t have the same queue as the main tours (plus it can be done in less time). So it’s an option for people who don’t have time for a proper visit.

Camp Greaves was a US military facility for about 50 years after the end of the Korean War, with the land only given back to the South Korean government in 2007.

Now, the various buildings (including ammunition bunkers) have been turned into a gallery/museum with art exhibitions and displays related to the war – including photos and memorabilia from the facility itself.

It’s actually quite interesting and may be worth adding to your day if you’re visiting the DMZ independently.

Dora Observatory

Beyond Imjingak, past the border check at the Civilian Control Line (which happens on the northern side of the Unification Bridge), you’ll be in the Civilian Control Zone, the area that borders the actual DMZ.

One of the main attractions is the Dora Observatory, a viewing complex at the top of Mount Dora.

The modern building has a couple of lower levels with a basic information display and a theatrette. But the main attraction is the rooftop, where the observatory platform is.

From here, you can look right across the empty demilitarised zone and into North Korea.

Some of the things you’ll be able to spot nearby are the town of Kijong-dong, known as the ‘Propaganda Village’; the large city of Kaesong, which has a population of about 200,000 people; and enormous flagpoles on either side of the border that kept being built higher to try to show superiority.

The viewing platform area is equipped with a long line of binoculars that are free to use. This lets you get a better view of some of the buildings and settlements on the North Korean side.

Third Infiltration Tunnel

As I start to head down the path to the Third Infiltration Tunnel, our guide calls after me, “Please come back to South Korea!”.

She’s joking, but it’s a fun reminder of what I’m about to see.

This is one of the tunnels that the North Koreans supposedly dug under the DMZ to try to reach South Korea (I say ‘supposedly’ because the North has denied that it is theirsā€¦ and our guide suspiciously spends a lot of more time than necessary explaining why the South couldn’t possibly have done it themselves!).

Assuming the official story is correct, the tunnel was still being dug in 1978 when it was discovered by the South about 73 metre below the surface – but by this time the North had dug more than 1.6 kilometres, including 435 metres into South Korean territory.

The plan was probably for a surprise attack on Seoul, and it’s estimated that about 30,000 soldiers could come through each hour.

Now, there are three concrete blockades around the actual Military Demarcation Line to stop anyone getting through – including tourists like me. But this is still the closest most people will get to North Korea (and, technically, you will be in the DMZ).

Getting down to the tunnel is a steep walk 75 metres underground, then you’ll go through the tunnel for about 265 metres before turning around and coming back.

It’s low and narrow and I have to hunch over the whole time, but it’s definitely a highlight of a visit to the DMZ.

Unification Village

The other stop on the official DMZ tour is the Unification Village, called Tongil-Chon in Korean.

Only about 500 people live here, in one of the few settlements within the Civilian Control Zone. And, other than the fact it’s in an unusual place, there’s not really much that’s exciting to see here.

The main reason the tours stop here is for the large shop that sells souvenirs related to the DMZ, as well as food and drink that has been grown here.

Personally, I was a bit bored at this stop – but I’m not a big shopper. I guess it’s nice to be able to buy something unique, which is what is on offer here.

Joint Security Area (JSA)

The final thing to see in the DMZ that I want to talk about is the Joint Security Area, known as the JSA.

This is not part of the normal DMZ tours. It’s located about five kilometres further along the border from the Dora Observatory and is about 10 kilometres drive in a different direction from Imjingak.

The JSA is the most interesting thing you can see here, though, because it’s actually in the DMZ. In fact, this facility straddles the border, half of it in South Korea and half of it in North Korea!

I visited it from the northern side when I did a tour in North Korea. From Seoul, there are some special tours that will take you there, but numbers are limited.

The other thing to note is that the JSA is often closed, and tours can be suddenly cancelled (sometimes indefinitely) because of security issues.

For instance, when a US soldier defected across the border on a tour in July 2023, the JSA tours were stopped and haven’t restarted again yet!

Best DMZ tours

It is possible to visit the DMZ independently from Seoul, and I’ll discuss that in the next section. But because public transportation is difficult and you’ll end up on the same official bus anyway, I would recommend taking a tour to make the most of your time in South Korea.

There are quite a few companies that can take you there, each offering fairly similar sights. The difference with the best tours to the DMZ is that they have good guides who can really give you the context of what you’re seeing.

There are also some slight differences with what the tours are able to add to the trip beyond the standard entry into the Civilian Control Zone. Some will add the gondola, for example, or a scenic suspension bridge nearby.

For the best standard tour to the DMZ, I recommend this one , which has a reputation for the best guides.

But any of these other tours from Seoul are also very good:

Another thing to think about is the GoCity Seoul Pass (either Explorer or All-Inclusive). It’s a pass where you get multiple entries or experiences for a set price – and it includes a DMZ tour from Seoul. In fact, the DMZ tour is one of the most expensive inclusions, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to save money!

A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • You’ll need to have your passport with you. This is very important because it will be checked. Don’t forget to bring it!
  • The DMZ sights are closed on Monday so no tours run that day.
  • The tours can be suddenly cancelled at the last moment if there are security issues (it happened the week that I went out there because of a North Korean missile test).
  • And most tours start very early in the morning from Seoul because the companies can’t reserve tickets and need you to be there to get them personally.

All in all, though, it’s pretty straightforward and easy to visit the DMZ on a tour, so once you have booked something, you can just relax.

Visiting the DMZ independently

If you’re keen to visit the DMZ without taking a tour, it’s definitely possible and there are a couple of options.

The first thing to know is that the closest you’ll be able to get independently to the places I’ve talked about is Imjingak. You won’t be able to go beyond the Civilian Control Line without one of the official options.

If you’ve got a car, then the first step is easy – you can just drive to Imjingak.

If you’re using public transport, there is a station at Imingak, called Imjingang Station. But it hasn’t been open for a while.

Still, you should be able to take the train from Seoul to Munsan station and then transfer to a bus that is replacing the usual rail line.

Just check in advance, because this route has been a bit unreliable lately. If all is ok, it should take about 2 hours and cost 2400 won (US$1.80) each way.

Once you arrive at Imingak, you’ll be able to see all the sights in the area for free, including the Freedom Bridge and the memorials.

From here, you can easily take the DMZ Gondola into the Civilian Control Zone to Camp Greaves. It costs 11,000 won (US$8) for a standard ticket, 9,000 won (US$6.55) for a child, and 8,000 won (US$5.80) for a senior.

To go on the official tour to see the other sights (such as Dora Observatory and the Third Infiltration Tunnel), you can buy a ticket from the visitor centre at Imingak.

The tour costs 11,700 won (US$8.50) for a standard ticket, 9200 won (US$6.70) for a child, and 7400 won (US$5.40) for a senior.

The tricky thing here is that tickets are sold on a first-come first-serve basis, and the tour buses get here before ticket sales start at 9 o’clock. So if you don’t get in the line early enough, you may find you have to then wait a long time until it’s your turn to take the bus tour (or even miss out entirely in busy periods).

