Thailand Bangkok Tour Package - 4 Days 3 Nights

tour ke thailand april 2023

Rp 1.402.500

Pengalaman yang menunggumu.

Mulailah petualangan tak terlupakan dengan paket tur gabungan 4 hari 3 malam di Bangkok!

Rasakan pengalaman terbaik dari budaya Thailand yang dinamis, landmark menakjubkan, dan destinasi belanja kelas dunia seperti ICONSIAM dan Platinum Mall. Dengan penjemputan di bandara, transportasi antar objek wisata, dan akomodasi 3 malam, Anda dapat fokus untuk menikmati pemandangan dan kebisingan kota yang ramai ini. Pemandu berpengetahuan luas, fasih berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, akan membawa Anda ke landmark ikonik seperti Wat Pak Nam yang mempesona dan kuil Wat Arun yang menakjubkan. Selain itu, jangan lewatkan kesempatan menjelajahi Pasar Malam Asiatique yang ramai untuk melihat kerajinan tangan unik Thailand dan kekayaan lokal.

Pesan petualangan ini hari ini dan temukan keajaiban Bangkok!

tour ke thailand april 2023

Saksikan keagungan megah patung Buddha kolosal

tour ke thailand april 2023

Jelajahi kuil-kuil menakjubkan yang dihiasi dengan ukiran dan dekorasi unik

tour ke thailand april 2023

Nikmati pengalaman tak terlupakan yang dipenuhi dengan hiburan berlimpah dan masakan lezat

Kontak, Fasilitas, Bahasa Layanan, dan Info Lainnya

Kalau kamu ada pengalaman, tulis review, ya, lihat jadwal lengkap, tiket yang tersedia, detail lokasi, selengkapnya tentang thailand bangkok tour package - 4 days 3 nights, baca tentang:, harga paket tour bangkok 2024 terbaru, itinerary paket tour bangkok 4 hari 3 malam, kenapa harus booking paket tour bangkok.

Mau liburan ke Bangkok, Thailand lebih hemat dan seru? Anda bisa memesan paket tour Bangkok yang dapat disesuaikan dengan budget dan keinginan. Bangkok adalah ibu kota dan kota terbesar di Thailand yang terletak di tepi barat Sungai Chao Phraya. 

Bangkok juga merupakan kota kosmopolitan dan pusat budaya serta komersial di Thailand. Banyak turis dari berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia yang datang ke Bangkok untuk berlibur bersama teman, pasangan, atau keluarga. Thailand diperkirakan dikunjungi sekitar 15 juta wisatawan mancanegara setiap tahunnya.

Ada banyak destinasi wisata di Bangkok yang populer, mulai dari wisata kuil-kuil Buddha, museum, wahana bermain keluarga, pasar malam, dan sebagainya. Bagi Anda yang bingung atau malas menyusun itinerary saat liburan ke Bangkok, tersedia paket tour yang bisa dipesan dengan mudah dan praktis lewat Traveloka. 

Paket tour Bangkok di Traveloka merupakan paket gabungan 4 hari 3 malam bagi wisatawan yang sudah memiliki tiket pesawat ke Bangkok. Paket tour ini menawarkan perjalanan seru ke tempat-tempat hits dan menelusuri kekayaan budaya di Bangkok. Berikut informasi lengkap tentang paket tour Bangkok 4 hari 3 malam yang wajib disimak.

Traveloka punya beberapa rekomendasi paket tour Bangkok. Salah satunya adalah paket tour Bangkok 4 hari 3 malam yang bisa dipesan lewat Traveloka tersedia dalam dua paket. Berikut rincian harga paket tour Bangkok:

  • Paket tour Bangkok 4 hari 3 malam menginap di Thomson Hotel Bintang 3 (minimal 2 orang): Mulai dari Rp1.402.500
  • Paket tour Bangkok 4 hari 3 malam menginap di Baiyoke Boutique Hotel Bintang 3 di Pratunam Area (minimal 2 orang): Mulai dari Rp1.859.000

Paket tour tersebut bisa dipesan langsung dengan mudah lewat Traveloka. Pastikan Anda sudah memiliki tiket pesawat ke Bangkok dan nantinya akan dijemput di bandara bersama turis lain yang juga memesan paket ini.

Anda tidak perlu repot-repot memikirkan destinasi wisata tujuan yang akan dikunjungi selama berada di Bangkok. Sebab paket tour Bangkok yang satu ini sudah termasuk daftar rangkaian perjalanan selama 4 hari 3 malam. Mulai dari penjemputan di bandara hingga pengantaran kembali ke bandara. Berikut itinerary paket tour Bangkok 4 hari 3 malam beserta detail masing-masing destinasi wisatanya:

  • 07.00-22.00: Setelah tiba di Bangkok (DMK/BKK), wisatawan akan disambut oleh Driver Local Guide. Penjemputan di bandara dapat disesuaikan dengan jam pesawat wisatawan. Wisatawan akan dijemput menggunakan shuttle bersama turis lain untuk menuju hotel sesuai paket yang dipesan.
  • 13.00-22.00: Check-in hotel, lalu acara bebas. Wisatawan bisa bebas pergi ke destinasi wisata yang diinginkan tanpa pendampingan pemandu wisata dan layanan tour.
  • 07.00-08.00: Sarapan di hotel masing-masing.
  • 08.00-08.30: Penjemputan di hotel. Wisatawan harus hadir setidaknya 15 menit sebelum jam penjemputan.
  • 09.00-09.30: Tujuan pertama adalah Honey Bee Farm. Honey Bee Farm adalah destinasi wisata berupa peternakan lebah di Thailand yang khusus membudidayakan berbagai jenis lebah penghasil madu. Di sana, pengunjung bisa mempelajari proses lahirnya lebah, pembentukan sarang, hingga proses keluarnya madu.
  • 10.00-10.30: Menyeberangi Sungai Chao Phraya menggunakan boat menuju Wat Arun atau Temple of Dawn. 

Sungai Chao Phraya sendiri merupakan sungai utama di Thailand yang memiliki panjang mencapai 372 km. Sungai ini mengalir dari utara Thailand hingga Teluk Thailand di selatan. Sungai ini juga menjadi jalur transportasi utama di Bangkok yang memiliki peran penting dalam sejarah dan budaya negara. Sungai ini pun menjadi jalur perairan untuk kegiatan ekspor jati dan beras ke daerah selatan.

Wisatawan akan dibawa menyeberang sungai menggunakan kapal boat menuju Wat Arun. Wat Arun atau Temple of Dawn sendiri merupakan salah satu kuil Buddha tertua dan paling utama di Thailand yang berada di tepi barat Sungai Chao Phraya. Kuil ini memiliki menara setinggi lebih dari 80 meter dengan dihiasi ribuan potongan porselen warna-warni yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri.

  • 12.00-14.00: Makan siang dibebaskan dan dilanjut berbelanja di Iconsiam Mall dan Sook Siam Market. 

Iconsiam Mall merupakan pusat perbelanjaan mewah dan luas di Bangkok yang memiliki lebih dari 7.000 toko dan 100 restoran. Mal ini juga memiliki taman tepi sungai yang menyajikan pemandangan Bangkok.

Sedangkan Sook Siam Market adalah kawasan pasar terapung di lantai dasar Iconsiam Mall. Pasar terapung ini menyajikan representasi seni, budaya, tradisi, kuliner, dan cara hidup masyarakat Thailand. Anda bisa berbelanja dan menikmati kuliner khas Thailand, seperti Khanom Khrok (pancake nasi kelapa) dan Pad Thai. Tidak heran kalau banyak wisatawan yang tertarik berkunjung ke sini.

  • 14.30-15.30: Mengunjungi Wat Pak Nam. Wat Pak Nam adalah kuil Buddha terbesar di Thailand yang sudah berdiri ratusan tahun lalu dan masih berfungsi hingga sekarang. Wat Pak Nam menjadi simbol persaudaraan Maha Nikaya dan asal mula tradisi Dhammakaya. Anda bisa berkeliling kuil dan mengambil foto di kawasan ini. 

Namun, setiap wisatawan diwajibkan mengenakan pakaian sopan untuk menjaga kesucian tempat ini. Pengunjung harus mengenakan celana panjang dan baju lengan pendek atau panjang. Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan baju tanpa lengan atau tank top.

  • 16.00-17.00: Mengunjungi Gems Gallery, yaitu toko perhiasan pertama di Thailand yang cukup luas dan memiliki bangunan ikonik bergaya Thailand. Tempat ini menyajikan berbagai aksesori perhiasan dengan rentang harga dari yang termurah hingga puluhan juta rupiah. Selain itu, pengunjung juga bisa menyaksikan pertunjukan cahaya dan suara tentang dunia permata di Thailand.
  • 18.00-20.00: Makan malam dibebaskan dan dilanjut berbelanja di Maboonklong (MBK) Shopping Mall. MBK Shopping Mall merupakan pusat perbelanjaan besar di Bangkok yang menawarkan berbagai kebutuhan, mulai dari pakaian, sepatu, tas, dan pernak-pernik khas Thailand dengan harga murah. Tempat ini sudah berdiri sejak 1985 dan kini memiliki sekitar 2.000 toko yang tersebar di tujuh lantai.
  • 20.00-21.00: Diantar kembali ke hotel masing-masing.
  • 07.00-08.00: Sarapan pagi di hotel masing-masing
  • 08.00-08.30: Penjemputan di hotel.
  • 09.00-11.00: Mengunjungi Erawadee Herb Shop dan Dried Food. Erawadee adalah produsen obat alami dan produk kecantikan dari Thailand yang sudah ada sejak 1997. Anda bisa berbelanja produk-produk berkualitas dari Erawadee dengan harga yang bervariasi.

Sedangkan Dried Food Market merupakan kawasan pasar yang menjual aneka olahan makanan kering seperti permen, kerupuk, manisan, abon, dan keripik. Pasar ini terletak di tepi jalan dari Pattaya ke Bangkok.

  • 12.00-14.00: Mengunjungi Platinum Shopping Mall, yaitu pusat perbelanjaan di Bangkok yang menjual pakaian, sepatu, kosmetik, dan aksesori secara grosir maupun eceran. Mal ini terdiri dari tujuh lantai dan lebih dari 2.000 toko.
  • 14.30-15.30: Mengunjungi Four Face Buddha atau Phra Phrom, yaitu patung Buddha empat wajah yang berlokasi di Kuil Erawan, Bangkok. Patung ini disebut juga Si Mian Fo atau Buddha Berwajah Empat. Keempat wajahnya melambangkan hal yang berbeda-beda. 

Wajah arah utara melambangkan keberuntungan dalam hidup, wajah arah timur melambangkan keberuntungan dalam hubungan dan keluarga, wajah arah selatan melambangkan keberuntungan harta, dan wajah arah barat menjadi simbol kebijaksanaan dan kesehatan. Terdapat juga delapan tangan yang menjadi simbol kekuasaan Dewa Brahma.

  • 16.00-16.45: Mengunjungi Leather Shop, yaitu kawasan toko kulit di Thailand yang menyediakan berbagai produk kulit buatan tangan. Anda bisa berbelanja tas hingga sepatu yang kualitasnya terjamin awet dan tahan lama.
  • 17.30-19.00: Mengunjungi Asiatique Night Market, yaitu pasar malam besar di Bangkok yang dekat dengan pusat kota. Pasar malam ini menjadi surga belanja dan hiburan bagi masyarakat lokal maupun wisatawan mancanegara. Ada empat zona berbeda di pasar malam ini, yaitu Waterfront, Town Square, Charoenkrung, dan Factory. Asiatique Night Market dulunya adalah gudang pelabuhan sungai yang direnovasi menjadi pasar malam seperti sekarang. Anda bisa mencoba berbagai kuliner enak, berbelanja suvenir, bermain, hingga melihat pemandangan Bangkok di malam hari yang indah.
  • 20.00-21.00: Pengantaran kembali ke hotel masing-masing.
  • 07.00-10.00: Sarapan pagi di hotel masing-masing dan check out dari hotel masing-masing.
  • 10.00-22.00: Acara bebas hingga pengantaran kembali ke bandara dan disesuaikan dengan jadwal penerbangan Anda.

Paket tour Bangkok 4 hari 3 malam di Traveloka ini menawarkan perjalanan seru berkeliling ke destinasi-destinasi wisata hits. Mulai dari wisata budaya berupa kuil-kuil bersejarah, berbagai pusat perbelanjaan yang murah, hingga pasar malam seru yang menyediakan beragam kuliner khas Thailand.

Meskipun destinasi wisata yang dikunjungi lumayan banyak, paket tour Bangkok yang satu ini terbilang murah dengan kisaran harga Rp1,4 juta hingga Rp1,8 juta. Selain itu, ada beberapa keuntungan lain yang bisa Anda dapatkan jika memesan paket tour ini, yaitu:

  • Tur dipandu oleh pemandu yang berbahasa Inggris atau Indonesia (sesuai request).
  • Akomodasi hotel selama tiga malam yang lengkap dengan sarapan.
  • Transportasi menggunakan shuttle ber-AC.
  • Air minum gratis setiap hari selama tur, yaitu 1 botol per hari.
  • Asuransi perjalanan.

Nah, itulah informasi lengkap tentang paket tour Bangkok 4 hari 3 malam yang bisa Anda pesan dengan mudah lewat Traveloka. Cara pesannya cukup buka aplikasi Traveloka di ponsel Anda, cari Paket Tour Bangkok 4 Hari 3 Malam pada kolom pencarian. Kemudian pilih paket yang Anda inginkan dan lengkapi data diri. Bayar sesuai nominal dan proses pemesanan pun selesai. Nantinya Anda akan mendapatkan email mengenai panduan yang bisa dilakukan saat hendak melakukan tour. Booking paket tour Bangkok di Traveloka dan dapatkan penawaran menariknya!

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Thailand Tours & Vacations

Two women talking with their guide next to the buddhas at the WatPho temple

Thailand is an idyllic paradise, where jungle-covered karsts plunge into aquamarine waters and the sand is sugar white.

But no matter how clichéd the fantasy, Thailand delivers in spades. The water around Krabi and Ko Tao really is that deep, cool shade of blue. Phi Phi’s limestone karsts really do look like some alien world. And the food? Let’s just say your local Pad Thai has nothing on Chiang Mai’s street stalls or the floating markets of Amphawa, where little old ladies do things with fish sauce and chili you never thought possible. From the waterfalls of Erawan to a homestay with the hill tribes of the Golden Triangle, these adventures go beyond the tourist traps. Buckle up.

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Type C (European 2-pin)

Learn more about Thailand

Best time to visit thailand.

Thailand's climate is generally hot, humid, and at times (like other South East Asian countries) monsoonal. The seasons differ from coast to coast, so depending on which areas you're visiting, the weather can vary.

Thailand's mainland region is great to visit from November to February when the weather is cooler and dryer.

If you are planning on visiting the Gulf Coast (east), avoid the northeast monsoon that brings rain from October to January. For destinations like Phuket on the west side of the peninsula, the best time is November to April to avoid the other monsoon which causes Thailand's wet season from May to October.

Read more about the best time to visit Thailand

Culture and customs

Often considered the epicenter of Buddhism, religion permeates daily life in Thailand. Sprinkled throughout the country are thousands of golden temples, where you’ll find Buddhist monks in orange robes walking the streets. Young men are expected to spend some time as a monk as it bestows honor on their families. Visitors should be respectful of monks and dress modestly when visiting a temple (cover your knees and shoulders and remove your shoes).

Like other Asian nations, the concept of ‘saving face’ is important. This means avoiding conflict or embarrassment in order to preserve social standing, dignity, and honor. Thai people will go out of their way to avoid ‘losing face’. Losing your temper or raising your voice are surefire ways to lose face and can be perceived as volatile or rude.

Eating and drinking

Thai food has everything from spicy dishes packed with chilis to milder coconut-based curries. With street stalls and night markets all over the country, it's really easy to pick up a snack wherever you are in Thailand. On many Intrepid trips, you'll be given the opportunity to have dinner with a local family – this offers a great chance to see how meals are prepared and learn more about the local culture.

