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Sacred Valley Self Guided Itinerary: Do It Yourself!

The Sacred Valley of the Incas is a region north of Cusco that is home to several small towns, majestic mountains, and numerous archaeological sites, including Machu Picchu . Although many people chose to take day trips and tours, we strongly recommend visiting the Sacred Valley self guided.

The network of colectivos, the public transportation system in rural Peru (a collection of vans that leave when full rather than on a timetable), makes it easy and affordable to get around and you have the invaluable luxury of moving at your own pace. We recommend spending at least 2 to 3 days in the Sacred Valley. After exploring the Sacred Valley for ourselves, we put together the Sacred Valley Self Guided Itinerary we wished we’d had before we went to help you plan your trip!

Sacred Valley Self Guided Itinerary

The Sacred Valley contains many small towns in the Andean highlands, north of Cusco. There’s no shortage of tour companies that will offer to bus you to the various archaeological sites in the Sacred Valley, and many offer to hit all the major sites (minus Machu Picchu) in just one day. These are rushed visits, and most of your day will be spent on a bus. Depending on your travel style and time available, this may be the best option for you. However, if you have 3 or even 2 days available, we recommend visiting the Sacred Valley self guided. Keep reading below for practical tips for exploring the Sacred Valley on your own.

Below is a summary of the main towns and their attractions, followed by an itinerary. Further below, you’ll find details on each of the town.

  • Ollantaytambo: This is where people take the train to Machu Picchu and is probably the most touristy town within the Sacred Valley. It also has extensive ruins.
  • Maras: Known for its proximity to two major attractions: the salineras (salt mines) and the Moray archaeological site. Aside from tourists passing through Maras on their way to these two sites, there is NOTHING happening here.
  • Urubamba: A transportation hub within the Sacred Valley, probably because it’s in the middle. Unless you’re renting a car, you’ll stop at the terminal here to change colectivos .
  • Pisac: This town has all the earthy/hippie vibes. It also has the most extensive ruins we visited, and you can spend hours hiking up and wandering through them.

Boleto Turistico

Many ruins in the Sacred Valley and in Cusco require a boleto turistico to enter. We recommend buying the 10-day boleto turistico as this allows you access to all of the sites. If you’ve never heard of a boleto turistico before, you can read our quick post on it here .

Download Maps.me

Maps.me is way better than GoogleMaps for exploring the Sacred Valley self guided and Peru in general. All the colectivo stops are well marked and the trails through the middle of nowhere are quite accurate! If your reading this and haven’t downloaded this app yet, do it right now!

2 Day Itinerary

Day 1: Cusco > Maras > Moray > Ollantaytambo

Visit the Maras salineras and Moray. Spend the night in Ollantaytambo.

Start in Cusco early, and take a colectivo to Urubamba (S/6, ~$2 USD), asking the driver to drop you off at Maras. You’ll get dropped off on the highway where there are several drivers for hire. Hire a driver to take you to the salt mines, then to Moray, and finally to Ollantaytambo, all for about S/40 (~$13 USD). The taxi will wait for you at the salt mines and at Moray. Visiting the salt mines costs S/10 ($3 USD) per person, and touring Moray will require a boleto turistico .

  • Maras salineras
  • Moray archaeological site

Day 2: Ollantaytambo > Urubamba > Pisac

Visit the ruins in Ollantaytambo and in Pisac.

Put on those hiking boots, you’re going to be exploring today! You’ll start with in the Ollantaytambo ruins in the morning. Hiking the main ruins requires a boleto turistico . You can expect the ruins to take about 2 hours.

Then, grab your bags and pick up a colectivo in front of the main market to take you to Urubamba for S/2 per person. In Urubamba, ask for the colectivo to get to Pisac. You’ll board one that goes to Calca (another S/2), which is a town mid-way to Pisac. In Calca, you’ll have to switch again to get to Pisac (another S/2). The colectivo transfers at Urubamba and Calca are at terminals so your next colectivo will be a just couple steps away from your drop off point.

In Pisac, wander through town and grab lunch at the market. Then hire a taxi to take you up to the ruins where you will explore for 1-2 hours and then hire a taxi to take you back to town. The total cost for a two-way taxi is about S/40 ($13 USD). You also have the option to take a taxi up and then hike back down to Pisac. The second option takes about 3-4 hours and if you have time we definitely recommend it! Once back in town, you can make your way back to Cusco by taking a colectivo from the same point place at which you got dropped off (S/4, ~$1 USD).


Hiking the Pisac ruins was one of the highlights of our time in the Sacred Valley.

  • You can substitute a lot of drives for hikes or a combination of colectivo + hike. For example, you can hike from the town of Maras to Moray in under 2hrs. (This was actually Nick’s favorite hike.) You can also hike from Maras to the highway and pick up a colectivo heading to Ollantaytambo. All trails are on Maps.me.
  • If you have an extra day, I would recommend spending it in Pisac. The ruins are vast, and hiking in the morning will allow you to explore them with virtually no one around. You can hike to the ruins and back in ~5hrs.
  • At this point in your trip, you might be over hiking (we certainly had to take a few days to relax to be excited to hike again!) and hiring a taxi may be in your best interest. Even then, Pisac is a great place to get more of a taste of the Sacred Valley. Whether you’d like to hike or relax, there are many accommodations in Pisac that are comfortable. We recommend staying at Hatha Art Yoga Hostel (and NOT the nearby Wolf Totem Guest House).

Now, as promised, here’s the deep-dive on each stop.

  • Things to Do: Visit the ruins. Entry into the main ruins requires a boleto turistico , however, there’s a smaller set of ruins on the other side of the valley that does not require a boleto and offers a good view of the main ruins themselves. Within the main ruins, there’s an optional hike uphill that offers a nice view of the valley.
  • Where to Stay: We did not stay in Ollantaytambo. Check either Hostelworld or Booking.com.
  • Where to Eat: There are several restaurants on the main plaza that cater to tourists. For a local experience, walk a few blocks off the main plaza (for ex., just in front of the main market) where you can find menu del dia (a fixed lunch menu) for S/6.

There’s a smaller set of ruins opposite the main ruins that does not require a boleto turistico to hike and offers a great view of the main ruins.

Maras / Moray

  • Things to Do: Visit the salineras (salt mines) and Moray archaeological site. With extra time, visit the Cheqoq archeological site (also called the ancient refrigerator) just outside of town or hike from Maras to Moray (see notes below).
  • Where to Stay: We do NOT recommend staying in Maras, as it has very limited options for lodging and dining. If you must, the hostel that is most accessible from the main plaza is Hospedaje Tika Wasi . It’s a block from the main plaza on Calle Jerusalen. (Note: we read blogs that recommended other hotels, but we couldn’t find the actual hostels.)
  • Where to Eat: If you’re in town for lunch, you can eat at the market on the plaza for cheap. For dinner, either go to Alondra or Sal y Pimienta. Both are on Calle Jerusalen. Options are extremely limited.

There’s actually a tour guide hired by the salineras to explain to visitors the salt-making process. Whether or not you find her is pure luck. (We woke her up from her nap by calling out her name.)

Hike from Maras to Moray

The hike from Maras to Moray was one of Nick’s favorite hikes because of the mountain views, the fact that we were the only people on it, and the relative ease. (You don’t have to constantly look at the floor to make sure you don’t trip.)

To start the hike, head to the restaurant Inkasal on the edge of town. Pass in front of the restaurant, but take the road on the right, where you’ll see a sign painted on a rock (see picture below). The path had sections that were quite muddy when we went in mid-November (wear your hiking boots!), but is easy to follow and is accompanied by red arrows every couple hundred meters. Total time: under 2 hours one-way. If it has recently rained or there is rain in the forecast, we recommend skipping this hike and flagging down a taxi or tourist van to Moray.

Bonus Archeological Site: Cheqoq

Cheqoq is a pre-incan archaeological site just outside of the town of Maras and was once used for refrigeration. It offers incredible views of the Andes. If you start really early from Cusco, catching a colectivo to Maras, you can walk to Cheqoq from the Maras town plaza (look it up on maps.me). Total time: 1 hour roundtrip

  • Things to Do: Change colectivos.
  • Where to Stay: We do NOT recommend staying in Urubamba. There’s just no need and you aren’t missing much. Head on to Pisac.
  • Where to Eat: There are a handful of nice restaurants and cafes just 1 block away from the colectivo terminal on Avenida Berriozabal.
  • Things to Do: Visit the ruins. Join any number of ceremonies that may be of interest.
  • Where to Stay: Hatha Art Yoga Hostel (We do NOT recommend staying at Wolf Totem.)
  • Where to Eat: Antica Osteria is the ONE restaurant where you must go! Their pizza is the best we’ve had in a REALLY long time. Plus your dinner is not complete without trying their tiramisu dessert. The main market offers cheap menu del dia for S/6 (eat at one of the stands outside along the main street) and fresh fruit smoothies for S/5 (inside).

Self Guided Hike to the Pisac Ruins

You can either hike out-and-back from the town plaza or hike the loop and end in the town plaza. We recommend the loop because we like to see as much different scenery as possible! To hike the loop, follow the main road on the east side of town (the one Antica Osteria is on) around the mountain. A couple of houses past Hotel Royal Inka, you’ll see a dirt road heading in the direction of the ruins. Take the dirt road until it turns into a dirt path along the river.

It’s easy to lose track of the path here, but the main point is to keep LEFT along the river. Eventually, you’ll pass a bridge that crosses the stream. To be honest, soon after this is where WE lost the path. But again, the main point is that you can’t REALLY get lost because there’s a road that leads to the ruins. If you’re able to follow the path supposed you’ll enter the ruins through a less crowded back entrance. At some point, we lost the path and took the road the last 300 meters to the main entrance. If you follow the road, you can’t miss the ruins as there are lots of tourist vans parked along the way and a massive sign.

Once you’ve reached the ruins and have wandered to the highest point, follow the signs to Pisac to head back to town. You’ll hike through many more sites on the way back to town and end up in the town plaza.

The entire hike takes about 5 hours. You can also take a taxi up to the ruins and then hike back to town.

There you have it, our Sacred Valley Self Guided Itinerary post! From us to you, happy adventuring!

Not a fan of paying for tours, we you can do it all by yourself? If so, check out our trip on how to do the Colca Canyon self guided ! It’s the second deepest canyon in the world and just a few hours away from Cusco near the city of Arequipa !

Other Notes

All price estimates are accurate as of November 2019.

Other blogs we used to help plan our Sacred Valley self guided adventure:

  • Hiking the Sacred Valley Without a Tour – Tales from the Lens
  • A Day Trip to Pisac – Along Dusty Roads

More From Nick and Michelle!

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You are currently viewing Cusco: How to visit the Sacred Valley on your own

Cusco: How to visit the Sacred Valley on your own

  • Post author: Marlou
  • Post published: March 27, 2022
  • Post category: Peru / South America

Machu Picchu might be the most famous Inca site in the world, but it’s certainly not the only one. There are quite a few archeological sites around Cusco, and one of the best places to go if you want to visit Inca ruins is the Sacred Valley. Agencies in Cusco offer whirlwind day trips to 4 sites + the salt mine Las Salinas, but I highly recommend visiting on your own and taking 2 days. This way you actually get to see and enjoy the ruins, rather than just rushing through and snapping a quick pic. Visiting the Sacred Valley on your own isn’t hard, and with this guide, you’ll have all the information you need to plan your trip.

Inca ruin in Ollantaytambo, the Sacred Valley

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission when you click on them, at no additional cost to you. It just helps to keep this site running. I only promote products and services I really recommend and always give my honest opinion about them.

Table of Contents - Cusco: How to visit the Sacred Valley on your own

What is the sacred valley, where to buy tickets for the archeological sites in the sacred valley, how to get to the sacred valley from cusco, where to stay to visit the sacred valley, getting to pisac from cusco, the archeological site of pisac, getting to ollantaytambo from pisac, the archeological site of ollantaytambo, getting to moray and las salinas de maras from ollantaytambo, the archeological site of moray, getting to chinchero from moray, the archeological site of chinchero, getting back to cusco from chinchero.

Together with Cusco and Machu Picchu , the Sacred Valley (or la Valle Sagrada in Spanish) formed the heart of the Inca empire. Here you’ll find archeological Inca sites, colonial towns, a colorful indigenous culture, and even a salt mine. 

The Sacred Valley is actually the starting point of the famous Inca Trail and the train to Machu Picchu leaves from the town of Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley as well. 

The 4 most famous sites in the Valley are Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, and Moray. Just like the archeological sites closer to Cusco, the sites in the Sacred Valley require a ticket in order to be able to enter the grounds. You can visit all four on the same ticket: The Circuit 3 ticket. You can buy your ticket on the spot, at the first site you visit. Tickets cost S/. 70 (about 20 USD, at the time of writing) and are valid for 2 consecutive days. If you’re going to be in Cusco for a while and want to see it all, you can buy the full ticket as well. This ticket cost S/. 130 (about 36 USD, at the time of writing) and is valid for 10 days. The full ticket gives you access to all sites in the Sacred Valley, Cusco, and the Southern Valley. For more info on the different tickets and their up-to-date prices, click here . 

You can easily get to different towns in the sacred valley from Cusco by public transport. There are colectivos ((also called minivan or minibus) that go to Pisac, Ollantaytambo and Chinchero. Moray is the only place of this itinerary that requires a taxi to get there.

Since it’s the easiest to visit the Sacred Valley starting in Cusco, I recommend staying here the night before and after your visit of the Sacred Valley. There are many nice and social hostels in Cusco, from chill ones to the big party hostels like Wild Rover and Loki . I stayed at Blacky Hostel , which is one of the cheaper options and good value for money. While I’m updating this post, it looks like the hostel got revamped and improved since I stayed here and got even better! Hostel Supertramp is another nice and social hostel in Cusco.

In the Sacred Valley, I recommend staying in Ollantaytambo, due to the location. This way you can best divide your time over the two days.

Visiting the Sacred Valley without a tour: A 2-day itinerary

This 2-day Sacred Valley itinerary includes all 4 archeological sites. I didn’t visit the salt mine and didn’t include it in this itinerary, but it’s easy to do so.

Make sure to leave most of your stuff in Cusco. This itinerary follows a circular route and you’ll need to bring everything you took with you to the Sacred Valley to the archeological sites. Meaning you want to have as little with you as possible. Just a daypack.

Day 1 - Pisac + bus to Ollantaytambo

Leave early in the morning, so you can make the most out of your day today. With this 2-day Sacred Valley itinerary, you’ll certainly have more time to visit the sites than on an organized tour, but it will still be 2 full days if you want to really take your time and enjoy your visit. 

Take a colectivo (also called minivan or minibus) from Puputi Street for about S/. 4. The stop is marked on the Maps.me map and is about 25 minutes walk from Plaza de Armas, Cusco’s main square. Colectivos leave when full and take 45 minutes to 1 hour to reach Pisac. Ask the driver to drop you off just after the bridge when arriving in Pisac. The next street on your right will lead to the entrance of the Archeological site of Pisac.

Entering the Pisac ruins from this side, means you’re starting with a steep hike up. If you’re not up for walking, you can take a taxi to the other entrance, on the other side. This is where tours enter as well. I recommend taking the walk though. Just take it easy and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. There is no reason to rush anyway.

Map of Pisac in the Sacred Valley

Pisac is the biggest site of the four you’ll visit on this trip and it was my favorite. So take all the time you want and need today to visit this awesome place. Walking up to the ruins, you’ll pass Pisac’s Plaza de Armas where you’ll find a market. You can go for  stroll here and pick up some snacks if you haven’t brought any.

Remember the walk is a steep one, so take your time. Especially if you’re not acclimatized to the elevation yet. You’ll notice paths on each side of the canyon. Both sides lead to the ruins, so you can pick one and head back down via the other side if you like. Tours don’t generally visit this part of the ruins, meaning you’ll hardly see any other people around. So enjoy having this part of the place (almost) to yourself!

Once you’re ruined-out for the day, make your way back down the same way, or take a taxi from the parking lot. Grab lunch here in Pisac if you’re hungry, or go for a stroll around town if you’re not tired yet before hopping on the bus tot Ollantaytambo.

Pisac ruins, Sacred Valley

Pisac – Many people recommended me to stay in Pisac, so I did. I wasn’t a fan though, and it meant I had very little time the next day, to visit the other 3 Archeological sites. So I recommend sleeping in Ollantaytambo instead. If you do want to spend some time here, Wolf Totem is the place to be, but there are cheaper places in town that are nice too. 

Unfortunately, there is no direct transport, as Ollantaytambo lies a bit outside of the circuit. Take a bus or colectivo to Urubambo instead, and ask to be dropped of at the terminal where you can change buses.

You can wave down a bus to Urubambo from the same road where the colectivo from Cusco dropped you off, at the corner of Espinar Street where the hospital is located. This should cost you about S/. 2.50 – S/. 3 and the drive takes 45 min to 1 hour. At the terminal you’ll find colectivos to take you to Ollantaytambo for S\. 1.50 which take about 30-40 minutes. So count on about 2 hours and 4-5 S/. in total. The colectivo might not go to the terminal, but the driver will point you in the right direction if not.

