paket tour kanada

Deskripsi Paket Tour Kanada :

  • Paket tour Kanada wisata alam mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang menarik dan terkenal di Kanada dengan gaya santai.
  • Destinasi wisata paket tour Kanada : pemandangan alam, bangunan sejarah
  • Fasilitas paket tour Kanada : Maskapai full service (in flight meal and entertainment), Akomodasi hotel bintang 3 sekamar berdua, Transportasi pribadi ( Mercedes Sprinter)
  • Jumlah peserta tour Kanada minimal 10 orang dewasa, maksimal 15 orang dewasa. Jika Anda mempunyai group dengan jumlah minimal 10 orang atau lebih bisa disesuaikan destinasi, biaya dan durasinya.


Hari ini pada waktu dan tempat yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, para peserta berkumpul untuk melakukan penerbangan menuju Vancouver, Kanada untuk memulai paket tour Kanada. Tiba di hari yang sama, selanjutnya diantar ke hotel untuk beristirahat


Pagi ini setelah makan pagi, Anda akan diajak jalan-jalan sehari penuh di Vancouver melihat pemandangan alam di Stanley Park, Grouse Mountain, Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, Robson Street, pusat perbelanjan yang populer di Vancouver’s , Chinatown, English Bay and Granville Island Public Market

Hari 03 : WHISTLER

Hari ini Anda akan menikmati perjalanan wisata yang indah di sepanjang perjalanan ke Whistler, singgah di Shannon Falls dan Tantalus. Setibanya di Whistler, Anda akan diajak berkunjung ke Squamish Pusat Budaya Lil’Wat tempat Anda akan mempelajari semua tentang Bangsa Pertama dalam lingkungan interaktif dan selanjutnya naiki Peak 2 Peak Gondola.

Hari 04 : KAMLOOPS

Setelah makan pagi dan check out, kita akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Kamloops, dimana Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan yang indah. Setibanya Anda akan diantar menuju hotel dan acara bebas

Hari 05 : JASPER

Pagi ini perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju Jasper melalui jalan darat dengan pemandangan alam yang indah melewati 3 dari taman gunung Revelstoke, Gletser dan Yoho. Kita akan berhenti untuk menikmati dan mengabadikan pemandangan hingga tiba di Jasper untuk bermalamHari ini perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju Jasper melalui jalan darat dengan pemandangan alam yang indah melewati 3 dari taman gunung Revelstoke, Gletser dan Yoho. Kita akan berhenti untuk menikmati dan mengabadikan pemandangan hingga tiba di Jasper untuk bermalam


Hari ini Anda akan diajak menjelajahi Danau Maligne dan nikmati makan Siang Regional dengan anggur di Maligne Lake Chalet, sebuah bangunan kayu pedesaan yang terletak di atas tanah yang menawarkan pemandangan indah Danau Maligne yang indah di Taman Nasional Jasper. Kemudian nikmati pemandangan dramatis saat Anda berjalan-jalan dengan pemandu ke Maligne Canyon di Spirit Island.

Hari 07 : BANFF

Pagi hari ini kita akan melakukan perjalanan ke Banff melalui Columbia Icefields dan berhenti di dua danau terbaik di Kawasan, Danau Louise dan Danau Moraine. Kembali ke Banff untuk bermalam.

Hari 08 : BANFF

Menikmati budaya, geologi, dan satwa liar sambil menjelajahi pemandangan spektakuler gunung yang terkenal kota Banff. Tour ini mencakup semua tempat yang harus dilihat dengan perjalanan ke Sulphur Gunung di Gondola Banff untuk pemandangan 360 derajat dari enam pegunungan dan kota Banff yang indah lokasi. Nikmati Danau Minnewanka, danau terbesar di Taman Nasional Banff.


Makan pagi dilanjutkan check out, dan berangkat ke bandara Calgary untuk naik pesawat kembali ke tanah air. Anda akan diantar melalui darat ke Calgary, dengan tour singkat Kota Calgary yang akan memberi gambaran sekilas tentang kota yang menakjubkan ini. Terkenal karena penyerbuan Calgary yang terkenal di dunia, sebuah acara tahunan yang menarik banyak pengunjung dari seluruh Kanada dan dunia.


Di dalam pesawat penerbangan menuju Jakarta melewati zona waktu antar benua

Hari 11 : JAKARTA

Hari ini diperkirakan kita tiba di Jakarta dengan membawa kenangan indah, setibanya di Jakarta maka berakhir seluruh rangkaian tour Kanada. Terimakasih atas kepercayaan anda bersama Kami . Sampai jumpa dengan program tour kami lainnya.

Biaya berdasarkan 10 peserta

Biaya Termasuk : 1. Tiket pesawat kelas ekonomi PP (non refundable & non reroutable berdasarkan harga tiket group) 2. Airport Tax 3. Bagasi 2 x 23kg + 7kg kabin, mengikuti ketentuan maskapai 4. Akomodasi hotel *3 sekamar berdua 5. Breakfast (makan siang dan malan diantar ke restaurant menyesuaikan selera dan budget Anda) 6. Private transport 7. Tour Leader dari Jakarta

Biaya Tidak Termasuk : 1. Visa 2. Makan Siang dan malam 3. Tiket wisata berbayar 4. Travel insurance 5. Tipping 6. Biaya keperluan pribadi 7. Biaya kelebihan berat bagasi


A. Paket tour Kanada akan diberangkatkan jika jumlah peserta mencapai minimum 10 orang dewasa/group

B. Pendaftaran paket tour disertai dengan pembayaran :

  • Pembayaran ke 1 Uang muka sebesar IDR 5.000.000/peserta (Refundable) Uang muka akan dikembalikan 100% jika jumlah peserta tidak mencapai kuota dan rencana tour dibatalkan. Jika peserta tetap menghendaki tour berjalan akan dikenai penyesuaian biaya.
  • Pembayaran ke 2 50% dari total biaya (Jika sudah memenuhi kuota Group) Batas waktu keputusan kuota adalah 1 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • Pelunasan dibayarkan paling lambat 10 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan

C. Dalam keadaan Force Majeure/terpaksa/tidak teratasi karena bencana alam, kerusuhan, rencana perjalanan dapat dirubah baik susunan maupun jadwalnya tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, hal ini demi kepentingan dan keamanan seluruh peserta.

D. Demi kelancaran tour, acara perjalanan dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.


Pengunduran diri/ pembatalan, pindah tanggal/ pindah paket tour sebelum tanggal keberangkatan akan dikenai biaya pembatalan sebagai berikut :

  • Sebelum tanggal keputusan kuota group sebaiknya jangan dibatalkan untuk menghindari DP hangus
  • 29 – 06 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 50% dari biaya tour
  • 05 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 100% dari biaya tour


  • Kami akan berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik, dari berangkat hingga selesai tour
  • Entry Buana beserta agen-agen perjalanan tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak bisa dituntut atas : 1. Kerusakan, kehilangan atau keterlambatan bagasi oleh pihak maskapai penerbangan, hotel dan alat transportasi lainnya 2. Kehilangan barang pribadi selama perjalanan 3. Segala fasilitas yang tidak digunakan tidak dapat diuangkan atau ditukar dengan yang lainnya 4. Perubahan atau penghentian dalam perjalanan transit pesawat udara
  • Kami berhak mengeluarkan peserta tour dari rombongan apabila peserta tour membuat kerusuhan, mengacaukan acara tour

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paket tour ke canada


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Temukan liburan seru yang tidak terlupakan bersama rombongan Tour Bayu Buana

paket tour ke canada

12 Days & 9 Nights


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11 Days & 8 Nights


Idr 61,888,000 per person.

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10 Days & 7 Nights


Idr 57,888,000 per person.

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14 Days & 10 Nights


Idr 80,588,000 per person.

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10 Days & 8 Nights


paket tour ke canada

14 Days & 11 Nights


Idr 81,588,000 per person.

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paket tour ke canada

Destination Must-Sees

Canada ms1

Explore Labrador, a place where time stands still, nature remains untouched by modernism and the people welcome you whole-heartedly. The newest of Canada’s 10 provinces, it is large in size but has a small population in comparison. Labrador features some of the oldest rocks in the world that tell the remarkable story of earth’s evolution. Just off its coast, the meeting of its cool current and the warm Gulf Stream creates a home for an abundance of marine life and seabirds.

Canada ms2

Newfoundland Icebergs:

See Iceberg Alley, one of the best places in the world to see these colossal floating 10,000-year-old glacial blocks in many shapes, colors and sizes. On a sunny day, you can see these glaciers from many points along the northern and eastern coasts by boat tour, sea kayak or by hiking along the coast. The best time of year to view them is in late May and early June.

Canada ms3

Take in Canada's diverse, captivating scenery! From mountain ranges and glaciers to pastoral land and coastal natural wonders, Canada is simply brimming with wildlife and adventures for every age and activity level. Photographers who visit the region are never disappointed and always leave with truly incredible photos. With its abundance of colors and diverse landscapes, Canada deserves a top spot on every nature lover’s bucket list.

Canada ms4

You're in for a treat! The foods of Canada offer your palate a variety of spices and flavors. The cuisine is influenced by local sources, the traditions of the Indigenous people, and a diverse population. Each region has its own specialty, like the seafood of Atlantic Canada, Vancouver’s fantastic Asian restaurants, the meat produced by Alberta’s sprawling ranches and the wine from British Columbia.

Destination Must-Dos

Canada md2

Icefields Parkway:

Winding along the Continental Divide, the Icefields Parkway is one of Canada’s national treasures and a favorite destination for many. It will take you past waterfalls, rushing rivers, glacial peaks, imposing cliffs and snowcapped mountains. Be sure you bring your camera. You’ll want to take lots of pictures to capture the incredible sights to share with family and friends back home. This is a journey through natural history and captivating landscapes that will change you forever. You will revisit this close encounter with nature’s grandeur over and over again in your dreams as long as you live.

Trains (VIA Rail):

Aboard VIA Rail’s The Canadian, admire the majestic beauty of the Rockies and experience train travel like it used to be in your private cabin. Listen to the peaceful sounds of the train while natural beauty dances to life before your eyes in a scenic wonderland; it’s a veritable journey back in time as you travel from Vancouver to Jasper. Enjoy first-class meals and awe-inspiring vistas during the day. Spend the night in the comfort of your private sleeping room that includes a private washroom. From the moment you board The Canadian, you’ll embrace the nostalgia of a golden era; rail lines trace history while whisking travelers through scenery far removed from the highway.

Canada md3

Niagara Falls:

Behold Niagara Falls, an incredible natural wonder where a staggering four to six million cubic feet of water flows over the falls every minute. Straddling the international border of Canada and New York State are the three waterfalls known as Niagara Falls. They’re called Bridal Veil, Horseshoe and American and have a vertical drop of over 165 feet. Providing hydro-electric power and majestic beauty, the Falls are best viewed from one of the many cruise boats operating on the river below, or from the new zip line that borders the Falls. Also, if given the chance, go see the falls at night. They are lit up and look incredible in the night sky. You may even see fireworks.

Canada md4 Frontenac Castle

Old Québec City:

Take a trip back in time and explore Old Québec, North America’s only walled city north of Mexico. Here you’ll find colonial architecture, unique shops and restaurants, and plenty of old-world European charm. Visit the Place Royal where Samuel de Champlain built what became the first permanent French settlement in North America. See the neoclassical façade and stained glass of the oldest church in Canada, the Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral. Explore the antique shops, cafés, and art galleries of the Old Port and stroll along the St. Lawrence River. Visit Parliament Hill, see the iconic Château Frontenac, and discover over 400 years of history in this cultural heart of Québec City.

Expert Advice


One of the best parts of traveling is coming back home with souvenirs that really reflect the place you’ve just been. In the Canadian Rockies, native handcrafts such as wood carvings and artwork by aboriginals are very popular. Look for jewelry made from Canadian materials such as ammonite (a rare fossil that produces a precious gem stone) and jade in British Columbia.

Canada e2

Please be sure to pack a warm sweater and jacket as well as gloves and a hat, as temperatures at higher elevations can change very quickly. Summer temperatures can also vary greatly when in the mountains. It is suggested that you bring a pair of sunglasses, especially while visiting the Icefields — it can be very bright.

Canada e3

Featured Tours to Canada

TS493 Maritimes Coastal Wonders

Canadian Maritimes and Coastal Wonders featuring the Cabot Trail

Feefo Customer Rating

Western Canada’s Rockies, Lakes & Wine Country

Feefo Customer Rating

The Best of Eastern Canada featuring Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Quebec City & Montreal

Feefo Customer Rating

Canadian Rockies by Train

Feefo Customer Rating

Canadian Rockies & Glacier National Park

Feefo Customer Rating

Canadian Rockies featuring Rocky Mountaineer Westbound

Feefo Customer Rating

Canadian Rockies and Alaska's Inside Passage featuring Rocky Mountaineer and a 7-night Alaska Cruise

TS148 Alaska Discovery TourCard

Alaska Discovery Land & Cruise featuring a 7-night Holland America Cruise

Feefo Customer Rating

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Big Sights & Bigger Experiences

Explore the best of Canada with Globus, from the picturesque isles and craggy shores in the east to the luminous lakes and world-class resorts in the west. Immerse yourself in the French ambiance of Québec or the windswept shores of Nova Scotia. Travel back to the golden era of luxury on a Canadian Rockies train trip or explore remote fishing villages in the Yukon. Indulge in a maple-drizzled breakfast in Nova Scotia, visit a dogsled facility to meet the huskies and their trainers, or chase a New England seafood dinner with a cold Cape Cod beer in Hyannis.

Rocky Mountains, Canada

Canada Highlights

Rocky mountaineer.

Travel in style aboard the legendary Rocky Mountaineer train through the staggering surroundings of the Canadian Rockies. Ride in comfort with exceptional service as you take in the panoramic views through your custom-designed glass-dome coach.