So to get to the ticket line early, you’ll have to get a really early train/bus combo from Seoul. This is ultimately why I would usually recommend taking a tour, even though it’s going to end up costing you more.

A final thing to note here, you won’t be able to visit the JSA independently because of its location right on the Military Demarcation Line. If you want to see the Joint Security Area, you’ll need to take a tour.

But with all that said, I hope you’re able to make the most of your visit to the DMZ and come away with a new understanding of the conflict that it emerged from, and what it’s done to the families since.

The stories from my guide were quite emotional, a reminder that many families have had their stories changed so dramatically because of an arbitrary line across a country.


For most first-time visitors, I would recommend accommodation around Myeongdong or Insadong, although I’ve also got a detailed story about where to stay in Seoul .

dmz tour rain

Colourful and cosy, the  One Hostel Hongdae  has comfortable beds with curtains and a nice rooftop terrace to meet people.

dmz tour rain

Right in the middle of Insadong,  Top Hotel & Residence  has lovely staff and plenty of good amenities for your stay.

dmz tour rain

There are some really funky features at  Moxy Seoul Insadong , which also has a cool bar on site.

dmz tour rain

Along with a fantastic location and a colourful design,  Le MĆ©ridien Seoul Myeongdong  also has beautiful views and a lovely pool.

More stories about South Korea

  • All the World Heritage Sites in South Korea
  • How to visit the DMZ from Seoul
  • Why Seoul's Jongmyo Shrine is so important
  • Visiting Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul
  • A day trip to Suwon's Hwaseong Fortress
  • See the Tripitaka Koreana at Haeinsa Temple

1 thought on “A DMZ tour from Seoul”

This is a very interesting article. I plan a 6-month trip to Asia later this year and I’ll spend a couple of weeks in South Korea. I am interested in a day tour to the DMZ and I have already selected one of the tours you mentioned in your article. I will have insurance that covers my trip to several countries, but it does not cover North Korea. Did you have special insurance for just a day of visiting the DMZ with a guided tour? Thanks for your feedback. Roxane

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The 5 Best DMZ Tours From Seoul [2024 Reviews]

It’s no secret that Seoul has become one of the hottest travel destinations in recent years, from the explosion of K-POP to the centuries-old temples and rich history. Of course, just like everywhere else in the world, South Korea also has its fair share of tourist traps.

One thing’s for sure, though, you won’t regret taking a DMZ tour! This journey into the heart of Asian history takes you to the edge of two very different worlds, with palpable tension and stories forever etched into the landscape.

Whether you’re a history buff or would simply like to explore the “path less traveled”, you’re going to be fascinated by these top tours of the DMZ from Seoul! Let’s jump right in!

Best DMZ Tours From Seoul

Quick answer: the 5 best rated dmz tours from seoul for 2024.

  • Private DMZ the 3rd Tunnel Tour from Seoul (No Forced Shopping)
  • DMZ Full day with Suspension Bridge Tour
  • From Seoul: DMZ, 3rd Tunnel & Suspension Bridge Guided Tour
  • Best DMZ 3rd Infiltration Tunnel Tour from Seoul (No Shopping)
  • Free Style Private Tour(Seoul/DMZ)

DMZ Tour Reviews

1. private dmz the 3rd tunnel tour from seoul (no forced shopping).

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Departure: Hotel pickup and drop-off available
  • Departure Time: 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 AM
  • Includes: Professional English-speaking guide, transportation, all taxes & fees

Let’s start things off on the right foot with one of the most unique tours one can take in South Korea!

The Private DMZ the 3rd Tunnel Tour from Seoul  will lead you through this incredibly important historical site with an expert guide who will provide you with cultural context throughout your time with them.

If you have a full day available and would like to see the country in a different perspective, look no further than this excursion. The Korean Demilitarized Zone, more commonly-known as “the DMZ”, is the most heavily-fortified border on the planet.

It’s definitely not all fun and games, but this “real deal” experience will get you as close as possible to experiencing the tension, mysteries, and stories that have unfolded between these two divided nations.

Around 4km wide, this modern-day “No Man’s Land” doesn’t allow any  military personnel, activities, and much less, civilians. The only exception to this rule is a place called the “Joint Security Area”, which is a neutral ground where soldiers from both sides come together for talks and negotiation.

Expand To See More See Less

One of the highlights of the tour was climbing the heights of the Dora Observatory, complete with high-powered binoculars for you to see the North’s propaganda village.

When the weather is clear, you may even be able to see the bronze statue of Kim Il-sung, casting a watchful eye over the divide.

Then, you’ll get to see the Third Tunnel subterranean passage discovered in the 1970s and stretching nearly 2,000 meters long. This secret conduit screams espionage and conspiracy, with North Korea having built it then denying it.

Oh boy, there are a ton of interesting stories surrounding it and your guide will fill you in on some of the most captivating.

Tour Information & Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, 2. dmz full day with suspension bridge tour.

  • Duration: 9 hours
  • Departure Time: 7:00 AM
  • Includes: Full-day tour of the DMZ and suspension bridge, professional guide, all fees and taxes

Next up, we have a full-day tour that will take you for an immersive experience through some of the most iconic locations around South Korea.

The DMZ Full Day with Suspension Bridge Tour is full of thrills, intrigue, and incredible views to the unknown. With a guide to share historical accounts and plenty of personal stories with each location visit, you’re sure to view the country from a different viewpoint!

Starting off at 7:00 am, you’ll be picked up right from your hotel by your professional guide in a climate-controlled coach with plenty of legroom and big windows.

Upon arrival to Imjingak Park, you’ll get to see the Freedom Bridge and old steam trains, which was pretty cool by itself. The guide was there to teach us about the Korean War and the sacrifices that needed to be made, which only enriched the experience.

While I enjoyed the entire tour, the most memorable part for me was seeing the Gloucestershire Regiment “Gloster Hill”, which commemorates the actions of the regiment and C Troop, 17th Mortar Battery, Royal Artillery of the British Army during the Battle of the Imjin River.

Nearby is the incredible rope bridge known as the “Gloucester Heroes Bridge” which was a bloody battle field during the Korean War. Today, it stands as the longest suspension bridge in the country, sitting over 700 meters above sea level!

Finally, you’ll get to see the DMZ exhibition hall and learn about the old weapons, which was pretty cool! Next, make the walk over to the Third Tunnel which was made by North Korea, who actually claimed the South had constructed it with the intention of a guerilla attack!

The Dora Observatory was crazy to see, showing you a peek into North Korea’s propaganda village with the high-powered telescopes.

3. From Seoul: DMZ, 3rd Tunnel & Suspension Bridge Guided Tour

  • Departure:  65-6 Chungmuro 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul
  • Departure Time:  7:00 AM
  • Includes: Licensed professional guide, roundtrip transfer from Seoul, admission fees to DMZ, monotrail tour in 3rd tunnel or walking tour for shared tour option

This next tour is one of my favorites, seamlessly combining incredible nature views with the rich and varied history of South Korea. If you consider yourself an adventurous person who enjoys those “more unique” tourist sites, this one’s for you!

