Journey to Topaz

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49 pages • 1 hour read

Journey to Topaz: A Story of the Japanese-American Evacuation

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Summary and Study Guide

Published in 1971 by Japanese American author and educator Yoshiko Uchida (1921-1992), Journey to Topaz is the first children’s novel to address the United States government’s forced relocation of people of Japanese descent to wartime prison camps during World War II. The novel follows the Sakane family’s life as they are forced to move from their comfortable home in Berkeley, California, to the Topaz War Relocation Center, a concentration camp, in the harsh Utah desert. Written from the perspective of 11-year-old Yuki, the novel maps the ways that her view of the world changes as she is forced to give up the life she knows and must watch those around her respond to the unjust situation that her community is forced to endure. While Journey to Topaz depicts the racism and prejudice experienced by the Japanese American community during the war, the novel focuses primarily on the complex feelings and responses of the Issei and Nisei (first-generation and second-generation Japanese immigrants), who were unjustly imprisoned as “alien enemies” by a country that most of them loved and were loyal to. Witnessing both embitterment and selfless acts of kindness and patriotism, Yuki gains a greater understanding of betrayal, forgiveness, and what it means to be American.

Yoshiko Uchida grew up in a middle-class area of Berkeley, California, and her parents were notable community leaders before the family was forced to relocate to concentration camps, along with many other Japanese Americans whose civil rights were similarly violated. In her Prologue, Uchida stresses that although her characters are fictional, her own family experienced most of the injustices described in the novel. Uchida went on to write four more books concerning Japanese incarceration, including a sequel to Journey to Topaz titled Journey Home (1977), which depicts the Sakanes’ lives after their release from Topaz. Uchida received multiple awards for her work, including two Commonwealth Club of California Medals for Samurai of Gold Hill (1972) and A Jar of Dreams (1982).

This guide refers to the 1971 Charles Scribner’s Sons edition.

Content Warning: This guide contains descriptions of racism, incarceration, violent death, injustice, and violence toward a minoritized population. The source text includes racist slurs against Japanese Americans.

Plot Summary

Yuki Sakane lives with her parents, her brother, Ken, and her dog, Pepper, in Berkeley, California. The Sakanes are well-respected both in the Japanese American community and among their white friends, neighbors, and associates. Yuki is best friends with Mimi Nelson, a neighbor and schoolmate, and she is also close with Mrs. Jamieson, an elderly widow who lives nearby. Members of the family's church congregation, particularly Japanese immigrants, are frequent guests in the Sakane household. One such guest is Mr. Toda , an elderly bachelor who is quite fond of Yuki and who never visits without bringing her treats.

Yuki’s comfortable world is turned upside down when the Japanese military attacks Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The Nelsons and Mrs. Jamieson stand by the Sakanes, but most of white American society turns against people of Japanese descent—even Nisei, second-generation Japanese American citizens, like Yuki and Ken. Suddenly, Mr. Sakane is arrested and taken to a prisoner-of-war camp in Missoula, Montana. In Mr. Sakane’s absence, Ken leaves university because he must now become the head of the family.

When President Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, the Issei and Nisei of the West Coast are forced to sell their homes, businesses, and possessions in preparation for their forced removal to concentration camps. The experience is traumatic for Yuki and her family, who scramble to make the necessary arrangements before they are ordered to leave. Yuki has to give up her beloved dog; with Ken’s help, they give Pepper to a kind UC Berkeley student. Mrs. Sakane destroys letters and memorabilia connecting them with Japan and packs the items they will need in the concentration camps. Yuki says goodbye to Mrs. Jamieson, who gives her a pearl ring to remember her by.

When the day finally comes for the family to depart, the Nelsons drive the Sakanes to the Japanese church that is being used as a mass removal depot. After a hasty goodbye, they are loaded onto buses. From the bus windows, Yuki sees crowds of people gathered along the streets to watch the Japanese community’s departure.