Drop your stuff at your accommodation for the night and go for a wander around town. You’ll notice Ollantaytambo is a rather expensive town, as this is where the train to Machu Picchu leaves from. The Inca trail starts from just outside of Ollantaytambo as well. If you end up arriving super early, you could even visit the  Ollantaytambo ruins today, but it will probably be quite late for that. So just enjoy the town for the evening. Tomorrow is another day.

Day 2 - Visit the sites of Ollantaytambo, Moray and Chinchero + bus back to Cusco

I’d say this one takes the most time out of the 3 places to visit today, so don’t worry too much about the time you spend here. Do check out of your accommodation before going, so you don’t need to worry about this anymore. You can ask if you can leave your bag at the accommodation though if they have a place for it and pick it up before heading to Moray if you brought a little too much. If you’re getting hungry, grab something to eat here before heading to Moray. Moray is a couple of km away from the nearest town, so your next best place for food is Chinchero.

The archeological site of Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley

Unfortunately, there is no public transport to Maras or Moray. The cheapest way to get here is to take a bus/colectivo heading to Cusco and ask to be dropped off at the exit to Maras. Colectivos leave Ollantaytambo from the parking lot behind the square where you were dropped off when you came from Pisac. If there is no direct transport, you can change at Urubamba as well. The ride should cost around S/.2-3 and take about 40 minutes if going directly from Ollantaybambo.

From the intersection, you’ll need to take a (shared) taxi. To Moray and/or Las Salinas. There will be taxis waiting there to offer their service. There will be people offering tours from Ollantaytambo as well, but this will be more expensive than doing the first part by bus.

Make sure to negotiate the rate for a taxi. I was offered one for S/.40 to Moray, and got it down to S/.20 for a return. You can probably get it down even further as taxis are shared and locals just pay a few coins. If you really want to, it’s possible to walk as well, but it’s a long and boring walk over a dusty road without shade. So I recommend taking a taxi.

Map of Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley

Before stepping out of the taxi, agree on a pick-up time with your taxi driver to take you back to the bus stop. I Agreed on 45 minutes, which I’d say is the minimum you need here. I’d ask to be picked up in an hour or an hour and 15 minutes.

Moray is a very different archeological site and is made up of circular terraces. It is thought that they served for agricultural experiments.

The archeological site or Morray in the Sacred Valley

Las Salinas de Maras – I didn’t worry about Las Salinas myself, as I was short on time (I had stayed in Pisac for the night, so my day started with a 2-hour trip to Ollantaytambo) and I had seen a salt mine in Colombia already. I was much more interested in the ruins. If you do want to visit the salt mine , you can negotiate a rate with your taxi driver to bring you to both Moray and Salinas, and back to the bus stop. Note that Salinas has an additional entry fee, it’s not included in the sacred valley pass.

Easy! The taxi will drop you off at the same bus stop where you got dropped off. Just take a colectivo heading to Cusco and get off at Chinchero. This leg should cost about S/. 2-3 soles as well and takes about half an hour.

You’ll find restaurants and a market in town, so if you haven’t eaten yet and are getting hungry you can find somewhere for lunch or a snack here.

Finding the path to the ruins is a little trickier here compared to the other sites. The bus will drop you off along the main road. From here, take the street to the market and the church and you’ll get to the ticket office. If you’re not sure, just ask a local to point you in the direction of ‘ las ruinas’ (the ruins) or ‘el mercado’ (the market).

Map of Chinchero

I found Chincheros the least impressive of the four archeological sites of this itnerary. It mostly consists of terraces that I found less impressive than at the other sites and it is used as farmland. It is a nice place to just enjoy a walk tough. 

The archeological site of Chinchero in the Sacred Valley

Again, very easy! Just head back to where you were dropped off and take a colectivo heading to Cusco for S/. 5-6. This should take about 40 minutes up to 1 hour depending on traffic.

Note that the stop for the Chinchero/Ollantaytambo colectivo is different than the one that goes to Pisac. So make sure to keep some battery on your phone so you can find your way back easily. 

The stop is a 15-minute walk from the main square, la Plaza de Armas. 

Where the colectivo from Chinchero will drop you off

This was Cusco: How to visit the sacred valley on your own

If you want to spend some more time in the Sacred Valley, you can spend a couple of nights in Pisac . Many people really enjoy the town. Do visit the ruins on your last day here, as the Circuit 3 ticket is only valid for 2 consecutive days. Or you can choose to visit the other archeological sites on a day trip from Pisac.

If you prefer to stay in Ollantaytambo for a few days, change the itinerary around, but return to Ollantaytambo on day 2, instead of Cusco. The Sacred Valley is also home to the Lares trek, which is actually a set of trails, so you can do some hiking here as well and further explore the native cultures from this beautiful part of Peru .

When visiting the Sacred Valley on your own, it’s you have complete freedom to stay here for as long as you want and adding more off-the-beaten-track places to your itinerary as well. 

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Cusco City view point, horse, cusco and sacred valley itinerary, things to do in cusco, andes mountains, cuzco

The Ultimate Cusco and Sacred Valley Itinerary | 1 Week

The Imperial City of Cusco and the incredible Sacred Valley are a highlight on any Peru itinerary. While most people visit Cuzco region for a quick-stop over to visit Machu Picchu, the city and surrounding areas deserve so much more time. To make the most of a Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary, plan for at least a week. But to be honest, it’s easy to slow down, fall in love, and explore all the treasures of this enchanting region if you have more time.

There are so many incredible things to do in Cusco . The city is a delight, with its cobblestone streets, bustling markets, and reminders left behind from the mighty Inca empire. This in-depth Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary highlights the very best of the popular Cusco Tourist Ticket , which showcases must-see impressive Inca sites .

This Cusco itinerary focuses on all the gems to see and do in the city of Cusco and in the Valley, but it doesn’t include a day solely dedicated for visiting Machu Picchu . However, there’s plenty of inspiration on how to reach the “Lost City” of Machu Picchu, via a tour or by one of the many popular Cusco Treks .

➜ Steal one of my Unique Cusco Itineraries

Ollantaytambo archaeological site, inca ruins, sacred valley, ollantaytambo ruins, valle sagrado, cusco tourist ticket, stones, mountain, path

Nearby, find the lush and magical Cusco Sacred Valley, with glacial peaked mountains, miles of hiking trails, and hidden Inca ruins on top of towering hilltops. It’s called the Sacred Valley of the Incas for a reason. Speedy collectivos (public vans) connect Cusco to Sacred Valley, making it a convenient, yet exhilarating ride through the Andes Mountains. With all the incredible things to do in the Sacred Valley , you may wish to extend your time to explore some truly “off the beaten path” Peru hidden gems.

Plan for this enchanting Peru region by using this ultimate one week Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary!

Table of Contents

Cusco itinerary | 3 days.

  • Where to Sleep in Cusco Peru

Sacred Valley Itinerary | 4 Days

Sleeping in urubamba sacred valley, cusco and sacred valley itinerary | visiting machu picchu, final thoughts | cusco and sacred valley itinerary.

✈  More Peru Travel Guides | 32 Unique & Famous Landmarks in Peru to Visit

This Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary budgets 3 days in Cusco. Here are the top Cusco highlights and what to see in Cusco on 3 days.

Cusco Highlights

  • Day 1 | Acclimation & Independent Exploration
  • Day 2 | The Main Cusco Inca Sites
  • Day 3 | Cusco’s South Valley
  • Add More Days to Explore Cusco | Travel Deeper in Cusco

Day 1 | Cusco | Acclimation & Independent Exploration

snake, puma, condor, cuzco street art, sacred Inca animals

Welcome to the Imperial City of Cusco! This beautiful city was once the hub of the mighty Inca Empire, conquered by the Spanish, and today is a fusion of both cultures. The original Inca city of Cuzco was built to resemble the sacred animal of the puma, which represents the symbolism of life on Earth. In Inca culture, the condor (heavens) and the snake (underworld) were also significant creatures. Keep these three spirit animals in mind, as they can be seen represented throughout Cusco city, at Inca sacred sites, and found in the villages of the Sacred Valley.

Cusco sits majestically in the Andes mountains, at an elevation just shy of 11,200 feet. Many travelers arrive to Cusco and may suffer from altitude sickness. In Peru, altitude sickness is commonly known as “Soroche,” which may come in handy if heading to a local pharmacy or “Botica.” Altitude sickness symptoms can include: dizziness, loss of appetite, sleepiness, shortness of breathe, and nausea . Symptoms may be mild to rather extreme.

Cusco Altitude Sickness Tip | Almost all tiendas, markets, and street vendors sell coca leaves. These leaves are a staple plant to help fight altitude sickness and can either be chewed or steeped in tea. Many hostels and hotels provide coca tea free of charge. Do as the locals do and use these medicinal leaves to help combat altitude sickness symptoms. However, don’t try to bring them into another country or the US, they are illegal!

Those who have never experienced traveling at these great altitudes should prepare to acclimate in Cusco for the first day or two and casually explore the city. Don’t worry! There are plenty of things to do in Cusco while acclimating.

➯ Hey… don’t forget your Travel Insurance! I love SafetyWing

Take a Cusco Free Walking Tour or Explore Cusco Independently

Views from San Blas Mirador, Cusco, houses, buildings, street lights, mountains, clouds, sky, things to do in Cusco, Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary

On Day 1 of this Cusco Itinerary, take a free walking tour. In a heavily toured city like Cusco, there are multiple companies that offer free Cusco tours. Bloody Bueno Peru is a superb Cusco walking tour. This free walking tour in Cusco gives a basic history of the Imperial City and highlights the city’s main attractions.

  • Meeting Point: Outside the Starbucks in the Plaza de Armas
  • Cost: Free , but the guides work hard and rely on tips. Share the love!
  • 10:00 / 13:00 / 15:30
  • Duration: 2 hours

With the Cusco free walking tour only taking a couples of hours, it’s easy to explore the city on your terms for the rest of the day.

Some thing to do in Cusco while acclimating include: wandering the streets of charming San Blas, grabbing a lunch menu in town , or visiting Qorikancha . The site of Qorikancha is a Cusco must-see museum that showcases a once Incan Temple of Gold that was destroyed by the Spanish and repurposed as a monastery.

Cusco Markets

San pedro Market, fresh juice, where to eat in cusco, cusco markets

Make sure to visit at least one traditional market in Cusco. Visiting a Cusco market is one of the best free things to do in Cusco and also a top Cusco food experience .

Stroll past the many caseras selling unusual fruits and veggies, freshly squeezed juices, cheeses, meats, and typical products of the region. In these markets, find everything from artisanal products to plant medicines.

A great market is the authentic San Pedro Market . Another popular choice is the smaller San Blas Market . Of course, the city is filled with a plethora of markets, don’t be afraid to explore off the main tourist path!

As the sun sinks behind the mountains, catch a sunset from one of the city’s viewpoints like San Blas, and then move to the Cusco Plaza de Armas to people-watch.

Cusco Restaurants & Markets | The Complete Guide on Where to Eat in Cusco

Day 2 | The Main Cusco Archaeological Sites

On Day 2 in Cusco, discover the four sprawling Cusco Archaeological Parks that house some impressive Inca sacred sites, right in the hillsides of Cusco. To access these locations, you’ll need to buy a Cusco Tourist Ticket . Don’t worry! This ticket can be purchased at any of the 4 sites on the itinerary for today.

The Four main ticketed Cusco Inca sites include Saqsaywaman, Q’enqo, Puka Pukara, and Tambomachay . All four Inca sites are worth a visit .

Remember how Cusco resembles a Puma? Saqsaywaman is in fact, said to be the animal’s head . Q’enqo is just down the road, and although small, it is believed to be an altar or a place where sacrifices took place.

Puka Pukara literally translates to “red fortress” and is perched on top of a lovely hill. Just across the street from the fortress, find Tambomachay. This Inca site highlights water and could have been used as a spa, for ceremonies, or as a military outpost. That’s the draw of these peculiar Inca ruins, no one knows for sure what their actual purpose was. Let your mind ponder these incredibly advanced and ancient sites.

Refresher | Cusco Tourist Ticket or Boleto Turístico Cusco | Cost: 70 PEN ($18.50 USD per person) for the 4 above sites or 130 PEN ($34.50) for all 16 sites / valid for 10 days | For this Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary, purchase the 10 day Cusco Boleto Turistico ticket

A Note on Cusco Day Tours vs Independent Visit

Moray Archaeological Park, Cusco Tourist Ticket Circuit III, woman smiling, Inca terraces, Inca ruins, mountains, clouds, sky, dirt, grass, rocks, stone

Multiple Cusco tour companies run throughout the day to visit all four Cusco attractions. The guided tour costs usually DO NOT include the actual cost of the tourist ticket. Independent travelers can easily discover these sites using a taxi or the public bus. Tour guides are available at each site and can offer their services at the main gate for those looking to get a better understanding of each site. Always verify that the tour guide offering their services is in fact licensed.

The Cusco tour cost basically covers the transportation costs. However, it’s super easy to visit these site without a tour. If crunched on time, take a tour.

The Only Cusco Guide You Need | How to Tour 16 Sites of the Cusco Tourist Ticket Without a Tour

Day 2 | Afternoon in Cusco

After a tour (self-guided or with a company) of the four Cusco Archaeological Parks, spend the afternoon wandering the hip neighborhood of San Blas. It’s literally just down the steep staircases from these sites. On the Cusco tourist ticket, there are quite a few museums that can be visited. However, the Museo Histórico Regional (Museum of Regional History) is the most comprehensive on the entire ticket.

Don’t forget there is the nightly show, Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo , included with the purchase of the ticket. The show begins at 19:00 with seating opening at 18:30.

If you don’t want to visit any more museums, another top thing to do in Cusco is to take a Peruvian cooking class or an organized Cusco Food Tour. With great chocolate and cuisine, there’s no better way to experience the city than through food. Although, the Museo de Arte Precolombino (MAP) is not part of the Cusco ticket, but is extremely well-done and is open late.

Day 3 | Explore the Underrated Cusco South Valley

Tipon, Tipón Archaeological Park, Inca ruins, terrace, grass, mountain, trees, clouds, sky, day trips from Cusco, Inca sites near Cusco

On day 3 of this Cusco itinerary, visit the two impressive sacred sites of Tipón and Pikillaqta (Pikillacta). Although these sites are included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket, few people make the effort to visit the Cusco South Valley .

Again, there are Cusco day tours that visit these two places, but it’s quite easy to visit the Cusco South Valley without a tour via public transportation.

Tipon Ruins

Try to leave Cusco as early as possible, since the Tipón Archaeological Site is massive. It’s easy to spend the entire day exploring Tipón. The local buses begin running at 6:00 a.m.

First, visit Tipón and see the epic Inca water canals, terraces, and ceremonial fountains. Above the park, take the steep climb to the Mirador of Cruzmoqo.

To get really off the beaten path, visit the nearby Pukara ruins. Pukara can be reached via a steep climb along an old Inca water canal and is rarely explored by tourists.

These Cusco hidden gems are the main reason why it’s so special to visit these places on your own time schedule without a tour.

After Tipón, hop on a bus and head further south to Pikillaqta.

Pikillaqta Ruins

The Pikillaqta ruins are the only site on Boleto that is believed to predate the mighty Inca Empire. There is a noticeable difference in the building techniques, which makes archaeologists conclude that it was a thriving city of the Wari civilization . Pikillaqta is quite large and is worth a visit.

A short 5-minute walk from Pikillaqta is the Rumicolca Gate , which may have been the main entrance gate to the Imperial City of Cusco.

The Only Cusco Guide You Need | Discover Cusco South Valley, an epic day trip from Cusco

Cusco South Valley Itinerary Add-On | Andahuaylillas

Plaza de Armas of Andahuaylillas, Ruta del Barroco Andino, Pisonay trees, car, houses, street, sky, mountains, trees of Peru

Aggressive sightseers may wish to head further south and see the stunning Saint Peter Apostle Church which boasts stunning Baroque architecture. in the tiny hamlet of Andahuaylillas. This impressive church is not included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket, but it has been called the “Sistine Chapel of South America.” The village is charming and there are nearby churches included on the “Ruta del Barroco Andino Ticket.”

St. Peter Apostle Church | Included on the Ruta del Barroco Andino Ticket | Standard Ticket Cost: 15 PEN ($4) / valid for 3 other churches in the Cusco South Valley | 5 minutes by local bus from the Rumicolca Gate of Pikillaqta | Official Website

Add More Days to Your Cusco Itinerary

Cusco Peru is simply magical. You may just fall in love and wish to add more time to your Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary. Here are some other worthwhile places to see and things to do in Cusco if you have a week.

Those looking to get off the beaten path in Cusco may wish to hike in the nearby mountains. Close to Saqsaywaman Archaeological Park are many free Inca ruins that are rarely visited by tourists. Visit sites like the stunning Inkilltambo Site , Temple of the Fly, Temple of the Moon, and more by following along with this self-guided Free Inca Ruins in Cusco hiking tour .