Things to try in Thailand

1. Pad Thai (Phat Thai)

A well-known dish but for good reason. This delicious plate of stir-fried rice noodles garnished with peanuts is full of flavor and can be served with fresh prawns, chicken, tofu, or vegetables.

2. Tom Yum (Tom Yam)

Usually prepared with stock, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and chili, this soup is widely available in Thailand and has been popularised around the world. 

3. Green curry

One of many curries that Thais do so well. Green curry consists of chicken, Thai eggplant, and chilies bathed in a coconut milk-based sauce.

4. Som tam (green papaya salad)

This northern dish of shredded raw papaya, cherry tomatoes, and green beans is a tantalizing mix of sweet, spicy, and sour flavors.

5. Coconut water

For a super fresh thirst quencher, try coconut water straight from the husk.

6. Tropical fruit

Fruit shakes and fresh fruit juices are widely available from markets and restaurants – make the most of all the tropical fruits of Thailand.

Geography and environment

Sharing borders with South East Asian neighbors  Cambodia ,   Laos ,   Malaysia   , and   Myanmar   (Burma), Thailand's natural environment varies greatly from region to region. From the steamy jungles and misty highlands in the north to the white sand beaches and picturesque islands of the south, Thailand's everchanging landscape has been fascinating and entertaining travelers for centuries. 

The capital, Bangkok, is a heaving, urban jungle with skyscrapers, street vendors, markets, cars, tuk-tuks, bicycles, and masses of people all competing for space. Despite this, there are pockets of quiet beauty to be found with parks, temples, and traditional shop fronts scattered throughout the city. 

Rural areas in the north are typically quieter, with locals living a more traditional way of life; the frenetic pace of the city giving way to a more slow-paced, agricultural-based lifestyle. Houses are simple, there's more space and less of the modern conveniences. Jungles, rivers, bamboo huts, and teak houses are more commonly seen here, and birds and other animal life are more abundant.

History and government

Early history.

Communities based on agriculture (such as rice growing) inhabited Siam (Thailand) as early as the 6th century. In the following centuries, Siam came under the influence of the Khmer, Dvaravati, and Malay cultures, with some temples and monuments in modern-day Thailand showing evidence of this influence. In the 13th century, the city of Sukhothai in northern Thailand became an important capital. The ruins of the Sukhothai Historical Park (a UNESCO World Heritage site) feature remnants of the royal palace, temples, and other buildings and highlight the artistic and architectural features of the era. 

Ayutthaya rose to prominence as the new capital in the 14th century and was considered a powerhouse of South East Asia as one of the most important centers of trade in the world. Enduring many battles, invasions, overthrows, and coups, Ayutthaya's far-reaching trade with other regions ensured a flourishing influence of art, weaponry, religion, and cuisine. Much wealth was generated by this enormous empire, with grand palaces, ornate buildings, and huge temples featured throughout the city. All this came to an end when the Burmese invaded in the 18th century, bringing the kingdom to ruin and resulting in the loss of many artistic and cultural treasures. Despite this, the ruins of the city are still standing, have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, and are a great day trip from Bangkok.

Recent history

Thonburi was established as the capital of Siam by General Taksin in the late 18th century, yet this didn't last long with Taksim being deposed and executed not long after. Bangkok was then named capital by General Chakri, who became Rama I - the first king of the Rama Dynasty.

Over the years, Siam (Thailand) remained the only South East Asian country to remain free from European colonization. In 1932, the Siamese Revolution resulted in a constitutional monarchy being formed, and in 1941, Thailand invaded French Indochina, overpowered the French, and claimed Laos.

In the last thirty years, Thailand has seen political power change hands many times, often due to coups, revolutions, and protests. Despite this, Thailand’s economy continues to grow due to its strong tourist industry. Enduring all this, the much-loved King Rama IX has reigned as the Head of State since 1946 - claiming the title of the longest-reigning monarch in the world and providing Thai people with a stable figure to rely upon.

Top 10 iconic Thai landscapes

Whether you're traveling by tuk-tuk through the crazy streets, cycling along backroads, or taking a longtail through the khlongs, the journey in Bangkok is definitely half the fun. Drop into the stunning Grand Palace, see the reclining Buddha at Wat Pho, and wind your way through floating markets.

2. Chiang Mai

This northern capital is overflowing with experiences. Temple-hop through some - or all - of its 300 temples, take a cooking class to learn the secrets of Thai cuisine, and explore the Night Bazaar for delicious food, designer goods, and a foot massage to die for.

If you ever wondered what was below Thailand's turquoise waters, this is the place to look. Learn to dive or pull on snorkeling gear to discover the fish and reefs that call this coastline home. Shark Island is close by for adrenaline seekers.

4. Hilltribe Country

Thailand's north is home to many of the country's minority groups. A hike along buffalo tracks will take you through colorful H'mong, Karen, and Lisu villages. Spend a night as their guest for a unique insight into their life.

5. Ayuthaya

Modern meets ancient in Ayuthaya. The current city intertwines itself with the remnants of what was once one of Asia's great capitals. Walk the streets in search of clues to its imperial past and hire a bike to ride through the countryside, exploring the area's ruins.

6. Sukhothai

This former capital is a history buff's heaven. Nicknamed the 'Dawn of Happiness', Sukhothai still recalls Siam's golden age with its superb statues, marvelous monuments, and lotus flowers in full bloom. A trip to the night market is a real eye-opener; try everything from fried rice to fried bugs.

The waters surrounding Krabi are dotted with hundreds of limestone karst islands. Kayakers and rock climbers will love exploring them, while others can travel to the nearby floating villages or just relax on one of the region's perfect beaches.

8. Golden Triangle

The area where the Thai, Laotian, and Burmese borders meet has long been associated with colorful cultures and illicit opium trade. The opium may have gone but the color hasn't and the markets offer all sorts of amazing local handicrafts.

9. Khao Sok National Park

For a real jungle experience, spend a couple of days in Khao Sok National Park. Thick rainforests, limestone cliffs, waterfalls, and mountains make a wild playground.

10. Kanchanaburi

This tranquil town is the jumping-off point for visits to the infamous Hell Fire Pass and River Kwai. Be sure to take a ride along the tracks of the Death Railway and reflect on the atrocities of war at the Jeath War Museum.

Top places to visit in Thailand

1. chiang mai.

Visit a park that provides a sanctuary for elephants – many of which have been rescued from the cruel practices of the elephant riding industry.

Spot schools of colorful tropical fish as you snorkel in the crystal-clear waters of Ao Nang.

Dive into the warm waters of Phuket and experience a little bit of paradise.

4. Erawan National Park

Cool off in the waters of Erawan National Park or simply stand back and watch the idyllic waterfalls.

Follow the scent of chilli and lemongrass to one of Bangkok’s many delicious food markets.

Pedal around ancient temples and ruins built as early as the 13th century at the World Heritage-listed Sukhothai Historic Park.

7. Phang Nga Bay

Phang Nga Bay, is perhaps one of Thailand's most recognisable gems. Kayak around the green waters, admiring the sheer limestone karsts that jut dramatically out of the sea.

Bustling street markets filled with colorful vendors selling an assortment of goods can be found in small villages and large towns throughout the country. Luxurious, multi-level shopping malls that rival those in European cities are increasingly popping up. 

The Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok is perhaps the largest and most extensive market in the world. Here vendors sell everything you can think of, from ceramics to Thai silk to vintage clothing. Bartering is expected at markets and most small vendors. As a rule of thumb, if the price isn’t listed, it’s negotiable. But remember, Thais appreciate friendliness and a sense of humor. The more aggressive you are in trying to get a deal, the less likely you are to get one.

Things to buy in Thailand

  • Vibrant fabric cushions, tablecloths, and hammocks
  • Silver jewelry (look for reputable stores) 
  • Handcrafted umbrellas or parasols
  • Thai silk scarves, ties, wraps, and clothing
  • Colorful Celadon ceramics
  • Tailor-made clothing

Festival and events

Loy krathong (festival of lights).

During the 12th lunar month, people across the country gather around lakes, rivers, and canals to symbolically let their worries float away in the most magical way – by releasing colorful lotus-shaped rafts holding candles, incense, and flowers onto the water.

Yee Peng (or Yi Peng)

At the same time that Loy Krathong is taking place, Chiang Mai also celebrates Yee Peng. Religious events, cultural activities, and street parades all mark this Buddhist tradition. But what makes this festival truly spectacular is the release of thousands of sky lanterns that illuminate the sky.  

Songkran (Thai New Year)

What happens when New Year’s Day falls during the height of summer? It morphs into a giant water fight. Some towns celebrate just on the day (April 13), while others stretch it out for several days of concerts, ceremonies, and other wet festivities.

Chiang Mai Flower Festival

Flowers are used in ways you never thought imaginable at this colorful three-day event in February. Come for the parade of impressive floral floats, and stay for the tasty Thai street food, music, and performances.

Public holidays that may impact travel include:

  • Makha Bucha Day

Songkran Festival (Thai New Year)

H.M. King's Coronation

Visakha Bucha Day

Queen Suthida's Birthday

King Vajiralongkorn's Birthday

Buddhist Lent Day

Queen’s Birthday

Anniversary of the Death of King Bhumibol

Chulalongkorn Day

King’s Birthday

Constitution Day

Please note dates of  Thai public holidays may vary.

Further reading

Thailand travel faqs, do i need a visa to visit thailand.

Travelers with passports from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States are exempt from a tourist visa if they are traveling for 30 days or less. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from entry to Thailand.

If you plan on staying longer as a tourist, or if you are traveling for a reason, such as study or business, you may need a visa.

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 02/11/2023

Is tipping customary in Thailand?

Tipping isn’t customary in Thailand, but feel free to leave restaurants, drivers or service workers a small tip if the service has been particularly good. It’s always appreciated.

What is internet access like in Thailand?

The Internet can be accessed at hotels and internet cafes in large cities and tourist areas but is limited in rural and remote areas.

Can I use my cell phone while in Thailand?

Cell phone coverage is generally good in Thailand’s urban areas, but may not be available on some of the islands and in more remote areas. Ensure global roaming is activated with your service provider before leaving home.

What are the toilets like in Thailand?

Squat toilets are most common in Thailand, although western-style flushable toilets can be found in larger hotels and some tourist areas. It’s a good idea to carry your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer, as they are not always provided.

Can I drink the tap water in Thailand?

Drinking tap water isn’t recommended in Thailand. Avoid drinks with ice and make sure to peel fruit before eating it. Help the environment and try to avoid buying bottled water. Instead, fill a reusable water bottle with filtered water. Your leader or hotel can tell you where to find filtered water.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Thailand?

Credit cards are usually accepted by hotels, large retailers and tourist sites but are less commonly accepted by smaller vendors and family-run restaurants in rural areas. Market stalls and street vendors will not accept credit cards. Always carry enough cash for smaller purchases in case credit cards are not an option.

What is ATM access like in Thailand?

ATMs are widely available in larger cities but are less common in small villages or rural areas. Make sure you have enough cash before leaving urban areas.

Do I need any vaccinations before visiting Thailand?

No vaccines are required in order to enter Thailand but some are recommended for protection against disease. Visit your doctor or travel clinic for advice and make sure to schedule vaccinations 4-6 weeks before your departure date, as some require time to become effective.

Is Thailand a safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

As a whole, Thailand is a hassle-free destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers. Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket all have fairly prominent gay scenes. Be aware that Thais typically do not engage in public displays of affection, regardless of sexual orientation.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting Equaldex or ILGA before you travel.

What's the transport like in Thailand?

Intrepid believes half the fun of experiencing a new country is getting there, and getting around once there! Where possible, Intrepid uses local transport options and traditional modes of transport - which usually carry less of an environmental impact, support small local operators, and are more fun.

Depending on which trip you're on while in Thailand, you may find yourself traveling by Songthaew.

Get to know the locals as you share a ride in these converted pick-up trucks. Snagging a seat on the ‘two benches’ (the literal meaning of songthaew) is a popular way of getting around South East Asia.

See Thailand from the ground level on a Saamlaw, the three-wheeled wonder. Sometimes motorized but usually pedal-powered by a local, it’s a fun way to get from A to B or see a new city's sights.

What's the accommodation like in Thailand?

Traveling with Intrepid is a little bit different. We endeavor to provide travelers with an authentic experience to remember, so we try to keep accommodations as unique and traditional as possible.

When traveling with us in Thailand you may find yourself staying in a Homestay.

Experience friendly Thai hospitality while staying with a local family living a traditional way of life. Make new friends, pick up some local lingo and leave smiling.

The ultimate room with a view - spend the night on a floating bamboo raft house. Enjoy the seclusion, soak up the serenity and leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Does my trip to Thailand support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. In fact, we make a donation on behalf of every traveler. Trips to Thailand directly support our foundation partners, EcoThailand Foundation and World Animal Protection.

Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

EcoThailand Foundation

EcoThailand Foundation is on a mission to educate and empower local communities, on the tourist Islands of Koh Phangan and Koh Paluay, about environmental issues like climate change, waste management, nature appreciation, conservation and sustainable lifestyles. Donations from our trips help EcoThailand's environmental guardianship education program for children in local state schools.

Find out more or make a donation

World Animal Protection

World Animal Protection are on a mission to free captive elephants in Thailand from suffering. Donations help them advocate for better living conditions for elephants in captivity and rescue elephants from inhumane conditions.

Learn more or make a donation

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

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Thailand Holiday Packages : rated 4.3 /5 (based on 4490 reviews) | Packages starting from ₹6,056/-

Thailand Holiday Packages

Some of the must-visit cities that one should visit on one’s trip to Thailand include Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, Ko Samui, Khao Lak, Hua Hin, etc. Those of you who wish to explore the best of beaches and islands on a Thailand vacation should plan your visit to Phuket, Krabi, Coral Islands, Phi Phi Islands, etc. However, those of you who wish to explore the best of part destinations should head forward to Bangkok and Pattaya. These two cities will offer you the best of clubs, pubs, cabaret shows, and party shacks to let you explore the best of Thailand’s nightlife. So, book your Thailand travel packages now.

Browse popular Thailand Theme Packages like: Thailand honeymoon packages , Thailand cruise packages , Thailand solo packages , Thailand group packages , Thailand family packages

Browse other popular Holiday Packages: Honeymoon Packages , Cruise Tour Packages , Beach Tour Packages , Family Packages , Adventure Tour Packages , Luxury Tour Packages , Pilgrimage Tour Packages , Wildlife Tour Packages

Places To Explore On A Thailand Tour

Among the destinations covered in the Thailand tour packages, Bangkok - the capital city - is the most popular. Wat Arun, Wat Pho, the Chapel of the Emerald Buddha, and the Grand Palace are the major tourist attractions in the Bangkok city tour. Chao Phraya dinner cruise and Safari World Zoo are other things that can be included in the customized Thailand tour packages from India.

What’s Special: Beaches, Adventures

Nearby Attractions: Phuket Fantasea, Karon Beach

Timings: 24/7 open

Major Attractions: Catch some Rays at the Patong Beach, take a stroll on the Kata Beach, swim at Karon Beach

Distance From City: 1115 Km

Transportation Options: Private vehicles, taxis

The largest island of Thailand is popular for its FantaSea cultural show, Siam Niramit Show, and Splash Jungle Waterpark which you must add to your itinerary while booking Thailand holiday packages. The nearby Phi Phi and James Bond islands are easily accessible by speedboat from Phuket. Adventure seekers can indulge in scuba diving, snorkelling, swimming, and fish-feeding at Phi Phi Island. If not that, then you can relax by the beach while watching the craziest sunset. Phuket Zoo ensures that kids and family members will have a memorable holiday while Patong Beach offers romantic activities for couples on any of TravelTriangle’s Thailand trip packages.