The DMZ, 3rd Tunnel & Suspension Bridge Guided Tour  is one of the only ways you can actually see a glimpse of North Korea in person, offering a deep dive into the history of the area.

First things first, though: you’ll have to pick either the private or the shared tour option. For the private tour, you’ll travel with only your party and go on a monorail tour in the Third Tunnel.

For the shared tour option, you’ll obviously be traveling with strangers and will instead go on a walking tour in the Third Tunnel – either way, they’re great options!

After being picked up from your hotel, you’ll arrive and get to see the Freedom Bridge, Mangbaedan Altar, as well as an old steam locomotive that was destroyed during the Korean War.

Your guide will be there to tell you all about how the Korean War affected the country and landscape – particularly on the border. You’ll then visit 4 different locations at the DMZ, starting with the Third Infiltration Tunnel.

Whether you’re walking or monorailing in, you’re sure to get a bit of a creepy vibe as you enter this “lair”. After, check out the Dorasan Observatory, which allows you to see into North Korea from their superpowered binoculars!

You can also choose to explore some Unification Villages located in a buffer zone and is civilian controlled by the government. Then take a hike around 15 to 20 minutes and appreciate the Gamaksan Suspension Bridge, which has quite the intense history of its own.

If time allows, you’ll even get to see the Majang Suspension Bridge located right at a glass-like lake perfect for taking some photos.

4. Best DMZ 3rd Infiltration Tunnel Tour from Seoul (No Shopping)

  • Duration: 7.5 hours
  • Departure Time: Varies
  • Includes: Professional English-speaking guide, all taxes and fees

You know what’s really annoying when you’re on a trip and trying to maximize your time by seeing as many interesting things as possible?

When your tour guide “forces” you and your group to go shopping at specific stores and markets. There’s none of that nonsense with this next tour – the Best DMZ 3rd Infiltration Tunnel Tour from Seoul is all about learning in a fun and interesting way!

This is another one of my top recommendations if you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of Seoul. You’ll get picked up in the morning by your guide and make the trip on a comfortable, air-conditioned coach with plenty of unobstructed views along the way.

Right from the get-go, I did notice that our guide did a fantastic job at providing detail and easy-to-digest historical accounts and personal anecdotes which made it that much more fascinating.

Upon arrival, you’ll get to see the Imjingak Pyeonghoa-Nuri park and learn about how it was constructed to house the refugees who left North Korea during the Korean War.

After that, check out the Bridge of Freedom which was also made to free almost 13,000 prisoners during the war. It’s not only incredibly moving to learn about, it’s set in one of the most beautiful natural settings ideal for photo ops!

After that, it’s time to head to the DMZ Theater where you’ll watch a short film about the war, and the South Korean perspective on it. You’ll learn how the DMZ came to be what it is today, as well as get time to walk through the creepy Third Infiltration Tunnel.

It definitely gives you a deeper understanding of just how serious this situation is, and the photos and artifacts only help.

5. Free Style Private Tour(Seoul/DMZ)

  • Duration: 7 to 8 hours
  • Includes: Air-conditioned vehicle, private transportation, English-speaking guide

One thing that many people may be turned off about tours, is that you’re obligated to go on one set schedule. The great thing, is that many tours offer the option of creating a custom itinerary designed around your specific interests!

The Free Style Private Tour (Seoul/DMZ) is one of my favorites, catering to your tastes to ensure you’ll see the things you’re most captivated by!

If you’re a history buff, or really into Korean culture or food, you can tell your guide and they’ll create a personalized agenda just for that. While the tours will never be exactly the same, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Start off with your guide picking you right up from your hotel in a private, air-conditioned vehicle made to transport only you and the rest of your party.

As you do get to choose, it’s quite possibly the best way to maximize your time in Korea – especially if it’s your first time there and/or you are there for only a couple of days.

While it’s not necessary, I definitely recommend going to the Gyungbokgung Palace, which is the most popular of the 5 in total in the city. You can then head up by car to the top of the mountain peak, whick offers some of the most breathtaking views of Seoul possible.

After that, head to a local eatery for a delicious, traditionally Korean lunch which has been reviewed by some of the top publications in the world. Follow it up with a trip up to the N-Seoul Tower by cable car, or head over to the DMZ, of course!

The DMZ, as you already know by now, is a must-see and is the one way to really gain insight into the tension between these two neighboring nations.

FAQs About the Korean DMZ

Q: what is the dmz in korea.

A: The DMZ or Demilitarized Zone, is a strip of land the is about 2.5 miles wide the runs across the Korean Peninsula near the 38th parallel north. It’s a buffer between North and South Korea, that are still technically at war because the war ended with an armistice and not a peace agreement.

Q: Do I have to take a tour to visit the DMZ?

A: Yes, you can only go to the DMZ on a guided tour. You can book them online or through travel agencies. You can take a half-day, full-day, or private tours, that show you different sites and activities in the DMZ. The most popular attraction is the Joint Security Area (JSA) which is where negotiations took place. The Third Tunnel of Aggression, was dug by North Korea to infiltrate South Korea and the Dora Observatory where you can see North Korea with a telescope.

Q: Is it safe to visit the DMZ?

A: You may be wondering if it’s safe to visit the DMZ. While the Korean DMZ is considered ā€œthe worldā€™s most dangerous border”, there is no danger to visitors. Just make sure you follow the rules and instructions of the tour guides.

Tour Guides

The Private DMZ the 3rd Tunnel Tour from Seoul is our Editors Choice for the best DMZ tour from Seoul.

Richard Remick

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Dmz tour review | everything you need to know.

A DMZ tour from Seoul is an experience you should not miss whilst youā€™re in South Korea. With this tour, you can take a glimpse into life in North Korea, whilst soaking up the tragic history of how a nation became divided. Read on to find our DMZ tour review. Find out how to book a tour, the different costs, and the dayā€™s itinerary.

DMZ tour review - South Korea to North Korea

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Preparing for the DMZ tour from Seoul

The day had arrived, and we were very excited about our trip to the North Korean border. Stupidly, the first time we visited Seoul we didnā€™t realise that we needed to book the DMZ tour a few days in advance. So, when we called a tour agency 2-days before we were due to leave for Japan, we were more than gutted to be told that we canā€™t book a tour at such short notice. As the tour was something we really wanted to do, we decided to head back to Seoul after backpacking Japan.

DMZ tour types

There are two types of tours; the demilitarized zone tour (DMZ), and the demilitarized zone tour with joint security area (JSA). The difference? Not much, other than that the JSA is where you actually step foot into North Korean territory and get up close to North Korean soldiers.