If you’re super fascinated by the Incas like me, plan a day trip to Maukallacta . What makes this place so special is that it may be the actual birthplace of the Inca civilization. The two origin stories include Lake Titicaca and the mystical cave of Puma Orqo .

Top Cusco Hikes

Waqrapukara, Inca ruins, mountain, grass, clouds, sky, epic hikes near Cusco, things to do in Cusco, Cusco South Valley, free Inca ruins

Adventure hikers will love the day hike up Cerro Picol, the tallest peak in Cusco .

From the Cusco site of Tambomachay it’s possible to hike all the way to Huchuy Qosqo, or “Little Cusco.” The 2 day Huchuy Qosqo trek ends in Lamay in the Sacred Valley.

In Cusco South Valley it’s possible to visit the up and coming” Cusco attraction of the “horned fortress” of Waqrapukara . Seriously, this is one of the most epic Inca sites in all of Peru. Personally, Waqrapukara is best experienced via a 2 day trek to Waqrapukara .

There are day tours to the popular Rainbow Mountain, or “Vinicunca Mountain.” The most thrilling way to hike to Rainbow Mountain is to add it the intrepid Ausangate Trek . This trek is oftentimes called the “most beautiful trek in the world” and climbs incredible and steep mountain passes, passes by sparkling alpine lakes, walk with thousands of alpaca, and the option to soak in top Peru hot springs . Shockingly, the Ausangate trek never dips below 13,000 ft (4,000 m).

🥾 Cusco Trekking Guide | 🎒 Peru Packing List for Multi-Day Treks

Where to Sleep in Cusco

There is a wide range of places to stay in Cusco for any budget from budget, to mid-range, and of course, travelers looking to splurge on luxury accommodation. Find Cusco hotels, guesthouses, hostels, and more. The two most desirable places to stay in Cusco include the historic centro and the San Blas neighborhood.

➜ Browse the Best Cusco Hotels & Cusco Accommodations here

Here’s a few of my favorite places to sleep in Cusco.

Budget Friendly Cusco Guesthouses

  • Secret Garden | Shared & Private Rooms | Wonderful Local Host Family | Stores Valuables | Little details like made-up beds every morning | Kitchen Access | Centrally Located in Cusco
  • Kokapelli Hostel Cusco is a popular party Hostel in Cuzco that is centrally located
  • Loki Cusco is a hostel that has great common spaces and close to the Cusco City Center
  • Supertramp Hostel Cusco boasts incredible views in the San Blas neighborhood and has lots of nice outdoor spaces

Mid-Range Cusco Guesthouses & Hostels

  • Casa Rivero | Private Rooms | Friendly & Helpful Owners | Breakfast Included | Excellent Location, only 2 blocks from Plaza de Armas | Bus stop to Tipón across the Street
  • There are not one, but two of the top Flashpacker Hostels (Selina) in Cusco | Selina Plaza De Armas Cusco | Selina Saphi Cusco
  • Maytaq Wasin Boutique Hotel comes highly recommended in the heart of Cusco

After exploring Cusco, head to the the lovely Sacred Valley, or Valle Sagrado. This Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary budgets 4 days for the Sacred Valley of the Incas. To make the most of this Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary, I suggest sleeping in the centrally located village of Urubamba Peru .

Although Urubamba may not as “visually charming” as some of the other hamlets in the valley, it is one of the most authentic. Urubamba has two convenient bus terminals, two central markets, and is the gateway to some of the Sacred Valley’s most memorable day hikes, like Saywa Mountain and the alpine lake of Laguna Juchuycocha . The scenery is the perfect backdrop with towering mountains dressed in glacial peaks. It’s easy to feel the magic and mystical energy of the Sacred Valley.

It is easy to visit all of the sites in a full day Sacred Valley tour. However, I’ve included add-on itineraries and more things to do in each Sacred Valley village . Slow down and really appreciate the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

The four Inca Archaeological Sites on the Cusco Tourist Ticket in the Sacred Valley include: Pisac, Chinchero, Moray, and Olltantaytambo

Popular Sacred Valley Highlights by Village

Day 4 | pisac village.

  • Day 5 | Chinchero Archaeological Site

Day 6 | Maras Salt Mines & Moray Inca Ruins

Day 7 | ollantaytambo village.

  • Urubamba as a “Home Base” in the Sacred Valley

➯ Detailed Peru Guide | How to Visit All 16 Sites of the Cusco Tourist Ticket Without a Tour

How to Get to from Cusco to Sacred Valley Peru

There are multiple ways and routes to get from Cusco to the Sacred Valley using public transportation. Here’s the most common bus and collectivo routes to the Sacred Valley from Cusco.

Cusco to Pisac

🚐 Cusco to Pisac Collectivos  |  Average Fare: 4 PEN ($1 USD)  |  Duration: 45 minutes  |  Depart: frequently, when collectivo is full from Puputi Street , near the Garcilaso Monument  |  Hours: 6:00 – 19:00

Cusco to Urubamba

  🚐 Collectivo Cusco to Urubamba  |  Average Fare:   8 PEN ($2 USD)  |  Duration:   1 hour  |  Depart:   frequently, when collectivo is full  |  Departure Location:   Av. Grau 510  |  Hours:   6:00 – 19:00

 🚌 Bus Cusco to Urubamba  |  Average Fare:   6 PEN ($1.50 USD)  |  Duration:   1 hour 15 minutes  |  Depart:   frequently from  Jirón 21 de Mayo 944  |  Hours:   6:00 – 19:00

Cusco to Ollantaytambo Peru

  🚐 Cusco to Ollantaytambo Collectivos  |  Average Fare:   10 PEN ($2.75 USD) / could be less with a transfer in Urubamba  |  Duration:   1 hour  |  Depart:   frequently, when collectivo is full  |  Departure Location:   Av. Grau 510  |  Hours:   6:00 – 19:00

church, Pisac, Pisaq, mountains, clouds, sky

Pisac makes an ideal first stop on this Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary. This charming village is the closest village in the Sacred Valley to Cusco. Secondly, it boasts a gorgeous Inca ruins that towers over the whole village. Everyday, find a lovely artisanal market in the the villages photogenic Pisac Plaza de Armas.

Local Tip | Try to visit Pisac on a Sunday, when the market caters to locals coming down from the mountain communities. Find tiny food stands and vendors littered among the daily artisanal stands serving up authentic soups, plates, and treats.

The Pisac ruins remains a favorite site among tourists.

Pisac Archaeological Park | Included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket | Two Entrances: main entrance is block from the Pisac Plaza de Armas / or hop on a Collectivo to Mask’a to reach the back entrance | Tour Guides Available onsite

Pisac is an adorable village and it’s easy to slow down and spend a few days here. The cobblestone streets are lined with the timeless Inca water canals. The powerful mountains tower in the backdrop and the mighty Urubamba River rushes nearby. Make sure to visit the three lake of Kinsa Cocha which are incredibly beautiful.

In Pisac, find a wide range of authentic restaurants, a worthwhile market, and some modern restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops.

There is an eclectic expat community that gives the village a modern flair and there are many opportunities to dabble into the plant medicines of Ayahuasca and San Pedro (Wachuma).

Wanna sleep in Pisac? El Parche Rutero Hostel offers shared and private rooms, a great rooftop terraces, and is located outside of town right on the river. Or, browse all the best places to stay in Pisac

Day 5 | Chinchero Ruins & Hikes

Boleto Turístico Cusco, Cusco Tourist Ticket Circuit III, Chinchero Archaeological Park, building, clouds, sky, grass, Sacred Valley, woman selling handicrafts

Chinchero Archaeological Park is an easy half day trip and sits in between Cusco and the Sacred Valley. This site has beautiful Inca terraces, a colonial church, and a large plaza. Chinchero is known for its weaving community, and their artisanal handicraft items are very much sought after. In the main plaza of the Chinchero Archaeological Park, find local woman proudly selling items.

Chinchero Archaeological Park | Accessible via bus or collectivo from Cusco or Urubamba | Included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket | Simple & informative Museum | Interior of Spanish Church: additional 3 PEN (75¢) | Chinchero Tour Guides Available onsite

On site, there is a rather small, but informative museum. The museum highlights Topa Inca Yupanqui , one of the most famous Incas to conquer much of the Andes. He would eventually die here, in his palace in Chinchero.

The church in the center of the plaza is a reminder of the Spanish conquest. Many of the sacred Inca sites were demolished and Catholic Churches were built on top.

Chinchero Itinerary Add-On | After exploring this important sacred site, add on a simple, yet beautiful Chinchero to Urquillos hike . Follow along a scenic old Inca road, walk among the water canals, and arrive back to the Valley close to Urubamba . For those who choose not to hike, Chinchero and Moray can be combined in just one day due to their close proximity

The small village of Maras is the gateway to the Moray Archaeological Park . These three unusual terraces are often referred to as the “agricultural experimental laboratories of the Inca.” However, no one really knows for sure what they were used for.

Moray Archaeological Park | Included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket | Reach it from the Maras Transit Hub or via Hiking from Media Luna | Tour Guides Available onsite

Moray can either be reached via a gentle hike from the Maras Salt Flats , or by public transportation. If planning on visiting via a collectivo, you will have to transfer to a taxi at the Maras Transportation Hub. These taxis drop at the Maras Plaza de Armas , or can continue to the Moray Archaeological Park. If you want, the hike from Maras to Moray is easy to follow and has plenty of market signage.

🥾 Sacred Valley Day Hike | Hike the Maras Salt Mines, Maras Village, and Moray Inca Ruins

Note that the Maras Salt Mines are not included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket. The entrance ticket to the Sacred Valley Salt Mines costs 10 PEN per person ($2.75 USD) .

Finally, the Archaeological Park of Ollantaytambo is another splendid Inca site possibly honoring the sun. It can be found looming over the adorable hamlet of Ollanta (for short). There are so many things to do in Ollantaytambo Peru . The charming village boasts charming cobblestone streets with lovely Inca water canals. Another notable highlights of this village are free Inca ruins, some even located within the village itself.

Ollantaytambo Archaeological Park | Included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket | Few Blocks from the Plaza de Armas of Ollantaytambo | Tour Guides Available onsite

Wanna Sleep in Ollantaytambo? Casa Quechua Hostel Camping offers private and shared rooms with a lovely garden and sweeping views. There are plenty of places to pitch a tent, a sweet host family, and is conveniently only a few blocks from the Plaza. El Albergue Ollantaytambo is right next to the Ollantaytambo train station that leads to Machu Picchu and has a beautiful garden that serves organic food. Or just browse all the best places to stay in Ollantaytambo .

Hidden Gems Near Ollantaytambo

From Ollantaytambo, there are a wide range of hidden gem spots and some of the top Sacred Valley hikes in the surrounding hillsides. These treasures may convince you to add extra days to your Cusco and Sacred Valley Itinerary.

Take the casual half-day hike to the little visited Pumamarca ruins The original Pre-Inca site is nice, but the real highlight is walking on lovely Inca terraced trail.

Adventure hikers will love the challenging climb up to Inti Punku , or the Sun Gate that towers above Ollantaytambo. This hiking trail follow the old Inca Quarry trail , passes by some interesting ruins. Throughout the winding trail, admire the towering and powerful Mount Veronica in the backdrop.

Close to Ollantaytambo is the tiny village of Pachar. It’s possible to casually walk here from Ollantaytambo past the Choqana ruins along another Old Inca trail. From Pachar, visit the energetic “dimensional portal” site of Ñaupa Iglesia . Farther along on this route, there’s the Perolniyoc Waterfall and the ruins of Raqaypata, that sit on top of the stunning cascade cliff.

Love adorable villages like this? Discover more charming villages in South America in the Andes

Urubamba Peru as a “Home Base”

It takes little effort to slow down and get really explore more of gorgeous Sacred Valley. You will definitely want to add more days to your Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary. Here’s some more worthwhile highlights that aren’t included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket.

➜ Many of these Inca sites are free!

Urubamba Peru is the ultimate “home base” while exploring the Sacred Valley, especially if utilizing this 7 day Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary.

From Urubamba there are a ton of epic day hikes that are free and worth the effort. Hike to the top of the magical Saywa Mountain to appreciate the two standing pillars of Saywa Archaeological Park and those views of Urubamba.

Nature lovers will jump at the opportunity to dip in the freezing alpine lake of Laguna Juchuyocha with views of Chicón glacier in the backdrop. This alpine lake is a tough climb, but sits at an impressive 15,200 feet!

Calca Village & Lares Valley

Close to Urubamba is the village of Calca, which has peculiar ruins like Urqo and the high energy ruins of Ancasmarca . Just a short collectivo ride from Calca is the village of Lamay, which boasts the steep uphill trail to the sacred site of Huchuy Qosqo or “Little Cusco.” Calca is also the gateway to the Lares Valley, which is known for its beautiful weavers, intrepid hiking trails , and of course the local Lares hot springs .

This area is filled with so many sacred sites, natural wonders, and incredible views, if possible try to squeeze in a few extra days on your Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary !

If following along with this Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary, it’s convenient to sleep in the village of Urubamba . With it’s lovely Plaza, central location, a user-friendly bus terminal, and authentic places to eat, the village is an obvious choice.

Machu Picchu, Inca ruins, Sacred Valley, mountains, river, clouds, grass, trees, Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary, stone ruins, Inca sites, famous landmarks in peru

So, what about visiting Machu Picchu ? I mean, it’s the main reason eager visitors start creating a Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary in the first place. Machu Picchu is incredible and there are many ways to reach Machu Picchu.

Since there are a wide range of routes, means, methods, and options, to reach this popular destination, it’s hard to include it in such a detailed Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary.

So, this is an overview of helpful planning tips for Machu Picchu!

All the Ways to Reach Machu Picchu

The “lost city” of Machu Picchu in the clouds can be done as either a day trip from Cusco or the adorable village of Ollantaytambo. Take a tour, collectivo, or train to reach the magnificent Machu Picchu. This site is accessed via the village of Aguas Calientes .

Machu Picchu Day Trips from Cusco

Be mindful that it is quite a long day to reach Machu Picchu as a full day trip. The popular Machu Picchu hikes of Huayna Picchu and Machu Picchu Mountain must be completed in the morning, making these Machu Picchu ticket add-ons almost impossible if visiting as a day trip from Cusco. For those with limited time for their Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary, one of these options will work best.

  • Full-Day Machu Picchu Tour from Cusco
  • 2 Peru Rail Companies offer a wide range of seating and pricing options | PeruRail | IncaRail
  • This Machu Picchu day trip requires a walk from the Central Hidroelectrica Machu Picchu of 5+ miles or to purchase a train ticket into MachuPicchu Pueblo
  • One full day Inca Trail alternative option to Machu Picchu

Worthwhile Treks to Machu Picchu

Adventure hikers will love the many ancient “Inca roads” that lead to Machu Picchu. If you have some time to play with your Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary, why not add an epic trek.

  • Permit Required & Guides Mandatory and must book in advance | Dramatic Entrance into the Inti Punku Machu Picchu Gateway | Inca Trail closes every February
  • P asses by the popular Laguna Humantay | Reach Machu Picchu via the Central Hidroelectrica | Daily Trekking Tours from Cusco | No Guide required for Salkantay Trek
  • Standard Weavers Way passes by traditional weaving communities | Includes the Lares Hot Springs | Must take transportation to Machu Picchu, as the trek is quite some distance from MachuPicchu Pueblo
  • Totally intrepid trek to Machu Picchu | Includes an overnight at “The Cradle of Gold” Inca Site of Choquequirao | Climb three towering mountain passes, stay in untouched hamlets, and eventually meet up with the Salkantay Trek | No Guide or Tour Necessary but must be a more advanced hiker | Very little trafficked alternative Inca trail to Machu Picchu | Download my free Choquequirao to Machu Picchu trek map

💬 Real Talk | I literally had tears in my eyes when I first laid eyes on the sacred site of Machu Picchu. Those intense 9 days of trekking made the final destination of Peru’s crown gem, the ultimate reward.

L'atlier Concept Shop, where to eat in Cusco, San Blas, beautiful views in Cusco, coffee, cookie, flowers, sky

In short, this is the ultimate Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary for one week. This itinerary highlights all of the best things to in Cusco and the magic of Peru’s Sacred Valley. This Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary focuses around the incredible Inca sites included on the Cusco Tourist Ticket and more. There truly is so much more to see and do in the Cusco region. It’s probably best to add a few extra days to your Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary.

Of course, most visitors come to the Cusco region to gaze upon the world wonder of Machu Picchu, but as you can see, there are many other incredible points of interest.

So, slow down, wander the streets of Cusco, eat all the traditional food, hike in the mountains of the Sacred Valley, awe at the remains of the powerful Inca dynasty, and fall in love with this magical region.