Their first stop is Tanforan Assembly Center, a racetrack hurriedly converted into a concentration camp. Their home for several months is a horse stable, which has barely been remodeled for human habitation. They quickly become friends with the Kuriharas, their next-door neighbors. Yuki becomes best friends with Mr. and Mrs. Kurihara’s granddaughter, Emi, an orphan girl who is Yuki’s age. They reunite with Mr. Toda in Tanforan. Emi overhears him arguing with a bitter bald man who thinks that Japan will win the war. Ken is offered the opportunity to attend a college on the East Coast, but Yuki does not want him to leave. Rumors begin to circulate that they will soon be moved to another camp. Once again, Yuki and her family must pack up all of their worldly possessions.

After a miserable bus ride, they arrive at the Topaz War Relocation Center in the Utah desert. It is difficult to get used to the altitude, the cold, and the ever-present dust and sand. The camp is still incomplete, but as improvements are made, life becomes more tolerable. To Yuki’s relief, Ken decides to stay in the camp. However, as time passes, he becomes more and more distant and less like himself. One day, Emi collapses in the sand. She is rushed to the hospital and put under observation. Yuki sneaks out to visit her, but on the way back to her barracks, she is caught in a dangerous dust storm. When she gets home, Mrs. Sakane forbids her from visiting Emi because the doctors believe that the girl has tuberculosis. Yuki is shocked. When the diagnosis proves accurate, Yuki writes to Emi, keeping her informed about events in camp, such as the start of school.

As time wears on, many of the prisoners become restless and agitated, including Ken. Yuki grows closer to Mr. and Mrs. Kurihara in Emi’s absence. When insulation is finally installed in the barracks, Yuki hopes that Emi will be able to come home. The families plant a tree outside the barracks, but Mr. Kurihara thinks that it will die. Mr. Kurihara befriends Mr. Toda, and the two old men enjoy taking evening walks around camp, searching for trilobite fossils and arrowheads. On one such evening, a guard shoots and kills Mr. Kurihara for no apparent reason. He is the first person to die at Topaz. At his funeral, Yuki leaves an arrowhead on his grave.

Mr. Sakane is released on parole on Christmas Eve, and Yuki is overjoyed to see her father again. They spend a happy Christmas together, although Ken’s distant attitude sours the festivities for Yuki. In February, an army recruiter heads an assembly, announcing the formation of an all-Nisei army unit. This development sparks controversy, given the way the Nisei have been treated; however, many young men wish to enlist, including Ken. The family respects his decision, and his parents and Yuki are proud. Ken’s behavior reverts to his normal self. He leaves for basic training.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sakane establishes himself as an important figure in the camp. Some families are offered the chance to leave Topaz, but they are still not allowed to return to the West Coast. Yuki is anxious to leave, but Mr. Sakane is determined to stay as long as he can be useful. When Emi is discharged from the hospital, the prospect of staying becomes much easier for Yuki to bear. However, Mr. Sakane’s work with the administration puts him at odds with agitators in the camp, who begin harassing the Sakanes. At Mrs. Sakane’s behest, he agrees that the family should leave. He arranges to move the family to Salt Lake City. Yuki is sad to leave Emi, Mrs. Kurihara, and Mr. Toda behind, but she is hopeful that they will be reunited beyond the barbed wire someday. The Sakanes leave on a bus. Yuki is delighted to see the outside world again for the first time in almost two years.

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"Journey to Topaz" Discussion Questions + Vocabulary

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Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Novel Study Guide

About This Product

Product title: journey to topaz discussion questions + vocabulary.

Dive into a significant period in history with the Journey to Topaz Discussion Questions + Vocabulary guide. Specifically designed for grades 4 through 8, this educational tool illuminates themes and vocabulary from Yoshiko Uchida's compelling novel, Journey to Topaz.

