London Underground Child Fares – Tube Ticket Prices 2024

Are children free on the london underground.

Children aged under-11 (with an adult) – Children under the age of 11 can travel for free on the London Underground, London Overground, DLR and TFL Rail with no time restrictions, as long as they’re accompanied by a fare-paying adult (up to a maximum of four children per adult). They don’t require a tube ticket.

They might also be able to travel for free on some National Rail services (the overground trains that head outside London), but each train company has their own rules about age limits and timings, so you need to check with them first. Generally speaking under 5’s usually get free travel on the train, but only if they’re not taking up a seat required by a fare-paying passenger. Children aged between 5-15 might be charged a half-price train fare.

Children aged under-11 (without an adult) – Children aged between 5-10 travelling without any adult supervision can only travel for free if they’re carrying a 5-10 Zip Oyster photocard . (Tourists might wonder why 5-10 year-olds are allowed to travel unaccompanied on the tube, but it’s not unusual to see primary school children go a few stops on the Underground.)

Do children get cheap fares on the tube?

Children aged between 11-15 – Children aged between 11-15 can pay a child rate on single fares and child travelcards if they have an 11-15 Zip Oyster photocard . They also get a cheaper child price on single fares if the Young Visitor Discount has been applied to their Oyster card.

We always recommend that people use the Young Visitor Discount if they’re staying in London for less than two weeks, because the children’s photocards cost money, which will almost certainly wipe out any savings you’ll make.

Children aged between 16-17 – Children aged between 16-17 can pay child rates on single fares and travelcards with a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard .

What is the Young Visitor Discount?

Oyster and Visitor Oyster card

If you have a child aged between 11-15 and are staying in London for less than two weeks then you should forget about buying a Zip Oyster photocard – you’re much better off taking advantage of the Young Visitor Discount which entitiles them to half-price fares on the London Underground for a maximum of fourteen consecutive days.

All you have to do is buy your child a regular London Oyster card or Oyster card for visitors (but not a travelcard), load some credit onto it, and then ask a member of TFL staff to apply the ‘Young Visitor Discount’ to it. You can usually find one standing behind the ticket barriers in the ticket hall. Unfortunately it’s not possible to do this online beforehand – you can only do it in person once you arrive in London.

You can do it at a London Underground station, a National Rail station (within London) or one of the Visitor Centres at Heathrow airport, Euston station , King’s Cross , Liverpool Street , Paddington , Piccadilly Circus or Victoria . (Note: You won’t find any manned ticket windows in London Underground stations anymore, because they’ve all been phased out. The only place they have windows these days are National Rail stations.)

Be aware that your child must be with you when you do it (up to a maximum of four children per adult), and the staff member might ask for proof of age if they look over 15 – so make sure you’ve got their passport handy, or some other form of age-related ID.

Your child can then carry on using the card exactly like a normal Oyster card – tapping it down on the same yellow readers that adults do – and the computer will automatically charge them the Oyster card child rate. Once the fourteen days are over any remaining credit will still be on the card, but the computer will revert back to charging adult tube fares again.

Can a child use contactless on the train?

There are no contactless fares for children. If your child is lucky enough to own a bank card then they can use it, but the computer will just charge them a normal adult tube fare instead. That’s because the chips on bank cards don’t carry any information about your age, so the computer has no way of knowing they’re a child.

Can a child use a passport as proof-of-age?

Having to stump up £10 to £20 puts a lot of people off buying a Zip Oyster photocard, and they wonder whether they can just prove their child’s age with a passport instead. It’s a nice idea, but unfortunately it’s not allowed. The only way of getting a cheap child fare on the London Underground is with a Zip Oyster photocard.

What is a Zip Oyster photocard?

Zip Oyster photocards

5-10 Zip Oyster photocard – Kids under the age of 11 already get free tube travel if they’re accompanied by a fare-paying adult, but if they need to travel alone then they’ll have to get hold of a 5-10 Zip Oyster photocard beforehand.

5-10 Zip Oyster photocards cost £10 each, and expire the day before your child’s 11th birthday.

11-15 Zip Oyster photocard – Kids over the age of 10 years 11 months, and under the age of 16 on the 31st August , can get themselves an 11-15 Zip Oyster photocard for £15 and benefit from cheap tube fares and child rate travelcards.

If your child is currently 16 but was aged 15 on the 31st August just gone, then they can still get one because it doesn’t actually expire until the 30th September in the year following your child’s 16th birthday.

16+ Zip Oyster photocard – 16-17 year-olds can get cheap London Underground fares and child rate travelcards with a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard .

16+ Zip Oyster photocards cost £20 and expire on the 30th September in the year following your child’s 18th birthday.

Where can you get a Zip Oyster photocard?

There’s only one way to get a Zip Oyster photocard – the child’s parent or guardian has to order it from the TFL website .

The adult will have to set up an account in their own name, and then verify the child’s age using the details printed on a machine-readable passport. If they don’t have the child’s passport available then they’ll have to print off a form and take it to their local Post Office instead. They will also need to upload a digital colour photo.

If you want the photocard posted to a UK address then allow for four weeks delivery. You can also pick it up from one of the Visitor Centres at Heathrow, Euston , King’s Cross , Liverpool Street , Paddington , Piccadilly Circus or Victoria when you arrive in London.

How do you top-up a Zip Oyster photocard?

To top-up a Zip Oyster photocard the parent or guardian has to log into their TFL account (which they would have created when they bought the card).