DMZ tour from Seoul costs

Costs can vary massively, depending on which company you choose to take your tour with. We chose to do our tour with Koridoor Tours. MASSIVE MISTAKE! We will tell you more about that later in this DMZ tour review! At the time we took the tour, the prices were as follows:

DMZ tour only: $42

Tour of the DMZ with Joint security area: $92

DMZ Statue in South Korea

DMZ day tour itinerary

Departure and tunnels.

The DMZ tour from Seoul started with a gathering at the Koridoor Tour office. At the office, guides checked our IDs and clothing, as visitors must be dressed well. After everyone had arrived and signed in, a coach and a guide took us to the third tunnel (DMZ). Here we could walk through the tunnel and learn the history of the war between South and North Korea. The tunnel itself is not much to write home about, but itā€™s worth checking out.

After the third tunnel, we made a quick stop for a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant. We opted to munch on the sandwiches that we had bought before the tour began. However, the restaurant has plenty of local Korean food to choose from, but this is not included in the cost of the tour.

Dora Observatory

At the observatory, we could peek through the binoculars into a creepy fake North Korean town. Yes, FAKE! No one actually lives there. Our guide told us that North Koreans had built this colourful town and played loud music daily to show South Koreans, and visitors, that they are prosperous and doing well. This was a pretty cool part of the tour and the guide provided us with some very interesting information.

Dora observatory - DMZ tour, South Korea

Dorasan Train Station

This part of the tour was very sad and emotional. We could really sense the desperation of South Korea to reunite with their Northern counterparts; so much so, a train station heading to Pyongyang has already been built and the train is sitting waiting to go. Another interesting item at the train station is the small piece of the Berlin Wall that had been donated to South Korea to show hopes of reunification.

Dorasan train station - DMZ tour, South Korea

Joint security area

Next up was supposed to be the most exciting part of the trip that everyone had been waiting for; the part where we would step foot into North Korea. As we approached the JSA, our bus pulled over and an American soldier boarded the bus to give us what was supposed to be a briefing. Instead, he told us that the border was now closed to tourists due to an incident that had happened earlier in the day. At this point, we werenā€™t quite sure if this was a joke or not. But NOPE, unluckily for us, it was not a joke at all.

JSA section cancelled

Instead of going to the JSA, our guide opted to take us all to a nearby park. This was just to waste time, so we fulfilled the tour length. In all honesty, though, I donā€™t think anyone wanted to do this. At this point, everyone was quite pissed off. When we arrived back at Koridoorā€™s tour office, surprisingly everyone had already left the office! So, there was no one there to talk to about getting a refund for the JSA section part of the tour.

North Korean clay soldiers - DMZ tour, South Korea

Trying to get a refund

The next day, we went back to the office to speak to the manager about receiving a refund for the part of the tour that was cancelled. Unfortunately, the staff were rude and no longer showed the same enthusiasm as they did when we were making a booking. After asking where $50 per person had been spent, and how it was justifiable for them to keep it, we got nowhere and sadly left feeling robbed.

DMZ tour review conclusion

To conclude this DMZ tour review, the first half of the DMZ tour from Seoul was great. We enjoyed learning the history of the war and how the nation became divided. However, if the JSA section of this tour is high a priority for you, avoid going with cheapskate companies like Koridoor. We completely understand that at such a high-tension border zone, incidents can occur; resulting in border closures at short notice. But to not receive a refund for this was totally unacceptable, particularly after hearing from other travellers that other companies were happy to give refunds. On top of that, the customer service after the tour was totally disappointing and the manager refused to answer some of our questions. All in all, we do recommend taking a tour to the border of North Korea, just make sure to research the tour companies thoroughly beforehand.

Where to stay in Seoul

Feeling luxurious: Ā  Royal Hotel Seoul ā€“ Has excellent reviews and boats spa and wellness services for you to end your trip in style.

Budget private room: Ā  Coups Hotel ā€“ Has great modern rooms. The hotel is located just a 10-minute walk away from Changgyeonggung Palace and has excellent metro links

Dorm life: Ā  Itaewon Inn ā€“ Basic, but super cheap and has good links to the metro system.

For more prices and deals on properties in Seoul,Ā  CLICK HERE.

Essential resources for travelling in South Korea

Travel Insurance ā€“ No matter where youā€™re travelling to, itā€™s a good idea to make sure youā€™re covered for any accidents or losses. We spent days and weeks searching for insurance, but most insurers would not allow us to take out a policy as we were already abroad. Our personal choice is Safteywing . You can opt for automatic monthly payments, just like a subscription. More importantly, it is available in 180 countries and can be purchased whilst already travelling. There is no cap on the duration of travel.

Visa ā€“ Before you travel to any country, make sure to check if you need a visa. iVisa is a fantastic website that is super easy and quick to use. Just type in where you are from. and where you are going. to check if you need a visa. If you do, you can quickly make an application online.

Accommodation ā€“ Booking.com is our go-to when looking to pre-book accommodation online. Booking.com tend to almost always have the best rates and a FREE cancellation policy for most properties.

Tours & Activities ā€“ If you want to book tours and activities online, make sure to check out Get Your Guide . Get Your Guide takes the stress out of booking activities abroad. You will also find a range of benefits, such as skip-the-line passes, lunch included in your tours, and so much more.

Travel tips ebook -Before you head off on your adventure, make sure to download our free ebook. It has a whopping 109 budget travel tips to help you make your hard-earned cash go further. Click here to download your FREE ebook.

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The Ultimate DMZ, South Korea Tour Review

13 thoughts on ā€œ DMZ Tour Review | Everything You Need to Know ā€

dmz tour rain

Hey great pos guysā€¦ But mean spirited with the review for Koridoor. I guess having access to JSA revoked at the last minute is beyond anyoneā€™s control and managing your expectations better when undertaking global travel might be required at times. Peace and love x

dmz tour rain

Hey, thanks for the comment šŸ™‚ yeah we totally understand that with it being such a sensitive area, things like this could happen. The frustrating part was the handling of it afterwards. Especially when other companies that day were issuing. All the best, K & J

dmz tour rain

Great article! Would love to visit the DMZ since it is such a historically relevant place, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for your comment. The DMZ is definitely interesting and worth the visit.

dmz tour rain

Hmā€¦ very i teresting read. I had no idea about this tours. It was quite an experience for you two.

Thanks for the comment, yes it was a very interesting trip and if you ever go to Seoul, itā€™s something you should definitely look into doing if you ate interested in the divide between North and South Korea.

dmz tour rain

iā€™ve done dmz tour in vietnam, but iā€™m sure it would be a totally different experience doing it in korea with the north korea situation and all that. iā€™m so sorry that your tour ended up disappointed by the end of the day, but i could tell you had a great experience beforehand. šŸ™‚

anyway, iā€™ve also got north korea on my bucket list but i heard to join the tour there is quite expensive. iā€™m so obsessed to see whatā€™s up with north korean that i am volunteering for asian games in jakarta next year just to see whether i could meet anyone from north korea. šŸ˜€

btw, since you mentioned that to do this tour you must dress well, can you tell me what kind of outfit that is recommended or what to avoid if i want to join this tour one day? thank you! šŸ™‚

Yes it was very interesting and even without the JSA part of the tour, it is still totally worth doing.