What’s Special: Culture, Heritage, Shopping

Nearby Attractions: Wat Arun, Khaosan Road

Major Attractions: Explore Grand Palace, explore Wat Suthat, explore National Museum and Wang Na Palace

Distance From City: 281.8 km

From legendary nightlife to historical palaces and bustling markets, the capital city offers experiences of all kinds. Tourists can enjoy a visit to the Grand Palace and shop for souvenirs and fresh produce at floating markets on a Thailand trip. Buddhist temples such as Wat Saket and Wat Arun are top places to explore on a sightseeing tour. An evening cruise on the Chao Phraya river with onboard entertainment and dinner will make people want to stay longer in Thailand. The Bangkok city tour can be extended to the nearby Ratchaburi and Kanchanaburi regions. The boat tour of Ratchaburi and Tiger Temple tour of Kanchanaburi are very popular. Your Thailand trip is incomplete without shopping and bar-hopping in Bangkok which is a must.

3. Koh Samui

What’s Special: Beaches, Adventures, Culture

Nearby Attractions: Wat Plai Laem, Wat Phra Yai

Timings: Open 24/7

Major Attractions: Take a boatride to Koh Phangan, explore Secret Buddha Garden

Distance From City: 1043.4 km

Transportation Options: Buses, taxis

The second largest island in Thailand is replete with stunning beaches, forested hills, luxury resorts, and markets. This is a must-add destination while booking Thailand packages. The island is truly a melting pot with several festivals and experiences. Buffalo Fighting Festival and Samui Regatta are must-see events on the island. The island is accessible by ferry and direct flights to Bangkok and Phuket, and is an integral part of all Thailand trip packages .

What’s Special: Beaches, views

Nearby Attractions: Tiger Cave Temple, Koh Poda

Major Attractions: Tiger Cave Temple, Railay Beach, Krabi Town, Ao Nang Beach, Maya Bay

Distance From City: 1055.4 km

Offering a bevy of enticing experiences, Krabi is one of the most popular provinces of Southern Thailand that tourists must get included in their itinerary of Thailand travel packages . Famed for its breathtaking beaches and scenic views, this archipelago of islands also let tourists indulge in a few exhilarating water activities, and feel some much-needed adrenaline rush. Here, one must check out Koh Phi Phi Island, Maya Bay, Koh Lanta Island, Koh Jum, and Koh Rok on tour packages to Thailand.

What’s Special: Night parties, Night Markets, Beaches

Nearby Attractions: Alcazar Show, Pattaya Floating Market

Major Attractions: Nong Nooch Botanical Garden, Jomtien Beach, Sanctuary of Truth

Distance From City: 401.9 km

Transportation Options: Buses, private vehicles

As one plans to hop on an excursion to this majestic Southeast Asian country, it is recommended to get Pattaya included in their Thailand packages from Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and other cities of India with airfare for a drool-worthy experience. Decked with a notorious walking street, floating market, go-go bars, and some exquisite islands off the coast, this magical location cannot be given a miss. Pattaya is another popular city included in many Thailand holiday packages .

6. Phi Phi Islands

What’s Special: Beaches, Landscape, Adventures

Nearby Attractions: Ton Sai Beach, Bamboo Island

Major Attractions: Phi Phi viewpoint, Koh Phi Phi Leh, Bambo Island, Viking Cave

Distance From City: 935 km

Phi Phi Islands is one of the most blissful and adventurous places to visit in Thailand. It is a place which is not only famous for its natural beauty but also for a plethora of adventures. The island is also rich in a variety of marine life including corals. The high limestone rock formations here make the whole landscape look even prettier.

7. Chiang Mai

What’s Special: Tribal Villages, Temples, Culture

Nearby Attractions: Wat Chedi Luang, Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep

Major Attractions: Doi Pui Village, walk around Doi Inthanon, Wat Chedi Luang

Distance From City: 500.2 km

Transportation Options: Buses, cabs

Chiang Mai is a culturally and aesthetically rich place in Thailand which is famous for its culture, temples, food and leisure. You will be able to witness the Buddhist culture here in every place you visit. The cafes here are cozy and a perfect place to go with friends or partners to enjoy some quality time and relish on the delectable Thai cuisine.

8. Koh PhaNgan

What’s Special: Full Moon Party, Beaches

Nearby Attractions: Salad Beach, Phaeng Waterfall

Major Attractions: Bottle Beach, Thong Nai Pan Noi, Salad Beach, Haad Yao Beach, Haad Rin

Distance From City: 1048.3 km

The real heaven for beach and party lovers is Koh PhaNgan in Thailand. The beautiful beaches and the full moon party at Haad Rin Beach is what you need to enjoy when in Koh PhaNgan which will blow away your senses. There are densely thick forests as well in the area which gives an intense look to the whole vibe of the island.

What’s Special: Temples, Culture, Shopping

Nearby Attractions: Klai Kangwon Palace

Major Attractions: Hua Hin Night Market, eat and shop at Plearn Wan

Distance From City: 471.9 km

Hua Hin is one of the best places to visit in Thailand which is popular for its culture, temples, small hamlets, and beaches. Here you will be able to enjoy the pure and authentic Thai culture. A lot of markets are also here where one can enjoy local shopping experience.

10. Similan Islands

What’s Special: Beaches, Diving Sites

Nearby Attractions: Similan Islands, National Park, Ko Miang

Major Attractions: Similan Islands National Park, Ko Tachai Island, Elephant Head Rock

Distance From City: 880 km

Transportation Options: Private vehicles

This 84 km long stretch of islands in the Andaman Sea are best known for its marine life. The exotic coral reefs and the marine species can be best explored by adventures like snorkeling and scuba diving.

11. Ko Samet

What’s Special: Beaches, Natural Beauty

Nearby Attractions: Ao Nuan, Prao Beach

Major Attractions: Ao Prao Beach, Ao Wai, Sai Kaew Beach

Distance From City: 371 km

Transportation Options: Cabs, buses

One of the eastern islands of Thailand, Ko Samet is a beautiful combination of natural beauty and heavenly charm. Definitely a place that needs to be on your list of offbeat places in Thailand.

What’s Special: Beaches, Coral Reefs, Pristine Beauty

Nearby Attractions: Ko Sak

Major Attractions: Samae Beach, Tien Beach, Nual Beach, Ta Yai Beach

Distance From City: 329 km

Transportation Options: Private vehicles, cabs

Ko Lan is a very small island located off the coast of Pattaya in the Gulf of Thailand. Known for its beaches and coral reefs, the island is set against a backdrop of hills that are the heaven of this place. A normal vacation can become extraordinary when you visit Ko Lan.

13. Erawan National Park

What’s Special: Waterfalls, Tranquil Nature

Nearby Attractions: Taweechai Elephant Camp, Sai Yok Noi Waterfall

Timings: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Major Attractions: Erawan National Park private tour, river Kwai private tour

Distance From City: 385.4 km

Transportation Options: Taxi, buses, private vehicles

One of the most popular national parks in Thailand is the Erawan National Park. Located in West Thailand within the hills of Tenasserim, it houses some of the most popular waterfalls in the world. It covers an area of approximately 550 km² and offers heavenly vibes on entering it.

14. Ko Lipe

What’s Special: Coral Reefs, Water Sports, Bamboo Bungalows

Nearby Attractions: Sunset Beach, Ko Usen, Bulow Beach

Major Attractions: Sunrise Beach, Pattaya Beach, Sanom Beach

Distance From City: 1059 km

Transportation Options: Private vehicles, cab

Ko Lipe is another island located in the Andaman Sea very close to the border of Malaysia. The island is full of sandy beaches and various dive sites where you can engage in scuba diving, snorkeling and many other water sports.

15. Doi Inthanon National Park

What’s Special: Pristine Natural Beauty, Mountains, Temples

Nearby Attractions: Sirithan Waterfall

Timings: 5:30 am - 6:30 pm

Major Attractions: Mai Hong Son Loop Tour

Distance From City: 557.1 km

Transportation Options: Cab, private vehicles

Another popular national park in Thailand, it has lots of waterfalls, trails, some remote villages, vantage points, and many birdwatching avenues. The park is also popular as "The Roof of Thailand", with high-rise mountains that touch the clouds. It is a humble abode for adventure seekers, particularly trekkers.

Thailand Tour Packages From Top Cities of India

Book a marvelous vacation to Thailand and tour the islands, temples, beaches, and try the scrumptious cuisines with our list of Thailand tour packages from various Indian cities. Opt for the most suitable travel package listings: Thailand Packages from Delhi , Thailand Packages from Mumbai , Thailand Packages from Bangalore , Thailand Packages from Hyderabad , Thailand Packages from Chennai , Thailand Packages from Ahmedabad , Thailand Packages from Kolkata .

Check India Tour Packages: Goa Tour Packages | Kerala Tour Packages | Manali Tour Packages | Andaman Tour Packages | Rajasthan Tour Packages | Kashmir Tour Packages | Himachal Tour Packages | Sikkim Tour Packages | Uttarakhand Tour Packages | Darjeeling Tour Packages | Ooty Tour Packages  | Ladakh Tour Packages | South India Tour Packages | North East Tour Packages  | Karnataka Tour Packages

Check International Tour Packages: Maldives Tour Packages | Dubai Tour Packages | Bali Tour Packages | Europe Tour Packages | Singapore Tour Packages  | Sri Lanka Tour Packages | Bhutan Tour Packages | Nepal Tour Package | Switzerland Tour Packages |  Mauritius Tour Packages  | Seychelles Tour Packages

Why Choose Thailand Tour Package From Us?

Every Thailand holiday package is a curated collection of experiences put together by the travel experts at Travel Triangle, who are seasoned travelers who have taken the trip multiple times. This means no one else can take you on a Thailand tour like us. Furthermore, Travel Triangle makes sure that you get the most out of your Thailand trip. You, therefore, have the freedom to customize a Thailand holiday that checks all your boxes of things to do in Thailand. Wherever you live in India, Thailand beckons as it enjoys direct connectivity with all the major cities of India like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. So, pack your bags and get ready for the ultimate vacation. Read on to find out more about your dream Thailand vacation.

Things To Do In Thailand

The Thailand holiday packages cater to the needs of travelers of every segment and every pocket size. The feature of customizing the Thailand itinerary allows the booker to choose from a myriad of destinations and activities that Thailand has to offer. Another beckoning aspect of the Thailand tour itineraries is that these are specially crafted by TravelTriangle’s travel experts, keeping in mind, the requirements of the traveling couples. Couples can expect all types of facilities such as sightseeing tours of major cities of Thailand, thrilling activities, rejuvenating leisure periods, hassle-free local as well as inter-state transfers, and most importantly luxurious and comfortable accommodations from this itinerary.

From visiting the floating markets to island hopping, a trip to Thailand is quintessential. Not only the country is rich in culture and history but is also known for hosting exquisite full moon parties and water sports that ensure a holistic holiday experience.

Some of the major activities you can enjoy on Thailand tours are mentioned below:

1. Have a Thai Massage

For the ultimate relaxation, a Thai massage is the best option. With several types of aromatic oils and treatments to choose from, getting rid of everyday stress becomes easy. These massage parlors line the streets at most popular markets, and one can simply walk in, even for a foot massage. No Thailand travel packages can be deemed complete without a rejuvenating massage and spa session.

2. Travel by Scooter

On a leisure day, one can choose to hire a two wheeler, and roam the beautiful locations on their own. Not only will this save money and is more environment-friendly, but one can also get to feel like a local in a country that isn’t their own. Mind it, a valid international driver’s licence is required for the same.

3. Eat Street Food

Now, what trip to Thailand will be complete without sampling some of their amazing street food. Fast, cheap and tasty, the street food is sure to enthrall everybody with its freshness, its innovation and of course, the cheap prices.

4. Go to a Full Moon Party

A full-moon party in Thailand is a must do! These parties last the entire night, preferably on the beach, with live music and loads to eat and drink. The original full-moon party was held on Ko Pha-ngan, but since then there are several variants of the original party held at various beaches. To get the best information about this, make sure to get in touch with locals.

5. Go Snorkeling

Some of the small islands in Thailand offer travelers a chance to view the colorful underwater world. One such place is Koh Lanta, which is home to some of the best dive sites in the world. With gorgeous coral and marine life to rival that of even the Great Barrier Reef, it is a great place for novice as well as professionals.

6. Beach Hopping

Thailand is known for its beautiful and relaxing beaches. They offer great views, a calming environment, and an ambience that takes away your stress. These beaches in Thailand are an epitome of peace and serenity. A Thailand trip package is not complete if you don’t include beach hopping as an activity to your trip. The beaches not only give you a chance to stroll amidst the white pristine sands, but also offer amazing adventurous activities such as snorkeling, kayaking, and more.

7. Explore Wildlife

There are many wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in Thailand that boast of beautiful wildlife and gives an insight into the flora and fauna. Few of the wildlife sanctuaries that are home to some of the most exotic animals and flora are The Tiger Kingdom, Sai Yok National Park, and Chompoo Wildlife Sanctuary. A great Thailand trip package will always have a visit to one of the wildlife sanctuaries.

8. Shopping Spree

From handicrafts stalls to huge shopping malls to wine shops, Thailand offers an unparalleled shopping experience. The shops in Thailand are famous for textiles, fabrics, intricate weaving on clothes, amazing handicrafts and the list just goes on. When in Thailand, it is imperative to indulge in a shopping spree and thanks to the throw-away prices the shopping cart will never be full. The impressive superfluity of items such as jewelry, textiles, pottery, and spices that can not be found anywhere else makes the Thailand travel package incomplete without a shopping spree.

9. Cruise Rides

Cruise rides and cruise dinners are few of the most iconic things to do in Thailand. The cruises in Thailand are humongous, illuminated, and boasts some of the most amazing facilities on board. These cruises are known for the exceptional views they offer, along with features such as live music, classical Thai dance, other events that are food for the soul. The cruise, can be included in cheap thailand packages, also offers a chance to experience the views with mouth-watering delectable delicacies of Thai cuisines and other international cuisines.

10. Temple Hopping

Temples in Thailand attract a large number of tourists from around the world. The marvellous architecture, unique and expansive design, and woodwork in the temples makes these temples a sight to behold. There are over 40,000 temples in Thailand, and each and every temple is unique in its own way and woos tourists in their own ways. Temples like Wat Pho, Wat Khao Rang, and Wat Thuma Sua are some of the famous temples in Thailand.

5 Best Beaches in Thailand

Add the following scenic beaches to your Thailand holiday packages including flights and traverse the natural beauty of the place with your buddies.

1. Maenam Beach, Koh Samui

Listed under the category of the best Thailand beaches, the Maenam Beach should be a part of your Thailand holiday packages including flights. With more than four miles of silky white sand lapped in serene surf, and dotted with high-end resorts the beach is sure to offer you the most aesthetic backdrops and lavish facilities.

2. Sunset Beach, Koh Lipe

Situated in Thailand's southernmost isle, Sunset Beach is a bungalow-dotted beach. Named for the bewitching sunsets that brighten the horizon every nightfall, the dusk here is undoubtedly the prime time to hit the sand. This beach is a native's favorite hangout spot and is also popular amongst Malaysian travelers. This is a must-visit beach on your Thailand trip from India.

3. Thong Nai Pan Noi, Kon Phangan

Thong Nai Pan Noi is a tranquil and soul-soothing beach in Thailand. It's a long crescent Thai beach that is surrounded by many luxurious accommodations ranging from family-owned bungalows to exclusive upscale retreats. To experience a bohemian vibe one can also go to the small village of Noi, which houses tattoo shops, raging full moon parties, and sees backpackers in large numbers.

4. Phra Nang Cave Beach, Krabi

The Phra Nang Cave Beach is accessible only through a 20 minute long-tail boat ride from Ao Nang. When on the beach one will notice the velvety texture of the sand which is best from May to December. Add this beach to your Thailand trip from India packages and explore activities like kayaking, snorkeling, or rock climbing at this picturesque beach.

5. Sairee Beach, Koh Tao

Sairee Beach is perhaps the island's longest and most popular beach in Thailand. Ideal for families, couples, and kids the beach has many adventurous activities on its edge. When here one can notice the array of buzzing bars and restaurants around. If you wish to witness choreographed fire shows and a techno music blast then do not miss this beach.

How To Reach Thailand?

Thailand tour packages from India cover destinations such as Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, and Koh Samui. Direct flights to Bangkok, Phuket, Koh Samui, and Krabi are available from the major Indian cities - Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. While flights from Delhi and Mumbai are more popular, those from Chennai and Kolkata are more economical. Take a look below to find out the best way to travel here, before availing Thailand tour packages .