Explore the cultural capital of Canada where the traditional Québécois style is celebrated along its cobblestone streets and grand buildings in European flair. See the Basilique Notre-Dame with its exquisite stained glass, and the Plateau Mont-Royal with incredible views of Vieux-Montréal.

Butchart Gardens

Explore Victoria’s world-famous Butchart Gardens, named for the woman who founded this botanical oasis of blooming shades and horticultural design. Enjoy a special dinner in the National Historic site's former greenhouse.

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  • Paket Tour Kanada


paket tour kanada

.aed1427e-e5ff-4359-b373-334313c48315{fill:#1c2448;} .e3c7dd86-9752-467e-8574-885a4e9461bb{fill:#1c2448;} Deskripsi Paket Tour Kanada

  • Paket tour Kanada ditujukan khusus bagi Anda yang menyukai wisata alam mengunjungi ke tempat-tempat yang menarik dan terkenal di Kanada dengan gaya santai.
  • Destinasi wisata paket tour Kanada : pemandangan alam 
  • Fasilitas paket tour Kanada : Maskapai full service (in flight meal and entertainment), Akomodasi hotel bintang 3 sekamar berdua, Transportasi pribadi ( Mercedes Sprinter)
  • Jumlah peserta tour Kanada minimal 10 orang dewasa, maksimal 15 orang dewasa.


Jakarta - vancouver, victoria islands, calgary - jakarta.

  • Itinerary dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya menyesuaikan kondisi

Double : IDR 65.500.000

Single Sup : IDR

  • Biaya dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu

Biaya Termasuk :

  • Tiket pesawat kelas ekonomi PP
  • Bagasi 30 kg sesuai ketentuan airline
  • Akomodasi hotel *3 sekamar berdua
  • Makan pagi hotel
  • Private transport
  • Tour leader dari Jakarta
  • Capilano suspension bridge
  • Return ferry
  • Peak 2 Peak Gondola Whistler
  • Jasper Sky Tram, Glacier Sky Walk, Ice Explorer
  • Banff Gondola

Biaya Tidak Termasuk :

  • Makan siang dan malam
  • Tiket wisata berbayar
  • Travel insurance
  • Biaya keperluan pribadi
  • Biaya kelebihan berat bagasi
  • *. Demi kenyamanan bersama serta fasilitas bagasi kendaraan terbatas, kami mohon untuk mambawa 1 koper saja

.aed1427e-e5ff-4359-b373-334313c48315{fill:#1c2448;} .e3c7dd86-9752-467e-8574-885a4e9461bb{fill:#1c2448;} Syarat dan Ketentuan

  • 1. Biaya paket tour Kanada bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu menyesuaikan harga tiket pesawat dan hotel di Kanada. 
  • 2. Untuk biaya yang tercantum adalah biaya untuk minimum group keberangkatan sebanyak 10 orang 
  • 3. Jadwal perjalanan/ itinerary yang tercantum dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa mengubah destinasi atau dengan mengurangi destinasi menyesuaikan kondisi dan cuaca di Iceland
  • 4. Pendaftaran paket tour Kanada disertai dengan pembayaran :
  • A. Pembayaran ke 1, Uang muka sebesar IDR 10.000.000/peserta (Refundable)
  • B. Uang muka akan dikembalikan 100% jika jumlah peserta tidak mencapai kuota dan rencana tour dibatalkan. Jika peserta tetap menghendaki tour berjalan akan dikenai penyesuaian biaya.
  • C. Pembayaran ke 2, 50% dari total biaya (Jika sudah memenuhi kuota Group)
  • Batas waktu keputusan kuota adalah 1 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • D. Pelunasan dibayarkan paling lambat 15 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan
  • 5.  Destinasi wisata paket tour Kanada adalah alam, demi kenyamanan bersama bagi peserta yang membutuhkan bantuan orang lain, diharap bersama dengan keluarga yang mendampingi

.aed1427e-e5ff-4359-b373-334313c48315{fill:#1c2448;} .e3c7dd86-9752-467e-8574-885a4e9461bb{fill:#1c2448;} Deviasi

  • Deviasi meliputi perubahan, perpanjangan, penambahan, pengalihan rute perjalanan di luar rute perjalanan dengan ketentuan : 1. Deviasi dapat diproses jika deposit sudah diterima 2. Deviasi, akan dikenakan biaya sesuai dengan ketentuan maskapai penerbangan dan tidak dapat kembali ke jadwal semula. 3. Jika Peserta menghendaki perpanjangan jadwal paket tour/ entend, maka pihak Entrytour tidak bisa menjamin konfirmasi pesawat, hotel dan lainnya. 4. Jika deviasi mengakibatkan jadwal tour menjadi lebih singkat, maka tidak akan ada pengurangan biaya dari biaya paket tour

.aed1427e-e5ff-4359-b373-334313c48315{fill:#1c2448;} .e3c7dd86-9752-467e-8574-885a4e9461bb{fill:#1c2448;} Pembatalan

  • Jika terjadi pembatalan untuk acara tour dikarenakan kuota tidak terpenuhi, peserta mendadak ada kendala (sakit, keperluan mendadak, dan lainnya), visa yang belum keluar atau visa yang ditolak, atau adanya pembatalan dari pihak tour sendiri karena adanya bencana alam, adanya masalah di negara tujuan dan lainnya. Maka, secara otomatis peserta tour akan diberikan potongan biaya pembatalan sesuai dengan yang sudah ditetapkan sebelumnya adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Pembatalan dari peserta, setelah pendaftaran uang muka pendaftaran :
  • A. Pembatalan dikarenakan group tidak mencapai kuota, biaya pendaftaran akan dikembalikan 100%
  • Keputusan batas kuota 1 bulan sebelum jadwal keberangkatan
  • B. Pembatalan dikarenakan sakit, keperluan mendadak, visa yang belum keluar atau visa yang ditolak, biaya tidak dapat dikembalikan oleh pihak tour, tapi bisa dialihkan menjadi deposit ke jadwal lain atau paket wisata lain, sehingga peserta tidak mengalami kerugian.
  • C. Pembatalan antara 30 – 15 hari sebelum keberangkatan, pembatalan mendapatkan biaya potongan sebesar 50% dari biaya tour yang sebelumnya sudah ditetapkan. D. Pembatalan antara 14 – 07 hari sebelum keberangkatan. potongan biaya antara 75 % dari biaya tour yang sebelumnya sudah ditetapkan. E. Pembatalan dilakukan 06 – 00 hari di hari H keberangkatan. potongan biaya 100% dari biaya tour yang telah ditetapkan. 2. Mengenai pengembalian dana dari pihak Entrytour akan dilakukan sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur pengembalian dana yang sudah ditentukan dari pihak tour sebelumnya. 3. Untuk biaya flight ticket (tiket penerbangan), akomodasi, transportasi yang tidak jadi dipakai atau dibatalkan. Maka, biayanya tidak akan dikembalikan

.aed1427e-e5ff-4359-b373-334313c48315{fill:#1c2448;} .e3c7dd86-9752-467e-8574-885a4e9461bb{fill:#1c2448;} Refund

  • 1. Tiket pesawat udara, kereta api, dan transportasi lainnya serta akomodasi yang tidak terpakai (dibatalkan) secara otomatis tidak dapat diuangkan kembali (non-refundable). 2. Peserta tour berhalangan datang karena sakit dan memberitahukan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan yang dijadwalkan. Maka, akan mendapatkan biaya pembatalan sesuai dengan pasal pembatalan 3. Bagi Peserta tour yang tidak diizinkan masuk atau dikenakan tindakan deportasi oleh pihak imigrasi Negara setempat, ditolak oleh perusahaan penerbangan, dalam perjalanan menderita sakit, dalam perjalanan mengalami kecelakaan, terpaksa harus kembali, menyimpang dari perjalanan yang telah ditentukan pihak tour, terpaksa membatalkan sebagian/hampir seluruh perjalanan setelah keberangkatan. Maka, tidak mendapatkan pengembalian uang atau bentuk pengembalian lain apapun atas jasa yang belum atau tidak digunakan.

.aed1427e-e5ff-4359-b373-334313c48315{fill:#1c2448;} .e3c7dd86-9752-467e-8574-885a4e9461bb{fill:#1c2448;} Tanggung Jawab

  • Kami akan berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik, dari berangkat hingga selesai tour.
  • Kami berhak mengeluarkan peserta tour dari rombongan apabila peserta tour membuat kerusuhan, mengacaukan acara tour, berbuat kejahatan, huru-hara, dan tindakan lainnya yang mengganggu peserta lainnya dan mengganggu berjalannya kegiatan wisata.
  • Untuk penginapan atau Hotel yang telah dicantumkan dalam itinerary mengalami masalah atau kendala, sehingga tidak bisa dibooking karena ada hal-hal tertentu. Maka, hotel yang telah dicantumkan tersebut akan diganti dengan hotel yang setaraf atau memiliki level dan fasilitas yang sama dengan hotel sebelumnya.
  • Peserta yang menggunakan fasilitas yang tidak dicantumkan oleh pihak tour. Maka, dari pihak entrytour berhak melakukan penagihan untuk biaya yang diluar program wisata 

.aed1427e-e5ff-4359-b373-334313c48315{fill:#1c2448;} .e3c7dd86-9752-467e-8574-885a4e9461bb{fill:#1c2448;} Entrytour tidak dapat dituntut atas

  • 1. JIka terjadi kerusakan, kehilangan, dan keterlambatan di bagasi oleh maskapai penerbangan. 2. Kerusakan, kehilangan, dan keterlambatan hotel dan alat angkutan lainnya. 3. Adanya kecelakaan yang terjadi pada peserta selama program wisata berlangsung. 4. Kehilangan barang-barang milik pribadi, uang, paspor, dan lainnya di bandara, hotel dan tempat lainnya atau saat wisata sedang berlangsung. 5. Keterlambatan jadwal penerbangan dari Maskapai terjadi di luar pihak Entrytour

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Canada Guided Tours & Trips

Canada Guided Tours & Trips

  • Choose from 500+ Canada tours
  • 12,600+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
  • 24/7 customer support

10 best fully guided Canada tour packages

Compiled by

Canada travel expert at TourRadar

Melissa Canada travel expert at TourRadar

Rockies Classic Summer Tour

Rockies premium tour from vancouver (34 seats), 6-day rockies special tour | banff & yoho & kootenay national park, ski canada (9 days), private rockies escape: 6 days from vancouver, canadian rockies & northern lights, canada's rockies (base, 8 days) (8 destinations), wonders of the canadian rockies (10 days) (7 destinations), rockies summer classic tour, 4-day rockies winter explorer tour.

“The itinerary was well organised visiting interesting spots, our guide Madalena was great.” Nasrin Etemadi, traveled in June 2024

Rockies Classic Summer Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing
  • Canoe at emerald lakes, visit Moraine Lake
  • Wine tasting in Kelowna, explore the city
  • Explore Icefields Parkway, visit Spahats Falls
“Excellent tour good communication throughout, with top class knowledge.” Frederick Bassett, traveled in May 2024

Rockies Premium Tour from Vancouver (34 Seats)

  • Join the Monte Creek Winery tour and visit Spahats Falls
  • See wildlife on a tour around the Lake Minnewanka
  • Take a gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain
“We love the tour, it's make our tour so much fun. We are glad we took this tour.” Maria G Sequio Manaois, traveled in September 2022

6-Day Rockies Special Tour | Banff & Yoho & Kootenay National Park

  • Visit Waterton National Park, a UNESCO site
  • Explore Calgary with a guided city tour
  • Tour Jasper's Icefields and stunning Peyto Lake
“So much epicness packed into 9 days. And there was plenty of time for snowboarding. 110% recommended.” Benjamin Hayes, traveled in March 2017

Ski Canada (9 Days)

  • Ski, Snowboard & Snow
  • Visit the Totem Poles of Canada's First Nations People in Stanley Park
  • Get nose-deep in fresh-powdered snow on the slopes of Banff and Whistler
  • Explore the hundering waterfalls, imposing cliffs and ice tenticles of Banff

Private Rockies Escape: 6 Days from Vancouver

  • Christmas & New Year
  • Capture views from High Ridge Lookout
  • Ride the Banff Gondola for mountain vistas
  • Walk the Golden Skybridge above forests
“The guide was knowledgeable, pleasant, and worked hard to give all tour participants an extraordinary time.” Daniel Maletic, traveled in January 2024

Canadian Rockies & Northern Lights

  • Northern Lights
  • Navigate the frozen waterfalls, ice caves and ice formations of Maligne Canyon
  • Discover the natural beauty of Lake Louise and admire its snow-covered banks
  • Gaze at the clear night skies of Peace River and witness the Northern Lights
“Meals were very good to excellent. Gave us some options when a few excursions were rained out.” Mark Kostishion, traveled in July 2019

Canada's Rockies (Base, 8 Days) (8 destinations)

  • Ride the Rocky Mountaineer through majestic mountains
  • Take a guided walk through Maligne Canyon & Lake
  • Cruise the Icefields Parkway past Lake Louise
“Everything was brilliant.” Asmah Faqir, traveled in April 2018

Wonders of the Canadian Rockies (10 Days) (7 destinations)

  • Glide through the picturesque Gulf islands to Vancouver
  • Visit snowcapped mountains and glistening glacial lakes
  • Marvel at the wonderful scenery of the National Parks
“The scenery was out of this world, the mountains, the glacial lakes, walking on the Athabasca glacier.” Rose Marie Hoffmann, traveled in September 2024

Rockies Summer Classic Tour

  • Unwind in a range of cosy and handpicked hotels
  • Explore the beautiful coastal city of Vancouver
  • Awaken to sunrise over frosted mountain peaks
“Great tour! I would recommend it! The activity was free to enjoy for everyone.” Rona Hausser, traveled in February 2023

4-Day Rockies Winter Explorer Tour

  • Skate on the frozen Lake Louise (seasonal)
  • Enjoy free snow tubing at SilverStar Resort
  • Depart Vancouver and meet your tour guide

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Tours and Trip Packages to Canada in Summer

Traveling to Canada in Summer? We offer 100+ tours, trips and vacation packages to Canada in Summer. Our Canada in Summer tour packages and trips have 50+ customer reviews. All the Canada Summer tour packages and trips are carried out by hand-picked, qualified local and international Canada tour operators.