This resource invites teachers and students alike to explore the turbulent era of World War II as experienced through the eyes of twelve-year-old Yuki. Her journey from Berkeley, California, to an internment camp in Topaz, Utah paints a poignant picture of times past. The stark realities faced by Japanese-Americans during that time come into sharp focus through Uchida’s heartfelt prose.

  • Sprinkled throughout this study guide are Common Core-aligned discussion questions poised at varying levels of complexity.
  • These prompts stimulate critical thinking and foster vibrant classroom conversations or written responses.
  • Alongside these inquiries is an assortment of vocabulary activities specifically coordinated with the text's language.

The discussion prompts are structured so as not to overwhelm; their presentation is sequential according to complexity level. For educators needing flexibility or desiring custom tailoring for their specific group dynamics, fear not - this comprehensive resource comes entirely editable.

Assimilation into any teaching methodology is seamless; whether used as a whole-group tool during literature circles or given as individual assignment work on comprehension focus areas - it has adaptability built-in! Moreover, aiding homeschooling parents looking for substantive curriculum supplements around historical fiction texts.

Final Form:

Educators seeking an all-encompassing literary aid touchpoint need look no further than this multifaceted companion guide – aptly themed around one girl's poignant journey through historic turbulence captured stunningly in 'Journey To Topaz.' Experience literature studies heightened by engaging relevance readers won't forget!

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1 PDF with links to FULLY EDITABLE Google docs

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What point of view is Journey to Topaz ?

How do Yuki's parents react to the news on the radio? (The news about Pearl Harbor.)

They panic and think that they will die.

They think that Japan would never do such a thing.

They break down and start crying.

They say America is spreading lies.

Why does Yuki like Mr. Toda?

He is cool and helps her make fun of people.

He gives her gifts.

He is open about his feelings and honest.

He gave her a pet.

What happened to Yuki's father?

He was murdered by a criminal who recently got out of jail.

He was taken by the FBI men to be interrogated.

He was kidnapped by a fake police officer.

Nothing happened to him.

Why did Mrs. Sakane bring tea to the FBI men and the police officers even though they took away Mr. Sakane?

Because she is a kind and caring person and she wants to be polite to the men.

Because the tea is actually poisoned and she wants to kill the men.

Because she is afraid of them and they demanded some food.

Because she wants to bribe them into letting father come home.

How did Yuki react when her Mother went to give the FBI men some tea?

She thinks it's a good idea.

She is outraged and tries to spill the tea.

She is upset and starts crying.

She is shocked that her Mother would give them tea after they took away father

How many Japanese people were evacuated into camps?

What rumor does Mr. Toda hear?

The Japanese have been planning to attack Pearl Harbor for years.

Americans are being killed for being friends with the Japanese.

The Japanese will be evacuated from the West Coast.

The Japanese will be sent back to Japan.

Where has the FBI taken Yuki's father? Where will he be taken next?

He is currently at an immigration camp, and will be sent to Montana.

He is currently at a concentration camp, and will be sent to Topaz.

He is currently in Topaz and will be sent to Japan.

The family doesn't know where he is.

What does Yuki want to do with Pepper?

She wants to give him to Mrs. Jamieson.

She wants to smuggle him into camp.

She wants to get rid of him for good.

She wants to leave him at home.

Ken keeps his word to Yuki in chapter 4. What does it mean to "keep your word"?

To promise.

What happened to Pepper before the Sakanes when to Tanforan?

He was taken to a shelter.

He was given to a nice and calm boy named Andy.

Mimi took him.

Yuki smuggled him into camp.

What does Mimi give to Yuki before Yuki has to leave?

She gives Yuki a friendship bracelet.

She gives Yuki a diary to write to her.

She gives Yuki a box of sweets.

She doesn't give Yuki anything.

Why is Ken happy that there are trucks to carry the baggage?

He is lazy and didn't want to carry anything.

He is angry because he thinks their stuff will be stolen.

He is relieved that he won't have to carry the huge bundle of belongings that they packed.

He is sad because his stuff would be searched through and his phone would be taken away.