They can also switch on the handy ‘auto top-up’ feature by selecting ‘Add an existing card’, and then entering the 12-digit number printed on the back of the child’s photocard. This will automatically draw another £20 or £40 from the adult’s bank account every time the child’s credit drops below £20.

Note: If the child is under the age of 11 then they’ll be entitled to free tube travel, so there’s no need to put any credit on it.

Is it worth getting a Zip Oyster photocard?

We don’t recommend child photocards for foreign tourists on a short stay because they cost too much money – the purchase fee of £10 to £20 will probably wipe out all the savings you’d make. It’s also a hassle having to order it online and then picking it up once you arrive in London.

Tourists are much better off buying an Oyster card instead, and then paying for child tube tickets with a Young Visitor Discount attached to it.

How do you use a Zip Oyster photocard on the train?

Oyster card reader at a train station

Using a child’s Zip Oyster photocard on the train is really no different to an adult using a regular Oyster card . All you have to do is load it up with some credit beforehand, and then they child taps them down on the same yellow readers that adults do. The computer will then deduct the correct fare and open the gate.

Note: There’s no need to do load it up with credit if your child is under-11, because they get free tube travel – but they still need to tap it down, because that’s the only way of opening the gate.

What is a 16-25 Railcard?

16-25 Railcard

A 16-25 Railcard (also known as a 16-25 Young Persons Railcard or Student Railcard ), entitles you to ⅓-off train fares if you’re planning on using some National Rail trains to places outside of London. Given how expensive train tickets are these days it will probably pay for itself after three or four journeys.

Make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully though, because it doesn’t apply to all journeys on the London Underground . If you’re travelling on the tube then all you really get are cheap tickets for off-peak single fares on Oyster, a discount off the Oyster daily price cap , and some money knocked-off the cost of a zone 1-9 one day travelcard when bought together with a National Rail ticket outside of London.

You might also find that you’re subject to a hefty minimum fare when travelling between 4.30 AM and 10 AM on Monday to Friday, which will probably render it useless for daily commutes on London transport.

If you’re interested then check out their website at

How do children get through the ticket barrier?

A child under the age of 11 doesn’t need a ticket when they’re travelling with an adult, so lots of people wonder how they’re going to get their children through the barrier.

All you have to do is look for the extra-wide gate that’s always provided for wheelchair users and people carrying bulky bags. If you use that gate then there will be plenty of space to walk your child through by your side.

If your child doesn’t get through in time then just find a member of TFL staff behind the gate who will use their own TFL pass to swipe them through. (Bear in mind that they might ask for proof of age if your child looks over 11.)

Your comments and questions

Karl Can anyone please advise me if under11s travel for free on the tube as I keep getting different info?

Staff Under 11s can travel for free if they are accompanied by an adult, or they have a 5-10 Zip Oystercard. [Note: If your child looks older than 10 then they will need a 5 -10 Zip Oyster photocard. If they don't have a card and a staff member thinks he's over 10, then he's entitled to make you pay.]

Annie Hi. I'll be in London for 3 days with my 12 year old. I have an Oyster card but don't have time to get her a 11-15 Oyster card before I travel. I can always get her paper one day tickets but as she's not particularly big could I get away with her travelling on my Oyster card as an 11 year old? When tickets are checked do the inspectors ask for proof of age?

Staff Kids have to be 10 or under to travel for free on the tube (and accompanied by an adult). So even if she was 11 she would still have to pay. But what you are asking to do is fare evasion - a criminal offence - and you could get in trouble.

Tony Casey Hi, I understand that children under 11 years travel free on the tube. I will be using a contactless card but what does my child aged 10 yrs need to get through the barriers? Thanks

Staff As long as he's travelling with an adult then he doesn't need anything at all. Most people use the extra wide gate for buggies so their kids have enough time to squeeze through alongside them, but you can always ask the member of staff who stands by the gates to let him through. If you get an unlucky member of staff who decides your kid looks over 10 then they might ask for proof of age.

Danielle We're travelling with 2 kids (9 and 7). As I read, the kids don't need an Oyster card and can travel for free. How does that work for them? I recall that the tube turnstiles are opening pretty fast? Is it easy and practical for our family? Thank you,

Staff Hi Danielle. They always have an extra wide gate for wheelchair users and people with suitcases and buggies, so just use that one. Then your kids will have enough time to get through with you. If they get stuck behind then just ask a member of staff to tap them through (but they might ask for proof of age if they look older than 10).

Becky Hi. I just realised I am too late to order my Visitor Oyster cards for myself, husband & son. I realise that I could just get normal PAYG Oyster cards when I get to London. The only thing is will I still get free travel for my 10 year old daughter? Appreciate any help

Staff Hi Becky. 10 year olds always travel for free anyway (as long as they're accompanied by an adult) - they don't need an Oyster card. The only exception is when they look older than 10, in which case the staff may stop you and ask for proof of age. If you're worried about that happening then you can always just take their passport along.

Becky Thanks for your brilliantly fast response

Thear If I plan on buying 4 Visitor Oyster Cards and putting the Young Visitor discount on 2 of them, should I apply the 50% discount when I order the cards? (Ex: 2 cards at £40 and 2 cards at £20 instead of 4 cards at £40)

Staff Hi Thear. You can't actually apply the discount yourself, or do it online, you have to ask a member of staff at the station to do it. But yes, you could put half the amount of credit onto it if you wish. You can always top them up again later if the credit runs out.

