bioship star trek

8472 Bioship

Species 8472 Bioship

Beyond a doubt Species 8472 represents one of the most highly evolved and advanced life forms outside of the Q continuum. Their weaponry is far and away beyond anything that the Federation has experienced before; their relatively small bioships are more than capable of defeating Borg cubes one on one, while small groups can combine their fire and use it to destroy entire planets in seconds. Species 8472 themselves originate from beyond our dimension. They came into contact with our galaxy when the Borg invaded their space in an attempt to assimilate their biological technology. The attempt failed, and species 8472 (the Borg designation for them) responded by invading our galaxy - apparently intent on utterly eradicating not only the Borg but all other species also.

8472 Bioship

The vessels used by Species 8472 are also organic lifeforms, possessing a similar genetic structure to one another,  allowing for the assumption that the bioships are genetically engineered by Species 8472 to be the perfect, non-sentient, combat and transport lifeforms using their own perfect genetic coding as a guideline. This would also explain why Species 8472 and their vessels share a number of traits such as: the biometric field, regenerative capabilities aswell as the general appearance and skin tone.

  • 1.1.1 Generic Interior
  • 2 Power Systems
  • 3.1 High-Energy weapon
  • 4.1 Regenerative Hull
  • 4.2 Biometric Field
  • 6 Propulsion Systems
  • 7 Theoretical Clarification

Vessel Design [ ]

The bioships barely resemble that of the smaller lifeforms, possessing three tail-fins for gliding through (fluidic)/space at the rear end of the vessel. Several glowing orange areas are also clearly visible upon the lifeform, their purpose is unknown.

General Design [ ]

Generic interior [ ], power systems [ ].

Within the bioships several exposed glowing conduits were visible between the walkable area and hull of the lifeform, their purpose is unknown however they are presumably a form of organic power conduit transporting electrodynamic fluid.

Weapons Systems [ ]

High-energy weapon [ ].

The bioships are capable of projecting a single forward facing energy beam of immense destructive power. A single blast in a weakened location was able to cause a chain reaction which resulted in the instantanious destruction of an entire Borg cube. When the weapon penetrates the hull it continues to travel, bouncing off of the various bulkheads within the ship, explaining the extremely high chances this weapon has at causing lethal chain reactions. When eight of these beams are comibned and junctioned through a single beam-bearing 8472 vessel the power is amplified to such an extent it is able to penetrate the planets core and cause a chain reaction resulting in the destruction of an entire planet and subsiquent destructive shockwave.

Species 8472bioship9pointattack

External Defence Systems [ ]

Regenerative hull [ ], biometric field [ ].

Through a naturally generated biometric field they are rendered impervious to sensors, transporter beams and are also capable of passing through forcefields

Propulsion Systems [ ]

Theoretical clarification [ ].

Original theory: "  it is quite possible that they are simply a larger forms belonging to the same species. "  The bioships themselves have shown no evidence of sentience therefore it is plausable to assume Species 8472 simply habbit or infest the bioships and control them accordingly.  

New theory: The original theory was challenged with the argument that there is no logic in a non-sentient species evolving the 9-point weapon attack requiring coordination from all participants when they themselves aren't capable of independent action.

  • 1 Borg Cube
  • 2 Transwarp
  • 3 Locutus of Borg

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from RPGs
  • Species 8472 battleships
  • Species 8472 bioship classes
  • Battleship classes
  • Frigate classes
  • 24th century starship classes
  • 25th century starship classes
  • 24th century Species 8472 bioship classes
  • 25th century Species 8472 bioship classes

Nicor class

  • 1 History and specifications
  • 2 Known ships
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2 References
  • 3.3 External links

History and specifications [ ]

Ships of this type were first encountered by Starfleet in the Delta Quadrant by the crew of the Federation starship USS Voyager in the year 2373 , during an opened conflict with the Borg Collective . ( VOY episode : " Scorpion ")

Species 8472 utilized biological technology which seemed to possess aspects of their own genetic structure. Nicor -class ships were genetically engineered and made for specific purposes. Battleship -variant ships are capable of moving between normal space and their own fluidic space realm through the use of quantum singularities . They also apparently did not require the standard power resources other civilizations used, but instead utilize transmutators that were capable of transforming any material into useful bio-matter which they used to gestate new organisms. ( ST video game : Armada II )


A Nicor -class frigate in the early 25th century .