Thatā€™s so cool that you are going to an event in Jakarta, I hope you have the opportunity to speak to someone from North Korea. Apart from actually being there and emmersing yourself into another country, there is no better way to learn about culture and life in another country than to speak to someone who is from there first hand.

As for the dress code, they require you to dress smart/ casual. For example, shoes and not flip-flops. No short shorts/ skirts and no strappy t-shirts and no tracksuits. A nice pair of jeans or a knee length skirt with shoes and you are good to go.

dmz tour rain

North Korea!!! Oh wow!! Looks amazing. So much culture to experience

dmz tour rain

Love how you go into detail about each stopā€¦makes me feel like I was there with you! šŸ™‚

Glad you enjoyed the post and felt as though you were apart of the experience:)

dmz tour rain

Wow, this is so interesting! Of course I have heard of the North Korean government setting up fake businesses and things like that, but I had no idea they built whole fake towns! That is so interesting! And so cool that you got to see that! That is crazy that they didnā€™t give you a refund for the second half being cut short though! But atleast you still had fun. Now I know we will definitely visit the dmz when we go to South Korea!

Glad we have inspired you to take a trip here. It is certainly very educational and an eye opener to the divide of the two countries. Would love to hear your thoughts on it when you go šŸ™‚

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KoreaToDo - What to Do & See in South Korea

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DMZ Train & Getting There | Day Trip from Seoul, South Korea

Vary according to train routes.

Where to take DMZ Train

Seoul Station (subway line 1/4/Gyeongui–Jungang, KTX - Korea Train Express, AREX - Airport Railroad Express Train).

Yongsan Station (subway line 1, exit 2).


The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a buffer zone established in the Armistice Agreement of 27 Jul 1953 during the Korean War. It stretches 250km long, dividing the Korean Peninsula into North Korea and South Korea roughly along the 38th Parallel. The Military Demarcation Line (MDL) goes through the center of the DMZ with 2km wide on each side.

Panmunjeom (Joint Security Area, JSA), commonly known to tourists as the blue buildings, is administrated by the United Nations Military and North Korean military. JSA is the site of the negotiations that ended the Korean War and all negotiations since 1953. It is the main center of human activity in the DMZ. The MDL goes through the conference rooms and down the middle of the conference tables.

DMZ Train - North Korea | Day Trip from Seoul, KoreaToDo

Since Nov 1974, South Korea has discovered four tunnels crossing the DMZ, known to be dug by North Korea. The four tunnels are named according to the order discovered, i.e. First, Second, Third and Fourth Tunnel accordingly.

Tourist destinations close to the DMZ is only available through group tours and depending on the areas visited, may be accompanied by armed guards with restricted photography.

DMZ train operated by KORAIL brings tourists to train terminals closest to the DMZ. From there, tourists can join their preferred tours and return for the train journey back to Seoul. DMZ Train offers an affordable and comfortable way to experience the DMZ, the land of history and mystery.

(Note: JSA is not available on DMZ Train tours)

2 Train Routes:

1. Gyeongui Line (started in May 2014) - departing from Yongsan Station to Dorasan Station . This line used to connect Seoul and Pyongyang before the division in the 1940s.



The 3rd Tunnel - discovered in 1978. The tunnel is 1.64km long, 2m high and 2m wide. 

Dora Observatory - overlook into North Korea.

Dorasan Station - located in the zone that strictly restricts general civilian access. From the station, visitors can view Dorasan Mountain and the barbed wire fences of the Southern Limit Line.

Dorasan Peace Park.

DMZ Train - The Third Tunnel | Day Trip from Seoul, KoreaToDo

2. Gyeongwon Line (started in Aug 2014) – departing from Seoul Station to Baengmagoji Station .

    Cheorwon Security Bus Tour Attractions:

Durumi Peace Village – the village was named after the durumi (red-crowned crane), one of the most common animals inhabiting the DMZ.

Cheorwon Korean Workers' Party Headquarters – walls of the building scarred with pockmarks from bullets and shells.

Observation Post of the Baekgol Army Division - remains of the Geumgangsan Mountain Electric Railroad Bridge used for transporting North Korea’s war supplies can be seen from here.

Woljeongni Station - an abandoned train station closest to the Southern Limit Line.

Cheorwon Crane Park - learn about the different bird species found at the DMZ.

Baengma High Ground Battlefield - one of the bloodiest battlefields during the Korean War.

    Cheorwon City Bus Tour Attractions:

Goseokjeong National Tourist Area - Goseokjeong Pavilion.

Seungilgyo Bridge - named after a soldier who died in the war. The bridge is unique in that it was jointly built by both nations, started by North Koreans in 1948 and completed by South Koreans after the war. The bridge, now under South Korea land, is a registered cultural asset.

Songdaeso - best views of Hantangang River and Jusangjeolli Cliff.

Baengma High Ground Battlefield.

DMZ Train - Cheorwon Korean Workers' Party Headquarters | Day Trip from Seoul, KoreaToDo

KoreaToDo TOP PICKS - Tours, Activities & Discount Tickets

āž„ Handpicked experiences by KoreaToDo for their uniqueness, value, popularity, price competitiveness and at times, tedious to reach by public transport.

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Tour

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Tour

birdā€™s eye view of North Korea

Paju/Gimpo/Cheorwon DMZ Day Tour

Paju/Gimpo/Cheorwon DMZ Day Tour

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Gamaksan Suspension Bridge Day Tour

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Gamaksan Suspension Bridge Day Tour

150m long bridge across valley

Korean Folk Village, Suwon Hwaseong & Suwon Nammun Market Day Tour

Korean Folk Village, Suwon Hwaseong & Suwon Nammun Market Day Tour

Authentic cultural experience

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Majang Lake Suspension Bridge Day Tour

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Majang Lake Suspension Bridge Day Tour

220m long bridge by the lake

Everland Day Tour (Admission, Tour Guide & Round Trip Transfer)

Everland Day Tour (Admission, Tour Guide & Round Trip Transfer)

Eng./Mandarin speaking guide

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Korea Traditional Boat Voyage Day Tour

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Korea Traditional Boat Voyage Day Tour

river flowing out of North Korea

ā€‹ā€‹Korea Rail Pass (KR PASS): KTX Bullet Trains to Busan & others (2, 3, 4 or 5 Days)

ā€‹ā€‹Korea Rail Pass (KR PASS): KTX Bullet Trains to Busan & others (2, 3, 4 or 5 Days)

instant pass & tourist exclusive!

ā™”  KoreaToDo recommends  Klook.com , Asia leading in-destination service provider.

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šŸŽµ SEASONAL HOT PICKS šŸŽ¶ Handpicked Experiences from Seoul

2024 KOREA Waterbomb

2024 KOREA Waterbomb

3 Aug - 31 Aug 2024

live performances, water shows, fun & food!