The ideal way to easily reach Thailand can be said to be by air. With several airlines such as IndiGo, Spicejet, Air India and Thai Airlines, among several others, offering daily flights to different destinations in Thailand, it becomes easy to fly here. Choose from several international airports in Thailand to land on, and a great trip is sure to be had. Most major cities of India offer regular, cheap flights to Bangkok, and one can take advantage of such fare when planning in advance.

Although it is not recommended, due to the excessive time it takes, one can travel to Thailand from India via road transfer. It would take 3 days or so to complete the journey. The road takes one through Manipur in the Northeastern region of India, across Myanmar, with the road opening up in Mae Sot in Thailand. With the amount of traveling that might be expected here, along with the multiple visa requirements, it is the best and cheapest option to travel by air.

There isn’t any way to travel to Thailand via the sea for commercial tourists. There are freight ships that travel from India to Thailand, but they are allowed to carry mostly goods. Also, the journey would be too long as well as expensive to consider.

Best Time To Visit Thailand

For the most part, the weather in Thailand remains humid and hot across the year, apart from the cool season. That doesn’t stop the tourists from arriving in hordes for enjoying a superb vacation here. The country experiences three distinctive seasons, namely the hot, the cool and the wet or rainy season. Take a look at the best season to visit it, before settling on one of the tour packages for Thailand.

Hot Season (March to June)

The hot season, lasting from March to June, brings with it the hottest months of the year for Thailand, April and May. One can expect to have most of Thailand free from tourists, almost like having the entire country to themselves. The rates for hotels and activities also witness a downward spiral, so it is a good time for budget travelers to enjoy a trip.

Cool Season (November to February)

The cool season of Thailand lasts from November to February, or early March. The winter season, i.e November - March, is the best time to visit Thailand. The weather is much more pleasant during these months. However, families, friends, and honeymooners book holiday packages to Thailand all year round. This is the main tourist season for Thailand, and one can expect the main tourist destinations to be absolutely chock-a-block full of people. Several events, musical or otherwise, are held at various spots.

Wet Season (June to October)

Although the entire rainy season lasts from June to October, the onset of the rainy season changes every year and varies a bit depending on the location. Although the weather won’t be absolutely perfect, one can hope to have most of the beaches to themselves. The flight rates and accommodation options would also plunge accordingly, giving people a chance to enjoy a longer duration stay.

So, now as travelers have got some ideas in regards to the most suitable time to visit Thailand, they may plan for a Thailand tour package with airfare to this vibrant location basis their preferences. Or, they can also go through our list of diligently crafted itineraries of the destination. There are packages for newlyweds, solo travelers, adventure-junkies, and families. What’s more? One can always get these itineraries customized as per their favorite attractions and activities they want to cherish, or even if they want to get the Thailand trip cost from India altered, the option is always available to them.

Bestselling Thailand Tour Packages

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Thailand Packages By Cities

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Showing 382 Thailand Tour Packages

Romantic Bangkok And Phuket Honeymoon Tour

Best Bangkok & Phuket Honeymoon Package For A Pocket Friendly Vacation

₹ 19,000/- ₹ 20,652/-.

Per Person on twin sharing

  • Beach Holiday
  • Phi Phi Island tour
  • Dinner Cruise
  • Temple Tour

Hotel included in package:

  • Phuket (3D)
  • Bangkok (3D)

Upto 3 Stars

  • Sightseeing

Pattaya Package 4 Days And 3 Nights

Top Selling 3 Nights And 4 Days Pattaya Tour Packages

₹ 14,000/- ₹ 15,556/-.

  • Coral Island
  • Beach Visit
  • Cultural shows
  • Pattaya (4D)

Upto 4 Stars

No Room(s) Selected

Trendy Thailand Tour Package

₹ 32,000/- ₹ 35,556/-.

  • Island Tours
  • Adventure Safari
  • Extensive sightseeing
  • Bangkok city
  • Koh Samui (3D)

Grab the best Thailand travel deal by booking this customizable 5 nights 6 days Thailan....

Hotels recommended by our Travel Experts

Expert Rating

Amari Ocean Pattaya

Sensational Pattaya Honeymoon Tour Package

Sensational Pattaya Honeymoon Tour Package

₹ 19,000/- ₹ 21,111/-.

  • Alcazar Cabaret
  • Candlelight Dinner

Experience the joy of vacationing in one of the most romantic cities in the world - Pat....

View Thailand Tour Packages from

Best Of Thailand Package

Fascinating Thailand Tour Packages For A Happening Thailand Vacation

₹ 32,000/- ₹ 36,000/-.

  • Best sellers
  • Safari World
  • Pattaya (2D)

Breathtaking Bangkok Tour Package

Breathtaking Bangkok Tour Package

₹ 23,000/- ₹ 25,275/-.

  • Krabi City Tour
  • Marine Park

Bangkok and Krabi are two such destinations which enjoy a special place in Thailand tou....

Stunning Phuket Honeymoon Package

Stunning Phuket Honeymoon Package

₹ 22,000/- ₹ 24,176/-.

  • Ideal for Couples
  • James Bond Island
  • Rassada Harbour
  • Hill station
  • Phuket (4D)

Your dream honeymoon comes true with this 3 night 4 days honeymoon package, including a....

Superb Thailand Tour Package

Superb Thailand Tour Package

₹ 35,000/- ₹ 38,462/-.

  • Bangkok city tour
  • Dubai Sightseeing
  • Phuket (2D)
  • Pattaya (3D)

Located in Southeast Asia, Thailand is one of the major places of tourist interest and ....

Thailand Package For 4 Nights 5 Days

Explore Our Best-Selling 4 Nights 5 Days Thailand Tour Packages

₹ 23,000/- ₹ 25,000/-.

  • Pristine beaches
  • Optional Watersports

Incredible Thailand Honeymoon Package

Incredible Thailand Honeymoon Package

₹ 25,000/- ₹ 27,778/-.

  • Phuket FantaSea Show
  • 4 Islands Tour

Specially crafted for honeymooners, the ideal 5 days 4 nights Phuket honeymoon ....

Mesmerizing Phuket Honeymoon Package

Mesmerizing Phuket Honeymoon Package

₹ 18,000/- ₹ 20,647/-.

  • Siam Niramit
  • Chinese Junk Boat
  • Phuket (5D)

Explore the Pearl of the Andaman Sea with your loved one by booking the romantic

Pleasurable Pattaya Tour Package

Pleasurable Pattaya Tour Package

₹ 12,500/- ₹ 13,736/-.

Grab this tastefully created 3 nights, 4 days Pattaya tour package for....

Swanky Vacation At Splendid Krabi

Swanky Vacation At Splendid Krabi

₹ 25,500/- ₹ 28,022/-.

  • Hot Springs
  • Leisure Time

Famed for its breathtaking views, enchanting beaches and islands while sitting on the s....

Upto 5 Stars

Rejuvenating Thailand Tour Package

Rejuvenating Thailand Tour Package

₹ 29,800/- ₹ 33,483/-.

  • Buddhist temple

Set out for an unforgettable holiday with this 6 nights 7 days Thailand tour pa....

Phuket Krabi Honeymoon Package

Phuket Krabi Honeymoon Package

₹ 29,800/- ₹ 35,760/-.

  • Phi Phi Island

Indulge in the spirit of love with the romantic 4 nights 5 days Phuket Krabi ho....

Adventurous Phuket Family Package

Adventurous Phuket Family Package

₹ 27,800/- ₹ 30,889/-.

  • Family Trip
  • Phang Nga Bay
  • Scuba Diving

A gorgeous mountainous island in Thailand, Phuket is an incredible place to visit for a....

Amazing Thailand Tour Package

Amazing Thailand Tour Package

₹ 34,800/- ₹ 38,242/-.

  • Phuket Sightseeing

Thailand, the land of beaches, royal palaces, tranquil seas and ancient ruins; is a Sou....

Amazing Trip To Bangkok And Phuket

Amazing Trip To Bangkok And Phuket

₹ 39,900/- ₹ 43,846/-.

  • Ideal For Family
  • Bangkok (2D)

If you are stuck with your daily routine and want an escape from it, nothing is better ....

Exhilarating Bangkok Pattaya Honeymoon Package

Exhilarating Bangkok Pattaya Honeymoon Package

₹ 29,900/- ₹ 32,857/-.

  • Alcazar Show

With our Bangkok Pattaya packages for 5 days for couple, let your next....

Splendid Bangkok Pattaya Honeymoon Package

Splendid Bangkok Pattaya Honeymoon Package

Set off for a truly immersive experience with a 4 nights 5 days Bangkok Pattaya....

Thailand Family Tour Package To Pattaya And Bangkok

Thailand Family Tour Package To Pattaya And Bangkok

₹ 11,000/- ₹ 12,500/-.

  • Watersports

For an amazing vacation with your loved ones, explore Thailand - the Land of Smiles wit....

Honeymoon Tour To Beguiling Bangkok

Honeymoon Tour To Beguiling Bangkok

₹ 9,000/- ₹ 9,890/-.

Renowned for its happening culture, seafood, magnificent architecture and nightlife, th....

Amazing Bangkok Honeymoon Package

Amazing Bangkok Honeymoon Package

  • Koh Samui (2D)

Those looking forward to a romantic trip, after exchanging vows can book a 6 ni....

Best Of Thailand Honeymoon Package

Best Of Thailand Honeymoon Package

₹ 26,000/- ₹ 30,875/-.

For ultimate romance on the beautiful beaches of Thailand, plan your honeymoon with the....

Romantic Phuket Sightseeing Tour Packages

Sea, Sand, Palms, And Beautiful Sky Best Describe Phuket

Thailand tour packages by theme, hotels in thailand by star ratings, hotels in thailand by themes, property types in thailand, faqs about thailand tour packages, how much would a thailand tour cost.

Your Thailand trip will cost you anywhere between INR 8,000 for a 4 days tour to INR 135,000 for 6 days, covering various cities. These prices are, obviously, based upon the number of days you stay there, the cities you cover, the hotels you stay at and the experiences that you want to indulge in.

Is Thailand cheaper than India?

For those wondering, India is cheaper than Thailand in many aspects. Local activities, travel, accommodations, food are all comparatively way cheaper in India. Even the hostels in India are available at cheaper prices than in Thai cities. However, our Thailand tour packages are customizable so you can make your own itinerary at your own budget range.

What time is best for Thailand trip?

The most appropriate time to go on a Thailand trip is during the months between November and early April when temperatures range from 29°C to 34°C. But take note, the climate varies throughout the country and you can tour all year round. But the suggested time to opt for a Thailand tour package is between November and April.

Which Thailand tour package is best?

A majority of travelers prefer to opt for a 5 day 4 nights Thailand tour package. As the package is not that expensive, covers most of the destinations, and comprises a variety of places of visit. Having said that, you can always check out our long list of Thailand travel packages and pick the most suitable one for yourself.

What are the best Thailand tour packages offered by TravelTriangle?

Below listed are some of the best Thailand tour packages offered by us:

Bewitching Bangkok Sightseeing Tour Package

Best Of Thailand Holiday Package

An Awesome Pattaya Tour Package

How does one attain a VISA for Thailand?

Indian tourists may apply for a tourist visa-on-arrival for a period of 15 days or less at the immigration checkpoints. The applicants need to possess 10,000 Baht per person and 20,000 Baht per family as means of living expenses. Full paid return tickets usable within 15 days since the date of arrival must also be produced whenever required. The applicant also needs to attach his/her recent photograph (2 ½ inches) to the application form.

What kind of clothing should you pack for Thailand?

Light natural fabrics are sufficient for the hot and humid months of April - June. Sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hat, and mosquito repellent bands are some accessories that all must carry. But, we recommend you to not wear very short shorts and sleeveless tees/tops in public. In July and September, you must also carry full sleeves and long pants in addition to the light fabrics. Raincoats and umbrellas must also be carried at all times. A mix of light fabrics and light woolens must be carried for the winter tour packages of Thailand.

What are the outdoor things to do in Thailand?

  There are so many ways to spend time in Thailand during a vacation. Try these top 7 outdoor things to do in Thailand :

  • Island Hopping in Thailand as there are around 300 islands; start from Thai Island and then continue.
  • Be the audience in Muay Thai fight which is Thailand’s national sport. Head to the Lumpinee Stadium in Bangkok for the Thai fight.
  • Take a Street-food tour in Thailand and explore the various cuisines available at affordable prices. Get a local guide to know more about the dishes you try.
  • Visit one of the famous floating markets in Bangkok at Damnoen Saduak which is just 60 miles from the city.
  • Take a tour of the Grand Palace which has been the home to the king, his court, and the government of Thailand as well as the Royal Mint for nearly 150 years.
  • Spend an Evening in Nana Plaza (Soi 4) which is located along the main road which has its route through Bangkok, and is known as Sukhumvit road.
  • Take part in the Water Fight during Songkran as Songkran is celebrated as the traditional New Year of Thailand.

What kind of meals are provided on a Thailand tour?

There is provision for vegetarian, non-vegetarian, and Jain meals. The meals are generally priced around INR 400 per meal per person. But we request you to mention the same to the travel agent at the time of booking.

What are the items that one must shop for in Thailand?

  Thailand can seem like a dream come true for shopaholics, with almost everything under the sun available for purchase, and that too at very economical rates. You can purchase the following stuff from Thailand:

  • Apparels of the latest designs
  • Thai silk scarves
  • Soap carvings
  • Tribal handmade artifacts
  • Designer knockoffs of purses
  • Fruit soaps
  • Paper umbrellas
  • Triangle pillows
  • Noodles of a multitude of flavors
  • Thai spices
  • Dried/dehydrated fruits
  • Loads of sweet and savory snacks

What is an ideal tour duration to Thailand?

  Thailand is a diverse land, full of amazing places to visit and things to do, and in order to do its exploration complete justice, you would need to spend at least 6 to 7 days here. Depending upon the destinations that you want to include in your trip, plan at least a couple of days at all of the places along with a minimum of 3 days in Bangkok. Take a look at how long you should stay at some of the more popular destinations of Thailand, and mix and match to create the perfect itinerary:

  • Bangkok (3 days)
  • Phuket (2 days)
  • Pattaya (2 days)
  • Koh Samui (2 days)
  • Krabi (2 days)

Which are some of the best islands in Thailand?

  The beauty of Thailand and its islands is something that needs to be seen and experienced to be believed. Each island is more beautiful than the last, but here is a list of which ones you mustn’t miss:

  • Koh Phi Phi Le for the feeling of being at a secluded beach
  • Koh Lipe for snorkeling
  • Koh Khai for a gorgeous natural stone arch formation on the beach
  • Koh Yao Yai for kayaking in the mangroves
  • Koh Adang for hiking to stunning viewpoints
  • Koh Samet for fire shows
  • Koh Phangan for a party atmosphere
  • Koh Tarutao for lush jungles and sacred shrines
  • Koh Khram Yai for sunbathing alone

What are the best places to shop in Thailand?

  The best places to shop in Thailand are Phuket Weekend Market, Jungceylon Shopping Mall, Central Festival Phuket, Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok, Central World, Pratunam Market, and Union Mall.

What are some amazing water sports to try in Thailand?

  Some amazing water sports to try in Thailand are banana boat ride, scuba diving, wakeboarding, kite surfing, snorkeling, windsurfing, and sailing.

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Thailand Tour Packages Reviews

Read on to find out why our customers love us!

Mailkirthikak's 7 days trip to Thailand


Supriti's 6 days trip to Thailand

Supriti Biswas

Payal's 5 days trip to Thailand

Payal Bansal

Subramanian's 8 days trip to Thailand

Subramanian Venkat

Richa's 2 days trip to Thailand

B's 6 days trip to thailand.

B Santhoshkumar

Vish's 8 days trip to Thailand

Rahul's 6 days trip to thailand.