Why is Mr. Toda unhappy about where he has to live in Tanforan?

He has to share a room with 5 men.

He has no beds and only the floor.

There is no bathroom.

There is barely room to put anything.

What did Yuki's "apartment" turn out to be?

A luxurious hotel room.

A horse stall.

An old shed.

How long did Yuki and her family have to wait in line at the mess hall in Tanforan?

45 minutes.

At the end of Chapter 6, what treat does Mr. Toda bring to the Sakanes?

Toys for Yuki.

A box of cookies.

A bag of peanuts.

True or false: The water in Tanforan is easy to control, but it runs out too quickly.

Who is Emi?

Yuki's bully.

Yuki's neighbor in the Tanforan camp.

A homeless Indonesian girl who was found outside of camp.

Yuki's best friend from Berkley.

What is the "bright side" Emi's grandmother sees while in Tanforan?

They have luxury apartments.

They got to meet Yuki and her family.

They get free food.

They are the richest and most popular people in Tanforan.

Why did Emi get angry at her grandpa in Chapter 8?

He said he would go back to Japan after the war.

He said America was better than Japan.

He attempted to assassinate one of the guards at Tanforan.

He used all of the hot water in camp for himself.

When Ken is given the option to go to a university and leave Tanforan, does he?

Why does Yuki wake up at 6:30 every morning in Tanforan?

To get to the mess hall for breakfast before there's a line.

To take a bath before the hot water is gone.

To sneak out of camp and explore.

There is a new school for her to go to with Emi.

What rumor does Yuki hear while she's in the shower?

The men like Yuki's father are in prison.

All the children and adults will be separated in camp until the war ends.

The Japanese people in Tanforan will be moved to Topaz.

Everyone will be sent to Montana.

What happened to Pepper?

He ran away.

He was stolen.

He was sent to a shelter after Andy had to move.

In chapter 10, what did Yuki think of saying to comfort Ken?

He should go to college instead of staying with Yuki and her mother.

He is beautiful.

He needs to grow up and be a man.

He needs to make his own decisions.

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Pioneering spirit for the mobility of the future

5 September 2024

In 1979, BMW, together with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), converted a BMW 520/4 (built in 1975) into a test vehicle for the first time. Visually speaking, it was no different from its petrol-powered versions, but its four-cylinder engine burned hydrogen instead of petrol. This was an early demonstration that hydrogen in the combustion engine is technically feasible.

BMW Hydrogen

Hydrogen now functions independently as an energy source and, more importantly, can be used locally without emissions. The hydrogen-electric drive – also known as the fuel cell drive – is an exciting technology and an emission-free alternative to the battery-electric drive (➜ Read also: The dawn of an electric era ) without long charging times.

A fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) has an electric drive just like a battery electric vehicle (BEV) – and even the identical electric motor. The main difference is the energy storage. Instead of electric current in the battery, gaseous hydrogen is stored in tanks and converted into electric current for the drive using the fuel cell.

The main advantage for drivers is that a hydrogen car (➜ Read also: Hydrogen fuel cell cars: everything you need to know ) can be refuelled in just three to four minutes. It therefore enables the same user behaviour as with combustion vehicles – with all the advantages of electromobility.

Pioneering achievement: BMW hydrogen drive in series production

For the BMW Group, its commitment to hydrogen is an expression of its technologically-open approach to the mobility of tomorrow. A long journey on which a lot of experience was gained. The BMW archive contains more than 1,000 documents, publications, and files on the subject of BMW and hydrogen. Now after more than four decades of research, the hydrogen journey at BMW has reached an important milestone: The first BMW series vehicle with a hydrogen drive will be on the road from 2028.

This means that drive portfolio of BMW will soon comprise five variants (electric, plug-in hybrid, petrol, diesel, and hydrogen) – a real milestone and proof of how open BMW is to technological advances.