Have you visited Cusco and the Sacred Valley in Peru? Did you follow along with this Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary? Is there any place I am missing on this Cusco and Sacred Valley itinerary? Let me know in the comments below!

sacred valley self tour

Disclaimer: There’s a chance this post contains affiliate links, and I receive a small (but grateful) portion of the sale. There’s no extra cost to you, and I only promote things that I use and love.

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Hey, my name is Megs! I'm an adventure-seeking, wanna-be storyteller, with a wandering soul who is smitten with the diversity of this beautiful world. You can find me hiking in the mountains, eating delicious food, and seeking out the most authentic travel experiences possible. Experiences and memories are my most prized possessions. I love to slow travel and have been nomadic for over 12 years.

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Machu Picchu has been on my bucket list for a very long time! I went to Peru last year and explored Lima and a few coastal towns. This post makes me miss Peru!

Yes, Peru is soo diverse, from the mountains to the coast! Hope you can make it to Machu Picchu in the near future!❤️

What a great guide! Peru was one of the top 5 destinations I wanted to get to next. The hike to Urquillos is absolutely stunning!!! Honestly besides Machu Picchu I had no idea what I was going to see haha. There is sooo much beauty and so much to see.

Thanks, Sarah! Peru is so much more than Machu Picchu and each site is sacred and special in its own way! Hope you get to do some exploring here in the near future! 🥾

I am a history/ruins fans so, I would love to go deep into Cusco and the Sacred Valley as you did. Love all the archeological sites! I was trying to choose a favorite but it is so difficult.

Thank Ruth! The sites are all so fascinating and unique in their own way… I can’t choose a favorite one either! 😉

This is AWESOME! I have become obsessed with visiting Peru & this has fuelled that fire! Great post, will be bookmarking this for later once it’s safe to start planning some travel again 🙂

Thanks Anna! Yeah! Glad this guide could help and hope that you can get to Peru in the near future! Happy planning ❤️

Your article brought me right back to our time in Cusco and Sacred Valley, one of the highlights of South America. One experience I can really recommend is a meal at Virgilio Martínez’s Mil Restaurant in Sacred Valley, a really interesting and delicious culinary journey through the cuisine of this part of the Andes.

ohhh thanks for the tip Kelli! Added to my list of places to explore in the Sacred Valley!😋

I’m dying to visit Peru, and Cusco and the Sacred Valley are definitely on my list. Your photos are amazing and really bring the places to life. Thanks for the inspiration!

Thanks so much Teresa!!! Hope to see you soon here in Peru! 🇵🇪

Pisac looks so interesting! Liked reading this as I know very little about this part of the world

Thanks so much Katy! It’s such an incredible destination! The Sacred Valley and Cusco have stolen my heart for sure.💚

That looks like such beautiful hike! Hope to make it one day!

Thanks Talia! There is so much beauty waiting in Peru! 🙃

This is such a detailed guide to the Cusco and the Sacred Valley area of Peru, Megan. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Hazel! Hope this guide helps inspire future travels. 😉

This is definitely a trip that would draw us back to South America. The landscapes are lovely and you saw so many different places. Definitely a spot that is on our travel wish list. But then that list keeps growing.

I know Linda, my bucket-list only grows and never shrinks! I hope you can experience the magic of Cusco and the surrounding region in the near future. 🏔

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Survival of the littest.

things to do in ollantaytambo peru

The Ultimate Guide to Cusco’s Sacred Valley | Peru

Cusco and Machu Picchu are rightfully two of Peru’s most popular and desirable travel destinations. I personally can’t get enough of Cusco, nor will I forget the morning I arrived at Machu Picchu all those years ago. The clouds clearing to reveal Machu Picchu in all of its awe-inspiring glory is a memory that sticks with me to this day. However, between Cusco and Machu Picchu, there is a whole region rich in culture, history, and breathtaking views. The Valle Sagrado, or Sacred Valley of the Incas, is one of the most surreal regions I’ve encountered during my travels.

Aside from its natural beauty and abundance of activities, the best part of the Sacred Valley is that it is often neglected by short-term travelers. Most people might be strapped on time and prioritize Machu Picchu and Cusco. Even those that do find the time often opt for fast-paced guided tours that hardly give you any time to stop and smell the roses. Even my first foray into the Sacred Valley was on a guided tour to Maras and Moray. Eventually, I started taking longer and longer trips out here, bouncing around from village to village, exploring solely by word of mouth. My several trips to the Sacred Valley were among the best parts of my four month long trip to Peru. I would even find myself doing things two or three times just because they were that good.

For those of you that have time to spare, the Sacred Valley of the Incas is a region that can’t be missed. Once you are here, you might never want to leave. Here are the best things to do in this gorgeous area.

things to do in ollantaytambo peru

And hey, if this post help you out, show some love and support for the blog and help keep my adventures going by  buying me a beer ! My adventures are entirely self-funded, so any show of support is greatly appreciated, and allows me to keep writing helpful travel guides and creating travel content to help you all travel the world on a budget.

This post contains affiliate links. That means that I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through one of these links.

Table of Contents

The best things to do in cusco’s sacred valley, how to get around the sacred valley.

  • How Much Time To Spend in Each Place
  • Where To Stay in the Sacred Valley
  • Cusco’s Tourist Pass: Is It Worth It?

More on Peru

Explore pisac archaeological complex.

guide to pisac peru

Situated above the small village of Pisac is the large archaeological complex of the same name. You can’t see it from the village, so I didn’t really know what to expect. Besides stairs. I knew there were going to be a stupid amount of stairs. Once you finally make it up those stairs, you are in for a treat. The hike takes about an hour or so, and is challenging at times, but it is so worth it.

The ruins of Pisac are easily among my favorites that I have visited in Peru. So much so that I ended up visiting them twice. Every time that I thought it couldn’t get better, it would. You could spend hours upon hours exploring these expansive ruins. The combination of well-preserved structures and stunning scenery makes for one of the best adventures in Peru’s Sacred Valley. Best of all, it has a fraction of the visitors that Machu Picchu has. One can explore the complex for hours and run into only a couple dozen other people along the way.

Explore Ollantaytambo Archaeological Site

sacred valley self tour

The fortress of Ollantaytambo are easily among my favorite ruins that I’ve ever visited. Unlike Pisac, you can see the ruins straight from the town center, so you know what you’re getting yourself into. That’s right. More stairs. The ruins of the vast Incan fortress of Ollantaytambo are among the most jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring in all of Peru.

To up the wow factor even more, make sure to climb all the way up to the top of the hill. There, you’l find the ruins of Inka Watana and an absolutely incredible panoramic view of the Sacred Valley. With Ollantaytambo being the gateway to Machu Picchu today, one can imagine how crucial the fortress of Ollantaytambo used to be in defending the Inca capital of Machu Picchu.

Hike To The Ruins of Pinkuylluna

things to do in ollantaytambo peru

Situated on the opposite side of town from the Ollantaytambo ruins is the archaeological site of Pinkuylluna. Unlike Ollantaytambo which requires an entrance fee, Pinkuylluna is free to enter. Even if you aren’t into history or ruins, you can get a beautiful panoramic view of the Sacred Valley, the surrounding mountains, and the cute little town and ruins of Ollantaytambo. This was one of my favorite quick activities that I did in the Sacred Valley. I even did it a second time because it was that flippin’ good.

Go Hiking At Kinsa Cocha, Pisac’s Three Lakes

laguna kinsa cocha pisac peru

A very little-known hike to do around the Sacred Valley is the hike to Kinsa Cocha , a Quechua word meaning “three lakes”. Pisac is the ideal starting point for this laid-back hike. A taxi from here will cost you 150-200 soles, depending on how many of you there are. There were six of us, so for an off-the-beaten-path destination like this one, it was worth the money. It is around a 90-minute round trip drive from Pisac, while the hike itself takes about three hours. Unless you stop to admire every alpaca you see, in which case it took us a bit more than three hours. Pack warm because it gets chilly up here. Here’s my complete guide to this lesser-known adventure in the Sacred Valley.

Salineras de Maras

best day trips from cusco

The seemingly endless salt pools of Maras have quickly become one of the most iconic destinations of the Sacred Valley. Be warned though, there isn’t much to do here besides look at them. You used to be able to walk along the pools themselves but too much gringo contamination in the salt has made that no longer an option. You can take a day trip here from Cusco or you can settle down in Urubamba and take a colectivo  to the small town of Maras and make your way to the Salineras. The entrance fee is 10 soles, so it isn’t too bad for a quick activity.

Moray Archaeological Site

how to visit moray cusco peru ruins

Moray Archaeological Complex is another quick Sacred Valley trip, which is why it is often coupled with the Salineras de Maras by tour agencies. This archaeological site is unique due to the concentric circle styles of its structures. It looks eerily alien in nature, and is yet another fascinating glimpse at the rich history of the area. Like most ruins in the Sacred Valley, Moray also has no shortage of views. On a clear day, one can see the majestic snow-capped mountain ranges in the background.

Visit Chinchero Archaeological Site

sacred valley self tour

One of the lesser-known archaeological sites included on the boleto turistico is Chinchero. You might not have heard of Chinchero but it turned out to be one of my favorite sites in the Sacred Valley. I almost considered skipping it but decided that I wanted to get as much of my money’s worth from my tourist ticket as possible. I thought I would be tired of ruins by this point but Chinchero was seriously impressive. Located about halfway between Cusco and Urubamba, Chinchero is a great stop on your Sacred Valley circuit.

Hike From Chinchero To Urquillos

sacred valley self tour

Aside from exploring the village and ruins of Chinchero, one can also make the hike from Chinchero to Urquillos . The mostly downhill hike boasts absolutely stunning scenery, making it one of the best day hikes in the Sacred Valley. On a clear day, this Qhapaq Nan (Inca trail) gives you unbeatable views of the snowy mountains that undoubtedly played a part in why the Inca viewed this region as sacred. It takes about four hours to get from Chinchero to the small village of Urquillos. This quiet town is easily one of the most scenic little villages in the Sacred Valley.

hike chinchero to urquillos cusco peru

Go Shopping At Pisac’s Sunday Market

best things to do in pisac peru

Had enough of ruins? Pisac boasts my favorite market in all of Peru. It is vast and spreads out into every alleyway and corner of the village of Pisac. The vendors take a much less aggressive approach in trying to sell you things. Foreigners like me aren’t seen as a nuisance or as a money grab. Each local person I spoke to met me with genuine interest and curiosity. I befriended a lot of the locals, from my favorite food stall lady, the waitress at my usual café, and the tattoo artist that really should have been giving me commission for how many customers I brought him.

I never saw myself as a small town kinda guy, but Pisac stole my heart in a very unique way. Walking through the market aimlessly was one of my favorite things to do in Pisac. On Sundays, the market expands even further. Every Sunday, people from the neighboring smaller villages would flock to the main square of Pisac to sell their goods. The grey cobbled streets explode with a sensory overload of colors as the locals in their vibrant garb make use of every square inch of the plaza.

sacred valley self tour

Visit the Women Artisans of Chinchero

By now, you’ve probably realized that Peruvians have a storied tradition of artisanry. They are amazing at what they do and you might find yourself struggling to resist the call of a new jumper, blanket, or other knickknack from the local markets. The women artisans and weavers of Chinchero are among the most renowned community of craftswomen in the Sacred Valley. A visit here will give you a glimpse into things like how the white, brown, and black shades of alpaca wool are dyed into whatever color you can imagine. The ingredients that go into dying the wool will actually shock you.

best things to do in pisac peru

My first  colectivo ride to the Sacred Valley was a lot more complicated than it should have been. Thankfully, that was the only time I ever struggled with transportation within the Sacred Valley. This region provides cheap, reliable, and incredibly scenic transportation between city to city. Seriously, it is so easy to travel between each village. Here’s a quick breakdown of how to get from place to place.

  • Saqsayhuaman
  • Puka Pukara
  • Tambomachay
  • Cusco to Ollantaytambo : 10 Soles from Calle Pavitos
  • Pisac to Cusco : 4 Soles from near the bridge
  • Urubamba to Ollantaytambo : 2 Soles from the Terminal Terrestre
  • Ollantaytambo to Urubamba : 2 Soles from outside the mercado
  • Ollantaytambo to Cusco : 10-15 Soles from the plaza

How Much Time To Spend in Each City

Pisac: 3+ days.

Pisac is one of my favorite places to relax and take a breather. Dedicating a day to exploring the ruins, one to visit the three lakes of Kinsa Cocha, and one to just roam through the streets is the way to go. I’ve spent a lot of time in Pisac, and most of that time is spent eating, wandering, or doing nothing. If you are traveling long-term, you might find yourself enchanted by this quaint little town and staying far longer than you initially planned.

Ollantaytambo: 2 days

The small village of Ollantaytambo is surprisingly full of adventures for how tiny it is. Ruins and hiking trails flank the city in every direction. One could easily spend several days here. However, most people only stick around for Ollantaytambo Ruins and Pinkuylluna. Both of these can be done in a day or two depending on how proactive you are.

Chinchero: 1 day

Chinchero is usually nothing more than a quick stop to the rest of the Sacred Valley for most travelers. My first visit to Chinchero was just a detour en route to a guided tour of Maras and Moray. We stopped by to see the women artisans. This was before I knew of the archaeological complex and the stunning hike to Urquillos. I eventually returned to Chinchero on my last day in Cusco and was not disappointed.

Urubamba: 1 day

Urubamba is one of the bigger towns in the Sacred Valley, although I also found it to be less exciting than the others. It is a good home base for people wanting to visit Salineras de Maras and the archaeological complex of Moray. However, there’s not much else to justify going all the way there just to be closer to these points of interest. One could easily visit them from Chinchero or Cusco, as well. Aside from Maras and Moray, Urubamba boasts a few beautiful hikes and the former Inca Palace of Huayna Capac. It is a beautiful city to lay low for a while, and significantly more local than Ollantaytambo and Pisac. However, if you are short on time, I’d recommend at most a day here.

Where To Stay In…

Pisac: Wolf Totem Nomad

wolf totem nomad hostel pisac peru

I cannot recommend this place enough. The epic views, family of doggos, and laid-back vibe make it one of my favorite hostels in the world. It is about a 15-minute walk from the center of Pisac but it is well worth the extra journey. The scenery never gets old. Wolf Totem is far from your average hostel, and those looking for a bit more privacy have the options of choosing a private studio room or one of the incredible villas. Seriously, book Wolf Totem . You won’t regret it.

Say hi to Jefe for me.

wolf totem nomad hostel pisac peru

Ollantaytambo: Casa Quechua , Mama Killa

Ollantaytambo is a gorgeous small town. You’ll find yourself wanting to stay longer and longer. I spent several nights here, despite there arguably being very little to do here outside of the ruins. The beautiful scenery, relaxed vibe, and plethora of food options made it an acceptable location for me to kick back for a bit. It also helped that Casa Quechua was very budget-friendly, at only 20 Soles ($6 US) a night with breakfast included.

The other option I looked at was Mama Killa , which always happened to be full whenever I actually wanted to book it. It runs at 30 Soles, also with breakfast included, and seems to have more amenities than Casa Quechua. There are tons of options that show up for hostels in Ollantaytambo on Hostelworld , ranging from budget dorms to affordable private rooms.

Urubamba: Luna Rumi (Flying Dog Hostels)

sacred valley self tour

Only about 10 minutes outside of the center of Urubamba is Luna Rumi . It showed up on Hostelworld as Flying Dog Hostels so I booked it. However, when I showed up, I found out that it had transitioned to a hotel, but the owners gave me a private room for a small upgrade from a hostel dorm price. The grounds and gardens here are beautiful. At 38 Soles a night with a great breakfast included, it definitely was worth it to have a little privacy in a beautiful setting. Urubamba is a quiet town that few tourists seem to stay at, so finding a social hostel would be pretty rare, anyway.

There are other hostels in the area but most of them won’t show up online. The ones that you will be able to find on Booking or on Hostelworld usually don’t offer budget dorm accommodations.

Chinchero: Chinchero Backpackers

I did not actually spend the night in Chinchero, as I felt a day trip to the ruins followed by a hike would be more ideal. That way, I could leave my belongings in Cusco instead of having to drag them all the way to Chinchero for just a night or two. If you are interested in spending a night in this less-traveled-to destination, here are some accommodation options in Chinchero .

Oh last but not least, one of the most important things you should consider while traveling through the Sacred Valley…

Cusco’s Boleto Turistico: Is It Worth It?

This was one of my biggest dilemmas while exploring Cusco and the Sacred Valley. To enter most of the archaeological sites that I’ve mentioned, you will need either the partial ticket or the complete tourist ticket. For the complete ticket which lasts 10 days and gives you access to 16 different sites, you will have to pay 130 Soles ($38 US). For the partial ones that last two days and give you access to four, you will have to pay 70 soles ($20 US). If you happen to be a student, you can get the complete tourist ticket for the same price as a partial one, which makes the dilemma much easier. If you are a student, trust me, it will be worth it.

sacred valley self tour

However, most people, especially backpackers like myself, have a hard time shelling out $40 in one go. If you are in Cusco and the Sacred Valley for an extended period of time, then it’s a no-brainer. Even if you visit just two of the sixteen sites, you will already be saving 10 soles as opposed to paying 70 soles each time to enter.