Jim Davison Visiting London with my wife and 12 yr old son and we intend using contactless cards for travel. Can I only get half price travel for my son if one of us were to buy a Visitor Oyster card and then get it amended in tube station

Staff Hi Jim. You and your wife can still use contactless, but you'll have to buy a normal adult Oyster card for your kid (Visitor Oyster cards are the same thing), then load some money onto it, then find a member of staff at the tube station to put the 'Young Visitor Discount' onto it. And remember that your kid has to be present for them to do it, because they'll want to check how old he looks.

Eamon Travelling into London from Somerset at the weekend with wife and 2 children, under 10 years. Will my kids travel free if my wife and I use contactless cards to travel on underground.

Staff Hi Eamon, that's right. Under 11s travel for free (if they happen to look over 11 then there's a possibility a member of staff might ask for proof of age).

SG Hi Looking to travel with two kids under 10 and two adults with contactless cards. Never been London before so was wondering if I've got the right end of the stick: I know that the kids travel free, but how do they go through barriers if they've got no cards? (I scan mine and walk through, partner does the same - how do the kids get across if that makes sense!?!) Thanks in advance for your help.

Staff Hi SG, you just walk them through at the same time as yourself. The best thing to do is use the extra-wide gate. They always have one at the end for people with wheelchairs and buggies. If you kid is a bit slow and gets stuck behind the barrier then just ask the train staff to use their card to open the gate and let him through.

AJTB How does the contactless system determine a child rate from an adult rate?

Staff Hi ATJB. It can't, because bank cards don't have your age on the chip. If you look at the fares above then you'll see that there are no child fares for contactless cards. If you tap down with it then you'll be charged an adult fare.

Petra I would like to know,where can a child get a Photocard, which is needed to get the cheaper fare for children. We are visitors from abroad, coming to London only for a few days. Thanks a lot.

Staff Hi Petra. It's not worth getting a photocard for that short a time because you have to pay for it, which will wipe out any savings you make on the child fares. But visitors can get something called a 'Young Visitor Discount' instead (see above). Al you do is buy them a normal pay-as-you-go Oyster card and then go up to a ticket window, or member of staff in the station, and ask them to apply the 'Young Visitor Discount' to it. This will knock 50% off the fare for up to 14 days.

Jess Do I need to buy a travelcard for my 8 year old as well. I have been doing some reading and I think a weekly travelcard makes more sense for my family than the Oyster card. However, I just need to know if 1) children below 11 need a travelcard or no and 2) will my daughter who is 11 get a discount on the travelcard as is the case with the Oyster card. Thanks

Staff Hi Jess. Under 11s travel for free on the tube so they wont need a travelcard (or an Oyster card, or anything). 11 year olds do get cheaper travelcards, but only if they have an 11-15 Zip photocard. But the photocard costs money if you don't already have one, so it will actually end up costing more. I would get the 11 year old an Oyster card and then have the 50% young visitor discount added to it.

EdW If paying contactless with a child, how does the child go through barrier?

Staff Hi Edw. Just use the extra-wide gate they always have for people with buggies and wheelchairs, and walk him through at the same time as you.

Lorraine How does it work paying contact less for 4 adults and a eleven year old on one card do you buy tickets or tap card

Staff Hi Lorraine. There are no contactless fares for children, and each adult needs to use their own card to get a contactless fare. If you only have one card between you then you’ll have to use it to buy tickets at the self-service machine instead, but then you’ll be paying the cash fare -​transport/​contactless-cards.php

H D I am travelling to Edinburgh and need to take the tube with my 12 yr old son how do I get tickets for this journey

Staff If its just a one-off journey then just buy them a ticket at a self-service machine inside the station. you will be best off using your contactless card on the gate (assuming you have a UK bank card)

PATRICIA What stations can I get the young person discount applied to oyster card at I be staying near Richmond station

Staff Hi Patricia. Any station with some staff, so Richmond station is okay

Lynsay My 11 yr old & I are arriving on Saturday. I'm worried the Oyster card I ordered won't arrive in time: if I use contactless for my travel, can I buy a pay as you go Oyster for him when we arrive in London (to convert to Young Visitor Discount)? Any better suggestions? We will there 4 days, mostly zone 1. Tia

Staff Hi Lynsay. You can do. But if you ordered a Visitor Oyster Card you won't be able to get one of those in central London, only a normal blue one. But they are basically both the same anyway (the Visitor ones come with their credit already loaded on, but you have to choose your amount when you buy the blue ones). I wouldn't bother buying a travelcard for your kid, because four 1-days or a weekly one would be more expensive. All the places you can buy a blue one are described on this page:​transport/​oyster-cards.php

Christine Alice Hello I am 68 years old travelling with my 14 year old grandaughter for 6 full days in October . Planning do do a fair bit of travelling around London using public transport . Can you suggest best cost effective way to do this ?

Staff Hi Christine, assuming you dont live in London you”ll have to pay a normal adult fare. The easiest and cheapest fares for you will be with your contactless card (your normal everyday bank card) -​transport/​contactless-cards.php The cheapest fares for your granddaughter will be if you buy her an Oyster card and then get a ‘Young Visitor Discount’ applied to it. Its all explained on the page above

Rosie How much is a monthly travel for child zip card 11-15 years old for trains underground

Staff Hi Rosie. Zip cards are like Oyster cards, you load them up with as much credit as you need. So theres no price for a monthly one. Do you mean a monthly travelcard? The prices for those are in the table above. The travelcard can then be loaded onto the Zip card.