To mark the occasion, we take a look back at the highlights of the BMW hydrogen journey – with important innovations, defining vehicles, and special developments.


1980 – BMW 7 series

In 1980, the BMW 7 Series was the first luxury-class vehicle in Europe to be powered by cryogenic liquid hydrogen. However, hydrogen for these cars is still produced from crude oil or natural gas and not with the help of solar hydrogen technology. The liquid hydrogen is transported in the car at minus 253 degrees Celsius. With a 93-litre tank, ranges of around 300 kilometres can be achieved. The hydrogen BMW 7 Series is powered by the tried-and-tested petrol engine (​➜​ Read also: Technical marvels: 12 standout examples of a BMW engine ). At the heart of the development is the mixture formation for which BMW is working closely with the German Aerospace Centre.

BMW Hydrogen

1989 – first pilot series

In 1989, BMW presented the world’s first hydrogen twelve-cylinder engine at the International Motor Show Germany (IAA) in Frankfurt. On 11 May 2000, this pilot series was first driven on public roads in Berlin. Among other things, the vehicles were used in the shuttle service during EXPO 2000. In 2001, the CleanEnergy WorldTour followed with five stops worldwide.

BMW Hydrogen

2004 – BMW H2R

In 2004, the BMW H2R made history with nine world records, including a top speed of over 300 km/h – an absolute first for hydrogen-powered vehicles. Its engine technology was based on the twelve-cylinder engine of the BMW 760i, which was adapted for hydrogen operation.

After the record-breaking runs, the BMW H2R found its way into the BMW Group Classic vehicle collection. But not without one last highlight. For the legendary Festival of Speed in Goodwood in 2023, the BMW H2R was made ready for use again in just five months. A team of hydrogen experts took numerous measures to ensure that the vehicle was once again ready to compete in the legendary hillclimb at Goodwood.

BMW Hydrogen

2007 – BMW Hydrogen 7

The BMW Hydrogen 7 is the result of decades of experience in testing hydrogen as a drive technology at BMW and has made the pioneering concept of sustainable mobility available for everyday use. The vehicle is based on the BMW 760Li. Powered by a hydrogen combustion engine, the BMW 7 Series saloon is driven by a 191 kW/260 hp twelve-cylinder engine. As long as a widespread hydrogen supply is not guaranteed, the bivalent engine of the BMW Hydrogen 7 can also run on conventional petrol by simply switching the operating mode.

BMW Hydrogen

2013 – Cooperation with Toyota

Based on the experience gained from these projects, in particular the BMW Hydrogen 7, BMW made two fundamental, trend-setting technology decisions. Hydrogen storage was switched from cryogenic liquid hydrogen to the global gaseous 700 bar standard in order to avoid “boil-off” effects. In the course of electrification, the drive was converted from a hydrogen burner to the more efficient fuel cell drive train. This combination of 700 bar pressure tank storage and fuel cell drive has now been extensively tested and is 100 percent suitable for everyday use.

The BMW Group receives the individual fuel cells from the Toyota Motor Corporation. This led to the development and production of fuel cell systems at the BMW hydrogen centre. Both companies have been working together on fuel cell drives since 2013 and can look back on many years of trusting cooperation.

BMW Hydrogen

2017 – Hydrogen Council

BMW is one of 13 founding members of the Hydrogen Council , which was launched as a global initiative in 2017. It brings together leading companies with a shared vision and long-term ambitions for hydrogen to support the transition to clean energy. The council uses its global reach to promote cooperation between governments, industry, and investors and - with the energy transition in mind – provides guidance in order to further expand the potential and role of hydrogen.

2023 – BMW iX5 Hydrogen pilot fleet

The BMW iX5 Hydrogen, which was developed on the basis of the current BMW X5, was presented as a concept idea for the first time at IAA 2019 in Munich. The first prototypes were used as shuttle vehicles for passengers at IAA Mobility 2021. Its powerful hydrogen fuel cell system is further proof of the leading development expertise of the BMW Group in electric drive technologies.