Rahul Islam

Ravi's 9 days trip to Thailand

Ravi Yagnik

Dipika's 7 days trip to Thailand

Dipika Panda


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Travel Stories

The Thailand tourism packages include more than just the city tours and sightseeing shenanigans. The experiences that comprises of the culinary delights, the traditional rendezvous, and experiential tours enriches the whole journey of a traveler. The ample time provided on such tours like that of the Thailand packages from Mumbai makes sure that a traveler enjoys plenty of the experiences other than the popular attractions and tours. The leisure time provided on the Thai trips and holidays provides an opportunity to the travelers to indulge in more than just a normal person would do. Explore the streets and neighborhoods of Thailand on a trip to get a feel of how the locals live. By getting an experience of it and indulging in local food dishes offered at the many stalls in the vibrant markets of Thailand, one can enjoy the true and authentic flavor of Thailand.

Take a look at the personal experiences of a few of our travelers, who went to tour this beautiful country with well-planned tour packages for Thailand from TravelTriangle.

1. Nothing Better than Thailand for an All Boys Trip!

Duration: 4N/5D

Accommodation: Hotel

Experiences: Blue lagoons, sunny beaches, night markets & more

Come Back for: Koh Samui

My friend and I had been itching to go traveling for a long time, and as soon as we found some time, we started looking at options. With a perfect trip in mind, a total boy’s vacation, we decided on Thailand. Spending 4 nights, 5 days in Thailand, we managed to cover Bangkok, Phuket, Phi Phi Island and Krabi, with help from TravelTriangle. We knew we had a lot to cover, with beaches, night markets, street food, dance shows and so much more waiting for us in this glorious land. Our main attraction was beaches, and we managed to fit in quite a few, from Railay Beach to Tup Island, from Chicken Island to Phi Phi Island, and many others. And each of them was better than the last. What can we say, the trip was perfect, so was the hotel (we spent long, lazy hours in the pool)! The food at the hotel as well as the street food was delicious; whereas the sightseeing was impeccable as were the transfers.

Read Full Story Here

2. When Girls Have All the Fun: A Thai Escapade

Duration: 8N/9D

Accommodation: Resort

We had been looking for a way to get all of our friends together for a girl’s trip away, and Thailand was the chosen destination. With assistance from the TravelTriangle team and agent associates, it became pretty evident from Day 1 that we were gonna have a great trip. The sparkling nightlife was a big attraction for going on Thailand Holidays , but we were also assured by TravelTriangle that it is a pretty safe destination for an all girls trip. The highlight had to be the Alcazar Cabaret show on the first day! What acrobatics and moves! We also covered Coral Island and Tiger Park, and there was never a dull moment. But, the best part was yet to come: SHOPPING! For shopaholics like us, Bangkok is a paradise, offering apparels, footwear, accessories, electronics and even items we have never heard about at such affordable prices! We shopped till we dropped! All in all, this was a trip of a lifetime.

3. Thailand: A Shopaholic’s Dream Come True

Duration: 6N/7D

Experiences: Adventure, gorgeous lagoons, super night markets

Come Back for: Chiang Mai

I like traveling solo, and have been to several places all by myself. But this time, we planned on a girl’s trip. My friends and I were looking for a place that would let us relax and yet have an adventurous time. Aiming to have all the fun that we could, we decided on Thailand as our perfect vacation spot. The package and the agent that was finalized via TravelTriangle was quite good. We got to see a lot of this beautiful country, from Phuket to Phi Phi Islands, from Bangkok to Krabi and so much more in-between on our Thailand Holidays . I can easily say that all the boxes on our travel bucket list were checked on this trip. While beaches were inviting and relaxing, some of them offered amazing chances to feel the adrenaline rushing through our veins. We loved kayaking on the Hong Island tour, visiting night markets in Bangkok, the stunning Ocean World tour and several other such excursions. Totally worth it; and we didn't even have to spend any precious time planning the trip.

Best Places To Stay In Thailand

When visiting a place like Thailand, it is always a good idea to stay close to the beach so that one can enjoy the sea breeze, amazing seafood and of course, the long walks on the beach. One can find some amazing places to stay all across the country, from Koh Samui to Krabi, from Bangkok to Pattaya on this Thailand Tour . Based on what sort of experiences one wants, what sort of attractions one wants to stay near and what levels of comfort one needs, choose the best possible accommodation. There are plenty of options for luxury travelers, as well as for budget ones, so one can take their pick easily.

Here are 5 of the most Fantastic Hotels in Thailand:

1. Amari Ocean Pattaya

Star Category: 5 star

Starting Price (Per Night): INR 7,000

Location: 240 Beach Rd, Pattaya City, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri 20150, Thailand

The resort has some of the most luxurious rooms and facilities, Amari is a top choice for business and leisure travelers. It’s restaurant and services like swimming pools,beach views, airport shuttles and so much more just add to the elegance.

2. The Marina Phuket Hotel

Star Category: 4 star

Starting Price (Per Night): INR 1,500

Location: 240/9 Phangmuang Sai Kor Road, Patong, Kathu Patong Beach 83150, Thailand

The Marina Phuket Hotel is a luxurious 4 star property where you can escape the bustle of city life. Located alongside the Patong Beach, the hotel has a fabulous rooftop pool and bar which caters to all its guests.

3. Impiana Resort

Starting Price (Per Night): INR 3,000

Location: 41 Thaweewong Rd, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150, Thailand

The Impiana Resort is a 4 star, sea facing resort in Phuket catering to all your fancies for a luxury stay. Inviting business and leisure travelers, it offers facilities like swimming pools, shuttles, bars, BBQ and so many more!

4. Hilton Pattaya

Starting Price (Per Night): INR 9,500

Location: 333/101 ???? 9, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri 20260, Thailand

Hilton Pattaya is one of the finest hotels in Thailand and located in southeast Asia's largest beachfront shopping complex. The hotel is located in the heart of the city and is close to many attractions and cafes.

5. Santhiya Koh Yao Yai Resort & Spa

Starting Price (Per Night): INR 5,000

Location: 88 Moo 7, Phunai, Koh Yao, Phang nga, 83000 Ko Yao Yai, Thailand

A cozy accommodation featuring a wide array of facilities is how we can define this resort. It has a swimming pool, superb beach views and offers delectable Thai cuisine at its in-house restaurant. This is the epitome of accommodation in Thailand.

What to Eat Authentic Local Dishes?

For the adventurous gastronomic, Thai cuisine is not just limited to Pad Thai, Red Curry or Khao Pad. One can indulge in all sorts of decadent delights here, such as the seafood soups, fritters, mushrooms and innovative meat dishes. The delicious dishes of Thailand definitely warrant a taste, and the best ones are available at the street markets. Make sure to try Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup), Som Tum (Spicy Green Papaya Salad) and Kai Med Ma Muang (Chicken with Cashew Nuts). For vegetarians, the choices are endless as well, with fresh fruits and exotic vegetables ensuring one has an equally enthralling journey. Some hotels offer special vegetarian cuisine for those availing Thailand tour packages from India .

Here are 5 of the most amazing restaurants in Thailand offering authentic and exotic dishes:

1. Anchan Vegetarian Restaurant

Cuisines: Vegan, seafood, organic

Timings: 11:30 am to 8:15pm

TripAdvisor Rating: 4.5

Location: 28 Nimmanhaemin Road, Tambon SuThep, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

The Anchan Vegetarian Restaurant is highly popular for its delicious curries and vegetarian food options.

The menu changes weekly and is rich in seasonal as well as organic produce. If you are looking for vegan food, this restaurant offers some of them as well - a rare offering in Thailand.

2. Blue Elephant Bangkok

Cuisines: Thai

Timings: 11 am to 9:30 pm

Location: Surasak BTS Station, 233 S Sathon Rd, Yan Nawa Sathon Surasak, Bangkok 10120, Thailand

Located in Bangkok, the restaurant is situated in a beautiful Chinese-colonial style mansion. The regal setting is appropriate as the menu is full of the royal Thai cuisine. Witness some traditional cooking techniques of the past and taste the bold flavours that will keep you wondering about the ingredients.

3. Feuang Nara

Timings: 11 am to 11 pm

TripAdvisor Rating: 4

Location: 3 Naradhiwat Rajanagarindra Rd, Silom, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand

The restaurant is set in an old family home and offers delectable and authentic Thai food. Taste traditional specialities like the Tom Yam Gung soup and Pad Thai. The restaurant also serves fresh seafood like spiced and salted shrimps with delicious fried snapper.

4. Suay Restaurant

Timings: 4 pm to 11 pm

TripAdvisor Rating: 5

Location: 4, 177/99 Moo 6 Si Sunthon, Thalang District, Phuket 83110, Thailand

Suay is located in a tranquil setting and serves traditional Thai food and special dishes from Northeastern Isan. The menu is huge and offers crab cakes, mango chutney, sweet chilli aioli, roasted duck in red curry with lychees and so many harmonious combinations. The restaurant is a homely place to enjoy the best of Asian cuisine.

5. Le Vendôme

Cuisines: French

Timings: 10 am to 9 pm

Location: 6/10 Piman 49 Building D1 (4th floor, Klang Alley, Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand

The restaurant seems to be heavily Inspired by the Vendôme Place in Paris. The decor is simply elegant which elevates when you taste the rich flavoursome meals of this restaurant. Find authentic French dishes that taste just like locally-made, even though it's 8,000 miles away.

Thailand Tour - Pro Travelers' Tips

  • Dress appropriately and cover your elbows and knees before visiting any temple in Thailand. If your clothes don’t fit the standards, the security always a few extra sarongs available for use by tourists.
  • Don’t forget to carry your international driver’s licence if planning on hiring a bike or car.
  • Try to travel by Tuk tuks in the day, and use taxis for commuting within the city at night.
  • Don’t forget to pack sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, power bank, medicines and other essential items, even for a day trip.
  • The beaches of Koh Samui are a great place for grabbing cheap booze, and spending an inexpensive leisure day as part of your Thailand travel packages.
  • The street markets/night markets of Thailand offer several great items. Make sure to bargain responsibly for what you like.

Safety Measures For A Trip To Thailand

Thailand is a popular and very integral tourist destination in South East Asia. It boasts of markets, attractions, and places that interest any or all travellers visiting the country. But some safety features need to be kept in mind before visiting the country:

  • Carry all basic requirements that ensure safer travel. This includes hand sanitizers, masks, disinfectants, etc.
  • Choose a reliable travel agent to book your trip.
  • Check permits before visiting an attraction or destination.
  • Also, ensure that you have the necessary medical certificate as required.
  • Book accommodation which is safe not only for group travellers but also for solo travellers. Accommodations that offer a cheaper budget may not be safe all the time.
  • Snatching, mugging and pickpocketing are frequent crimes that occur in most parts of Thailand. To avoid such crimes, keep your belongings safe and away from the visibility of others.
  • Be careful when you are walking alone on the road. Snatchers are mostly active in such places. If you are carrying a purse or bag, hold it one that side of the body which is away from the traffic.
  • Do not carry all the cash or credit cards in one bag while you are out. Take only those possessions which are very necessary. Otherwise, leave your belongings in a safe at the hotel.
  • Keep your phone in a safe place and out of sight. But do not make the mistake of keeping it in your bag or purse which is exposed outside.
  • Before you leave for Thailand, get your name registered in the country’s embassy. In case of any mishap or disaster, India’s ministry of Foreign Affairs will be there for your rescue.
  • Do not go to such places which are dimly lit or appear shady, especially during the night. Such “dark” areas are the infamous parts of Thailand.
  • Visit the beaches during the morning and in the evening. Do not go to the beaches alone at night or after the evening.

Much like the varied destinations, there are ample options of places to visit and things to do in Thailand. So, browse through the list of Thailand tour packages and start planning a trip to Thailand right away. The Land of Smiles take you on a journey filled with adventure and awe-striking landscapes. From beaches to serene temples, the country has it all to lure people from all around the world. There is no wonder that Thailand is everyone's dream destination when it comes to picking up a travel destination from SouthEast Asia. So make your Thailand tour plan a reality by booking the best tour packages.

Packages By Theme

  • Group Travel Packages
  • Wildlife Travel Packages
  • Camping Travel Packages
  • Religious Travel Packages
  • Beach Travel Packages
  • Hiking Travel Packages

Packages By Duration

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Thailand Tourism Guide

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Thailand Trips and Tours 2024/2025

Thailand is the perfect destination for those who love to spend time outdoors. You can soak up the sunshine on the beautiful beaches of Phuket , or head to the North of the country to Chiang Mai for adventure and outdoor activities like water rafting and trekking. Of course, not to be missed is Bangkok , where you can tour its floating markets or lavish Grand Palace.

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Tours to Thailand - Questions and Answers

  • How many days do you need in Thailand?
  • Is it expensive to travel to Thailand?
  • What is the best month to visit Thailand?
  • What is the best time of year to visit Thailand?
  • Is Thailand expensive to visit? How do the ATMs work? What currency do they use?
  • Do I need a visa to travel to Thailand?

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Thai Intro 9 Day

  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Budget Tours
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Thailand Tour Package Reviews

  • Ryan Cotter
  • Mladen Asllani

Thailand - Tour Highlights and Travel Tips

The beaches make it worth visiting Thailand

Exotic, amazing, enchanting. Mere words cannot describe the joy of visiting one of the beautiful and exciting countries in Asia. The presence of numerous islands and two coastlines ensures a holiday in Thailand to be filled with various beaches. From crowded cosmopolitan beaches to secluded tropical getaways, you can really satiate your desires for the perfect beach holiday here.  Thailand is a country that has something for everyone. Whether you’re traveling alone, as a couple or with your family, a trip to Thailand will have all the right options to customize your itinerary and add attractions that suit your tastes and preferences.

Tour Highlights

  • Visit the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary just outside Chiang Mai
  • Snorkel with the fish in Maya Bay
  • Take a boat ride from Phuket to the Phi Phi Islands and Monkey Beach
  • Climb the 300 intricately carved steps to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep temple
  • Take in panoramic views from the seat of Big Buddha in Kron, Phuket
  • Float from vendor to vendor at Bangkok’ s floating markets
  • Swim beneath the waterfalls of Erawan National Park
  • Thailand’s glittery beaches are one of its biggest charms, but those golden temples are equally worthy of your time. 

Travel Tips

  • The most fun way to get around Thailand is by tuk-tuk, which offers fantastic views along the way. Most of these open-air ‘taxis’ are blue and have three wheels, except for the red tuk-tuks of Phuket (some of which have sound systems and neon lights).
  • When visiting holy sites, be sure to bring a shawl so you can cover up your shoulders and knees. Also be prepared to remove your shoes before entering a temple or person’s home.
  • The most common greeting in Thailand is to bring your hands together in a prayer-like fashion and bow, accompanied with a “Sawatdee-kah” for males or a “Sawatdee-krap” for females. Be sure to return this gesture as a show of respect.
  • Thai people are extremely friendly and generous. Don’t be surprised if a local starts to strike up a random conversation, particularly in the markets.
  • Make your visit to Thailand is an ethical one. Research whether a tour company’s practices are socially responsible, particularly if visiting elephants or hill tribes.

Thailand has seasonal weather so please do check up on best time to visit Thailand before planning your tour.

  • Thailand Eco Tours
  • Thailand Solo Trips
  • Thailand Tours for Young Adults
  • Thailand Guided and Escorted Tours
  • Thailand Group Tours
  • Thailand Tours for Senior Citizens
  • Thailand Family Tour Packages
  • Thailand Travel Deals
  • Thailand Small Group Tours
  • Thailand Budget Tours
  • Thailand Last Minute Deals
  • Thailand Tailor-made Vacation Packages
  • Thailand Private Tours
  • Thailand Self Guided Tours
  • Thailand Customized Tours
  • Thailand Tour Operators

Popular Destinations

  • Bangkok Tours
  • Chiang Mai Tours
  • Phuket Tours
  • Chiang Rai Tours
  • Ayutthaya Tours
  • Krabi Tours
  • Kanchanaburi Tours
  • Koh Phi Phi Tours
  • Khao Sok Tours
  • Koh Phangan Tours
  • Tambon San Sai Luang Tours
  • Koh Tao Tours

Popular Activities

  • Active and outdoor Tours
  • Adventure Tours
  • Art and architecture Tours
  • Beach Tours
  • Bicycle Tours
  • Chill out Tours
  • City sightseeing Tours
  • Cultural, religious and historic sites Tours
  • Explorer Tours
  • Getaways and short breaks Tours
  • Local boat rides Tours
  • Local culture Tours
  • Natural landmarks sightseeing Tours
  • Safari Tours
  • Trekking and Hiking Tours
  • Wildlife Tours

Upcoming Departures

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Trips per Duration

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Trending Travel Guides

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  • Summer in Thailand: Sunny Weather & Adventure Awaits
  • Top 10 Places to Visit in Thailand
  • 5 Days in Thailand: Top 4 Recommendations
  • Things to Do in Thailand

Paket Tour Thailand 2023, Bangkok Kanchaburi

Paket Tour Thailand 2023

  • 14 September, 2023

Selain paket tour Bangkok Pattaya, Kami juga menyediakan paket tour Thailand 2023 yang lainnya, yakni Bangkok Kanchanaburi. Paket ini akan membawamu menjelajahi berbagai tempat wisata di Bangkok dan Kanchanaburi . Yuk Kita simak keseruan paket tour ini.