2024 Songdo Beer Festival (Foreigner VIP Ticket, 1-4 pax)

2024 Songdo Beer Festival (Foreigner VIP Ticket, 1-4 pax)

23 - 31 Aug 2024

draft beer 5,000cc & food

The 61st Suwon Hwaseong Cultural Festival Day Tour

The 61st Suwon Hwaseong Cultural Festival Day Tour

4 - 6 Oct 2024

UNESCO World Cultural Heritage event

Other Day Trips from Seoul under 3 hours that you may like:

Paju, a South Korea city close to North Korea/DMZ:  Provence Village, Heyri Art Village & Paju Premium Outlets

Gwangmyeong Cave Theme Park : Explore an abandoned mine & 194m long Wine Cave

Incheon Chinatown, Songwol-dong Fairy Tale Village &  Wolmido Island

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  • Hotel's currency


Zapadnyj okrug

  • Book Hotels
  • Krasnodar Krai
  • Zapadnyj okrug hotels
  • Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)

Choose dates to see prices

Price (per night).

  • 0 US$ - 50 US$ 345
  • 50 US$ - 100 US$ 14
  • 100 US$ - 150 US$ 1
  • 150 US$ - 200 US$ 2

Star Rating

Guest rating.

  • Air Conditioning 10
  • Parking 290
  • Restaurant 25
  • Swimming Pool 33
  • Bathtub/Shower 92

Property Type

  • Apartment 193
  • Guesthouse 24
  • Condo Hotel 4

Sights in Zapadnyj okrug

Botanical Garden of Professor I. S. Kosenko 1.4 km.

Monument Shurik and Lidochka 1.5 km.

City Centre Shopping Mall 1.7 km.

Airports in Zapadnyj okrug

Krasnodar International Airport 14 km.

Gelendzhik Airport 89 km.

Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff) Hotel

Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)


Online Reservation:

Available Rooms

Standard single room.

Standard Single room Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)

ac_unit Air conditioning bathroom Private bathroom tv TV

shelves Bathrobe Bedsheets airwave Hairdryer deck Patio shower Shower footprint Slippers emoji_food_beverage Tea emoji_food_beverage Kettle or coffee maker phone_in_talk Telephone self_care Toiletries checkroom Wardrobe water_bottle Bottled water

Superior Double room

Superior Double room Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)

Beds : full double bed

shelves Bathrobe airwave Hairdryer deck Patio footprint Slippers emoji_food_beverage Tea emoji_food_beverage Kettle or coffee maker phone_in_talk Telephone self_care Toiletries checkroom Wardrobe water_bottle Bottled water

Double Junior Suite

Double Junior Suite Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)

shelves Bathrobe Bedsheets airwave Hairdryer footprint Slippers emoji_food_beverage Tea emoji_food_beverage Kettle or coffee maker phone_in_talk Telephone self_care Toiletries checkroom Wardrobe water_bottle Bottled water

Double Suite

Double Suite Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)

ac_unit Air conditioning lock Safe bathroom Private bathroom tv TV

shelves Bathrobe Bedsheets network_check High speed internet access Mirror deck Patio footprint Slippers emoji_food_beverage Tea emoji_food_beverage Kettle or coffee maker phone_in_talk Telephone self_care Toiletries dry_cleaning Towels checkroom Wardrobe water_bottle Bottled water

Premium Double Suite

Premium Double Suite Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)

ac_unit Air conditioning liquor Minibar lock Safe bathroom Private bathroom tv TV

shelves Bathrobe Bedsheets kitchen Fridge airwave Hairdryer network_check High speed internet access Mirror deck Patio footprint Slippers emoji_food_beverage Tea emoji_food_beverage Kettle or coffee maker phone_in_talk Telephone self_care Toiletries dry_cleaning Towels checkroom Wardrobe water_bottle Bottled water

This hotel is located in the very center of the city. In the morning, have a cup of coffee while looking at the city from the window.

Hereā€™s the hotel you always dreamed of: hotel Ā«Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)Ā» is located in Krasnodar .

You can stop by the restaurant. Want to be always on-line? Wi-Fi is available.

You can take a walk and explore the neighbourhood area of the hotel. Places nearby: Krasnodar Drama Theatre, Shukhov's Hyperboloid Tower and Hall of the Krasnodar Philharmonic.

Accessible for guests with disabilities: the elevator helps them to go to the highest floors. At the guestsā€™ disposal, thereā€™s also a laundry, private check-in and check-out, ironing, press and a concierge.

To book an excursion, consult the tour assistance desk of the hotel. For the free movement around the city, the hotel offers a transfer for you.

Guests will find the following in the room: a TV, a mini-bar and a bathrobe. The room equipment depends on its category.

The staff of the hotel speaks Russian .

Nightly rates from $139

Address: ulitsa Krasnaya, 16/1, Krasnodar, 350063

Number of rooms: 20

Reviews of Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff)

Title of your review, select a rating, your review.

dmz tour rain

Excellent hotel in Krasnodar , stayed for the first time. Very clean and comfortable room. Comfortable bed, perfect bed linen, has all the necessary accessories. Tasty and hearty breakfasts! Polite and helpful staff!

Hotel location. Beautiful interior. There are many shops, cafes and a 24-hour pharmacy nearby. The room was cleaned well and regularly. The set of towels was changed every day. The bathroom had a heated floor. It is very nice. Inconvenient for living for a more or less long period. The hotel is beautiful, and so is the room, but: 1. There was no table in the room to read, work or eat. 2. The bedside tables are very small, on one of them there was a capsule coffee machine, but the cup was absolutely not suitable for making coffee. Didn't get into the coffee machine. Everything was unstable and uncomfortable. The second bedside table was a bar-fridge that was constantly heated. It was impossible to charge the phone on the bedside tables: either there was nowhere to place it, or put it on a hot surface. 3. I didnā€™t use the bar (mini-fridge), even to place my food. It was not correct, it was heating up, but not cooling. I contacted the reception ā€” they ignored me. 4. There are no ā€œdo not disturbā€ or ā€œplease clean upā€ signs in the room; the service staff once tried to clean up when I was in the shower. Inconvenient. 5. Breakfast in the restaurant and ordered to your room is very expensive ā€” 1800 rubles. The restaurant itself was not particularly hospitable. Maybe because I didnā€™t order breakfast, but from the main menu. By the way, it turned out cheaper. 6. There is a shower in the bath. Everything is beautiful, but it doesnā€™t close, so thereā€™s always water on the floor.

Cool hotel, this is not the first time I have stayed in it and for me this hotel is the best in Krasnodar that I have been to. Cool interior, great service, delicious breakfast. The softest bed and pillows, you sleep like a baby! šŸ˜“ Chic filling of the room with high-quality cosmetics, bathrobes, slippers, there is even a clothes steamer and a Dyson hair dryer (my wife was delighted! The hotel never ceases to pleasantly surprise and every time you fall in love with itself again, so definitely 5 stars!