After four years of development work, the BMW iX5 Hydrogen vehicle and development project entered the next decisive phase. Since the beginning of 2023, the pilot fleet has been deployed worldwide for demonstration and testing purposes and has covered more than one million kilometres on its journey through over 20 countries. Together with a specially developed high-performance battery, the fuel cell system brings 400 hp of driving pleasure to the road for BMW.

BMW Hydrogen

2024 – BMW to launch first-ever series production fuel cell vehicle in 2028

The BMW Group and the Toyota Motor Corporation are pooling their innovative strength and their technological capabilities to bring a new generation of fuel cell powertrain technology to the roads. Both companies share the aspiration of advancing the hydrogen economy and have extended their collaboration to push this locally zero­emission technology to the next level.

After successfully testing the BMW iX5 Hydrogen pilot fleet worldwide, the BMW Group is now preparing for series production of vehicles with hydrogen drive systems in 2028 on the basis of the jointly developed next-generation powertrain technology. The pathway to realizing the full potential of hydrogen mobility includes its use in commercial vehicles and the establishment of a refuelling infrastructure for all mobility applications, including hydrogen-powered passenger vehicles. Hydrogen is the missing piece for completing the electric mobility puzzle.

Hydrogen as art

In 2004, the artist Olafur Eliasson was selected by an international panel of curators who met to discuss the further development of the BMW Art Car Collection (âžś Read also: The History of the BMW Art Cars ). Eliasson, one of the most important representatives of the contemporary art world, designed the 16th BMW Art Car, which was presented to the public in 2007. In his work, he focussed on the technological milestone BMW H2R.

Twenty years later, Es Devlin’s new multimedia work SURFACING, an installation of water, light, sound, and dance as well as a series of mobile sound installations in the BMW iX5 Hydrogen pilot fleet, was presented at Art Basel 2024.

BMW Hydrogen

What colours of hydrogen are there?


In principle, hydrogen is always a colourless gas. However, depending on its origin, it has different colours in its name.

Green hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water. Electricity from renewable energy sources is used for this. Green hydrogen is therefore CO2-free.

Grey hydrogen is usually produced from fossil natural gas by means of steam reforming. This produces around 10 t of CO2 per tonne of hydrogen. The CO2 is released into the atmosphere. This hydrogen needs to be replaced by climate-friendly hydrogen.

Orange hydrogen is hydrogen produced from waste and residual materials. It is considered to be CO2-neutral.

Blue hydrogen is like grey hydrogen. But during production, the CO2 is partially captured and stored in the ground (CCS, carbon capture and storage). A maximum of 90 percent of CO2 can be stored. Blue hydrogen is therefore considered to be low in CO2.

Turquoise hydrogen is produced via the thermal decomposition (pyrolysis) of methane. Instead of CO2, solid carbon is produced. This does not escape into the atmosphere. Methane pyrolysis is still being developed.

Use of hydrogen in plant and transport logistics


For many years, hydrogen has been used as an energy source in BMW factory logistics. In 2013, Germany’s first indoor hydrogen refuelling station was built on the Leipzig site. Forklift trucks and tugger trains for intralogistics are refuelled there. More than 10 years later, the Leipzig factory had the largest fleet in Germany with over 130 fuel cell-powered industrial trucks. On the factory premises, there are five intralogistics hydrogen refuelling stations, the latest of which allows for fully automated refuelling. The Leipzig factory is also the first automotive factory in the world to pilot a newly developed burner technology in its paint shop. This allows green hydrogen to be used in addition to natural gas.

In logistics beyond the factory gates, BMW is also working with partners to test the use of hydrogen to decarbonise transport logistics and is involved in projects such as H2HAUL (development and piloting of fuel cell trucks) and HyCET (testing of hydrogen trucks with combustion engines in transport logistics).