Showing  114 Trips in Canada  with 58 Reviews

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Canada Summer Tour Reviews

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Popular Destinations

  • Vancouver Tours
  • Toronto Tours
  • Calgary Tours
  • Halifax Tours
  • Montreal Tours
  • Quebec City Tours
  • Banff National Park Tours
  • Jasper Tours
  • Victoria Tours
  • Ottawa Tours
  • Whistler Tours
  • Niagara Falls Tours
  • Glacier National Park Tours
  • Alberta Tours

Popular Activities

  • Active and outdoor Tours
  • Adventure Tours
  • Beach Tours
  • City sightseeing Tours
  • Cruise Tours
  • Cultural, religious and historic sites Tours
  • Explorer Tours
  • National parks Tours
  • Natural landmarks sightseeing Tours
  • Polar expeditions and cruise Tours
  • Safari Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Trekking and Hiking Tours
  • Waterfalls Tours
  • Wildlife Tours
  • Wine tasting Tours

Upcoming Departures

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Trips per Duration

  • 4 days tours
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  • 1 week tours
  • 8 days tours
  • 9 days tours
  • 10 days tours
  • 11 days tours
  • 12 days tours
  • 13 days tours
  • 2 weeks tours
  • 15 days tours
  • 16 days tours

Trending Travel Guides

  • The Ultimate Canadian Rockies Planning Guide
  • Best Time to Visit Canada
  • Great Canada Itineraries: How Many Days to Spend?
  • Things to Do in Canada
  • Winter in Canada: Top 6 Destinations
  • Canada in January: Weather, Attractions and More
  • Canada in February: Weather, Tips and More
  • Canada in June: Weather, Tips and More
  • Canada in July: Weather, Destinations and More
  • Canada in May: Weather, Places and More
  • Canada in August: Weather, Crowds and More
  • Canada in March: Weather, Crowds and More
  • Canada in April: Weather, Places and More
  • Canada in October: Weather, Events and More
  • Canada in September: Weather, Destinations and More
  • Canada in November: Weather, Rates and More
  • Canada in December: Weather, Festivals and More
  • Top 10 Places to Visit in Canada
  • 10 Days in Canada: Top 4 Recommendations
  • 2 Weeks in Canada: Top 3 Itinerary Recommendations
  • One Week in Canada: Top 4 Recommendations

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Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies

Grand Canadian Rockies

Grand Canadian Rockies

Wonders of the Canadian Rockies

Wonders of the Canadian Rockies

Whales & Bears of British Columbia

Whales & Bears of British Columbia

Panoramic Canadian Rockies

Panoramic Canadian Rockies

Best of Eastern Canada

Best of Eastern Canada

Canadian Rockies: Heli-Hike & Wilderness

Canadian Rockies: Heli-Hike & Wilderness

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Eastbound

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Eastbound

Eastern Canada Adventure

Eastern Canada Adventure

Vancouver Island & Northern Rockies

Vancouver Island & Northern Rockies

Instant book available

Canadian Rockies Express

Canadian Rockies Express

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Westbound

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Westbound

Secrets of the Rockies and Glacier National Park

Secrets of the Rockies and Glacier National Park

Eastern Journey

Eastern Journey

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Canada Tours

The world's best journeys at your fingertips.

Canada has something to offer for everyone - from breathtaking views of the Rocky Mountains and vibrant cities of Vancouver and Toronto, to the untamed wilderness of Yukon. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, an adventure-filled holiday or a relaxing vacation, Canada has it all. With its diverse landscape and range of activities on offer, Canada is an ideal destination for your next adventure.

Filters (275 matches)

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  • Specific Date

Travel Style

  • Group (184)
  • Independent (8)
  • Private (4)
  • Fully Guided (180)
  • Self Guided (14)
  • Partially Guided (2)
  • Mauritius (1)
  • Morocco (2)
  • Republic of the Congo (1)
  • Sao Tome & Principe (1)
  • Somalia (1)
  • South Africa (3)
  • Swaziland (1)
  • Tanzania (1)
  • Tunisia (2)
  • Zanzibar (1)
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  • Korea, Republic Of (1)
  • Australia (2)
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  • Amalfi Coast (1)
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  • Guernsey (2)
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  • Ireland (2)
  • Liechtenstein (1)
  • Lithuania (1)
  • Luxembourg (3)
  • Majorca (1)
  • Moldova (1)
  • Montenegro (1)
  • Northern Ireland (1)
  • Portugal (3)
  • Romania (3)
  • Sardinia (2)
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  • Switzerland (3)
  • Ukraine (1)
  • United Kingdom (3)
  • Hong Kong (3)
  • Afghanistan (1)
  • Indian Ocean (1)
  • Sri Lanka (1)
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  • Saudi Arabia (2)
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  • Bermuda (2)
  • Canada (275)
  • Curacao (1)
  • Dominica (1)
  • Grenada (2)
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  • Martinique (2)
  • St Kitts (1)
  • St Lucia (2)
  • St Vincent (1)
  • Trinidad (2)
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  • Active (21)
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  • Small Group (31)
  • Special Events (4)
  • Walking Hiking and Trekking (15)
  • Battlefield Tours (1)
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  • Cultural (115)
  • Eco Conscious (2)
  • Festive and New Year (1)
  • Foodie and Wine Tours (16)
  • Gardens & Nature Tours (112)
  • History (88)
  • Island Hopping (3)
  • Northern Lights (7)
  • Photography (43)
  • Rail Tours (22)
  • Special Guest Tours (2)
  • Wildlife Tours (130)
  • Art Galleries & Museums (18)
  • Boat/Cruise Excursion (82)
  • Canoeing-Kayaking (15)
  • Fishing (1)
  • Hiking (26)
  • Ice Activities (4)
  • Mountain Biking (1)
  • Rail Excursion (6)
  • Shopping (8)
  • Sightseeing (114)
  • Snow and Ski Activities (8)
  • Surfing (1)
  • Swimming (1)
  • Trekking (1)
  • Walking (81)
  • Whale Watching (13)
  • Wine Tasting (11)

Recommended For

  • 18-30 somethings (9)
  • 50 plus (16)
  • Couples (15)
  • Family-Kids (3)
  • Singles (15)
  • Women-Only (12)

Specialist Groups

  • 18-30 Somethings (12)
  • Family/Kids (2)
  • Arctic Range Adventure (7)
  • Aurora Expeditions (4)
  • Bamba Travel (3)
  • Brightwater Holidays (2)
  • Calgary Tours (4)
  • Contiki (13)
  • Cosmos (24)
  • Costsaver (7)
  • Empire Vacations (2)
  • Europamundo (34)
  • Exodus Adventure Travels (9)
  • Expat Explore Travel (2)
  • Explore! (3)
  • G Adventures (14)
  • Global Dream Travel (1)
  • Globus (27)
  • Hello Nature Adventure Tours (2)
  • HX Hurtigruten Expeditions (4)
  • Indus Travels (7)
  • Insight Vacations (14)
  • Intrepid Travel (15)
  • Luxury Gold (2)
  • Omega Tours (26)
  • On The Go Tours (12)
  • Quark Expeditions (4)
  • The Voyages India (3)
  • Today Voyages (8)
  • Topdeck (1)
  • Trafalgar (20)
  • Travel Talk Tours (1)

Heart of the Canadian Rockies

tourhub | Cosmos | Heart of the Canadian Rockies | Tour Map

Visiting: Victoria, Columbia Icefield, Kamloops, Vancouver, ... more

Visiting: Victoria, Columbia Icefield, Kamloops, Vancouver, Banff National Park, Calgary, Canada, Jasper National Park, Ferry Crossing, Lake Louise, Mount Robson ... less View Tour

Canadian Train Odyssey with Alaska Cruise

tourhub | Cosmos | Canadian Train Odyssey with Alaska Cruise | Tour Map

Visiting: Winnipeg, Ketchikan, Vancouver, Victoria, Jasper ... more

Visiting: Winnipeg, Ketchikan, Vancouver, Victoria, Jasper National Park, Skagway, Toronto, Juneau, USA, Canada, Glacier Bay, Inside Passage, Banff National Park ... less View Tour

5-Day Exploration of Banff, Jasper, and YOHO...

tourhub | Calgary Tours | 5-Day Exploration of Banff, Jasper, and YOHO National Parks with VIA Rail Adventure from Vancouver

Visiting: Canada, Jasper, Jasper National Park Of Canada, ... more

Visiting: Canada, Jasper, Jasper National Park Of Canada, VIA Rail Canada Inc., Yoho National Park Of Canada, Banff ... less View Tour

From Cochin: 2-Day Thekkady and Periyar...

tourhub | The Voyages India | From Cochin: 2-Day  Thekkady and Periyar Wildlife sanctuary with Jeep Safari | Tour Map

Visiting: Colombia, Greece, Indochina, Jordan, New Zealand, ... more

Visiting: Colombia, Greece, Indochina, Jordan, New Zealand, Spain, Turkey, Chile, Luxembourg, Scotland, United Kingdom, Austria, England, Germany, Greenland, Hungary, Malaysia, Norway, South Africa, Portugal, Qatar, French Guiana, Holland, Iran, Argentina, Eastern Europe, Italy, Poland, Kochi, Laos, Northern Europe, Central Asia, Cochin International Airport, Finland, Singapore, Brazil, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Central Asia, Czech Republic, India, Kuwait, Peru, Southern Europe, USA, Wales, Belgium, Croatia, Periyar National Park, Uzbekistan, France, UK & Ireland, Cambodia, Canada, Periyar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thekkady ... less View Tour

3 Day Broken Group Islands Expedition

tourhub | Hello Nature Adventure Tours | 3 Day Broken Group Islands Expedition

Visiting: Canada, Ucluelet, Broken Group ... more

Visiting: Canada, Ucluelet, Broken Group ... less View Tour

Broken Group Islands 3 day Wilderness Lodge...

tourhub | Hello Nature Adventure Tours | Broken Group Islands 3 day Wilderness Lodge and Kayaking Tour | Tour Map

Visiting: Broken Islands Lodge, Canada, Ucluelet, Broken ... more

Visiting: Broken Islands Lodge, Canada, Ucluelet, Broken Group ... less View Tour

3N/4D Kerala Tour from Cochin

tourhub | The Voyages India | 3N/4D Kerala Tour from Cochin | Tour Map

Visiting: Austria, Central Asia, Cyprus, Guatemala, ... more

Visiting: Austria, Central Asia, Cyprus, Guatemala, Northern Europe, Patagonia, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Sicily, Slovakia, Bermuda, Cambodia, Falkland Islands, Guyana, Sao Tome & Principe, Thailand, Trinidad, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Polynesia, Guernsey, Kosovo, Morocco, Australia, Central America, Central Asia, Croatia, Curacao, Finland, Hungary, Indian Ocean, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Monaco, Norway, Panama, Somalia, Georgia, Ghana, Holland, Mexico, Moldova, Sardinia, Suriname, Vietnam, Barbados, Bulgaria, France, Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe, Belize, Bolivia, Canada, Hawaii, Indonesia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Scotland, South Africa, Tajikistan, Cochin International Airport, England, Galapagos Islands, Jersey, Mauritius, Myanmar, Singapore, St Vincent, Swaziland, Turkey, USA, Venezuela, Belgium, Cuba, Denmark, Iceland, India, Kuwait, Majorca, St Lucia, Alaska, Armenia, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Jordan, Munnar, Tanzania, UK & Ireland, Greece, Indochina, Lebanon, Malta, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Spain, Brazil, French Guiana, Germany, Greenland, Honduras, New Zealand, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Argentina, Chile, Corsica, Dominica, Kochi, Liechtenstein, Martinique, Railway Station I Cross Road, South Georgia, Uruguay, Amalfi Coast, Central America, Eastern Europe, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Taiwan, Afghanistan, Alappuzha, Albania, Bosnia, Estonia, Gozo, Grenada, Luxembourg, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Southern Europe, Sri Lanka, St Kitts, Tonga, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Wales, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Colombia, Egypt, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Tobago, Zanzibar ... less View Tour

Walking in the Canadian Rockies

tourhub | Explore! | Walking in the Canadian Rockies | Tour Map

Visiting: Canada ... more

Visiting: Canada ... less View Tour

Yukon Winter Dream | Active Winter Adventure

tourhub | Arctic Range Adventure | Yukon Winter Dream | Active Winter Adventure

Visiting: Canada, Whitehorse ... more

Visiting: Canada, Whitehorse ... less View Tour

Cochin: 04 Night/05 Day Kerala Tour

tourhub | The Voyages India | Cochin: 04 Night/05 Day Kerala Tour | Tour Map

Visiting: England, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Hong ... more