Pat Dawson I have disabled bus pass and will be traveling with my 15 year old grandson taking him home after the hoildays ge does gave a zip card but didt bring ot with him do I need to buy travel card to get him home

Staff Hi Pat. if it’s just a one-off trip then you're better off just buying him a single adult ticket from the machine at the station. A travelcard will work out more expensive but are you talking about buses or trains? - if its buses you should get him the cheaper 1-day travelcard for buses/trams -​transport/​travelcards.php

John Cossins I want to take my 11 year old grandchild with me on the underground. How do I pay her fare as well as my own?

Staff Hi John. If its a one-off journey then you can just buy her a paper ticket from the self-service machine, using your bank card or cash. If you're taking multiple journeys throughout the day then you might want to buy her an adult 1-day travelcard instead (she’d need to have an oyster photocard to get a child price)

Lee Hi i am going to be travelling with an 11yr old just visiting attractions in zones 1 and 2 in 6 days. what is the cheapest way for us both to travel on the underground in these zones. I think for me i would just tap my debit card but what do i get for my daughter? clearly no time or need for 11-15 card for 1 day trip

Staff Hi Lee. Not sure if you mean a 1 day or a 6 day stay. If it's six days then I would buy her an Oyster card and have the 'Young Visitor Discount' applied to it, which will get her 50% off the fares. We explain how to do it in the 'What is the Young Visitor Discount?' section above. If it's just 1 day then I would just buy her an adult 1-day travelcard from the machine

Rish How does 11-5 zip card work? Do I top up like oyster card for adult?

Staff Hi Rish. The adult who created the account has to top it up. Then it works the same way as an oyster card. Its all explained in the "How can you top-up a child’s photocard?" section above

Jeff Hi, my wife is taking our grandchild (12) to London for the day, she has her own Oyster card. Can I lend my card to my granddaughter with credit on, and have the Young Visitor Discount applied? then afterwards it will automatically revert back to an adult card?

Staff Hi Jeff. If there's just pay-as-you-go credit on it then yes, that's no problem, but if it already has a travelcard or another discount loaded on to it (maybe because of age or disability), then no. And bear in mind that the Young Visitor Discount won't disappear for 14 days, so you won't be able to use it again yourself until it expires, otherwise you'll be paying a child fare.

Liz Hi I’ve got a 60+ travel card but am taking my 12 year old granddaughter to London next week what is the best card for her ?

Staff Hi Liz. If it’s just one day then the easiest thing to do is to get her a one day travelcard. If it’s for longer then you might be better off getting her an oyster card and having the ‘young visitor discount’ applied to it. But it all depends on how many days you’re staying and how many trips you’re making

Maja Hello, first time in London, travelling with 4 children 11, 11, 14 and 15. We'll arrive at St-Pancras in the evening. Please, can you tell me what tickets/cards to buy and where. We'll stay for 5 days. Thank you in advance for your advice.

Staff Hi Maja. We recommend getting them an Oyster card and having the ‘Young Visitor Discount’ applied to it. We’ve explained it all on this page. You can buy them from a manned ticket window in the ticket hall (not a self-service machine). If you’re coming in on the Eurostar then they used to sell them on the train

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16+ Zip Oyster photocard

Zip Oyster

If you are or your son or daughter is aged 16 or 17,  you can apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard. If eligible, you can get cheaper travel on buses and trams.

To be eligible for free bus and tram travel you or your child must live in a London borough.

Londoners aged 18 before 31 August can also apply for the photocard if they are still in full time education.

If you have this card, it means you can pay:

  • child rate for 7 Day, monthly or longer period Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes; and
  • half the adult pay as you go rate on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground and most National Rail services

For full details, visit the TFL website. A parent or guardian must apply on the young person's behalf. You can apply online or at a Post Office in London.

Please use TFL's contact form for any queries regarding Oyster cards :  

Who to contact

Last updated: 11 Sep 2024

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Child Fares on London Transport

Last checked: 3 June 2024 Discounts for children on London transport are straightforward for children aged 10 and under. For children aged 11-15 it’s slightly more complicated.

Children under 5

Children under-5 travel free on all types of transport in London when travelling with an adult.

  • up to 4 children are allowed per adult on London buses, the underground (tube), DLR and London Overground.
  • up to 2 children under-5 travel free per adult on National Rail (trains)

Children aged 5-10

All children aged 5-10 travel for free on:

  • the underground (tube), DLR, London Overground and some National Rail services within London as long as an adult accompanies them. Up to 4 children can travel per adult
  • London’s buses with or without an adult

Children aged 11-15

Children aged 11-15 travel for free on London’s buses and at child-rate Pay as you go Oyster fares on the underground (tube), DLR, London Overground and most National Rail services if they have an 11-15 Zip Oyster photocard.

The child-rate single fare with an 11-15 Zip Oyster is 95p (peak) or 85p (off-peak) for zones 1-6.

Like the ordinary adult Oyster card, there’s a daily cap – the maximum amount deducted from the card in one day. It’s £4.25 peak and £1.80 off-peak for zones 1-2.

This is the cheapest deal for 11-15 year olds. The card is not available from underground stations, although you can apply online . It is available to non-UK residents but you’ll need to apply at least 3-4 weeks in advance. There’s also a non-refundable £15 administrative charge.

Travel in London without an 11-15 Zip Oyster

Applying for a 11-15 Zip Oyster is not worth the trouble unless you’re a resident or frequent visitor.

There are a few other options for young visitors that will save money:

  • Young Visitor Discount on an Oyster card
  • Child-rate One Day Travelcard (from an underground or train station)
  • Pay the child full-fare (underground only, not bus)

Bus-only travel for 11-15 year olds

If an 11-15 year old does not have an 11-15 Zip Oyster, Visitor Oyster Discount or child-rate Travelcard the best option is to let them use your contactless debit/credit card and pay the adult-rate bus fare of  £1.75. (NB only one card can be charged per passenger) or buy a £5.90 adult-rate one day bus pass . See London bus tickets & passes for details.