Author: Markus Löblein; Art: Lucas Lemuth, Verena Aichinger; Animations: Max Salzborn; Photos: BMW

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THE BMW iX5 Hydrogen

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Journey to Topaz - Chapter 1, Stranger at the Door Summary & Analysis

Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida

Chapter 1, Stranger at the Door Summary

Eleven-year-old Yuki Sakane is excited for Christmas to arrive. Although there is no snow in Berkeley, California, Yuki remembers that when she was six years old there was snow. Yuki has a full, round face framed by bangs and straight, black hair that falls to her shoulders. Mrs. Sakane is preparing dinner for the Sakane family, a family of Japanese Americans. Yuki goes into the yard, plays with her dog Pepper and watches a big gray carp swim in the yard pond. Today is Sunday, and usually Sunday dinners consist of Japanese food served for several guests. Today, however, there will be no guests, which Yuki prefers. Mrs. Sakane calls Yuki for dinner, and Yuki calls Mr. Sakane, who is gardening. Yuki goes inside the house and briefly watches her canary, Old Salt, who is...

(read more from the Chapter 1, Stranger at the Door Summary)

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  5. Journey to Topaz Complete Unit by Cogitare

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  6. Journey To Topaz Worksheets & Teaching Resources

    journey to topaz questions


  1. Sunset Motel Prologue

  2. Topaz

  3. Journey

  4. Journey to Topaz Ch 15 • Good News

  5. The Truth About Topaz & Numby


  1. Journey to Topaz Questions and Answers

    Explore insightful questions and answers on Journey to Topaz at eNotes. Enhance your understanding today!

  2. PDF Journey to Topaz Reading and Discussion Questions (A)

    Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida would be an appropriate book for Level S or high level 5th grade readers. Yoshiko Uchida was an inmate at the Topaz Relocation Center in Utah. The story tells the difficulties of an eleven-year old girl and her family who were uprooted from their home and incarcerated by the government during WWII. Her descrip-

  3. Journey to Topaz Discussion Questions

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Journey to Topaz" by Yoshiko Uchida. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  4. Journey To Topaz Flashcards

    Journey To Topaz. Get a hint. Yuki. Click the card to flip 👆. Main Character: She is a Nisei Japanese American born in Berkeley, California, in 1930. She is 11 years old when the book started and most likely around 13 years old when the book ended. Click the card to flip 👆. 1 / 23.

  5. Journey to Topaz Quiz

    Take our free Journey to Topaz quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Take the free quiz now! Directions: Click on the correct answer. Questions 1-5 of 25:

  6. Journey to Topaz Topics for Discussion

    7. Death appears often in Journey to Topaz: Yuki's old way of life dies; Mr. Kurihara's heart seems to die; Pepper dies far from his family; Mr. Kurihara is shot to death. The people at Topaz who ...

  7. journey to topaz questions pt 1 Flashcards

    journey to topaz questions pt 1. Term. 1 / 5. tuberculosis. Click the card to flip 👆. Definition. 1 / 5. Emi had what disease in topaz?

  8. Journey to Topaz Teaching Guide

    Journey to Topaz and Desert Exile are good places to ... Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by ...

  9. Journey to Topaz: 50 Reading Comprehension questions Quiz with ...

    This is Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida Reading Comprehensions Quiz with answer keys. there are 50 questions that cover many aspects of the book. the resource offers both, an engaging exercise for students and a teacher's assessment of students who've read and assimilated the book.Note: This reso...

  10. Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida

    Journey to Topaz was published in 1971 by Japanese-American author, Yoshiko Uchida and Ms. Uchida writes in her Prologue: ... Raises questions and issues surrounding morality, race, citizenship, etc without answering these questions. Yuki is a fun sweet character, lively, outspoken and emotional. ...

  11. Journey to Topaz Lesson Plans for Teachers

    The Journey to Topaz lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. The lessons and activities will help students gain an ...