Visiting: England, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Hong Kong, Jersey, Martinique, Norway, Panama, Uruguay, Alappuzha, Canada, Hawaii, Qatar, Wales, Ecuador, French Polynesia, Georgia, Guinea, Holland, Latvia, Belgium, Borneo, Central America, Central Asia, Cuba, Eastern Europe, Finland, French Guiana, Grenada, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Portugal, Colombia, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Indochina, Israel, Sardinia, Spain, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Iceland, India, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Southern Europe, Turkey, Venezuela, Germany, Iran, Korea, Republic Of, Russia, Trinidad, Tunisia, USA, Austria, Central Asia, Costa Rica, Munnar, Slovakia, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Alaska, Croatia, Czech Republic, Jordan, New Zealand, Oman, UK & Ireland, Uzbekistan, Andorra, Brazil, Ireland, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Northern Europe, Zimbabwe, Azerbaijan, Honduras, Indonesia, Lebanon, South Africa, Vanuatu, Argentina, Chile, Kochi, Luxembourg, Philippines, Serbia, Sicily, South Georgia, Armenia, Australia, Barbados, Central America, Corsica, Cyprus, Fiji, Romania, St Lucia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Easter Island, Monaco, Peru, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Thekkady, United Arab Emirates, Bermuda, Denmark, Egypt, France, Galapagos Islands, Scotland, Suriname ... less View Tour

Spectacular Rockies and Glaciers of Alberta...

tourhub | Insight Vacations | Spectacular Rockies and Glaciers of Alberta - Classic Group | Tour Map

Visiting: Calgary, Canada, Icefields Parkway, Kananaskis, ... more

Visiting: Calgary, Canada, Icefields Parkway, Kananaskis, Jasper National Park of Canada, Banff, Lake Louise ... less View Tour

Canadian Rockies & Pacific Coast - Classic...

tourhub | Insight Vacations | Canadian Rockies & Pacific Coast - Classic Group | Tour Map

Visiting: Canada, Spokane, Athabasca Glacier, Icefields ... more

Visiting: Canada, Spokane, Athabasca Glacier, Icefields Parkway, Vancouver, Banff National Park, Victoria, Banff National Park of Canada, Sun Peaks, USA, Jasper National Park of Canada, Maligne Canyon, Seattle, Glacier National Park, Lake Louise, Maligne Lake, Coeur d'Alene, Lake McDonald ... less View Tour

Into the Northwest Passage (Westbound)

tourhub | Aurora Expeditions | Into the Northwest Passage (Westbound) | Tour Map

Visiting: Canada, Cunningham Inlet, Polar, Qeqertarsuaq ... more

Visiting: Canada, Cunningham Inlet, Polar, Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Arctic, Coningham Bay, Bellot Strait, King William Island, Toronto, Nuuk, Prince Leopold Island, Greenland, Calgary, Northern Europe, Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Sisimiut, Polar, Dundas Harbour, Ilulissat (Jakobshavn), Pond Inlet, Qikiqtarjuaq, Sillem Island ... less View Tour

Traversing the Northwest Passage

tourhub | Aurora Expeditions | Traversing the Northwest Passage | Tour Map

Visiting: Coningham Bay, Devon Island, Nunavut, Nome, ... more

Visiting: Coningham Bay, Devon Island, Nunavut, Nome, Alaska, Prince Leopold Island, Greenland, Anchorage, Alaska, Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg), Polar, Baffin Island, Nunavut, King William Island, Arctic, Banks Island, Smoking Hills, Toronto, Ontario, Ilulissat (Jakobshavn), Canada, Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Nuuk (Godthaab), USA, Edinburgh Island, Northern Europe, Polar, Chukchi Sea ... less View Tour

Best Value Aurora Viewing | Basic - Winter

tourhub | Arctic Range Adventure | Best Value Aurora Viewing | Basic - Winter

Southern Greenland: On the Trail of the...

tourhub | Aurora Expeditions | Southern Greenland: On the Trail of the Vikings

Visiting: Canada, Polar, Aappilattoq, Prince Christian ... more

Visiting: Canada, Polar, Aappilattoq, Prince Christian Sound, Uunartoq, Arctic, Iceland, Nuuk (Godthaab), Toronto, Narsarsuaq, Northern Europe, Tasermiut Fjord, Nuuk, Toronto, Ontario, Greenland, Kangerlussuatsiaq Fjord, Polar, Nanortalik, Qaqortoq, Skjoldungen, Hvalsey, Reykjavík ... less View Tour

East Coast USA and Canada End Boston

tourhub | Trafalgar | East Coast USA and Canada End Boston | Tour Map

Visiting: Washington, Montreal, Lancaster County, USA, New ... more

Visiting: Washington, Montreal, Lancaster County, USA, New York, Philadelphia, Toronto, Canada, Niagara Falls, Québec City, Boston, Franconia Notch State Park, Ottawa ... less View Tour

Eastern Canada Adventure | Summer | 2024

tourhub | Contiki | Eastern Canada Adventure | Summer | 2024 | Tour Map

Wild Landscapes of West Greenland

tourhub | Aurora Expeditions | Wild Landscapes of West Greenland

Visiting: Upernavik, Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg), Ilulissat, ... more

Visiting: Upernavik, Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg), Ilulissat, Nuuk (Godthaab), Arctic, Toronto, Ontario, Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Toronto, Greenland, Northern Europe, Polar, Canada, Polar, Uummannaq ... less View Tour

Active West Coast & Canadian Rockies

tourhub | G Adventures | Active West Coast & Canadian Rockies | Tour Map

Visiting: Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada, Canada, ... more

Visiting: Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada, Canada, Parksville, Lake Louise, Squamish, Sooke, Whistler, Calgary, Vancouver, Kananaskis ... less View Tour

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Visiting: Sun Peaks, Vancouver, Canada, Whistler, Banff, ... more

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Take a look at some of our Travel Guru features!

Our Travel Gurus have ventured far and wide across Canada collecting the best tips and insider knowledge on the destinations you want to visit!

Content Creator: Active.Adventurers

tarvel guru branding

A 'MUST' whilst you're there?

Active.adventurers, what do you love most about banff.

"My favourite part about this area is the diversity of scenery. Here, you can find ice planes, sunny mountain tops, glaciers, turquoise lakes, waterfalls, and wildflowers, sometimes even all in one spot!"

@Active.Adventurers's Top Tips

"Rent a car with unlimited mileage! Apart from Banff, there are 7 nearby national parks! This photo is from Yoho, a nearby park! Rent a car so you don’t miss a thing!"

"Know your limits! There are many different types of hikes in the area! Some are beginner-friendly & some are not (like this one)."

Favourite time of year to visit Banff

"August is the best month to visit because it is the warmest! Even in a “warm month” temperatures are as low as 30°F! Plan for the weather!"

  • Content Creator

2 Countries

  • About them:

We are Cece & Finn! A couple of newly weds with a love for travel and adventure! We both were D1 athletes turned adventurers who enjoy hiking, swimming, & anything outdoors!

Content Creator: Lifewith_ladyd

Favourite time of year to visit toronto.

"Summer is my favourite time to visit Toronto. The weather is warm, and there are plenty of outdoor events, festivals and activities."


"Plan your trip according to your interests and the season you're visiting in. Toronto has something to offer all year-round, but the city's experience can vary depending on when you go."

What do you love most about Toronto?

"I love the unique blend of cultures, attractions, and experiences that make it a dynamic and appealing destination."

20 Countries

I'm Diala and I'm a World traveler with passion for unique destinations and exotic vacations. With 7 years of travel experience, I built a strong personal brand and engaged audience on instagram.

Content Creator: globetrottingheels

What do you love most about squamish.

"Squamish, BC is a mecca for outdoor adventurers. If you love hiking and spending time in nature, you will be spoilt for choices. Lush rainforests surround the town, with hiking & biking trails."


@globetrottingheels's top tips.

"1. Plan ahead for weather, trails and accommodations 2. Squamish's weather can change, so pack versatile clothing 3. Familiarise yourself with wildlife precautions 4. Leave no trace"

Favourite time of year to visit Squamish

"Personally, late spring or early summer when the weather is pleasant, and outdoor activities are in full swing. This gives you the option to experience good weather with patchy rain."

Must pack items for Squamish

"1. Waterproof clothing 2. Sturdy waterproof hiking shoes 3. Bear spray & insect repellant 4. Layered clothing 5. Sunscreen & sunglasses 6. Water & energy bars 7. Trail Maps 8. First-aid kit"

10 Countries

A part-time traveller with a full-time job who is also a cheapskate. Bringing honest, budget friendly, raw experiences to show the world.

Travel Photographer: theresamuthphotography

Photography, @theresamuthphotography's top tips.

"Chat with locals, there are a lot of local activities that are not widely advertised."


Favourite time of year to visit alberta.

"Summer, it’s beautiful in the summer and most will be shocked at how hot it gets."

What do I recommend the most?

"Visit the festivals!"

  • Travel Photographer

7 Countries

Love all of them!

I am a photographer that loves to travel. I prefer the be off of the tourist path whenever possible. I love learning new cultures and lifestyles.

Travel Blogger: lady_travelcat

What do you love most about whistler.

"I love being able to get out in nature, whether it's going for a nice walk around Lost Lake or skiing on Blackcomb Mountain. The air is just different here. It makes me feel so refreshed!"


@lady_travelcat's top tips.

"This is bear country. If you are visiting in the summer and autumn months, heed and obey the cautions around the village. If you plan to hike, learn a little bit about bear safety. "

Benefits of a tour guide for Whistler

"If you would like to experience some adrenaline-fuelled activities, but you're not an expert sportsperson, go with a guided group. Not only will the experience be fun, but also safe."

  • Travel Blogger

19 Countries

Writer, tour guide and teacher passionate about solo travel. Canadian currently enjoying the food, sun, wine and El Prado while living in Madrid, Spain.


What do you love most about steveston.

"Steveston is rich in history and an important place for fishing in British Columbia. I love to visit all of the old canneries, which are now museums, and learn about this essential industry. "

Favourite time of year to visit Steveston

"Steveston is the best whenever the sun is shining. Lunch on a patio or sitting on the beach at Garry Point makes for a perfect day of relaxation. "

Banff National Park

Travel blogger: _amandaabroad, what makes this location iconic.

"Abraham Lake, located in Banff National Park is the most iconic lake to skate on in the wintertime. Methane bubbles span across the entire frozen lake making it picturesque! "


Benefits of a tour guide for banff national park.

"A tour guide will have the best recommendations for whatever kind of travel it is you’re looking for. They always know best, trust they are sending you to the most beautiful locations. "

6 Countries

Bocas Del Toro, Panama


I’m an adventure girl, on a mission to see all the beauty this world has to offer! I have a passion for travel and sharing all of my authentic experiences through blogging and content creation!

Traveller: msmolenskaya

"The nature is just breathtaking - both the mountains and glacier lakes. They're accessible to everyone as they don’t require any hiking."


@msmolenskaya's top tips.

"If you're not already on a tour, research parking options and book your shuttle options early. It’s almost impossible to park at Moraine Lake and you need to arrive by 5 am to park at Lake Louise."

Best hikes?

"Little Beehive and Ink Pots! Both are strenuous but worth it."

16 Countries

Banff, Canada

An accountant by day and a traveler by night I enjoy visiting new places and seeing amazing views. I’m based in Chicago and travel in the US and around the world.

Niagara Falls

Traveller: memories_bigger_than_dreams, what do you love most about niagara falls.

"Niagara Falls had always been on my wish list and I was advised to visit from the Canadian side for the best views. I couldn't stop smiling at how GREAT they absolutely were!"


@memories_bigger_than_dreams's top tips.

"If you can blow your budget, get a room with a view of the falls! (search online for the best view aspect, the Canadian side was amazing in my opinion)"

Must pack items for Niagara Falls

"Comfy shoes are essential, there's lots of walking if you want to make the most of it."

43 Countries

Egypt (the pyramids!)

After working in the NHS for 42 years, I decided I needed a break to recharge and had always wanted to do a round-world trip. I began my journey in the US and still making my way around the world!

Guides & Top Tips

Top 5 autumnal destinations.

See Our Top Autumnal Destinations Guide

tourhub's Guide To Winter Wonderlands

See Our Winter Wonderland Guide

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Canada Tours & Vacations

Hiker standing overlooking the Lake Peyton with mountains in the distance in Alberta on a sunny day

Extraordinary is an understatement when describing Canada. Unforgettable? You’re getting closer.

The changing colours of forested valleys and national parks, the freeze and flow of glacial lakes, the light and shade of the Rockies’ snow-capped mountains – Canada is North America’s natural masterpiece. Summer is for surfing and whale-watching off Vancouver Island and seeing Lake Louise in all its blue-hued glory. Winter is for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing in Alberta and soaking in natural hot springs in British Colombia. Whatever the season, you’ll be able to find friendly locals, First Nations cultures, pristine landscapes and a delicious plate of poutine.

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Ottawa (population 1 million)

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Learn more about Canada

Culture and customs.

Canada’s aboriginal communities reside across the country, with the people of the First Nations and the Inuit in the north calling parts of Canada home. Like many indigenous peoples around the world, First Nations communities in Canada have an ongoing struggle to retain and protect their customs and way of life. Modern influences have had adverse impacts on their culture and lifestyle, yet many still actively live and promote a traditional way of life through tribal music, handicrafts, art and clothing.

Anyone who has been to Canada will know that some aspects of the Canadian stereotype are actually very accurate. Well known for being welcoming, friendly, funny and adventure-loving, Canadians generally do a good job of living up to their reputation. Large cities like Vancouver are proudly multicultural, and attitudes toward different ways of life are generally quite liberal. This is reflected in the variety of cuisines, shops and people that occupy the city. Urban and rural residents alike typically remain active and love the outdoors. Hiking, cycling, canoeing and snowboarding are all popular pastimes across the country.

Canada’s eastern reaches have a decidedly different quality to the west coast and retain much of their colonial heritage. The French-Canadian language, often called Quebecois, is widely spoken and French-influenced food and music are very popular. Canada’s aboriginal communities reside across the country, with the people of the First Nations and the Inuit in the north calling parts of Canada home. Like many indigenous peoples around the world, First Nations communities in Canada have an ongoing struggle to retain and protect their customs and way of life. Modern influences have had adverse impacts on their culture and lifestyle, yet many still actively live and promote a traditional way of life through tribal music, handicrafts, art and clothing.