The only way I could justify paying 70 Soles for a partial ticket is if you wanted to bust out some combination of Moray, Pisac, Chinchero, and Ollantaytambo in two days. It will be hectic but it is doable. For most people, I would recommend spreading out the adventures over the course of 10 days and visiting as many of the 16 sites as possible.

Cusco’s Sacred Valley is one of my favorite regions in the world. It is an incredible mix of adventure, history, culture, and relaxation. You can be content doing nothing or everything while you are here. The surrounding scenery feels otherworldly at times, and I guarantee that you will never get bored of it. Seriously, I implore you to avoid the fast-paced guided tour of the Sacred Valley and hop your way around on your own. The  colectivos are cheap and you will want to enjoy every second of your stay here with no pressure or time limits. Life is bueno, here.

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Oh, and before you go, make sure to have good travel insurance handy whenever you’re out adventuring. I use  SafetyWing  to keep me covered throughout my travels for as low as $40 a month.

If this post helped you out, show some love and support for the blog and help keep my adventures going by  buying me a beer ! My adventures are entirely self-funded, so any show of support is greatly appreciated, and allows me to keep writing helpful travel guides and creating travel content to help you all travel the world on a budget.

The Backpacker’s Guide to…

  • Chachapoyas
  • The Sacred Valley

The Best Things To Do In…

  • Ollantaytambo
  • The Best Hostels in Peru

Attraction and Destination Guides

  • Cordillera Huayhuash
  • Salkantay Trek
  • Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain
  • Palccoyo Rainbow Mountain
  • Colca Canyon
  • Floating Islands of Puno
  • Pisac Archaeological Site
  • The Backpacker’s Crash Course Guide to Peru
  • 20 Must-Visit Destinations in Peru
  • The 8 Best Party Cities in Peru
  • One Month Northern Peru Itinerary
  • The 10 Raddest Things I Did in Peru

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10 thoughts on “ the ultimate guide to cusco’s sacred valley | peru ”.

Great post😀

It is on my bucket list

This is quite the guide! I’d love to visit Cuscos Sacred Valley. Looks like there’s so much to see and enjoy here.

It is one of the most beautiful regions of the world that I’ve ever been to!

Nice tour guide for this place with cool pictures to match. Thank you for sharing 🙂

What an incredible trek…your photos are stunning. I wish I could visit Peru and walk through the sacred valley. What an experience!

Cuscos Sacred Valley is a hiker’s paradise. The views are stunning! I know it won’t be soon, but I sure wish I could visit Peru!

I love hiking, walking and just wandering around. It’s a good form of exercise and you can find so many things this way.

You can tell from your photos that there is so much history there. I would love to visit one day.

I love the scenery! Peru is so beautiful! I wish we could visit in the future. I know it will be tiring to go on a hike, but I will have to do it if I get the chance to be in Cuscos Sacred Valley!

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sacred valley self tour

Sacred Valley Tour Full day

  • Sacred Valley From Ollanta
  • Sacred Valley Tour From Airport

Extended Sacred Valley Tour

  • Maras and Moray Private Tour
  • Private Sacred Valley Tours

Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu Private Tour

  • Short Inca Trail Tour 2 Days

Rainbow Mountain Day Trip

  • Cusco City Tour Half Day
  • South Valley Tour Cusco
  • Huchuy Qosqo Full Day Trek
  • Humantay Lake Tour
  • Maras and Moray Hike 1 Day
  • Walking Tour Cusco Peru

Sacred Valley Tours

Sacred Valley Tours


Sacred Valley Tours is a licensed tour agency based in Cusco. Above all, we are specialists and organize the best private Sacred Valley Tour from Cusco . With our personalized services, you fully enjoy the Sacred Valley of the Incas along with expert tour guides. The Sacred Valley Tour  shows ancient Inca sites, traditional markets, scenic villages and stunning Andean landscapes.

Sacred Valley Tours

In addition, we can combine the Sacred Valley Tour with activities, such as hiking, biking and even rafting. Other popular tours like, Short Inca Trail and Machu Picchu Tour can start from the Sacred Valley. But the combination of Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu Tour is the best option to visit the wonder or the world. 

Unlike other agencies, we offer the best Sacred Valley Tour with longer stops at visited places complemented with historical information. Most of our private day trips begin in Cusco, however, others can start at sacred valley locations. For instance, Sacred Valley Tour from Ollantaytambo . Our Sacred Valley Private Tour always includes a pick up and drop off at any hotel of your choice. Discover the magnificent Sacred Valley of the Incas with expert tour guides by your side.  

Sacred Valley Tours

Sacred Valley Private Tours

Our private sacred valley tours let you explore the hidden gems of the incas from Cusco.

Sacred Valley Tours

Sacred Valley Tour from Cusco Airport

Sacred Valley Tours

Sacred valley Tour from Ollantaytambo

Sacred Valley Private Tour

Explore the Sacred Valley of the Incas

Best sacred valley private tours.

Choose the best private tours to Sacred Valley of the Incas from Cusco or combine with a trip to Machu Picchu by train.

Sacred Valley Tour full day

What Makes Sacred Valley Tours Unique and Different?

Friendly expert staff.

All members of our team are passionate about their work and always ready to help. Above all, we enjoy travelling and believe that Cusco is a great destination to visit.

Sustainable Tourism

It is important to us that you have an incredible experience in Peru. However, it is more rewarding when we preserve the environment and the local communities.

Tailor-made Holidays

Our tours can be customized or designed completely from scratch. Moreover, our travel experts have the resources to make your dream holiday a reality.


These are the best tours and vacation packages in Peru. Discover Peru's most iconic landmarks with an all-inclusive service.

Sacred Valley Private Tour

Short inca Trail 2 days 1 night


These are the best tours in Peru with hand-picked popular destinations.

Rainbow Mountain Trip

Customer Reviews

We pride ourselves on taking care of every detail of our Sacred Valley Tour services for our clients. The full satisfaction of our travelers is our best reward, who often recommend us to relatives or friends when planning a trip to Peru.


What a wonderful family trip we just finished this July and I can’t thank enough Mr. David who put together provided 4-day awesome itinerary covering Sacred valley, Machu Picchu hike and Cusco city tour. They are so committed and they know what they are doing. All the tickets to hiking, train tickets, bus tickets & entrance tickets are arranged well in advance so no waiting in line anywhere just zoom through. Thank you David for treating us so well and it was dream come true for us. Excellent work keep it up!

Written July 31, 2023


Amazing tour!

We had such an amazing time on our trip to Machu Picchu, our guide was so nice and made us so comfortable and relax. He had so much knowledge about the place and lots of tips for where to take the best pics! So much fun would highly recommend them!

Written February 20, 2023


Amazing Experience!

After a lot of careful research, we decided to ask Sacred Valley Company to prepare a full Peru Itinerary for the three of us. The package included the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and the Rainbow Mountain.

I would highly recommend them for all of your other Peru package vacations.

Written March 2, 2023


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Sacred valley of the incas, explore the most significant archaeological sites around cusco.

When people visit Cusco, they tend to head straight to Machu Picchu, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. But, there are many other highly important archaeological sites in and around the city that were also significant during the Inca empire. Join us on this exciting trip to the Sacred Valley of the Incas to visit key sites during the ancient civilization’s reign.

On this day out, you can expect to stop at Ollantaytambo, Pisac's archeological site and colorful market, the Inca site of Chinchero, and the Andean Textile Center. On the tour, from Ollantaytambo to Cusco, you’ll have the chance to stop at some fantastic lookout points to witness the Andean Mountain's beauty and the stunning valley landscape.

  • Before You Go
  • Packing List

Do you want to get out of the city and see the most significant archaeological complexes during the Inca empire? They can be found in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, and our tour will take you to them all on a fun day out full of culture, history, and astounding views. You can join us whether you’re by yourself, in a couple, or as part of a larger group.

Our company specializes in organizing trips through the Sacred Valley ensuring that travelers take home a unique and unforgettable experience while soaking up the valley´s beauty, culture, and history.

On this exciting day out, you’ll get an opportunity to visit the most important Inca archaeological complexes in the valley and experience the Andean culture reflected in the art pieces, traditional markets, customs, and popular traditions in the towns of Pisac, Ollantaytambo, and Chinchero. The warm weather throughout the valley perfectly complements the trip to make this tour even more enjoyable.

Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity to learn more about the fascinating history of the Incas, see some beautiful views throughout the valley, and observe small communities and towns going about their daily lives. It’s the perfect addition to your vacation in Cusco.

  • Enjoy the extensive Pisac Inca complex, which boasts many impressive examples of Inca architecture.
  • Wander around the colorful Pisac market and observe local people who are keeping traditional culture alive.
  • Take in the stunning views as you drive through the Sacred Valley and observe locals going about their daily lives and lots of local produce growing in the fields.
  • Hike around that amazing site of Ollantaytambo and learn all about its history.
  • Visit the Chinchero Weaving Cooperative to learn about local textile techniques and a tradition that goes back generations.

What's it like

Detailed itinerary, cusco | qorao - sacred valley lookout - pisac - urubamba - ollantaytambo - chinchero - cusco.

Highlight of the day: Learning a lot about the Inca empire and understanding more about the different sites.

Explore the Most Significant Inca Sites in the Sacred Valley

We’ll collect you from your accommodation and set off on our day out in the Sacred Valley. Our first stop is at Qorao where you can explore the market and buy gifts. Next, we’ll make our way to Pisac. Here, you’ll get to wander around the colorful market and visit the fascinating archaeological site that boasts some unique features. After, we’ll head on to Urubamba where we’ll enjoy a delicious buffet lunch.

This afternoon, we’ll drive to Ollantaytambo—a quaint Inca town. You’ll explore the archaeological site and enjoy stunning views. Our final stop is in Chinchero. You’ll observe a colonial temple and the plaza before enjoying a lesson on textiles from local women. Finally, it’ll be time to head back to Cusco city where we’ll drop you off at your hotel.

Our exciting day out begins between 7:20 and 7:50 am when we collect you from your accommodation and set off in our private transport to our first destination of the day.

On our way to Pisac, we’ll make our first stop of the day, about thirty minutes from Cusco. We’ll be visiting Qorao market, to wander around and see locals selling their handicrafts. There are handmade souvenirs and some stunning art pieces that you can buy as a reminder of your trip or for some thoughtful gifts for friends and family back home. Here, you’ll also get the chance to take some photos of the incredible landscapes and local wildlife, like llamas.

Next, we’ll keep heading to “El Mirador Del Valle Sagrado.” This lookout over the valley will provide you with the perfect opportunity to photograph the Andean mountain range and the Sacred Valley together.

We’ll soon arrive at Pisac to visit its colorful market and archaeological site. The Pisac complex is well-known because of its terraces that rise from the bottom of the mountain to the top in a harmonious way. You’ll also see the biggest Inca cemetery and Pisac’s Intihuatana, which is famous for predicting the solstice and equinox that determined the ancient culture’s agriculture calendar.

Once finished, we’ll drive for another hour to Urubamba and enjoy a delicious buffet lunch of traditional Peruvian dishes. There’ll be a wide range of options available and it’s the perfect chance to try many foods.

In the afternoon, we’ll visit Ollantaytambo town to tour its unique and extensive archaeological site that’s home to water sources, high terraces, temples, and more. The site is surrounded by towering mountain peaks and colorful valleys (plus a view of a faraway glacier)!

This town is the most well-preserved layout of a typical, Incan-built city with its narrow, cobbled streets and stone walls. It’s the only original Inca town where people still live to this day. Its conservation allows for the enduring legacy of the Incan people to live on and for us to understand the ancient culture better.

On our way back to Cusco, we’ll make a final stop at the town of Chinchero. You’ll have the opportunity here to visit a beautiful colonial temple, best known for its mural painting above the entranceway (this temple was built on top of Inca foundations). We’ll also get to see the Incan walls in the main plaza.

The highlight in this town is watching local women making textiles. They’ll teach you the process and you’ll get the chance to support them by purchasing their handmade pieces if you wish. Finally, we’ll continue onto Cusco and drop you off at your accommodation early evening.

Why Travel with us

Your safety is our priority, expert guides, sustainable tourism, small groups.

At Salkantay Trekking, we specify the included and non-included services under all the tour itineraries listed on our website. We take care of all the logistics, but please pay attention to the details to avoid missing anything. Some items may be different for specific programs, so please read carefully before booking with us.

What Is Included?

High quality service & safety, experienced tour guide - all our guides have professionalism, experience, responsibility, seriousness and passion, which will make your trip safe and comfortable..

English and spanish speaking official tour guide. All our guides are graduates of the professional career of Tourism of the National University San Antonio Abad of Cusco. We choose them for their professionalism, experience, responsibility, seriousness, unbridled passion for exploring, and sincere desire to proudly share in our culture and history. He or she will keep you safe, sound, and comfortable on your trek so that you can enjoy your time worry-free!

Medical Kit or First AID Kit - Our guides are trained to deal with basic emergencies.

All Salkantay Trekking guides have received specialized training in first aid. We hold mandatory training sessions with our guides every February. Your guide will always carry a first aid kit to face basic emergencies (altitude sickness, travelers' diarrhea, cuts, scrapes, etc.) as well as oxygen. If necessary, we’ll evacuate you from the path as quickly as possible and ensure that you arrive at a clinic for treatment.

24/7 Customer Service - We have 24 hours a day telephone service.

We have telephone service available 24 hours/day for ease of communication with Salkantay Trekking leading up to your trek.

Buffet Lunch in Urubamba


All your transportation is included in this package. We will pick you up from your hotel to explore the Sacred Valley. Once you complete the tour, we will take you back to the door of your hotel.

What Is Not Included?

Cusco tourist ticket.

This ticket is necessary and allows you admission to many of the most popular attractions in Cusco and the Sacred Valley, including archaeological sites and museums.

  • From PEN 70.00 (US$ 20.00) to PEN 150.00 (US$ 45.00) per person.

Breakfast & Dinner

Travel insurance, tips for our staff.

Tipping is the norm on any excursion in Peru. Although we pay good salaries to our entire team, something extra is always welcome.

Additional costs or delays beyond our control

Landslides, bad weather conditions, itinerary modifications due to a safety concern, illness, pandemia, government policy changes, political instability, strikes, act of God, etc.

We want to make your trip to Peru as memorable and as carefree as possible. In this section, you’ll find the answers to all the questions you have about traveling with Salkantay Trekking in one place. Please read the following information carefully – it will help you with any questions about our services.

Can I store my luggage at your office?

Of course! During the trip, your main luggage can be stored at our office (you can organize it with us on the briefing day or by email) or at your hotel, both free of charge.

Any equipment that you won’t need on the trek can be stored safely in your hotel. Nearly every hotel will provide this service. Don’t leave items of value with your bags; put them in the hotel safe and obtain an itemized receipt (in the unlikely case of theft, many insurance companies require that you have a copy of the receipt itemizing everything). It’s best to put items such as credit cards inside a sealed, signed envelope for extra peace of mind.

Pick up of guests

Please note:

  • All pickups are within Cusco City, but we recommend booking a hotel in the historic center for its convenient location.
  • Our guide or staff will confirm the pickup time the day before the tour.
  • Due to traffic conditions, the pickup time may vary between 30 and 45 minutes.
  • Cusco is an old city and has many narrow cobbled streets. Some hotels and Airbnbs are located on streets without car access or on long, steep slopes, making it difficult to transport luggage. For such reasons, we strongly advise you to book accommodation with good access.

Group Tours

Group tours are made up of different types of people, then physical conditions and ages can vary. By agreeing to be part of a group tour, you also accept that some people may be faster or slower than you. Therefore, each person can go at their own pace on the route.

It may be the case that a group wishes to modify the tour; however, the guide will be the one who decides, after consulting with all the participants, if such modifications are possible.

Strikes and demonstrations

Strikes and demonstrations are common in Peru, and this may interrupt some of our tours. Roads can be blocked, and train tracks can be taken over. However, we will try to keep your trip as originally planned, even if it means leaving the night before the scheduled date.

Under these circumstances, tours may also be canceled. In case of changes or cancellations, everything will be coordinated with you by our operations department. Your safety is our highest priority, and our decisions will be made to protect it.

Lost objects

Please pay attention to where you leave your things and remember to take everything once you leave our transport or restaurant. You’re the only one responsible for your objects during the tour.


Valid Passport


Camera and charger

The "Sacred Valley of the Incas" can leave any day of the week, the whole year.

2024 Land Cost

Group Price: US$ 100.00 per person

This small-group journey is guaranteed to operate with just two guests.

Notice that PayPal charges a fee of 5%, which we ask the client to cover since it's due to the use of its service. This tax is just for online deposits.

Price Guarantee

Once your booking has been confirmed, we guarantee the price won’t increase, whatever the circumstances. So please, before booking, ensure you’ve read all our important tour information.