They were crewed by a single pilot and were capable of naturally travelling at warp speed . They were made of the same bio-matter as the pilots themselves and, as such, were resistant to assimilation by the Borg Collective . They were armed with a single powerful bio-pulse weapon that was capable of inflicting a great deal of damage on Borg vessels and had extremely powerful shielding , being more than strong enough to repel the Borgs' adaptive weaponry and assimilation . When a number of these small ships combined forces with a single Dactylus -class vessel, they could form a devastating planet killer. ( VOY episodes : " Scorpion ", " In the Flesh "; ST video game : Armada II )

The pilots had another form of weapon to unleash on their enemies, which utilized their impressive telepathic abilities to unleash a wave of energy that drove the crew of enemy vessels mad. Infected enemy ships would attack anyone, even their former comrades and on certain occasions would lead to the crew activating the ships self destruct sequence. ( ST video game : Armada II )

Being one of the larger warships used by Species 8472, these organisms were not 'born' by active embryos but rather had to be drawn into the galaxy through a Fluidic Gate . ( ST video game : Armada II )

By the early 25th century , ships of this class had been re-classified as frigates and carried 2 fluidic antiproton beam arrays and 2 bio-plasmic warheads as their armaments. ( ST video game : Star Trek Online )

Known ships [ ]

Appendices [ ], connections [ ], references [ ].

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 ST video game : Armada II
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 ST video game : Star Trek Online
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 VOY episode : " Scorpion ".
  • ↑ STO - Solanae Dyson Sphere mission : " Surface Tension ".
  • ↑ Star Trek Adventures RPG module : Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook

External links [ ]

  • Nicor class article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Nicor_Bioship article at Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • Undine_Nicor_Bio-Warship article at Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 1 Achilles class
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Odyssey class

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An illustrated starship flies past a nebula that looks like a jack-o-lantern.

Vila Heavy Bioship

  • VisualEditor


The Vila-class Bioship is a Heavy Battleship utilized by the Undine . Its armament and abilities are similar to those of the Dromias Bio-Cruiser .

  • 2 Abilities
  • 4 Missions encountered

Armament [ | ]

Fore Weapons

Fluidic Antiproton Beam Array icon

Aft Weapons

Abilities [ | ]

Emergency Power to Engines icon (Federation)

Health [ | ]

Missions encountered [ | ].


  • Undine Battlezone : Vila-class Bioships are part of an Undine Bioship Armada, which is tasked with opening rifts to Fluidic Space .

Gallery [ | ]

Dorsal view.

Dorsal view.

Aft view.

Firing the antiproton beam. Note the yellow color.

  • 2 Typhoon Class Battleship
  • 3 Infinity Prize Pack - T6 Ship

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Memory Alpha

Organic-based vessel

In starship classification , an organic-based vessel was a type of vessel composed of organic material . Species 8472 was one such species who used organic-based vessels, identified by the crew of USS Voyager as bio-ships . ( VOY : " Scorpion ", " Scorpion, Part II ")

As of 2373 , the Breen were among other species encountered by Starfleet who used organic-based vessels. ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

Gomtuu , while not referred to as a bio-ship, was a sentient organic spaceborne creature who also functioned as a starship . ( TNG : " Tin Man ")

See also [ ]

  • Biotechnology
  • Organic technology
  • Space vessel lifeform

External link [ ]

  • Bioship at Wikipedia
  • 1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

Bioship Alpha Expansion

Designated Species 8472 by the Borg, this race of beings use organic ships with extraordinary resilience and tremendous firepower. With the use of an energy focusing ship, multiple Bioships can channel their energy into a burst of power so devastating that is can destroy anything in its way. Species 8472 are telepathic beings that believe every other race should be eliminatedand utilize biological attacks in their pursuit of this path of destruction. Immune to the effects of the Borg, Species 8472 uses quantum singularities to move their Bioships back and forth between their owwn realm (an entirely fluidic space) and the Delta Quadrant to wage their war with the Borg.