Young visitor Oyster discount

If you don’t want to apply for an 11-15 Zip Oyster, the cheapest way for 11-15 year old visitors to travel is the Young Visitor Oyster Discount. This is a special discount added to an ordinary Oyster card. It’s valid for 14 days. After 14 days, the discount automatically expires and the card can be used as a ordinary adult Oyster card.

There’s a £7 fee for the Oyster card (non-refundable). Single fares and the daily cap for the underground and buses-only are 50% cheaper than adult fares.

For example:

  • Unlimited travel by underground in zone 1-2 is  £4.25 per day
  • Unlimited travel by bus is  £2.65 per day, for the whole of London

It’s available from:

  • Underground station ticket machines: you need to buy an Oyster card (£7) or use a Visitor Oyster Card. Ask a member of staff to apply the discount to the card via the ticket machine.
  • Transport for London Visitor Centres
  • Victoria train station ticket office

Children aged 16-17

Children aged 16-17 can apply for the 16+ Zip Oyster Photocard . With this they:

  • pay Oyster Pay as you go fares at half the adult rate on the bus, tube and most National Rail services in London. (Children resident in London with a 16+ Zip travel free on the buses)
  • can buy a child-rate weekly or monthly Travelcard.

You must apply online. There’s a non-refundable £20 administrative charge for the 16+ Zip Oyster. If you live outside the UK, you must apply for your card at least 4 weeks before arrival in London.

Without a 16+ Zip Oyster, a 16 or 17 year old is classed as an adult and must either:

  • pay the adult fare
  • buy an adult-priced Travelcard, bus pass
  • use an ordinary Pay as you go Oyster card with an Oyster or Contactless payment.

18+ Students

Students aged 18+ resident in London during term-time can apply for an 18+ Student Oyster photocard. It might also be possible to apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster .

There are no other discounts for students not studying and living in London.

Child ticket prices (11-15 years)

11-15 zip oyster pay as you go single fares (payg) 2024, 11-15 zip oyster daily cap prices 2024, child one day travelcard 2024.

These are the prices for the Child One Day Travelcard.

Off Peak : Valid for travel after 09:30 Monday–Friday and all day Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays. Anytime : Valid for travel before 09:30 Monday–Friday.

See London’s Transport Zones if you’re not familiar with the zones and the areas they cover.

Transport tickets & passes

  • Guide to London's transport tickets
  • One day & weekly Travelcards
  • Zone 2–6 weekly Travelcards
  • Bus tickets & passes
  • Oyster card
  • Oyster single tickets
  • Oyster card refunds
  • Contactless cards
  • Child tickets & passes
  • Local train tickets

Useful information

  • Plan your journey
  • London transport zones

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Zip oyster card free and discounted travel for 5 to 15 year olds. Zip Oyster 5-10 years, Zip Oyster 11-15 years

Zip Oyster Photocard: free & discount travel for 5-15 year olds

What is a zip oyster card.

I’ve just got my children a Zip Oyster Card each. Available for ages 5-10, 11-15 and 16-17 year olds, they offer free and discounted travel across the capital and beyond (including areas of Surrey) as well as independence for older children.

Like all Oyster cards, Zip cards can be preloaded with credit for pay as you go and enable users to easily touch in and out anywhere where there’s an Oyster yellow card reader (you only have to touch in on buses and trams).

Applying for a Zip Oyster photocard online

A parent or guardian needs to apply for the Zip Oyster Photocard for under 18s and you do this by creating a free account in your own name:

By entering your child’s date of birth, the system automatically recognises which card you’re applying for. You’ll need digital photos of each child you’re applying for and their passport details to verify their age.

It’s all very straight forward. Make sure you use a clear head and shoulders shot though as two out of three of my pics were rejected. I think this was because they were too heavily cropped and therefore pixelated.

The communication, which is via texts and emails, about the progress of the application was great and the cards arrived 2-3 days after application.

Zip cards for 5-10 year olds

These cards cost £10 on application and with it your child gets free travel on all London transport services (under-11s can travel free at any time on London buses and trams without a ticket/Oyster Card).

  • Free travel on Tube, DLR, London Overground and TfL Rail
  • Free travel on most National Rail services* that accept pay as you go
  • 50% off adult rate tickets on the Thames Clippers River Bus services
  • Pay as you go at a child rate on the IFS Cloud Cable Car  (formerly Emirates Air Line Cable Car)

Zip oyster card free and discounted travel for 5 to 15 year olds. Zip Oyster 5-10 years, Zip Oyster 11-15 years

Zip cards for 11 -15 year olds

For children aged 11-15 the card costs £15 and offers free and discounted travel.

  • Free travel on buses and trams
  • Child rate pay as you go fares on Tube, DLR, London Overground, TfL Rail and Emirates Air Line
  • 50% off most fares on National Rail services *
  • 50% off adult rate tickets on the Thames Clippers River Bus services.

You can top up ad hoc easily from your account by clicking the link shown.

Zip oyster card free and discounted travel for 5 to 15 year olds. Zip Oyster 5-10 years, Zip Oyster 11-15 years

However, there’s also the option to auto top up. This Tech Advisor article provides a useful step-by-step guide:

Enjoy your travels!