Thank you for your interest in having an adventure travel experience in Peru curated by Salkantay Trekking. Please take a moment to complete our short form, so one our friendly Adventure Consultants could provide you all the information for your trip of a lifetime in Peru.

Our Pledge |  Your privacy is respected and protected. The Salkantay Trekking Company will never share, sell, or make public any of your personal contact information to third parties.

Personal Details

Trip details.

Remember |  One of our Travel Experts will contact you soon to confirm the availability of the trip you chose, give you more information, and/or provide you alternative options. Once availability is established, we will ask for a deposit and a completed online registration to confirm your spot on the trek. Please call us at (+51) 958 191 179 with any questions or to confirm availability over the phone.

Note |  Due to the rainy season and trail maintenance, we don't offer this trek during the whole month of february. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, we are working to provide you a better service!

Feel free to reach us via email at [email protected] or by calling us directly at (+51) 958 191 179

Every Day: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Triunfo Street 346 - Main Square of Cusco, Peru

Related Peru Tours & Treks

Alternative journeys you may be interested in.

Here you have other options that will suit your needs from the Sacred Valley of the Incas Tour

Patabamba - Qoricocha Lake - Machu Picchu

Patabamba & huchuy qosqo.

Patabamba Trek is a fantastic two-day trek in the surroundings of Cusco traveling from Tambomachay, located just 20 minutes from Cusco, to Huchuy Qosqo, an ancient Inca archaeological site perched on a cliff with stunning views over the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The trail crosses mountain passes and Andean communities, offering a view of a large array of local flora and fauna.

Qoricocha - Huchuy Qosqo - Machu Picchu

Huchuy qosqo to machu picchu.

The Huchuy Qosco trek is like taking a step back in time, although hard to believe it is so close to Cusco! From its beginning, this trek takes you off the typical tourist route. You will walk along ancient pathways and visit local communities where you will be immersed in the local culture.

Soraypampa - Humantay Lake

Humantay lake.

The immense mountains of Peru keep innumerable precious stones in their basins: blue, turquoise, green, yellow, and red lagoons. Among all of them, one of the most dazzling jewels that’s located in the Cusco region stands out: The Humantay Lake.

Llacto - Rainbow Mountain

Rainbow mountain tour.

Get ready to discover one of the most impressive natural wonders on the planet in the middle of the Andes of Peru. If you visit Cusco, you have to do it! Our one-day tour to Vinicunca, or Rainbow Mountain, will take you through remote high-altitude deserts and through isolated communities found in the Vilcanota mountain range.

Acopia - Waqrapukara

Waqrapukara trek.

Discover the majestic pre-Inca construction of Waqrapukara or Fortress of the Horns located in the mighty Apurímac River's canyon. If you're looking for something completely different and with few people, Waqrapukara is ideal for you.

Languilayo Lake - Pallay Punchu

Pallay punchu trek.

Discover the new rainbow mountain in Peru, just a few hours from the city of Cusco. In the middle of a practically virgin tourist circuit is one of the most impressive natural wonders of Latin America. Travel towards the Cusco highlands and be amazed by a mountain that seems to have been wrapped in a colorful Andean poncho full of ancestral iconography.

Wiñaywayna - Machu Picchu

Our One Day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is the best way to get to Machu Picchu for those without the time to hike the full Inca trail. The Inca Trail appeal is the stunning cultural show of Inca ruins, exotic mountain views, primitive lush vegetation,

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Explorations journal.

Just looking for inspiration? Take a look at our latest blog posts below.

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Our friendly local experts will respond to your request.

Please complete the form to request more information about any of our experiences. One of our travel specialists will contact you, often within two business hours, to confirm availability on the trip and provide you with other options.

sacred valley self tour

Ready to embark on a unique experience? Contact us now!

Let us arrange everything for you properly. Contact us, and one of our travel specialists will provide you with everything you need to make this an unforgettable experience.

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Sacred Valley Tours & Trips

Sacred Valley Tours & Trips

  • Choose from 50+ Sacred Valley tours
  • 600+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
  • 24/7 customer support

The best Sacred Valley tour packages

Compiled by

Sacred Valley travel expert at TourRadar

Steff Sacred Valley travel expert at TourRadar

The Heart of the Empire

Discovering cusco, 7 day andean experience through the living culture of the incas, machu picchu by train short break, 2 day - "exploring" the sacred valley & machu picchu, machu picchu: sacred valley + short inca trail 3 days, inca trail express (5 destinations), sacred valley full day tour, iconic peru tour 6 days and 5 nights, inca trail express. km 104 (all inclusive).

“Peru is an absolutely beautify country and a definitely must see!” Vimla Govender, traveled in May 2024

The Heart of the Empire

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Coach / Bus
  • Christmas & New Year
  • Witness traditional crafts in Chinchero town
  • Stroll through Cusco and visit ancient sites
  • Explore pre-Columbian history at Inkariy Museum
“Everything was good. Guides are very knowledgable and so interesting.” BUTLER,STELLA, traveled in April 2023

Discovering Cusco

  • Tour the Temple of the Sun and Sacsayhuaman
  • Enjoy craft markets and dining in Aguas Calientes
  • Discover Chinchero and the Living Museum of Yucay
“All the tours were interesting with a really good logistic. I always felt very safe doing all the tours.” Lawrence Mitchell, traveled in February 2023

7 Day Andean Experience Through the Living Culture of the Incas

  • Local Living
  • Sightseeing
  • Discover hidden treasures at the famous Pisaq market
  • Get an insight into South American culture and history
  • Meet Andean animals at the sanctuary of Cochawasi
“Multiple guides for different aspects of the trip but they were all knowledgeable and helpful.” Daniel Thomas, traveled in March 2017

Machu Picchu by Train Short Break

  • Start and end in Cuzco
  • Visit the archaeological site of Ollantaytambo
  • Enjoy local markets and stunning views of the Pisac Valley
“I felt that this experience was negatively impacted by this one person and I await the tour operators response to my complaint.” Kelly Martyn, traveled in April 2019

2 Day - "Exploring" the Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu

  • See the salt pools at Maras
  • Visit Moray's unique agricultural terraces
  • Learn weaving at a traditional Textile Center

Machu Picchu: Sacred Valley + Short Inca Trail 3 Days

  • Mountain Hikes
  • Explore the Sacred Valley and its wonders
  • Hike the Short Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
  • Witness sunrise over Machu Picchu
“This was the best trip I have ever done! It was breath-taking and I wish I could have done it a little longer.” Mareike Meyer, traveled in September 2018

Inca Trail Express (5 destinations)

  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Walk along the ruins of the Lost City of the Incas
  • Get familiar with the local lifestyle in the Sacred Valley
  • Follow the steps of the Incas to the famed Machu Picchu

Sacred Valley Full Day Tour

  • Discover the ancient Inca ruins of Pisac
  • Explore the Alpaca farm and learn about camelids
  • Enjoy panoramic views from Taray viewpoint
“Best tour company in peru. The tour was amazing and I highly recommend it.” KRISTINA, traveled in March 2021

Iconic Peru Tour 6 Days and 5 Nights

  • Explore the Peruvian Culture in Cusco
  • Soak in the Inca Fortress of Ollantaytambo
  • Trek the Inca trail

Inca Trail Express. KM 104 (All Inclusive)

  • Explore the ruins of Chachabamba and Wiñay Wayna
  • Ride the train along the Urubamba River
  • Tour Machu Picchu with an English-speaking guide

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Treks & Escorted Tours...


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  • Sacred Valley Tour

Cusco Journeys and Adventure

Sacred Valley Tour was one of the most important places in the Incan Empire. Its climate was beneficial to the development of agriculture and the construction of important cities like Pisac and Ollantaytambo, which we will visit as part of this Sacred Valley Tour.

Our company specializes in organizing trips through the Sacred Valley Tour and making sure that travelers take with them a unique and unforgettable experience while seeing the valley´s beauty, history, and culture.

  • Highlight: Pisac ruins and market, Inca fortress in Ollantaytambo and Chinchero.
  • Location: Sacred Valley – Cusco. 
  • Duration:  Full day.
  • Level:  Easy.
  • Departure Dates: This Sacred Valley Tour we start any day. We offer affordably priced tours for 2 people so that you can depart when it suits you best.
  • Combos & Upgrades:  Combine with one of our treks for a complete Cusco experience , and get a discount off your trek price. Excellent for pre trek acclimatization or combined with other one day treks in the wet season.

Day 1:   Cusco – Sacred Valley Lookout – Pisac – Urubamba – Ollantaytambo – Chinchero – Cusco.

At 8.00am, we pick you up from your hotel and take you to the start our sacred valley tour. We travel from Cusco, past Saqsaywaman over the mountains towards the Sacred Valley tour. We descend 1500 feet to the valley floor, where we find ourselves by the sacred Urubamba River and the village of Pisac. In Pisac, we stop to visit a traditional market, where you can browse and buy some local souvenirs if desired. We will spend about 30 minutes here.

Then, we drive up to the ruins of Pisac. Here, we explore the extensive ruins whilst enjoying stunning views over the valley. You will be given a guided tour of the Citadel of Pisac, in which we will see temples, homes, altars, carvings, tunnels, caves and the famous Intihuatana, “The hitching post of the sun”. We have about 90 minutes to explore the ruins.

For those who would prefer to spend more time in the market instead of visiting the ruins, advise your guide so he can organize a time and place to pick you up when returning through the market.

We continue on towards Urubamba, where we make a stop (45 minutes) for lunch. A 30 minute drive takes us to Ollantaytambo, which is surrounded by the sacred mountains. Here, we will spend about an hour. In Ollantaytambo, we get further exposure to Incan constructions, mainly the amazing temple of the sun, enormous blocks of rock perfectly carved and polished, stone water fountains, stairs and terraces. We also get to see the beauty of the local people in their traditional dress surrounded by the sacred mountains and Valley of Patacancha and Willoq.

On the way back to Cusco we stop at the picturesque town of Chinchero, where we visit the ruins of a royal hacienda built for Tupac Inca Yupanqui.

You’ll admire the well-preserved Inca wall in the main plaza, and visit the beautiful colonial church with intriguing frescos painted on its portico, all built on Inca foundations. We return you to your hotel in Cusco .

Services Included:

  • Pre-departure briefing
  • Official tour guide fluent in English, Spanish and Quechua
  • Hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • Transportation all day for Sacred Valley Tour.

Not Included:

  • Entrance Fees:   You must have the tourist ticket to enter to the Inca ruins of Pisac, Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley. The tourist ticket is currently 70 soles for a one day ticket or 130 soles for a 10 day ticket. This one ticket will give you access to many other locations in the Sacred Valley, as well as some museums and places of interest in Cusco.
  • Awanacancha Alpaca farm( 15 Peruvian soles).
  • Travel Insurance.
  • Extra expenses.
  • Tip for your guide and drive.

What to Bring on the Sacred Valley Tour:

  • Tourist ticket
  • A good (and small) daypack to carry your personal belongings
  • Good sneakers or light hiking boots
  • Comfortable hiking clothes
  • Hat and sunglasses to protect you from the sun
  • Rainwear or rain poncho for the rainy season (December to March)
  • Windbreaker Jacket (optional)
  • Water and snacks
  • Camera with extra batteries
  • Extra money to buy souvenirs and for the tourist pass

Price (Group Service):

A group Sacred Valley Tour means that it is open for other clients to join you. This means that your group will have varying walk and fitness abilities. 

Price (Private Service):

Private tours are available and priced by party size.

Terms & Conditions

By booking or participating in a tour and any related products or services (a “Tour”) with Cusco Journeys, you agree to these Terms & Conditions.

  • Your booking is confirmed and a contract exists when the Tour Operator or your travel agent issues a written confirmation after receipt of the applicable deposit amount. Please check your confirmation carefully and report any incorrect or incomplete information to the Tour Operator or authorized agent immediately. Please ensure that names are exactly as stated in the relevant passport.
  • You will pay a deposit which is completely non-refundable in any situation. There are no exceptions.
  • You will be required to show the original passport (not a copy) that you booked with, at the checkpoint to enter the Inca Trail. If you originally booked with an old passport and then renewed your passport, you must also bring your expired passport along with your new, valid passport to permit entry or they will refuse your entrance to the trail.
  • The only acceptable ID to receive a Student Discount is your University Card with a clear expiration date that must be the same year as trek. IDs with expiry dates the following year, even though clearly valid, will not be accepted by the Peruvian government. You must submit a copy of this card at time of booking.


  • Cancellations: In order to confirm this trip, a deposit of 40% is required per person at time of booking. The balance of the trip price is due 90 days before the departure date. Special holiday payment and cancellation terms may apply. Guests who must cancel their trip for any reason must do so in writing (we do not accept medical notes of any kind) as our out of pocket expenses are non-refundable to us.. Standard cancellations are subject to the following per-person penalties, based on number of days prior to departure:


Inca Trail Tours:

  • Permits: Permits for the Inca Trail are in your name and can not be transferred to anyone else under any circumstances. Change of dates is also not possible once a permit has been purchased. Permits are non-refundable and non-transferable. The deposit will be forfeited. Please note that this is a regulation of the Peruvian government and not Cusco Journeys (or any agency).
  • In extreme cases when the “Inca Trail to Machu Picchu” is declared closed for safety reasons, Cusco Journeys will replace your trek with an alternative trek.
  • Those who booked PERMITS with a Student ID must bring that ID with them on the trek. If they fail to show this card to the Park Rangers, they will not be allowed entry onto the trail.

Medical Information:

  • You must advise Cusco Journeys of any medical problems or allergies you may have. You need to be in good physical health, and if your health is questionable, then you should consult a doctor. If you are over the age of 70 years old, then you will need to present us with a current good health medical certificate.
  • You are responsible for assessing whether a Tour is suitable for you. You should consult your physician to confirm your fitness for travel and participation in any planned activities. You should seek your physician’s advice on vaccinations and medical precautions. The Tour Operator does not provide medical advice. It is your responsibility to assess the risks and requirements of each aspect of the Tour based on your own unique circumstances, limitations, fitness level and medical requirements.
  • Cusco Journeys reserves the right to deny you permission to travel or participate in any aspect of a Tour at any time and at your own risk and expense where the Tour Operator determines that your physical or mental condition renders you unfit for travel or you represent a danger to yourself or others.
  • Pregnancy is considered a medical condition and must be disclosed to the Tour Operator at the time of booking. The Tour Operator may refuse to carry pregnant women over 24 weeks. The Tour Operator may refuse to carry anyone with certain medical conditions if reasonable accommodation or alternatives cannot be arranged.
  • It is strongly encouraged to purchase Travel Insurance to protect you in case of medical emergency or any tour cancellations.

Tours and Treks:

  • All balances need to be paid in either cash, Western Union, Transfer Bank or PayPal (in full) prior to the briefing which will be held the night before your tour. Visa incurs a 5% service fee and if you need to use another card, it must be through PayPal which incurs a 5.5% service fee. You must advise your guide if you wish to leave the group or the camping area for independent walks or sightseeing. If you are experiencing any problems with the services of the guide or tour, please advise the guide in that moment, so that he can resolve any problems.
  • All Adventure Treks include transportation to Cusco. The return train route depends on train availability.
  • If you become ill or injured on the trail and are unable to continue, a porter will be provided to accompany you back to an area with emergency assistance capabilities. Helicopter air lifts and medical assistance are at the expense of the trekker. If you are unable to complete the tour due to illness, we will assist you in meeting your group at Machu Picchu to recommence your tour at that point. There will be no refund of the original payment. However, we will prepare a document to certify illness which can be presented for your travel insurance.
  • Cusco Journeys will take all reasonable care in providing to our clients avoidance of accident, illness, and loss of personal property, and will only employ suitably qualified staff. We accept responsibility for the actions of our own employees. Cusco Journeys cannot, however, be responsible for any action of third parties. You are totally responsible for your own personal property and rented equipment.
  • Cusco Journeys does not take responsibility for unfavorable weather conditions, natural catastrophe, strikes, accidents, illness, injury, loss of personal ítems, etc. It is the client’s responsibility to carry insurance to cover these types of events. We reserve the right to modify or cancel the program due to any of the unforeseen conditions listed above.
  • Cusco Journeys may modify your itinerary where reasonably required in its sole discretion.
  • Group tours might be as large as 16 participants. Groups are open to everyone no matter skill or age. By accepting a Group Tour you acknowledge that others might change the speed and timing of the tour.
  • All tours are done in English.
  • Any costs, whether direct or incidental, incurred by the Customer as the result of delays caused by bad weather, trail conditions, river levels, road conditions, transportation delays, sickness, government intervention or other contingencies which are beyond the control of southern explorations will not be reimbursed.

Thank you so much for choosing Cusco Journeys!!!