Anyone who has been to Canada will know that some aspects of the Canadian stereotype are actually very accurate. Well known for being welcoming, friendly, funny and adventure-loving, Canadians generally do a good job of living up to their reputation. Large cities like Vancouver are proudly multicultural and attitudes towards different ways of life are generally quite liberal. This is reflected in the variety of cuisines, shops and people that occupy the city. Urban and rural residents alike typically remain active and love the outdoors. Hiking, cycling, canoeing and snowboarding are all popular pastimes across the country.

Canada’s eastern reaches have a decidedly different quality to the west coast and retain much of their colonial heritage. The French-Canadian language, often called Quebecois, is widely spoken and French-influenced food and music are very popular.

History and government

The first nations.

It’s widely accepted that humans first settled in the area that is now Canada around 15,000 years ago, after travelling from what is now known as Russian Siberia. Russia and Northern America are thought to have once been connected by a land bridge until rising sea levels created the Bering Strait. Canada’s first inhabitants were likely hunter-gatherers, and it’s also widely agreed that in around 2500 BC, a second major wave of migration from Siberia brought the ancestors of the Inuit to Canada. In around 1000 BC, Thule communities from Alaska began travelling east into the Canadian Arctic.

By the late 15th century (around the time of European colonization), indigenous communities had spread beyond the Arctic regions to four main areas – the Pacific, the plains (now south-central Canada), the southern Ontario/St Lawrence River area, and the northeast woodlands.


Both France and Britain competed fiercely for Canadian territory as colonists searched for mineral riches before establishing a lucrative fur trade. Many First Nations communities were displaced during this period and suffered from food and land shortages. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763 after hundreds of years of fighting, officially making Canada a British territory.

Bringing the territories together

Britain appointed governors across Canada to head up each colony, much to the French-speaking territories’ distress. The British North America Act was passed in 1867 and Canada became a self-governing state with a new set of rules. It was an improvement, but still not accepted by all. The priority was to gather all colonies under this one confederation. The iconic ‘Mounties’ were established to bring law and order to the ‘Wild West,’ which itself created conflict, especially with threatened First Nations peoples. In 1931 Canada was granted relative independence from the British Empire, giving it full legal autonomy and equal standing with England and other Commonwealth countries.

Independence and First Nations' progress

Canada's indigenous communities struggled through the 20th century and were only granted the right to vote in 1960. As discrimination and land rights tensions grew, a Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples called for a complete overhaul of government relations with the Indigenous population. An official Statement of Reconciliation from the Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs was issued in 1998, which accepted responsibility for past injustices towards indigenous peoples. To this day, progress is still being made towards proper recognition and reconciliation of indigenous peoples in Canada.

Canada is still a member of the Commonwealth but the British monarch retains a purely ceremonial role. The country continues to flourish, with immigration from Europe and Asia leading to increased multiculturalism – more than 20% of Canada’s population was born overseas – while a resource boom has strengthened the economy. Canada is becoming increasingly known as a liberal, tolerant nation thanks to legalized marijuana use, same-sex marriage, universal health care and some of the most liveable cities in the world.

Top places to visit in Canada

1. canadian rockies.

It’s picture-perfect moments that encapsulate Banff National Park and beyond. Canoe on Lake Louise, take a dog-sledding adventure through Kananaskis Country, learn ice hockey from the pros in Canmore and take a hike or ice walk through Alberta

2. Jasper National Park

This section of Canada’s wilderness definitely deserves its worldwide acclaim. Discover the seasonal moods of Maligne Lake, hike to the toe of Athabasca glacier, spot a moose or black bear and get a bird’s-eye view from the scenic Skytram.

3. Sun Peaks

For a next-level Canadian experience, travellers in the know head to Sun Peaks. See this neck of the woods as the 18th-century fur traders did with a canoe trip on Lake McGillivray followed by a hearty four-course meal, all in the style of the 'Voyageurs'.

4. Vancouver

With mountain views from downtown and the perfect summers for strolling along the foreshore, Vancouver has the liveable west-coast vibes most cities dream of. Get among the hip bars in Gastown and hike through the parklands, which are rich in First Nations history.

5. Peace River

You can’t just look around to see Canada’s best – you’ve got to look up. After some ice fishing, take your winter adventure up a notch and discover the dazzling natural phenomenon of the Northern Lights in Peace River.

6. Nova Scotia

Canada's maritime region should really be as famed as its interior parks and cities. One look at the charming seaside villages, UNESCO World Heritage sites and jaw-dropping landscapes will have you planning your next trip back.

7. Newfoundland

A geographic wonderland, the Newfoundland region boasts scenery fit for being the most northeasterly point with maritime mammals, sheer cliffs and the odd iceberg floating by.

Eating and drinking

Oh Canada, what a wondrous country of seasonal beauty and welcoming people. But what’s the food like? Well, you’re in luck – Canada has all the hearty, comforting and sweet food you’ll need at any time of the year.

Things to eat in Canada

It’s a national treasure – French fries topped with a gloriously messy mix of gravy and cheese curds. There’s a range of combinations with different meats, chips and sauces, all classed as ‘poutine’ (or more generally, ‘loaded fries’). All in all, it’s the perfect hangover cure.

Vancouver is known for having one of the best restaurant scenes in the world and seafood is almost always on the menu. Feast on a fresh seafood banquet, try some inventive fusion cuisine or grab a chowder for a quick bite.

3. Maple syrup

It comes as no surprise that maple syrup is super popular in Canada. Be sure to dose up your pancakes and include a side of bacon, just like the locals.

4. Beaver tails

No, they don't come from an actual beaver. Beaver tails are a stretched, fried dough – almost like a doughnut pizza – known as a bannock, topped with all kinds of sweet things, including cinnamon sugar, Nutella, banana, s’mores and more.

5. Nanaimo bars

Named after its birthplace – the city of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island – this bar consists of three layers: a wafer, nut and coconut crumb base, flavoured custard in the middle, and a chocolate ganache to top it off.

6. Butter tarts

You may have realized by now that Canada is full of sweet treats, but how about trying an indulgent butter tart? It’s a sweet pastry shell baked with a filling of butter, sugar, syrup and egg – everything in moderation, right?

7. Boutique beer

The last few years have seen microbreweries pop up all over Canada. Whether you visit a microbrewery that brews chocolate-flavoured beer or dine at a restaurant with a local beer menu, a Canadian boutique beer is definitely worth trying.

8. Caesar cocktail

If beer isn’t your thing, what about Canada’s version of a Bloody Mary? Combine vodka, clamato juice, hot sauce and lime for a unique briny flavour. Throw in a stalk of celery and you’re set – don’t knock it ‘til you try it!

Read more about foods to try in Canada

Geography and environment

Canada is big. And we mean huge. This may seem obvious when looking at a map, but you really feel it when you're out there road-tripping. With such a large land mass, it comes as no surprise that the environment varies depending on which area of Canada you are travelling in.

Sitting between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Canada shares a long land border with the United States in the south and Alaska (US) and Greenland in the north. Mountains, forests and woodlands can be found throughout the country, with relatively flat, arable plains dotted around too. There’s a lot of ice and tundra in the Arctic North. The country’s unique geography is one of the many reasons that this country is so well-travelled and loved by tourists, but this can pose a risk, notably for drivers. Microclimates along mountain passes, like the Glacier National Park between BC and Alberta, are known for notorious weather conditions. Towns on either side can appear clear and calm, while the national park itself is in the middle of a snowstorm.

Canada’s cities are widespread, well-populated and built-up, though not overly crowded. Expect skyscrapers, malls, the odd traffic jam and all the modern conveniences. Smaller communities exist in more remote areas, with quaint villages on both coasts relying on fishing, tourism and agriculture as main sources of income. Expect a slower pace of life and much less buzz than in the city.

Outdoor experiences

Majestic mountains.

The Rocky Mountains of Canada are famous for a reason – their imposing and rugged beauty is unforgettable. Take in the epic landscapes while hiking and don't forget to keep a camera handy to capture the best panoramas.

Sensational 'snowscapades'

Make the most of Canada's abundance of snow by getting out there in winter and having some fun. Start a snowball fight (preferably not with strangers), make some snow angels and channel your inner child.

Animal encounters

Keep watch for deer, bears, moose, caribou, mountain goats, bald eagles and timber wolves while hiking through the wilds of Jasper National Park in Alberta. Seeing grizzly and black bears in their natural habitat will take your breath away.

Giant glaciers

Be astounded by the immense size and beauty of Canada's gigantic glaciers. Take a thrilling ride on an ice mobile to experience things up close, or perhaps opt for a hike to the toe of the mighty Athabasca glacier.

Canada may be home to the largest mall in the Americas (West Edmonton Mall), but the shopping experience certainly doesn't end there. The diversity of Canada's population is reflected in the eclectic mix of boutique stores stocking unique artisan wares, modern art and more. Major cities like Vancouver have an abundance of interesting boutiques, galleries and market-style centres like Granville Island. Smaller towns are great for locally produced gourmet food, wine and quirky kitsch souvenirs. The Chinatown areas of major Canadian cities offer a great shopping experience with good markets and cheap eats.

Canada’s federal goods and services tax (GST) adds 5 percent to most transactions and most provinces also charge an additional tax to have a combined harmonized sales tax (HST), usually around 10–15 percent in total. Expect most, if not all, products to have this already included in the marked price.

It's also a good idea to check with your local customs officials to ensure that you are able to bring certain items back into your home country.

Festivals and events

Canada knows how to put on a show, be it in nature or the cities. Depending on the time of the year, these are some of the festivals and events you can expect to come across:

Calgary Stampede

This 10-day hoedown features rodeos, parades, barbecues and more cowboy hats than you can poke a stick at. The locals call it the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth and it has been running in Calgary, Alberta, since 1912.

Montreal International Jazz Festival

Swap your boot scootin’ for some toe-tapping as more than 3000 performers from over 30 nations entertain millions during this annual celebration of jazz. Over 2500 kilograms of French fries are consumed each year, which is fitting given Montreal is the hub of French-speaking Canada.

Vancouver Festival of Light

This dazzling display of fireworks is not to be missed. Technicians gather from across the world to compete and put on the best and most engaging display. It’s the longest-running offshore fireworks competition in the world.

You'll know that it's Canada Day, no matter where you are in Canada. The locals celebrate this national holiday with parades, fireworks, parties, concerts and barbecues, so be sure to get into the maple-leaf spirit.

If you find yourself in Ottawa or greater Ontario in early February, chances are there’ll be a winter festival like Winterlude happening. Canada’s capital turns into a majestic winter wonderland and the focal point is Rideau Canal, which turns into the world’s largest skating rink at 7.8 kilometres long.

Quebec Winter Carnival

This festival even has its own mascot – a giant, tuque-wearing snow figure called Bonhomme Carnaval – who embodies the ‘joie de vivre’ (or ‘joy of living’) during winter. Come for Bonhomme and stay for parades, snow sculptures, ice skating and more.

Public holidays that may impact travel include:

  • Victoria Day

Thanksgiving Day

Remembrance Day

Please note dates of  Canada's public holidays  may vary

Further reading

For inspiring stories to prepare you for your Canada adventure, check out these books:

  • Anne of Green Gables – Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • Cat’s Eye – Margaret Atwood
  • Island – Alistair MacLeod
  • Sacre Bleus: An Unsentimental Journey Through Quebec – Taras Grescoe
  • Consolation – Michael Redhill
  • The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness, and Greed – John Vaillant
  • The Vancouver Stories: West Coast Fiction from Canada’s Best Writers – Intro by Douglas Coupland
  • Burden of desire – Robert MacNeil

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Canada travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travellers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travellers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

When is the best time to visit Canada?

Canada's vast land mass makes for beautiful scenery and varying climate conditions. December, January and February are the coldest months and travelling can be difficult at times due to the occasional road closure or snowstorm. That said, this time of year is ideal for skiing, snowboarding and all your winter delights.

June, July and August are the warmest months. They’re perfect for outdoor activities like rafting, hiking, camping and canoeing. Tourist hotspots and other popular places will be much busier than in other months due to warmer temperatures. 

While not typically as warm as the summer months, May and September still offer great conditions for travelling and sightseeing without the crowds.

Do I need a visa to travel to Canada?

Many nationalities are able to travel to Canada without a visa, provided they obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) before arriving. This includes citizens of Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Japan, France and many others. Like most countries, visitors to Canada must hold a valid passport with at least six months’ validity.

In some cases, visitors may not require a visa, for example, if you are a citizen of the United States. You may, however, still need to present relevant documentation, like a valid passport and evidence of lawful entry into the US.

Travellers from South Africa, China, Russia and other countries need a visa to travel to Canada regardless of their method of entry. Processing these visas may take upwards of three weeks. Visit the Government of Canada’s official website to find out if you will need to apply for a visa.

The is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 17/11/2023

Is tipping customary in Canada?

Tipping is very much a part of the culture in Canada. It's expected in restaurants, cafes and bars, and usually won’t be included in the bill.

People typically add 15-20% to the bill but feel free to tip a higher amount if you’ve enjoyed your experience. Tipping taxi drivers and valet attendants is also customary. Many bills in Canada do feature a tipping indicator under the subtotal, which is a handy method for choosing how much to leave. It's your choice, just remember that tipping in North America is culturally ingrained and wait staff are usually paid minimum wage, so understanding this and tipping accordingly is appreciated.

What is the internet access like Canada?

Canada’s internet is very good and it's easy to get access in most cities and towns.

Hotels, hostels and cafes are usually the best places to access the internet. It may be included with a booking or available at a small fee. Some fast food chains, cafes and restaurants have open wi-fi networks available, which are often accessible with a code from a purchase receipt. Be sure to keep an eye out for the international wi-fi symbol to connect.

Internet cafes are becoming less and less common in Canada, but some computer facilities (including in public libraries) are available in larger tourist areas.