  • 1 Pack Contents
  • 2 Ship Cards
  • 3 Upgrade Cards
  • 4 Scenario Mission
  • 5 Reference Card

Pack Contents [ ]

  • 1 Bioship Alpha/Species 8472 Bioship Pre-painted Miniature
  • 1 Plastic Base
  • 2 Plastic Pegs
  • 1 Ship Token
  • 1 Maneuver Dial
  • 1 Evade Token
  • 1 Scan Token
  • 1 Red Target Lock Token (AA)
  • 1 Blue Target Lock Token (AA)
  • 6 Shield Tokens
  • 1 Critical Hit Token
  • 1 Auxilary Power Token
  • 2 Disabled Upgrade Token
  • 4 Captain ID Tokens
  • 4 Effect Tokens
  • 1 Maneuver Card
  • 2 Captain Cards
  • 7 Upgrade Cards
  • 2 Mission Cards
  • 1 Reference Card

Ship Cards [ ]

  • Bioship Alpha - Species 8472 Bioship (Cost 38)
  • Species 8472 Starship - Species 8472 Bioship (Cost 36)

Upgrade Cards [ ]

Captain Cards

  • Bioship Alpha Pilot (Skill 7 Cost 6)
  • Species 8472 Captain (Skill 1 Cost 0)

Elite Talent Card

  • The Weak Will Perish (Cost 5)
  • Extraordinary Immune Response (Cost 5)
  • Bio-Electric Interference (Cost 6)
  • Quantum Singularity (Cost 6)

Secondary Weapon Cards

  • Biological Attack (Cost 5)
  • Energy Blast (Cost 6)
  • Energy Focusing Ship (Cost 10)

Scenario Mission [ ]

Reference card [ ].

  • Regeneration Action

See Also [ ]

  • Bioship Beta Expansion
  • Bioship Omega Expansion


Automate Species 8472 Bioship Hunt with USS Voyager

This article explains how to use the ‘hostile hunt ‘Voyager Bioship’ mode in the FastTrek Bot for Star Trek® Fleet Command.

The USS Voyager was introduced during the Voyager arc mid-2023 and has two special ship abilities: Advanced Sensors and Astrometrics Scan. Within STFC the Advanced Sensors ability is used to expose special “Species 8472 Bioship” hostiles in the various Delta Quadrant systems. You can also use it for Assimilated FKR hostiles in the Borg Delta Quadrant systems. These drop tons of Faction messages, making them a great alternative to hunting Faction Scouts.

The “Advanced Sensors” ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds. Even though Species 8472 Bioship hostiles follow and attack, like hostile faction hunters, this makes it quite a pain to do this task, especially if you’ve left it for a while and have several if not tens of thousands of Deuterium Canisters available. You don’t need to actively target and chase them, but it’s still a lengthy task (25 hostiles in about 20-25 minutes).

With the FastTrek bot for STFC you can easily automate this USS Voyager Species 8472 Bioship Hunt with a few clicks and save time.

How to start Species 8472 Bioship hunt in FastTrek

  • First, crew the USS Voyager and send it to the target system. Do remember to take Neelix to reduce the Advanced Sensors ship ability activation cost, if you have him unlocked!
  • Select the corresponding ship’s tab in FastTrek.
  • Select the “ Voyager Bioship ” option and click Start . You can hit Start as soon as your ship is in warp.

As soon as the Voyager reaches the target system, FastTrek will begin to activate its Advanced Sensors ability. It will continue to discover Species 8472 Bioships once a minute, so you don’t have to. It will do this until one of the recall conditions is met, or when the ship is destroyed. Or of course if you run out of Deuterium Canisters.

Due to current limitations you may want to keep an eye on it and stop the bot before it is destroyed: We wouldn’t want to waste the last activation. Please just bear that in mind.

When the ship is recalled to station or destroyed, FastTrek will automatically trigger its repair and request alliance help. If a ship is currently repairing, it will attempt to speed up that repair, too. It will utilise the free speedups that you have available and make as much use of the final free 5 minutes as possible. It will not spend Latinum for repairs.

If you have configured this Species 8472 Bioship hunt to repeat, FastTrek will automatically use speedups to repair the USS Voyager in the same manner. FastTrek will then send it back to the target system for another round of Species 8472 Bioship bashing.

For Recall and Repeat options, please see Hostile Hunt .

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Star Trek Attack Wing Expansion: Bioship Alpha

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Star Trek Attack Wing Expansion: Bioship Alpha

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Expand and upgrade your Star Trek Attack Wing Game! Designated Species 8472 by the Borg, this race of beings use organic ships with extraordinary resilience and tremendous firepower. With the use of an energy focusing shup, multiple Bioships can channel their energy into a burst of power so devastating that it can destroy anything in its way. Species 8472 are telepathic beings that believe every other race should be eliminated and utilize biological attacks in their pursuit of this path of destruction. Immune to the effects of the Borg. Species 8472 uses quantum singularities to move their Bioships back and forth between their own realm (an entirely fluidic space) and the Delta Quadrant to wage their war with the Borg.