Please make sure to type your e-mail address well otherwise We can not answer it. We promise to always answer within 24 hours (usually within the hour). If for some reason you do not receive any reply within 24 hours check out your spam,junk folder. You can either email address: [email protected]

Please leave your phone number, if you would like to talk with our sales specialist? (optional):

Your Email:

Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) Congo, Republic of(Brazzaville) Cook Islands Costa Rica Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Timor-Leste Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Great Britain Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Rep. (North Korea) Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao, People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia, Rep. of Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federal States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar, Burma Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Island Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Island Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Príncipe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria, Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan (Republic of China) Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Tibet Timor-Leste (East Timor) Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City State (Holy See) Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (U.S.) Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe


We’re here for you all day, everyday!

As a global travel company operating tours for clients from all seven continents, Cusco Journeys realizes that questions can arise anywhere at any time. Our reservations team is available to assist you.

Address: San Andres #218, Centro Comercial de la Asociacion de Artesanos Souvenirs Cusco, Office 122

+51 966405 778

+51 980 811 833

Business Hours

Monday - Friday 9am to 8pm

Saturday - 9am to 2pm

Sunday - Closed

Travel Details

Tour and Date Choose the correct tour and date

Which package, tour or trek are you booking? Do you want a group or private service? Group Private

Start Date Alternative Date Number of Travelers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Travel Details Please list Full Names (as written on passport), Passport Number, Nationality, Dates of Birth, Gender and email addresses for all in your party. Please make sure your passports will be valid for more than 6 months after your visit to Peru. If not, Customs & Immigration may not allow you into the country

1 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

Rentals/Add ons

choose your add ons

You can easily upgrade your hotel night, rent our special equipment for your trek, sign up for an extra hike or upgrade your train ride here.

Hotel Upgrade

Select Hotel Inka Terra (5 star hotel - $580) Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel (4 star hotel - $345) Santuario Hotel (3 star hotel - $65)

Train Upgrade

Select Expedition (Included) Vistadome - One way ($65) Hiram Bingham - One way ($485)

Extra hikes

2 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

3 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

4 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

Select Hotel Inka Terramond Sanctuary Lodge (5 star hotel - $580) Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel (4 star hotel - $345) Santuario Hotel (3 star hotel - $65)

5 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

6 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

7 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

8 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

9 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

10 First Name* Last Name* Gender* Male Female Doc. Type * Select ID/DNI Passport Driver License Document Number* Birth Date* Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Country* Aruba Afghanistan Angola Albania Andorra United Arab Emirates Argentina Armenia American Samoa Antigua and Barbuda Australia Austria Azerbaijan Burundi Belgium Benin Burkina Faso Bangladesh Bulgaria Bahrain Bahamas Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus Belize Bermuda Bolivia, Plurinational State of Brazil Barbados Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Botswana Central African Republic Canada Switzerland Chile China Côte d’Ivoire Cameroon Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cook Islands Colombia Comoros Cape Verde Costa Rica Cuba Cayman Islands Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Dominica Denmark Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Egypt Eritrea Spain Estonia Ethiopia Finland Fiji France Micronesia, Federated States of Gabon United Kingdom Georgia Ghana Guinea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Greece Grenada Guatemala Guam Guyana Hong Kong Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia India Ireland Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Iceland Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lebanon Liberia Libya Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Madagascar Maldives Mexico Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Malta Myanmar Montenegro Mongolia Mozambique Mauritania Mauritius Malawi Malaysia Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru New Zealand Oman Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Palau Papua New Guinea Poland Puerto Rico Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Portugal Paraguay Palestine, State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Sudan Senegal Singapore Solomon Islands Sierra Leone El Salvador San Marino Somalia Serbia Sao Tome and Principe Suriname Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Swaziland Seychelles Syrian Arab Republic Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Turkmenistan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Taiwan, Province of China Tanzania, United Republic of Uganda Ukraine Uruguay United States Uzbekistan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Virgin Islands, U.S. Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Email* Student* Yes No Food Restriction / Allergies? Yes No

What is the email address of the main Point Of Contact (POC) in your group? Please try to always reference this email when contacting us as we use it to search your history.

Name Main Passenger Date Email Phone / WhatsApp


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sacred valley self tour


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|Inca trail 2 days to Machu Picchu


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The Inca Jungle trek is a popular and adventurous alternative route to reach Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca citadel located in the Peruvian Andes. This trek involves a combination of hiking, biking, and optional activities like ziplining and hot springs, making it a unique and exciting experience for adventurous travelers.

sacred valley self tour



sacred valley self tour



Choquequirao is an Incan archaeological site located in the Vilcabamba mountain range of Peru, near the city of Cusco. Often referred to as the “sister city” of Machu Picchu, Choquequirao is believed to have been built during the reign of the Inca emperor Pachacuti in the 15th century.

sacred valley self tour



sacred valley self tour


Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu with our immersive 2-day tour, delving into the wonders of the Inca Empire. This comprehensive trip encompasses the most notable Inca sites in the Cusco region. You’ll explore the iconic Machu Picchu, visit Chinchero known for its rich textile tradition, marvel at the fascinating circular terraces of Moray, and witness the ancient salt mines of Maras, before concluding in Ollantaytambo. The tour’s climax is the visit to the enigmatic Inca citadel of Machu Picchu on the second day, offering a deep dive into the history and splendor of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu.

This tour of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu is full of history and culture. It offers a unique opportunity to closely appreciate the stunning beauty of the Sacred Valley of the Incas and deeply understand its rich culture and history. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to see local inhabitants wearing their ancestral costumes and explore local markets, adding an authentic cultural experience to your trip. The trip also includes a fascinating train ride to Aguas Calientes, passing through the Urubamba Canyon, formed by the Vilcanota River, one of the largest in Peru, providing an impressive natural backdrop to your adventure.

Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the ancient world of the Incas, witnessing firsthand the architectural and cultural wonders that have stood the test of time. Get ready to discover the Inca culture on this 2-day adventure tour of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu.

The ticket to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu is included in the package price, which we purchase in your name. Typically, we include circuits 1, 2, or 3 for the guided tour at Machu Picchu. To secure a spot on these popular circuits, it is essential to book your tour at least three months in advance. If these circuits are unavailable, the alternatives would be circuits 4 or 5.

The main difference between the circuits is their access points to Machu Picchu. Circuits 1, 2, and 3 provide access from the upper part of the site, offering panoramic views and opportunities for classic photos of Machu Picchu. In contrast, circuits 4 and 5 grant access from the lower part, which does not offer the classic view of Machu Picchu.

It is important to note that no circuit covers the entire Inca citadel. However, all circuits include a guided tour lasting between 2 to 2.5 hours with an expert guide, ensuring a comprehensive and educational experience at Machu Picchu.

  • Discover Unique Places: On our Sacred Valley tour, we’ll take you to the most outstanding tourist attractions, such as Chinchero, Moray, the Salineras de Maras, and Ollantaytambo. At each of these emblematic sites, you’ll enjoy a guided tour led by our professional guides, immersing you in a journey full of history and culture.
  • Buffet Lunch: Savor a delicious buffet lunch at a selected restaurant in Urubamba, included in your tour. Our buffet features a wide range of delicious options for all tastes, including vegetarian alternatives. This lunch is the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the authentic local cuisine, diving deeper into the rich culture of the Sacred Valley.
  • Tickets Included: In this Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu tour, we take care of all necessary tickets for your convenience. This includes entrance to the tourist attractions of the Sacred Valley, train tickets to and from Machu Picchu, and bus tickets for access to the Machu Picchu citadel. We ensure your journey is worry-free, allowing you to fully focus on the experience.
  • Convenient Hotel Pick-Up Service (6:30 – 7:00 am): Start your adventure hassle-free with our direct pick-up service from your hotel or Airbnb in Cusco. Our team guarantees a prompt and smooth start between 6:30 and 7:00 am, so you can fully concentrate on the excitement of your adventure.
  • Complimentary Storage Service: Benefit from our free storage service at our central office in Cusco. You can securely store any extra luggage during your trip. Just bring your luggage to our office before the tour starts and pick it up from the same location once the tour concludes. This convenient service is designed to make your travel experience smoother and more enjoyable.
  • Professional Guided Tour: Experience the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu under the guidance of professional experts. Our tours are designed to be intimate and enlightening, with comfortable group sizes: 14 to 16 people in the Sacred Valley and a more personalized group of 6 to 8 people, with a maximum of 10, in Machu Picchu. This approach allows for significant interaction with the guide, enhancing your understanding of these iconic Incan sites.

PRICE FROM $ 330.00 per person

sacred valley self tour


Trip Itinerary

Trip itinerary, exploration of the sacred valley and train journey to machu picchu.

  • Start of the Day and Transport from the Hotel:
  • Pickup at your hotel or Airbnb scheduled between 6:30 to 7:00 AM.
  • Transfer by car to the town of Chinchero from Cusco, approximately a 45-minute journey.
  • Exploration of the Inca archaeological site and the colonial temple of Chinchero with a guide.
  • Opportunity to visit a local craft center to learn about textile and weaving typical of the Cusco region, explained by the artisans themselves.
  • Then, the tour continues to the next site, Moray.
  • Visit to the famous Inca circular terraces, unique of their kind.
  • Guide’s explanation and free time for exploration and photography.
  • 45-minute transfer by car from Moray to the salt mines.
  • Time to receive information from the guide, explore the area, and take photos. Opportunity to buy interesting salt-made souvenirs before continuing to lunch in Urubamba.
  • Stop at a local restaurant to enjoy a buffet lunch included in the tour, with various dishes to taste at your discretion, as well as vegetarian and vegan options.
  • Approximate lunchtime: 1:00 PM. After lunch, the journey continues to Ollantaytambo.
  • Journey to the largest archaeological site in the Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo, a 30-minute trip from Urubamba.
  • Guided tour in Ollantaytambo followed by a transfer to the Ollantaytambo train station to travel to Aguas Calientes.
  • Departure from the Ollantaytambo station around 3:30 PM or 4:30 PM.
  • Train journey duration: Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  • Reception by hotel personnel, who will wait for you with your names at the train station to take you to the hotel.
  • Accommodation in ANDIMO MACHU PICCHU Hotel or another similar.
  • Time to rest and relax in the hotel.
  • At 7:30 PM, the guide will meet with you in the hotel to coordinate the details of the next day’s tour in Machu Picchu.

This detailed itinerary ensures a complete and organized experience, combining cultural visits, time for personal exploration and rest, and preparation for the adventure in Machu Picchu.

sacred valley self tour


  • Wake up early for breakfast at the hotel, around 5:00 AM, before heading to the bus station.
  • Proceed to the bus station to catch the bus at 5:30 AM towards the main entrance of Machu Picchu. The bus journey takes about 25 minutes.
  • Enter the Inca citadel with the group and the guide around 6 am.
  • First, head to the high part to get the classic view of Machu Picchu.
  • Spend time at the classic viewpoint for photos and to enjoy the views, with the chance to witness the sunrise if the weather is good.
  • A guided tour within Machu Picchu, lasting approximately 2.5 hours.
  • The guide will provide detailed explanations about the history and features of Machu Picchu.
  • After the guided tour, there are about 30 additional minutes to explore the remaining parts of Machu Picchu within the circuit.
  • Remember that the maximum allowed visit time at Machu Picchu is 3 hours in total, according to the park’s regulations.
  • Depart Machu Picchu to take the return bus to Aguas Calientes, which is a 25-minute journey.
  • If you have reserved additional tickets for Waynapicchu or Montaña Machupicchu, you will have time for these extra hikes. Tickets should be booked in advance and can be arranged through us to match the corresponding schedule.
  • After activities in Machu Picchu, return to Aguas Calientes by bus.
  • Free time to explore the town, possibly have lunch.
  • Departure from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo at 2:30 PM or 3:20 PM. The train journey lasts approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  • Upon arrival at Ollantaytambo station, you will be greeted by our personnel, who will be waiting with your name.
  • Transfer by car from Ollantaytambo to Cusco, a journey of approximately 2 hours.
  • Arrival in Cusco around 6:30 PM.
  • The final point of the tour: Plaza Regocijo in Cusco, located one block from the Plaza de Armas.

This itinerary offers a complete and well-structured experience to enjoy Machu Picchu and the return to Cusco, combining cultural visits, exploration time, and comfortable transfers.

sacred valley self tour

Tour Inclusions

Day 01: Sacred Valley Tour

  • Professional Guide : Enjoy a guided tour led by expert guides, providing you with detailed information about each site visited in the Sacred Valley.
  • Buffet Lunch : Savor a delightful buffet lunch at a chosen restaurant in Urubamba, offering a variety of options to cater to all tastes.
  • Entrance to Sacred Valley Attractions : Included access to the main sites of the Sacred Valley, such as Chinchero, Moray, the Salineras de Maras, and Ollantaytambo.
  • Train from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes: A scenic train ride to Aguas Calientes, the gateway to Machu Picchu.
  • Accommodation in Aguas Calientes : Comfortable lodging in a selected hotel, ensuring rest and relaxation before your visit to Machu Picchu.

Day 02: Machu Picchu

  • Hotel Breakfast : Start your day with a nutritious breakfast at your hotel in Aguas Calientes.
  • Bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu : A bus journey from Aguas Calientes to the entrance of Machu Picchu, offering breathtaking views along the way.
  • Machu Picchu Entry Ticket, Circuit 02: Guaranteed access to Machu Picchu, allowing you to explore this historic site via Circuit 02.
  • Guided Tour in Machu Picchu: A guided tour within the Machu Picchu citadel, where our expert guide will delve into the history and mysteries of this ancient Inca site.
  • Return Bus to Aguas Calientes : After your visit to Machu Picchu, take the bus back to Aguas Calientes.
  • Train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo : A return train journey to Ollantaytambo, once again enjoying the beautiful landscape.
  • Transport from Ollantaytambo to Cusco : A comfortable and safe transfer back to Cusco, concluding your exciting 2-day journey.

This tour is designed to provide you with a complete and hassle-free experience, allowing you to fully enjoy the wonder and charm of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu.

Not Included

  • Meal Coverage: Any meals that are not explicitly mentioned in the inclusions are not covered. This means they are not included in the package and you will need to arrange and pay for them separately.
  • The first breakfast.
  • Dinner on the first day.
  • Lunch on the second day.
  • Diverse Options: Aguas Calientes offers a wide range of dining experiences, from local delicacies to international cuisine, ensuring that there are options to cater to different dietary needs and preferences.

What to Pack


  • Passport: It is essential to bring your passport, as you will need it to enter Machu Picchu.
  • Day Pack: Bring a small day pack to carry your essentials for the day, such as water, snacks, sunscreen, and a rain poncho.
  • Coat: The weather in the Andes can be unpredictable, so it’s best to bring a warm coat or jacket to keep you comfortable.
  • T-Shirts: Two t-shirts should be sufficient for a two-day tour, but consider packing more if you tend to get sweaty.
  • Sunscreen: The high altitude of the Andes means that the sun can be strong, even on cloudy days, so bring sunscreen to protect your skin.
  • Cap or Hat: A cap or hat will help protect your head and face from the sun.
  • Sunglasses: Bring a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the bright Andean sun.
  • Tennis Shoes: Comfortable shoes with good traction, such as tennis shoes or hiking boots, are essential for exploring the sites.
  • Water Bottle: It’s important to stay hydrated, so bring a refillable water bottle to reduce plastic waste.
  • Insect Repellent: Mosquitoes and other insects can be a problem in some areas, so bring insect repellent to avoid bites.
  • Photographic Camera: Don’t forget to bring a camera to capture the breathtaking views and incredible sites.
  • Rain Poncho: The Andean climate can be unpredictable, so it’s best to bring a rain poncho just in case.
  • Water and Snacks: It’s a good idea to bring some snacks and water for the day, as there may not be many opportunities to purchase food and drinks.
  • Cash in Soles: Bring some cash in Peruvian soles for souvenirs, snacks, and tips.


  • Original Passports: It’s important to carry your passport with you at all times, as it’s required for entry to Machu Picchu.
  • Original Student Card: If you have applied for a student discount, make sure to bring your original student card with you.

At Machu Picchu Reservations, we are committed to providing fair and transparent pricing for the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu tour.



Pricing details for 2024 and 2025:, adult: $350 usd per person, student: $330 usd per person (a valid student id is required), child (minor): $330 usd per person – applicable for all visitors aged 3 to 17 years, ___________________________________________________________.



The Peruvian government offers discounts for students on entrance tickets to Machu Picchu. Consequently, in our tours to Machu Picchu, we provide a reduced rate for students. To qualify for this special rate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Student Age: You must be under 25 years old at the time of your visit to Machu Picchu. This age limit is aimed at benefiting undergraduate students.
  • Material and Format of the Student Card: The card must be a physical plastic document, similar to a credit card, with all the required information printed on it. Cards made of other materials or with information added via stickers or not printed are not accepted.
  • Required Information on the Card: The card must include the following printed information: details of the university, personal information of the student, the student’s photograph, and a validity date not exceeding one year from the date of your visit. For example, if you plan to visit in 2024, the card should not expire before 2025 and must be valid during the visit.
  • Note on the ISIC Card: Although the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is recognized in many countries, it is not accepted by the Peruvian government for student discounts at Machu Picchu. Just as a passport cannot be replaced by any other type of identification in international procedures, the student card cannot be substituted by an ISIC or any other document for discounts in Peru.