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* check website for exclusions

16 zip card travel prices

About Author

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I’m Fran: wife, mother-of-three and freelance publicist. My love for communicating and writing mirrors my passion for trying to be the best mum I can be. I love good food & wine, Italian culture and football and have a keen interest in personal finance. I also blog over on Epsom & Ewell Families and Habyts, and write sporadically for a number of other sites.

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How do you get zip card for 12 year old without passport

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Hi there Emily,

This is from section 4 of this document:

If you don’t have a valid machine-readable passport, you will be prompted to download a verification letter. You will need to take it to a Post Office in London along with the required proofs of identity and eligibility and/or to pay the administration fee by credit/debit card or cash. Cheques are not accepted.

' src=

Hi My name is shashank solanki i am from London and i want make zip card

Hi there Shashank, If you go here: and follow the instructions you can set up an account and order a Zip card.

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Oyster cards, contactless cards and rail discounts


Here you can find information about getting an Oyster card and using your bank card on public transport as well as information about what discounts you may be eligible for.

Contactless payment

Oyster cards, 18+ student oyster photocards.

  • 16+ Zip Oyster cards

16-25 and 26-30 railcards

Young persons coach card.

Please note that this information is correct to the best of our knowledge but may be subject to change.

If your bank card issued on Visa, Mastercard, Maestro or American Express shows the contactless payment symbol, you can use it to pay-as-you-go on all Transport for London (TfL) services. 

Using a mobile payment, such as Apple Pay or Google Pay, is the same as using a contactless card. You can make mobile payments with devices such as phones, watches, key fobs, stickers or wristbands.

For more information on using contactless payment methods on London transport, please visit the Transport for London (TfL) website.   

Please do not apply for the 18+ oystercard until you are living in London during term time and have updated your Portico record to show this. You will not be eligible for the card if you do not live in London during term time.

What is an Oyster card?

Many people living in London use Oyster cards to pay for public transport. An Oyster card is a plastic smartcard which can hold pay-as-you-go credit (money), Travelcards and Bus & Tram Passes. You can load money on to your Oyster card (known as ‘topping up’) at any tube or London Overground station, as well as in any shop where you see the blue Oyster card sign. You can use an Oyster card to travel on bus, tube, tram, DLR, London Overground, TfL Rail, Emirates Air Line, River Bus services and most National Rail services in London.

Most people living in London will have an Oyster card, as Oyster fares are substantially cheaper than buying paper tickets for single journeys. 

You can find out the cost of single journeys using Travel for London’s Single Fare Finder tool.

Where can I get an Oyster card?

You can get an Oyster card from any Tube, London Overground and TfL Rail stations, as well as some DLR and National Rail stations.

How much does it cost?

You have to pay a £7 fee for an Oyster card, and if you bought yours on or after 4 September 2022, it is non-refundable. 

MediaCentral Widget Placeholder

What is an 18+ Oyster card?

An 18+ Student Oyster photocard works in the same way as a standard Oyster card, but looks slightly different as it includes a photo of you. It also entitles you to some extra discounts.

What discounts can I get with an 18+ Oyster card?

If you have an 18+ Student Oyster photocard, you can get 30% off the price of adult-rate Travelcards and Bus & Tram Pass season tickets.

A Travelcard season ticket gives you unlimited travel for a week, a month or a year. The cost of a Travelcard will vary depending on the length of time it is valid for and which zones you are travelling between. For example, if you are travelling only in zone 1 or between zones 1 and 2, a weekly Travelcard will cost £33. Travelling in zones 1-3 will cost £38.70. You can find a full list of rates on the TfL website .

Am I eligible?

If you're 18 or over, live at a London address during term time and in full-time education, or on a mandatory work placement in London, you may be eligible for an 18+ Student Oyster photocard.

Please find the eligibility criteria outlined on the TFL web page.

You must have fully enrolled at UCL before you will be eligible . If you apply before you have fully enrolled, you risk your application being rejected and losing your application fee. If you are a part-time student, your application will be rejected unless you meet the TfL criteria, which can be found on the TfL website. You must use your correct programme end date from Portico when you apply otherwise your application will be rejected.

How do I apply?

In order to apply online for your photocard you will need to provide:

  • an active email address
  • your UCL student number (SN on the front of your UCL ID card )
  • London borough  address
  • Digital photo  which must be a .jpg, .bmp or .gif file and less than 6MB
  • Your correct programme of study end date from Portico

You will be required to pay an administration fee of £20 using a credit or debit card. Due to the £20 fee of registering for an 18+ Oyster card, it is worth considering whether or not it will be worth the money for you. Please make sure to select the 'University Course' option and not the 'Work Placement' option, as you may lose the administration fee if you choose the incorrect option. 

If you will only be making a few journeys on public transport, you may not need to use a Travelcard or Bus & Tram Pass season ticket and therefore would not need an 18+ photocard. You may be better off using pay as you go at the adult rate and not paying the £20 fee. For example, to hit a weekly Travelcard in zones 1-2, you would need to make at least fourteen Tube journeys (which would cost £2.40 each within zones 1-2) or 22 bus journeys (which always cost £1.50, no matter how far you travel) to make it worth buying a £33 weekly Travelcard, and thus benefit from the discount.

You can use TfL’s Single Fare Finder to work out how much single tube journeys would cost you for different zones, and whether or not you are likely to make enough journeys for it to be worth buying a weekly, monthly or yearly Travelcard. If you are buying multiple Travelcards, it may be worth paying the £20 fee to register for an 18+ Student Oyster photocard to benefit from the 30% discount.