  • 1.1 Sekilas Tentang Paket Tour Thailand 2023
  • 1.2.1 Hari 1 : Medan – Bangkok
  • 1.2.2 Hari 2 : Berkeliling di Bangkok
  • 1.2.3 Hari 3 : Perjalanan Bangkok Kanchanaburi
  • 1.2.4 Hari 4 : Bangkok Medan
  • 1.3.1 Paket Tour Termasuk (Include)
  • 1.3.2 Paket Tour Tidak Termasuk (Exclude)
  • 1.4 Harga Paket Tour
  • 1.5.1 1. Pengalaman yang Mengesankan
  • 1.5.2 2. Tour Guide Berpengalaman
  • 1.5.3 3. Akomodasi Nyaman
  • 1.5.4 4. Rencana Perjalanan Terbaik

Paket Tour Thailand 2023

Sekilas tentang paket tour thailand 2023.

Paket tour Thailand 2023 dan 2024 ini akan berlangsung selama 4 hari 3 malam yang akan mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata Bangkok hingga Kanchanaburi yang sangat terkenal seperti Wat Arun, Sungai Chao Phraya, Death Realway, Icon Siam Mall dan tempat lainnya.

Tak perlu takut dengan kendala bahasa ketika sedang liburan ke Thailand, karena Kamu akan dipandu oleh Tour Guide berbahasa Indonesia yang sudah berpengalaman.

Hari 1 : Medan – Bangkok

Hari pertama perjalananmu akan dimulai dari Bandara Kuala Namu Medan (KNO) dengan tujuan Bandara Don Mueang Bangkok (DMK). Jika Kamu berdomisili dikota lain, maka Kamu akan diberangkatkan dari Bandara terdekat.

Setelah tiba di Bandara, Kamu akan dijemput oleh Tour Guide Kami dan akan langsung diantar untuk check in di hotel tempat Kamu menginap.

Keberangkatan Customer Medan dari Bandara Kuala Namu Medan (KNO)

Hari 2 : Berkeliling di Bangkok

Pagi hari sebelum melakukan perjalanan berkeliling di Bangkok, Kamu akan terlebih dahulu sarapan pagi di hotel. Selesai sarapan, tempat wisata di Bangkok pertama yang akan Kita kunjungi adalah Gems Gallery Museum of Stone yang merupakan tempat berbelanja aksesoris perhiasan mulai dari harga murah hingga harga yang cukup mahal.

Kemudian akan dilanjutkan menuju Wat Arun yang merupakan candi terbesar di Bangkok, Thailand. Lalu menuju Erwadee Herb Shop, dengan menggunakan perahu untuk menyeberangi Sungai Chao Phraya.

Erwadee Herb Shop adalah tempat pengobatan tradisional  herbal, teh, kosmetik dan produk pribadi yang dijual disini. Obat herbal disini dipercaya dapat menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit, sebelum membeli Kamu dapat berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan penjual.

Setelah puas mengunjungi Erwadee Herb Shop, Kamu akan makan siang terlebih dahulu di restoran lokal lalu dilanjutkan dengan berkunjung di MBK Shopping Mall.

Perjalanan hari pertama akan diakhiri dengan berkunjung di Asiatique Night Market sembari makan malam dan menikmati keindahan Sungai Chao Phraya.

Hari 3 : Perjalanan Bangkok Kanchanaburi

Kamu akan sarapan pagi terlebih dahulu dihotel. Lalu melanjutkan perjalanan dari Bangkok ke Kanchanaburi dengan menggunakan kereta api melalui Death Railway yang juga dinamakan dengan kereta kematian karena memiliki jalur kereta yang sangat ekstrim.

Death Railway

Ke ekstriman perjalanan dikarenakan rel kereta berada dipinggir tebing yang curam lalu dibawahnya terdapat sungai. Namun perjalanan tersebut menyuguhkan pemandangan yang sangat luar biasa dari atas kereta api.

Selama perjalanan kita juga akan mengunjungi Tham Krasae Bridge. Setelah sampai di stasiun Kita akan makan siang terlebih dahulu di restoran lokal.

Selesai makan siang perjalanan kembali dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi tempat wisata Kanchanaburi lainnya yakni Wat Tham Suae (Tiger Temple) yang merupakan kuil suci yang terkenal di Kanchanaburi.

Dikuil ini Kamu akan melewati 1237 anak tangga yang curam, namun semuanya akan terbayar ketika sampai diatas yakni pemandangan dari bebatuan kapur krabi dan hutan hujan.

Setelah itu mengunjungi Meena Cafe dan kembali ke Kota Bangkok dengan mengunjungi Icon Siam Mall dan mengunjungi Sook Siam Floating Market yang merupakan pasar apung di dalam Mall di Bangkok. Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan makan malam di restoran lokal Bangkok.

Sook Siam Floating Market

Hari 4 : Bangkok Medan

Sarapan pagi di Hotel dan acara bebas sampai dengan jadwal penerbangan tiba. Setelah itu Tour Guide akan mengantarkanmu ke Bandara dan perjalananmu pada tour Thailand ini selesai.

Paket Tour Termasuk (Include)

Adapun fasilitas yang akan Kamu dapatkan selama mengikuti paket tur ini adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Akomodasi nyaman dihotel berbintang 3 favorit selama 3 malam (sekamar berdua)
  • Paket liburan ke Thailand termasuk tiket pesawat pulang pergi menggunakan maskapai Air Asia
  • Sarapan pagi 3x, makan siang 2x dan makan malam 2x dengan makanan yang lezat
  • Tour Guide lokal yang berpengalaman yang dapat berbahasa Indonesia
  • Air minum 1 botol/pax/hari
  • Transportasi selama perjalanan tour

Paket Tour Tidak Termasuk (Exclude)

  • Tips guide dan supir
  • Pengeluaran pribadi (minibar, laundry dan lainnya)
  • Biaya yang lainnya yang tidak termasuk dalam perjalanan tour diatas.

Harga Paket Tour

Adapun harga paket wisata Thailand ini adalah sebagai berikut :

Kamu sudah dapat berangkat dengan paket trip / tour ke Thailand ini dengan minimal pembelian 2 pax (2 Pax Can Go). Paket wisata ini halal dan dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh wisatawan asal Indonesia.

Mengapa Harus Membeli?

1. pengalaman yang mengesankan.

Paket trip ke Thailand ini kami dirancang secara matang untuk menawarkan perpaduan petualangan, relaksasi, dan eksplorasi budaya yang sempurna, sesuai dengan kebutuhan Kamu.

2. Tour Guide Berpengalaman

Pemandu lokal kami memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang sejarah, budaya, dan tempat-tempat tersembunyi di Thailand. Kami akan memberikan wawasan berharga dan memastikan Kamu mendapatkan perjalanan yang berkesan dan aman.

3. Akomodasi Nyaman

Kami mengutamakan kenyamanan Kamu dan telah memilih hotel terbaik untuk memastikan Kamu mendapatkan tempat istirahat yang nyaman setelah hari-hari berpetualang.

4. Rencana Perjalanan Terbaik

Biarkan kami yang mengatur rencana perjalanan Kamu. Kamu cukup menikmati setiap momen perjalanan yang indah. Kami telah menyiapkan semua kebutuhan perjalanan Kamu, sehingga Kamu dapat bersantai dan menikmati keindahan Thailand.

Buat sobat yang ingin pesan paket tour Thailand 2023 ini dapat memesannya di Velindo Tours  & Travel dengan cara menghubungi melalui live chat website, sosial Media WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook dan datang langsung ke Kantor di Jl. Pasar 3 Krakatau No. 130 Medan.


PT.  Velindo Tours & Travel, adalah perusahaan travel Medan yang berlokasi di Medan, Indonesia.  Berpengalaman sejak 2020 sampai dengan saat ini.  Velindo Tours & Travel terus berupaya untuk melayani dalam berbagai kebutuhan seperti tiket pesawat, paket tour, jasa Visa, jasa Paspor, jasa rental mobil, hotel dan kebutuhan wisata lainnya.

Informasi Kontak

  • PT. Velindo Uttama Richindo
  • Jalan Pasar 3 Krakatau No.130 Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia 20237
  • 061-6200-7777
  • 0812-2773-276
  • 0812-6312-8100
  • 0812-6312-8200
  • [email protected]

Copyright © 2024 PT. Velindo Tours and Travel



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Paket Wisata Thailand

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Category / Paket Wisata Thailand

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Tour Phuket 2024 Land Tour 5 HARI 4 MALAM PHUKET – PHI PHI ISLAND – JAMES BOND Periode Keberangkatan : 01 Apr - 30 Okt'24 (WH45) T4

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Tour Phuket 2024 Land Tour 4 HARI 3 MALAM PHUKET – PHI PHI ISLAND – JAMES BOND Periode 01 Apr - 30 Okt 2024 (WH45) T4

7 alasan anda yang menarik dan mewajibkan anda untuk mengikuti paket tour thailand .

Sama seperti jatuh cinta , Anda tidak pernah tahu kapan Anda akan bepergian ke suatu tempat dan jatuh cinta pada kebudayaan , masyarakat dan Makanannya. Dan dengan hampir 190 negara di dunia yang dapat dikunjungi , salah satu dari negara tersebut bisa menjadi salah satu negara yang tepat dan wajib untuk dikunjungi. Jadi bagaimana Anda memutuskan negara mana yang akan dikunjungi selanjutnya ? 

1. Makanannya Super lezat melebihi Ekspektasi Anda

Mulai dari jajanan kaki lima yang menggiurkan hingga penduduk lokal yang ramah dan pulau pulau unik , Anda akan menemukan satu atau lain alasan untuk jatuh cinta pada negara Ini. Namun berikut adalah tiga belas alasan tak terbantahkan mengapa Anda harus mengikuti Paket Tour ke Thailand pada perjalanan Anda berikutnya. 

Pada paket Tour thailand 2023 dan Paket Tour Thailand 2024 , kami bukan saja akan memanjakan Anda mengunjungi tempat - tempat wisata di Thailand yang memukau dan mengagumkan. Tetapi yang pertama kami akan memanjakan lidah dan perut Anda dengan makanan - makanan khas thailand yang luar biasa lezat dan bahkan melebihi ekspektasi Anda. Bagi pecinta kuliner di manapun , hanya ada sedikit alasan yang lebih baik untuk mengunjungi Tour Bangkok 2023 dan Tour Bangkok 2024 selain menikmati kekayaan kuliner Thailand. 

Tour Bangkok dikenal bukan saja dengan surga belanja nya tetapi sebagai surga jajanan kaki lima, di mana makanan lezat hanya akan menghabiskan beberapa dolar saja. Namun di seluruh negeri , Anda akan menemukan perpaduan pasar, pedagang kaki lima dan restoran berbintang yang fantastis untuk memanjakan lidah dan perut Anda. Mulai dari Pad See Ew yang lezat hingga manisnya Kluay Tod yang renyah , makanan thailand adalah perpaduan dari rasa asin , manis , asam dan gurih yang langsung melekat di indra Anda begitu Anda menginjakkan kaki di Tanah Thailand. 

Meskipun kota - kota besar seperti Bangkok menawarkan beragam hidangan yang terinspirasi dari luar negeri , jangan tergoda untuk menjauh dari restoran Thailand yang menyajikan hidangan favorit lokal seperti Pad Krapow dan Salad Papaya yang kami pastinya sudah siapkan dan sediakan termasuk dalam Paket Tour ke Thailand kami. Makanannya sangat lezat yang pastinya menjadi alasan bagi Anda untuk kembali berpikir Tour ke Thailand 2024 kembali. 

2. Masyarakatnya Sangat ramah.

Tidak ada alasan yang lebih baik untuk mengikuti Paket Tour Thailand 2023 selain merasakan kehangatan luar biasa dari masyarakatnya. Lagi pula tempat ini disebut negeri senyuman karena suatu alasan. Dari patung - patung yang membeku dalam suasana damai hingga wajah - wajah penduduknya yang lebih hangat dan penuh semangat, Anda akan menemukan senyuman di hampir setiap kesempatan. 

Dengan julukan unik tersebut , nampaknya masyarakat Thailand adalah orang yang ramah Namun Anda mungkin masih akan terkejut dengan keramahtamahan dan kehangatan yang Anda temui saat bepergian wisata ke Thailand ini. Tanpa ragu senyuman akan membuat Anda merasa di terima , Namun budaya Thailand lah yang akan membuat Anda merasa nyaman, dengan mentalitas mereka yang santai , sikap menerima dan pandangan mata yang ramah. menjadikan Anda mengikuti Tour ke Bangkok seperti berwisata dinegeri sendiri. 

Mai bpen rai ( yang memiliki arti " jangan takut" atau "jangan kuatir" ) bukan sekadar ungkapan yang di ucapkan orang Thailand dan mereka sering mengucapkannya. Namun pada intinya , kata - kata tersebut adalah kata - kata yang dianut oleh masyarakat Thailand dan merupakan ciri dari sikap santai dan hati ramah mereka. 

3. Pulau dan pantai nya sangat Indah.

Dalam Paket liburan ke Thailand , Anda juga akan diajak mengunjungi dan menikmati Pulau - pulau dan Pantai - pantai yang indah. Semua Itinerary Paket Tour Bangkok 2023 dan paket Tour Thailand 2024 memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk menikmati keindahan Alam Pantai dan PUlau yang indah di Wisata Thailand. Thailand memiliki beberapa pulau dan pantai terindah di dunia. Salah satu alasan utama untuk Tour ke Thailand 2024 , wisatawan berduyun - duyun ke pulau - pulau dan pantai - pantai tersebut dari tahun ke tahun. Dan ketika pulau - pulau seperti Koh Chang memiliki tempat menyelam yang menakjubkan dan tempat seperti sunset beach di Koh Kradan menawarkan pemandangan matahari terbenam yang spektakuler , tidak sulit untuk memahami daya tariknya. 

Pulau - pulau dan pantai - pantai nya merupakan tujuan Tour Thailand 2023 terpopuler saat musim kemarau, namun hal itu tidak mengurangi keindahannya. Mulai dari ketenaran Maya Bay hingga ketenangan Koh Ngai dan suasana pesta yang ramai di Pantai patong Phuket. Terlepas dari keragamannya , ada satu kesamaan yang dimiliki Pantai dan Pulau di Thailand yaitu memiliki keindahan pasir putih yang menakjubkan , perairan biru yang indah, dan karst batu kapur membuat pantai - pantai Thailand yang menakjubkan berbeda dari yang lain dan membuat Paket Tour Thailand 2023 menjadi salah satu destinasi yang menawarkan keindahan pantai dan Pulau di Thailand. Bagi siapapun yang mengaku sebagai pencinta pantai , Paket Tour Thailand 2024 harus menjadi pilihan utama dalam daftar tujuan wisata Anda tahun depan.