The policy of the Peruvian government is stringent regarding the accreditation of students. It is imperative to present a card that fulfills these criteria to be eligible for student-priced tickets because, upon entering Machu Picchu, you will be required to show the physical student card. If you do not meet these requirements upon arrival at Machu Picchu, there is a significant risk of being denied entry and having to pay the full ticket price, depending on availability. Therefore, ensuring that your student card adheres to Peruvian regulations is crucial before booking your tour to as student Machu Picchu.

How to Book

How to book with machu picchu reservation.

Making Your Reservation: Booking the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu 2-day tour is straightforward. You can use any debit or credit card, with an additional 2.9% fee borne by the customer. For clients in the United States, we offer the option to pay from a bank account without extra charges.

Before Booking Please Read the Details Carefully

  • To Book: The Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu is priced at $350 per adult and $320 per student or child. We require a non-refundable prepayment of $180 per person to confirm your reservation. This amount is used to purchase the tickets immediately. As per Peruvian government regulations, these permits and tickets are strictly personal, non-refundable, and cannot be rescheduled. Although the $180 prepayment is non-refundable, it ensures your visit to Machu Picchu on your reserved date.
  • Remaining Balance Payment: If you opt to pay only the prepayment, the remaining balance must be paid upon arrival in Cusco at our Machu Picchu Reservations office, at least 24 hours before the tour starts. The balance can be paid in soles or dollars in cash or by card (with an additional 3.9% charge). You also have the option to pay online on our website with a 2.9% fee.
  • Full Payment Option: You can choose to pay the entire tour cost online at the time of booking. If you need to cancel for any reason, you will be refunded the total amount minus the non-refundable $180 deposit.
  • Recommendations: We strongly advise you to fully understand all booking and cancellation policies before making your payment to ensure that your investment is protected and that you have a seamless booking experience for your adventure on the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu tour.

Please Follow These Steps to Make a Reservation

  • Starting Your Reservation: To book your Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu experience to Machu Picchu, click on the yellow button that says “BOOK ONLINE.” Doing so will redirect you to our reservation platform.
  •   Date, Number, and Type of Visitor Selection: On the platform, you can select the date you wish to start the tour. You can also make reservations for adults, students, and children as required.
  • Additional Options: You’ll have the opportunity to add extras to your booking, such as tickets for Waynapicchu, Machu Picchu Mountain, or the option to enhance your experience with a Vistadome train journey. You can add these services according to your preferences.
  • Personal Information Form: Next, you will be asked to complete a form with your personal details. It’s important that each participant provides detailed and accurate information.
  • Payment Process: Finally, you will be directed to a secure payment form where you can make your payment online with any type of debit or credit card.
  • Important Note: We recommend reviewing all details and carefully selecting your options to ensure that your reservation perfectly matches your expectations and needs for this unique adventure on the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu tour.

After booking and completing your payment

  • Upon completing your booking and payment, you will immediately receive an email confirming the transaction. This email will also contain a link allowing you to modify specific details of your reservation if needed. Within the next 24 hours, our reservations team will follow up with a comprehensive email. This email will provide detailed information about your booking, including your Sacred valley permits and Machu Picchu tickets.

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Why Choose Machupicchu Reservations

Expertise and Experience:  Our team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals ensures that you receive accurate information, well-organized itineraries, and top-notch guidance throughout your trip.

Personalized Service: We tailor our tours to cater to each traveler’s unique preferences and requirements, ensuring a customized and memorable experience.

Quality and Safety:  Our commitment to quality and safety guarantees an enjoyable and worry-free adventure. We collaborate with professional guides, reliable transportation services, and carefully selected accommodations to deliver the best possible experience.

Sustainable and Responsible Travel:  Machu Picchu Reservations is dedicated to minimizing our environmental impact and supporting local communities. We promote eco-friendly practices and contribute to the well-being of the regions we explore.

Competitive Pricing:  We offer a range of affordable packages and options, allowing you to experience the magic of Machu Picchu without breaking the bank.

Excellent Customer Support:  Our friendly and responsive customer support team is available to assist you at every stage of your journey, from pre-trip planning to post-trip inquiries.

Choose Machu Picchu Reservations for a remarkable and hassle-free adventure, as we strive to make your dream trip to Machu Picchu an unforgettable reality.


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Optional Trips

We offer additional tour options that maintain the same high quality you've come to expect. Explore new possibilities with us without compromising on excellence! "



Machu Picchu tour full day by train is an unforgettable and convenient experience for those wishing to explore one of th



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New Salkantay Trek + Inca Jungle Trail 5 Days / 4 Nights

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Choquequirao Trek is a captivating adventure that takes you deep into the heart of the Peruvian Andes, culminating at th

ADDRESS: Portal nuevo 270 plaza regocijo Cusco – Peru

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Prices details in private service.


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1 Day: Sergiev Posad

The Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius

Sergiev Posad Tour Highlights

  • Visit one of the most sacred places in Russia today, which is often referred to as the Russian Vatican. The monastery was founded in the early 14th century by one of the most venerated saints of Russia St. Sergius. For centuries, Russian czars and common people set out on a pilgrimage to the monastery. It remains one of the most sacred places in Russia today.
  • Admire the architecture of St Sergius Trinity Lavra. The monastery is included in the UNESCO list of World heritage. Its complex of medieval buildings might appear a rival to Moscow Kremlin. Standing in the cathedral square you can trace the history of Russian architecture from the early 15th up to the 19th century.
  • Visit the ancient Trinity cathedral. Built in the early 15th century it is one of the oldest churches in the Moscow Region. This cathedral boasts some works by Andrei Rublev, Russia's most famous icon master. The relics of St. Sergius in a silver shrine bring a lot of pilgrims from all over Russia.
  • Experience the church choir singing in the Trinity cathedral and feel the peacefulness and beauty of the place.
  • Visit the local craft market and get some unique local gifts
  • Savor traditional Russian cuisine at one of the local restaurants. You may also try Russian kvass and tasty local pastries at the monastery’s bakery.

The Trinity cathedral. Interior. source: strana.ru

 Segied Posad trip itinerary

The Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius. Assumption cathedral and bell tower.

Sergiev Posad trip by train.

The Cathedrak Square of the The Trinity Monastery

Sergiev Posad trip notes  

  • While planning your trip it’s useful to keep in mind that in summer time traffic is usually very intense on Saturday morning on the way out of Moscow and on Sunday evening on the way to the city.  
  • Beware of a dress code. It is polite for women to put on a scarf when entering a church. It is not compulsory but more respectful for a tourist woman. However, all men must always take off their hats before they enter a church. It’s also preferable to avoid wearing shorts for both men and women this day.  
  • You may get a photo permit if you wish to take pictures during the tour of the monastery. However, you should not take selfies or any portrait pictures inside a church. It is considered impolite.  
  • The monastery is overcrowded during major Orthodox holidays: Christmas (January 7) and Easter.

More things to do in Sergiev Posad. Options to add

Sergiyevskaya Kukhmisterskaya

  • Tour available: daily
  • Activity level: moderate
  • Transportation: driving or public transport/walking
  • Duration: 6-7 hours
  • Private guide (6-7 hours)
  • Private driver or public transport fares
  • Hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • The Trinity Monastery admission fees

Moscow 1 day tour

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Moscow Must-See’s

Our Bestselling Private Walking Tour

sacred valley self tour

Red Square, Kremlin, St.Basil’s Cathedral, the Bolshoi Theatre, Lenin’s Tomb – get acquainted with the iconic Moscow sights during a pleasant and relaxing 4-hour walk with your private guide. Learn to navigate in Moscow Metro, hear the Kremlin clock toll, see the guards change at the Eternal fire. Learn how Russians lived before and now from a local. Feel welcomed in Moscow!

The Kremlin tour - 2 hours Show information

Skip-the-line tickets included Closed on Thursdays Private tour inside the Kremlin walls with an official licensed guide. This tour includes skip-the-line tickets and guided visits to the Assumption Cathedral, Archangel’s Cathedral and Annunciation Cathedral. This tour doesn’t include a visit to the Armoury.

Metro tour - 1 hour 30 min Show information

Tickets included Extend your tour by add the Metro Tour option and visit the most beautiful Moscow metro stations (5-6 stations).

St Basil Cathedral Visit - 30 min Show information

Tickets included Private tour inside Saint Basil’s Cathedral with an official private licensed guide. Includes tickets.

USSR Museum - 30 min Show information

Tickets included The museum houses over 5000 exhibits from the Soviet period and stylized rooms with interactive areas.

Tour Itinerary

Hotel pick-up.

Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address to begin the tour from there. If you stay outside of the city area, we will offer you alternative meeting options.

Revolution Square metro station

  • Who was first to dance with the English Queen Elizabeth II?
  • What do local people do at this station to bring them luck?
  • What part of the station is the most ‘attractive’ for Moscow thieves?

The Bolshoi Theatre

  • What tricks were used to create the best acoustics in the world?
  • How locals tried to save the building during the World War II bombings?
  • What sorts of tulips were planted in front of the Bolshoi Theatre?

The Red Square

  • Why is the square named “Red”?
  • For what reason did the debating people meet at the square in the past?
  • Why is the Lenin’s Mausoleum copying the ancient Mesopotamian Ziggurats?

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

  • What did Ivan the Terrible do to keep this beautiful Cathedral unique?
  • Who was St Basil and which miracles was he known for?
  • Which Russian New Year tradition is connected with this place?

Private guided tour to Saint Basil’s Cathedral Optional

When looking at St.Basil’s Cathedral from the outside one can not imagine that inside it is not one but 11 (eleven) different churches! Each dome marks a separate church with a separate altar and iconostasis. The frescoes inside trace back to the 17th century but art restorers also uncovered older frescoes in some areas so that you can see how the inside decorations of the Cathedral evolved through time.

Zaryadye Park

A unique urban park built in the historical center and opened in 2017. The park divided into 4 climatic zones representing different parts of Russia: tundra, forest, steppe and floodplains. The floating bridge is a 70 meter long construction without a single supporting element. It also has fantastic views to the Kremlin and St Basil Cathedral.

GUM department store

  • Who are the most popular visitors of the top floors of the GUM?
  • What did Christian Dior do to provoke the Soviet people?
  • What food was the most popular among the Soviet people and still remains the main base for the meals in the Russian Army?

Nikolskaya street

  • What does “to breakfast to up to the cranes” mean according to the Moscow tradition?
  • How was the legend born which told about walking bears on the streets in Moscow?
  • How was the fully-automatic café organized in the Soviet time?

KGB headquarters

  • How many people worked for KGB?
  • Which Soviet monument was removed little time before the USSR collapsed?
  • How has it been possible to see the nuclear bomb at this area recently?

Tverskaya street

  • What Russians did with the Hitler monument left by Nazis?
  • What was the most remarkable carnival in the Tverskaya street history?
  • How did communists move the buildings to expand the street?

Manege square

  • Why is the Moskva hotel building asymmetric?
  • How is it possible that the picture of the hotel building can be found in almost every part of the world?
  • What did the authorities do to stop the demonstrations in front of the Kremlin?

Alexander Garden

  • Why is the Kremlin located here and where is the Neglinnaya river now?
  • Which entrance and exit did Napoleon use to get in and out of the Kremlin?
  • Who is Mr Zurab Tsereteli and why is he so unpopular in Moscow?

The Kremlin Grounds tour Optional Closed on Thursdays

Finalize your sightseeing with 1,5 hours private tour inside the Kremlin walls with an official licensed guide (speaking your language). This option includes skip-the-line tickets and guided visits to the Assumption Cathedral, Archangel’s Cathedral and Annunciation Cathedral.

Back to your hotel

At the end of the tour we will take you back to your hotel.

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  5. The Ultimate Cusco and Sacred Valley Itinerary

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  6. 6 Best Sacred Valley Tours from Cusco +Tips BEFORE You Book!

    This tour is actually very reasonably priced for what it is. For $39 USD for a shared ATV (2 people on board), you'll get 5 hours of guided tour, including time on the ATV, all the equipment, and a totally unique way to see the Sacred Valley. If you want a private ATV, the cost rises to $52 USD per person.

  7. 3-Day Sacred Valley Itinerary & Photographic Travel Guide

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  9. Sacred Valley Tours

    About the Sacred Valley. The Sacred Valley winds along the Vilcanota River between the towns of Pisac and Ollantaytambo. The varying elevation is a relatively moderate 9,000 ft (2,790 m) at the valley floor — lower than Cusco and a great area to acclimate and minimize chances of altitude sickness — but climbs to dizzying heights of 16,000 ft (5,000 m) and beyond in the surrounding peaks of ...

  10. Sacred Valley Self-guided activities

    Our most recommended Sacred Valley Self-guided activities. 1. From Cusco: Moray and Salt Mines Quad Bike Tour

  11. Full-Day Sacred Valley Tour

    Self-guided Tours. Speed Boat Rentals. Trikke Tours . Trolley Tours . Vespa, Scooter & Moped Tours. Walking Tours. Water Tours. Private and Luxury. Sightseeing Tours. ... Tour to the Sacred Valley VIP - Full Day. 19. from $40.00. Cusco, Peru. Tour to the Sacred Valley + Maras Moray. 1. from $50.00. Cusco, Peru.

  12. Sacred Valley of the Incas, Cusco

    With the in-depth cultural tour south of Peru 2019, you have a 05 days tour package taking you through Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Rainbow mountain. Peru tour Package 2019 includes accommodation as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more. 5 days. from. $759.00.

  13. Sacred Valley Tours

    Sacred Valley Tours is a licensed tour agency based in Cusco. Above all, we are specialists and organize the best private Sacred Valley Tour from Cusco. With our personalized services, you fully enjoy the Sacred Valley of the Incas along with expert tour guides. The Sacred Valley Tour shows ancient Inca sites, traditional markets, scenic villages and stunning Andean landscapes.


    Full Day Tour. Starting from US$100 per person. Buffet Lunch Meals. Up to 12 People Group Size. 3,750 m / 12,303 ft Max. Altitude. Easy Difficulty. Download Brochure.

  15. Peru: Cusco, Machu Picchu & the Sacred Valley

    Only. 1 April 3, 2025 Join your Peru: Cusco, Machu Picchu & The Sacred Valley tour. 2 April 4, 2025 Market of Urubamba. Maras Salt Mines. Independent exploration of Urubamba. 3 April 5, 2025 Archeological complex of Pumamarca and Inca town of Ollantaytambo. Chicha (corn beer) tasting at a typical Chicheria. 4 April 6, 2025 The Inca Trail.

  16. The Best Sacred Valley Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    The best Sacred Valley tour packages. Compiled by. Steff Sacred Valley travel expert at TourRadar. The Heart of the Empire. Discovering Cusco. 7 Day Andean Experience Through the Living Culture of the Incas. Machu Picchu by Train Short Break. 2 Day - "Exploring" the Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu: Sacred Valley + Short Inca Trail 3 ...

  17. Sacred Valley Tour

    Location: Sacred Valley - Cusco. Duration: Full day. Level: Easy. Departure Dates: This Sacred Valley Tour we start any day. We offer affordably priced tours for 2 people so that you can depart when it suits you best. Combos & Upgrades: Combine with one of our treks for a complete Cusco experience, and get a discount off your trek price.


    Day 01: Sacred Valley Tour. Professional Guide: Enjoy a guided tour led by expert guides, providing you with detailed information about each site visited in the Sacred Valley.; Buffet Lunch: Savor a delightful buffet lunch at a chosen restaurant in Urubamba, offering a variety of options to cater to all tastes.; Entrance to Sacred Valley Attractions: Included access to the main sites of the ...

  19. 1 Day: Sergiev Posad

    1 Day: Sergiev Posad. The Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius. Price from 35900P per tour. Sergiev Posad is a picturesque town 75km to the northeast of Moscow. The town is famous for the 14th century Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius , one of the most important centers of the Orthodox religion and a major destination of pilgrims.

  20. Private Moscow City Tour with Red Square and Kremlin

    This private half-day tour of Moscow, including Red Square (Krasnaya Ploschad) and the Kremlin, offers a comprehensive overview of the Russian capital's top attractions. Ideal for visitors short on time, you'll explore the UNESCO-listed Kremlin, the iconic riverside fortress home to four cathedrals, four palaces, and five squares. Plus, in Red Square, you'll visit the colorful Kazan's ...

  21. Moscow Must-See's

    The Kremlin Grounds tour. Optional. Closed on Thursdays. Finalize your sightseeing with 1,5 hours private tour inside the Kremlin walls with an official licensed guide (speaking your language). This option includes skip-the-line tickets and guided visits to the Assumption Cathedral, Archangel's Cathedral and Annunciation Cathedral.

  22. Moscow in 3 days comprehensive tour

    Experience Moscow during this perfectly-shaped 3-day tour with your private guide! You will see all of Moscow's top attractions from your must-see list. Historical downtown, fascinating St Basil Cathedral, the Kremlin with its sacred cathedrals and crenelated walls (please book in advance, visit not included in the cost), remote Tsar's residence - Kolomenskoye summer estate and the ...