Booked a room for a special day WEDDING. The choice immediately fell on the renovated GRAND HOTEL EKATERINODAR. You can feel the polite attitude of the staff from the first steps in the hotel. You can immediately feel the high level of service. They helped us lift our suitcases and dress into the room, escorted us, a pleasant surprise awaited us in the room, a welcome card with Our names (it was nice that they were waiting for us and took the time to prepare our room). The room was impeccably clean. A full set of cosmetics, a Dyson hair dryer, a steamer and even a scale. The staff is always smiling, good-natured and solving your questions. The staff and attitude towards guests is at the highest level. Chic room, luxurious breakfast, photo session is paid, but itā€™s worth it.

Here is how it was. My husband and I suddenly realized that it was already February 14th, and neither the restaurant nor the hotel room had been bookedā€¦ We began to frantically search in the late afternoon, and everything in the city, naturally, was already occupied, but, lo and behold, there was a whole Suite in the Grand Hotel Fate itself had in store for us, and with it a table in the restaurant there too. I read the reviews, they were downright scary, butā€¦ there was nothing to do, we decided to take a chance and, of course, drink champagne) Imagine our surprise when the nicest girl Yulia met us at the reception with already prepared welcome cocktails, and then everything went like clockwork. The room was so perfectly clean and beautiful, with a royal design and a view of Krasnaya, that we just looked at it for another 20 minutes, enjoying the soft, fluffy carpet, on which you not only want to walk barefoot, but also lie on it, looking at the shining crystal chandeliers. Shock. In the room there was a Dyson hair dryer, a steamer, a coffee machine and even a scale! The bar was so interesting and varied that they forgot about their champagne) ) But that's not all! Surprise! A huge vase of fruit and berries and a bottle of champagne (a gift in honor of Valentine's Day) were kindly delivered to the room and invited to the restaurant on the 3rd floor.

Such an important day was ruined. I booked for a wedding, went in person, and the admin said it was cheaper to book on the website. We left and booked on the website, it cost about 15, 000 rubles, on the wedding day they give us another room. And I specifically chose the number I needed for the photo, but they gave me another one. When asked why this was so, they shrugged and said that all the rooms were similar. Ok. Go ahead! I just didn't want to argue that day. I work as a wedding stylist, and I come to this hotel very often. And then they tell me that I owe 3000 rubles for the photo in the hallway. My clients did not pay money for photos in the hallway. As I found out later, apparently itā€™s a sucker, they take it from some, and not from others. Further, there was cola in the refrigerator, there was nothing even close to the menu or prices. After leaving, you receive an SMS saying that the cola was paid for. What is included in your 15, 000? I disputed the point that there was no Menu and how should I know that it is paid? And now all my brides are complaining about this hotel. There are only louts working. Many times brides cried in front of me. Anyone from the street can knock on your room, no security, no checks.

Very convenient location, you can check in quickly, the room is cozy. There is a bar. There is a lot of hair on the carpets. And living in room 204, I couldnā€™t sleep because of the noise and woke up very early, because there is a staff room in the room opposite. The door is open all the time, they are talking. I didn't have enough time to sleep in silence.

Good location, the design of the hotel is gorgeous, the furniture, etc. Is not shabby, although after reading the reviews I thought it would be worse. It was done neatly and beautifully, on the way to the room there is a beautiful staircase. The room has enough towels, shower accessories and even bathrobes. The reception helped with parking. We didn't take breakfast, I can't say. The place left Sarov with the best impressions, the price and quality are perfect! When we are in the city we will definitely visit this hotel! Stains on the carpet in the room, no big deal)

  • Airport transportation
  • Tour assistance
  • Event facilities
  • Conference Hall
  • Shopping on site
  • Air conditioning
  • 24-hour reception
  • Elevator/lift
  • Currency exchange
  • Smoke-free property
  • Security guard
  • Early check-in
  • Late check-out
  • Design hotel
  • Private check-in/check-out
  • Iron and board
  • Concierge services
  • Hairdryer (on request)
  • Luggage storage
  • Free internet

Room Amenities

  • Room service
  • Safe (in room)

Food & Drink

  • Breakfast in the room
  • Packed lunches
  • Suitable for Events

Languages Spoken

Policies of hotel grand hotel yekaterinodar (exp. romanoff), accepted credit card payments:.

Visa, Maestro, Mastercard

Information about the type of meals included in the price is indicated in the rate details.

Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff) on map

Nearest hotels.

Respekt Mini-Hotel

Respekt Mini-Hotel Hotel ulitsa Frunze, 112, Krasnodar, KRASNODAR, Russia, Krasnodar

A great option for a journey on a budget - hotel Ā« Respekt Mini-Hotel Ā» is located in Krasnodar. This hotel is located in the city center.

2 Nochi Na Ulitse Krasnaya 204 Flat

2 Nochi Na Ulitse Krasnaya 204 Flat Apartment ulitsa Krasnaya, 204, Krasnodar

Looking for a home comfort: apartment Ā«2 Nochi Na Ulitse Krasnaya 204 FlatĀ» is located in Krasnodar. This apartment is located in the city center.

Apart Sharing V Mkr Lyubimovo 16 Apartments

Apart Sharing V Mkr Lyubimovo 16 Apartments Apartment mkr Lyubimovo, 16, Krasnodar

A great option for family vacation: apartment Ā«Apart Sharing V Mkr Lyubimovo 16 ApartmentsĀ» is located in Krasnodar. This apartment is located in the very center of the city.

Apartamenty Na Kubanskoy Naberezhnoy Flat

Apartamenty Na Kubanskoy Naberezhnoy Flat Apartment ulitsa imeni Pushkina, 5, Krasnodar

The best kind of vacation is when you come somewhere new and it feels like home: apartment Ā«Apartamenty Na Kubanskoy Naberezhnoy FlatĀ» is located in Krasnodar. This apartment is located in the city center.

Apartments na Ulice Sensareva

Apartments na Ulice Sensareva Apartment ulitsa Sensareva 17/1/2, Krasnodar

The best kind of vacation is when you come somewhere new and it feels like home: apartment Ā«Apartments na Ulice SensarevaĀ» is located in Krasnodar. This apartment is located in the very center of the city.

Apartments na Gassiya 4/7 Liter 2

Apartments na Gassiya 4/7 Liter 2 Apartment ulitsa Valeriya Gassiya 4/7, bldg.2, Krasnodar

The best kind of vacation is when you come somewhere new and it feels like home: apartment Ā«Apartments na Gassiya 4/7 Liter 2Ā» is located in Krasnodar. This apartment is located in the city center.

Search and Book Hotels

Nearby attractions.

Krasnodar Drama Theatre 0.15 km.

Shukhov's Hyperboloid Tower 0.37 km.

Monument Shurik and Lidochka 0.82 km.

Botanical Garden of Professor I. S. Kosenko 0.98 km.

Hall of the Krasnodar Philharmonic 1.1 km.

City Centre Shopping Mall 1.1 km.

Krasnodar's Felitsyn State Historical and Archaeological Reserve 1.2 km.