4. Harga Tour Thailand 2024 sangat terjangkau 

Thailand adalah surganya Belanja dan Makanan murah, oleh sebab itu Tour Thailand bisa dinobatkan sebagai Tour termurah dan terjangkau di dunia. Makanan dari Di Hotel berbintang , sampai dengan jajanan kaki lima di Thailand tidak hanya enak tetapi juga sangat terjangkau. Anda dapat menikmati makanan termasuk minuman hanya dengan $ 5. 

Dalam hal aktifitas seperti pertunjukkan / show cabaret , Tour ke kuil - Kul dan Menyelam , Tour Thailand 2023 Adalah Rajanya. Tidak banyak tempat yang menawarkan pelajaran dan tempat menyelam terbaik yang tidak memerlukan biaya mahal. Namun Thailand tidak diragukan lagi adalah favoritnya. 

5. Pasar nya sangat banyak dan menyenangkan.

Bagian dalam Paket Tour Bangkok 2023 adalah mengunjungi banyak pasar di seluruh kota. Jika anda pernah mengunjungi satu pasar , Anda mungkin mengira Anda sudah mengunjungi semuanya , namun hal tersebut tidak berlaku di Tour ke Thailand. Hal ini di karenakan pasar - pasar di sini memiliki karakter uniknya masing - masing. Mulai dari daya tarik penduduk setempat hingga barang dagangannya yang dijualnya. Anda juga akan menemukan pasar Apung Damnoen Saduak , berlayar di sepanjang sungai , mengambil foto perahu warna warni berisi buah - buahan dan menawar oleh - oleh adalah pengalaman dalam Tour ke Bangkok yang akan Anda ingat lama setelah kembali ke rumah.

6. Kuil - Kuil nya luar biasa megah dan Indah.

Selain terkenal dengan negara senyuman dan surga belanja , Thailand juga dikenal dengan Negara Seribu Kuil. lebih dari empat puluh ribu Kuil tersebar di Thailand. Tidak masalah jika Anda berada di tengah hiruk pikuk Kota Bangkok dan Ayutthaya yang magis , Anda tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk menemukan kuil.

Namun Kuil - Kuil di Tour Thailand bukan hanya menakjubkan dari dekorasinya, tetapi mereka memegang peranan penting dalam kehidupan sehari - hari. berfungsi sebagai pusat pendidikan, tempat berkumpul dan rumah bagi para Biksu. Jika Anda mengunjungi Kuil di Pagi hari , Anda akan melihat penduduk setempat melakukan persembahan harian dan biksu yang melakukan doa pagi. 

7. Tour Thailand membuat Anda lupa diri dalam berbelanja.

Jika Anda adalah tipe orang yang gemar berbelanja sepuasnya , Tour ke Thailand adalah surganya para pembelanja untuk menemukan barang bagus dengan harga murah. pasar pinggir jalan yang ramai dan penuh hiruk pikuk hanyalah permulaan. Anda akan dibawa dalam Tour Bangkok untuk mengunjungi Mal yang megah dan ramai dan penuh bazar di akhir pekan yang menyenangkan. Di dalamnya Anda bisa menemukan barang antik , barang fashion , perhiasan dan masih banyak lagi. Mulai dari Bunga dan kain di China town Bangkok hingga jam tangan dan tas bermerek di Mal - Mal megah sepanjang Pratunam. Berjalan - jalan menyusuri Jalan Pratunam adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk menghabiskan hari - hari free time Anda sebelum Anda kembali ke tanah air tercinta.

Temukan Permata Tersembungi di Tour Bangkok : Mengungkap Tempat Wisata Terbaik di Bangkok

Selamat datang di kota Bangkok yang semarak dan ramai ! Pada Artikel ini , kami akan membawa Anda dalam perjalanan mengungkap permata tersembunyi kota spektakuler ini. Dari kuil - kuil yang menakjubkan dan pasar - pasar yang ramai hingga taman - taman yang tenang dan seni jalanan yang semarak. Bangkok adalah harta karun berupa pengalaman yang menunggu untuk ditemukan. Benamkan diri Anda dalam kekayaan sejarah dan spiritualitas Thailand dengan menjelajahi Wat Arun yang ikonik atau Wat Phra Kaew yang megah. Tenggelamkan diri Anda di Jalanan labirin pasar akhir pekan Chatucak weekend market, tempat Anda dapat menemukan segalanya mulai dari kerajinan tangan tradisional hingga barang fashion trendi. 

Berjalan-jalanlah dengan santai di Taman Lumphini dan lepaskan diri dari keramaian dan hiruk pikuk kota, atau kagumi seni jalanan penuh warna yang menghiasi dinding lingkungan dinamis di Bangkok. Baik Anda penggemar budaya, penggila belanja, atau pecinta kuliner, Bangkok punya sesuatu untuk semua orang. Manjakan diri dengan jajanan kaki lima yang menggugah selera, berbelanja sepuasnya di Mal Mewah atau butik - butik di Platinum mal dan berdansa semalaman di klub malam kota yang ramai.

Apakah Anda siap untuk mengungkap permata tersembunyi Tour Bangkok ? Mari kita memulai perjalanan mengasyuikkan ini bersama -sama !

Tempat Wisata Bangkok yang Wajib di Kunjungi : 

Bangkok adalah kota yang selalu mengesankan dengan beragam tempat wisatanya. Baik Anda penggemar sejarah , shopaholic atau penggemar kuliner, selalu ada sesuati untuk semua orang di Kota yang semarak ini. 

1. Tempat bersejarah dan situs budaya 

Benamkan diri Anda dalam kekayaan sejarah dan spritualitas Thailand dengan menjelajahi Wat Arun yang ikonik atau Wat Phra Kaew yang megah. Kuil - kuil ini tidak hanya merupakan mahakarya arsitektur tetapi juga memiliki makna budaya yang mendalam. Kagumi detail kerumitan pada fasad kuil dan luangkan waktu sejenak untuk menikmati suasana hening dan tenang. Jangan Lupa berpakaian sopan dan menghormati adat istiadat setempat saat mengunjungi situs suci tersebut dalam Tour ke Thailand.

2. Menjelajahi Pasar Jalanan yang Ramai

Perjalanan Tour Bangkok belum lengkap tanpa mengunjungi pasar - pasar yang ramai. Kunjungi pasar Akhir pekan Chatucak weekend market dan kios - kios di pinggir jalan tempat Anda dapat menemukan segala sesuatu mulai dari kerajinan tangan tradisional hingga busana trendi. Tersesat dalam warna - warna cerah dan aroma aromatik saat Anda menyusuri Gang - gang sempit pasar. Jangan lupa untuk menawar harga terbaik dan mencicipi jajanan pinggir jalan yang lezat disepanjang jalan. 

3. Manjakan lidah Anda dengan Masakan Thailand dan Jajanan kaki Lima.

Salah satu Hal menarik dari mengunjungi Bangkok tidak diragukan lagi adalah makanannya. Dari kedai jajanan kaki lima yang menggiurkan Hingga restoran kelas atas, Tour bangkok menawarkan beragam kuliner yang akan memuaskan selera bahkan paling enak sekalipun. Jangan lewatkan untuk mencoba hidangan favorit lokal seperti Pad Thai, Tom Yum Goong dan Mango Sticky Rice.

Pengalaman Unik di Bangkok

Seperti yang Anda lihat , Bangkok adalah kota yang menawarkan segudang pengalaman bagi setiap jenis wisatawan. Baik Anda menjelajahi bangunan bersejarah, menikmati jajanan kaki lima yang lezat , atau menjelajahi tempat - tempat terpencil , Bangkok akan meninggalkan kenangan tak terlupakan bagi Anda. Jadi kemasi tas Anda dan bersiapka untuk menemukan permata tersembunyi di Tour Bangkok

Banyak sekali Promo - promo kami dalam Paket Tour Bangkok 2023 dan Paket Tour Thailand 2024 dengan harga - harga yang sangat murah dan servis terbaik. Callista Tour sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 1 dekade menangani Penjualan Paket tour ke Thailand dan seluruh dunia. 

Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dan reservasi. 

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Copyright 2016 Callista Tour | Travel Agent Professional Terbaik di Indonesia. All right reserved

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tour ke thailand april 2023

Paket Tour Wisata Bangkok Pattaya Thailand 2024

Sentosa Wisata mengeluarkan Promo Paket Tour Bangkok Pattaya Thailand 2024  selama 4 hari 3 malam dengan Harga Promo Rp 1.990.000 per orang. Dalam Tour Bangkok Pattaya ini minimal 4 orang dengan keberangkatan setiap hari. Promo Tour ini berlaku sampai seat terisi penuh. Bangkok merupakan kota yang terkenal akan budaya, atraksi hiburan identik dengan eksotisme. Bangkok juga kaya akan nilai sejarah yang bertepatan dengan pesatnya modernisasi, tercermin dalam cityscape dan masyarakat urban. Sementara Keragaman wisata yang tersedia di Pattaya selalu datang sebagai kejutan yang menyenangkan bagi para travelers. Extravaganza budaya dan terkenalnya para ladyboy, serta wisata pulau yang indah akan membawa petualangan baru dalam paket wisata bangkok.

tour ke thailand april 2023

Frost Magical Ice of Siam Pattaya

Frost Magical Ice of Siam Pattaya ini adalah salah satu tempat wisata yang cukup menarik dan juga unik. Di bagian depan, Anda akan menemukan berbagai macam ukiran dari batuan putih, Anda dapat melihat adanya ukiran pohon, kuda, dll. Anda yang pemandangan ini sangat kontras dengan pemandangan langit nan biru. Semua pahatan ini berwarna putih. Masuk ke bagian dalam, Anda harus mengguankan jaket yang tebal, karena suhu udara yang ada di ruangan ini cukup dingin. Disini Anda akan menikmati aneka ukiran atau pahatan dari es. Mulai dari patung manusia salju, patung penari tradisional Thailand, dan yang lainnya. Ada juga cafe yang unik di tempat ini, semuanya menggunakan bahan dari es, seperti cangir, kursi, bahkan hingga mejanya juga terbuat dari es.

Itinerary Paket Tour Bangkok Pattaya 4D3N


DAY 1 : BANGKOK (-) Penerbangan mandiri dari Indonesia ke Bangkok. Setibanya di Bangkok, proses imigrasi dan bagasi. Travelers akan bertemu dengan guide berbahasa Indonesia. Lalu menuju Hotel. Check-in hotel dan bermalam di Bangkok.

DAY 2 : BANGKOK – PATTAYA (B/L/D) Setelah sarapan di hotel, lalu menuju Pattaya dengan perjalanan selama 2 jam. Lalu mengunjungi HONEY BEE SHOP peternakan lebah dan menjual madu, royal jelly dan bee pollen. Setelah itu travelers akan dibawah menuju NONG NOOCH VILLAGE , yaitu taman seluas 500 hektar yang terdapat banyak sekali koleksi bunga dan taman yang cantik. Lalu menyaksikan ELEPHANT SHOW dan THAI CULTURAL SHOW . Makan siang di Nong Nooch Village. Kemudian juga mengunjungi ERAWADEE HERBAL . Selanjutnya mengunjungi LASER BUDDHA , ukiran Patung Buddha di Bukit yang di pahat. Setelah itu mengunjungi GREAT & GRAND SWEET PATTAYA , tempat Wisata baru yang bertemakan Permen / Ice Cream yang sangat Instagramable. Lalu Makan malam di restoran local. Check in hotel untuk beristirahat.

DAY 3 : PATTAYA – BANGKOK (B/L/D) Setelah Sarapan di hotel, menuju GEMS JEWELLERY FACTORY . Setelah itu menuju Bangkok dengan perjalanan selama 2 jam. Menyebrangi CHAOPHRAYA RIVER dengan perahu menuju WAT ARUN TEMPLE , kuil yang dibangun oleh Raja Rama II pada abad 19, yang merupakan landmark kota Bangkok. Lalu makan siang di restoran lokal. Acara berikutnya wisata belanja di Mall MBK & PLATINUM MALL . Lalu makan malam di restoran lokal. Setelah itu mengunjungi JODD FAIRS NIGHT MARKET . Setelah puas berbelanja, travelers akan diantar ke Hotel.

DAY 4 : BANGKOK (B) Masuk pada hari terakhir, sarapan di hotel dan acara bebas, lalu diantar ke Airport untuk kembali ke Indonesia. Sampai berjumpa di liburan seru selanjutnya! ?

Testimoni Sentosa Wisata Tour

Harga Paket Tour Bangkok Pattaya 4D3N

Berikut rincian harga Paket Tour Bangkok Pattaya 4D3N yang dapat anda pilih. Pembayaran bisa Cash atau debit/kredit card di kantor Sentosa Wisata dan bisa juga transfer via bank.

tour ke thailand april 2023

– Min. Booking 4 Pax –

Harga Termasuk :  

  • Menginap 3 malam di Hotel sesuai pilihan
  • Transportasi selama tour dan Antar Jemput Bandara
  • Tour sesuai Itinerary
  • Makan sesuai Itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner)
  • Tour Guide berbahasa Indonesia berpengalaman

Harga Belum Termasuk :

  • Tiket Pesawat
  • Tiping Tour Guide & Driver selama 4 hari Rp 330.000/orang
  • PCR Test / Karantina (JIKA ADA)
  • Asuransi Perjalanan
  • Optional Tour (bisa diambil, bisa tidak)
  • Biaya pengeluaran pribadi

Mengapa Harus Sentosa Wisata ?

  • Penginapan di Hotel berbintang yang nyaman dan bersih
  • Makanan yang disajikan berstandart Internasional, Lezat dan No Pork
  • Dipandu oleh Tour Guide berbahasa Indonesia yg berpengalaman & ramah
  • Minimal 2 orang bisa berangkat kapan saja
  • Mobil yang digunakan selama tour Full AC & nyaman
  • Terima beres! No Hidden Cost 🙂
  • Travel Terpercaya yang telah digunakan oleh banyak Perusahaan besar seperti PT Bank Mandiri – PT Garuda Food (Mountea) – PT SFK (Bank Permata) – PT Bank BNI, dll




Kami juga telah menyiapkan Promo Paket Thailand lainnya, seperti :


Untuk Info & Pembookingan Paket Tour Wisata Travel Bangkok segera hubungi Customer Service kami di nomor 021-22321476, 081297806480, 085692001204, 08990830702

Paket Tour Singapore Kuala Lumpur Genting

Tags: harga tour ke bangkok pattaya , Harga Tour ke Thailand , Paket Liburan Bangkok Pattaya , paket tour bangkok 2023 , Paket Tour Bangkok Murah , paket tour bangkok pattaya , paket tour bangkok pattaya murah , Paket Tour Thailand Murah , Paket Travel ke Bangkok , paket wisata bangkok , tour thailand 2024 , Travel ke Bangkok Pattaya

Category : Paket Tour Bangkok Pattaya

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Bisa dapat Penawaran paket tour bangkok 5D4N termasuk ticket pp 3 orang dewasa ( keluarga) bulan mei lebaran berangkat dari surabaya

Penawaran tour sudah kami email Mohon cek folder inbox/spam

WA: 08979574188

Mohon infonya unt penawaran paketnya. 3 orang dewasa. Tiket PP dr surabaya.

Mohon info paket tour ke thailand untuk 10 orang kena harga brp include tiket pp dari sby

Halo Ibu Sinta

Rencana mau jalan ke bangkok kapan bu? Untuk komunikasi lebih lanjut bisa via WA ke 085692001204

Mohon info paket tour 5d4n untuk 2 orang + tiket pesawat tgl 3-8 feb 2020

Mohon infonya

Halo boleh minta PL untuk paket bangkok huahin?keberangkatan agustus 2020 terimakasib

Kami sudah kirim kan paket melalui email, hanya saja jika untuk harga di agust kita belum ada.. mungkkin untuk gambaran harga seperti yang saya kirimkan di paket nya..

mohon check email..

Tour jakarta bangkok include pattaya utk 6 orang 4 days 3 nght utk thn 2021

Hallo, mohon informasi tour ke Thailand untuk tahun 2021, terima kasih

Untuk saat ini kita belum update di tahun 2021 perkembangan nya, mudah mudahan bisa berjalan normal kembali di 2021

misi kak. mau nanya, pp + hotel 5d4n ke jkrt – bangkok thailand 2021 berapa yah?