Can I use my cell phone while in Canada?

Cell phone coverage is generally very good in Canada, but it may be patchy in remote areas such as national parks. Depending on the service provider, coverage in remote areas can sometimes be non-existent.

Your best bet, if you have an unlocked phone, is to purchase a prepaid SIM card when you arrive in Canada for all your calling, texting, and data needs. Canada has a few network providers and while voice coverage can be patchy, cell data is generally good in tourist areas, so using internet calling apps like Skype and WhatsApp is often preferred.

If you are from the United States (or are also travelling in the US), there is often an option to upgrade or purchase a prepaid roaming plan with a US service provider to use across the border. Otherwise, you could activate global roaming when travelling through Canada. This can incur extremely high fees, so be sure to check with your local service provider before you leave your home country to know the costs.

What are the toilets like in Canada?

Western-style, flushable toilets are the standard in Canada. Public toilet facilities are usually available in shopping malls and town centres and often labelled as washrooms. If you wish to use a washroom in a cafe or restaurant, expect to be told to make a purchase beforehand to gain access.

Can I drink the water in Canada?

Drinking water from taps in Canada is considered safe unless otherwise advised. Canada has some of the best tasting tap water in the world.

For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water. Fill a reusable bottle or canteen with filtered water instead.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Canada?

Major credit cards are accepted by most retailers and restaurants in Canada. As in most countries, be sure to carry adequate cash for smaller purchases; however, it is becoming the norm to buy a coffee or make other small purchases on credit card.

What is ATM access like in Canada?

ATMs are very common in Canada so finding one won't be a problem in most cities or towns. They may not be as abundant in smaller towns and rural areas, so it’s wise to have enough cash before travelling anywhere too remote.

What is the weather like in Canada?

Many people imagine Canada as a winter wonderland with snow-capped mountains and ski resorts vying for their attention, but Canada’s weather is as diverse as its countryside. Summers can get very warm, sometimes reaching 35°C (95°F) and higher, while winters get very cold. It’s not uncommon to get down to -25°C (-13°F). Spring is usually warmer and more pleasant than autumn, which sees brisk and cool temperatures around the country though they’re made bearable by the rich orange and yellows of the trees.

Generally speaking, Canada’s weather fits into four main sections: the coasts, the Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba), central Canada and northern Canada. There are, of course, many more regional factors and thousands of microclimates, especially in mountain areas.

Expect milder summers and winters on the coast with temperatures not dropping much below -10°C (14°F) and not rising much above 22°C (72°F). The winters are wetter here with the east coast seeing more rainfall, while Vancouver is an anomaly to the rest of Canada with more of an oceanic climate.

In the Prairies, the summers are hot and dry and winter is icy cold. There are long periods of snow, with Calgary experiencing around 54 days and 50 inches of snow, while Southern Alberta has a weird winter phenomenon called chinook winds. These are dry gusts that melt snow and raise temperatures by over 20 degrees in a matter of hours. Of the three largest cities in the Prairies, Winnipeg has the coldest winter days at -11°C (12°F), compared to Calgary (-1°C/30°F) and Edmonton (-6°C/21°F), but also has the warmest summer days at 26°C (79°F), compared to both Calgary and Edmonton (23°C/73°F).

Central Canada enjoys humid summers and cooler winters, with some areas experiencing snow cover for almost six months of the year. As much of Canada’s interior enjoys a continental climate, winters are cold and the wind chill is brisk. Toronto hits around 27°C (80°F) on a hot summer’s day and -1.5°C (29°F) in winter, while Montreal in summer hits 26°C (79°F) and -5.3°C (23°F) in winter.  

Northern Canada is where temperatures really drop. The far reaches of the Northwest Territories (NWT) rarely rise above 0°C (32°F) and can record temperatures below -45°C (-49°F). These extremes aren’t for everyone and it shows – of the three provinces to make up northern Canada (NWT, Yukon and Nunavut), their total population (around 120,000) is less than Canada’s 40th largest city.

What to wear in Canada

This depends on where you’re traveling. The diversity of seasons rules out a one-size-fits-all packing list, so our advice is to consider both the season and the activities you’d like to participate in. 

You’ll be able to get away with light clothing for most of the summer, like a shirt and shorts or light trousers, plus a jacket to wear in the cooler evenings. During spring and autumn, it’s best to bring layers. Temperatures can drop below freezing, especially at night, so if you’re checking out Vancouver’s nightlife or enjoying a nightcap in Toronto, it’s best to rug up. You’ll need to take the comfort dial up a notch in winter with thermal base layers, warm fleeces and jackets, and at least one wind-breaking outer layer to keep you warm. A beanie, scarf and neck warmer are all highly recommended.

Canada is an active destination so ensure you’re prepared with the right type of gear, including sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots, UV protection and warm (but breathable) clothing that can be easily layered. If any water-based activities are on your to-do list, like kayaking or whitewater rafting, consider bringing a pair of dive boots or aqua shoes to save your feet from freezing water and sharp rocks.

For a more comprehensive list on what to wear and what to pack for Canada, be sure to check the packing list included in each trip’s Essential Trip Information.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before travelling?

Absolutely. All passengers travelling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

Is Canada a safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travellers?

In many regards, Canada is a world leader at recognizing LGBTQIA+ rights. It is consistently named as one of the most queer-friendly countries in the world.

Same-sex sexual activity has been lawful since 1969, and same-sex marriages have been legal nationwide since 2005. Anti-discrimination laws are extensive. They were passed in 1996 for sexual orientation and in 2017 for gender identity and expression. The Canadian government announced that it will add a third gender option to all government documents, including census forms and passports, from late 2017.

Canada is home to some of the largest Pride parades in all the world, with over 650,000 attending in Vancouver and over 1 million in Toronto. Toronto is also home to the Church and Wellesley neighborhood, which is known as an LGBT hotspot of the city. Similar LGBTQIA+ friendly neighborhoods exist in Vancouver (Davie Village), Montreal, (commercial district), and Ottawa (Bank Street); however, this is not to say that other neighborhoods are not as socially accepting.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting Equaldex or ILGA before you travel.

If you are traveling solo on an Intrepid group tour, you will share accommodation with a passenger of the same gender as per your passport information. If you don’t identify with the gender assigned on your passport, please let us know at time of booking and we’ll arrange the rooming configuration accordingly. A single supplement is available on some tours for travelers who do not wish to share a room.

Is Canada accessible for travellers with disabilities?

Intrepid is committed to making travel widely accessible, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travelers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them towards the most suitable itinerary for their needs and make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries where possible.

Canada is making clear progress on aiding those with disabilities, especially travelers with mobility issues. Many public buildings around Canada’s major cities and tourist zones have access to lifts and ramps, while pedestrian crossings often have sloping curbs.

For more logistical information on air, bus, rail and ferry transportation, visit the Canadian federal government’s Travel portal.

If you do live with a visual, hearing or other impairment, let your booking agent or group leader know early on so they’re aware and suitable arrangements can be made. As a general rule, knowing some common words in the local language, carrying a written itinerary with you and taking to the streets in a group, rather than solo, can help make your travel experience the best it can be.

Learn more about Accessible Travel with Intrepid

What kind of accommodation will I be staying in?

Travelling with Intrepid is a little bit different. We endeavour to provide travellers with an authentic experience to remember, so we try to keep accommodation as unique and traditional as possible.

When travelling with us in Canada, you may find yourself staying in a:

Depending on your trip, you may be spending some nights camping with us. We provide you with a full set of camping and cooking supplies. Campsites will have a range of facilities available, from toilets and often showers, to pay-per-use washing machines and dryers.

Check your Essential Trip Notes carefully so you know what equipment you'll need to supply yourself.

How will I be travelling around Canada?

Intrepid believes half the fun of experiencing a new country is getting there, and getting around once there! Where possible, Intrepid uses local transport options and traditional modes of transport – which usually carry less of an environmental impact, support small local operators and are heaps more fun.

Depending on which trip you're on while in Canada, you may find yourself travelling by:

  • Ferry Find your sea legs and enjoy a mode of transport that offers scenic views and a dose of fresh air. A ferry ride to Vancouver Island is the ideal way to get acquainted with the west coast.
  • Private vehicle Our vehicle of choice is the 14-seat Ford Transit. Spacious, comfortable, sturdy and safe – it’s hard to beat for a cross‑country road trip. Each vehicle is equipped with large windows, a storage trailer, air conditioning and charging ports.

How do I stay safe and healthy while travelling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip to Canada support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. In fact, we make a donation on behalf of every traveller. Trips to Canada directly support our foundation partner, Water First . 

Water First  

Water First work with Indigenous communities in Canada to address critical water challenges through education and skills training programs. Donations from our trips support three of their programs – preparing young Indigenous adults for careers in their community's water treatment plants, training Indigenous community members to restore places of local significance, and engaging Indigenous school children with fun and unique learning resources.  

Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Please note our office and phone lines will be closed for staff training on the afternoon of Thursday 12th September.

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  • Canary Islands
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11 reviews for our Canada Holidays

Adventure holidays in canada.

Beautiful lakes, imposing glaciers, snow-capped mountains, vibrant cities, wide open spaces, amazing wildlife and some of the nicest people on the planet, Canada is a vast nation that has adventure around every corner.

Canada's beauty spans across the entire enormous county, catering to a diverse range of travellers - young and old, couples, families and solo explorers. Discover the magic of Canada's winter, offering cosy chalets amid snow-draped landscapes, perfect for snowshoeing, snowmobiling and husky dog sledding. In the Canadian Rocky Mountains , expect awe-inspiring trails and vistas across four National Parks. Summer unveils striking glacial lakes, mountain top views that stretch for miles, privileged glimpses of grizzly bears, black bears and moose and stunning snowy peak top vistas.

Featured Holidays in Canada

Wenkchemna Peaks reflecting on Moraine Lake

Walking Highlights of the Rockies

Travel the Icefields Parkway from Jasper to Banff, exploring the best day hikes of the Canadian Rockies.

13 days from

£2,895 without flights

£3,995 with flights

Walking above Whistler

Canada Family Adventure from Vancouver to Calgary

Family adventure holiday to Canada full of activities surrounded by stunning mountains

£2,995 without flights

£4,045 with flights

Recent Reviews

paket tour ke canada

Canadian Summit Scramble

Holiday not as described

Unfortunately this holiday wasn’t as described in the KE brochure. Guides - Their brochure states “A professional mountain guide (2 guides over groups of 6) will be provided” – In fact we had an apprentice guide and an assistant who had no qu...

Disappointing and not good value for money

Canada is a beautiful country and the people were so friendly wherever we went, we would both love to go back again. The guides were lovely and worked really hard doing all the driving, cooking and leading of the walks - there really needed to be mor...

Opportunity gone missing...

The Summits Scrambler in the Canadian Rockies offers the opportunity to be ‘up close’ with lots of colossal limestone mountains and passes. Unfortunately, this opportunity was not realised on this holiday. There was no scrambling and few summits....

Outstanding walking in the scenic Canadian Rockies

The Canadian Rockies are an exceptionally beautiful mountain range, and this trip packs in many fine walks and gives a very rich experience of the area. There is actually very little scrambling, and that little is not hard - it is predominantly a wal...

Five activities to enjoy on an adventure holiday in Canada

A holiday in Canada promises an adventure enthusiast an array of thrilling experiences amidst breathtaking landscapes.

Cycling enthusiasts can revel in the extensive network of cycling trails that crisscross the country. Start with a visit to Granville Island where the vibrant art scene and charming markets set the stage for a bike ride around Stanley Park, passing by totem poles that share the stories of indigenous cultures. Pedal through rainforest trails, where colossal trees create a canopy overhead and the air is filled with the earthy scent of wilderness. Thrill-seekers can't miss the exhilarating downhill cycling in Whistler, where the rugged terrain and alpine vistas create a truly unforgettable cycling adventure holiday.

A walking holiday in Canada offers the incredible opportunity to traverse the iconic Rockies, a mountain range renowned for its majestic peaks and pristine wilderness. Venture into the heart of nature by hiking in the stunning National Parks of Banff, Jasper and Yoho, where cascading waterfalls, turquoise lakes and rugged mountain trails await discovery. For those seeking a hidden gem on their Canadian adventure holiday, Kananaskis Country offers a lesser-known, yet equally spectacular, hiking paradise. Don't miss the chance to hike the Plain of the Six Glaciers, a trail that rewards with breathtaking views of icy wonders.

Rafting and canoeing

For waterborne adventurers, Canada presents a thrilling combination of white-water rafting and canoeing experiences. Navigate the roaring rapids of Yoho National Park during a heart-pounding Canadian white-water rafting adventure. Paddle serenely across the crystal clear waters of Clearwater Lake in a canoe, taking in the serene beauty of the surrounding landscape. Stand-up paddle boarding is also incredibly popular and offers another way to discover the beauty of Canada.

Nestled amidst sensational Canadian scenery, campgrounds provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural world. Under clear night skies, campers can revel in stargazing sessions that reveal the wonders of the universe. Canadian camp sites, often surrounded by lush forests, feature pitches equipped with picnic benches, barbeques and fire pits, creating an inviting atmosphere and the perfect set up for a cosy night under the stars. 

Wildlife watching

Wildlife enthusiasts are in for a treat as Canada's diverse ecosystems teem with fascinating creatures. Keep a keen eye out for beady-eyed bald eagles soaring overhead. Along the shores, the opportunity to spot moose and even bears adds a thrilling edge to any outdoor adventure. For a more educational wildlife adventure holiday encounter, visit the Wolf Sanctuary in Yoho National Park where you can observe these magnificent creatures up close and gain insights into their behaviour and conservation.

Worldwide Adventure Holidays

We offer over 360 active adventures in 100 countries worldwide. Best known for our pioneering itineraries and challenging trips with an 'edge', we also offer a range of easier guided and self-guided walking, cycling, family and wildlife journeys throughout the world. Based in Keswick in the Lake District, we are passionate about creating unique travel experiences for our customers.