Train Station Krasnodar-2 1.6 km.

Turgenevskiy Bridge 1.7 km.

Chistyakovskiy Grove Park 1.9 km.

Krasnodar 1 Railway Station 2 km.

Krasnodar Regional Art Museum of Kovalenko 2.1 km.

Closest Airports

Krasnodar International Airport 13 km.

Gelendzhik Airport 90 km.

Enter dates to view hotel prices

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    Learn more to help you choose the right Korea DMZ tour from Seoul to best meet your needs, including visiting Paju and surrounds

  2. Great experience! DMZ Tour with North Korean Defector Meeting

    Even though there was a heavy rain the team managed to keep the experience in its full, SP Hong very kind and expert to handle all the questions. Read more. Written August 20, 2024. E9086STjayk. 0 contributions. ... I chose this DMZ tour on the recommendation of a friend. I was interested in the DMZ, but I became sad after hearing about Korean ...

  3. How to choose the best DMZ Tour (2024 edition)

    When visiting South Korea, the DMZ zone is a must see. Here we share the best way to visit the DMZ, the most interesting sights and the best DMZ tour.

  4. How to do a DMZ tour from Seoul in 2024

    To see the DMZ, I recommend this guided tour from Seoul, which includes all the main sights. Visiting the DMZ is one of the most popular things to do in Seoul, and I think it's worth the day trip. What you'll see on a DMZ tour is unique and, of course, you'll even be able to peer over all the fortifications into North Korea.

  5. DMZ Half Day Guided Tour from Seoul

    Ultimate Learning Experience: Discover the complexities of both North and South Korea with a DMZ experience. Historic Opportunity: Don't miss visiting the historic and mysterious Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea on our DMZ Half Day tour from Seoul. This is the top choice for local and international travelers! Unique Insight: While the Cold War ended long ago, Korea remains ...

  6. Great experience! DMZ Tour with North Korean Defector Meeting

    Otherwise it was only the fog and rain that killed the views! Read more. Written 13 July 2023. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. ... The DMZ tour is an excellent tour with great insights into ...

  7. How to Tour the DMZ from Seoul [2024]

    Learn more about how to tour the DMZ from Seoul, including details of each attraction and the different tour options.

  8. Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Half-Day Tour from Seoul 2024

    Tour the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) with a knowledgeable guide who shares the history and highlights of this important strip of land that separates North and South Korea. Established in 1953 after the Korean War, the DMZ includes key sites such as the Freedom Bridge, the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, Imjingak Park, the DMZ Museum, and Dora Observatory. Visit the DMZ from Seoul on a morning or ...

  9. The 5 Best DMZ Tours From Seoul [2024 Reviews]

    While you are in Seoul you should see a piece of history at the DMZ. We review the best DMZ tours from Seoul in our travel guide.

  10. DMZ Tour from Seoul

    Explore the DMZ, or the Korean Demilitarized Zone, on this half-day guided tour from Seoul! See the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, the Dorasan Observatory, and more to learn the history of North and South Korea.

  11. Seoul: DMZ 3rd Tunnel Tour with Suspension Bridge Option

    Travel to the DMZ between North and South Korea and feel the weight of history. Visit Imjingpak Park, the infiltration tunnel, and Dora Observatory, with an optional visit to the suspension bridge.

  12. DMZ Tour in Gyeonggi-do

    This is a tour to take you deep into the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), just a few miles from North Korean territory, to discover more about Korea's turbul

  13. Best DMZ Tour Korea from Seoul (Red Suspension Bridge Optional)

    Best DMZ Tour Korea from Seoul (Red Suspension Bridge Optional) By VIP TRAVEL 22,656 reviews Recommended by 99% of travelers 17,405 About from $55.00 per adult Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay later Free cancellation Ages 0-99, max of 40 per group Duration: 7h 30m Start time: Check availability Mobile ticket Live guide: English More ...

  14. DMZ Full Day Tour with Suspension Bridge 2024

    Take a full-day tour from Seoul that includes a trip to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in the morning, and returns to Seoul in the afternoon. Highlights of the DMZ include Imjingak Park, the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, DMZ Exhibition Hall, Dora Observatory, Dorasan Station, and Unification Village. Return to Imjingak Park, then visit Gloucester Hill Memorial and the Gamaksan Suspension Bridge ...

  15. From Seoul: South Korea Demilitarized Zone Guided Tour

    Full description. Journey to one of the most meaningful tourist destinations in the world at the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on the border of South and North Korea. Gain an understanding of Korean history and culture. Enjoy access to Imjingak Park. See the Bridge of Freedom, used by prisoners of war who were repatriated from the North.

  16. DMZ Tour, Expert Tour Guide from Seoul /Option: Suspension Bridge

    The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) lies on the border between North and South Korea, and visiting outside of a guided tour is not allowed. On this tour, explore the DMZ with your guide and gain insight into Korean War history. Take in sites of interest including the 3rd Tunnel and the Dora Observatory in safety, with entrance fees plus pickup and drop-off in central Seoul included.

  17. DMZ Tour Review

    Here's the ultimate DMZ tour review! Find out how to book a tour, the costs, and all about the day's events + essential tips.

  18. From Seoul: DMZ Half or Full-Day Guided Day Trip

    Full description. Join a day trip from Seoul for a guided tour of the Demilitarized Zone on the border of North Korea and South Korea. See the world's most heavily fortified border and gain insight into the Korean War. Visit landmarks including the 3rd Tunnel and the Dora Observatory. Begin the tour with a pickup in Central Seoul and travel to ...

  19. DMZ Train Day Trip from Seoul & attractions

    One best free and easy day trip out of Seoul is by taking the DMZ Train to stations closest to the DMZ to explore the land of history and mystery.

  20. traveling to Krasnodar

    I will be traveling to Krasnodar sometime during the spring of 2010 but I have a couple of questions. I will be traveling from the US and want to know if I will have to travel via Moscow or if there is a more direct route either from Ukraine...

  21. Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff) 5*, Zapadnyj okrug

    To book an excursion, consult the tour assistance desk of the hotel. For the free movement around the city, the hotel offers a transfer for you. Guests will find the following in the room: a TV, a mini-bar and a bathrobe. ... , rain Wind: east, 4 mph Reviews of Hotel Grand Hotel Yekaterinodar (exp. Romanoff) Write a Review of Hotel Grand Hotel ...

  22. [4K] Korenovsk Virtual Walking Tour, Krasnodar Krai, Russia

    [4K] Korenovsk Virtual Walking Tour, Krasnodar Krai, Russia - Walking in the Rain 21:6 Apocalypse Now šŸ„ ā˜œą¹ĢÆĶ”ą¹ļ“æ 10.1K subscribers Subscribed 281 6K views 10 months ago

  23. Things to Do in Krasnodar Krai

    Things to Do in Krasnodar Krai, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 363,316 traveler reviews and photos of Krasnodar Krai tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Krasnodar Krai. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.