Set Contains:

15 cards 23 tokens 1 maneuver dial 1 painted plastic ship with base and pegs

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  1. Species 8472 bio-ship

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. The Species 8472 bio-ship was a type of organic-based vessel used by Species 8472 in large numbers during their invasion of the Milky Way Galaxy in 2373. (VOY: "Scorpion") In 2373, the Borg provoked a war with Species 8472 by invading fluidic space. Species 8472 defeated the Borg and launched...

  2. Species 8472

    Species 8472 was the Borg designation for a non-humanoid species native to a dimension called fluidic space, accessible through quantum singularities. Their highly developed biology and organic technology rendered them tactically superior even to the Borg, who considered them the "apex of biological evolution". Seven of Nine rated Species 8472 devious and highly intelligent, claiming it would ...

  3. Bioship

    A bioship is a type of spacecraft or starship described in science fiction as either predominantly or totally composed of biological components, ... Judith Clemens-Smucker (2021). Star Trek: Voyager—The Monstrousness of Humans in "Scorpion, Parts 1 & 2". Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 23 (3): 319-337 Project Muse 805948

  4. How many sentient bio-ships have been shown in the Star Trek universe

    A possible candidate would be the Crystalline Entity which appeared in the "Datalore" and "Silicon Avatar" episodes of Star Trek: ... since he was allied with it...but whether or not that constitutes a Bioship is debatable, since Lore could ride on a surfboard and survive in space (Note: Save idea for newest Silver Surfer/Star Trek fan fiction)

  5. 8472 Bioship

    The bioship is a peculiar weapon; networked together in small groups they are capable of wiping out entire planets with a single blast, but when Voyager first encountered them the ship survived a direct hit from a bioship. Now it's possible that that ship was not capable of firing on maximum, since it was stated to be damaged. ...

  6. Species 8472 energy focusing ship

    In Star Trek: Armada II, this type of vessel is classified as a 'frigate', and it is capable of using its energy focusing ability while grouped with anywhere from four to eight other ships. In Star Trek Online, this vessel is identified by name as the Dactylus-class, a variant of the Nicor-class bioship. External link []

  7. FIRST LOOK: Bioship Beta for Attack Wing Wave 18

    NECA/WizKids will release Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 18 in September and has exclusive First Looks at the upcoming trio of ships, which we'll again showcase in a series of three articles. Today we will look at the Bioship Beta. The Species 8472 bioship has tremendous firepower matched with strong defensive capabilities.

  8. Species 8472 Bioship

    Species 8472 themselves originate from beyond our dimension. They came into contact with our galaxy when the Borg invaded their space in an attempt to assimilate their biological technology. The attempt failed, and species 8472 (the Borg designation for them) responded by invading our galaxy - apparently intent on utterly eradicating not only ...

  9. Nicor Bioship

    For the playable version, see Undine Nicor Bio-Warship. The Nicor-class Bioship is a Frigate and the smallest vessel in the Undine fleet. These Bioships normally spawn in groups of three or in pairs with Dromias Bio-Cruisers. Emergency Power to Engines Evasive Maneuvers Bio Energy Transfer Bioship Regeneration "A Gathering Darkness": Player witnesses a complete annihilation of the Omicron ...

  10. Scorpion (Star Trek: Voyager)

    The bioship detaches from the hull and fires at Voyager as they flee the area, the near-miss negatively affecting the ship. Kes reports hearing a voice say, "The weak will perish". ... In 2017, the complete Star Trek: Voyager television series was released in a DVD box set, which included parts I and II. [24]

  11. Species 8472

    Species 8472 is a fictional extraterrestrial species in the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.Species 8472 is a designation given to them by the Borg.The multiplayer game Star Trek Online gives their proper name as Undine.. When the USS Voyager made contact with them, Species 8472 were engaged in a war with one of Star Trek ' s perennial antagonists, the Borg. [1]

  12. 8472 Bioship

    8472 Bioship. Single high-power energy weapon of unknown type. The vessels used by Species 8472 are also organic lifeforms, possessing a similar genetic structure to one another, allowing for the assumption that the bioships are genetically engineered by Species 8472 to be the perfect, non-sentient, combat and transport lifeforms using their ...