  12. Journey to Topaz: A Story of the Japanese-American Evacuation (book)

    Based in part on Uchida's own family experience, Journey to Topaz was the first of five books the prolific children's book author wrote that focused on the incarceration experience. The protagonist of the novel is Yuki Sakane, who is eleven years old when the story begins. We meet her family of four—described by two literary scholars as "an ...

  13. Journey To Topaz Studyguide

    Journey to Topaz Studyguide - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Yoshiko uchida's journey to Topaz Study Guide contains 7 chapters. Chapters include: the long wait, a lonely christmas, Ten Days to pack, Inside the barbed wire, Home is a horse stall, and A New Rumor. Chapter 13: A Last stand.

  14. 6th Grade ELA: Journey to Topaz Chapters 10-17 (Study Guide)

    18 terms. Jude_Iavicoli. Preview. CP, English 10 chapter 2 metamorphosis quiz. 12 terms. Courtney_Vanmeter2. Preview. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How big was the Topaz camp?, earthworms, What happened to Emi as she was walking with Yuki? and more.

  15. Journey to Topaz Summary

    Overview. Published in 1971 by Japanese American author and educator Yoshiko Uchida (1921-1992), Journey to Topaz is the first children's novel to address the United States government's forced relocation of people of Japanese descent to wartime prison camps during World War II. The novel follows the Sakane family's life as they are forced ...

  16. "Journey to Topaz" Discussion Questions + Vocabulary

    Product Title: Journey to Topaz Discussion Questions + Vocabulary Dive into a significant period in history with the Journey to Topaz Discussion Questions + Vocabulary guide. Specifically designed for grades 4 through 8, this educational tool illuminates themes and vocabulary from Yoshiko Uchida's compelling novel, Journey to Topaz. This resource invites teachers and students alike to explore ...

  17. Journey to Topaz Discussion Questions

    Essay ideas, study questions and discussion topics based on important themes running throughout Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida. Great supplemental information for school essays and homework projects.

  18. Journey to Topaz Analysis

    Journey to Topaz focuses on a socially sensitive topic. Parents and teachers are likely to face some difficult questions from young readers who, like the Sakanes, at first do not believe that such ...

  19. Journey to Topaz Review Chapters 1-10 *WILL NOT BE FINISHED!*

    What rumor does Yuki hear while she's in the shower? All the children and adults will be separated in camp until the war ends. The Japanese people in Tanforan will be moved to Topaz. In chapter 10, what did Yuki think of saying to comfort Ken? He should go to college instead of staying with Yuki and her mother.

  20. Journey to Topaz Quiz from Two Week Quiz A

    This comprehensive lesson plan includes 30 daily lessons, 180 multiple choice questions, 20 essay questions, 20 fun activities, and more - everything you need to teach Journey to Topaz!

  21. Journey to Topaz : Yoshiko Uchida : Free Download, Borrow, and

    Based on Yoshiko Uchida's personal experiences, this is the moving story of one girl's struggle to remain brave during the Japanese internment of World War II. In a bleak and dusty prison camp, eleven-year-old Yuki and her family experience both true friendship and heart-wrenching tragedy. Journey to Topaz explores the consequences of prejudice ...

  22. Pioneering spirit for the mobility of the future

    A long journey on which a lot of experience was gained. The BMW archive contains more than 1,000 documents, publications, and files on the subject of BMW and hydrogen. Now after more than four decades of research, the hydrogen journey at BMW has reached an important milestone: The first BMW series vehicle with a hydrogen drive will be on the ...

  23. Journey to Topaz Characters

    Analysis and discussion of characters in Yoshiko Uchida's Journey to Topaz. ... You'll also get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered ...

  24. Journey to Topaz

    Chapter 1, Stranger at the Door Summary. Eleven-year-old Yuki Sakane is excited for Christmas to arrive. Although there is no snow in Berkeley, California, Yuki remembers that when she was six years old there was snow. Yuki has a full, round face framed by bangs and straight, black hair that falls to her shoulders.