40 years of operating; fully bonded and your money 100% protected.

From leisurely walking and cycling to push-your-limits expeditions.

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15D14N Explore Canada (Min 10)

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Package Options (Price Per Person)

Activities information.

Day 1: Vancouver

  • Arrival Vancouver Internatioanal Airport
  • Meet and greet by our representatives
  • Transfer to hotel
  • Check in and overnight at hotel in Vancouver

Day 2: Vancouver Tour City (B)

  • Breakfast at hotel
  • Proceed to City Of Vancouver and be amazed on it
  • Visit Stanley Park, Grouse Mountain, Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, Robson Street, Gastown, Chinatown, English Bay and Granville Island Public Market
  • Transfer to hotel and overnight at hotel in Vancouver

Day 3: Victoria Islands City Tour (B)

  • Proceed to British Colombia’s famous Victoria Islands
  • Travell by ferry and explore the town on a short tour and visit to the W orld-Famous Butchart Gardens
  • Proceed to hotel and overnight in Vancouver

Day 4: Vancouver – Kamloops (B)

  • Breakfast at hotel and check out
  • Transfer to Kamloops via Whistler
  • Enjoy view at Shannon Falls and The Tantalus View Point and continue journey
  • On arrival, Check in and overnight at hotel in Kamloops

Day 5: Kamloops – Jasper  (B)

  • Proceed to Jasper and enjoy view M ountain Parks, Revelstoke, Glacier and  Yoho
  • Explore the Magnificent Rookies until reach Jasper
  • Check in and overnight at hotel in Jasper

Day 6: Jasper Tour City (B)

  • Explore the natural beauty of the Jasper National Park
  • Transfer to hotel and overnight at hotel in Jasper

Day 7: Jasper – Banff  (B)

  • Today, you will travel to Banff via the Columbia Icefields
  • Enjoy great view at the Lake Louise and Lake Maurine
  • Check in and overnight at Banff

Day 8: Banff Tour City   (B)

  • Learn about culture, geology and wildlife while exploring spectacular sights
  • Proceed to Sulphur Mountain of the Banff Gondola for 360 – degree view of six mountain
  • Continue tour at Lake Minnewanka
  • Transfer to hotel and overnight at hotel in Banff

Day 9: Banff – Montreal   (B)

  • Transfer to Calgary  International Airport by road
  • Enjoy short tour and beautiful view
  • On arrival, check in and overnight at hotel Montreal

Day 10 : Montreal City Tour (B)

  • Discover Montreal and visit the Old Montreal, Olympic Park, Mount Royal Park and Notre Dame Basilica
  • Continue visit Montreal Harbour, Chinatown, Bonsecours Market Building, Place Jaques Cartier, Biodome, McGill University, Place Des Arts, Place Ville Marie
  • Visit The Universite De Montreal, City Hall, Botanical Gardens & Insectraium, St Helen’s Island and Casino and The Molson Centre
  • Transfer to hotel and overnight at hotel in Montreal

Day 11 : Quebec Tour City (B)

  • Proceed to Quebec City and Montmorency Falls
  • Full day excursion and you will visit Old Quebec, Chateau Frontenac, National Historic Sites Of Canada, The Citadel, Fortifications, Petit Champlain, Notre – Dame De Quebec Basilica – Cathedral, Place Royale, Plains of Abraham, Parliament Hill, Saint Lawrence River, Old Port, Montmorency Falls Park

Day 12 :Montreal – Toronto (B)

  • Transfer to Toronto via Ottawa
  • Take a short break and explore the Capital City Of Canada
  • Continue your journey by road or by train to Toronto
  • Transfer to hotel and overnight at hotel in Toronto

Day 13 : Niagara Tour City (B)

  • Full day tour of Niagara Falls and enjoy the famous attractions

Day 14 : Toronto Tour City(B)

  • Breakfast at the hotel
  • Proceed to city tour of Toronto
  • Visit to the CN Tower, The Casa Loma Castle, The Royal Ontario Museum and The Ripley’s Aquarium
  • Before end the tour, you will drive past the Historic harbor front of the city giving you a glimpse of the Toronto Skyline

Day 15 : Toronto (B)

  • Transfer to  Toronto Airport International
  • Depart to your home country with sweet memories


paket tour ke canada

  • Vancouver – Empire Landmark Hotel
  • Kamloops – Double Tree by Hilton Hotel
  • Jasper – Chateau Jasper Hotel
  • Banff – Aspen Lodge Hotel
  • Toronto – Novotel Mississauga Toronto Hotel
  • Montreal – Le Nouvel Hotel & Spa

One of the best resorts we’ve stayed in so far. We took 3d2n package with breakfast, lunch & din provided. Food given large quantity, esp seafood & service was fine. Stayed in Garden Villa chalet. Very clean & comfortable. Housekeeping crew came to clean, very prompt & quick. Clean & nice beach, about 20 paces away from room, as well as clean pool, about 10 paces from room. Surrounding well kept. Resort is, of course, not new but it’s more than adequate to unwind & relax. Came during off-peak season & feels like you have whole resort to yourself! Thank you to staff for memorable holiday.

Policy / Surcharge:

  • Please Ask Us !

Package Includes:

  • 14 nights accommodation at hotel with d aily breakfast
  • Airport transfers in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and Calgary
  • Intercity transfers between cities
  • Entrance to attractions
  • Meet, greet and assist on arrival departure and during tours
  • English speaking tour guide
  • Provincial taxes and tipping

Packages Excludes:

  • International and domestic flight ticket (not stated in itinerary)
  • Airport taxes
  • Personal charges at hotel (phone call, mini bar, laundry and others)
  • Personal expenses
  • Porterage at hotel
  • Optional tour
  • Travel Insurance – from RM 30

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Deposit & Payment

Booking deposit* (non-refundable) of the full payment should be paid after your booking has been verified by Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours. Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours reserves the right to cancel your booking if you fail to make a full-payment 45 days before travelling dates.

* 30% or more deposit is required at time of booking as it depends on type of package.

* RM 1000/person for group series muslim tour package with travelling date more than 3 months.

paket tour ke canada

Additional info for FIT Tour Package included the air ticket

  • Upon registration and confirmation of airline ticket request, Traveller must remit full payment for airline ticket according to the dateline as advised by the person-in-charge in AMI Travel.
  • For ground and other payments, traveler must remit booking deposit (a 100 % non-refundable) of 30% from the package price (excluding airline ticket) within three (3) days after registration or according to the dateline advised by person- in- charge in AMI. Balance payment must be made thirty (45) days prior to departure date or according to the dateline as advised by the person-in-charge in AMI.
  • No changes can be made within 48 days before departure
  • If participant wants to come back later or earlier than the expected date of arrival in Malaysia, participant must send an e-mail or letter 45 days before the travelling dates and it is subject to the discretion of Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours. However, Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours reserves the right to reject or accept it.
  • If allowed, any additional cost is participant’s responsibilities. Participant also will be charged for admin fee.


  • Booking cancellation from the participant should be done through email or letter and must be sent to Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours for avoiding any misunderstanding
  • Price is subject to change which based on currency fluctuation.
  • Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours reserves the right to amend the itinerary without prior notice.
  • Malaysian traveller, travel insurance is compulsory for international packages. Travel insurance click here.
  • There will be no tour leader from Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours that will join this tour.
  • Refund will not be paid immediately and will take more than 2 months.
  • All hotel and flight details are for reference only and subject to change till you get the verification from Al Masyhur International Travel & Tours.
  • Not all hotels provide electric kettle and ironing facilities. It is advisable to bring your own.
  • Not all hotels have triple room. So that, triple sharing room is based on twin sharing room with extra bed. Each room must be at least 2 adults paying full fare then only follow by child fare.
  • This package is not includes flight ticket unless it is stated, you will be charge RM 40/ticket/person if you want to book flight tickets with us.
  • Validity of the passport must be more than 6 (six) months from arrival date.
  • A copy of passport should be emailed to the tour officer 45 days before departure
  • It is advisable to check and ensure that you are eligible to go to overseas and your name is not being blacklisted. (’Blacklist’: Bank Debts, PTPTN and others). We will not hold any responsibilities if you are not allowed to travel on the day of your departure. Check status here
  • For package with Halal meals, meals are suitable for Muslims except breakfast which will be served in standard international buffet menu. In places which Halal meals are hardly to find, we will serve meals based on seafood, vegetarian or packed halal meals.
  • Terms and conditions are provided for your information. Once you book this package, we will assume you have read our Terms & Conditions
  • No refund or reduction will be made to any member in for accommodation, meals, sightseeing tours, transport or any other services which are included in the tour fare but not utilized by the tour member due to personal reasons.
  • The price shown above is min 2 persons unless it is stated.
  • For group series if we have less participant, the participants will be combine with our consortium partner.
  • If you are satisfied with the tour, you can write your review by clicking the link based on the branch you are dealing with either Selangor Branch / Johor Branch . Otherwise you can submit your complain to the management through email at [email protected] for further action.

Although we try our best to ensure that the information that we display is correct, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and as such do not accept any liability should any information be incorrect. The information provided within late availability and exclusive deals is accurate and available at the time of entry however, it is not real-time. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the offers will be available upon further enquiry. We are not responsible for the content of any other websites that we provide links to.

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See All Canada Tours

See More Canada Trips

5 million happy guests and counting

Moraine Lake in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada

Canadian dollar

Capital City

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GMT-2:30 - GMT-7

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"Canada is easily one of the most beautiful countries in the world and it's always a pleasure to watch our guests light up when they see our stunning lakes and mountains, and meet our friendly people"

Travel Director

Embrace the laid-back lifestyle of Vancouver

Awarded the title of the world’s most liveable city eight times since 2002, Vancouver is a haven of green spaces and mountain views. Explore the lakes, rivers and national parks, or take the ferry to Vancouver Island and Victoria, where you’ll find a slice of Olde England, with traditional houses, gardens and vineyards.

Explore the dramatic mountain wilderness of The Rockies

The Canadian Rockies are one of the most magnificent places on earth. We’ll take you on a journey through towering mountains, dazzling lakes and glittering glaciers, as we explore the natural wonders of The Rockies. From the turquoise waters of Lake Louise to the gorgeous scenery of Spirit Island, The Rockies are truly unforgettable.

Visit Jasper National Park

As the largest national park in Canada, Jasper National Park is a remarkable wilderness, with a wealth of natural treasures. We’ll take you on a specially designed Ice Explorer from the fairytale Athabasca Falls to the sheer limestone cliffs of Maligne Canyon, and to Spirit Island, the soul of Jasper National Park.

Go on an excursion to Moraine Lake

One of the most beautiful places in all of Canada, Moraine Lake is a glacial lake in Banff National Park. It transforms throughout the day, from a mirrored surface to an electric blue colour. We’ll explore its shoreline and take a walk to Rock Pile for incredible views of the Valley of Ten Peaks.

View the traditional kekuli built by people of the First Nations

We’ll show you the real thing on our Canada group tours, with a visit to the village of Chase. You’ll learn about the First Nation Secwepemc people (the Shuswap), and take a walk around their ancestral grounds where you’ll see a traditional kekuli homestead, used to survive the harsh Canadian winters.

Our top 5 things to do in Canada

Our Canada vacation packages include all the highlights, like the mighty Rockies and Moraine Lake, and all the intimate experiences like a visit to the ancestral grounds of the Secwepemc people.

Science World

With a wealth of indoor and outdoor interactive displays and live science demonstrations, Science World is one of the most fun things to do in Vancouver. See the Ken Spencer Science Park, watch incredible films and shows in the Science Theatre, or get lost in the puzzle room.

The Hockey Hall of Fame

Ice hockey is one of the best-loved sports in Canada, and they’ve even dedicated the Hockey Hall of Fame to the sport. With everything from themed exhibits and hockey artefacts, to games that test your hockey skills, this is the best place to learn all things ice hockey.

Redpath Museum

Set in the oldest building in Montreal, originating as a museum in 1882, the Redpath Museum houses an incredible showcase of natural history. You’ll find large collections of dinosaur bones, skeletons, rocks, minerals, gemstones and historic cultural items, all displayed in a grand old building on the McGill University campus.

Best museums in Canada

From live science shows to the complete history of hockey, our Canada vacation tours take you to all the most entertaining museums in the country.

Canada takes French fries to new heights with poutine, a dish of potato French fries smothered in cheese curds and gravy. Originating from Quebec, it’s now the quintessential Canadian snack across the country. The traditional version is delicious, but you can also add extra toppings like bacon and pulled pork.

Timbits & a 'Double Double'

Head to Tim Horton’s to find Canada’s favourite afternoon snack. A Timbit is a bite-sized doughnut ball, which comes in a range of flavours like apple fritter or lemon, while a ‘Double Double’ is a coffee with two cream and two sugars. Combined together, they make a deliciously sweet treat.

Originally hailing from Quebec, Tourtière is a classic meat pie made with minced beef, pork or veal, and potatoes, baked in a delicious pastry crust. It’s traditionally served for celebrations like Christmas and New Year’s Eve, but our Local Specialists will show you where to find it all year round.

Best food in Canada

With a blend of influences from First Nations, French and British cuisines, Canadian food is warm and tasty. We’ll show you our favourite places for a feast of meats, gravy, pies and coffee.

What to pack for Canada

People packing for a tour

Hiking shoes

Canada is filled with majestic mountains and hiking trails. Pack a sturdy pair of walking shoes to see all the incredible sights from Moraine Lake to Spirit Island.

With temperatures ranging from -15°C in winter to 30°C or more in summer, and a range of climates across the country, it’s best to pack versatile clothing for your Canada trip.