  13. Nicor class

    The Nicor-class was a type of bioship used by Species 8472, classified as battleships or frigates, and was one of their primary warships. Ships of this type were first encountered by Starfleet in the Delta Quadrant by the crew of the Federation starship USS Voyager in the year 2373, during an opened conflict with the Borg Collective. (VOY episode: "Scorpion") Species 8472 utilized biological ...

  14. Trekyards EP130

    The Species 8472 Bioship as seen in Star Trek: Voyager. Time to look at our first ship from Fluidic Space today. The Species 8472 Bioship as seen in Star Trek: Voyager.

  15. Bioship Alpha (Repaint) for Attack Wing Wave 29

    Bioship Alpha has returned to deal with the increasing Borg threat. This March, WizKids/NECA will release Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 29-- and has the exclusive First Look at the ships in the upcoming expansion packs, continuing with the Bioship Alpha (Repaint).. The Bioship Alpha is a powerhouse of a ship that rivals even the mighty Borg.

  16. Most Powerful Star Trek Ships, Ranked

    The speed? The shields? The sheer size of a vessel? Or perhaps it's the captain and crew at the helm? We believe it's all of those things and more, so we took 46 of the most noteworthy Star Trek starships and placed them in a head-to-head battle. Which iconic ship came out on top? Find out below. Warp ahead for our rankings of the most ...

  17. What are the most grounded/plausible examples of a bioship in ...

    For a bioship, engineering-wise, it makes the most sense to have organic machinery, instead of the ship itself being an actual separate life-form. A ship is a vehicle, a tool, something that is used, and is subject to wear and tear, replacements and upgrades. ... But the ships Species 8472 of Star Trek Voyager fame, and the ship in the Star ...

  18. Vila Heavy Bioship

    The Vila-class Bioship is a Heavy Battleship utilized by the Undine. Its armament and abilities are similar to those of the Dromias Bio-Cruiser. Emergency Power to Engines Evasive Maneuvers Bio Energy Transfer Bioship Regeneration Create Fluidic Rift "Fleet Alert": Vila-class Bioships are a part of the Undine Fleet attacking a Starbase. "A Step Between Stars": A sudden Undine ...

  19. Bioship

    Bioship Additional recommended knowledge Daily Visual Balance Check Don't let static charges disrupt your weighing accuracy Daily Sensitivity Test A. My watch list ... Star Trek: Gomtuu, nicknamed "Tin Man", was the last member of a race of bioships which existed with a symbiotic (and probably telepathic) crew. It contemplated suicide after its ...

  20. Organic-based vessel

    See Memory Alpha's copyright information for full details. Sci-fi. Star Trek. In starship classification, an organic-based vessel was a type of vessel composed of organic material. Species 8472 was one such species who used organic-based vessels, identified by the crew of USS Voyager as bio-ships. (VOY: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II") As of ...

  21. Bioship Alpha Expansion

    Bioship Alpha - Species 8472 Bioship (Cost 38) Species 8472 Starship - Species 8472 Bioship (Cost 36) Upgrade Cards [] Captain Cards. Bioship Alpha Pilot (Skill 7 Cost 6) Species 8472 Captain (Skill 1 Cost 0) Elite Talent Card. The Weak Will Perish (Cost 5) Tech Cards. Extraordinary Immune Response (Cost 5) Bio-Electric Interference (Cost 6)

  22. Automate Species 8472 Bioship Hunt with USS Voyager

    This article explains how to use the 'hostile hunt 'Voyager Bioship' mode in the FastTrek Bot for Star Trek® Fleet Command. Background. The USS Voyager was introduced during the Voyager arc mid-2023 and has two special ship abilities: Advanced Sensors and Astrometrics Scan. Within STFC the Advanced Sensors ability is used to expose special "Species 8472 Bioship" hostiles in the ...

  23. Star Trek Attack Wing Expansion: Bioship Alpha

    Product Description. Expand and upgrade your Star Trek Attack Wing Game! Designated Species 8472 by the Borg, this race of beings use organic ships with extraordinary resilience and tremendous firepower. With the use of an energy focusing shup, multiple Bioships can channel their energy into a burst of power so devastating that it can destroy ...