Please note:  You must enter your institution name correctly in order for the application to be successful - if the form does not automatically select 'UCL' when you type it in, please click the link to view a list of all eligible institutions and pick 'UCL' from the list. If you extend your period of study, you will need to apply for a new Oyster photocard to cover the additional time. UCL is not responsible for any inaccuracies in your Oyster photocard end date. If your status changes and you are no longer eligible for the 18+ Oyster photocard (because you leave UCL, interrupt your studies or change to part-time status) we are required to report this to TfL.

You should be aware that once your Oyster has a discount attached to it, you can no longer share it with or lend it to other people as it is only valid with the associated discount card.

Apply for an 18+ Student Oyster Card

Checking your application status

Information on how to check your application status can be found on the TfL's 18+ Student Oyster photocard web page

If you have a query about the status of your application for the 18+ Oyster card, you may log an enquiry via askUCL. Please quote your application reference number.

16+ Zip Oyster Card

UCL can sign and stamp a 16+ Oyster card application for eligible students.

To be eligible for free bus and tram travel, the applicant must be aged 16 or 17 on 31st August and be living in a London borough. If the applicant is 18, UCL does not sign the form as a Higher Education Institute (level 6).

Full details of how to apply for the 16+ Oyster card can be on the Transport for London website .

What are railcards?

The 16-25 and 26-30 railcards are plastic cards or downloadable as an app that gives you 1/3 off rail fairs. Many home students consider buying a 16-25 or 26-30 railcard if they are intending to travel by train fairly often, for example, to visit family.

For more information visit the 16-25 railcard web page.

For more information, visit the 26-30 railcard website.

Where can I buy one, and how much do they cost?

You should only buy the 16-25 or 26-30 railcards from the official railcard website . They cost £30 for one year.

Linking your railcard and your Oyster card

You can also add the discount to your standard Oyster card or your 18+ Student Oyster photocard to get a 34% discount on single off-peak pay-as-you-go fares on London Underground and Docklands Light Railway (DLR) services.

Peak times are from 06:30 to 9:29 and from 16:00 to 18:59 Monday to Friday. During peak travel times, some journeys cost slightly more. Your railcard will not get you a discount during these times.

For example: a single Tube journey within zone 1 or between zones 1 and 2 outside the hours of 06:30 to 9:29 and from 16:00 to 18:59 or on a weekend would cost £2.40. With a railcard linked to your Oyster card, the same journey would cost £1.59. Journeys made within those hours (during peak times) would cost £2.90, regardless of whether or not your Oyster and railcard are linked.

You can use TfL's Single Fare Finder to work out how much single Tube journeys would cost without being linked to a railcard.

Due to the £30 fee when you buy a railcard, it is worth considering whether or not you would use the discounts it gives you often enough for it to be worth the money.

How do I link my railcard and my Oyster card?

To link your Oyster card and railcard, you need to take your Oyster card and your railcard to an Underground station, Overground ticket office or some National Rail ticket offices and ask the clerk to add your discount entitlement to your Oyster card. It will be valid until the expiry of the railcard.

Young person coach cards are available for all people aged 16 - 26 or full-time students over the age of 26. They give you a third (33.3%) off all Standard and Fully Flexible coach fares with the National Express. 

Find out more information on the National Express website .

Useful links

  • TfL info - student travel in London  
  • TfL blog - 5 things to do in London on a student budget
  • Student Beans (discounts)
  • National Union of Students (NUS)
  • Endsleigh Student Insurance
  • UCL Term Dates
  • Students' Union UCL Advice Service

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Rossen reports: the real reason gas prices are different if you pay cash vs. credit.

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Deals, scams, your money, unemployment— Jeff’s newsletter cuts through the noise.

A few of you have reached out to Rossen Reports to know why gas stations and other service providers charge different prices for cash and credit card payments.

The reason is credit card processing fees, which usually range from 1.5% to 3.5% depending on the card, that merchants pay to credit card companies.

You notice this mostly at gas stations because many businesses bake that fee into their prices already.

Charging a credit card processing fee is legal in most states, but businesses must clearly disclose the fee.

In states like Massachusetts, where credit card processing fees are illegal, businesses can offer cash discounts instead.

If you believe you are being charged a fee that violates your state’s law, you can report it to your local attorney general’s office.

Have a question for Jeff Rossen? He’s answering your consumer questions every Friday in the new segment "Rossen Responds."

Email your questions to him at [email protected] .

Want bonus content and exclusive deals? Make sure to sign up for our free newsletter at .

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  1. 16+ Zip Oyster photocard

    Apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard. If your child is 16 or 17 and lives outside London (or outside the UK) Apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard. If you were 18 on 31 August, in full-time education and live in a London borough. Apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard to get free travel on buses and trams only.

  2. PDF 16+ Zip Oyster photocard prices 2024

    16+ Zip Oyster photocard prices 2024. The caps below apply to all Tube, DLR, Elizabeth line and London Overground services, and most National Rail services in Zones 1-9*. Zone. Pay as you go caps. Travelcards. Zone. Daily peak. Daily off-peak. Day anytime.

  3. Tube and rail fares

    Using pay as you go. On Tube, DLR, London Overground, Elizabeth line and National Rail services in London: Peak fares - Monday to Friday (not on public holidays) between 06:30 and 09:30, and between 16:00 and 19:00. Off-peak fares - at all other times and if you travel from a station outside Zone 1 to a station in Zone 1 between 16:00 and 19:00 ...

  4. Oyster Card Fares 2024

    Children aged 11-15 with an 11-15 Zip Oyster photocard: All zones: free: Children aged 11-15 with a Young Visitor Discount applied to their Oyster card: All zones: Half the adult fare: Children aged 16-17 with a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard, and you live in London: All zones: free: Children aged 16-17 with a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard, and you live ...