Canadian dollars

Canada uses Canadian dollars, so be sure to stock up on some cash and switch to the Canadian currency after crossing the border with the United States.

Adaptor plug

In Canada, the standard voltage is 120 V and the power plugs and sockets are of type A and B. The standard frequency is 60 Hz.

With some of the most phenomenal landscapes and natural wonders in the world, be sure to bring a camera to capture the country’s beauty.

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and refillable toiletry bottles.

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Paket Tour East Coast USA - Canada 14 Hari 13 Malam

Patung Liberty

Paket Tour di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada selama 14 Hari 13 Malam

Durasi : 14 Hari 13 Malam

ITINERARY PAKET TOUR USA 2019 dari PT. KSM Wisata Internasional ( KSMTOUR.COM )

Pagi hari berkumpul di Bandara Internasional Juanda untuk berangkat bersama-sama menuju New York via Singapore .

Setelah sampai di New York anda diantar ke New Jersey untuk berbelanja di Jersey Garden Outlet , setelah berbelanja anda akan diantar ke hotel untuk check in dan acara bebas.

Setelah sarapan pagi, anda diajak untuk city tour New York dengan mengunjungi objek-objek wisata terkenal seperti Statue of Liberty yang terletak di Liberty Island . Statue of Liberty ini didesain oleh Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi dan merupakan hadiah dari Perancis untuk Amerika Serikat . Setelah itu anda juga diajak mengunjungi Empire State Building , gedung pencakar langit yang terletak di pusat kota Manhattan dan dulunya pernah menjadi gedung tertinggi di dunia. Dari Empire State Building anda diajak mengunjungi Ground Zero yang dulunya merupakan bekas bangunan WTC yang hancur karena serangan pada 11 september 2001 atau yang dikenal dengan 9/11. Setelah itu tour dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi Trinity Church , Wall Street , dan Atlantic City .

Setelah sarapan pagi, anda akan diantar menuju ke Philadelphia . Sesampainya di Philadelphia , anda diajak mengunjungi Liberty Bell yang merupakan simbol kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat yang terletak di Independence Hall .

Hari ini melanjutkan perjalanan menuju ke ibu kota Amerika Serikat yaitu Washington D.C. . Sesampainya di ibukota Amerika Serikat ini, anda diajak mengunjungi Arlington Memorial Cemetry tempat para pahlawan Amerika Serikat dikuburkan termasuk presiden Amerika yang terkenal, John F. Kennedy . Setelah itu tour dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi Washington Monument yang dibangun untuk mengenang George Washington yang merupakan presiden pertama Amerika Serikat dan tak lupa anda juga diantar ke Pentagon City Mall untuk berbelanja.

Setelah sarapan pagi, anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Lincoln Memorial yang dibangun sebagai penghormatan terhadap presiden ke-16 Amerika Serikat , Abraham Lincoln . Kemudian anda diajak mengunjungi Jefferson Memorial yang didedikasikan untuk Thomas Jefferson yang merupakan salah satu founding father Amerika Serikat. Tidak lupa, anda juga akan mengunjungi White House yang merupakan kantor sekaligus kediaman presiden Amerika Serikat serta U.S. Capitol yang merupakan kantor dari para senator Amerika Serikat .

Hari ini anda akan diajak menuju ke Corning yang berada di New York untuk mengunjungi Corning Museum of Glass . Museum ini didedikasikan untuk seni, sejarah, dan penelitian tentang kaca. Anda bisa melihat kurang lebih 45.000 koleksi dan diantara ada yang berusia lebih dari 3500 tahun.

Setelah sarapan pagi, anda diajak mengunjungi Niagara Falls , air terjun tertinggi di dunia yang berada di wilayah Kanada. Selanjutnya anda diajak mengunjungi Toronto untuk mengunjungi University of Toronto , Toronto City Hall , dan CN Tower . Setelah selesai, anda diantar ke hotel untuk check in dan acara bebas.

Hari ini tour dilanjutkan menuju ke ibukota Kanada , Ottawa . Sesampainya anda akan diajak mengunjungi Parliament House , Canadian Mint yang merupakan tempat pencetakan mata uang Kanada dan negara-negara lainnya. Anda juga akan diajak untuk menyusuri Rideau Cannal yang merupakan kanal tertua di Amerika utara. Pada sore hari, dilanjutkan perjalanan menuju ke Montreal untuk bermalam di sana.

Setelah sarapan pagi, anda diajak city tour mengunjungi Old Montreal , Notre Dame yang dibangun pada tahun 1829 dengan gaya gothic, dan juga mengunjungi Mt. Royal yang terletak di Quebec . Setelah itu langsung kembali ke Amerika Serikat  untuk melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Boston .

Hari ini anda diajak city tour dengan mengunjungi salah satu universitas terbaik dunia yang ada di Cambridge, Massachusetts , yaitu Harvard University dan MIT University. Setelah mengunjungi 2 universitas tersebut anda bisa berbelanja di Quincy Market lalu melanjutkan perjalanan menuju ke New Jersey untuk check in hotel dan istirahat.

Setelah sarapan pagi anda diajak city tour dengan mengunjungi beberapa objek wisata terkenal yang ada di New York seperti, Rockefeller Center , Central Park , China Town , Times Square , dan 5th Avenue . Sore hari, anda diantar menuju ke bandara untuk melanjutkan perjalanan kembali ke Surabaya via Singapore .

Dalam perjalanan menuju ke Singapore .

Pada sore hari, sampai di Surabaya .

  • - Tour Leader
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  • - Antar - jemput dari rumah ke bandara di kota asal
  • - Airport tax, fiskal dan tax lainnya yang berlaku di negara-negara tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi.
  • - Biaya pembuatan dokumen perjalanan: paspor, visa, dll.
  • - Asuransi perjalanan.
  • - Excess baggage (biaya kelebihan barang bawaan di atas 20 kg).
  • - Biaya bea masuk bagi barang yang dikenakan bea masuk oleh duane di Jakarta / Surabaya / negara-negara yang dikunjungi.
  • - Tips guide, Optional Tour, dan acara di luar itinerary
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  • - High Season Surcharge
  • - Pembayaran DP sebesar 50%
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  • Pembayaran dilakukan melalui Bank Mandiri A/C No. 142 0013 168 991 a.n. PT KSM Wisata Internasional
  • Hubungi: - Call / SMS / Whatsapp : 0812 3933 2125 - BBM : 5221A7EC - Telepon : 0812 3933 2125 - Email : [email protected] Atau kirim pesan langsung melalui halaman kontak Atau kirim notifikasi melalui Keranjang Belanja di bawah.
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Paket Tour East Coast USA 14 Hari 13 Malam


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  1. Paket Tour Canada

    Paket Tour Canada, Kanada menempati urutan kedua terbesar di dunia setelah Rusia. Kanada memiliki lanskap yang unik dan bervariasi, dengan jejeran pegunungan yang megah, air terjun raksasa, serta danau biru yang indah. Ibu kotanya adalah di Ottawa. Destinasi wisata utama di Kanada, antara lain Niagara Falls, Canadian Rookies, Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, dan Banff National Park.

  2. Paket Tour Kanada 11 Hari, Canada's Rockies

    Deskripsi Paket Tour Kanada : Paket tour Kanada wisata alam mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang menarik dan terkenal di Kanada dengan gaya santai. Jumlah peserta tour Kanada minimal 10 orang dewasa, maksimal 15 orang dewasa. Jika Anda mempunyai group dengan jumlah minimal 10 orang atau lebih bisa disesuaikan destinasi, biaya dan durasinya.

  3. Bayu Buana Travel Services

    America & Canada. Home; Destination & Package; America & Canada; Group Tour. Spend Less, Experience More. Temukan liburan seru yang tidak terlupakan bersama rombongan Tour Bayu Buana. 12 Days & 9 Nights. 12D/09N FAVORITE USA EAST COAST with AMISH VILLAGE & NIAGARA FALLS (ZEA1QR) - YE Depart: 23, 30 September 2024, 7, 20 October 2024, 10, 19 ...

  4. Canada Tours & Vacation Packages: Toronto Vancouver ...

    Otherwise, we recommend this 9-day tour of the maritimes! Canada tours and vacation packages at low prices. Find Canada tour packages to Toronto, Niagara Falls, Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec City, Canadian Rockies, Ottawa, Victoria and more. Book affordable Canada bus tours from New York, Boston, Seattle with hotel included.

  5. Canada Vacations

    Perfect for history lovers, you'll connect with the heritage of two nations, exploring Washington D.C.'s White House and Lincoln Memorial, a simpler Amish way of life, strolling Canada's Ottawa, Toronto, and French inspired Montreal, and the thunderous Niagara Falls on this East Coast USA and Canada tour. FROM. $5,513.

  6. Canada Tours, Trips, Travel, and Vacation Packages

    Call us toll free at 800.340.5158. Tour Canada with Collette and enjoy hidden cultural and natural wonders as you travel from the Rockies to the urban spaces of Vancouver, Montreal, & beyond.

  7. Canada Tours and Holiday Packages

    Big Sights & Bigger Experiences. Explore the best of Canada with Globus, from the picturesque isles and craggy shores in the east to the luminous lakes and world-class resorts in the west. Immerse yourself in the French ambiance of Québec or the windswept shores of Nova Scotia. Travel back to the golden era of luxury on a Canadian Rockies ...

  8. 10 Best 7 Day Canada Tours & Trips

    Wonders of the Bay of Fundy. 7-Day Alberta & Rockies Unique Tour. 7-Day Rockies — Vancouver Rocky Mountaineer Summer Tour|Calgary Departure. 7 Day Rocky Mountain Camping Adventure. Personal Retreat: 7 Days of Bliss in the Canadian Rockies. CANADA - Highlights of Banff Jasper and Rockies. Gems of the Yukon | Hiking Tour with Hotel Stays.

  9. Canada Trip

    Make tracks across Canada on an amazing adventure by train. Sit back and soak in the spectacular sights of forest pines, prairies, and peaks with seamless views of breathtaking British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Alberta. Wide open spaces and legendary places are calling with whistle stops in Winnipeg, Kamloops, Vancouver ...

  10. The Best Canada Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Winter 2024 / 2025. In winter, Canada transforms into a snowy playground, ideal for skiing in Whistler or Banff. Experience the Northern Lights and mingle through the festive markets of Quebec City. Canada Winter tours (86) December 2024 popular 76 tours. January 2025 73 tours.

  11. Paket Tour Kanada

    Tanggung Jawab. Entrytour tidak dapat dituntut atas. Hubungi Kami Via WhatsApp. Paket Tour Kanada, liburan dan wisata ke Vancouver, Whistler, Banff, Jasper, Calgary, Lake Louise, Canada Rokies.

  12. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Canada 2024/2025

    Canadian Rockies & Northern Lights. 3.5 2 Reviews by TourRadar travelers. "The guide was knowledgeable, pleasant, and worked hard to give all tour participants an extraordinary time.". Daniel Maletic, traveled in January 2024. Explorer. Northern Lights. Coach / Bus. Sightseeing. Christmas & New Year.

  13. 10 Best Canada Summer Tours and Trip packages

    Canadian Rockies Express. No booking fees. Best price guaranteed. 8 days natural landmarks sightseeing trip in Canada, visiting Vancouver, Calgary, and Golden. Natural landmarks sightseeing. + 1. Tour Type. Small Group Tour. Small group tours usually have 8-12 participants and maximum up to 18 travelers.

  14. Canada Tour Packages

    Canada tour packages. Find perfect tours and trips to enjoy your vacations or holidays in Canada with tourhub. ... G Adventures, HF Holidays, Intrepid Travels, Jules Verne, KE Adventures, Mountain Kingdoms, On The Go Tours, Only You, Peregrine, Ramblers, Riviera, Saddle Skedaddle, Solos, Travelsphere, Trek, Undiscovered Destinations, Walks ...

  15. Bayu Buana Travel Services

    41 Tours. Starting From IDR 28,588,000Per Person. ... America & Canada 18 Tours. Starting From IDR 52,888,000Per Person. Domestic 20 Tours. Starting From IDR 1,918,000Per Person. Video. View More . Travelers Review. INI DIA KATA MEREKA YANG SUDAH PERNAH IKUT TRAVELING BARENG BAYU BUANA. View More . Image taken by our value participant.

  16. Best Canada Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    The changing colours of forested valleys and national parks, the freeze and flow of glacial lakes, the light and shade of the Rockies' snow-capped mountains - Canada is North America's natural masterpiece. Summer is for surfing and whale-watching off Vancouver Island, and seeing Lake Louise in all its blue-hued glory. Winter is for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing in Alberta, and ...

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    See All Canada Tours. As the world leader in travel experiences since 1947, we connect you to the real Canada in a way like no other. From its size to its soul, Canada is simply enormous. It's the second largest country on earth, home to an abundance of wonders, with the mighty Niagara Falls, the glacial peaks of The Rockies, and more lakes ...

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  22. Paket Tour America & Canada Terbaik di Indonesia

    Travel Agent Terbaik & Biro Perjalanan Wisata Terpercaya Menawarkan Promo Paket Tour America & Canada Terlengkap Serta Penawaran Hotel Termurah . Hotline . 021 3529 3145 ... Tour ke Swiss Dari Jakarta: Paket Dari Callista, Cuma 29jt! Paket Tour ke Belanda Jerman dan Swiss; Harga Tour ke Swiss 2024, Budget Terjangkau!

  23. Paket Tour East Coast USA

    Durasi : 14 Hari 13 Malam. Harga : ITINERARY PAKET TOUR USA 2019 dari PT. KSM Wisata Internasional ( KSMTOUR.COM ) Hari ke 1. Pagi hari berkumpul di Bandara Internasional Juanda untuk berangkat bersama-sama menuju New York via Singapore. Hari ke 2. Setelah sampai di New York anda diantar ke New Jersey untuk berbelanja di Jersey Garden Outlet ...