Hai Kak Della

Maaf saat ini Tour Bangkok Pattaya 2021 masih close Semoga segera dibuka yaa

misi kak, mau tanya apa paket di atas masih dengan harga yang sama? untuk thailand 4D3N


Maaf saat ini harga tour bangkok belum keluar Kami masih menunggu lampu hijau dari pemerintah thailand

Kak mau tanya paket tour untuk 2 org , yg 3D2N

Hai Kak Yusi

Mohon maaf sampai saat ini Thailand masih close utk turis Indonesia Semoga secepatnya bisa buka ya, agar kita bisa tour ke bangkok lagi 🙂

Hallo, saya ingin bertanya. Apa untuk trip ke thailand 4D3N udah dibuka ya sekarang?

Untuk bangkok pattaya sudah mulai open

ada nomer yg fastrespon yg bisa dihubungi ?

Bisa dapat Penawaran paket tour bangkok 3D2N termasuk ticket pp 16 orang dewasa bulan nov berangkat dari jakarta

Halo kak… utk permintaan kaka bisa WA ke kami di 0856 9200 1204 yaa

Halo, boleh saya minta penawaran paket tour bangkok 4D3N private tour untuk 4 orang dewasa bulan Juni 2023?

Hai kak, rencana tour ke bangkok pattaya mau jalan tgl brp? Utk fast resposnse boleh WA ke 085692001204

Hallo, Mohon infonya untuk penawaran paket tour bangkok 3D2N untuk 3 orang termasuk ticket pp. Thanks

Hai kak, rencana tour ke bangkok thailand mau jalan kpn? Utk fast resposnse boleh WA ke 085692001204

Infoin min untuk paket 4 org ya dri jakarta

mohon informasi kak paket tour pattaya – bangkok 4D3N (start pattaya – end bangkok)

mohon info paket tour thailand 4D3N dari Bali thanks

Halo Kak Didi

Rencana mau join paket tour bangkok thailand untuk berapa orang? Untuk fast responds bisa via WA ya ke 0812-9780-6480

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Day 1 : TIBA BANGKOK Tiba di Bangkok Penjemputan dari Airport menuju Hotel Bermalam di Bangkok

Day 2 : BANGKOK + PATTAYA (MP/MS/MM) Makan pagi di Hotel Menuju ke Pattaya untuk mengunjungi Honey Bee, Visit Nong Nooch Village (Elephant show + Cultural show) termasuk makan siang . Kemudian mengunjungi Erawadee Herbal, Visit Laser Buddha, Visit Great & Grand Sweet Pattaya, makan malam di local restaurant. Check in di Hotel dan bermalam di Pattaya

Day 3 : PATTAYA + BANGKOK (MP/MS/MM) Makan pagi di Hotel Menuju ke Bangkok, Gems Jewellery, Chaopraya + Wat Arun, Makan siang dan waktu bebas di MBK & Platinium, lalu mengunjungi Jodd Fairs Night Market . Bermalam di Bangkok

Day 4 : BANGKOK - JAKARTA (MP) Makan pagi di Hotel , sampai waktu bebas untuk Kembali ke Tanah Air.

Syarat dan Ketentuan:

  • Uang Muka Pendaftaran tidak dapat dikembalikan (deposit non refundable) 
  • Apabila objek wisata / atraksi tour tidak beroperasi dikarenakan bencana alam, perang, wabah penyakit, aksi teroris, atau keadaan force majeure lainnya maka, tidak ada pengembalian uang (non-refundable).
  • Pihak Mytours berhak untuk mengganti hotel lain yang setaraf,  jika hotel sudah penuh & apabila dalam periode tour di kota-kota yang dikunjungi sedang berlangsung pameran/konferensi maka akan diganti dengan hotel lain di kota terdekat.
  • Airport tax Intl & fuel surcharge, biaya visa dan asuransi perjalanan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu dan akan disesuaikan kepada peserta sebelum keberangkatan.
  • Pihak Mytours berhak menagih selisih harga tour dan lain-lainnya jika terjadi kenaikan harga tour, airport tax, dll kepada calon Peserta.
  • Jadwal tour dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti kondisi yang memungkinkan dengan tanpa mengurangi isi dalam acara tour tersebut.
  • Setelah pendaftaran : Uang Muka pendaftaran                                            : (Non Refundable)
  • 30 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan                                        : 50% dari biaya tour
  • 14 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan                                       : 75% dari biaya tour
  • Kurang dari 7 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan                    : 100% dari biaya tour
  • Apabila terjadi force majeur/kondisi diluar kendali (bencana alam, pemogokkan, kehilangan, kerusakan, keterlambatan sarana angkutan/transportasi,dll) yang dapat mempengaruhi acara tour menjadi berubah dan segala pengeluaran tambahan bersifat non refundable.
  • Pelunasan biaya tour paling lambat 14hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.

**Dengan membayar Deposit Tour Anda dianggap telah memahami dan menerima kondisi diatas**

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“Our accommodations during the trip were very good, especially the Avista Grande hotel with its very friendly staff and excellent service.” Carl Cherry Vanshika, traveled in September 2023

Island Hopping in Thailand In 9 Days - Private tour

  • Christmas & New Year
  • Explore Phuket's vibrant markets and beaches
  • Discover Krabi's night market and riverfront
  • Snorkel around the stunning Phi Phi Islands
“The diverse landscapes and activities kept the trip exciting and memorable.” Halim Sekulski, traveled in March 2024

Thailand Islander In 9 Days - Private Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Relax or adventure on Phi Phi's stunning beaches
  • Cruise through Phang Nga Bay and canoe

Bangkok & Central Thailand in Style – Infinity Pools, River Kwai Lux Cabin & Beach Lux Resort

  • Ride the historic Death Railway in Kanchanaburi
  • Explore Bangkok's vibrant street markets
  • Unwind at a luxury resort in Hua Hin
“Thailand is a tropical paradise. They truly were a feast for the senses.” Naoki Shimamura, traveled in May 2024

Marvelous Thailand In 10 Days - Private Tour

  • Discover the White Temple and Black House
  • Tour the Royal Grand Palace and Emerald Buddha
  • Meet and greet with private guide in Bangkok
“An amazing experience from beginning to end. What a fantastic package: Bangkok, Krabi and Samui.” Sandra Kalansooriya, traveled in May 2024

Highlights of Bangkok, Krabi and Samui In 10 Days - Private Tour

  • Experience life in Bangkok like a local
  • Enjoy Asia's most beautiful views at Phi Phi Islands
  • Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of Damnoen Saduak Floating Market

Treasure of Thailand in 9 days 8 nights

  • Shop at Maeklong Railway and Damnoen Saduak markets
  • Trek through Erawan Waterfall and visit Ayutthaya
  • Experience Chiang Mai's temples and craft villages

Thailand Unusual 8 days /7 nights

  • Cruise through the Red Lotus Sea
  • Discover Ban Chiang's ancient pottery
  • Tour the Orchids farm in Udon Thani

Incredible Thailand

  • Visit the reclining Buddha at Wat Pho
  • Experience Bangkok's vibrant nightlife
  • Hop on and off a tuk tuk in Bangkok Old Town

Experience Thailand 6 Days, Private Tour

  • Tour the ancient Sukhothai Historical Park
  • Pray at Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat
  • Explore the Summer Palace of Rama V

Thailand Grand Tour, Private Tour

  • Tour the ruins at Sukhothai Historical Park
  • Make paper at Elephant Poopoopaper Park
  • Visit hill tribes and learn their cultures

More about Thailand

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tour ke thailand april 2023

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  • Tour Luar Negeri
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  • Visitors today : 17
  • Page views today : 38
  • Total visitors : 164,564

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  1. Paket Tour Thailand 2023

    tour ke thailand april 2023

  2. Paket Tour Ke Thailand 2023: 6 Taman Nasional Terbaik di Thailand

    tour ke thailand april 2023

  3. Tour Ke thailand 2023 Promo Murah Banget Cuma Rp 6juta-an

    tour ke thailand april 2023

  4. Tour Ke Thailand 2023: Rekomendasi Wisata Backpacker Di Phuket, Low

    tour ke thailand april 2023

  5. Tour Ke thailand 2023 Promo Murah Banget Cuma Rp 6juta-an

    tour ke thailand april 2023

  6. Thailand complete tour guide 2023 (First part)- Phuket

    tour ke thailand april 2023



  2. Songkran 2023 at Siam Paragon , Bangkok Thailand April 2023

  3. Aarush-Laila's THAILAND Trip EXPOSED by PURAV JHA 🤣@Puravjha_

  4. HoN Tour Thailand April G-League Gview R15 # Kc.TT VS N2H




  1. Top 10 Thailand Tours April 2023

    Save up to 40% on Thailand Tours April 2023. Thailand's rich cultural heritage awaits you when you embark on a Thailand tour. Discover one of the most popular Southeast Asia destinations to uncover its history, culture, and beauty. From a modern metropolis like Bangkok to the tranquil beach scenery of Phuket and everything in between, Thailand ...

  2. Paket Tour Thailand Murah Harga 2024

    Paket Tour Thailand Murah, Harga Terbaru 2024, PT. Angkasa Tour and Travel Jakarta & Lampung, Berpengalaman Sejak 1999, Biro Wisata Domestik & Luar Negeri. ANGKASA TOUR & TRAVEL. Menu. ... APRIL -OCTOBER 2024. START FROM Rp.8,990,000. LIHAT. 5D BANGKOK PATTAYA + FROST MAGICAL ICE - 30 APR 2024 By MH Thailand. 5 DAYS - 4 NIGHTS. 30 APR 2024 ...

  3. 10 Best Thailand Tours in April 2025

    10 best Thailand trips in April 2025. Compiled by. Nadine Thailand travel expert at TourRadar. Experience Thailand 6 Days, Small Group Tour (English Only) Experience Thailand 9 Days - Bangkok to the North, Small Group Tour (English Only) Northern Thailand Adventure. Best of Thailand - Feel Free Travel.

  4. The Best Thailand Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Winter in Thailand (Nov-Feb) offers cooler and drier weather, ideal for visiting Bangkok's markets and temples or island hopping and snorkeling in Phuket. Thailand Winter tours (537) December 2024 popular 500 tours. January 2025 477 tours. February 2025 483 tours.

  5. Thailand Bangkok Tour Package

    Pesan tiket Thailand Bangkok Tour Package - 4 Days 3 Nights dengan harga promo terbaru. Beli di Traveloka praktis dan bisa dapat diskon menarik, booking sekarang! ... Wisatawan bisa bebas pergi ke destinasi wisata yang diinginkan tanpa pendampingan pemandu wisata dan layanan tour. Hari ke-2. 07.00-08.00: Sarapan di hotel masing-masing. 08.00-08 ...

  6. Thailand Tour Deals & Discounts 2024/2025

    Save up to 70% on Thailand with these tour deals. 192 tours to choose from. No Booking fees - Best prices - 24/7 Customer Support ... traveled in June 2023 . Destinations Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Wat Phra ... traveled in April 2024 . Destinations Bangkok, Khao Sok National Park, Krabi, Ko Phi Phi Age Range 18 to 39 year olds ...

  7. The Best Thailand Tour Packages 2024-2025

    Short group tours: Thailand in a week or less. From iconic spots like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket, to the hidden gems of Krabi and tranquil Koh Samui, our escorted Thailand group tours immerse you in the heart of this captivating Southeast Asian destination. Journeying on a luxurious coach, you'll experience a perfect blend of guided tours ...

  8. Best Thailand Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Thailand Tours & Vacations. Thailand is an idyllic paradise, where jungle-covered karsts plunge into aquamarine waters and the sand is sugar white. But no matter how clichéd the fantasy, Thailand delivers in spades. The water around Krabi and Ko Tao really is that deep, cool shade of blue. Phi Phi's limestone karsts really do look like some ...

  9. Thailand Tours & Trips

    View All 163 Tours. Immerse yourself in the bright lights and iconic sights of Bangkok. Island hop the best of Thailand's islands, drift down the River Kwai and visit colourful hilltribe villages as you hike northern Thailand. Tour the Golden Triangle, try your hand at Thai specialties during a cooking class, and glide through the floating markets.

  10. 382 Thailand Tour Packages 2024

    Details. Best Bangkok & Phuket Honeymoon Package For A Pocket Friendly Vacation. 5 Nights/6 Days. ₹19,000/-. Upto 3 Stars, Meals, Sightseeing, Airport Pickup-Drop, Honeymoon freebies, Cruise, Transfers. View Details. Top Selling 3 Nights And 4 Days Pattaya Tour Packages. 3 Nights/4 Days. ₹14,000/-.

  11. Paket Tour Ke Thailand 2023: 6 Taman Nasional Terbaik di Thailand

    Jika Anda bepergian antara bulan Desember dan April, laut akan jernih, ideal untuk snorkeling atau menyelam. Kami punya Paket Tour Ke Thailand 2023 menarik lainnya, ... Untuk Informasi Paket Tour Ke Thailand 2023 lebih detail, Hubungi customer care kami di +62-213-5293-145 / +628-510-041-8970 / +628-161-300-050.

  12. Best Thailand Tours & Trips 2024/2025 (with 1207 Reviews)

    Visit the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary just outside Chiang Mai. Snorkel with the fish in Maya Bay. Take a boat ride from Phuket to the Phi Phi Islands and Monkey Beach. Climb the 300 intricately carved steps to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep temple. Take in panoramic views from the seat of Big Buddha in Kron, Phuket.

  13. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Thailand 2024/2025

    Vinny Murphy, traveled in January 2023. Explorer. Beach. Island Hopping. Sightseeing. Christmas & New Year. Experience the colourful energy of Phuket's famed Bangla Road. See the iconic limestone karsts of the Thai islands. Feast on a traditional Thai buffet in Krabi.

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  17. Thailand Tours & Vacation Packages 2024/2025

    Book your Thailand tour today with, your discounted tour headquarters. View Thailand Tour Deals and Discounts. Thailand Travel Guide. Showing 1 - 20 Tours . ... Songkran is the Thai New Year, held annually in April. If you're visiting one of the major cities, there are always water activities - water balloons, water guns ...

  18. Promo Paket Tour Asia Terlengkap

    Asia Promo Paket Tour Asia Terlengkap. Asia. Destinasi Populer

  19. Paket Tour Thailand 2024

    Paket tour ke Thailand, promo tiket ke Thailand, informasi liburan ke Thailand 2020 hanya di Mytours. Nikmati kemudahan wisata ke Thailand, hotel di Thailand, visa Thailand. Memuat.... Sudah punya akun? Masuk. Toggle navigation. Liburan. Tour Internasional; ... Paket Tour Thailand 2024 - 2025.

  20. 10 Best Budget Thailand Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Find the right budget tour in Thailand with TourRadar. Choose from 82 trips with 388 customer reviews. Book now and save with! ... traveled in October 2023 From US $2,994 Price per day $111 ... traveled in April 2024 From $581 US $552. You save $29 ...

  21. Paket Tour Thailand 4 HARI 3 Malam SAWASDEE BANGKOK PATTAYA ,mulai dari

    Day 1 : TIBA BANGKOK. Tiba di Bangkok. Penjemputan dari Airport menuju Hotel. Bermalam di Bangkok. Day 2 : BANGKOK + PATTAYA (MP/MS/MM) Makan pagi di Hotel. Menuju ke Pattaya untuk mengunjungi Honey Bee, Visit Nong Nooch Village (Elephant show + Cultural show) termasuk makan siang . Kemudian mengunjungi Erawadee Herbal, Visit Laser Buddha ...

  22. 10 Best Private Tours in Thailand 2024/2025

    Highlights of Bangkok, Krabi and Samui In 10 Days - Private Tour. 5.0 2 Reviews by TourRadar travelers. "An amazing experience from beginning to end. What a fantastic package: Bangkok, Krabi and Samui.". Sandra Kalansooriya, traveled in May 2024. Explorer.

  23. Paket Tour 3 Negara Murah Harga Terbaru 2024

    Paket Tour 3 Negara, Harga Terbaru 2024 ke Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Kamboja, Hongkong, Macau, Korea, Jepang, Abu Dhabi, Dubai.