  5. London Travelcard Prices 2024

    London travel card prices for 2024 - Anytime and off-peak cost of a one day, weekly, monthly and annual pass on a TFL bus, tram or underground tube train. ... Children aged 16-17 with a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard: Z one 1-4 travelcard

  6. PDF 16+ Zip Oyster photocard prices 2024

    16+ Zip Oyster photocard prices beyond Zone 9 2024 The caps below apply to journeys that include travel on National Rail, Elizabeth line and London Overground services outside Zones 1-9 . Broxbourne, Hertford East, Ware, St. Margarets and Rye House To/from Pay as you go caps.

  7. PDF 16+ Zip prices: All Tube, DLR, London Overground and TfL Rail services

    16+ Zip 2019 prices Daily Anytime Daily Off-peak Monthly Annual Zone Pay as you go Travelcards Caps Day Anytime Day Off-peak 7 Day Zones 4-5 £6.00 £6.00 £18.60 £13.10 £13.20 £50.70 £528

  8. London Underground Child Fares

    16+ Zip Oyster photocard - 16-17 year-olds can get cheap London Underground fares and child rate travelcards with a 16 ... Jim Davison Visiting London with my wife and 12 yr old son and we intend using contactless cards for travel. Can I only get half price travel for my son if one of us were to buy a Visitor Oyster card and then get it ...

  9. PDF 11-15 Zip prices: All Tube, DLR, London Overground and TfL Rail

    11-15 Zip prices: All Tube, DLR, London Overground and TfL Rail services and most National Rail services in Z1-9 Zone Pay as you go Travelcards Caps Day Anytime Day Off-peak 7 Day. 11-15 Zip 2020 prices Daily Anytime Daily Off-peak Zone 1 only £3.60 £1.50 £6.70 £6.70 £18.10 £69.60 £724 Monthly Annual

  10. 16+ Zip Oyster photocard

    16+ Zip Oyster photocard. If you are or your son or daughter is aged 16 or 17, you can apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard. If eligible, you can get cheaper travel on buses and trams. To be eligible for free bus and tram travel you or your child must live in a London borough. Londoners aged 18 before 31 August can also apply for the photocard ...

  11. Free and discounted travel

    16+ Zip Oyster photocard. Free and discounted travel on all our transport services if you're 16 or over. Rules of travel for under 18s. ... Annual Gold Card discounts. Discounts off your travel when you buy an Annual Travelcard. Bus & Tram Discount. Discounted travel on our buses and trams.

  12. London Child Fares and Tickets

    Children aged 11-15. Children aged 11-15 travel for free on London's buses and at child-rate Pay as you go Oyster fares on the underground (tube), DLR, London Overground and most National Rail services if they have an 11-15 Zip Oyster photocard. The child-rate single fare with an 11-15 Zip Oyster is 95p (peak) or 85p (off-peak) for zones 1-6.

  13. 16+ Zip Oyster photocard

    Apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard. If your child is 16 or 17 and lives outside London (or outside the UK) Apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard. If you were 18 on 31 August, in full-time education and live in a London borough. Apply for a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard to get free travel on buses and trams only.

  14. Zip Oyster Photocard: free & discount travel for 5-15 year olds

    Available for ages 5-10, 11-15 and 16-17 year olds, they offer free and discounted travel across the capital and beyond (including areas of Surrey) as well as independence for older children. Like all Oyster cards, Zip cards can be preloaded with credit for pay as you go and enable users to easily touch in and out anywhere where there's an ...

  15. Oyster cards, contactless cards and rail discounts

    16+ Zip Oyster Card. UCL can sign and stamp a 16+ Oyster card application for eligible students. To be eligible for free bus and tram travel, the applicant must be aged 16 or 17 on 31st August and be living in a London borough. If the applicant is 18, UCL does not sign the form as a Higher Education Institute (level 6).

  16. PDF 11-15 Zip Oyster photocard prices beyond Zone 9 2024

    Bayford and Hertford North. To/from. Pay as you go caps. To/from. Daily peak. Daily off-peak. Zones 1-6. £15.45. £11.70.


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  18. Rossen Reports: The real reason gas prices are different if you pay

    A few of you have reached out to Rossen Reports to know why gas stations and other service providers charge different prices for cash and credit card payments. The reason is credit card processing fees, which usually range from 1.5% to 3.5% depending on the card, that merchants pay to credit card companies.

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    Find Residential properties for Sale in Krasnodar Krai, Russia Large selection of residential properties in latest listings Actual prices Photos Description and Location on the map.

  20. Caps and Travelcard prices

    Compare caps and Travelcard prices for your travel. The zones you choose must include all the zones you'll travel through. For a specific journey use. Zone combination is not valid. Please make another selection. Children aged 5-10 travel free on Tube, DLR, London Overground and Elizabeth line services if: Travelling with an adult who is using ...

  21. Krasnodar Map

    Krasnodar is the capital of Krasnodar Krai in southern Russia, with a popolulation in 2018 of just under 900,000. Mapcarta, the open map.

  22. 11-15 Zip Oyster photocards

    Children aged 11-15 can get free and discounted travel on all our transport services with a Zip Oyster photocard. Children aged over 10 years and 11 months, and under 16 on 31 August can get an 11-15 Zip Oyster photocard. If your child was 15 on 31 August, they can still apply for and use an 11-15 ...

  23. Possible introduction of electronic visas in Krasnodar Krai

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